St. Edmund Campion C.S.S.: Department: Course: Course Code

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St. Edmund Campion C.S.S.

275 Brisdale Drive

Brampton, Ontario, L7A 3C7
Phone: 905-846-7124 Ext. 72149 (Music Room Office)

We believe that each one, created in the image and likeness of God, is called by name into the Dufferin-
Peel community to realize the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations to the fullest extent
possible as we all journey from the early years to vocation.

Department: ART
Course Code: AMI1O1: Semester 1, September 2020

Course Description:
Students will find music a source of enjoyment and personal satisfaction and will gain creative problem-solving
skills, individual and cooperative work habits, knowledge of themselves and others, a sense of personal responsibility, and
connections to their communities.
Performance techniques and an understanding of theory are of major importance for music students, and
Gr. 9 will set the foundations for these learning skills. Through informal, in-class presentations students will not only
develop their technique but also use music to communicate their aesthetic and personal values. By experiencing,
analysing, and commenting on the performances of others, students will have the opportunity to enhance their
understanding of the values of other musicians.

Free and recommended websites for this course:

1. Music theory website for home:
2. Staff (manuscript) paper:
3. Use of metronome:
4. Music theory website for class use:
5. Piano – this website gives you a 5-octave piano:
6. Your Standard of Excellence music book can be found on line with
a. all recordings available. You can play along with the recordings.
b. Simply google “Standard of Excellence Recordings” and follow the links under “guybbrown”

Suggested course materials:

1. Staff pages (see website above) as needed for “notes” in class;
2. Several HB pencils and a really good eraser;

Other information:
Students are responsible for: arriving on time in uniform, coming to class with all materials and keeping their notebooks
in order.
Each student will receive his/her own Standard of Excellence music book – this item will not be shared
Each student will receive his/her own set of drum sticks AND labelled zip-loc bag to store the sticks in. Sticks will be left in
the classroom and not be transported back and forth from school to home. WRITING IN THE MUSIC BOOK
All materials will be returned in excellent reusable shape, otherwise replacement fees will be applied.

Assessment and Evaluation:

Category Weightings Weight % Final Summative Overall
Assessments Weighting %
Thinking 20
Term Work 70
Application 35
Course Culminating 30
Communication 20
Knowledge/Understanding 25
Elements of the Curriculum and Corresponding Catholic Graduate Expectations:

Corresponding Catholic Graduate Expectation

Strand/Unit Title: This is a basic overview Indicators for each Strand/Unit: This is a basic
A1. The Creative Process: apply the stages of the creative CGE2a-d: Students are fostered to become effective
process when performing notated and/or improvised music and communicators through all oral and written tasks. They are
composing and/or arranging music; encouraged to actively listen to one another, and to
A2. The Elements of Music: apply the elements of music
respond to one another with sensitivity. Students in a
when performing notated and improvised music and composing
Catholic school will write and speak fluently using one or
and/or arranging music;
C1. Theory and Terminology: demonstrate an understanding both of Canada’s official languages, and have the
of music theory with respect to concepts of notation and the opportunity to demonstrate this skill through a number
elements and other components of music, and use appropriate of formative and summative tasks.
terminology relating to them.

B3.3. Identify and describe some of the interpersonal skills and CGE4a: Students are expected to become self-directed,
work habits that contribute to the successful completion of lifelong learners who demonstrate a confident and positive
individual and collaborative musical tasks (e.g., the importance sense of self and respect for the dignity and welfare of
of punctuality, active participation, and active- listening, team- others.
building, and leadership skills when participating in class and on
CGE5a-e: Students are educated to become collaborative
B3. Skills and Personal Growth: demonstrate an contributors who develop their God-given potential and
understanding of how performing, creating, and critically
make a meaningful contribution to society. These
analysing music has affected their skills and personal
development. expectations are met through the students’ participation
in in-class performances.
B1. The Critical Analysis Process: use the critical analysis
process when responding to, analysing, reflecting on, and CGE6a: Students are also fostered to become a caring
interpreting music; Campion “family member” who shows compassion and
B4. Connections Beyond the Classroom: assess respect by being an active listener and offering positive
opportunities and requirements for continued engagement in feedback during in-class performances.
CGE6d: Students are fostered to become a
C2. Characteristics and Development of Musical Forms:
demonstrate an understanding of the origins, development, and caring family member who values and
characteristics of various forms of music. nurtures opportunities for prayer through
their participation in daily prayer and/or
student led reflections and discussions.

Please print:
I ____________________________________ the parent/guardian of __________________________________ have read
the course outline and know that if I have any questions, I can contact Ms. Dobson at [email protected]

Please sign below: This signature belongs to ____ mom, ____ dad, ____guardian

Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________

Phone number(s) where you the parent/guardian can be reached between 7:30am and 3:00pm.


Please scan and send or take a picture of this signed and send to Ms. Dobson at the address above. Thank you.

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