Music Unit Plan ABQ

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of A Day in the Life”

Unit Plan

Andrew Hewitt

August 8th, 2019

ABQ - Music

Mary Thornton

Name Andrew Hewitt Grade(s): 8

Subjects /Strands: Music Number of days: 5-6


Big Idea for This Unit By the end of this unit, students will have a better understanding for the purpose of music in their lives, the world, and how music connects with feelings
and emotions. Students will also develop a wider repertoire of listening, and further knowledge about the various elements of music. In addition, based
on some prior learning, they will be developing and composing one of their own songs for a specific purpose and feeling.

Inquiry Questions Does music in media influence the underlying emotion and feeling of a scene / work?
What are three songs from different genres and / or styles that every student your age must know? Why?
Why is music important in the world, where do we use it in our lives? What would be different in our lives without it?
What elements of music are used to achieve a specific purpose in sound? Provide an example (fast = energetic, excited… slow = lethargic, possibly sad)
C1. Creating and Performing: apply the creative process to create and perform music for a variety of purposes, using the elements and techniques of
Overall Expectation(s) [OE] music

C2. Reflecting, Responding, and Analysing: apply the critical analysis process to communicate their feelings, ideas, and understandings in response to a
variety of music and musical experiences

C1.2 apply the elements of music through performing, composing, and arranging music for a specific effect or clear purpose
Specific Expectation(s) [SE]
C1.3 create musical compositions in a variety of forms for specific purposes and audiences

C2.1 express analytical, personal responses to musical performances in a variety of ways

C2.2 analyse, using musical terminology, ways in which the elements of music are used in various styles and genres they perform, listen to, and create

Independent work - students successfully research and create their soundtrack in the class time provided, independently monitors, assesses, and revises
Learning Skills & Work plans to complete tasks and meet goals
Habits to be
Addressed/Assessed in Responsibility - students remain on task and take responsibility for managing their own behaviour during work periods
Organization: establishes priorities and manages time to complete tasks and achieve goals, identifies, gathers, evaluates, and uses information,
technology, and resources to complete tasks.
Initiative - demonstrates curiosity and interest in learning, approaches new tasks with a positive attitude

You are to create a “soundtrack” for a day in your life (for example: Morning, Lunch, Afternoon, Dinner, Night). It can be as specific as you choose, such as
Rich Performance the bus ride to school. There are to be 4 songs chosen and 1 composed. Two of the songs must be from different genres of music that have been discussed
Assessment Task in class (Romantic, Classical, etc.). You must create a 250 min. word reflecting as to why each song suits the time of day for you, as well as discuss how the
elements of music in each composition reflect this mood as well. You will be meeting with a peer to discuss your progress and share your resources, and
afterwards I will be conferencing with you individually to discuss your progress.

Assessment Tools What recording tools will ATs use for the culminating task: Describe when/how these will be used. Include tools in unit plan.
☐ Checklist
- Success criteria will be provided to students at the beginning of the culminating task assignment with outline of what to do
☐ Rubric
- Rubric for assessment will be provided to students when culminating task is assigned as well in student friendly language
☐ Anecdotal Comments
☐ Feedback Form
- Comments and notes will be delivered to students when they meet with the teacher to discuss their progress and direction for the culminating
☐ Self/Peer
- A ‘two strengths’ and a ‘next step’ slip will be provided for students to complete during their peer to peer conferences

Students will
Success Criteria - Independently and appropriately uses time provided to create a ‘soundtrack’ of a day in the life for five various times of your day (Morning,
Lunch, Afternoon, Dinner, Night)
- At least two songs must be from two different genres
- One of your songs must be a short composition created by you
- Create a 250 minimum word description for why each song fits the time of day using the elements of music in the chosen composition. Discuss
what emotion or feeling you get from this time of day, and how the compositions chosen reflect that
- Conference with one peer before meeting with the teacher to discuss ongoing progress and share resources.

Extensions Extension
- Incorporate other forms of media to enhance your playlist. For example, silent film with song of choice to achieve desired emotion.
- Include more songs from a wider variety of genres, being very particular and reflective in your choice



Lesson: Why do we ‘Music’?

Lesson # 1: Music and its place in our lives

Specific Expectations Assessment Purpose
- For: Gather an understanding through discussion of where students’ understanding of music in the world is
C2.1 express analytical, personal responses to musical performances in - As: Observe conversation and students’ understanding through discussion
a variety of ways - Of: Submit their journal entries at the end of the class (see consolidation part)

Lesson Description – instructional strategies Questions and prompts
Minds On - Where is music heard in our society, why do we listen to certain types when we do (ie: dance music vs. O
- Ask students where music is used in society and what Canada)
different purposes it serves. In small groups allow them to - How else can music be expressed other than words? (ie: connections with other forms of art such as visual)
create a list of 3-4 songs that every Canadian should know.
Have them explain why.
- Provide an example of a film clip, mute the music in the
background and insert two very contrasting compositions.
Have students ‘think, pair, share” and discuss the difference
in overall effect
- Have students listen to a chosen composition, and provide an
allotted time for them to express how that song makes them
feel in abstract or metaphorical ways
- Students share their responses with peers through a form of a
‘gallery walk’, explaining how the creation relates to the
heard piece of music. Ask students to reflect and journal why
and where they feel this composition would be suitable in the
world / society, what purpose might it serve?

Connection of lesson to the culmination task Resources and materials
- Reflection on music in our daily lives
- How different songs and styles can reflect different emotions - engaging video discussing music and

Lesson: Why do we ‘Music’ Part II

Lesson # 2 Part II of “Why do we Music”

Specific Expectations Assessment Purpose

C2.2 analyse, using musical terminology, ways in which the elements of For
music are used in various styles and genres they perform, listen to, and - Ask students to complete a short T/F based on knowledge from last lesson
create AS
- As students are creating their compositions, wander and make anecdotes for each group
- Record their final short compositions of inanimate objects and mark using

Lesson Description – Instructional strategies Questions and prompts
Minds on
- Remind students of discussion from last lesson. Discuss how - - how might this song connect or represent ‘Moving’,
there are specific elements that are used to achieve various what do you hear?
- Begin by introducing how some of the elements of music (ie:
tempo - fast / slow, rhythm - duple meter vs. hybrid meter,
etc) create desired effects and interests for student songs
- In small groups, have students compose a song together to
represent an inanimate object in the room. Afterwards, have
them perform it and discuss how the elements of music are
used in their created composition to represent this object (or
a connection with this object)
- Have students perform their compositions / record them

Connection of lesson to the culmination task
- provide students time to practice composing for a specific
purpose (ie: an inanimate object in the room)

Lesson 3: Lets Compose:

Lesson # 3 Composition

Specific Expectations Assessment Purpose
C1.2 apply the elements of music through performing, composing, and - Have students complete a short quiz to see their understanding of the various elements of music
arranging music for a specific effect or clear purpose As
- Have them create a short exit card reflecting on their creative process during today’s class
C1.3 create musical compositions in a variety of forms for specific Of
purposes and audiences - Track their progress of compositions as students complete. Evaluate it according to rubric

Lesson Description Questions and prompts
- How can the elements of music be applied to create a desired effect on the listener’s mood and
Minds on understanding of the intention of the piece?
- Finish up any ongoing composition performances. Review and
discuss overall feedback
- Assign students their ‘Soundtrack’ assignments for this unit.
Explain to them the success criteria, and that their created
compositions of a time of day must come first (now having
practiced the creative process and it being fresh in their
- Foster a rich environment of creativity to allow students’
ideas to prosper
- Observe the creative process, and remind students of how
crucial this process is - it is not something that can be
completed in 5 minutes

Connection of lesson to the culmination task (What skills are being Resources and materials
developed in lesson?) - Manuscript Paper
- the creative side of the final assignment, providing students - Blank sketch paper
the opportunity to put the elements of music into action and - Composing tools and resources
- The creative and critical processes

Lesson 4: Research for Playlist / Conferencing / Work Periods

Lesson # 4: Begin written part of culminating task

Specific Expectations Assessment Purpose
C2.1 express analytical, personal responses to musical performances in - Have them create a short exit card reflecting on their creative process and soundtrack assignments
a variety of ways progress during today’s class
C2.2 analyse, using musical terminology, ways in which the elements of - Conference with each other and peers to monitor progress and direction of the assignment
music are used in various styles and genres they perform, listen to, and

Lesson Description – instructional strategies
- Allow students time to complete their compositions as well as
begin to research their 4 other songs for times of a specific
day. Remind students of the success criteria and all of your
expectations of this assignment. Tell them that you will be
conferencing throughout the work period to monitor their
progress (after they have conferenced with an assigned peer
and ‘two strengths and a next step sheet had been

Connection of lesson to the culmination task (What skills are being Resources and materials
developed in lesson?) - Laptops or devices with access to the Internet and writing software
- Students are running through the creative and critical process - Compositional resources
in designing their ‘Soundtracks’. - Conference center in the classroom
- Students are developing their understanding of how the
elements are applied and integrated in music for a specific
and desired effect

Lesson 5: Presentations

Lesson # 5 Presentations

If students require more time to complete this assignment (which they likely will), more work periods will be provided - looking ideally and identical of Lesson 4)

Specific Expectations Assessment Purpose

C1.2 apply the elements of music through performing, composing, and AS
arranging music for a specific effect or clear purpose - Provide a “self-check in” to allow students to reflect on how their progress is on this assignment, and how
their class time has been managed
C1.3 create musical compositions in a variety of forms for specific Of
purposes and audiences - Along with evaluating the written submissions according to the rubric and success criteria, briefly check in
on each presentation to evaluate oral and visual communication skills
C2.1 express analytical, personal responses to musical performances in - Have students submit a peer-to-peer evaluation of the presentations seen, as well as a self -evaluation for
a variety of ways each presenter.

C2.2 analyse, using musical terminology, ways in which the elements of
music are used in various styles and genres they perform, listen to, and

Lesson Description
- The class will be split into two sections (A and B). There will
be a circle of display, and students beside their projects.
Similar to a gallery walk, section A will present first with each
person explaining to a member of section B their soundtrack
and an explanation as to why they chose each song. There will
also be a written component submitted to the teacher
including how the elements of music appropriately apply to
the choice of song.
- Halfway through the class, section A and B will switch roles so
that everyone has the opportunity to present. The teacher
will browse and observe

Connection of lesson to the culmination task (What skills are being Resources and materials
developed in lesson?) - Open designed classroom layout (ie: rearrange the desks in a presentational format before the class begins)
- Students will explain how their composition applies the - Make it professional ‘conference’ with some snacks provided and clear expectations of appropriate
elements of music to create the chosen feeling of their piece audience behaviours
- Explain their creative process in developing their
- Express and explain how the songs chosen for the ‘soundtrack
of a day’ suitably fit the various times of day, including
understanding and terminology around the various elements
of music and how they apply to each song’s feeling and mood

Various Resources

Peer to Peer Evaluations

Two Strengths of _____’s Assignment so far


One ‘Next Step’ for _____’

Self Check In

I feel that I am using my class time to work on my ‘Soundtrack’

Very Well
Could Be Better
Very Poorly

What can I do to improve my work habits in the class time provided?

What Have I completed, What Do I need to complete?

Task Completed Incomplete
4 Songs of choice (At least 2 in
different genres)
Explanation of how each song fits
(min 250 words each)
Explanation of how the elements of
music fit chosen feeling and time of
day / why?
Conference with Friend
Conference with Teacher

Rubric for Final Assignment

Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1
Knowledge and Understanding - Demonstrates thorough - Demonstrates - Demonstrates some - Demonstrates limited
knowledge of the considerable knowledge of knowledge of the knowledge of the
Demonstrates knowledge of musical elements of music through the elements of music elements of music through elements of music through
elements music through composing composing and arranging through composing and composing and arranging composing and arranging
and arranging music for a specific music for a specific effects arranging music for a music for a specific effects music for a specific effects
effects and / or clear purpose and / or clear purpose specific effects and / or and / or clear purpose and / or clear purpose
clear purpose

Application - Uses planning skills and - Uses planning skills and - Uses planning skills and - Uses planning skills and
critical / creative processes critical / creative processes critical / creative processes critical / creative processes
Use of planning skills and creative with high degree of with considerable degree with some degree of with limited degree of
process while creating composition effectiveness while of effectiveness while effectiveness while effectiveness while
for a specific purpose and assigning creating a composition for creating a composition for creating a composition for creating a composition for
songs for a particular time of day a specific purpose a specific purpose a specific purpose a specific purpose

Communication - Expresses and organizes - Expresses and organizes - Expresses and organizes - Expresses and organizes
analytical and personal analytical and personal analytical and personal analytical and personal
Communicates and expresses clearly responses to musical responses to musical responses to musical responses to musical
personal responses to music with performances with with a performances with a performances with some performances with a
high degree of effectiveness using high degree of considerable degree of degree of effectiveness limited degree of
appropriate language effectiveness using the effectiveness using the using the elements of effectiveness using the
elements of music elements of music music elements of music

Thinking - Uses appropriate musical - Uses appropriate musical - Uses appropriate musical - Uses appropriate musical
terminology for which the terminology for which the terminology for which the terminology for which the
Use of appropriate musical elements of music are elements of music are elements of music are elements of music are
terminology for which the elements used in various styles and used in various styles and used in various styles and used in various styles and
of music are used in various styles genres they perform, listen genres they perform, listen genres they perform, listen genres they perform, listen
and genres they perform, listen to, to, and create with a high to, and create with a to, and create with some to, and create with limited
and create degree of effectiveness considerable degree of degree of effectiveness degree of effectiveness
Use of planning skills while creating - Uses planning skills and - Uses planning skills and - Uses planning skills and
a composition for a specific purpose with high degree of - Uses planning skills and with some degree of with limited degree of
and choosing appropriate pieces of effectiveness while with considerable degree effectiveness while effectiveness while
music creating a composition for of effectiveness while creating a composition for creating a composition for
a specific purpose and creating a composition for a specific purpose and a specific purpose and
choosing appropriate a specific purpose and choosing appropriate choosing appropriate
pieces of music choosing appropriate pieces of music pieces of music
pieces of music

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