Chapter 20-52-00, 201 Chapter 20-53-00, 201: Table 601. Tools/Equipment and Recommended Materials

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Model 390 Premier Maintenance Manual (Rev B2)

56-00-00 (Rev B1)

1. Information
Refer to Chapter 20-52-00, 201 for information on tools and equipment referenced in Table 601. Refer to Chapter 20-53-00, 201 for
information on recommended materials referenced in Table 601.
Table 601. Tools/Equipment and Recommended Materials
050 Surface Seal ® Master Kit
ASTM Glass Scratch Visual
210 Comparison Standard Set
(ASTM F 428-7)
2. Front and Side Windshield Inspection
The front and side windshield surface seal coating will be damaged if they are cleaned with solvents or abrasive material. If the
surface seal is damaged, it will need to be completely removed and a new coating applied. The requirements for evaluation,
cleaning, removal and re-coating of the front and side windshields is contained in the Surface Seal Maintenance, Assessment,
Application Procedures for Aircraft and Specialty Glass-Faced Windshields (Part number DSS 4042) which is obtained as part of
the Surface Seal ® Master Kit (050, Table 601).
Inspect the front and side windshields for delamination, bubbles, discoloration, scratches and all other evidence of damage. Refer to
Table 602 for damage types and recommended action. A preflight inspection should be conducted by the pilot to disclose any
possible condition that could warrant further inspection as noted below. These windows are life-limited (Ref. Airworthiness
Limitations Manual).
Table 602. Front and Side Windshield Damage
Damage Type Damage Limits Recommended Action
Delamination - the disbonding of Up to two inches from the edge of the
interlayer material from a glass ply. A daylight opening around the entire
delaminated area can be either periphery with four inches penetration
transparent (clear) or translucent (milky allowed in the corners. Localized areas of
If delamination and/or crackling exceed the
white) if moisture ingression has occurred. delamination are allowed to exceed the
stated limits, replace the windshield.
continuous peripheral limit as long as pilot
Crackling - the degradation of urethane visibility is not impaired. Delamination in
due to exposure to moisture and has an the area of the heating system is not
appearance similar to dry mud. allowed.
Windshield structural integrity is not
Bubbles - trapped air within the interlayer, affected by the presence of bubbles. Windshield should be replaced if vision is
impaired by bubbles or window heating
normally spherical in shape. Check the window heating resistance is
resistance is outside of acceptable limits.
within acceptable limits.
Discoloration - dark brown or black areas Discoloration on or near the bus bar is
Windshield should be replaced when
on the windshield. Subtle color changes allowed, but the window heating resistance
window heating resistance is outside of
are not the result of an electrical check must be performed every 200 hours
acceptable limits (Ref. 30-40-00, 101).
discrepancy. to verify it is within acceptable limits.
Moisture present at the windshield bus bar Windshield should be replaced at the next
area. scheduled servicing.
If vision is not impaired the windshield
Windshield structural integrity is not should be replaced at the next
Scratches - Outer Ply affected but could impact on the service maintenance opportunity. If vision is
life of the component. impaired then the windshield should be

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Retain printed data for historical reference only. For future maintenance, use only current data. Print Date: Tue Dec 07 12:37:17 CST 2021

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