Research Data Interperetation
Research Data Interperetation
Research Data Interperetation
On the other side, the statement “I don’t know how to use various
statistical tools on our research methodology” has the weighted
mean of 2.125 interpreted as average for females while males have
the mean of 2.525 which is interpreted as high.
Meanwhile the statement “I have a hard time interpreting the data
gathered on our research” shows a 2.675 mean interpreted as high
for males while females have a 2.325 mean that suggests they have
an average level of stress
The total weighted mean for all the statements under table 1 is
2.65 which are interpreted as High for males. On the other side,
females got a 2.32 mean that reflects an average stress level on
the Content. This suggests that males are experiencing a higher
level of stress in content in contrast to females
The total weighted mean for all the statements under table 2 is
2.36 which are interpreted as High for males. On the other side,
females got a 2.27 mean that reflects an average stress level on
the Content. This suggests that both genders experiences an
average level of stress in terms of skills/performance.
The total weighted mean for all the statements under table 3 is
2.5 for males. On the other side, females got a 2.405 mean. This
suggests that both genders experience an average level of stress
in terms of skills/performance.
On the other side, the statement “I don’t know how to use various
statistical tools on our research methodology” has the weighted
mean of 2.3125 for the stand ABM, 2.088235 mean for STEM. These
values are interpreted as Average stress level. The HUMSS and TVL
strand both got the highest mean of 2.6 and is interpreted as
The total weighted mean for all the statements under table 4 is
2.4625 for ABM strand, 2.3 for STEM, 2.75 for HUMSS and 2.62 for
TVL. These values reflects that students from the HUMSS and TVL
strands experience a High level of stress in terms of Content
while students from ABM and STEM experience Average stress level.
5. I am not literate 1.8 AVE 1.7 AVE 2.4 AVER 1.6 LOW
enough to use the 75 RAG 647 RAG 5 AGE
computer for research E 06 E
875 RAG 764 RAG AGE
E 71 E
The total weighted mean for all the statements under table 5 is
2.2875 for ABM strand, 2.176471 for STEM, and 2.7 for HUMSS and
2.06 for TVL. These values reflects that students from the HUMSS
strand with the highest mean of 2.7 experience a High level of
stress in terms of Skills/Performance while students from ABM
STEM, and TVL experience Average stress level.
2. I frequently have 2.8 HIG 2.9 HIG 2.6 HIGH 2.5 AVER
guilty feelings if I 75 H 705 H AGE
relax and do nothing 88
3. My group members 2.4 AVE 2.1 AVE 3.0 HIGH 2.3 AVER
can’t do their assigned 375 RAG 470 RAG 5 AGE
task on time E 59 E
4. I have a strong sense 2.8 HIG 3.0 HIG 2.8 HIGH 2.7 HIGH
of commitment 125 H 882 H 5
5. I don’t have a good 1.5 LOW 1.5 LOW 2.5 AVER 1.9 LOW
relationship with my 625 588 AGE
group mates 24
75 RAG 470 RAG 5 AGE
E 59 E
On the other side, the statement “My group members can’t do their
assigned task on time” has the weighted mean of 2.4375 for the
stand ABM, 2.147059 mean for STEM, and 3.05 for HUMSS and TVL
with a mean of 2.3. This implies that all strands experience an
average level of stress on the statement except for HUMSS which
is interpreted as High.
1.1 Gender
1.2 Strand