Incorta Analytics: Installation Guide
Incorta Analytics: Installation Guide
Incorta Analytics: Installation Guide
Installation Guide
Reviewed December 6, 2017
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This software is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications.
It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including
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Contributors: Matthew Halliday, Tamer Mahfouz, Hichem Sellami, Dave Wrubel, Mohamed Obide,
Klaus Fabian, Mohamed El Prince, Ahmed Eltanahy.
Contents 3
Introduction 4
Pre-Installation Requirements 5
System Requirements 5
Memory Sizing & Disk Utilization 5
Database-Related Requirements 6
Java Requirement 7
Ports Requirements 8
Font Requirements 12
Libraries Requirements 12
Configuring two database users 14
Details 14
For Fresh Installations 14
For existing installations 15
Installing Incorta Analytics 16
Installation Steps 17
Upgrading Incorta Analytics 34
Before you upgrade... 34
Upgrading 34
Uninstalling Incorta Analytics 36
Before you uninstall... 36
Welcome to the Incorta Analytics Installation guide. This guide is divided into
the following sections:
Pre-Installation Requirements
This section contains information about the minimum requirements for your
system to install Incorta Analytics successfully.
Installing Incorta Analytics
This section contains the different options available for installing Incorta
Analytics. It also includes the steps of the installation process.
Read this section if you already have an Incorta Analytics installation and
you would like to upgrade the version installed on your system.It contains
information about the steps of the upgrade process.
Uninstalling Incorta Analytics
This section contains instructions to uninstall an existing Incorta Analytics
System Requirements
1. Incorta Analytics can be installed on the following operating systems:
• Linux 64-bit.
• Mac OS 10.9 and 10.10.
• Windows 64-bit.
2. At least 16 GB RAM, depending on the amount of your data.
HZ_PARTIES 14 7.3 90
Database-Related Requirements
Incorta Analytics requires one of the following RDBMS for its metadata:
• Derby (For demos and proof-of-concept (POC) installations).
• MySQL (5.1 or 5.5 is recommended).
• Oracle.
For Oracle and MySQL databases, you must provide a connecection to an
empty database, if you are not using High Availability configuration.
When installing Incorta Analytics on an Oracle, or MySQL, database, the user
needs to be granted certain privileges in order to complete the installation
successfully. To avoid authorization issues with the database during the
installation process, if the user does not have all privileges, ensure at least the
following are granted to them before starting the installation process:
Java Requirement
Incorta does not support Java SDK and above. To update your server
to use the proper java version, please apply the following steps:
1. Download Oracle Java 8 u144 and install from the Oracle website:
2. Configure JAVA_HOME after the java installation.
JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME need to be configured to point to the
"Java8u144" version before starting the Incorta application server.
Sample Output:
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 16 Jan 25 2017 default -> /usr/java/
drwxr-xr-x. 9 root root 4096 Jan 25 2017 jdk1.8.0_144
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 22 Jan 25 2017 latest -> /usr/java/
For Ubuntu:
$ ls -l /usr/lib/jvm
$ export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.8.0_144
$ export JRE_HOME=$JAVA_HOME/jre
• Incorta Analytics requires JDK, NOT JRE.
• For Windows users, after the JAVA installation is complete, configure
JAVA_HOME, by going to Control Panel > System > Advanced System
Settings > Environment Variables and:
a. click New (add the Variable Name 'JAVA_HOME' and add the
variable value <jdk.release number_path>)
b. look for, and double-click, the variable 'Path' to edit its value. Add
the full path to your jdk bin folder to the list of paths that already
exist, and separate it with a ";".
Ports Requirements
This section explains the ports required by the Incorta Analytics Server at
startup. Ensuring to have the ports listed below available will help avoid startup
failure. While some of these ports are installation parameters that could be set
and changed to different values during the installation process, others are of
fixed values and CANNOT be changed. However, they all need to be made
available for the Incorta Analytics Server at startup. Please refer to the following
8005 shutdown Y _PATH>/server/
port conf/server.xml
Incoming/ Tomcat HTTP
8080 HTTP traffic Y _PATH>/server/
Outgoing port
8443 HTTPS traffic HTTPS for Y _PATH>/server/
SSL conf/server.xml
Incoming/ Tomcat AJP
8009 Y _PATH>/server/
Outgoing port
Accessed CHANGE. This port is
locally by <INSTALLATION currently hard coded
7777 Internal the Incorta Phantom JS N _PATH>/start- in the server. Any
Analytics changes will break
Server the send-dashboard-
by-email feature.
2181 Internal Zookeeper N
CHANGE. Changing
these default ports
Only if have a special
Drill will be process. Users need
Drill HTTP
accessed to refer to Zookeeper
Incoming/ Port (i.e.
8047 via the web N Default Value and Drill docs to
Outgoing Drill Web
(which is not change them. Or
recommend- simply make sure
ed) that the ports are
available on the
machine hosting
Drill rpc user the Incorta Analytics
31010 Internal N Default Value
server port * Server.
If Spark exists on a
Incoming/ Spark remote server, this
7078 Worker Port N port must be open
Outgoing configuration
for remote access.
Font Requirements
Below is a list of the required font families by Incorta Analytics:
• Lucida Grande
• Lucida Sans Unicode
• Verdana
• Arial
• Helvetica
• Sans-serif
If you are using an older version of Red Hat (lower than version 6.6), you would
need to perform the following step:
Copy the java fonts from jdk to:
fc-cache -vf
Libraries Requirements
Before starting the installation process, type:
cd /user/lib64
ls -l libfreetype
This section explains how to define two different Oracle users for an Incorta
instance. This feature could be used so that the Incorta Analytics user doesn't
have to obtain full access to the Incorta metadata schema.
Two users will need to be created:
• User 1:
(INCORTA_OWNER) is the owner of the metadata performing the installation
to the metadata tables, and will have DDL access.
• User 2:
(INCORTA_USER) is the Incorta Analytics user, and will only have DML access
to the objects.
Note: This feature is only applicable to the Oracle Metadata.
Do not create a default tenant during the installation process. That is,
in the "Create a Tenant" step of the installation wizard, make sure the
"Create a default tenant" checkbox is unchecked.
a. factory = "org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSourceFactory"
<Resource name="jdbc/incortaDB" auth="Container" type="javax.
sql.DataSource" driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.driver.
OracleDriver" testOnBorrow="true" validationQuery="select 1
from Dual" url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@<HOSTNAME>:<DATABASE_
maxActive="500" factory = "org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.
DataSourceFactory" initSQL = "ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_
2. The current installation already works with two different Oracle users. In this
case, run the installer until the it automatically detects that two users are already
defined. It will then ask for the DDL password to execute the upgrade process.
Step 1:
Incorta Analytics can be installed using its wizard. It is important that you read
the Pre-Installation Requirements carefully beforehand, in order to prepare your
system for a successful installation.
Step 2:
a. Locate and unzip the file "".
b. Locate and open the file "incorta-installer.jar", which can be found in the
unzipped "incorta-package" folder.
c. Follow the installation wizard. For detailed information about the wizard
steps, refer to the Installation Steps section in this guide.
b. If you choose the same location as a previous installation with the same
name, a file-replacement warning message will appear.
• The Node Name field is optional. If provided, the node name
must be unique and cannot be used when creating a new node
within the same cluster. If left blank, the node would be named
after the host name and the tomcat port number in the format:
• The Zookeeper must be up and running, and highly available,
before starting the nodes. To start the shipped Zookeeper
(recommended only for POCs and demos):
a. Go to the installation path.
b. Use the command ./
• The default port no for the shipped zookeeper is:
• In the zookeeper URL field, specify the server IP address, where
the zookeeper is installed. Avoid using "localhost" as this would
result in a connection failure to the zookeeper server for non-
primary nodes.
9. Select a database type and click Next. If you select "Oracle", go to step 11.
• Ensure that the database port is open and accessible through
the IP address.
• First-node installations must have an empty database with no
tables, whether the installation type is "Typical" or "Advanced".
• For advanced "Join Cluster" installations, ensure the database is
that of the Incorta metadata.
11. Enter the Oracle database connection paramteters. To add an Oracle DDL
user, tick the checkbox at the bottom, then click Next.
12. The following two steps will help you configure Tomcat (Incorta Analytics
default application server). Change the port numbers if needed, and click
13. Enter the allocated memory for the application server. This amount depends
on the amount of data you want to load into Incorta Analytics, and the
amount of memory available in your server. Then, provide a username and
password for the Tomcat administrator and click Next.
15. Choose whether or not to create a default tenant (which may be used as a
starting point to your development) and include the sample data shipped
with Incorta Analytics, and click Next. You can also create a tenant later
using the Tenant management Tool (TMT).
A default tenant is not needed in the case where existing tenants will
be imported into this installation.
16. Select the administrator credentials for the Incorta Analytics application, and
click Next. This is different from the Tomcat server administrator credentials.
17. Enter your email information for services that need to send password-reset
emails and sharing notifications. Tick the "Enable Sharing Notification"
checkbox at the bottom if you like to receive dashboard sharing
notifications, then click Next.
Now that Incorta Analytics is installed successfully, you can access it by going to
the installation folder location (e.g. <Incorta_path>/IncortaAnaltyics) to start the
Tomcat server by typing the command:
For Windows, go to the Incorta installation folder and run the following
command to start the Incorta Analytics (tomcat) Server.
To access the Incorta Analytics web application, open a browser and type
"http://<IP Address>:<Tomcat Connector (or Redirect) Port>/incorta" in the
address bar (Refer to the port number you chose in step 12).
Additional Information
d. Use the command in step a to make sure the process is stopped. If it is not
stopped, you can kill it using the kill command.
e. Now you can start the server using the command:
b. For log information related to the server and the loader, go to:
This section contains information about the steps needed to upgrade your
version of Incorta Analytics.
The upgrade process takes place automatically in the installation wizard when
prompted to specify an installation location. If another installation already exists
in this location, the installer implicitly checks and recognizes it is an upgrade.
During the upgrade, the installer checks for two things:
• The Oracle database installation: If it is a two-user Oracle database
installation, it requests the password for the DDL user.
• Tomcat Manager: If it is installed, it will prompt the user to either keep it or
remove it. If it is not installed, it will give the option of installing it.
5. When the upgrade process is completed successfully, click Done to exit the