Assignment On Com App No.3 01 26 20
Assignment On Com App No.3 01 26 20
Assignment On Com App No.3 01 26 20
1. Select a blank cell you will output the concatenation result, and enter the formula
=CONCATENATE(TEXT(A2, "yyyy-mm-dd")," ", B2) ( A2 is the cell with date you
will concatenate, and B2 is another cell you will concatenate) into it, and press the Enter
2. Keep selecting the concatenation result cell, and drag its AutoFill handle to the
range as you need. And then you will see the specified cells are concatenated into one
cell with keeping the date format. See screenshot:
Note: This formula =CONCATENATE(TEXT(A2, "yyyy-mm-dd")," ", B2) will show
dates of any date format as yyyy-mm-dd, such as 2014-01-03. For retaining other date
format in the CONCATENATE function, you can change the yyyy-mm-dd to the certain
date format code as you need.
This section is talking about keeping number format, such as currency format, percentage
format, decimal places of numbers, etc. in the CONCATENATE function in Excel.
1. First of all, we need to get the format code of specified numbers you will concatenate:
right click the number cell and select the Format Cells from the right-clicking menu. See
2. In the opening Format Cells dialog box, go to the Number tab, click the Custom in
the Category box, copy the format code in the Type box, and close the Format Cells
dialog box. See screenshot:
3. Then we will convert the number
you will concatenate into text string.
Select a blank cell (Cell E2 in our
example), enter the formula
(1) In above format, $#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00) is the format code we copied in step 2. And
you can change the format code to your copied one.
(2) Sometimes the format code of currency you copied may be very complicated which
causes formula errors. If so, please simply the format code such as
4. If there are several kinds of numbers you will concatenate, please repeat Step 1-3 to
convert these numbers to text strings.
5. After converting numbers with special number formats to text string, we can
concentrate them by entering formula =CONCATENATE(A2, " ",E2, " ", F2) (A2, E2,
and F2 are cells we will concatenate) into a blank cell (Cell G1 in our example), and
press the Enter key. See screenshot:
6. Select the range E2:G2 and then drag the AutoFill Handle to the range as you need.
And then you will see each row has been concatenated with keeping all kinds of number
formats. See screenshot
Note: If you are familiar with the format codes of numbers you will concatenate, you can
apply the formula =CONCATENATE(A2, " ",TEXT(B2,"$#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00)"), " ",
TEXT(C2,"0.00%" )) and replace the format codes of $#,##0.00_);($#,##0.00) and 0.00%
based on your requirement.
To make managing and analyzing a group of related data easier, you can turn a range of
cells into an Excel table (previously known as an Excel list).
Excel tables should not be confused with the data tables that are part of a suite of
what-if analysis commands. For more information about data tables, see Calculate
multiple results with a data table.
You cannot create or insert tables in a shared workbook.
Header row By default, a table has a header row. Every table column has
filtering enabled in the header row so that you can filter or sort your table data
quickly. For more information, see Filter data or Sort data.
Banded rows Alternate shading or banding in rows helps to better distinguish the data.
Calculated columns By entering a formula in one cell in a table column, you can
create a calculated column in which that formula is instantly applied to all other cells in
that table column. For more information, see Use calculated columns in an Excel table.
Total row Once you add a total row to a table, Excel gives you an AutoSum drop-down
list to select from functions such as SUM, AVERAGE, and so on. When you select one
of these options, the table will automatically convert them to a SUBTOTAL function,
which will ignore rows that have been hidden with a filter by default. If you want to
include hidden rows in your calculations, you can change the SUBTOTAL function
For more information, also see Total the data in an Excel table.
Create a table
Excel has some features that enable you to work efficiently with your table data:
If you have authoring access to a SharePoint site, you can use it to export an Excel table
to a SharePoint list. This way other people can view, edit, and update the table data in the
SharePoint list. You can create a one-way connection to the SharePoint list so that you
can refresh the table data on the worksheet to incorporate changes that are made to the
data in the SharePoint list. For more information, see Export an Excel table to
Automatic Expansion
When you insert rows (or columns) at the end of a formula range the formulas (by
default) will be expanded automatically.
Formulas will only expand automatically when you insert rows (or columns) at the end of
a formula range when the following option is selected.
Check your (Options, Advanced tab)(Extend data range formats and formulas).
Extend Formulas
Formulas will not be automatically expanded when you insert rows (or columns) at the
start of a formula range.
Formulas will not be automatically expanded (or copied) when you paste data from the
Excel will automatically copy formulas when you add new data to a table if the same
formula appears in four or more consecutive rows or columns.
Typing May below the table and inserting numerical data into cells "C7", "D7" and "E7"
will cause the formula in column "F" to be automatically copied to cell "F7".
Extend Formulas - Inserting in the Middle
Formulas are always automatically expanded when you insert new rows and columns
inside existing formulas.
Inserting a row above row 5 (i.e. in the middle) will cause the SUM() formula to
automatically expand.
The same is true when you have formulas that refer to columns and you insert new
columns inside existing formulas.
In these situations the formulas will always expand (automatically) and there is no option
to turn this off.
Formulas will not be expanded automatically if you insert rows (or columns) at the start
of a formula range.
Use valid characters Always start a name with a letter, an underscore character (_),
or a backslash (\). Use letters, numbers, periods, and underscore characters for the
rest of the name. You can’t use "C", "c", "R", or "r" for the name, because they’re
already designated as a shortcut for selecting the column or row for the active cell
when you enter them in the Name or Go To box
Don’t use cell references Names can’t be the same as a cell reference, such as
Z$100 or R1C1.
Don’t use a space to separate words Spaces can’t be used in the name. You can
use the underscore character (_) and period (.) as word separators. For example,
DeptSales, Sales_Tax or First.Quarter.
Use no more than 255 characters A table name can have up to 255 characters.
Use unique table names Duplicate names aren’t allowed. Excel doesn’t distinguish
between upper and lowercase characters in names so if you enter “Sales” but already
have another name called “SALES" in the same workbook, you’ll be prompted to
choose a unique name.
Use an object identifier If you plan on having a mix of tables, PivotTables and
charts, it's a good idea to prefix your names with the object type. For example:
tbl_Sales for a sales table, pt_Sales for a sales PivotTable, and chrt_Sales for a sales
chart, or ptchrt_Sales for a sales PivotChart. This keeps all of your names in an
ordered list in the Name Manager.
You can also enter or change structured references manually in the formula but to do that,
it will help to understand structured reference syntax. Let’s go over the following formula
Table name: DeptSales is a custom table name. It references the table data,
without any header or total rows. You can use a default table name, such as Table1,
or change it to use a custom name.
Item specifier: [#Totals] and [#Data] are special item specifiers that refer to
specific portions of the table, such as the total row.
Use brackets around specifiers All table, column, and special item specifiers
need to be enclosed in matching brackets ([ ]). A specifier that contains other
specifiers requires outer matching brackets to enclose the inner matching brackets of
the other specifiers. For example: =DeptSales[[Sales Person]:[Region]]
All column headers are text strings But they don’t require quotes when they’re
used in a structured reference. Numbers or dates, such as 2014 or 1/1/2014, are also
considered text strings. You can’t use expressions with column headers. For
example, the expression DeptSalesFYSummary[[2014]:[2012]] won’t work.
Use brackets around column headers with special characters If there are special
characters, the entire column header needs to be enclosed in brackets, which means that
double brackets are required in a column specifier. For example:
=DeptSalesFYSummary[[Total $ Amount]]
Here’s the list of special characters that need extra brackets in the formula:
Line feed
Carriage return
Comma (,)
Colon (:)
Period (.)
Left bracket ([)
Right bracket (])
Pound sign (#)
Single quotation mark (')
Double quotation mark (")
Left brace ({)
Right brace (})
Dollar sign ($)
Caret (^)
Ampersand (&)
Asterisk (*)
Plus sign (+)
Equal sign (=)
Minus sign (-)
Greater than symbol (>)
Less than symbol (<)
Division sign (/)
Use an escape character for some special characters in column headers Some
characters have special meaning and require the use of a single quotation mark (')
as an escape character. For example: =DeptSalesFYSummary['#OfItems]
Here’s the list of special characters that need an escape character (‘) in the formula:
Use the space character to improve readability in a structured reference You can use
space characters to improve the readability of a structured reference. For example:
=DeptSales[ [Sales Person]:[Region] ] or =DeptSales[[#Headers], [#Data], [%
Use Formula AutoComplete You may find that using Formula AutoComplete is
very useful when you enter structured references and to ensure the use of correct
syntax. For more information, see Use Formula AutoComplete.
Decide whether to generate structured references for tables in semi-
selections By default, when you create a formula, clicking a cell range within a
table semi-selects the cells and automatically enters a structured reference instead of
the cell range in the formula. This semi-selection behavior makes it much easier to
enter a structured reference. You can turn this behavior on or off by selecting or
clearing the Use table names in formulas check box in the File > Options >
Formulas > Working with formulas dialog.
Use workbooks with external links to Excel tables in other workbooks If a
workbook contains an external link to an Excel table in another workbook, that
linked source workbook must be open in Excel to avoid #REF! errors in the
destination workbook that contains the links. If you open the destination workbook
first and #REF! errors appear, they will be resolved if you then open the source
workbook. If you open the source workbook first, you should see no error codes.
Convert a range to a table and a table to a range When you convert a table to a
range, all cell references change to their equivalent absolute A1 style references.
When you convert a range to a table, Excel doesn’t automatically change any cell
references of this range to their equivalent structured references.
Turn off column headers You can toggle table column headers on and off from
the table Design tab > Header Row. If you turn off table column headers, structured
references that use column names aren’t affected, and you can still use them in
formulas. Structured references that refer directly to the table headers (e.g.
=DeptSales[[#Headers],[%Commission]]) will result in #REF.
Add or delete columns and rows to the table Because table data ranges often
change, cell references for structured references adjust automatically. For example,
if you use a table name in a formula to count all the data cells in a table, and you
then add a row of data, the cell reference automatically adjusts.
Rename a table or column If you rename a column or table, Excel automatically
changes the use of that table and column header in all structured references that are
used in the workbook.
Move, copy, and fill structured references All structured references remain the
same when you copy or move a formula that uses a structured reference.
Follow these steps to fill a formula and choose which options to apply:
1. Select the cell that has the formula you want to fill into adjacent cells.
2. Drag the fill handle across the cells that you want to fill.
3. If you don’t see the fill handle, it might be hidden. To display it again:
To change how you want to fill the selection, click the small Auto Fill Options icon
that appears after you finish dragging, and choose the option that want.
You can use the Fill command to fill a formula into an adjacent range of cells. Simply do
the following:
1. Select the cell with the formula and the adjacent cells you want to fill.
2. Click Home > Fill, and choose either Down, Right, Up, or Left.
Keyboard shortcut: You can also press Ctrl+D to fill the formula down in a
column, or Ctrl+R to fill the formula to the right in a row.
Formulas won’t recalculate when you fill cells if automatic workbook calculation isn’t
If you need to sum a column or row of numbers, let Excel do the math for you. Select a
cell next to the numbers you want to sum, click AutoSum on the Home tab, press Enter,
and you’re done.
When you click AutoSum, Excel automatically enters a formula (that uses the SUM
function) to sum the numbers.
Here’s an example. To add the January numbers in this Entertainment budget, select cell
B7, the cell immediately below the column of numbers. Then click AutoSum. A formula
appears in cell B7, and Excel highlights the cells you’re totaling.
Press Enter to display the result (95.94) in cell B7. You can also see the formula in the
formula bar at the top of the Excel window.
Notes:To sum a column of numbers, select the cell immediately below the last number
in the column. To sum a row of numbers, select the cell immediately to the right.
AutoSum is in two locations: Home > AutoSum, and Formulas > AutoSum.
Once you create a formula, you can copy it to other cells instead of typing it over and
over. For example, if you copy the formula in cell B7 to cell C7, the formula in C7
automatically adjusts to the new location, and calculates the numbers in C3:C6.
You can also use AutoSum on more than one cell at a time. For example, you could
highlight both cell B7 and C7, click AutoSum, and total both columns at the same time.
Single Sheet
1) Click the letter of the column you want to rename to highlight the entire column.
2) Click the "Name" box, located to the left of the formula bar, and press "Delete" to
remove the current name.
3) Enter a new name for the column and press "Enter."
1. Click the letter of the column you want to change and then click the "Formulas" tab.
2. Click "Define Name" in the Defined Names group in the Ribbon to open the New
Name window.
3. Enter the new name of the column in the Name text box.
4.Click the "Scope" drop-down menu and select "Workbook" to apply the change to all
of the sheets in the workbook. Click "OK" to save your changes.
You can customize the Ribbon by creating your own tabs with whichever commands
you want. Commands are always housed within a group, and you can create as many
groups as you want in order to keep your tab organized. If you want, you can even add
commands to any of the default tabs, as long as you create a custom group in the tab.
1. Right-click the Ribbon and select Customize the Ribbon... from the drop-down
2. The Excel Options dialog box will appear. Locate and select New Tab.
3. Make sure the New Group is selected, select a command, then click Add. You can
also drag commands directly into a group.
4. When you are done adding commands, click OK. The commands will be added to the
command you want, click the Choose commands from: drop-down box and select
All Commands
The Excel SUBTOTAL function returns an aggregate result for supplied values.
SUBTOTAL can return a SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, and others (see table
below), and SUBTOTAL function can either include or exclude values in hidden rows.
Usage notes
Use the SUBTOTAL function to get a subtotal in a list or database. SUBTOTAL has the
ability to use a variety of functions when subtotaling, including AVERAGE, COUNT,
MAX, and others (see table below for a complete list). By default, SUBTOTAL excludes
values in rows hidden by a filter, as explained below. This makes SUBTOTAL very
useful in Excel Tables.
=SUBTOTAL(109,range) // SUM
=SUBTOTAL(103,range) // COUNT
=SUBTOTAL(101,range) // AVERAGE
Available functions
Notice the values used for the function_num argument are "paired" (e.g. 1-101, 2-102,
3-103, ...). This is related to how SUBTOTAL deals with manually hidden rows. When
function_num is between 1-11, SUBTOTAL includes cells that have been manually
hidden. When function_num is between 101-111, SUBTOTAL ignores values in rows
that have been manually are hidden.
SUBTOTAL always ignores values in cells are hidden with a filter. Values in "filtered
out" rows are not included, regardless of function_num.
If you want to count the number of visible items in a filtered list, you can use the
SUBTOTAL function, which automatically ignores rows that are hidden by a filter.
The SUBTOTAL function can perform calculations like COUNT, SUM, MAX, MIN,
and more. (For a full list, see the table here). What makes SUBTOTAL especially
interesting and useful is that it automatically ignores items that are not visible in a
filtered list or table. This makes it ideal for showing how many items are visible in a list,
the subtotal of visible rows, etc.
If you want to sum only the visible rows in a filtered list (i.e. only those rows not filtered
out), you can use the SUBTOTAL function with function number 9 or 109. What makes
SUBTOTAL especially useful is that it automatically ignores rows that are hidden in a
filtered list or table.
A nested function uses a function as one of the arguments. Excel allows you to nest up to
64 levels of functions. Users typically create nested functions as part of a conditional
formula. For example, IF(AVERAGE(B2:B10)>100,SUM(C2:G10),0). The AVERAGE
and SUM functions are nested within the IF function. The structure of the IF function is
IF(condition_test, if_true, if_false). You can use the AND, OR, NOT, and IF functions to
create conditional formulas. When you create a nested formula, it can be difficult to
understand how Excel performs the calculations. You can use the Evaluate Formula
dialog box to help you evaluate parts of a nested formula one step at a time.
For example, click the Logical & Reference button, and then click COUNTIF.
Excel inserts the function you selected into the formula bar with a set of parenthesis, and
opens the Function Arguments dialog box.
Formula Result
=AND(A2>A3, A2<A4) If A2 is greater than A3 and less than A4, then return
TRUE, otherwise return FALSE
=OR(A2>A3, A2<A4) If A2 is greater than A3 or A2 is less than A4, then return
TRUE, otherwise return FALSE
=NOT(A2+A3=24) If A2 plus A3 is not equal to 24, then return TRUE,
otherwise return FALSE
IF(A2<>15, “OK”, “Not If the value in cell A2 is not equal to 15, then return “OK”,
OK”) otherwise return “Not OK”
1) Select the cell with the nested formula you want to evaluate. You can only evaluate
one cell at a time.
2) Click the Formulas tab.
3) Click the Evaluate Formula button.
4) Click Evaluate to examine the value of the underlined reference.The result of the
evaluation appears in italics.
5) If the underlined part of the formula is a reference to another formula, click Step In
to display the other formula in the Evaluation box.
The Step In button is not available for a reference the second time the reference appears
in the formula, or if the formula refers to a cell in a separate workbook.
6) Continue until each part of the formula has been evaluated, and then click Close.
7) To see the evaluation again, click Restart.
Some parts of formulas that use IF and CHOOSE functions are not evaluated, and #NA
is displayed. If a reference is blank, a zero value (0) is displayed.
Explanation: the VLOOKUP function looks for the ID (104) in the leftmost column of
the range $E$4:$G$7 and returns the value in the same row from the third column (third
argument is set to 3). The fourth argument is set to FALSE to return an exact match or a
#N/A error if not found.
The MATCH function returns the position of a value in a given range.
Explanation: Yellow found at position 3 in the range E4:E7. The third argument is
optional. Set this argument to 0 to return the position of the value that is exactly equal to
lookup_value (A2) or a #N/A error if not found. Use INDEX and MATCH in Excel and
impress your boss.
The INDEX function below returns a specific value in a two-dimensional range.
Explanation: 92 found at the intersection of row 3 and column 2 in the range E4:F7.
Data given (raw data) : quantity produced by different machines on different days
Data needed : mapping (matrix) qty produced by different machines on different days.
Stap 1: Create a new column to join date and machine using "Concatenate".
Make sure the formula is dragged to all the way to the bottom of the table.