Discrete Maths
Discrete Maths
Discrete Maths
1. Define conjunction and draw a truth table for it.
2. Define disjunction and draw a truth table for it.
3. Define disjunction and draw a truth table for it.
4. Give the truth table for conditional statement.
5. Write the truth table for bi-conditional statement.
6. Define a tautology.
7. Define a contradiction.
8. Define functionally complete set of connectives
9. State De Morgan laws.
10. Negate and simplify the statement ( p q) r
11. State the truth value of “ If tigers have wings then the earth travels round the sun”.
12. Write the negation of the following preposition: “To enter into the country you need a passport
or a voter registration card”.
13. Construct the truth table for q (p q) p
14. Whether (p q ) ( p q) is a tautology
15. S.T p (p q) is a tautology.
16. Verify (p q) p is a tautology.
17. Define conjunctive normal form.
18. Write the formula without conditional statement ( p q) r
19. Write the formula free from conditional statement p ( q r )
20. Write down the implication for modus ponens, modus tollens, hypothetical syllogism and
21. Give the converse and contra positive of the implication “If it is raining then I get wet”.
22. P.T ( p q )q p
23. S.T the set [ ,] is not a functionally complete set of connectives.
24. Using the truth table show that p (q r) (p q) r
25. S.T the statement is a contradiction (p q) ( p q) ( use Table)
26. Explain the two types of quantifiers with example.
27. Symbolize: “Given a positive integer , there is a greatest positive integer”
28. Symbolize:” For every x, there exist a t s.t x2 + y 2 100
29. Using the predicate calculus symbolize “ x is the brother of the sister of y”
30. Symbolize the expression “ All the world loves a lover”
31. Express “2 is an irrational number” using quantifiers.
32. Symbolic form “ Everyone who is healthy can do all kind of work”
33. Symbolic form : “ The sum of two positive integer is positive”
34. Symbolic form: (a) All babies are innocent (b)There is an integer such that it is odd and prime.
35. Using quantifiers, express the following statements over the universe , the set of rational
numbers (a) 5 is irrational (b) Subtraction of two rational numbers is rational
Construct the truth table
1) ( p (q r) ) (q r ) ( p r )
Show the following
2) q (p q) ( p q) is a tautology.
3) ((p q) ~(~p ( ~ q ~ r))) (~p ~q) ( ~p ~r) is a tautology
4) Test the formula for tautology or contradiction q (p q ) ( p q )
5) (pq) (r q) (p r) q.
6) S.T ( p q) (r q) (pr) q
7) ( ~ p ( ~ q r)) (q r) (p r) r
8) ( p(qs) ( rp) q r s
9) ( p q ) ( p ( p q )) ( pq)
10) S R is tautologically implied by ( pq ) ( p r ) ( q s)
Find the PDNF & PCNF of the following
11) ( a c) ( b a)
12) p (( p q) ~(~q ~ p)
13) (p ( q r )) ( ~ p ( ~q ~r ))
14) p ( ~ p ( q ( ~ q r)))
S.T the set of premises are inconsistent
15) p q , q s , r ~ s and p r
16) r (pq) from p q , q r, p m & ~m.
17) Derive: p s from ~ p q, ~q r, r s
18) Prove by indirect method: p q, qr, p v r r
19) Prove by rule cp: derive p ( q s) from : p ( q r) , q ( r s)
Discuss the validity of the argument
a) All educated persons are well behaved.
b) Ram is educated.
c) No well behaved person is quarrelsome,
d) Therefore Ram is not quarrelsome”.
a) If Abraham works hard then either Bob or Caroline will enjoy themselves.
b) If Bob enjoys himself then Abraham will not work hard.
c) If Daryl enjoys himself the Caroline will not.
S.T “ If Abraham works hard, then Daryl will not enjoy himself ”
d) It is not sunny this afternoon and it is colder than yesterday
e) we will go swimming only if it is sunny
f) If we do not go swimming then we will take a canoe trip and
g) if we take a canoe trip, then we will be home by sunset”
lead to the conclusion “ we will be home by sunset”
a) If Jack misses many classes through illness, then he fails high school
b) If Jack fails high school, then he is uneducated
c) If Jack reads a lot of books then he is not uneducated
d) Jack misses many classes through illness and reads a lot of books.
a) If the contract is valid then John is liable for penalty
b) If John is liable for penalty, he will go bankrupt.
c) If the bank will loan him money, he will not go bankrupt.
As a matter of fact, the contract is valid and the bank will loan him money.
1. Define algebraic system with an example.
2. Define homomorphism with example.
3. Define epimorphism with example
4. Define monomorphism with example
5. Define isomorphism with example.
6. Define endomorphism with example
7. Define automorphism with example
8. Define sub algebra with example.
9. Define factor algebra with example.
10. Define semi group with example.
11. Define monoid with example.
12. Define semi group homomorphism.
13. Define monoid homomorphism
14. Define sub semi group with example.
15. Define sub monoid with example.
16. Define direct product with example.
17. Give an example which is a semi group but not monoid.
19. P.T the identity element of a group is unique.
20. P.T: Intersection of two normal subgroup of a group is a normal subgroup.
21. Give a necessary and sufficient condition for non-empty subset of a group( G *) to be a
subgroup of G
22. S.T by using an example “ the union of two subgroup of a group G need not be a subgroup”
23. Let G be a group s.t x2 = x for all x (G. S.T G is abelian.
24. Find the GLB & LUB of the set {3, 6, 12 } if they exist in the poset ( Z+, / ) where a/b stands for
a divides b.
25. Give an example for non- abelian group.
26. Define normal sub group
27. Define group codes.
28. Give an example of a finite non abelian group.
1) S.T if every element in a group is its own inverse, then the group must be an abelian.
2) S.T every finite group of order n is isomorphic to a permutation group of degree n.
3) If f: G G1 is a group homomorphism P.T Ker f is a normal subgroup of G.
4) Prove that the collection of even permutations is a normal subgroup of the symmetric group.
5) P.T the intersection of any two normal subgroup of a group is normal.
6) Define a normal subgroup of a group. Give an example. Let G be a group and N ={xG: xy =
yx, y G} S.T N is a normal sub group of G.
7) Define a coset of a subgroup H of a group G. Find all the left cosets of the subgroup H=
( p1, p2) of the symmetric group S3 where_ EMBED Equation.3 _Is H a normal subgroup of G?
8) Define the term weight and distance in the context of group codes. S.T the minimum
weight of the nonzero code words in a group code is equal to its minimum distance.
9) S.T the set N of natural number is a semi group under the operation x * y = max{x, y}.
Is it a monoid? Is the operation commutative?
10) State & prove Lagrange’s theorem for groups.
11) Let (G,*) and (H,*) be groups and g: G ( H be a homomorphism. Then prove that the
kernel of g is a normal subgroup of G.
12) P.T every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic.
13) S.T a non empty subset of H of a group ( G,* ) is a subgroup of G iff
a,b H ( a * b -1 H
14) P.T every cyclic group of order n isomorphic to the group (Zn , tn ).
P.T the order or a group of a finite group divides the order of the group.
15) P.T the subgroup of a cyclic group is also cyclic
16) State and prove the cayleys theorem on permutation group
17) S.T every subgroup of a cyclic group is normal
18) Define subgroup If A & B are two subgroup of (G,*), P.T A B is a subgroup of (G,*).
Is A U B a subgroup of (G,*)
19) P.T any semigroup can be extended to monoid by adjoining an identity element. P.T for any
commutative monoid ( M,*) the set of idempotent elements of M forms a submonoid
1. Define the transitive closure of a binary relation R with an example
2. Define least and greatest member of a poset.
3. Define a partial ordering relation with an example
4. Let R1 & R2 be two compatible relations on a set A. Is R1 R2 a compatible relation?
5. If A = { x / x2 – 1 = 0} and B = { x / x2 - 3x + 2 = 0 }Find A B and A – B
6. Define partial order relation and find a partial ordering on the power set of a given set.
7. Let T = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. How many subset of T have less than 4 elements?
8. Give an example of a relation on a set which is neither symmetric nor anti symmetric
9. Draw a Hasse – diagram of the set of partitions of 5
10. Define reflexive closure of a set.
11. Give an example for the composition of two function which is not commutative
12. Define partial order relation.
13. Obtain the power set of { a, b ,c }
14. Establish the binary relation on the set A = { 1, 3, 5 }which is a symmetric relation
15. What are disjoint sets? Give an examples
16. List all the proper subsets of { 1,2,3}
17. Let A = { 1,2,3,4} and r be the relation ( on A. Draw the Hasse diagram of r.
18. Let R be the relation on A = { 2,3,4,6,9} defined by “ x is relatively prime to y” Write R as the
set of order pairs.
19. Define least element of a poset.
20. Define distributive lattice.
21. In a lattice ( L, ) using usual notation S.T a ( a b ) = a for all a,b L
22. Define a lattice
1) Let (P, ) be a partially ordered set. Suppose the length of the largest chain in P is n.
Then show that the elements in P can be partitioned into a disjoint antichain.
2) Let R be a binary relation on the set of all strings of 0’s & 1’s such that R= {(a,b) / a & b
are strings that have the same number of 0’s }. Is R reflexive? Symmetric? Anti
symmetric? Transitive? An equivalence relation? A Partial order relation
3) If A,B and C are sets prove that A (BC) = ( A B ) (A C)
4) Let X = ({ 1, 2, 3, 4,…………… 20} and R ={(x,y) / x-y is divisible by 5 } be a relation
on X. S.T R is an equivalence relation
5) Explain WARSHALL ‘s algorithm
6) If A, B and C are any three sets, P.T A- ( B C ) = ( A – B ) (A – C ).
7) Let X = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } and R = { < x, y > | x-y is divisible by 3}. S.T R is an
equivalence relation.
8) If A , B & C are sets P.T A ( B C) = ( A B) ( A C) with out Venn diagram.
9) If the relation R is defined by xRy iff x= (y (mod 5) on S = ( 1, 2, 3,…….20) verify that
R is an equivalence relation. Find also the partition of S induced by R.
10) Check whether ( P(S) , ) is a poset where P(S) is the power set of S and the relation is “
subset”. If it is a poset, determine whether it is lattice or not.
11) Draw the Hasse diagram for divisibility on the set {1, 2, 3, 5, 11, &13} Is it a lattice?
12) Let R be a binary relation and S= {(a,b)/(a,c)(R and (c,b) R for some c} P.T if R is an
equivalence relation , then S is also an equivalence.
13) Given R be a reflexive relation on a set A, S.T R is an equivalence relation iff (a,b) &
(a,c) are in R implies that (b ,c) is in R.
14) If R is an equivalence relation on an arbitrary set, P.T the set of all equivalence classes
constitute a partition of A.
15) Consider the subset A= {1,7,8} B={ 1,6,9,10} & C = ( 1,9,10} where
U = ( 1,2,3,…..10}List the non empty mini sets generated by A,B,& C . Do they form a
partition of U.
16) If A,B & C are sets . P.T A x ( B C ) = ( A x B ) ( A x C)
17) For any two sets A & B , P.T A – ( A B ) = A – B
18) Given S = { 1,2,3 … 10 } and the relation R on S where R = { (x,y) / x+ y = 10 }what are