Brain Tumor Classification Using Deep Learning Algorithms

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9 XII December 2021
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 9 Issue XII Dec 2021- Available at

Brain Tumor Classification using Deep Learning Algorithms

Ankita Kadam1, Sartaj Bhuvaji2, Sujit Deshpande3
1, 2
UG Student, Department of Computer Engineering P. E. S’s Modern College of Engineering, Pune, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Engineering P. E. S’s Modern College of Engineering, Pune, India

Abstract: A Brain tumor is one aggressive disease. An estimated more than 84,000 people will receive a primary brain tumor
diagnosis in 2021 and an estimated 18,600 people will die from a malignant brain tumor (brain cancer) in 2021.[8] The best
technique to detect brain tumors is by using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). More than any other cancer, brain tumors
can have lasting and life-altering physical, cognitive, and psychological impacts on a patient’s life and hence faster diagnosis
and best treatment plan should be devised to improve the life expectancy and well-being of these patients.
Neural networks have shown colossal accuracy in image classification and segmentation problems. In this paper, we propose
comparative studies of various deep learning models based on different types of Neural Networks(ANN, CNN, TL) to firstly
identify brain tumors and then classify them into Benign Tumor, Malignant Tumor or Pituitary Tumor. The data set used holds
3190 images on T1-weighted contrast-enhanced images which were cleaned and augmented. The best ANN model concluded
with an accuracy of 78% and the best CNN model consisting of 3 convolution layers had an accuracy of 90%. The VGG16(re-
trained on the dataset) model surpasses other ANN, CNN, TL models for multi-class tumor classification. This proposed network
achieves significantly better performance with a validation accuracy of 94% and an F1-Score of 91.
Keywords: Artificial Neural Network(ANN), Convolution Neural Network (CNN), Transfer Learning(TL), Magnetic Resonance
A brain tumor, known as an intracranial tumor, is a surplus growth of brain tissue in which cells grow and multiply uncontrollably,
seemingly unchecked by the immune system. The foremost reason the human body is unable to recognize and fight these cells is
that it cannot identify them as foreign objects. This is because these types of cells encompass the patient's DNA, which the body’s
immune system recognizes as natural. The World Health Organization (WHO) classifies brain tumors as grade I-IV. Where benign
tumors are Grade I which are slow-growing, least harmful, and easily curable. Malignant Tumor is Grade III. These types of tumors
tend to be a bit infiltrative and have chances of recurrence at a higher grade too. A pituitary tumor is a growth of abnormal cells in
the tissues of the pituitary gland. While almost all Pituitary Tumors are benign because they don’t spread to other parts of the body,
as cancers can, they are close to the brain and may invade the central nervous system (CNS) or to other parts of the body. There is
no standard grading system for pituitary tumors unlike the other above-mentioned.
As explained above, early detection of these brain tumors is extremely important as these tumors tend to metastasize and grow
rapidly. Furthermore, after identification, the classification stage may be a convoluted and tedious task for physicians or radiologists
in some complicated cases and completely depends on the availability of expert physicians and radiologists, which is difficult to
fulfill in underdeveloped and few developing regions around the globe. These cases need experts to work on, localize the tumor,
compare tumor tissues with adjacent regions, apply various filters on the image if necessary; make it more clear for human vision,
and finally conclude; whether it is a tumor besides its type and grade if available.
This quick and accurate detection can be achieved through groundbreaking technological advancement in the field of Artificial
Intelligence, which has shown promises of higher accuracies in the field of computer vision, image classification, and image
segmentation. Deep learning is a subdivision of Machine Learning where a system of neural networks which mimic the human brain
structure are trained with huge amounts of data. These types of supervised, semi-supervised, or unsupervised networks have shown
tremendous potential in the fields of medical image analysis. These networks are divided into several layers, where the first layer is
known as the input layer, the internal layers are known as the hidden layers and the final layer is known as the output layer. Deep
learning algorithms utilize these arrangements of numerous layers of the network for feature extraction and encoding. The output of
each sequential layer is the input of the succeeding one, and that helps in data abstraction as we go deep within the network.
Artificial Neural Networks, Convolution Neural Networks are two popular types of neural nets that are widely used in the industry
today. Generally, CNN’s are preferred for image classification tasks as they implement feature selection that happens through
convolving filters and pooling with the input patterns followed by a selection of the most distinguishing features and then start to
train the layers of the classification network.

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 9 Issue XII Dec 2021- Available at

In this paper, we have provided a comparative study of both ANN’s, CNN’s for brain tumor classification using the same
augmented dataset. The original dataset had a total of 3190 images which were augmented and cleaned to 66960. We have designed
and trained varied ANN, CNN models including various pre-trained Transfer Learning(TL) models for a comparative and
exhaustive study of how different model types of network architectures compare against the four-class classification problem on the
same dataset. We concluded with the best ANN model with 1 layer of 128 nodes had a test accuracy of 80%, test loss of 181.14, and
F1 Score 80. The best CNN model with 3 Convolution layers, 1 dense layer of 128 nodes had test accuracy of 90%, test loss of 0.43,
and F1 Score 91. The best TL model was VGG16 initialized with weights of imagenet, which was re-trained on our augmented
dataset had test accuracy of 94%, test loss of 0.81, and F1 Score 94.


In the work ‘Brain Tumor Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks’ proposed by J. Seetha and S. Selvakumar Raja[1]
the automatic brain tumor detection is performed by using Fuzzy C Means (FCM) based segmentation, texture, and shape feature
extraction and SVM and DNN based classification is carried out. They had used the ‘image net’ database for classification. So the
training was performed for only the final layer. They concluded with a training accuracy of 97.5%
Ali Ari, Davut Hanbay[2] proposed a ‘Deep learning-based brain tumor classification and detection system’. The system is
implemented to distinguish the tumors into two classes: benign and malignant. The proposed system has three stages, which are
preprocessing the extreme learning machine local receptive fields (ELM-LRF) based tumor classification, and image processing
based tumor region extraction. The system is restricted to only cranial MR images, which have a mass. The experimental system has
achieved an accuracy of 97.18 %
From the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt the authors Hossam H. Sultan, Nancy M. Salem,
Walid Al-Atabany[3] proposed ‘ Multi Classification of Brain Tumor Images’. In the work done the authors used CNN to classify
three types of brain tumors are meningioma, glioma, and pituitary tumor, and identify their types and grades. Their first dataset
included MRIs with three different views: axial, coronal and sagittal views. The second dataset had images on T1-weighted
contrast-enhanced that include different grades of glioma (Grade II, Grade III, and Grade IV). Their proposed network had 16 layers
starting from the input layer which holds the preprocessed images passing through the convolution layers and their activation
functions (3 convolution, 3 ReLU, normalization and 3 Max pooling layers). They also had two dropout layers, a softmax layer and
finally a classification layer that produces the predicted class. This proposed architecture had achieved an accuracy of 98.7%


Figure 1: System Architecture

Figure 1 shows the complete system architecture diagram of the proposed method.

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 9 Issue XII Dec 2021- Available at

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to produce high-quality two-dimensional or
three-dimensional images of the brain and brainstem. The database includes two-dimensional T1-weighted contrast-enhanced
images. The dataset includes three different views: axial, coronal and sagittal views. These images were classified into 4 classes.
The number of images obtained for different tumor types are:

Type Training Sample Testing Sample Total

Glioma 703 100 803

Meningioma 790 115 905

No Tumor 678 95 668

Pituitary 720 100 814

Table 1: Initial Dataset

A. Pre-Processing
In the Pre Processing stage, we try to create uniformity in data before feeding it to neural networks. Our images had high resolution
and we downsized them to 224x224x3 this helps preserve all relevant information for our networks in fewer file sizes. The MRIs
contained a black background around the central image of the brain. This black background provides no useful information for
classification and would be wasted if fed to neural networks. Hence the images were cropped around the main contour. Here the
biggest contour is selected and marked. Next, we find the extreme points of the contour and crop the image on those endpoints. Thus
we removed most of the unwanted background and some noise present in the original image. This process is done for each image in
the dataset. However, sometimes the contour mapping and cropping algorithm were not able to correctly recognize the correct
contour and wrongly cropped the image. Such images resulted in distorted images and were removed by manual inspection after the
‘augmentation’ phase.

Figure 2: Contour Cropping

Here the biggest contour is selected and marked. Next, we find the extreme points of the contour and crop the image on those
endpoints. Thus we have removed most of the unwanted background and some noise present in the original image. This process is
done for each image in the dataset. However, note that sometimes the function may not be able to correctly recognize the correct
contours and makes a mistake and wrongly crops the image. Such images should be removed by manual inspection before entering
the phase. The amount of data gathered was very low and could cause the models to under-fit. Hence, we would use a brilliant
technique of Data Augmentation to increase the amount of data. This technique relies on rotations, flips, change in exposure, etc to
create similar images.

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 9 Issue XII Dec 2021- Available at

B. Data Augmentation
As defined in table 1 we have few images to train and test a neural network. For a network to learn to a greater extent we can
increase the amount of data that is fed to it. This was done by using the technique of ‘Data Augmentation’. This technique relies on
rotations, flips, change in exposure, zoom, etc to create similar images. The process of augmentation was applied to every image of
the dataset; this caused the number of images to increase by a factor of 21. Thus with such a huge amount of data, the chances of
under-fitting of the network can be reduced. The images were shuffled and divided in a ratio of 3:1. Where 75% of data was used
for training and the rest 25% used for testing and validation Figure 3 represents the augmentation we get from the above contour
cropped image.

Figure 3: Augmentation
1) Training Data
No Class Initial Augmented Discarded Count Final Count
Count Count

1 Glioma 703 14763 750 14013

2 Meningioma 790 16590 1000 15590

3 No Tumor 678 14238 150 14088

4 Pituitary 720 15120 80 15040

Table 2 : Training Data

2) Testing Data
No Class Initial Count Augmented Discarded Count Final Count

1 Glioma 100 2100 85 2015

2 Meningioma 115 2414 126 2288

3 No Tumor 95 1995 63 1932

4 Pituitary 100 2100 98 2002

Table 3 : Testing Data

Few images were distorted during the pre-processing and augmentation phase. These images were distorted due to improper
cropping of contour. Such images were noisy and unclear, thus were not collected in the final data set. We concluded with a total of
58731 training and 8237 testing/validation images.

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 9 Issue XII Dec 2021- Available at

We built and trained multiple models using ANN, CNN, TL using permutation and combination of hyper-parameters like number
of dense layers, number of nodes in dense layers, etc to build models which would provide promising results.

A. Artificial Neural Network

Artificial Neural Networks are multi-layer fully-connected neural nets. They consist of an input layer, multiple hidden layers, and an
output layer. Every node in one layer is connected to every other node in the next layer.
The training procedure for the neural network works as follows: Firstly we define the structure of the network; starting with the
input layer followed by dense layers and finally an output layer. Then the input data is fed from the input layer and flows from top
to bottom of the network architecture. Initially, the weights for all the nodes are randomly initialized. For every training example,
perform a forward pass using the current weights and calculate the output of each node going from top to bottom. The final output is
the value in the last layer. Compare this ultimate output with the actual target label in the training data, and measure the error using
a loss function. Perform a backward pass propagating the error calculated from bottom to top of the network to every individual
node using the technique of backpropagation. Calculate each weight’s contribution to the error, and adjust the weights accordingly
using gradient descent. With multiple such epochs of reading the data, calculating the error, back-propagating the error as feedback,
and then adjusting weights according to decrease the error, the network learns features of the data set.
Artificial neural networks use backpropagation as a learning algorithm to compute a gradient descent with relevancy weights.
Desired outputs are compared to achieved system outputs, then the systems are tuned by adjusting connection weights to narrow the
difference between the two as much as possible. Because backpropagation requires a known, desired output for every input value to
calculate the loss function gradient.
For our paper, we trained a total of nine ANN models each with different network architecture. The detailed explanation of the best
network is as follows: The input layer is fed an image of resolution 224x224x3. Then we have a Flattening Layer which removes all
of the dimensions except for one. A flatten operation on a tensor reshapes the tensor to have a shape that is equal to the number of
elements contained in tensor non including the batch dimension. After which we have a fully connected dense layer and then an
activation function called ReLu. After the activation layer, we have a dropout to avoid overfitting. Finally, there is the classification
layer which has four nodes, each representing one class output. The best ANN model had an accuracy of 78% and a loss of 181.14.
High values of loss are bad for any model. From the results(Table 4) we can see ANN models are not that great when it comes to
image classification, as these models do not have any layer for feature extraction. Hence these models concluded with low
accuracies and high loss values on testing data. Below is the representation of the best ANN model along with the table containing
information on all our ANN models.

Figure 2: ANN Model Architecture

ANN Models Test Accuracy Test Loss F1 - Score

32-nodes-0-dense 76 213.54 76

64-nodes-0-dense 77 229.56 77

128-nodes-0-dense 78 181.14 78

32-nodes-1-dense 24 1.38 10

64-nodes-1-dense 25 1.38 13

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 9 Issue XII Dec 2021- Available at

128-nodes-1-dense 25 1.39 10

32-nodes-2-dense 26 1.33 10

64-nodes-2-dense 24 1.3 10

128-nodes-2-dense 25 1.38 10
Table 4: ANN Models

B. Convolution Neural Network

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) is one of the variants of neural networks which have shown unprecedented accuracies in the
field of image classification. The hidden layers of a CNN typically consist of convolutional layers, pooling layers, fully connected
layers(dense layers), and normalization layers. A Convolution layer reads the input image and applies multiple filters to the image
and a feature map is created. All these filters are initialized randomly and become our parameters which will be learned by the
network subsequently during backpropagation. These filters help in extracting the right and relevant features from the input data.
CNN captures the spatial features from an image. Spatial features refer to the arrangement of pixels and the relationship between
them in an image. They help in identifying the object accurately, the location of an object, as well as its relation with other objects in
an image. After this, it applies a ReLU function on the feature map, which helps increase non-linearity. Next, it applies a pooling
layer to each feature map, which progressively reduces the spatial size of the representation to reduce the number of parameters and
computation in the network. Then it flattens the pooled images into one long vector which is input for a fully connected artificial
neural network. Further, the network works exactly as an ANN, where output is generated in the final layer and error is
backpropagated into the network. This error then helps the network adjust the weights to minimize the error in the next consecutive
epochs. For this paper, we designed and trained 27 different CNN models on our augmented data set. Figure 3 shows our proposed
CNN model which is named 3-conv-128-nodes-1-dense and which has a total of 16 layers. The model begins with an input layer,
which accepts images in a batch size of 32 with size 224x224x3. Then we have 3 convolution layers along with their activation
functions and max-pooling layers. To prevent overfitting, a dropout layer is used followed by a fully connected layer of 128 nodes
and a softmax layer to predict the output and finally a classification layer that produces output in one of the four predicted classes.
The detailed explanation of the network is as follows: The input layer reads an image in resolution of 224x224x3 and sends it down
to one of the three convolution layers. The convolution layers are a bundle of convolution, activation and max-pooling layers.
Firstly the convolution layer applies sliding K convolutional filters (kernels) of size (M × N) over the input images by moving the
filters along the input and compute the dot product of the weights and the input. These kernels are used as features identifiers; such
that kernels in the early layers detect only low-level features like (outlines, boundaries and spots), while advanced ones are used to
detect more and more complex features. Each of our three convolution layers is succeeded by an Activation Layer - the activation
function of a node defines the output of that node given an input or set of inputs. For our model, we have used Rectified Linear Unit
(ReLu). Next in the network, we have a Pooling layer. The addition of a pooling layer is used for ordering layers within a neural
network that may be repeated one or more times in a given model. The pooling layer operates upon each feature map separately and
creates a new set of the same number of pooled feature maps, but the pooling layer will always reduce the size of each feature map
by the pooling factor. In Max Pooling, each of the regions is represented by the filter, and we take the max of that region and create
a new output matrix where each element in the new matrix is the max of a region filter from the original input. After our final max-
pooling of the third convolution layer set, the output is of the size 17x17x128. In a neural network, a fully connected layer occupies
most of the parameters and hence, neurons develop a co-dependency amongst each other during training which dampers the
individual power of each neuron, leading to over-fitting of training data. A dropout is an approach of regularization in neural
networks which helps reduce interdependent learning amongst the neurons in the fully connected layers.
Hence after max-pooling, we have a Dropout layer. When we have such a layer during training, some number of layer outputs are
randomly ignored or “dropped out.” This has the effect of making the network architecture look-like and be treated-like layers with
a different number of nodes and connectivity to the prior layer. In effect, each update to a layer during training is performed with a
different “view” of the configured layer. Finally, we conclude the network with a fully connected layer of 128 nodes followed by the
activation layer ‘softmax’ which gets us output in one of the four classes. The accuracy of our best CNN model was 90% and the
value of the loss was 0.43.

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 9 Issue XII Dec 2021- Available at

Figure 3: CNN Model Architecture

CNN Models Test Accuracy Test Loss F1 - Score

1-conv-32-nodes-0-dense 86 1.77 86

2-conv-32-nodes-0-dense 85 0.76 85

3-conv-32-nodes-0-dense 88 0.48 88

1-conv-64-nodes-0-dense 85 2.39 85

2-conv-64-nodes-0-dense 89 0.55 89

3-conv-64-nodes-0-dense 89 0.55 89

1-conv-128-nodes-0-dense 84 1.36 84

2-conv-128-nodes-0-dense 82 1.01 81

3-conv-128-nodes-0-dense 86 0.95 86

1-conv-32-nodes-1-dense 24 1.38 10

2-conv-32-nodes-1-dense 88 0.59 89

3-conv-32-nodes-1-dense 86 0.58 86

1-conv-64-nodes-1-dense 26 1.36 13

2-conv-64-nodes-1-dense 88 0.48 89

2-conv-64-nodes-1-dense 88 0.54 89

1-conv-128-nodes-1-dense 85 0.73 85

2-conv-128-nodes-1-dense 85 0.77 83

3-conv-128-nodes-1-dense 90 0.43 91

1-conv-32-nodes-2-dense 24 1.38 10

2-conv-32-nodes-2-dense 24 1.38 10

3-conv-32-nodes-2-dense 63 0.84 57

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 9 Issue XII Dec 2021- Available at

1-conv-64-nodes-2-dense 24 1.38 10

2-conv-64-nodes-2-dense 83 0.70 83

3-conv-64-nodes-2-dense 85 0.55 86

1-conv-128-nodes-2-dense 24 0.00 10

2-conv-128-nodes-2-dense 85 0.78 87

3-conv-128-nodes-2-dense 85 0.64 85
Table 5: CNN Models

C. Transfer Learning
Neural networks are adaptive in nature and can be used for multiple tasks. Such a technique where a model trained on one task is re-
purposed for a second task is known as Transfer Learning. A pre-trained model is chosen which was previously used for a similar
task as the one we want to implement with the network for the defined purpose.
The pre-trained model can then be used as the starting point for a model on the second task of interest. This may involve using all or
parts of the model(layers of the model), depending on the modeling technique used. Optionally, the model structure can be adapted
or refined on the input-output pair data available for the task of interest. Here we can choose to add or subtract different layers in the
model. Pre-trained models are available for everyone to use through different means. The famous deep learning Python library,
Keras, provides an interface to download some popular models which comprise the network architecture and the trained weights of
the neurons. These models are all CNN models. In our case, this approach is effective, because the models were trained on eclectic
photographs and require the model to make predictions on a relatively large number of classes, in turn, requiring that the model
efficiently learn to extract features from photographs to perform well on the problem.
For this paper, we trained five different TL models. Out of which the model ‘VGG16’ had the highest accuracy. VGG16 is a
convolutional neural network model proposed by K. Simonyan and A. Zisserman from the University of Oxford in the paper “Very
Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition”. The model achieves 92.7% top-5 test accuracy in ImageNet,
which is a dataset of over 14 million images belonging to 1000 classes. The input to the VGG16 model is images with dimensions
of (224,224,3). These images first enter two of the many convolution layers. Then followed by a ReLu and max-pooling we enter
the second set of two convolution layers. Then again after ReLu and pooling the data enter 3 sets of 3 layers of convolution and
pooling. Then we have 3 fully connected layers. The output of the final layer is 1000 channels for 1000 classes of ILSVRC
challenge, then after the output of the 3rd fully connected layer is passed to softmax layer to normalize the classification vector. For
VGG16 to work on our data set we did a simple modification of replacing the final layer of 1000 class output with 4 class output.
The model was architecture and associated weights of the network were loaded from Keras. After which we trained the model on
our data set. After training was completed, the model was tested and we noted an accuracy of 94%, loss of 0.81 and F1 Score 94.

Figure 4 : TL Model Architecture

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 9 Issue XII Dec 2021- Available at

TL Models Test Accuracy Test Loss F1-Score

VGG16 94 0.81 94

InceptionV3 27 1.40 19

VGG19 47 0.46 33

ResNet50 88 0.41 88

MobileNet_v2 37 1.73 30
Table 6 : TL Models

Google Tensorflow version 1.51.2 was used for all TensorFlow libraries. The models were compiled using a loss function known as
sparse categorical cross-entropy. Sparse Categorical Cross-Entropy and Categorical Cross Entropy both compute categorical cross-
entropy. The only difference is in how the targets/labels should be encoded. Sparse Categorical Cross Entropy is more efficient
when you have a lot of categories. In sparse categorical cross-entropy, truth labels are integer encoded, for example, (1), (2), and (3)
for a 3-class problem. Also, the ‘Adam’ optimizer was used during the compilation. Adam is an adaptive learning rate optimization
algorithm that’s been designed specifically for training large datasets on deep neural networks. The algorithm leverages the power
of adaptive learning rates methods to find individual learning rates for each parameter. Callbacks of tensorboard were used for
collecting the logs and early stopping was also used. Early stopping helped to monitor the overall learning of the model and would
terminate learning if the validation loss parameter would not improve for a few epochs. For our paper, we have found that a dropout
of 30-35% was effective in avoiding overfitting of training data. The models were trained on AWS SageMaker on instance
’ml.p2.xlarge’. The GPU used for the training of models was the NVIDIA V100. The total time for pre-processing, augmentation
and pickling was around 50 hours and the total training time was 10 hours.

In the following work, we represented different types of neural network structures and discussed how Convolution Neural Networks
outperform simple Artificial Neural Networks for medical image classification of Brain Tumors into given four classes of: No
Tumor, Benign Tumor, Malignant Tumor or Pituitary Tumor. Our dataset consisted of 3190 two-dimensional T1-weighted contrast-
enhanced images which were then pre-processed, cropped and augmented. The dataset included three different views of MRI: axial,
coronal and sagittal views. After training multiple models on this cleaned augmented data, the best ANN model had an accuracy of
78%, loss of 181.14 and a F1 Score of 78. While out of the total 27 CNN models that we trained, the best CNN model with 3
convolution layers had an accuracy of 90%, loss of 0.43 and F1 Score of 91. We also re-trained some pre-existing models from
Keras library. Out of which the best TL model was - VGG16 which was re-trained on our augmented dataset had the highest
accuracy among all models. On test data, VGG16 had the accuracy of 94%, a loss value of 0.81 and F1 Score of 94. Thus from the
above results, we can conclude that models with convolution layers(CNN, TL) are better than models without convolution
layers(ANN) for medical image classification of brain tumors using MRI images.

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[2] Ali Ari and Davyut Hanbay, ”Deep learning based brain tumor classification and detection system” in Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering Computer
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[6] Sambasivarao. K ”Region of Interest Pooling”

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International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 9 Issue XII Dec 2021- Available at

[7] Karan Chauhan1, Shrwan Ram2 , ”Image Classification with Deep Learning and Comparison between Different Convolutional Neural Network Structures
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