Punch List Interim 05-12-23
Punch List Interim 05-12-23
Punch List Interim 05-12-23
1 314-001-729 All WHT - The FO Cables identification tag is missing (Both SWGR, ECMS panel side). Electrical E&I C N N
3 312-001-729 MCCB (Q3B) manual bypass circuit breaker ON/OFF handle is broken at UPS-B. Electrical E&I B N N
4 312-001-731 MCCB (Q3B) manual bypass circuit breaker ON/OFF handle is broken at UPS-B. Electrical E&I B N N
5 310-001-729 The bus coupler local/remote selector switch knob is missing at Main LV DB. Electrical E&I B N N
6 302-001-729 A04 feeder Annunciator window, power LED is plinking continuously instead of steady. Electrical COMMISSIONING C Y N
Initials: Initials: Cat. B Item that may be cleared prior to Start Up ( Gas / Oil in) - RFSU
Date: 05-11-2023 Date: Date: Cat. C Item that must be cleared prior to Provisional Acceptance - PAC
Disputed requests or observations raised by COMPANY, but not agreed by