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How To Install The Microsoft Loopback Adapter in Windows XP: Manual Installation

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How to install the Microsoft Loopback adapter in Windows


The Microsoft Loopback adapter is a testing tool for a virtual network environment where network access is not
available. Also, you must use the Loopback adapter if there are conflicts with a network adapter or with a
network adapter driver. You can bind network clients, protocols, and other network configuration items to the
Loopback adapter, and you can install the network adapter driver or network adapter later while retaining the
network configuration information. You can also install the Loopback adapter during the unattended installation

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Manual installation

To manually install the Microsoft Loopback adapter in Windows XP, follow these steps:

1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

2. If you are in Classic view, click Switch to Category View under Control Panel in the left pane.
3. Double-click Printers and Other Hardware, and then click Next.
4. Under See Also in the left pane, click Add Hardware,and then click Next.
5. Click Yes, I have already connected the hardware, and then click Next.
6. At the bottom of the list, click Add a new hardware device, and then click Next.
7. Click Install the hardware that I manually select from a list, and then click Next.
8. Click Network adapters, and then click Next.
9. In the Manufacturer box, click Microsoft.
10. In the Network Adapter box, click Microsoft Loopback Adapter, and then click Next.
11. Click Finish.

After the adapter is installed successfully, you can manually configure its options, as with any other adapter. If
the TCP/IP properties are configured to use DHCP, the adapter will eventually use an autonet address
(169.254.x.x/16) because the adapter is not actually connected to any physical media.

Note By default, TCP/IP properties are configured to use DHCP. changing the default location of program

Follow the given steps to configure windows registry:

First click on Start button then type Regedit in Run option.

Here locate the location to:

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion

Here in right side panel, double click on ProgramFileDir and here its default value is

C:\Program Files.

Now modify the value to any other drive (for example D:\Program Files).

Now close the registry editor and restart your computer.

2. Start > Control panel > Administrative tools > Services > Shell Hardware Detection > Double Click >
Properties> Startup type > Disabled > Stop > Ok (follow this steps to prevent VIRUS etering to
ur PC from PENDRIVE)

3. trick to speed-up ur PC : *1. Click Start -->Run *2. Copy-paste... Rundll32.exe

advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks ...& click Ok. *3. Wait for some moments... *4. this will stop all
background process of ur PC

4. Speedup Browsing Folders : 1. Open My Computer..2. Click on Tools menu..3. Click on Folder
Options..4. Click on the View tab...5. Uncheck the Automatically search for network folders and
printers check box..6. Click Apply..7. Click Ok..8. Reboot your computer..

5. keyboard shortcut for windows to create a "New Folder" : Alt (hold) + F+W+F (not applicable in

6. To stop autoplay steps are below

2.write "gpedit.msc" without quotes in the run box then click OK.
3.Look at the left of the coming window.
...Click User configuration>>>Administrative Templates>>>System.
4.Now look at the right site of the window.
double click on Turn off Autoplay>>>Select setting tab from above >>>Select Enable>>Select All device In
turn off autoplay on bar.
5.Click Apply>>>Click OK.

7. Create shutdown computer shortcut

1. Right click on any blank space of windows desktop -> New -> Shortcut. A “Create Shortcut”
window will open.

2. In the blank, type in:

shutdown.exe -s -t 0
It means, shutdown and wait for Zero second. Click “Next” button for next step.

3. Type in whatever name you like in the blank. I use “Shutdown”. Then, click “Finish” button.

4. You are done. A new shutdown shortcut is on your windows desktop!

Hey, it is not a shutdown icon like yours!

By default, the shortcut use a “unknown application” icon. We can change it, of course.

Right click on the Shutdown shortcut icon, click “Properties” -> click “Change icon…”. It will popup an alert,
ignore it by clicking “Ok” button. You will get a list of icons to choose from:

Spot the Shutdown icon? Select it and click “OK” button twice. Done.
Now, only need one click to shutdown computer.

- You can also set “Shortcut key” in the shutdown shortcut’s propertise to shutdown computer using keyboard
- To create shortcut for Restart computer, just replace the command with: shutdown.exe -r -t 0

8. Make folder password protected without any software

Posted: 8 November 2010 - 4 comment(s) [ Comment ] - 0 trackback(s) [ Trackback ]

Category: From THE CYBER FREAK'z Desk

Hi all members


as per request i recieved here I would like to share a trick to password protect the folder using Notepad..

Follow these instruction.

1. Open Notepad and copy the code below

2. Change your password in the code it's shown the place where to "type your password here".

3. Save file as locker.bat

4. Now double click on locker.bat

5. I t will create folder with locker automatically for you. After creation of the locker folder, place the contents
you want to lock inside the locker folder and run locker.bat again .

<---The code, copy the whole thing---->



title Folder Locker

if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B303… goto UNLOCK


echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)

set/p "cho=>"

if %cho%==Y goto LOCK

if %cho%==y goto LOCK

if %cho%==n goto END

if %cho%==N goto END

echo Invalid choice.



ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B303…

attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B303…

echo Folder locked

goto End


echo Enter password to Unlock folder

set/p "pass=>"

if NOT %pass%== type your password here goto FAIL

attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B303…

ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B303… Locker

echo Folder Unlocked successfully

goto End


echo Invalid password

goto end


md Locker

echo Locker created successfully

goto End

Yeah, you can save you private data for free but here the catch, you can edit your password by right clicking the
bat file and select "edit". In order to prevent someone changing your password, try change the file name and
extension such as "system.dat".

Hope my answer is helpful to you..

How to change internet explorer title bar?

Adding extra text in Internet Explorer window is not something new. I first saw this feature
many many years ago when everyone was still using Internet Explorer 3! Follow the steps
below to change your Internet Explorer window title bar text.

1. Go to Start -> Run

2. Type regedit and click OK.
3. Navigate to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
4. Right click, New and select String Value.
5. Type the string value as Window Title
6. Double click the Window Title and type the title you want in the value data.

To remove added text in Internet Explorer title bar, just delete the Window Title string value.

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