UP-Part I Vol-IV
UP-Part I Vol-IV
UP-Part I Vol-IV
On behalf of : Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Published by : Department of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy
(AYUSH), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India
ISBN: 81-901151-8-9
1. Aam (Stem Bark) Mangifera indica Linn. 3
2. Abhal (Fruit) Juniperus communis Linn. 5
3. Adrak (Rhizome) Zingiber officinale Rosc. 7
4. Akhrot (Fruit Kernal) Juglans regia Linn. 9
5. Anar (Seeds) Punica granatum Linn. 11
6. Arjun (Stem Bark) Terminalia arjuna W. & A. 13
7. Baladur (Fruit) Semecarpus anacardium Linn. 15
8. Bed Anjeer (Seeds) Ricinus communis Linn. 17
9. Beesh (Root) Aconitum chasmanthum Stapf. ex Holmes 19
10. Bhangra (Whole Plant) Eclipta alba Hassk 21
11. Chanbeli (Leaf) Jasminum officinale Linn 24
12. Chirchita (Root) Achyranthes aspera Linn. 26
13. Chironji (Seeds) Buchanania lanzan Spreng. 28
14. Dafli/Dafla (Root) Nerium indicum Mill. 30
15. Darhald (Stem) Berberis aristata Dc. 32
16. Dhatura (Seeds) Datura metel Linn. 34
17. Doob (Root) Cynodon dactylon Linn. 36
18. Filfil Siyah (Fruit) Piper nigrum Linn. 38
19. Ghongchi (Root) Abrus precatorius Linn. 41
20. Gul-e-Surkh (Flowers) Rosa centifolia Linn. 43
21. Habb-us-Salateen (Seeds) Croton tiglium Linn. 45
22. Hanzal (Root) Citrullus colocynthis Schrad 47
23. Heel Kalan (Seed) Amomum subulatum Roxb. 49
24. Hulba (Seeds) Trigonella foenum-graecum Linn. 51
25. Jal Brahmi (Whole Plant) Bacopa monnieri Linn. 53
vfurk nkl
So far three volumes of the first part of the Unani Pharmacopoeia of India have
been brought out containing 45, 50 and 53 drugs, respectively. The present fourth volume
carries pharmacopoeial standards for 50 other Unani single drugs.
I place on record my appreciation to the Directors and scientific staff of PLIM,
Ghaziabad and CCRUM, and the experts associated with the Unani Pharmacopoeia
Committee for their contribution in bringing out these volumes of the Unani Pharmacopoeia
of India. I hope, the work regarding compound drugs would now be taken up in a time
bound manner.
(Anita Das)
23rd August, 2007
Unani System of Medicine has distinction of being a scientific system and its practitioners
have been innovative in therapeutics and carried out clinical trials out of the local flora from the
countries it has passed through and discovered newer medicines and added to the classical literature.
In ancient times, practitioners used to write prescriptions exclusively for a patient based on their
diagnosis. At that time it was customary to prepare the formulation either by the practitioner himself
or by his pharmacist (“athar” in Arabic). Extreme care was taken regarding the ingredients used in the
medicinales to maintain best quality. They were quite selective and had attached great importance
regarding the origin of medicinal substances in order to have maximum potency of the resultant
formulations. Gradually this established practice was changed.
Urbanization led to neglect of development and maintenance of forest and intern the availability
of rich flora. A new trend was setup; agencies for supply of crude drugs were established. In this setup
the Unani practitioners could no longer process and prepare their own medicines but started depending
on pharmaceutical houses run commercially and on supplier of crude drugs to the extent they needed.
The introduction of this new trend in the manufacturing of such type of products has influenced the
quality of products tremendously. There was not any government control on the manufacturer of
pharmaceutical houses to ensure the quality of the medicines marketed. Now the concept of GLP/GMP/
GCP has already been made mandatory for the manufacture of Unani formulations in order to ensure
their quality
The Government of India constituted a committee under the Chairmanship of Lt. Col. R.N.
Chopra in 1946, which had gone into the question of need for proper identification of plants used in
Indian Systems of Medicine, control over collection and distribution of crude drugs and made positive
recommendation for compilation of pharmacopoeias. After independence not only the Unani education,
but also Unani drugs, their marketing and manufacturing was given a concrete shape. In compliance
with the recommendation of various committees constituted by Union Government, the Central Council
for Research in Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy (CCRIMH) was established in 1969 by the
Government of India for Research in all aspects including Drug Standardization in Indian Medicine and
Homoeopathy. In 1978, this Council was divided into four research Councils and the research work
in Unani System of Medicine was entrusted to Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine.
The Government of India has brought the manufacture and sale of Unani Drugs under the
purview of drugs and cosmetics Act of 1940. The First Unani Pharmacopoeia Committee was constituted
in 1964 under the Chairmanship of Col. Sir Ram Nath Chopra. The Committee was reconstituted in
1968, 1977, 1988, 1994 and 2002 under the Chairmanship of Dr. Hussain Zaheer, Dr. Mohd. Yusufuddin
Ahmed, Dr. A.U. Azmi, Prof. Syed Khaleefathullah and Dr. Sajid Husain respectively undertaking the
work of Unani Pharmacopoeia of India.
In view of multiplicity of combination of different polypharmaceuticals formulations, the first
task finalized by UPC has been deciding on one set of combination for each formulation for purpose
of standardization of a product. In this area four volumes containing 441, 202, 103 and 166 have
already been finalized by UPC and published by Govt. of India. The Govt. of India took this initiative
to ensure that there should be uniformity in the Unani Medicine marketed in so far as their identity,
strength and purity are concerned and to assure the quality of the medicine, through proper drug control
The Unani Pharmacopoeia Committee has made a modest attempt to lay down norms of the
single drugs, based on the experimental data worked out at PLIM, Ghaziabad, and Drug Standardization
Research Institute/Units of Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine. The Unani Pharmacopoeia
Committee has made a beginning in this direction with regard to compilation of the Unani Pharmacopoeia
of India Part I Vol I, II, III & IV. The Unani Pharmacopoeia of India Part I, Vol. I, II & III comprise
45, 50 & 53 monographs respectively, each of single drugs of plant origin which are used in one or
more formulations enlisted in the National Formulary of Unani Medicine. In compiling the monographs
the title of each drug has been given as in the Unani Literature. The definition of the drug giving its
identities in scientific nomenclature and very brief information about its source, occurrence, distribution
etc. has been given. It is followed by the list of other names in Arabic, Persian and Urdu followed by
Indian regional languages. The monograph records the detailed gross and Microscopic description of
the drug and its Microscopic tissue structures etc., having a Pharmacognostic value in identification
especially when the drug in powder form. Each monograph also gives the details of chemical constituents’
physico-chemical standards and an assay, pH value, extractive valves and TLC behaviour of petroleum
ether (60-80°) extract. In the efforts to compile pharmacopoeial monographs of Unani drugs, the
classical attributes of the drugs according to Unani system like action and therapeutic uses along with
the dosage has been mentioned even though there is no specific established experimental method to
quantify them is available for the time being.
Vigorous attempts were made to draw analogy from the modern tools of quality management
in order to fix the protocol for determination of the shelf life of each of formulation. Finally, it is
suggested that the relative humidity chamber be used for this purpose. Discussions were also held
periodically to evolve a methodology to find out the quantum of dose for each formulation scientifically
and also to check the toxicity effects, if they existed.
The Legal Notices and General Notices have been included for the guidance of the analysts,
manufacturers, research workers and pharmacies engaged in the field. Details about the equipments,
reagents and solutions, tests, method of preparation of specimens for microscopical examinations are
given in appendices.
The Unani Pharmacopoeia Committee feels that with the publication of Unani Pharmacopoeia
of India – Part-I Vol IV comprising 50 single drugs of herbal origin, the format and procedure has been
laid down and their should not be any difficulty for the researchers and pharmaceutical houses to plan
the research so that the out put of work could be accelerated.
Stupendous efforts were made by the committee to prepare Unani pharmacopoeial document
on modern lines which may pave the way for its globalization. However, I strongly believe that there
is ample scope for improvement. It is recommended that Director CCRUM in one of his laboratories,
establish techniques such as DNA finger printing. This would be helpful in sorting out spurious species
from genuine ones.
Unani Pharmacopoeias is a collection of quality standards. It would be used by individuals and
organizations involved in pharmaceutical research, development, and manufacture and testing.
Pharmacopoeias standards would be publicly available at the designated agencies and legally enforceable
standards of quality for medicinal products and their constituents. The pharmacopoeias is an important
document in the control of Unani medicines which compliments and asserts the licensing and inspection
process of the medicines and health care products by the regulatory agencies of the Government of
Pharmacopoeial standards are compliance requirements that provide the means for an independent
quality of each article and apply through out the shelf life of a product.
The Unani Pharmacopoeia Committee requests the Government of India to pass an Ordinance/
Act for the adoption of the Unani Pharmacopoeia of India Volume-IV, and bring it under the purview
of the Drug and Cosmetics Act, 1940.
On behalf of the Unani Pharmacopoeia Committee, I feel it is my duty to place on record our
sincere thanks and appreciation to the Government of India, Pharmacopoeial Laboratory of Indian
Medicine (PLIM), Ghaziabad, Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM), New Delhi,
Scientists and Unani Scholars for the whole hearted co-operation in preparing the monographs on
single drugs. I thank all the members of the Unani Pharmacopoeia Committee without whose co-
operation this volume would not have seen the light of the day.
I place on record my sincere thanks to Dr. Mohammed Khalid Siddiqui, Director, CCRUM,
Dr. Anis Ahmad Ansari, Formerly Advisor (Unani), Dr. Asad Pasha, Dy. Advisor (Unani), Dr. Jalees
Subhani, Assistant Advisor (Unani), Dr. Mukhtar Qasmi, Assistant Advisor (Unani), Dr. Shamshad
Ahmad Khan, Asst. Director (Chem.), Mr. Shamsul Arfin, Research Officer (Chem.) and Mr. Aminuddin,
Research Officer (Bot.) of CCRUM.
Lastly, I thank all those who have directly or indirectly contributed in the preparation of this
In India there are laws dealing with drugs that are the subject of monographs which follow.
These monographs should be read subject to the restrictions imposed by those laws wherever they are
It is expedient that enquiry be made in each case in order to ensure that the provisions of the
law are being complied with.
In general, the Drugs & Cosmetics Act, 1940 (subsequently amended in 1964 and 1982), the
Dangerous Drugs Act, 1930, the Poisonous Act, 1999 and the rules framed there under should be
Under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, the Unani Pharmacopoeia of India (U.P.I.) Part-I Vol.IV
is the book of standards for single drugs included therein and the standards prescribed in the Unani
Pharmacopoeia of India Part-I Vol.-IV would be official. If considered necessary these standards can
be amended and the Government of India, Ministry of Health & FW is authorized to issue such
amendments. Wherever such amendments are made, the Unani Pharmacopoeia of India Part-I, Vol.-IV
would be deemed to have been amended accordingly.
Title : The title of the book is “The Unani Pharmacopoeia of India” Part-I Vol.-IV wherever
the abbreviation U.P.I. Pt-I Vol IV is used, it may be presumed to stand for the same and supplements
there in.
Name of the drugs : The name given on top of each monograph of the drug is the Unani name
as mentioned in the Unani classics and/or in the National Formulary of Unani Medicine Part-I, II, III
& IV and will be considered official. These names are arranged in English alphabetical order. The Latin
name (taxonomical nomenclature) of each drugs as found in the latest scientific literature has been
provided in the monograph in the introductory paragraph. The official name will be the main title of
the drug and its scientific name shall also be considered legal.
Introductory Para : Each monograph begins with an introductory paragraph indicating the
part or parts, scientific name of the drug in Latin with short description about its habit, habitat and
method of collection, if any.
Other names : Other names of the drug appearing in each monograph in Arabic, Persian,
English, Hindi, Urdu and other Indian regional languages have been mentioned as found in the classical
texts, National Formulary of Unani medicine Part-I, II, III & IV and as procured from experts, scholars
of Unani Medicine and officials working in the same field in different states.
Italics : Italics type has been used for scientific name of the drug appearing in the introductory
paragraph of each monograph.
Weights and Measures : The metric system of weights and measures is employed. Weights
are given in multiples or fractions of a gramme (g) or milligram (mg.). Fluid measures are given in
multiples or fractions of milliliter (ml.).
When the term “drop” is used, the measurement is to be made by means of a tube which
delivers in 20 drops, 1 gramme of distilled water at 150 C.
Metric measures are required by the Pharmacopoeia to be graduated at 250C and all measurements
involved in the analytical operations of the Pharmacopoeia are intended, unless otherwise stated to be
made at that temperature.
Identity, Purity and Strength : Under the heading “Identity” wherever it comes, tests are
provided as an aid to identification and are described in their respective monographs.
The term “foreign matter” is used to designate any matter which does not form part of the drug
as defined by the monograph. Vegetable drugs used as such or in formulations should be duly identified
and authenticated and be free from insects, pests, fungi, micro-organisms, pesticides and other animal
matter including animal excreta and be within the permitted and specified limits for lead, arsenic and
heavy metals and not showing abnormal odour, colour, sliminess, mould or other evidence of
The quantitative tests, e.g., total ash, acid insoluble ash, alcohol soluble extractive, water
soluble extractive, ether soluble extractive, moisture content, volatile oil content and assays are the
methods upon which the standards of Pharmacopoeia depend. The methods for assays are described
in their respective monographs and for other quantitative tests, methods are not repeated in the text of
monographs but only the corresponding reference of appropriate appendix is given. The analyst is not
precluded from employing an alternate method in any instance. If he is satisfied that the method which
he uses will give the same result as Pharmacopoeial method. In suitable instance, the methods of micro
analysis, if of equivalent accuracy, may be substituted for the test and assays described. However, in
the event of doubt or dispute, the methods of analysis of the Pharmacopoeia are alone authoritative.
Standards : For statutory purpose, statements appearing in the UPI, part I, Vol IV, under
Description, those of definition of the part and source plants, and Identity, Purity and Strength, shall
constitute standards.
Thin layer Chromatography (T.L.C.) : Under this head, whenever given, the number of spots
and Rf values of the spots with their colour have been mentioned as a guide for identification of the
drug and not as Pharmacopoeial requirement. However, the analyst may use any other solvent system
and detecting reagent in any instance if he is satisfied that the method which he uses, even by applying
known reference standards, will give better result to establish the identity of any particular chemical
constituent reported to be present in the drug.
Quantities to be weighed for assays and tests : In all descriptions quantity of the substances
to be taken for testing is indicated. The amount stated is approximate but the quantity actually used
must be accurately weighed and must not deviate by more than 10 per cent from the one stated.
Constant weight : The term “Constant Weight” when it refers to drying or ignition means that
two consecutive weighing do not differ by more than 1.0 mg. per g. of the substance taken for the
determination, the second weighing may follow after an additional hour of drying on further ignition.
Constituents : Under this head only the names of important chemical constituents, groups of
constituents reported in research publications have been mentioned as a guide and not as Pharmacopoeial
Percentage of solutions : In defining standards, the expression per cent (%) is used, according
to circumstances, with one of the four meanings given below
Percent w/w (percentage weight in weight) expresses the number of grammes of active substance
in 100 grammes of product.
Percent w/v (percentage weight in volume) expresses the number of grammes of active substance
in 100 milliliters of product.
Percent v/v (percentage volume in volume) expresses the number of milliliters of active substance
in 100 milliliters of product.
Percent v/w (percentage volume in weight) expresses the number of milliliters of active substance
in 100 grammes of product.
Percentage of alcohol : All statements of percentage of alcohol (C2H5OH) refer to percentage
by volume at 15.56 0C.
Temperature : Unless otherwise specified all temperatures refer to the centigrade (celsius),
thermometric scale.
Solutions : Unless, otherwise specified in the individual monograph, all solutions are prepared
with purified water.
Reagents and Solutions : The chemicals and reagents required for the tests in Pharmacopoeia
are described in appendices.
Solubility : When stating the solubilities of Chemical substances, the term ‘Soluble’ is necessarily
sometimes used in a general sense irrespective of concomitant chemical changes.
Pharmacopoeial chemicals when dissolved may show slight physical impurities, such as fragment
of filter papers, fibers and dust particles, unless excluded by definite tests in the individual monographs.
When the exact solubility of Pharmacopoeial substance is not known, a descriptive term is used
to indicate its solubility.
Therapeutic uses and important formulations : Therapeutic uses and important formulations
mentioned in this Pharmacopoeia are, as provided in recognized Unani classics and in the National
Formulary of Unani Medicine (Part-I, II, III & IV).
Doses : The doses mentioned in each monograph are in metric system of weights which are
the approximate conversions from classical weights mentioned in Unani texts. A conversion table is
appended giving classical weights of Unani System of Medicine with their metric equivalents. Doses
mentioned in the Unani Pharmacopoeia of India (U.P.I.) are intended merely for general guidance and
represent, unless otherwise stated, the average range of quantities per dose which generally regarded
suitable by clinicians for adults only when administered orally.
It is to be noted that the relation between doses in metric and Unani System set forth in the
text is of approximate equivalence. These quantities are for convenience of prescriber and sufficiently
accurate for Pharmacopoeial purposes.
The Unani System of Medicine, one of the oldest systems of medicine, had its origin in Greece.
The great Greek Philosopher & Physician Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.) is the founder of Unani Medicine,
later Galen, Rhazes and Avicenna enriched the System.
Unani System of Medicine was introduced in India by Arabs in 13th Century. Due to its
efficacy and scientific base, it was accepted by masses and this system took firm roots in India.
Unani System prefers treatment through single drugs and their combination in raw form, rather
than compound formulations. In Unani system, there is a great emphasis on proper identification of
single drugs. Dioscorides (40-90 A.D.) is known in the field of Ilmul Advia (Pharmacology) as its
founder. He described about 500 single drugs. Later on, Galen, Abu Hanifa, Ibne Sena etc. contributed
a lot to this field.
Ibne Baitar (1176-1248 A.D.), the great scientist of Unani medicine, compiled a book on
Pharmacology after extensive field survey and research describing 1500 single drugs used in Unani
The practicing physician was solely responsible for identification and collection of single
drugs, the manufacturing process of compound formulation was done by the physicians themselves. In
the process he was free to substitute any drug and change formulation. All this lead to a state of
confusion and uncertainty about the identification of single drugs and also lack of uniformity in
compound formulations.
Commercialization of Drug Industry lead the Drug houses manufacturing compound formulations
which were available through shelves. At this juncture, it was felt that a statutory control should be
ensured in the interest of profession and public. The Govt. of India considered it expedient to utilize
the existing law “The Drugs & Cosmetic Act, 1940” to control the Unani, Ayurvedic & Siddha Drugs
in a limited manner. The act was accordingly amended in 1964, namely:-
a) The manufacture should be carried under prescribed hygienic conditions, under the
supervision of a person having prescribed qualification.
b) The raw material used in the preparation of drugs should be genuine and properly
c) The formula or the true list of all the ingredients used in the drugs should be displayed
on the label of every container.
To achieve the desired effects of drugs on the patients, it is essential to procure the standard
and authenticated single drugs, and subsequently the compound formulations. For this very purpose,
there is an urgent need to develop the pharmacopoeial standards of Unani medicine. Availability of
pharmacopoeia will have tremendous effect on the quality of Unani Drugs.
For the development of Unani pharmacy on modern lines and to enable the Unani medicine
to withstand commercialization the Government of India has accepted the recommendations of the
Unani Advisory Committee. The Govt. in their letter no.F.25/2/63-RISM dated 2nd March, 1964
constituted the first Unani Pharmacopoeia Committee consisting of the following experts for a period
of three years with effect from the date of its first meeting:-
9. Hakim Gurdit Singh Alag, Member.
Senior Lecturer,
Ayurvedic and Unani Tibbia College,
Karol Bagh,
New Delhi.
The Unani Pharmacopoeia Committee was reconstituted vide Health Ministry’s notification
no.F.10-1/68-R & ISM on 19th August, 1968 with Dr. Hussain Zaheer as Chairman. The Committee
consisted of the following:-
5. Hakim Jamil Mirza, Member.
Moosa Baoli,
On expiry of the tenure of three years in Office of the second committee, on 14th November,
1971, the Government of India extended its term for another three years, vide their notification no.F.62/
72-APC dated 25th October 1972. With effect from 15th November 1971, Hakim Shakil Ahmed
Shamsi, Hony. Secretary Takmil-ut-Tibb College, Lucknow was nominated as Member of the Committee
in place of Late Shifa-ul Mulk Hakim Abdul Latif. After the completion of the extended period of three
years the Govt. of India further extended the term of the Second Committee for one year more, vide
notification no.F.6-2/72-APC dated 19th November, 1974 which expired on 14th November, 1975.
The Third Unani Pharmacopoeia Committee was appointed by the Government of India vide
their notification no.X.19018/1/76-APC dated 10th February, 1977, under the Chairmanship of Dr.
Mohd. Yusufuddin Ansari, Professor and Head of the Department of Pharmacology, M.R. Medical
College, Gulbarga, Karnataka. The Committee consisted of the following:-
2. Hakim Abdul Hameed, Member.
Institute of History of Medicine
and Medical Research,
Hamdard Building,
11. Dr. S.A. Mannan, Member.
Road No.:11, Banjara Hills,
The U.P.C., was again reconstituted in 1988 vide notification no.U.20012/1/87 APC dated, the
15th June, 1988, under the Chairmanship of Dr. A.U. Azmi. The Committee consisted of the following:-
8. Prof. Hkm. M. Arshad Sheikh, Member.
Tibbia College & Hospital,
Bombay-400 008.
Keeping in view the vacancy in the post of Dy. Advisor (Unani) in the Ministry of Health &
F.W., the Govt. of India decided that Research Officer (Unani) shall function with immediate effect as
Member Secretary of Unani Pharmacopoeia Committee reconstituted vide this Ministry’s order
no.U.20012/1/87-APC dated 13/15-6-1988, till such time the post of Dy. Advisor/Advisor (Unani) is
filled up.
The Unani Pharmacopoeia Committee was reconstituted in September, 1994 vide Office Order
No.:U.20012/1/94-APC dated September, 1994, under the Chairmanship of Prof. Hakim Syed
Khaleefathullah. The Committee consisted of:-
9. Hakim Mohd. Khalid Siddiqui, Member.
Director, CCRUM,
61-65, Institutional Area, Janakpuri,
New Delhi-110 058.
The Unani Pharmacopoeia Committee was reconstituted in October 2002 vide Office Order
No.:U.20012/1/2002-APC dated 17 October 2002 under the Chairmanship of Dr.Sajid Husain. The
Committee consisted of:-
ii. Prof. Hkm. S. Zillur Rehman, Aligarh Member
iii. Prof. Hkm. M.A. Jafry, Bangalore Member
iv. Hkm. S. Jaleel Hussain, Hyderbad Member
v. Prof. Hkm. Naim A.Khan, Aligarh Member
vi. Prof. Dr. M .S. Y. Khan, New Delhi Member
vii. Dr. M. Sajid Anasari, Ghaziabad Member
viii. Prof. Dr. S. H. Afaq, Aligarh Member
ix. Dr. Yatender Kumar Singh Rathore, New Delhi Member
x. Prof. Hkm. Jamil Ahmed, New Delhi Member
xi. Mr. Asad Mueed, Delhi Member
xii. Hkm. Farooqi, Ghaziabad Member
xiii. Prof. Wazahat Hussain, Aligarh Special Invitee
xiv. Hkm. Mohd. Iqbal, New Delhi Special Invitee
xv. Deputy Adviser (Unani), New Delhi Member
xvi. Drug Controller General of India, New Delhi Member (Ex-Officio)
xvii. The Director, PLIM, Ghaziabad Member (Ex-Officio)
xviii. The Director, CCRUM, New Delhi Member Secretary
The committee will achieve the following targets with the next three years:
1. Standard of 200 single drugs mentioned in the in the Unani Formulary of India per
2. Standards of 200 Compound formulation mentioned in the in the Unani Formulary of
India per year.
3. The Committee will meet every 03 month.
The Unani Pharmacopoeia Committee also places on record the appreciation of the work done
by the members of various sub-committees viz. Drug Safety and Standardization Sub-committee,
Single Drugs sub-committee, Formulary Sub-committee and Pharmacopoeial Standard Review Working
Group and the officers and staff working in the Ministry of Health & F.W., Central Council for
Research in Unani Medicine and Department of AYUSH in bringing out this volume.
The Committee is also grateful to the Director Pharmaceutical Laboratory of Indian Medicine,
and Director, Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine who have, from time to time, offered
their valuable suggestions and co-operations.
The Unani Pharmacopoeia Committee have already prepared and published four Volumes of
National Formulary of Unani Medicine consisting of 441,202,103 and 166 compound formulations
For the purpose of determining and finalizing pharmacopoeial standards for Unani Medicine,
the Pharmacopoeia Committee considered various aspects relating to the development of pharmacopoeial
standards. The laboratory work for the development of standards is being carried out by the laboratories
of CCRUM as well as in various other laboratories under Central Scheme for the development of
pharmacopoieal standards of ASU drugs. So far 200 monographs of single drugs of plant origin
included in National Formulary of Unani Medicine has been finalized by the present Unani
Pharmacopoeia Committee. The format adopted for laying down standards has been prepared more or
less on the pattern of different pharmacopoeia of Herbal medicines.
Abbreviations of technical terms : The abbreviations commonly employed are as
m – Meter
l – Liter
mm – Millimeter
cm – Centimeter
µ – Micron (.001 mm)
Kg – Kilogram
g – Gramme
mg – Milligram
ml – Milliliter
1N – Normal solution
0.5 N – Half-normal solution
0.1 N – Decinormal solution
1M – Molar solution
Fam – Family
PS – Primary Standard
(Stem Bark)
The drug Aam consists of stem bark of Mangifera indica Linn. (Fam. Anacardiaceae), a tree
found wild or cultivated throughout the country.
Urdu : Aam
Arabic : Anbaj
Persian : Anbah
English : Mango
Hindi : Ama
Beng : Ama, Am
Gujarati : Aambo
Kan. : Mavu
Tamil : Mamaram
Malayalam : Mavu
Marathi : Amba
Oriya : Am, Amba
Punjabi : Amb
Telugu : Amaramu
Macroscopic: Drug occurs in pieces of variable size and thickness, surface rough due to longitudinal
cracks, fissures and scattered, raised lenticels, grayish to dark brown externally and yellowish-white
to reddish internally; odour, pleasant; odour, pleasant; taste, astringent.
Microscopic: Mature bark, shows a wide cork consisting of tangentially elongated cells, a few outer
layers brown and inner lighter in colour, at a few places lenticels appear. Secondary cortex almost
absent. Secondary phloem wide, consisting of sieve elements, parenchyma and phloem fibres, traversed
by medullary rays, acrid jucie canals and yellow coloured elongated tannin sacs abundantly scattered
throughout phloem region. Stone cells thick walled, rectangular with wide lumen also present in single
or in groups. Starch grains and prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate present in number of phloem cells;
phloem fibres in groups composed of 2-15 or more cells, long and thick walled. Phloem rays 1-3
seriate, 3 seriate rays more common, somewhat wavy, thin-walled, radially elongated and filled with
crystals of calcium oxalate and simple, round starch grains, measuring 12-16 µ in diameter.
Powder: Brown; shows fragments of cork cells, stone cells, single or in groups. Phloem fibres,
prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate; simple, spherical to elliptical, starch grains measuring 12 –16 µ
in diameter.
Acid-insoluble ash : Not more than 2 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive : Not less than 20 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive : Not less than 14 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
T.L.C :
T.L.C. of the alcoholic extract on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using n-Butanol : Acetic acid : Water
(4 : 1 : 5) shows under U.V. light (366 nm) three violet spots at Rf. 0.12, 0.73 and 0.87. On exposure
to Iodine vapour four yellow color spots appear at Rf. 0.33, 0.51, 0.74 and 0.88. On spraying with 5%
ethanolic Sulphuric acid reagent and after heating the plate for about ten minutes at 1050 C, three grey
spots appear at Rf. 0.49, 0.69 and 0.88. Appendix 2.2.10
DOSE : 5-10 g
The drug Abhal consists of dried fruit of Juniperus communis Linn (Fam. Cupressaceae); a
dense, more or less procumbent shrub, rarely a small tree, found in the Himalayas from Kumaon
westwards ranging from the altitude of 1500-4250 m.
Urdu : Abhal
Arabic : Habb-ul-Arar
Persian : Sarv Kohi
English : Juniper Berry, Common Juniper
Hindi : Havuber, Havubair
Bengali : Hayusha
Gujarati : Palash
Kannad : Padma Beeja
Marathi : Hosh
Punjabi : Havulber
Telugu : Hapusha
Macroscopic : Fruit sub-spherical, berry like, purplish- black, occasionally showing a ‘bloom’, about
0.5-1.0 cm in diameter, apex shows triradiate mark and depression indicating the su-ture of three
fleshy-bracts. At the base are six small, pointed bracts arranged in 2 whorls, but occasionally 3 or 4
whorls present. Three hard, triangular seeds are em-bedded in the fleshy mesocarp, each with a woody
testa bearing large partly sunk resinous duct. Odour terebinthine and taste bitter.
Microscopic: Outer layer of fruit shows 3-4, large, cubic or tabular cells having thick, brown porous
walls externally covered by single layered, colourless cuticle; sarco-carp consists of large, elliptical,
thin-walled, loosely coherent cells, containing drops of essential oil and prismatic crystals of calcium
oxalate; oval to elongated, elliptical, triangular or irregular shaped cells abundant in this region. Seed
coat shows 2 or 3 layers of tabular, thin-walled cells covered externally by a thin cuticle and followed
internally by a wide zone of thick-walled polygonal sclerenchymatous cells. En-dosperm and embryo
not distinct.
Powder: Brown, shows oval to elongated, elliptical and irregular shaped, thick-walled stone cells;
rectangular to hexagonal, straight, thick walled epidermal cells in surface view; prismatic crystals of
calcium oxalate and oil globules.
T.L.C. :
T.L.C. of the alcoholic extract on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using Toluene: Ethylacetate (9 : 1) shows
under UV (366 nm) three fluorescent zones at Rf. 0.11 (light blue), 0.20 (light blue) and 0.58 (blue).
On exposure to Iodine vapour ten spots appear at Rf. 0.17, 0.25, 0.30, 0.36, 0.46, 0.58, 0.64, 0.67, 0.90
and 0.96 (all yellow). On spraying with Va-nillin Sulphuric acid and heating the plate for ten minutes
at 110°C twelve spots appear at Rf. 0.11, 0.17, 0.25, 0.30 (all brown), 0.36 (light brown), 0.46, 0.52
(both brown), 0.58 (dirty yellow), 0.64 (brown), 0.73 (light brown), 0.90 (light brown) and 0.96
(brown). Appendix 2.2.10
DOSE : 3 to 5 g
The drug Adrak consists of fresh rhizome of Zingiber officinale Rosc. (Fam. Zingibera-ceae);
a herbaceous rhizomatous perennial, reaching up to 90 cm in height, widely culti-vated in India.
Rhizomes are dug in January-February, buds and roots are removed and washed well.
Urdu : Adrak
Arabic : Zanjabeel Ratab
Persian : Zanjabeel Taza
English : Ginger
Sansk. : Kaubhadra, Srngavera
Hindi : Adarakha
Bengali : Ada
Gujarati : Adu
Kannad : Alla, Hasishunti Kash
Tamil : Inji, Injee, Allam, Lakottai
Malayalam : Inchi
Marathi : Ardrak, Ale
Punjabi : Adi, Adrak
Telugu : Allamu, Allam
Macroscopic : Drug occurs as entire rhizome or in pieces, rhizome laterally compressed bearing
flattish ovate, oblique branches on upper side, each having a depressed scar at its apex, pieces 5-15
cm long, 1.5-6.5 cm wide (usually 3-4 cm) and 1-1.5 cm thick, fracture, short with projecting fibers,
transversely cut surface shows a wide central stele having numerous grayish cut ends of fibers and
yellow secreting cells; odour, ginger taste, pun-gent.
Microscopic: Rhizome shows a few layered, irregularly arranged, tangentially elongated, brown cells
of outer cork and 6-12 rows of thin-walled, colourless, radially arranged cells of in-ner cork. Secondary
cortex consisting of hexagonal to polygonal, isodiametric, thin walled, parenchymatous cells containing
numerous circular to oval starch grains with striations and hilum at one end with clear concentric
striations, measuring 5-25 µ in diameter. Idioblasts containing large yellowish to brownish globules of
oleo-resin; walls of oil cells suberised; numerous closed, conjoint, collateral, cortical fibro-vascular
bundles scattered throughout cortical zone, greater number occurring in inner cortical region. Larger
bun-dles consist of 2-7 vessels, small cells of sieve tube, polygonal cells of phoelm parenchyma and
group of fibres; vessels showing reticulate, scalariform and spiral thickening. Xylem fibres sep-tate
with a few oblique pores on their walls; endodermis single layered, free from starch; pericycle single
layered enclosing central stele; pith consisting of thin-walled polygonal, isodiametric cells of parenchyma,
filled with abundant starch grains, oleo-resin cells similar to those present in cortex. Fibrovascular
bundles of two types, those arranged along pericycle in a definite ring are smaller in size and devoid
of fibres, vessels 2-5 in number, larger bundles found scattered throughout stele, composed of xylem,
phloem, parenchyma and bundle sheeth.
Powder: Light yellow; shows thin-walled parenchymatous cells, septate fibres with oblique, elongated
pits on their walls, reticulate and spiral vessels, oleo-resin cells abundant, single starch grains of
varying shapes with eccentric hilum, measuring 5-25 µ in diameter.
T.L.C.: -
T.L.C. of alcoholic extract of drug on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using Benzene: Ethy-lacetate (9:1)
in visible light four spots are seen at Rf. 0.16, 0.35, 0.63 & 0.69 (all light yellow). Under U.V. (366
nm) three fluorescent zones appear at Rf. 0.16 (blue), 0.63 (grey) & 0.69 (grey). On exposure to Iodine
vapour eleven spots appear at Rf. 0.03, 0.08, 0.13,0.16,0.35,0.47,0.63, 0.69, 0.76, 0.83 & 0.92 (all
yellow). On spraying with Vanillin sulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate for ten minutes at
110°C eight spots appear at Rf. 0.08 (violet),0.16 (brownish violet), 0.35 (light violet), 0.47 (light
violet), 0.63 (light violet), 0.69 (light violet), 0.76 (violet) & 0.92 (violet). Appendix 2.2.10
DOSE : 1- 1.5 g
(Fruit kernel)
The drug Akhrot consists of kernel of fruit of Juglans regia Linn. (Fam. Juglandaceae); a large
deciduous, monoecious tree with tomentose shoots, found throughout the Himala-yas upto an altitude
of 900-3300 m.
Macroscopic : Cotyledons available in 2-3 cm long, slightly curved, coriaceous, irregularly cor-rugated,
broken pieces, creamish-brown, odour not distinct; taste, oily sweet.
Microscopic: Endosperm mostly single layered; cotyledons con-sisting of a wide zone of oval to
polygonal, thin-walled, radially elongated parenchymatous cells; small al-eurone grains and fat present
in endosperm and cotyledons.
Powder: Cream coloured; shows groups of cells of cotyledon, abundance of round oil globules.
CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Walnut oil and Tannin.
DOSE : 10 – 20 g
The drug Anar consists of dried seeds of Punica granatum Linn. (Fam. Punicaceae); a large
deciduous shrub or a small tree, found growing wild in the warm valley, outer hills of Himalayas
between 900-1800 m and cultivated in many parts of the country.
Urdu : Anar
Arabic : Rumman
Persian : Anar
Sanskrit : Dadimacchada, Lohitapuspa, Dantabija
Hindi : Anar
Bengali : Dadima
Gujarati : Dadama
Kannad : Dalimba
Tamil : Madalai, Maadalai, Madalam.
Malayalam : Matalam
Marathi : Dadima
Punjabi : Anar
Telugu : Danimma
Macroscopic : Seeds brown, angular, wedge-shaped, 0.5-0.6 cm long, 0.1-0.2 cm wide; taste, sweetish-
Microscopic: Seed shows testa consisting of thin-walled, parenchymatous cells followed by stony
stegmen consisting of lignified, round, oval, triangular and rectangular, thick-walled stone cells having
narrow and wide lumen; beneath this, reddish-brown pigmented layer present; endosperm absent;
cotyledons coiled, consisting of oval to polygonal, thin-walled, parenchymatous cells, containing a few
oil globules; starch grains present in testa, round to oval, simple, measuring 3-17 µ in diameter.
Powder: Reddish-brown shows stone cells and a few simple rounds to oval starch grains measuring
3-17 µ in diameter.
T.L.C of alcoholic extract of the drug on silica gel ‘G’ plate using Chloroform: Ethylacetate:
Formic acid (5:4:1) v/v three spots at Rf. 0.62, 0.87 (both grey) and 0. 97 (pink) are seen in visible
light. Under U.V. (366 nm) four fluroscent zones are visible at Rf. 0.12 (sky blue), 0.45 (Sky blue),
0.62(blue) & 0.87(blue). On exposure to Iodine vapour three spots appear at Rf.0.62, 0.87 & 0.97 (all
yellow). On spraying with 5% Methanolic – Sulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate for about ten
minutes at 1100 C three spots appear at Rf. 0.62, 0.87 (both violet) and 0.97 (grayish blue). Appendix
CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Sugars, Vitamin C, Sitosterol, Ursolic acid, Protein, Fat and
Mineral matters, Nicotinic acid, Pectin, Riboflavin,
Thiamine, Delphinidin diglycodise, Aspartic, Citric, Ellagic,
Gallic and Malic acids, Glutamine, Isoquercetine, Estrone
and Punicic acid.
DOSE : 5-10 g
(Stem bark)
The drug Arjun consists of the stem bark of Terminalia arjuna W. & A. (Fam. Combretaceae);
a large deciduous tree, commonly found throughout the greater parts of the country.
Urdu : Arjun
Hindi : Arjuna
Bengali : Arjuna
Gujarati : Sadad, Arjuna, Sajada
Kannad : Matti, Bilimatti, neermatti, Mathichakke, Kudare Kivimase
Tamil : Marudam
Malayalam : Nirmasuthu, Vellaamaruthi, Kellemasuthu, Mattimora, Torematti
Marathi : Arjuna, Sadada
Oriya : Arjuna
Punjabi : Arjon
Telugu : Maddi
Macroscopic : Bark available in pieces, flat, curved, recurved, channeled to half quilled, 0.2-1.5 cm
thick, market samples upto 10 cm in length and upto 7 cm in width, outer surface somewhat smooth
and grey, inner surface somewhat fibrous and pinkish, transversely cut smoothened bark shows pinkish
surface, fracture, short in inner and laminated in outer part; taste, bitter and astringent.
Microscopic: Mature stem bark shows cork consisting of 9-10 layers of tangentially elongated cells,
a few outer layers filled with brown colouring matter; cork cambium and secondary cortex not distinct
and medullary rays observed traversing almost upto outer bark. Secondary phloem occupies a wide
zone, consisting of sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem parenchyma and phloem fibres, traversed by
phloem rays, usually uniseriate but biseriate rays also occasionally seen in the middle and outer phloem
region, sieve tubes get collapsed. Phloem fibres distributed in rows and present in groups of 2-10.
Rosette crystals of calcium oxalate measuring 80-180 µ in diameter present in most of the phloem
parenchyma, alternating with fibers. Idioblasts consisting of large cells having aggregates of prismatic
and rhomboidal crystals of calcium oxalate in row throughout the zone measuring 260-600 µ in
diameter. Starch grains, mostly simple, compound of 2-3 components, sometimes upto 5 components,
round to oval, elliptical, measuring 5-13 µ in diameter. Distributed throughout the tissue in a tangential
section the uniseriate phloem rays 2-10 cells high and biseriate, 4-12 cells high; in longitudinal section
rosette crystals of calcium oxalate found in the form of strands in phloem parenchyma.
Powder : Reddish-brown; shows fragments of cork cells, uniseriate phloem rays, fibres, a number of
rosette crystals of calcium oxalate, a few rhomboidal crystals. Starch grains simple and compound,
round to oval, elliptic, having 2-3 component with concentric striations and small narrow hilum,
measuring 5-13µ in diameter.
DOSE : 3-5 g
The drug Baladur consists of mature fruit of Semecarpus anacardium Linn. (Fam.
Anacardiaceae),a medium sized tree found in moist deciduous forests all over the country.
Macroscopic: Fruit laterally flattened, drupe, dark brown, 2.5-3 cm long, obliquely ovoid, smooth,
shining with residual receptacle.
Fruit– Pericarp differentiated into epicarp, mesocarp and endocarp; in longitudinal section pericarp
shows outer epicarp consisting of single layer of epidermal cells which are elongated radiameter lly
and lignified, characteristic glands found in pericarp which exude oil globules are arise as small
protuberances in epircarp and due to pressure exerted by cells of mesocarp, some of epidermal cells
and cuticle rupture and oil globules exude from oil glands; mesocarp a very broad zone, 30-40 layers
thick, composed mostly of parenchymatous cells having lysigenous cavities and fibro-vascular bundles,
below epidermis a few outer cells of parenchyma smaller as compared to rest; rosette crystals of
calcium oxalate found scattered in parenchymatous cells, some cells get dissolved and form lyscgenous
cavities which increase in size with maturity of fruit, cavities do not have any special lining and contain
an acrid and irritant yellowish oily secretion; endocarp consists of two distinct layers, innermost
prismatic, very much elongated radiameter l walls, being highly thickened, outer layer shorter and
thinner than prismatic layer but cells similar to the former; number of mesocarp parenchyma contain
rosette crystals of Calcium oxalate and oil drops in oil glands; lysigenous cavities of mesocarp contain
oily vesicating substance, insoluble in water and soluble in alcohol, ether and chloroform.
DOSE : 125 mg
The drug Bed Anjeer consists of mature and dried seeds of Ricinus communis Linn. (Fam.
Euphorbiaceae); a tall glabrous shrub or almost small tree, 2-4 m high; found throughout India, mostly
growing wild on waste land and also cultivated for its oil seeds.
Urdu : Arand
Arabic : Khirwa
Persian : Bed Anjeer
English : Castor Oil Plant
Hindi : Erand, Rendee, Andeo
Bengali : Bherenda
Gujarati : Erando
Kannad : Harlu
Tamil : Amanakku
Malayalam : Abanakka, Avanakku
Marathi : Erand, Erandee
Oriya : Bheranda
Punjabi : Erand
Telugu : Amudamu, Amudmuchetu
Macroscopic : Seeds oblong, one face convex and the other slightly flattened, 1-1.5 cm long, 0.6-0.9
cm wide, 0.4-0.8 cm thick, testa hard, glossy, smooth, grey or brown to red-dish-brown or black and
may be variously marbled or striped, raphe extends from the caruncle to chalaza. Odour not distinct;
taste weakly acrid.
Microscopic: Seed shows a hard testa, membraneous tegmen, a fleshy endosperm, and thin embryo
with flat, broad leafy cotyledons; testa consists of hard, single layered epidermis, radially elongated,
compactly arranged; slightly curved tabular cells, having reddish -brown contents followed by 8-10
layered, tangentially elongated parenchymatous cells, most of them containing oil globules Fibro-
vascular bundles found scattered in this zone; endosperm consisting of oval, irregular cells filled with
oil globules, abun-dant aleurone grains, measuring 8.2 - 13.75 µ in diameter; cotyledons thin, flat and
Powder: Dark brown, oily; shows fragments of numerous elongated thick-walled, polygonal cells of
testa, reddish-brown tabular cells, thin-walled oval to round parenchyma-tous cells of endosperm. Oil
globules numerous aleurone grains measuring upto 13.75 µ in diameter and including crystalloids and
globoids within.
T.L.C. of the alcoholic extract on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using Chloroform: Ethy-lacetate (95 : 5)
shows under U.V.(366 nm) a fluorescent spot at Rf. 0.95 (sky blue). On exposure to Iodine vapour
seven spots appear at Rf. 0.39,0.50,0.64,0.72,0.80,0.89 and 0.95 (all yellowish brown). On spraying
with 5% Methanolic-Sulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate for about ten minutes at 105° C seven
spots appear at Rf. 0.39, 0.50, 0.64,0.72,0.80,0.89 and 0.95 (all brown). Appendix 2.2.10
DOSE : 7-10 g
The drug Beesh consists of dried roots of Aconitum chasmanthum Stapf. ex Holmes Syn. A.
Nepellus (Fam. Ranunculaceae); plant is an erect, perennial herb, occurs in sub alpine and alpine zones
of the western Himalayas, in high plateaus between 2000-4000 m, roots are generally collected late in
Macroscopic: Root usually paired, occasionally separated due to breakage, ovoid, conical, small
portions of stem sometimes attached, tapering downwards to a point, 2-4.5 cm, rarely 5 cm long, 0.4-
1.8 cm thick, gradually decrease in thickness towards tapering end; wrinkled longitudinally and
transversely, rough due to root scar; dark brown to blackish-brown. Fracture hard and white within the
cambium ring and brownish outside, coriaceous, cambium. Odour indistinct, taste slightly bitter followed
by a strong tingling sensation, poisonous.
Microscopic: Root shows epidermis 1-3 layered, suberised, papillose on outside. Primary cortex
consisting of 8-10 layers of oval to tangentially elongated, thin-walled parenchymatous cells, without
or with a few intercellular spaces, a few rectangular stone cells in singles found scattered in this zone.
Primary cortex separated by distinct endodermis; inner bark parenchymatous, consisting of round to
oval cells, containing a few groups of phloem strands, occupying more than half the radius. Cambium
having 6-10 angles; xylem vessels arranged almost in a ring, some scattered, often forming ‘V’ shaped
structure, enclosing xylem parenchyma in older portions; bundles compact often wedge-shaped having
acute apex. Xylem exarch, metaxylem vessels met in center; starch grains simple measuring 6-18 µ in
diameter and compound grains consisting of 2-5 components with hilum in center, present in cortical
cells, phloem parenchyma and xylem parenchyma.
T.L.C. :
T.L.C. of alcoholic extract of the drug on silica gel ‘G’ plate using Chloroform: Methanol
(90:10) shows six spots at Rf. 0.10, 0.20, 0.39, 0.59, 0.74 and 0.96 (all yellow) on exposure to Iodine
vapour. On spraying with Dragendorff reagent two spots appear at Rf. 0.39 and 0.96 (both orange).
Appendix 2.2.10
DOSE : 15-30 mg
(Whole plant)
The drug Bhangra consists of whole plant of Eclipta alba Hassk. (Fam. Asteraceae); a herbaceous
annual, 30-50 cm high, erect or prostrate, much branched, strigosely hirsute, often rooting at nodes,
a common weed of moist places found throughout India ascending upto1700 m.
Urdu : Bhangra
Arabic : Suweid
Hindi : Bhangara, Bhangaraiya
Bengali : Garujalu, Gurugada Soppu, Keshavardhana, Kodigaraju
Gujarati : Bhangaro, Bhangro
Kannad : Garajalu, Gurugada Soppu, Keshavardhana, Kodigaraju
Tamil : Karisalamkanni, Karisalanganni, Karisalai
Malayalam : Kayyonni, Knnunni
Marathi : Nhangra, Bhringiraja, Maka
Punjabi : Bhangra
Telugu : Guntakalagara, Guntagalagara
Macroscopic :
Root - Root well developed, a number of secondary branches arise form main root, upto about 7 mm
in diameter, cylindrical, grayish.
Stem - Stem herbaceous, branched, occasionally rooting at nodes, cylindrical or flat, rough due to
appressed white hairs, node distinct, greenish, and occasionally brownish.
Leaf - Leaf opposite, sessile to subsessile, 2.2-8.5 cm long, 1.2 – 2.3 cm wide, usually oblong,
lanceolate, sub-entire, sub-acute or acute, strigose with appressed hairs on both surfaces.
Flower - Flowers in capitulum or head, solitary or in pair together on unequal axillary peduncles;
involucral bracts about 8, ovate, obtuse or acute, herbaceous, strigose with appressed hairs; ray floret
ligulate, ligule small, spreading, scarcely as long as bracts, not tootherd, white; disc floret tubular,
corolla often 4 toothed; pappus absent, except occasionally very minute teeth on the top of cypsella;
stamen 5, filaments epipetalous, anthers united into a tube, filaments free with obtuse base bicarpellary,
syncarpos, ovary inferior, unilocular with one basal ovule.
Fruit - Fruit Cypsella, one seeded, cuneate, with a narrow wing, covered with warty excrescences,
Seed - Seed 0.2-0.25 cm long, 0.1 cm wide, dark brown, hairy and non endospermic.
Root – Mature root shows poorly developed cork, consisting of 3-5 rows of thin-walled, tangentially
elongated cells; secondary cortex consists of outer one or two rows of tangentially elongated or
rounded cells with air cavities. Inner secondary cortex of tangentially elongated to irregular shaped
parenchymatous cells with conspicuous air cavities; stone cells found scattered in seconday cortex and
cork, in singles or in groups of various shape and size. Pericyclic fibres in tangentially arranged bands
of many cells or in singles; secondary phloem consists of sieve elements including phloem fibres
traversed by multiseriate phloem rays; phloem rays broader towards periphery, consisting of rounded
cells; xylem composed of vessels, fibre tracheids, fibres and xylem parenchyma, traversed by xylem
rays. Vessels numerous, found scattered throughout wood. In macerated preparation vessels small,
drum-shaped, cylindrical elongated with pitted walls and perforations simple, rarely slightly oblique;
fibre tracheids, pitted, with very pointed tips, xylem fibres long with pointed tapering ends and short
lumen, a few fibres show peg-like outgrowths towards the tapering ends. Xylem parenchyma sparse
usually squarish to rectangular having simple pits on their walls, xylem ray distinct, run straight in
tangential section, generally 5-32 cells in height and 3-5 cells in width although very rarely uniseriate
and biseriate rays also found, ray cells pitted.
Petiole – Shows single layered upper and lower epidermis consisting of tubular cells, covered with
striated cuticle. Trichomes of two types, non-glandular, uniseriate, 1-5 celled, warty, and with pointed
apical cell; epidermis followed by wide cortex, consisting of 2-5 layered collenchyma on both, upper
and lower side with distinct angular thickening; parenchyma 4-6 layered on upper side and 5-8 layered
on lower side consisting of isodiametric, thin-walled cells with intercellular spaces; five vascular
bundles, central one largest while four others small flanking to either side of central bundle, consists
of xylem on dorsal side and phloem on ventral side; xylem vessels arranged in radial rows traversed
by xylem rays.
Midrib – Section cut at basal region shows both upper and lower single layered epidermis, externally
covered with cuticle, a few epidermal cells elongate outwards to form uniseriate hairs; epidermis
followed by cortex, consisting of 3-5 layered collenchymatous cells on both sides; section cut at middle
region shows 3-4 layered collenchymatous cells on dorsal and 1-3 layered on ventral side, while the
section cut at apical region, shows 2 layered collenchymatous cells on both sides. Similarly transverse
section cut at a basal, middle and apical regions shows 4-6 layered parenchymatous cells on dorsal side
and 6-9 layered parenchyma on ventral side. In section cut at basal region 4-6 layered parenchyma on
both the sides in the middle region with thin-walled cells and intercellular spaces, 2-3 layered
parenchymatous cells on both side in the apical region; in the basal region section shows vascular
bundle similar to that of petiole while in the section cut at middle and apical region section shows 4
smaller bundles shifting towards lamina.
Lamina – shows a dorsiventral structure, epidermis single layered, externally covered with cuticle,
followed by single layered palisade parenchyma containing chlorophyll contents. Spongy parenchyma
irregularly arranged with distict intercellular spaces and filled with chlorophyll contents. Mesophyll
traversed by number of veins; anisocytic and anomocytic stomata present on both surface , more
abundant on lower surfaces. Stomatal index 20.0-22.5 on upper and 23.5 – 26.0 on lower surface;
palisade ratio 3.8-4.5; hairs stiff, pointed, wide at the base, about 3 celled, unisreiate, middle cells
longest, uppermost generally not exceeding the basal cell in length, septa thick-walled.
Stem – mature stem shows single layered epidermis, externally covered with cuticle, a few epidermal
cells elongate to form characteristic non-glandular trichomes, the cork where formed, poorly developed
consisting of rectangular cells. Secondary cortex composed of large, rounded or irregular shaped
parenchymatous cells having wide air spaces; endodermis single layered consists of tangentially elongated
cells; pericyclic fibers distinct, arranged in tangential strands. Vascular bundles in a ring, collateral,
endarch, of varying sizes traversed by medullary rays; phloem a narrow strip composed of sieve
elements and phloem parenchyma; xylem consists of large number of vessels, xylem fibres and xylem
parenchyma; xylem vessels appear evenly distributed throughout the xylem. In macerated preparation
vessels barrel-shaped , some elongated with simple perforations, pitted with spiral thickening; xylem
fibres with wide lumen, pointed tips and pitted walls, a few often bifurcate and a few large, peg-like
outgrowth; xylem rays triseriate to pentaseriate, normally biseriate and uniseriate, 8-15 cells in height
and 3-5 cells in width; centre occupied by a wide pith consisting of isodiametric cells of parenchyma.
Powder: Dark green; shows vessels in large groups or single broken prieces with pitted walls, numerous
fibres entire or in pireces, trichomes entire or in pieces, warty, a few attached with epidermal and
subsidiary cells, anomocytic and anisocytic stomata.
DOSE : 5-7 g
The drug Chanbeli consists of dried leaves of Jasminum officinale Linn. (Fam. Oleaceae); a
large climbing shrub with dark green twigs and pinnate leaves, found in Kashmir at an altitude of 900-
2700 m and cultivated throughout the country.
Urdu : Chanbeli
Arabic : Yasmeen
Persian : Yasmeen safaid
Hindi : Chamelee
Bengali : Chamelee
Gujarati : Chamelee
Kannad : Jati Maltiga, Sanna Jati Mallige
Tamil : Pichi, Jatimalli
Malayalam : Pichi
Marathi : Chamelee
Punjabi : Chamelee
Macroscopic:- Leaf single or in groups of 2-7 leaflets, upto 7.5 cm long and upto 2.5 cm broad;
imparipinnately compound, terminal leaflet larger;. ovate or lanceolate, acumi-nate; lateral leaflets
shorter, acute, sessile or shortly petiolate; brownish-green; taste bitter.
Rachis - Rachis shows more or less convex outlline with two lateral wings; epidermis sin-gle layered
covered by thick cuticle; hairs mostly unicellular with pointed apex, glandular, hair rarely found only
on the upper surface; collenchyma 2-5 layered; pericycle represented by slightly 1ignified small fibre
groups; vascular bundles three, crescent-shaped, small accessory bundle present in each wing.
Midrib - Shows similar structure as rachis; 3 - 5 layers of collenchymatous cells towards lower
surface; pericycle present in the form of non-lignified fibre groups; vascular bundle single and crescent-
Lamina - shows dorsiventral structure, epidermis single layered on either side, covered by a thick
striated cuticle; hairs as in rachis. Palisade 1- 2 layered; spongy parenchyma 4-6 layers; stomata
anomocytic only in lower surface.
Powder: Yellowish-green; shows palisade and spongy parenchyma, unicellular hairs, fibres and vessels
with spiral thickening, polygonal epidermal cells .and anomocytic sto-mata in surface view.
T.L.C. -:
T.L.C. of the alcoholic extract on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using Toluene: Ethylacetate (9:1) shows
under UV (366 nm) three fluorescent zones at Rf 0.44 (blue), 0.52 (light blue) and 0.91 (blue). On
exposure to Iodine vapours ten spots appear at Rf 0.08, 0.18, 0.38, 0.44, 0.49, 0.53, 0.59, 0.67, 0.81
and 0.91 (all yellow). On spraying with Dragendorff reagent followed by 5% Methanolic-Sulphuric
acid reagent four spots appear at Rf 0.08, 0.18 (both orange), 0.44 and 0.91 (both light orange). On
spraying with Vanillin-Sulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate for ten minutes at 110°C many
spots of brown, yellow, blue and violet colour appear from the point of application to the solvent front.
Appendix 2.2.10
ACTION : Musakkin-e-Waj-e-Dandan
DOSE : 3 -5 g
The drug Chirchita consists of dried root of Achyranthes aspera Linn. (Fam. Amaran-thaceae);
a stiff erect, 0.1-0.9 m high, herb found commonly as a weed throughout the country up to 900 m.
Urdu : Chirchita
Arabic : Oqais
Persian : Kharwaz Guna
Hindi : Chirchita, Latjira
Bengali : Apang
Gujarati : Aghedo
Kannad : Uttarane, Uttaren
Tamil : Nayuruvi
Malayalam : Kadaledee
Marathi : Anghada
Punjabi : Puthakanda, Lattajeera
Telugu : Uttareni
Macroscopic: Tap root cylindrical slightly ribbed, upto 1.0 cm in thickness, gradually tapering, rough
due to presence of some root scars; secondary and tertiary roots present; yel-lowish-brown; odour not
distinct; taste not characteristic.
Microscopic: Mature root shows 6-10 layered, rectangular, tangentially elongated, thin-walled cork
cells; secondary cortex consisting of 6-9 layers, oval to rectangular thin-walled parenchymatous cells
having scattered thick-walled, irregular lignified stone cells, fol-lowed by 5-6 discontinuous rings of
anomalous secondary thickening, composed of vascular tissues, small patches of sieve tubes are distinct
in the phloem parenchyma demar-cating the xylem rings. Secondary xylem composed of tracheids,
fibres and parenchyma; vessels with both simple and bordered pits and with scalariform thickening,
measuring 135-348 µ in length and 32-64 µ in width; fibres pointed at both ends with walls moder-ately
thickened, measuring 260-740 µ in length and 12-24 µ in width; tracheids have tapering ends, measuring
165-535 µ in length and 17-34 µ in width.
Powder: Yellowish-brown; shows fragments of rectangular cork cells, stone cells, ves-sels showing
bordered pits and scalarifonn thickening, fibres and a few prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate.
T.L.C. :
T.L.C. of the alcoholic extract on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using Chloroform : Methanol (95:5)
shows wider UV (366 nm) five fluorescent zones at Rf. 0.05, 0.19, 0.43, 0.50 and 0.97 (all light blue).
On exposure to Iodine vapour six spots appear at Rf. 0.05, 0.12, 0.43, 0.50, 0.92 and 0.97 (all yellow).
On spraying with Dragendorff’s reagent fo1lowed by 5% Methanolic-Sulphuric acid reagent two spots
appear at Rf. 0.12 and 0.97 (both light orange). Appendix 2.2.10
DOSE : 1-3 g
The drug Chironji consists of seeds of Buchanania lanzan Spreng. Syn. B. latifolia Roxb.
(Fam. Anacardiaceae); an evergreen tree upto 15 m high, found throughout the country in dry deciduous
Urdu : Chironji
Arabic : Habbus samna
Persian : Naql Khwaja
Hindi : Piyal, Piyar, Chiraungi
Bengali : Chirangi, Chowl, Satdhan
Gujarati : Charal, Shalichokha
Kannad : Piyal, Piyar, Chiraungi
Tamil : Muolaima, Korka, Saraparuppu
Malayalam : Mural, Priyalam, Mural maram
Marathi : Charoli
Telugu : Sara, Sarapappu
Macroscopic: Seed laterally much compressed, creamish-brown, mottled with darker brown line,0.4-
0.6 cm long, 0.35-0.5 cm wide, funicle stout, micropyle superior, linear. Hilum present at the apex of
round edge; slight pressure separates oily cotyledons; odour pleaseant; taste sweetish-oily.
Microscopic: Longitudinal section of seed-coat shows epidermis consisting of polygonal cells with
scattered, large, pitted, thick-walled, sclerenchymatous cells, occurring mostly in groups followed by
remnants of disorganized collapsed cells of integument which are of various size, thin-walled and
parenchymatous cells filled with brownish content and form a pigment layer, below which a band of
parenchymatous cells present, consisting of elongated or tubular cells. Cotyledons consisting of epidermis
and thin-walled parenchymatous cells, epidermal cells of cotyledons barrel-shaped and the
parenchymatous cells polyhedral and filled with aleurone grains of globoid type measuring 2.5-5.0 µ
in diameter and oil globules; procambium bundles running longitudinally also occur among these
parenchyma cells.
Powder: A creamish-brown paste; shows numerous mesophyll cells, filled with oil globules and
aleurone grains of globoild type measuring 2.5-5.0 µ in diameter and sclerenchymatous cells; in surface
view seed coat polyhedral in shape, thick-walled and filled with brownish contents.
T.L.C of alcoholic extract of the drug on silica gel ‘G’ plate using Benzene: Ethylacetate (3:1)
shows under U.V. (254 nm) two fluorescent zones at Rf. 0.72 and 0.94 (blue). On exposure to Iodine
vapour seven spots appear at Rf. 0.08, 0.27, 0.54, 0.72, 0.91, 0.94 and 0.98 (all yellow). On spraying
with Vanillin-Sulphuric acid reagent and on heating the plate for ten minutes at 1050C eight spots
appear at Rf. 0.08, 0.27, 0.54, 0.72, 0.84, 0.91, 0.94 and 0.98 (all violet.) Appendix 2.2.10
DOSE : 6– 10 g
The drug Dafli consists of dried root of Nerium indicum Mill. Syn. N. odorum Soland (Fam.
Apocynaceae); a large glabrous, evergreen, woody shrub with watery latex, found throughout the year
in Upper Gangetic Plains, Himalayas from Nepal to Kashmir upto 2000 m, Central and Southern India;
also cultivated near the temples and gardens.
Urdu : Kaner
Arabic : Sammul himar
Persian : Kharzahra
Hindi : Kaner
Bengali : Karbbe, Karbee
Gujarati : Kaner
Kannad : Kanagilu, Kharjahar, Kanigale, Kanagile
Tamil : Sevvarali, Arali
Malayalam : Kanaveeram
Marathi : Kanher
Punjabi : Kastooripatte, Errugumeru
Macroscopic: Drug available in cut pieces, 0.5-2.6 cm thick, branched, cylindrical, external surface
grayish with long irregular streaks caused by rupture of bark, internal surface cream coloured; fracutre
short; taste bitter.
Microscopic: Root shows cork consisting of 5-12 layered, thin-walled, rectangular, com-pactly arranged
parenchymatous cells with a few outer layers occasionally exfoli-ated; secondary cortex consisting of
6-10 layers of oval, tangentially elongated, thin- walled, parenchymatous cells, a few thick-walled
laticiferous cells present in this re-gion; secondary phloem composed of oval to polygonal, thin-walled,
parenchymatus cells; secondary xylem consisting of usual elements, having pitted vessels, fibres with
pointed tips; xylem rays usually uniseriate and rarely biseriate; prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate
and simple starch grains scattered in secondary cortex, secondary phloem and phloem rays; simple,
oval to round, elliptical starch grains measuring 3--11 µ in diameter, found scattered in cortical cells,
phloem and xylem rays.
Powder: Grayish-brown; shows thin-walled, parenchymatous cells, fragments of cork cells, pitted
xylem fibres and vessels, a few prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate, simple, round to oval, elliptical
starch grains measuring 3-11 µ in diameter.
Alcohol-soluble extractive : Not less than 8 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive : Not less than 8 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7
T.L.C. of the alcoholic extract on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using Chloroform: Methanol (8 : 2) shows
under U.V. (366 run) ten fluorescent zones at Rf. 0.11, 0.15 (both yellow) 0.19 (blue), 0.26 (yellow),
0.49 (pink), 0.60, 0.64, 0.72, 0.88 (all blue) and 0.95, (yellow). On exposure to Iodine vapour ten spots
appear at Rf. 0.11, 0.22, 0.30, 0.49, 0.53, 0.64, 0.68, :0.72, 0.90 and 0.95 (all yellow). On spraying
with 5% Methanolic-Sulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate at 105°C for about ten minutes eleven
spots appear at Rf. 0.05, 0.11, 0.22, 0.30, 0.49, 0.53 (all grey) 0.64 (yellow), 0.68, 0.72 (both grey),0.90
(violet) and 0.95 (brown). Appendix 2.2.10
ACTION : Mohallil,Jali,Mujaffif,Musakkin-e-Dard,Musaffi-e-Dam,
DOSE : 1-3 g
The drug Dar Hald consists of dried stem of Berberis aristata DC. (Fam. Berberidaceae); an
erect, spinous, deciduous shrub, usually 1.8-3.6 m in height found in the Himalayan ranges at an
elevation of 1000-3000 m, and in the Nilgiri hills in South India.
Urdu : Darhald
Arabic : Amberbarees
Persian : Darchoba
Hindi : Daruhaldi, Darhal
English : Indian Berberry.
Bengali : Maradarishana, Maramanjnal
Gujarati : Daruharidra, Daruhuladur
Kannad : Maradarishana, Maradarishina, daruhaladi
Tamil : Gangeti, Varatiu manjal
Malayalam : Maramannal, Maramanjnal
Marathi : Daruhalad
Oriya : Daruharidra, Daruhalidi
Punjabi : Sumalu
Telugu : Manupasupu
Macroscopic: Drug available in pieces of variable length and thickness, bark about 0.4-0.8 cm thick,
pale yellowish-brown, soft, slosely and rather deeply furrowed, rough, brittle, xylem portion yellow,
more or less hard, radiate with xylem rays, pith mostly absent, when present small, yellowish-brown
when dried, fracture short in bark region, splintery in xylem; taste, bitter.
Microscopic: Stem shows rhytidoma with cork consisting of 3-45 rectangular and squarish, yellow
coloured, thin-walled cells, arranged radially; sieve elements irregular in shape, thin-walled, a few cells
containing yellowish-brown contents; phloem fibres arranged in tangential rows consisting of 1-4 cells,
each fibre short thick-walled, spindle-shaped, lignified having wide lumen; half inner portion of rhytidoma
traversed by secondary phloem rays; phloem rays run obliquely consisting of radially elongated
parenchymatous cells, almost all phloem rays cells having single prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate,
a few cells of rhytidoma also contain prismatic crystals of crystals of calcium oxalate; stone cells also
found scattered in phloem ray cells in groups, rarely single, mostly elongated, a few rounded, arranged
radially, some of which contain a single prism of calcium oxalate crystals; secondary phloem, a broad
zone, consisting of sieve elements arranged in tangential bands and tangentially compressed cells
alternating with single to five rows of phloem fibres, traversed by multisriate phloem rays; sieve
elements arranged in tangential bands and tangentially compressed cells alternating with single to five
rows of phloem fibers; phloem fibres short, lignified, thick-walled having pointed ends; secondary
xylem broad consisting of xylem vessels, tracheids, xylem fibres and traversed by multisriate xylem
rays; xylem vessels numerous, small to medium sized, distributed throughout xylem region in groups
or in singles, groups of vessels usually arranged radially; isolated vessels cylindrical with rounded or
projected at one or both ends with spiral thickening; xylem fibres numerous, lignified, large, thick-
walled with wide lumen and pointed tips; xylem rays quite distinct, straight , multiseiate, consisting
of radially arranged rectangular cells, each ray 30-53 cells high, 8-12 cells wide, a few ray cells
containing brown contents.
Powder: Yellow; shows mostly fragments of cork cells, sieve elements, yellow coloured phloem fibres
entire or in pieces, stone cells in singles or in groups, numerous prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate,
xylem vessels having spiral thickening, thick-walled, lignified xylem fibres and ray cells.
DOSE : 3-5 g
The drug Dhatura consists of dried seeds of Datura metel Linn.; Syn. D. fastuosa L. (Fam.
Solanaceae); occurring wild throughout the country.
Urdu : Dhatura
Arabic : Jauz Masil
Persian : Jauz Masil
English : White Thorn Apple
Hindi : Dhatura
Bengali : Dhutura, Dhutra
Gujarati : Dhaturo
Kannad : Umbe
Tamil : Oomattai, Umattai
Malayalam : Ummam
Marathi : Dhatra
Oriya : Dudura
Punjabi : Dhatura
Telugu : Ummettha, Erriummetta
Macroscopic : Seed reniform, compressed, flattened, surface finely pitted; 0.6 cm long, 0.4 cm wide;
light brown to yellowish-brown in colour; thicker towards the curved edge, which is rugose; large, pale
strophiole near micropyle; odourless; taste bitter.
Microscopic: Shows in outline more or less elongated, irregular or wavy structure having bulgings at
either side; testa single layered consists of thick-walled, lignified, sclerenchymatous cells forming club-
shaped structure, followed by 3-5 layered more or less tangentially elongated, thin-walled parenchymatous
cells; endosperm encloses more or less curved embryo composed of polygonal, thin-walled
parenchymatous cells, filled with aleurone grains and abundant oil globules.
Powder: Brown and oily; shows fragments of testa of groups of thick-walled, light brown,
sclerenchymatous cells; polygonal, thin-walled parenchymatous cells containing oil globules and aleurone
T.L.C. of the alcoholic extract on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using Toluene: Ethylacetate: Diethylamine
(7:2: 1) shows under U.V. (366 nm) three fluorescent zones at Rf. 0.18, 0.33 (both light blue) and 0.93
(blue). On exposure to Iodine vapour three spots appear at Rf. 0.33, 0.47 and 0.93 (all yellow). On
spraying with Dragendorff reagent two spots appear at Rf. 0.33 and 0.47 (both orange). Appendix
The drug Doob consists of dried fibrous roots of Cynodon dactylon (Linn.) Pers. Syn. Panicum
dactylon Linn. (Fam. Poaceae); an elegant, hard, perennial, creeping grass growing throughout the
country and ascending to 2440 m.
Macroscopic: Roots fibrous, cylindrical, upto 4 mm thick, minute hair-like roots arise from the main
roots; cream coloured.
Microscopic: Mature root shows epiblema or piliferous layer composed of single layered, thin-walled,
radially elongated to cubical cells; hypodermis composed of 1-2 layered, thin-walled, tangentially
elongated to irregular shaped cells; cortex differentiated into two zones, 1 or 2 layers of smaller, thin-
walled, polygonal, lignified sclerenchymatous and 4-6 layers of thin-walled, elongated parenchymatous
cells being larger; endodermis quite distinct being single layered, thick-walled, tangentially elongated
cells; pericycle 1-2 layers composed of thin-walled sclerenchymatous cells; vascular bundles consisting
of xylem and phloem, arranged in a ring on different radii; xylem exarch, having usual elements; centre
occupied by wide pith, composed of oval to rounded thick-walled parenchymatous cells containing
numerous simple, round to oval or angular starch grains measuring 4-16 µ in diameter and compound
starch grains having 2-4 components.
Powder: Cream coloured; fragments of xylem vessels with pitted walls, thick-walled lignified
sclerenchymatous cells and numerous simple rounds to oval or angular starch grains measuring 4-16
µ in diameter and compound starch grains having 2-4 components.
Alcohol-soluble extractive : Not less than 1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6
Water-soluble extractive : Not less than 5 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7
T.L.C. of the alcoholic extract on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using n-Butanol: Acetic acid: Water
(4:1:5) shows under UV (366 nm) three fluorescent zones at Rf. 0.70,0.89 (both blue) and 0.92 (pink).
On exposure to Iodine vapour six spots appear at Rf. 0.22, 0.30, 0.37, 0.80, 0.89 and 0.92 (all yellow).
On spraying with 5% Methanolic-Sulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate at 105°C for ten minutes
six spots appear at Rf. 0.22, 0.30, 0.37, 0.80, 0.89 and 0.92 (all grey). Appendix 2.2.10
DOSE : 3-5 g
The drug Filfil Siyah consists of fully mature dried fruit of Piper nigrum Linn. (Fam.
Pipera-ceae); a climber, cultivated from Konkan Southwards, especially in North Konkan, Kerala, and
also in Assam; fruits ripen from December to March, depending upon climatic condi-tions; fruits
harvested from December to April.
Macroscopic : Fruits grayish-black to black, hard, wrinkled 0.4-0.5 cm in diameter odour aro-matic
taste pungent.
Microscopic : Fruit consists of a thick pericarp for about one third of fruit and an inner mass of
perisperm, enclosing a small embryo; pericarp consists of epicarp, mesocarp and endocarp; epicarp
composed of single layered, slightly sinuous, tabular cells forming epidermis, below which, are present
I or 2 layers of radially elongated, lignified stone cells adjacent to group of cells of parenchyma;
mesocarp wide, composed of band of .tangentially elongated parenchymatous cells having a few
isolated, tangentially elon-gated oil cells present in outer region and a few fibro-vascular bundles, a
single row of oil cells in the inner region of mesocarp; endocarp composed of a row of beaker- shaped
stone cells; testa single layered, yellow coloured, thick-walled sclerenchyma-tous cells; perisperm
contains parenchymatous cells having a few oil globules and packed with abundant, oval to round,
simple and compound starch grains measuring 5.5-11.0 µ in diameter; having 2-3 components and a
few minute aleurone grains.
Powder: Blackish-grey; shows more or less iso-diametric or slightly elongated stone cells, interspersed
with thin-walled, polygonal hypo-dermal cells; beaker-shaped stone cells from endocarp and abundant
polyhedral, elongated cells from perisperm, packed tightly with masses of minute compound 2-3 and
single, oval to round, starch grains measuring 5.5-11.0 µ in diameter and a few aleu-rone grains and
oil globules.
T.L.C. of the alcoholic extract on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using Toluene: Ethylacetate (7 : 3) shows
in visible light four spots at Rf. 0.05, 0.08 (both light green), 0.27 (light yel-low) and 0.52 (yellow).
Under UV (366 nm) ten fluorescent zones are visible at Rf. 0.05,0.08 (both light brown), 0.20 (light
blue), 0.46 (blue), 0.52 (greenish yeliow), 037 (bluish-yellow), 0.66 (light blue), 0.74 (light pink), 0.82
and 0.97 (both blue). On exposure to Iodine vapour eleven spots appear at Rf. 0.05,0.08, 0.14, 0.20,
027,0,34, 0.46; 0.57, 0.66, 0.74 and 0.97 (all yellow). On spraying with Dragendorff’s reagent followed
by 5% Methanolic-Sulphuric acid reagent nine spots appear at Rf. 0.05 (light orange), 0.14,0.20, 0.27
(all orange), 0.46, 0.57 (both yellowish orange), 0.66, 0.74 (both orange) and 0:91 (light orange). On
spraying with Vanillin-Sulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate for ten minutes at 110°C twelve
spots appear at Rf. 0.05,0.08,0.20, 0.27, 0.46;0.52;0.57,0.66, 0.74,0.82, 0.90and 0.97 (all violet). Appendix
T.L.C. of Piperine
Extract 1 g of Pepper powder by heating under reflux for 15 minutes with 10 ml methanol filter
evaporate the filtrate so as to reduce it to 2 ml and use for TLC application.
SOLVENT SYSTEM: Toluene: Ethyl acetate (7:3), (saturate the chamber for at least 30 minutes)
RUNNING DISTANCE : 10 to 12 cm
DRYING: Air drying for 15 to 20 min. and then in an oven for 5 min.
DETECTION: Cool and spray the plate thoroughly with Vanillin-Sulphuric acid reagent and heat at
110° C for 5-10 min. under observation. When piperine spots appear lemon yellow, the plate is to be
taken out. Over-heating turns yellow spots to violet.
CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Alkaloids (Piperine, Chavicine;-Piperidine, Piperetine),
Essential oil.
DOSE : 1-2 g
The drug Ghongchi consists of dried root of Abrus precatorius Linn. (Fam. Papilionaceae); a
climber, all along Himalayas ascending to 900 m, spreading throughout the plains; flowering in August-
September, fruits ripen during winter.
Macroscopic : Root, simple or branched, cylindrical, most often irregularly curved, light brown,
surface profusely warty and somewhat rough on account of eruptive development of numerous small
lenticles; bark thin, slightly corky, soft, exfoliating in small flakes, exposing internally both cream or
yellowish-white; internal bark yellow with a leathery fibrous texture; wood hard light-yellowish or
cream coloured; odourless; taste, feebly sweetish becoming mildly bitter.
Microscopic: Root shows thin cork of 3-5 layers of narrow, tangentially elongated cells, some with
brownish content; cork cambium, when distinct, composed of 1-2 cells wide, thin-walled, comparatively
larger and slightly tangentially elongated cells, followed by 2-4 rows of spherical ovoid or slightly
elongated stone cells with thick, pitted walls, small groups of 4-10 sclerenchymatous cells, smaller than
stone cells, present at short intervals; secondary phloem consists of usual elements traversed by medullary
rays diverging towards periphery; parenchyma thin-walled, mostly tangentially elongated with occasional
patches of sieve elements in somewhat collapsed form; small groups of sclerenchyma, similar to those
occurring in cortex are also present; cells in inner phloem region appear circular to polyhedral; in older
samples phloem elements usually found in compressed condition forming obliquely and tangentially
arranged irregular patches; medullary rays distinct and 1-6 cells wide, thin-walled and rectangular,
tangentially elongated towards distal end of ray and radially elongated in xylem parts and bast region,
mostly containing starch grains of various sizes; cambium forms a complete ring of 1-2 rows of very
narrow cells outside the wood; wood composed of narrow concentric, annular bands of very thick-
walled wood fibres alternating with similar but wider zone of thick-walled parenchyma; vessels of
varying sized with thick, pitted walls; medullary rays usually uni or biseriate but a few broader rays,
5-10 or more rows of cells occasionally present; parenchyma cells of wood and bast filled with simple,
rounded to oval starch grains measuring 5.5-13.75 µ in diameter.
Powder: Grayish-brown; shows fragments of cork, stone cells, groups of sclerenchymatous cells,
numerous xylem vessels with pitted walls, rounded to oval simple starch grains measuring 5.5 – 13.75
µ in diameter.
DOSE : 100 mg
The drug Gul-e-Surkh consists of dired flowers of Rosa centifolia Linn. (Fam. Rosaceae); a
small erect shrub, 1-1.8 m high, cultivated in gardens.
Urdu : Gulab
Arabic : Ward
Persian : Gul-e-Surkh
Hindi : Gulab
Bengali : Golap
Gujarati : Moshamee Gulab
Kannad : Rojahu
Tamil : Rojapoo
Malayalam : Rojapuvvu
Marathi : Gulab
Punjabi : Gulab
Telugu : Rosappoovu, Gulab
Macroscopic : Flower stalked, pinkish-yellow, consists of sepals, petals and stamens attached to
pedicel with thalamus at the base; stalk 0.6-3.5 cm long, light green, slender, covered with numerous
prickles and hairs; thalamus 1.0-1.8 cm long, light greenish -brown, covered with numerous prickles
and hairs; sepals 5, free, 1.3 – 2.4 cm long, unequal, leaf-like, upper part creamish-green and light
yellowish-green on lower part, having glandular hairs; petals numerous, pinkish-yellow, 1.5- 4.2 cm
long, 1.3 – 2.5 cm wide, smooth obovate to sub-cordate; stamens numerous, free, unequal, dorsifixed,
dark-brown; filament 0.3-0.5 cm long; carpels many free, ovary inferior; styles lateral, hairy, free;
stigma terminal; taste astringent; odour aromatic.
Sepal - Shows single layered epidermis on both surfaces; numerous long, unicellular hairs present on
upper surface, a few glandular hairs on lower surface; both epidermises followed by a wide zone of
mesophyll consisting of round to oval, thin-walled, parenchymatous cells; a number of vascular bundles
found scattered in this region.
Petal - Shows lower epidermis papillose and without cuticle; upper epidermis single layered with thin
striated cuticle, followed by mesophyll consisting of oval to polygonal, elliptical, thin-walled,
parenchymatous cells; a number of vascular bundles found scattered in this zone.
T.L.C. of the alcoholic extract on Silica gel ‘G’ using n-Butanol : Acetic acid: Water (5:1 :4)
shows in visible light six spots at Rf. 0.42 (violet), 0.50 (pink), 0.66, 0.82, 0.87 and 0.92 (all yellow).
Under U.V. (366 nm) five fluorescent zones visible at Rf. 0.42 (blue), 0.50 (pink), 0.82, 0.87 and 0.92
(all blue). On exposure to Iodine vapour six spots appear at Rf. 0.42 (grey), 0.50 (pinkish grey), 0.66,
0.82, 0.87 and 0.92 (all yellow). On spraying with 5% Methanolic-Sulphuric acid reagent and heating
the plate for about ten minutes at 110°C eight spots appear at Rf. 0.19 (grayish black), 0.32 (grayish
black), 0.42, 0.50 (both violet), 0.66, 0.82, 0.87 and 0.92 (all brown). Appendix 2.2.10
TEMPERAMENT : Murakkab-ul-Quwa
DOSE : 3-5 g
The drug Habb-us-Salateen consists of dried seeds of Croton tiglium Linn. (Fam. Euphorbiaceae);
a small evergreen tree, 5-7 m high, found throughout tropical India.
Urdu : Jamalgota
Arabic : Habbus Salateen
Persian : Tukhme Bed Anjeer Khatai
Hindi : Jamalgota
Bengali : Jaipala
Gujarati : Nepalo, Jamalagota
Kannad : Nepal, Japal beej, Japala, Nervala
Tamil : Nervalam, Neervalam, Valam
Malayalam : Nervalam, Neervalam
Marathi : Jepal japal
Punjabi : Japolota
Telugu : Nepalamu
Macroscopic: Seed albuminous, ovate, oblong, slightly quadrangular, convex on dorsal and somewhat
flattened on ventral surface, about 12 mm in length and resemble castor seed in shape, dull cinnamon-
brown, often mottled with black due to abrasion in testa, crancle easily detatched and usually absent,
hilum on ventral side less distinct than that of castor seed, raphe runs along ventral surface of seed,
terminating in a dark chalaza at opposite extremity, kernel yellowish and oily, consisting of a large
endosperm, enclosing papery cotyledons and a small radicle, no marked odour; kernel gives at first oily
taste followed by an upleasant acridity.
Microscopic: Seed shows a hard testa, consisting of an epidermal layer, covered externally with a thick
cuticle and composed of oval and tangentially elongated cells, filled with brownish content; epidermis
followed by a layer of raidally elongated , thin-walled cells; endosperm consists of polygonal
parenchymatous cells filled with oil globules, a few cells having rosette crystals of calcium oxalate;
central region of endosperm shows a dicotyledonous embryo consisting of thin-walled parenhymatous
Powder: White with black fragments of testa; under microscope shows elongated cells containing
reddish-brown and yellow contents, oil globules and a few rosette crystals of calcium oxalate.
T.L.C of alcoholic extract of the drug on silica gel ‘G’ plate using n-Butanol : Acetic acid:
Water (4:1:5) shows under U.V. light (366 nm) three spots at Rf. 0.34, 0.54 and 0.84 (all violet). On
exposure to Iodine vapour six spots appear at Rf. 0.10, 0.29,0.39, 0.49, 0.63 and 0.90(all yellow). On
spraying with 5% Methanolic-Sulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate at 1050C for ten minutes
three spots appear at Rf. 0.34 (grey), 0.54 (yellow) and 0.84 (brown). Appendix 2.2.10
The drug Hanzal consists of dried root of Citrullus colocynthis Schrad. (Fam. Cucurbitaceae);
an annual or perennial, wild herb with prostrate or climbing stem, occurring throughout in drier part
of the country.
Macroscopic : Root available in cut pieces of 2-7 cm long, 0.2-2.5 cm thick, cylindrical, slightly
twisted; dull yellow; longitudinal fissures present; fracture short; taste extremely bitter.
Microscopic: Root - Mature root shows wavy outline consisting of 6-10 layers of rectangular,
thick-walled, tangentially elongated cork cells, a few filled with dark brown contents; secondary cortex
consists of 10-15 layers of elliptical, tangentially elongated, thin -walled, parenchymatous cells; secondary
phloem a narrow-zone, composed of sieve elements, parenchyma and medullary rays; xylem forms
bulk of root, consisting of vessels, fibres, parenchyma and medullary rays; vessels mostly solitary or
in groups of two to four having reticulate and spiral thickenings; fibres aseptate, thick-walled, pitted,
elongated with pointed ends, lying around vessels; medullary rays poorly developed and uniseriate;
starch grains oval to round in shape 2,5-7.5 µ in diameter mostly simple or rarely compound having
2-3 components, found scattered throughout but more abundantly in phloem parenchyma.
Powder: Dirty yellow; shows aseptate fibres, reticulate and spiral vessels, starch grains simple or
occasionally compound measuring 2.5 - 7.5 µ in diameter.
Alcohol-soluble extractive : Not less than 6.5 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6
Water-soluble extractive : Not less than 20 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7
T.L.C. of alcoholic extract of the drug on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using Chloroform: Methanol
(85:15) shows under UV (366 nm) two fluorescent spots at Rf. 0.16 and 0.30 (both blue). On spraying
with Vanillin-Sulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate for about ten minutes at 1050 C two spots
appear at Rf. 0.16 and 0.30 (both grayish blue). Appendix 2.2.10
DOSE : 1-2 g
The drug Heel Kalan consists of dried seed of Amomum subulatum Roxb. (Fam Zingiberaceae);
a herb with leafy stem and perenninal root stock; cultivated in swampy places along the sides of
mountain streams in Bengal, Assam, Kernataka & Kerala.
Macroscopic: Seed 0.4 cm long, 0.3 cm wide, irregularly ovoid with 3 flattened face covered externally
with a colourless, membraneous aril; brown to dark brown; odour, aromatic; taste, spicy pungent.
Seed – Shows a very thin membraneous aril composed of several layers of collapsed cells containing
oil globules and prismatic crystasls of calcium oxatalte; testa consist of single layered epidermis of
rectangular cells followed by 1-2 layers of collapsed , thin-walled parenchymatous cells, beneath this
a single layered large rectangular cells containing oil globules present which is internally surrounded
by several layers of flattened, thin-walled, parenchymatous cells; perisperm consists of polygonal, thin-
walled, parenchymatous cells containg round to oval starch grains measuring 2-5 µ in diameter, and
cluster of calcium oxalate crystals perisperm surrounded externally by thin-walled, sclerenchymatous,
radially elongated dark brown beaker like cells; perisperm encloses the endosperm and embryo, both
composed of polygonal, thin-walled, parenchymatous cells, rich in protein.
Powder – Light brown; shows fragments of testa, polygonal, thin-walled, perisperm cells, globules,
rarely cluster of calcium oxalate crystals, rounded to oval, simple, starch grains measuring 2-5 µ in
diameter meter.
DOSE : 500 mg – 1 g
The drug Hulba consists of Trigonella foenum-graecum Linn. (Fam. Papilionaceae); an aromatic,
30-60 cm tall, annual herb, cultivated throughout the country.
Urdu : Methi
Arabic : Hulba
Persian : Shamleet
English : Fenugreek
Hindi : Methi
Gujarati : Methi
Kan. : Menthe, Mente
Tamil : Mendium, Ventaiyam
Malayalam : Uluva
Marathi : Methi
Punjabi : Methi
Telugu : Mentulu
Macroscopic : Seed oblong, rhomboidal with deep furrow running obliquely from one side, dividing
seed into a larger and smaller part, 0.2-0.5 cm long, 0.15-0.35 cm broad, smooth, very hard; dull
yellow; seed becomes mucilaginous when soaked in water; odour, pleasant; taste bitter.
Microscopic : Seed shows a layer of thick-walled, columnar palisade, covered externally with thick
cuticle; cells flat at base, mostly pointed but a few flattened at apex, supported internally by a tangentially
wide bearer cells having radiameter l rib-like thickenings; followed by 4-5 layers of tangentially
elongated, thin-walled, parenchymatous cells; endosperm consists of a layer of thick-walled cells
containing aleurone grains, several layers of thin-walled, mucilaginous cells, varying in size, long axis
radially elongated in outer region and tangentially elongated in inner region; cotyledons consists of 3-
4 layers of palisade cells varying in size with long axis and a few layers of rudimentary6 spongy tissue;
rudimentary vascular tissue situated in spongy mensophyll; cells of cotyledon contain aleurone grains
and oil globules.
Powder: Yellow; shows groups of palisade parenchymatous cells, aleurone grains, oil globules,
endosperm and epidermal cells of testa.
CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Alkaloid, Sapogenins and Mucilage.
DOSE : 3-5 g
(Whole plant)
The drug Jal brhami consists of dried whole plant of Bacopa monnieri (Linn.) Pennel. Syn.
Lysimache monnieri Linn. (Fam. Scrophulariaceae); a glabrous, succulent, small, prostrate or creeping
annual herb, found throughout in diameter in wet and damp places.
Macroscopic :
Stem: Thin, green or purplish green, about 1-2 mm thick, soft, nodes and internodes prominent,
glabrous; taste, slightly bitter.
Leaf : Simple, opposite, decussate, green, sessile, 1-2 cm long, obovate-oblong; taste, slightly bitter.
Flower: Small, solitary axillary, pedicels 6-30 mm long, bracteoles shorter than pedicels.
Root shows a single layer of epidermis, cortex having large air cavities; endodermis single
layered; pericycle not distinct; stele consists of a thin layer of phloem with a few sieve elements and
isolated material from xylem shows vessels with reticulate thickenings.
Stem shows single layer of epidermis followed by a wide cortex of thin-walled cells with very
large intercellular spaces; endodermis single layered; pericycle 3 consisting of 1-2 layers; vascular ring
continuous, composed of a narrow zone of phloem towards periphery and a wide ring of xylem towards
centre; centre occupied by a small pith with distinct intercellular spaces; starch grains simple, round
to oval, present in a few cells of cortex and endodermis, measuring 4-14 µ in diameter, and 8.0-14.0
x 2.5 – 9.0 µ in diameter respectively.
Leaf shows a single layer of upper and lower epidermis covered with thin cuticle; glandular
hairs sessile, subsidiary cells present on both surfaces; a few prismatic crystals of Calcium oxalate
occasionally found distributed in mesophyll cells; mesophyll traversed by small veins surrounded by
bundle sheath; no distinct midrib present.
Powder: Yellowish – brown; shows xylem vessels with reticulate thickening, glandular hairs, simple,
round and oval starch grains, measuring 4-14 µ in diameter.
DOSE : 5g
(Stem Bark)
The drug Jamun consists of dried stem bark of Syzygium cuminii (Linn.) Skeels (Fam. Myrtaceae);
a large evergreen tree, attaining a height of 30 m and a girth of 3.6 m with a bole up to 15 m, found
throughout India upto an altitude of 1,800 m.
Urdu : Jamun
Hindi : Jomuna, Raja Jambuda
Bengali : Jaam
Gujarati : Jambu, Jambuda
Kannad : Merale, Jamneralae, Jambu, Neralamara
Tamil : Naaval, Navval Sambu, Mahamaram, Nagal
Malayalam : Njaval, Naval
Marathi : Jambhool
Oriya : Jamukoli, Jamu, Jam
Punjabi : Jammu
Telugu : Nesedu
Macroscopic : Drug occurs in slightly curved or flat pieces, 0.5-2.5 cm thick, younger bark mostly
channelled, external surface more or less rough and rugged due to exfoliation and vertical cracks, light
grey to ash coloured, internal surface fibrous, rough, and reddish-brown, and fracture short and splintery;
taste astringent.
Microscopic: Mature stem bark shows a wide zone of cork differentiated into upper and lower cork
zones, forming a rhytidoma; cork consisting of tangentially elongated rectangular cells, upper few
layers thick, stratified and reddish-brown, having groups of 2-4 stone cells and crushed elements of
phloem; lower cork thin and colourless; cork cambium not distinct; secondary phloem composed of
sieve elements, and phloem rays; phloem parenchyma thin-walled and polyhedral in shape; stone cells,
oval to angular, elongated; fibres aseptate; both stone cells and fibres single or in groups present
throughout this region; phloem rays 1-4 cells wide; reddish-brown content, rosette crystals of calcium
oxalate and simple, round to oval starch grains, measuring 5-11 µ in diameter.
Powder: Light brown; shows fragments of thin-walled cork cells, aseptate fibres; single or in groups,
oval to angular, elongated, stone cells; rosette and prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate and simple,
round to oval starch grains, measuring 5-11 µ in diameter.
Water-soluble extractive : Not less than 11 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7
DOSE : 2-5 g
The drug Jamun consists of dried seeds of Syzygium cuminii (Linn.) Skeels (Fam. Myrtaceae);
a large evergreen tree, attaining a height of 30 m and a girth of 3.6 m with a bole up to 15 m, found
throughout India upto an altitude of 1,800 m.
Urdu : Jamun
Hindi : Jamuna
Bengali : Badjam, Kalajam
Gujarati : Gambu, Jamun
Kannad : Nerale Beeja, Jambu Nerale
Tamil : Naval
Malayalam : Njaval
Marathi : Jambul
Oriya : Jam Kol, Jamu Kol
Punjabi : Jaamun
Telugu : Alla Nereduchettu, Neredu Chettu
Macroscopic : 2-5 seeds, compressed together into a mass resembling a single seed, the whole seed
enclosed in a cream coloured, coriaceous covering, smooth, oval or round, 1 cm long, 1 cm wide,
brownish-black; taste, astringent.
Powder: Brown coloured; shows a few parenchymatous cells and numerous oval, rounded starch
grains, measuring 7-28 µ in diameter.
T.L.C of alcoholic extract of the drug on silica gel ‘G’ plate using Toluene : Ethyl acetate
(90:10) shows under U.V. light (366 nm) one flurorescent zone at Rf. 0.30 (blue). On exposure to
Iodine vapour four spots appear at Rf. 0.12,0.20,0.30 and 0.95 (all yellow). On spraying with Vanillin-
Sulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate for ten minutes at 1050C, three spots appear at Rf. 0.20,
0.30 and 0.95 (all violet) Appendix 2.2.10
CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Glycoside (Jamboline), Tannin, Ellagic acid and Gallic acid.
DOSE : 3-5 g
(Stem Bark)
The drug Kaiphal consists of dried stem bark of Myrica esculenta Buch.- Ham. ex D. Don.
Syn. M. nagi Hook.f. (Fam. Myricaceae); a dioecious evergreen, small or moderate sized tree, 3-15 m
high, found in subtropical Himalayas from Ravi eastward to Assam, Khasi, Jaintia, Naga and Lushai
hills upto an elevation of 900-2100 m.
Urdu : Kaiphal
Arabic : Ood-ul-Barq
Persian : Dar-e-Sheeshan
Hindi : Kayphal
Bengali : Kaychhal, Katphal, Kayphal
Gujarati : Kayphal
Kannad : Kadujai Kai, Katphala, Kirisivari, Kirishivane
Tamil : Marudam, Marudampatai
Malayalam : Marut
Marathi : Kaayphal
Punjabi : Kanphal, Kayphal
Telugu : Kaidaryamu
Macroscopic : Drug occurs in pieces of variable length, 1-2.5 cm thick, slightly quilled, fissured
longitudinally and transversely, outer surface rough, grey to brownish-grey, inner surgace dark brown
and smooth; fracture, hard; taste, bitter.
Microscopic: Mature stem bark shows multilayered cork, composed of rectangular, tangentially elongated,
thin-walled cells, some filled with red contents; secondary cortex a wide zone, composed of thin-
walled, rectangular to polygonal, parenchymatous cells, a number of cells filled with red colouring
matter and simple, round to oval starch grains measuring 6-11 µ diameter a number of stonecells, in
singles or in groups, circular polygonal or oval, thick walled, lignified with simple pits and radiating
canals, found scattered throughout secondary cortex; secondary phloem consists of sieve elements,
phloem fibres, crystal fibres, stone cells and phloem parenchyma traversed by phloem rays. Numerous
prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate present in secondary phloem; phloem fibres with blunt or pointed
end and highly thick walled, with very narrow lumen present in groups; stone cells similar to those
found in secondary cortex, mostly in singles or in groups of 2-3 sometimes associated with fibre groups
in phloem parenchyma. In isolated preparation and tangential sections crystal fibres show more than
twenty chambers having single prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate in each chamber; a number of
phloem parenchyma cells containing red colouring matter; phloem rays 1-4 seriate, containing red
colouring matter.
Powder: Rusty red; shows a number of stone cells, phloem fibres, crystal fibres and prismatic crystals
of calcium oxalate and simple, round to oval, starch grains measuring 6-11 µ in diameter.
T.L.C. of the alcoholic extract on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using n-Butanol : Acetic acid: Water
(4:1:5) shows in visible light five spots at Rf. 0.25, 0.43, 57, 0.75 (all grey) and 0.88 (yellowish green).
Under U.V. (366 nm) seven fluorescent zone are visible at Rf. 0.09, 0.18 and 0.30 (all light blue), 0.43
(green), 0.49 (blue), 0.65 blue) and 0.71 (pink). On exposure to Iodine vapour eleven spots appear at
Rf. 0.07, 09, 0.12, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.43, 0.52, 0.57, 0.75 and 0.88 (all yellow). On spraying with 5%
Methanolic-Sulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate for ten minutes at 110°C six spots appear at
Rf. 0.09 (black), 0.30 (black), 0.57 (light brown), 0.71 (light pink), 0.82 light pink) and 0.88 (yellowish
green). Appendix 2.2.10
DOSE : 3-5 g.
The drug Kaiphal consists of dried fruit of Myrica esculenta Buch.- Ham. ex D. Don. Syn.
M.nagi Hook.f. (Fam. Myricaceae); a deciduous, evergreen, small or moderate sized tree, 3-15 m high,
found in sub-tropical Himalayas from Ravi eastwards to Assam, and in Khasi, Jaintia, Naga and Lushai
hills at the elevation of 900-2100 m.
Urdu : Kaiphal
Arabic : Ood-ul-Barq
Persian : Dar-e-Sheeshan
Hindi : Kayphal
Bengali : Kaychhal, Katphal, Kayphal
Gujarati : Kayphal
Kannad : Kadujai Kai, Katphala, Kirisivari, Kirishivane
Tamil : Marudam, Marudampatai
Malayalam : Marut
Marathi : Kaayphal
Punjabi : Kanphal, Kayphal
Telugu : Kaidaryamu
Macroscopic :
Fruit : A drupe, ellipsoid or ovoid, 0.7-1.0 cm long, 0.5-0.7 cm wide, dark brown, surface tubercled,
very hard; taste, sourish sweet.
Seed : Ovoid, 0.6 cm long, 0.3 cm wide, surface very smooth, light brown; taste, oily.
Fruit: Shows epicarp cells isodiametric in surface view, mass of reddish-brown, thin-walled,
parenchymatous cells, a few elongated tubercled cells with smooth walls, endocarp hard and stony
consisting of sclerenchymatous cells.
Seed: Seed coat shows single layered, thick, brown coloured cells; cotyledons composed of sinlge
layered, thin-walled, isodiametric, fully packed with oil globules and aleurone grains.
Powder: Yellowish – brown; shows rectangular to hexagonal, thin-walled seed coat and polyugonal
epidermal cells in surface view; tubereled parenchymatous cells, oil globules and aleurone grains
Total ash : Not more than 5 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3
Acid-insoluble ash : Not more than 2.5 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4
Alcohol-soluble extractive : Not less than 15 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6
Water-soluble extractive : Not less than 17 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7
T.L.C. of the a1coholic extract on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using n-Butanol: Acetic acid: Water
(4:1:5) shows in visible light five spots at Rf. 0.25, 0.43, 0.57, 0.75 (all grey) and 0.88 (yellowish
green). Under U.V. (366 nm) seven fluorescent zones are visible at Rf. 0.09, 0.18 and 0.30 (all light
blue), 0.43 (green), 0.49 (blue), 0.65 (blue) and 0.71 (pink). On exposure to Iodine vapour eleven spots
appear at Rf. 0.07, 0.81, 0.12, 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.43, 0.52, 0.57, 0.75 and 0.88 (all yellow). On spraying
with 5% Methanolic-Sulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate for ten minutes at 110°C six spots
appear at Rf. 0.09 (black), 0.30 (black), 0.57 (light brown), 0.71 (light pink), 0.82(light pink) and 0.88
(yellowish green). Appendix 2.2.10
DOSE : 3-5 g
The drug Kakri consists of seeds of Cucumis melo var. utilissimus Duthie & Fuller syn. C.
utilissimus Roxb. (Fam.Cucurbitaceae), an annual creeping herb, cultivated in many parts of the country,
especially in North India and particularly in Uttar Pradesh and Punjab.
Urdu : Kakari
Arabic : Bazrul Qissa
Persian : Tukhme Khayare Daraz, Tukhme Khayer za, Tukhme Khayar
Hindi : Kakri, Kakadi
Bengali : Kakur, Karikuda
Gujarati : Kakadi
Kannad : Saute
Tamil : Kakkarikkay, Vellarikkai
Malayalam : Kamkadi, Vellarika
Marathi : Kakdi, Valnka
Punjabi : Kakri
Telugu : Dosakaya
Macroscopic: Seed compressed, more or less ellipsoid, 0.7-1.0 cm long, 0.3-0.4 cm wide, surface
smooth, glossy, creamish-yellow taste sweetish oily.
Microscopic: Seed shows seed coat consisting of a layer of round to oval stone cells, lignified with
distinct lumen and striations, followed by a narrow zone of endosperm consisting of cellulosic, thin-
walled, rounded and tangentially elongated, parenchymatous cells, containing a few oil globules and
aleurone grains. Cotyledons two, straight, consisting of single layered epidermal cells, covered with
thick cuticle, mesophyll cells thin-walled, radially elongated to squarish, parenchymatous, containing
numerous oil globules and aleurone grains.
Powder: Creamish-yellow and oily; shows stone cells, mesophyll cells and numerous oil globules and
aleurone grains.
DOSE : 5-7 g
(Root Bark)
The drug Karanj consists of dried root bark of Pongamia pinnata (Linn.) Pierre. Syn. P.glabra
Vent, Cytisus pinnatus Linn.(Fam. Papilionaceae), a glabrous tree, upto 18 m or sometimes more in
height, found almost throughout the country upto an altitude of 1200 m.
Urdu : Karanj
Hindi : Karanj
Bengali : Natakaranja, Dahara Karanja
Gujarati : Kanaji
Kan. : Honge Beru
Tamil : Pungai
Malayalam : Pongu, Ungu
Marathi : Karanja
Oriya : Karanja
Punjabi : Karanj
Telugu : Ganuga, Kanuga
Macroscopic: Drug occurs in pieces of variable sizes; reddish-brown externally and yellowish-white,
internally; external surface rough, due to peeling off of outer thin skin and presence of numerous
irregularly scattered and transversely arranged rows of lenticels; fracture fibrous; taste very bitter.
Microscopic: Root bark shows cork consisting or 5-15 or more rows of rectangular, tangentially
elongated, thin-walled, cells; secondary cortex wide composed of polygonal, tangentially elongated
cells, most of the cells containing both simple and compound starch grains having 2-5 components
round to oval in shape, 3-11 µ in diameter, a few cells contain yellowish-brown contents and prismatic
crystals of calcium oxalate; stone cells found scattered in this region in singles and groups, single cells
of varying shape and size; secondary phloem very wide, composed of tangentially arranged fibres
alternating with sieve tubes and phloem parenchyma, traversed by phloem rays; most of phloem
parenchyma cells contain starch grains and crystals, similar to those present in secondary cortex.
Phloem rays many, mostly straight, 1-2 seriate, consisting of thin-walled, radially elongated cells
towards inner region and tangentially elongated towards periphery; most of ray cells contain starch
grain, similar to those present in secondary cortex.
Powder: Creamish-yellow; shows thin-walled, parenchymatous cells, cork cells, phloem fibres, stone
cells and simple and compound starch grains measuring 3 –11 µ in diameter.
Alcohol-soluble extractive : Not less than 3.5 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive : Not less than 17 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
T.L.C. :
T.L.C. of the alcoholic extract on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using Toluene : Ethylacetate (9 : 1) shows
under U.V. light (366 nm) eleven fluorescent zones at Rf. 0.04 (blue), 0.08 (greenish blue), 0.13 (Sky
blue), 0.18 (blue), 0.25 (Sky blue), 0.31 (Sky blue), 0.37 (greenish yellow), 0.42 (Sky blue), 0.47
(greenish yellow), 0.51 (light blue), 0.80 (light blue). On exposure to Iodine vapour nine spots appear
at Rf. 0.09, 0.18, 0.31, 0.37, 0.47, 0.47, 0.51, 0.80 and 0.98 (all yellow). Appendix 2.2.10
ACTION : Daf-e-Bhagandar.
DOSE : 3- 5 g
The drug Karanj cosists dried leaf of Pongamia pinnata (Linn.) Pierre. Syn. P.glabra Vent,
Cytisus pinnatus Linn.(Fam. Papilionaceae), a glabrous tree, upto 18 m or sometimes more in height,
found almost throughout the country upto an altitude of 1200 m.
Urdu : Karanj
Hindi : Natakaranja, Dahara Karanja
Gujarati : Kanaji
Kannad : Karanj
Bengali : Honge Beru
Tamil : Pungai
Malayalam : Pongu, Ungu
Marathi : Karanja
Oriya : Karanja
Punjabi : Karanj
Telugu : Ganuga, Kanuga
Macroscopic: Leaves imparipinnate, leaflets 2-3 pairs, ovate or elliptic with smooth margins, 6.2-11.5
cm long and 3.9-8.3 cm wide, dark green, petiolule short, 0.5-0.8 cm.
Leaf :
Petiolule – circular in outline, covered with cuticle, epidermis single layered, consisting of tabular
cells; cortex consisting of angular, isodiametric, collenchymatous cells without intercellular spaces, a
few cells containing prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate; pericycle present in the form of
sclerenchymatous sheath; vascular bundle single, arc-shaped, consisting of xylem and phloem; xylem
vessels arranged radially, traversed by xylem rays; a few schizogenous cavities found scattered in
Midrib – shows single layered epidermis, consisting of tabular cells, covered with thick cuticle, followed
by 3-4 layered collenchymatous hypodermis; cotrtex consists of round to oval, thin-walled
parenchymatous cells; pericycle present in the form of sclerenchymatous sheath; vascular bundle,
collateral, conjoint and arranged in discontinuous ring; central portion occupied by oval to polygonal
thin-walled parenchymatous pith, prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate present in cortex, phloem and
Lamina – shows single layered epidermis covered with thick cuticle, palisade two layered; spongy
parenchyma 3-5 layered, a few containing prismatic crystals similar to midrib, occasionally a few
spongy parenchyma cells get elongated and look like palisade cells, palisade ratio; vein islet
number 18-25 per mm square, stomata anisocytic, present in lower surface, stomatal index 12.5-20.
Powder: Green shows spiral xylem vessels, mesophyll cells, epidermal cells and a few prismatic
crystals of calcium oxalate.
DOSE : 3-5 g
(Stem Bark)
The drug Karanj consists of dried stem bark of Pongamia pinnata (Linn.) Pierre. Syn. P.glabra
Vent, Cytisus pinnatus Linn. (Fam. Papilionaceae), a glabrous tree, upto 18 m or sometimes more in
height, found almost throughout the country upto an altitude of 1200 m.
Urdu : Karanj
Hindi : Karanj
Bengali : Natakaranja, Dahara Karanja
Kannad : Honge Beru
Tamil : Pungai
Malayalam : Pongu, Ungu
Marathi : Karanja
Oriya : Karanja
Punjabi : Karanj
Telugu : Ganuga, Kanuga
Macroscopic : Bark available in channelled, recurved, slightly quilled, usually 0.2-1 cm thick, lenticellate
pieces, more or less smooth; outer surface ash-gray to grayish-brown and internal surface yellowish-
white to cream coloured; fracture short and fibrous, odour unpleasant; taste bitter.
Microscopic: Bark shows 5-20 or more layers of cork, composed of rectangular, thick-walled cells,
filled with reddish brown content, at some places lenticels also appear; secondary cortex 10-15 layered
having oval to polygonal, tangentially elongated, thin~walled, parenchymatous cells; beneath secondary
cortex a large group of oval to elongated stone cells, arranged in a tangential manner, forming a
continuous or discontinuous band; secondary phloem composed of sieve elements, phloem parenchyma,
phloem fibre and stone cells, traversed by medullary rays; sieve elements and parenchyma composed
of rectangular to polygonal thin-walled cells, alternating with stone cells; fibre small, polygonal, thin-
walled and aseptate, a few associated with stone cells and arranged radially; medullary rays wavy,
usually 2-4 cells wide, radially elongated and rounded to oval in shape, a few stone cells scattered in
secondary cortex as in secondary phloem; rhomboidal crystals of calcium oxalate found in secondary
cortex; starch grains simple, rounded to oval and compound having 2-4 components, present in secondary
cortex, phloem parenchyma and rays cells; oil globules found in secondary phloem only.
DOSE : 3-5 g
The drug Karanj consists of dried root of Pongamia pinnata (Linn.) Pierre. Syn. P.glabra Vent,
Cytisus pinnatus Linn.(Fam. Papilionaceae), a glabrous tree, up to 18 m or sometimes more in height,
found almost throughout the country upto an altitude of 1200 m.
Urdu : Karanj
Hindi : Karanj
Bengali : Natakaranja, Dahara Karanja
Gujarati : Kanaji
Kannad : Honge Beru
Tamil : Pungai
Malayalam : Pongu, Ungu
Marathi : Karanja
Oriya : Karanja
Punjabi : Karanj
Telugu : Ganuga, Kanuga
Macroscopic : Drug occurs in pieces of varying sizes, bark, reddish-brown or dull brown, rough due
to the presence of numerous, irregularly distributed, and also transversely arranged rows of lenticels,
bark does not easily separate from xylem, internally light yellow, light in weight, fracture, fibrous in
bark portion and hard to break in xylem portion when the root is thick when in pieces splits longitudinally;
taste bitter.
Microscopic: Root shows cork consisting of 5-15 or more rows of rectangular, tangentially elongated,
thin-walled, cells; secondary cortex wide composed of polygonal, tangentially elongated cells, most of
the cells containing both simple and compound starch grains consisting of 2-3 components, rounded
to oval in shape, 3-11 µ in diameter. Some cells containing yellowish-brown contents and prismatic
crystals of calcium oxalate; stone cells found in single as well as in groups of varying shapes and size;
secondary phloem a very wide zone, consisting of tangentially arranged fibres, alternating with sieve
elements and phloem parenchyma traversed by phloem rays mostly straight, 1-2 seriate, consisting of
radially elongated, thin-walled cells towards inner region, tangentially elongated towards outer region;
starch grains, and crystals similar to those of cortical cells, also present in phloem parenchyma and
phloem rays; secondary xylem consisting of vessels, tracheids, fibres and parenchyma; vessels found
scattered throughout secondary xylem region in singles or groups of 2-4 or rarely, more; fibres thick-
walled. arranged in tangential bands traversed by xylem rays; xylem parenchyma cells thin-walled,
rounded to oval in shape; xylem rays uni to triseriate consisting of radially elongated cells; starch
grains and calcium oxalate crystals are similar to those present in cortical cells and also found scattered
in xylem parenchyma and xylem ray cells.
Powder: Light yellow; shows fibres in singles or groups; xylem vessels entire or in pieces with
reticulate thickenings; starch grains in abundance both simple and compound, consisting of 2-3
components, measuring 3-11 µ in diameter, stone cells and a few prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate.
(Fresh fruit)
The drug Karela consists of fresh fruit of Momordica charantia Linn. (Fam. Cucur-bitaceae);
a monoecious climber found throughout the country often under cultivation, upto an altitude of
1500 m.
Urdu : Karela
Arabic : Fisa-ul-Himar
Persian : Sima Hang
English : Bitter gourd
Hindi : Karela
Bengali : Karolla
Gujarati : Karela
Kannad : Hagalakai
Tamil : Paharkai
Malayalam : Kaippa, Pavackkai
Marathi : Karla
Oriya : Kalara, Salara
Punjabi : Karela
Telugu : Kaakara Kaaya
Macroscopic : Fruit 2.5 - 25 cm long, oblong, pendulous, fusiform, usually pointed or beaked, ribbed
and bearing numerous triangular tubercles, 3 valved at the apex when mature, sur-face rough; light
green to green in colour containing numerous seeds; taste, extremely bitter.
T.L.C. :
T.L.C. of alcoholic extract of the drug on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using Chloroform : Methanol (90
:10) shows under U.V. (366 nm) four fluorescent zones at Rf. 0.23 (red), 0.61 (light sky blue), 0.96
(sky blue), 0.98 (red & sky blue). On exposure to Iodine vapour four spots appear at Rf. 0.17, 0.46,
0.67 and 0.98 (all yellow). On spraying with 5% Methanolic Phosphomolybdic acid reagent nine spots
appear at Rf. 0.03, 0.16, 0.34, 0.43, 0.50,0.60,0.75,0.81 and 0.98 (all blue). Appendix 2.2.10
CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Alkaloid (Momoridicine) and Glycosides.
DOSE : 10 -20 g
The drug Kath Gular consists of dried root of Ficus hispida Linn. (Fam. Moraceae); a moderate
sized tree or shrub, distributed throughout the outer Himalayan range from Chenab eastwards to
Bengal, Central and South India and Andaman Islands.
Macroscopic : Roots 4 -17 cm long, 1.0-2.5 cm thick, almost cylindrical, occasionally somewhat
compressed at places, external surface brown to dark brown with deep, elliptical cracks and tangentially
arranged rows of lenticels; fracture splintery.
Microscopic: Root shows 5-10 layers of cork, consisting of thin-walled, compressed cells, outer layers
exfoliating; secondary cortex a wide zone consisting of irregularly arranged, tangentially elongated,
thin-walled parenchymatous cells, some of which contain rosette - crystals of calcium oxalate and dark
red coloured contents; secondary phloem consisting of’ usual elements, comprising of thin-walled
cells; cellulosic phloem fibres found scattered throughout secondary phloem in singles and in groups
of 2-3;. a few phloem parenchyma and phloem ray cells contain rosette crystals of calcium oxalate;
secondary xylem situated centrally, consisting of usual elements, all being lignified; xylem vessels
numerous, equally distributed throughout secondary xylem region, in singles as well as in groups of
2-6, xylem rays numerous, straight and 1-5 cells wide.
Powder: Yellowish-brown; shows cellulosic phloem fibres, xylem vessels in broken pieces with pitted
thickenings and rosette crystals of calcium oxalate.
T.L.C. :
T.LC. of the alcoholic extract on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using Toluene: Ethylacetate (9 : 1) on
exposure to Iodine vapour shows six spots at Rf. 0.05, 0.15, 0.30, 0.34, 0.92 and 0.98 (all yellow). On
spraying with Dragendorff, reagent followed by 5% aqueous Sodium Nitrite solution four spots appear
at Rf. 0.30, 0.34,0.92 and 0.98 (all light brown). Appendix 2.2.10
DOSE : 3-5 g
The drug Mouz (Kela) consists of fresh rhizome of Musa paradisiaca Linn. (Fam. Musaceae);
plant found cultivated throughout India upto 1200 m.
Urdu : Kela
Arabic : Mouz
Persian : Mouz
English : Banana
Hindi : Kela
Bengali : Kela, Kala. Kanch Kala, Kodali
Gujarati : Kela
Kannad : Bale Gadde
Tamil : Vazhai
Malayalam : Vazha
Marathi : Kela
Oriya : Kadali, Kadila
Punjabi : Kela
Telugu : Arati Gadda
Macroscopic : Drug available in 0.1-4 cm thick, transversely cut pieces, pinkish-brown to grayish-
brown, occasionally attached with a few roots.
T.L.C. :
T.L.C. of the alcoholic extract on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using Toluene: Ethylacetate (9 : 1) shows
under U.V. (366 nm) two fluorescent zones at Rf 0.25 (orange) and 0.33 (green). On exposure to Iodine
vapour three spots appear at Rf. 0.11, 0.25 and 0.73 (all yellow). Appendix 2.2.10
DOSE : 2-5 g
The drug Khas consists of dried fragrant fibrous roots of Vetiveria zizanioides (Linn.) Syn.
Phlaris zizanaides Linn. Nash (Fam. Poaceae); a densely tufted grass, found throughout the plains and
lower hills of the country, especially on the banks of rivers and rich marshy soil, ascending to an
altitude of 1200 m.
Urdu : Khas
Arabic : Khas
Persian : Khas
English : Cuscus Grass
Hindi : Khasa, Gandar, Bena, Khas
Bengali : Venarramula, Khaskhas
Gujarati : Sugandhi Valo, Valo
Kannad : Mudivala, Baladaberu, Lamanch, Bala Daberu
Tamil : Vetiver, Vilamichaver
Malayalam : Ramaceam, Vetiver, Lamajja, Ramacham
Marathi : Bala, Vala
Oriya : Ushira, Benachera
Punjabi : Panni, Khas
Telugu : Vetivelu, Vettiveru
Macroscopic : Clusters of wiry roots upto 2 mm in diameter, minute, longitudinally grooved; colour
varies from cream, grey or light yellow to brown; fracture short and splintery; odour strong aromatic;
taste slightly bitter.
Microscopic: Root shows an epidermis consisting of tangentially elongated cells having brownish
content, followed by a layer of hypodermis, consisting of thin-walled cells, similar to epidermis; cortex
consisting of 2-3 layers of thick-walled, lignified sclerenchymatous cells towards periphery and
aerenchymatous cells towards centre; endodermis, single layered of barrel-shaped cells with highly
thickened inner walls; pericycle many layered with thick-walled, sclerenchymatous cells enclosing
radial vascular bundles arranged in a ring; simple, round to oval starch grains measuring 8--12 µ in
diameter present in aerenchyma, pericycle and pith cells.
Powder : Ash-coloured; odour, strongly aromatic and bitter in taste, shows fibres in groups, isolated
xylem vessels, simple, round to oval, starch grains measuring 8-12 µ in diameter .
Alcohol-soluble extractive : Not less than 4 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6
Water-soluble extractive : Not less than 5 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7
Volatile oil : Not less than 1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7
T.L.C. of the alcoholic extract on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using n-Butanol: Acetic acid: Water
(4:1:5) shows under U.V. (366 nm) two fluorescent zones at Rf. 0.49 and 0.72 (both blue). On exposure
to Iodine vapour three spots appear at Rf. 0.28, 0.75 and 0.94 (all yellow). On spraying with 5%
Methanolic Sulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate at 105°C for ten minutes four spots appear at
Rf. 0.19, 0.33, 0.73 and 0.94 (all grey). Appendix 2.2.10
DOSE : 5-7 g
(Whole plant)
The drug Khurfa consists of dried whole plant of Portulaca oleracea Linn. (Fam. Portulacaceae);
an annual succulent, prostrate herb, 50 cm long, found throughout the country, ascending upto an
altitude of 1500 m in the Himalayas.
Urdu : Khurfa
Arabic : Baqlat-ul-Humqa
Persian : Khurfa
English : Garden Purslane, Common Indian Purslane
Hindi : Khursa, Kulfa, Badi Lona
Bengali : Baraloniya, Badanjuni, Baranunia
Gujarati : Lui, Loni, Moti Luni
Kannad : Dudagorai, Doddagoni Soppu, Lonika, Loni
Tamil : Pasalai, Pulikkirai, Paruppukkeerai, Kozhuppu
Malayalam : Koricchira, Kozhuppa, Kozuppa, Kozuppaccira
Marathi : Kurfah, Ghola
Punjabi : Lonak, Chhotalunia, Khurfa, Kwfa
Telugu : Pappukura, Peddapavila Kura, Payilidura, Pavilikura
Root – Cylindrical, small, oblique, surface smooth, brownish-grey; secondary roots less in number, root
hairs abundant in upper region, fracture short.
Stem – Almost cylindrical, swollen at the nodes, ribed, branched, 0.1 to 0.2 cm in diameter, fracture,
short; odour, characteristic.
Leaf – Simple, sub-sessile, cuneiform, rounded and truncate at the apex; 0.3 to 2.5 cm long and 0.1
to 0.6 cm wide, oblong, spathulate, smooth and greenish-brown.
Flower – A few, bright yellow at terminal heads, sometimes in axillary clusters of 2-6, subtended by
an involucre of 3-4 leaves; sepal 0.25-.04 cm long; petals obovate, 0.5 cm long, very delicate and soon
falling off; stamens 8-12; style 5-6 fid, 0.35-0.4 cm long.
Root – Shows 5-15 layers of cork, inner half filled with reddish-brown contents; secondary cortex
composed of thin-walled, oval cells, having intercellular spaces; pericycle fibre present in patches;
secondary phloem consists of sieve tubes and parenchymatous cells; secondary xylem composed of
vessels, tracheids and parenchyma; vessels, solitary or in groups of 2-5 arranged in radial rows, having
simple pits and spiral thickening; trachieds, thick-walled with wide lumen; parenchyma abundant;
simple as well as compound starch grains measuring 6-14 µ in diameter, having 2-3 components
present in secondary cortex, phloem xylem parenchyma and ray cells.
Stem – Wavy in outline, shows 5-10 layers of thin walled cork, with reddish-brown content in a few
cells; secondary cortex consists of 2-3 layers of collenchymatous and 3-4 layers of parenchymatous
cells with intercellular spaces; pericycle present as patches of pericyclic fibres; secondary phloem
mostly composed of sieve tubes and parenchyma cells; secondary xylem consists of vessels, tracheids
and parenchyma; vessels having simple pits and spiral thickening; trachieds thick-walled with wide
lumen; parenchyma abundant and thick-walled; rosette crystals of calcium oxalate and starch grains
present in secondary cortex, phloem and xylem parenchyma, ray cells and pith.
Leaf -
Midrib – shows a collateral vascular bundle surrounded by a sheath of palisade cells; rest of the tissues
between vascular bundle and epidermal cells composed of thin walled, oval, parenchymatous cells;
stomata paracytic type; rosette crystals of calcium oxalate and starch grains simple, as well as compound,
measuring 6-14 µ , present in mesophyll cells.
Lamina – shows a single layered upper and lower epidermis, covered externally with a thick cuticle;
paracytic stomata present on both surfaces; palisade single layered; spongy parenchyma cells more or
less isodiametric and loosely arranged.
Powder: Grayish-brown; shows groups of oval to polygonal, thin-walled, parenchymatous cells, pitted
and spiral vessels, fragments of cork cells rosette crystals of calcium oxalate and starch grains, simple
as well as compound, measuring 6-14 µ in diameter having 2-3 components.
T.L.C. :
T.L.C. of alcoholic extract of the drug on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using Toluene: Ethylacetate
(9 : 1) shows six spots at Rf. 0.08, 0.10 (both green) 0.41 0.52 (both faint green), 0.68 (yellow) and
0.76 (green) in visible light. Under UV (366 nm) six fluorescent zones are visible at Rf. 0.08, 0.10,
0.41, 0.52, 0.68, 0.76 (all pinkish red). On exposure to Iodine vapour six spots appear Rf. 0.10, 0.50,
0.61, 0.68, 0.76 and 0.98 (all yellow). Appendix 2.2.10
CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Protein, Carbohydrates, Vitamin C and Mucilage.
DOSE : 3-7 g
The drug Kohnch consists of dried mature seeds of Mucuna prurita Hook., Syn. M. pruriens
Baker. (Fam. Papilionaceae); a slender extensive climbing plant found almost all over the country.
Macroscopic : Seed ovoid, slightly laterally compressed, with a persistent oblong, funicular hilum,
dark brown with spots; usually 1.2-1.8 cm long, 0.8-1.2 cm wide, hard, smooth to touch, not easily
breakable; odour not distinct; taste sweetish-bitter
Microscopic: Mature seed shows a thin seed-coat and two hard cotyledons; outer testa consists of
single layered palisade-like cells; inner testa composed of 2 or 3 layers, outer layer of tangentially
elongated, ovoid, thin-walled cells, inner 1 or 2 layers of dumb-bell or beaker-shaped, thick-walled
cells; tegmen composed of a wide zone of oval to elliptical, somewhat compressed, thin-walled,
parenchymatous cells; some cells contain starch grains; cotyledons composed of polygonal, angular,
thin-walled, compactly arranged, parenchymatous cells, containing aleurone and starch grains. Starch
grains small, simple, rounded to oval measuring 6-41 µ in diameter, but not over 45 µ in diameter; a
few vascular bundles with vessels showing reticulate thickening or pitted present,
Powder: Pale cream coloured; shows fragments of testa with palisade-like cells thin-walled parenchyma,
reticulate and pitted vessels, aleurone and starch grains small, simple, rounded to oval measuring 6-
41µ in diameter.
T.L.C. of alcoholic extract on Silica gel ‘G’ plate, using n-Butanol : Acetic acid: Water (4:1:5),
shows in visible light four spots at Rf. 0.51, 0.59, 0.69 (all grey) and 0.92 (light yellow). Under UV
(366 nm) six fluorescent zones are visible at Rf. 0.45 (blue), 0.51, 0.59, 0.69 (all grey), 0.79 (light blue)
and 0.92 (blue). On spraying with Ninhydrin reagent and heating the plate for ten minutes at 110°C
seven spots appear at Rf. 0.17, 0.28,0.34 (all pink) 0.51 (orange), 0.59 (pink), 0.69 (grey) and 0.92
(pink). Appendix 2.2.10
DOSE : 3-5 g
The drug Kutki consists of the dried rhizome with root of Picrorhiza kurroa Royle ex Benth.
(Fam. Scrophulariaceae); a perennial, more or less hairy herb common on the north-western Himalayas
from Kashmir to Sikkim. Rhizome is cut into small pieces.
Urdu : Kutki
Arabic : Kharbaq Hindi
Persian : Kharbaq Hindi
English : Hellebore
Hindi : Kutki
Gujarati : Kadu, Katu
Kannad : Katuka rohini
Tamil : Katuka rohini, Katuku rohini, Kadugu rohini
Malayalam : Kaduk rohini, Katuka rohini
Marathi : Kutki, Kalikutki
Oriya : Katuki
Punjabi : Karru, Kaur
Telugu : Katukarohini
Rhizome – 2.5-8 cm long and 4-8 mm thick, sub-cylindrical, straight or slightly curved, externally
grayish-brown, surface rough due to longitudinal wrinkles, circular scars of roots and bud scales and
sometimes roots attached, tip ends in a growing bud surrounded by tufted crown of leaves, at places
cork exfoliates exposing dark cortex; fracture, short; odour pleasant; taste bitter.
Root – Thin, cylindrical, 5-10 cm long, 0.05-0.1 cm in diameter, straight or slightly curved with a few
longitudinal wrinkles and dotted scars, mostly attached with rhizomes, dusty grey, fracture short, inner
surface black with whitish xylem; odour pleasant; taste bitter.
Rhizome – Shows 20-25 layers of cork consisting of tangentially elongated, suberised cells; cork
cambium 1-2 layered; cortex single layered or absent, primary cortex persists in some cases, one or
two small vascular bundles present in cortex; vascular bundles surrounded by single layered endodermis
of thick-walled cells; secondary phloem composed of phloem parenchyma and a few scattered fibres;
cambium 2-4 layered; secondary xylem consists of vessels, tracheids, xylem fibres and xylem
parenchyma, vessels vary in shape and size having transverse oblique articulation. Tracheids long,
thick-walled, lignified, more or less cylindrical with blunt tapering ends; xylem parenchyma thin-
walled and polygonal in shape; center occupied by a small pith consisting of thin-walled cells; simple
round to oval starch grains, measuring 25-104 µ in diameter, abundantly found in all cells.
Root – Young root shows single layered epidermis, some epidermal cells elongate forming unicellular
hairs; hypodermis single layered; cortex 8-14 layered; consisting of oval to polygonal, thick-walled,
parenchymatous cells; primary stele tetrach to hexarch, enclosed by single layered pericycle and single
layered, thick-walled cells of endodermis; mature root shows 4-15 layers of cork, 1-2 layers of cork
cambium; secondary phloem poorly developed; secondary xylem consisting of vessels, tracheids,
parenchyma and fibres; vessels have varying shape and size, some cylindrical with tail-like, tapering
ends, some drum shaped with perforation on end walls or lateral walls; trachids cylindrical with
tapering pointed ends; fibres aseptate, thick-walled, lignified with tapering blunt chisel-like pointed
Powder: Dusty grey; shows groups of fragments of cork cells, thick-walled, parenchyma, pitted vessels
and aseptate fibres, simple round to oval, starch grains, measuring 25-104 µ in diameter.
T.L.C. of alcoholic extract of the drug on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using Chloroform: Methanol
(95 : 5) shows under U.V. light (366 nm) three fluorescent zones at Rf. 0.05 (blue), 0.30 (blue) and
0.35 (green). On spraying with nine spots appear at 5% methanolic sulphuric acid reagent and heating
the plate for about ten minutes at 1050 C seven spots appear at Rf. 0.05, 0.10, 0.17, 0.21, 0.30, 0.41
and 0.84 (all brownish grey). Appendix 2.2.10
DOSE : 500 mg -1 g
(Stem bark)
The drug Madar consists of dried stem bark of Calotropis procera (Ait.) R. Br. (Fam.
Asclepiadaceae); an erect shrub exuding milky white latex from cut parts, found wild more or less
throughout India.
Urdu : Madar
Arabic : Ushar
Persian : Aak, Madar
English : Maddar
Hindi : Aak, Madar, Akavana
Bengali : Akanda, Akone
Gujarati : Aakado
Kannad : Ekka, Ekkagida
Tamil : Vellerukku, Erukku
Malayalam : Errikku
Marathi : Rui
Oriya : Arakka
Punjabi : Akk
Telugu : Jilledu
Macroscopic : Drug occurs in channelled, quilled and fibrous pieces, upto 0.1 - 0.5 cm thick, external
surface yellowish brown having longitudinal cracks, internal surface greenish, smooth, with an occasional
wood tissue attached; fracture fibrous; odour and taste not distinct.
Microscopic: Stem bark shows exfoliated cork, consisting of 6-8 layers of tangentially elongated,
thick-walled cells; where cork has not developed, epidermis present consisting of a single layered
rectangular cells covered externally with striated cuticle; secondary cortex composed of tangentially
elongated, oval, rounded or rectangular thin-walled parenchymatous cells having intercellular spaces,
some cells contain rosette crystals of calcium oxalate, a number of rounded, oval to elongated, single
or groups of stone cells and latex cells also found scattered in this region; pericyclic fibres numerous,
lignified; secondary phloem composed of sieve elements, phloem parenchyma, phloem fibres and
phloem rays; phloem parenchyma rectangular to polygonal in shape having rosette crystals of calcium
oxalate, latex cells and stone cells similar to those found in secondary cortex; phloem fibres aseptate
with bordered pits; phloem rays mostly uniseriate and straight.
Powder: Light yellowish-green; shows fibres, stone cells, rosette crystals of calcium oxalate and latex
T.L.C. of the alcoholic extract on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using Chloroform : Methanol (1:1) shows
under UV (366 nm) four fluorescent zones at Rf. 0.63, 0.71, 0.81 and 0.87 (all blue). On spraying with
Dragendorff reagent followed by 5% Methanolic- Sulphuric acid reagent one spot appears at Rf. 0.08
(orange). Appendix 2.2.10
The drug Majeeth consists of dired stem of Rubia cordifolia Linn. (Fam. Rubiaceae); a perennial
herbaceous prickly creeper or climber upto 10 m long, found throughout the country acending to
3750 m.
Urdu : Majeeth
Arabic : Foh-us-Sabagh
Persian : Romnas
Hindi : Manjitha, Manjit
Bengali : manjistha, Manjith
Gujarati : Manjitha
Kannad : Manjustha
Tamil : Manjatte
Malayalam : Manjatti
Marathi : Manjihtha
Punjabi : Manistha, Manjit
Telugu : Manjishtha
Macroscopic : Stem slender, more or less cylindrical, slightly flattened, wiry, about 0.5 cm thick,
brown to purple coloured; surface scabrous, stiff and grooved with longitudinal cracks; prickles present
in the immature stem; nodes distinct having two leaf scars, on either side; fracture short.
Microscopic: Mature stem shows exfoliating cork, ruptured at places, forming dome-shaped structure,
consisintg of 3-12 or more layered radially arranged, squarish and tangentially elongated, thin-walled
cells, appearing polygonal in surface view; secondary cortex 3-5 layered consisting of tangentially
elongated, thin-walled cells, some of which contain acicular crystals of calcium oxalate as isolated or
in bundles; a few cells contain sandy crystals as black granular masses; secondary phloem, a wide zone
of reddish colour, composed of sieve elements and phloem parenchyma, fibres absent; phloem
parenchyma smaller towards inner side gradually becoming larger and tangentially elongated towards.
Powder: Pink; shows numerous fragments of cork, lignified xylem vessels, tracheids, and fibres with
pitted and reticulate xylem parenchyma having red coloured contents; acicular and sandy crystals as
black granular masses.
T.L.C. of the alcoholic extract on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using n-Butanol : Acetic acid : Water
(4:1:5) shows in visible light two spots at Rf. 0.92 (grey) and 0.98 (green). Under UV (366 nm) six
fluorescent zones are visible at Rf. 0.28, 0.37, 0.53, 0.72, 0.92 and 0.98 (all yellow). On spraying with
5% Methanolic- Sulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate for ten minutes at 1100 C six spots appear
at Rf. 0.28, 0.37 (both grey), 0.53 (bluish grey), 0.72 (grey), 0.92 (grey) and 0.98 (violet). Appendix
DOSE : 3-5 g
(Whole plant)
The drug Mako consists of the dried whole plant of Solanum nigrum Linn. (Fam. Solanaceae);
a herbaceous annual weed, 30-45 cm high, found throughout the country in dry parts, quite common
in cultivated lands, road sides and gardens.
Urdu : Mako
Arabic : Anab-us-Salab
Persian : Robah Tareek
Hindi : Makoya
Bengali : Gudakamai
Gujarati : Piludi
Kannad : Ganikayeagida, Ganikegida, ganike, ganikesopu, Kage hanninagids
Tamil : Manarthakkali, Manaththakkali, Manitakkali, Maniththakkali
Malayalam : Karinthakkali, Manatakkali, Manathakkali
Marathi : Kamoni
Oriya : Lunlunia, Lunilunika
Punjabi : Mako
Telugu : Kamanchi
Macroscopic :
Root – Tap root with a few branches and numerous small lateral roots, externally smooth, pale brown;
bark thin, easily peeled off exposing pale yellow wood.
Stem – Erect glabrous or pubescent, green, rounded at the basal region and angular at the apical region,
slightly woody and branched.
Leaf- Simple, 2.5-8.5 cm long and 25 cm wide, ovate or oblong sinuate, toothed or, lobed, narrowed
at both ends; petiolate, thin.
Flower - Small, extra-axillary, sub-umbellate, 3-8 flowered cymes, peduncles 6-20 mm long, slender;
pedicels 6-10 mm long, very slender; calyx 2-3 mm long, glabrous, five lobed, oblong, obtuse, 1.25
mm long; corolla 4.8 mm long, divided more than half way down into 5 oblong sub-acute lobes, white
or pale violet; filaments short, flattened, hairy at base; anther 1.2-2.5 mm long, yellowish, oblong,
obtuse notched at apex; ovary globose, glabrous; style cylindric, hairy in lower part.
Fruit - A berry, 6 mm in diameter, obtuse, usually purplish-black but sometimes red, yellow or black;
smooth shining.
Root - Shows cork consisting of 2-4 rows of tangentially elongated cells; cortex of large, slightly
elongated,thin-walled cells having patches of lignified sclerenchyma fibres, most of the cortical cells
contain oval to round starch grains, measuring 2.5-11 µ in diameter, single or with two or rarely 3
components; a few parenchyma cells contain microsphenoidal crystals of calcium oxalate; phloem
consists of thin-walled, polygonal cells, phloem rays uniseriate, filled with starch grains; xylem composed
of vessels and parenchyma; vessels arranged in groups of 2-4 in radial rows; parenchyma thick-walled
containing microsphenoidal crystals of calcium oxalate; rays composed of thin-walled, radially elongated
Stem - Shows single layered, epidermis of cubical to barrel-shaped cells, covered with thick, slightly
striated cuticle, trichomes multicellular, uniseriate; secondary cortex composed of 2-4 layered collenchyma
but 4-10 layered in angular parts; tangentially elongated, oval parenchymatous cells, some containing
numerous microsphenoidal crystals of calcium oxalate and simple, oval to round starch grains measuring
2.5-8.25 in diameter, endodermis single layered; pericycle consists of intermittent ring of patches of
fibres either isolated or in groups of 2-4; vascular bundles-collateral, conjoint and open; cambium 2-
4 layered; xylem vessels arranged radially smaller being towards centre, showing spiral thickening and
simple perforations; tracheids pointed tipped and with pitted walls; xylem rays homogenous, uniseriate;
internal phloem; in small or large patch-es, usually accompanied by fibres, embedded in perimedullary
zones; pith large, composed of thin-walled, parenchymatous cells with small intercellular spaces, a few
cells containing microspenoidal crystals of calcium oxalate.
Leaf -
Petiole - shows single layered epidermis of oval or tangentially elongated cells, covered with striated
cuticle; covering trichomes uniseriate, 3-5 celled having pointed tips and warty walls; glandular hairs
with 1-2 celled stalk and 2-7 celled head; epidermis single layered; chlorenchyma 2-3 layered, compactly
arranged; 5-8 layered parenchyma consisting of round, thin-walled cells with smaller intercellular
spaces, a few ,containing microsphenoidal crystals of calcium oxalate; central vascular bundle shallow,
arc-shaped, bicollateral; two smaller bundles present laterally on either side of main vascular bundles
one in each lateral wing of the petiole.
Midrib - shows upper and lower epidermis of round to oval cells, covered with striated cuticle,
trichomes similar to those found on petiole; collenchyma 2-3 layered on both surfaces; parenchyma 6
layered, thin-walled with small intercellular spaces; arc-shaped bicollateral vascular bundle placed
Lamina - dorsiventral, both upper and lower epidermis single layered, composed of oval to tangentially
elongated cells covered with thick cuticle; palisade single layered; spongy parenchyma 4-6 layered
containing chloroplasts with intercellular spaces; a few vessels with spiral thickenings, present beneath
palisade parenchyma; in surface preparation a large number of multicellular, warty hairs with pointed
tips and glandular hairs are present; epidermis with irregular outline, stomata anisocytic, scattered on
both surfaces but more abundant in lower surface; palisade ratio 2-4; vein islet number 7-10; stomatal
index 15-17 on upper epidermis and 22-23 on lower epidermis.
Fruit - Shows thin, papery epicarp, pulpy mesocarp and axile placentation; seeds at first remain
attached to the placenta but afterwards separate from it and lie free in pulp of fruit.
Powder: Creamish-green; shows fragments of vessels with spiral thickening; a few broken pieces of
pointed, unicellular hairs; single, oval to round and compound with three components of starch grains,
measuring 2.5 - 11 µ in diameter.
T.L.C. of alcoholic extract of the drug on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using Toluene: Ethylacetate
(90 : 10) shows two spots at Rf 0.06 & 0.34 (both brown) in visible light. Under U.V. light (366 nm)
two fluorescent zones are visible at Rf. 0.06 & 0.34 (both pink). On exposure to Iodine vapour three
spots appear at Rf 0.06, 0.34 and 0.97 (all yellow). Appendix 2.2.10
DOSE : 5-7 g
The drug Malkangni consists of dried, mature, seeds of Celastrus paniculatus Willd. (Fam.
Celastraceae); a large climbing shrub, mostly found all over the hilly parts of the country upto an
altitude of 1200 m.
Urdu : Malkangani
English : Staff tree
Hindi : Malkangani
Gujarati : Malkangani
Kannad : Malkangni
Tamil : Valuluvai
Malayalam : Ceruppunnari, Uzhinja
Marathi : Malkangoni
Oriya : Malangoni, jyotishmati
Punjabi : Malkangoni
Telugu : Malkangani, Peddamaveru
Macroscopic: Dried mature seeds more or less covered by orange-red crustly aril, seeds without aril
also present, measuring 5-6 mm in length and 2.5-3.35 mm in breadth, a few roughly three sided being
convex on the sides and a few two sided with one convex and other more or less flat side, one edge
of many seeds show a faint ridge or raphe on the whole margin; surface generally smooth and hard;
colour, light to dark brown; odour unpleasant ; taste bitter.
Microscopic: Seed shows single layered epidermis covered exteranally with thick cuticle and filled
with tannin, followed by 4-6 layers of thin-walled, collapsed parenchymatous cells and layer of radially
elongated stone cells; parenchyma of top one or two layers longer than of the below with trianglualr
intercellular spaces; innermost layer of parenchyma containing prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate;
beneath stone cells layer quadrangular to octagonal, tangentially elongated cells filled with brownish
contents; endosperm composed of polygonal, thin-walled parenchymatous cells having oil globules and
aleurone grains; embryo spathulate in fleshy endosperm containing oil globules and aleurone grains.
Powder: Oily dark brown; under microscope shows groups of endospermic parenchyma, stone cells,
oil globules and aleurone grains and shows fluorescence under U.V.light as following :-
Total ash : Not more than 6 per cent, Appendix 2.2.3.
Acid-insoluble ash : Not more than 1.5 per cent, Appendix 2.2.4.
Alcohol-soluble extractive : Not less than 20 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6.
Water-soluble extractive : Not less than 9 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7.
Oil Contents : Not less than 45 per cent, Appendix 2.2.8.
T.L.C of alcoholic extract of drug on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using Toluene: Ethylacetate (90:10)
shows two spots at Rf. 0.82 (pink) & 0.94 (yellow) in visible light. Under U.V. (366nm) four fluorescent
zones visible at Rf. 0.54, 0.82, 0.89 (all blue) & 0.94 (yellow). On exposure to Iodine Vapour eight
spots appear at Rf. 0.04, 0.15, 0.20, 0.35, 0.54, 0.63, 0.82 & 0.89 (all yellow). On spraying with
Vanillin-Sulphuric acid reagent and heating the plate at 1050 C for ten minutes four spots appear at Rf.
0.35, 0.54 (both blue), 0.78 and 0.89 (both greenish blue). Appendix 2.2.10
The drug Maweez Munaqqa consists of dried mature fruits of Vitis vinifera Linn. (Fam.
Vitaceae); a deciduous climber, mostly cultivated in north western India, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh
-and Kashmir for their use as dessert fruit. However, the dried fruits, known in trade as ‘Raisins’, are
mostly imported into India from the Middle East and Southern European countries.
Urdu : Munaqqa
Arabic : Zabeeb-ul-Jabal
Persian : Maweezak Kohi
English : Dry Grapes, Raisins
Hindi : Munkka
Bengali : Maneka
Gujarati : Drakh, Darakh
Kannad : Draksha
Tamil : Draksha Kottai, Drakshai
Malayalam : Munthringya
Marathi : Draksha, Angur
Oriya : Drakya, Gostoni
Punjabi : Munaca
Telugu : Drakshai, Kottai Drakshai
Macroscopic : Fruit a berry, sticky and pulpy, dark brown to black; oblong or oval, sometimes
spherical; 1.5 -2.5 cm long and 0.5-1.5 cm wide; outer skin irregularly wrinkled forming ridges and
furrows; usually contain 1-4 seeds, 4-7 mm long, ovoid rounded to triangular or simply ovoid, brown
to black; odour sweetish and pleasant; taste sweet.
Microscopic: A single layered epidermis cells filled with reddish-brown contents; mesocarp pulpy,
made up of thin-walled, irregular cells containing prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate, measuring
13.75 -41 11 in diameter; some fibro-vascular bundles also present in this region; seeds composed of
testa and endosperm; testa composed of thick-walled yellowish cells; endosperm composed of angular
parenchymatous cells containing oil globules and cluster crystals of calcium oxalate, measuring 11-16
11 in diameter.
Powder: Yellowish – brown; shows xylem vessels with reticulate thickening, glandular hairs, simple,
round and oval starch grains, measuring 4-14 µ in diameter.
Alcohol-soluble extractive : Not less than 25 per cent, Appendix 2.2.6
Water-soluble extractive : Not less than 70 per cent, Appendix 2.2.7
Loss on drying : Not less than 15 per cent, Appendix 2.2.9
T.L.C. :
T.L.C. of the alcoholic extract on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using n-Butanol : Acetic acid: Water (4:
1:5) shows under UV (366 nm) a fluorescent zone at Rf 0.29 (blue). On exposure to Iodine vapur four
spots appear at Rf. 0.08,0.29,0.69 and 0.85 (all yellow). On spraying with 5% Methanolic-Sulphuric
acid reagent and heating the plate for about ten minutes at 110°C three spots appear at Rf. 0.08 (black),
0.29 (black) and 0.98 (violet). Appendix 2.2.10
CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Malic, Tartaric & Oxalic Acids, Carbohydrates and Tannins.
DOSE : 9 - 11 nos.
The drug Narmushk consists of dried stamens of Mesua ferrea Linn. (Fam. Clusiaceae); an
evergreen tree, about 15-18 m high with short trunk, often buttressed at the base, occurring in the
Himalayas from Nepal eastwards, Bengal, Assam, evergreen rain forests of North Kanara, Konkan,
forests of Western Ghats and Andhra Pradesh.
Macroscopic: Stamen consists of anther, connective and filament; copper colour or golden brown;
filament united at base forming a fleshy ring; each stamen 0.9-1.9 cm long; anther about 0.5 cm long,
linear, basifixed, containing pollen grains; filament 0.8-1.0 cm long; slender, filiform, more or less
twisted, soft to touch, quite brittle; connective not visible with naked eye; odour fragrant; taste astringent.
Microscopic: Anther shows golden-brown, longitudinally dehiscent anther wall, consisting of thin-
walled, parenchymatous cels, pollen grains numerous in groups or in single, yellowish and thin-walled,
many pollen grains having 1-3 minute, distinct protuberances on walls, thick-walled exine and intine
Powder : Brown; shows elongated cells of filament, connective and numerous golden yellow pollen
grains having 1-3 protuberances.
CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS : Essential oil and Oleo-resin.
DOSE : 5-7 g
(Stem bark)
The drug Neem consists of stem bark of Azadirachta indica A. Juss Syn. Melia azadirachta
Linn. (Fam. Meliaceae); a moderate sized to fairly large evergreen tree, attaining a height of 12-15 m
with stout trunk and spreading branches, occurring throughout the country up to an elevation of
900 m.
Urdu : Neem
Arabic : Neeb
Persian : Neeb
English : Margosa Tree
Hindi : Nim, Nimba
Bengali : Nim, Nimgach
Gujarati : Kohumba, Limba, Limbado, Limado
Kannad : Nimba, Bevu, Oilevevu, Kahibevu, Bevinama
Tamil : Vemmu, Veppu, Arulundi, Veppan
Malayalam : Veppu, Aryaveppu, Nimbam, Veppa
Marathi : Balantanimba, Limba, Bakayan, Nim, Kadunimb
Oriya : Nimba
Punjabi : Nimba, Bakan, Nim
Telugu : Vemu, Vepa
Macroscopic: Bark varies much in thickness according to age and parts of tree from where it is taken;
external surface rough, fissured and rusty-grey; laminated inner surface yellowish, fracture, fibrous;
odour characteristic; taste bitter.
Microscopic: Stem bark shows outer exfoliating pieces hard, woody, considerably thick in older barks;
almost entirely dead elements of secondary phloem, alternating with discontinuous tangential bands of
compressed cork tissue, former composed of several layers of stone cells occurring in regularly arranged
groups together with collapsed phloem elements filled with brown contents; in between the successive
zones of cork tissue 3-5 layers of fibre groups with intervening thin-walled and often collapsed phloem
elements present; each zone of cork tissue consists of several layers of regular, thin-walled cells
occasionally with a few compressed rows of thick-walled cells towards outer surface; within exfoliating
portion a number of layers of newly formed cork composed of thin-walled, rectangular cells and one
or two layers of cork cambium, below which a wide zone of secondary phloem present; secondary
cortex absent in most cases; secondary phloem commonly composed of well-developed fibre bundles
traversed by 2-4 seriate phloem rays and transversely separated by bands of parenchymatous tissue of
phloem; phloem elements of outer bark mostly collapsed; a few fairly large secretory cavities also
occur in phloem; most of phloem parenchyma contain starch grains and prismatic crystals of calcium
oxalate; starch grains, simple, round with central hilum, measuring 2.75-5 µ; structure of bark varies
considerably according to gradual formation of secondary cork bands.
Powder: Reddish-brown; shows numerous prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate, phloem fibres with
narrow lumen and pointed ends; cork cells, stone cells mostly in groups, lignified rectangular to
polygonal, having wide lumen and distinct striations, simple starch grains, measuring 2.75-5 µ in
T.L.C. of alcoholic extract of the drug on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using Chloroform : Ethylacetate;
Formic acid (5:4:1) shows under UV (366 nm) three fluorescent zones at Rf. 0.72 (blue), 0.86 (blue),
and 0.90 (green). On spraying with 5% Methanolic-Phosphomolybdic acid reagent and heating the
plate for about ten minutes at 1050C four spots appear at Rf. 0.20, 0.45, 0.63 and 0.90 (all blue).
Appendix 2.2.10
The drug Neem consists of dried leaf of Azadirachta indica A. Juss Syn. Melia azadirachta
Linn. (Fam. Meliaceae); a moderate sized to fairly large evergreen tree, attaining a height of 12-15 m
with stout trunk and spreading branches, occurring throughout the country up to an elevation of
900 m.
Urdu : Neem
Arabic : Neeb
Persian : Neeb
English : Margosa Tree
Hindi : Nim, Nimba
Bengali : Nim, Nimgach
Gujarati : Kohumba, Limba, Limbado, Limado
Kannad : Nimba, Bevu, Oilevevu, Kahibevu, Bevinama
Tamil : Vemmu, Veppu, Arulundi, Veppan
Malayalam : Veppu, Aryaveppu, Nimbam, Veppa
Marathi : Balantanimba, Limba, Bakayan, Nim, Kadunimb
Oriya : Nimba
Punjabi : Nimba, Bakan, Nim
Telugu : Vemu, Vepa
Macroscopic:Leaves compound, alternate, rachis 15-25 cm long, 0.1 cm thick; leaflet with oblique
base, opposite, exstipulate, lanceolate, acute, serrate, 7-8.5 cm long and 1.0-1.7 cm wide, slightly
yellowish-green; with characteristic odour, taste bitter.
Midrib – leaflet through midrib shows a biconvex outline; epidermis on either side covered externally
with thick cuticle; below epidermis 4-5 layers of collenchyma present; stele composed of one crescent-
shaped vascular bundle towards lower and two to three smaller bundle towards upper surface; rest of
tissues composed of thin-walled, parenchymatous cells having secretory cells and rosette crystals of
calcium oxalate; phloem surrounded by non-lignified fibre strand; crystals also present in phloem
Lamina – shows dorsiventral structure; epidermis on either surface, composed of thin-walled, tangentially
elongated cells, covered externally with thick cuticle; anomocytic stomata present on lower surface
only; palisade single layered; spongy parenchyma composed of 5-6 layered, thin-walled cells, traversed
by a number of veins; rosette crystals of calcium oxalate present in a few cells; palisade ratio 3.0-4.5
on lower surface and 8.0-11.5 on upper surface.
Powder: Green, shows vessels, fibres, rosette crystals of calcium oxalate, fragments of spongy and
palisade parenchyma.
The drug Neelofar consists of dried flowers of Nymphaea nauchali Burm.f. Syn. Nymphaea
stellata Willd. (Fam. Nymphaeaceae); an aquatic herb, generally found in tanks and ponds throughout
the warmer parts of the country.
Urdu : Neelofar
Arabic : Neelofar
Persian : Neelofar
Hindi : Neel kamal, Kumudinee
Bengali : Kumud, Sundi
Gujarati : Poyanu
Kannad : Neeltare
Tamil : Alli, ambal
Malayalam : Ambal Poovu
Marathi : Kamoda, Neel Kamal
Punjabi : Neela Kamal, Kamalini
Telugu : Allitamara, Kaluvapoova
Macroscopic : Drug occurs mostly in broken form of varying sizes of dired pieces of flowers and
buds, dark brown, attached with a pedicel of 0.5-1.0 cm long when present; sepals – 5-6 cm long, 1.5
– 2.0 cm wide, oblong, lanceolate, tip acute or subacute, free, adnate to base of disc; petals – 3.5 –
4.5 cm long 2.0-2.5 cm wide, linear-oblong or lanceolate, yellowish-brown; stamens 6 to indefinite,
free, adnate to fleshy thalamus; filaments dilated at base; anther with lingual appendages, introrse,
bithecous; gynecium indefinite, enclosed by thalamus; style short carples.
Microscopic: Sepal single layered epidermis on either side, unicellular hairs present on upper epidermis;
both epidermis followed by 4-6 layers of elongated, thin-walled, spongy parenchymatous cells; large
stellate air cavities and vascular tissues present in this region; tanniniferous content present in
collenchymatous cells.
Petal – Epidermis on either side, followed by 2-3 layers of collenchymatous cells, central region
composed of 3-4 layers, elongated spongy parenchyma; stellate air cavities present in this region;
tanniniferous contents also found scattered in petals.
Powder: Brown shows groups of parenchymatous cells, stellate air canals, uniseriate hairs, yellowish-
brown rounded pollen grains, measuring 22 – 27 µ in diameter having thick, smooth, exine and thin
Stamen - single layered upper and lower epidermis, followed by 2-3 layers, rounded to oval, large
parenchymatous cells; 3-4 layers elongated parenchymatous cells present in centre; stellate air cavities
present in this region; anther shows 4 spliting pollen chambers attached with parenchymatous connective
tissues, vascular tissues and stellate idioblasts present in this region, endothecium consisting of single
layered columar cells, stromium in both the chambers and a few rounded 22-27 µ in diameter, pollen
grains having thick smooth, exine and a thin intine.
T.L.C. :
T.L.C. of the alcoholic extract on Silica gel ‘G’ plate using Chloroform: Ethylacetate : Formic
acid (5:4:1) shows in visible light three spots at Rf. 0.59, 0.68 and 0.81 (all bluish grey). On spraying
with 10% Ferric Chloride solution (aqueous) two spots appear at Rf. 0.68 and 0.81 (both blue and
correspond to that of Tannic acid). Appendix 2.2.10
Nessler cylinder which are used for comparative tests are matched tubes of clear colorless glass
with a uniform internal diameter and flat, transparent base. They comply with Indian standard 4161
–1967. They are transparent glasses with a nominal capacity of 50 ml. The overall height is about 150
mm, the external height to the 50 ml mark 110 to 124 mm, the thickness of the wall 1.0 to 1.5 mm
and the thickness of the base 1.5 to 3 mm. The external height to the 50 ml mark of the cylinder used
for a test must not vary by more than 1mm.
1.1.2 Sieves
Sieves for pharmacopoeial testing are constructed from wire cloth with square meshes, woven
from wire of brass, bronze, stainless steel or any other suitable material. The wires should be of
uniform circular cross-section and should not be coated or plated. There must be no reaction between
the material of the sieve and the substance being sifted.
200 75 6.1(4.1)
240 63 5.3(3.7)
300 53 4.8(3.4)
350 45 4.8(3.1)
*Sieve is the number of meshes in a length of 2.54 cm. in each transverse direction parallel to the
**Figures in brackets refer to close tolerances, those without brackets relate to full tolerances.
1.1.3 Thermometers
Unless otherwise specified, thermometers suitable for pharmacopoeial tests conform to Indian
Standard 4825-1968 and are standardized in accordance with the ‘Indian Standard Method of Calibrating
Liquid-in-glass Thermometers’, 6274-1971.
The thermometers are of the mercury-in-glass type and are filled with a dried inert gas,
preferably nitrogen. They may be standardized for total immersion or for partial immersion. Each
thermometer should be employed according to the condition of immersion under which it was
standardized. In the selection of the thermometer it is essential to consider the conditions under which
it is to be used.
Volumetric apparatus is normally calibrated at 27°C. However, the temperature generally specified
for measurements of volume in the analytical operations of the pharmacopoeia, unless otherwise stated,
is 25°C. This discrepancy is inconsequential as long as the room temperature in the laboratory is
reasonably constant and is around 27°C.
Pharmacopoeial tests and assays require the use of analytical balances that vary in capacity,
sensitivity, and reproducibility. The accuracy needed for weighing should indictate the type of balance.
Where substances are to be “accurately weighed”, the weighing is to be performed so as to limit the
error to not more than 0.1 per cent. For example, a quantity of 50 mg is to be weighed to the nearest
0.05 mg; a quantity of 0.1 g is to be weighed to the nearest 0.1 mg; and a quantity of 10 g is to be
weighed to the nearest 10 mg. A balance should be chosen such that the value of three times the
standard deviation of the reproducibility of the balance, divided by the amount to be weighed, does
not exceed 0.001.
In the Indian systems of Medicine comprising of Unani, Ayurveda, and Siddha drugs of plant,
animal and mineral origin are used in their natural or so called “Crude” forms singly or in their mixture
or in combination to make a compound preparation or formulation. Nearly 90 per cent of the Crude
Drugs are obtained from the plant sources while about 10 per cent of the drugs are derived from animal
and mineral sources. The drugs of plant origin especially of herbaceous nature are frequently used as
whole plant; otherwise their parts such as root, stem, leaf, flower, seed, fruit modifications of stem and
root. Bark of a stem or root wood, and their exudates of gums etc. constitute single drugs in Indian
Systems of Medicine. These vegetable drugs are either used in dried forms of some times as whole
fresh or their juice. The study of these crude drugs made with a view to recognize them is called
Pharmacognosy (Pharmaka = Drug; gignosco = to acquire knowledge of), meaning the knowledge for
science of Drugs, In Pharmacognosy a complete and systematic study of a drug is done, which
comprises of (I) origin, common names, scientific nomenclature and family, (ii) geographical source
(and history), (iii) cultivation, collection, preservation and storage, (iv) Macroscopical, Microscopical
and sensory (organoleptic) characters, (v) Chemical composition wherever possible, (vi) Identity, Purity,
Strength and assay, (iv) substitute and adulterants etc. Such systematic study of a drug as complete as
possible, is claimed to be the scientific or pharmacognostical evaluation.
As mentioned above each crude drug derived from the vegetable kingdom consists of a definite
part of plant e.g., leaf, stem, fruit, seed, wood, bark, root etc. Morphological or Macroscopical details
of the respective part are given by observing it with a naked eye or with the aid of a magnifying lens.
In this description general conditions of the drug, size, shape, outer surface, inner surface etc. are
referred to. Drugs can be identified with the aid of the above, only if they are available in entire
condition. Sensory or organoleptic characters describe colour, odour, taste, consistency etc. The
microscopic examination of different parts of the drug provides several diagnostic characters. In case
of leaves, surface preparation and transverse section, preferably through midrib, are made and nature
of epidermis, trichomes, stomata, arrangement of tissue like palisade cells, vascular bundles and nature
of cell content are studied. Similarly in case of bark, root, rhizome and cular bundles and nature of
cell content are studied. Similarly in case of bark, root, rhizome and wood, transverse and longitudinal
sections are made and from characteristic arrangements of tissues of each drug and from diagnostic
elements like stone cells, fibers, vessels etc. as also from the study of the cell deposits like crystals,
starch etc. the drugs are identified. The studies of diagnostic elements are helpful especially when the
drugs are in powdered condition and give clue in the identification of drugs. Linear measurements and
other methods of quantitative microscopy give further aid in the identification of the drugs. The
sections or the powdered drug samples are cleared by clearing agents mostly by chloral-hydrate
solution, before mounting on the slide.
The basic chemical nature of cell-wall of almost all the plants is cellulosic. However, lignin,
suberin, cutin or mucilage are deposited on the cellulose. Cellulose gives blue colour with chlorozinc-
iodine solution of with cuoxam (Copper-oxide-ammonia) reagent. Lignin present in the middle lamella
and secondary cell-wall of many vessels, fibers and sclerieds gives red colour with phloroglucinol and
concentrated hydrochloric acid. Suberin is present in cork and endodermis cells while cutin in the
cuticle of leaf. Both are fatty in nature and when heated with Sudan Red-III give red colour.
Mucilage gives red colour with ruthenium red. The chemical constituents present in the drugs
can be identified by chemical or microchemical tests e.g., Rhubarb rhizomes given with 5% potassium
hydroxide red colour because of anthraquinone derivatives, strychnine present in Nux-vomica gives
purplish-red colour with ammonium vanadate and concentrated suphuric acid.
Paper and Thin Layer Chromatography are now utilized in identification of drugs, their adulterant
and their chemical constituents. Methods have been developed for quantitative estimation of the chemical
constituents from paper and Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC).
For examining leaves, herbs and flowers (entire or cut) under microscope following methods
are employed for clarification:
(i) Entire materials - When examining entire leaves, herbs and flowers, take pieces of leaf
(margin and vein of leaves only), herbs (only leaf) and flowers (only calyx and corolla) in a test tube.
Add a solution of caustic alkali or nitric acid to the test tube and boil for 1-2 minutes, pour the contents
into a porcelain dish, drain off the liquid, wash the material with water and leave for sometimes.
Remove the pieces of the material from the water with a spatula and put on the slide, add a few drops
of the solution of glycerol and chloral hydrate. Crush the material with scalpel and cover with cover
slip before examining.
(ii) Cut materials - For examining cut leaves, herb and flowers, take several pieces in a test tube
and employ the same methods as described for entire materials.
Other methods employed for clarification of the material (leaf and stem) are described below:-
(a) Leaf - Boil pieces of leaves in a test tube with chloralydrate for several minutes until
completely clarified and then examine them in chloral hydrate solution. After clarification leaf pieces
are divided into two parts with the help of a scalpel or needle, and carefully turn one part. The leaf
can be examined from both the dorsal and ventral surfaces.
(b) Stem - To examine stem material (without leaf) boil pieces in a solution of caustic alkali
or in nitric acid. Remove the epidermis with a scalpel or a needle for examining the surface. For
examining pressed specimen of stem, take separate tissue and press them with a scalpel on the slide.
b) Powder
For examining characters of the powder take sufficient amount of powder in Chloralhydrate
solution on a slide and cover it with a cover slip, warm over a low flame for a short time.
a) Entire materials
General Microscopical examination of fruit and seed is not done. If required then take the
specimens of outer coat of seed or fruit and examine as described below:
(i) Outer Coat - For examining the outer coat boil 3 or 4 seeds or fruits in caustic alkali
solution in a test tube for 1-2 minutes (outer coat specimens with intensive pigmentation are boiled for
longer period). After boiling place the pieces on slide, remove the layers of the coat and examine them
after mounting in glycerol solution.
(ii) Section - If fruits or seeds are too hard to cut then boil them for 15-30 minutes or more
depending on their hardness or keep them in moistening chamber or absorb in water and chloroform
solution or soften them with steam and then cut the specimen for examining purpose. For cutting small,
flat seeds (which are difficult to hold) place them in a pith or potato slit for section cutting small round
or smooth seeds can not be cut into section in the pith, then in such cases, they may be embedded in
paraffin wax blocks for section cutting. For this, a block of paraffin (0.6x0.5x1.5 cms. in size) is made
and the seed is embedded in the block by making a cavity or a pit in the block with a hot needle. Cut
the section with a sharp razor (through the object) together with the paraffin, place them on to the slide,
remove paraffin with a needle or wash it with xylene and examine the section in chloral-hydrate
b) Powder
For examining the structure of the cells of the seed coat and the cells of the embryo take a
small amount of powder of the material on a slide in glycerol and cover it with a cover slip and
1. Starch - For examining the presence of starch in the seed, take two specimens, one in iodine
solution and the other in water. With iodine solution starch turns blue. Shapes and the structure of
starch grains can be seen in water and their size is measured.
When examining objects containing starch, prepare specimen by slightly warming in chloral-
hydrate solution.
2. Fixed Oil - For examining the presence of fixed oil, prepare a specimen in a solution of
sudan III droplets of fixed oil are coloured orange pink. When examining objects containing small
amount of fixed oil, prepare a specimen by slightly warming in chloral-hydrate solution, and when
examining objects containing large amount of fixed oil then the powder is defatted and clarified as
(i) Place 0.5-1g. of the powder in a porcelain dish, add 5-10 ml. of dilute nitric acid and boil
for 1 minute, then strain off the liquid through a cloth, wash the residue with hot water and return it
to the porcelain dish with a spatula, boil it with 5-10 ml. of caustic alkali solution for 1 minute and
again strain it though the cloth and wash with water. Examine the residue in a glycerol solution, after
the treatment the structure of the layers of the coat and their cells can be seen very distinctly.
3. Mucilage - Prepare a specimen in Indian Ink and examine it under a low power microscope
or under dissecting microscope. Mucilage appears as colourless masses against the black back ground
which spreads when slightly pressed with needle.
III Barks
a. Entire material
Prepare transverse of longitudinal section of bark. To soften bark break it into pieces of about
1-2 cm long and 0.5-1 cm wide and boil with water in a test tube for 1-3 minutes. Soft pieces are then
straightened with a scalpel so as to have a exact transverse or longituinal direction. Cut the section with
razor, moisten the surface of the bark with glycerol solution. Remove the sections with a brush and
place them on the slide. Thin pieces of the bark are cut by placing them in the pith (potato or carrot).
The sections are treated with various reagents before examining.
1. Lignified elements - For testing lignin add several drops of phloroglucinol and a drop of
concentrated hydrochloric acid to the section on a slide then draw off the liquid, immerse the section
in chloral hydrate solution and cover with a cover slip (the specimen should not be heated); the
lignified elements are coloured crimson Phloroglucinol can be substituted by saffranine, and the
lignified elements are coloured pink. The excessive stain can be washed out with acidified alcohol.
3. Tannin - Tannin is detected by treating with ferric ammonium sulphate solution (blue-black
or green black colour shows the presence of Tannin) or with potassium-bi-chromate solution (brown
colour indicates the presence of Tannin).
b. Cut materials
Prepare small pieces or scraping of bark and boil them for 3-5 minutes in a solution of caustic
alkali or potassium hydroxide or in nitric acid solution and then prepare pressed specimen and immerse
in glycerol for examination on a slide covered with a cover slip.
c. Powder
Prepare specimen for examination by placing a little amount of powder on a slide, add 1-2
drops of phlorogucinol and a drop of concentrated hydrochloric acid, cover it with a cover slip, draw
off the liquid from one side of the slide with filter paper, and then apply 1-2 drops of chloral-hydrate
solution from the other side of the slide, lignified elements are stained crimson-red. Specimen may also
be prepared with caustic alkali or ferric ammonium sulphate for this purpose.
a. Entire materials
Generally anatomical examination of entire roots and rhizomes is not done but if required then
cut transverse and longitudinal sections. For this soften small pieces of roots without heating in
glycerol solution for 1-3 days, depending on their hardness. The soften roots are straightened with help
of a scalpel in the right direction and then cut a section with the razor. First cut thicker entire slices
and then make thin, smaller sections. Stain the entire slices with phloroglucinol and concentrated
hydrochloric acid or with saffranine, examine the specimen under a dissecting microscope. For micro-
chemical test the small and then sections are examined under microscope, as follows:
1. Starch - Starch is detected with iodine solution. If starch is present, prepare specimen with
water to measure the granule of starch with an occular micrometer.
2. Inulin - Inulin is detected with Molish’s reagent. For this place a little powder on a slide
and apply 1-2 drops of naphthol and a drop of concentrated sulphuric acid, if inulin is present, the
powder will appear reddish-violet coloured. Starch also gives this test, so the test for inulin can be done
in the absence of starch.
3. Lignified elements - Lignified elements (fibrovascular bundles, mechanical tissue etc.) are
detected with phloroglucinol and concentrated hydrochloric acid or safranine solution as mentioned
above for barks.
4. Fixed Oil - For fixed oil detection use Sudan III, as mentioned above for fruits and seeds.
If required for tannin, anthraquinone derivatives, test as mentioned above.
b. Cut material
Make small pieces or scrapping of roots of rhizomes and boil them for 3-5 minutes in caustic
alkali, or in nitric acid and then make pressed specimen and immerse them in glycerol.
Microchemical tests can be performed with scrapings for various chemicals as mentioned
C. Powder
Prepare several specimens of the powder on slides in chloral hydrate solution and perform the
above mentioned standard tests for detection of starch, fixed oil, inulin, lignified elements, anthrquinone
derivatives, tannins, mucilage, etc.
There are several types of stomata, distinguished by the form and arrangement of the surrounding
cells. The following descriptions apply to mature stomata.
4. Paracytic (pareallel-celled) - Previously known as rubiaceous. The stoma has one each side
one or more subsidiary cells parallel to the long axis of the pore and guard cells.
The stomatal index is the percentage of the number of stomata formed by the total number of
epidermal cells including the stomata, each stoma being counted as one cell.
Place leaf fragments of about 5x5 mm in size in a test tube containing about 5 ml of Choral
hydrate solution and heat in a boiling water water-bath for about 15 minutes or until the fragments
become transparent. Transfer a fragment to a microscopic slide and prepare the mount, the lower
epidermis uppermost, in chloral hydrate solution and put a small drop of glycerol-ethanol solution on
one side of the cover-glass to prevent the preparation from drying. Examine with a 40x objective and
a 6x eye piece, to which a microscopical drawing apparatus is attached. Mark on the drawing paper
a cross (x) for each epidermal cell and a circle (o) for each stomata. Calculate the result as
X x 100
Stomatal index = —————
For each sample of leaf make not fewer than ten determinations and calculate the average
Palisade ratio is the average number of palisade cells under one epidermal cell.
For each sample of leaf make not fewer than ten determinations and calculate the average
Figure 2
The mesophyll of a leaf is divided into small portions of photosynthetic tissue by anastomosis
of the veins and veinlets; such small portions or areas are termed “Vein-islets”. The number of vein-
islets per square millimeter is termed the “vein-islet number”. This value has been shown to be constant
for any given species and, for full-grown leaves, to be unaffected by the age of the plant or the size
of the leaves. The vein-islet number has proved useful for the critical distinction of certain nearly
related species. The determination is carried out as follows.
For Whole or Cut leaves - Take pieces of leaf lamina with an area of not less than 4 square
millimeters from the central portion of the Lamina and excluding the midrib and the margin of the leaf.
Clear the pieces of lamina by heating in a test tube containing Chloral hydrate solution on a boiling
water-bath for 30 to 60 minutes or until clear and prepare a mount in glycerol-solution or, if desired,
stain with safranin solution and prepare the mount in Canada Balsam. Place the stage micrometer on
the microscope stage and examine with 4x objective and a 6x eyepiece. Draw a line representing 2 mm
on a sheet of paper by means of a microscopical drawing apparatus and construct a square on the line
representing an area of 4 square millimeters. Move the paper so that the square is seen in the centre
of the field of the eyepiece. Place the slide with the cleared leaf piece on the microscope stage and
draw in the veins and vainlets included within the square, completing the outlines of those vein-islets
which overlap two adjacent sides of the square. Count the number of vein-islets within the square
including those overlapping on two adjacent sides and excluding those intersected by the other two
sides. The result obtained is the number of vein-islets in 4 square millimeters. For each sample of leaf
make not fewer than three determinations and calculate the average number of vein-islets per square
For Leaf Fragments Having An Area Less Than 4 Square Millimetres - Take fragments of
leaf lamina each with an area of not less than 1 square millimeter, excluding the midrib and the margin
of the leaf. Clear and prepare a mount as stated above. Use a 10x objective and a 6x eyepiece and draw
a line representing 1mm on a sheet of paper by means of a microscopical drawing apparatus and
construct a square on this line representing an area of 1 square millimeter. Carry out the rest of the
procedures as stated above. The result obtained is the number of vein-islets in 1 square millimeter. For
each sample of leaf make not less than 12 determinations and calculate the average number.
Original Samples:
(a) Samples of crude vegetable drugs in which the component parts are 1 cm or less in any
dimension; and of powdered or ground drugs may be taken by means of sampling device that removes
a core from the top to the bottom of the container. Not less than two cores are taken in opposite
When the total weight of the drug to be sampled is less than 100kg, at least 250g are withdrawn
to constitute an original sample.
When the total weight of the drug to be sampled is more than 100 kg, several samples are taken
in the manner described, mixed and quartered, two of the diagonal quarters being rejected, and the
remaining two quarters being combined and carefully mixed, and again subjected to quartering process
in the same manner until each of the quarters weigh at least 125g; two such quarters then constitute
an original sample.
(b) Samples of crude vegetable drugs in which the component part are over 1 cm in any
dimension taken by hand.
When the total weight of the drug to be sampled is less than 100kg. samples are taken from
different parts of the container or containers. Not less than 500g of samples so taken constitute an
original sample.
When the total weight of the drug to be sampled is more than 100kg, several samples are taken
in the manner described, mixed and quartered, two of the diagonal quarters being rejected, and the
remaining two quarters being combined and carefully mixed, and again subjected to a quartering
process in the same manner until each of the quarters weigh not less than 250g; two such quarters then
constitute an original sample.
Note : -Where the total weight of crude drug to be sampled is less than 10kg, the proceeding
methods may be followed but somewhat smaller quantities are to be withdrawn but in no case shall
the original samples weight less than 125g.
Test Sample
Withdraw as much as may be necessary of the original sample by quartering, taking care to
see that the portion is representative of the gross sample. In the case of ungrounded or unpowdered
drugs, grind the sample so that it will pass through a No.22 sieve. If the sample cannot be ground, it
should be reduced to as fine a state as possible. Mix by rolling it in paper or cloth, spread it out in
a thin layer, and withdraw the portion for analysis.
A. Foreign Matter
Drugs should be free from moulds, insects, animal faecal matter and other contamination such
as earth, stones and extraneous material. Any matter not covered by the description of the drug in the
monograph shall be regarded as an non-extraneous foreign matter.
(1) In particular, parts of a organ or organs from which the drug is derived other than the
parts named in the definition or for which a limit is prescribed in the individual monograph.
(2) Any organ or part of organ, other than those named in the definition and description.
The amount of foreign matter shall not be more than the percentage prescribed in the monograph.
Weigh 100-500 g of the drug sample to be examined, or the minimum quantity prescribed in
the monograph, and spread it out in a thin layer. The foreign matter should be detected by inspection
with the unaided eye or by the use of a lens (6x). Separate and weigh it and calculate the percentage
Incinerate about 2 to 3g accurately weighed of the ground drug in a tared platinum or silica
dish at a temperature not exceeding 450°C until free from carbon, cool and weigh. If a carbon free ash
cannot be obtained in this way exhaust the charred mass with hot water, collect the residue on an
ashless filter paper, incinerate the residue and filter paper, add the filtrate, evaporate to dryness, and
ignite at a temperature not exceeding 450°C.
Boil the ash obtained in (2.2.3) for 5 minutes with 25ml, of dilute hydrochloric acid; collect
the insoluble matter in a Gooch crucible, or on an ashless filter paper, wash with hot water and ignite
to constant weight. Calculate the percentage of acid-insoluble ash with reference to the air dried drug.
Boil the ash for 5 minutes with 25 ml of water; collect insoluble matter in a Gooch crucible,
or on an ashless filter paper, wash with hot water, and ignite for 15 minutes at a temperature not
exceeding 450°C. Subtract the weight of the insoluble matter from the weight of the ash; the difference
in weight represents the water-soluble ash. Calculate the percentage of water-soluble ash with reference
to the air-dried drug.
Macerate 5g of the air dried drug, coarsely powdered, with 100 ml of Ethyl alcohol of the
specified strength in a closed flask for twenty-four hours, shaking frequently during six hours and
allowing to stand for eighteen hours. Filter rapidly, taking precautions against loss of solvent, evaporate
25 ml of the filtrate to dryness in a tared flat bottomed shallow dish and dry at 105°C to constant
weight and weigh. Calculate the percentage of alcohol-soluble extractive with reference to the air-dried
Transfer a suitable weighed quantity (depending on the fixed oil content) of the air dried,
crushed drug to an extraction thimble, extract with solvent ether (or petroleum ether, b.p. 40°C to
60°C) in a continuous extraction apparatus (soxhlet extractor) for 6 hours. Filter the extract quantitatively
into a tared evaporating dish and evaporate off the solvent on a water bath. Dry the residue at 105°C
to constant weight. Calculate the percentage of ether-soluble extractive with reference to the air-dried
Procedure set forth here determines the amount of volatile matter (i.e., water drying off from
the drug). For substances appearing to contain water as the only volatile constituent, the procedure
given below, is appropriately used.
Place about 10g. of drug (without preliminary drying) after accurately weighing (accurately
weighed to within 0.01 g) it in a tared evaporating dish. For example, for underground or unpowdered
drug, prepare about 10g, of the sample by cutting, shredding, so that the parts are about 3 mm in
Seeds and fruits smaller than 3 mm should be cracked. Avoid the use of high speed mills in
preparing the samples, and exercise care that no appreciable amount of moisture is lost during preparation
and that the portion taken is representative of the official sample. After placing the above said amount
of the drug in the tared evaporating dish dry at 105°C for 5 hours, and weigh. Continue the drying and
weighing at one hour interval until difference between two successive weighings corresponds to not
more than 0.25 per cent. Constant weight is reached when two consecutive weighting after drying for
30 minutes and cooling for 30 minutes in an desccator, show not more than 0.01g difference.
Preparation of chromatoplates
Unless otherwise specified in the monograph, the chromatoplates are prepared in the following
manner. Prepare a suspension of the Silica gel-G, using a spreading device designed for the purpose,
spread a uniform layer of the suspension 0.20 to 0.25 mm thick on flat glass plate 20 cm long. Allow
the coated plates to dry in air, heat at 1000 to 1050C for at least one hour (except in the case of
chromatoplates prepared with cellulose when ten minutes’ heating is normally sufficient) and allow to
cool protected from moisture. Store the chromatoplates protected form moisture and use within three
days of preparation. At the time of use, re-dry the chromatoplates, if necessary.
Unless unsaturated conditions are prescribed, prepare the tank by lining the walls with sheets
of filter paper; pour into the tank, saturating the filter paper in the process, sufficient of the mobile
phase to form a layer of solvent 5 to 10 mm deep, close the tank and allow to stand for one hour at
room temperature.
Remove a narrow strip of the coating substance, about 5 mm wide, from the vertical sides of
the chromatoplate. Apply the solutions being examined in the form of circular spots about 2 to 4 mm
in diameter, on a line parallel with, and 20 mm from, one end of the plate, and not nearer than 20 mm
to the sides; the spots should be 15 mm apart, if necessary, the solutions may be applied in portions,
drying between applications. Mark the sides of the chromatoplate 15 cm, or the distance specified in
the monograph, from the starting line. Allow the solvent to evaporate and place the chromatoplate in
the tank, ensuring that it is as nearly vertical as possible and that the spots are above the level of the
mobile phase. Close the tank and allow to stand at room temperature, unless otherwise stated in the
monograph, until the mobile phase has ascended to the marked line. Remove the chromatoplate and
dry and visualize as directed in the monograph; where a spraying technique is prescribed it is essential
that the reagent be evenly applied as a fine spray.
Heat a silica or platinum crucible to redness for 10 minutes, allow to cool in a desiccator and
weigh. Put 1 to 2 g of the substance, accurately weighed, into the crucible, ignite gently at first, until
the substance is thoroughly charred. Cool, moisten the residue with 1 ml of sulphuric acid, heat gently
until white fumes are no longer evolved and ignite at 800°C±25°C until all black particles have
disappeared. Conduct the ignition in a place protected from air currents. Allow the crucible to cool,
add a few drops of sulphuric acid and heat. Ignite as before, allow to cool and weigh. Repeat the
operation until two successive weighings do not differ by more than 0.5 mg.
Dissolve 5 gm of drug in water and filter. The filtrate is shaken with petroleum ether to remove
greasy matter. It is precipitated with a saturated solution of lead acetate, digest for few minutes on
water bath let the ppt. settle and filter. Dry the residue, then suspend it in alcohol and slightly warm
on water bath and decompose by passing H2S. The clear alcoholic solution is concentrated under
reduced pressure. It is subjected to vacuum distillation 3 times, after adding fresh quantity of alcohol
each time, to get rid of all the H2S gas. The residue is transferred to a weighed petridish with alcohol
and excess of alcohol evaporated on waterbath. The residue is dried at 1050C till constant weight.
In the limit test for arsenic, the amount of arsenic present is expressed as As.
A wide-mouthed bottle capable of holding about 120 ml is fitted with a rubber bung through
which passes a glass tube. The latter, made from ordinary glass tubing, has a total length of 200 mm
and an internal diameter of exactly 6.5 mm (external diameter about 8 mm). It is drawn out at one end
to a diameter of about 1 mm and a hole not less than 2 mm in diameter is blown in the side of the
tube, near the constricted part. When the bung is inserted in the bottle containing 70 ml of liquid, the
constricted end of the tube is above the surface of the liquid, and the hole in the side is below the
bottom of the bung. The upper end of the tube is cut off square and is either slightly rounded or ground
Two rubber bungs (about 25 mm x 25 mm), each with a hole bored centrally and true, exactly
6.5 mm in diameter are fitted with a rubber band or sparing clip for holding them tightly together.
Alternatively the two bungs may be replaced by any suitable contrivance satisfying the conditions
described under the General Test.
Ammonium Oxalate AsT - Ammonium oxalate which complies with the following additional
Heat 5 g with 15 ml of water, 5 ml of nitric acid AsT and 10 ml of Sulphuric acid AsT in a
narrow necked round-bottomed flask until frothing ceases, cool and apply the General test; no visible
stain is produced.
Citiric acid AsT: Citric acid which complies with the following additional tests: Dissolve 10
g in 50 ml of water add 10 ml of stannated hydrochloric acid AsT and apply the General test; no visible
stain is produced.
Hydrochloric acid AsT: Hydrochloric acid diluted with water to contain about 32 percent w/
w of HC1 and complying with the following additional tests:
Hydrochloric acid (constant-boiling composition) AsT - Boil hydrochloric acid AsT to constant
boiling Composition in the presence of hydrazine hydrate, using 1 ml of a 10 percent w/v in solution
in water per liter of the acid.
Mercuric chloride paper - Smooth white filter paper, not less than 25 mm in width, soaked in
a saturated solution of mercuric chloride, pressed to remove superfluous solution, and dried at about
60, in the dark. The grade of the filter paper is such that the weight is between 65 and 120 g per sq.
mm; the thickness in mm 400 papers is approximately equal numerically, to the weight in g per sq.
Nitric acid AsT - Nitric acid which complies the following additional test:
Heat 20 ml in a porcelain dish with 2 ml of sulphuric acid AsT until white fumes are given
off. Cool, add 2 ml of water, and again heat until white fumes are given off; cool, add 50 ml of water,
and 10 ml of stannated hydrochloric acid AsT, and apply the General test; no visible stain is produced.
Potassium Chlorate AsT - Potassium chlorate which complies with the following additional
Mix 5 g in the cold with 20 ml of water and 22 ml of hydrochloric acid AsT; when the first
reaction has subsided, heat gently to expel chlorine, remove the last traces with a few drops of stannous
chloride solution AsT add 20 ml of water, and apply the General test; no visible stain is produced.
Potassium iodide AsT - Potassium iodide which complies with the following additional test:
Sodium carbonate, anhydrous AsT - Anhydrous sodium carbonate which complies with the
following additional test:
Stannous Chloride solution AsT - Prepared from stannous chloride solution by adding an equal
volume of hydrochloric acid, boiling down to the original volume, and filtering through a fine-grains
filter paper.
To 10 ml add 6 ml of water and 10 ml of hydrochloric acid AsT, distil and collect 16 ml. To
the distillate add 50 ml of water and 2 drops of stannous chloride solution AsT and apply the General
test; the stain produced is not deeper than a 1 ml standard stain, showing that the proportion of arsenic
present does not exceed 1 part per million.
Sulphuric acid AsT - Sulphuric acid which complies with the following additional test:
Dilute 10 g with 50 ml of water, add 0.2 ml of stannous chloride solution AsT, and apply the
General test; no visible stain is produced.
Zinc AsT - Granulated zinc which complies with the following additional tests:
Add 10 ml of stannated hydrochloric acid AsT to 50 ml of water, and apply the General test,
using 10 of the zinc and allowing the action to continue for one hour; no visible stain is produced (limit
of arsenic). Repeat the test with the addition of 0.1 ml of dilute arsenic solution AsT; a faint but distinct
yellow stain is produced (test for sensitivity).
General Method of Testing - By a variable method of procedure, suitable to the particular needs
of each substance, a solution is prepared from the substance being examined which may or may not
contain that substance, nut contains the whole of the arsenic (if any) originally present in that substance.
This solution, referred to as the ‘test solution’, is used in the actual test.
General test - The glass tube is lightly packed with cotton wool, previously moistened with
lead acetate solution and dried, so that the upper surface of the cotton wool is not less than 25 mm
below the top of the tube. The upper end of the tube is then inserted into the narrow end of one of
the pair of rubber bungs, either to a depth of about 10 mm when the tube has a rounded-off end, or
so that the ground end of the tube is flush with the larger end of the bung. A piece of mercuric chloride
paper is placed flat on the top of the bung and the other bung placed over it and secured by means
of the rubber band or spring clip in such a manner that the borings of the two bungs (or the upper bung
and the glass tube) meet to form a true tube 6.5 mm in diameter interrupted by a diaphragm of mercuric
chloride paper.
Instead of this method of attaching the mercuric chloride paper, any other method may be used
provided (1) that the whole of the evolved gas passes through the paper; (2) that the portion of the
paper in contact with the gas is a circle 6.5 mm in diameter; and (3) that the paper is protected from
sunlight during the test. The test solution prepared as specified, is placed in the wide-mouthed bottle,
1 g of potassium iodide AsT and 10 g of zinc AsT are added, and the prepared glass tube isj placed
quickly in position. The action is allowed to proceed for fourty minutes. The yellow stain which is
produced on the mercuric chloride paper if arsenic is present is compared by day light with the standard
stains produced by operation in a similar manner with known quantities of dilute arsenic solution AsT.
The comparison of the stains is made immediately at the completion of the test. The standard stains
used for comparison are freshly prepared; they fade on keeping.
NOTE: Mercuric chloride paper should be stored in a stoppered bottle in the dark. Paper which has
been exposed to sunlight or to the vapour of ammonia affords a lighter stain or no stain at all when
employed in the limit test for arsenic.
By matching the depth of colour with standard stains, the proportion of arsenic in the substance
may be determined. A stain equivalent to the 1-ml standard stain produced by operating on 10 g of
substance indicates that the proportion of arsenic is 1 part per million.
NOTES:(1) The action may be accelerated by placing the apparatus on a warm surface, care
being taken that the mercuric chloride paper remains dry throughout the test.
(2) The most suitable temperature for carrying out the test is generally about 400 but because
the rate of the evolution of the gas varies somewhat with different batches zinc AsT, the temperature
may be adjusted to obtain a regular, nut not violent, evolution of gas.
(3) The tube must be washed with hydrochloric acid AsT, rinsed with water and dried between
successive tests.
Preparation of the Test Solution - In the various methods of preparing the test solution given
below, the quantities are so arranged unless otherwise stated, that when the stain produced from the
solution to be examined is not deeper that the 1 ml standard stain, the proportion of arsenic present
does not exceed the permitted limit.
Boric acid - Dissolve 10 g with 2 g of citric acid AsT in 50 ml of water, and add 12 ml of
stannated hydrochloric acid AsT.
hydrochloric acid AsT, heat under a reflex condenser for one hour, cool and add 10 ml of water and
10 ml of hydrochloric acid AsT.
Hydrochloric acid - Mix 10 g with 40 ml of water and 1 ml of stannous chloride solution AsT.
Phosphoric acid:
Dissolve the specified quantity of the substance in water or prepare a solution as directed in
the text and transfer to a Nessler cylinder. Add 10 ml of dilute nitric acid, except when nitric acid is
used in the preparation of the solution, dilute to 50 ml with water, and add 1 ml of silver nitrate
solution. Stir immediately with a glass rod and allow to stand for 5 minutes. The opalescence produced
is not greater than the standard opalescence, when viewed transversely.
Standard Opalescence - Place 1.0 ml of a 0.05845 percent w/v solution of sodium chloride and
10 ml of dilute nitric acid in a Nessler cylinder. Dilute to 50 ml with water and add 1 ml of silver nitrate
solution, stir immediately with a glass rod and allow to stand for five minutes.
The test for heavy metals is designed to determine the content of metallic impurities that are
coloured by sulphide ion, under specified conditions. The limit for heavy metals is indicated in the
individual monographs in terms of the parts of lead per million of the substance (by weight), as
determined by visual comparison of the colour produced by the substance with that of a control
prepared from a standard lead solution.
Determine the amount of heavy metals by one of the following methods and as directed in the
individual monographs: Method A is used for substances that yield clear colourless solutions under the
specified test conditions. Method B is used for substances that do not yield clear, colourless solutions
under the test conditions specified for Method A. or for substances which, by virtue of their complex
nature, interfere with the precipitation of metals by sulphide ion. Method C is used for substances that
yield clear colourless solutions with sodium hydroxide solutions.
Special Reagents -
Acetic acid Sp. : Acetic acid which complies with the following additional test:
Make 25 ml alkaline with dilute ammonia solution Sp., add 1 ml of potassium cyanide solution
Sp., dilute to 50 ml with water and add two drops of sodium sulphide solution; no darkening is
Dilute acetic acid Sp.: Dilute acetic acid which complies with the following additional test:
Evaporate 20 ml in a porcelain dish, nearly to dryness on a water-bath. Add to the residue 2 ml of the
acid and dilute with water to 25 ml, add 10 ml hydrogen sulphide solution. Any dark colour produced
is not more than that of a control solution consisting of 2 ml of the acid and 4 ml of standard lead
solution diluted to 25 ml with water.
Ammonia solution Sp.: Strong ammonia solution which complies with the following additional
test: Evaporate 10 ml jot dryness on a waterbath to the residue add 1 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid
Sp. and evaporate to dryness. Dissolve the residue in 2 ml of dilute acetic acid Sp. and sufficient water
to produce 25 ml. Add 10 ml of hydrogen sulphide solution if any darkening produced is not greater
that in a blank solution containing 2 ml of dilute acetic acid Sp. 1 ml of standard lead solution and
sufficient water to produce 25 ml.
Dilute ammonia solution Sp.: Dilute ammonia solution which complies with the following
additional test:
To 20 ml add 1 ml of Potassium cyanide solution Sp., dilute to 50 ml with water, and add two
drops of sodium sulphide solution; no darkening is produced.
Hydrochloric acid: Hydrochloric acid which complies with the following additional test:
Evaporate of the acid in a beaker to dryness on a water-bath. Dissolve the residue in 2 ml of dilute
acid sp., dilute 17 ml with water and add 10 ml of hydrogen sulphide solution; any darkening produced
is not greater than in a blank solution containing 2 ml of standard lead solution, 2 ml of dilute acetic
acid Sp., and dilute to 40 ml with water.
Dilute hydrochloric acid Sp.: Dilute hydrochloric acid, which complies with the following
additional test: Treat 10 ml of the acid in the manner described under Hydrochloric acid Sp.
Lead nitrate stock solution: Dissolve 0.1598 g of lead nitrate in 100 ml of water to which
has been added 1 ml of nitric acid, then dilute with water to 1000 ml. This solution must be prepared
and stored in polyethylene or glass containers free from soluble lead salts.
Standard lead solution: One the day of use, dilute 10 ml of lead nitrate stock solution with
water to 100 ml. Each ml of standard lead solution contains the equivalent of 10 mg of lead. A control
comparison solution prepared with 2 ml of standard lead solution contains, when compared to a
solution representing 1 g of the substance being tested, the equivalent of 20 parts per million of lead.
Nitric acid Sp. : Nitric acid which complies with the following additional test : Dilute 10 ml
with 10 ml of water, make alkaline with ammonium solution Sp. Add 1 ml of potassium cyanide
solution Sp. Dilute to 50 ml with water, and add two drops of sodium sulphide solution; no darkening
is produced.
Sulphuric acid Sp.: Sulphuric acid which complies with following additional test : Add 5 g
to 20 ml of water make alkaline with ammonia solution Sp., add 1 ml of potassium cyanide solution
Sp., dilute to 50 ml with water and two drops of sodium sulphide solution; no darkening is produced.
Method A
Test Solution : In a 50 ml Nessler cylinder, place 25 ml of the solution prepared for the test
as directed in the individual monograph; or using the stated volume of acid when specified in the
individual monograph, dissolve and dilute with water to 25 l the specified quantity of the substance
being tested. Adjust with dilute acetic acid Sp. Or dilute ammonia solution Sp. To a pH between 3 and
4 dilute with water to about 35 ml and mix.
Procedure : to each of the cylinders containing the standard solution and test solution
respectively add 10 ml of freshly prepared hydrogen sulphide solution, mix, dilute with water to 50
ml, allow to stand for five minutes, and view downwards over a white surface; the colour produced
in the test solution. not darker than that produced in the standard solution.
Method B
Test Solution : Weigh in a suitable crucible the quantity of the substance specified in the
individual monograph, add sufficient sulphuric acid Sp. to wet the sample, and ignite carefully at a low
temperature until thoroughly charred. Add to the charred mass 2 ml of nitric acid Sp. and five drops
of sulphuric acid Sp. and heat cautiously until white fumes are no longer evolved. Ignite, preferably
in a muffle furnace, at 500°C to 600°C until the carbon is completely burnt off. Cool, add 4 ml of
hydrochloric acid Sp., cover, digest on a water bath for 15 minutes, uncover and slowly evaporate to
dryness on a water-bath. Moisten the residue with one drop of hydrochloric acid Sp., add 10 ml of hot
water and digest for two minutes. Add ammonia solution Sp., dropwise, until the solution is just
alkaline to litmus paper, dilute with water to 25 ml and adjust with dilute acetic acid Sp. to a pH
between 3 and 4. Filter if necessary, rinse the crucible and the filter with 10 ml of water, combine the
filtrate and washings in a 50 ml Nessler Cylinder., dilute with water, to about 35 ml, and mix.
Procedure : Proceed as directed under Method A.
Method C
Test Solution : In a 50 ml Nessler Cylinder, Place 25 ml of the solution prepared for the test
as directed in the individual monograph; or, if not specified otherwise in the individual monograph,
dissolve the specified quantity in a mixture of 29 ml of water and 5 ml of dilute sodium hydroxide
solution. Dilute 50 ml with water and mix.
Procedure : To each of the cylinders containing the standard solution and the test solution,
respectively add 5 drops of sodium sulphide solution, mix, allow to stand for five minutes and view
downwards over a white surface; the colour produced in the test solution is not darker than that
produced in the standard solution.
Standard iron solution : Weigh accurately 0.1726 g of ferric ammonium sulphate and dissolve
in 10 ml of 0.1 N Sulphuric acid and sufficient water to produce 1000.0 ml. Each ml of this solution
contains 0.02mg of Fe.
Dissolve the specified quantity of the substance being examined in 40 ml of water, or use 10
ml of the solution prescribed in the monograph, and transfer to a Nessler Cylinder Add 2 ml of a 20
per cent w/v solution of iron-free citric acid and 0.1 ml of thioglycollic acid, mix make alkaline with
iron-free ammonia solution, dilute to 50 ml with water and allow to stand for five minutes. Any colour
produced is not more intense than the standard colour.
The following method is based on the extraction of lead by solutions of dithizone. All reagents
used for the test should have as low a content of lead as practicable. All reagents solutions should be
stored in containers of borosilicate glass. Glassware should be rinsed thoroughly with warm dilute
nitric acid, followed by water.
Special Reagents -
(2) Ammonia citrate solution Sp. : Dissolve 40g of citric acid in 90 ml of water. Add two
drops of phenol red solution then add slowly strong ammonia solution until the solution acquires a
reddish colour. Remove any lead present by extracting the solution with 20 ml quantities of dithizone
extraction solution until the dithizone solution retains its orange-green colour.
(3) Dilute standard lead solution : Dilute 10 ml of standard lead solution with sufficient 1
per cent v/v solution of nitric acid to produce 100 ml. Each ml of this solution contains 1 u g of lead
per ml.
(6) Potassium cyanide solution Sp.: Dissolve 50 g of potassium cyanide in sufficient water
to produce 100 ml. Remove the lead from this solution by extraction with successive quantities, each
of 20 ml of eithizone extraction solution until the dithizone solution retains its orange-green colour.
Extract any dithizone remaining in the cyanide solution by shaking with chloroform. Dilute this
cyanide solution with sufficient water to produce a solution containing 10 g of potassium cyanide in
each 100 ml.
(9) Buffer solution pH 2.5. : To 25 ml of 0.2 M Potassium hydrogen phthalate add 37.0 ml
of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid, and dilute with sufficient water to produce 100.0 ml.
(11) pH 2.5 wash solution : To 500 ml of a 1 per cent v/v nitric acid add strong ammonia
solution until the pH of the mixture is 2.5, then add 10 ml of buffer solution pH 2.5 and mix.
Transfer the volume of the prepared sample directed in the monograph to a separator, and
unless otherwise directed in monograph, add 5 ml of ammonium citrate solution Sp., and 2 ml of
hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution Sp., (For the determination of lead in iron salts use 100 ml of
ammonium citrate solution Sp.) Add two drops of phenol red solution and make the solution just
alkaline (red in colour) by the addition of strong ammonia solution. Cool the solution if necessary, and
add 2 ml of potassium cyanide solution Sp. Immediately extract the solution with several quantities
each of 5 ml of dithizone extraction solution, draining off each extract into another separating funnel,
until the dithizone extraction solution retains its green colour. Shake the combine and discard the
chloforom layer. Add to the acid solution exactly 5 ml of standard dithizone solution and 4 ml of
ammonia-cyanide solution Sp. and shake for 30 seconds; the colour of the chloroform layer is of no
deeper shake of violet than that of a control made with a volume of dilute standard lead solution
equivalent to the amount of lead permitted in the sample under examination.
Reagents -
0.5 M Barium chloride: Barium Chloride dissolved in water to contain in 1000 ml. 122.1 g
of BaC12, 2H2O.
Dissolve the specified quantity of the substance in water, or prepare a solution as directed in
the text, transfer to a Nessler cylinder, and add 2 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid, except where hydrochloric
acid is used in the preparation of the solution. Dilute to 45 ml with water, add 5 ml of barium sulphate
reagent stir immediately with a glass rod, and allow to stand for five minutes. The turbidity produced
is not greater than the standard turbidity, when viewed transversely. Standard turbidity: Place 1 ml of
0.1089 per cent w/v solution of potassium sulphate and 2 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid in a Nessler
cylinder, dilute to 45 ml with water, add 5 ml of barium sulphate reagent, stir immediately with a glass
rod and allow to stand for five minutes.
The boiling range of a liquid is the temperature interval, corrected for a pressure of 760 torr
within which the liquid or a specified fraction of the liquid, distils under the conditions specified in
the test. The lower limit of the range is the temperature indicated by the thermometer when the first
drop of condensate leaves the tip of the condenser, and the upper limit is the temperature at which the
last drop evaporates from the lowest point in the distillation flask without taking into account any
liquid remaining on the sides of the flask; it may also be the temperature observed when the proportion
specified in the individual has been collected.
Apparatus --
(i) Distilling flask: A round-bottom distilling flask of 200 ml capacity and having a total length
of 17 to 19 cm and an inside neck diameter of 20 to 22 mm. Attached about midway on the neck
approximately 12 cm from the bottom of the flask, is a side-arm 10 to 12 cm long and 5 mm in internal
diameter which is at an angle of 70° to 75° with the lower portion of the neck.
If the liquid under examination distils below 80°C, cool it to between 10°C and 15°C before
measuring the sample for distillation.
Assemble the apparatus, and place in the flask 100 ml of the liquid under examination, taking
care not to allow any of the liquid to enter the side-arm. Insert the thermometer and seal the entire
heating and flask assembly from external air currents. Add a few pieces of porous material and heat
rapidly to boiling using a Bunsen burner an asbestos plate pierced by a hole 33 mm in diameter. Record
the temperature at :h the first drop of distillate faJls into the cylinder, and adjust the rate of heating
to in a regular distillation rate of 4 to 5 ml per minute. Record the temperature when the drop of liquid
evaporates from the bottom of the flask or when the specified entage has distilled over. Correct the
observed temperature readings for any variation le barometric pressure from the normal (760 torr)
using the following expression:
t4 = t2 + k(a-b)
Distillation range k
Less than 1000 - - - - - - - - 0.040
1000 to 1400 - - - - - - - - 0.045
1400 to 1900 - - - - - - - - 0.050
1900 to 2400 - - - - - - - - 0.055
More than 2400 - - - - - - - - 0.060
The congealing temperature is that point at which there exists a mixture of the liquid (fused)
phase of a substance and a small but increasing proportion of the solid phase. It is distinct from the
freezing point, which is the temperature at which the liquid and solid se of a substance are in equilibrium.
The temperature at which a substance solidifies upon cooling is a useful Index of its purity of
heat is liberated when solidification takes place.
The following method is applicable to substances that melt between 200 and 1500
Apparatus -–
A test-tube about 25 mm in diameter and 150 mm long placed inside a test-tube about mm in
diameter and 160 mm long; the inner tube is closed by a stopper that carries a stirrer and a thermometer
(about 175 mm long and with 0.2 graduations) fixed, so that the b is about 15 mm above the bottom
of the tube. The stirrer is made from a glass rod or suitable material formed at one end into a loop
of about 18 mm overall diameter at It angle to the rod. The inner tube with its jacket is supported
centrally in a l-liter beaker containing a suitable cooling liquid to within 20 mm of the top. A thermometer
is ported in the cooling bath.
Melt the substance, if solid, at a temperature not more than 20°C above its expected congealing
point and pour it into the inner test-tube to height of 50 to 57 mm. Assemble the apparatus with the
bulb of the thermometer immersed half-way between the top and bottom of the sample in the sample
in the test-tube. Fill the bath to almost 20 mm from the tube with a suitable fluid at a temperature 4°C
‘to 5°C below the expected congealing point. If the substance is a liquid at room temperature, carry
out the determination using a bath temperature about 15°C below the expected congealing point. When
the sample has cooled to about 5°C above its expected congealing point stir it continuously by moving
the loop up and down between the top and bottom of the sample, at a regular rate of 20 complete cycles
per minute. Record the reading of the thermometer every 30 seconds and continue stirring only so long
as the temperature is falling. Stop the stirring when the temperature is constant or starts to rise slightly.
Continue recording the temperature for atleast three minutes after the temperature again begins to fall
after remaining constant.
The congealing point will be the average of not less than four consecutive readings that lie
within range of 0.2°C.
The pH value conventionally represents the acidity or alkalinity of an aqueous solution. In the
pharmacopoeia, standards and limits on pH have been provided for these pharmacopoeial substances
in which pH as a measure of the hydrogen activity is important from the stand point of stability or
physiological suitability.
The measurement of pH is generally done with a suitable potentiometric meter known as the
pH meter fitted with two electrodes, one constructed of glass and sensitive to hydrogenation activity
and the other a calomel reference electrode. The determination is carried out at temperature of 254°C
+ 2°C, unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph.
Operate the pH meter and electrode system according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Calibrate
the apparatus using buffer solution D as the primary standard, adjusting the meter to read the appropriate
pH value given in the Table 1, corresponding to the temperature of the solution. Where provision is
made for setting the scale, use a second reference buffer solution, either buffer solution A, buffer
solution E or buffer solution G. In this case a check is carried out with a third reference buffer solution
of intermediate pH, when the reading of the intermediate solution must not differ by more than 0.05
pH unit from the corresponding value indicated in the Table. Where there is no provision for setting
the scale with a second reference buffer solution, checks should be made with two reference buffer
solutions, the readings for which must not differ by more than 0.05 pH unit from the value corresponding
to each solution
The following reference buffer solutions must be prepared using carbon dioxide free water;
phthalate and phosphate salts should be dried at 110°C for two hours before use. Buffer solutions
should be stored in bottles made of alkali-free glass, and must not be used later than three months after
8. Buffer solution H : Dissolve 7.155 g of sodium carbonate and 2.10 g of sodium bicarbonate
in sufficient carbon dioxide-free water to produce 1000 ml.
Immerse the electrodes in the solution to be examined and measure the pH at the same
temperature as for the standard solutions. At the end of a set of measurements, take a reading of the
solution used to standardise the meter and electrodes. If the difference between this reading and the
original value is greater than 0.05, the set of measurements must be repeated.
When measuring pH values above 10.0 ensure that the glass electrode is suitable for use under
alkaline conditions. and apply any correction that is necessary.
All solutions of substances being examined must be prepared using carbon dioxide- free water.
Melting range
Venillin 810-830C
Acetanilide 1140-1160C
Phenacetin 1340-1360C
Sulphapyridine 164.50-166.50C
Sulphapyridine 1910-1930 C
Caffeine (dried at 1000) 2340-2370 C
Method I
Apparatus :
(a) A glass heating vessel of suitable construction and capacity containing one of the following
or any other suitable bath liquid, to a height of not less than 14 cm.
(i) Water for temperatures upto 60°C
(ii) Glycerin for temperatures upto 150°C
(iii) Liquid paraffin for sufficiently high boiling range for temperatures upto 250°C
(iv) Sesame oil or a suitable grade of liquid silicone for temperatures upto 300°C
(c) An accurately standardised thermometer suitable for the substance under examination
(see Appendix 1.1.3). The thermometer must be positioned in the bath liquid to its
specified immersion depth and yet leave the bulb at about 2 cm above the bottom of the
(d) Thin-walled capillary glass tubes of hard glass, about 12 cm long, with a well thickness
of 0.2 to O.3mm and an internal diameter of 0.8 to 1.1 mm. The tubes should preferably
be kept sealed at both ends and cut as required.
Procedure: Reduce the substance to a very fine powder and unless otherwise directed, dry it
at a temperature considerably below its melting temperature or under pressure over a suitable desiccant
for not less than. 16 hours. Introduce into a capillary glass tube, one end of which is sealed, a sufficient
quantity of the dry powder to form a compact column about 3 mm high.
Heat the bath until the temperature is about 10°C below the expected melting point. Remove
the thermometer and quickly attach the capillary tube to the thermometer by wetting both with a drop
of the liquid of the bath or otherwise and adjust its height so that the closed end of the capillary is
near the middle of the thermometer bulb. Replace the thermometer and continue the heating, with
constant stirring, sufficiently to cause the temperature to rise at a rate of about 3°C per minute. When
the temperature is about 3°C below the lower limit of the expected melting range, reduce the heating
so that the temperature rises at a rate of about 1° to 2°C per minute. Continue the heating and note
the temperature at which the column of the sample collapses definitely against the side of the tube at
any point, when melting may be considered to have begun and note also the temperature at which the
sample becomes liquid throughout as seen by the formation of a definite meniscus. The two temperatures
fall within the limits of the melting range.
Method II
Apparatus: Use the apparatus described under Method I except that the glass capillary tube
is open at both ends and has an internal diameter of 1.1 to 1.3 mm an external diameter of 1.4 to 1.3
mm and length of 50 to 60 mm.
Procedure: Rapidly melt the material to be tested, at a temperature not more than 10°C above
the point of complete fusion. Draw it into a capillary tube to a depth of about 10 mm. Cool the charged
tube at 10°C, or lower, for 24 hours, or in contact with ice for at least 2 hours. Attach the tube to the
thermometer and adjust it so that the column of substance is in level with the thermometer bulb;
suspend the thermometer in the heating vessel containing water at 15°C so that the lower end of the
column of the substance is 30 mm below the surface of the water and heat the water with constant
stirring so that the temperature rises at the rate of 1°C per minute the temperature at which the partly
melted substance is observed to rise in the capillary tube is the melting temperature.
Method III
(a) A glass boiling-tube, overall length, 110mm, internal diameter, 25 mm thermometer and
with a grove cut in the side.
(b) A cork about 25 mm long to fit into the boiling-tube, bored with a central hole to fit the
standard thermometer and with a grove cut in the side.
(c) A glass beaker, of such a size that when the apparatus is assembled, the boiling- tube can
be immersed vertically to two-thirds of its length in the water in the beaker with its lower end about
2.5 cm above the bottom of the beaker.
(d) A stirrer or any of the device which will ensure uniformity of the temperature throughout
the water in the beaker.
(e) An accurately standardised thermometer suitable for the substances under examination (see
Appendix 1.1.3).
Procedure: Melt a quantity of the substance slowly, while stirring, until it reaches a temperature
of about 90°C. Cool and allow the temperature of the molten substance to drop to a temperature of
8° to 10°C above the expected melting point. Chill the bulb of the thermometer to 5°C, wipe it dry
and while it is still cold, dip it in the molten substance so that the lower half of the bulb is submerged.
Withdraw it immediately, and hold it vertically away from the heat until the wax surface dulls, then
dip it for five minutes into a water-bath at a temperature not higher than 15°C,
Fit the thermometer through the bored cork into the boiling tube so that the lower part is 15
mm above the bottom of the tube. Suspend the tube in the beaker filled with water adjusted to about
15°C and raise the temperature of the bath at rate of 2°C per minute to 30°C, then adjust the rate to
1°C per minute and not the temperatures at which the first drop of melted substances leaves the
thermometer. Repeat the determination twice on a freshly melted portion of the substance. If the three
readings differ by less than 1°C, take the average of the three as the melting point. If they differ by
more than 1°C, make two additional determinations and take the average of the five readings.
Optical rotation ‘∝’ is the property shown by certain substances of rotating the plane of
polarisation of polarised light. Such substances are said to be optically active in the sense that they
cause incident polarised light to emerge in a plane forming a measurable angle with the plane of the
incident light. Where this effect is large enough for measurement, it may serve as the basis for
identifying or assaying a substance.
The optical rotation of a substance is the angle through which the plane of polarisation is
rotated when polarised light passes through the substance, if liquid, or a solution of the substance.
Substances are described as dextro-rotatory or laevo-rotatory according to whether the plane of
polarisation is rotated clockwise or anticlockwise, respectively, as determined by viewing towards the
light source. Dextro-rotation is designated (+) and laevo-rotation is designated (-).
The optical rotation, unless otherwise specified, is measured at the wavelength of the D line
of sodium (λ =589.3 µm) at 25°C, on a layer dim thick. It is expressed in degrees.
The specific optical rotation (α)D25 of a solid substance is the angle of rotation œ of the plane
of polarisation at the wavelength of the D line of sodium (λ -589.3 mm) measured at 250 C calculated
with reference to 1.0 dm thick layer of the liquid, and divided by the specific gravity.
The specific optical rotation (α)D25 of a liquid substance is the angle of rotation cc of the plane
of polarisation at the wavelength of the D line of sodium measured at 250Cand calculated with
reference to a layer 1.0 dm thick of a solution containing 1 g of the substance per ml. The specific
optical rotation of a solid is always expressed with reference to a given solvent.
A commercial instrument constructed for use with a sodium lamp and capable of giving
readings to the nearest 0.020 is suitable for most purposes. For certain applications, the use of a photo-
electric polarimeter capable of taking measurements at the specified wave length may be necessary.
The accuracy and precision of optical rotation measurements can be increased if the following
precautions are taken:
(a) The instrument must be in a good condition. Optical elements must be very clean and in
exact alignment. The match point should be close to .the normal zero mark.
(b) The light source must be properly aligned with respect to the optical bench. It should be
supplemented by a filtering system capable of isolating the D line from sodium light.
(c) Specific attention should be paid to temperature control of the solution and of the
(d) Differences between the initial readings or between observed and corrected optical rotation
calculated as either specific optical or optical rotation should not be more than one fourth of the range
specified in the monograph for the substance.
(e) Polarimeter tubes should be filled in such a way as to avoid air bubbles. Particular care
is necessary for semi-micro or micro tubes.
(f) For tubes with removable end-plates fitted with gaskets and caps, tighten the end- plates
only enough to ensure a leak-proof seal between the end-plate and the body of the tube.
(g) For substances with low rotatory power, the end plates should be loosened and
tightened again after each reading, in the measurement of both the rotation and the zero point.
Calibration: The apparatus may be checked by using a solution of previously dried sucrose
and measuring the optical rotation in a 2 dm tube at 250 and using the concentrations indicated below:
For solids : Weigh accurately a suitable quantity of the substance being examined to give a
solution of the strength specified in the monograph, and transfer to a volumetric flask by means of
water or other solvent if specified. If a solvent is used, reserve a portion of it for the blank determination.
Unless otherwise specified, adjust the contents of the flask to 25° by suspending the flask in a constant-
temperature bath. Make up to volume with the solvent at 25°C and mix well. Transfer the solution to
the polarimeter tube within 30 minutes from the time of the substances was dissolved and during this
time interval maintain the solution at 25°C.
Determine the zero point of the polarimeter and then make five readings of the observed
rotation of the test solution at 25°C. Take an equal number of readings in the same tube with the
solvent in place of the test solution. The zero correction is the average of the blank readings, and is
subtracted from the average observed rotation if the two figures are of the same sign or added if they
are opposite in sign, to give the corrected observed rotation.
For liquids: Unless otherwise specified, adjust the temperature of the substance being examined
to 25°C transfer to a polarimeter tube and proceed as described. For solids, beginning at the words
“Determine the zero point………….”.
Calculation - Calculate the specific optical rotation using the following formula, dextro-
rotation and laevo-rotation being designated by (+) and (–) respectively :
For liquid (∝)25D = ————
100 ∝
For solid (∝)25D = ————
Coarse powder : A powder, all the particles of which pass through a sieve with a nominal
mesh aperture of 1.70 mm and not more than 40 per cent through a sieve with a nominal mesh aperture
of 355 ìm.
Moderately coarse powder: A powder, all the particles of which pass through a sieve with
a nominal mesh aperture of 710 ìm and not more than 40 per cent through a sieve with a nominal mesh
aperture of 250 ìm.
Moderately fine powder: A powder, all the particles of which pass through a sieve with a
nominal mesh aperture of 355 ìm and not more than 40 per cent through a sieve with a nominal mesh
aperture of 180 ìm.
Fine powder: A powder, all the particles of which pass through a sieve with a nominal mesh
aperture of 180 ìm.
Very fine powder: A powder, all the particles of which pass through a sieve with a nominal
mesh aperture of 125 ìm.
When the fineness of a powder is described by means of a number, it is intended that all the
particles of the powder shall pass through a sieve of which the nominal mesh aperture, in ìm, is equal
to that number.
When a batch of a vegetable drug is being ground and sifted, no portion of the drug shall be
rejected but it is permissible except in the case of assays, to withhold the final tailings, if an approximately
equal amount of tailings from a preceding batch of the same drug has been added before grinding.
Sieves: Sieves for testing powder fineness comply with the requirements stated under sieves,
Appendix 1.1.2
(1) For coarse and moderately coarse powders: Place 25 to 100 g of the powder being
examined upon the appropriate sieve having a close fitting receiving pan and cover. Shake the sieve
in a rotary horizontal direction and vertically by tapping on a hard surface for not less than twenty
minutes or until shifting is practically complete. Weigh accurately the amount remaining on the sieve
and in the receiving pan.
(2) For fine and very fine powder : Proceed as described under coarse and moderately
coarse powders, except that the test sample should not exceed 25 g and except that the sieve is to be
shaken for not less than thirty minutes, or until shifting is practically complete.
With oily or other powders which tend to clog the openings, carefully brush the screen at
interval during siftings. Break up any lumps that may form. A mechanical sieve shaker which reproduces
the circular and tapping motion given to sieves in hand sifting but has a uniform mechanical action
may be employed
The refractive index (n) of a substance with reference to air is the ratio of the sine of the angle
of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction of a beam of light passing from air into the substance.
It varies with wavelength of the light used in its measurement.
Unless otherwise prescribed, the refractive index is measured at 25° (+ 0.5) with reference to
the wavelength of the D line of sodium (λ = 589.3 mm). The temperature should be carefully adjusted
and maintained since the refractive index varies significantly with temperature.
The Abbe refractometer is convenient for most measurements of refractive index but other
refractometer of equal or greater accuracy may be used. Commercial refractometers are normally
constructed for use with white light but are calibrated to give the refractive index in terms of the D
line of sodium light.
To achieve accuracy, the apparatus should be calibrated against distilled water: which has a
refractive index of 1.3325 at 25°C or against the reference liquids given in the following Table:-
Reference nD200
Liquid Co-efficient
Carbon tetrachloride 1.4603 -0.00057
Toluene 1.4969 -0.00056
a-Methylnaphthalene 1.6176 -0.00048
The cleanliness of the instrument should be checked frequently by determining the refractive
index of distilled water which at 25°C is 1.3325.
Weight Per Milliliter - The weight per milliliter of a liquid is the weight in g of ml of liquid
when weighed in air at 25°C, unless otherwise specified.
Method - Select a thoroughly clean and dry pycnometer. Calibrated the pyconometer by filling
it with recently boiled and cooled water at 25°C and weighing the contents. Assuming that the weight
of 1 ml of water at 25°C when weighed in air of density 0.0012 g per ml , is 0.99602 g calculate the
capacity of the pycnometer. (Ordinary deviations in the density of air from the value given do not affect
the result of a determination significantly). Adjust the temperature of the substance to be examined,
to about 20°C and fill the pycnometer with it. Adjust the temperature of the filled pycnometer to 25°C,
remove any excess of the substance and weigh. Substract the tare weight of the pycnometer from the
filled weight of the pycnometer. Determine the weight per milliliter dividing the weight in air, expressed
in g, of the quantity of liquid which fills the pycnometer at the specified temperature, by the capacity
expressed in ml, of the pycnometer at the same temperature.
Specific Gravity - The specific gravity of a liquid is the weight of a given volume of the liquid
at 25°C (unless otherwise specified) compared with the weight of an equal volume of water at the same
temperature, all weighing being taken in air.
Method - Proceed as. described under Wt. per ml. - Obtain the specific gravity of the liquid
by dividing the weight of the liquid contained in the pycnometer by the weight of Water contained,
both determined at 25°C unless otherwise directed in the individual monograph.
Acetic Acid - Contains approximately 33 per cent w/v of C2H4O2 Dilute 315 ml of glacial
acetic acid to 1000 ml with water.
Acetic Acid, Dilute - Contains approximately 6 per cent w/w of C2H4O2. Dilute 57 ml of
glacial acetic acid to 1000 ml with water.
Contains not less than 99.0 per cent w/w of C2H2O2. About 17.5 N in strength.
Descriptions - At a temperature above its freezing point a clear colourless liquid, odour,
pungent and charactrtistic; crystallises when cooled to about 10 and does not completely re melt until
warmed to about 15°C.
Solubility - Miscible with water, with alcohol, with glycerin and with most fixed and volatile
Heavy Metals - Evaporate 5 ml to dryness in a porcelain dish on water-bath, warm the residue
with 2 ml of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid and add water to make 25°C ml; the limit of heavy metals is
10 parts per million, Appendix 2.3.3
Chloride - 5 ml complies with the limit test for chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphate - 5 ml complies with the limit test for sulphates, Appendix 2.3.6
solution and titrate the liberated iodine with 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate, using starch solution as
indicator. Not less than 1 ml of 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate is required.
Odorous Impurities - Neutralise 1.5 ml with sodium hydroxide solution; the solution has no
odour other than a faint acetous odour.
Readily Oxidasable Impurities - To 5 ml of the solution prepared for the test for Formic Acid
and Oxidisable Impurities, add 20 ml of water and 0.5 ml of 0.1 N potassium permaganate; the pink
colour does not entirely disappear within half a minute.
Non-Volatile Mater - Leaves not more than 0.01 per cent w/w of residue when evaporated to
dryness and dried to constant weight at 105°C.
Assay - Weigh accurately about 1 g into a stoppered flask containing 50 ml of water and titrate
with N sodium hydroxide, using phenolphthalein solution as indicator. Each ml of sodium hydroxide
is equivalent to 0.06005 g of C2H4O2.
Acetic acid, lead free - Acetic acid which complies with following additional test, boil 15 ml
until the volume is reduced to about 15 ml, cool, make alkaline with lead-free ammonia solution, add
1 ml of lead free potassium cyanide solution, dilute to 50 ml with water, add 2 drops of sodium
sulphide solution; no darkening is produced.
Description - Clear, colourless, mobile and volatile liquid; taste, pungent and sweetish, odour
characteristic; flammable.
Solubility - Miscible with water, with alcohol, with solvent ether, and with chloroform, forming
clear solutions.
Distillation Range - Not less than 96 per cent distils between 55.5°C and 57°C, Appendix 3.1.1
Acidity - 10 ml diluted with 10 ml of freshly boiled and cooled water; does not require for
neutralisation more than 0.2ml of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide, using phenolphathalein solution as indicator.
Alkalinity - 10 ml diluted with 10 ml of freshly boiled and cooled water, is not alkaline to
litmus solution.
Methyl Alcohol - Dilute 10ml with water to 100ml to 1 ml of the solution add 1 ml of water
and 2ml of potassium permaganate and phosphoric acid solution. Allow to stand for ten minutes and
add 2ml of oxalic acid and sulphuric acid solution; to the colourless solution add 5 ml of decolorised
magenta solution and set aside for thirty minutes between 15°C and 30°C no colour is produced.
Non-Volatile Matter - When evaporated on a water-bath add dried to constant weight at 105°C,
leaves not more than 0.01 per cent w/v of residue.
Acetone Solution, Standard - A 0.05 per cent v/v solution of acetone in water.
Alcohol -
Description - Clear, colourless, mobile, volatile liquid, odour, characteristic and spirituous;
taste, burining readily volatilised even at low temperature, and boils at abut 78°C, flammable. Alcohol
containing not less than 94.85 per cent v/v and not more than 95.2 per cent v/v of C2H5OH at 15.56.
Solubility - Miscible in all proportions with water, with chloroform and with solvent ether.
Acidity or Alkalinity - To 20ml add five drops of phenolphithalein solution; the solution
remains colourless and requires not more than 2 ml of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide to produce a pink
Clarity of Solution - Dilute 5 ml to 100 ml with water in glass cylinder, the solution remains
clear when examined against a black background. Cool to 10°C for thirty minutes; the solution remains
Methanol - To one drop add one drop of water, one drop of dilute phosphoric acid, and one
drop of potassium permanganate solution. Mix, allow to stand for one minute and add sodium bisulphite
solution dropwise, until the permaganate colour is discharged. If a brown colour remains, add one drop
of dilute phosphoric acid to the colourless solution add 5 ml of freshly prepared chromotropic acid
solution and heat on a water-bath at 60°C for ten minutes; no violet colour is produced.
Aldehydes and Ketones - Heat 100 ml of hydroxyl amine hydrochloride solution in a loosely
stoppered flask on a water-bath for thirty minutes, cool, and if necessary, add sufficient 0.05 N sodium
hydroxide to stored the green colour. To 50 ml of this solution add 25ml of the alcohol and heat on
a water bath for ten minutes in a loosely stoppered flask. Cool, transfer to a Nessler cylinder, and titrate
with 0.05 N sodium hydroxide unitl the colour matches that of the remainder of the hydroxylamine
hydrochloride solution contained in a similar cylinder, both solutions being viewed down the axis of
the cylinder. Not more than 0.9 ml of 0.05 N sodium hydroxide is required.
Fuse Oil Constituents - Mix 10 ml of water and 1 ml of glycerin and allow the mixture to
evaporate spontaneously from clean, odourless absorbent paper; no foreign odour is perceptible at any
stage of the evaporation.
Non-Volatile Matter - Evaporate 40 ml in a tared dish on a water-bath and dry the residue
at 105°C for one hour; the weight of the residue does not exceed 1 mg.
Dilute alcohols - Alcohol diluted with water to produce Dilute Alcohols. They are prepared
as described below:
Alcohol, Aldehyde-free - Alcohol which complies with the following additional test :
Alcohol Sulphate-free - Shake alcohol with an excess of an ion exchange resin for thirty
minutes and filter.
Storage - Dilute Ammonia Solution should be kept in a well-closed container, in a cool place.
Ammonia Solution 2 per cent - Ammonia Solution 2 per cent is the ammonia solution strong
diluted with purified water to contain 2 per cent v/v of Ammonia solution strong.
Ammonia Solution, Strong - Contains 25 per cent w/w of NH (limit , 24.5 to 25.5). About
13.5N in strength.
Iron - Evaporate 40ml on a water-bath to about 10ml. The solution complies with the limit test
for iron, Appendix 2.3.4.
Chloride - Evaporate 40 ml on water-bath to about 5ml. The solution complies with the limit
test for chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphate - Evaporate 20ml on a water-bath to about 5 ml. The solution complies with the limit
test for sulphate; Appendix 2.3.6
Tarry Matter - Dilute 5 ml with 10 ml of water, mix with 6g of powdered citric acid in a
small flask, and rotate until dissolved; no tarry or unpleasant odour is perceptible.
Non-Volatile Residue - Evaporate 50ml to dryness in a tared porcelain dish and dry to
constant weight at 105 not more than 5 mg of residue remains.
Assay - Weight accurately about 3g in flask containing 50ml of N Sulphuric acid and titrate
the excess of acid with N sodium hydroxide, using methly red solution as indicator. Each ml of N
sulphuric acid is equivalent to 0.01703 g of NH3.
Ammonia Solution, iron-free - Dilute ammonia solution which complies with the following
additional test :-
Ammonia buffer pH 10.00 - Ammonia Buffer Solution. Dissolve 5.4g of ammonium chloride
in 70ml of 5 N ammonia and dilute with water to 100 ml.
Heavy Metals - Not more than 10 parts per million, determined by Method A, on 2.0g
dissolved in 25ml of water, Appendix 2.3.3.
Barium - Dissolve 0.5 g in 10ml of water and add 1 ml of dilute sulphuric acid; no turbidity
is produced within two hours.
Sulphate - 2g complies with the limit test for sulphates, Appendix 2.2.7.
Thiocyanate - Acidity 10ml of a 10 per cent w/v solution with hydrochloric acid and add a
few drops of ferric chloride solution; no red colour is produced.
Sulphated Ash - Not more than 0.1 per cent, Appendix 2.2.11
Assay - Weigh accurately about 0.1g. dissolve in 20 ml of water and add a mixture of 5ml of
formaladehyde solution, previously neutralised to dilute phenolphtale in solution and 20ml of water.
After two minutes, titrate slowly with 0.1 N sodium hydroxide, using a further 0.2 ml of dilute
phenolphthale in solution. Each ml. of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide is equivalent to 0.005349g of NH4CI.
Ammonium Chloride Solution - A 10 per cent w/v solution of ammonium chloride in water.
Ammonium Citrate Solution - Dissolve with cooling, 500g citric acid in a mixture of 200ml
of water and 200ml of 13.5 M ammonia, filter and dilute with water to 1000ml.
Chloride - 3.5g complies with the limit test for chloride Appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphate - 5g complies with the limit test for sulphates, Appendix 2.3.6
Sulphated Ash - Not more than 0.05 per cent, Appendix 2.2.11
Chloride - 2g, with an additional 20 ml of dilute nitric acid, complies with the limit test for
chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphate - Dissolve 1 g in 50ml of water, add 2.5 ml of hydrochloric acid and 1 ml of barium
chloride solution and allow to stand for one hour; no turbidity or precipitate is produced.
Sulphated Ash - Not more than 0.005 per cent, Appendix - 2.2.11
Ammonium oxalate solution - A 2.5 per cent w/v solution of ammonium oxalate in water.
Reaction - 1g dissolved in 100 ml of carbon dioxide-free water has a reaction of about pH8.0,
using solution of cresol red as indicator.
Iron - 2g complies with the limit test for iron, Appendix 2.3.4.
Chloride - 2g with an additional 3.5ml of nitric acid complies with the limit test for chlorides
appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphate - 2.5g with an additional 4ml of hydrochloric acid, complies with the limit test for
sulphate, appendix 2.3.6
Solubility - Very soluble in water, forming a clear solution, add 1g of sodium hydroxide, warm
gently, rotate the flask until a vigorous reaction commences and allow to stand until the reaction is
complete; add a further 30 ml of hydrogen peroxide solution boil for two minutes, cool and add 10
ml of dilute nitric acid and 1 ml of silver nitrate solution; any opalescence produced is not greater than
that obtained by treating 0.2ml of 0.01 N hydrochloric acid in the same manner.
Sulphated Ash - Moisten 1g with sulphuric acid and ignite gently, again moisten with sulphuric
acid and ignite; the residue weighs not more than 2.0mg.
Pipette 30ml of standardized 0.1 N silver nitrate into a glass stoppered flask, dilute with 50ml
of water than add 2ml of nitric acid and 2ml of ferric ammonium sulphate solution and titrate with
the ammonium thiocyanate solution to the first appearance of a red brown colour. Each ml of 0.1 N
Silver nitrate is equivalent to 0.007612g of NH4SCN.
Ammonium thiocyanate solution - A 10.0 per cent w/v solution of ammonium thiocyanate
Arsenic Trioxide - As2 O3 =197.82. Contains not less than 99.8 per cent of As2O3
Solubility - Sparingly soluble in water; more readily soluble in water on the addition of
hydrochloric acid, or solutions of alkali hydroxides or carbonates.
Arsenious Sulphide - Weigh acccurately 0.50g and dissolve in 10ml of dilute ammonia solution;
forms a clear colourless solution which, when diluted with an equal volume of water and acidified with
hydrochloric acid, does not become yellow.
Non-Volatile Matter - Leaves not mere than 0.1 per cent of residue when valatilised.
Assay - Weigh accurately about 0.2 g and dissolve in 20ml of boiling water and 5ml of N
sodium hydroxide, cool, add 5ml of N hydrochloric acid and 3 g of sodium bicarbonate, and titrate with
0.1 N iodine. Each ml of 0.1 N iodine is equivalent to 0.004946 g of As2O3.
Lead - Dissolve 1g in 40ml of recelty boiled and cooled water, add 5 ml of lead-free acetic
acid, render alkaline with lead-free ammonia solution and add 2 drops of lead-free sodium sulphide
solution; not more than a slight colour is produced.
Nitrate - Dissolve 1g in 10ml of water, add 1ml of indigo carmine solution and 10 ml of
nitrogen free sulphuric acid and heat to boiling; the blue colour does not entirely disappear.
Barium Chloride Solution - A 10 per cent w/v solution of barium chloride in water.
Solubility - Practically insoluble in water in alcohol; freely soluble in dilute nitric acid and
in dilute hydrochloric acid.
Assay - Weigh accurately about 1g and dissolve in a mixture of 20ml of glycerin and 20 ml
of water. Add 0.1g of sulphuric acid and titrate with 0.05 M disodium ethylene diamine tetra acetate,using
catechol violet solution as indicator. Each ml of 0.05 M disodium ethylene diamine tetra acetate is
equivalent to 0.01045 g of Bi.
Borax - Sodium Tetraborate, Na2 B4 O7 10H2O = 381.37 Contains not less than 99.0 per cent
and not more than the equivalent of 103 per cent of Na2 B4 O7 10H2 O.
Heavy Metals - Dissolve 1g in 16ml of water and 6ml of N hydrochloric acid and add water
to make 25ml; the limit of heavy metals is 20 parts per million, Appendix 2.3.3.
Iron - 0.5g complies with the limit test for iron. Appendix 2.3.4.
Sulphates - 1g complies with the limit test for sulphates. Appendix 2.3.6
Assay - Weigh accurately about 3 g and dissolve in 75ml of water and titrate with 0.5 N
hydrochloric acid, using methyl red solution as indicator. Each ml of 0.5 N hydrochloric acid is
equivalent to 0.09534 g of Na2 B4 O7. 10.H2 O.
Description - Colourless plates or white crystals or white crystallin powder, greasy to the
touch; odourless; taste, slightly acid and bitter with a sweetish after taste.
Solubility - Soluble in water and in alcohle: freely soluble in boiling water, in boiling alchole
and in glycerin.
Sulphate - Boil 3 g with 30ml of water and 1 ml of hydrochloric acid, cool and filter; 25ml
of the filtrate complies with the limit test for sulphates, Appendix 2.3.6
Heavy Metals - Not more than 20 parts per million, determined by Method A on a solution
obtained by dissolving 1.0g in 2ml of dilute acetic acid and sufficient water to produce 25ml, Appendix
Assay - Weigh accurately about 2 g, and dissolve in a mixture of 50ml of water and 100ml
of glycerine previously neutralized to phenolphthalein solution. Titrate with N Sodium hydroxide, using
phenolphthalein solution as indicator. Each ml of N Sodium hydroxide is equivalent to 0.06183 g of
H3 BO3.
Labelling - The label on the container states “Not for internal use”.
Boric acid Solution - Dissolve 5 g of boric acid in a mixute of 20ml of water and 20ml of
absolute ethanol and dilute with absolute ethanol to 250 ml.
Iodine - Boil 0.2 ml with 20 ml of water, 0.2 ml of N sulphuric acid and a small piece of
marble until the liquid is almost colourless. Coool, add one drop of liquified phenol, allow to stand for
two minutes, and then add 0.2 g of potassium iodide and 1 ml of starch solution; no blue colour is
Bromine Solution - Dissolve 9.6 ml of bromine and 30g of potassium bromide in sufficient
water to produce 100ml.
Gives a yellow colour in moderately acid solutions, and a bluish-voilet in weakly acid and
alkaline solutions. (pH range, 2.8 to 4.6).
Bromophenol purple solution - Warm 0.1g of bromophenol purple with 5.0 ml of ethnol
(90%) until dissolve, at 100 ml of ethnol (20%), 3.7 ml of 0.5 m M Sodium hydroxide and sufficient
ethnol (20 per cent) to produce 250 ml.
Sensitivity - A mixture of 0.2 ml of the solution and 100 ml of carbon dioxide-free water to
which 0.05 ml of 0.2 M Sodium hydroxide VS has been added in bluish violet. Not more than 0.20 ml
of 0.2 M hydrochloric acid VS is required to change the colour to yellow.
Bromothymol Blue – 4,4’ - (3H-2, 1-Benzoxathiol -3-ylidene ) bis (2-6 dibromothymol) SS-
dioxide C19H19 Br4 O5 S=670.
Gives a yellow colour in moderately acid solution and a bluish violet in weakly acid and
alkaline solutions (pH range, 2.8 to 4.6).
Bromothymol blue solution - Warm 0.1g of bromothymol blue with 3.0 ml of 0.05 N Sodium
hydroxide and 5 ml of alcohol (90 per cent); after solution is effected add sufficient alcohol (20 per
cent) to produce 250 ml.
Sensitivity - A mixture of 0.5 ml of the solution and 20 ml of carbon dioxide - free water to
which 0.05 ml of 0.1 N hydrocholoric acid has been added is yellow. Not more than 0.10 ml of 0.1
N Sodium hydroxide is required to change the colour to bluish violet.
Gives a yellow colour in weakly acid solutions and a blue colour in weakly alkaline solutions.
Neutrality is indicated by a green colour (pH range, 6.0 to 7.6).
Bromothymol blue solution - Warm 0.1g of bromothymol blue with 3.2 ml of 0.05 N Sodium
hydroxide and 5 ml of alcohol (90 per cent); after solution is effected add sufficient alcohol (20 per
cent) to produce 250 ml.
Sensitivity - A mixture of 0.3 ml of the solution and 100ml of carbon dioxide - free water is
yellow. Not more than 0.10 ml of 0.2 N Sodium hydroxide is required to change the colour to blue.
Iodate - Dissolve 0.2 g in 10 ml of water, and add 0.5g of citric acid and 1 ml of starch
solution no blue colour is produced.
Cadmium Iodide Solution - A 5.0 per w/v solution of cadmium iodide in water.
Calcium Chloride Solution - A 10 per cent w/v solution of calcium chloride in water.
Calcium Hydroxide Solution - Shake 10g of Calcium hydroxide repeatedly with 1000 ml of
water and allow to stand until clear.
Chloride - Boil 5 g with 50ml of water and filter while hot. The filtrate, after cooling,
complies with the limit test for chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Acid-Insoluble Matter - Boil 2 g with 100 ml. of N hydrochloric acid, and then with water
dry, ignite, and weigh; the residue weighs not more than 2 mg.
Alkalinity - Biol 1 g with 50 ml of water, cool, and titrate with 0.1 N hydrochloric acid, using
bromothymol blue solution as indicator; not more than 0.3 ml. of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid is required.
Carbonate - Boil 1 g with 10 ml of water and add 1 ml of hydrochloric acid no carbon dioxide
is evolved.
Residue on Ignition - When ignited, leaves not less than 78.5 per cent and not more than 80.0
per cent residue.
Camphor is a ketone, obtained from Cinnamonum camphora (Linn.) Nees. and Eberm. (Fam.
Lauraceae) and Ocimum kilimandscharicum Guerke (Fam. Labiatae) (Natural Camphor) or produced
synthetically (Synthetic Camphor). It contains not less than 96.0 per cent of C10H16O.
Solubility - Slightly soluble in water; very soluble in alcohol, in chloroform and in solvent
ether freely soluble in fixed oils and in volatile oils.
Specific Optical Rotation - + 41° to + 43°, determined in a 10 per cent w/v solution of Natural
Camphor in alcohol, Appendix 3.1.5 Synthetic Camphor is the optically inactive, racemic form.
Water - A 10 per cent w/v solution in light petroleum (boiling range 40°C to 60°C) is clear.
Non-Volatile Matter - Leaves not more than 0.05 per cent of residue when volatilized at
Distillation Range - Not less than 95 per cent distils between 46°C 47°C Appendix 3.1.1
Non-Volatile Matter - When evaporated to dryness on a water bath, and dried to constant
weight at 105°C, leaves not more than 0.005 per cent w/v of residue.
Solubility - Practically insoluble in water, miscible with ethyl alcohol, and with solvent ether.
Distillation Range - Not less than 95 per cent distils between 76°C and 77°C, Appendix 3.1.1
Chloride - Free Acid - Shake 20 ml of freshly boiled and cooled water for three minutes and
allow separation to take place; the aqueous layer complies with the following test:
Chloride - To 10 ml add one drop of nitric acid and 0.2 ml of silver nitrate solution; no
opalescence is produced.
Free Acid - To 10 ml add a few drops of bromocresol purple solution; the colour produced
does not indicate more acidity than that indicated by the addition of the same quantity of the indicator
to 10 ml of freshly boiled and cooled water.
Caustic Alkali Solution, 5 per cent - 5 g of potassium or sodium hydroxide in water and dilute
to 100 ml.
Charcoal, decolourising - General purpose grade complying with the following test.
Decolourising Power - Add 0.10 g to 550 ml of a 0.006 per cent w/v solution of bromophenol
blue in ethanol (20 per cent) contained in a 200 ml flask, and mix. Allow to stand for five minutes,
and filter; the colour of the filtrate is not deeper than that of a solution prepared by diluting 1 ml of
the bromophenol blue solution with ethanol (20 per cent) to 50 ml.
Description - Colourless, transparent crystals, odour, pungent but no acrid; taste, pungent and
slightly bitter, volatilises slowly on exposure to air.
Solubility - Very soluble in water; freely soluble in alcohol: in chloroform and in solvent ether.
Chloral Alcoholate : Warm 1g with 6 ml of water and 0.5 ml of sodium hydroxide solution:
filter add sufficient 0.1 N iodine to impart a deep brown colour, and set aside for one hour; no yellow
crystallin precipitate is produced and no smell of iodoform is perceptible.
Chloride : 3g complies with the limit test for chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Assay : Weigh accurately about 4 g and dissolve in 10 ml of water and add 30 ml of N sodium
hydroxide. Allow the mixute to stand for two minutes, and then titrate with N sulphuric acid using
phenophthalien solution as indicator. Titrate the neutralised liquid with 0.1 N silver nitrate using
potassium chromate solution as indicator. Add two-fifteenth of the solution amount of 0.1 N Silver
nitrate used to the amount of N sulphuric acid used in the first titration and deduct the figure so
obtained from the amount of N sodium hydroxide added. Each ml of N sodium hydroxide, obtained as
difference; is equivalent to 0.1654g of C2 H2 C13 O2.
Chloral Hydrate Solution - Dissolve 20g of chloral hydrate in 5 ml of water with warming
and add 5 ml of glycerin.
Chloral Iodine Solution - Add an excess of crystalline iodine with shaking to the chloral
hydrate solution, so that crystals of undissolved iodine remain on the bottom of bottle. Shake before
used as the iodine dissolves and crystals of the iodine to the solution. Store in a bottle of amber glass
in a place protected from light.
Stability - Losses not more than 3.0 per cent of its available chlorine by weight when heated
to 100 for two hours (The available chlorine is determined by the Assay described below).
Assay - Weigh accurately about 4 g. triturate in a mortar with successive small quantities of
water and transfer to a 1000ml flask. Add sufficient water to produce 1000 ml and shake thoroughly.
To 100 ml of this suspension add 3 g of potassium iodide dissolved in 100ml of water, acidify with
5 ml of acetic acid and titrate the liberated iodine with 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate. Each ml of 0.1 N
sodium thiosulphate is equivalent to 0.003545 g of available chlorine.
Chlorinated Lime Solution - Mix 100g of chlorinated lime with 1000 ml of water transfer
the mixture to a stoppered bottle; set aside for three hours, shaking occasionally; filter through calico.
Description - Colourless, volatile liquid; odour, characteristic, taste, sweet and burning.
Solubility - Slightly soluble in water; freely miscible with ethyl alcohol and with solvent ether.
Boiling Range : A variable fraction, not exceeding 5 per cent v/v, destils below 60 and the
remainder distils between 50°C to 62°C , Appendix 3.1.1
Acidity : Shake 10 ml with 20 ml of freshly boiled and cooled water for three minutes, and
allow is separate. To a 5 ml portion of the aqueous layer add 0.1 ml of litmus solution; the colour
produced to not different from that produced on adding 0.1 ml of litmus solution to 5 ml of freshly
boiled and cooled water.
Chloride : To another 5 ml portion of the aqueous layer obtained in the test for acidity, add
5 ml of water and 0.2 ml of silver nitrate solution; not opalescence is produced.
Free, Chlorine - To another 10 ml portion of the aqueous layer, obtained in the test for Acidity,
add 1 ml of Cadmium iodide solution and the two drops of starch solution; no blue colour is produced.
Foreign Odour - Allow 10 ml of evaporate from a large piece of filter paper placed on a warm
plate; no foreign colour is detectable at any stage of the evaporation.
Non volatile matter - Not more than 0.004 per cent w/v determined on 25ml by evaporation
and drying at 105°C
NOTE: Care should be taken not to vaporise chloroform in the presence of a flame because of the
production of harmful gases.
Chloroform Water
Description - White to brownish powder. It is usually available as its sodium salt, C10H8O8S2Na2,
which is yellow to light brown in colour.
Sensitivity - Dilute exactly 0.5ml of formaldehyade solution with water to make 1000ml.
dissolve 5mg of chromotropic acid or its sodium salt, in a 10ml of a mixture of 9 ml of suphuric acid
and 4 ml of water. Add 5ml of this solution to 0.2 ml of the formaldehyde solution, and heat for 10
minutes at 60 a violet colour is produced.
Citric Acid, iron free - Citric acid which complies following additional test :
Dissolve 0.5 g in 40 ml of water, add 2 drops of thioglycollic acid, mix make alkaline with
iron free ammonia solution and dilute to 50 ml with water; no pink colour is produced.
Chloride - 3g complies with the limit test for chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphate - 3g complies with the limit test for Sulphates. Appendix 2.3.6
Assay - Weigh accurately about 0.8 g and dissolve in 50 ml of water, add 2 ml of acetic acid
and 3 g of potassium iodide, with 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate, using starch solution as indicator, until
only a faint blue colour remains; add 2 g of potassium thiocyanate and continue the titration until the
blue colour disappears. Each ml of 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate is equivalent to 0.01997 g of C4 H6 O4
Cu H2 O
Copper Acetate, Solution - 0.5 per cent w/v of copper acetate in water.
Contains not less than 98.5 per cent and not more than the equivalent to 101.0 per cent of
Cu SO4 5H2 O
Solubility - Soluble in water, very soluble in boiling water, almost insoluble in alcohol; very
slowly soluble in glycerin.
Acidity and Clarity of Solution - 1g. dissolved in 20 ml of water, forms a clear blue solution,
which becomes green on the addition of 0.1 ml of methyl orange solution.
Iron - To 5g. add 25ml of water, and 2 ml of nitric acid, boil and cool. Add excess of strong
ammonia solution, filter, and wash the residue with dilute ammonia solution mixed with four times its,
volumes of water, dissolve the residue, if any, on the filter with 2 ml of hydrochloric acid, diluted with
10 ml of water to be acid solutions add dilute ammonia solution till the precipitation is complete; filter
and wash the residue after ignition weighs not more than 6 mg.
Copper Sulphate Solution - A 10 per cent w/v solution of copper sulphate in water.
Gives a blue colour with bismuth ions in moderately acid solution. When metal ion are absent,
for example, in the presence of an excess of disodium ehylene diamine tetra acetate, the solution if
Cresol Red - 4,4' – (3H-2 1-benzoxathiol-3 ylidone) di-o-cresol SS-dioxide; C12H18O5S =382.4,
Gives a red colour in very strongly acid solutions, a yellow colour in less strongly acid and
neutral solutions, and a red colour in moderately alkaline solutions (pH ranges, 0.2 to 1.8 and 7.2 to
Cresol Red Solution - Warm 50 mg of cresol red with 2.65 ml of 0.05 M Sodium hydroxide
and 5 ml of ethanol (90 per cent) after solution is effected, add sufficient ethanol (20 per cent) to
produce 250 ml.
Sensitivity - A mixture of 0.1 ml of the solution and 100 ml of carbon dioxide-free water to
which 0.15 ml of 0.02 M Sodium hyderoxide has been added is purplish-red. Not more than 0.15 ml
of 0.02 M hydrochloric acid is required to change the colour to yellow.
Gives a red colour in moderately acid alcoholic solutions, and a yellow colour in weakly acid
and alkaline solution (pH range, 2.8 to 4.6).
Dimethyl Yellow Solution- A 0.2 per cent w/v solution of dimethyl yellow in alcohol (90 per
Clafity and Colour or Solution - 0.5 g yields a clear yellow solution on heating with a
mixture of 25 ml of water and 25 ml of hydrochloric acid.
Sulphated Ash - Not more than 0.5 per cent, Appendix 2.3.6
Sulphated Ash- Not more than 0.1 per cent, Appendix 2.3.6
Description - White crystalline powder which gradually acquires a pink tint on exposure
to air.
Diphenyl Carbazine Solution - A 0.2 per cent w/v solution of diphenyl Carbazide in a
mixture of 10 ml of glacial acetic acid and 99 ml of alcohol (90 per cent).
Lead - Shake 5 ml of 0.1 per cent w/v solution in chloroform with a mixture of 5 ml of water,
2 ml of lead free potassium cyanide solution, and 5 ml of strong ammonia solution; the chloroform
layer may remain yellow but has no red tint.
Sulphated Ash - Not more than 0.5 per cent. Appendix 2.3.6
Disodium Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetate - (Disodium Acetate) C10 H14 N2 Na2 O8,
2H2 O = 372.2.
Dragendorff Reagent
Solution 1- Dissolve 0.85 g of bismuth oxy nitrate in 40 ml of water and 10 ml of acetic acid.
Mix equal volumes of solution 1 and 2 and to 10 ml of the resultant mixture add 100 ml of
water and 20 ml of acetic acid.
Eosin - CI 45380; Acid Red 87; Tetrabromo flurescein Disodium Salt; C20 H6 O5 Br4 Na2 =
Description - Red powder, dissolves in water to yield a yellow to purplish-red solution with
a greenish-yellow fluorescence.
Chloride - Dissolves 50 mg in 25 ml of water, add 1 ml of nitric acid, and filter; the filtrate
complies with the limit test for chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphated Ash - Not more than 24 per cent, calculate with reference to the substance dried
at 110°C for two hours. Appendix 2.3.6
Brownish black powder having a faint, metallic sheen soluble in alcohol, in methyl alcohol and
in hot water.
A volatile, highly flammable, colourless liquid, boilding point, about 34 ; weight per ml about
0.71 g.
Warning - It is dangerous to distil or evaporate ether to dryness unless precautions have been
taken to remove peroxides.
Description - Clear, colourless, mobile volatile liquid; odour, characteristic and spirituous;
taste, burning; hygroscopic. Readily volatilisable even at low temperature and boils at 78 . Is flammable.
Solubility - Miscible with water, with solvent ether and with chloroform. Contains not less
than 99.5 per cent w/w or 99.7 per cent v/v of C2 H5 OH.
Storage - Store in tightly closed containers in a cool place away from fire and protected from
Contains not less than 99 per cent and not more than the equivalent of 101 per cent of Fe (NH4)
(SO4)712 H2O.
ASSAY - Weigh accurately about 2g, dissolve in 10 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid and dilute
to 50 ml with water, add 3 g of potassium iodide, allow to stand for ten minutes titrate the liberated
iodine with 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate, using starch solution as indicator added towards the end of
titration Each ml of 0.1 N Sodium thiosulphate is equivalent to 0.04822 g of Fe (NH4 ) (SO4 )2 12 H2O.
Dissolve 50g of ferric-ammonium sulphate in a mixture of 300ml of water and 6ml of sulphuric
acid. Dilute with water to 1000ml , and mix. Standardize the solution as follows:-
Measure accurately about 30 ml of the solution into a glass-stoppered flask, add 5ml of
hydrochloric acid, mix, and add a solution of 3g of potassium iodide in 10 ml of water. Insert the
stopper, allow to stand for ten minutes in the dark, then titrate the liberated iodine with standardized
0.1 N Sodium thiosulphate, adding 3 ml of starch solution as the end-point is approached. Perform a
blank determination and make any necessary correction. Each ml of 0.1 N Sodium thiosulphate is
equivalent to 0.04822 g of Fe (NH4) (SO4 )2 12 H2 O.
NOTE - Store 0.1 N Ferric Ammonium Sulphate in tightly-closed, light resistant containers.
Description - Greenish-black crystals or a crystalline powder, free from the orange colour of
the hydrated salt, which is readily acquired by exposure to atmospheric moisture.
Ferrous Salts - Dissolve 2 g in 100 ml of water, add 2 ml of phosphoric acid and titrate with
0.1 N potassium permanganate until a pink colour is produced, no more than 0.1 ml is required.
Free Chloride - Dissolve 5 g in 10 ml of water and boil the solution; no blue colour is
produced on a starch iodide paper exposed to the vapours.
Ferric Chlordie Solution - Contains not less than 14.25 per cent and not more than 15.75 per
cent w/v of FeC13.
Assay - Dilute 2 ml with 20 ml of water, add 1 ml of sulphuric acid and 0.1 N potassium
permanganate drop by drop unitl a pink colour persists for five seconds. Add 15 ml of hydrochloric
acid and 2 g of potassium iodide, allow to stand for three minutes, and titrate with 0.1 N sodium
thiosulphate, using starch solution as indicator added towards the end of titration. Each ml of 01. N
Sodium thiosulphate is equivalent to 0.01622g of FeC13.
Solubility - Freely soluble in water, very soluble in boiling water, practically insoluble in
Copper - To 10 ml of solution A obtained in the test for Copper, Zinc and Lead, add1 g of
citric acid, make alkaline with dilute ammonia solution and add 25ml of water and 5 ml of sodium
Ferrous Sulphate Solution - A 2 per cent w/v solution of ferrous sulphate in freshly boiled
and cooled water.
Ferrous Sulphate Solution, Acid - A 0.45 per cent w/v solution of ferrous sulphate in freshly
boiled and cooled water containing 0.5 ml of hydrochloric acid.
Description - Colourless liquid; odour, characteristic, pungent and irritating; taste, burning. A
slight white cloudy deposit is formed on long standing, especially in the cold, due to the separation
of paraformaldehyde. This white deposit disappears on warming the solution.
Acidity - To 10 ml add 10 ml of carbon dioxide free water and titrate with 0.1 N sodium
hydroxide using bromothymol blue solution as indicator; not more than 5 ml of 1 N sodium hydroxide
is required.
Glycerin - C3 H8 O3 =82.09.
Description - Clear, colourless liquid of syrupy consistancy; odourless, taste sweet followed
by a sensation of warmth. It is hygroscopic.
Solubility - Miscible with water and with alcohol; practically, insoluble in chloroform. In
solvent-ether and in fixed oils.
Acidity - To 50 ml of a 50 per cent w/v solution add 0.2 ml of dilute phenolphthalin solution;
not more than 0.2ml of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide is required to produce a pink colour.
Wt. per ml. - Between 1.252 g and 1.257g, Appendix-3.1.8, corresponding to between 98 per
cent and 100 per cent w/w of C3 H8 O3 .
Refractive Index - Between 1.470 and 1.474 determined at 20°C. Appendix 3.1.7
Iron - 10g complies with the limit test for iron, Appendix 2.3.4.
Heavy Metals - Not more than 5 parts per million, determined by Method A on a solution of
4g in 2 ml of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid and sufficient water to produce 25ml. Appendix 2.3.3.
Sulphate - 1 ml complies with the limit test for sulphates, Appendix 2.3.6
Chloride - 1 ml complies with the limit test for chloride, Appendix 2.3.2.
Acraldehyde and Glucose - Heat strongly; it assumes not more than a faint yellow and not
a pink colour. Heat further; it burns with little or not charring and with no odour of burnt sugar.
Aldehydes and Related Substances - To 12.5 ml of a 50 per cent w/v solution in a glass-
stoppered flask add 2.5 ml of water and 1 ml of decolorised magenta solution. Close the flask and
allow to stand for one hour. Any violet colour produced is not more intense than that produced by
mixing 1.6ml of 0.1 N potassium permaganate and 250 ml of water.
Sugar - Heat 5 g with 1 ml of dilute sulphuric acid for five minutes on a water-bath. Add 2
ml of dilute sodium hydroxide solution and 1 ml of coppr sulphate solution. A clear, blue coloured
solution is produced. Continue heating on the water-bath for five minutes. The solution remains blue
and no precipitate is formed.
Fatty Acids and Esters - Mix 50 g with 50 ml of freshly boiled water and 50.0 ml of 0.5 N
sodium hydroxide, boil the mixute for five minutes. Cool, add a few drops of phenolphthalein solution
and nitrate the excess alkali with 0.5 N hydrochloric acid. Perform a blank determination. Not more
than 1 ml of 0.5 N sodium hydroxide is consumed.
Sulphated Ash - Not more than 0.01 per cent, Appendix 2.2.11
Glycerin Solution - Dilute 33 ml of glycerin to 100 ml with water and add a samll piece of
camphor or liquid phenol.
Heavy Metals - Not more than 5 parts per million, determined by method A on a solution
prepared in the following manner : Evaporate 3.5 ml to dryness on a water-bath, add 2 ml of dilute
acetic acid to the residue, and water to make 25 ml. Appendix 2.3.3.
Bromide and Iodide - Dilute 5 ml with 10 ml of water, add 1 ml of chloroform, and add drop
by drop, with constant shaking, chlorinated lime solution; the chloroform layer does not become brown
or violet.
Sulphite - Dilute 1 ml with 10 ml of water, and add 5 drops of barium chloride solution and
0.5 ml of 0.001 N iodine; the colour of the iodine is not completely discharged.
Free Chlorine - Dilute 5 ml with 10 ml of freshly boiled and cooled water, add 1 ml of
potassium iodide solution, and shake with 1 ml of chloroform; the chloroform layer does not become
violet within one minute.
Assay - Weigh accurately about 4 g into a stoppered flask containing 40 ml of water, and titrate
with N sodium hydroxide, using methyl orange solution as indicator. Each ml of N sodium hydroxide
is equivalent to 0.0364 g of HCI.
Arsenic Heavy Metals - Bromide and iodide; sulphate; Free chlorine-Complies with the tests
described under Hydrochloric acid, when three times the quantity is taken for each test.
Assay - Weigh accurately about 10 g and carry out the Assay described under Hydrochloric
Dilute 85 ml of hydrochloric acid with water to 1000 ml and standardize the solution as
Weigh accurately about 1.5 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate P.S., previous heated at about
2700 for one hour. Dissolve it in 100 ml of water and add two drops of methyl red solution. Add the
acid slowly from a burette with constant stirring, until the solution becomes faintly pink. Heat again
to boiling and titrate further as necessary until the faint pink colour no longer affected by continued
boiling. Each 0.5299 g of anhydrous and sodium carbonate is equivalent to 1 ml of N. hydrochloric
Hydrochloric Acid Iron free- Hydrochloric acid which complies with the following additional
Analytical reagent grade of commerce or hydrogen peroxide solution (100 Vol) diluted with 4
volumes of water.
A colourless liquid containing about 6 percent w/v of H2O2 ; weigh per ml. about 1.02 g.
Use laboratory cylindergrade, or prepared the gas by action of hydrochloric acid, diluted with
an equal volume of water, on iron sulphide, the resulting gas is washed by passing it through water.
Free Acid – Dissolve 1.0 g in 50 ml of alcohol, add 3 drops of dimethyl yellow solution and
titrate to a full yellow colour with N sodium hydroxide; not more than 0.5 ml of N sodium hydroxide
is required.
Assay – Weigh accurately about 0.1 g and dissolve in 20 ml of water, add 5 g of ferric
ammonium sulphate dissolved in 20 ml of water, and 15 ml of dilute sulphuric acid, boil for five
minutes, dilute with 200 ml of water, and titrate with 0.1 N potassium permanganate. Each ml of 0.1
N potassium permanganate is equivalent to 0.003475 g of NH2OH.HC1.
Iodine : I2 = 253.8
Description - Heavy, bluish-black, brittle, rhombic prisms or plates with a metallic lustre;
odour characteristic; volatile at ordinary temperatures.
SOLUBILITY - Very slightly soluble in water; soluble in alcohol freely soluble in carbon
disulphide and in chloroform in solvent ether; in carbon tetrachloride and in concentrated aquous
solutions of iodides.
Chloride Bromide - Triturate 3.5 g thoroughly with 35 ml of water, filter and decolorise the
filtrate by the addition of a little zinc powder. To 25 ml of the filtrate so obtained, add 5 ml of dilute
ammonia solution, and then 5 ml of silver nitrate solution added gradually, filter; dilute the filtrate to
50 ml, and acidify gradually with 4 ml of nitric acid; the opalescence in the limit test for chloride,
Appendix 2.3.2.
Cyanides - To 5 ml of the filtrate obtained in the test for Chloride and bromide add a few
drops of ferrous sulphate solution and 1 ml of sodium hydroxide solution, warm gently and acidify with
hydrochloric acid, no blue or green colour is produced.
Non-Volatile Matter - Leaves not more than 0.1 percent as residue when volatilized on a
Assay - Weigh accurately about 0.5 g and dissolve in a solution of 1 g of potassium iodide
in 5 ml of water. Dilute to 250 ml with water, add 1 ml of dilute acetic acid, and titrate with 0.1N
sodium thiosulphate, using starch solution as indicator. Each ml of 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate is
equivalent to 0.01269 g of 1.
Weigh accurately about 0.15 g of arsenic trioxide P.S., previously dried at 1050 for one hour,
and dissolve in 20 ml of N sodium hydroxide by warming, if necessary. Dilute with 40 ml of water,
add two drops of methyl orange solution and follow with dilute hydrochloric acid until the yellow
colour is changed to pink. Then add 2 g of sodium bicarbonate, dilute with 50 ml of water, and add
3 ml of starch solution, slowly add the iodine solution from a burette until a permanent blue colour
is produced. Each 0.004946 g of arsenic trioxide is equivalent to 1 ml of 0.1 N iodine.
Iodine solution- Dissolve 2.0 g of iodine and 3 g of potassium iodide in water to produce
100 ml.
Kieselguhr- A natural diatomaceous earth, purified by heating with dilute hydrochloric acid,
washing with water and drying.
Contains not less than 99.5 percent and not more than the equivalent of 104.5 percent of
Description - Small, white, transparent, monoclinic prisms, or heavy, crystalline bases; odour,
acetous, taste, sweet and astringent. Efflorescent in warm air. Becomes basic when heated.
Water Insoluble Matter - Dissolve 1 g in 10 ml of recently boiled and cooled water solution
is produced which is at most faintly opalescent and becomes clear on the addition of one drop of acetic
Chloride - 1 g complies with the limit test for chlorides. Appendix 2.3.2.
Copper, Iron, Silver and Zinc – Dissolve 0.5 g in 10 ml of water, add 2 ml of dilute sulphuric
acid, allow to stand for thirty minutes, and filter, to the filtrate add an excess of potassium ferrocyanide
solution no precipitate or colour is produced.
Assay - Weigh accurately about 0.8 g and dissolve in a mixture of 100 ml of water and 2 ml
of acetic acid, add 5 g of hexamine, and titrate with 0.05 M disodium ethylenediaminetertraacetate,
using 0.2 ml of xylenol orange solution as indicator, until the solution becomes pale bright yellow.
Each ml of 0.05 M disodium ethylenediaminetertraacetate is equivalent to 0.01897 g of C4H6O4Pb,3H20.
Lead acetate solution- A 10 percent w/v solution of lead acetate in carbon dioxide-free water.
Assay - Weigh accurately about 0.3 g and dissolve in 150 ml of water, add 5 ml of dilute acetic
acid, heat to boiling, add a slight excess of potassium chromate solution, and boil gently until the
precipitate becomes granular; collect the precipitate in a Gooch crucible, wash it with hot water, and
dry to constant weight at 1200 each g of residue is equivalent to 1.025 g of Pb(NO3)2.
Lead solution standard - See limit test for heavy metals. Appendix, 2.3.3.
A transparent, colourless, oily liquid, free or nearly free from fluorescence by day light;
odourless and tasteless when cold, and develops not more than a faint odour of petroleum when heated.
Litmus- Fragments of blue pigment prepared from various species of Rocella lacanora or
other lichens. It has a characteristic odour.
Partly soluble in water and in alcohol. Gives a red colour with acids and a blue colour with
alkalies (PH range, 5.0 to 8.0).
Litmus solution - Boil 25 g of coarsely powered litmus with 100 ml of alcohol (90 percent)
under a reflux condenser for one hour, and pour away the clear liquid; repeat this operation using two
successive quantities, each of 75 ml, of alcohol (90 percent). Digest the extracted litmus with 250 ml
of water.
Litmus paper, blue - Boil 10 parts of coarsely powdered litmus under reflux for one hour with
100 parts of alcohol, decant the alcohol and discard. Add to the residue a mixture of 45 parts of alcohol
and 55 parts of water. After two days decant the clear liquid. Impregnate the strips of filter paper with
the extract and allow to dry the paper complies with the following test.
A transparent, colourless, oily liquid, free or nearly free from fluorescence by day light;
odourless and tasteless when cold, and develops not more than a faint odour of petroleum when heated.
Litmus paper, red - To the extract obtained in the preparation of blue litmus paper add 2 N
hydrochloric acid drop-wise until the blue colour becomes red. Impregnate strips of filter paper with
the solution and allow to dry.
The hydrochloride of rosaniline of such a purity that when used in the preparation of Decolourised
solution of Magenta, a nearly colourless solution is obtained.
Magenta solution, Decolorized- Dissolve 1 g of basic magnenta in 600 ml of water and cool
in an ice-bath; add 20 g of sodium sulphite dissolved in 100 ml of water; cool in an ice-bath and add,
slowly with constant stirring, 10 ml of hydrochloric acid; dilute with water to 1000 ml.
If the resulting solution of turbid, it should be filtered and if brown in colour, it should be
shaken with sufficient decolourising charcoal (0.2 to 0.3 g) to render it colourless and then filtered
immediately. Occasionally it is necessary to add 2 to 3 ml of hydrochloric acid, followed by shaking,
to remove the little residual pink colour. The solution resulting from any of the foregoing modifications
should be slowed to stand over-night before use.
Description - Colourless, crystals, usually needle-like, odourless, taste, cool, saline and bitter.
Efflorescence in warm dry air.
Solubility - Freely soluble in water; sparingly soluble in alcohol. Dissolves slowly in glycerin.
Iron - 2 g dissolved in 20 ml of water complies with the limit test for iron, Appendix 2.3.4.
Heavy Metals - Not more than 10 parts per million, determined by method A on a solution
prepared by dissolving 2 g in 10 ml of water, 2 ml of dilute acetic acid and sufficient water to make
25 ml. Appendix 2.3.3.
Chloride - 1 g complies with the limit test for chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Assay - Weigh accurately about 0.3 g and dissolve in 50 ml of water. Add 10 ml of strong
ammonia-ammonium chloride solution, and titrate with 0.05 M disodium ethylenediaminetertraacetate
using 0.1 g of mordant black II mixture as indicator, until the pink colour is discharged from the blue.
Each ml of 0.05 M disodium ethylenediaminetertraacetate is equivalent to 0.00602 g of MgSO4.
Description - Heavy, colourless are white, crystalline masses, or a white crystalline a powder.
Non-Volatile Matter - When volatilized, leaves not more than 0.1 percent of residue.
Assay - Weigh accurately about 0.3 g and dissolve in 85 ml of water in a stoppered-flask, add
10 ml of calcium chloride solution, 10 ml of potassium iodide solution, 3 ml of formaldehyde solution
and 15 ml of sodium hydroxide solution, and shake continuously for two minutes. Add 20 ml of acetic
acid and 35 ml of 0.1 N iodine: Shake continuously for about ten minutes, or until the precipitated
mercury is completely redissolved, and titrate the excess of iodine with 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate.
Each ml of 0.1 N iodine is equivalent to 0.01357 g of HgCI2.
Contains not less than 99 percent of HgO, calculated with reference to the substance dried at
1050 for one hour.
Description - Orange-yellow, heavy, amorphous powder; odourless, stable in air but becomes
discoloured on exposure to light.
Solubility - Practically insoluble in water and in alcohol; freely soluble in dilute hydrochloric
acid and in dilute nitric acid, forming colourless solutions.
Acidity for Alkalinity - Shake 1 g with 5 ml of water and allow to settle; the supernatant
liquid is neutral to litmus solution.
Mercurous Salts - A solution of 0.5 g in 25 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid is not more than
slightly turbid.
Chloride - To 0.2 g add 1g of zinc powder and 10 ml of water. Shake occasionally during ten
minutes and filter; the solution complies with the limit test for chlorides; Appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphated Ash - When moistened with sulphuric acid in a silica dish and heated strongly to
constant weight, leaves not more than 0.5 percent of residue.
Assay - Weigh accurately about 0.4 g dissolve in 5 ml of nitric acid and 10 ml of water and
dilute with water to 150 ml. Titrate with 0.1 N ammonium thiocyanate, using ferric ammonium sulphate
solution as indicator. Carry out the titration at a temperature not above 200. Each ml of 0.1 N ammonium
thiocyante is equivalent to 0.01083 g of HgO.
Storage - Preserve yellow mercuric oxide in well-closed container, protected from light.
Nitrate - Dissolve 0.40 g in a mixture of 9 ml of water and 1 ml of dilute sulphuric acid, add
1 ml of indigo carmine solution and 10 ml of nitrogen free sulphuric acid and heat to boiling, the blue
Assay- Dissolve 0.6 g in a mixture of 10 ml of dilute nitric acid and 40 ml of water. Titrate
with 0.1 N ammonium thiocyanate, using ferric ammonium sulphate solution as indicate. Each ml of
0.1 N ammonium thiocyanate is equivalent to 0.01483 g of HgSO4.
Mercury Sulphate Solution - Mix 5 g of yellow mercuric oxide with 40 ml of water, and
while stirring add 20 ml of sulphuric acid, and 40 ml of water, and stir until completely dissolved.
Distillation Range - Not less than 95 percent distils between 64.5 0C and 65.5 0C,
Appendix 3.1.1.
Acidity - To 5 ml of carbon dioxide-free water, and titrate with 0.1 N sodium hydroxide using
bromothymol blue solution as indicator; not more than 0.1 ml is require.
Non-Volatile Matter - When evaporated on a water-bath and dried to constant weight at 1050,
leaves not more than 0.005 percent w/v of residue.
Mythyl alcohol, dehydrated - Methyl alcohol which complies with the following additional
requirements. Water -Not more than 0.1 percent w/w.
A dark green or bronze crystalline powder, freely soluble in water, soluble in alcohol.
Loss on drying: Not less than 18 percent and not more than 22 percent, determined by drying
in an oven at 1000 C to 1050C.
Methyl Orange Solution - Dissolve 0.1 g of methyl orange in 80 ml of water and dilute to
100 ml with alcohol.
Test for sensitivity - A mixture of 0.1 ml of the methyl orange solution and 100 ml of freshly
boiled and cooled water is yellow. Not more than 0.1 of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid is required to change
the colour to red.
A dark red powder or violet crystals, sparingly soluble in water; soluble in alcohol.
Methyl Red Solution - Dissolve 100 mg in 1.86 ml of 0.1 N Sodium hydroxide and 50 ml of
alcohol and dilute to 100 ml with water.
Test for sensitivity - A mixture of 0.1 ml of the methyl red solution and 100 ml of freshly boiled
and cooled water to which 0.05 ml of 0.02 N hydrochloric acid has been added is red. Not more than
0.01 ml of 0.02 N sodium hydroxide is required to change the colour to yellow.
Molish’s Reagent - Prepared two solutions in separate bottles, with ground glass stoppers:
A. Dissolve 2 g of “–naphthol in 95 percent alcohol and made upto 10 ml with alcohol (“-
naphthol can be replaced by thymol or resorcinol). Store in a place protected from light.
The solution can be used for only a short period.
A mixture of 0.2 part of mordant black 11 with 100 parts of sodium chloride. Mordant Black
II Mixture should be recently prepared.
Solubility - Freely soluble in alcohol yielding not more than slightly opalescent, colourless or
almost colourless solution, with no pink tint.
Solution A - Dissolve 0.5 g of sulphanilic acid in 30 ml of 6 M acetic acid and dilute to 150
ml with water.
Nitric Acid - Contains 70 percent w/w of HNO3 (limits, 69 to 71). About 16 N in strength.
Copper and Zinc - Dilute I ml with 20 ml of water, and add a slight excess of dilute ammonia
solution; the mixture does not become blue. Pass hydrogen sulphide; a precipitate is not produced.
Iron - 0.5 ml complies with the limit test for iron, Appendix 2.3.4.
Chloride - 5 ml neutralized with dilute ammonia solution, complies with the limit test for
chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphated Ash - Not more than 0.01 percent w/w, Appendix 2.2.11
Assay - Weigh accurately about 4 g into a stoppered flask containing 40 ml of water, and titrate
with N sodium hydroxide, using methyl orange solution as indicator. Each ml of N sodium hydroxide
is equivalent to 0.06301 of HNO3.
Nitric Acid, XN - Solutions of any normality XN may be prepared by diluting 63x ml of nitric
acid to 1000 ml with water.
Nitric Acid, Dilute- Contains approximately 10 percent w/w of HNO3. Dilute 106 ml of nitric
acid to 1000 ml with water.
Contains not less than 99.5 percent of C2H2O4, 2H2O, as determined by both parts of the
Chloride - To 1 g dissolved in 20 ml of water add 5 ml of dilute nitric acid and 1drop of silver
nitrate solution; no turbidity is produced.
Assay - (A) Weigh accurately about 3 g and dissolve in 50 ml of carbon dioxide free water
and titrate with N sodium hydroxide, using phenolphthalein solution as indicator. Each ml of N sodium
hydroxide is equivalent ot 0.06304 g of C2H2O4, 2H2O.
(B) Weigh accurately about 3 g dissolve in water, and add sufficient water to produce 250 ml.
To 25 ml of this solution add 5 ml of sulphuric acid previously diluted with a little water, and titrate
at a temperature of about 700 with 0.1 N potassium permanganate. Each ml of 0.1 N potassium
permanganate is equivalent to 0.006303 g of C2H2O4, 2H2O.
Dissolve 6.65 g of oxalic acid in sufficient water to produce 1000 ml and standardize the
solution as follows:
Pipette 30 ml of the solution into a beaker, add 150 ml of water, 7 ml of sulphuric acid and
heat to about 700C. Add slowly from a burette freshly standardized 0.1 N potassium permanganate
with constant stirring, until a pale-pink colour, which persists for fifteen seconds, is produced. The
temperature at the conclusion of the titration should not be less than 600C. Each ml 0.1 N Potassium
permanganate is equivalent to 0.006303 g of H2C2O4, 2H2O.
Description - Colourless, very volatile, highly flammable liquids obtained from petroleum,
consisting of a mixture of the lower members of the paraffin series of hydrocarbons and complying
with one or other of the following definitions:
Non-Volatile Matter- When evaporated on a water-bath and dried at 1050, leaves not more
than 0.002 percent w/v of residue.
Phenacetin, C10H13O2N=179.2
White, glistening, crystalline seeds, or a fine white, crystalline powder; odourless; taste, slightly
Phenol - C6H5OH=94.11.
Analytical reagent grade.
Caustic, deliquescent crystals with a characteristic odour; freezing point, about 410 C.
A light to dark red crystalline powder, very slightly soluble in water, slightly soluble in alcohol
soluble in dilute alkaline solutions.
Phenol Red Solution - Dissolve 0.01 g of phenol red in 2.82 ml of o.1 N sodium hydroxide
and 20 ml of alcohol and dilute to 100 ml with water. Test for sensitivity: A mixture of 0.1 ml of the
phenol red solution in 100 ml of freshly boiled and cooled water is yellow. Not more than 0.1 ml of
0.02 N sodium hydroxide is required change the colour to red-violet.
Phenolphthalein - C20H14O4.
Test for sensitivity - To 0.1 ml of the phenolphthalein solution add 100 ml of freshly boiled
and cooled water, the solution is colourless. Not more than 0.2 ml of 0.02 N sodium hydroxide is
required to change the colour to pink.
Melting Range - After drying at 1100C for one hour, 2150C to 2190C, Appendix 3.1.4.
Chloride - 1 ml complies with the limit test for chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphate - 0.5 ml complies with the limit test for sulphate, Appendix 2.3.6
Heavy Metals - Not more than 10 parts per million, determined by Method A on a solution
prepared by diluting 1.2 ml with 10 ml of water, neutralizing with dilute ammonia solution, adding
sufficient dilute acetic acid to render the solution acidic and finally diluting to 25 ml with water,
Appendix 2.3.3.
Iron - 0.1 ml complies with the limit test for iron, Appendix 2.3.4.
Assay - Weigh accurately about 1 g and mix with a solution of 10 g of sodium chloride in 30
ml of water. Titrate with N sodium hydroxide, using phenolphthalein solution as indicator. Each ml of
N sodium hydroxide is equivalent to 0.049 g of H3PH4.
Phosphoric Acid, xN
Solutions of any normality, xN may be prepared by diluting 49Xg of phosphoric acid with
water to 1000 ml.
Solubility - White, crystalline Sparingly soluble in water very slowly soluble in cold, but
rapidly soluble on boiling.
Assay - Weigh accurately about 0.3 g, and dissolve in 100 ml of water, add 2 ml of dilute
hydrochloric acid, and pass in hydrogen sulphide until the antimony is completely precipitated. Add
2 ml of hydrochloric acid and again pass in hydrogen sulphide. Boil, filter, was the precipitate with
hot water saturated with hydrogen sulphide, and dissolve the precipitate in 25 ml of hydrochloric acid.
Boil to remove hydrogen sulphide, and dilute to 50 ml with water. Add 2 g of sodium potassium
tartrate, neutralize carefully with sodium carbonate, add 2 g sodium bicarbonate, and titrate with 0.1
N iodine, using starch solution as indicator. Each ml of 0.1 N iodine is equivalent to 0.006088 g Sb.
Contains not less than 98.0 percent and not more than the equivalent of 102 percent of KHSO4.
Iron - 2 g complies with the limit test for iron, Appendix 2.3.4.
Assay - Weigh accurately about 4.5 g, dissolve in 50 ml of water and titrate with N sodium
hydroxide using methyl red solution as indicator. Each ml of N sodium hydroxide is equivalent to
0.1362 g of KHSO4.
Contains not less than 99.8 percent of KbrO3, calculated with reference to the substance dried
to constant weight at 1050C.
Solubility - Soluble in water, freely soluble in boiling water, almost insoluble in alcohol.
Acidity or Alkalinity - A 5 percent w/v solution in water is clear and colourless and neutral
to litmus solution.
Sodium - A warm 10 percent w/v solution in water, tested on platinum wire, imparts no
distinct yellow colour to a colourless flame.
Sulphate - 1 g complies with the limit test for sulphates, Appendix 2.3.6
Assay - Weigh accurately about 1 g, dissolve in water and dilute to 250 ml. To 25 ml of this
solution add 3 g of potassium iodide and 10 ml of hydrochloric acid, dilute with 100 ml of water and
titrate with 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate, using starch solution as indicator. Each ml of 0.1 N sodium
thiosulphate is equivalent to 0.002783 g of KBrO3.
Iron - 1 g with the addition of 1.5 ml of hydrochloric acid, complies with the limit test for
iron, Appendix 2.3.4.
Chloride - 1 g with the addition of 5 ml of nitric acid, complies with the limit test for
chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphate - 1 g, with the addition of 5 ml of hydrochloric acid, complies with the limit test for
sulphates, Appendix 2.3.6
Chromium - To 25 ml of a 2 percent w/v solution in water, add about 0.2 g of sodium peroxide
and boil gently for five minutes, cool, acidify with dilute sulphuric acid and add 2 drops of
diphenylcarbazide solution; no violet colour is produced.
Assay - Weigh accurately about 3 g, dissolve in 50 ml of water, and titrate with N hydrochloric
acid using bromophenol blue solution as indicator. At the first colour change, boil the solution, cool,
and complete the titration. Each ml of N hydrochloric acid is equivalent to 0.06911 g of K2CO3.
Potassium Carbonate, Anhydrous - Potassium carbonate dried at 1350C for two hours spread
in a thin layer and then cooled in a desiccator.
Chloride - 0.5 g complies with the limit test for chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphate - 0.5 g complies with the limit test for sulphates, Appendix 2.3.6
Assay - Weigh accurately about 0.3 g and dissolve in 10 ml of water in a stoppered-flask, add
1 g of sodium nitrate, dissolved in 10 ml water and then 20 ml of nitric acid; stopper the flask and
allow to stand for ten minutes; add 100 ml of water and sufficient potassium permanganate solution
to produce a permanent pink colour; decolorise by the addition of trace of ferrous sulphate and add
0.1 g of urea. Add 30 ml of 0.1 N silver nitrate, filter, wash with water and titrate the filtrate and
washing with 0.1 N ammonium thiocyanate using ferric ammonium sulphate solution as indicator. Each
ml of 0.1 N silver nitrate is equivalent to 0.01226 g of KC103.
A. Copper Solution - Dissolve 34.66 g of carefully selected small crystals of copper sulphate,
showing no trace of efflorescence or of adhering moisture, in sufficient water to make
500 ml. Keep this solution in small, well-stoppered bottles.
Mix equal volumes of the solutions No. 1 and No. 2 at the time of using.
Assay - Weigh accurately about 0.5 g and dissolve in 50 ml of water, add 5 ml of dilute
ammonia solution and 1 drop of potassium iodide solution; titrate with 0.1 N silver nitrate until a faint
permanent turbidity appears. Each ml of 0.1 N silver nitrate is equivalent to 0.01302 g of KCN.
Chloride - To 20 ml of a 5 percent w/v solution in water and 10 ml nitric acid, warm to about
500C and add a few drops of silver nitrate solution; not more than a faint opalescence is produced.
Assay - Carry out the Assay described under Potassium Chromate, using 2 g. Each ml of 0.1
N sodium thiosulphate is equivalent to 0.004904 g of K2Cr2O7.
Weigh accurately 4.903 g of potassium dichromate P.S. previously powdered and dried at 200
for four hours and dissolve in sufficient water to produce 1000 ml.
Ferrocyanide - Rapidly wash 1 g with water, then dissolve in 100 ml of water and add 1 drop
of ferric ammonium sulphate solution; no blue colour is produced.
Assay - Weigh accurately about 1 g and dissolve in 50 ml of water add 5 g of potassium iodide
and 3 g of zinc sulphate, and titrate the liberated iodine with 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate, using starch
solution, added towards the end of the titration, as indicator. Each ml of 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate is
equivalent to 0.03293 g of K3Fe (CN)6.
Assay: Weigh accurately about 1 g and dissolve in 200 ml of water, add 10 ml of sulphuric
acid and titrate with 0.1 N Potassium permanganate. Each ml of 0.1 N potassium permanganate is
equivalent to 0.04224 g of K4Fe (CN) 6, 3H2O.
Contains not less than 99.9 percent and not more than the equivalent of 100.1 percent of
C8H5O4K calculated with reference to the substance dried at 1100C for one hour.
Acidity: A 2 percent w/v solution in carbon dioxide-free water gives with bromophenol blue
solution the grey colour indicative of pH 4.0.
Assay: Weigh accurately about 9 g, dissolve in 100 ml of water and titrate with N sodium
hydroxide using phenolphthalein solution as indicator. Each ml of N. sodium hydroxide is equivalent
to 0.2042 g of C8H5O4K.
Dissolve 40.84 g of potassium hydrogen phthalate in sufficient water to produce 1000 ml.
Contains not less than 85 percent of total alkali, calculated as KOH and not more than 4
percent of K2CO3.
Description - Dry, white sticks, pellets or fused or fused mass; hard, brittle and showing a
crystalline fracture; very deliquescent; strongly alkaline and corrosive.
Solubility - Freely soluble in water, in alcohol and in glycerin; very soluble in boiling ethy
Aluminium, iron and matter insoluble in hydrochloric acid - Boil 5 g with 40 ml of dilute
hydrochloric acid, cool, make alkaline with dilute ammonia solution, boil, filter, and wash the residue
with a 2.5 percent w/v solution of ammonium nitrate; the insoluble residue, after ignition to constant
weight, weighs not more than 5 mg.
Chloride - 0.5 g dissolved in water with the addition of 1.6 ml of nitric acid, complies with
the limit test for chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphate - Dissolve 1 g in water with the addition of 4.5 ml of hydrochloric acid; the solution
complies with the limit test for sulphates, Appendix 2.3.6
Potassium Hydroxide, xN
Solution of any normality, xN, may be prepared by dissolving 56.11x g of potassium hydroxide
in water and diluting to 1000 ml.
An aquous solution of potassium hydroxide containing 5 percent w/v of total alkali, calculate
as KOH (limits, 4.75 to 5.25).
Assay - Titrate 20 ml with N sulphuric acid, using solution of methyl orange as indicator. Each
ml of N sulphuric acid is equivalent to 0.05611 g of total alkali, calculated as KOH.
Weigh accurately 10.700 g of potassium iodate P.S., previously dried at 1100 to constant
weight, in sufficient water to produce 1000 ml.
Description - Colourless crystals or white powder; odourless, taste, saline and slightly bitter.
Heavy Metals - Not more than 10 parts per million, determined on 2 g by Method A, Appendix
Barium - Dissolve 0.5 g in 10 ml of water and add 1 ml of dilute sulphuric acid; no turbidity
develops within one minute.
Cyanides - Dissolve 0.5 g in 5 ml of warm water, add one drop of ferrous sulphate solution
and 0.5 ml of sodium hydroxide solution and acidify with hydrochloric acid; no blue colour is produced.
Iodates - Dissolve 0.5 g in 10 ml of freshly boiled and cooled water, and add 2 drops of dilute
sulphuric acid and a drop of starch solution; no blue colour is produced within two minutes.
Assay - Weigh accurately about 0.5 g dissolve in about 10 ml of water and add 35 ml of
hydrochloric acid and 5 ml of chloroform. Titrate with 0.05 M potassium iodate until the purple colour
of iodine disappears from the chloroform. Add the last portion of the iodate solution drop wise and
agitate vigorously and continuously. Allow to stand for five minutes. If nay colour develops in the
chloroform layer continue the titration. Each ml of 0.05 M potassium iodate is equivalent to 0.0166
mg of KI.
Potassium Iodide and Starch Solution - Dissolve 10 g potassium iodide in sufficient water
to produce 95 ml and add 5 ml of starch solution.
Potassium Indobismuthate Solution - Dissolve 100 g of tartaric acid in 400 ml of water and
add 8.5 g of bismuth oxynitrate. Shake during one hour, add 200 ml of a 40 percent w/v solution of
potassium iodide, and shake well. Allow to stand for twenty four hours and filter.
To 3.5 g of potassium iodide add 1.25 g of mercuric chloride dissolved in 80 ml of water, add
a cold saturated solution of mercuric chloride in water, with constant stirring until a slight red precipitate
remains. Dissolve 12 g of sodium hydroxide in the solution, add a little more of the cold saturated
solution of mercuric chloride and sufficient water to produce 100 ml. Allow to stand and decant the
clear liquid.
Description - Dark purple, slender, prismatic crystals, having a metallic lustre, odourless, taste,
sweet and astringent.
Assay - Weigh accurately about 0.8 g, dissolve in water and dilute to 250 ml. Titrate with this
solution 25 ml of 0.1 N oxalic acid mixed with 25 ml of water and 5 ml of sulphuric acid. Keep the
temperature at about 700 throughout the entire titration. Each ml of 0.1 N oxalic acid is equivalent to
0.00316 g of KMnO4.
Dissolve about 3..3 g of potassium permanganate in 1000 ml of water, heat on water-bath for
one hour and allow to stand for two days. Filter through glass wool and standardize the solution as
To an accurately measure volume of about 25 ml of the solution in a glass stoppered flask add
2 g of potassium iodide followed by 10 ml of N Sulphuric acid. Titrate the liberated iodine with
standardized 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate, adding 3 ml of starch solution as the end point is approached.
Correct for a blank run on the same quantities of the same reagents. Each ml of 0.1 N sodium
thiosulphate is equivalent to 0.003161 g of KMnO4.
Purified water is prepared from potable water by distillation, ion-exchange treatment, reverse
osmosis or any other suitable process. It contains no added substances.
pH: Between 4.5 and 7.0 determined in a solution prepared by adding 0.3 ml of a saturated
solution of potassium chloride to 100 ml of the liquid being examined, Appendix 3.1.3.
Chloride - To 10 ml add 1 ml of dilute nitric acid and 0.2 ml of silver nitrate solution; no
opalescence is produced.
Sulphate - To 10 ml add 0.1 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid and 0.1 ml of barium chloride
solution: the solution remains clear for an hour.
Calcium - To 10 ml add 0.2 ml of dilute ammonia solution and 0.2 ml of ammonium oxalate
solution; the solution remains clear for an hour.
Heavy Metals - Adjust the pH of 40 ml to between 3.0 and 4.0 with dilute acetic acid, add
10 ml of freshly prepared hydrogen sulphide solution and allow to stand for ten minutes; the colour
of the solution is not more than that of a mixture of 50 ml of the liquid being examined and the same
amount of dilute acetic acid added to the sample.
Oxidisable matter - To 100 ml add 10 ml of dilute sulphuric acid and 0.1 ml of 0.1 N
potassium permanganate and boil for five minutes. The solution remains faintly pink.
Total Solids - Not more than 0.001 percent w/v determined on 100 ml by evaporating on a
water bath and drying in an oven at 1050C for one hour.
Resorcinol Solution - Shake 0.2 g of resorcinol with 100 ml of toluene until saturated and
Solubility - Slightly soluble in alcohol; miscible with chloroform, with solvent ether with light
petroleum (b.p. 400C to 600C) and with carbon disulpide.
Storage - Preserve seasame oil in a well-closed container protected from light, and avoid
exposure to excessive heat.
Prepared from silver nitrate and soluble carbonate solution. Light yellow powder when freshly
precipitated, but becomes darker on drying and on exposure to light.
Silica Gel - Partially dehydrated, polymerized, colloidal silicic acid containing cobalt chloride
as an indicator.
Description - Blue granules, becoming pink when the moisture absorption capacity is exhausted.
Silica Gel absorbs about 30 percent of its weight of water at 200 C. Its absorptive capacity may
be regenerated by heating at 1500 C for two hours.
Description - Colourless crystals or white crystalline powder; odourless, taste, bitter and
Solubility - Very soluble in water, sparingly soluble in alcohol; slightly soluble in solvent
Bismuth, copper and lead - To a solution of 1 g in 5 ml of water, add a slight excess of dilute
ammonia solution: the mixture remains clear and colourless.
Assay - Weigh accurately about 0.5 g and dissolve in 50 ml of water, add 2 ml of nitric acid,
and titrate with 0.1 N ammonium thiocyanate, using ferric ammonium sulphate solution as indicator.
Each ml 0.1 N ammonium thiocyanate is equivalent to 0.01699 g of AgNO3.
Silver Nitrate Solution - A freshly prepared 5 percent w/v solution of silver nitrate in water.
Silver Nitrate - 0.1N: AgNO3=169.87; 16.99 g in 1000 ml. Dissolve about 17 g in sufficient
water to produce 1000 ml and standardize the solution as follows.
Weigh accurately about 0.1 g of sodium chloride P.S. previously dried at 1100C for two hours
and dissolve in 5 ml of water. Add 5 ml of acetic acid, 50 ml of methyl alcohol and three drops of
eosin solution is equivalent to 1 ml of 0.1 N silver nitrate.
Description - White, crystalline powder or small, opaque, monoclinic crystals; odourless, taste
Carbonate - pH of a freshly prepared 5 percent w/v solution in carbon dioxide-free water, not
more than 8.6, Appendix 3.1.3.
Iron - Dissolve 2.5 g in 20 ml of water and 4 ml of iron-free hydrochloric acid, and dilute
to 40 ml with water; the solution complies with the limit test for iron, Appendix 2.3.4.
Heavy Metals - Not more than 5 parts per million, determined by Method A on a solution
prepared in the following manner:
Mix 4 g with 5 ml of water and 10 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid, heat to boiling, and maintain
the temperature for one minute. Add one drop of phenolphthalein solution and sufficient ammonia
solution drop wise to give the solution a faint pink colour. Cool and dilute to 25 ml with water,
Appendix 2.3.3.
Chlorides - Dissolve 1 g in water with the addition of 2 ml of nitric acid; the solution
complies with the limit test for chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphates - Dissolve 2 g in water with the addition of 2 ml of hydrochloric acid; the solution
complies with the limit test for sulphates, Appendix 2.3.6
Assay - Weigh accurately about 1 g dissolve in 20 ml of water, and titrate with 0.5 N sulphuric
acid using methyl orange solution as indicator. Each ml of 0.5 N sulphuric acid is equivalent to 0.042
g of NaHCO3.
of SO2.
Assay - Weigh accurately about 0.2 g and transfer to a glass-stoppered flask and 50 ml of 0.1
N iodine and insert the stopper of the flask. Allow to stand for five minutes, add 1 ml of hydrochloric
acid, and titrate the excess of iodine with 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate, using starch solution as indicator
added towards the end of the titration. Each ml of 0.1 N iodine is equivalent to 0.003203 g of SO2.
apparent in the solution when compared with a blank test containing no copper.
Description - White sticks, pellets, fused masses, or scales; dry, hard brittle, and showing a
crystalline fracture, very deliquescent; strongly alkaline and corrosive.
Aluminium, iron and matter insoluble in hydrochloric acid: Boil 5 g with 50 ml of dilute
hydrochloric acid, cool, make alkaline with dilute ammonia solution, boil, filter, and wash with a 2.5
percent w/v solution of ammonium nitrate; the insoluble residue after ignition to constant weight
weighs not more than 5 mg.
Heavy Metals - Not more than 30 parts per million, determined by Method A, Appendix 2.3.3.
on a solution prepared by dissolving 0.67 g in 5 ml of water and 7 ml of 3 N hydrochloric acid. Heat
to boiling, cool and dilute to 25 ml with water.
Potassium - Acidify 5 ml of a 5 percent w/v solution with acetic acid and add 3 drops of
sodium cobaltinitrite solution, no precipitate is formed.
Chloride - 0.5 g dissolved in water with the addition of 1.8 ml of nitric acid, complies with
the limit test for chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphate - 1g dissolved in water with the addition of 3.5 ml of hydrochloric acid complies
with the limit test for sulphates, Appendix 2.3.6
Assay - Weigh accurately about 1.5 g and dissolve in about 40 ml of carbon dioxide-free water.
Cool and titrate with N sulphuric acid using phenolphthalein solution as indicator. When the pink
colour of the solution is discharged, record the volume of acid solution required, add methyl orange
solution and continue the titration until a persistent pink colour is produced. Each ml of N sulphuric
acid is equivalent to 0.040 g of total alkali calculated as NaOH and each ml of acid consumed in the
titration with methyl orange is equivalent to 0.106 g of Na2CO3.
Sodium Nitroprusside - (Sodium penta cyano nitrosyl ferrate (iii) dihydrate; Na2[Fe(CN)5(NO)],
Contains not less than 99 percent and not more than the equivalent of 104 percent of C4H4O6Kna,
Description - Colourless crystals or a white, crystalline powder; odourless, taste saline and
cooling. As it effloresces slightly in warm, dry air, the crystals are often coated with a white powder.
Acidity or Alkalinity - Dissolve 1 g in 10 ml of recently boiled and cooled water, the solution
requires for neutralization not more than 0.1 ml of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide or of 0.1 N hydrochloric
acid, using phenolphthalein solution as indicator.
Iron - 0.5 g complies with the limit test for iron, Appendix 2.3.4.
Chloride - 0.5 g complies with the limit test for chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Sulphate - 0.5 g complies with the limit test for sulphates, Appendix 2.3.6
Assay - Weigh accurately about 2 g and heat until carbonized, cool and boil the residue with
50 ml of water and 50 ml of 0.5 N sulphuric acid, filter, and wash the filter with water; titrate the
excess of acid in the filtrate and washings with 0.5 N sodium hydroxide, using methyl orange solution
as indicator. Each ml of 0.5 N sulphuric acid is equivalent to 0.07056 g of C4H4O6 KNa, 4H2O.
Description - Large colourless crystals or coarse, crystalline powder; odourless, taste, saline,
deliquescent in moist air and effloresces in dry air at temperature above 330C.
Heavy metals - Not more than 20 parts per million, determined by Method A. Appendix 2.3.3.
on a solution prepared in the following manner: Dissolve 1 g in 10 ml of water, slowly add 5 ml of
dilute hydrochloric acid and evaporate the mixture to dryness on a water-bath. Gently boil the residue
with 15 ml of water for two minutes, and filter. Heat the filtrate to boiling, and add sufficient bromine
solution to the hot filtrate to produce a clear solution and add a slight excess of bromine solution. Boil
the solution to expel the bromine completely, cool to room temperature, then add a drop of
phenolphthalein solution and sodium hydroxide solution until a slight pink colour is produced. Add 2
ml of dilute acetic acid and dilute with water to 25 ml.
Chloride - Dissolve 0.25 g in 15 ml of 2 N nitric acid and boil gently for three to four minutes
cool and filter; the filtrate complies with the limit test for chlorides, Appendix 2.3.2.
Assay: Weigh accurately about 0.8 g and dissolve in 30 ml of water. Titrate with 0.1 N iodine,
using 3 ml of starch solution as indicator as the end-point is approached. Each ml of 0.1 N iodine is
equivalent to 0.02482 g of Na2S2O3. 5H2O.
Dissolve about 26 g of sodium thiosulphate and 0.2 g of Sodium Carbonate in carbon dioxide-
free water and dilute to 1000 ml with the same solvent. Standardize the solution as follows:
Dissolve 0.3 g of potassium bromate P.S. in sufficient water to produce 250 ml. To 50 ml of
this solution, add 2 g of potassium iodide and 3 ml of 2 N hydrochloric acid and titrate with the
sodium-thiosulphate solution using starch solution, added towards the end of the titration, as indicator
until the blue colour is discharged. Each 0.002784 g of potassium bromate is equivalent to 1 ml of 0.1
N Sodium thiosulphate. Note-Re-standardize 0.1 sodium thiosulphate frequently.
Arsenic - Dissolve 5 g in 10 ml of hydrochloric acid, heat to boiling and allow to stand for
one hour; the solution shows no darkening when compared with a freshly prepared solution of 5 g in
10 ml of hydrochloric acid.
Sulphate - 5 g, with the addition of 2 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid, complies with the limit
test for sulphates, Appendix 2.3.6
Stannous chloride solution - May be prepared by either of the two methods given below:
2 Dissolve 330 g of stannous chloride in 100 ml of hydrochloric acid and add sufficient
water to produce 1000 ml.
3 Dilute 60 ml of hydrochloric acid with 20 ml of water, add 20 g of tin and heat gently
until gas ceased to be evolved; add sufficient water to produce 100 ml allowing the
undissolved tin to remain in the solution.
Starch Soluble - Starch which has been treated with hydrochloric acid until after being
washed, it forms an almost clear liquid solution in hot water.
Acidity or Alkalinity - Shake 2 g with 20 ml of water for three minutes and filter; the filtrate
is not alkaline or more than faintly acid to litmus paper.
Sensitivity - Mix 1 g with a little cold water and add 200 ml of boiling water. Add 5 ml of
this solution to 100 ml of water and add 0.05 ml of 0.1 N iodine. The deep blue colour is discharged
by 0.05 ml of 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate.
Starch, Solution - Triturate 0.5 g of soluble starch, with 5 ml of water, and add this, with
constant stirring to sufficient water to produce about 100 ml. Boil for a few minutes, cool and filter.
Solubility - Insoluble in water; soluble in chloroform, in glacial acetic acid; moderately soluble
in alcohol, in solvent ether and in acetone.
When no molarity is indicated use analytical reagent grade of commerce containing about 98
percent w/w of sulphuric acid. An oily, corrosive liquid weighing about 1.84 g per ml and about 18
M in strength.
When solutions of molarity xM are required, they should be prepared by carefully adding 54
x ml of sulphuric acid to an equal volume of water and diluting with water to 1000 ml.
Sulphuric Acid, Chlorine free - Sulphuric acid which complies with the following additional
Sulphuric Acid Nitrogen-free - Sulphuric acid which contains not less than 98 percent w/w
of H2SO4 and compiles with the following additional test:
Nitrate - Mix 45 ml with 5 ml of water, cool and add 8 mg of diphenyl benezidine; the solution
is colourless or not more than very pale blue.
Contains not less than 89 percent w/w of C2H4O2S, as determined by both parts of the Assay
described below:
Iron - Mix 0.1 ml with 50 ml of water and render alkaline with strong ammonia solution; no
pink colour is produced.
Assay - (1) Weigh accurately about 0.4 g and dissolve in 20 ml of water and titrate with 0.1
N sodium hydroxide using cresol red solution as indicator. Each ml of 0.1 N sodium hydroxide is
equivalent to 0.009212 g of C2H4O2S.
(2) To the above neutralized solution add 2 g of sodium bicarbonate and titrate with 0.1 N
iodine. Each ml of 0.1 N iodine is equivalent to 0.009212 g of C2H4O2S.
Colourless crystals with an aromatic odour; freezing point not below 490C.
ThymolBlue-6,6’-(3H-2,1Benzoxathil-3-ylidene)dithymolSS-dioxide; C27H30O5S=466.6.
Gives a red colour in strongly acid solutions a yellow colour in weakly acid and weakly
alkaline solutions, and a blue colour is more strongly alkaline solutions (pH range, 1.2 to 2.8 and 2.0
to 9.6).
Thymol Blue Solution - Warm 0.1 g of thymol blue with 4.3 ml or 0.05 M sodium hydroxide
and 5 ml of ethanol (90 percent); after solution is effected add sufficient ethanol (20 percent) to
produce 250 ml.
Sensitivity - A mixture of 0.1 ml and 100 ml of Carbon dioxide-free water to which 0.2 ml
of 0.02 N sodium hydroxide has been added is blue. Not more than 0.1 ml of 0.2 N hydrochloric acid
is required to change the colour to yellow.
Titanous Chloride Solution - General reagent grade of commerce containing about 15 percent
w/v TiC13.
Add 103 ml of titanous chloride solution to 100 ml of hydrochloric acid, dilute to 1000 ml
with recently boiled and cooled water, and mix, standardize, immediately before use, as follows:
Water Ammonia-free - Water which complies with the following additional test.
Water, Carbon Dioxide-free - Water which has been boiled vigorously for a few minutes and
protected from the atmosphere during cooling and storage.
Gives a violet colour with mercury, lead zinc and contain other metal ions in acid solution.
When metal ion are abscent, for example in the presence of an excess of disodium ethylene diamine
tetraacetate, this solution is yellow.
Xylenol Orange Solution - Shake 0.1 g of xylenol orange with 100 ml of water and filter, if
Joshanda is the decoction obtained by boiling Coarse powder of drugs in proportion of 4,8,16
times of water reduced to one fourth and strained in cloth.
Tasfia is a process of decontamination with specified drugs for removal of impurities and
potentiation of drugs. The process of Tasfia may be divided under the following processes:
1. Daq-wa-Sahaq;
2. Ghasl-e-Adviyah and
3. Tasweel-e-Adviyah.
In the preparation of many compound formulations, single drugs are used in the form of coarse
of fine powder. The process of powdering, by pounding or grinding, is called Daq-was-Sahaq (Kootna-
Drugs are generally powdered in a mortar and pestle, made of stone, iron, wood, porcelain or
glass. Sometimes, they are rubbed on a sil-batta (flat grinding stone). Some drugs are pounded only
in an iron or stone mortar. In large scale manufacture of drugs, pulverizing machines are now used.
Tough, hard or fibrous drugs are first dried in shade, Sun or over low fire to evaporate their
moisture contents and pounded in an iron mortar. Initially, gentle pounding is employed to
avoid drug pieces being scattered outside the mortar. When the drugs are initially broken into
small pieces by gentlre pounding, vigorous pounding is then employed till they are finely
powdered. The powder is sieved through sieves of the prescribed meshes. The coarse particles
left in the sieve are again pounded and resieved. The remaining pieces of drugs which can no
longer be pounded are ground on a sil-batta with a little water to form a fine paste which is
then dried and ground to powder form in a porcelain or glass mortar.
Kernels of Nuts and Dry fruits are ground only on a sil-batta or in a Kharal. The powder of
these drugs is not sieved.
Precious stones and minerals are first ground in an iron mortar or Kharal of hard stone and
then sieved through sieves of 100 Mesh. The sieved powder is put in the same mortar or Kharal
and ground with Arq-e-Gulab for three hours till the Arq is completely absorbed. The powder
is then tested between the fingers for its fineness. If coarseness is still felt, more Arq-e-Gulab
is added and ground till the coarseness disappears. The fine powder is then sieved through a
piece of fine muslin cloth.
Drugs like Mushk, Ambar, Jund-e-Badastar, etc., are ground either dried or with a suitable Arq
or Raughan and then used as required in the respective formula.
Drugs like Zafran, Kafoor are ground only in a dry mortar (Kharal), with slow and light
movements of the pestle to avoid sticking of the drug with the mortar. It is also ground with
a few drops of alcohol. Lastly, these drugs are added to the powder of other drugs and mixed
well in a mortar.
Poisonous or Toxic drugs are first purified or detoxicated (mudabbar) and then ground to fine
powder. Kuchla (Nux-Vomica), besides being toxic (poisonous), is also very hard and difficult
to powder. It is, therefore, ground immediately when it is soft. In case it gets hard on drying,
it is powdered by frying in Raughan Zard or any other suitable oil by which the drug is cripsed.
Silk Cocoons (Abresham) are cut into small pieces and roasted in an iron pan over low fire,
care being taken to ensure that they are not burnt. It is then ground in a mortar and pestle to
fine powder form.
Drugs like Afyun, Ushaq, Muqil, Anardana, Narjeel Daryaee, etc. are first dried over a low fire
to evaporate the moisture content, care being taken to ensure that they are not burnt. They are
then powdered.
In case of Khurma Khushk (Dry Date) the seeds are first removed and then dried over a low
fire in a frying pan before powdering. In some formulations, dates (Khurma Khushk) are
soaked in the prescribed liquids. In such cases they are ground on sil-batta, with a little water
to form a fine paste and then mixed with other drugs coming in the respective formula.
Mastagi is powdered in a porcelain mortar by slow and light motion. It is also dissolved in any
oil over a low fire and added to the other drugs in the formula.
The layers of Abrak are first separated by pounding in an iron mortar. The small pieces of
Abrak are kept in a bag of thick cloth along with small pebbles, Cowrie shells, Data seeds or
Dhan (Paddy) and tied. The bag is then dipped in hot water and rubbed vigorously with both
hands. Small particles of Abrak are then squeezed out of the bag. The process of dipping the
bag in hot water and rubbing is repeated till all the particles of Abrak are squeezed out of the
bag. The particles of Abrak are allowed to settle down at the bottom of the vessel and the water
is decanted. The Abrak particles are removed and then allowed to dry. The dry particles are
called Abrak Mahloob.
Tukhm-e-Imli is soaked in water for four to five days. The brownish outer covering (testa) of
the seeds is removed and the seed are ground to powder. The outer covering can also be
removed by roasting the seeds.
Sang-e-Surma is ground in a mortar and pestle (Kharal). The process of powdering is continued
till the shine of the particles disappears and the powder is tested between the fingers for its
fineness. If it is still coarse then the process is repeated till the highest degree of fineness is
obtained. Similarly, all other drugs which are to be applied in the eyes are ground to the highest
degree of fineness for which it is sieved through a piece of silk cloth to obtain the finest quality
of Surma.
In order to prepare the drugs of moderate properties and action the drugs of plant, animal and
mineral origin are washed with special method. This special method of washing is called Ghasl-e-
Adviyah. The drugs which undergo this process are suffixed with the term Maghsool (washed) in
respective formulae. A few of the drugs which are processed by this method are described below.
Aahak (edible lime) is soaked in a large quantity of water, stirred well and allowed to settle
down at the bottom. After settling down of the particles of Choona the water is decanted. Fresh
water is again added to the sediment and stirred well. The process of addition of water to fine
particles of Choona and decantation is repeated 7 to 8 times and the fine particles of the
Choona are collected tin the end. The product thus obtained is called Choona Maghsool or
Aahak Maghsool.
(ii) Hajriyat
Precious stones, like Shadjanj Adsi, Lajward, etc., are used after they are purified. The stone
is ground to fine powder. Sufficient quantity of water is then added to be powder, stireed and
allowed to settle down. The finer particles of the stone still suspended in the water will come
out when decanted. The coarse particles will settle down at the bottom. These coarse particles
are removed the ground till all the particles pass through the process of decantation. The
decanted water is left undistrubed so that the finest particles are settled down at the botoom.
Water is then removed and the particles when dried are finely powdered.
The drugs treated by the above method are called “Maghsool” viz. Shadnaj Adsi Maghsool,
Sang-e-Surma Maghsool and Lajward Maghsool.
Ghee is taken in a tin-coated metallic plate or Kansa (a metallic alloy) plate and water is
poured over it. The Ghee is then rubbed with the hands for five minutes and the watery part
is decanted. This process is repeated many times as indicated in the particular formula to obtain
the Raughan Zard Maghsool.
(iv) Luk
First of all the visible impurities are removed from Luk. 30 gms. of Luk is finely powedered
and ground in the decoction prepared by 15 gms. each of Rewand Chini and Izkhar Makki.
The mixture is sieved through a piece of clean fine cloth, and when the fine particles of Luk
settle down in the decoction, it is then decanted and the fine a particles of Luk are washed with
water and dried to obtain the Luk Maghsool.
3. Tasweel-e-Adviyah (Sieving)
Sieves of different meshes are used in the process of powdering the drugs. Each sieve has a
particular mesh number. The mesh number depends on the number of holes in the mesh in an area of
2.5 sq.cm. (1 square inch). If there are 20 holes, the mesh number is 40, if there are 30 holes, the mesh
number is 60, for 50 holes the mesh number is 100. If coarse powder is required then sieve number
40 is used. For fine powders, sieves of highest number are used. Sieve of 100 mesh gives the finest
powder. Powders are also sieved through a piece of muslin or thin silk cloth when the highest degree
of fineness is required as in the case of preparation of Surma.
Joshandas (Decoctions) and Sharbats (Syrups) are filtered through a piece of clean thick cloth.
Joshanda prepared for Sharbats are filtered through cotton pads to ensure a greater degree of homogenity
and purity of the end product. Uniformly thick layers of cotton wool or double layered flannel cloth
is spread over the sieve and the decoction is passed slowly through it. When a small quantity of fluid
drug is required to be filtered, then a filter paper or a flannel cloth is used. The pulpy drugs like
Maweez Munaqqa, Anjeer etc., are first cleaned by washing and then soaked in water and boiled till
they become a soft mass. They are then removed from the water, allowed to cool, squeezed and the
pulp is sieved through a metallic sieve or a piece of cloth.
Turanjabeen is first socked or boiled in water. When dissolved completely the solution is
filtered through a piece of clean fine cloth and kept in a vessel to allow the impurities to settle down.
The solution is then decanted into another container without disturbing the sediments.
Some of the plant, animal and mineral origin drugs are naturally toxic in their properties and
actions. Therefore, these drugs before making the medicines are detoxicated or purified in order to
enhance their therapeutic action and reduce their toxicity. The process of detoxification of the drug is
called Tadbir-e-Adviyah and the drugs which undergo this process are suffixed with the term “Musaffa”.
Different processes of detoxification are employed for different drugs. Details of these processes for
a few important drugs are described below. These should be referred along with the process prescribed
in the original texts.
(i) Afyun
Dissolve Afyun in Arq-e-Gulab and filter it. The filtrate is heated till it became thick for
making the Habb (Pills).
Keep sibr in Apple or Bahi or Shalgham, cover it by the process of Kapoorti, heat it, till it turn
brown. Now take out the elva, dry it and use.
(iii) Bhang
Soak the Bhang in Arq-e-Ajwain and dry it. Now keep it in an earthen pot, heat it to roast.
Dip Zeera Siyah is sirka (the level of sirka should be 2 inch above the level of Zeera Siyah)
for three days. After three days, Zeera Siyah is taken out and dry it to use.
(v) Rasaut
Rasaut is cut into small pieces and soaked in Araq-e-Gulab for 24 hours. It is then stirred well
and sieved through a clean piece of fine cloth into a big cylindrical glass jar and the sediments
are allowed to settle down. The liquid is then decanted into another vessel without disturbing
the sediment and boiled till it becomes a thick mass. The purified Rasaut is called Rasaut
(vi) Anzaroot
Anzaroot powder is mixed with Mother’s Milk or Donkey’s milk to form a paste. The paste
is smeared over a piece of Jhao wood (Tamarix wood) and dried directly over a charcoal fire.
(vii) Bhilawan
After removing the cap (thalamus) of the Bhilawan fruits, the juicy contents (Asal-e-Bhilawan)
are squeezed out completely with the help of a red hot tongs. Thereafter, Bhilawan fruits are
boiled in fresh water at least for three times. Lastly, the fruits are boiled in milk, washed with
water and dried. Precaution must be taken not to touch the juice with hands as the juice is
25 grams of the kernels of Jamalgota is tied in a cloth bag and boiled in one litre of Cow’s
milk giving sufficient time till the milk becomes dense. When cooled, the kernels are taken out
from the bag and the embryo part (pitta) of the seeds is removed to obtain jamalgota Mudabbar.
(ix) Chaksu
Chaksu is kept in a cloth bag and tied from the mouth. It is then soaked in a vessel of water
containing Badiyan (Fennel) equal tohalf the weight of Chaksu or Barg-e-Neem Taza (fresh
Neem leaves) equal in weight of Chaksu. The water is boiled for half an ahour and then the
cloth bag is removed and allowed to cool. Chaksu is then removed from the bag and rubbed
between the palms to remove the outer coverings to get Chaksu Mudabbar.
(x) Azaraqi
70 grams of Azaraqi is buried in Peeli Matti (yellow clay) and water is poured over it daily
for ten days. The Azaraqi is then removed and washed. The outer covering (testa) is peeled off
with knofe and the cotyledons of Azaraqi are separated after removing the embryo part (pitta).
Only the healthy Azaraqi is sorted out for use. It is then washed with hot water and tied in a
clean cloth bag. The bag is immersed in a vessel containing two litres of milk. The milk is then
boiled till it evaporates, care being taken that the bag does not touch the bottom of the vessel.
Thereafter, Azaraqi is removed from the bag and washed with water to obtain Azaraqi Mudabbar.
One part of Gandhak Amlasar and two parts of Raughan (Ghee) are taken in a Kadeha (laddle)
and kept on a low fire. When Gandhak is melted, four parts of the milk is added. This process
is repeated at least three times changing the fresh Ghee and Milk each time to obtain Gandhak
(xiii) Shingraf
Shingraf is ground with fresh Aab-e-Leemu (Lemon Juice) till it is absorbed and a fine powder
is obtained. This process is repeated three times to obtain Shingraf Mudabbar.
(xiv) Seemab
A. Seemab is ground with half burnt brick pieces for 12 hours. It is then washed with water
and Seemab is separated. The whole process is repeated three times.
B. Seemab is kept in a four layered thick cloth bag (50 count) and squeezed out by pressing
with hands. This process is repeated till the blackish tinge of Seemab is completely
C. Seemab is ground with Turmeric Powder as long as the powder does not change its
original colour. The resultant product is called Seemab Mudabbar.
(xv) Khabs-ul-Hadeed
A. Small pieces of Khabs-ul-Hadeeb are heated red hot in Charcoal fire and then immersed
in Aab-e-Tirphala or Sirka Naishakar (Sugarcane Vinegar) by holding each piece with a
tongs. The whole process is repeated seven times.
B. In this process Khabs-ul-Hadeeb is ground to powder form and kept immersed in Sirka
Naishakar (Sugarcane Vinegar) or Sharab-e-Angoori (Brandy). The level of either of the
two should be 5 cms. above the level of the powder. After 14 days, the Sirka Naishakar
or Sharab-e-Angoori is decanted, the powder is dried and fried in Raughan-e-Badam.
30gms. of Beesh is cut into small pieces, tied in a bag of clean fine cloth and dipped in a vessel
containing milk so that the bag is completely immersed without touching the bottom. When
the milk is completely evaporated, the pieces of Beesh are removed and washed well with
water to obtain Beesh Mudabbar.
(xvii) Hartal
Juice of 5 Kg. of Petha (White Gourd Melon) is taken and kept in a vessel. Sixty grams of
Hartal (small pieces) is put in clean, soft cloth bag and immersed in Petha juice without
touching the bottom of the vessel and boiled. When the Petha juice is completely evaporated
the Hartal pieces are removed and washed with water thoroughly to obtain purified Hartal or
Hartal Mudabbar.
(xviii) Sang-e-Surma
(i) A piece of Sang-e-Surma is covered with the goat’s fat and kept on a low fire till all the
fat is completely burnt into fumes. The pieces of Sang-e-Surma is then removed from the
fire with a tongs and immersed in Araq-e-Gulab or ice water. The whole process is
repeated three times.
(ii) A piece of Sang-e-Surma is immersed in Araq-e-Gulab or Araq-e-Badiyan and heated till
the Araq evaporates. This process is repeated seven times.
(iii) Sang-e-Surma is immersed in Aab-e-Triphala and boiled for 12 hours.
(iv) Sang-e-Surma is kept immersed in rain water (Aab-e-Baran) for 21 days.
Either of the above drugs are soaked in Sirka Naishakar (Sugarcane Vinegar) for 72 hours. The
level of sugarcane vinegar in the container should be 5 cms. above the level of the drug. The
drug is then removed and allowed to dry and then roasted over a low fire before use. Besides
purifying, Sirka naishakar (Sugarcane Vinegar) also enhances the efficacy of the drug.
Neem-Kob is the process by which hard and fibrous drugs (roots, stems, seeds etc.) are crushed
to small pieces in an iron mortar and softened in order to obtain the maximum efficacy, when used in
the preparation made by the process of decoction or infusions. The word “Neem Kofta” is suffixed to
the name of the drug in the recipe/formula which has to undergo this process.
Tahmiz is a process in which the drugs like Chana (Gram), Jau (Barley) etc., are roasted with
some medium e.g. when Chana or Jau is roasted with sand til they get swelled.
In the process of Biryan, drugs are parched or roasted without medium e.g. drugs like Shibb-
e-Yamani, Tankar, Tootiya-e-Sabz, etc. are directly put over fire in any vessel or frying pan and
5.1.6 Tarviq-e-Adviyah
In this process the juice of the fresh herb is poured in a tin-coated vessel and heated over low
fire till a green froth appears on the surface. The juice is then slowly sieved through a piece of fine
cloth leaving behind the froth on the surface of the cloth. The watery juice thus obtained is called Aab-
In case of dry herbs, a decoction is first made to which a small quantity of fresh Lemon or
Alum powder is added. This will separate the green contents from the decoction. The aquous portion
is decanted and stored.
1 Chawal = 15 mg
1 Ratti = 125 mg
1 Dang = 500 mg
1 Masha = 1g
1 Dirham = 3.5 g
1 Misqal = 4.5 g
1 Tola = 12 g
1 Dam = 21 g
1 Chhatank = 60 g
1 Pao = 240 g
1 Ser = 960 g
1 Man Tabrizi = 2 Kg 900 g
1 Oqia = 32 g
1 Astar = 1 Kg
1 Surkh = 125 mg
1 Ratal Tibbi = 420 g
1 Qeerat = 250 mg
In case of liquid the metric equivalents would be the corresponding litre and millitre.