Compilation of UT Test

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Large grains in a metallic test specimen will usually result in:

2. What kind of energy is sound? Mechanical


5. A primary purpose of a reference standard is: To provide a guide for adjusting instrument
controls to reveal discontinuities that are considered harmful to the end use of the product

7. Compensation for the variation in echo height related to variations in discontinuity depth in
the test material is known as attenuation. False

8. What is the equation to obtain the near field of a transducer in a given material? D2/4xλ

9. What is the first critical angle for Plexiglass to steel? 28.570

10. As transducer diameter decreases, the beam spread:increases

11. The electronic circuitry that allows selection and processing of only those signals relating to discontinuities that occur in specific zones of a part is called? an

electronic gate

12. A diagram in which the entire circuit stage or sections are shown by geometric figures and the path of the signal or energy by lines and/or arrows is called a:

block diagram

13. The acoustic impedance of a material is used to: d. determine the relative amounts of sound energy coupled through and reflecte at an interface

14. A set of standard reference blocks with the same geometrical configuration and dimensions other than the size of the calibration reflectors, e.g., flat bottom

holes, is called a set of?. area/amplitude standards

15.What would the 1/2 angle beam spread be for Plexiglas to steel with a 2.5 Mhz probe that is .375" in diameter? 12.3

16, At a water-to-steel interface the angle of incidence in water is 10o . The principal mode of vibration that exists in the steel is:? Longitudinal

17. As frequency increases in ultrasonic testing, the angle of beam divergence of a given diameter crystal: decreases

18. Ultrasonic testing is considered a volumetric testing method. True

19. What would be the incident angle required to induce a 60 degree angle in steel forHow would I obtain the ½ angle beam spread being produced in a given

mFan immersion inspection? not enough information

20. Which transducer has a bigger beam divergence? 2.5 Mhz; .25 Diameter .5 .25

21. Which type of probe can be described as containing an acoustical barrier separating the transmitter element from the receiver? A Twin crystal

22. An ultrasonic transducer consists of ? Piezoelectric Crystal

23. Compensation for the variation in echo height related to variations in discontinuity depth in the test material is known as: distance amplitude correction

24. Dual probes are used for thickness inspections? True The use of dual element transducers (“duals”) to measure remaining metal thickness in corrosion


25. Temperature reduces ultrasonic velocity in steel? TRUE


27. In an ultrasonic instrument, the number of pulses produced by an instrument in a given period of time is known as the? pulse repetition rate

28. While Inspecting a plate using a zero degree probe, the measured distance between the first and second back surface reflections are 32 microseconds in steel,

what is the thickness of the part? 2"

29. When angle beam contact testing a test piece, increasing the incident angle until the second critical angle is reached results in: production of a surface wave

32. The amplitude of two signals A and B is 2.4 volts and 1.2 volts respectively. What is the ratio of signal A to signal B in dB ? 6 dB

34. The transverse waves are more sensitive than a surface wave to surface breaking flaws. True false most likeli false

37 If while inspecting a weld in a 1 inch plate with a 45oyou detect an indication 2.5 inches surface distance from the weld with a metal path of 3.8 inches, what

leg is the indication in? 3rd leg


39. The crystal thickness and transducer frequency are related. The thinner the crystal ? none of the above


41. What would be the first critical angle for Plexiglas to steel? 28.57 degrees

42.As transducer diameter decreases, the beam spread: increases

43. Since the velocity of sound in steel is approximately 245,000 in/sec, it takes how long for sound to travel through 3 inch of steel? 12 microsecond

44. The angle at which 90o refraction of the shear wave mode occurs is called the: second critical angle

45. Where does beam divergence occur? Farfield


47. What is another name associated with the near field? Fresnel

48. For highly attenuative material use: Low frequency

49. The grain structure of a material has no effect on the sound beam. False

Based on the images above the first upper right hand corner shows an inspection in progress, the subsequent images show the different views for different scan


Which of these images show an A-scan in progress? B

51. Shear waves can travel through all mediums. False

52. The total energy losses occurring in all materials is called: attenuation

53. Surface waves can show false signals if dirt or oil are present during an inspection. True

54. For the first example of a basic transducer given in the text, it shows the components needed for all functions of the transducer. Looking at the bottom of the

transducer to protect the crystal, what is shown? Wear plate



58 How would I obtain the ½ angle beam spread being produced in a given material? sin-1((1.22xλ)÷(d))
59. In the far field of uniform ultrasonic beam, sound intensity is __________ the beam centerline. maximum at

60. Which of the following is a reference reflector that is not dependent on beam angle? a side drilled hole which is parallel to the plate surface and perpendicular

to the sound path

Ut test final semester 2

Red correct, blue wrong

In a base pulse-echo ultrasonic instrument, the component that coordinates the action and timing of other components is
called a: synchronizer, clock or timer

Employee certification is broken down into 4 items, what are they? Traing, experience, examination, certification

Which of the following is a reference reflector that is not dependent of beam angle? A side drilled hole which is paralled to the
plate surface and perpendicular to the sound path

The amplitude of two signals A and B is 2.4 volts and 1.2 volts respectively. What is the ratio of signal A to signal B in dB?

If while inspecting a weld in a 1 inch plate with a 45 degree you detect a indication 2.5inchs surface distance from the weld
with a metal path of 3.8 inches, what leg is the indication in? 3rd leg

As frequency increases in ultrasonic testing, the anle of beam divergence of a given diameter crystal: decreases

Temperature reduces ultrasonic velocity in steel? True

The transverse waves are more sensitive than a surface wave to surface breaking flaws. False

For the first example of a basic transducer given in the text, it shows the components needed fo all functions of the
transducer. Looking at the bottom of the transducer to protect the crystal, what is shown? Wear plate

What is another name associated with the near field? Fresnel

While inspecting a plate using a zero degree probe, the measured distance between the first and second back surface
reflection are 32 microseconds in steel, what is the thickness of the part? 2’’

The difference in signals received from identical reflectors at different material distances from a transducer may be caused by:
all the above

What is the equation to obrain the near field of a tranducer in a given materiel? D square / 4x lamda

What would be the incident angle required to induce a 60 degree angle in steel for an immersion inspection? 22.89 degree

When discussing the detectability of a small or large discontinuity, what is the factor that governs the ability to detect the flaw?

What was a big disadvantage to continuous sound waves being introduced inot the material? To much varation in vibration
Which transucer has a bigger beam divergence? 2.5 Mhz, .25 Diameter

Shear vaves can travel through all mediums. False

The acoustic impedance of a material is used to: determine the relative amounts of sound energy coupled through and
reflected at an interface

Where does beam divergence occur? Far field

The crystal thickness and transducer frequency are related. The thinner the crystal: None of the above

Who used Mercury in their experiments around 1929? Sokolv

The angle at which 90 degree of the shear wave mode occurs is called the: second critical angle

A primary pupose fo a reference standard is: to provide a guide for adjusting instumetn contrls to reveal discontinuities that
are considred harmful to the end use fo the product

The total enrgy losses occuring in all materials is called: attenuation

Which of the following controls the voltage supplied to the verical deflection plates of the CRT in an A scan UT setup?
Amplifier circuit

Who published the “ The Theory of sound” ? Rayleigh

Which type of probe can be described as containing an acoustical barrieer separating the transmitter element from the
reciver? A twin crystal

Ultrasonic testing is considered a voumetric testing method. True

The electronic ciruity that allows seletioin and processing of only those signals relating to discontinuites that occur in specific
zones of a part is called: an electronic gate

At a ater to steel interface the angle of incidence in water is 10 degree. The pricipal mode of bivration that exist in the steel is:
Both A and B above

Compensation for the variation in echo height related to variations in discontinuity depth in the test material is known as:
distance amplitude correction

How would I obrain the ½ angle beam spread being produced in a given material? sin-1((1.22x lamda))/(d))

IN the far field of uniform ultrasonic beam, sound intensity is ________ the beam centerline. Maximum at
What would be the first first critical angle for plexiglass to steel? 28.57 degrees

25 million cycles per second can also be stated as? 25 MHz

Large grains in a metallic test specimen will usually reslut in: all of the above

In ultrasonic testing, the time duration of the trasmitted pulse is referred to as: the pulse lenght of pulse width

Dual probes are used for thickness inspections. True

The random distribution of ctystallographic direction in alloys with large crystalline structure is a factor in determining? All the

If a base signal shows at 1.3” sound path, and a tip signal shows at 1.02” sound path using a 45 deree probe, what is the
relative size of the flaw? .3959”

What kind of energy is sound? Mechanical

What would the ½ angle beam spread be for plexiglas to steel with a 2.5 Mhz probe that is .375” in diameter?

What is ratt? Relative arrival time technique

What did the currie brother and lippmann discover that could be exploited? Piezoelectricity

While inpscting a plate using a zero degree probe, the measured distance between the first and second back surface
reflections are 32 microseconds in steel, what is the thickness of the part? .736

A smooth flat discontinuity whose major plane is not perpendicular to the direction of sound propagation may be indicated by.
All the above

The ratio of the velocity of sound in water compared to that for aluminum or steel is approximately: 1 to 4

Who used Mercury in their experiments around 1929? Sokolov

In the far field of uniform ultrasonic beam, sound intensity is ____ the beam centerline. Maximum at

An ultrasonic test using a straight beam contact search unit is being conducted through the thickness of a flat part such as
plate this test should detect: Laminar type flaws with major dimensions parallel to the rolled surface

Who published the Theory of sound? Rayleigh

Dual probes are used for thickness inspcections. True

What is the term given for echoes due to a higher PRF than needed? Ghost

Compensation for the variation in echo height related to variation s in discontinuity depth in the test material is known as:
distance amplitude correction

Shear waves have particle motion and propagation at ____ in materials. Right angles

IN between WW1 and WWII what was developed to find submarines? P/E

What does the acronym aatt stand for? Absolute arrival time technique

The Transverse waves are more sensitive than a surface wave to surface breaking flaws. False

Using a pulse-echo technique, if the major plane of a flat discontinuity is oriented at some angle other than perpendicular to
the direction of sound propagation , the result may be: loss or lack of a received discontinuity echo

A short burst of alternating energy is called: a Pulse

At a water-to-steel interface the angle of incidence in water 100 . the principal mode of vibration that exist in the steel is:
Both A & B above

What would be the absolute depth of a crack tip if the base signal showed on the screen as .5” and the tip signal showed at 4”
Using a 60 degree probe? .2”

As the shear wave is inducedinto the part being inpscted, there is also a reflected compressional wave that occurs in the
wedge being used that could result in_____? Standing wave

Dual probes are used for thickness inspections? True

IN ultrasonic testing, the time duration of the transmitted pulse is referred to as: the pulse length or pulse width

What would be the classification of detection and sizing probes? 31%-75%

The grain structure of a material has no effect on the sound beam? False

The only significant sound wave mode that will travel thought a liquid is: longitudinal

For highly attenuative material use: low frequency

The screen shows a base signal and tip signal using a 45 degree transducer, the sound path of the base signal is 1.89, and
the tip signal has a sound path of 1.49. What would be the relative size of the indication? .5656

Which type of probe can be described as containing an acoustical barrier separating the transmitter element from the reiver?
A twin crystal

Ultrasonic testing considered a volumetric testing method? True

Which of the following controls the voltage supplied to the vertical deflection plates of the CRT in an A scan UT setup?
Amplifier circuits

Which of the following is a reference reflector that is not dependent on beam angle?
A side dilled hole which is parallel to the plate surface and perpendicular to the sound path

The random distribution of crystallographic direction in allies with large crystalline structure is a factor in determining. All the

When scanning a 1’’ plate with a 70 degree wedge a reflector shows at a surface distance of 5.919’’ what is the depth of the
reflector? .1549

‘25 million cycles per second'’ can also be stated as: 25 MHz

A primary purpose of a reference stand is: to provide a guide for adjusting instrument controls to reveal discontinuities that are
considered harmful to the end use of the product

Since the velocity of sound in steel is approximately 245,000 in/se, it takes how long for sound to travel through 3 inch of
steel? 12 microseconds

In steel, the velocity of sound is greatest in which of the following modes of vibration? Longitudinal

Most basic pulse-echo ultrasonic instruments use: an A scan presentation

On a A-scan display what represent the intensity of a reflected beam? Signal amplitude

What is the classification for narrow band width for detecting flaws? 15%-30%

What would be the first critical angle for plexiglass to steel? 28.57 degrees

For the first example of a basic transducer given in the text, it shows the components needed for all functions of the
transducer looking at the bottom of the transducer to protect the crystal, what is shown? Wear plate

The piezoelectric material in a search unit which vibrates to produce ultrasonic waves is called a? Crystal
In the experiments involving mercury, what element was used to produce the high frequency sound? Quartz

When discussing the detectability of a small or large discontinuity, what is the factor that governs the ability to detect the
flaws? Wavelength

In 1935 Sokolov discovered a way to improve the use of sound to detect flaws in metals, what did he call it? Supersonic flaw

Where does beam divergence occur? Far Field

The differences in signals received form identical reflectors at different material distances form a transducer may be caused
by:All the above

In the transducer housing, what would help dictate the pulse length? Damping slug

In the far field for the uniform ultrasonic beam, sound intensity is ____ the beam centerline. maximum at

IN which medium listed below would the compressional velocity of sound be highest? Aluminum

Surface waves can show false signals if dirt or oil are present during an inspection. True

The ultrasonic velocity in the material can be varied by changing: delay and material calibration on the instrument

Can you be qualified but not certified? Yes

In an ultrasonic instrument, the number of pulses produced by an instrument in a given period of time is known as the?
pulse reception rate

The amplitude of two signals A and B is 2.4 volts and 1.2 volts respectively. What is the ratio of signal A to signal B in dB?

Which of the following would be considered applications of ultrasonic techniques? All of the above

large grains and Metallica specimens will usually result in: all the above

Shear waves can travel to all mediums. false

According to the textbook “ ultrasonic flaw detection for technicians” what does the term “ sound” mean? The sound
produced when struck in a certain areas of the product and produce certain which could show the characteristics of a defect

While inspecting a plate using a zero-degree probe, the measured distance between the first and second back surface
reflection are 32 microseconds and steel, what is the ? 7.36’’
When scanning a 2-inch plate with a 60 degree wedge, a reflector shows on the screen with a 9.2’’ sound path. what is the
depth of the reflector? .6’’

A primary purpose of a reference standard is: to provide a guide for adjusting instrument controls to review discontinuities
that are considered harmful to the end use of the product

How would I obtain the half angle beam spread being produced in a given material? Sin-1((1.22 x lamda))/(d))

When angle beam contact testing a test piece, increasing the incident angle on till the second critical angle is reach results
in: production of a surface wave

The electronic circuitry that allows selection and processing of only those signals relating to discontinuities that occur in
specific songs of a part is called: an electronic gate

In the early 1940s, work bySproule, Trosst, Gotz and Firestone led to leading steps in the development of this kind of
technique that is still used today? Pulse Echo testing

What is the equation to obtain the near field of a transducer in a given material? D2/4xLamda

A diagram in which the entire circuit stage or sessions are shown by geometric figures and the path of the signal or energy by
lines and/or arrows is called a? Block diagram

If while inspecting a weld in a 1 inch plate with a 45 degree you detect a indiation 2.5 inches surface distance form the weld
with a metal path of 3.8, what leg is the indication. 3rd leg

As transducer diameter decreases, the beam spread: increases

Which of the following would be considered applications of ultrasonic techniques? All of the above

The temperature at which the material loses piezoelectricity is: curie temperature

When inspecting a weld with the shear wave method a sharp indication is detected and plotted off the centerline of the wled at
the bottom surface of the part. The plots from either side of the weld, lack less than, 1/16 of an inch form touching what do
you think it is? Inadequate penetration

What was a big/disadvantage to continuous sound waves being introduced into the material? Too much variation in vibration

The velocity of a Rayleigh wave is_____ percent of a _____ wave.

a. 92, shear
b. 72, longitudinal
c. 60, longitudinal
d. None of the above
What is the main difference between specular reflection and tip diffraction when studying the phase relationships? Being out
of phase with each signal

If you were inspecting a weld with a thickness of 1 inch using a 45 degree transducer and an indication was texted at a metal
path of 2.1 inches, what would be the depth of the indication? 0.5 inch

What would the ½ angle beam spread be for plexiglass to steel with a 2.5 Mhaz probe that is 3.75 in diameter? A.
12.3 b. 17.415 c. 18.2 1.414

The screen shows a tip signal of 1.37 and a base signal of 1.48, using a 45 degree tansducer. What is the absolute depth of
the indication? .96873

The acoustic impedance of a material is used to: determine the relative amounts of soundevergy coupled through and
reflected at an interface

Test 2 semester 1


1. Which of the following would be considered applications of ultrasonic techniques? the

determination of a materials elastic modulus, the study of a materials
metallurgical structure, and the measurement of a materials thickness (all the above)

2. the only significant sound wave mode that will travel through a liquid is?
Longitudinal Wave

3. the acoustic impedance of a material is used to? Determine the relative amounts of
sound energy coupled through and reflected at an interface Determine the angle of
refraction at an interface.

4. when angle beam contact testing a test piece increasing the incident angle until the ,
the second critical angle is reached results in: Production of a Surface Wave

5. The crystal thickness and transducer frequency are related. the thinner the crystal? the
higher the frequency.
t None of the above
6. the random distribution of crystallographic Direction in Alloys with large crystalline
structure is a factor in determining? The acoustic noise levels, the selection of a test
frequency, and the scattering of
Sound. (all the above)

7. The Differences in signals l received from identical reflectors at different material

distances from a transducer may be caused by? Material attenuation, beam divergence,
and near field effects. (not all the above)

8. Where does beam Divergence occur? In the far field zone

9. as frequency increases in ultrasonic testing the angle of beam Divergence of a given

diameter Crystal? decreases

10. In the far field of uniform ultrasonic beam, sound intensity is ____________ The beam
Center Line. Maximum at

11. The ratio of the velocity of sound in water compared to that for aluminum or steel is
approximately? 1:4

12. On a scan display what represents the intensity of a reflected beam? signal amplituded

13. Which best describes a typical display of a crack whose major surface is perpendicular
to the ultrasonic beam? a sharp indication

14. a primary purpose of a reference standard is: to provide a guide for adjusting instrument
controls to reveal discontinuities that are considered harmful to the end use of the product

15. compensation for the variation in Echo height related to variations and discontinuity
depth in the test material is known as dac

16. which of the following is a reference reflector that is not dependent on beam angle, a
side drilled hole which is parallel to the plate surface and perpendicular to the sound

17. a smooth flat discontinuity who is Major plane is not perpendicular to the direction of
sound propagation may be indicated by. All the above, an echo amplitude amplitude
comparable in magnitude to the back surface relection.
18. using a pulse Echo technique if the major plane of a flat discontinuity is oriented at some
angle other than perpendicular to the direction of sound propagation the result may be
Loss or lack of a received discontinuity echo

19. as transducer diameter decreases, the beam spread: increases

20. a set of standard reference boss with the same geometric configuration and I mentioned
other than the size of the calibration reflector, eg flat bottom holes is called a set of
Area Amplitude standard

21. Which of the following controls the voltage supplied to the vertical deflection plates of the
CRT in an A scan UT set up? amplifier circuit

22. large grains in a Metallica specimens will usually result in: Decrease or loss of back
surface reflection, high grass levels, decrease in penetration large “ hash” or noise

23. the total energy loss occurring in a material is called attenuation

24. the angle at which 90-degree refraction of a Shear wave mode occurs is called theme
Second critical angle

25. the electronic circuitry that allow selection and processing of only those signals relating
to discontinuities that occur and specific zones of a part is called Electronic gate

26. in ultrasonic testing the time duration of a transmissited pulse is referred to as: The
pulse length or pulse width

27. In an ultrasonic instrument the number of pulses produced by an instrument in a given

period of time is known as the pulse repetition rate

28. Synchronizer clock or timer

29. most basic Pulse echo ultrasonic instruments used an a scan presentation

30. in which medium listed below would the compressional velocity of sound be highest?

31. In steel, the velocity of sound is greatest in which of the following modes of vibration?
Longitudinal wave

32. temperature reduces ultrasonic velocity in steel (true) velocity of sound decreases as
temperature increases. Herman said

33. 25 million cycles per second can also be stated as 25 mhz

34. which type of probe can be described as containing an acoustical barrier separating the
transmitter element from the receiver sound barrier, A Twin crystal

35. for highly attenuative materials use: low frequency

36. an ultrasonic transducer consists of Piezoelectric Crystal

37. the ultrasonic velocity in the material can be varied by changing> delay and material
calibration on the instrument

38. The amplitude of two signals A&B is 2.4 volts and 1.2 volts respectively. what is a ratio
signal a to Signal be in DB? 6 dB

39. the piezoelectric material in a search unit which vibrates to produce ultrasonic waves is
called a A transducer element or crystal
40. what is the first critical angle for Plexiglass to steel 28.57

Green correct , Red wrong

1. It's steel the velocity of sound is greatest in which of the following modes of vibration?
2. the random distribution of crystallographic Direction in Alloys with large crystalline
structure is a factor in determining: all of the above
3. are ultrasonic testing, the time duration of the transmitted pulse is referred to as: the
post length or pulse width
4. electronic circuitry that allows selection and processing of only those signals relating to
discontinuities that occurs in specific zones of a part is called: electronic gate
5. the ultrasonic velocity in the material can be varied by changing: delay and material
calibration on the instrument
6. the most basic pulse Echo ultrasonic instrument used: and a scan representation
7. the angle at which 90-degree refraction of the shear wave mode occurs is called the:
second critical angle
8. for highly attenuative materials use: low frequency
9. The amplitude of two signals A&B is 2.4 volt and 1.2 volt respectively. What is the ratio
of signal a to Signal be in DB? 6 DB
10. An ultrasonic transducer consists of: piezoelectric Crystal
11. Where does the beam Divergence occur? far field
12. in a bass poles Echo ultrasonic instrument, the component that coordinates the action
and timing of other components is called a: synchronized, clock or timer
13. Which best describes a typical display of a crack with major surface is perpendicular to
the ultrasonic beam? A sharp indication
14. in which medium listed below with the compressional velocity of sound be highest?
15. a smooth flat discontinuity who is Major plane is not perpendicular to the direction of
sound propagation may be indicated by: all of the above
16. a primary purpose of a reference standard is: to provide a guide for adjusting instrument
control to reveal discontinuities that are considered harmful to the end use of the product
17. compensation for the variation in Echo height related to variations in discontinuity depth
in the test material is known as: Distance amplitude correction
18. as transducer diameter decreases, the beam spread: increases
19. Temperature reduces ultrasonic velocity and steel: true
20. What is the first critical angle for Plexiglass to steel? 28. 57 degrees
21. On a scan display, what represent the intensity of a reflected beam? signal amplitude
22. the difference in signals received from identical reflectors at different material distances
from a transducer may be caused by: All the Above
23. which of the following controls the voltage supply to the vertical deflection plates on the
CRT in an A scan UT set up? Amplifier circuit
24. a set of standard reference blocks with the same geometrical configuration and
dimensions other than the size of the calibration reflector, e. G., flat bottom hose, is
called a set of: area / amplitude standards
25. the total energy losses occurring in all materials is called: attenuation
26. the only significant sound wave mode that will travel through a liquid is: longitudinal
27. large grains in a metallic test specimen will usually result in: decrease of loss of back
surface reflection
28. The crystal thickness and transducer frequency are related. The thinner the crystal none
of the above
29. Which of the following is a reference reflector that is not dependent on beam angle? A
side drill hole which is parallel to the plate surface and perpendicular to the South path
30. which type of probe can be described as containing an acoustical barrier separating
the transmitter element from the receiver? A twin Crystal
31. in ultrasonic instrument, the number of pulses produced by an instrument in a given
period Of time is known as the: pulse repetition rate
32. In the far field of uniform ultrasonic beam, sound intensity is______the beam Center
Line. Maximum at
33. As frequency increases in ultrasonic testing, the angle of beam Divergence of a given
diameter Crystal: decreases
34. using a pulse Echo technique, if the major plane of a flat discontinuity is oriented at
some angle other than perpendicular to the direction of sound propagation, the result
may be: loss or lack of receive discontinuity Echo
35. 25 million cycles per second can also be stated as: 25 MHz
36. the ratio of velocity of sound in water compared to that for aluminum or steel is
approximately: 1 to 4
37. when angle beam contact testing a test piece, increasing the incident angle onto the
second critical angle is reach results in: production of a surface wave
38. Which of the following would be considered application (s) of ultrasonic techniques? All
of the above
39. The acoustic impedance of a material is used to: determine the relative amount of
Sound Energy couple through a reflected at an interface.
40. The piezoelectric material in a search unit which vibrates to produce ultrasonic waves is
called a: Crystal
Different tezt

1. When an angle beam contact testing a test piece, increasing the incident angle until the second critical angle is reach
results in:
a. Reflection of a surface wave
b. 45 a0 refraction of a Shear wave
c. production of a surface wave
d. none of the above

2. Shear waves can travel through all mediums.


3. compensation for the variation in Echo height related to variations in discontinuity depth in the test material is known as:
a. Transfer
b. distance amplitude correction
c. Attenuation
d. interpretation


5. As transducer diameter decreases the beam spread:

a. Decreases
b. Increases
c. Remains the Same
d. becomes Conical in shape

6. X

7. large grains in a metallic test specimen will usually result in:

a. decrease of loss of back surface reflection
b. large "hash" or noise indication
c. decrease in penetration
d. all of the above

11. The acoustic impedance of a material is used to:
a. determine the bean spread within the material
b. determine the relative amount of Sound Energy couple through a reflected at an interface
c. determine the attenuation within the material
d. determine the angle of refraction at an interface
12. a diagram in which the entire circuit stage or section are shown by geometric figures at the path of the signal or
energy by lines and / or arrows is called a
a. Blueprint
b. schematic diagram
c. block diagram
d. line chart

13. While inspecting a plate using a zero-degree probe the measure distance between the first and second back surface
reflection are 32 microseconds in steel what is the thickness of the part.
a. .736
b. 7.36
c. 2
d. 718
14. William hit and Donald Erman were created with this technique.
a. immersion testing
b. the start of GE
c. continuous wave technology
d. Pulse echo
15. missing diagram

17. how could I obtain the ½ angle beam spread being produced by a given material?

18. insteel, the velocity of sound is greatest in which of the following modes of vibration
a. Shear
b. Longitudinal
c. surface wave
d. sound velocity is identical in all modes in a given me
19. missing diagram

21. the total energy loss occurring in all materials is called

a. Interface
b. Attenuation
c. Scatter
d. beam spread
22. A primary purpose of a reference standard is:
a. to provide a guide for adjusting instrument controls to reveal discontinuities that are considered
harmful to the end use of the product
b. to give the technician a tool for determining the exact discontinuity size.
22. the angle at which 90-degree refraction of Shear wave mode occurs is called the:

a. first critical angle

B. second critical angle
c. 3rd critical angle
d. angle of reflection

23. when looking at the first two figures in the book, they depict sound traveling through material, and both figures what is
it showing?

a. it does not say

b. the distance the sound can travel
c. the wavelength of the sound
d. the oscillation of the material and sound travels through material

24. Which transducer has a bigger beam Divergence? multiple choice answer

a. 5 MHz; .5 diameter
b. 2.5 MHz; .25 diameter
c. 2. 25 MHz; . 375 diameter
d. 5 MHz; .25 diameter
25. X

26. based on the image above: give the sound path to flaw is 7”, what is the death of the reflector?

a. .5
b. 3. 46
c. 4
d. .75

27. which of the following is a reference reflector that is not dependent on beam angle?
a. A flat bottom hole
b. A side drill hole which is parallel to the plate surface and perpendicular to the sound path
c. A vee notch
d. a disk-shaped laminar reflector
26. most basic pulse Echo ultrasonic instruments used:
a. automated read out equipment
b. an a scan presentation
c. a b scan presentation
d. a c scan representation
27. Where does beam Divergence occur?
a. near field
b. far field
c. at the Crystal
d. none of the above

28. according to your textbook, what is the range of ultrasonic testing?

a. .2 Ghz to 50 Thz
b. 16M Mhz- 20Mhz
c. 1 htz - 16 htz
d. 15 khz - 20 MHz
32. one of the first formulas to textbook gives you is this V=yxf, What is the formula for?
a. Density
b. the wavelength
c. Velocity
d. Elasticity
33. Which of the following controls the voltage supplied to the vertical deflection plates of the CRT i an A scan UT
a. Amplifier circuit
b. Sweep generator
c. Pulser
d. Clock timer

35. In which medium listed below would the compressional velocity of sound be highest?
a. Air
b. Aluminum
c. Water
d. 3Stainless Steel

36. The crystal thickness and transducer frequency are related. The thinner the crystal.

a. The lower frequency

b. There is no appreciable affect
c. They make less background on rough surfaces.
d. None of the above
39. What is another name associated with the near field?

a. Y/O point
b. Fraunhofer
c. Fresnel zone
d. Interference

40. A smooth flat discontinuity whose major plane is not perpendicular to the direction of sound propagation may be
indicated by:

a. A complete loss of back surface reflection.

b. An echo amplitude comparable in magnitude to the back surface reflection
c. An echo amplitude larger in magnitude than the back surface reflection
d. All the above

41. In the far field of uniform ultrasonic beam, sound intensity is ______ the beam centerline.
a. Minimum at
b. Maximum at
c. Maximum throughout twice the angle (sin gamma=C/D F) where C is acoustic velocity, is crystal
diameter, and F is frequency at.
d. Is related to orientation of the flaw

42. A set of Standards reference blocks with the same geometrical configuration and dimensions other than the size of
the calibration reflector, e.g., flat bottom holes, is called a set.

a. area/amplitude standards
b. distance/area amplitude standards
c. variable frequency blocks
d. beam spread measuring blocks

43. An ultrasonic transducer consist of

a. Capacitor
b. piezoelectric Crystal
c. Inductor
d. Resistor
44. the only significant Soundwave mode that will travel through a liquid is:
a. Rayleigh
b. Surface
c. shear
d. Longitudinal

46. since the velocity of sound in steel is approximately 245,000 in/sec, it takes how long for sound to travel through 3 in
of Steel?

a. 12 microseconds
b. 1 / 8 second
c. 1 / 8 10^6 seconds
d. 12 milliseconds

47. what would be the first critical angle for Plexiglass to steel?

a. 37 degrees
b. 28.57 degrees
c. 45 degrees
d. 2.090 degrees

49. the difference in signals received from identical reflectors at different material distances from a transducer may be
caused by:

a. materiality attenuation
b. beam Divergence
c. near field objects
d. all of the above (could also be possible)

51. in a base pulse Echo ultrasonic instrument, the component that coordinates the action and timing of other
components is called a:

a. display unit or CRT

b. synchronizer, clock or timer
c. marker circuit or range marker circuit
d. Receiver

52. The electronic circuitry that allow selection and processing of only those signals relating to discontinuities that occur
in specific zones of a part is called:

a. a fixed marker
b. a distance amplitude correction circuit
c. an electronic attenuator
d. an electronic gate

53. “25 million cycles per second” can also be stated as:

a. 25 million cycles per second can be stated as

b. 25 MHz
c. 2500 khz
d. 25 HZ

54. employee certification is broken down into four items, what are they?
a. The book does not going to
b. training on the job, certification, administratium, pixie dust
c. training, experience, examination, certification
d. base training of method, Base training of S.O.P' s, practical application of method, qualification.

59. for highly attenuative materials used:

a. small transducer
b. low frequency
c. high frequency
d. an angle beam technique

60. If while inspecting a weld in a 1 inch plate with a 45-degree you detect an indication 2.5 in surface distance from the
weld with a metal path of 3.8 inches, what leg is the indication in?
a. Third leg
b. Second leg
c. first leg
d. first veepath

61. The amplitude of two signals A and B is 2.4 volts and 1.2 volts respectively. What is the ratio of signal a to Signal be
in DB?
a. 2 DB
b. 6 DB
c. 14 GB
d. 20 DB

62. which of the following would be considered application(s) of ultrasonic techniques?

a. Determination of materials elastic modulus

b. study of materials metallurgical structure
c. measurement of material thickness
d. all of the above

63. Compensation for the variation in Echo height related to variations in discontinuity death in the test material is known
as attenuation.

a. True
b. False

64. the electronic circuitry that allows selection and processing of only those signals relating to discontinuities that
occurrence Pacific zones of a part is called:

a. an electronic attenuator
b. an electronic gate
c. a distance amplitude correction circuit
d. they fix marker
65. as frequency increases in ultrasonic testing, the angle of beam Divergence of a given diameter Crystal:
a. Decreases
b. remains unchanged
c. Increases
d. varies uniformly through each wavelength

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