FY 2023 Superintendent's Proposed Budget 1.20.2022
FY 2023 Superintendent's Proposed Budget 1.20.2022
FY 2023 Superintendent's Proposed Budget 1.20.2022
#FCPS1KidsDeserveIt 2
Dr. David Jeck
Proposed Budget Overview, Process, and
Virginia Code Section 22,1-92. Estimate of moneys needed for public schools; notice of costs
to be distributed.
It shall be the duty of each division superintendent to prepare, with the approval of the
school board, and submit to the governing body or bodies appropriating funds for the
school division, by the date specified in 15.2-2503, the estimate of the amount of money
deemed to be needed during the next fiscal year for the support of the public schools of the
school division.
Proposed Budget Overview, Process, and Objective
The budget process begins with the vision of the School Board.
1. The School Board reviewed, discussed, and received public input on the
Strategic Plan approved on February 3, 2020 (Aspirations 2.2).
2. On January 12, 2022, the School Board held a summit to review, discuss,
and provide staff with updated guidance on the priorities for the FY 2022-
23 Biennium Budget. This reflects the goals established by the School Board
two years ago pre-pandemic.
3. The School Board adopted the FY 2022-23 Biennium Budget Goals and
Calendar on December 15,2021.
Proposed Budget Overview, Process, and Objective
The Superintendent’s proposed budget represents many concerns, priorities, interests, and factors proposed by the
stakeholders of public education in our community. This year’s focus has been providing continued public educational
services with all of the economic, social, technological and other challenges and uncertainty associated during a global
• Teacher Compression • Teacher, HR, FEA, & VASS
• Equity and Access • School Needs
• Safety and Security • Department Needs
• Student Learning • Parent and Student Input
• Building Maintenance & • Best Practices in 21st Century
Capital Improvements Learning
• Technology • Legal and Operational Risks
• Gifted and Special Ed. • Local/State/Federal Environment
• State and Federal Policy • Region IV, VASBO, and Other
• Constituent Concerns Recommendations
• Etc… • Other…
Our School Division: FY 2021 Accomplishments
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021** 2022 2023* 2024*
B. Investment in services and support through: B. Improving Business Services and Support
1. Workforce investment • School Security
2. Market competitiveness
FY 2023 Budget Goals
FY 2023 will mark the first year of a new biennium.
Local Composite Index is set at .5824 for FY 2023 and
FY 2024.
Governor’s proposed budget to recommend 10.25%
raises for teachers over the budget biennium. Release
of budget December 15th.
Balancing objectives
The following objectives have not changed from
last year, though it is likely they will become
more expensive each year that we do not
address them.
• National Teacher Shortage
• FCPS1 currently has over 40 teaching vacancies.
• We are in a competitive market – for teachers, bus drivers, custodians, food
service workers, materials and supplies, etc. If we are not competitive, we lose.
• Costs of goods and services continue to climb, especially within the
construction industry.
• There exists a difficult balance between addressing growth and additional fiscal
needs (new), and maintaining outdated resources (old) when developing
• Much of the new funding allocated at the state/federal levels comes with
strings or local match requirements.
• We are required to be in compliance with a variety of state and federal laws,
very few of which are accompanied by full-funding from state and/or federal
State Average
State Average
State Average
State Average
Data Source: VDOE, FY 2020 Annual School Report (Table 19) and Salary.com
A Needs-Based Proposed Budget
• Compression was not fully addressed at that time, although some progress
was made. We now pay a price for not completely addressing compression
issues sooner.
• Teachers who join other school systems most often choose Prince William,
Fairfax, Loudoun, Stafford, Manassas City, and Culpeper.
• Most vacancies among classified staff: Bus Drivers/Aides, Food Service, and
Instructional Assistants.
Salary Increase Comparisons
5% Raise for all staff 5% Raise (FY 2024-2nd Yr.)
FY 2023 FY 2024
Teachers receive a 5% Salary increase per Teachers receive a 5% salary increase in the
Governor’s budget second year of the Governor’s proposed
Teachers receive an additional 8% salary
increase (on average) to eliminate salary
13% 18%
Current Teacher Scales Compared to Market Current Teacher Scales Compared to Market
Bus Aides and Bus Drivers 95% $356,000.00 $531,310.00 $0.00 Adjustment to 95% of Market
Adjustment to 95% of Market; includes
Office Associates & Managers,
Office Staff 95% $170,000.00 $0.00 $152,450.00
Secretary/Bookkeepers, Guidance Registrar
and Attendance Officers.
Adjustment to 95% of market; includes
tech services, safety & security, building
Misc. Support 92%-95% $120,000.00 $0.00 $140,270.00
managers, budget analysts and
transportation supervisors
Instructional Assistants $540,119.00 $210,119.00 $330,000.00 Adjust to 92% of market
Adjustment to 95% of market; includes
Licensed Professionals 95% 3 $226,000.00 $226,000.00 $0.00 Psychologists, Social Workers, SLP's, and
Year 2 of 2 of the process to move Nurses to
the BA scale; amount is based on the
Nurses 100% (over 2 years) 4 $249,000.00 $105,500.00 $143,500.00
proposed teacher scale of 95%-99% of
School Based Administrators 92% 5 $320,000.00 $0.00 $367,700.00 Adjustment o 92% of market for Principals & A
Adjustment to 90% for Directors,
School Division Support (Admin.) 90% 6 $220,000.00 $0.00 $237,878.00 Supervisors and Deputy/Asst.
Total Cost $2,753,945.00 $1,337,755.00 $2,011,275.00
Other Post Employees Benefit (OPEB)
• Must have 20 consecutive years as a Fauquier County Public School
• Must retire from VRS with Unreduced Retirement benefits.
• 65 and under receive $16.67 monthly per years of service with the school
division (with a maximum of 30 years credit and not to exceed $500)
• 65 and older receive $5.50 monthly per years of service (with a maximum
of 30 years credit and not to exceed $165.00 )
• Any health insurance credit received from the state is reduced by this
• The County/School Division would administer the program.
Governor’s Budget Construction Grant
• The General Assembly has included in the Governor’s Biennium Budget a
Construction Grant in the amount of $500M in FY 2023.
• A minimum of $1m will be allocated to each division. The ADM with LCI
adjustment is used to determine the amount the division will receive over the
• Can be used for non-recurring construction, renovation, technology, and debt
service costs.
• No local match is required.
• Fauquier County Public Schools will receive $3.4M.
• This will be applied to the middle school projects for the 10% pay-as-you-go.
• Cedar Lee’s 10% has been met.
• Taylor Middle total 10% is 4.95M. Our FY 2021 Carryover money $2.0 million was
contributed towards the project. Leaving a balance of 2.95M.
• Any balance of the 3.4 or middle school projects will be applied to Capital
Maintenance projects that have been identified.
Downey Scott Report-Comprehensive
Maintenance (CMP)/Capital (CIP)
• Roof • Roof
$ 8,320,000 $1,743,800
• HVAC/Mechanical $ 28,177,400 • HVAC $1,060,000
• Security • Security $
$ 2,881,760 0
• Exterior/Site $ • Exterior/Site $4,291,300
2,217,800 • Total
• Total
This does not include summer tasks such as painting
$ 41,596,960 •
• Critical
Comprehensive Maintenance (CMP) and Capital(CIP) Projects
• In FY2023 request $600,000 and FY 2024 (2nd yr.) and beyond request of additional
$1,800,000 to address the most critical needs over the next five years.
Bond Funded Capital Improvement Projects
and Capital Maintenance Projects
Fauquier County Public Schools
2023-2029 Proposed CIP Financial Summary
Adopted by School Board on Feb 24, 2020
Sources FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26 FY27 FY28 FY29 Total FY23-29
CIP Reserve Transfer (Other-Pay as you go) 1,549,772 450,288 - - 2,000,060
FY 23023 County Appropriation 600,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 1,800,000 11,400,000
VDOE Construction Grant 3,400,000 3,400,000
VPSA Bonds - 44,547,945 - - - 44,547,945
Local Revenue (201) 155,000 155,000 155,000 155,000 155,000 155,000 155,000 1,085,000
Transfer from Operating 3,120,777 3,120,777 3,120,777 3,120,777 3,120,777 3,120,777 3,120,777 21,845,439
Total Sources 3,875,777 54,573,494 5,526,065 5,075,777 5,075,777 5,075,777 5,075,777 84,278,444
State R e v e n u e
S a le s T a x $ 13 ,5 1 2 ,55 2 $ 14 ,0 6 4 ,73 3 $ 13 ,3 8 9 ,16 3 $ 15 ,7 3 6 ,84 8 $ 2 ,3 4 7 ,68 5 1 7 . 5% 9 . 6%
Ba s i c A id 20 ,7 3 8 ,26 4 23 ,2 6 4 ,05 6 $ 21 ,4 3 2 ,93 1 $ 23 ,8 8 0 ,53 8 $ 2 ,4 4 7 ,60 7 1 1 . 4% 14 . 6%
S p e c ia l E d uc a tio n 3 ,0 3 3 ,00 1 3 ,3 4 9 ,12 1 $ 3 ,1 1 0 ,01 7 $ 2 ,7 0 3 ,41 8 $ (4 0 6 ,59 9 ) -1 3 . 1% 1 . 7%
Re t ire m e nt 2 ,8 1 5 ,75 0 3 ,3 3 5 ,65 2 $ 3 ,0 9 7 ,52 7 $ 3 ,3 2 4 ,59 2 $ 2 2 7 ,06 5 7 . 3% 2 . 0%
L o tt e ry F u nd e d P ro g ra m s 2 ,6 6 7 ,87 7 2 ,9 8 5 ,18 5 $ 3 ,0 1 4 ,60 7 $ 3 ,3 2 4 ,20 9 $ 3 0 9 ,60 2 1 0 . 3% 2 . 0%
Re g io na l S P E D P ro g ra m 5 0 3 ,34 0 7 1 8 ,13 3 $ 7 1 8 ,13 3 $ 6 6 7 ,17 7 $ (5 0 ,95 6 ) -7 . 1% 0 . 4%
O th e r S ta te Re ve n u e 4 ,4 7 6 ,16 2 3 ,9 8 4 ,53 0 $ 5 ,5 5 1 ,79 9 $ 9 ,3 1 7 ,22 1 $ 3 ,7 6 5 ,42 2 6 7 . 8% 5 . 7%
To ta l S ta te R e v e n u e $ 4 7, 7 4 6 , 9 4 6 $ 5 1, 7 0 1 , 4 1 0 $ 5 0, 3 1 4 , 1 7 7 $ 5 8, 9 5 4 , 0 0 3 $ 8 , 6 3 9 , 8 2 6 1 7 . 2 % 36 . 1 %
Fe de ral R e v e nue $ - $ - $ - $ -
Lo ca l Tr a n s fe r fo r P u b lic Ed uc atio n
F Y 2 0 2 2 A p pr o p r ia tio n $ 9 3 , 0 9 1 , 4 7 8 $ 9 3 , 0 9 1 , 4 7 8 $ 9 3 , 2 3 1 , 4 7 8 $ 9 3 , 2 3 1 , 4 7 8 $ - 0 . 0 % 5 7 . 1 %
F Y 2 0 2 2 -5 % R a is e $ 2 , 9 2 0 , 0 0 0 $ 2 , 9 2 0 , 0 0 0 3 % 1 . 8 %
F Y 2 0 2 3 -R e q u e s t $ 7 , 4 0 4 , 6 9 1 $ 7 , 4 0 4 , 6 9 1 8 % 4 . 5 %
To tal Lo c al Tr an s fe r $ 1 0 3 , 5 5 6 , 1 6 9 $ 1 0 , 3 2 4 , 6 9 1 1 1 . 1 % 6 3 . 4 %
FY 23 Proposed Revenue
FY 2023Proposed Other, $929,832 ,
State, $58,954,001
Revenue Summary
, 38%
Local, $93,091,478
, 61%
Federal, $- , 0%
State Revenue
Sales Tax $ 13,512,552 $ 14,064,733 $ 13,389,163 $ 15,736,848 $ 2,347,685 17.5% 9.6%
Basic Aid 20,738,264 23,264,056 $ 21,460,790 $ 23,880,538 $ 2,419,748 11.3% 14.6%
Special Education 3,033,001 3,349,121 $ 3,110,017 $ 2,703,418 $ (406,599) -13.1% 1.7%
Retirement 2,815,750 3,335,652 $ 3,097,527 $ 3,324,592 $ 227,065 7.3% 2.0%
Lottery Funded Programs 2,667,877 2,985,185 $ 2,939,512 $ 3,324,209 $ 384,697 13.1% 2.0%
Regional SPED Program 503,340 718,133 $ 718,133 $ 667,177 $ (50,956) -7.1% 0.4%
Other State Revenue 4,476,162 3,984,530 $ 6,170,324 $ 9,317,219 $ 3,146,895 51.0% 5.7%
Total State Revenue $ 47,746,946 $ 51,701,410 $ 50,885,466 $ 58,954,001 $ 8,068,535 15.9% 36.1%
Federal Revenue $ - $ - $ - $ -
Total: $140,771,345 $148,285,311 $151,996,708 $151,613,662 $163,300,002 $11,686,340 7.80% 100% Technology Fund Transfers / Other
#FCPS1KidsDeserveIt 38
All Funds Budget Overview and Summary
#FCPS1KidsDeserveIt 42