BuildingFrame System
BuildingFrame System
BuildingFrame System
he importance of properly designed foundations was discussed in Chapter 6, Coastal Foundations
and Best Practices. In this chapter, the importance of building framing systems is discussed.
A building’s framing works in conjunction with its foundation to provide strength and stability for
the structure; it is also another critical component of the load path. Properly designed and constructed
building framing is important in all locations; however, in coastal areas (where wind, flood, and other
loads can be extreme), ensuring proper building framing is critical.
Framing must transfer all gravity, uplift, and lateral loads to the foundation. In buildings (including
residential structures), framing systems typically consist of the roof structure that supports the roof
deck, exterior and interior load-bearing walls, beams, girders, posts, and floor framing. Shear walls (or
steel moment frames in homes with large windows or other large openings) provide the strength to
resist lateral loads.
The integrity of the overall building depends not only upon the strength of these components, but also
on the adequacy of the connections that exist between them. Critical connections occur throughout
the structure but, in most houses, the most critical connections exist where the roof system connects to
supporting walls; at openings and headers in the walls; where walls connect to each other at floor levels;
and where walls connect to the foundation. Refer to Chapter 5 for a detailed discussion on the continuous
load path concept and the importance of connections within the load path.
While the term “framing” typically refers to either wood or light-gauge steel framing, walls constructed
with concrete or masonry systems are also typically used to carry loads and to act as the frame of the
building. Load-bearing wall systems of any construction type can and should be considered as part of
building framing discussions. As such, load-bearing wall systems are presented in this chapter.
While buildings are constructed from the ground up, Chapter 5 identified how they are often analyzed
from the roof down in order to track the presence of a continuous load path. Likewise, this discussion on
building framing begins with the roof-framing structure. However, before concentrating on roof framing,
a brief discussion of diaphragms and shear walls is presented because they are two of the key elements in
the framing of load-bearing wall systems in most residential and light commercial construction.
Nearly all homes have exterior shear walls. Relatively long homes, large homes, or homes with large
openings in the exterior walls may have interior shear walls, as well. Engineered homes with large
window or door openings may use moment frames to resist lateral loads in addition to shear walls. While
constructed similarly, diaphragms and shear walls act in different ways as they both work to transfer loads
down to the foundation of the structure.
The edges (or ends) of diaphragms and shear walls are critical. When diaphragms and shear walls
are connected, it is critical that this connection allows loads to be passed in order to ensure that these
components will function together as a system. Figure 7-1 illustrates how the shear wall transfers the
Figure 7-1.
Load transfer between
diaphragms and shear walls.
(Transfer lateral loads
to vertical [shear] wall)
(Designed to resist a change
in shape due to loading)
loads applied to the roof through the walls and down into the foundation of the house. This chapter
provides valuable information that explains what is involved in creating a proper connection in the wall
and framing systems of coastal buildings.
When wind forces act on a building, transferring these induced loads through the house will require
connections to transfer the loads into the shear wall through both compression (pushing) and tension
(pulling). It is important that all of the elements of the building work together in order to create the
maximum amount of structural strength and allow the building to maintain its shape and not compromise
the building envelope. A failure in the connection or any of the members could result in structural failure.
Post-disaster investigations have repeatedly observed roof collapses and wall failures that are representative
of the inability to provide a proper connection at this location in the load path. Figures 7-2 and 7-3 show
the detailing required in order for the diaphragms and shear walls to maintain their rigidity and shape so
that proper connections are maintained.
Figure 7-2.
SHEATHING Horizontal diaphragm and
diaphragm components.
Figure 7-3.
Vertical shear walls and
shear wall components.
Many of the requirements in prescriptive codes and standards are intended to ensure that buildings are
constructed with adequate floor and roof diaphragms and shear walls. Specifically, the IBC, IRC, WFCM,
and ICC-600 provide prescriptive shear wall details and designs that may be applied when certain basic
conditions are met. Table 2304.6 of the 2006 IBC lists the minimum thickness of wall sheathing and
maximum wall-stud spacing for various types of wooden shear-wall applications; Table R602.3(1) of the
IRC prescribes a fastener schedule for wooden structural members used in wall construction. Similar
prescriptive measures exist in other codes and standards and vary with material type.
Figure 7-4.
Loss of roof sheathing due to
inadequate fastening between
roof sheathing and framing.
(Source: FEMA 549)
The structural integrity and successful performance of the roof structure during high-wind events depends
upon: 1) adequately designed and spaced roof-framing members, 2) adequate lateral bracing to support
roof framing, and 3) adequate connections between the roof structure and the top of the wall to create a
complete vertical load path. The roof structure (consisting of the roof framing, roof decking/sheathing,
and any internal bracing) also functions as a horizontal diaphragm and transfers the horizontal loads
imposed on the roof to the supporting walls below.
Roof failures are often observed on areas of the building where wind pressures are concentrated. These
areas include the high-pressure eave and corner zones, porch and roof overhangs, gable ends, and where
roof framing joins bearing walls or beams. The connection of the sheathing to the supporting members
in these areas is most critical and often may be detailed with a higher density of connectors than other
roof areas.
The roof sheathing supports gravity loads, such as the roof live load, snow load, and vertical-uplift loads
created by wind pressures. Also, the roof sheathing (working in conjunction with the roof framing) must
function as a diaphragm to transfer lateral loads to the building’s shear walls.
The IBC, IRC, WFCM, and ICC-600 all contain prescriptive requirements for fastening roof sheathing.
The fastening requirements are those required to resist uplift forces from wind pressures and shear forces
from lateral loads.
Most codes and standards allow the use of common nails to connect sheathing to supporting members
for sites where basic wind speeds are less than 100 mph (110 mph in non-hurricane-prone regions)
but require ring-shank nails in higher-wind zones. Ring-shank nails have higher withdrawal capacities
(expressed in ratings) and are needed because they provide resistance to the high forces acting on the
sheathing panels from the roof pressures in higher-wind zones. Another option is to use wood screws
in place of nails because they tend to have higher withdrawal capacities. Best practices recommend the
use of wood screws—particularly in the eaves and corner zones of the roof, where winds can create
large uplift (suction) pressures. Unless directed otherwise by design professionals, wood screws should
have (at a minimum) the same diameter as the nails prescribed by the codes or standards and should
be located according to the same spacing interval (or be even more closely spaced). It is also important
to note that the density of the roof framing member must be taken into account when determining
fastener spacing. Relatively dense framing (such as is achieved with Southern Yellow Pine members) holds
fasteners better than lower-density framing (such as Spruce Pine Fir members) and may allow for wider
spacing of fasteners.
The fasteners securing roof sheathing must penetrate into the supporting roof framing to prove effective.
“Shiners” (i.e., nails that miss roof framing when hammered into place and whose metal surfaces “shine”
when viewed from the attic space below) provide no strength and no withdrawal capacity and constitute
a discontinuity within the load path (see Figures 7-5 and 7-6). Also, fasteners should not be overdriven.
Overdriving the fasteners increases the potential for the roof sheathing to tear around the heads of the
fasteners as the nail head penetrates into the wood sheathing. The overdriving of nails frequently occurs
when pneumatic or gas-powered nailers are used without proper settings. This issue can be addressed
onsite by a contractor by properly calibrating the tools being used.
Wood structural panels are rated according to their ability to span between structural members. The
prescriptive portions of the IBC and IRC list the minimum thickness of sheathing depending upon the
spacing of the roof framing. For example, Table 2304.7(1) of the IBC gives minimum net thicknesses
of lumber that may be used in floor and roof sheathing. Table R803.1 of the 2006 IRC prescribes
minimum net thicknesses of sheathing depending on rafter-beam spacing for lumber roof sheathing.
Section 307.4 of SSTD-10 specifies minimum 15/32-inch roof sheathing unless other thicknesses are
required for adequate roof diaphragm strength. Table 3.12A of the WFCM specifies sheathing based
upon the design-wind speed and the spacing of the roof framing for the Exposure B category of wind
exposure. WFCM Table A3.12A relates to more stringent Exposure C conditions. Higher basic wind
speeds and wider roof-framing spacing requires thicker roof sheathing. WFCM Table 3.12B specifies
roof sheathing requirements for snow loads. In areas exposed to both snow and wind loading, the most
stringent requirement applies.
A final comment on roof sheathing: It is important to note that the unsupported edges of roof sheathing
can flex excessively under load. The American Plywood Association suggests that support be provided
for panel edges exposed to walking loads (such as floors and lower-sloped roofs). The use of solid blocking
is considered best practice as a means of support, but H-clips can be used for additional edge support.
When utilizing H-clips, it is important to consult the manufacturer’s spacing requirements to ensure that
adequate structural support is attained with the clips.
Roof framing typically consists of dimensional lumber rafters or engineered roof trusses. For rafters,
design professionals can calculate rafter sizes or sizes can be determined by prescriptive span tables, such
as those contained in the AF&PA’s Span Table for Joists and Rafters or Table 12 of the WFCM. The IBC and
IRC also contain span tables. Rafters must be sized to resist dead loads (i.e., the weight of the roof system
including rafters, sheathing, roofing, and underlayment, plus any permanent attachments), roof live load,
snow load, and wind load. Roof framing must also be sized to control deflections. In areas where the
snow load is less than 20 psf, wind loads often dictate the sizing of rafters. In all areas, the most stringent
loading must be determined and the rafters sized appropriately.
Connections to resist uplift and adequately transfer lateral loads can be determined by a design professional
or from prescriptive standards. Table 3.4 of the WFCM lists the required capacity of the connections
between the roof framing and walls (framing or other). Prescriptive designs for toe-nailed connections are
provided in Table 3.4A; connections using 20-gauge galvanized straps are listed in Table 3.4B. Tables 3.4,
3.4A, and 3.4B cover Exposure B conditions. Exposure C conditions are detailed in Tables A3.4, A3.4A,
and A3.4B. An example of a masonry wall-to-roof truss uplift connection is shown in Figure 7-7.
Figure 7-7.
Detail of masonry wall-to-roof trusses. (Source: FEMA 499)
For trussed roofs, the truss manufacturer typically also serves as the truss designer. Therefore, the truss
manufacturer is charged not only with providing specific details relating to truss construction (e.g., the size
of members and truss plates) but also with indicating the need for field-installed truss bracing that may
be required to prevent buckling of compression members. All truss bracing must be properly installed
as directed in the plans, in order for the trusses to function as intended. The truss designer generally
specifies bearing and uplift reactions, but does not specify which connectors should be used to secure the
trusses. Building officials and plan reviewers should pay careful attention to ensure that all appropriate
information (such as the basic wind speed) has been provided on truss drawings by the manufacturers
and to identify what additional information must be provided by the builder. A copy of the truss drawings
should be required as part of the permit submittal. Providing connectors that may be needed to resist
uplift and provide a continuous load path at this location within the load path is not the responsibility of
truss manufacturers; the use of these connectors must be determined and specified by others. The use
of connectors may be recommended either by design professionals or by prescriptive standards, such as
the WFCM.
Information on roof-frame inspection points can be found in FEMA 55, Table 13.6: Roof Inspection Points.
The table and the associated discussion provides the local official with common roof construction items
that should be noted, as well as a summary of topics described in detail within this section.
Three types of loads can be imposed on exterior walls. First, out-of-plane loads (i.e., loads that exist out
of the plane of, or perpendicular to, the wall) are imposed on the walls. These loads result primarily from
wind but can also result from seismic activity. All exterior walls are exposed to these out-of-plane forces.
Secondly, vertical loads (also called axial loads) are transferred into some walls from the roof (or upper-
story walls) above. The vertical loads can be downward-acting gravity loads that result from the weight
of the structure or upward-acting (uplift) loads from wind or seismic events. Uplift and gravity loads are
considered in-plane loads since they occur within the plane of the wall, but act along the vertical axis of
the wall. All load-bearing walls are exposed to in-plane gravity loads (such as the dead loads of non-load-
bearing walls). In addition to the in-plane gravity loads, many walls are also exposed to uplift loads.
Lastly, in-plane horizontal loads can also exist in some walls. These loads typically result from wind forces
imposed on building surfaces that are perpendicular to the walls. For example, wind loads acting on a
building’s roof and front wall create horizontal loads in its left and right walls. Those horizontal loads
are collected through horizontal diaphragms such as floors and roof decks, and are called “shear loads.”
The walls that are needed to resist these loads are called “shear walls” or “shear panels.” Shear loads are
in-plane loads since they occur within the plane of the wall. Shear walls may also be needed to resist out-
of-plane loads from wind or seismic events. In addition, shear walls may function as load-bearing walls.
Shear walls that function as load-bearing walls are exposed to all three types of loading (see Figure 7-8).
Figure 7-8.
Total Wind Uplift Loading contributions Wind Uplift resistance
not shown for clarity Horizontal loadings exerted on
exterior walls.
Jack Stud
Shear Wall Panel
Shear Wall Although exterior walls are
Holddown typically framed with 2 by 4
Connector Strap lumber, the use of 2 by 6 lumber
should be considered. Using
2 by 6 lumber increases the
Transfer of shear loads from
Band Joist strength of the exterior walls
lateral wind loads
and offers a larger cavity for
Loads transferred down to foundation insulation, thus increasing the
energy efficiency of the building.
Shear Resistance
While cellulosic and gypsum sheathing is accepted by the IRC as wall sheathing, FEMA and others
recommend installing wood structural panel sheathing for all exterior walls as a best practice. It was
observed during post-event evaluations that wood structural panels perform better and are more resistant
to windborne debris than other sheathing materials that are allowed by building codes for the provision
of shear resistance.
Shear walls may also be constructed with masonry, concrete, ICF (Insulated Concrete Forms) and with
structural insulated panels (typically referred to as SIP). SIPs consist of wood structural panels which
sandwich a rigid insulation core, which is typically polystyrene (although urethane is also used).
When analyzing shear walls, two classifications of shear walls exist. Segmented shear walls are full-height,
fully sheathed wall segments that function independently to resist lateral loads (see Figure 7-9).
Figure 7-9.
LOAD Segmented shear walls.
= Shearwall HOLDDOWN
= Compression Force CONNECTOR
= Tension Force
= Shear Force
= Portion of wall not designed to provide resistance to shear loads
= Shearwall HOLDDOWN
Perforated shear walls
= Compression Force contain framed
SEGMENTED SHEARWALLS openings for windows and doors. Perforated shear walls rely upon
= Tension Force
continuous structural
= Shear Force
elements over windows and door openings to make the shear wall function as a
single unit (see
= Portion Figure
of wall 7-10).FIGURE
not designed to These 7-8to shear
provide resistance areloads
called “drag struts.”
For wind design, the WFCM lists the total lengths of segmented shear walls required in a home in
Exposure B areas for winds SHEARWALLS
perpendicular to the roof ridge (Table 3-17A) and parallel to the roof ridge
(Table 3-17B). Exposure C requirements
FIGURE 7-8are listed in Tables A3-17A and A3-17B. Seismic requirements
are listed in Table 3-17C.
Figure 7-10.
LOAD Perforated shear walls.
= Shearwall CONNECTOR
= Compression Force NOTE
= Tension Force Special care should be used
= Shear Force when utilizing or checking a
design based upon the WFCM
HOLDDOWN tables (or any prescriptive tables)
= Shearwall CONNECTOR
= Compression Force
to ensure that all apporpriate
PERFORATED SHEARWALLS adjustment factors are bing
= Tension Force
correctly applied.
= Shear Force
Per WFCM Section, the shear wall lengths tabulated are based upon a standard shear wall. The
standard wall is a blocked1 shear wall constructed with 7/16-inch wooden structural panels attached with
8d nails 6 inches on centers (at panel edges) and 12 inches on centers (within the interior of the panel,
also called the “field”). The inside surface of the standard wall or shear wall panel (i.e., the surface that is
exposed to the finished/living space) is surfaced with ½-inch gypsum drywall secured with 5d cooler nails
at 7 inches on centers along edges and 10 inches on centers within the panel. These standard shear walls
provide a shear capacity of 436 pounds per linear foot. Adjustment factors for variations on standard
shear wall construction are provided in Table 3.17D. Shear walls with lower shear capacity require longer
wall lengths; walls with higher shear capacity require shorter wall lengths.
The WFCM contains criteria needed for constructing perforated shear walls. The criteria are determined
by multiplying the tabulated shear wall lengths (in feet) listed for segmented shear walls in Table 3.17A,
3.17B, or 3.17C by adjustment factors listed in Table 3-17E for perforated shear walls. The adjustment
factors in Table 3.17E are based upon the size and aspect ratios (height/width ratios) of the framed
openings within the perforated shear walls. Tables 3.17A and 3.17B list the minimum segmented shear
wall lengths required to resist wind loads. (Table 3.17A is for shear walls parallel to the wind and Table
3.17B is for shear walls perpendicular to the wind.) While Tables 3.17A and 3.17B address shear wall
requirements to resist design wind events, Table 3.17C lists shear wall requirements for seismic events.
Like Tables 3.17A and 3.17B, Table 3.17C provides the required length of segmented shear walls (in
feet). Unlike Tables 3.17A and 3.17B (which list the minimum lengths of shear wall segments), Table
3.17C contains formulas necessary to determine those lengths.
For example, if Table 3.17A requires a minimum of 15 feet of shear wall segments be provided to resist
winds perpendicular to the ridge and Table 3.17E lists a perforated shear wall adjustment factor of
1.33 based upon the size and aspect ratios of openings within that wall, then 20 feet (15 feet x 1.33) of
perforated shear wall must be provided.
Generally, greater lengths of perforated shear walls are needed to resist lateral loads than segmented
shear walls. Also, in perforated shear walls, more attention in the detailing and design is needed above
doors and windows, where framing functions as drag struts. The greater attention is needed to ensure that
the drag struts and their connections are adequate to transfer in-plane loads through the shear wall. The
benefit of perforated shear walls is that they only need to be anchored at their ends while the ends of each
segment of a segmented shear wall need to be anchored. This is discussed in the following section.
locking is short framing members installed between wall studs or floor joists. Blocking provides a method to
fasten the unsupported edges of sheathing panels.
Small, relatively heavy homes (or homes placed in low-wind areas) may have sufficient weight to avoid requiring
shear-wall anchorage. Even in such instances, shear-wall anchorage is advised for structural redundancy.
Segmented shear walls need to be anchored at the edges or ends of each shear wall panel. Perforated
shear walls typically only need anchorage at their ends. Figure 7-11 illustrates a typical large anchor that
may be connected at the end post of a framed shear wall.
Figure 7-11.
Shear wall anchor. (Source: FEMA 55)
Wall Stud
Shearwall Holddown
Connector Bolted Wall Stud
Through Stud
Bottom Plate
Band Joist
Floor Support
Beam Pile
Shear wall anchorage capacities for multi-level buildings are additive. In other words, anchorage for
upper-level shear walls needs to be provided in addition to first-floor anchorage. Where segmented shear
wall panels line up vertically, the panels can share anchorage devices—provided the anchorage device
is capable of resisting the total load for all shear panels that it anchors. The same is true for the ends of
perforated shear walls. Multi-level perforated shear walls can share anchorage at their ends, provided the
anchor is capable of resisting shear wall reactions for all levels.
The reactions (loads) at the ends of shear walls are proportional to wall height. Taller walls develop
larger reactions and require stronger anchors, and anchorage requirements for even small homes can
be thousands of pounds. Table 3.17F of the WFCM lists hold-down requirements (in pounds) for wall
heights ranging from 8 feet to 20 feet. Many anchor types and styles are available and should be designed
based on the manufacturer’s published anchor capacities. An example of an anchor is shown in Figure
7-11. For load-path continuity, anchors should extend from shear wall to shear wall (if the building has
several levels) and eventually into the foundation. Shear wall tie-downs generally resist or transfer vertical
loads only; other fasteners are needed to resist the horizontal loads (called base shear) that accompany wind
or seismic events.
Gable end wall construction requirements are reasonably well-detailed for masonry and concrete but less
guidance is provided for wood framing. Figure 205E4 of ICC 600 contains a detail of gable end bracing
for a masonry wall with a wood-framed gable (see Figure 7-13), but ICC 600 does not provide details on
bracing a wood-framed gable atop a wood-framed (or metal stud) wall.
Figure 305J of SSTD-10 indicates that gables should be balloon-framed (with vertically continuous studs
across the ceiling diaphragm (see Figure 7-12) and Figure 305K of SSTD-10 shows platform-constructed
gable walls (i.e., those constructed with a top plate) but only shows walls being secured to the finish
sheathing of the ceiling diaphragm, and not a structural member from the roof-framing system. SSTD-
10 Section 306.3 specifies the use of bracing ceiling joists/truss bottom chords with 6-foot-long lateral
braces at maximum 6-foot intervals, but the bracing is not shown in the graphic details.
Figure 7-12.
Blocking Example of balloon framing.
Balloon framing is a construction
technique reserved for specific
applications and cannot be
used in certain applications, due
to restrictions on the height of
members. It is typically possible
for one-story houses, but
balloon framing does not usually
Full-Length Studs work for two-story houses.
Figure 7-13.
Bracing Additional bracing at a gable end wall.
End Stud
End Truss NOTE
Bottom Gable end walls may be
constructed through a variety of
Truss different building materials and
Bottom techniques, but the discussion
Chord Lateral Compression Double presented here is primarily
Bracing Blocking Top Plate focused on framed construction.
As a best-practices approach, the ceiling diaphragm should be constructed with wood framing and
the gable end wall should be braced to that framing. IBHS (Institute for Business and Home Safety),
FEMA, and other entities have developed methods to brace wood-framed gables to wood-framed walls.
Figure 7-13 provides an example of a gable end wall bracing scenario. (The “Hurricane Retrofit Guide,”
available at, provides several examples of various framing situations.)
Taller gables may lack adequate framing to resist wind loads and pressures; bracing the mid-point of longer
studs used in tall gable end walls may be necessary in order to meet design loads. Design professionals can
design and detail the bracing for taller gable walls.
Gable walls on buildings with cathedral ceilings often have an added disadvantage. With cathedral ceilings,
the top plate of the building’s gable wall may be offset from the sloped ceiling diaphragm (see Figure 14).
When offset, the ceiling diaphragm cannot provide lateral support for the portion of the wall where
the top plate is located—an area that is inherently weak and vulnerable to out-of-plane forces acting on
the wall.
Figure 7-14.
Improperly braced gable walls.
The ceiling diaphragm (i.e., the
bottom chords of the scissor truss)
is located several feet above
the top of the end wall top plate
and no wall-to-truss bracing is
provided. (Source: FEMA 549)
To address gable end wall weaknesses that may exist, proper bracing is needed. For conventional framing,
augmenting the code-referenced bracing methods with cross-bracing secured to the rafters and ceiling
joists (or to the top and bottom chords of roof trusses) is suggested (see Figure 7-13). For buildings framed
with cathedral ceilings, two actions are recommended. First, the gable ends should be balloon-framed and
constructed so wall studs continue unspliced across the ceiling diaphragm. Secondly, the upper portion of
the framing should be braced as detailed for conventional gable ends.
homeowners want to maximize the amount of windows installed in a home. In such cases, a few options
exist for providing lateral load-resisting systems.
A first option to address the lack of exterior shear walls involves making the exterior shear walls stronger
in order to resist greater shear forces. Installing structural panels on both sides of the wall framing can
increase (and will typically double) the load capacity in a shear wall. Keep in mind that with larger shear
forces, shear forces at tie-downs become greater and adequate tie-down and anchorage become more
difficult to achieve.
A second option is to construct interior shear walls. Interior shear walls are typically designed to be
stronger (i.e., have more load capacity) than exterior shear walls because interior shear walls resist shears
collected from diaphragms located on both sides of the interior shear wall (while exterior shear walls
only collect loads from diaphragms on one side). Interior shear walls typically need to be located over
foundation walls or over a line of pilings or piers. This is required to ensure that the reactions developed
in the shear walls can be adequately transferred to the foundation.
A third option is to construct interior moment frames. Further, moment resistant frames are considered
specialized construction and are not addressed in prescriptive codes or standards. To ensure adequacy,
therefore, moment resistant frames should be designed by a structural engineer. Once designed by the
engineer for the appropriate wind and flood loads, the fabrication of steel moment resistant frames will
usually be performed by a subcontractor that specializes in steel fabrication and erection and who should
first prepare a set of shop drawings from the design drawings for review by the building department.
The contractor and designer should both check the accuracy of the subcontractor’s shop drawings. Most
moment resistant frames will have to be transported in sections and assembled onsite through field bolting
or welding (see Figure 7-15).
Figure 7-15.
Residential use of a moment
resistant frame. (Source: FEMA 55)
Tables 3.22A through 3.22E of the WFCM contain header sizes for gravity loads for various building
types (single-, two-, and three-story), various building widths (from 12 to 36 feet), and ranges of ground
snow loads (from 30 to 70 psf). Table 3.23A provides header sizes for openings in walls exposed to wind
loads for 3-second gust wind speeds up to 150 mph. In areas where the 3-second gust basic wind speed is
110 mph or less, gravity loads typically control header size. In areas where the 3-second gust basic wind
speed exceeds 110 mph, wind loads may control. Both tables need to be checked and the most restrictive
of them should be used to determine header size. Table 3.23A relates to Exposure B conditions; Exposure
C conditions are listed in Table A3.23A in Appendix A of the WFCM.
Each end of headers should have uplift connectors to resist wind uplift forces and to complete the load
path. The wind forces that connectors must resist in Exposure B areas are tabulated in WFCM Table
3.7; uplift forces for Exposure C areas are tabulated in WFCM Table A3.7. The uplift connections are
based upon a roof dead weight of 15 psf (and other criteria that must be met for these tabular values
to remain valid for a particular application). It should be noted that these values are conservative for
heavier roof structures. For buildings with lighter roof structures, uplift loads need to be determined by a
design professional.
An adequate connection must
Strap be made between the header
and the king stud in order for
the load to continue around the
opening down the path.
Jack stud
King stud
The bottom of a wall could
have points of high uplift due
to an accumulated load from
above. Suitable hardware
shoud be installed in the
Strap proper locations.
Rim joist
Figure 7-16.
Uplift connections for headers. (Source: FEMA 499)
The bottoms of framed openings for windows also need to be properly connected to resist out-of-plane
loads. Window-sill plates are sized in Tables 3.23B (Exposure B) and A2.23B (Exposure C); and lateral
forces acting on window sills must also be resisted. These loads are tabulated in Tables 3.8 and A3.8 for
Exposure B and C areas, respectively.
Girders are horizontal members which collect loads and support floor framing and floor joists. Girders
connect the floor systems to the columns or posts of the foundation. Unlike headers (which are constructed
integrally with walls that can resist shear), the girders and posts used in wood-framed construction are
typically not parts of the lateral load-resisting system and are used to support gravity loads only.
Table R502.5(1) of the IRC provides prescriptive designs for girders based upon the distance between
supports, number of floors supported, and width of the home. The table lists requirements for dimensional
lumber and specifies the use of built-up beams with a thickness of up to four plies. The table is based
upon simply supported beams where individual members of the beam are spliced over the supports. In
the IBC, Tables 2308.9.5 and 2308.9.6 provide wood-header and girder-span requirements for exterior
and interior load-bearing walls, respectively. The spans are a function of the building construction type
(one- or two-story dwellings), header or girder size, and building width.
Designing built-up beams (where some of the members are used in a continuous manner over the
supports) will: 1) result in more efficient designs that require less framing material, and 2) typically result in
significant reductions in deflection. Wherever a splice is made, the spliced member does not contribute to
beam strength, so correctly locating splices is critical for ensuring proper performance. Splices need to be
placed in locations where induced moments in the beam are low. Engineers should design beams that are
considered to be “continuous” over supports and should detail where splices in the individual members
are located. Continuous beams carry moment forces in the beams across the top of the supporting post
or column. By contrast, simply supported beams have zero moment at the supporting post or column.
Figure 7-17.
Anchor roof structure and Vertical reinforcing is typically doweled Design of a reinforced
framing to bond beam into or connected with L-shaped bars
into the bond beam and footing; masonry wall system.
Secure decking to splices shall be lapped in (Source: FEMA 488)
rafter with additional accordance with code
nails or screws
Brace gable ends
Requirements for masonry shear walls are specified in Sections R606, R607, and R608 of the IRC. The
IRC contains some prescriptive designs for masonry walls (e.g., wall reinforcement, minimum width of
walls, rafter and joist connections, and floor diaphragm connections), however, there will be some aspects
of masonry construction that will need to be designed. For example, IRC Section R606. requires
that connections to shear walls be designed in accordance with the performance standard ACI 530/
ASCE 5/TMS 402, Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures. Requirements for ICF construction are
provided in IRC Section R611. The prescriptive designs for ICF are well-developed and detailed.
Examples of prescriptive designs for concrete and masonry walls in high-wind regions are contained in
Section 205.5 of ICC 600. It is important to note that reinforcement is specified for walls both parallel
to and perpendicular to the roof ridge for one-, two-, and three-story buildings. Prescriptive ICF designs
that meet high-wind requirements of the IRC may be found in Section 209 of ICC 600.
Information on wall-framing inspection points can be found in FEMA 55 Table 13.5: Wall Inspection
Points.” This table provides the official with common items that should be inspected or observed in wall-
framing construction, as well as a summary of the topics described within this section.
traffic. What many people are not aware of is the structural importance of floor systems. In addition to
supporting a building’s occupants, floor systems are critical components in resisting lateral loads.
Floors (and ceilings) function as diaphragms and collect lateral loads that have been exerted on a building’s
exterior from wind or flood forces. Floor systems transfer loads either to shear walls in the stories below
or, in the case of the lowest floor, to the foundation. Floors and ceilings prevent torsional racking of the
building and together constitute a major component of that building’s structure.
Older versions of prescriptive codes and standards concentrated on floor construction that resisted gravity
loads. Emphasis was placed on the proper sizing of floor joists for adequate strength and deflection control
(because deflection of the floor is often the governing criteria when selecting member sizes, spacing, and
the maximum span of floor joists). Newer codes and standards (i.e., those issued after 1990) place an
increasing emphasis on lateral loads. Details are provided (in the form of prescriptive or performance
requirements) to ensure that floor systems function as diaphragms and adequately transfer loads through
the structure.
It is recommended that buildings be constructed higher, the NFIP requires structures built in A Zones be
elevated to at least the BFE and that all materials below the BFE be flood-resistant. In floodprone areas,
elevated wood framed floors, floor joists, floor decking and insulation all need to be flood resistant if they
are not elevated above the BFE. This criteria typically requires the framing and flooring to be treated to
resist moisture and decay and precludes the use of fiberglass batt insulation.
As mentioned, the use of floor trusses and I-joists is becoming more prevalent in floor-framing systems in
many parts of the United States. The proper installation of these materials may require additional steps.
For example, some I-joists require solid blocking to prevent web crushing under bearing walls (such as
where a wall above is being supported by a floor without the use of a beam or girder). Where longer-span
floor framing is installed, blocking is needed for lateral support, as is typical in longer-span dimensional
lumber floor-framing applications. When using any engineered product, the manufacturer’s installation
procedures must be followed to ensure that the system functions as designed.
Floor joists must also be sized to resist dead loads (i.e., the weight of the floor system including joists,
floor sheathing, and flooring, plus any permanent attachments) and live loads. In addition, maximum
allowable deflections corresponding to beam length are specified in the code and material standards. It is
important to note that, in most cases, floor-framing deflection limits are more stringent than roof-framing
deflection limits.
Perimeter framing of the floor system must prevent the floor system from racking and function as a
collector to transfer forces to the shear walls or foundation below. The IRC, ICC-600, and the WFCM
all contain prescriptive requirements for blocking and for connections to walls plates (located above) and
sill plates (below).
Gravity and live loads typically control the design or specification of the thickness of floor sheathing. In
addition, floor sheathing must be constructed in a fashion to create diaphragms that resist lateral loads.
Section 503 of the IRC specifies boards and structural panels to be used as floor sheathing for various
joist spacing and floor live loads.
The provisions of prescriptive codes and standards generally address most floor construction situations.
They cover many issues that typically arise in a coastal environment. One area, however, where the
provision of additional details is warranted concerns the protection of metal fasteners against salt spray.
While much discussion on corrosion protection has gone into code development, the corrosion of metal
building elements under elevated structures remains a potentially serious problem. Fasteners under
elevated structures are exposed to salt spray but are not exposed to the cleansing action of rain. Also, the
undersides of elevated structures are not exposed to sunlight and can remain damp longer because of
their sheltered location. The use of hot-dipped galvanized fasteners provides connectors with a reduced
rate of corrosion (when compared to untreated connectors). But since portions of the galvanized areas
are often damaged when nails are driven, even galvanizing is not considered fully effective in resisting
corrosion. Stainless-steel connectors provide the most corrosion resistance offered in a metal connector,
but the availability of stainless-steel fasteners and framing connectors is limited in some areas.
One method to reduce exposure to salt spray is to sheath the undersides of floor-framing systems in
order to enclose the space where connectors are located. Plywood sheathing (at least ½-inch thick) is
recommended and should be installed to enclose the floor-framing system. Sheathing should be scribed
around utility and framing penetrations to reduce the infiltration of salt-laden air. Methods that allow
portions of the sheathing to be removed to allow periodic inspection should also be considered and
incorporated into any design. Further, since metal-plate wood trusses may become unstable under
gravity loads when their metal plates lose strength, metal-plate wood trusses should not be used in coastal
environments unless corrosion is adequately controlled.
Information on floor-framing inspection points can be found in FEMA 55, Table 13.4: Floor Framing
Inspection Points, which provides the official with common items in floor-framing construction that should
be noted, as well as a summary of topics described in detail within this section.
Figure 7-18.
Wooden I-joists used for floor
framing. (Source: FEMA 55)