SDH2-Chapter 08-Seismic Design of Floor Diaphragm PDF
SDH2-Chapter 08-Seismic Design of Floor Diaphragm PDF
SDH2-Chapter 08-Seismic Design of Floor Diaphragm PDF
Chapter 8
Key words: Design, Diaphragm, Earthquake, Flexible Diaphragms, IBC-2000, Reinforced Concrete, Seismic, Structural
Steel, Rigid Diaphragms, Timber, UBC-97.
Abstract: This chapter surveys the seismic behavior and design of floor and roof diaphragms. Following some
introductory remarks, a classification of diaphragm behavior is presented in Section 8.2, and a discussion on
the determination of diaphragm rigidity in Section 8.3. Potential diaphragm problems are explained in
Section 8.4 where examples are provided to clarify the subject. Provisions of major United States building
codes for seismic design of diaphragms are summarized in Section 8.5. Finally, in Section 8.6, the current
standard procedures for design of diaphragms are presented via their application in a number of realistic
design examples
374 Chapter 8
8. Seismic Design of Floor Diaphragms 375
assumptions can be made to bound the exact The dashed line in Figure 8-2d indicates the
solution without resorting to a complex deflection pattern of a semi-rigid diaphragm
analysis. under the influence of lateral forces. Here the
The absolute size and stiffness of a stiffness of the walls and the diaphragm are of
diaphragm, while important, are not the final the same order. Both wall deflections and
determining factors whether or not a diaphragm diaphragm deflections do contribute to the total
will behave as rigid, flexible, or semi-rigid(8-3). system deflection. Determination of exact load
Consider the one-story concrete shear wall distribution among the walls requires a three
building shown in Figure 8-2a. Keeping the dimensional analysis of the entire system
width and the thickness of walls and slabs (including the diaphragm).
constant, it is possible to simulate rigid, flexible
and semi-rigid diaphragms as the wall heights 8.3 DETERMINATION OF
and diaphragm spans are varied. The wall DIAPHRAGM RIGIDITY
stiffness decreases with an increase in the floor
height (H). Similarly, the diaphragm stiffness In order to estimate the diaphragm rigidity,
decreases with an increase in span (L). it is necessary to predict the deflection of the
The dashed line in Figure 8-2b indicates the diaphragm under the influence of lateral loads.
deflection of the system under the influence of The various floor and roof systems that have
horizontal forces when the diaphragm is rigid. evolved primarily for the purpose of supporting
This can be accomplished by increasing H and gravity loads do not lend themselves easily to
decreasing L so that the stiffness of the analytical calculation of lateral deflections.
diaphragm relative to the wall is significantly Some of the more common floor systems in use
larger. In such a situation, the deflection of the today are: (1) cast-in-place concrete; (2) precast
diaphragm under horizontal loads is planks or Tees with or without concrete
insignificant when compared to the deflections topping; (3) metal deck with or without
of the walls. The diaphragm will move as a concrete fill and; (4) wood framing with
rigid body and will force the walls to move plywood sheathing.
together accordingly. The force distribution With the single exception of cast-in-place
among the walls will depend only on the concrete floor system which is a monolithic
relative stiffness of the walls. In Figure 8-2b it construction, all the other floor systems
is assumed that the applied load and the wall mentioned above consist of different units
stiffness are symmetric. If this is not the case, in joined together with some kind of connections.
addition to the rigid body translation, the In precast concrete construction, adjacent units
diaphragm will experience rigid body rotation. are generally connected together by welding
Figure 8-2c shows the deflection of the embedded plates or reinforcing bars. This will
system under the influence of horizontal forces help the units to deflect vertically without
when the diaphragm is flexible. This can be separation while providing some diaphragm
accomplished by decreasing H and increasing L action. The strength and rigidity of such a
such that the stiffness of the diaphragm when diaphragm will depend to a great extent on the
compared to the walls is small. In such a type and spacing of connections. Analytical
situation, the diaphragm segments between the computation of deflections and stiffness of such
walls act as a series of simply supported beams a diaphragm is complex. As an alternative, a
and the load distribution to the walls can be bonded topping slab on precast floor or roof can
determined based on the tributary area of the be provided with sufficient reinforcement to
diaphragm to the wall. Obviously, a flexible ensure continuity and resistance for shear
diaphragm can not experience the rotation or transfer mechanism. In floor systems consisting
torsion that occurs due to the rigid body of metal decks, the deck is welded
rotation of a rigid diaphragm. intermittently to the supports below. Adjacent
378 Chapter 8
units of the deck are connected together by In buildings with long and narrow plans, if
means of button punching or welding. Here seismic resistance is provided either by the end
again, the diaphragm stiffness is directly related walls alone, or if the shear walls are spaced far
to the spacing and type of connections. In the away from each other, floor diaphragms may
wood construction, the plywood sheathing is exhibit the so-called bow action (see Figure 8-
nailed directly to the framing members. Again, 3). The bow action subjects the end walls to
strength and stiffness depends on the spacing of torsional deformation and stresses. If sufficient
the nails and whether or not the diaphragm is bond is not provided between the walls and the
blocked. diaphragm, the two will be separated from each
It is general practice to consider the other starting at the wall corners. This
diaphragms made of cast in place concrete, separation results in a dramatic increase in the
precast with concrete topping, and metal deck wall torsion and might lead to collapse.
with concrete fill as rigid while the diaphragms
consisting of precast planks without concrete
topping, metal deck without concrete fill, and
plywood sheathing as flexible. This
classification is valid for most cases. Gross
errors in force distribution, however, can occur
if the above assumption is used without paying
attention to the relative rigidity of the VLLR
elements and the diaphragm(8-3, 8-4, 8-5).
Metal deck manufacturers have established
test programs to provide strength and deflection Figure 8-3 A plan showing how the so-called bow action
characteristics of various metal decks and subjects the end walls to torsion
various connection patterns(8-6, 8-7). Similarly,
the Uniform Building Code provides an The Arvin High School Administrative
empirical formula to compute plywood Building in California which suffered extensive
diaphragm deflections and tables to establish damage during the Kern County earthquake of
the strength of such diaphragms. July 21, 1952 is a good example in this regard.
Schematic plans and elevations of this building
are shown in Figure 8-4. An analytical study of
this building by Jain(8-8) indicated that the two
AFFECTING DIAPHRAGM lowest natural frequencies of the building were
BEHAVIOR close to the fundamental frequencies of the
floor and roof diaphragms modeled as simply
Identifying every situation where special supported beams. When an analytical model of
attention should be given to the design and the building was subjected to a 0.20g constant
detailing of floor diaphragms requires spectral acceleration, with four translational
substantial experience and a good amount of modes considered, the two diaphragm modes
engineering judgement. Certain cases, however, represented 74 percent of the sum of the modal
more often than not, require special attention base shears. As documented by Steinburgge (8-9)
and in this section guidelines for identification diaphragm deflections caused a separation
of such cases are provided. between the roof diaphragm and the wall
In general, low-rise buildings and buildings corners at the second story wall located at the
with very stiff vertical elements such as shear west end of the building. This action subjected
walls are more susceptible to floor diaphragm the wall to significant torsional stresses beyond
flexibility problems than taller structures. its capacity.
8. Seismic Design of Floor Diaphragms 379
Figure 8-10. Fan-like deformation of wings causes stress Figure 8-11. Significant floor openings are cause for
concentration at the junction concern
382 Chapter 8
Ft + Fi= x
F px = n
w px (8-1)
i= x
In addition, the diaphragm must be designed for a typical one story neighborhood shopping
and detailed for local effects caused by various center.
openings such as those caused by the elevator
shafts. Parking structure diaphragms with EXAMPLE 8-1
ramps are a special case of diaphragms with
openings. The effect of the ramp attachment to It is proposed to build a two story wood
floors above and below the ramp should be framed apartment building on top of one story
considered in lateral force distribution, concrete parking. The building will be located
especially for non-shear wall buildings. in a zone of high seismicity. The concrete floor
In this section, the current design procedures supporting the wood construction (see Figure 8-
for seismic design of floor diaphragms are 14) will be a 14 inch thick, hard rock concrete,
demonstrated by means of four design flat plate (fc = 4000 lb/in2). The lateral force
examples which are worked out in detail. In the resisting system for the concrete parking
first example, a concrete floor diaphragm at the structure consists of concrete block masonry
top of a parking level under a two story wood walls (fm = 3000 lb/in2). Given that the
framed apartment building is designed. The superimposed dead load from the two story
second example explains diaphragm design for wood framing above is 65 pounds per square
a four story concrete parking structure, which foot, design the concrete diaphragm per typical
has setbacks in elevation of the building and the requirements of the modern model codes. Floor
shear walls. In the third example, the metal- to floor height is 10 feet. Assume that the
deck diaphragm of a three story steel framed structural analysis of the building has produced
office building is designed. Finally, the fourth a seismic base shear coefficient of 0.293 for
example, explains the wood diaphragm design strength design purposes (V=0.293W).
E-W walls:
In computing the location of the center of For a cantilever wall (see Figure 8-16):
mass of the walls it is generally assumed that
8. Seismic Design of Floor Diaphragms 387
4 P ( h / L) 3 3P ( h / L)
= +
Et Et
The relative wall rigidities, R = 1/D, may be
computed assuming a constant value of P, say
P=1,000,000 pounds. Using the parameters
generated in Tables 8-2 and 8-3, the location of
the center of rigidity is established as:
xr =
xR y
= 87.50 ft
R y 55.84
Figure 8-16. Deformation of a cantliever wall panel
yr = yR x
= 55.23 ft
Ph 1.2 Ph
+ R x 117.8
Table 8-4. Wall Shear for Seismic forces in the N-S Direction
Wall Fv, Ft-1, Ft-2, Ftotal-1 Ftotal-2 Fdesign
Rx Ry dx, ft dy, ft Rd Rd2
No kips kips kips kips kips kips
1 0 13.96 -87.00 ----- -1214.52 105,663 294.70 -20.70 20.70 274.00 315.40 315.40
2 0 13.96 -87.00 ----- -1214.52 105,663 294.70 -20.70 20.70 274.00 315.40 315.40
3 0 13.96 87.00 ----- 1214.52 105,663 294.70 20.70 -20.70 315.40 274.00 315.40
4 0 13.96 87.00 ----- 1214.52 105,663 294.70 20.70 -20.70 315.40 274.00 315.40
5 66.67 0 ----- 34.10 2273.45 77,524 0.00 38.80 -38.80 38.80 -38.80 38.80
6 13.96 0 ----- -45.23 -631.41 28,559 0.00 -10.80 10.80 -10.80 10.80 10.80
7 37.17 0 ----- -45.23 -168.20 76,041 0.00 -28.70 28.70 -28.70 28.70 28.70
Torsional Moments:
Ty = FPy ex = 1178.9(8.75) = 10315.4 ft-k Fty = T y
Tx+ = FPx ey+ = 1161.9(14.36) =16,684.9 ft-k
Tx- = FPx ey- =1161.9( 5.40) = -6,274.2 ft-k where d is the distance of each wall from the
center of rigidity. Using these formulas, the
In-plane forces in the walls due to direct wall forces for seismic force acting in the N-S
shear are computed from and E-W directions are calculated and reported
Rx in Tables 8-4 and 8-5, respectively. Note that
Fvx = V x the contribution of torsion, if it reduces the
Rx magnitude of the design wall shears, is ignored.
The design shear forces are summarized in
Table 8-6.
8. Seismic Design of Floor Diaphragms 389
Table 8-5. Wall Shear for Seismic forces in the E-W Direction
Wall dx, dy, Fv, Ft-1, Ft-2, Ftotal-1 Ftotal-2 Fdesign
Rx Ry Rd Rd2
No ft ft kips kips kips kips kips Kips
1 0 13.96 -87.00 ----- -1214.52 105,663 0.00 33.52 12.60 33.52 12.60 33.52
2 0 13.96 -87.00 ----- -1214.52 105,663 0.00 33.52 12.60 33.52 12.60 33.52
3 0 13.96 87.00 ----- 1214.52 105,663 0.00 -33.52 -12.60 -33.52 -12.60 33.52
4 0 13.96 87.00 ----- 1214.52 105,663 0.00 -33.52 -12.60 -33.52 -12.60 33.52
5 66.67 0 ----- 34.10 2273.45 77,524 657.60 594.85 -23.60 594.85 634.00 634.00
6 13.96 0 ----- -45.23 -631.41 28,559 137.70 155.10 6.60 155.10 144.30 155.10
7 37.17 0 ----- -45.23 -168.20 76,041 366.60 413.00 17.50 413.00 384.10 413.00
Table 8-6. Shear Design Forces (kips)
Wall Wall L E-W N-S Max Load VL + 2VR = 22.24 ( II )
No ft. Load Load Solving equations I and II for VL and VR yields:
1 17.33 33.52 315.40 315.40
2 17.33 33.52 315.40 315.40 VL = 4.72 k/ft, and
3 17.33 33.52 315.40 315.40 VR = 8.76 k/ft.
4 17.33 33.52 315.40 315.40
5 175.00 634.00 38.80 634.00 The mid-span diaphragm moment1 (Figure 8-
6 17.33 155.10 10.80 155.10 18) is:
7 35.33 413.00 28.70 413.00
M = 548(87.5) 19.4(79.66)
4.72(87.5)(58.33)/2 6.74(87.5)(29.17)/2
Diaphragm design for seismic force in
= 25,758 ft-kips
the N-S direction:
Check slab shear stress along walls 1 and 2:
The wall forces and the assumed direction of
L = 17.33 ft, t = 14 inches
torque due to the eccentricity are shown in
Figure 8-17. Using this information, the Slab capacity without shear reinforcement
distribution of the applied force on the
diaphragm may be calculated. Denoting the left Vc = (2) f ' bt
and right diaphragm reactions per unit length by c
VL and VR, from force equilibrium (see Figure
8-18), 0.85(2) 4000 (14)(17.33)(12)
175 175 1000
VL + VR = 1179.5 Kips
2 2
VL + VR = 13.48 (I )
from moment equilibrium:
The mid-span moment has been used in this example to
175 175 175 175
VL + 2 VR = demonstrate the chord design procedures. This
3 2 3 2 moment, however, is not necessarily the maximum
moment. In a real design situation the maximum
1179.5(96.25) moment should be calculated and used for the chord
390 Chapter 8
Figure 8-17. Design wall forces for seismic load in the N - S direction
1 1.0(25,758)
Tu = M = = 301kips
d (89.66 4.0)
As = u = 301 = 5.57 in 2
f 0.9(60)
Provide 6#9 chord bars (As = 6.0 in2) along
the slab edges at the North and South sides of
the building. Here, we have assumed that the
chord bars will be placed over a 4 ft. strip of the
89.66 89.66
VL + VR = 1162.95 Kips
2 2
VL + VR = 25.95 ( III )
89.66 89.66
VL ( 29.89) + VR (59.77)
2 2
= 1162.95(45.35)
Figure 8-20. Force distribution and diaphragm moments
VL + 2VR = 39.36 ( IV ) for seismic load in the E-W direction
Perform a preliminary design the third floor Figure 8-22.Second and third floor framing plan
diaphragm of the four story parking structure (Example 8-2)
shown in Figures 8-21 through 8-25. The SOLUTION
building is to be located in southern California
(UBC seismic zone 4). Access to each floor will Weight Computations:
be provided from an adjacent parking structure
that will be separated by a seismic joint. Roof Weight = (68')(185')(0.15 k/ft2)
Typical floor and roof framing consists of a 5 = 1887 kips
8. Seismic Design of Floor Diaphragms 393
T = Ct (hn)3/4
Take Ct =0.02
Base Shear (V ) = v (W )
= (W )
4.5(0.318) Figure 8-24. Roof framing plan (Example 8-2)
394 Chapter 8
at Section A-A:
8.53(25.4) 2
M A A = 1,401(25.4)
= 32,833 ft - kips
at Section B-B:
8.53(50.8) 2
M BB = 1,401(50.8) 590.6( 4.5)
= 57,505 ft - kips
at Section C-C:
8.53(25.4) 2
M C C = 56(25.4)
Figure 8-28. Diaphragm loading, shear, and moment 2
diagrams for seismic load in the N-S direction
+ 16.1 (1031)(63.5)
8,586 = 27,158 ft - kips
Tu = M = = 85.4 kips
d (101.58 1.0) Estimated maximum moment1 = 57,505 ft-k
T Chord Design:
As = u = 85.4 = 1.58 in2
f 0.9(60)
Tu = M =
= 315 kips
d (184.5 2.0)
Therefore provide 3 #7 chord bars (As = 1.8
in2) along slab edges on the North and South
sides of the building. 1
A more accurate value of the maximum moment may be
obtained by reading the moment diagram plotted to a
larger scale.
396 Chapter 8
As = u = 315 = 5.83 in 2
f 0.9(60)
Therefore provide 6 #9 chord bars (As= 6.0 in2)
along slab edges on the east and west sides of
the building
Cu = Tu
Compression Cu to be resisted by edge beam
and concrete slab. Check 5-in.-thick slab Figure 8-30. Diaphragm chord, drag, and shear
shear capacity along the wall on line 1: For L =
30 ft, slab capacity without shear
Reinforcement is: The two beams along the Grid line 1 may be
designed to transfer the slab shear into the
0.85(2) 5000 (5.5)(30)(12) walls:
Vc =
= 238 kips < 1401 N.G.
8. Seismic Design of Floor Diaphragms 397
As =
(7652 ) = 7.08 in 2
Vn = 294 + 490 =784 kips > 515.5
Therefore drag struts are not required.
Provide 8 #9 bars (As = 8.0 in2) in the beams EXAMPLE 8-3
for seismic shear transfer.
Design the roof diaphragm of the three story
Drag strut length provided = 2(77.3) = 154.6 ft steel framed building shown in Figure 8-31.
Capacity of slab along drag strut The building is supported on the top of a one
story subterranean concrete parking structure.
0.85(2) 5000 (5.5)(154.6)(12) The parking structure deck may be considered
= as the shear base for the steel structure. The
= 1228 kips > 693 O.K. lateral load resisting system for the steel
building consists of moment resisting frames in
Check shear capacity of 5-in. thick slab at both directions. Beams and columns which are
the wall on grid line 4 to carry 590.8/2 = 295.4 not part of the lateral system are not shown in
kips of shear (notice that slab occurs on both Figure 8-31. The floor construction consists of
sides of the wall): 3 1/4 inches of light-weight concrete on the top
of a 3 inch deep, 20 gage, metal deck. The
0.85(2) 5000 (5.5)(21)(12)
Vc = maximum spacing of floor purlins is 10 feet.
1000 Mechanical equipment is located on the roof,
= 167 kips < 295.4 N.G. west of grid line D. The roof construction west
of grid line D consists of 4 1/2 inches of hard
Therefore Shear reinforcement is required. rock concrete on the top of a 3 inch deep, 18
Using #4 bars @ 18 inches at the top and gage, metal deck. The maximum spacing of the
bottom of the slab: roof purlins is 8 feet. The roof construction east
Vs = (0.85)(20.13)(60)(21) = 278 kips of grid line D is similar to the typical floor
Vn = 167 + 278 = 445 kips > 295.4 O.K. The estimated total dead loads for seismic
design are 100 psf at the typical floors, 200 psf
Therefore drag struts are not required. It can be
at the mechanical areas of the roof, and 70 psf
realized by observation that the slab shear
elsewhere on the roof. The building is located
capacity along the walls on the grid line 7 is
in area of high seismicity. A three dimensional
sufficient. Check the shear capacity of the slab
computer analysis of the building has resulted
along the cross walls on grid lines B and C.
in a working stress level (WSD) roof diaphragm
Here again, slab occurs on both sides of the
design force of 364.8 kips in the N-S and E-W
directions. The distribution of the roof
0.85(2) 5000 (5.5)(37)(12) diaphragm shear among the moment-reistant
Vc = steel frames are shown in Figures 8-32 and 8-
= 294 kips < = 515.5 N.G.
Therefore shear Reinforcement is required. Try
#4 bars @ 18 inches at the top and bottom of Diaphragm Design in the E-W Direction
the slab:
Vs = (0.85)(0.132)(60)(37) = 490 kips
398 Chapter 8
Figure 8-31. Typical floor framing plan for building of Example 8-3 (Opening shown exist on second and third floors only)
29.9 kips
v= = 1.44 k/ft
(3.8 + 14.5 + 2.5) ft
This value, has to be compared with the
allowable shear values supplied by the metal
Figure 8-32. Frame shears for E-W seismic loading deck manufacturer. For example, if a Verco 20
gage, W3 Formlok deck with 3 1/4 light-weight
8. Seismic Design of Floor Diaphragms 399
Figure 8-34. Diaphragm loading and shear diagrams for the E-W seismic loading
concrete fill and puddle welds in every flute is the chord forces, diaphragm moments are
used, the allowable shear would be 1.74 kips computed at various sections. The transverse
compared to the required value of 1.44 kips (see shear forces (in the N-S frames) are small and
Figure 8-35). hence, are ignored in this analysis.
Check diaphragm chord requirements:
Moment at grid line 13
As mentioned earlier in this Chapter, the = 29.9(60)- 0.38(11)(57) - 0.57(9)(47)
frame beams at the perimeter of the building -0.90(10.75)(37.125) 1.15(31.75)2/2
will act as chord members or flanges of the = 375.8 kips-ft
diaphragm. To get a handle on the magnitude of
400 Chapter 8
Figure 8-35. A Verco Formlok diaphragm design table (reproduced with permission of Verco Manufacturing Company,
Benicia, California)
8. Seismic Design of Floor Diaphragms 401
Here again, the applied lateral force of 364.8 calculations, we compute the diaphragm
kips is distributed in proportion to the mass moment at grid line D:
distribution (see Figure 8-36). Diaphragm
diaphragm moment at grid line D
shears and moments at any location can be
computed similar to the east-west seismic
3.01(60.67 )
analysis. For example, = 99.3(58.92 )
= 311 ft - kips
pilasters in South piers = 75(14/2)(1.33 10) total dead load = 121,500 + 5,600 + 7000 +
= 7,000 lb 40500+16,200 + 163,210 = 354,010 lb
south piers at 75 lb/ft2 = 75(14/2+2)(106) Because this is a one story light-weight
= 40500 lb structure, we can use the simplified method
according to UBC-97 section 1629.8.2. Notice
glass window at 15 lb/ft2
that for flexible diaphragms providing lateral
= 15(14/2 + 2)(714 + 211) = 16,200 lb
404 Chapter 8
C or T = = 9,397 lb
for the 80 ft span:
M = = 336,800 ft - lb
d = 56.67 = 56.0 ft Figure 8-39. Typical detail for transfer of shear from
12 plywood to the drag strut
C or T = = 6,014 lb
Provide horizontal reinforcement as chord
reinforcement in the North wall at the roof
level. The maximum required area of steel is:
As = = 0.30 in 2
Therefore a #5 continuous horizontal bar may Figure 8-40. Typical detail for transfer of force from drag
be used typically (AS = 0.31 in2). A chord struts to a block shear wall
member is also required on the south side of the
diaphragm. Alternatively, a timber chord
member may be designed and used. Since the Dead load and base shear in the E-W
required chord area is small, one can design the direction:
edge purlin to act as a chord. Bolt purlin to the
piers and provide metal strap across the beams east and West walls at 75 psf =
for continuity of the chord. 75(14/2+2)(2)(24) + 75(14/2)(24) = 45,000 lb
Design of drag struts: The steel beams may be pilasters at 75 psf = 75(14/2)(16/12)(3)
designed to act as drag struts to transfer the = 2,100 lb
drag force from the steel beam to the block glass windows at 15 psf =
walls (see Figure 8-38). Diaphragm shear is 15(14/2 + 2)(2)(32.67) = 8,821 lb
transferred from plywood to the drag strut by
roof at 16 psf = 16(180)(56.67) = 163,210 lb
means of the nailer as shown in Figure 8-39.
The nailer is bolted to the drag strut. The total dead load = 45,000 + 2,100 + 8,821 +
plywood sheathing is nailed to the nailer. The 163,210 = 219,131 lb
drag strut force is transferred to the wall by
406 Chapter 8
46,957 lb
E W diaphragm load = The span to width ratio of the diaphragm in
56.67 ft both directions is less than 4. Therefore,
= 829 lb/ft deflection is not expected to be a problem.
However, if a deflection check is necessary, a
diaphragm shear = 829 = 23,490 lb simple procedure described in the Timber
2 Construction Manual(8-14) or formula 23-1 of the
effective length of diaphragm = 180 ft IBC-2000 may be used to estimate diaphragm
diaphragm unit shear =
=131 lb/ft < 378 lb/ft
Therefore plywood requirements specified for
N-S seismic is adequate along this wall.
South wall:
diaphragm shear = 829
= 23,490 lb
Length of diaphragm in direct contact with the Figure 8-41. Chord forces for E-W seismic loading
wall is 106ft = 60 ft. However, the south-side
edge purlins, which were also designed and
detailed as the chord for N-S seismic, will act
as drag members along the south wall.
Therefore, diaphragm shear = 23,490/180=131
< 378 lb/ft. Hence, previously specified
plywood detailing will be adequate. Push or
pull at the wall in a typical drag strut is
T = (131 lb/ft)(14/2 ft) = 917 lb.
The edge purlin and its bolting to the wall must
be verified for the above force.
Chord design:
diaphragm span = 56.67 ft
8. Seismic Design of Floor Diaphragms 407