Mini Lesson Plan & Assessment Rubric
Mini Lesson Plan & Assessment Rubric
Mini Lesson Plan & Assessment Rubric
School : SMA/SMKA/MA sederajat
Subject : English/ Report Text
Skills : Reading, listening, writing and speaking
Grade/Semester : X/2
Time Allocation : 1 x 15 minutes
a. Identify the meaning and social function of Report Text.
b. Identify the purpose of Report Text.
c. Identify the generic structure and language features of Report Text.
a. Students are able to identify the meaning and social function of Report Text.
b. Students are able identify the purpose of Report Text.
c. Students are able to identify the generic structure and language features of Report Text
Process evaluation is conducted during the teaching learning process by Discovery Learning and from the
Observation sheet of students’ activities
I. General Clasification
Stating classification of general aspect of thing; animal, public place, plant, etc which will be
discussed in general
II. Description
Giving more details of the thing or tells what the phenomenon under discussion ; in terms of
parts, qualities, habits or behaviors.
Blue whales commonly reach the colossal length of 29m, that’s roughly as long as three
London red double-decker buses parked end to end. They in the Southern Hemisphere are generally
larger than those in the Northern Hemisphere and female blues are larger than males.
The longest blue whale on record is a female measured at a South Georgia whaling station in
the South Atlantic (1909); she was 33.58m. The heaviest blue whale was also a female hunted in the
Southern Ocean, Antarctica, on 20 March 1947. She tipped the scales at 190 tonnes which is
equivalent to about 30 elephants or 2500 people.
In conlusion, Blue whales are now extremely rare due to uncontrolled commercial whaling.
It makes some populations could be endangered to the point of extinction.
Covid-19 is the disease caused by the new coronavirus that emerged in China in December 2019.
Covid-19 symptoms include cough, fever or chills, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, muscle
or body aches, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, diarrhea, headache, new fatigue, nausea or vomiting and
congestion or runny nose. COVID-19 can be severe, and some cases have caused death.
The new coronavirus can be spread from person to person. It is diagnosed with a laboratory test.
There is no coronavirus vaccine yet. Prevention involves frequent hand-washing, coughing into the
bend of your elbow, staying home when you are sick and wearing a cloth face covering if you can't practice
physical distancing.