Pathfinder Induction Ceremony Script-1

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I hereby proclaim the induction ceremony of
Pathfinder Club to be called to order and declared in session. For the
light of our program we now turn to the “Spirit of Pathfindering”.
As we turn off the room lights, the candle which I now light
represents this spirit, which is the essence of pathfindering. It is the
spirit of achievement, adventure, awakening, and awareness; the
spirit of beauty, blessing, commitment, comradery, and
consecration; the spirit of dedication, duty, energy and enthusiasm.
But above all it is the Spirit of Reverence, and the Spirit of Service
to GOD and man. But this light is of itself not complete nor
sufficient. To introduce the complementary lights I now call on the
assistance of our deputy director(s).

The Pathfinder Friend class is a course of study in spiritual

awareness, intellectual learning, manual skills, and physical fitness

that will enable the young pathfinder to be a better neighbour in the

church and the community, and a friend of God throughout eternity.

The Pathfinder Companion class is a course of study in spiritual

growth, mental development and learning, manual skills, and

physical fitness that will enable the growing pathfinder to acquire a

deeper meaning to life, and a meaningful companionship with Our

Lord Jesus Christ every hour of every day.

The Pathfinder Explorer class is a course of study in spiritual

development, mental growth and learning, manual skills, and

physical fitness that will enable the developing pathfinder to

discover new methods, and experience new adventures in exploring

God’s written word, and His created works.

The Pathfinder Ranger class is a course of study including spiritual,

mental, manual, and physical development that will lead the

pathfinder to new areas of discovery in the natural world, together

with new and deeper spiritual understanding that will open the way

to greater happiness and genuine fulfillment.

The Pathfinder Voyager class is a course of study that will

encourage and lead the more mature pathfinders to dedicate

themselves more fully to acquiring a deeper and broader

understanding of God through a diligent and consistent study of His

written word and the marvels evident in His created works as seen

through the book of nature.

The Pathfinder Guide class is a course of study that emphasizes

personal growth and spiritual discovery, guides the more mature

pathfinders to the development of new survival skills, nurtures the

development of leadership skills, and strengthens the commitment to

being a dedicated servant of God and a friend to man.

The Teen Leadership Training (TLT) program is a four year
course designed to train and mentor and challenge the teen
pathfinder with new and meaningful responsibilities in the
pathfinder club and pathfinder ministry, and in the mission and
outreach of the church. The program promotes the development of
life skills, a sense of achievement and responsibility, a greater
understanding and respect for authority, and a progressive
development of leadership skills acquired and enhanced through
actual supervised participation in real and meaningful positions of
responsibility in the pathfinder club and the church, thus providing
the development of the next generation of leaders, and assuring the
successful passing of the torch of leadership.


The Master Guide class is a course of study including deeper

spiritual insight, greater mental and intellectual growth, and greater
and more varied manual and physical skills that will enable the
more mature candidate to become a leader and role model who will
influence young people and lead them to acquire a greater
knowledge and deeper understanding of our relationship with Our
Lord Jesus Christ as Creator of the universe, Saviour and
Redeemer of mankind, and our soon coming King.
DIRECTOR (Optional, following lighting the Master Guide

The Master Guide is a Prophet, laying the foundation for


The Master Guide is an Artist, working with precious clay of

unfolding personality.

The Master Guide is a Builder, working with the higher and finer
values of civilization.

The Master Guide is a Friend, his heart responding to the faith and
devotion of his students.

The Master Guide is a Citizen, selected for the improvement of


The Master Guide is a Pioneer, always willing to attempt the

impossible, and succeeding.

The Master Guide is a Believer, having steadfast and abiding faith

in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

These candles represent all the good and noble achievements and
learning which are embodied in the Pathfinder program. They
symbolize both the high ideals for which pathfindering stands, and
the growth and achievement that each pathfinder will experience as
a member of the pathfinder club.

We will now proceed with the solemn ceremony of lighting the

Pathfinder Pledge candles.

Pathfinder # 1

Sir, on behalf of the candidates I pledge

“By the grace of GOD”

which means that only as we rely on God to help us can we do His

Pathfinder # 2

Sir, on behalf of the candidates I pledge

“I will be pure”

which means that I will rise above the wicked world in which we

live, and will keep my life clean and pure with words and actions

that will make others happy.

Pathfinder # 3

Sir, on behalf of the candidates I pledge

“I will be kind”

which means that I will be considerate and kind not only to all the

people around me, but also to all of God’s creation: the

animals and the environment in which I live.

Pathfinder # 4

Sir, on behalf of the candidates I pledge

“I will be true”

which means that I will be honest and upright in study, work, or

play, and will always be counted on to do my very best.

Pathfinder # 5

Sir, on behalf of the candidates I pledge

“I will keep the Pathfinder Law”

which means that I will diligently seek to understand the meaning of

the Pathfinder Law, and will strive to live up to its precepts and

its spirit, realizing that obedience to law is essential in every

Pathfinder # 6

Sir, on behalf of the candidates I pledge

“I will be a servant of GOD”

which means that I will pledge myself to serve God first, last, and

best in everything that I may be called upon to be or to do.

Pathfinder # 7

Sir, on behalf of the candidates I pledge

“I will be a friend to man”

which means that I will live to be a blessing to others, and will

always strive to treat others in the very same way that I would want

to be treated myself.

On behalf of the _________________________ Pathfinder Club, I

accept the vow of the candidates and their representatives to live by

the spirit and and the principles of the Pathfinder Pledge.


We will now proceed with the solemn ceremony of lighting the

candles that symbolize the Pathfinder Law.

Pathfinder # 1

Sir, on behalf of the candidates I pledge to

“Keep the Morning Watch”

which means that I will have prayer and personal Bible study each


Pathfinder # 2
Sir, on behalf of the candidates I pledge to

“Do my honest part”

which means that by the power and the grace of God I will do my

share of the work at hand, and will always be there when other may

need my help.
Pathfinder # 3
Sir, on behalf of the candidates I pledge to

“Care for my body”

which means that I will be temperate in all things, I will never

put anything harmful into my body, and I will always strive to

stay physically fit.

Pathfinder # 4
Sir, on behalf of the candidates I pledge to

“Keep a level eye”

which means that I will not lie, cheat, or deceive; will always avoid

dirty talk or evil thinking; and will be mindful to expose my mind

and senses only to that which is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and of

good report.
Pathfinder # 5

Sir, on behalf of the candidates I pledge to

“Be courteous and obedient”

which means that I will always be kind and thoughtful toward

other people, reflecting the love of Jesus in all my dealings and

association with others.

Pathfinder # 6

Sir, on behalf of the candidates I pledge to

“Walk softly in the sanctuary”

which means that I will always be quiet and reverent in church, and

during any and all devotional exercises or worship services.

Pathfinder # 7

Sir, on behalf of the candidates I pledge to

“ Keep a song in my heart”

which means that I will always be cheerful and happy, so that

the influence of my life will always be like rays of sunshine to


Pathfinder # 8

Sir, on behalf of the candidates I pledge to

“Go on God’s errands”

which means that I will always be ready to tell other people about

Jesus, and will always seek to go about doing good to others, just as

Jesus did.

On behalf of the _______________________Pathfinder Club I

accept the vow of the candidates and their representatives to live

by the spirit and the precepts of the Pathfnder Law.

We will now have the solemn privilege of lighting an individual
candle to symbolize our commitment, or rededication, to conduct
our lives in accord with the high and noble precepts of the
Pathfinder Pledge and Law.

Will the new pathfinders, who are candidates for induction, please
Will all the returning pathfinders who are already members of the
club please stand.
I now invite all those in the audience who have been pathfinders in
the past to stand. (Light the commitment candles)

Let us raise our right hand holding our candle of commitment

and dedication in solemn oath as we recite the Pathfinder Pledge and
Let us join our voices together as we sing the Pathfinder Song.

Your light is now added to the other lights already burning brightly
in our club, in our church, and across the land; and I solemnly
charge you in the presence of these witnesses to let your light shine
before others in the Spirit of Pathfindering, that all may see your
good works, and may glorify our Father who dwells in Heaven.

(Prayer of commitment.)

The induction ceremony is ended. Go in peace.

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