Earth and Life Science Module 15
Earth and Life Science Module 15
Earth and Life Science Module 15
The Philippines is place in the position of risk which is the very reason why the
country is yearly devastated by disaster that causes the death of many Filipinos. These
two position of risks are the pacific ring of fire and the pacific typhoon belt.
Pacific Ring of Fire (Fig.1) is a highly seismic lying area where two major tectonic
plates (Philippine Sea and Eurasian) meet and is highly-prone to earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions. This explains the occurrence of earthquakes and tsunamis and the
existence of around 300 volcanoes of which 22 are active.
Figure 1: Pacific Ring of Fire
Pacific Typhoon Belt is the reason why the country experiences an average of
20 typhoons a year, 5 of which are said to be destructive. One is the typhoon Yolanda
with an international name of Haiyan which breaks the record for the strongest typhoon
ever recorded in history.
In this particular situations why the government passes a bill to respond to its
people when crisis like these happen. RA 10121 or the Philippine Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Act of 2010, provides a framework and institutionalizing
the national risk reduction and management plans as well as appropriating funds. This
lead to the institution of the National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council
which is the prime agency for disaster in responding and mitigating disaster and even
in the disseminating proper ways on preparation before, during and after a disaster.
An earthquake occurs because of the movements of tectonic plates beneath the
surface of the earth. These movements create waves that propagate through the earth.
These waves are known as seismic waves. It causes mild to heavy shaking and
vibrations. The intensity of these vibrations can vary, but sometimes they can bring
about great destruction. Earthquake in oceans is known as Tsunami, which is
equally devastating. Seismologist is the person who study earthquake and
seismograph is the instrument that used to measure earthquake.
Main causes of earthquake are:
Volcanic Eruptions. The main cause of the earthquake is volcanic eruptions.
Tectonic Movements. The surface of the earth consists of some plates, comprising of
the upper mantle. Geological Faults. A geological fault is known as the displacement
of plates of their original plane.
Earth's crust is broken up into irregular pieces called tectonic plates. These
large pieces of crust were formed by the combination of gravity and rising heat from
Earth's core. There are seven major plates and many smaller ones, all moving in
relation to each other. The lithosphere refers to the crust and upper mantle that make
up these plates.
As tectonic plates move past each other along fault zones, they sometimes get
stuck. Pressure builds, and when the plates finally give and slip, energy is released as
seismic waves, causing the ground to shake. This is an earthquake.
The focus is the place inside Earth’s crust where an earthquake originates. The
point on the Earth’s surface directly above the focus is the epicenter. When energy is
released at the focus, seismic waves travel outward from that point in all directions.
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A landslide is any geologic process in which gravity causes rock, soil, artificial
fill or a combination of the three to move down a slope. Several things can trigger
landslides, including the slow weathering of rocks as well as soil erosion, earthquakes
and volcanic activity.
Types of Landslide:
1. Rotational Slide – the surface of rupture is curved concavely upward and the
slide movement is roughly rotational about an axis that is parallel to the ground surface
and transverse across the slide.
2. Translational Slide – mass moves along a roughly planar surface with little
rotation or backward tilting.
Causes of Landslide:
1. Geological Causes
a. weak or sensitive materials
b. weathered materials
c. sheared, jointed, or fissured materials
2. Morphological Causes
a. tectonic or volcanic lift
b. Freeze-and-thaw weathering
c. deposition
d. glacial rebound
3. Human Causes
a. excavation
b. deforestation
c. irrigation
d. mining
3. water leakage
Volcanic eruptions are one of Earth's most dramatic and violent agents of
change. Not only can powerful explosive eruptions drastically alter land and water for
tens of kilometers around a volcano, but tiny liquid droplets of sulfuric acid erupted into
the stratosphere can change our planet's climate temporarily.
Source: H
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Volcanoes erupt when molten rock called magma rises to the surface.
Magma is formed when the earth's mantle melts. ... Runny magma erupts through
openings or vents in the earth's crust before flowing onto its surface as lava. If magma
is thick, gas bubbles cannot easily escape and pressure builds up as the magma rises.
For interesting video about volcano and volcanic eruption, just visit the link below!
Learning Competency
Describe the various hazards that may happen in the event of earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, and landslides (S11/12-ES-Ie-30)
Activity 1: Justify Me
Directions: Explain the question/statement each item. Wtite your answer on the
space provided.
1 . How do volcanoes form?
Source: sBH
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Activity 2: Complete Me
Activity 3: My 3D Model
Criteria 5 3 1
Overall Appearance It is clear that time Somewhat neat Needs to be neatly
was taken to make and attractive but improved and lacks color the
structure neat, needs some work and attraction
colorful and
Model Model shows all Model shows parts Model shows parts of an the
parts of an of an earthquake earthquake but lacks 3-4 earthquake.
Each but lacks 1-2 parts parts and mislabeled. parts in different
and mislabeled. color, and is
labelled correctly
Creativity Model shows that Model shows Project is poorly made. the students
students used Little thought was put researched standard materials
into model or it was examples and in 2D or 3D completed at the last
used creative minute
ideas and materials.
Activity 4: Flyer
Direction: Make an interactive and creative brochure that explain the events of
certain geologic hazard (chose only one from earthquake, landslide or volcanic
eruption). Refer to the rubric below.
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Activity 5: My Plan
Direction: Make a strategy plan or training design to promote preparedness in
school/community. Follow the format below.
Title of the Seminar
Inclusive Dates
Target Audience
Materials Needed
Seminar Design
Proposed Program
Budget Plan
1. Kto12 Curriculum guide in Earth and Life Science
2. Vengco, L.G. & Religioso, T.F.(2016). You and the Natural World: Earth and Life
Science. Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
3. Baltazar, R.A.(2016). Conceptual Science and Beyond: Earth and Life Science.
Brilliant Creations Publishing, Inc.