1.3 The Enhanced Greenhouse
1.3 The Enhanced Greenhouse
1.3 The Enhanced Greenhouse
Key terms: GE, EGE, GCC and GW
The Greenhouse Effect (GE) is the warming of the Earth’s atmosphere that occurs
thanks to gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane that natural occur
in the atmosphere.
The Enhanced Greenhouse Effect (EGE) is the increased severity of this natural
effect after it has been enhanced by human activity which has added to the
concentration of these gases in the atmosphere.
Global Climate Change (GCC) is the term given to the effects of the EGE. Climate
change incorporates many aspects of climate, including:
Average temperatures
Wind patterns
Wind speeds
Humidity levels
Seasonal variations in weather
The intensity and frequency of severe weather events
Global Warming (GW) is just one aspect of Global Climate Change. Owing to the
current climate forcings, many parts of the world will see an increase in
temperatures. However this is not uniform. Some parts of the world will experience
cooling or stable temperatures, while other climatic variations such as the intensity
of rainfall will vary. For this reason, Geographers avoid the term Global Warming’ as
it is an oversimplification of the climate and suggests the only outcome of the EGE is
higher temperature.
Climate and weather are not the same thing. Climate is the average conditions of the
atmosphere, while weather is the short-term changes in the atmosphere. Weather is
a ‘snapshot’ of what is going on over a short period of time – e.g. whether it rains on
any given day. But climate is a much longer average. It is usually taken over a
minimum period of 30 years and can be an average of atmospheric conditions over
much longer periods.
The Enhanced Greenhouse Effect
As stated above, the EGE is a stronger version of the natural greenhouse effect.
Human activities that cause the increase in greenhouse gases, and therefore climate
changes, are known properly as anthropogenic causes. These include:
The graph below shows the emissions by humans by types of gas. The amount of gas
being released into the atmosphere is steadily increasing over time, with the majority
made up of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels.
Anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Source: Plumer, 2014.
In the United States, most of these gases are from transport, industry and electricity
production, as shown on the graph below.
Similar proportions are to be expected in most High Income Countries (HICs). These
are discussed in more depth in the next section of this site.
Specific causes of the EGE
Burning fossil fuels for electricity and transport
Fossil fuels are:
Natural gas
Fossil fuels are the fossilised remains of living organisms, all of which are carbon-
based. They are formed over millions of years due to compression in the Earth’s
crust. When these fuels are burned, the carbon that was ‘locked up’ inside them
underground is released, where it joins oxygen to form carbon dioxide (among other
greenhouse gases).
The reason for burning these fuels is the thermal generation of electricity. Also the
vast majority of vehicles – including cars, ships and aeroplanes – burn fossil fuels in
the form of petroleum (oil). Fossil fuels are a popular energy source because they are
reliable, relatively cheap and the technology is well understood around the world.
This is mainly because forests are a carbon sink. A carbon sink is a store of carbon
that is removed from the atmosphere. Forests are a carbon sink because they absorb
carbon from the atmosphere and lock it up inside them. When this potential store of
carbon is removed, the carbon is no longer absorbed from the atmosphere and can
build up again in the atmosphere.
Feedback loops
In addition to all these direct causes, humans also have indirect effects on the
atmosphere due to feedback loops. Once more greenhouse gases heat up the
atmosphere, there is a chain reaction of effects that further enhance the greenhouse
effect. These include the melting of ice, the decrease in cloud, and the rise in sea
levels which all affect the albedo of the planet. The decrease in albedo leads to further
climate change.
EPA [United States Environmental Protection Agency], 2015. Sources of Greenhouse
Gas Emissions.https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/sources-greenhouse-gas-
emissions Accessed 31 January 2018.
Plumer, 2014. IPCC: We can still stop global warming — but it’s going to be
tough. ttps://www.vox.com/2014/4/13/5610356/un-panel-heres-how-we-cut-
emissions-and-avoid-a-climate-disaster Accessed 31 January 2018.
Other tasks
Right now, look around. Think very carefully about everything you can see, hear,
smell, touch and taste. What impact are you having on climate change at this very
moment? Describe each way in which you might be contributing to climate change
and identify ways in which you could reduce your impact. Remember, for changes to
be sustainable they must not only protect the environment but also create social and
economic benefits too – so you can’t switch off your laptop and go and play hockey to
save electricity, as that would reduce your educational success in the long run!