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ECA Unit 1

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Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Puducherry


Subject Name: Electric Circuit Analysis

Subject Code: EE T32

Prepared by:

Dr.P.Jamuna, Associate Professor/EEE

Mr.S.John Powl, Assistant Professor/ EEE

Verified by: Approved by:

Review – Loop and Nodal method for DC circuits. Theorems – Thevenin‟s, Norton‟s,
Superposition, Compensation, Tellegan‟s, Reciprocity, Maximum power transfer theorems,
Millman‟s theorem – Applications to DC circuits.


1. What is meant by linear and nonlinear elements?

In an electric circuit, a linear element is an electrical element with a linear relationship between
current and voltage.
Some of the examples are resistors, capacitors, inductors and transformers.
Nonlinear element the current passing through it does not change linearity with the linear change
in applied voltage.
Some of the examples are diode and transistor.

2. What is meant by active and passive elements? (April 2010)

The elements which generates or produces electrical energy are called active elements.
Some of the examples are batteries, generators, transistors, operational amplifiers and vacuum
All elements which consume rather than produce energy are called passive elements.
Some of the examples are resistors, inductors and capacitors.

Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Puducherry

3. What is meant by unilateral and bilateral elements? (APRIL ‘14)

If the magnitude of the current passing through an element is affected due to change in the
polarity of the applied voltage is called unilateral elements.
Some of the examples are diode and transistor.
If the current magnitude remains the same even if the applied EMFs polarity is changed is called
bilateral elements.
Some of the examples are resistors, inductors and capacitors.

4. Define Ohms Law. (April 2010)

The potential difference across any two ends of a conductor is directly proportional to the
current flowing between the two ends provided the temperature of the conductor remains constant.
Ohm's Law is given by:
where V is the potential difference between two points which include a resistance R

5. Mention the disadvantages of Ohm’s Law.

• It does not apply to all non metallic conductors
• It also does not apply to non linear devices such as zener diode, vacuum tubes etc.
• It is true for metal conductors at constant temperature. If the temperature changes the law
is not applicable.

6. What is a node, a junction and a branch?

A node of a network at which two or more circuit elements are joined.
A junction is that point in a network where three or more circuit elements are joined. A
branch is that part of a network which lies between two junction points.

7. What is a super node?

The region surrounding a voltage source which connects the two nodes directly is called
super node.

8. What is principle node?

The meeting point of three or more elements is called principle node.

9. State voltage division rule.

Voltage across a resistor in a series circuit is equal to the total voltage across the series
elements multiplies by the value of that resistor divided by the total resistance of the series

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10. State current division rule.

The current in any branch is equal to the ratio of the opposite parallel branch resistance to
the total resistance value, multiplies by the total current in the circuit.

13. What are the classifications of Circuit elements?

• Active element
• Passive element
• Lumped and distributed elements
• Bilateral and unilateral elements
• Linear and non linear elements

14. Compare series and parallel circuit.

S.No. Series circuit Parallel circuit
The reciprocal of the total effective
The total effective resistance is the
resistance is the sum of the reciprocals
1 sum of the individual resistance ie
of individual resistance
1/Reff= 1/R1+1/R2+….1/Rn
2 Only one path for the current flow More than one path for the current to
The current flowing through all the flow
The current flowing through
3 resistances will be the same and equal
each resistance is different
to the total current
The voltage is divided across The voltage across each resistance
4 each resistance according to the is same which will be equal to the
value of resistance. input voltage.

15. What are the basic laws for loop and nodal method? (April 2011) (April’ 14)
Kirchhoff's Current Law
As the flow of current is considered as flow of quantity, at any point in the circuit
the total current enters, is exactly equal to the total current leaves the point.
Kirchhoff's Voltage Law
Kirchoffs Voltage Law or KVL, states that “in any closed loop network, the total
voltage around the loop is equal to the sum of all the voltage drops within the same loop”
which is also equal to zero.

Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Puducherry


1. Explain the basic definitions of Electric circuits.


Electrical Network: A combination of various electric elements (Resistor, Inductor, Capacitor,

Voltage source, Current source) connected in any manner what so ever is called an electrical
network. We may classify circuit elements in two categories, passive and active elements.

Passive Element: The element which receives energy (or absorbs energy) and then either
converts it into heat (R) or stored it in an electric (C) or magnetic (L ) field is called passive

Active Element: The elements that supply energy to the circuit is called active element.
Examples of active elements include voltage and current sources, generators, and electronic
devices that require power supplies.

Bilateral Element: Conduction of current in both directions in an element (example: Resistance;

Inductance; Capacitance) with same magnitude is termed as bilateral element.

Non-Linear Circuit: Non-linear system is that whose parameters change with voltage or current.
More specifically, non-linear circuit


The potential difference (voltage) across an ideal conductor is proportional to the current through it.
The constant of proportionality is called the "resistance", R.
Ohm's Law is given by:
where V is the potential difference between two points which include a resistance R

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2. Derive the voltage division rule and current division rule.

Voltage division rule is applied on a circuit for finding individual voltage of an element or a

Fig. 1.1
Suppose that, three resistances ‘R1’, ‘R2’ & ‘R3’ are connected in series with a voltage source
‘v’. So, the Individual voltages ‘V1’, ‘V2’ & ‘V3’ are given by

V1 = V
R1 + R2 + R3
V2 = V
R1 + R2 + R3
V3 = V
R1 + R2 + R3
In general,
Unknown voltage of that resistance = Applied voltage × (Resistance for which voltage is to be
calculated / Sum of all resistances)

Note:- voltage division rule is only applicable for that circuit in which resistances are in series with a
battery source.


Current division rule is applied on a circuit for finding individual current of an element or a


Formula:-Suppose that, two resistances ‘R1’ & ‘R2’ are connected in parallel with a current source
‘I’. So, the Individual current ‘i1’ & ‘i2’ are given by,

I1 = I
R1 + R2
I2 = I
R1 + R2

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In general,

Unknown current of that resistance = Total current × (Opposite resistance / Sum of both resistances)

Note:- Current division rule is only applicable for that circuit in which the resistances (or any passive
elements are in parallel) are in parallel with a current source. Current division rule can be used with a
current source as well as voltage source.

3. Explain the Source Transformation and its types

Many times when we are solving a circuit or a problem it is quite difficult to solve it by using same
source which is given in the problem. To make easy, we convert our given source. Means that, a
current source can be changed by a voltage source and vice-verse. But have to fulfil it necessary

Current source to voltage source

A current source can be converted into a voltage source if and only if a resistance is parallel
to this current source. The circuit will be as,


Current source is converted into a voltage source in which a parallel resistance ‘R’ becomes in series
with this voltage source. And the value of this voltage source is equals to,


Note:-The direction of voltage source is depends upon the direction of current source.

Voltage Source to Current Source

A voltage source can be converted into a current source if and only if a resistance is in series
with this voltage source. The circuit will be as,


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4. Derive the various types of Kirchhoff’s Law and series parallel circuit (APRIL ‘06)

Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law

Statement: In any closed circuit (or) Mesh (or) loop, the algebraic sum of all the voltages taken
around is zero.

An alternate way of stating Kirchhoff’s voltage law is as follows: The summation of voltage rises is
equal to the summation of voltage drops around a closed loop.

If we consider the circuit


By arbitrarily following the direction of the current, I, we move through the voltage source,
which represents a rise in potential from point a to point b. Next, in moving from point b to point c,
we pass through resistor R1, which presents a potential drop of V1. Continuing through resistors R2
and R3, we have additional drops of V2 and V3 respectively. By applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law
around the closed loop, we arrive at the following mathematical statement for the given circuit:
E – V1 – V2 – V3 = 0

Kirchhoff’s Current Law

The summation of currents entering a node is equal to the summation of currents leaving the
node. In mathematical form, Kirchhoff’s current law is stated as follows:

Figure 6–5 is an illustration of Kirchhoff’s current law. Here we see that the node has two
currents entering, I1 = 5 A and I2 = 3 A, and three currents leaving, I3 = 2 A, I4 =4 A, and I5 =2 A.
Now we can see that Equation applies in the illustration, namely.

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Voltage Sources are in series

If the rises in one direction were equal to the rises in the opposite direction, then the resultant
voltage source would be equal to zero.

Note: Voltage sources of different potentials should never be connected in parallel, since to do so
would contradict Kirchhoff’s voltage law. However, when two equal potential sources are connected
in parallel, each source will deliver half the required circuit current. For this reason automobile
batteries are sometimes connected in parallel to assist in starting a car with a “weak” battery.


Current Sources are in parallel

When several current sources are placed in parallel, the circuit may be simplified by
combining the current sources into a single current source. The magnitude and direction of this
resultant source is determined by adding the currents in one direction and then subtracting the
currents in the opposite direction.


Since all of the current sources are in parallel, they can be replaced by a single current source.
The equivalent current source will have a direction which is the same as both I2 and I3, since the
magnitude of current in the downward direction is greater than the current in the upward direction.
The equivalent current source has a magnitude of

I=2 A+6 A -3 A =5 A
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Note: Current sources should never be placed in series. If a node is chosen between the current
sources, it becomes immediately apparent that the current entering the node is not the same as the
current leaving the node. Clearly, this cannot occur since there would then be a violation of
Kirchhoff’s current law.

5. Describe the procedure for Loop current method in dc circuits.

Mesh Method Analysis for Dc Circuits (Or) Loop Current Method (Or) Mesh Current Method

➢ It is defined as the closed path

➢ For each mesh independent current is assigned called as mesh current

Procedure to be followed for solving problems in mesh analysis:

a) Identify the circuit [whether it is AC or DC]

Fig. 1.8
b) Identify how many loops are present in the given circuit [Loop refers to a closed path]
c) Use Inspection methods [identify the matrix]
If two loops are given apply 2 * 2 matrix
If three loops are given apply 3 * 3 matrix
[Note: there wont be any other matrix form]
d) Write the matrix equation
For mesh analysis, we have
[R] . [I] = [V] from ohm’s law where V=IR
e) Frame the determinant, if the circuit is a (3 * 3) matrix, then the matrix will be

Rule: Other than the diagonal elements [R11, R22, R33], the remaining elements will carry –ve sign
f) Identify the current direction. If not given, assume all the loops have same current direction.

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6. Find the current ‘I’ for the given network: (APRIL’11)(NOV’10)(JAN’11)

Identify the source, the given circuit is a DC circuit

➢ There are 2 loops, so we go for 2 * 2 matrix
➢ Mesh equation for DC circuit is

Current directions are same [If same other than the diagonal element, the remaining elements will
take negative sign]
Substitute the values

7. Determine the power dissipation in the 4 ohm resistor of the following circuit.

➢ It is a DC circuit
➢ Since we have 3 loops we go for 3*3 matrix
➢ Matrix equation is

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Since, they have asked to find the power dissipated in 4 ohm resistor, we can see that 4ohm
resistor is present between loop 2 and loop 3 and it is enough to find the currents I1& I2.

Always current should be in positive, if it is negative, this shows that the given current direction
is not the actual current direction for Loop 3.

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8. Write the mesh equation for the circuit and solve for the current in 12 ohm resistor.
(April 2014, April 2015)

9. For the Maxwell mesh matrix find the current flow through B&D branch
(NOV ‘04)(NOV’05)(NOV’09)

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10. In the circuit obtain the Load current ‘I’ and power delivered to the load.

11. Write and solve the equations for the Mesh currents.

Convert current to voltage sources. This is the rule for mesh analysis

Redrawing the circuit again

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➢ It is also called junction

➢ It is a point where two (or) more than two elements come and meet.
➢ It is a point where two (or) more than two elements come and meet.
➢ Only current source should be used.
➢ It is used to find the unknown voltage.
➢ Matrix equation for node is, [1/R].[V] = [I] from ohms law, I =V/R
➢ It can also be written as [G] [V] = [I], where G = 1/R
➢ Also to find the actual node

Note: Total node – 1 = actual node

12. Compute the voltage at nodes A & B in the circuit.

Redraw the circuit

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13. Compute the Nodal voltage and power dissipated in 10 ohm resistor.

Convert voltage source to current source

Redraw the circuit:

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14. Find the nodal voltage for the following circuit

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The assumed current direction for I2 and I3 are wrong

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15. Describe the step by step procedure for super position theorem
The superposition theorem states that the response in a circuit with multiple sources is given
by algebraic sum of responses due to individual sources acting alone.
Steps for solving superposition Theorem:
1.It must contain two or more source, may be voltage or current source. Voltage source should be
short circuited and current source should be open circuited.
2.Allowing one source to act at a time and find the load current.
3.Finally add all the currents with respect to each source.

16. Compute the current through 23 ohm resister by using superposition theorem. (Nov 2011)

Step 1: Allow only the voltage source to act

Step 1: Allow only the current source to act

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17. Find the current in the 2Ω resistor between A and B using superposition theorem. (APR’11)

Step 1: When only 10V source is acting

Between B and C, 2ohm and 4ohm are connected in parallel.

Step 2: Allow 20V source to act,

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18. Explain the step by step procedure of thevenin’s theorem in DC circuits (NOV’06)(JAN’11)



The Thevenin’s theorem states that a circuit with two terminals can be replaced by an
equivalent circuit consisting of a voltage source in series with a resistance

Steps for Solving Thevenin’s Theorem

Step 1: To find RTH

• Remove load resistance

• Mark the terminals as A and B

• Short circuit the voltage source if present

• Open circuit the current source if present

• Pass the current from A or A and B

• Apply series parallel simplification method to obtain Rth.

• If the resistance is connected in parallel, then

• If the resistance is connected in parallel, then

Step 2: To find VTH

• Remove load resistance
• Mark the terminals as A and B, and the voltage across the terminals is VTH
• Apply series parallel simplification or mesh method to find VTH

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Step 3: Draw an Equivalent Circuit

Step 4: To find load current

19. Determine the current I in the network by using Thevenin’s theorem (JAN’11)

Step 1: To find Rth
Remove load resistance and mark it as A and B

Short circuit the voltage source

Flow the current from A

Here the 4Ω and 6 Ω are in parallel

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Step 2: To find VTH

Remove the load resistance

Voltage is same for parallel circuit

Apply KVL for the loop



The negative sign indicates that the assumed direction of current is reversed



Step 3: Draw an equivalent Circuit

Load Current IL = 10.8/(10+2.4) = 10.8/12.4 = 0.871A

IL = 0.871A

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20. Find the Thevenin’s equivalent for the network of the figure between a and b.

Step 1: To find RTH
Short circuit the voltage source and flow the current from the point A.

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Vth is equivalent to the voltage drop across 5Ω

Apply KVL for the 2 loops

Step 3: Draw an equivalent Circuit

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21. Find the Thevenin’s equivalent for the network of the figure between a and b.

Step 1: To find RTH
Short circuit the voltage source and open circuit the current source, and flow the current from a.

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Convert current source into voltage source

Step 3: Draw an equivalent Circuit

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22. Calculate, using Thevenin’s theorem the current through the branch FC. (NOV’09)(APR’11)

Step 1: To find RTH
Remove the load resistance and short circuit the voltage source and open circuit the current source,
and flow the current from a and b.

Here in the loop ADFE 6Ω and 3Ω are connected in series, and in the loop ABCD 4.5Ω and
3Ω are connected in series.

Here in the loop ADFE 3 Ω and 7.5 Ω are connected in parallel, and in the loop ABCD 4.5Ω
and 9Ω are connected in Parallel.

Here 2.8125Ω and 2.25 Ω are connected in series.

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Step 2: To find VTH

Remove the load resistance

VTH is equivalent to the voltage drop across (3+4.5+3)Ω or (4.5+3+6) Ω

Apply KVL,

Step 3: Draw an equivalent Circuit

Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Puducherry

23. Determine the Thévenin equivalent circuit external to the resistor RL for the circuit of Figure.
Use the Thévenin equivalent circuit to calculate the current through RL (APR’11)

Steps 1 and 2: Removing the load resistor from the circuit and labelling the remaining terminals, we
obtain the circuit

Step 3: Setting the sources to zero, we have the circuit.

Step 4: The Thevenin resistance between the terminals is RTh = 24Ω .

Step 5: From Figure, the open-circuit voltage between terminals a and b is found as
Vab = 20 V - (24 )(2 A) = 28.0 V

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Step 6: The resulting Thevenin equivalent circuit is

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24. Describe the procedure for Nortons theorem in detail. (NOV’04)(JAN’11)

The Norton’s Theorem states that a circuit with two terminals can be replaced by an equivalent
circuit consisting of a current source in parallel with a resistance (or impedance).
Step 1: To find RTH
• Remove load resistance
• Mark the terminals as A and B
• Short circuit the voltage source if present
• Open circuit the current source if present
• Pass the current from A or A and B
• Apply series parallel simplification method to obtain Rth.
• If the resistance is connected in parallel, then

• If the resistance is connected in parallel, then

Step 2: To find IN
• Short circuit the load resistance
• Find the current through the short circuit path using KVL.
Step 3: Draw an Equivalent Circuit

Step 4: To find load current

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25. Obtain the Norton’s equivalent circuit at the terminals A and B for the network.

Step 1: To find RTH
Remove load resistance and mark it as A and B Short circuit the voltage source and open circuit the
current source Flow the current from A

Step 2: To find ISC

Short circuit the load resistance

As 10ohm is shorted, no current flows through it. Hence neglect 10ohm

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Step 3: Norton’s equivalent circuit

26. Find the voltage across the 15Ω resistor using Norton’s theorem for the circuit given

It is an ideal voltage source hence neglect 60ohm resistor
Step 1: To find RTH
Remove load resistance and mark it as A and B
Short circuit the voltage source and open circuit the current source
Flow the current from A

Step 2: To find ISC

Short circuit the load resistance

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Step 3: Norton’s equivalent circuit

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27. Explain the step by step procedure for Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
Maximum power is transferred from source to load, when the load resistance is equal to source
Step 1: To find RTH
• Remove load resistance
• Mark the terminals as A and B
• Short circuit the voltage source if present
• Open circuit the current source if present
• Pass the current from A or A and B
• Apply series parallel simplification method to obtain Rth.
• If the resistance is connected in parallel, then

• If the resistance is connected in parallel, then

Step 2: To find VTH

• Remove load resistance
• Mark the terminals as A and B, and the voltage across the terminals is VTH
• Apply series parallel simplification or mesh method to find VTH
Step 3: Draw an Equivalent Circuit

Step 4: To find Maximum power transfer

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28. The circuit shown in the figure, R absorbs maximum power. Compute the value of R and
maximum power

Step 1: To find RTH
Remove load resistance and mark it as A and B
Short circuit the voltage source and open circuit the current source
Flow the current from A

Step2: To find VTH

Remove the load resistance

Step 3: Draw an equivalent Circuit

Step 4: To find maximum power transfer

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29. For the circuit of the figure, find the value RL for maximum power delivered to it. Calculate
also the maximum load power.

Step 1: To find RTH

Remove load resistance and mark it as A and B
Short circuit the voltage source and open circuit the current source
Flow the current from A

Step2: To find VTH

Remove the load resistance

Step 3: Draw an equivalent Circuit

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Step 4: To find maximum power transfer

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The reciprocity theorem states that in a linear, bilateral, single source circuit, the ratio of
excitation to response is constant when the position of excitation and response are interchanged.

30. For the circuit shown in the figure below, find I3 and verify reciprocity theorem.
(Nov 2006) (APR’11)


Step 2:
Transferring the battery to the branch with 1.375ohm resistor

Thus reciprocity theorem is proved.

Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Puducherry

31. Explain the procedure for compensation theorem.

This theorem is based on one basic concept. According to Ohm’s law , when current flows
through any resistor, there would be a voltage drop across the resistor . This dropped voltage opposes
the source voltage. Hence voltage drop across a resistance in any network can be assumed as a
voltage source acting opposite to the source voltage. The compensation theorem depends upon this

According to this theorem, any resistance in a network may be replaced by a voltage source
that has zero internal resistance and a voltage equal to the voltage drop across the replace resistance
due to the current which was flowing through it.

This imaginary voltage source is directed opposite to the voltage source of that replaced
resistance. Think about a resistive branch of any complex network that's resistance value is R. Let's
assume current I is flowing through that resistor R and voltage drops due to this current across the
resistor is V = I.R. According to compensation theorem, this resistor can be replaced by a voltage
source that's generated voltage will be V ( = IR) and will be directed against the direction of network
voltage or direction of current I. Example of Compensation Theorem The compensation theorem can
easily be understood by this following example.

Here in the network for 16 V source, all the currents flowing through the different resistive
branches are shown in the first figure. The current through the right most branch in the figure is 2A
and its resistance is 2 Ω. If this right most branch of the network is replaced by a voltage source V =
2Ω × 2A = 4V directed as shown in the second figure, then current through the other branches of the
network will remain the same as shown in the second figure.

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32. In the circuit shown, it is wanted that in branch consisting of 160 Ohm resistor a current of
0.6A is flowing. Find the change in resistance to be done. (April 2014)

Initially, current flowing through 160 can be found .and it will be equal to 0.5A.
Hence, change in current = 0.6 – 0.5 = 0.1 A

I = 0.5

Therefore the required value of R = 160 – 28.33 = 131.67 Ohm

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Milliman’s Theorem


In any network, if the voltages V1, V2,…., Vn with internal impedances Z1, Z2, …, Zn respectively,
are in parallel, then ,these sources may be replaced by a single voltage source V in series with Z.

33. Find the load current using Milliman’s theorem (NOV’09)(APR’10)


By Milliman’s theorem, the equivalent circuit is shown.

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Tellegen’s Theorem (APR ‘10)


In any network the summation of instantaneous power or the summation of complex power of
sinusoidal sources is zero. The network may be linear, non- linear, passive or active and time
invariant or varying.

34. Verify Tellegen’s theorem for the circuit shown


Hence power delivered is equal to power dissipated. Hence it is proved

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1. What is meant by active and passive elements? (April 2010)

2. What is meant by unilateral and bilateral elements? (APRIL ‘14)
3. Define Ohms Law. (April 2010)
4. What is meant by kirchoff’s voltage law? (APRIL’ 14)


1. Derive the various types of Kirchhoff’s Law and series parallel circuit (APRIL ‘06)
2. Write the mesh equation for the circuit and solve for the current in 12 ohm resistor.
(April 2014) (April 2015)

3. In the circuit obtain the Load current ‘I’ and power delivered to the load.
(NOV’09) (APR’10) (JAN’11)

4. Find the current ‘I’ for the given network: (APRIL’11) (NOV’10) (JAN’11)

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5. Compute the current through 23 ohm resister by using superposition theorem. (Nov 2011)

6. Find the current in the 2Ω resistor between A and B using superposition theorem. (APR’11)

7. Explain the step by step procedure of thevenin’s theorem in DC circuits (NOV’06) (JAN’11)
8. Determine the current I in the network by using Thevenin’s theorem (JAN’11)

9. Calculate, using Thevenin’s theorem the current through the branch FC. (NOV’09) (APR’11)

10. Determine the Thévenin equivalent circuit external to the resistor RL for the circuit of Figure. Use
the Thévenin equivalent circuit to calculate the current through RL (APR’11)
11. Describe the procedure for Nortons theorem in detail. (NOV’04) (JAN’11)
12. Explain the step by step procedure for Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
(NOV’09) (APR’11) (NOV’04)

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13. For the circuit shown in the figure below, find I3 and verify reciprocity theorem.
(Nov 2006) (APR’11)

14. Find the load current using Milliman’s theorem. (NOV’09)(APR’10)

15. In the circuit shown, it is wanted that in branch consisting of 160 Ohm resistor a current of 0.6A
is flowing. Find the change in resistance to be done. (April 2014)

Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College, Puducherry


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