Non Contact ECG Sensing Employing Gradiometer Electrodes
Non Contact ECG Sensing Employing Gradiometer Electrodes
Non Contact ECG Sensing Employing Gradiometer Electrodes
Abstract—Noncontact, capacitive electrocardiogram (ECG) (CMRR) of the sensor system [4]. Interfering signals can be re-
measurements are complicated by motion artifacts from the rel- duced by employing a driven right leg (DRL) connection, active
ative movement between the ECG electrodes and the subject. To shielding, and guarding of cables, and by employing a notch
compensate for such motion we propose to employ first and second
order gradiometer electrode designs. A MATLAB-based simula- filter at the output.
tion tool to enable assessment of different electrode configurations 2) Triboelectrically generated static charge caused by rubbing
and placements on human subjects has been developed to guide between the electrodes and the subject’s clothing has been dis-
the refinement of electrode designs. Experimental measurements cussed in [3]. Common-mode electrostatic charges on the body
of the sensitivity, motion artifact cancellation, and common mode were also investigated in [5]. In addition to reducing movement
rejection for various prototype designs were conducted with hu-
man subjects. Second order gradiometer electrode designs appear at the electrode-subject interface, other ways to reduce this ef-
to give the best performance as measured by signal to noise plus fect include careful choice of materials and providing a static
distortion ratio. Finally, both gradiometer designs were compared charge discharge path at the electrode-subject interface.
with standard ECG recording methods and showed less than 1% 3) The signal gain may be a function of the source capacitance
beat detection mismatch employing an open source beat detection and any stray capacitance at the preamplifier input, which can
lead to baseline wandering and gain distortion. This effect can
Index Terms—Body surface potential map (BSPM), capaci- be minimized through employing a voltage mode preamplifier,
tive sensors, charge preamplifier, common mode rejection ratio as opposed to a charge-mode preamplifier; however, preamp
(CMRR), electrocardiography, modeling, motion artifacts.
noise then becomes a consideration.
4) The preamplifier immediately following the ECG electrode
is the major contributor to the overall electronic noise level [1],
I. INTRODUCTION [6] and may be addressed by employing careful preamplifier
ONCONTACT biosensors for cardiac monitoring are of design.
N great interest for a number of long-term health sensing
applications ranging from exercise and fitness monitoring to
Changes in source capacitance due to the relative motion
of the electrodes and the subject leads to modulation of both
management of chronic health conditions. However, the pres- the signals of interest as well as the aforementioned sources of
ence of motion-related artifacts and common-mode interference interference and noise, which in turn may generate interference
remains a challenging problem in practice [1]–[3]. The major within the signal band of interest. This effect may be large
challenges are: 1) common mode electromagnetic interference enough in practical scenarios to completely obscure the ECG
from power mains, 2) triboelectrically generated charge from signal. In [2], the effect of motion artifacts by static common
rubbing of the electrodes on the subject’s clothing, 3) modu- mode voltages has been investigated and the original ECG signal
lation of the bioelectric potential signals from motion-related is reconstructed using known movement parameters measured
source impedance changes, and 4) electronic noise. Methods by a secondary sensor placed near the ECG electrodes.
that have been typically employed to address these challenges We have pursued an alternative approach in which gradiome-
are as follows. ter electrode designs are used to cancel common mode inter-
1) Interference from ac power mains may corrupt electro- ference at the source. To explore the design space we have
cardiograph signals due to low-common mode rejection ratio developed a (2 + 1)D human ECG potential map (2 spatial
dimensions plus time) that allows for assessment of various
electrode designs in terms of their signal sensitivity and their
sensitivity to subject motion. In the following section we present
the gradiometer electrode designs considered in this study. In
Manuscript received March 14, 2012; revised June 26, 2012; accepted Section III we discuss the simulations, including the placement
August 21, 2012. Date of publication September 18, 2012; date of current
version December 14, 2012. This work was supported in part by Blue Highway, of electrodes on the subject employing the (2 + 1)D, ECG poten-
the New York State Foundation for Science, Technology, and Innovation, and tial map simulation tool, we then go on to present experimental
in part by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health De- results with various electrode designs on human subjects.
velopment Grant R01HD060789. Asterisk indicates corresponding author.
∗ G. Peng is with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department,
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627-0231 USA (e-mail: gupeng@
M. F. Bocko is with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, In conventional ECG configurations the relative motion of the
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627-0231 USA (e-mail: bocko@ electrodes is independent [7] and unpredictable, as in planar-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TBME.2012.2219531 fashionable circuit board electrodes [8]. To address this issue,
Fig. 8. ECG recordings displaying motion artifacts. Four values of the lateral
spacing of the electrodes in both the dual(in black) and quad (in gray) configu-
rations were measured in 5 s, d1 = d = 5, 15, 21, and 28 mm. The output was
bandpass filtered from 0.01 to 100 Hz.
bpmDUAL − bpmStandard
ΔD = × 100% (5)
bpmQUAD − bpmStandard
ΔQ = × 100%.
The results indicate that the highest mismatch rate among all
trials is 0.82% which is very good agreement.
Although artifacts from the relative motion of noncontact
Fig. 9. ECG traces from gradiometer electrodes placed on the right chest ECG electrodes and the subject are problematic and have been
with d1 = d = 28 mm and standard ECG lead II contact electrode recordings addressed previously by a number of researchers, we have found
(5 s traces). All three traces were analyzed with an open source beat detection
algorithm [12] and the detected beats are annotated. that motion-related artifacts may be reduced considerably by
employing gradiometric measurement techniques without em-
ploying the DRL method. Although this may lead to a robust
and convenient heart rate monitor the relevance of short-base
TABLE II line ECG measurements in more sophisticated morphological
HEART RATE MEASUREMENT COMPARISON OF THE GRADIOMETRIC analysis of ECG signals remains to be investigated clinically.
ELECTRODE AND STANDARD LEAD II ECG Further exploration and design optimization clearly will be pos-
sible using the BSPM-electrode simulation tool.
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