Welcome to the first video series on Wiccan Signs & Symbols. In this first video of
the series we will be discussing Basic Wiccan Signs and Symbols. During the next
five minutes we will give you a basic introduction to Wicca focusing on the
traditional signs and symbols including the Pentagram, Pentacle, Triple Goddess,
Goddess and Horned God. If you are new to Wicca or just looking for a quick review,
this is a great place to start.
Wiccan emerged in the early 20th century and its basic tenets involve combining
ancient traditions, respect for nature and psychic or intuition in a modern form. In
the 1920s, a British Egyptologist named Dr. Margaret Murray claimed that women
believed to be witches in Europe during the 15th-18th centuries were in fact not
Satan worshippers. She claimed they were actually followers of an ancient religion
that predated Christianity. Following the publication of her thesis, the Wiccan
Religion gained popularity throughout England.
today believes in a deity inherent in the universe, which is manifested, in all living
entities. The divine is also present in gods and goddesses, which balance each other
in nature. Wicca recognizes a spirit in every living being. These spirits are
interconnected to all other spirits, forming a web of the divine in all living entities.
This simple statement forms the basis of the ethics of Wicca, affirming the inherent
right to freedom of action while acknowledging the responsibility associated with
Wiccans have faced discrimination based on the inaccurate belief that they worship
the devil. Wicca does not worship Satan; in fact, it does not even acknowledge the
devil's existence. While most Wiccans do not believe in the Judeo-Christian concept
of God, they do believe in an ultimate deity.
(2:00 – 3:30) What signs & symbols are most recognizable in Witchcraft?
We want to first start by saying that each individual Wiccan practice is as unique as
the practitioners and the covens utilizing the symbols. The inherent individualistic
nature of each practitioner’s faith and tradition make this especially so.
Furthermore, each instance of a practice or ritual may be tailored the specific needs
at that given time and season. The associated symbols and signs used within each
practice or ritual is rich in symbolic meaning that is often only known to those
within the particular coven or practice in question.
There are, however, some basic and easily recognizable symbols that are associated
with Wicca. Today, we are going to cover Pentacle, Pentagram, Tri-Goddess, &
Goddess… You may already be familiar with some of these, but the meaning and
history behind some them may surprise you.
(3:00-4:00) Pentagram
“The Pentagram, also called a pentacle or Pentalpha, gets its name from the Greek
Penta, meaning “five” and gramma, meaning “a letter”.
The Pentagram is a symbol of a star. Always with 5 points (one pointing upward),
each has its own meaning. The upward point of the star is representative of the
spirit. The other four points all represent an element; earth, air, fire, and water.
Upright pentacles have one point aligned upward and an inverted pentagram has
two points up. Both versions are used in spell casting and this is a very holy symbol
in Wiccan and Witchcraft.
It is usually associated with femininity, knowledge. Some wiccans have adopted the
pentacle as the symbol of the goddess Morgan. It represents magical and talismanic
properties. The pentagram is commonly seen as a symbol for good and for
protection against evil.
It's a very old symbol, used in Babylon as evidenced in early Mesopotamian and
Pythagorean records and writings. Many religions have used it,
including Christianity. The symbol is also associated with Freemasonry.
Historically, tarot cards had a suit of coins or discs. These were changed to pentacles
in the 19th century when the Tarot became linked with the Kabbalah. They
ultimately became the suit of diamonds in prevailing playing cards.
The saying “An apple a day keeps a doctor away” originates from the belief that the
apple is symbolic of health, only because a transversally cut apple reveals a
The pentagram, as a symbol of fortune, has been found on Egyptian statues and
Gaulish coins.
The Pentacle on the other hand, simply means a Pentagram enclosed in a circle.
That's so far as the difference between the two go. Both the Pentagram and
the Pentacle are two of the most powerful symbols in the world of Wicca and
(4:00-4:30) Tri-Goddess
The Tri-Goddess symbol is denoted by three moons and is commonly seen on
headpieces of high priestesses. This symbol typically represents the maid (or
maiden), mother and crone as the waxing, full, and waning moon. It is associated
with feminine energy, mystery and psychic abilities.
These aspects may also represent the cycle of birth, life and death (and rebirth).
Neopagans believe that this goddess is the personification of all women everywhere.
Traditionally in Wicca, the Goddess is seen as the Triple Goddess. The mother
aspect, the Mother Goddess, is perhaps the most important of these. Traditional
Wiccans claim she was the ancient Goddess of the witches.
Generally speaking, Wiccan views are generally theistic and revolve around a
Godden and a Horned God (dualistic nature).
In traditional Wicca, the emphasis is on the theme of divine gender polarity, and the
God and Goddess are regarded as equal and opposite divine cosmic forces.
One point of confusion for some people is that these terms in question are types of
deities or titles of respect. Horned God is a type of Godhead, not one specific God.
Triple Goddess is a type of Goddess head, not one specific Goddess, or a specific trio
of Goddesses. These terms are merely descriptions, not deities in themselves.
Likewise, Lord and Lady are titles of respect by which we call any God or Goddess,
respectively; Lord and Lady are not names. Zeus is one Wiccan’s Lord, Thor is
another Wiccan’s Lord, Lugh is another's... just as a Christian's Lord is YHWH
(Jehovah) though they call him 'Lord' and 'God'.
“The God” and “The Goddess” are not specific deities that all Wiccans worship; they
are simply the generic term for male deities and female deities, respectively. So my
God that I worship may not be the same God another Wiccan worships. But I still
refer to him as God, 'the' God, or Lord.
Some Wiccans see divinity as having a real, external existence; others see the
Goddesses and Gods as archetypes within the collective consciousness.
(5:00-5:30) Closing
Hope you enjoyed learning about these basic Wiccan signs and symbols!
In closing, just keep in mind the subjective nature of interpreting signs and symbols.
Keep it light and fun – it’s a playful spiritual practice rooted in tradition but with
enough freedom and flexibility to support spontaneity and improvisation to. Listen
to your heart and your intuition will guide you towards the signs and symbols that
will best serve you on your path.
We have tried to present these symbols universally however some Wiccan’s may
disagree with some of our definitions here. This is to be expected as each Wiccan’s
practice is as unique as their individuality.
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner
By Scott Cunningham
The White Witch Parlour
The White Goddess.co.uk
Samantha Valens
Coven of the Open Mind
Quora - https://www.quora.com/Witchcraft-historical-What-does-the-pentagram-