Macbeth Questions and Answers

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Question 1 is on "setting", the dramatic time and the place, mentioned in Act One Scene One of

That will be ere the set of sun.
Where the place?
Upon the heath.

When will they meet Macbeth ("ere the set of sun"), and where? You must explain in your answer what
the words actually mean, in your own words. Use synonyms from our Thesauruses to use your own
words to answer my Question 1.

Question 2
This question is on genre:

1)They will meet Macbeth before the sunset, and near the moor

A drum, a drum!
Macbeth doth come.
The Weird Sisters, hand in hand,
Posters of the sea and land,
Thus do go about, about:
Thrice to thine, and thrice to mine,
And thrice again, to make up nine.
Peace!—the charm’s wound up.
Only from these words I have quoted above, which words and/or phrases can you identify that persuade

2)In my opinion, I don’t think this play is a comedy or a normal historical drama. There’s no humorous
dialogues and it’s a kind of myth, not a historical drama. Because we can see the supernatural powers and
murderousness all over the play. According to the dialogues above, ‘ The Weird Sisters, hand in hand,
Posters of the sea and land, Thus do go about, about: Thrice to thine, and thrice to mine, And thrice again, to
make up nine. Peace! —the charm’s wound up.’ proves my answer. In folklore, three was a magical number.
That’s why the three witches join hands and circle around nine times (three times three), while casting a spell.
Once they’ve done so, the charm is “wound up,” meaning it’s ready to be cast. All they have to do now is wait
for Macbeth and Banquo to come along and fall under its power.

you that the GENRE of this theatre play is NOT a comedy or NOT a normal historical drama! (50 - 60
words, please.)

Question 3
This below is a great line from Act One, Scene Three! Such a powerful, enthralling, enticingly fateful line
of drama and poetry!
The question then, is this, about characterization:
So foul and fair a day I have not seen.
3a) Can you spot this line above as an echo in a line in the opening scene, Act One Scene One?

3b) Why does Shakespeare write Macbeth's words as repeating other characters' words from earlier in
the Act? Now, we can assume Shakespeare was never a lazy writer, of course, so why the repetition of
almost the same words just 2 scenes later after these words were first said? What does it tell us (as the
confused audience) about the characterization of Macbeth as hero, anti-hero, villain, demon ...?

It is to use the power of repetition. The repetition or restatement of an idea at intervals

not only promotes clarity, but encourages the acceptance of an idea. When you repeat
and emphasize one idea, competing ideas are subordinated and sometimes are driven
completely out of the audience's mind. And I also think that Shakespeare repeats the
witches' line in order to tie him to the witches. Simply, for witches it means whatever
is fair to a common man is foul to them, and what is foul to a common man is fair to
them. If we recall the story of the play, this phrase refers to Macbeth as well, as he
does everything that he formerly considered foul.

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