Courses in Allied Health Sciences
Courses in Allied Health Sciences
Courses in Allied Health Sciences
4. Allied Health Sciences
Prospectus 2018-2019
approximately 130-140 adult medical, surgical II PUC or qualifying examination are eligible for
emergencies and paediatric trauma. This centre is admission, out of which Physics and Chemistry are
recognized by the WHO as the South-East Asian compulsory. The third subject can be either Biology
Regional Training for Emergency Medicine and or Mathematics.
Emergency Nursing. Peripheral postings include
3. According to the RCI’s (Rehabilitation Council
Critical Care and Obstetrics.
of India) current regulations, applicants shall not
be older than 25 years on the 1st of July, of the year
Bachelor of Audiology & Speech
of admission.
Language Pathology
(Approved by Rehabilitation Council of India) Duration
Four years (6 semesters plus 1 year internship).
Christian Medical College, Vellore
the patient’s circulatory and respiratory function. Duties of critical care therapists include direct patient
While operating the heart lung machine during care as well as maintaining advanced equipment
open heart surgery, the perfusionist is responsible like ventilators, used to assist breathing. Patient
for monitoring the altered circulatory process, taking care includes teaching and supervising breathing
appropriate measures when abnormal situations arise exercises, monitoring cardiovascular parameters
and keeping both the surgeon and anaesthetist fully and assisting procedures like insertion of central and
informed of the patient’s condition. The perfusionist arterial lines, endo-tracheal intubation, bronchoscopy,
is also educated in the administration of blood cardiopulmonary resuscitation, etc. These skilled
products, anaesthetic agents and drugs through the personnel need to be trained adequately and this
extracorporeal circuit. Perfusionists are competent three-year course is recognized by the Tamil Nadu
in the management of other perfusion related Dr MGR Medical University.
equipment, techniques and procedures. The field of The course covers Anatomy, Physiology and
Perfusion Technology is regarded by many as a very Pharmacology related to critically ill patients, with
demanding vocation requiring maturity, dedication, special reference to respiratory and cardiovascular
integrity, discipline and a mechanical aptitude. systems. It includes physiotherapy, management
Classes include Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, of ICU equipment, lung diseases and problems
Pathology, Basics of Microbiology, Principles of affecting critically ill patients, with plenty of “hands-
Perfusion Technology Part I and later in the course- on” experience. The importance of universal
introduction to Surgery, Sterilization Techniques, precautions and management of emergency
Cardiopulmonary Bypass & Perfusion Technology. situations is an essential component. Student
Employment opportunities are abundant in India rotations include Anaesthesia and Physiotherapy
in addition to Surgical, Neurological, Medical and
and abroad.
Paediatric ICUs. Job opportunities are plenty as
most hospitals have ICUs, requiring critical care
Bachelor of Science in Critical Care
therapists who undoubtedly are an integral part of
the health care team.
Critical Care Medicine is a field that deals with
critically ill patients in intensive care units (ICUs). Bachelor of Science in Dialysis
ICUs admit the sickest patients in the hospital. Technology
Saving such patients depends on the quality of work
The Bachelor of Science degree course in Dialysis
carried out by the specially trained “Critical Care
Technology is designed to provide broad based
Team”, which comprises of doctors, nurses and
and up to date theoretical and practical technical
critical care therapists. Critical Care Therapists, also
training relevant to current dialysis clinical
called respiratory therapists, form an integral part of
practice. This includes training in haemo-dialysis,
the Critical Care Team. This field is very rewarding
peritoneal dialysis, slow low efficiency dialysis
because often patients who are about to die are given and continuous Renal Replacement Therapy,
another chance at life.
Prospectus 2018-2019
Christian Medical College, Vellore
3 years followed by one year of compulsory
internship in CMC, Vellore PLUS one year
service obligation in sponsored organization if
the candidate is sponsored, or in the organization
identified by CMC if the candidate is open.
Prospectus 2018-2019
Christian Medical College, Vellore
in the Intensive Care Units. Trainees are taught the and a dedication to reduce India’s current blindness
basics of anaesthetic management in specialities percentage - consider being an Optometrist (Vision
such as obstetrics, paediatrics, neurosurgery, Scientist).
orthopaedic and general surgery and given ample
A strong believer in HOLISTIC education, the
practical experience in all these areas. They are
Optometry (Vision Science) programme provides
exposed to anaesthesia services outside the regular
space and time for sports, dance, music, art and
operating rooms, as in radiology suite, cardiac
catheterisation laboratory, endoscopy room, day
care theatre etc. They also undergo training in Basic This programme and profession DOES NOT
Life Support, airway management in emergency INVOLVE NIGHT DUTIES.
situations and Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation. On completing the course, you can choose to be
On successful completion of the course, they will a Clinical (patient related) Optometrist, a Vision
be competent to assist anaesthesiologists in all Research Scientist, teach in a College of Optometry
surgeries and in emergency situations. or be a private entrepreneur owning an optical
showroom. Options for higher study through
Bachelor of Optometry (B.Optom) Masters, PhD and Post-doctoral positions exist
nationally and internationally. The career guidance-
networking structure provided by the faculty and
alumni of the programme will be there to help you
discover your dream.
ALL students are encouraged to be in-scholars,
subject to hostel availability.
Prospectus 2018-2019
the care of patients admitted in the Intensive Care disability, by the making of Prostheses and
Unit (ICU) and those who undergo cardiac and Orthoses for persons with disability. This evidence
lung surgery. based theory and practical, hands-on course helps
students to understand the human body and
Those who have the passion to better the lives of
design appliances with theoretical knowledge
the ‘differently abled’ would be ideally suited for
of biomechanics, materials and engineering
this professional training programme. The course
principles. It also includes prescription, design,
comprises of exclusive classroom teaching and
fabrication, fitting and alignment of all Orthopaedic
demonstration in the first year and clinical teaching
devices. The practical sessions include clinical
in the subsequent years. Learning by doing is given
examination and evaluation of patients as part of
high emphasis.
the rehabilitation team, in order to assess, prescribe,
Subjects like Anatomy, Physiology, Exercise fabricate, check and follow up appropriate devices.
therapy, Electrotherapy, Biomechanics, Manual
An examination will be conducted at the end
therapy and Clinical Orthopaedics are an integral
of each year, both in theory and practical. The
part of the curriculum. At the end of the course
qualified P&O professional plays a major role in
the student will be equipped with the knowledge
the rehabilitation of persons with disability, and
and skills in the use of physical agents, as well as
in making clinical decisions. The other aspects
principles, to treat and alleviate pain and disability
include management & supervision, training and
caused by various illnesses.
teaching, community services etc.
This is a rapidly expanding field in healthcare.
Once qualified, a prosthetist or an orthotist can work
Specialization in orthopaedics, paediatrics,
in collaboration with other healthcare professionals
neurology, cardiopulmonary, sports and
to provide a holistic service to address issues such
community physiotherapy are available in other
as polio, amputation, rheumatoid arthritis, cerebral
centres in India and abroad. Doctoral programmes
palsy, diabetes, stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal
in specific topics of interest can also be pursued
cord lesions, congenital malformations etc. After
by students to reach greater heights and set new
successful completion of the course, the candidate
trends in Rehabilitation.
will be eligible to work in hospitals, rehabilitation
centres or institutes, trauma centres and various
Bachelor in Prosthetics & Orthotics (BPO) private companies in India and abroad. Avenues for
(Recognized by the Rehabilitation Council of India, RCI, higher studies & research in the area of Prosthetics
New Delhi) and Orthotics are available.
Bachelor in Prosthetics & Orthotics course offers Lateral Entry into the Bachelor in Prosthetics and
training in the field of rehabilitation of locomotor Orthotics course
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2018-2019
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2018-2019
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2018-2019
of the human body using basic x-ray equipments design, fabrication and fitting of Prostheses
and other special modalities such as CT and MRI. (artificial limbs) and Orthoses (braces, calipers). It is
The Department of Radiodiagnosis in CMC is well- aimed at producing a professional who will be able
equipped with advanced imaging modalities and a to function as a member of the Rehabilitation team
fully fledged Picture Archival and Communication in a clinical environment. With these objectives
System. The radiology images in the hospital are the course syllabus includes lectures, classroom
stored and distributed digitally using computer work, practical demonstration, and practical work
networks (filmless radiology). in Prosthetic and Orthotic laboratories, during
Eligibility: Pass at 10+2 level in English, Physics, Chemistry
which the students are introduced to Prosthetic
and Biology or Botany/Zoology and Orthotic workshop practices and learn the
fundamentals of manufacturing, measuring and
Diploma in Optometry & (Ophthalmic fitting of appliances.
Technology*) Research, teaching, training and outreach service
programmes are part of the course curriculum.
(Awarded by the CMC Vellore Association/*Christian
Examinations are conducted at the end of each
Medical Association of India)
year, both in theory and practical. Once qualified,
a Prosthetist & Orthotist can work in collaboration
with other healthcare professionals to provide
holistic service to address issues such as polio,
amputation, rheumatoid arthritis, cerebral palsy,
diabetes, stroke, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord
lesions, congenital malformations etc.
After successful completion of the course,
candidates can work as a Prosthetist & Orthotist
in various Government and Non Government
organizations or in multinational companies in
India and abroad. Avenues for higher studies &
research in the area of Prosthetics and Orthotics are
Optometry is a branch of Vision Science that
deals with the study of the eye and its optics & Eligibility: Pass at (10+2) level in science with 40%
aggregate in English, Physics, Biology and/or Mathematics.
function. Students are trained at the department of
Ophthalmology in the field of vision science, in the
study and diagnosis of various types of refractive Diploma in Hospital Sterilisation
errors and eye diseases. The course includes hands- Technology
on training in specialties like contact lenses, low (Awarded by the Christian Medical College Vellore
vision aids, ophthalmic instruments and assisting Association)
an ophthalmologist. Opportunities following
All hospitals, nursing homes and clinics providing
the completion of the course include being an
diagnostic, therapeutic and surgical services
Optometrist, Clinical Assistant, employment in Eye
require sterile instruments, articles and materials.
Hospitals and setting up own Optical Showrooms. The provision of sterile supplies is a comprehensive
There are opportunities to do Bachelors, Masters process involving cleaning, inspecting, packing,
and PhD programmes as well. appropriate sterilization, safe storage and timely
Eligibility for Diploma in Optometry and Ophthalmic supply and is carried out by a Central Sterile Supply
Technology (awarded by CMAI): Pass at 10+2 level or Department (CSSD), staffed by technicians trained
its equivalent, with 50% aggregate in English, Physics,
to carry out these activities. This course aims to
Chemistry and Biology.
provide the knowledge and practical training
required for a Hospital Sterilization Technician
Diploma in Prosthetics & Orthotics (DPO)
capable of running a central sterile supply or
(Recognized by the Rehabilitation Council of India) operation theatre sterile supply service.
This course gives training in the theoretical Keeping in mind the above objective, the syllabus
background and practical skills involved in the of this two-year course, divided into four semesters,
Christian Medical College, Vellore
consists of lectures and practical hands-on training of the course are to acquire knowledge of basic
in sterilization techniques. The final semester human biology relevant to urology, and to acquire
teaches workplace safety, legal and ethical issues, skills related to technical aspects of the functioning
regulatory requirements, protocols and other and maintenance of instruments & equipments used
administrative skills to complement the theoretical in Urology. Students gain kills related to assisting
and practical knowledge required to function as a urological procedures in the operation theatre
competent sterilization technician. Examinations, and clinic. The subjects taught in the first year are
both theory and practical, will be conducted at Anatomy, Physiology and Biochemistry, Pathology,
the end of each year. A six-month internship will Pharmacology, Microbiology and sterilization
provide exposure to work in smaller setups as well. techniques, Nutrition, Ethical and Legal practice,
Research during the course is encouraged. patient care & hospital practice. The subjects
taught in the second year are Urology technology -
After completion of the diploma in Hospital
common urological procedures, common urological
Sterilization Technology, it is expected that the
presentations, Physics, Genetics, medical electronics,
candidate will be suitable for employment in a
allied specialties and office administration. At the
central sterile supply department or a theatre
end of two years, an examination is held for the
sterile supply unit, in health care organisations in
Diploma in Urology Technology.
India and overseas. The diploma is awarded by the
Christian Medical College Vellore Association. Eligibility: Pass at (10+2) level in science with English,
Physics, Chemistry, and Biology or Botany/Zoology with a
Eligibility: Pass at (10+2) level in science with Physics, minimum aggregrate of 50%.
Chemistry, and Biology or Botany/Zoology.
Prospectus 2018-2019
The following courses, affiliated to CMAI, are conducted by Christian Medical College at the
Chittoor Campus:
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2018-2019
Christian Medical College, Vellore
• Help understand the Biblical vision of the group-work, discussions, field-visits, exercises,
Church as the Healing Community and thereby games, videos, lectures, placements etc., make the
enter creatively the Healing Ministry of the Church course participatory, interesting and meaningful.
• Emphasize the centrality of Christ while being Those who have completed this course in the past
sensitive to the religious plurality and spiritual are well placed in different levels of management in
traditions of India. NGOs, Government and National / International
Eligibility: BTh or BD Degree of Serampore University or its Funding Agencies. The PGDCHM course is
recognised equivalent or any degree (eg. B.A. or B.Sc. or intended to prepare team leaders for integrated
B.Com or BBA) with three years of involvement in some form
health and development projects, planners in health
of lay ministry of the Church.
care industries, effective trainers in health NGOs,
Duration: 1 year
human resource development, rehabilitation,
health and development projects and execution of
PG Diploma in Community Health
research projects.
Management (PGDCHM)
Eligibility: Bachelor’s degree or a direct Masters in any
(Awarded by the Christian Medical College Vellore discipline from any recognized Univeristy. Ability to handle
Association) English as a medium of learning.
Duration: 1 year
The PGDCHM is a one-year, well designed,
carefully planned, practical-oriented training,
PG Diploma in Cytogenetics
aimed at developing individuals interested /
involved in managing health and development (Awarded by the Christian Medical College Vellore
projects. This course is in response to the need and Association)
demand for competent and committed personnel
The two-year diploma in cytogenomic technology
in health management, with the aptitude,
is awarded by the Christian Medical College,
Vellore. This is an in-service training programme
for candidates who have completed B.Sc. in
Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Botany, Chemistry,
Genetics, Medical Laboratory Laboratory,
Microbiology or Zoology with a first class. Ability
to understand English is essential.
Cytogenetics is the study of chromosomes.
Abnormalities of chromosomes may be seen in a
variety of disorders, including intellectual disability,
delayed or abnormal development, disordered
sexual development, infertility, recurrent abortions
and leukemia and other cancers. Chromosomal
analysis is helpful to make an accurate diagnosis,
knowledge, skills and experience in the areas of predict outcome and plan treatment. It can also be
Applied Sociology, Health and Nutrition, Personal used for prenatal diagnosis of some diseases.
Growth and Development, Social Research
Methods, Participatory Planning and Management, Using supervised bench training and lectures, this
Community Management, Organizational programme aims to train cytogenetic technologists to:
Development and Communication Management. • Identify normal and abnormal chromosomes
An integral part of the course is the field study, using a microscope, computer and software
elective and practicum, providing an opportunity relevant for chromosomal analysis.
for effective self-directed learning and improving • Obtain chromosomes from blood, bone marrow,
one’s own personality. This experience equips the amniotic fluid and solid tissues, including chorionic
students with skills to bring about planned changes villus, products of conception, tumours and skin.
in the community through conducting population • Prepare reagents, use and maintain equipment
based studies, implementing intervention required for cytogenetic analysis.
programmes and evaluating their outcomes. A • Use appropriate cytogenomic terminology as
wide variety of training methodologies including per current international guidelines.
Prospectus 2018-2019
P.G. Diploma in Dietetics Course is a one year in- The programme has didactic lectures but also
service training programme followed by six months concentrates on hands on learning of a range of
of compulsory internship. The focus is on practical molecular biology techniques. This includes DNA
aspects, hands on experience and exposure to real life and RNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction
situations. Emphasis is placed on clinical dietetics and (PCR), gelelectrophoresis, restriction fragment
management of food service in hospitals. The course length polymorphisms, various techniques
inculcates in students the art and science of medical involved in screening for mutations, reverse
nutrition therapy, fundamentals of organization and transcriptase PCR, quantitative PCR and DNA
management of food service in hospitals. sequencing. Students learn about cell culture
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Prospectus 2018-2019
Christian Medical College, Vellore
Fellowship in Hospital Administration eligible to apply for FHA and are exempted from the first
(FHA) Duration: two years plus 5 months compulsory internship
FHA is a two-year full-time course jointly offered (without stipend)
and certified by CMC and the Loyola Institute
of Business Administration (LIBA), Chennai, Fellowship in Hospital Chaplaincy
followed by 5 months compulsory internship (Awarded by the Christian Medical College Vellore
without stipend. It is designed as a Masters-level Association)
Programme with an aim to develop hospital
administrators, with the knowledge, skills and There is a growing awareness of the need for
values to manage hospitals effectively with a spirit counselling in different disciplines today, This
of compassionate service and to contribute in Fellowship programme is designed to particularly
creative ways at a senior level. meet the need of pastors of churches to equip them
with special skills in counselling and pastoral
Most of the teaching and assessment in the first year ministry among the sick and suffering. However,
will be in common with the PGDHA course (see the programme also provides needed skills for the
above), but FHA students will be given additional broader healing ministry in the context of schools,
assignments and are expected to contribute at a colleges, industries, institutions and organizations.
higher level. In the second year, greater focus is ‘Learning through doing’ is the general method
provided on building knowledge on analytical and of this programme. Sufficient supervision from
strategic thinking and research. Modules covered senior chaplain teachers and peer group learning
include: Strategy and the Environment, Financial and periodical lectures from faculty of different
Management, Public Health, Health Education and disciplines are the main feature of this programme.
Ethics, Quality Management, Healthcare Marketing,
Healthcare Economics, HIS and Managing It is expected that those who finish this fellowship
Healthcare across International Borders. Teaching is will best be equipped to serve as counsellors or
through self-learning materials, tutorials, seminars, chaplains in hospitals, communities, schools,
assignments and project-based learning. Participants colleges, industries or other institutions. A stipend
will carry out a number of studies/live projects in which covers basic living expenses is provided.
CMC hospital departments & processes and other Admission is by special interview at CMC, Vellore.
Mission hospitals, in specific areas. In addition to the fees, candidates must be in a
position to meet expenses for study programmes
Eligibility: MBBS / Health professionals from Alternative
Medicine / Master’s degree in any discipline. Graduates with organized in other hospitals.
at least 3 years full time work experience in a hospital or Eligibility: Theologically qualified and ordained pastors
health related project. A good working knowledge of English Duration: 1 year
is necessary. PGDHA students (from CMC alone) are also
Prospectus 2018-2019
Master of Physiotherapy (Orthopaedics) grand rounds, clinical discussions, pre and post-
operative meetings, journal club meetings and
The MPT Orthopaedics course was started in 2016. case presentations. This two-year programme will
This programme develops the clinical acumen, adequately equip the students to become excellent
patient care, clinical reasoning and the ability clinicians, astute teachers and also form a strong
of candidates to plan physiotherapy treatment foundation to pursue doctoral programmes in
using current evidence. Christian Medical College, orthopaedic physiotherapy.
Vellore offers our post graduate physiotherapy
Students enrolled in Masters in Physiotherapy –
students, excellent clinical learning from direct Orthopaedics course have to conduct a supervised
patient care, trans-disciplinary teams, and research project, as part of the curriculum. Student
specialized labs. The forte of the Christian Medical research projects are encouraged at CMC Vellore.
College, Vellore has always been the utmost Research activities are funded from Institutional
priority given to patient care and hands-on clinical Fluid Research Grants, with statistical support
learning. MPT Orthopaedics students also have the from the department of Biostatistics. Postgraduate
opportunity to rotate in Orthopaedic subspecialties students will also be given opportunity to
like Spine surgery, Paediatric Ortho, Orthopaedic showcase their research activities in national and
Oncology, and Hand surgery. They take part in state Physiotherapy forums.