Survei Rumah Sakit Edit
Survei Rumah Sakit Edit
Survei Rumah Sakit Edit
Version: 1.0
Language: English
• For more information on getting started, selecting a sample, determining data collection methods,
establishing data collection procedures, conducting a Web-based survey, and preparing and
analyzing data, and producing reports, please read the Survey User’s Guide.
• For the survey items grouped according to the safety culture composites they are intended to
measure, please read the Items and Composites document.
• To participate in the AHRQ Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture Comparative Database, the
survey must have been administered in its entirety without significant modifications or deletions:
o No changes to any of the survey item text and response options.
o No reordering of survey items.
o Questions added only at the end of the survey after Section G, before the demographic
questions in Section H.
For assistance with this survey, please contact the SOPS Help Line at 1-
888-324-9749 or [email protected].
This survey asks for your opinions about patient safety issues, medical error, and event reporting in your
hospital and will take about 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
Survey ini akan menanyakan tentang opini anda mengenai isu keselamatan pasien, kesalahan medis, dan
pelaporan perisitiwa di rumah sakit anda dan akan menambil waktu sekitar 10 sampai 15 menit untuk
If you do not wish to answer a question, or if a question does not apply to you, you may leave your answer blank.
Jika anda tidak berkenan untuk menjawab sebuah pertanyaan, atau jika pertanyaan tersebut tidak berlaku untuk
anda, anda bisa tidak jawab.
What is your primary work area or unit in this hospital? Select ONE answer.
Apa nama tempat utama anda bekerja di RS? Pilih satu jawaban.
Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the following statements about your work area/unit.
Berikan pendapat anda terhadap pernyataan-pernyataan di bawah ini terhadap unit kerja anda
angat tidak idak agu- S angat
setuju Setuju ragu etuju Setuju
Pikirkan unit kerja anda di rumah sakit…
SECTION A: Your Work Area/Unit / Unit Kerja Anda (continued)
angat T R S
tidak idak agu- S angat
setuju Setuju ragu etuju Setuju
Pikirkan unit kerja anda di rumah sakit…
Excellent Very Good Acceptable Poor Failing
SECTION H: Background Information / Informasi Latar Belakang
This information will help in the analysis of the survey results.
Informasi ini akan membantu dalam menganalisa hasil survey.
1. Sudah berapa lamakah anda bekerja di rumah sakit ini? How long have you worked in this hospital?
4. Dimana posisi jabatan anda di rumah sakit ini? Pilih SATU jawaban yang menggambarkan jabatan anda. What
is your staff position in this hospital? Select ONE answer that best describes your staff position.
g. Farmasi
h. Ahli diet
i. Asisten unit/petugas/sekretaris
5. Dalam jabatan anda, apakah anda berinteraksi atau kontak langsung dengan pasien? In your staff position, do
you typically have direct interaction or contact with patients?
6. Sudah berapa lamakah anda bekerja di bagian spesialis atau profesi saat ini? How long have you worked in
your current specialty or profession?
b. 1 - 5 tahun e. 16 - 20 tahun