Learning Objectives: Module

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discussed in other modules of this course. Before I

whisk you away in a magic carpet ride to the
LEARNING discussion of theories and approaches in literary
OBJECTIVES criticism, let us first see what the journey entails.

At the end of this module, the learners should be able to:

a. Present the DRRM and CC agreed definitions

according to RA. 10121- Philippine Disaster
Risk Reduction and Management Act of 2010,
the 2009 UNISDR Terminology on Disaster Risk
Reduction, the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC), and the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change

b. Gain understanding and right application of the

DRRM and CC related terminologies; and

c. Be able to formulate a DRRM-CCAM (i.e.

climate change adaptation and mitigation) plan
for their respective schools based on their
understanding of the DRRM and CC concepts
and terminologies.

1. Climate change Terminologies
2. There meaning and importance

Climate change is one of the major challenges for the
international community. However, there is no intuitive
approach to the problem. Rather, it can only be grasped
through scientific knowledge. This is why our Climate https://bit.ly/3lU3q6w
Course explains the scientific basis of climate change, the
impacts on nature and society, and identifies potential
solutions most specially its terminologies which could
give us a big factor of understanding deeper problem into
a wide range of solutions – so that fact-based knowledge
is available for everyone and can guide the transformation
process towards a sustainable future. PRIOR KNOWLEDGE

Module 1 – Terminologies | Page 1 of 4

To emphasize that preparation is the key in lessening the also be found in the School Disaster Risk Reduction
impacts of disasters, the Instructor can ask the participants and Management (SDRRM) Manual.
the following questions:
 What are the impacts of disasters in the education DRRM Concept/ Operational Definition
Hazard A dangerous phenomenon ,
 What can be done to lessen the impacts of disasters? substance , human activity or
condition that may cause loss of
LEARNING life, injury or other health
ACTIVITY 1 impacts, property damage, loss of
livelihoods and services, social
and economic disruption, or
Where do broken hearts go? environmental damage.
Disaster A serious disruption of the
The learners will be given a broken heart-shaped functioning of a community or a
society involving widespread
cardboard piece/Matching type/scrambled words and
human, material, economic or
match with a written DRRM and CC terminology or environmental losses and impacts,
definition. Without checking the terms in the internet, the which exceeds the ability of the
learners will define the DRRM and CC term given to affected community or society to
them by searching for the “matching half (the definition)” cope using its own resources.
or vice versa that will enable them to “mend” the broken Disaster Risk The potential disaster losses, in
heart. lives, health status, livelihoods,
assets and services, which could
After the activity, the learners will present their answers occur to a particular community or
a society over some period of
in the plenary and those who got the right match will be
asked to explain the DRRM concept. Learners will be Disaster Risk The concept
Mitigation An and practice of
asked to give examples of the terminologies. The Reduction reducing disaster
intervention through
risks to
Instructor will then present the slides on DRRM and CC systematic efforts
reducetothe analyse
sources and
terminologies. manage theor causal enhance theof
disasters, sinks
including through
of greenhouse
reduced exposure to hazards,
gases (IPCC).
lessened vulnerability of people
LESSON PROPER: and property, wise management of
the land and Humanenvironment and
improved interventions
preparedness tofor
reduce the
MANAGEMENT (DRRM) AND Disaster Risk The systematic process of using
emissions of
CLIMATE CHANGE (CC) TERMINOLOGIES Management administrativegreenhouse directives,
organizationsby and sources
capacitiesor to
The module on DRRM and CC Terminologies presents implement strategies,
enhance policies theirand
the definitions according to the Philippine Disaster Risk improved coping
from the in
Reduction and Management Act of 2010, the 2009 order to lessen
atmosphere the adverse by
UNISDR Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction, the impacts of “sinks”.
hazardsA and “sink”the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and possibility ofrefers
disaster.to forests,
Recovery Decisions and actions taken
vegetation after a
or soils
the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
disaster withthat
a viewcan reabsorbor
to restoring
Change (UNFCCC). These terminologies will help the improving the pre-disaster living
school personnel in formulating DRRM-CCAM (i.e. conditions of the stricken
climate change adaptation and mitigation) plans for their community while encouraging and
respective schools. facilitating necessary adjustments
to reduce disaster risks.
Some of the most important definitions in DRRM and CC Preparedness Activities and measures taken in
are listed in the chart below. Most of these definitions can advance to ensure effective
response to the impacts of
hazards, including the issuance of

Module 1 – Terminologies | Page 2 of 4

timely and effective early impacts. It refers to changes in
warnings and the temporary processes, practices, and structures
evacuation of people and property to moderate potential damages or
from threatened locations. to benefit from opportunities
Response The act of implementing or associated with climate change
translating into actions what are (UNFCCC).
called for by the preparedness
plans. Response includes actions
taken to save lives and prevent The activity will be processed by asking the
further damage in a disaster or question, “What are the implications of your
emergency situation. Seeking
understanding of the DRRM and CC
shelter from strong winds
accompanying a typhoon and terminologies?” At the end of the processing,
evacuating to higher grounds due the Instructor should stress that understanding these
to an impending flood are concepts and terminologies is non-negotiable.
examples of response.
Vulnerability The characteristics and Planning Session ( 40 minutes)
circumstances of a community,
system or asset that make it After familiarizing the learners on the DRRM and CC
susceptible to the damaging terminologies, the Instructor shall ask them to identify the
effects of a hazard. different DRRM and CC related activities in their
Capacity The combination of all the respective barangays. He/ She may be guided by their
strengths, attributes and resources
community rules and procedures that suggest DRRM and
available within a community,
society or organization that can be CC related activities to guide the them. Once they have
used to achieve agreed goals. identified the activities, they will be required to classify
these activities based on the four thematic areas of RA
10121 which are: (1) Prevention and Mitigation (include
CCA Concept/ Operational Definitions according here climate change adaptation activities), (2)
Terminology the UNFCCC Preparedness, (3) Response and (4) Rehabilitation and
Climate Change A change of climate which is Recovery. Classify as well activities on climate change
attributed directly or indirectly to
mitigation (i.e. reduction of greenhouse gases). This
human activity that alters the
composition of the global activity is done individually in order to help the learners
atmosphere and which is in formulate a DRRM-CCAM Plan for their respective
addition to natural climate barangay as well as apply the understanding and
variability observed over knowledge gained on the DRRM and CC terminologies.
comparable time periods Outputs will be written and pass to their respective
(UNFCC). Instructors and/or the Head of the department and most
Greenhouse Gaseous constituents of the
specially to the Dean. The template should look like this.
Gases atmosphere, both natural and
anthropogenic, that absorb and
emit radiation of thermal infrared
radiation emitted by the Earth’s
surface, the atmosphere itself, and
by clouds (IPCC).
Adaptation Adaptation is adjustment in
natural or human systems in
response to actual or expected
stimuli or their effects, which
moderates harm or exploits benefit
opportunities (IPCC).

Adjustments in ecological, social,

or economic systems in response
to actual or expected climatic
stimuli and their effects or

Module 1 – Terminologies | Page 3 of 4

Disaster risk reduction pocket book |

Presentation and Synthesis ( minutes) Inspirational Quotes:

After classifying their Barangay DRRM activities “Progress is impossible without change,
according to the different thematic areas, the learners will and those who cannot change their minds
give their outputs to the Instructor, Head or the Dean of
cannot change anything” earth27
the College. Outputs of different learners must be share in
the group for additional interventions. The Instructor will
then ask the learners’ observations of the DRRM-CCAM “Bad terminology is the
To wrap-up, the Instructor will emphasize the following SY _______
key understanding:
RA 10121 KEY THEMATIC Climate
AREAS Change

Preven Prep Respo Rehabilit Mitigation

tion ared nse ation and
and ness Recovery

Enemy of good Thinking” Warren Buffet
DepEd Lectures and modules

Google.com Prepared by:

Slideshare.com JONALD E. LOCQUIAO,EdD

Faculty, NSTP
NSTP Books College of Arts and Sciences

RA 10121 Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction

and Management Act of 2010

2009 UNISDR Terminology on Disaster Risk


Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change


United Nations Framework Convention on

Climate Change (UNFCCC)

Module 1 – Terminologies | Page 4 of 4

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