Sometime, All We Need Is A Spark...

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Sometimes, All We Need Is A Spark...

"Everyone has the power to achieve their full potential, they

just need to find someone who understands them inside rather

than outside"

— Who Are You? | Our Animated Box

We used to look at life as if it were a magical realm when

we were kids. Before, we used to daydream and believe that

every big ambition we had was attainable, similar to how we

used to imagine that we could touch the stars anytime we

reached for it. We constantly believe that the universe will

conspire to provide us anything we desire, and that we have

nothing to worry about. Even if such an idea appears to be

true, it is hard to envision in actual life. For, life isn't always

full of cupcakes and rainbows; living in reality isn't all about

having fun as if we're on cloud nine. That is a sobering fact.

Because, in actuality, when things appear to be going well,

chances that things can abruptly and unexpectedly cease

working are very likely.

When such a fact is finally recognized by man, he will

usually find himself adrift in life, with no idea where he would

go next from that point. In such a case, socializing with others

will assist one in getting back on track. The beliefs of several

philosophers support such a claim. In his book "Ich und Du,"

Martin Buber stated, "I cannot exist apart from Thou since one
cannot fully realize his nature without engaging with others" (I

and Thou Relation). In other words, a person would be able to

experience completeness as a result of his relationship with

another self. Karol Józef Wojtya had a similar perspective when

he stated that the human individual is oriented toward

interaction and sharing in community life. Thus, the concept

that man should interact with other individuals in order to

create relationships and understanding proves to be essential.

It is one of the methods for assisting in the aforementioned


Several principles regarding intersubjectivity may be seen in

the short video that was shown. The clip began with a man who

looked to be lost after passing through a specific milestone in

his life. The man then shared his narrative of how his life had

become miserable as a consequence. In which he separated

himself from the people around him not because they make him

feel alone, but because he is the one who separates himself

from them — alienation. However, his action did not improve his

existing predicament, but rather exacerbated it by further

immersing him in the solitude he surrounded himself with — a

downside of alienating oneself. Thus, as what we have

discussed in Intersubjectivity on Philosophy, as well as taking

into account what Mr. Buber and Fr. Wojty a ł has said,

alienation really defers the growth of one. However, the man

had an encounter with a delivery lady, who had also been in a

similar scenario in her past. They chatted for a long time, about

themselves, their struggles in life, and how the guy motivated

the lady to become a better person. As a result of their

conversation, they were able to acquire mutual understanding

— 1st Level of Intersubjectivity, "Awareness of Others." Wherein

the guy came to see that he is not alone upon experiencing

anything comparable to what he is experiencing — empathy.

Furthermore, because they both have a strong relationship with

others based on their shared consciousness, experience, and

knowledge, it could be deduced that both the man and woman

were able to develop a sort of relation that is equivalent to the

3rd Level of Intersubjectivity. Finally, the woman left a package

for the man. When the man realizes the box is empty, he turns

to face the woman. As a reaction, the woman just advised the

man to double-check if there isn't something inside since there

is. That's when the man realizes it wasn't an item she provided.

She gave him hope, love, appreciation, and a feeling of

purpose in his life. The realization that his efforts had

affected, aided, befriended, and influenced a life moved the

man. That understanding inspired him to return to his career

with passion and enthusiasm. And that realization may be seen

as a 2nd Level of Intersubjectivity, because the guy starts to

obtain a viewpoint of what the woman thinks about him as a

person. When he connected with the woman, it became clear

what he understood about himself. It made him realize that the

reason he quit becoming a writer was not by chance, was not

because he is untalented, and was not because his literary

works were meaningless; rather, he realized that he just got

lost in being a writer and what he really needed was some

words of affirmation, inspiration, and motivation from someone

that he's a great writer — something he mistook as a reason for

him to quit becoming a writer.

Overall, the short film highlighted the importance of human

interaction with one another. "No man is an island," as the

saying goes. We cannot live alone for the rest of our lives. We

need individuals with whom we can associate in order to grow,

learn more about ourselves, and accomplish life milestones.

Socializing with others fosters relationships, understanding,

and a common ground despite our differences. Thus, this

tremendously supports us as we push forward in life because it

is these things that help us overcome all of the odds that we

may face in life.

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