HYDRO YEC Background Paper2
HYDRO YEC Background Paper2
HYDRO YEC Background Paper2
Technical Notes 31
Rpt1-2010-03-03 YEC Charrette_Hydro BG_fkp-60196946.ppt
1. Hydropower Background
1.1 How Hydropower Works
Hydroelectricity is the production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water.
Hydroelectric generation requires a flow of water and a drop, or “head”. A large drop (high head) with low flow can
generate a similar amount of energy as a small drop (low head) and high flow.
Hydropower has played a key role in the Yukon’s history over the last century. Milestones in hydropower
development in the Yukon:
1. Aishihik
2. Whitehorse
3. Mayo
4. Fish Lake
Current capacity and annual energy from the Yukon’s hydro infrastructure is listed below. Additionally, two projects are
currently under construction that will enhance the capacity and energy from these facilities:
Mayo 5.4 40 15 76
Much of the Yukon has mountainous terrain and abundant water, creating
numerous hydropower opportunities. However, there are few “easy”
hydropower sites. Few sites exist in the Yukon with a significant drop in
elevation (head) and with significant flow, especially during winter months.
The Yukon’s existing hydro facilities have taken advantage of natural lakes to
provide storage during winter months. Many of the potential new hydropower
sites require creation of a reservoir to store water.
Energy demand is highest during winter months in Yukon, however stream flow is lowest during winter months.
Many of known hydro “sites” in the Yukon have not undergone detailed or recent assessment, and therefore the viability
of many hydro sites in the Yukon is uncertain.
Four studies have been conducted in the last 10 years that reviewed or evaluated some of the known hydro sites for
potential viability:
Between these four studies, a total of 29 potentially viable known sites have been looked at recently, including the hydro
enhancement projects (Marsh Lake, Atlin Storage and Gladstone Diversion). The location of these sites is shown on the
following map.
In 2009/2010 an initial evaluation of known large hydro sites was completed by AECOM to identify preferred sites for
further study. The evaluation used a sustainability based evaluation criteria, evaluating known sites relative to each
other to identify the relatively best site(s). The qualitative, equally weighted evaluation considered:
1. Economic,
2. Environmental, and
3. Social aspects.
The objective of the Large Hydro Initial Evaluation was to identify a set of preferred hydro sites:
� 2 sites in the 20-40 MW range;
� 1 site in the 100 MW range; and
� 1 site in the 200 MW range.
Data Compilation
(175 Hydro Schemes)
(58 Hydro Schemes)
Medium Hydro (10-100 MW) 70 - 659 $0.06 to $0.19 / kWh $0.095 / kWh
Large Hydro (>100 MW) 585 - 2100 $0.05 to $0.11 / kWh $0.065 / kWh
Hydroelectric energy costs are largely controlled by the construction cost of the project (capital expenditure) and the
amount of energy produced. Operation and maintenance costs are relatively low and there are no ongoing fuel
Energy costs vary considerably from project-to-project, but generally large projects produce lower cost energy than
smaller projects.
• Cost of electricity generated from hydropower is largely a function of project construction cost.
• Sites further from the grid become more expensive because transmission line costs need to be considered.
• There are no on-going fuel costs with hydropower or risk of fuel cost escalation & variability.
• Year-to-year variation in hydrology (amount of water available for hydroelectric generation) can be significant , and
up to 60% year-to-year variability can be seen in the Yukon.
• Climate change effects on hydroelectric production could be positive (increased stream flow) or negative
(decreased winter flows) depending on location in the Yukon.
Good hydrology information, including a long stream flow data Fish Lake Hydro #1 in 1972. In the background is the
record, are important to accurately estimate power generation original Pelton wheel turbine from Engineering Mine.
potential. Year-to-year fluctuations in stream flow can cause Fish Lake hydro has been quietly generating renewable
energy generation to vary substantially from year-to-year. energy since 1950. (Yukon Development Corp, 2001)
8. Regulatory Considerations
There is a long history of hydropower development in Yukon and Canada, and therefore there is good certainty that
hydropower projects can be permitted and developed. Environmental effects are well studied and understood.
However, hydropower projects are often controversial as water is a highly valued resource.
Environmental assessment and regulatory process can delay project development by several years and increase
project costs. Furthermore, environmental and social mitigation can reduce the initially-estimated power benefits of a
1. New larger hydro development in the Yukon will likely require the creation of reservoirs. This causes
flooding/inundation of land. Existing hydro developments in the Yukon (Whitehorse, Aishihik, Mayo and Fish Lake)
have all used existing lakes for storage, resulting in limited new inundation.
2. Hydropower produces very low greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In the boreal environment, GHG emissions
associated with hydropower are limited to the first 3 to 5 years after creating a reservoir, and after that they reduce
to levels consistent with natural lakes (Temblay et al., 2004)
3. Hydropower development effects stream flow, which can impact fish and fish habitat, fish migration, etc. Project
mitigation and compensation is required to address fisheries impacts.
4. Hydropower developments can effect navigation or recreational water usage. Conversely, some sites are located at
reaches of rivers or streams that are not navigable (e.g. canyons, falls, rapids).
• Hydropower is robust.
REN21, 2010:
Renewables 2010 Global Status Report (Paris: REN21 Secretariat).
1. Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE): calculated using YEC’s methodology for calculation of LCOE (January 2011).
Levelized cost of energy includes all capital and operating expenses over the life of the energy project. All
energy estimates are at generating station and before transmission losses.
2. Weighted Average Energy Cost: Average LCOE of projects weighted based on project energy estimates.
3. Cost Estimates: Project cost estimates and energy estimated are from BC Hydro 2003a&b, KGS 2008 and
AECOM 2011. Cost estimates from BC Hydro 2003 escalated by 60% to have a consistent cost basis with more
recent project cost estimates.