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Grammar: Review and Practice

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Grammar 3 Complete the questions in the dialogue.

1 Cross (X) the sentence which is NOT correct.

1 a Where did you go last weekend?
b Where went you last weekend?
c Where were you last weekend?
2 a Were you study English at primary school?
b Did you study English at primary school?
c Were you happy at primary school?
3 a He wanted finish the job.
b He agreed to finish the job.
c He decided to finish the job.
1 Q Congratulations. H l d
i t y ?
4 a We’re planning to go away this weekend.
b We would like to go away this weekend. A It took me just over two weeks.
c We need going away this weekend. 2 Q H m d y c ?
5 a My sister’s older than me.
A I caught 142.
b I’m younger than her.
c She’s more old than me. 3 Q W d y f t  ?
6 a This question’s more easy than the others. A I found them in New York City.
b This question’s easier than the others.
c This question’s the easiest. 4 Q H m d y s  ?
7 a This hotel’s the most expensive in the town. A I spent about $200.
b This hotel’s the more expensive in the town.
5 Q H f d y w  ?
c It’s also the most comfortable.
8 a Who’s the better player in the world? A I walked about 200km.
b Who’s the best player in the world? 6 Q So it was a healthy activity. D y
c Who’s the most popular player in the world? l any weight?
2 Make comparative sentences with the adjectives in A Yes, I did. I lost about five kilos.
brackets. 7 Q W d y p i  ?
1 John’s 20 and Sophie’s 21. (young)
A I played it for my work. I work for a tech company in
2 Flight A’s $400 and Flight B’s $300. (expensive)
8 Q W y a Pokémon fan as a child?
3 The cheetah has a top speed of 95km an hour A Yes, I was. I played it in 1996 on my Game Boy.
and the lion about 80km an hour. (fast)

4 A mile’s about 1500m and a kilometre’s 1000m. (long)

5 A bike’s lighter than a car. (heavy)
1 Circle the word that is different.
6 The Nile’s 6,800km and the Yangtze’s 6,500km. (short) 1 Chemistry Physics History Biology
2 take get into pass fail
7 My mother’s 70. My father’s 68. (old) 3 get fit get a job lose weight do exercise
4 short slim empty tall
8 Player A’s number 1 in the world. 5 crowded dark dangerous kind
Player B’s number 25. (good)
6 curly young grey straight
7 lazy nice polite brave
8 school college gym university


Grammar Vocabulary
1 Sts read the sentences and decide which one in each group 1 Sts circle the word that is different in each set. Check
is not correct. Check answers and discuss as a class why answers, and ask sts to explain in each case why the word
the sentences are incorrect. is different. As an extension, sts could write two or three
sentences using some of the words.
1 b Answers
2 a 1 history (the others are all science subjects)
3 a 2 get into (you can use all the others to talk about exams)
4 c 3 get a job (the others are all ways to become healthier)
5 c 4 empty (the others all describe people)
6 a 5 kind (the others all describe places)
7 b 6 young (the others all describe hair)
8 a 7 lazy (the others all have a positive meaning)
8 gym (the others are all places where you study)
2 Sts write comparative sentences using the adjectives in
brackets. Check answers.

1 John’s younger than Sophie.
2 Flight A’s more expensive than Flight B.
3 The cheetah is faster than the lion.
4 A mile is longer than a kilometre.
5 A car’s heavier than a bike.
6 The Yangtze’s shorter than the Nile.
7 My mother’s older than my father.
8 Player A is better than Player B.

3 Focus sts on the picture and read out the title of the
dialogue. Ask: Do you know this game? Do you play it? Sts
read the dialogue and complete the questions with the
correct words. Check answers.

1 How long did it take you?
2 How many did you catch?
3 Where did you find them?
4 How much did you spend?
5 How far did you walk?
6 Did you lose any weight?
7 Why did you play it?
8 Were you a Pokémon fan as a child?

3 x PRACTICE  SB page 92, exercise 3

1 Do the exercise as normal. When you check the
answers, go around the class for each answer, asking
sts to say one word each of each question. Say each
complete question and ask: Is it correct? Do we need to
change anything?
2 Put sts into pairs and ask them to close their books.
Read out each answer from the dialogue in turn. Sts try
to write the questions from memory. They can check by
looking in their books.
3 Sts work in pairs. They change some of the details
in the answers, then practise the dialogue in pairs.
Encourage them to speak at a natural speed, and try to
make the dialogue sound as natural as they can.

REVIEW and PRACTICE 91 and 10

2 Match the definitions 1–8 with the adjectives a–h.

1 between 45 and 60 a funny
Personal Best
2 too heavy b elderly
son 9 sson
3 no danger here c safe Les 1A
4 over 80 d fit
5 spends money on others e overweight List five
6 has little or no hair f middle-aged ListName
five school
five adjectives
Name to
subjects. five
7 makes people laugh g bald places.
8 healthy and does regular exercise h generous

3 Put the words in the correct columns.

on 1A
Less 9 sson
overweight nursery curly college
straight university lazy unfriendly Write two Write three
Write two
school long ugly brown sentences
Write two about
past sentences
simple using
questions about your
comparing two
the verb
about be, one
someone’s parents using
Places of learning Types of hair Other adjectives towns or
positive, one
school days. the present
negative. simple.

son 9
B LLees

List five
Write a adjectives to
Write a yes/no
with describe
question using
you love.
because. people’s
4 Complete the conversation with the words in the box.

on 1C son 10
lazy funny blond tall cheerful Less 9 LLeessson 2CC
long young short
twoList three
Jack How’s your new colleague? Name five questions you
Write a question about you and
Victoria She’s really 1  . Always joking! things you carry can
yourask the with
family first
using need to.
Jack Do I know her? What does she look like?
with you. time you meet
Victoria She’s 2  and slim. Only about 1m 55.
Jack With 3  hair?
Victoria Not at all. She has short hair. son 9 ssoonn120DC
Les 1C
D LLeess
Jack Brown?
Victoria No. 4  , actually. What about your new Give two
List five
Think of five
boss? Write three
expressions expressions
Jack She’s OK. She’s 5  – only about thirty. sentences using
for making for
to closing
describe an
She’s quite 6  – about 1m 70. She’s his, her, their.
suggestions. informal
7 email.
 – you know, she smiles a lot. She
works long hours. Not like the 8  
manager we had before. on D
LLeesssson 91D ssoonn120DD
Give two
Write a
expressions to
Think of three Write one
sentence with
say you don’t
expressions sentence with
when to link two
for soundingon but andinone
events the
the telephone.
sympathetic. with or.


2 Sts match the definitions with the adjectives. Check
answers. Personal Best
Answers At the end of each Review and practice double-page
1 f
spread, there is a Personal Best section. The aim here
2 e
is to provide a quick challenge to change the pace and
3 c
allow for language recall and personalization.
4 b These questions and prompts give sts the opportunity
5 h to revise a number of language and skills points from
6 g the preceding two units in a more productive way.
7 a The points being revised are referenced according to
8 d which lesson they appear in (e.g. Lesson 10A). They
cover grammar, vocabulary, text builder language from
reading and writing lessons, and conversation builder
3 x PRACTICE  SB page 93, exercise 2 language from speaking lessons. Sts work individually,
1 Do the exercise as normal. When you check the in pairs or in groups, according to the class dynamic
answers, read out each adjective in turn and ask: and the time available. Set a time limit if you would
Which definition matches this? Why? Can you give me an like to add a competitive element. Encourage sts to
example of how we use this adjective? refer back to the relevant lessons if they are having
difficulties. The aim is for them to respond to the
2 Put sts into pairs and ask them to cover the adjectives prompts and engage with the target language in a
and just look at the definitions. They read the personal way. Their answers will vary. Monitor and help
definitions again and try to remember the adjectives. as necessary and get feedback on sts’ answers.
They can check by looking in their books.
3 Sts work in pairs. They write a short conversation using
as many of the adjectives as they can. Monitor and
help while they are working. Sts can then practise their WORKBOOK REVIEW AND PRACTICE
conversations in pairs. Encourage them to speak at a
natural speed and try to make their conversation sound Students will find two pages of Review and Practice at the
as natural as they can. end of each unit of their Workbooks.
Unit 9, pages 54 and 55
3 Sts add the words to the table under the correct heading. Unit 10, pages 60 and 61
Check answers and check that sts understand all the
words. As an extension, sts could work in pairs and add
more words to the table.

Places of learning: nursery, college, university, school
Types of hair: curly, straight, long, brown
Other adjectives: overweight, lazy, unfriendly, ugly

4 Sts read the conversation and complete it with the correct

words in the box. Check answers.

1 funny
2 short
3 long
4 blond
5 young
6 tall
7 cheerful
8 lazy


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