Introduction To Finite Difference Method
Introduction To Finite Difference Method
Introduction To Finite Difference Method
CE 751
Lecture: 3 Year : IV
Tutorial : 2 Part :II
Practical: 0
Course Objective:
To provide knowledge of numerical solutions and computational techniques of various civil engineering problems related
to structural and water resources engineering and their computer implementation using algorithms and programs
1.Introduction (4 hours)
1.1 History of numerical computations of civil engineering problems
1.2 Brief description of solution techniques
1.2.1 Finite element method
1.2.2 Finite difference method
1.2.3 Boundary element method
1.2.4Discrete element method
1.2.5 Smoothed particle hydrodynamics
1.3 Review of programming methods: (C or FORTRAN or Matlab)
Comparison of FEM/FDM
• In FDM, field variable is computed at specified points, but in FEM, the variation of field variable is integral
part of the problem formulation
• The FDM models the differential equation only, but FEM models the entire domain of the problem
Similarities: In both methods, differential equation is converted to algebraic equation.
FEM history
• Basic idea originated from the framed structures like truss, aircraft structural analysis and flow
network analysis
• Aircraft engineers in 1940s developed flexibility method (unknown force, known displacements)
• 1940s: Courant developed methods for solving torsion problems
• FEM: stems concept from displacement method (known force, unknown displacements)
• 1955: Argyris published a book on Structural analysis which provides foundation for FEM
• 1956: Turner and others developed stiffness matrices for truss , beam and other elements
• The term FEM was first used by Clough in 1960 in the context of plane strain analysis
• 1960 and 1970s: FEM applied to plate bending, shell bending, pressure vessels, 3d problems in structural
analysis, fluid flow and heat transfer
• 1980: Zienkiewicz and Cheung published first book on FEM
• 1980: Graphical and computational development
• 1990: emergence of low cost, powerful computers, possibility of analysis of large structures
BEM history
• The term was first used in the 1977 paper "Boundary element methods for potential problems"by Brebbia
and Dominguez.
• Ideas obtained from famous Mathematicians like Laplace, Gauss, Fredholm, Betti.
DEM history
• First applied to rock mechanics and soils by Cundall and Strack in 1979
SPH history
• Introduced in 1977 to solve astrophysical problems
• Applied to Fluid dynamics related area in the early phase
FEM softwares
Geotech: STAAD Foundation/RAM Foundation, CRISP
Finite difference equations (FDE) are obtained by using Taylor's series approximation to DE
Steps in FDM
(a) Discretization of domain: Replacing the continuous spatial and temporal domain by grid points or cells and
time levels
(b) Discretization of PDE: Replacing PDE by a set of algebraic equations known as Finite difference equations
(c)Specification of solution algorithm: Step by step procedure for solving FDE at each point/grid.
Hence the real PDE is obtained and the numerical scheme is consistent
If solution of FDM approaches the true solution as ∆x and ∆t approaches to zero, then the resulting solution is
said to be convergent. Hence, convergence is related to the solution of equations . Comparison of analytical
solution if exists with numerical solution provides a way to see the convergence.
If the round-off and truncation errors do not accumulate to cause the solution to diverge, then the solution is
said to be stable. Fourier analysis is performed for stability analysis.
In this model, gravity force and friction force balance each other. The wave motion is described principally by the
equation of continuity. No force term is included (kinematic).
• No applicable to simulate backwater effect
• Applicable for steep slope channel, applicable to overland flow where lateral flow is continuously added, flow
from small basin
• Equivalent to uniform flow (momentum equation): flow remaining approximately uniform over a channel reach,
no visible surface wave
Momentum equation in kinematic wave model can be expressed as
From eq. (a) and (d)
2. Write down the governing equations used for analyzing the movement of fluid . What are the Kinematic wave
approximation of these governing equations?
3. With appropriate expressions and graphs, explain first and second order accurate schemes of finite differences of partial
differential equations.
4. Derive the expression for second-order accurate explicit finite difference equation for dynamic wave model (saint venant
5. A channel having width of 30m carries a discharge of 110m3/sec through a section. The bed slope and the manning’s ‘n’
value arc 3% and 0.035 respectively and the hydraulic radius is equal to flow depth. Recommend the maximum time step
required for stable solution of kinematic wave routing in is condition if the value of ∆x is considered as 1400 meters .
6. Describe courant number. Also discuss the stability of explicit scheme for the numerical solution of Saint-Venant
7. Describe numerical dispersion, diffusion and stability of finite Difference schemes .
8. Derive a second order accurate finite difference scheme of linear kinematic wave equation which computes discharge
for unknown time and location.
9. Develop finite difference model for full Saint-Venant equations representing the fluid flow using second order
accurate explicit scheme.
10. What do you know about the implicit four point scheme ? Explain with the help of expressions.