10 5 Child Abuse and Neglect Example Policy

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Intent Statement
The policy was developed to assist child care staff by providing guidelines for the detection and
reporting of suspected cases of child abuse and neglect. The policy applies to all staff, substitute staff,
volunteers and parents in the child care setting. All who work with children are legally required to
report abuse and/or neglect and cannot shift the responsibility of reporting to anyone else.

Where to Report:

All staff must report suspected abuse or neglect. Reports of suspected abuse or neglect can be made to
the Department of Community Based Services (DCBS) at 1 (877) 597- 2331. In case of an emergency or if
a child is in immediate danger, dial 911 first. Child care staff may prefer to report suspected abuse or
neglect of a child to the to a local law enforcement agency or the Department of Kentucky State Police;
the Commonwealth's attorney or the county attorney.

Non-emergency reports may be made online at: https://prdweb.chfs.ky.gov/ReportAbuse/

If a licensed child care center director or certified family child care home provider makes notification to
DCBS about a suspicion of abuse or neglect, this person must also notify their local Division of Regulated
Child Care (DRCC) office to report the incident of abuse or neglect. Notification to DRCC can be made by
phone, fax, e-mail or may be a hand delivered written statement.

What to Report:

DCBS (Protection & Permanency) determines abuse and/or neglect through investigation.

Physical Abuse: This is infliction of injury, other than by accidental means, on a child by another person.
Forms of physical abuse may be: hitting, biting, beating, shoving, burning, pulling of hair, or other non-
accidental methods of causing bodily harm to a child would be covered under this definition.

Sexual abuse: Refers to sexual assault or exploitation of a minor by an adult, or between two children
when one of the children is significantly older or there is a significant power differential between the
children, or when coercion is used. Often included in this definition is touching of the breast, genitals, or
buttocks of a child, penetration of the anus or vagina with an object, fellatio (oral sex on a male),
cunnilingus (oral sex on a female), prostitution, exploitation, or involvement of child in pornography.

Neglect: The failure of a caregiver or custodian of a child to provide adequate care and protection for
the child. Neglect may involve failure to provide sufficient food, shelter, medical care, clothing, or
supervision to a child. Educational neglect may fall under this category.
Psychological or Emotional Abuse: This occurs when an adult conveys to a child that the child is
endangered, unsafe, worthless, unwanted, or damaged. It may include verbal threats, terrorization,
isolation or frequent berating of a child by an adult.

• A report should contain enough information to identify the child involved, any persons
responsible for the abuse and neglect (if known), and the nature and extent of the
• Include a word for word account of what the child said, without editing and who was present
when the child revealed the abuse.
• Record the child’s emotional state, gestures, and facial expressions and what was happening at
the time the child revealed the abuse.
• The report should also include a careful description of the size, shape, color, location and
drainage of any obvious physical injury, and if necessary a drawing describing the injury.

922 KAR 2:090 Section 12. Reports.

(1) The following shall be reported to the cabinet or designee and other agencies specified in this section within twenty-four (24) hours from the
time of discovery:
(e)A report of child abuse or neglect that:
1. Has been accepted by the cabinet in accordance with 922 KAR 1:330; and
2. Names a director, employee, volunteer, or other person with supervisory or disciplinary control over, or having unsupervised
contact with a child in care as the alleged perpetrator; or
(2) An incident of child abuse or neglect shall be reported to the cabinet pursuant to KRS 620.030.

922 KAR 2:090. Section 6. License Issuance.

(8) To qualify for a preliminary license, or maintain a regular license, a child-care center shall:
(f) Cooperate with the cabinet, the cabinet’s designee, or another agency with regulatory authority during:
1. An investigation of an alleged complaint, including an allegation of child abuse or neglect pursuant to KRS 620.030(4);

922 KAR 2:120. Section 2. Child Care Services.

(3) (a) Each center shall maintain a child-care program that assures each child will be: 2. Protected from abuse or neglect.
(b) The program shall include:
1. A procedure to ensure compliance and inform child care staff of the laws of the Commonwealth pertaining to child abuse or neglect
set forth in KRS 620.030; and
2. Written policy that specifies that the procedures that were taught at the orientation training shall be implemented by each child-care
center staff member.

Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services. Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect Booklet.
Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services Division of Child Care 922 KAR 2:090 and 922 KAR 2:120
Kentucky Partnership for Early Childhood Services, Tips and Tools. Standards of Practice for Licensed Child Care. Standards of
Practice for Certified Family Child Care Homes.

I have reviewed the policy. I had the opportunity to ask questions for clarification. I will implement the
policy effective immediately on the date signed.

Name ______________________________________________________________ Date ___________

Revised 3-23-2020

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