Appgcet-Admissions: 2021: Certificate Verification and Option Exercise For WEB Based Counselling Detailed Notification
Appgcet-Admissions: 2021: Certificate Verification and Option Exercise For WEB Based Counselling Detailed Notification
Appgcet-Admissions: 2021: Certificate Verification and Option Exercise For WEB Based Counselling Detailed Notification
❖ Candidates are informed that they should satisfy the admission rules prescribed
in the related G.O. besides satisfying the eligibility criteria of the respective
Universities and should be prepared to pay the tuition fee as applicable
❖ This notification itself is a call for counselling. No separate call letters will be sent
to the individual candidates.
1. Rs.700/- (for OC/BC) and Rs.500/- (for SC/ST/PH) through online bycredit
card/debit card/(or) net banking through the “Pay Processing
2. All the candidates from 1st to Last Rank can pay the processing fee
from27.12.2021onwards usingURL
3. Enter APPGCET – 2021 Hall Ticket number and Date of Birth and click on
pay feeonline.
4. Thecandidatewillbedirectedtopayment gateway.
5. Select any one mode of payment i.e., credit card or debit card or
6. Oncethe paymentis successclickonprintbuttonandtakeaprintout.
7. Candidate shall note that he/she shall have paid the processing fee
whencandidate upload scanned copies of certificates i.e., the processing
feeshould be paid online by the candidate before he/she upload
Tentative Schedule
done online.
Schedule for Certificate Verification of Special Category
Only at AcharyaNagarjunaUniversity,NagarjunaNagar,Guntur
Date Special category
From To
*PH-(V)-Visually Handicapped
(O)-Orthopedically handicapped
NCC-National Cadet Cops
Sports-Sports& Games
CAP-Children of Armed Force Personnel
1) APPGCET-2021HallTicket
2) APPGCET-2021RankCard
3) Transfer Certificate(T.C)
4) Degree Marks Memos/consolidated marks memo
14) Local status certificate if applicable i.e., a candidate who migrates to any part of the state
of Andhra Pradesh from the state of Telangana within a period of Seven years from the
2nd day of June, 2014 shall be regarded as the local candidate in the state of Andhra
Certificates to be produced by PH/CAP/NCC & Sports at the time of certificate
Verification at Help Line Centre, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur:
b) CAP - Certificate issued by Zilla Sainik Welfare Officer (In case of Ex-Servicemen)
Identity card and Service Discharge book for
verification.CandidateswhoseparentsaredomicileofAndhraPradeshareonlyeligibleto be
considered under “CAP” Category.
c) NCC& Sports –To produce Original Certificates issued by competent authorities.
Note: Original Certificates need not be deposited in the college at the time of admission.
The detailed procedure for exercising the option, candidates are directed to
1. All APPGCET-2021 qualified Candidates can exercise their options from any Internet
cafe or from their Residence after Certificates Verification on the above mentioned
dates. The detailed Procedure of Exercising Options will be placed on the
2. Options will be frozen on08.01.2022and
3. Allotment of seats will be placed in theWebsiteon11.01.2022.
4. For al lot her details please refertheWebsite
5. FeeparticularsandseatsavailableunderConvenerQuotaCollegewisewill be available on
the website: well before thecommencementofOptionEntry.
6. The Government (G.O.Ms.No.77 of Social Welfare (EDN) Department dated 25-12-
2020) ordered that incase of Post-Graduation courses, the (i)“Jagananna Vidya
Deevena (RTF)” and (ii) “Jagananna Vasathi Deevena (MTF)”schemes shall be
applicable only to the students admitted under Convener quota in the Post
e/ PG Colleges in the State of Andhra Pradesh from 2021-22.The above are not
applicable to the students admitted under convener quota, in case of Post Graduate
programs /courses either regular or self-finance mode, in the Private Aided and Private
Unaided Degree/PG Colleges from the academic year 2021-22freshadmissions.
Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa-516005, A.P., INDIA