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Acknowledgements We acknowledge conversations with P. Brouwer, L. English, B. Hubbard, low mobilities of the channel materials (field effect mobilities, m FE,
D. Mills, J. Page, J. Parpia, J. Sethna and R. Silsbee. This work was supported by NSF-DMR and by are ,1 cm2 V21 s21 for a-Si:H, ,2.7 cm2 V21 s21 for a pentacene
the Cornell Center for Materials Research. single crystal, and ,1.5 cm2 V21 s21 for a pentacene thin film10). In
addition, Si-based devices are of less interest for transparent circuits
Competing interests statement The authors declare that they have no competing financial because they are not transparent, owing to the small bandgap18.
Amorphous semiconductors are preferred over polycrystalline
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to A.J.S. ones for active layers from the viewpoints of processing temperature
([email protected]). and uniformity of device characteristics. However, the carrier
mobility of a-Si:H is lower by two or three orders of magnitude
than that of single-crystalline Si (,200 cm2 V21 s21 for carrier
concentration ,1019 cm23). The mobility of a-Si:H is limited to
.............................................................. ,1 cm2 V21 s21, as carrier transport is controlled by hopping
between localized tail-states and band conduction is not achieved.
Room-temperature fabrication The low mobility is associated with the intrinsic nature of the
chemical bonding (Fig. 1a): average carrier transport paths in
of transparent flexible thin-film covalent semiconductors such as a-Si:H consist of sp 3 orbitals
with strong directivity and, therefore, the bond angle fluctuation
transistors using amorphous significantly alters the electronic levels, leading to somewhat high-
density deep tail-states.
oxide semiconductors In contrast, degenerate band conduction and large mobility
(.10 cm2 V21 s21) are possible in amorphous oxide semiconduc-
Kenji Nomura1, Hiromichi Ohta1, Akihiro Takagi2, Toshio Kamiya1,2, tors (AOSs) containing post-transition-metal cations19,20. These
Masahiro Hirano1 & Hideo Hosono1,2,3 features are completely different from those of the covalent semi-
conductors. Figure 1b illustrates the carrier transport paths (that is,
ERATO-SORST, JST, in Frontier Collaborative Research Center, Mail Box the wavefunction of the conduction band bottom) in AOSs. The
S2-13, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama, bottom of the conduction band in the oxide semiconductors that
226-8503, Japan
2 has high ionicity is primarily composed of spatially spread metal ns
Materials and Structures Laboratory, Mail Box R3-1, Tokyo Institute of
Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama, 226-8503, Japan orbitals with isotropic shape (here n is the principal quantum
Frontier Collaborative Research Center, Mail Box S2-13, Tokyo Institute of number), and direct overlap among the neighbouring metal ns
Technology, 4259 Nagatsuta, Midori-ku, Yokohama, 226-8503, Japan orbitals is possible. The magnitude of this overlap is insensitive to
............................................................................................................................................................................. distorted metal–oxygen–metal (M–O–M) chemical bonds that
Transparent electronic devices formed on flexible substrates are intrinsically exist in amorphous materials21,22. Therefore, AOSs
expected to meet emerging technological demands where silicon- exhibit Hall-effect mobilities similar to those of the corresponding
based electronics cannot provide a solution. Examples of active crystalline phase, even if they are formed at room temperature.
flexible applications include paper displays and wearable com- These carrier transport properties are unique to oxide semiconduc-
puters1. So far, mainly flexible devices based on hydrogenated tors, and are not seen in covalent amorphous semiconductors such
amorphous silicon (a-Si:H)2–5 and organic semiconductors2,6–10 as a-Si:H.
have been investigated. However, the performance of these Here we report room-temperature fabrication and performance
devices has been insufficient for use as transistors in practical of flexible TTFTs fabricated using a-IGZO as an active n-channel
488 ©2004 Nature Publishing Group NATURE | VOL 432 | 25 NOVEMBER 2004 |
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layer. Films of a-IGZO were prepared by pulsed laser deposition band edge; these potential barriers are formed owing to random
with a KrF excimer laser, using a polycrystalline InGaZnO4 target at distribution of Ga3þ and Zn2þ ions in the crystal structure. The
room temperature in an oxygen atmosphere (oxygen pressure PO2 ). potential barriers are overcome when carrier concentration exceeds
The chemical composition of the obtained films measured by X-ray 3 £ 1018 cm23, and therefore the Hall mobility increases as the
fluorescence spectroscopy was In:Ga:Zn ¼ 1.1:1.1:0.9 (in atomic carrier concentration increases, and larger Hall mobilities
ratio). (.10 cm2 V 21 s 21 ) are obtained at carrier concentrations
Figure 2a shows an X-ray diffraction pattern of an a-IGZO film .1018 cm23. Similar behaviours are also observed in a-IGZO,
deposited on a glass substrate. The film is amorphous and optically which would result from a similar mechanism associated with the
transparent in the entire visible and near-infrared regions (wave- random amorphous structure.
length l ¼ 390–3,200 nm), as shown in Fig. 2a inset. The optical The amorphous phase is thermally stable up to ,500 8C in air.
transmittance is greater than 80%, including the reflection associ- Other AOSs such as a-ITO, and also crystalline ZnO (an amorphous
ated with the film and glass substrate. The optical bandgap (E g) phase of ZnO has yet been reported), have high-density carriers
estimated from the Tauc’ plot is ,3.0 eV, which is similar to that of even in as-deposited states, and are difficult to make into devices
the crystalline phase (,3.4 eV). The electrical conductivities at with controlled characteristics. Thus it is vital to choose a material
room temperature are ,1025 S cm21 when the films are deposited in which carrier concentration can be controlled at a low level, for
at PO2 . 6 Pa. The values correspond to carrier concentrations example, ,1014 cm23, in order to achieve a low off current and large
of ,1014 cm23 if an electron mobility of 1 cm22 V21 s21 is assumed. on-to-off current ratios24. Incorporating Ga ions would be import-
The sign of the Seebeck coefficients obtained from thermopower ant in a-IGZO for suppressing carrier generation via oxygen vacancy
measurements is negative, indicating that a-IGZO is an n-type formation, because the Ga ion forms stronger chemical bonds with
semiconductor. oxygen than Zn and In ions.
Figure 2b shows the room-temperature Hall mobility of a-IGZO We fabricated top-gate flexible TTFTs using the a-IGZO film as
films as a function of carrier concentration. This carrier concen- an n-channel active layer on 200-mm-thick polyethylene terephthal-
tration varies from ,1014 to 1020 cm23 when PO2 is varied from ,7 ate (PET) films (Fig. 3a). Source, drain, gate contacts and a gate
to 0.1 Pa. The data obtained on single-crystalline InGaO3(ZnO)5 insulator were defined by standard photolithography and lift-off
(c-IGZO) films are shown for comparison. We have reported23 that techniques. A ,140-nm-thick Y2O3 layer was chosen for the gate
carrier transport in c-IGZO is governed by percolation conduction insulator and ITO (Sn:10%) was used for source, drain and gate
over the distribution of potential barriers around the conduction transparent electrodes. These layers were deposited by pulsed laser
Figure 1 Schematic orbital drawings for the carrier transport paths (that is, conduction b, Amorphous oxide semiconductors composed of post-transition-metal cations. Spheres
band bottoms) in crystalline and amorphous semiconductors. a, Covalent semiconductors denote metal s orbitals. The contribution of oxygen 2p orbitals is small. Direct overlap
have carrier transport paths composed of strongly directive sp 3 orbitals, so structural between neighbouring metal s orbitals is rather large, and is not significantly affected even
randomness greatly degrades the magnitude of bond overlap, that is, carrier mobility. in an amorphous structure.
Note that the orbitals shown are illustrative, and do not show exact wavefunctions.
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deposition at room temperature using Y2O3 and ITO ceramic the devices measured). Similarly, a field-effect mobility (m FE)
targets. The measured dielectric constant of the Y2O3 gate insulator estimated from the linear region in the I DS–V DS curve (using
was ,161 0 (where 1 0 is the dielectric constant of vacuum), which is I DS ¼ (C i mW/L)(V GS 2 V T )V DS ) is ,5.6 cm2 V 21 s 21 at
close to that reported for crystalline Y2O3 (,181 0)25. The channel V DS ¼ 2.4 V, which agrees roughly with the m sat value.
length and width were 50 mm and 200 mm, respectively (Fig. 3c). The transfer characteristic (Fig. 4b) shows that a low off-current,
The performances of the flexible TTFTs were measured in air at of the order of 1027 A, and an on-to-off current ratio ,103 are
room temperature. Figure 4a shows typical source-to-drain current obtained. The threshold gate voltage is positive (V T < þ1.6 V),
(I DS)–voltage (V DS) characteristics of a virgin device. The current showing that the TTFT operates in the enhancement mode (nor-
I DS markedly increases as V DS increases at a positive gate bias (V GS), mally-off characteristics). The gate leak current is lower by several
indicating that the channel is n-type. The I DS reaches ,0.02 mA at a orders of magnitude than the source-to-drain current, which
V GS of 5 V. The I DS–V DS characteristics exhibit a clear pinch-off and guarantees that the TFT characteristics are unaffected by the gate
current saturation, confirming that the TTFT operation follows the leak current. Small hystereses were observed in the I DS–V GS curves
standard field-effect transistor theory. The saturation mobility with negative shifts in gate bias of 0.1–0.5 V at a scan speed of
(m sat) is obtained from the I DS–V DS curves in the saturation region 0.5 V s21, which would be due to interface states.
using the equation I DS,sat ¼ (C im satW/2L)(V GS 2 V T)2, where C i, Next, bending effects on the TTFT characteristics were examined.
V T, W and L denote the gate capacitance, threshold gate voltage,
channel width and length, respectively. The estimated m sat value is
,8.3 cm2 V21 s21, much larger than those obtained in organic and
a-Si:H TFTs (the m sat value ranges from ,6 to ,9 cm2 V21 s21 in
Figure 2 Amorphous IGZO films. a, Glance angle X-ray diffraction pattern of the a-IGZO
film deposited on a silica glass substrate at room temperature. No sharp peak is observed.
CuKa1 radiation was used. Inset is the optical transmission spectrum of the film. The
measured bandgap (E g) is ,3.0 eV. b, Relationship between room-temperature Hall
mobility and carrier concentration for a-IGZO films. Data on single-crystalline
InGaO3(ZnO)5 films are shown for comparison. Electron mobility strongly depends on Figure 3 Flexible TTFTs. a, Structure of TTFT fabricated on a plastic sheet. b, A
carrier concentration, and exceeds 10 cm2 V21 s21 at carrier concentrations greater than photograph of the flexible TTFT sheet bent at R ¼ 30 mm. The TTFT sheet is fully
1018 cm23, owing to potential distribution in the vicinity of the conduction band bottom transparent in the visible light region. c, A photograph of the flexible TTFT sheet. The
(see ref. 23 for details). transparent TFT devices are made visible by adjusting the angle of the illumination.
490 ©2004 Nature Publishing Group NATURE | VOL 432 | 25 NOVEMBER 2004 |
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Figure 4 Typical TTFT characteristics before and after bending. a, I DS–V DS and current ratio is ,103. c, I DS–V DS and d, I DS–V GS characteristics after bending. The
b, I DS–V GS characteristics before bending. The TTFT operates in the enhanced mode with device was bent at R ¼ 30 mm.
a threshold voltage of ,þ1.6 V. The saturation mobility is ,8.3 cm2 V21 s21. On-to-off
The TTFT sheet was bent into a curve with a surface curvature tor and p–n junction diodes fabricated at room temperature26; this
radius (R) of 30 mm (corresponding to a tensile strain of ,0.3% in would extend the possibilities of flexible transparent electronic
the TTFTs), as shown in Fig. 3b. The TTFTafter bending maintained circuits. A
good characteristics, such as m sat < 7 cm2 V21 s21 and an on-to-off Received 4 July; accepted 5 October 2004; doi:10.1038/nature03090.
current ratio of ,103 (Fig. 4c, d). We stress that the TTFT
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