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Rotor Drive Theory

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Rotor Drive Theory

Revised 27-Nov-2006 Page 1 of 6

Table of Contents------------------------------------------------------------- page # Table of Figures ---------------------------------------------------------------page #

Section 20.6 - Servo Control------------------------------------------------------ 2

Figure 20.6.2 – Rotor Drive Block diagram ------------------------------------------------- 2
Section 20.6.1 – Purpose --------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 Figure 20.6.2a – Position determination function ----------------------------------------- 2
Section 20.6.2 - Servo Overview ------------------------------------------------------------ 2 Figure 20.6.3 – Rotor Power Block diagram ----------------------------------------------- 2
Section 20.6.3 – Rotor Power up and Initialization ------------------------------------- 2 Figure 20.6.4 – SpindleBlok™ Motor Controller ------------------------------------------- 2
Section - Power -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
Section - Initialization ------------------------------------------------------------------------------2
Section 20.6.4 – SpindleBlok™ Motor Controller --------------------------------------- 2
Section - SpindleBlok™ Introduction-----------------------------------------------------------2
Section – SpindleBlok Commissioning --------------------------------------------------------2
Section – SpindleBlok Fault handling ----------------------------------------------------------2
Section – Serial Control ---------------------------------------------------------------------------2
Section 20.6.5 – Rotor Drive Troubleshooting ------------------------------------------- 2
Section Error Reporting ---------------------------------------------------------------------------2
Section Troubleshooting Tools ------------------------------------------------------------------2

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This document and the information contained in it is proprietary and confidential information of Philips Medical Systems ("Philips") and may not be reproduced, copied in whole or in part, adapted, modified, disclosed to others, or disseminated without the prior written permission of the Philips Legal Department. Use
of this document and the information contained in it is strictly reserved for current Philips personnel and Philips customers who have a current and valid license from Philips for use by the customer’s designated in-house service employee on equipment located at the customer’s designated site. Use of this document
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Rotor Drive Theory
Revised 27-Nov-2006 Page 2 of 6

In Jog mode, the SpindleBlok™ acts as an asynchronous motor controller. Desired rotation speed is
sent to the SpindleBlok™ from the GMP via the serial link. The GMP acts as a backup timer and
Section 20.6 - Servo Control verifies the rotation speed using position feedback over time.

The GHost sends position, velocity and acceleration commands based on the Series information
Section 20.6.1 – Purpose chosen and, possibly modified, by the operator. These commands go to a programmable motion
controller (SpindleBlok™). The SpindleBlok™ contains a dedicated microprocessor with servo control
The rotor drive serves two basic functions: programming and contains the analog circuits which accept feedback signals and produce the error
output. The SpindleBlok™ also generates status and error messages which the GMP can read.
• During axial and spiral scanning the scan frame must be rotated at a constant,
programmed velocity (Jog mode). In Position mode, the GMP assumes primary control of the Rotor. The position loop compares the
• During Surview scanning, the scan frame must be moved to a programmed position desired position from the programmed register vs. the actual position feedback from the resolver.
(Position mode).
The resolver and resolver-to-digital converter (R2D) provides quadrature signals (AP0, AP90) and an
Section 20.6.2 - Servo Overview index pulse via the Data Measurement Controller (DMC) that are used to produce position and
direction information.
The SpindleBlok™ motion controller accepts position and velocity inputs from the Gantry Motion
Up/Down Select
Processor (GMP) or the Main Drive Processor (MDP) and produces drive signals appropriate to drive
Brilliance CT = 148480/Rev
the three phase stator coils of the rotor. The GMP accepts feedback from the resolver (AP0, AP90 & Big Bore = 168960/Rev
index) to develop position information. Position Counter
+5 B17 128K
Figure 20.6.2 shows a simplified block diagram of the servo control. 64K
+5 4K
X4 Multiplier 256
+5 128

U/D 8
+5 4
Reset B00 1

Position Clock


Figure 20.6.2a – Position determination function

Figure 20.6.2 – Rotor Drive Block diagram

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This document and the information contained in it is proprietary and confidential information of Philips Medical Systems
Rotor Drive Theory
Revised 27-Nov-2006 Page 3 of 6

The Rotor motor is a three phase 2HP AC motor. The motor drives a belt that rotates the rotor. The
Section 20.6.3 – Rotor Power up and Initialization belt is held under tension by an automatic tensioner pulley system. The motor has a mechanical
brake that is used to stop the rotor in emergency situations and to hold the rotor in position when
Section - Power power is not applied. The motor also contains an over temperature sensor that is feeds back to the
The rotor is normally powered up as part of the Gantry initialization process. The GHost issues a
DRVSON signal to the Alternating Current Control Unit (ACCU) that energizes K314 the DRVSSR The motor is driven by the SpindleBlok™ motor controller (See Section 20.6.4 – SpindleBlok motor
(DRiVe Solid State Relay). Use Figure 20.6.3 as reference for this discussion. controller). The incoming 230VAC is converted into DC voltage and used by the SpindleBlok™ to
generate the three phase AC voltage used to drive the motor.
Rotor Power Block Diagram DRVSSR
From GHost
K314 J312-36
PUP K301

J306-2 S304
Gull Wing
N.O.H.C. Section - Initialization
Electronics 120CON

After the CAN message GANTRY_ESTOP_CLOSED_BKST is issued, the GHost polls the
K303 SpindleBlok for status. The first information obtained is the version of the SpindleBlok. The CAN
Neut message is GANTRY_INFO_ERROR_BKST with the value “SB Version 0x40f”. Then a
Gantry Rear
GANTRY_WARN_ERROR_BKST is issued with an errNum “S_RMC_SB_FAULT” (translated means
Main Drive
120VAC TB253-5

Rotor Motion Controller, SpindleBlok, fault). The next two GANTRY_INFO_ERROR_BKST messages

(5.3 KVA) TB253-3

SpindleBlok™ Regeneration
reveal the error reported from the SpindleBlok. The first one contains the hexadecimal value which
should be 0x5000. The second contains the error text which should be “DC Link Undervoltag”. The
Line SpindleBlok always saves the last error message that was stored in its buffer. Normally, the shutdown
F357 Filter
TB351-O process causes the “DC Link Undervoltag” to occur.

Next the rotor is commanded to begin the initialization process. The CAN message
TB253-2 ROTOR_SEEKING_REF_BKST is issued with a value of “0”. This message puts the SpindleBlok in

DB +B L1 L2 L3 T1 T2 T3
JOG mode and rotates the rotor at 2 seconds/rev. The system polls the GMP for a valid frame
TB252-1 TB252-1
position by issuing ROTOR_REPORT_FRAME_BKST CAN messages. The values reported for this
TB252-2 Neut Brake
message include:
Right Column

• positionM--------- The frame position is .............................................. in 1/10 of degrees

Figure 20.6.3 – Rotor Power Block diagram • speedM----------- The frame speed is................................................. in miliseconds
• bAtSpeedM------ Frame is running at speed selected ....................... 1= yes
The DRVSSR is located in series with the Drives switch (S304) and the gull wing cover switch. When • bInPositionM ---- Frame is in position ................................................ 1 = yes
both the Drives switch and gull wing switch are closed, DRVSSR completes the 120CON circuit to the • bStateM ---------- Frame state is known ............................................. 1 = yes
DRVSON relays (K302 & K303). There are two DRVSON relays due to the number of contacts
• bPosKnownM -- Frame position is known......................................... 1 = yes
required for the Rotor, Tilt and Couch circuits. The 120CON circuit was enabled as part of the Gantry
initialization process.
A valid frame position is achieved after the zero interrupter flag has passed through the optical sensor
twice. If the scan position does not become valid in a certain timeframe, the rotor drive will be
When DRVSON relay energizes, a set of contacts are closed that apply 120VAC to the MDK
disabled with a normal error. The zero flag + a northmark pulse from the R2D create the index pulse.
contactor through the Main Drives transformer’s Thermal Cutout (TC) contacts. Energizing MDK
applies 480VAC three phase to the primary of the Main Drive Transformer. Three phase 230VAC
voltage is produced by the secondary and delivered to the EMI Line filter. The output of the EMI filter
provides power to the SpindleBlok™ motor controller. One phase of the 230VAC powers the
mechanical brake solenoid in the Rotor motor. When power is applied, the brake is released.

Proprietary Notice:
This document and the information contained in it is proprietary and confidential information of Philips Medical Systems
Rotor Drive Theory
Revised 27-Nov-2006 Page 4 of 6

When the ROTOR_REPORT_FRAME_BKST indicates that the frame is in a known position, a

second ROTOR_SEEKING_REF_BKST is issued with a value of “1”. This message first stops the Section 20.6.4 – SpindleBlok™ Motor Controller
rotor then puts the Spindle block in position mode with the command to seek “0” position. When
complete, the following values are displayed with the ROTOR_REPORT_FRAME_BKST message: The SpindleBlok™ operates three-phase rotary AC spindle motors, 1-20Hp, without the need of a
sensor. The leading edge SensorlessServo™ technology replaces the physical sensors such as
• positionM ---------The frame position is ..............................................0 in 1/10 of degrees encoder and resolver with a software algorithm. The algorithm calculates speed and torque
• speedM -----------The frame speed is .................................................0 in milliseconds information from current and voltage measurements. The rotor speed is fed to the PI servo system
• bAtSpeedM ------Frame is running at speed selected........................0= no within the drive. The result is a three-phase sinusoidal vector drive without the need for a physical
• bInPositionM ----Frame is in position.................................................1 = yes sensor on the motor.
• bStateM-----------Frame state is known..............................................1 = yes
• bPosKnownM --Frame position is known .........................................1 = yes

This message completes the Rotor initialization sequence.

Figure 20.6.4 – SpindleBlok™ Motor Controller

Proprietary Notice:
This document and the information contained in it is proprietary and confidential information of Philips Medical Systems
Rotor Drive Theory
Revised 27-Nov-2006 Page 5 of 6

Section - SpindleBlok™ Introduction Section – SpindleBlok Fault handling

The SpindleBlok™ is a variable speed sensorless flux vector drive for three phase AC induction If a fault condition occurs while the SpindleBlok is running, the SpindleBlok will instantly shut off and
motors. It uses the direct method for field orientation. A SpindleBlok can be used to control most AC annunciate a fault blinking the red fault LED. The number of blinks in the repeated pattern reflects the
induction motors in precise speed control applications and has special features for spindle type specific fault. If a digital output or relay is programmed with the fault function, this output will also
applications where the motor is controlled over a wide speed range from a fraction of base speed to activate.
several times base speed. Base speed is the lowest speed at which full voltage is applied to the
motor. Above base speed, the motor is in the field-weakening region.
Section – Serial Control
A Spindleblok achieves its precise torque and flux control by continuously measuring phase currents
and voltages. From these measurements, it generates an accurate estimate of the rotor flux vector Typical serial control systems run several parallel processes. Feedback from the drive is monitored
and speed through an internal motor model. Once current and flux are known, torque and speed can on a periodic basis. Start and stop commands are issued, as needed.
be easily calculated and controlled. The key, though, is an accurate motor model. It is very important
that the proper motor information is programmed into the Spindleblok. More on this later.

Spindleblok is a torque controller. The speed of the motor is regulated by comparing the estimated
speed from the commanded speed. The error is fed into a PI regulator, the output of which is the
torque command.

A Spindleblok is designed to provide full speed control down to one percent of the rated speed of the
motor. If the commanded speed drops below this level, the drive will enter a DC hold mode where DC
current is injected into the motor phases. The drive will switch back to sensorless flux vector mode as
soon as the speed command exceeds one percent of the rated speed. Note that rated speed is
defined as the minimum speed at which the motor requires full line voltage. Above this speed, the
motor enters the constant power, field weakening range. If the motor must run smoothly all the way
down to zero speed, the Spindleblok has an open loop, volts-per-hertz mode. This is useful for
spindle orient modes where an external controller closes a position loop based on a shaft sensor.
During open loop mode, the tight speed regulation and torque control is disabled.

Section – SpindleBlok Commissioning

Under the Service Tools program, within the Rotor Tools submenu, there is a Rotor commissioning
tool. The drive will first repeat a standard commission then will accelerate the motor to roughly half of
the rated speed. Once the speed has settled, the magnetizing current will be automatically tuned.
Once this is completed, the drive will stop.

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This document and the information contained in it is proprietary and confidential information of Philips Medical Systems
Rotor Drive Theory
Revised 27-Nov-2006 Page 6 of 6

Section 20.6.5 – Rotor Drive Troubleshooting 1

Spindle Blok® - Qwners Manual Version 1.0 from the MTS Automation
2121 Bridge St, New Ulm, MN 56073
Phone: 507-354-1616
Section Error Reporting Fax: 507-354-1611

Most Rotor drive related errors are reported as Gantry Normal errors. However most of the critical
status information is reported in the Gantry Info errors that accompany the normal error messages.
Another important concept to remember is that ALL GANTRY_NORMAL_ERRORS disable the rotor
drive as well as all of the other gantry motions.

Section Troubleshooting Tools

The diagnostic used to troubleshoot rotor drive related problems is located under Service Tools\Rotor
Tools and is called Rotor Profile. This diagnostics tests the rotor motion by commanding JOG motion
at a user selectable speed. The diagnostic then monitors the acceleration, speed and deceleration
storing up to 300 seconds of data on the GMP. The data is displayed in a graph format in the GUI.

Another tool that is available for troubleshooting is normally used to setup a newly installed
SpindleBlok or rotor motor. That tool is Rotor Commissioning. If the rotor profile displayed does not
match the design tolerances, commissioning the SpindleBlok may resolve the problem. In addition,
the commissioning process validates that the power and initialization functions are working properly.

Proprietary Notice:
This document and the information contained in it is proprietary and confidential information of Philips Medical Systems

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