General 7
1.1 Introduction 8
1.2 Safety regulations 9
1.3 General repair instructions 14
1.4 Tightening torques 26
Maintenance 31
2.1 General notes on maintenance 32
2.2 Fuels and lubricants 33
2.3 Table of fuels and lubricants 36
2.4 Running-in instructions 37
2.5 Maintenance chart 38
Technical data 41
3.1 Technical data 42
Connection overview 55
4.1 Connection overview 56
Tests and adjustments 59
5.1 Special tools, tests and adjustments 60
5.2 Activate service mode 64
5.3 Driving against the closed brake 66
5.4 Pressure tests in the travel circuit 68
5.5 Checking / adjusting the neutral positions of the travel pump 70
5.6 Pressure measurements in the vibration circuit 72
5.7 Check the leakage rate of the vibration motor 73
5.8 Pressure test in steering circuit 74
Flushing and bleeding 77
6.1 Special tools for flushing 78
6.2 Flushing - general 83
6.3 Flushing schematic travel circuit (distribution travel pump) 85
6.4 Flushing the travel circuit (travel pump distribution) 87
6.5 Flushing schematic travel circuit (distribution axle motor) 93
6.6 Flushing the travel circuit (axle motor distribution) 98
6.7 Flushing schematic for vibration drive 103
6.8 Flushing the vibration circuit 104
6.9 Bleeding the travel circuit 108
6.10 Bleeding the vibration circuit 110
Fundamental electrics 113
7.1 Understanding circuit diagrams 114
7.2 Terminal designations 118
7.3 Current and voltage 122
7.4 Resistance 126
7.5 Series / parallel connection 128
7.6 Ohm's law 130
7.7 Electrical energy 130
7.8 Formula diagram 131
7.9 Metrology 132
7.10 Diodes, relays, fuses 134
For the BOMAG machines described in this training
manual the following documentation is additionally
1 Operating and maintenance instructions
2 Spare parts catalogue
3 Wiring diagram*
4 Hydraulic diagram*
5 Service Information
! Danger
Paragraphs marked like this highlight possible Electric shock!
dangers for machines or parts of the machine.
Sparks, fire hazard, burning of skin!
Infrared or ultraviolet radiation (arc), flashing of
i Note
Paragraphs marked like this contain technical infor-
mation for the optimal economical use of the machine. Health hazard caused by welding work on highly
alloyed work pieces, metal coatings, paint coat-
ings, plastic coatings, oil containing dirt deposits,
Environment grease or solvent residues, etc.!
Paragraphs marked like this point out practices ● Check welding equipment and cables for damage
for safe and environmental disposal of fuels and before use (also the validity of inspection stickers).
lubricants as well as replacement parts.
● Ensure good conductivity between earth cable and
Observe the regulations for the protection of the work piece.
● Start the extraction fan before starting work and
guide with the progressing work as required.
Always isolate the burner when laying it down (re-
Before starting repair work stand the machine on move possible electrode residues).
level and solid ground.
● Protect cables from being damaged, use cables
● Always secure the machine against unintended roll- with insulated couplings.
Ensure sufficient fire protection, keep a fire extin-
● Secure the engine reliably against unintentional guisher at hand.
● In case of welding work in fire or explosion endan- full face visor; a facility suitable for rinsing the eyes
gered environments, you should always ask for a should also be available.
welding permission. ● Avoid prolonged and repetitive contact with oil, es-
● Remove combustible parts from the vicinity or cover pecially with old oil. In case of open incisions and in-
such parts. juries seek medical advice immediately.
● Name a fire watch during and after welding work. ● Apply protective cream before starting work, so that
oil can be easier removed from the skin.
● Do not clamp the welding rod holder and the inert
gas welding gun under your arm and lay these parts ● Wash with soap and water to ensure that all oil has
only on an insulated top. been removed (a skin cleaning agent and a nail
brush will help). Lanolin containing agents will re-
● Place the inert gas bottles in a safe place and se-
place natural skin oils that were lost.
cure them against falling over.
● Do not use gasoline, kerosene, diesel, thinner or
● Use a protective screen or an arcing shield with
solvents to wash the skin.
welding glass, wear welding gloves and clothes,
this applies also for assisting persons. ● Do not put oil soaked cloths into your pockets.
● Switch the welding unit off before connecting weld- ● Avoid clothes, especially underpants, getting soiled
ing cables. by oil.
Synthetic rubber
Many O-rings, hoses and similar parts, which are ap-
parently made of natural rubber, are actually made of
Air conditioning system from April 1989). Paragraph 10 of the pressure ves-
sel directive demands that these pressure contain-
ers must be periodically inspected and tested by a
specialist, according to paragraph 32. In this case
Lines in the air conditioning system must only be periodically recurring inspections consist of external
loosened by trained and explicitly instructed ex- examinations, normally on containers in operation.
perts. The refrigerant container must be visually inspected
two times per year, within the frame work of major
● Wear safety goggles! Put on your safety goggles.
inspections. Special attention must thereby be paid
This will protect your eyes against coming into con-
to signs of corrosion and mechanical damage. If the
tact with refrigerant, which could cause severe
container is in no good condition, it should be re-
damage by freezing.
placed for safety reasons, in order to protect the op-
● Wear safety gloves and an apron! Refrigerant are erator or third parties against the dangers when
excellent solvents for greases and oils. In contact handling or operating pressure vessels.
with skin they will remove the protective grease film. ● Secure pressure vessels against tipping over or roll-
However, degreased skin is very sensitive against
ing away.
cold temperatures and germs.
● Do not throw pressure vessels. Pressure vessels
● Do not allow liquid refrigerants to come into contact
may thereby be deformed to such an extent, that
with skin! Refrigerant takes the heat required for
they will crack. The sudden evaporation and escape
evaporation from the environment. Very low tem-
of refrigerant releases excessive forces. This ap-
peratures may be reached. The results may be local
plies also when snapping off valves on bottles. Bot-
frost injuries (boiling point of R134a -26.5°C at am-
tles must therefore only be transported with the
bient pressure).
safety caps properly installed.
● Do not inhale higher concentrations of refrigerant ●
Refrigerant bottles must never be placed near heat-
vapours! Escaping refrigerant vapours will mix with
ing radiators. Higher temperatures will cause higher
the ambient air and displace the oxygen required for
pressures, whereby the permissible pressure of the
vessel may be exceeded. The pressure vessel di-
● Smoking is strictly prohibited! Refrigerants may be rective therefore specifies that a pressure vessel
decomposed by a glowing cigarette. The resulting should not be warmed up to temperatures above 50
substances are highly toxic and must not be in- °C.
haled. ●
Do not heat up refrigerant bottles with an open
● Welding and soldering on refrigeration equipment! flame. Excessive temperatures can damage the
Before starting welding or soldering work on vehi- material and cause the decomposition of refriger-
cles, (in the vicinity ant.
of air conditioning components) all refrigerant must ●
Do not overfill refrigerant bottles, since any temper-
be drawn out and the rests removed by blowing out
ature increase will cause enormous pressures.
the system with nitrogen. The decomposition prod-
ucts created from the refrigerant under the influence
of heat not only are highly toxic, but also have a Environment
strong corrosive effect, so that pipes and system In operation, during maintenance and repair work
components may be attacked. The substance is and when taking refrigeration systems our of
mainly fluorohydrogen. service it is not permitted to let refrigerant escape
● Pungent smell! In case of a pungent smell the afore into the atmosphere, which would contradict the
mentioned decomposition products have already current status of technology.
been created. Extreme care must be exercised not
to inhale these substances, as otherwise the respi- Battery
ratory system, the lungs and other organs may be ● Wear goggles and face protection (acid).
● Wear suitable clothes to protect face, hands and
● When blowing out components with compressed air body (acid).
and nitrogen the gas mixture escaping from the
components must be extracted via suitable exhaust
Work and store accumulators only well ventilated
facilities (workshop exhaust systems). rooms. (Development of oxyhydrogen gas).
● Do not lean over the battery while it is under load,
Handling pressure vessels being charged or tested. (Danger of explosion).
● Since the fluid container is pressurized, the manu- ● Burning cigarettes, flames or sparks can cause ex-
facture and testing of these pressure vessels is gov- plosion of the accumulator
erned by the pressure vessel directive. (New edition ● Keep ignition sources away from the battery.
General Electrics
1.3 General repair instructions
Before removing or disassembling and parts, hoses General
or components mark these parts for easier assem-
The electric and electronic systems in construction
equipment are becoming more and more extensive.
● Before assembly oil or grease all parts, as far as this Electronic elements are increasingly gaining impor-
is necessary. tance in hydraulic and mechanical vehicle systems.
Before changing any expensive components, such
as control units, you should run a systematic trouble
shooting session to eliminate any other possible
fault sources. Electric signals must be checked at
the locations to which they are applied, i.e. on con-
trol unit or sensor technology. So, if the system had
been diagnosed without unplugging the control unit
and checking the wiring, one should be alerted.
● Check for good cable and ground contacts, there-
fore keep all mechanical transition points between
electric conductors (terminals, plugs) free of oxide
and dirt, as far as this is possible.
Perform trouble shooting in a systematic way. Do
not become confused by the high number and vari-
ety of electric cables, current can only flow in a
closed circuit. You should first become acquainted
with the function of the corresponding electric circuit
by following the correct wiring diagram. Detected
faults should be rectified immediately. If the system
still does not work correctly after this measure, trou-
ble shooting must be continued. Several faults very
rarely occur at the same time, but it is not impossi-
Do not disconnect or connect battery or generator
while the engine is running.
● Do not operate the main battery switch under load.
Switch off the main battery switch, doisconnect
the generator and pull the plug out on the control
unit before starting welding work.
tion colouring matter makes any warranty claims Notes on cleanliness for Common Rail
null and void. engines
● Tools used on refrigeration circuits must be of ex- Special requirements with respect to cleanliness in
cellent condition, thus to avoid the damage of any the fuel system do apply for commissioning, mainte-
connections. nance and repair work, particularly for TEIRIII engines
● The dryer is to be installed last, after all connections with the DEUTZ Common Rail System. Contamina-
in the refrigerant circuit have been tightened. tion like dirt, welding residues or similar can lead to the
failure of individual components and adversely affect
● After completion of repair work screw locking caps engine operation.
(with seals) on all connections with valves and on
the service connections. Start up of the air condi-
tioning system. Observe the filling capacity.
● Before start up of the air conditioning system after a
new filling: - Turn the compressor approx. 10 revo-
lutions by hand using the clutch or V-belt pulley of
the magnetic clutch. - Start the engine with the com-
pressor/control valve switched off. - Once the idle
speed of the engine has stabilized switch on the
compressor and run it for at least 10 minutes at idle
speed and maximum cooling power.
Never operate the compressor over longer periods
of time with high engine speeds without a sufficient
amount of refrigerant in the system. This could
probably cause overheating and internal damage.
Fig. 1
Spare parts should be left in their original packaging
as long as possible and should only be unpacked
just before use.
When parts are unpacked any connections must be
closed with suitable plugs or caps, in order to pre-
vent (Fig. 1) contamination of hose connections. If
e.g. fuel hoses are connected to one side, while the
second side cannot yet be connected, there is a
danger of dirt entering into the system. The free
connection must in this case also be appropriately
● Remove loose parts (e.g. paint scales that may Fuel hoses
have come off during assembly work) with an indus-
trial vacuum cleaner or any means of extraction.
● Working means and tools must be cleaned before
being used for work. Use only tools without dam-
aged chromium coating, or tools without chromium
Fig. 2
! Caution
All fuel hoses have two layers of material, a rein-
forced rubber coating outside and an internal Vi-
ton hose. If a fuel hose has come loose one must
make absolutely sure that the internal Viton layer
has not been separated from the reinforced outer
layer. In case of a separation the hose needs to be
Fig. 3
Lubricate sealing lips 1 (Fig. 3) with clean grease; in
case of double seals fill the space between the seal-
ing lips with a generous amount of grease.
Slide the seal over the shaft, with the lip facing to-
wards the fluid to be sealed.
i Note
If possible, use an assembly sleeve 1 (Fig. 3), to pro-
tect the lip from being damaged by sharp edges,
!Caution !Caution
Feather keys must only be reused if they show no Ball and roller bearings must only be reinstalled
differences to new feather keys, any notches must after it has been assured that they are in perfect
be considered as initial signs of wear. condition.
Fig. 5
● Clean and thoroughly examine the feather key.
● Debur and thoroughly clean the edges of the key-
way with a fine file before reassembling.
Fig. 6
● Remove any lubricant residues from the bearing to
be examined by washing it with gasoline or any oth-
er appropriate degreasing agent. Cleanliness is of
utmost importance for all related work.
Check balls or rollers, running surfaces, outer faces
of outer races and inner faces of inner races for vis-
ible damage. If necessary replace the bearing with
a new one, since these symptoms are first signs of
Hold the bearing with you thumb and the index fin-
ger by the inner race, rotate the outer race and
make sure that it runs without friction. Hold the
bearing by the outer race and repeat this test with
the inner race.
Move the outer race gently to and fro while holding
it by the inner race; check for resistance while rotat-
ing and replace the bearing if it does not work cor-
● Lubricate the bearing with an appropriate lubricant
before reinstalling.
i Note
However, these values are by no means identical with
the tightening torques, which are to be set on a torque
wrench. The corresponding calculation requires a
higher effort and, in the end, depends on the materials
to be bolted together.
● black oiled
● with surface protection A4C
● with surface protection DACROMET
i Note
DACROMET is a surface protection that mainly consists of zinc and aluminium in a chromium oxide matrix. DAC-
ROMETIZATION provides excellent corrosion protection for metal surfaces by applying a mineral coating with
metallic-silver appearance.
Tightening torques Nm
Screw dimension
8.8 10.9 12.9
M4 3 5 5
M5 6 9 10
M6 10 15 18
M8 25 35 45
M10 50 75 83
M12 88 123 147
M14 137 196 235
M16 211 300 358
M18 290 412 490
M20 412 578 696
M22 560 785 942
M24 711 1000 1200
M27 1050 1480 1774
M30 1420 2010 2400
1 Coefficient of friction μ tot. = 0,14
Tightening torques Nm
Screw dimension
8.8 10.9 12.9
M8 x 1 26 37 48
M10 x 1.25 52 76 88
M12 x 1,25 98 137 126
M12 x 1.5 93 127 152
M14 x 1.5 152 216 255
M16 x 1.5 225 318 383
M18 x 1.5 324 466 554
M20 x 1.5 461 628 775
M22 x 1.5 618 863 1058
M24 x 2 780 1098 1294
M27 x2 1147 1578 1920
M30 x 2 1568 2254 2695
1 Coefficient of friction μ tot. = 0,14
Tightening torques Nm
Screw dimension
8.8 10.9 12.9
M16 169 240 287
M16 x 1.5 180 255 307
M18 232 330 392
M18 x 1.5 260 373 444
M20 330 463 557
M20 x 1.5 369 502 620
M22 448 628 754
M22 x 1.5 495 691 847
M24 569 800 960
M24 x 2 624 879 1036
M27 840 1184 1520
M27 X 2 918 1263 1536
M30 1136 1608 1920
M30 x 2 1255 1804 2156
3/4“ - 10 UNC 276 388 464
3/4“ - 16 UNC 308 432 520
1 Anti-seizure paste (copper paste) is used for the assembly of screw connections, which are exposed to high temperatures and corrosive
effects. Prevents seizure and corrosion.
Tightening torques Nm
Thread diameter
M12x1.5 100
M14x1.5 150
M18x1.5 300 - 350
M20x1.5 400 - 500
M22x1.5 500 - 600
1 Coefficient of friction μ tot. = 0,14
2 These values result in a 90% utilization of the yield point
i Note
The difference between Withworth and UNF/UNC threads is the fact that UNF and UNC threads have 60° flanks,
as the metric ISO-thread, whereas Withworth has a flank of only 55°.
DACROMET is a surface protection that mainly consists of zinc and aluminium in a chromium oxide matrix. DAC-
ROMETIZATION provides excellent corrosion protection for metal surfaces by applying a mineral coating with
metallic-silver appearance.
Tightening torques for screws with UNC thread, 1 UNC Unified Coarse Thread Series, American Unified
Coarse Thread
Tightening torques Nm
Screw dimension
8.8 10.9 12.9
1/4“ - 20 11 15 19
5/16“ - 18 23 32 39
3/8“ - 16 39 55 66
7/16“ - 14 62 87 105
1/2“ - 13 96 135 160
9/16“ - 12 140 200 235
5/8“ - 11 195 275 330
3/4“ - 10 345 485 580
7/8“ - 9 560 770 940
1“ - 8 850 1200 1450
1 1/8“ - 7 1200 1700 2000
1 1/4“ - 7 1700 2400 2900
1 3/8“ - 6 2200 3100 3700
1 1/2“ - 6 3000 4200 5100
1 Coefficient of friction μ tot. = 0,14
Tightening torques for screws with UNF thread, 1 UNF Unified National Fine Thread Series, American
Unified Fine Thread
Tightening torques Nm
Screw dimension
8.8 10.9 12.9
1/4“ - 28 13 18 22
5/16“ - 24 25 35 42
3/8“ - 24 45 63 76
7/16“ - 20 70 100 120
1/2“ - 20 110 155 185
9/16“ - 18 155 220 260
5/8“ - 18 220 310 370
3/4“ - 16 385 540 650
7/8“ -14 620 870 1050
Tightening torques Nm
Screw dimension
8.8 10.9 12.9
1“ - 12 930 1300 1600
1 1/8“ - 12 1350 1900 2300
1 1/4“ - 12 1900 2700 3200
1 3/8“ - 12 2600 3700 4400
1 1/2“ - 12 3300 4600 5600
1 Coefficient of friction μ tot. = 0,14
2.1 General notes on maintenance the engine's performance and temperature level as
well as the quality of the exhaust gas.
When servicing the machine pay careful attention to
If your machine has to operate permanently in "thin
all applicable safety instructions.
air" (at high altitudes) and with full power, you should
Thorough maintenance of the machine ensures max- consult the after sales service of BOMAG or the serv-
imum reliability and prolongs the lifetime of important ice department of the engine manufacturer.
components. The necessary effort can by no means
be compared with the problems and malfunctions that Notes on the hydraulic system
could occur if this is not observed.
During maintenance work in the hydraulic system
The terms left/right are always related to travel direc-
cleanliness is of utmost importance. Make sure that
tion forward.
no dirt or other impurities can enter into the system.
● Clean machine and engine thoroughly before start- Small particles can flute valves, cause pumps to seize
ing maintenance work. and block restrictors and pilot bores, thereby causing
costly repairs.
● For maintenance work park the machine on level
ground. ● If during the daily oil level check the oil level is found
to have dropped, check all lines, hoses and compo-
● Maintenance work must generally be carried out
nents for leakages.
with the engine shut down.
● Seal external leaks immediately. If necessary in-
● Depressurize hydraulic lines before working on
them. form the responsible service department.
Disconnect the battery and cover it with insulation
Do not store drums with hydraulic oil outside, or at
material before starting to work on electrical compo- least keep them under a cover. During weather
changes water may penetrate through the bung-
Always attach the articulation lock (transport lock) ●
Always fill the hydraulic system using the filling and
before starting to work in the articulation area of the
filtering unit (BOMAG part-no.
007 610 01). This unit is equipped with a fine filter,
which filters the hydraulic oil and prolongs the life-
Environment time of the system filter.
Catch running out oils, coolant and fuel and do ●
Clean fittings, filler caps and their immediate sur-
not let them seep into the ground or into the sew- rounding area before removing them, so that no dirt
age system. Dispose of oils, coolant and fuels en- can fall in.
Do not leave the tank opening unnecessarily open,
cover it so that no dirt can fall in.
Notes on the fuel system
The lifetime of the diesel engine is decisively depend- Notes on the cooling system
ing on the cleanliness of the fuel.
On water cooled engines the preparation and monitor-
● Keep the engine free of dirt and water as this could ing of the coolant is of utmost importance, as other-
damage the injection elements of the engine. wise engine failures caused by corrosion, caviation
Zinc lined drums are not suitable for storing fuel. and freezing may occur.
● The fuel drum should rest for a longer period of time The coolant is a mixture of water and a cooling system
before drawing off fuel. protection agent.
● Do not let the suction hose disturb the sludge on the The cooling system must be permanently monitored.
bottom of the drum. Apart from the coolant level inspection this includes
also the inspection of the concentration of cooling sys-
● Do not draw off fuel from near the bottom of the fuel tem protection agent.
The concentration of the cooling system protection
Fuel left in the fuel drum is not suitable for the en- agent can be checked with commercially available
gine and should only be used for cleaning purpos- test instruments (glycomat).
Notes on the engine performance
Health hazard!
Combustion air and fuel injection rates of the diesel
engine have been carefully adjusted and determine
Oil viscosity
Multi-purpose oils should be generally used.
Since lubrication oil changes its viscosity with the tem-
perature, the ambient temperature at the operating lo-
cation of the engine is of utmost importance when
choosing the viscosity class (SAE-class) .
Optimal operating conditions can be achieved by us-
ing the opposite oil viscosity chart (Fig. 11) as a refer-
Occasionally falling short of the temperature limits will
impair the cold starting ability, but will not cause any
engine damage. In order to keep the occurring wear
as low as possible, occasional exceeding of the limits
should not happen over a longer period of time.
You should only use commercially available brand
diesel fuel with a sulphur content below 0.5% and en-
sure strict cleanliness when filling in. A higher sulphur
content has a negative effect on the oil change inter-
vals. Use only winter-grade diesel fuel under low am-
bient temperatures. The fuel level should always be
topped up in due time so that the fuel tank is never run
dry, as otherwise filter and injection lines need to be
When using fuels with a Cetan number < 49 poor
starting and white smoke can be expected, in particu-
lar in connection with low ambient temperatures.
The following fuel specifications are permitted: DIN/
EN 590; DIN 51 601; Nato Codes: F-54, F-75; BS
2869: A1 and A2; ASTM D 975-78: 1-D and 2-D.
DIN/EN 590
BS 2869
ASTM D 975-78: 1-D and 2-D.
Fig. 11
Nato Codes: F-54, F-34, F44 and XF63
With their better temperature and oxidation stability Winter fuel
synthetic lubrication oils offer quite a few benefits.
Information concerning the water quality can be ob- In hydraulic systems filled with Panolin HLP Synth. 46
tained from the waterworks. always use the same oil to top up. When changing
from mineral oil based hydraulic oil to an ester based
A test case for checking the water quality can be or- biologically degradable oil, you should consult the lu-
dered from the engine manufacturer. brication oil service of the oil manufacturer for details.
If the values of the analysis deviate, the water must be Check the filter more frequently after this change.
treated accordingly.
pH-value too low
! Caution
Adding of caustic lye of soda or caustic potash so-
lution. Oil change bio-degradable hydraulic oil:
Total hardness too high: Perform regular oil analyses for content of water
Mixing with dehardenede water. and mineral oil.
Total hardness or carbonate hardness too low: Replace the hydraulic oil filter element every 500
Mixing with harder water. operating hours.
● Chlorides and/or sulphates too high:
Mixing with dehardenede water.
Oil for drive axle
For the drive axle use only multi-purpose transmission
As a protection against frost, corrosion and boiling
oil of API-class GL5 with viscosity class SAE 90.
point anti-freeze agents must be used under any cli-
matic conditions. The additives in this oil ensure low wear lubrication
under all operating conditions.
The proportion of cooling system protection agent
must be between min. 35% and max. 45% to the wa-
ter. Lubrication grease
For lubrication use only EP-high pressure grease, lith-
ium saponified (penetration 2).
Engine Engine oil ACEA: E3-96/E5-02 or approx. 15,5 litres incl. oil
API: CG-4/CH-4
SAE 10W/40
SAE 15W/40
Hydraulic system Hydraulic oil (ISO), HV46, kinem. viscosity approx. 60 litres
46 mm2/s at 40 °C
Drive axle Gear oil SAE 90, API GL5 approx. 11 litres
Wheel hubs Gear oil SAE 90, API GL5 approx. 2 litre per side
Axle reduction gear Gear oil SAE 90, API GL5 approx. 1,9 litres
Drum drive gear Gear oil SAE 90, API GL5 approx. 3,2 litres
! Caution
Up to approx. 250 operating hours check the en-
gine oil level twice every day.
Depending on the load the engine is subjected to,
the oil consumption will drop to the normal level
after approx. 100 to 250 operating hours.
as required
5.6 Check the engine oil level Dipstick mark X
5.7 Check the water separator X
5.8 Check the fuel level X
5.9 Check the hydraulic oil level Inspection glass X
5.10 Check the coolant level Inspection glass X
5.11 Check the dust separator X
5.12 Check the tire pressure X
5.13 Clean the cooling fins on engine X
and hydraulic oil cooler
5.14 Check the oil level in the drive axle X
5.15 Check the oil level in the wheel X
5.16 Check the oil level in the axle re- X
duction gear
5.17 Check the oil level in the drum re- X
duction gear
5.18 Check the oil level in the vibration X
5.19 Change engine oil and oil filter car- min. 1x per year X X
5.20 Change the fuel filter cartridge X
5.21 Drain the sludge from the fuel tank X
5.22 Battery maintenance Pole grease X
5.23 Change the fuel pre-filter cartridge X
5.24 Check, replace the refrigerant X
compressor V-belt
5.25 Service the air conditioning X
5.26 Check, adjust the valve clearance Intake = 0,4 mm X
Exhaust = 0,6 mm
5.27 Adjusting the control piston play X
as required
5.28 Check, tension, replace the V-belt X
5.29 Check the engine mounts X X
5.30 Oil change in drive axle min. 1x per year X X
5.31 Oil change in wheel hubs min. 1x per year X X
5.32 Oil change, axle reduction gear min. 1x per year X X
5.33 Oil change in drum drive reduction min. 1x per year X X
5.34 Oil change vibration bearings2 see foot note, min. X X
1 x per year
5.35 Retighten the fastening of the axle X
on the frame
5.36 Tighten the wheel nuts X X
5.37 Check the ROPS X
5.38 Clean the oil bath air filter min. 1x per year X
5.39 Change hydraulic oil and breather at least every 2 X
filter3 years
5.40 Change the hydraulic oil filter4 at least every 2 X
5.41 Change the coolant at least every 2 X
5.42 Replace the crankcase ventilation at least every 2 X
valve years
5.43 Electronic injector test EMR X
5.44 Service the combustion air filter min. 1x per year, X
safety cartridge at
least every 2
5.45 Adjusting the scrapers X
5.46 Adjust the parking brake X
5.47 Change the tires X
5.48 Change the fresh air filter in the X
as required
5.49 Tightening torques X
5.50 Engine conservation X
1 Oil change intervals depend on quality of oil and fuel (sulphur content)
2 Oil change intervals after 250 h, after 500 h, after 1000 h, and then every 1000 h.
3 Also in case of repair in the hydraulic system.
4 Also in case of repair in the hydraulic system.
Fig. 12
Dimensions in A B D H H2 K L O1 O2 S W
BW 213 DH-4 2960 2250 1500 2268 2972 490 5808 60 60 35 2130
BW 213 PDH-4 2960 2250 1480 2268 2972 490 5808 60 60 25 2130
BW 213 DH-4 BW 213 PDH-4
Operating weight (CECE) kg 12700 13100
with ROPS and cabin
Axle load, drum (CECE) kg 7200 7600
Axle load, wheels (CECE) kg 5500 5500
Static linear load kg/cm 33,8 -
Travel characteristics
Speed km/h 0 ... 13 0 ... 13
Max. gradability (depend- % 55 58
ing on soil)
Engine manufacturer Deutz Deutz
Type TCD 2013 L04 2V TCD 2013 L04 2V
Cooling Water Water
Number of cylinders 4 4
Rated power ISO 3046 kW 119 119
Rated speed rpm 2200 2200
Electrical equipment V 12 12
Drive system hydrostatic hydrostatic
Driven axles 2 2
Permissible ambient tem- °C -20 ... +50 -20 ... +50
Service brake hydrostatic hydrostatic
Parking brake hydr.-mech. hydr.-mech.
BW 213 DH-4 BW 213 PDH-4
Type of steering articulated articulated
Steering operation hydrostatic hydrostatic
Vibrating drum 1
Drive system hydrostatic hydrostatic
Frequency Hz 30 ... 36 30 ... 36
Amplitude mm 2,0 / 0,9 1,84/0,9
Tire size 23.1/18-26/TL-8PR-AWT 23.1-26/12TL R1
Air pressure bar 1,4 1,4
Filling capacities
Engine Litres 12,5 12,5
Fuel Litres 340 340
Hydraulic oil Litres 60 60
1 The right for technical modifications remains reserved
Fig. 13
Dimensions in A B D H H2 K L O1 O2 S W
BW 214 DH-4 2960 2250 1500 2268 2972 490 5808 60 60 35 2130
BW 214 PDH-4 2960 2250 1480 2268 2972 490 5808 60 60 35 2130
BW 214 DH-4 BW 214 PDH-4
Operating weight (CECE) kg 14390 14790
with ROPS and cabin
Axle load, drum (CECE) kg 8890 92900
Axle load, wheels (CECE) kg 5500 5500
Static linear load kg/cm 41,7 -
Travel characteristics
Speed km/h 0 ... 13 0 ... 13
Max. gradability (depend- % 50 53
ing on soil)
Engine manufacturer Deutz Deutz
Type TCD 2013 L04 2V TCD 2013 L04 2V
Cooling Water Water
Number of cylinders 4 4
Rated power ISO 3046 kW 119 119
Rated speed rpm 2200 2200
Electrical equipment V 12 12
Drive system hydrostatic hydrostatic
Driven axles 2 2
Permissible ambient tem- °C -20 ... +50 -20 ... +50
Service brake hydrostatic hydrostatic
Parking brake hydr.-mech. hydr.-mech.
BW 214 DH-4 BW 214 PDH-4
Type of steering articulated articulated
Steering operation hydrostatic hydrostatic
Vibrating drum 1
Drive system hydrostatic hydrostatic
Frequency Hz 31 ... 36 31 ... 36
Amplitude mm 2,0 / 0,9 1,84/0,9
Tire size 23.1/18-26/TL-8PR-AWT 23.1-26/12TL R1
Air pressure bar 1,4 1,4
Filling capacities
Engine Litres 12,5 12,5
Fuel Litres 340 340
Hydraulic oil Litres 60 60
1 The right for technical modifications remains reserved
Fig. 14
Dimensions in A B D H H2 K L O1 O2 S W
BW 213 DH-4 2960 2250 1500 2268 2972 490 6626 60 60 35 2130
1 BW 213 DH-4
Operating weight (CECE) kg 14100
with ROPS and cabin
Axle load, drum (CECE) kg 6345
Axle load, wheels (CECE) kg 7755
Static linear load kg/cm 29,8
Travel characteristics
Speed km/h 0 ... 14
Max. gradability with/with- % 55/58
out vibration (soil depend-
Engine manufacturer Deutz
Type TCD 2013 L04 2V
Cooling Water
Number of cylinders 4
Rated power ISO 3046 kW 119
Rated speed rpm 2200
Electrical equipment V 12
Drive system hydrostatic
Driven axles 2
Service brake hydrostatic
Parking brake hydr.-mech.
BW 213 DH-4
Type of steering articulated
Steering operation hydrostatic
Vibration, drum
Drive system hydrostatic
Frequency Hz 30/36
Amplitude mm 2,00/1,00
Vibration, attachment
Drive system hydrostatic
Frequency Hz 30 ... 55
Tire size 23.1/18-26/12PR
Air pressure bar 1,8
Filling capacities
Engine Litres 15
Fuel Litres 340
Hydraulic oil Litres 60
1 The right for technical modifications remains reserved
Travel pump
Manufacturer Sauer
Type 90R 075 (EP)
System Axial piston/swash plate
Max. displacement cm3/rev. 75
Max. flow capacity ccm x n l/min 75
High pressure limitation bar 400
Charge pressure, high idle bar 25 ± 1
Vibration pump
Manufacturer Sauer
Type 90R 075 (EP)
System Axial piston/swash plate
Max. displacement cm3/rev. 75
Start up pressure bar 365 ± 65
Operating pressure (soil depend- bar approx. 100
Vibration motor
Manufacturer Bosch-Rexroth
Type A2FM 56 HDD
System Axial piston/bent axle
Displacement cm3/rev. 56
Steering valve
Manufacturer Danfoss
Type OSPC 500 ON
System Rotary spool valve
Rear axle
Manufacturer Dana
Type CHC 193/66LD
Differential No-Spin
Degree of locking % 100
Reduction ratio 65,08
were determined at nominal speed of the drive engine and with vibration running. The machine was
standing on an elastic base.
During operation these values may vary because of the existing operating conditions.
Noise value
The sound level according to enclosure 1, paragraph 1.7.4. f of the EC-machine regulation is
sound pressure level at the work place of the operator (with cabin):
LpA = BW 213 DH-4 85 dB(A)
LpA = BW 213 PDH-4 85 dB(A)
LpA = BW 214 DH-4 78 dB(A)
LpA = BW 214 PDH-4 78 dB(A)
The nose emission value for the machine according to the noise emission regulation 2000/14/EG is
Vibration value
The vibration values according to enclosure 1, paragraph 3. 6. 3. a of the EC-machine regulation are:
were determined at nominal speed of the drive engine and with vibration running. The machine was
standing on an elastic base.
During operation these values may vary because of the existing operating conditions.
Noise value
The sound level according to enclosure 1, paragraph 1.7.4. f of the EC-machine regulation is
sound pressure level at the work place of the operator (with cabin):
LpA = 76,8 dB(A)
The nose emission value for the machine according to the noise emission regulation 2000/14/EG is
Vibration value
The vibration values according to enclosure 1, paragraph 3. 6. 3. a of the EC-machine regulation are:
Fig. 1
Fig. 1
2. Sirometer (frequency meter)
800 - 50.000 rpm
14 - 750 Hz
BOMAG part-no.: 059 710 02
Fig. 2
3. Anti-freeze tester, quick and accurate measuring,
sturdy plastic housing, automatic temperature
correction, no after-dripping, instructions for use
on unit, reading down to -40 °C. Material: Plastic,
Temperature range: down to -40 °C
Fig. 3
4. Digital rpm-meter for petrol engines
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
6. Digital rpm-meter, optical/mechanical, universal
Fig. 6
7. Infrared manual thermometer, -18 to 275°C
Fig. 7
8. Hydraulic test case, large
i Note
4 X 600 bar pressure gauges
4 X 60 bar pressure gauges
8 pressure test hoses
Fig. 8
i Note
1X 25 bar pressure gauge
1X 150 bar pressure gauge
2X 400 bar pressure gauges
4 pressure test hoses
Fig. 9
10. Pressure test hoses
1000 mm BOMAG part-no.: 079 930 02
2500 mm BOMAG part-no.: 079 930 03
Fig. 10
11. Pressure gauge
60 bar BOMAG part-no.: 059 721 07
600 bar BOMAG part-no.: 059 721 04
Fig. 11
12. Adapter for pressure test hose
Fig. 12
Fig. 13
14. Vacuum pump for hydraulic oil tank
BOMAG part-no.: 007 610 04 (12 Volt)
BOMAG part-no.: 007 610 24 (24 Volt)
Fig. 14
i Note
The function can only be activated when the trav-
el lever is engaged in braking position.
2. Switch on the ignition.
3. Press both Info-buttons (Fig. 1) longer than three
seconds to access the input mode.
Fig. 1
Activate service mode
i Note
The input mode starts with flashing of the left
hand digit (Fig. 2). Here you have the possibility
to change to the service mode using access code
The green buttons F2, F4 (Fig. 3) can be used to
increase or reduce the corresponding digit.
With the blue button F5, F3 (Fig. 4) you can jump
to the corresponding next digit.
Once the last digit has been entered the code will
Fig. 2 be transmitted to the control by pressing the right
hand blue button (F3) again.
4. Enter access code "9999".
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
i Note
On this machine the electric plug connection to
the brake valve must not be pulled off, because
the ESX-control would in this case detect a line
interruption in the current path to the brake.
Activate the input mode
1. Set the travel lever to braking position
i Note
The function can only be activated when the trav-
el lever is engaged in braking position.
2. Switch on the ignition.
3. Press both Info-buttons (Fig. 1) longer than three
seconds to access the input mode.
Fig. 1
Activate service mode
i Note
The input mode srats with flashing of the left hand
digit (Fig. 2). Here you have the possibility to
change to the service mode using access code
The green buttons F2, F4 (Fig. 3) can be used to
increase or reduce the corresponding digit.
With the blue button F5, F3 (Fig. 4) you can jump
to the corresponding next digit.
Once the last digit has been entered the code will
Fig. 2 be transmitted to the control by pressing the right
hand blue button (F3) again.
4. Enter code number "9999".
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Activating the brake function
5. Enter code number "0500" via the LC display
(Fig. 5).
The brake will not be released when actuating the
travel lever.
The warning buzzer sounds to inform the opera-
tor about this status. The brake control light in the
LC display remains activated.
! Caution
Perform measurements at operating tempera-
ture of the hydraulic oil (50 °C).
1. Block drums and wheels with suitable chocks
(Fig. 1).
Fig. 1
! Danger
The closed brake mode must be activated!
i Note
Drive against the closed brake, see correspond-
ing chapter.
2. Enter code number "0500" to close the brake
(Fig. 2).
Fig. 2
3. Connect 600 bar pressure gauges to the high
pressure test ports for "forward travel" and "re-
verse travel" and a 60 bar pressure gauge to the
charge pressure test port (Fig. 3).
4. Start the engine and run it with maximum speed.
5. Read charge and high pressure gauges.
Nominal value
see technical data of travel pump:
Charge pressure gauge = charge pressure at
high idle
High pressure gauge = charge pressure at high
Fig. 3 idle
Evaluation of test
If the nominal value is not reached, check the
steering/charge pump.
Nominal value
see technical data of travel pump:
Charge pressure gauge = charge pressure at
high idle
High pressure gauge = pressure override
Evaluation of test
If the specified high pressure is not reached,
check the travel pump.
If the charge pressure drops considerably during
Fig. 4
the high pressure test, check the components in-
! Caution
Perform measurements at operating tempera-
ture of the hydraulic oil (50 °C).
1. Block drums and wheels with suitable chocks
(Fig. 1).
Fig. 1
! Danger
i Note
Drive against the closed brake, see correspond-
ing chapter.
2. Enter code number "0500" to close the brake
(Fig. 2).
Fig. 2
3. Connect a 600 bar pressure gauge each to the
high pressure test ports for "forward travel" and
"reverse travel" (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3
i Note
Drive against the closed brake, see correspond-
ing chapter.
4. As a measure to avoid signal residues from the
hydraulic neutral position connect both control
chambers X1 and X2 with a hose (Fig. 4).
5. Start the engine and run it with maximum speed.
Fig. 4
6. Read the high pressure gauges (Fig. 5).
Nominal value
Both pressure gauges (Fig. 5) must show equal
pressure (charge pressure).
i Note
If necessary repeat the pressure test with 60 bar
pressure gauges, for more accurate readings.
Fig. 5
Evaluation of test
Fig. 6
! Caution
Perform measurements at operating tempera-
ture of the hydraulic oil (50 °C).
1. Drive the machine with both drums on an elastic
base (rubber buffers) (Fig. 1).
2. Block the wheels with suitable chocks.
3. Apply the brake.
Fig. 1
4. Connect a 60 bar pressure gauge (Fig. 2) to the
charge pressure test port.
5. Connect a 600 bar pressure gauge each to the
high pressure test ports for "high amplitude" and
"low amplitude".
6. Start the engine and run it with maximum speed.
7. Switch on vibration at high or low frequency and
read the pressure gauge.
Nominal value
Charge pressure = charge pressure at high idle
(see technical data of travel pump).
Fig. 2 Start-up pressure = vibration pump start-up pres-
sure (see technical data of vibration pump).
Operating pressure = vibration pump operating
pressure (see technical data of vibration pump).
Evaluation of test
If the charge pressure drops, check the compo-
nents individually.
If the starting pressure is not reached, check the
vibration pump.
If the starting pressure is only reached for one fre-
quency, check the high pressure relief valves.
! Caution
Perform measurements at operating tempera-
ture of the hydraulic oil (50 °C).
1. Drive the drum of the machine on an elastic base
(rubber buffers) (Fig. 1) and block the wheels ad-
ditionally with suitable chocks.
1. Apply the brake.
Fig. 1
2. Block the flushing pressure relief valve (Fig. 2)
with washers.
Fig. 2
3. Disconnect the leak oil hose (Fig. 3), connect a
measuring hose and hold it into a measuring
4. Start the engine and run it with maximum speed.
5. Switch the vibration on and measure the running
out leak oil during one timed minute.
Nominal value
max. 1.5 litre/min
Evaluation of test
If the permissible leak oil rate is exceeded, re-
place the vibration motor.
Fig. 3
! Caution
Perform measurements at operating tempera-
ture of the hydraulic oil (approx. 50 °C).
Measurement 1
1. Connect a 600 bar pressure gauge to the steering
pressure test port (Fig. 1).
2. Start the engine and run it at idle speed.
! Danger
Danger of crushing, do not access the articu-
lation area of the machine!
3. Turn the steering against an end stop.
4. Read the pressure gauge.
Nominal value
Fig. 1
see technical data, max. steering pressure of
steering/charge pump.
Evaluation of test 1
If the nominal value is reached, check the steer-
ing cylinder.
Measurement 2
5. Disconnect the hydraulic hoses from ports L and
R (Fig. 2) on the steering cylinders and close
them with plugs.
6. Start the engine and run it at idle speed.
7. Turn the steering wheel.
8. Read the pressure gauge.
Nominal value
see technical data for steering/charge pump.
Evaluation of test 2
Fig. 2 If the nominal value is reached, replace the steer-
ing cylinder.
If the nominal value is not reached, check the
steering/charge pump.
9. Reconnect the hydraulic hoses to the steering
Nominal value
see technical data for steering/charge pump.
Evaluation of test 3
If the nominal value is reached, replace the steer-
ing valve.
If the nominal value is not reached, replace the
Fig. 3 steering/charge pump.
Fig. 1
3. Flushing filter (S connection)
Fig. 2
7. Flushing filter (L connection)
Fig. 3
11. SAE-flange 1“ - 20S
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
15. Reducing fitting 18L - 15L
Fig. 6
16. Reducing fitting 25S - 20S
Fig. 7
17. Reducing fitting 20S - 16S
Fig. 8
Fig. 9
19. Connecting socket 18L
Fig. 10
20. Connecting socket 16S
Fig. 11
21. Connecting fitting 20S
Fig. 12
Fig. 13
23. Angular fitting 18L
Fig. 14
24. Elbow fitting 16L
Fig. 15
25. Elbow 20S
Fig. 16
Fig. 17
27. Pipe connection 16S - 16S
Fig. 18
28. Connecting hose 15L
Fig. 19
Environmental damage
Catch running out hydraulic oil and dispose
of environmentally.
Changing a component
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 1
● Change the hydraulic oil filter element (1). ● Always bleed closed hydraulic circuits if
lines had been removed or connected.
Fig. 4
1 Elbow union (tool) 13 High pressure hose (A, drum drive motor for-
2 Connecting union (tool)
14 High pressure hose (B, axle motor reverse)
3 Drum drive motor
15 High pressure hose (A, axle motor forward)
4 Axle motor
16 High pressure hose (B, axle motor reverse)
5 Screw socket R1 - 25S (tool)
17 High pressure port (B, drum drive motor reverse)
6 Flushing hose 25S - 20S (tool)
18 Flushing hose 25S - 20S (tool)
7 Flushing hose 25S - 20S (tool)
19 Flushing hose 25S - 20S (tool)
8 Flushing filter with filter element 1μ (tool)
9 Elbow union (tool)
10 Reducing fitting (tool)
11 Travel pump
12 High pressure hose (B, drum drive motor reverse)
i Note
Observe the chapter "Flushing - General"
Installing the flushing filter
! Caution
Before the installation of the filters check hos-
es and connections for cleanliness.
The flushing filter must be installed in the low
pressure side in the return flow to the pump,
so that only cleaned oil will enter the travel
pump in forward travel.
With the connection shown in the illustration
the travel pump must therefore be actuated to
forward direction.
Fig. 1
1. Disconnect the high pressure hose 12 (see chap-
ter "Flushing schematic - travel circuit") from the
travel pump (high pressure port 17) and connect
it with the flushing hose (7) (flushing filter inlet
2. Connect the flushing hose (6) (flushing filter outlet
"OUT") to the (high pressure port 17) on the travel
Disconnect the drum drive motor
3. Take the drum drive motor out of the hydraulic cir-
cuit by joining the high pressure hoses (12 and
13) on the drum drive motor together.
Fig. 2
i Note
Bleeding the travel circuit, see chapter "Bleeding
the travel circuit".
Fig. 3
Flushing the hoses
4. Block drums and wheels with suitable chocks.
Fig. 4
i Note
Keep circulating the complete tank content with
the filling and filtering unit throughout the entire
flushing process.
Fig. 5
! Caution
Move the travel lever only to travel direction
forward, as otherwise the flushing filter will be
subjected to oil flow from the wrong direction.
5. Start the engine and shift the travel lever to travel
direction forward.
6. Perform the flushing process at various engine
speeds for approx. 10 minutes.
7. Shut down the engine.
8. Reconnect the hydraulic hoses (12 and 13) to the
drum drive motor.
Fig. 6
! Danger
Danger of accident!
The drum must rotate freely.
9. Jack up the front of the machine, so that the drum
can rotate freely.
10. Secure the rear wheels with chocks.
11. Pre-select the slow speed range.
Fig. 7
i Note
Keep circulating the complete tank content with
the filling and filtering unit throughout the entire
flushing process.
Fig. 8
! Caution
Move the travel lever only to travel direction
forward, as otherwise the flushing filter will be
subjected to oil flow from the wrong direction.
12. Start the engine, run it with maximum speed and
shift the travel lever to travel direction forward.
13. Run the flushing procedure for approx. 10 min-
utes. During this process keep changing the
pump flow by shifting the travel lever several
times between full and halve forward travel.
14. Shut down the engine.
Fig. 9 15. Remove the flushing filter and reconnect the high
pressure lines.
Fig. 10
Disconnecting the axle motor
18. Take the axle drive motor out of the hydraulic cir-
cuit by joining the high pressure hoses (14 and
15) on the axle drive motor together.
Fig. 11
i Note
Bleeding the travel circuit, see chapter "Bleeding
the travel circuit".
Fig. 12
Fig. 13
i Note
Keep circulating the complete tank content with
the filling and filtering unit throughout the entire
flushing process.
Fig. 14
! Caution
Move the travel lever only to travel direction
forward, as otherwise the flushing filter will be
subjected to oil flow from the wrong direction.
20. Start the engine and shift the travel lever to travel
direction forward.
21. Perform the flushing process at various engine
speeds for approx. 10 minutes.
22. Shut down the engine.
23. Reconnect the hydraulic hoses (14 and 15) to the
axle drive motor.
Fig. 15
Flushing the axle motor
Danger of accident!
Both wheels must be off the ground. The
wheels must be able to rotate freely.
24. Jack up the rear of the machine, so that the
wheels can rotate freely.
25. Secure the drum with wheel chocks.
26. Pre-select the slow speed range.
Fig. 16
i Note
Keep circulating the complete tank content with
the filling and filtering unit throughout the entire
flushing process.
Fig. 17
! Caution
Move the travel lever only to travel direction
forward, as otherwise the flushing filter will be
subjected to oil flow from the wrong direction.
27. Start the engine, run it with maximum speed and
shift the travel lever to travel direction forward.
28. Run the flushing procedure for approx. 10 min-
utes. During this process keep changing the
pump flow by shifting the travel lever several
times between full and halve forward travel.
29. Shut down the engine.
Fig. 18 30. Remove the flushing filter and reconnect the high
pressure lines.
Fig. 19
i Note
Observe the chapter "Flushing - General"
Installing the flushing filter
! Caution
Before the installation of the filters check hos-
es and connections for cleanliness.
The flushing filter must be installed in the low
pressure side in the return flow to the pump,
so that only cleaned oil will enter the travel
pump in forward travel.
With the connection shown in the illustration
the travel pump must therefore be actuated to
forward direction.
Fig. 1
1. Disconnect the high pressure hose 14 (see chap-
ter "Flushing schematic - travel circuit") from the
travel pump (high pressure port 16) and connect
it with the flushing hose (19) (flushing filter inlet
2. Connect the flushing hose (18) (flushing filter out-
let "OUT") to the (high pressure port 16) on the
travel pump.
Disconnect the drum drive motor
3. Take the drum drive motor out of the hydraulic cir-
cuit by joining the high pressure hoses (12 and
13) on the drum drive motor together.
Fig. 2
i Note
Bleeding the travel circuit, see chapter "Bleeding
the travel circuit".
Fig. 3
Flushing the hoses
i Note
Keep circulating the complete tank content with
the filling and filtering unit throughout the entire
flushing process.
Fig. 4
4. Block drums and wheels with suitable chocks.
Fig. 5
! Caution
Move the travel lever only to travel direction
forward, as otherwise the flushing filter will be
subjected to oil flow from the wrong direction.
5. Start the engine and shift the travel lever to travel
direction forward.
6. Perform the flushing process at various engine
speeds for approx. 10 minutes.
7. Shut down the engine.
8. Reconnect the hydraulic hoses (12 and 13) to the
drum drive motor.
Fig. 6
! Danger
Danger of accident!
The drum must rotate freely.
9. Jack up the front of the machine, so that the drum
can rotate freely.
10. Secure the rear wheels with chocks.
11. Pre-select the slow speed range.
Fig. 7
i Note
Keep circulating the complete tank content with
the filling and filtering unit throughout the entire
flushing process.
Fig. 8
! Caution
Move the travel lever only to travel direction
forward, as otherwise the flushing filter will be
subjected to oil flow from the wrong direction.
12. Start the engine, run it with maximum speed and
shift the travel lever to travel direction forward.
13. Run the flushing procedure for approx. 10 min-
utes. During this process keep changing the
pump flow by shifting the travel lever several
times between full and halve forward travel.
14. Shut down the engine.
Fig. 9
Fig. 10
i Note
Keep circulating the complete tank content with
the filling and filtering unit throughout the entire
flushing process.
Fig. 11
! Caution
Move the travel lever only to travel direction
forward, as otherwise the flushing filter will be
subjected to oil flow from the wrong direction.
18. Start the engine, run it with maximum speed and
shift the travel lever to travel direction forward.
19. Run the flushing procedure for approx. 10 min-
utes. During this process keep changing the
pump flow by shifting the travel lever several
times between full and halve forward travel.
20. Shut down the engine.
Fig. 12 21. Remove the flushing filter and reconnect the high
pressure lines.
Function test
24. Check the hydraulic oil level in the tank, fill up if
25. Check all connections for leaks with the engine
running (visual inspection).
26. Perform a test drive, load the travel system in for-
ward and reverse, e.g. by driving uphill or starting
on a gradient.
27. Check all ports and connections for leak tightness
(visual inspection).
Fig. 13
i Note
Observe the chapter "Flushing - General"
! Caution
Before the installation of the filters check hos-
es and connections for cleanliness.
The flushing filter must be installed in the low
pressure side in the return flow to the pump,
so that only cleaned oil will enter the vibration
pump in high frequency.
For the connection schematic shown here the
vibration must always be filtered with "high
frequency / low amplitude".
Fig. 1
1. Disconnect the high pressure hose 10 (see chap-
ter "Flushing schematic - vibration circuit") from
the vibration pump (4) and connect it with the
flushing hose (7) (flushing filter inlet "IN").
2. Connect the flushing hose (6) (flushing filter outlet
"OUT") to the (high pressure port A) on the vibra-
tion pump.
Disconnect the vibration motor
3. Take the vibration motor out of the hydraulic cir-
cuit by joining the high pressure hoses (10 and
11) on the vibration motor together.
Fig. 2
i Note
Bleeding the vibration circuit, see chapter "Bleed-
ing the vibration circuit".
Fig. 3
Flushing the hoses
4. Block drums and wheels with suitable chocks.
Fig. 4
i Note
Keep circulating the complete tank content with
the filling and filtering unit throughout the entire
flushing process.
Fig. 5
! Caution
Use only high frequency, as otherwise the
flushing filter will be subjected to oil flow from
the wrong direction.
5. Switch on vibration with high frequency.
6. Start the engine and run it with maximum speed.
7. Flush the circuit for approx. 10 minutes, thereby
switch the vibration on and off at intervals of ap-
prox. 30 seconds.
8. Shut down the engine.
9. Reconnect the hydraulic hoses (10 and 11) to the
Fig. 6 vibration motor.
Fig. 7
i Note
Keep circulating the complete tank content with
the filling and filtering unit throughout the entire
flushing process.
Fig. 8
! Caution
Use only high frequency, as otherwise the
flushing filter will be subjected to oil flow from
the wrong direction.
11. Start the engine and run it with maximum speed.
12. Run the flushing procedure for approx. 10 min-
utes. Switch the vibration on and off at intervals of
approx. 30 seconds.
13. Shut down the engine.
14. Remove the flushing filter and reinstall the vibra-
tion motor.
Fig. 9
Bleeding the vibration circuit
15. Bleed the vibration circuit (see corresponding
Fig. 10
Catch hydraulic oil and dispose of environ-
1. Install a pressure test hose to the charge pres-
sure test port.
2. Install a pressure test hose each to the high pres-
sure test ports.
3. Actuate the emergency stop switch.
! Danger
The engine should not start.
Fig. 1
4. Hold the open ends of the pressure test hoses
(Fig. 2) into a container.
5. Operate the starter motor for approx. 30 seconds.
Wait one minute and repeat this procedure, until
oil starts to run out from the pressure test hoses.
6. Remove the pressure test hoses.
Fig. 2
7. Unlock the emergency stop switch
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
! Caution
With the flushing filter installed shift the travel
lever only to travel direction forward, as oth-
erwise the flushing filter will be subjected to
oil flow from the wrong direction.
Run the engine with idle speed.
10. Start the engine.
11. Shift the travel lever (Fig. 5) approx. 1/3 to for-
ward direction.
Fig. 5 12. After approx. 1 to 2 minutes shut down the engine
for a minute.
i Note
This waiting time is necessary to allow air bub-
bles to escape through the leak oil return line.
13. After a waiting time of approx. 1 minute keep re-
peating this procedure, until the indicated charge
pressure drops directly to zero when shutting
down the engine.
Catch hydraulic oil and dispose of environ-
1. Install a pressure test hose to the charge pres-
sure test port.
2. Install a pressure test hose each to the high pres-
sure test ports.
3. Actuate the emergency stop switch.
Fig. 1
4. Hold the open ends of the pressure test hoses
(Fig. 2) into a container.
5. Crank the engine approx. 10 seconds with the
starter motor. Wait one minute and keep repeat-
ing this procedure, until oil starts to run out from
the pressure test hoses.
6. Remove the pressure test hoses.
Fig. 2
7. Unlock the emergency stop switch
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
! Caution
With the flushing filter installed use only high
frequency, as otherwise the flushing filter will
be subjected to oil flow from the wrong direc-
10. For bleeding switch on vibration with high fre-
quency (Fig. 5).
11. Start the engine.
12. After running the engine 1 to 2 minutes pause for
approx. one minute.
Fig. 5 i Note
This waiting time is necessary to allow air bub-
bles to escape through the leak oil return line.
13. After a waiting time of approx. 1 minute keep re-
peating this procedure, until the indicated charge
pressure drops directly to zero when shutting
down the engine.
7.1 Understanding circuit dia- ● The sequence in which current flows through the in-
dividual elements in the electric circuit.
grams ● Connections between the examined, faulty electric
Wiring diagrams are graphical representations of cir- circuit and other circuits in the vehicle wiring sys-
cuitry conditions, related to the electrical system. They tem.
do not contain any information about the actual type of ● Pin assignment of plug-and-socket connections.
wiring, they only serve the purpose of visualizing the
circuitry logics. Structure:
The wiring diagram is indispensable for effective and
● Table of contents
systematic trouble shooting in the vehicle wiring sys- ● Function groups
tem. This plan provides the following information: ● List of components
● Number and type of individual elements in the ex-
amined electric circuit, such as plug connectors, Table of contents
fuses, switches, consumers, relays, ... The table of contents lists all function groups.
Function group "Warning systems“, drawing number
XXX XX can be found on page no. 8.
Current paths
The pages of a circuit diagram are sub-divided into
current paths (Fig. 8) (0 ..... 20).
List of components
Here you find all components used in alphabetical or-
der, related to the name of the component (A01,
The warning horn "B 11" is located on page no. 8 in
current path 3.
54 Trailer signals, trailer plug device and lamp combination, brake light
54g Trailer signals, compressed air valve for permanent brake in trailer, electromag-
netically operated
55 Fog light
56 Head light
56a Head light, travel light and travel light control
56b Head lights, dimmed head light
56d Head lights, flash light
57 Parking light for motor cycles (abroad also for cars and trucks)
57a Parking light
57L Parking light left
57R Parking light right
61 Generator control
76 Loudspeaker
B+ Battery Plus
B- Battery Minus
D+ Dynamo Plus
D- Dynamo Minus
DF Dynamo field (generator excitation current)
DF1 Dynamo field 1 (generator excitation current)
7.3 Current and voltage The following statements concerning electric volt-
age can be made
● electric voltage is the pressure or force applied to
free electrons.
If one wants to describe electric current, this can most ● the electric voltage is the cause of electric current
simply be accomplished by means of a comparison:
● electric voltage is a result of the equalization at-
One simply compares electric current with water. tempt of electric charges.
Voltage is measured with a Voltmeter.
Unit, Volt
Fig. 1
1 (Fig. 1) Charge
2 Voltage
3 Current
The equalization attempt between different electric
charges is referred to as electric voltage.
Voltage sources have two poles of different charge.
On the one side we have the plus pole with a lack of
electrons, on the opposite side the minus pole with a
surplus of electrons. This electric "pressure" is known
as electric voltage.
Fig. 2
If there is a connection between these two poles a dis-
charge will take place, resulting in the flow of an elec-
tric current.
Plus pole= lack of electrons
Minus pole = excess of electrons
The electric amperage (I) is measured in Ampere Direct current flows with steady voltage and amper-
(A). age from the plus to the minus pole.
Pure D.C.-voltages are only delivered by accumula-
The technical flow direction is specified from
tors or batteries.
The voltage in the vehicle wiring system is no pure
D.C.-voltage. Even without the generator running, but
i Note the consumers switched on, the voltage is not con-
Current actually flows from minus to plus, because the stant, but drops gradually according to the battery
current flow is made up of negatively charged elec- charge condition.
The internal resistance of the battery also causes per-
But since this was only discovered after the poles of a manent changes in the vehicle voltage, as soon as
current source had already been designated, the as- consumers are switched on or off.
sumption that current flows from plus to minus was
maintained for historic reasons. Alternating current (A.C.)
Fig. 3 Circuit Alternating current not only changes its direction, but
also its amperage.
A simple circuit consists of a current source 1 (Fig. 3),
a consumer (3) and the connecting wiring. Pulsating direct current
When the circuit is closed, current can flow.
The circuit can be interrupted or closed with a switch
The system is protected by a fuse (4).
Fig. 4 PWM
The PWM signal is in most cases generated by a con-
trol and can be used to trigger proportional valves.
The signal (square wave signal) is changed in its
pulse control factor, the period, however, remains un-
The following applies:
The signal voltage cannot be measured.
The current can be measured.
7.4 Resistance ● The cleaner the contacts, the better the current.
● The quality of the ground cable is of the same im-
portance as the supply line.
Resistance and voltage drop
While current flows through a conductor the current
Unnecessary resistances
flow is more or less inhibited by the conductor, this in-
hibitation is referred to as Resistance. Unnecessary resistances are frequently caused by
mechanical connections, even clean ones, but mainly
soiled and oxidizes terminals, too thin cables, material
with poor conductivity or bent open cable lugs.
Symbol, R
Unit, Ohm Ω
Fig. 3
In many cases it is better to replace the contact. Soiled
or oxidized contacts should be cleaned with Ballistol
(Fig. 4) and subsequently wetted with copper paste.
Copper paste is a heat resistant grease, which has
been mixed with copper powder. The paste protects
electric contacts against oxidation. Copper paste
keeps water away.
Fig. 5
Hint for practice:
A tool you cannot buy. The pliers were converted, the
nail is permanently present.
7.5 Series / parallel connection ● In series connection the plus pole of the first battery
must be connected with the minus pole of the sec-
Series connection ond battery.
In a series circuit the resistors (consumers) are lined ● The sum of all individual voltages is applied to the
up one after the other and the same current (I) passes free poles.
through each of the consumers However, series con- ● The total capacity (Ah) is identical with the capacity
nection of consumers is not suitable in practice, as of the individual battery.
each resistance causes a voltage drop. In the vehicle
wiring system all consumers are designed for the
same vehicle voltage (e.g. 12 Volt).
In series connection the current is identical at every
Itotal = I1 = I2 = I3
The sum of all partial voltages is identical with the total
Utotal = U1 + U2 + U3
The sum of all partial resistances is identical with the
total resistance.
Rtotal = R1 + R2 + R3
Fig. 2
In order to achieve a vehicle voltage of 24 V two bat-
teries of the same type and capacity must be connect-
ed in series mode.
The total current is the sum of all currents.
Itotal = I1 + I2 + I3
The voltage values are identical at every resistance
Utotal = U1 = U2 = U3
The total resistance is less than the lowest individual
Fig. 4
By connecting 2 batteries of same type and capacity
in parallel mode the capacity can be doubled, be-
cause the individual capacities add up to the total ca-
Fig. 1
In a closed electric circuit current and voltage gener-
ate energy.
Fig. 1 If a current of 1 Ampere flows at a voltage of 1 Volt,
According to this law a voltage of 1V is required to let energy of 1 Watt is produced.
1A (ampere) flow through a conductor with a resist-
ance of 1 (Ohm Ω).
By means of this triangle the formula can be easily re-
Advice arranged, the value you are looking form must just be
By means of this triangle the formula can be easily re- blanked off with a finger.
arranged, the value you are looking form must just be
Energy P = I multiplied with U
blanked off with a finger.
Amperage I = P divided by U
Voltage U = I multiplied with R
Voltage U = P divided by I
Resistance R = U divided by I
U = Voltage in Volt
Amperage I = U divided by R
I = Current in Ampere
U = Voltage in Volt
P = Power in Watt
I = Current in Ampere
R = Resistance in OHM Ω
Resistance, R Ohm Ω
Voltage, U Volt
Current, I Ampere
Power, P Watt
Fig. 1 Multimeter
In order to avoid damage:
Fig. 1 Test lamp
the range selector switch must be correctly set for
the corresponding measurement.
! Caution ●
the test cable must be plugged into the correct
This type of tester must not be used for testing on socket.
electronic components. The high power con- ●
the voltage type (AC/DC) must be set.
sumption of the test lamp may destroy electronic ●
In case of direct voltage the correct polarity must be
components in the control units.
Diode test lamp ●
the measuring range should be chosen higher at
This instrument is used for simple voltage measure- the beginning of the test.
ments. The test lamp consists of two test points. The ● In order to avoid any influence on the circuitry to be
negative measuring cable is connected to ground and measured, the internal resistance of the voltage
the positive measuring cable to the corresponding tester should be as high as possible.
measuring location.
Resistance and continuity measurement with mul-
The continuity tester of the multimeter can be used to
measure whether there is a connection between 2
measuring points. The following information should be
observed when measuring resistance and continuity:
● The component to be measured must not be con-
nected to the power supply during the measure-
● At least one side of the component to be measured
must be disconnected from the circuitry, as other-
wise the measuring result may be influenced by
parallel components.
● Polarity is of no significance.
If the electric circuit is difficult to access and the inter-
nal resistance of the consumer is known, the voltage
may also be measured at the consumer.
The current value can then be calculated with the help
of Ohm's law.
Fig. 1
Fig. 1 Magnet tester
A diode consists of two different semi-conductors,
The magnet tester is used to test solenoid valves and which are connected by a separating layer. The max.
magnetic coils. conducting state current must not be exceeded.
The test lamp responds to the magnetic fields of A.C- Plus-voltage on diode:
voltage, D.C.-voltage and permanent magnets. ● At 0.6 – 0.7 Volt (silicium diode) the diode becomes
The component to be tested does not need to be re- conductive.
Negative voltage on diode:
● The magnetic coil can also be tested under a pro-
tective cap.
● The diode does not allow current to pass through.
Fig. 4 LED
The light emitting diode, also referred to as LED, is a
semi-conductor diode, which generates (emits) light
during operation in forward direction. A semi-conduc-
tor crystal thereby emits a light signal, which is con-
verged or scattered by the lenticular shape of the
head. Light emitting diodes are available in various
colours, sizes and shapes. They are for this reason
used as signal lamps. This component is constructed
of different semi-conductor crystals, depending on its
colour. It works like any other semi-conductor diode.
Fig. 1 Relays
Relays are commonly used to realize switching proc-
A free-wheeling diode prevents induction voltage from
flowing back from the coil into the vehicle wiring sys-
tem, which would cause interference with electronic
components (control units).
With the possibility of using breaker - maker contacts
the effect of an information can be reversed.
Fig. 1
Fuses are used to protect lines and equipment against
overloads and short circuit. If the fuse is overloaded
the fusible wire heats up with increasing current, until
it finally melts.
Battery – accumulator
i Note
Maintenance free batteries are gaining more and
more significance, this freedom from maintenance,
however, is only limited to the fact that no water needs
to be added.
If the battery is not charged and discharged over a
longer period of time, the battery will slowly discharge
by itself.
The accumulator may only be discharged down to a fi-
nal discharging voltage of 10.5 Volt, as otherwise
there is a risk of sulphation, i.e. the generated lead
sulphate forms increasingly coarser crystals, which
will finally not react at all or only very sluggishly during
Fig. 1 a subsequent charging process.
In vehicles batteries are used to start the engine. The In the worst case the accumulator can only be dis-
ability to start the engine depends on the charge con- posed of after such an exhaustive discharge.
dition of the batteries. The following therefore applies for longer downtimes:
Lead collectors or accumulators are secondary ele- ● Remove the battery and store it in a cool, dry and
ments, i.e they can be recharged after discharging frost protected room.
electric current. ● Check the open circuit voltage on the battery at reg-
The basic element of a lead accumulator is the cell. It ular intervals (at least once every month).
contains the plate blocks consisting of positive and ● Recharge immediately if the open circuit voltage
negative plates. These plates are separated from has dropped to 12.25 Volt (no rapid charging).
each other by separators.
All positive plates are arranged parallel to the plus
pole, the negative plates parallel to the minus pole of i Note
the cells. The open circuit voltage of batteries occurs approx. 10
h after the last charging or approx. 1 h after the last
! Danger
! Caution
Before removing the generator you must discon-
nect the ground cable from the minus pole of the
battery while the ignition is switched off. Do not
disconnect the generator while the engine is run-
ning, because this may cause extremely high volt-
age peaks in the vehicle wiring system ("Load
Dump"), which could possibly damage control
units, radios or other electronic equipment.
When disassembling the battery cable, the B+-nut
underneath on the generator side may also be Fig. 6 Rotor with claw poles
loosened. This nut must in this case be retight-
When connecting e.g. the battery cable to the ter-
minal of the generator you must make sure that
the polarity is correct (generator B+ to the + pole
of the battery). Mixing up the polarities by mistake
causes short circuit and damage to the rectifier el-
ements - the generator will be out of function.
The generator can only be operated with the bat-
tery connected. Under special conditions emer-
gency operation without battery is permitted, the
lifetime of the generator is in such cases especial-
ly limited.
Plus and minus cables must be disconnected dur-
ing rapid charging of the battery or electric weld-
ing on the vehicle.
When cleaning the generator with a steam or wa-
ter jet make sure not to direct the steam or water
jet directly on or into the generator openings or
ball bearings. After cleaning the generator should
be operated for about 1 - 2 minutes to remove any
deposits of water from the generator.
Fig. 7 Stator with 3 windings
The three stator windings (Fig. 7) are electrically offset
to each other by 120°. The excitation of the magnetic
field requires direct current, which is fed to the rotor
via two carbon brushes and slip rings.
i Note
The rotor coils can only be measured in disassembled
Fig. 11 Rotor
Remove the regulator with carbon brush.
Fig. 12 Stator
Contact the rotor slip ring with the tester points.
The resistance should be between 3 and 6 OHM Ω.
i Note
The rotor coils should not have continuity to ground. The stator coils can only be measured in disassem-
bled state.
● Measure the resistance of all three coils.
● The coils should not have contact among each oth-
Fig. 14
● All plug-and-socket connectors must be free of cor-
rosion and intermittent contact.
Fig. 13 ● The generator ground connection must be OK.
The generator test assesses the regulator voltage and ●
The battery should be in good condition – the idle
the ripple factor of the generator voltage. speed voltage of the battery should be at least 12.6
All plug-and-socket connectors must be free of cor- Volt.
rosion and intermittent contact. ●
If possible switch off all consumers.
The generator ground connection must be OK. ●
Perform the measurement at raised engine speed.
The battery should be in good condition – the idle ●
The voltage (B+) should adjust itself at 13 to 14 Volt.
speed voltage of the battery should be at least 12.6
If possible switch off all consumers.
Perform the measurement at raised engine speed.
Fig. 17
Fig. 18
Fig. 15
The illustrations (Fig. 17) and (Fig. 18) show two dif-
● If the carbon brush is connected to ground the reg-
ferent regulator types.
ulator is a so-called plus controlled regulator. The
exciter winding is positioned between DF and D-,
the regulator therefore regulates the exciter winding
on the plus side. The other carbon brush is then
connected with terminal DF. This leaves one further
terminal, this is D+.
The basic function of a disassembled regulator can be
easily tested with a 12V lamp and an adjustable D.C.
power supply unit (0V ... 20V).
7.13 Electric starter ● establish the gear connection between starter and
combustion engine.
The starter converts the electric energy stored in the ● to maintain this connection.
battery into mechanical energy. The starter can only
generate its power when a battery with appropriate
● to switch on the starter current.
capacity is available. After starting the engine:
Duties of the starter: ● to return the starter pinion to initial position.
● to accelerate the combustion engine to start speed ● to switch off the starter current.
with lowest possible current consumption.
Fig. 1 Electric starter For purposes like e.g. purging the fuel systems,
1 Pinion starters may be operated for maximum 1 minute
2 Roller free-wheeling without interruption. Then you should wait for at
least 30 minutes (cooling down) until trying again.
3 Steep thread During the 1 minute starting period this process
4 Guide ring should not be interrupted.
5 Spring winding Starter motors must not be cleaned with high
6 Armature pressure steam cleaning equipment.
7 Pole shoe The contacts on starter terminals 30, 45, 50 must
8 Carbon brushes be protected against unintended shorting (jump
9 Armature brake
10 Collector When replacing the starter the ring gear on the en-
gine flywheel must be checked for damage and its
11 Magnetic switch number of teeth - if necessary replace the ring
12 Engagement lever gear.
Always disconnect the battery before starting as-
!Caution sembly work in the starter area of the engine or on
So-called jump starting (using an additional exter- the starter itself.
nal battery) without the battery connected is dan-
gerous. When disconnecting the cables from the
poles high inductivities (arcs, voltage peaks) may
occur and destroy the electrical installation.
Magnetic switch
The magnetic switch is normally arranged directly
above the starter. Fig. 3 Switching position during starting
With the starter switch switched on, both the pickup 1 Ground
winding and the holding winding are energized and 2 Battery
shift the iron core in axial direction. With a lever this
iron core pulls the starter pinion towards the engine 3 Starter switch
flywheel. 4 Pull-in winding
Once the gears are engaged the starter current is ap- 5 Holding winding
plied to the back through a large cross-section. At the 6 Exciter winding
same time the pickup winding is shorted via the starter 7 Restoring spring
current and thus switched off as a measure to reduce
8 Driver
the load on the energy household.
9 Pinion
10 Flywheel
i Note
If e.g. block 5 is not needed to design a switch, the
numbering for blocks 1,2,3,4 and 6 remains un-
Fig. 2 Disassembly
● Lift up the interlock (5).
Fig. 5 Assembly
● Insert the front element (3) into the bore in the con-
trol panel.
i Note
Watch the marls on front element (Fig. 6) and fasten-
ing flange.
Tighten the screw (1) with a tightening torque of 0.6
In all automated sequences the use of sensors as a
source of information for the electronic control is indis-
pensable. The sensors deliver the necessary signals
about positions, end positions, filling levels or serve as
pulse transducers for counting tasks or speed detec-
tion. In industrial applications inductive and capacitive Fig. 10 NPN circuitry
proximity switches are today indispensable. Com-
pared with mechanical switches, they offer almost ide- On sensors with NPN-circuitry the output stage con-
al prerequisites: non-contact, wear free operation, tains a NPN-transistor, which switches the load
high switching frequencies and switching accuracies, against the negative operating voltage. The load is
as well as high protection against vibration, dust and connected between the output and the positive oper-
moisture. Inductive sensors detect all metals without ating voltage.
contact, capacitive sensors detect almost all solid and Breaking and making contacts
liquid media, such as metal, glass, wood, plastic, wa-
ter, oil, etc.
Working principle
Fig. 8
The working principle is based on the principle of the
dampened LC-oscillator. The coil of the oscillation cir-
cuit forms a high-frequency magnetic stray field. Fig. 11
This stray field leaks out from the active area of the Proximity switches are used as breaking or making
proximity switch. If metal or non-ferrous metal enters contacts. Depending on the design the switching dis-
into the response range energy is absorbed. The os- tances are 2 or 4 mm. The maximum amperage is 300
cillator is thus dampened and the resulting change in mA.
current consumption is evaluated. The LED (Fig. 11) lights up, when the initiator has de-
tected metal in its stray field.
PNP circuitry
Fig. 1 Sensor
The the function of the angle sensor (Fig. 1) is based
on the so-called "Hall-Effect". Named after the Ameri-
can physicist E.H. Hall. Due to the fact that moving
electrons are deflected in a magnetic field, a voltage
transverse to the flow direction of the primary current
can be expected on a current conducting conductor in
the magnetic field. Since the electrons are deflected in
Fig. 12 Circuit diagram, making contact
transverse direction by the magnetic field, they must
The circuit diagram (Fig. 12) shows a proximity switch enrich on the one side and reduce on the opposite
with normally open contact. side. If a very thin circuit board is now subjected to a
Brown = voltage supply current that is uniformly distributed across its cross
section, no voltage will be measured between two
Blue = ground supply
points A and B, which have an identical distance to the
Black = switching output current supply lines and are connected by a highly
The initiator switches the relay (K05) sensitive galvanometer. When generating a magnetic
field vertical to the circuit board, voltage will be
present between A and B and a current will flow
through the galvanometer connected to these points.
This is referred to as "Hall-Effect". The cause for this
effect is the warping of the originally parallel electron
orbits in the board by the magnetic field.
Plug connectors DT and DTM have a wedge to hold
the pins and sockets in their position. This wedge can
be removed and replaced, without having to cut any
Fig. 2 DT Series
Installing DT contacts
Fig. 4
● Insert the contacts through the rubber grommet until
they click into place.
● Insert the orange wedge in direction of arrow.
i Note
Use the same method when assembling the socket.
Fig. 5
● Pull the orange wedge out with long nose pliers.
Slightly pull the lead and unlock the interlocking
hook with a screw driver.
● Pull the contact out of the socket.
i Note
Use the same method when assembling the socket.
In this case the interlock disassembly tool (see special
tools for electrics) serves as an aid to remove the
DTM Series
Fig. 4
Insert the contacts through the rubber grommet until
they click into place.
Insert the orange wedge, until it clicks into place.
i Note
Use the same method when assembling the socket.
Fig. 5
● Pull the orange wedge (interlock) out with long nose
● Slightly pull the lead and unlock the interlocking
hook with a screw driver.
● Pull the contact out of the socket.
i Note
Use the same method when assembling the socket.
In this case the interlock disassembly tool (see special
tools for electrics) serves as an aid to remove the
Fig. 1
Spring clamp technology (Fig. 1) for quick, vibration
resistant and maintenance-free connection of all con-
Perform a pull test on each lead, each of the termi-
nals must withstand a pulling force of 45 N with-
out any difficulties.
Series clamp
Perform a pull test on each lead, each of the termi-
nals must withstand a pulling force of 45 N with-
out any difficulties.
Measuring signals
On these terminal blocks the bridge slot is most suita-
ble for tapping off and measuring signals. Here you
may directly insert a 4 mm test adapter (see special
tools for electrics) for connecting a measuring lead.
This test adapter is standard in the central electrics of
heavy equipment machines.
Perform a pull test on each lead, each of the termi-
nals must withstand a pulling force of 45 N with-
out any difficulties.
Fig. 9
15. Multimeter
Fig. 10
16. Test prod black, with flexible insulated shaft and
button operated gripper with 4 mm bushing,
length 157 mm.
Fig. 11
18. Test prod black, with elastic insulated shaft 4 mm
bushing, length 97.5 mm.
Fig. 12
Fig. 15
Fig. 16
32. Clip-on measuring instrument
Fig. 17
33. Battery - generator tester
Fig. 18
Spring clamps (Wago or Weidmüller)
34. Cranked screwdriver (Fig. 19) to open spring
clamps (Fig. 20).
Fig. 19
Fig. 20
Deutsch contacts
36. Tool to disassemble the interlocking on Deutsch
plugs (series DT and DTM).
Fig. 21
37. Crimping pliers for Deutsch contacts of series DT
and DTM, size AWG 20,16 and 12.
AWG 20 = 0.5 mm2 cable cross-section
AWG 16 = 1,5 mm2 cable cross-section
AWG 12 = 4,0 mm2 cable cross-section
BOMAG part-no.: 079 900 79
Fig. 22
38. Crimping pliers for Deutsch contacts of series
HDT, size AWG 6 and 8.
AWG 8 = 10,0 mm2 cable cross-section
AWG 6 = 16,0 mm2 cable cross-section
AWG 6 = 16,0 mm2 cable cross-section
Fig. 23
Fig. 24
ITT contacts
40. Installation tool for ITT crimp contacts of series
CA-COM, contact size 15S/16S/15/16.
Fig. 25
41. Disassembly tool for ITT male contacts of series
CA-COM, contact size 15S/16S/15/16.
Fig. 26
42. Disassembly tool for ITT female contacts of se-
ries CA-COM, contact size 15S/16S/15/16.
Fig. 27
Fig. 28
44. Crimping pliers for Schaltbau contacts of series
M1, M2 with connecting cross-section 0.14 - 6.0
Fig. 29
FCI Burndy contacts
45. Disassembly tool for FCI Burndy contacts of se-
Fig. 30
AMP contacts
46. Crimping pliers for AMP-contacts of series FAS-
TIN-FASTON with a connecting cross-section of
1.0 - 2.5 mm2 (18 -14 AWG).
Fig. 31
Fig. 32
48. Crimping pliers for AMP-contacts of series .070-
SERIES with a connecting cross-section of AWG
20 - 18 (0.5 - 0.9 mm2) and AWG 16 (1.25 - 1.5
Fig. 33
49. Crimping pliers for AMP-contacts of series FAS-
TON with connecting cross-section AWG 14 - 10.
Fig. 34
50. Crimping pliers for AMP-contacts of series FAS-
TON with connecting cross-section AWG 16 - 14
and AWG 18.
Fig. 35
Fig. 36
Universal tools
52. Universal pressing pliers with toggle lever trans-
mission and adjustable end pressure for Crimp-
ing roller connector 0.14 - 1.0 mm2.
Fig. 37
53. Precision pressing pliers for non-insulated flat
male and female connectors0.5 - 6,0 mm2.
Fig. 38
Measuring adapter
54. Current measurement adapter for Hirschmann
Fig. 39
Fig. 40
56. Current measurement adapter for Deutsch and
AMP plugs, 2 pole.
Fig. 41
Service Training
Single Drum Rollers – 4
Table of contents
1 Confirmation of changes................................................................................................5
1.1 Document..............................................................................................................................5
1.2 Software................................................................................................................................6
4.6 Teaching the electronic end stops of the steering angle sensor (BVC) ......................20
5.3 Replacement of a travel pump / axle drive motor / drum drive motor..........................28
5.6 How to proceed when replacing a front / rear axle sensors? .......................................28
1 Confirmation of changes
1.1 Document
1.2 Software
2.06 29.04.2005 Input codes (1158/1159) for manual adaptation of axle speed MASH
Input codes to record the pulse frequency of the drives:
Recording of speeds (1160..1169)
Adapted tank characteristic.
Change of speed limitation for operation with plates.
Arm rest
Known faults
Despite the fault monitoring of inputs and outputs on the ESX control, the ESX control is not able to
detect all faults. The following list contains a selection of known fault reactions of the control, which
mostly have a different cause to the one described in this documentation.
Effect: Cause:
Display remains dark, no voltage PIN in display plug X 28 bent
Error code 5100, 5140 and engine does not re- Switch the ignition off and on and restart the ma-
spond to full speed switch or travel lever chine immediately.
After switching on the display shows "Error code Code 8224 is no error code, but a software fault in
8224" the display software, which has been rectified in
display firmware version 1.36 and higher
The display shows various engine faults (Code Faulty assessment of engine faults in the EMR3
51xx), even though neither code 5100 nor 5101 is control unit. Remedy: Delete active and passive
displayed. engine faults
(see 3.4 Delete engine control error log)
Fault message
* * *
* *
* *
Display, measuring Values ranging from
values 0 0 0 0 ...9 9 9 9 to be called up via
input codes
Parameter setting Values ranging from
0 0 0 0 ...9 9 9 9 to be called up via
input codes
If several faults are detected, the displayed fault codes will change in a 3 second cycle.
The following chapter describes the operation of the LC display via travel lever buttons.
INFO 2 Taste
(gelb) Werte ändern
Version/Status: V3.29 / 13.11.07 Functions of ESX Control Page 9 of 84
Author: Seis,MASH,LOEW / TE/TES
The travel lever must be in locked braking position in order to activate input mode!Input mode
is switched on by simultaneously pressing both INFO – buttons over a period of approx. 3 seconds.
„Eingabe“ - Modus:
Umschaltung Displayfunktion
Einstellungen Display
Betätigen INFO 1
+ INFO 2 ca. 3s
Plattenverstellung inaktiv!
Bet. INFO 1 +
INFO 2 ca. 3s
oder Fahrhebel
aus Bremsr.
„Service“- Modus:
CODE - Eingabe „0000" oder Eingabe Diagnosecodes
Zündung aus
Fehlerspeicher abrufen / löschen
Maschinentypen umstellen
Plattenverstellung inaktiv!
The faults stored in the ESX are displayed in flashing mode. If several faults are stored, these are
successively displayed in cycles of 3 second. After the last fault has been displayed, the first fault will
appear again. If no faults are stored in the ESX, the display will show "- - - - - "
Note: Apart from the stored faults the current faults are also displayed.
Note: This function can only be activated / deactivated when the travel lever is locked
in the brake gate. (Æ Input mode)
Note: The stored faults can only be deleted when the engine is not running.
Note: This function can only be activated / deactivated when the travel lever is locked
in the brake gate. (Æ Input mode)
Execute the function "Delete all logged faults in engine control unit":
The engine must not be running!
Service code 9 9 9 9 .
Enter code number 0 7 6 0 .
Switch the ignition off and on again.
Execute the function "Delete all logged faults in engine control unit":
The engine must not be running!
Service code 9 9 9 9 .
Enter code number 0 7 6 1 .
Switch the ignition off and on again.
For simple checking the currently adjusted machine type is displayed for approx. 3 seconds on the
display module when switching the ignition on. It can also be checked by entering code 0720.
Machine type First serial number Last serial number Code Available from versi-
Standard1 - - 7200 1.00
The standard machine type does not represent a real machine, but is the initial point for not yet set controls
during initial commissioning or after replacing a control.
177 BVC 101 582 23 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7250 1.00
213 BVC 101 582 53 1001 101 582 53 1082 7251 1.00
up to engineering status
213 BVC plates 101 582 54 1001 101 582 54 1038 7252 1.00
up to engineering status
226 BVC 147kW 101 582 82 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7253 1.00
226 BVC 150kW 101 582 86 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX
226 BVC 174kW 101 582 85 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7254 1.00
213 BVC 101 582 53 1083 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7255 3.00
from engineering status
101 583 16 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX
213 BVC 101 582 12 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX
213 BVC plates 101 582 54 1039 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7256 3.00
from engineering status
101 583 06 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX
213 BVC plates 101 582 13 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX
Variocontrol +
Parameter adjustments can only be performed when the engine is not running.
This function can only be activated / deactivated when the travel lever is locked in the
brake gate. (ÆInput mode)
After a period of approx. 7 seconds the adjusted machine code, e.g. 7 2 1 2 is displayed for
approx. 3 seconds. The new parameters are loaded according to the machine type setting. Do not
switch the ignition off during this time!
After this switch the ignition off and on again to accept the configuration.
After this the normal display will appear again.
The following applies for a correction of the machine type code after it has been set.
Select the machine code from the table above and confirm it with the Arrow Right key. After oper-
ating the Arrow Right key the control switches automatically off and on again.
After a period of approx. 7 seconds the adjusted machine code, e.g. 7 2 1 2 is displayed for
approx. 3 seconds. The new parameters are loaded according to the machine type setting. Do not
switch the ignition off during this time!
After this switch the ignition off and on again to accept the configuration.
After this the normal display will appear again.
Attention: A machine must not be operated with a wrong type setting, because in such a
case the correct function of the control cannot be assured!
New controls are delivered with the default machine type setting 7 2 0 0 . This
does not enable to drive or steer the machine. It only serves the purpose of
In order to terminate this function and release the brake you must either enter code number 0 5 0 1 or
switch the ignition off. After entering code number 0 5 0 1 the function is aborted and OK is
displayed as confirmation for 5 seconds. After this the code needs to be entered again.
Note: This function can only be activated / deactivated when the travel lever is locked
in the brake gate. (Æ Input mode)
For a sensitive and exact function of the travel system the surge currents in the travel system must be
determined for both travel directions. The surge currents are automatically determined after entering a
code number, so that no electric meter is required.
The surge currents must only be determined during initial commissioning in the factory, after a service
during which the control on a steering valve or the complete steering valve has been replaced and
after the replacement of the ESX-control.
The measurement is identical for both travel directions: After entering the respective code number the
current is increased by the control solenoid on the travel pump in steps of 5 mA, starting from 250mA..
After each current increase the system waits for 3 seconds. If a considerable drum movement is
measured during the waiting time, the surge current is reached. In order to enhance the measuring
result this measurement is performed three times. The final surge current is the mean value of these
three measurements. This surge current is automatically stored and is valid from the next start of the
Before the measurement you should strictly make sure that the machine is parked on level ground and
has a sufficient distance for movement to front and back, because the machine will move to the re-
spective direction when performing the measurement.
Attention! First set the machine to input mode (code 9 9 9 9 ). It must be strictly assured that the
speed sensor (in front right hand hydraulic motor) is working correctly. For a function test enter code
number 1 1 0 6 at the display module. This code can be used to display the number path pulses from
the speed sensor. The displayed value must change when the machine is driven.
If this value does not change even though the machine is moving, the measurement must not
be performed!
The state of the speed sensor must first be corrected, as otherwise the movement of the drum will not
be detected. (See also: „Resetting the surge currents in the travel system”)
During the measurement the machine will move when the surge current is reached!
Do not leave the machine while the measurement is progressing!
During the measurement keep an eye on your environment!
To stop the machine reset the travel lever to neutral position!
The automatic measurement of the travel system surge currents is performed as follows:
The speed selection switch must be in position ECO.
If necessary enter code number 9 9 9 9 to access the service mode.
Then enter 1 0 9 0 . This code number activates the function "Automatic detection of surge currents
in the travel system"; the display now shows the reading 0 0 0 0 with the first digit flashing. This
code number must be entered to be able to perform the following steps. From this point the ma-
chine can no longer be operated with the travel lever! The travel lever will only be in func-
tion again after the teach function has been completed or the machine has been restarted.
The measurements (forward/reverse) must be started by entering a code number. The code num-
ber required to teach the travel direction is as follows:
After the input of the above code number the display shows " F O R E ". Shifting the travel lever
forward starts the first surge current measurement for forward travel.
During the measurement the actual current is displayed (display value = current in mA).
Once the surge current measurement is finished the display will show the reading O K for a pe-
riod of 5 seconds.
After this wait time the display reading changes to " B A C K ". Now shift the travel lever backward
to start the surge current measurement in reverse.
During the measurement the actual current is displayed (display value = current in mA).
After completion of the measuring process in reverse the display will show O K again.
The travel lever must now be returned to braking position.
Once both surge currents have been learned correctly and the travel lever is in "braking position",
the display shows the reading "D O N E", the values are saved and the function is completed.
Now the machine can be operated again with the travel lever. The new surge current values for the
travel system are valid from the next start.
The teach function can at any time be aborted by operation of the emergency stop or the ignition
The following procedure applies for software versions 1.07 and 1.08:
The automatic measurement of the travel system surge currents is performed as follows:
The seat must be adjusted for travel direction forward!
The speed selection switch must be in position ECO.
If necessary enter code number 9 9 9 9 to access the service mode.
Then enter 1 0 9 0 . This code number activates the function "Automatic detection of surge currents
in the travel system"; the display now shows the reading 0 0 0 0 with the first digit flashing. This
code number must be entered to be able to perform the following steps.
From this point the machine can no longer be operated with the travel lever! The travel lever
will only be in function again after the teach function has been completed or the machine
has been restarted.
Both measurements (forward/reverse) must be started by entering a code number. The code num-
bers for both travel directions are:
After entering one of the above code numbers the measurement will only start after moving the
travel lever to the respective travel direction. ATTENTION:The
ASC fault indicator light will come on during the teach process. In this case this is of no relevance.
The warning will disappear when restarting the machine.
During the measurement the actual current is displayed (display value = current in mA).
Teaching is required for both travel directions.
When returning the travel lever to neutral position after the two measurements, the display will
show O K for 3 seconds and the averaged values will be saved.
Once both surge currents have been measured the machine can be operated again with the travel
lever. The new surge current values for the travel system are valid from the next start.
The teach function can at any time be aborted by operation of the emergency stop or the ignition
By standard all BVC-4 machines (code 725x) are equipped with electric steering. For machines with
the Hydraulic Steering Option the steering mode (steering unit) in the travel control must be switched
over (electric steering disabled):
Attention: The steering unit can only be changed when the engine is not running!
4.6 Teaching the electronic end stops of the steering angle sensor (BVC)
Attention: Does not apply for BVC machines with "hydraulic steering" option!
Note: During the measurement the machine should be parked on level ground.
The drum should be standing on old rubber tires or a metal plate.
Specify the engine speed -> travel lever out of braking position = neutral position
(Not while entering a code).
To prevent the steering from moving all the way to the mechanical stops of the steering cylinder it is
necessary to determine a defined safety distance to these end stops.
Machine on level
Tires or metal
plate under drum
Machine on level
Enter 9999
Enter 2010
Travel lever in
neutral position
Travel lever in
braking position
Display Display
Enter 2012 shows shows
2222 9999
Travel lever in
neutral position
Travel lever in
braking position
Display Display
Enter 2013 shows shows
3333 9999
Attention: Does not apply for BVC machines with "hydraulic steering" option!
To enable a sensitive and exact function of the steering the surge currents of the two control solenoids
and both steering valves must be measured. The surge currents are automatically adjusted after en-
tering a code number, so that no electric meter is required.
The surge currents must only be adjusted during initial commissioning in the factory, after a service
during which the control on a steering valve or the complete steering valve has been replaced and
after the replacement of the ESX-control.
The measurement is identical for both solenoids:
The automatic measurement of the steering valve surge currents is performed as follows:
The engine must be operated in ECO-mode!
Enter code number 9 9 9 9 to access the service mode.
Travel lever in neutral position (Brake must be released!)
Enter code number 2 0 0 0 . This code number activates the function "Automatic detection of
steering valve surge currents"; the display now shows the reading 0 0 0 0 with the first digit flash-
Now code number 2 0 0 1 must be entered.
After entering one of the above mentioned code numbers the measurement of the surge current
will start immediately.
The drum is thereby first steered to the right and then to the left.
During the measurement the actual valve current is displayed (display value in mA).
Attention! During the measurement the drum cannot be steered ! The steering wheel has no
During the measurement the machine should not be driven !
Once the measurement is completed the display value OK will appear for 3 seconds, after this the
code number 0000 is displayed with the first digit flashing, the next measurement can be started.
The new surge current values are valid from the next start.
Surge current values currently saved in the control can be read out with the following
input codes.
In case of excessively differing surge currents you should first of all run a new teach procedure.
4.8.2 Explanation
In order to adjust the speed display (LCD) e.g. to the BOMAG measuring system to reference tests
benches, the machine integrated travel speed detection may be "trimmed", i.e. adjusted.
For this purpose the input codes 1 1 5 8 (enable function) and 1 1 5 9 (start function) are used to
activate the function Speed detection, trimming of measuring values (chapter 12.4.3, page 77).
As a result, the travel speed measured by the machine appears in the LCD-Display.
With the green button on the travel lever an internal calibration value can now be changed to such an
extent, that the displayed speed corresponds with the actual travel speed.
ATTENTION! If the speed detection is extremely falsified because of operating errors, this can
lead to uncomfortable travel behaviour and a reduced ASR control quality.
4.9.2 Explanation
The function Speed detection, teaching of distance pulses offers the possibility to calibrate the inter-
nal calibration value of the speed detection..
For this purpose the input code 1 1 6 0 (enable function) and 1 1 6 1 - 1165 (start the
respective function) can be used to select a distance, which is then travelled with the machine (as
exact as possible).
During travel a numeric value is displayed.
The measurement is subsequently saved by means of the input code 1 1 6 9 and is now a valid crite-
rion for the speed detection.
With the input code 1 1 6 8 it is also possible to adjust the basic value for series machines ->
(1 1 6 0 - > 1 1 6 9 ).
ATTENTION! If the speed detection is extremely falsified because of operating errors, this can
lead to uncomfortable travel behaviour and a reduced ASR control quality.
With design status 01.05.2007 machines with circular exciter (DH-4. Not BVC) were equipped with a
switch in the dashboard to adjust the nominal vibration frequency.
Machines with an older design status and without this switch need to be adjusted accordingly when
using the the currently valid travelling software.
With design status 01.09.2007 the "attachment plate" option was released for machines with circular
exciter (DH-4. Not BVC).
ATTENTION: Machines with attachment plates are setup with the same software identification, as the
machines without plates (213 DH-4 = 213DH-4-plates = 7205)!
Other vibration motors (type 2) were introduced as standard for machines (Code numbers 7205 to
from design status 01.05.2007 and for machines (Code numbers 7251, 7252, 7255, 7256) from design
status 01.06.2007.
Standard settings are shaded grey in the table (from design status 01.06.2007).
ATTENTION! If a machine with an older design status is furnished with the up-to-date travelling soft-
ware, the corresponding vibration motor type needs to be set (see 12.4.10).
BW213DH-4 (7205) with design status before 01.05.2007: -> 9 9 9 9 -> 3 0 3 1 -> 3 0 3 2 .
Check: -> 3 0 3 0 , display: 47 (see 4.12.2).
7201 MMF025
7202 MMF025
7203 MMF025
7204 MMF025
7205 A2FM56 90M055
7206 A2FM56 90M055
7207 A2FM56 90M055
7208 A2FM56 90M055
7209 A2FM56 90M055
7210 A2FM56 90M055
7211 A2FM63
7212 A2FM63
7213 A2FM80
7214 A2FM80
7215 A2FM80
7216 A2FM80
7250 MMF025
7251 A2FM56 90M055
7252 A2FM56 90M055
7253 A2FM80
7254 A2FM80
7255 A2FM56 90M055
7256 A2FM56 90M055
For correct detection of the vibration frequency, the control must be aware of the number of pulses
(number of pulses per revolution) of the vibration motors. The pulse numbers are determined by the
vibration motor type.
The currently set pulse number can be read out with input code 3030.
Pulse numbers
Machine Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Type 4 Type 5 Type 6 Type 7 Type 8
type code (3032) (3033) (3034) (3035) (3036) (3037) (3038) (3039)
7201 43
7202 43
7203 43
7204 43
7205 47 52
7206 47 52
7207 47 52
7208 47 52
7209 47 52
7210 47 52
7211 47
7212 47
7213 53
7214 53
7215 53
7216 53
7250 43
7251 47 52
7252 47 52
7253 53
7254 53
7255 47 52
7256 47 52
5 Replacement of components
Each machine is adjusted individually during initial commissioning. This adjustment or teaching proc-
ess is necessary to make sure that the travel and steering functions are almost identical on all ma-
chines. Background of these adjustment procedures are the tolerances of the components used, e.g.
hydraulic pump for travel system, proportional valves for steering, steering angle sensors and ESX
control. These tolerances apply for both mechanical as well as electrical functions and are unavoid-
able for manufacturing reasons.
To enable simple and quick adjustment procedures we have decided to do without expensive tools. All
that is needed is this manual and a bit of time. By following the described procedure it is possible to
take a machine back into operation after the replacement of one of the components specified above
and to re-establish the usual functional quality, with almost any previous knowledge. Even an incor-
rectly or incompletely conducted teaching procedure can be repeated without problems as often as
necessary. At the first glance it seems to be at bit awkward to perform this adjustment work on every
machine, but this procedure enables the operation of all machines with the same operating software.
At the end of the day this considerably increases the spare parts availability.
Attention: Before performing one of the following steps, the machine type must first
be set (see chapter 3.3)!
When changing the machine type all previously made adjustments will be
From DH
Automatic detection of travel system surge currents (see chapt. 3.6)
Automatic detection of steering valve surge currents (see chapt. 3.7)
Teaching the electronic end stops of the steering angle sensor (see chapt. 3.8)
5.3 Replacement of a travel pump / axle drive motor / drum drive motor
Automatic detection of travel system surge currents (see chapt. 3.6)
Data collector
Electric steering wheel
Diesel engine
All switches in the dashboard
Vibration motor
Vibration pump
X35:8 Not used ---
X35:9 Not used ---
X35:10 Not used ---
X35:11 Not used ---
X35:12 Input axle speed Signal changes between approx. 0V and approx. 12V, when machine is
Frequency input (0...0.70.5kHz) driving.
Frequency with travel speed m/min
Machine type:
XX m/min )approx.XX Hz
XX m/min )approx.XX Hz
Machine type:
XX m/min )approx.XX Hz
XX m/min )approx.XX Hz
Machine type:
XX m/min )approx.XX Hz
XX m/min )approx.XX Hz
X35:13 Not used ---
008 911 71
Service Training WZ – 4 Description of Signals on the ESX Control
008 911 71
ESX terminal Signal description Nominal values (voltage / current)
X35:14 Not used ---
X35:15 Input seat contact switch Seat operated ) 0V
Digital input active high Seat not operated ) ?V
X35:16 Arm rest switch ---
X35:17 Input BTS brake (from travel lever) Brake released )approx. 12 V
Digital input active high Brake applied ) 0V
X35:18 Input steering sensor (S1/A) Signal changes between approx. 0V and 12V, when steering wheel is
Machine related electrics
Vibration pump not active ) 0A
X35:23 Voltage supply for sensors Nominal voltage = 8.5 V
This output supplies steering angle sensor and steering unit. Permissible range: approx. 7.65..90.35 V
Without this voltage the control cannot work correctly and will switch to This voltage must be measured against AGND.
override mode (emergency function).
X35:24 Output backup alarm Backup alarm inactive ) 0V
Digital output (max. 2.5 A) Backup alarm active )approx. 12 V
X35:25 Not used ---
X35:26 Interface CAN-Bus 1 Wire -, is used for communication with MESX,
data collector, LCD-display and BOP. Measurement not possible!
X35:27 Interface CAN-Bus 1 Wire +, is used for communication with MESX,
data collector, LCD-display and BOP. Measurement not possible!
X35:28 Input potential terminal 15 Control switched on )approx. 12 V
Digital input active high Control switched off )approx.2 V
This signal must be present, so that the control can work.
X35:29 Input steering angle sensor Position steering angle sensor (measured against AGND)
Analogue input / voltage input 0..8,5 V right hand stop ) V
XX m/min )approx.XX Hz
Machine type:
XX m/min )approx.XX Hz
XX m/min )approx.XX Hz
Machine type:
XX m/min )approx.XX Hz
XX m/min )approx.XX Hz
X35:35 Input vibration motor Frequency with vibration frequency in Hz
Frequency input (0....2,0kHz) Machine type:
Vib. frequency XX Hz )approx.XX Hz
Vib. frequency XX Hz )approx.XX Hz
Machine type:
Vib. frequency XX Hz )approx.XX Hz
Vib. frequency XX Hz )approx.XX Hz
Machine type:
Vib. frequency XX Hz )approx.XX Hz
Vib. frequency XX Hz )approx.XX Hz
X35:36 Input sense of rotation of vibration motor Sense of rotation forward )approx. 12 V
008 911 71
Service Training WZ – 4 Description of Signals on the ESX Control
008 911 71
ESX terminal Signal description Nominal values (voltage / current)
(currently not used) Sense of rotation backward )approx.2 V
Digital input active high
X35:37 Input sense of rotation of drum Sense of rotation forward )approx. 12 V
Digital input active high Sense of rotation backward )approx.2 V
X35:38 Input sense of rotation of axle Sense of rotation forward )approx. 12 V
Digital input active high Sense of rotation backward )approx.2 V
X35:39 Not used ---
Machine related electrics
X35:40 Input steering sensor (S2/A) Signal changes between approx. 0V and 12V, when steering wheel is
Digital input active high turned.
Frequency depends on speed of turning
X35:41 Input steering sensor (S2/B) Signal changes between approx. 0V and 12V, when steering wheel is
Digital input active high turned.
Frequency depends on speed of turning
X35:42 Output emergency steering Emergency steering active )approx. 12 V
Emergency steering inactive ) 0V
X35:43 Not used ---
X35:44 Not used ---
X35:45 Not used ---
X35:46 Output drum drive motor permissible current range: approx. A
PWM power output (max. 4 A) Drum drive motor active ) A
Drum drive motor not active ) 0A
X35:47 Output axle motor permissible current range: approx. A
PWM power output (max. 4 A) Axle motor active ) A
Axle motor not active ) 0A
X35:48 Output vibration pump permissible current range: approx. A
PWM power output (max. 4A) Axle motor active ) A
Axle motor not active ) 0A
X35:49 Output travel pump forward Travel forward active ) A
PWM power output (max. 4 A) Travel forward inactive ) 0A
X35:64 Output travel pumps reverse Travel forward active ) A
PWM power output (max. 4 A) Travel forward inactive ) 0A
008 911 71
Service Training WZ – 4 Description of Signals on the Data Collector
008 911 71
7 Description of signals on the data collector
Wherever the value of 12 V is mentioned in the following text, it refers to the current battery voltage
under due consideration of voltage drops in the lines.
X26:1 Input indicator right Indicator right active )approx. 12 V
Digital input active high Indicator right inactive ) 0V
X26:2 Input indicator left Indicator left active )approx. 12 V
Digital input active high Indicator left inactive ) 0V
X26:3 Input engine running (D+) Engine running )approx. 12 V
Digital input active high Engine not running ) 0V
X26:4 Not used ---
X26:5 Input hydraulic oil filter differential pressure Filter clogged ) 0V
Digital input active low Filter OK ) ?V
X26:6 Not used ---
X26:7 Input air conditioning Air conditioning on )approx. 12 V
Digital input active high Air conditioning off ) 0V
X26:8 Input engine air filter Filter clogged ) 0V
Digital input active low Filter OK ) ?V
X26:9 Input background illumination Illumination on )approx. 12 V
Digital input active high Illumination off ) 0V
X26:10 Input coolant supply Coolant supply too low ) 0V
Digital input active low Sufficient coolant supply ) ?V
X26:11 Not used ---
X26:12 Ground connection 0V (measured against ground)
X27:1 Not used
X27:2 Input fuel level The voltage signal changes with the filling level in the fuel tank
Analog input Fuel tank empty ) ?? V
Fuel tank full ) ?? V
X27:3 Not used ---
X27:4 Voltage supply for monitoring of water separation (PIN X27:9) Voltage supply O.K. ) approx.12 V
Version/Status: V3.29 / 13.11.07 Description of Signals on Data Collector Page 36 of 84
Author: Seis,MASH,LOEW / TE/TES
Machine related electrics
008 911 71
Service Training WZ – 4 Description of Signals on the Travel Lever
008 911 71
8 Description of signals on the travel lever
Wherever the value of 12 V is mentioned in the following text, it refers to the current battery voltage
under due consideration of voltage drops in the lines.
X23:1 Voltage supply (permanent voltage) Electronics functioning )approx. 12 V
Electronics not working ) 0V
X23:2 Ground connection 0V (measured against ground)
X23:3 Output BTS brake Brake opens )approx. 12 V
Digital output (max. 4 A) Brake closes ) 0V
X23:4 Output BTS (not used)
Digital output (max. 4 A)
X23:5 Output voltage supply for additional analog evaluations Nominal voltage = approx. 5,0 V
This output supplies the 24-stage travel range selector switch. This Permissible range: approx. V
voltage is required to connect and evaluate further analog switches to This voltage must be measured against AGND.
the travel lever.
X23:6 Interface CAN-Bus 2 Wire +, is used to communicate with ESX and Measurement not possible!
engine EMR.
X23:7 Interface CAN-Bus 2 Wire -, is used to communicate with ESX and Measurement not possible!
engine EMR.
X23:8 AGND = Analogue ground: Ground potential for additional analog approx. 0 V measured against ground (terminal 31)
Reference to PIN X23:5
X23:9 Node address addressing 1 Connection to machine ground (0V)
X23:10 Node address addressing 2 Connection to machine ground (0V)
X23:11 Input travel stage selector switch The voltage signal changes with the adjusted travel speed range
Analog input Travel stage min. ) ?? V
Travel stage max. ) ?? V
X23:12 Not used ---
X24:1 Not used ---
X24:2 Input high amplitude High amplitude active )approx. 12 V
Version/Status: V3.29 / 13.11.07 Description of Signals on Travel Lever Page 38 of 84
Author: Seis,MASH,LOEW / TE/TES
Machine related electrics
008 911 71
Service Training WZ – 4 Description of Signals on the LC-Display
008 911 71
9 Descriptions of signals on the LC - Display
Wherever the value of 12 V is mentioned in the following text, it refers to the current battery voltage
under due consideration of voltage drops in the lines.
X28:1 Voltage supply (permanent voltage "ignition on") Electronics functioning )approx. 12 V
Electronics not working ) 0V
X28:2 Ground connection 0V (measured against ground)
X28:3 Interface CAN-Bus 1 Wire +, is used for communication with MESX, Measurement not possible!
ESX, data collector and BOP.
X28:4 Interface CAN-Bus 1 Wire -, is used for communication with MESX, Measurement not possible!
ESX, data collector and BOP.
X28:5 Voltage supply (permanent voltage "Battery +“ for RTC) Electronics functioning )approx. 12 V
Electronics not working ) 0V
X28:6 Not used ---
X29:1 Input lower frequency Adjustment active )approx. 12 V
Digital input active high Adjustment inactive ) 0V
X29:2 Input higher frequency Adjustment active )approx. 12 V
Digital input active high Adjustment inactive ) 0V
X29:3 Input engine speed high idle High idle active )approx. 12 V
Digital input active high High idle inactive ) 0V
X29:4 Input engine speed low idle Low idle active )approx. 12 V
Digital input active high Low idle inactive ) 0V
X29:5 Not used ---
X29:6 Not used ---
X29:7 Output voltage supply for additional digital evaluations Voltage supply active )approx. 12 V
This output supplies the engine speed switch and the switch for fre- Voltage supply inactive ) 0V
quency adjustment. This voltage is required to connect and evaluate
further digital switches to the LCD.
X29:8 Not used ---
X62:8 Output plates right Sliding to right active )approx. 12 V
Digital output (max. 4 A) Sliding to right inactive ) 0V
X62:9 Voltage supply for outputs Ignition ON: )approx. 12 V
Ignition OFF: ) 0V
X62:10 Voltage supply for outputs Ignition ON: )approx. 12 V
Ignition OFF: ) 0V
X62:11 Ground connection 0 V measured against ground
X62:12 Input proximity switch, plates top Plates lifted above sensor ) 0V
Digital input active high Plates lowered below sensor )approx. 12 V
X62:13 Output plates float position 1 Float position active )approx. 12 V
Digital output (max. 4 A) Float position inactive ) 0V
X62:14 Output plates priority Priority active )approx. 12 V
Digital output (max. 4 A) Priority inactive ) 0V
X62:15 Output plates float position 2 Float position active )approx. 12 V
Digital output (max. 4 A) Float position inactive ) 0V
X62:16 Not used ---
008 911 71
Machine related electrics 9.1
11.1 Overview
Fault code Fault description
0000 - General faults / warnings / machine tests
1000 - Fault in travel system
2000 - Fault in steering system
2500 - Fault in remote control
3000 - Faults in work functions (vibration, attachment plates, rotor, chip
4499 spreader)
4500 - Fault in measuring systems
5000 - Fault diesel engine
5500 - Fault hydraulic system
6000 - Fault anti-theft warning system, localization system, access sys-
6999 tem, time account, etc.
7000 - Input of machine codes
7500 - Input of codes for measuring technology
7900 - Operating hours, load spectrum, etc.
8000 - Severe software error 1
9000 - Errors of external IO-nodes (joystick, data collector, Dios module,
9999 LC-display, etc.) 1
These faults are not broken down hereunder!
2 Warning.
Fault code is displayed.
Audible signal
4 Partial function faulty, the partial function cannot be overridden by an emergency function.
The machine is stopped if this fault occurs.
The machine can still be driven to a limited extent, but must be repaired by the service department as soon as possible.
Fault code is displayed.
Audible signal
5 Partial function faulty, the partial function cannot be overridden by an emergency function.
) the diesel engine is shut down.
The machine is no longer able to drive, e.g. because parts of the travel system are defective
Fault code is displayed.
Audible signal
Note: Errors with error reaction 1 and 2 are only warning messages and are NOT stored in the error log!
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11.3 Note codes
1500 Warning "Dangerous condition ASC" Due to counter-rotating drive units the machine was stopped and the brake
applied. X X
The brake can be released again after shifting the travel lever to braking
position, travel operation can be resumed.
2201 Steering logic Difference between steering wheel movement and This display is a Note, if steering at standstill is not possible. At standstill
steering movement too big -> machine has stopped! the steering forces may not be high enough. This is just a possible opera- X X
ting state.
2068 Valves steering pump surge currents The function "Teaching surge currents" for the electric steering has not yet
Surge currents for steering pump have NOT been learned. been executed. X X
See 4.7 Automatic detection of surge currents on steering valves Î New machine/replacement of control
(Only machine with electric steering)
2198 Electric steering, steering end stops The function "Teaching steering stops" for the electric steering has not yet
Teaching of steering stops for electric steering NOT yet executed. been executed. X X
See 4.6 Teaching the electronic end stops of the steering angle Î New machine/replacement of control
sensor (BVC)
(Only machine with electric steering)
2300 Arm rest raised The arm rest has been raised or the magnetic switch under the left hand
Î Machine does not pick up throttle and is braked to stop. arm rest is defective X
3060 Warning ! Attachment plate lowered and backward travel The attachment plates are lowered and an attempt is made to drive back- X
5013 Diesel engine stalled various X X
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Author: Seis,MASH,LOEW / TE/TES
Machine related electrics
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11.4 Detailed description of fault codes and their possible causes
11.4.1 General
Fault Fault description Possible causes Terminal Assignment Input Fault
Code DH-4 BVC-4 code for reaction
0500 Driving against brake – warning A corresponding input code has been entered
Machine related electrics
0502 Simulated engine run - warning A corresponding input code has been entered
The function "Simulated engine run" is activated X X 2
0504 Ant- Slip Control (ASC) deactivated - warning A corresponding input code has been entered
The function "Anti Slip Control (ASC)" is deactivated X X 2
0507 Drum drive deactivated - warning A corresponding input code has been entered
Test mode "Drum drive deactivated" was activated. X X 2
0508 Axle drive deactivated - warning A corresponding input code has been entered
Test mode "Axle drive deactivated" was activated. X X 2
0560 Overvoltage 8,5V Connection of voltage level to operating voltage, another voltage X35:23
The voltage level of the 8,5V range is impermissibly ex- potential or control defective X X 2
(see signal description)
0561 Undervoltage 8,5V Connection of voltage level to ground, another voltage potential X35:23
The voltage level of the 8,5V range is impermissibly fallen or control defective X X 2
short of
(see signal description)
562 Error "Voltage Override Relay" 2
The voltage level of the 8,5V range is... X X
11.4.2 Brake
Fault Fault description Possible causes Terminal Assignment Input Fault
Code DH-4 BVC-4 code for reaction
1001 Brake valve line breakage ) The connecting line between output of control and X35:61
The required control power cannot be transmitted to the control solenoid is interrupted. X X 1001 6
control solenoid. ) The solenoid is defective
1002 Brake valve short circuit to ground ) The connecting cable has short circuit to ground X35:61
Signal outside the valid range (see signal description) ) Coil defective X X 1001 6
1003 Brake valve short circuit Ub ) The connecting cable has short circuit to battery voltage X35:61
Signal outside the valid range (see signal description) X X 1001 6
1004 Brake valve ) The connecting cable has short circuit to ground X35:61
Overheating of output driver in ESX ) Coil defective X X 1001 6
1005 BTS brake / plausibility (BTS=output driver) ) Hardware defect on travel lever X35:17
Plausibility conflict in evaluation of travel lever X- axis to ) Connection between ESX and travel lever interrupted X33:3 X X 5
the brake contact signal
11.4.3 Travel lever
Fault Fault description Possible causes Terminal Assignment Input Fault
Code DH-4 BVC-4 code for reaction
1025 Travel lever sum error X-axis Internal fault in travel lever -> Replace travel lever. CAN
Error in redundant evaluation of axis X X 3
1026 Travel lever cable breakage X-axis Cable breakage in travel lever -> Replace travel lever. CAN
Signal outside the valid range (see signal description) X X 3
1027 Travel lever parameterization X-axis Internal fault in travel lever -> Replace travel lever. CAN
X X 3
1028 Travel lever direction evaluation X-axis Internal fault in travel lever -> Replace travel lever. CAN
The direction of travel lever movement could not be de- X X 3
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Fault Fault description Possible causes Terminal Assignment Input Fault
Code DH-4 BVC-4 code for reaction
1029 Travel lever difference error X-axis Internal fault in travel lever -> Replace travel lever. CAN
Error in redundant evaluation of travel lever signal X X 3
1030 Travel lever software error X-axis Internal fault in travel lever -> Replace travel lever. CAN
Software does not work fault free X X 3
Machine related electrics
1032 Travel lever cable breakage Y-axis Cable breakage in travel lever -> Replace travel lever. CAN
Signal outside the valid range (see signal description) X X 3
1033 Travel lever parameterization Y-axis Internal fault in travel lever -> Replace travel lever. CAN
X X 3
1034 Travel lever direction evaluation Y-axis Internal fault in travel lever -> Replace travel lever. CAN
The direction of travel lever movement could not be de- X X 3
1035 Travel lever difference error Y-axis Internal fault in travel lever -> Replace travel lever. CAN
Error in redundant evaluation of travel lever signal X X 3
1036 Travel lever software error Y-axis Internal fault in travel lever -> Replace travel lever. CAN
Software does not work fault free X X 3
The required control power cannot be transmitted to the tional solenoid is interrupted or the proportional solenoid is X X 5
proportional solenoid. defective
-> Line interrupted/cable breakage.
1071 Fault of current regulator forward Faults in valve control Check wiring. X35:49
X X 5
1072 Fault of current regulator forward Faults in valve control Check wiring. X35:49
X X 5
1073 Output travel pump forward Short circuit of connecting line (control to proportional valve) to X35:49
Supply voltage UB applied to the output to the proportional voltage supply X X 5
1074 Output travel pump forward - Short circuit of connecting line (control to proportional valve) X35:49
Output to proportional valve shorted to ground. to machine frame or a ground cable. X X 5
- Proportional valve defective.
1075 Error in teaching the surge current forward Machine mechanically blocked X35:49
Travel system bypass valves out of adjustment X X 5
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Fault Fault description Possible causes Terminal Assignment Input Fault
Code DH-4 BVC-4 code for reaction
1080 Output travel pumps reverse The connecting line from the output of the control to the propor- X35:64
The required control power cannot be transmitted to the tional solenoid is interrupted or the proportional solenoid is X X 5
proportional solenoid. defective
) Line interrupted/cable breakage.
1081 Fault of current regulator reverse Faults in valve control Check wiring. X35:64
Machine related electrics
X X 5
1082 Fault of current regulator reverse Faults in valve control Check wiring. X35:64
X X 5
1083 Output travel pumps reverse Short circuit of connecting line (control to proportional valve) to X35:64
Supply voltage UB applied to the output to the proportional voltage supply X X 5
1084 Output travel pumps reverse - Short circuit of connecting line (control to proportional valve) X35:64
Output to proportional valve shorted to ground. to machine frame or a ground cable. X X 4
- Proportional valve defective.
1085 Error in teaching the surge current reverse Machine mechanically blocked X35:64
Travel system bypass valves out of adjustment X X 3
1088 Travel pump surge currents Note, no fault! See 11.3 Note codes
Surge currents for travel pump have NOT been learned. X X 1
See 4.4
1105 Speed sensor pulses front travel motor Check connecting lines and plugs on wheel speed sensor, if X35:34 X X 4
Incorrect or non-existent signal "Frequency" necessary replace the wheel speed sensor
1106 Direction signal pulses front travel motor Check connecting lines and plugs on wheel speed sensor, if X35:37 X X 4
Incorrect or non-existent signal "Direction" necessary replace the wheel speed sensor
1107 Output front travel motor Short circuit of connecting line (control to proportional valve) to X35:46 X X 5
Supply voltage UB applied to the output to the proportional voltage supply
1108 Output front travel motor - Short circuit of connecting line (control to proportional valve) X35:46 X X 4
Output to proportional valve shorted to ground. to machine frame or a ground cable.
- Proportional valve defective.
1110 Output rear travel motor The connecting line from the output of the control to the propor- X35:47 X X 4
The required control power cannot be transmitted to the tional solenoid is interrupted or the proportional solenoid is
proportional solenoid. defective
Î Line interrupted/cable breakage.
1115 Speed sensor pulses rear travel motor Check connecting lines and plugs on wheel speed sensor, if X35:12 X X 4
Incorrect or non-existent signal "Frequency" necessary replace the wheel speed sensor
1116 Speed sensor direction signal rear travel motor Check connecting lines and plugs on wheel speed sensor, if X35:38 X X 4
Incorrect or non-existent signal "Direction" necessary replace the wheel speed sensor
1117 Output rear travel motor Short circuit of connecting line (control to proportional valve) to X35:47 X X 4
Supply voltage UB applied to the output to the proportional voltage supply
1118 Output rear travel motor - Short circuit of connecting line (control to proportional valve) X35:46 X X 4
Output to proportional valve shorted to ground. to machine frame or a ground cable.
- Proportional valve defective.
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Fault Fault description Possible causes Terminal Assignment Input Fault
Code DH-4 BVC-4 code for reaction
1140 Travel system pressure sensor "Signal" The connecting line between control output and pressure sensor X35:31 X X 1
The current signal is not transmitted (see signal specifica- is interrupted, or
tion The pressure sensor is defective
1141 Travel system pressure sensor "Signal range" The pressure sensor is defective X35:31 X X 1
The current signal is outside the valid range (see signal
Machine related electrics
1142 Travel system pressure sensor "no pressure" No pressure connection on sensor, or X35:31 X X 4
The electric signal indicates that the travel pressure is supply line blocked or
permanently missing. no travel pressure built up
1145 Inclination sensor "Supply connection" Cable breakage in connecting line, or X35:?? X X 3
Signal outside the valid range (see signal description) connecting cable between sensor and power supply has come ..
loose X35:30
1146 Inclination sensor "Ground connection" Cable breakage in ground line, or X35:1 X X 3
Signal outside the valid range (see signal description) Connecting cable between sensor and ground connection has
come loose
1300 Seat connect not occupied Cable breakage in signal line, or X35:15 X X 2
driver's seat not occupied (driver not seated!)
1500 Warning "Dangerous condition ASC" Note, no fault! See 11.3 Note codes X X 2
11.4.6 Steering
(Only machine with electric steering)
Fault Fault description Possible causes Terminal Assignment Input Fault
Code DH-4 BVC-4 code for reaction
2000 Limp home steering valves active X 1
2040 Output steering valve right The connecting line from the output of the control to the propor- X35:20 X 4
The required control power cannot be transmitted to the tional solenoid is interrupted or the proportional solenoid is
proportional solenoid. defective
Î Line interrupted/cable breakage.
2041 Output steering valve right Faults in valve control Check wiring. X35:20 X 4
Fault current regulator
2042 Output steering valve right Faults in valve control Check wiring. X35:20 X 4
Fault current regulator
2043 Output steering valve right Short circuit of connecting line (control to proportional valve) to X35:20 X 5
Supply voltage UB applied to the output to the proportional voltage supply
2044 Output steering valve right - Short circuit of connecting line (control to proportional valve) X35:20 X 4
Output to proportional valve shorted to ground. to machine frame or a ground cable.
- Proportional valve defective.
2050 Output steering valve left The connecting line from the output of the control to the propor- X35:21 X 4
The required control power cannot be transmitted to the tional solenoid is interrupted or the proportional solenoid is
proportional solenoid. defective
Î Line interrupted/cable breakage.
2051 Output steering valve left Faults in valve control Check wiring. X35:21 X 4
Fault current regulator
2052 Output steering valve left Faults in valve control Check wiring. X35:21 X 4
Fault current regulator
2053 Output steering valve left Short circuit of connecting line (control to proportional valve) to X35:21 X 5
Supply voltage UB applied to the output to the proportional voltage supply
2054 Output steering valve left - Short circuit of connecting line (control to proportional valve) X35:21 X 4
Output to proportional valve shorted to ground. to machine frame or a ground cable.
Proportional valve defective.
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Fault Fault description Possible causes Terminal Assignment Input Fault
Code DH-4 BVC-4 code for reaction
2065 Error when teaching the surge current for the right Drum was not moved, maximum current was reached, steering is X35:20 X 4
hand valve blocked (e.g. articulation lock applied)
2066 Error when teaching the surge current for the left hand Drum was not moved, maximum current was reached X35:21 X 4
valve Steering is blocked (e.g. joint lock engaged)
2068 Valves steering pump surge currents Note, no fault! See 11.3 Note codes X 1
Surge currents for steering pump have NOT been learned.
Machine related electrics
(see signal description)
2173 Steering wheel (arm rest) "Sensor 2 pulse range" Check the connecting lines to steering sensor 2, or replace the X35:40 X 4
The detected steering pulses on steering sensor 2 are steering sensor in the left hand arm rest, if required. X35:41
outside the valid range
(see signal description)
2174 Steering wheel A45 (arm rest) "Sensor 1" Steering sensor in left hand arm rest defective. X35:18 X 4
2175 Steering wheel A45 (arm rest) "Sensor 2" Steering sensor in left hand arm rest defective. X35:40 X 4
2176 Steering wheel A45 (arm rest) "Sensor 1 cable break- Check the connecting lines to steering sensor 1, or replace the X35:18 X 4
age" steering sensor in the left hand arm rest, if required. X35:19
2177 Steering wheel A45 (arm rest) "Sensor 2 cable break- Check the connecting lines to steering sensor 2, or replace the X35:40 X 4
age" steering sensor in the left hand arm rest, if required. X35:41
2178 Steering wheel A45 (arm rest) "Sensor 1 sensor fault" Sensor fault. If this occurs frequently, change steering wheel. X 4
2179 Steering wheel A45 (arm rest) "Sensor 2 sensor fault" Sensor fault. If this occurs frequently, change steering wheel. X 4
2192 Steering angle sensor B65 "Supply cable breakage" Voltage supply line to steering angle sensor interrupted or X35:23 X 4
steering angle sensor on articulated joint defective
- Ground connection of signal line
2193 Steering angle sensor B65 "Ground cable breakage" Ground cable to the steering angle sensor interrupted, or X35:1 X 4
Steering angle sensor on the articulated joint defective.
2198 Electric steering, steering end stops Note, no fault! See 11.3 Note codes (X) 4
Teaching of steering stops for electric steering NOT yet
See 4.6 Teaching the electronic end stops of the steer-
ing angle sensor (BVC)
(Only machine with electric steering)
2200 Steering logic Difference between steering wheel move- Steering valve "jammed". No hydraulic oil supply.
ment and steering movement too big -> machine travelling! Surge currents have not been taught (correctly) see also 4.7
Automatic detection of surge currents on steering valves (BVC).
2201 Steering logic Difference between steering wheel move- Note, no fault! See 11.3 Note codes X 2
ment and steering movement too big -> machine has
2303 Ground cable breakage Ground cable to the magnetic switch interrupted, or X35:16 X 4
-> !!Machine can be driven normally!! Magnetic switch under left hand arm rest defective
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11.4.8 Vibration
Fault Fault description Possible causes Terminal Assignment Input Fault
Code DH-4 BVC-4 code for reaction
3000 Vibration sensor "No signal" Check connecting lines and plugs to the vibration sensor, or X35:35 X X 1
The sensor in the vibration motor does not pick up any replace the sensor in the vibration motor, if necessary.
Machine related electrics
3001 Valve vibration pump (low amplitude on DH) Details in 3004 – 3008 X35:48 X X 1
General fault.
3002 Valve vibration pump (low amplitude on DH) System fault! Replace the control! X35:48 X X 1
Internal system fault.
3003 Valve vibration pump (low amplitude on DH) "Current Faults in control line, or X35:48 X X 1
range" Connection to another potential (e.g. operating voltage)
The control current is outside the valid range (see signal
3004 Valve vibration pump (low amplitude on DH) The connecting line between control output and proportional X35:48 X X 1
Line interruption solenoid is interrupted, or
The proportional solenoid is defective
changeover relay / bridge missing
3005 Valve vibration pump (low amplitude on DH) System fault! Replace the control! X35:48 X X 1
Internal system fault.
3006 Valve vibration pump (low amplitude on DH) "Control Faults in connecting line, incorrect valve coil, or X35:48 X X 1
fault regulation down" Connection to another potential (e.g. operating voltage)
The control current is outside the valid range (see signal
3007 Valve vibration pump (low amplitude on DH) "Control Faults in connecting line, incorrect valve coil, or X35:48 X X 1
fault regulation up" Connection to another potential (e.g. operating voltage)
The control current is outside the valid range (see signal
3008 Valve vibration pump (low amplitude on DH) System fault! Replace the control! X35:48 X X 1
Internal system fault.
3009 Valve vibration pump (low amplitude on DH) Short circuit of connecting line (control to proportional valve) to X35:48 X X 1
Supply voltage UB applied to the output to the proportional voltage supply
3010 Valve vibration pump (low amplitude on DH) - Short circuit of connecting line (control to proportional valve) X35:48 X X 1
Output to proportional valve shorted to ground. to machine frame or a ground cable.
- Proportional valve defective.
ATTENTION! It must be assured, that the fault has not be
caused by a faulty component (pump, control,
3021 Vibration pump valve (only DH: high amplitude) Details in 3014 – 3018 X35:48 X 1
General fault.
3022 Vibration pump valve (only DH: high amplitude) System fault! Replace the control! X35:48 X 1
Internal system fault.
3023 Vibration pump valve (only DH: high amplitude) "Current Faults in control line, or X35:48 X 1
range" Connection to another potential (e.g. operating voltage)
The control current is outside the valid range (see signal
3024 Valve vibration pump "Cable breakage" The connecting line between control output and proportional X35:48 X 1
(only DH: high amplitude) solenoid is interrupted, or
Line interruption The proportional solenoid is defective
changeover relay / bridge missing
3025 Vibration pump valve (only DH: high amplitude) System fault! Replace the control! X35:48 X 1
Internal system fault.
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008 911 71
Fault Fault description Possible causes Terminal Assignment Input Fault
Code DH-4 BVC-4 code for reaction
3026 Vibration pump valve (only DH: high amplitude) Faults in connecting line, incorrect valve coil, or X35:48 X 1
"Control fault regulating up" Connection to another potential (e.g. operating voltage)
The control current is outside the valid range (see signal
3027 Vibration pump valve (only DH: high amplitude) Faults in connecting line, incorrect valve coil, or X35:48 X 1
"Control fault regulating down" Connection to another potential (e.g. operating voltage)
Machine related electrics
3031 Vibration adaptation control (only DH: high amplitude) Wear or damage in vibration system hydraulic circuit. X35:48 X 2
Frequency adaptation
Limits of adaptation range exceeded
(see signal specification)
3032 Vibration adaptation control (only DH: high amplitude) Wear or damage in vibration system hydraulic circuit. X35:48 X 2
"Frequency adaptation" Valve sticking/defective.
Upper adjustment range reached!
(see signal specification)
3033 Vibration adaptation control (only DH: high amplitude) Wear or damage in vibration system hydraulic circuit. X35:48 X 2
"Frequency adaptation" Valve sticking/defective.
Lower adjustment range reached!
(see signal specification)
3034 Vibration frequency (only DH: high amplitude) Vibrations frequency exceeded by more than 5Hz. X35:48 X 4
Frequency/speed to high Emergency shut down to protect bearings.
After replacement of a vibration pump or peripheral equipment in
the vibration circuit this fault may occur as a result of unfavour-
able component tolerances.
In this case normal operation can be reached by multiple
activation of the vibration, after the fault has been rectified.
ATTENTION! It must be assured, that the fault has not be
caused by a faulty component (pump, control,
3054 Vibration pump, plates, valve "Cable breakage" The connecting line between control output and proportional X35:22 X 1
Line interruption solenoid is interrupted, or
The proportional solenoid is defective
changeover relay / bridge missing
Code DH-4 BVC-4 code for reaction
3055 Vibration pump, plates, valve System fault! Replace the control! X35:22 X 1
Internal system fault.
3060 Warning ! Attachment plate lowered and backward Note, no fault! See 11.3 Note codes X 2
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008 911 71
11.4.10 Diesel engine
Fault Fault description Possible causes Terminal Assignment Input Fault
Code DH-4 BVC-4 code for Reaction
5013 Diesel engine stalled Note, no fault! See 11.3 Note codes X X 1
5024 Diesel engine "Coolant level" warning Coolant level too low or sensor defective X26:10 X X 2
5025 Diesel engine "Coolant level" fault shut-down Coolant level too low or sensor defective X26:10 X X 5
5026 Diesel engine "Air filter" warning Air filter soiled or sensor defective X26:8 X X 2
Machine related electrics
5027 Diesel engine "Air filter" fault shut-down Air filter soiled or sensor defective X26:8 X X 5
5028 Water separator warning Water or other dirt in fuel filter X27:4 X X 2
5029 Water separator fault shut-down Water or other dirt in fuel filter X27:4 X X 5
5101 Diesel engine EMR "red stop light" Collective message for engine shut down X X 2
) see further fault code for more accurate fault diagnose
5102 Diesel engine EMR has more than one logged fault. Collective message for engine shut down X X 2
) see further fault code for more accurate fault diagnose
5120 Diesel engine EMR "CAN communication" ) CAN connection between ESX and EMR interrupted X X 2
) CAN connection has short circuit against ground, against
+12 V or connection between CAN+ and CAN-.
) ESX without voltage supply
) Battery charge level too low
5121 Diesel engine EMR "CAN communication" ) CAN connection between ESX and EMR interrupted X X 5
) CAN connection has short circuit against ground, against
+12 V or connection between CAN+ and CAN-.
) EMR without voltage supply.
5122 Diesel engine EMR "Nominal speed value" ) CAN connection between ESX and EMR interrupted X X 2
) CAN connection has short circuit against ground, against
+12 V or connection between CAN+ and CAN-.
) ESX without voltage supply
) Battery charge level too low
5123 Diesel engine EMR CAN communication ) CAN communication between EMR and ESX X30:12 X X 2
5124 Diesel engine EMR CAN communication ) CAN communication between EMR and ESX X30:12 X X 2
5125 Diesel engine EMR CAN communication ) CAN communication between EMR and ESX X30:12 X X 2
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5126 Diesel engine EMR CAN communication ) CAN communication between EMR and ESX.# X30:12 X X 2
Occurs also when the ESX travel control switches off for X30:13
longer than 5 seconds (LCD-display flickers) while the engine
is running.
Machine related electrics
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Author: Seis,MASH,LOEW / TE/TES
5135 Water separator (EMR2) Water or other dirt in fuel filter X X 2
5136 Diesel engine EMR "Fuel low pressure sensor" ) Sensor defective X31:13 X X 2
) Wire breakage in current path X31:23
) Current path has short circuit to ground
5140 Diesel engine EMR "unknown fault" Fault diagnostics only possible with DEUTZ diagnostics tool X X 2
11.4.12 Miscellaneous
Fault Fault description Possible causes Terminal Assignment Input Fault
Code DH-4 BVC-4 code for Reaction
5502 "Hydraulic oil filter" warning Hydraulic oil filter soiled or sensor defective X X 2
5503 "Hydraulic oil filter" fault shut-down Hydraulic oil filter soiled or sensor defective X X 5
5504 "Oil temperature" warning Hydraulic oil temperature too high or sensor defective X X 2
5005 "Oil temperature" fault shut-down Hydraulic oil temperature too high or sensor defective X X 5
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Author: Seis,MASH,LOEW / TE/TES
) Immobilizer not yet unlocked
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Service Training WZ – 4 Description of Control Input Codes
008 911 71
12 Input Codes for ESX Control
Display and adjustment functions can generally only be accessed by entering "service code" 9999 beforehand!
12.2.1 General
Input code Description of display function Display values
0555 Display of "machine control software version ( ESX)" e.g.: "1.13" for software version V 1.13
0556 Display of Firmware version "LCD Display" e.g. "1.36" for version 1.36
0557 Display of Firmware version "Data Collector" e.g. "1.11" for version 1.11
0720 Display of "Machine Code" The machine code is displayed (72xx) (see chapt. 3.6)
12.2.2 Brake
Input code Description of display function Display values
1001 Display of voltage at control output "Valve Brake" Display in V (e.g. 12.6 corresponds with 12,6V)
1027 Display "Travel lever release" 0 = locked
1 = released
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008 911 71
Input code Description of display function Display values
1042 Display "Voltage value for speed range / gear standardized" Stage 1 956 Stage 2 916 Stage 3 875
Stage 4 835 Stage 5 795 Stage 6 756
Stage 7 716 Stage 8 675 Stage 9 637
Stage 10 597 Stage 11 557 Stage 12 517
Stage 13 478 Stage 14 436 Stage 15 396
Stage 16 357 Stage 17 318 Stage 18 279
Machine related electrics
Input code Description of display function Display values
1070 Display "Actual current value travel pump forward" Display in mA (0..350..1300)
1071 Display "Nominal current value travel pump forward" Display in mA (0..350..1300)
1078 Initial current value (learned surge current) of the valve Display in mA (permitted range 350mA..600mA)
1079 Maximum current value (derived end current) of the valve Display in mA (permitted range 1,150mA.0.1400mA)
1088 Initial current value (learned surge current) of the valve Display in mA (permitted range 350mA..600mA)
1089 Maximum current value (derived end current) of the valve Display in mA (permitted range 1,150mA.0.1400mA)
Travel speed Display in m/min
1116 Pulses of speed sensor Counts the pulses up to 99‘999 and starts again at 0
1117 Direction signal of speed sensor 2 = Forward
1 = Standstill and reverse
1118 Travel direction logics 1 = Forward
0 = Standstill
2 = Reverse
Settings will not be saved. After shutting down the machine all drives are engaged again!
008 911 71
Service Training WZ – 4 Description of Control Input Codes
008 911 71
12.2.10 Adaptation values for speed regulation
Input code Description of display function Display values
1128 Pre-control factor forward travel 7000..10000
1129 Pre-control factor reverse travel 7000..10000
1148 Function status (internal logic -> diagnose) 0=Not initialized, 1=Normal operation, 2=Fault
6 = 6 Kmh
7 = 7 Kmh
8 = 8 Kmh
9 = 9 Kmh
10 = 10 Kmh
11 = 11 Kmh
12 = 12 Kmh
008 911 71
Service Training WZ – 4 Description of Control Input Codes
008 911 71
12.2.17 Adoption values traction control
Input code Description of display function Display values
1500 Pre-control factor front 400..24000
1501 Pre-control factor rear 400..24000
Machine related electrics
2106 Display "Current min value (surge current) left hand steering valve" Display in mA
2107 Display „Current max value left hand steering valve“ Display in mA
2108 Display "Current min value (surge current) right hand steering valve" Display in mA
2109 Display „Current max value right hand steering valve“ Display in mA
12.2.19 Steering: Angle sensor in articulated joint
Input code Description of display function Display values
2110 Raw measuring value (voltage in V) 0...8,5VDC
- Middle position approx. 4,5V
- Steering left = lower voltage (approx. 2V..4,5V)
- Steering right = lower voltage (approx. 4,5V..4.7V)
2111 Standardized measuring value 0...1000 (left= high value (approx. 750), right = low value (ap-
prox. 220)
2112 Standardized actual steering angle position -1000...0...1000 (left = negative value, right positive value)
2130 Steering wheel sensor 1 track 1 absolute pulses Number of total pulses
2131 Steering wheel sensor 1 track 2 absolute pulses Number of total pulses
2132 Steering wheel sensor 1 total pulses of sensor
2133 Steering wheel sensor 1 sense of rotation 1=steering wheel steers to the right (clockwise); 2=steering
wheel steers to the left
2140 Steering wheel sensor 2 track 1 absolute pulses Number of total pulses
2141 Steering wheel sensor 2 track 1 absolute pulses Number of total pulses
2142 Steering wheel sensor 2 total pulses of sensor
2143 Steering wheel sensor 2 sense of rotation 1=steering wheel steers to the right (clockwise); 2=steering
wheel steers to the left
12.2.21 Vibration
Input code Description of display function Display values
3000 Display "Switch for vibration mode" Value DH4 BVC _
0 off off
1 low amplitude on
2 high amplitude ---
3001 Display "Status of vibration relay“ 0 = Relay K43 not switched
1 = Relay K43 switched
008 911 71
Service Training WZ – 4 Description of Control Input Codes
008 911 71
Input code Description of display function Display values
3007 Actual control factor (high amplitude on DH) 2000 – 8000 (machine type dependent)
3009 Actual Vario status (only BVC) -1 ... 7
Vibration control; Vario and low amplitude circular exciter (from version 3.25 )
Input code Description of display function Display values
3002 Display "Vibration pump valve current" (low amplitude on DH) Display value = mA
Machine related electrics
3012 Display "Vibration pump valve current" Display value = mA
The display shows the actual pump current.
3013 Display "Vibration pump nominal valve current" Display value = mA
The display shows the nominal pump current.
3014 Current working frequency Display value = Hz
3016 Current control factor frequency controller 2000 – 8000 (machine type dependent)
3017 Current control factor valve current controller 2000 – 8000 (machine type dependent)
3018 Current fault counter valve current controller 1000
ON = Plates are connected with the machine
3056 Display "Potentiometer value frequency setting of plates" 0..1000 standard, 0 = min. frequency, 1000 = max. frequency
3057 Control status valve "move up" OFF = Output not triggered
(Pin 5 DIOS module) ON = Output triggered
3058 Control status valve "move down" OFF = Output not triggered
(Pin 6 DIOS module) ON = Output triggered
3059 Control status valve "retract sideways" OFF = Output not triggered
(Pin 8 DIOS module) ON = Output triggered
3060 Control status valve "extend sideways" OFF = Output not triggered
(Pin 7 DIOS module) ON = Output triggered
3061 Control status valve "floating position" OFF = Output not triggered
(Pin 13 + 15 DIOS module) ON = Output triggered
3062 Control status valve "Priority change-over" OFF = Output not triggered
(Pin 14 DIOS module) ON = Output triggered
008 911 71
Service Training WZ – 4 Description of Control Input Codes
008 911 71
12.2.24 Engine
Input code Description of display function Display values
5000 Actual speed (rpm) 0..3000
5001 Nominal speed (rpm) 0..3000
5010 Idle speed (EMR parameter) (rpm) 600..1000
Machine related electrics
5050 Charge air pressure (in bar * 100) 0..300 -> 0..3bar
12.2.25 Hydraulics
Input code Description of display function Display values
5502 Display "Status hydraulic oil filter" 0= Hydraulic oil filter OK
1= Hydraulic oil filter contaminated
12.3.1 Brake
Input code Description of display function Display values
0500 Activates the function "Driving against the closed brake" 500 and brake control light stays on when shifting the travel
lever out of the brake gate
0501 Deactivates the function "Driving against the closed brake" O K for 3seconds, then 0000
12.3.2 Disable electric supply to wheel and drum drive motors (switch off)
Input code Description of display function Display values
1120 Enable function
1121 Switch off function "Disable electric supply for drum drive motor"
Motor valve not energized. The motor should now swash to max. dis-
placement position.
1122 Function "Disable electric supply for drum drive motor"
Motor valve not energized. The motor should now swash to max. dis-
placement position.
1123 Function "Switch of power supply for drum drive motor TOGETHER
WITH wheel drive motor"
Motor valves not energized. The motors should now swash to max.
displacement position.
1124 Switch off function "Disable electric supply for drum drive motor"
The motor valve is max. energized. The motor should now swash to
min. displacement position.
1125 Function "Disable electric supply for wheel drive motor"
The motor valve is max. energized. The motor should now swash to
min. displacement position.
1126 Function "Switch on power supply for drum drive motor TOGETHER
WITH wheel drive motor"
Motor valves max. energized. The motors should now swash to min.
displacement position.
008 911 71
Service Training WZ – 4 Description of Control Input Codes
008 911 71
12.4 Settings / Teach / Emergency functions
Input code Description of display function Display values
1158 Enable function
1159 Activate the function Pulses per 10m. 4000 - 15000
Only optional function! The logical sense of rotation is automatically adjusted
Version/Status: V3.29 / 13.11.07 Description of Control Input Codes Page 78 of 84
Author: Seis,MASH,LOEW / TE/TES
Machine related electrics
008 911 71
Service Training WZ – 4 Description of Control Input Codes
008 911 71
12.4.6 Steering: Automatic detection of surge currents on steering valve
Input code Description of display function Display values
2000 Activate function "Teach steering start current" see chapter 0
2001 Function "Teach steering start current" see chapter 0
Machine related electrics
12.4.9 Steering: Other functions
Input code Description of display function Display values
2060 Activates function „Change steering unit“ see chapter 4.5
2061 Activate: Electric steering unit see chapter 4.5
2062 Activate: Hydraulic steering unit see chapter 4.5
12.4.13 Attachment plates (only circular exciter): Activating/deactivating the attachment plates option
Input code Description of display function Display values
3070 Enable optional changeover.
3071 Activate option "attachment plates".
3072 Disable option "attachment plates".
3075 Code "Plate adjustment without sensors" Attention – danger of collision! Use only in case of a sensor
3076 Code "Plate pump energized without plates attached" Only for initial commissioning!
008 911 71
Machine related electrics 9.1
Service Training WZ – 4
Wire breakage
This generally means that a connection is interrupted. Possible reasons may be:
torn (not necessarily visible from outside)
rubbed through
chafed mostly in connection with a short circuit to ground
Service Training WZ – 4
There are only two permissible states, e.g. switched on or off; lamp on / off; current flows /
does not flow; valve open / closed (black-white valve)
In contrast to Digital, many states are permitted within a certain range. E.g. room tempera-
ture 0° to 40°; current 4mA to 20mA; voltage 0V to 8,5V; resistance 100 to 300 ; valve
0% to 100% opened (proportional valve)
Service Training WZ – 4
Controlling describes the process during which an input value influences a distance (the
value to be controlled), following a fixed command. For this purpose all possible interfering
factors (e.g. temperature, humidity ...) must be known.
Service Training WZ – 4
Ohm’s law:
U =R∗I
U = Voltage
R = Resistance U
I = Current
Plausibility check
The control (ESX) runs a plausibility check on all inputs. This means the control checks
permanently whether certain state combinations are permitted; e.g. travel lever position for-
ward and reverse will cause an fault message, because this condition is normally not possi-
Besides the "normal" battery ground (terminal 31) in the vehicle there is an additional ana-
logue ground, which is only to be used for sensors. (see description of the signals on the
i Hinweis
The documentation "Service Training Electrics MESX" contains also the documentation BEM (BOMAG Evib-me-
The BOP (BOMAG Operation Panel) is only installed in connection with BVC machines, BEM-machines are
equipped wit display module. The display module is used for the output of fault codes and display values, as
well as for the input of code numbers.
Service Training
Table of contents
1 Document alteration list.....................................................................................................................3
2 Proof of software change MESX .......................................................................................................4
3 Proof of software change BOP..........................................................................................................6
4 Known faults......................................................................................................................................7
5 How to proceed when replacing components?.................................................................................8
5.1 How to proceed when replacing an ESX control? .....................................................................8
5.2 How to proceed when replacing a rear axle sensor? ................................................................8
5.3 Which components can be replaced without a subsequent adjustment procedure? ................8
5.4 List of machine types .................................................................................................................9
6 Possible adjustments on machines without BOP ...........................................................................12
6.1 Description of the Display Module ...........................................................................................12
6.2 Input of code numbers .............................................................................................................12
6.3 Changing the machine type (only via display module) ............................................................13
6.4 Inverting the direction signal (only via display module) ...........................................................14
6.5 Changing the bit rate (only with display module).....................................................................15
7 Adjustment/display possibilities on machines with BOP.................................................................16
7.1 Adjusting the machine type (BOP)...........................................................................................16
7.2 Inverting the direction signal via the BOP control terminal ......................................................18
7.3 Accessing the diagnostics menu .............................................................................................20
7.3.1 Extended diagnostics on machines with circular exciter (BTMplus, BTMprof) ................. 22
7.3.2 Extended diagnose BVC machines ......................................................................................... 23
7.4 Changing the printout language...............................................................................................24
7.5 Setting the machine serial number ..........................................................................................26
7.6 Teaching distance pulses ........................................................................................................28
7.7 Activating the amplitude limitation (only BVC machines) ........................................................30
7.8 Changing the display mode (metric/imperial) ..........................................................................32
7.9 Switching the GPS Receiver Voltage Supply Mode ................................................................34
8 Possible settings on the BCM05mobile ..........................................................................................36
8.1 Reading the software version ..................................................................................................36
8.2 Changing the language............................................................................................................36
8.3 Changing the unit system (metric/imperial) .............................................................................36
9 Block diagram BEM.........................................................................................................................37
10 Block diagram BTMplus / VARIOCONTROL...............................................................................38
11 Block diagram BTMplus / VARIOCONTROL and BCM05mobile................................................39
12 Description of the signals on the ESX-control .............................................................................40
13 Fault codes of the ESX control ....................................................................................................45
13.1 Overview...............................................................................................................................45
13.2 Description of fault reactions ................................................................................................46
13.3 Detailed description of fault codes and their possible causes ............................................47
14 Input codes for ESX control (only via BEM display module) .......................................................51
14.1 Travel system .......................................................................................................................51
14.2 Vibration ...............................................................................................................................52
14.3 Light......................................................................................................................................52
14.4 Acceleration transducer........................................................................................................53
14.5 Diesel engine........................................................................................................................53
14.6 Setting the machine type......................................................................................................54
14.7 Parameter change................................................................................................................55
15 Terminology in connection with ESX...........................................................................................56
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Author: T.Löw / TE
4 Known faults
Despite the fault monitoring of inputs and outputs on the ESX control, the ESX control is not able to
detect all faults. The following list contains a selection of known fault reactions of the control, which
mostly have a different cause to the one described in this documentation.
During initial commissioning the display shows the Bit rate on bmfsa not set to 125 kbit
reading "ct0" => see "Setting the bit rate"
Status:05.06.2007 Page 7 of 59
Author: T.Löw / TE
The following chapter describes the necessary adjustments to the control when replacing individual
components in the measuring system.
You should therefore set the machine type first! see "5.4 List of
machine types, or "7.1 Adjusting the machine type (BOP)").
Check the direction signal, invert the signal if necessary, see 6.4, or 7.2.
Set the machine serial number (only on machines with BOP), see: 7.5
Set the printer language (only machines with printer), see: 7.4
Check the direction signal, invert the signal if necessary, see 6.4, or 7.2.
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Author: T.Löw / TE
Machine type First serial number Last serial number Code Available from
177 D 101 582 20 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7500 1.00
177 DH 101 582 21 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7501 1.00
177 PDH 101 582 22 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7502 3.03
177 BVC 101 582 23 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7503 1.00
179 DH 101 582 24 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7511 3.03
179 PDH 101 582 25 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7512 3.03
211 D 101 582 40 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7520 1.03
101 582 41 1001
101 583 09 1001
211 PD 101 582 45 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7529 4.00
101 583 10 1001
213 D 101 582 50 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7530 1.03
101 583 08 1001
213 DH 101 582 51 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7531 1.03
101 583 14 1001
213 PD 101 582 46 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7539 4.00
101 583 13 1001
213 PDH 101 582 52 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7532 3.03
213 BVC 101 582 53 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7533 1.02
101 583 16 1001
213 BVC plates 101 582 54 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7534 3.00
101 583 06 1001
213 BVC DI 101 582 53 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7535 1.05
101 583 16 1001
214 DH 101 582 58 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7541 3.03
101 583 19 1001
214 PDH 101 582 59 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7542 3.03
101 583 20 1001
216 D 101 582 62 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7550 3.03
101 583 23 1001
216 DH 101 582 60 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7551 3.03
101 582 64 1001
216 PD 101 582 63 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7559 4.00
101 583 24 1001
216 PDH 101 582 61 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7552 3.03
101 582 65 1001
219 D 101 582 72 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7560 2.00
101 582 10 1001
219 DH 101 582 70 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7561 1.05
101 582 77 1001
219 PD 101 582 73 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7569 4.00
101 582 11 1001
219 PDH 101 582 71 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7562 3.03
101 582 78 1001
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Author: T.Löw / TE
Machine type First serial number Last serial number Code Available from
226 DH 101 582 80 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7571 3.03
101 582 83 1001
101 582 88 1001
226 PDH 101 582 81 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7572 3.03
101 582 84 1001
101 582 89 1001
226 BVC 101 582 82 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7573 3.01
101 582 85 1001
101 582 86 1001
226 BVC DI 101 582 82 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7575 1.04
101 582 85 1001
101 582 86 1001
226 BVC RC 101 582 82 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7576 3.03
101 582 85 1001
101 582 86 1001
Machine type First serial number Last serial number Code Available from
VARIOCONTROL 101 582 12 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7537 4.00
VARIOCONTROL+ 101 582 13 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7538 4.00
Machine type First serial number Last serial number Code Available from
177 D-40 101 582 26 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7600 4.00
177 DH-40 101 582 27 1001
177 DHC-4 101 582 00 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7601 4.00
177 PDHC-4 101 582 01 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7602 4.00
177 PDH-40 101 582 28 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7609 4.00
179 DHC-4 101 582 02 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7611 4.00
179 PDHC-4 101 582 03 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7612 4.00
211 D-40 101 583 02 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7620 4.00
101 583 25 1001
211 PD-40 101 583 03 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7629 4.00
101 583 26 1001
212 D-40 101 582 43 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7680 4.00
212 PD-40 101 583 48 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7689 4.00
213 D-40 101 582 44 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7630 4.00
101 582 55 1001
101 583 07 1001
213 DH-40 101 582 56 1001
213 DHC-4 101 582 04 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7631 4.00
101 583 11 1001
213 PDHC-4 101 582 05 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7632 4.00
101 583 12 1001
213 PD-40 101 582 49 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7639 4.00
213 PDH-40 101 582 57 1001
214 DHC-4 101 582 06 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7641 4.00
101 583 17 1001
214 PDHC-4 101 582 07 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7642 4.00
101 583 18 1001
216 DHC-4 101 582 08 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7651 4.00
101 583 21 1001
216 PDHC-4 101 582 09 1001 XXX XXX XX XXXX 7652 4.00
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Author: T.Löw / TE
Note: The display module described next is only used in machines without the Bomag
Operation Panel (BOP). On machines with BOP the settings are made via the BOP!
(See item 7 "Adjustment/display possibilities on machines with BOP")
The display module consists of a 4-digit display and two keys, F1 and F2.
It is used for the output of fault codes and display values as well as for the input of code numbers.
Faults and warnings are displayed by flashing. If several faults are detected, the displayed fault codes
will change in a 3 second cycle.
Display values are permanently displayed, whereby values from 0 0 0 0 …9 9 9 9 are possible. Higher
values lead to the display "- - - - ", negative values are indicated by the "minus dot" lighting up (see
057 667 72
Press both keys (F1 and F2) on the instrument cluster for 2 seconds.
)The value 0 0 0 0 will be displayed, whereby the 1st digit is flashing.
1. The value of the flashing digit can be increased by pressing the left hand key (F1). When the figure 9
is displayed and the left hand key (F1) is pressed again, the display will return to the value .
2. When pressing the right hand key (F2) the flashing digit will move one digit to the right. When the
4th digit is flashing, the right hand key (F2) is pressed once again to confirm the input. The desired
function is then executed or the desired value is displayed respectively.
In order to terminate a display function you must either enter code number 0 0 0 0 or switch the
ignition off.
Note: Parameter adjustments can only be performed when the engine is not running!
Enter code number 7 0 1 0 . This code number activates the function "Adjusting machine type".
The display module now permanently shows the entered code. (e.g. 7 5 3 3 )
Enter code number 7 0 1 1 . This code number confirms the entered machine type.
After confirming the machine type the control initiates a restart, the display module shows the new
machine type for approx. 3 seconds.
After this the newly adjusted machine type will be displayed for approx. 3 seconds.
Attention: A machine must not be operated with a wrong type setting, because in such a
case the correct function of the control cannot be assured!
New controls are delivered with the default machine type setting 7 5 0 0 .
This direction signal may need to be inverted, so that exciter adjustment (only BVC machines) and
printout for the the travel direction correspond with the actual travel direction.
Note: Parameter adjustments can only be performed when the engine is not running!
Enter code number 7 6 0 0 . This code number activates the function "Invert direction signal“.
Enter code number 7 6 0 1 . This code number inverts the direction signal.
The display module now permanently shows the code 0 0 0 1 (signal inverted), or the code 0 0 0 0
(signal not inverted).
In succession the code number 1 0 0 1 can be used to check whether the direction signal is correctly
interpreted (see item 14 "Input codes for ESX control").
Hold both keys (F1 and F2) of the multi-function display depressed and switch on the ignition.
) The currently set bit rate is displayed, e.g. 0 1 0 0 .
The bit rate can now be changed in fixed steps by pressing the right hand key (F2). Hold the key
depressed until the display reads 0 1 2 5 .
By pressing the left hand key (F1) the bit rate is accepted and the display changes back to the
normal display mode.
Note: Parameter adjustments can only be performed when the engine is not running!
Press key "?" to open the screen page "MENU". The following screen is displayed:
Press key "F2" to open the screen page "Adjust machine type". The following screen is displayed:
The desired machine type can be selected by pressing the keys "F11" and "F12". (see "List of
machine types" under item "Item 5.4 "List of machine types" ).
After selecting the desired machine type press key "F14", until the symbol (F14) lights green for
confirmation (approx. 4s).
When releasing the key the start screen will automatically be displayed and the control will initiate a restart.
BOP and MESX are now adjusted to the new machine type.
7.2 Inverting the direction signal via the BOP control terminal
Depending on the installation position, the axle sensor used delivers a 12V output signal in forward
and reverse.
This direction signal may need to be inverted, so that exciter adjustment (only BVC machines) and
printout for the travel direction correspond with the actual travel direction.
Note: Parameter adjustments can only be performed when the engine is not running!
Press key "?" to open the screen page "MENU". The following screen is displayed:
Press key "F1" to open the screen page "Invert direction signal". The following screen is
The direction signal can now be inverted or not inverted by pressing key "F5" ("Invert = 1" or
"Invert = 0").
After the desired change press key "F14" to save the adjustment. The symbol lights green for a
moment as a sign of confirmation.
Check on the printout or in the diagnostics menu whether the travel direction has been correctly detected.
Press key "F5" to open the screen page "Diagnose1". The following screen is displayed:
If an actual error is present the corresponding error code will be displayed in the field "Actual Errors".
By pressing key "A" you can change into a machine specific, more detailed diagnostics menu (see
+01234 Distance pulses detected by the MESX (10 cm steps). The actually detected
travel direction can be recognized by the roller symbol above.
+01234 Distance pulses detected by the MESX (10 cm steps). The actually detected
travel direction can be recognized by the roller symbol above.
Press key "F6" to open the screen page "Printout language". The following screen is displayed:
The desired printout language can be selected by pressing the keys "F11" and "F12".
After selecting the desired language press key "F14" to save the setting. The symbol (F14) lights
green for a moment as a sign of confirmation.
Press key "F7" to open the screen page "Serial number". The following screen is displayed:
The desired printout language can be selected by pressing the keys "F11" and "F12".
After the adjustment press key"F14" to save the setting. The symbol (F14) lights green for a
moment as a sign of confirmation.
Note: An adaptation of the distance pulses is only possible within a range of +/- 10%
of the preset value.
Press key "?" to open the screen page "MENU". The following screen is displayed:
Press key "F8" to open the screen page "Distance pulses". The following screen is displayed:
Pressing the key "F5" starts the teach mode. The following symbol appears:
Drive a distance of 10 m length in forward and press the key "F6" at the end. The following symbol
After the end of the measuring travel press key "F14" to save the adjustment. The following
symbol appears:
Note: If the following symbol is displayed after the end of the travel distance the
measured distance pulses are not in the range of +/- 10% of the preset value.
Saving is in this case not possible! The measurement must be repeated!
Press key "F3" to open the screen page "Amplitude limitation". The following screen is displayed:
The limitation can now be activated or deactivated by pressing key "F5" ("Limit = 1" or "Limit = 0").
After the desired change press key "F14" to save the adjustment. The symbol lights green for a
moment as a sign of confirmation.
Press key "F4" to open the screen page "Display mode". The following screen is displayed:
The imperial display (mph, °F, etc.) can now be activated or deactivated by pressing key "F5"
("Imperial = 1" or "Imperial = 0").
After the desired change press key "F14" to save the adjustment. The symbol lights green for a
moment as a sign of confirmation.
Press key "F14" to open the screen page "GPS Mode". The following screen is displayed:
This function enables the GPS Receiver Power Supply to be controlled via MESX, so that the receiver
can be switched on and off in a defined way.
The GPS Mode can now be changed over by pressing the "F5"-key:
Note: After this setting the service window must be closed to avoid unauthorized
access. Press "Close window" at the bottom right in the service window.
008 911 71
9 Block diagram BEM
Electrics BEM (BOMAG Evib-meter)
008 911 71
Electrics BEM (BOMAG Evib-meter)
Service Training MESX Block diagram
008 911 71
11 Block diagram BTMplus / VARIOCONTROL and BCM05mobile
BCM 05
(mobile device
Electrics BEM (BOMAG Evib-meter)
X44:5 Interface RS 232 TxD, used for printer control. Measurement not possible!
X44:7 Input acceleration transducer VH20g/HR15g Acceleration signal (measured against AGND)
X44:9 Input exciter position front Position of front exciter (measured against AGND)
Analogue input / voltage input 0..8,5 V Bottom stop ) approx. 2,2 V
Neutral position ) approx. 4,25 V
Top stop ) approx. 6,6 V
008 911 71
Electrics BEM (BOMAG Evib-meter)
Service Training MESX Description of signals
008 911 71
ESX terminal Signal description Nominal values (voltage / current)
Digital input active high Button not depressed ) 2V
X44:19 Input button CLEAR (option) Button depressed: ) 12 V
Digital input active high Button not depressed ) 2V
X44:26 Interface CAN-Bus Wire -, is used to communicate with the BOP Measurement not possible!
operating unit.
X44:27 Interface CAN-Bus Wire +, is used to communicate with the BOP Measurement not possible!
operating unit.
Open circuit voltage (vibration off): ) 4,2..4,3 V
Analogue input / voltage input 0..8,5 V
X44:31 Input acceleration transducer VV20g/HR15g Acceleration signal (measured against AGND)
X44:33 Interface CAN-Bus2 Wire -, is used to communicate with the BCM05. Measurement not possible!
X44:35 Input distance transducer Transducer delivers square-wave pulses Frequency depends on
machine type.
Digital input active high
008 911 71
Electrics BEM (BOMAG Evib-meter)
Service Training MESX Description of signals
008 911 71
ESX terminal Signal description Nominal values (voltage / current)
Electrics BEM (BOMAG Evib-meter)
008 911 71
Electrics BEM (BOMAG Evib-meter)
Electrics BEM (BOMAG Evib-meter) 9.2
13.1 Overview
) the diesel engine is shut down.
Fault code is displayed.
Signal light in BOP (option) lights in 1 second intervals.
5 Fatal fault. The function of the control can no longer be guaranteed.
Control is switched off.
Error code is displayed.
Signal light in BOP (option) lights permanently.
Note: Errors with error reaction 1 are only warning messages and are NOT stored in the error log!
008 911 71
Electrics BEM (BOMAG Evib-meter)
Service Training MESX Description of fault codes of the ESX control
008 911 71
13.3 Detailed description of fault codes and their possible causes
The voltage applied to the input is above the ) Potentiometer not connected to ground
specified range (see signal description). ) Potentiometer defective
Status: 05.06.2007 Fault Code Description ESX Control Page 47 of 59
Author: T. Löw / TE
4 5 2 6 Output proportional solenoid front ) Current path has short circuit to voltage supply X44:47 2
Valve for exciter down ) Current path has non-permitted connection to another current
Output current too low. path
) Current path is interrupted
4 5 2 7 Output proportional solenoid front ) Current path has short circuit to ground X44:47 2
Valve for exciter down ) Current path has non-permitted connection to another current
Output current too high. path
008 911 71
Electrics BEM (BOMAG Evib-meter)
Service Training MESX Description of fault codes of the ESX control
008 911 71
Fault Fault description Possible cause Terminal Input - Fault -
code on ESX code for reaction
4 5 3 1 Position controller positive limit reached ) Supply and ground terminal on exciter potentiometer mixed up X44:09 5000 2
The exciter does not move to the desired ) Valves for "Exciter up" and "Exciter down" mixed up X44:37
direction or does not move at all. ) MD+ input has 12 V potential, even though the engine is not
) Air in hydraulic system, hydraulic pressure too low
4 5 3 2 Position controller negative limit reached ) Supply and ground terminal on exciter potentiometer mixed up X44:09 5000 2
The exciter does not move to the desired ) Valves for "Exciter up" and "Exciter down" mixed up X44:37
direction or does not move at all. ) MD+ input has 12 V potential, even though the engine is not
Electrics BEM (BOMAG Evib-meter)
4 6 0 1 Input acceleration transducer 1 ) Current path has no connection to +12 V / +8,5 V X44:29, 4601 2
The voltage applied to the input is below the ) Current path connected to ground or
specified range (see signal description). ) Transducer defective X44:31
4 6 0 2 Input acceleration transducer 1 ) Current path has connection to +12 V / +8,5 V X44:29, 4601 2
The voltage applied to the input is above the ) Current path not connected to ground or
specified range (see signal description). ) Transducer defective X44:31
4 6 0 6 Input acceleration transducer 2 ) Current path has no connection to +12 V / +8,5 V X44:30, 4606 2
The voltage applied to the input is below the ) Current path connected to ground or
specified range (see signal description). ) Transducer defective X44:07
4 6 0 7 Input acceleration transducer 2 ) Current path has connection to +12 V / +8,5 V X44:30, 4606 2
The voltage applied to the input is above the ) Current path not connected to ground or
specified range (see signal description). ) Transducer defective X44:07
- The control has automatically switched off. This
9 9 9 9 fault cannot be rectified on the machine. The
control must be immediately replaced.
Ct0 Display module has no connection to ESX- ) Wire breakage in CAN bus lines X44:26 - -
control. ) Short circuit between CAN bus lines X44:27
) One or both CAN bus line(s) has (have) connection to 12V or
) Incorrect bit rate in display module (nominal value: 125 kBit)
008 911 71
Electrics BEM (BOMAG Evib-meter)
Service Training MESX Description of Control Input Codes
008 911 71
14 Input codes for ESX control (only via BEM display module)
Shows the actual speed.
1010 Parameter "Show distance pulses per 10m" Depending on the selected machine type, e.g. 5896 for
Eeprom Parameter is displayed BW177 BVC
1011 Parameter "Invert travel direction" 0000 ) Direction signal is not inverted
Eeprom Parameter is displayed 000I ) Direction signal is inverted
14.2 Vibration
14.3 Light
Status: 05.06.2007 Description of Control Input Codes Page 52 of 59
Author: T. Löw / TE
008 911 71
Electrics BEM (BOMAG Evib-meter)
Service Training MESX Description of Control Input Codes
008 911 71
14.4 Acceleration transducer
Status: 05.06.2007 Description of Control Input Codes Page 53 of 59
Author: T. Löw / TE
Status: 05.06.2007 Description of Control Input Codes Page 54 of 59
Author: T. Löw / TE
008 911 71
Electrics BEM (BOMAG Evib-meter)
Service Training MESX Description of Control Input Codes
008 911 71
14.7 Parameter change
Status: 05.06.2007 Description of Control Input Codes Page 55 of 59
Author: T. Löw / TE
9.2 Electrics BEM (BOMAG Evib-meter)
Wire breakage
This generally means that a connection is interrupted. Possible reasons may be:
torn (not necessarily visible from outside)
chafed mostly in connection with a short circuit to ground
There are only two permissible states, e.g. switched on or off; lamp on / off; current flows /
does not flow; valve open / closed (black-white valve)
In contrast to Digital many conditions are permitted within a certain range. For instance room
temperature 0° to 40°; current 4mA to 20mA; voltage 0V to 8,5V; resistance 100 Ω to 300 Ω;
valve 0% to 100% opened (proportional valve)
Controlling describes the process during which an input value influences a distance (the
value to be controlled), following a fixed command. For this purpose all possible interfering
factors (e.g. temperature, humidity ...) must be known.
variable (z)
variable (z)
Ohm’s law:
U =R∗I
U = Voltage
R = Resistance U
I = Current
Plausibility check
The control (ESX) runs a plausibility check on all inputs. This means the control checks
permanently whether certain state combinations are permitted; e.g. travel lever position
forward and reverse will cause an fault message, because this condition is normally not
Besides the "normal" battery ground (terminal 31) in the vehicle there is an additional
analogue ground, which is only to be used for sensors. (see description of the signals on the
Service Training
Table of contents
Foreword A1
Documentation A2
General A3
New developments A5
Travel system E1
Travel pump E3
Control E7
Charge pressure relief valve E8
High pressure relief valve E9
Pressure override E11
Axle drive motor E14
Drum drive motor E17
Test and adjustment points, travel system E19
Trouble shooting travel system E27
Service Training
Vibration F1
Vibration pump F3
High pressure relief valves F6
Control F7
Vibration motor F8
Drum F11
Test and adjustment points, vibration system F13
Trouble shooting vibration F15
Steering G1
Charge pump G2
Steering pump G3
Steering valve G5
Articulated joint G7
Measuring and adjustment points G9
Trouble shooting steering G10
Service Training
Foreword and novelties
Reliable construction equipment is of greatest advantage for all parties involved:
• for the customer/user it is a basis for an exact calculation of utilization periods and the completion of
projects as scheduled.
• in the rental business it means that the equipment can be reliably used and planned without having
to stock a large number of stand-by machines.
• for the manufacturer it means that customers are satisfied, provides him with a good image and gives
him a feeling of confidence.
It is BOMAG’s philosophy to design and produce the machines with highest possible reliability. This
aspect of simple and easy maintenance was one of the key issues when developing and designing the
• the high quality standard of BOMAG is the basis for the considerable extension of the service and
maintenance intervals.
• the After Sales Service of BOMAG, including excellent operating and maintenance instruction
manuals, high quality training courses and on-site machine demonstrations helps the customer to
maintain their machines in good condition over a long period of time.
Permanent training of BOMAG’s own service personnel as well as the service personnel of BOMAG
Profit Centres and dealers is therefore a general prerequisite for BOMAG’s excellent world-wide service.
This program of permanent training is only possible with appropriate and up-to-date training material for
trainers as well as persons attending the training courses.
This training manual has not only been written as a support for the professional work of the trainer, but
also for the trainees attending these training courses.
The different levels of product training demand, that the training performed by BOMAG, its Profit Centres
or its dealers reflects the high quality of the training conducted at the Training Centre at BOMAG in
Boppard. For this reason we invested a lot of time in the preparation of these materials .
The structure of this training manual enables us to change or up-date individual chapters in case of
alterations to the machine.
Service Training
For valid BOMAG single drum roller serie -4 :
BW 213 DH-4
BW 214 DH-4
For the BOMAG machines described in this training manual the following documentation is additionally
The currently valid part numbers for the documents can be taken from the Doclist or the
Customer Service page in the BOMAG (BOMAG Secured Area) in accordance with the serial
number of the machine.
Service Training
The new single drum rollers serie -4 from BOMAG are essentially further developments of their
predecessors, the machines of product range serie -3.
These machines have been successfully and reliably used for years on construction sites all over the
world, especially in earth construction and on sanitary landfill sites.
High compaction power and excellent traction are characteristics, which are of utmost importance for
this type of machine.
All components installed in these machines are manufactured in series production and are subjected to
stringent quality tests. This guarantees a high level of reliability and safety.
As with many other BOMAG products, and here especially with the large single drum rollers of the new
generation, we have decided to use the same successful drive concept with diesel engine (water cooled)
and hydrostatic drives also for these machines. The hydrostatic drives transfer the output power of the
engine directly to drum, drive wheels and steering.
The drive wheels are driven by fast rotating hydraulic motors and axle, whereas the drum is driven by
slow running radial piston motors.
On construction machines the work place of the operator is of utmost importance. Under such working
conditions the health and safety of the operator must be the greatest concern.
The cabin is very spacious and clearly arranged. The driver’s seat is very comfortable and can be
individually adjusted for every operator, even for his weight.
All control elements and gauges are within the reach and in the sight of the operator.
A monitoring display with light emitting diodes and clear pictograms informs the operator about any
operating faults. The operator is therefore always informed about the present condition of the machine.
The generously glazed cabin with windscreen wiper and washer systems for front and rear windscreens,
as well as a heated rear windscreen, offers clear vision to all sides.
Service Training
Important characteristics of the new generation of single drum rollers are
• disc brakes in axle and drum drive motor serve as parking and emergency brakes
• high stability due to low centre of gravity and the use of an articulated joint
• operating safety due to the use of monitoring boards for all important system data
• automatic engine shut-down at too engine temperature, too low hydraulic oil level (when reaching the
lowest permissible level the engine will be shut down after 20 seconds) and too low engine oil
The new single drum roller serie -4 are well designed down to the smallest detail, so that they can meet
the toughest demands on large scale construction sites all over the world.
Service Training
The multi-function travel lever and the display
Service Training
Control, operation, data collector,
Service Training
Diesel engine with EMR
Service Training
Travel System
Service Training
Travel system
Service Training
The travel system of the single drum rollers is a closed hydraulic circuit and consists
mainly of:
• hydraulic lines.
Travel pump and vibration pump are connected to a tandem pump unit. The charge pump is an integral
part of the vibration pump. The travel pump is the first pump section, flanged directly to the flywheel side
of the diesel engine.
The pump delivers the hydraulic oil to the travel motors for drum and axle drives. The multi-function
valves in the pump limit the pressure in the closed circuit to 425 bar (Δp = 400 bar between low and high
pressure sides).
A flushing valve in the axle drive motor (and in the Sauer drum drive motor 51 C 110) flushes a certain
oil quantity out of the closed circuit when the machine is driving (Δp between the two sides of the closed
circuit). Leakage in the individual components of the circuit are replaced by the charge circuit through
the boost check valves in the travel pump.
The charge pump inside the vibration pump draws hydraulic oil out of the tank and delivers it through
the hydraulic oil filter to the boost check valves in travel and vibration pump. The return flow from the
steering system also flows through the hydraulic oil filter and is then available for the closed circuit
charging system. The charge circuit also provides the oil for the control functions in the closed circuits
for travel and vibration drive and to release the parking brakes.
Both travel motors and the travel and vibration pumps are electrically proportionately controlled.
Service Training
Travel pump
The travel pump is a swash plate operated axial piston pump with variable displacement, most suitable
for applications in hydrostatic drives with closed circuit.
1 2
Service Training
The travel pump delivers the hydraulic oil to the motors on rear axle and drum. The pump flow is
proportional to the pump speed (output speed of diesel engine) and the actual displacement (swashing
angle of swash plate) of the pump.
7 1
Fig. 1: Travel pump
With the servo control the swashing angle can be infinitely adjusted from neutral position (0) to both
maximum displacement positions.
When altering the swash plate position through the neutral position, the oil flow will be reversed and the
machine will drive to the opposite direction.
All valves as well as the safety and control elements needed for operation in a closed circuit, are
integrated in the pump.
Service Training
Cross-sectional view of travel pump
1 3
Service Training
View of the rotating group
4 3
1 Working pistons
2 Slipper pad
3 Pre-tensioning spring
4 Cylinder block
5 Drive shaft
Service Training
Description of function
2 3 4 5 6
8 6 7
The drive shaft (1) is directly driven by the diesel engine via an elastic coupling. the shaft turns the tightly
connected cylinder block (5).
With the rotation of the drive shaft (1) the cylinder block (5) moves the working pistons (4). The slipper
pads of the working pistons abut against the swash plate (3).
Service Training
When moving the swash plate out of neutral position, the working pistons will perform a stroke
movement with every rotation of the cylinder block.
The slipper pads are hydrostatically balanced and are retained on the sliding face of the swashing cradle
by a retaining device.
During a full rotation of the cylinder block each working piston will move through the bottom and top dead
centre back to the initial position. During this movement each piston performs a complete stroke.
During the piston stroke each piston draws in a certain quantity of oil from the low pressure side of the
hydraulic circuit and presses it out into the high pressure side.
Service Training
Tandem pump, connections and adjustment points
Service Training
1 Rear vibration pump connecting plate, turned by 90° !!!
2 Proportional solenoid (vibration pump)
3 Multi-function valve 400 bar (charging and pressure limitation), travel system
4 Charge pressure to solenoid valve for brakes and speed range selector, charging vibration
5 Multi-function valve 400 bar (charging and pressure limitation), travel system
6 Pump flange
7 Port L, leak oil to vibration pump
8 Electr.-prop. control (travel pump)
9 Pressure test port, pilot pressure
10 High pressure port B, high pressure reverse
11 Charge pressure relief valve, 26 bar
12 not on EP-pumps
13 Port L2, leak oil to tank
14 Pressure test port MB, high frequency
15 Pressure test port MA, low frequency
16 High pressure port A, low frequency
17 High pressure port B, high frequency
18 Charge pump (only in vibration pump)
19 Port L2, (connection to vibration pump)
20 not on EP-pumps
21 Filter block for charge circuit
22 Multi-function valve 400 bar (charging and pressure limitation), vibration high frequency
23 Port S, suction line between hydraulic oil tank and charge pump
24 Multi-function valve 400 bar (charging and pressure limitation), vibration low frequency
25 Charge pressure relief valve, vibration pump (fixed setting 40 bar)
26 Filter block for charge circuit
27 Port L1, leak oil port to travel pump
28 Pressure test port MB, high pressure reverse
29 Charge oil from filter
30 Pressure test port MA, high pressure forward
31 High pressure port A, high pressure forward
Thermostat housing:
32 Port C, from solenoid valve for brake/speed range selection
33 Leak oil port D, leak oil from axle drive motor
34 Leak oil port A, leak oil from travel pump
35 Leak oil port G, leak oil from drum drive motor
36 Leak oil port F, leak oil from vibration motor
37 Leak oil port B, leak oil to oil cooler
Service Training
servo control
The servo control (mechanical – hydraulic displacement control) converts the mechanical input signal
from the proportional valve into a position controlling output signal. This position controlling signal
determines the swashing angle of the swash plate (the displacement of the pump), as well as the
swashing direction (flow direction of the pressure fluid).
The flow quantity delivered by the variable displacement pump is proportional to the value of the input
signal from the proportional valve. A mechanical feedback device ensures the fixed correlation between
the proportional valve input signal and the swashing angle of the swash plate (displacement of pump).
Servo cylinder
Control piston
Sliding block
Servo arm
Since the control is spring centred, the swash plate will automatically return to neutral position under the
following conditions, thereby interrupting the oil flow and braking the machine:
Service Training
Multi-function valves
Pumps of series 90 are equipped with a follower valve, which activates a pressure override and a
pressure relief valve, one after the other.
1 2
6 5
If the adjusted pressure is reached, the pressure override will move the swash plate quickly back
towards neutral position, thereby limiting the system pressure. The average response time is less than
90 ms.
Service Training
In case of a very quick increase in pressure (pressure peaks) the system utilizes the function of the
pressure relief valves as a protection for the hydraulic systems. In such a case the pressure override
works as a pre-control unit for the control piston of the pressure relief valve. The pressure level of the
high pressure relief valve is higher than the pressure level of the pressure override. The high pressure
relief valves will only respond if the pressure override is not able to swash the pump back quick enough
in case of sudden pressure peaks.
2 3
9 7
Pressure override and high pressure relief valve are both parts of the multi-function valve, which is
screwed into the pump.
With its possibility to swash the swash plate inside the pump back within a period of 90 ms, the pressure
override makes sure that the high pressure relief valves will only respond in exceptional cases. This
protects the hydraulic circuit against overheating and reduces the load on the diesel engine.
The multi function valves must be tightened with a torque of 89 Nm!
Service Training
Charge pressure relief valve
The charge pressure relief valve is a direct acting valve with fixed adjustment and is part of the safety
elements in a closed hydraulic circuit. This valve limits the pressure in the charge circuit to the adjusted
value (26 bar).
The charge circuit compensates leaks and flushing quantities in the closed travel and vibration circuits
and provides the necessary pressure to control the travel and vibration pumps, the speed range
selection and to operate the multi-disc brakes in the travel drives.
Since feeding of cool and filtered oil is only possible in the low pressure side of the closed circuit, the
pressure in the low pressure side is almost identical with the pressure in the charge circuit.
When parking the machine on level ground with the engine running, the pressures in both
Service Training
Axle drive motor
The axle drive motor is a swash plate controlled Sauer-Danfoss axial piston motor of series 51 D 110
with an electrical proportional control for variable displacement.
HD-Pump Brake valve
Charge pressure
1 Motor drive
2 Control piston
3 Proportional control with proportional solenoid
4 Flushing valve with flushing pressure limitation valve
5 Axle with brake
6) Rotary speed sensor (flange sensor)
Service Training
5 7 8
Service Training
The motor is connected with the travel pump via the high pressure ports A and B. The hydraulic oil flows
under high pressure through the corresponding port to the back of the working pistons. Since the
working pistons are arranged under an angle to the output shaft, the pressurized pistons will perform a
stroke movement, thereby causing a rotation of the output shaft.
Once the respective piston has passed its dead centre (max. extended position), it will change to the
low pressure side. As the rotation progresses, the piston will move back into the cylinder bore. Oil is
thereby displaced out of the cylinder chamber through the low pressure side back to the pump.
The synchronizing shaft with roller surfaces ensures uniform rotation of output shaft and cylinder block.
The ball joints of the pistons run in journal bearings, which are pressed into the outer shaft. For the
connection between output shaft and pistons no other parts are required. The output shaft runs in two
tapered roller bearings.
The motor can be adjusted to two fixed displacements. This is accomplished by changing the angle
between cylinder block and output shaft.
With a large angle position the motor works with maximum displacement, slow speed and high torque.
When changing the swash plate position to minimal angle the motor works with minimum displacement,
high speed and low torque.
The displacement is changed by a control piston, which is tightly connected with the valve segment.
The front travel motor (drum drive) also is an axial travel motor 51C110
from Sauer-Danfoss.
Service Training
Flushing valve
1 Flushing spool
2 Flushing pressure relief valve
The flushing valves are integrated in the axle drive motor, or on DH/PDH machines, also in the drum
drive motor. In case of a pressure increase in one of the two sides of the closed circuit the flushing valves
have the function to flush a certain quantity of oil out of the low pressure side.
The valve is operated by the pressure difference between the two sides of the closed circuit (A and B).
If the pressure in one side is higher than in the other, this pressure will move the valve out of neutral
position against the neutral setting spring. Oil can now flow out of the low pressure side. This oil flows
through a thermostat valve back to the tank. The flushed out oil quantity is immediately replaced by oil
entering from the charge circuit through the corresponding boost check valve (part of the multi-function
In this way the closed travel circuit is permanently supplied with cool and filtered oil and the temperature
household of the hydraulic system is maintained at a permissible level.
Service Training
Manual releasing of brake on axle drive
For manual releasing of the brakes on the rear axle you should proceed as follows:
• Slacken the counter nut (Fig. 14, Pos. 1) and back it off by approx. 8 mm.
• To release the brake tighten the screw for max. 1 complete turn.
Service Training
Drum drive motor 51C110 with reduction gear CR 31
The drums on the DH-4 and PDH-4 versions are driven by a swash plate operated Sauer axial piston
motor 51C110. This motor is almost identical with the rear axle motor. Another detailed description at
this point is therefore not necessary.
3 4
10 8
This motor is a fast rotating hydraulic motor. Since the output speed of this motor is much too high to
drive the drum, a reduction gear reduces the output speed to the actually required drum drive speed.
Service Training
Brake control
During operation the closed hydrostatic travel circuit has the function of a service brake. When moving
the travel lever from full forward or reverse position towards neutral, the travel pump will follow towards
zero position relative to the movement of the travel lever. The oil flow is thereby reduced and the
machine is hydraulically braked. When moving the travel lever to neutral position, the pump will also
return to neutral, the supply of oil is interrupted and the hydraulic circuit brakes the machine to standstill.
However, since minor leaks cannot be avoided in any hydraulic circuit and such minor leaks will cause
creeping of the machine when it is parked on a slope with the engine running, the machine is additionally
equipped with multi-disc brakes in drum drive and both wheel drives. When engaging the travel lever in
neutral position the multi-disc brakes will close and the machine can be parked on slopes with the
engine running and without the risk of creeping.
However, these parking brakes can also be operated via a 3/2-way solenoid valve. In de-energized
condition the multi-disc brakes in the travel drives are unloaded. The charge pressure to the brakes is
interrupted and the oil from the brake housings flows as leak oil back into the tank.
If the brake solenoid valve is supplied with current while the engine is running and the brake is open,
the connection of the brake line to the tank is interrupted and oil from the charge circuit is guided to the
brake pistons. The oil pressure works against the spring force of the brake spring and relieves the brake
Service Training
Manual drum drive brake release (in the reduction gear)
Brake releasing device
in operation position
For manual brake release both screws on the drum drive reduction gear (marked with arrow) must be
turned in uniformly, until the drum is able to rotate freely.
Service Training
Travel circuit with drum drive motor 51C110 and CR 31 (position of
Travel lever
7 5
6 ti o
ec 1 Travel pump
l dir 2 Vibration pump
a ve
Tr 3 Hydraulic oil filter
4 Rear axle
High pressure 5 Axle drive motor
6 Reduction gear
Low pressure
7 Drum drive motor
Charge pressure 8 Hydraulic oil tank
Leak oil 9 Travel lever
Service Training
Brake control BW 213 (with Sauer motor 51C110 and CR 31)
Brake valve
Charge pressure
Brake releasing pressure
Leak oil
Service Training
Test and adjustment points, travel system
Service Training
Travel pump
Service Training
Travel and vibration pump
Service Training
Travel motor (drum drive)
3 4
2 1
4 1
Service Training
Travel motor (axle drive)
Service Training
Speed sensor and travel pressure sensor
Service Training
Brake valve
3 4
Service Training
Travel lever
Service Training
Trouble shooting
For a detailed description of how to read out fault codes and the display
please refer to the page on "Electrics" (Service Training Electrics)
The following trouble shooting chart contains a small selection of possible faults, which may occur
during operation of the machine. The fault list is by no means complete, however, the fault table is based
on the experience of the central service department, i.e. the list covers almost all faults that have
occurred in the past.
Service Training
The following trouble shooting table contains both electrical as well as mechanical and hydraulic faults.
The number specified in the table indicate the probability of the fault cause and thereby the
recommended trouble shooting sequence, based on our latest field experience.
Bremsventil (elektrisch/mechanisch/hydraulisch) 1
Bremse Achse/Bandagenmotor (mechanisch/hydraulisch) 2 2 3
Fahrpropverstellung /defekt/Verkabelung 1
Speisepumpe / Speisedruckbegrenzungsventil(e)
2 3
Pumpenansteuerung (Servoverstellung) 2 1 2 3
Druckabschneidung/ Hochdruckbegrenzung Fahrpumpe
3 2 3 3
Fahrhebel 1 2
Nullage Fahrpumpe 3 3
Fahrpumpe(n) defekt 3 3 2
Stellventil Fahrmotoren (elektrisch / mechanisch / hydraulisch) 1 2
Spülventil Fahrmotoren hängt 3
Fahrmotor(en) defekt 3 3
Hydraulikölkühler verschmutzt (intern/extern) 1
Thermostat (Hydraulik) verschmutzt/verklemmt/defekt 2
Kupplung Dieselmotor-Pumpe 2
Dieselmotor 1
Drehzahl-Flanschsensoren im Fahrmotor (Verkabelung) 1 1 2
Service Training
Service Training
Pos. Designation Pos. in wiring diagram Pos. in hydraulic Measuring values
5 Vibration motor with flushing valve 15
The vibration system on these single drum rollers works with different frequencies and tow amplitudes.
This enables perfect adaptation of the machine to various types of soil and different applications.
The vibration circuit is also a closed hydraulic circuit, similar to the travel circuit.
vibration pump,
Vibration motor
Vibration pump and travel pump are joined to a tandem unit, which is driven by the flywheel end of the
diesel engine.
By operation of a proportional valve the pilot oil is guided to one of the control piston sides. This actuates
the pump from neutral position to one of the two possible maximum displacement positions.
When changing the swashing angle through the neutral position to the opposite side, the flow direction
of the oil and the sense of rotation of the vibration motors will change.
Since the engine speed is variable in "Position AUTO", the pump displacement must always be
proportionately adapted in order to maintain the vibration frequency at a constant level.
The vibration motor output shaft is joined with the exciter shaft in the drum via a Bowex coupling. The
rotation of the exciter shaft with the bolted on eccentric weights causes the vibration of the elastically
suspended drums.
The eccentric weights on the vibrator shaft are fitted with additional change-over weights.
Service Training
Depending on the sense of rotation of the vibrator shaft these change-over weights add to or subtract
from the basic weights.
The displacement of the pump may be different to both flow directions. This results in different exciter
shaft speeds for the different senses of rotation of the motor.
The vibration system is designed in such a way, that the high exciter shaft speed (frequency) is coupled
with the low amplitude and the low exciter shaft speed (frequency) with the high amplitude.
Service Training
Vibration pump
The vibration pump is a swash-plate controlled axial piston pump with variable displacement of type 90
R 075 EP from Sauer-Danfoss. The pump is fitted with all control and safety elements needed for
operation in a closed hydraulic circuit.
5 4
2 6 3
Service Training
1 2
5 4 3
1 Servo piston
2 Working pistons
3 Charge pump
4 Valve plate
5 Roller bearing
6 Swash plate
Service Training
4 3
1 Control
2 Servo piston
4 Attachment plate
5 Spool valve
Service Training
The engine drives the drive shaft with the cylinder block. The cylinder block carries the working pistons.
The slipper pads rest against the sliding surface of the swash plate and are at the same time held on
the sliding surface by a retaining device.
During each rotation the piston pass through their upper and lower dead centre back to their initial
position. Between both dead centres each piston performs a full working stroke. During this stroke
movement oil is drawn in from the low pressure side of the closed circuit and pressed out through the
slots in the valve plate into the high pressure side. The oil quantity depends on the piston area and the
length of the working stroke.
During the suction stroke the oil is drawn into the piston chamber, i.e. the charge pressure forces it into
the piston chamber. On the opposite side the piston presses the oil out into the high pressure side of he
closed circuit.
The electro-hydraulic displacement control converts the electric proportional input signal into a load
controlling output signal.
The vibration pump has an integrated charge pump, an internal gear pump with a displacement of 17
cm³ per revolution
The vibration pump is equipped with an integrated charge pressure relief valve, which is set to a
pressure of 40 bar. This valve only has a safety function in the charge circuit.
Service Training
Multi-function valve
As a measure to protect the closed vibration circuit against to high pressures the vibration pump is fitted
with pressure relief valves.
2 Closed circuit
Since the heavy mass of the vibrator shaft must be set into motion during the acceleration of the
vibration, very high pressure peaks will occur in the high pressure side of the closed circuit during this
phase. The high pressure relief valve reduces these pressure peaks to a value of max. 426 bar
(pressure difference between high and low pressure side = 400 bar + charge pressure = 26 bar).
The screw-type cartridges of the high pressure relief valves contain also the boost check valves for the
closed vibration circuit.
Service Training
Vibration motor
The vibration motor is a Bosch-Rexroth axial piston motor of series A2FM 56 with fixed displacement in
bent axle design. Since the motor can be subjected to pressure from both sides, it is most suitable for
the use in closed hydraulic circuits.
Service Training
When switching the vibration on the motor must first start to move the resting vibration shaft. This
resistance causes a hydraulic starting pressure, which is limited to 426 bar by the corresponding high
pressure relief valve. Once the vibrator shaft has reached its final speed, the pressure will drop to a
value between 100 and 150 bar (operating pressure). The value of the operating pressure mainly
depends on the condition of the ground (degree of compaction, material etc.).
3 1
1 Vibration motor
2 Flushing valve
Service Training
Flushing valve
The vibration motor is equipped with an integrated flushing valve. This flushing valve is located inside
the bolted on connecting block. When switching the vibration on a pressure difference will appear
between the two sides of the closed circuit. The higher pressure moves the valve spool of the flushing
valve against the neutral setting spring, so that oil can flow out of the low pressure side.
Flushing valve
1 Flushing spool
The flushing valve is fitted with a downstream 16 bar pressure relief valve. This valve ensures that only
a certain quantity of hydraulic oil is flushed out of the low pressure side.
This oil flows via a thermostat valve back to the hydraulic tank. The flushed out oil is immediately
replaced with fresh and filtered oil through the corresponding boost check valve.
Service Training
Speed sensor
The fixed displacement vibration motor A2FM56 is equipped with a Bosch-Rexroth speed sensor
HDD1L16 or HDD2L16 with an installation depth of 16 mm, which uses the Hall-effect.
Service Training
5 9
7 13
3 8 11
Service Training
Test and adjustment points, vibration system
Vibration pump
7 8
6 6 72
6 5
5 1
5 4
3 4 1
4 2 3
Pos. Designation Pos. in wiring diagram Pos. in hydraulic Measuring values
1 Pressure test port, vibration 11 - B - ME Starting pressure
pressure low amplitude 330 -400 bar
2 Pressure test port, vibration 11 - A - MF Starting pressure
pressure high amplitude 330 -400 bar
3 High pressure port low amplitude 11 - B max. 426 bar
4 High pressure port high amplitude 11 - A max. 426 bar
5 Multi-function valve with high 11 - B
pressure limitation low amplitude
6 Multi-function valve with high 11 - A
pressure limitation high amplitude
7 Solenoid valve, low amplitude Y07 / X 8 11 - B 12V / 0,4 - 1,2A
8 Solenoid valve, high amplitude Y07 / X 7 11 - A 12V / 0,4 - 1,2A
Service Training
Vibration motor
5 3
1 2
2 31
Service Training
Service Training
Trouble shooting
For a detailed description of how to read out fault codes and the display
please refer to the page on "Electrics" (Service Training Electrics)
The following trouble shooting chart contains a small selection of possible faults, which may occur
during operation of the machine. The fault list is by no means complete, however, the fault table is based
on the experience of the central service department, i.e. the list covers almost all faults that have
occurred in the past.
Service Training
The following trouble shooting table contains both electrical as well as mechanical and hydraulic faults.
The number specified in the table indicate the probability of the fault cause and thereby the
recommended trouble shooting sequence, based on our latest field experience.
Vibrationschalter (Amplitudenvorwahl) 1 1
Fahrhebel, Taster Vibration (an/aus), Verkabelung 1
Elektrik defekt / Verkabelung 2 2
Pumpenansteuerung (elektrisch / hydraulisch) 1 1
Druckabschneidung/ Hochdruckbegrenzung Vibrationspumpe
Speisepumpe / Speisedruckbegrenzungsventil
Frequenzeinstellung Vibrationspumpe 2
Vibrationspumpe defekt 2 2
Kupplung zwischen Dieselmotor und Fahrpumpe defekt
Erregerwellenlager defekt 3
Vibrationsmotorkupplung defekt 2
Vibrationsmotor defekt 2 1
Dieselmotor 1 1 1
Drehzahlsensor (Verkabelung) 1 1 1
Spülventil Vibmotor hängt 2
Service Training
Single drum rollers of series BW 213 / 214 DH-4 are equipped with a hydrostatically operated articulated
steering system.
The steering system mainly consists of steering pump, steering valve, steering cylinders and pressure
resistant connecting hoses.
to charge
1 Rating pump
2 Distributor valve
3 Steering pressure relief valve (Δp =175 bar)
4 Check valve (pre-loaded to 0.5 bar)
5 Anti-cavitation valve
6 Shock valves (240 bar)
7 Steering cylinders
The steering pump draws the hydraulic oil out of the hydraulic oil tank and delivers it to the steering valve
and the connected steering unit under the operator's platform of the machine. If the steering is not
operated, the complete oil supply will flow through the fine filter to the charge system for the closed travel
When turning the steering wheel the distributor valve guides the oil flow to the piston or piston rod side
of the steering cylinder. A rating pump inside the steering unit measures the exact oil quantity
corresponding with the turning angle of the steering wheel and delivers the oil to the steering cylinders.
The steering cylinders retract or extend and steer the machine.
The steering unit is equipped with a pressure relief valve. This valve limits the steering pressure to 175
bar. The charge pressure must, however, be added to this value, because the oil leaving the steering
system enters the charge circuit. The actual steering pressure is therefore approx. 200 bar.
Service Training
Charge pump
The charge pump for travel circuit and vibration works also as steering pump The pump is an external
gear pump with fixed displacement.
The oil flow generated by the charge pump is joined together with the return flow from the steering valve
before the hydraulic oil filter and flows through the filter to the charge ports on travel pump and vibration
Service Training
Steering pump
The steering pump is a gear pump with fixed displacement. It is driven by the auxiliary drive of the diesel
engine, draws the hydraulic oil out of the hydraulic oil tank and pumps it through the steering valve to
the steering cylinders or to the boost check valves for travel and vibration circuits.
9 9 6 1 7
4 5
1 Housing
2 Flange
3 Shaft
4 Bearing plate
5 Bearing plate
6 Cover
7 Gear (driving)
8 Gear (driven)
9 Seals
Service Training
Working principle of the gear pumps
The drive gear of the steering pump is connected with the auxiliary drive of the diesel engine via a
coupling. Drive gear and driven gear are positioned by a bearing plate in such a way, that the teeth of
both gears mesh with minimum clearance when rotating.
The displacement chambers are created between the tooth flanks, the inside wall of the housing and
the faces of the bearing plates.
When the pump is running the chambers transport hydraulic oil from the suction side to the pressure
side. This causes a vacuum in the suction line by which the hydraulic oil is drawn out of the tank. The
tooth chambers transport the fluid to the outlet of the pump from where it is pressed to the consumers.
To ensure a safe function of the pump the tooth chambers must be so tightly sealed that the hydraulic
fluid can be transported from the suction side to the pressure side without any losses.
For this purpose external gear pumps are fitted with gap seals. This causes pressure dependent fluid
losses from the pressure side to the suction side. As a measure to ensure that these losses are reduced
to a minimum, the bearing plate on the cover side is pressed against the faces of the gears by an axial
pressure field.
Service Training
Steering valve
The steering valve block consists mainly of distributor valve, measuring pump, pressure relief valve and
shock valves.
9 2
Service Training
240 bar
Δp = 175 bar
240 bar
0,5 bar
The high pressure relief valve in the steering unit limits the pressure in the steering system to 175 bar.
The charge pressure value must be added to this pressure, because the oil leaving the steering system
is fed into the charge circuit for the closed travel circuits.
The steering unit is fitted with so-called shock valves in each supply line to the steering cylinder. These
valves are adjusted to an opening pressure of 240 bar. The valves compensate extreme pressure peaks
which may occur, e.g. when driving over obstructions, and protect the system against overloads.
Each of these shock valves is fitted with an additional anti-cavitation valve. If the shock valves respond
these anti-cavitation valves protect the system against cavitation damage.
A check valve at the inlet of the steering unit makes sure that no oil will flow back to the pump in case
of pressure peaks caused by sudden steering movements. In such a case the steering cylinders would
act as pumps and press the oil back to the pump.
Service Training
Articulated joint
Front and rear frames of the single drum rollers BW 177 D-4 are connected by an oscillating articulated
joint. This ensures that drum and wheels are at all times in contact with the ground, even when driving
extreme curves.
Service Training
The rear console is tightly bolted to the rear frame.
The front console is fastened with screws to the rear cross-member of the front frame. The use of rocker
bearings between front and rear frame ensures that both frames can oscillate to each other for +/- 12°.
This gives drum and wheels excellent ground contact, even under extremely severe conditions.
The front console is connected with the rear console by two vertical bolts. The vertical bolts are mounted
in friction bearings.
When turning the steering wheel the steering cylinder will extend or retract. The piston rod swivels the
front console around the vertical bolts. This articulates the machine and results in a steering movement.
All bearings on the articulated joint are maintenance free and do not require any lubrication.
Notes on assembly:
When assembling or repairing the articulated joint the correct pretension of the centre pin is of highest
Please follow the instructions in the repair manual for the articulated joint.
Service Training
Test and adjustment points steering points
3 4
Steering pump
Service Training
Vibration and noise damper
The damper is located in the steering/charge circuit directly after the steering and charge pump.
It is subjected to hydraulic oil flow and has the function of eliminating any vibrations and noises.
The damper is mounted to the front plate of the rear frame, between both steering cylinders.
Service Training
Trouble shooting
For a detailed description of how to read out fault codes and the display
please refer to the page on "Electrics" (Service Training Electrics)
The following trouble shooting chart contains a small selection of possible faults, which may occur
during operation of the machine. The fault list is by no means complete, however, the fault table is based
on the experience of the central service department, i.e. the list covers almost all faults that have
occurred in the past.
Service Training
The following trouble shooting table contains both electrical as well as mechanical and hydraulic faults.
The number specified in the table indicate the probability of the fault cause and thereby the
recommended trouble shooting sequence, based on our latest field experience.
BW 213/214 DH/PDH-4
Endanschläge werden nicht erreicht
Lenkung schwergängig
Keine Lenkfunktion
Lenkorbitrol 2 2 1
Lenk- Speisepumpe 1 1 2
Lenkzylinder 3 3 3
Knickgelenk 3 3 2
11.1 Diesel engine The engines are characterized by the following posi-
tive features:
Series 4 single drum rollers are powered by 4 or 6 cyl- ● compact design
inder Deutz diesel engines type TCD 2013 or a 6-cyl- ● low noise level
inder engine TCD 2012.
● almost vibration free operation
The engines are water cooled in-line engines with
EMR3 electronics.
● low fuel consumption
The engines are mainly designed in two-valve tech-
● low exhaust emission EPA/COM IIl
nology with turbo charging and intercooler. They are ● high power density
highly compact and come with a Deutz-Common-Rail ● excellent access to all service locations.
injection system, called DCR in short. ● high reliability
All engines are designed with exhaust gas recircula- ● low running costs,
tion and thus reach emission values complying with
EPA/ COM/ Tier/ stage lll
● long lifetime
Fig. 1 Deutz diesel engine TCD 2012, right hand side 13 Flywheel or (transmission connection SAE)
14 Crankcase ventilation valve
1 Lubrication oil filling neck 15 Transport device
2 Combustion air inlet 16 Charge air line
3 Cover 17 Fuel control unit
4 Fan
5 Generator
6 Fuel lift pump
7 Idler pulley
8 Lubrication oil cooler
9 Fuel filter
10 Replaceable lubrication oil filter
11 Lubrication oil sump
12 Possible installation of hydraulic pump or com-
pressor (optional)
1 Exhaust manifold
2 Exhaust turbo charger
3 Lubrication oil filling neck (optional)
4 Engine mounts
5 Lubrication oil return line from exhaust gas turbo
6 Relay (starter)
7 Ribbed V-belt
8 Coolant inlet
9 Coolant outlet
10 Coolant pump
11 Connection cabin heater ort compensation line
Fig. 1 Deutz diesel engine TCD 2013 L04 2V, right hand side 14 Fuel control unit
15 High pressure pump
1 Combustion air inlet (possibility to install a heating 16 Crankcase ventilation valve
flange, optionally) 17 Injector
2 Connection cabin heater ort compensation line 18 Lubrication oil filling neck
3 Fan
4 Generator
5 Belt pulley on crankshaft
6 V-belt
7 Fuel lift pump drive
8 Fuel filter
9 Replaceable lubrication oil filter
10 Lubrication oil cooler
11 Possible installation of hydraulic pump or com-
pressor (optional)
12 Lubrication oil return line crankcase ventilation
13 Central plug (for engine control)
Fig. 2 Deutz diesel engine TCD 2013 L04 V2, left hand side
Fig. 3 Deutz diesel engine TCD 2013 L06 2V, right hand side 17 Crankcase ventilation valve
18 Injector
1 Combustion air inlet
2 Lubrication oil filling neck
3 Transport device
4 Fan hub
5 Generator
6 Replaceable lubrication oil filter
7 Fuel filter
8 Lubrication oil sump
9 Oil dipstick
10 Lubrication oil drain plug
11 Oil return line crankcase ventilation
12 Engine mounts
13 Transmission connection (SAE)
14 Central plug (for engine control)
15 High pressure pump
16 Rail
Fig. 4 Deutz diesel engine TCD 2013 L06 2V, left hand side
25 26 23 22 18 12
123 19 20 21 17 15 11
8 7 6
27 1
1 14 13 16 10 9 4 2 3
Fig. 1 Lubrication oil diagram 17 Piston cooling nozzle with pressure maintaining
1 Lubrication oil sump 18 Plunger with rocker arm pulse lubrication
2 Lubrication oil suction pipe 19 Push rod, lubrication oil supply for rocker arm lu-
3 Lubrication oil pump
20 Rocker arm
4 Pressure relief valve
21 Return line to lubrication oil sump
5 Lubrication oil cooler
22 Lubrication oil flow to exhaust turbo charger
6 Return flow check valve (only on 2012)
23 Exhaust turbo charger
7 By-pass valve
24 Return line from compressor / hydraulic pump to
8 By-pass valve lubrication oil filter
9 Pressure control valve
25 Compressor or hydraulic pump
10 Replaceable lubrication oil filter
26 Lubrication oil line to crankshaft and camshaft,
11 Main lubrication oil lines compressor / hydraulic pump
12 Internally switched exhaust gas recirculation 27 Return flow from exhaust turbo charger
13 Crankshaft bearings
14 Conrod bearings
15 Camshaft bearings
16 Line to spray nozzle
Fuel pre-filter
11 13
1 1
4 3 4
4 1
Fig. 2 Schematic of the Deutz Common Rail System "DCR" Under normal conditions the rail pressure is be-
tween 300 and 1350 bar
1 Fuel filter high pressure The PRV is set to 1600 bar
2 Fuel low pressure sensor (5-7bar) B145
If the PRV is defective or always open, the pres-
3 High pressure pumps
sure in the rail will only build up to max. 700 bar.
4 Fuel lift pump
5 Rail (high pressure pipe up to 1600 bar) The rail pressure must be at least 1.5 bar to start
the diesel engine
6 PRV (max. rail pressure limitation 1600bar)
7 Rail pressure sensor (B145) The fuel low pressure sensor is located after the
fuel filter and the pressure is normally between 5
8 Injectors (B148)
and 7 bar.
9 FCU Fuel Control Unit (Y137)
10 Engine control EDC16 - EMR3 The solenoid valve of the Fuel Control Unit (FCU)
is dead, open towards the tank.
11 Fuel filter with water separator
12 Hand pump The voltage applied to the injectors is normally
approx. 40 V.
electric connection
High pressure
High pressu
Injector ( Y148 )
electric connections
Return flow
Armature group
Fig. 5 Injector
7 6
1 3
1 Fuel pre-filter
2 Hand pump
3 Fuel filter
4 FCU Fuel Control Unit (Y137)
5 Rail
6 Fuel low pressure sensor (B145)
7 Connecting plug EMR3
TCD 2012
2 5
5 1
Diagnostics interface
Serdia connection
Fig. 4 Crankshaft speed sensor TCD 2012 Adjustment measurement or sensor gap meas-
1 Toothed disc on crankshaft
2 Speed sensor
Fig. 6 Crankshaft speed sensor TCD 2013 Adjustment measurement or sensor gap meas-
1 Toothed disc on crankshaft
2 Speed sensor
Fig. 8 Camshaft speed sensor TCD 2012/2013 Adjustment measurement or sensor gap meas-
1 Camshaft sprocket
2 Speed sensor
Camshaft Crankshaft
Fig. 10 Electric wiring diagram, page 004 Sensor test
Resistance measurement between Pin1 and Pin2 is
approx. 3.8 KOhm
If a magnetically conductive material is moved along a
sensor at a certain distance, a positive semi-wave
must be created on Pin 1, 2.
At a rotary speed of approx. 25 rpm there is a signal
voltage amplitude of at least 200mV from peak to
4 3 2 1
Fig. 14 Charge air pressure and temperature sensor Charge air temperature
Pin 2--- NTC-Temperature
Resistance R=2510 Ohm = 20°C
Resistance R=851 Ohm = 50°C
Pin 4
Pin 1 +
Connection Connection
Engine side Vehicle side
c = Upper display field, shows either the time o = Fault code display
or the coolant temperature t red = The seat occupation monitoring system
e red = flashes if engine oil pressure too low, en- lights when the seat is not occupied. If
gine is shut down after 10 seconds. the machine is travelling the warning
Check engine oil level, repair the engine buzzer will sound, engine is shut down
if necessary. after 4 seconds.
f red = flashes if the engine overheats (oil tem- v red = Central warning light, lights if a fault code
perature), the warning buzzer sounds, is displayed
the engine is shut down after 2 minutes. x = Engine rpm-meter
Switch off vibration, run engine with idle
speed or shut down engine if necessary,
clean engine oil cooler and radiator, if
necessary repair engine.
g yellow = lights if combustion air filter cartridge is
soiled, clean or replace if necessary.
h red = flashes when the coolant (filling) level is
too low.
Engine is shut down after 10 seconds.
Fig. 1 Display
! Caution
All detected faults are displayed
Fault codes 5000 - 5499 are diesel engine related
A detailed reading out of fault code for the diesel
engine is only possible through Deutz-Serdia
Fig. 1 Service-Software TCD 2012 / 2013 which can even be used if no EMR-fault is present
SerDIA is a software program from Deutz which ena- (start behaviour, engine sawing, lack of power).
bles the use of a laptop computer to run a more de-
tailed fault analysis and to read out the error log in
particular. For this purpose the PC or laptop is connected to the
diagnostic interface by means of an interface cable.
This procedure displays information like:
Work with SERDIA is described in separate operating
Location of fault (e.g. ’coolant temperature sensor’)
Type of fault (e.g. 'bottom limit value fallen short of',
'sporadic fault')
Environmental data/operating data (speed and oper-
ating hours at the time of the last occurrence of the
Number of fault locations.
Frequency of fault
Fault status (active - fault present / passive - fault no
longer present).
Fault messages for faults that are no longer active or
have been rectified can be deleted with SERDIA.
Other possible displays:
Function test: Control outputs and governor rod travel
can be activated with the engine stopped.
Assignment of inputs / outputs: Display of the current
assignment of inputs and outputs on the EMR-control
Representation of measuring values: There is a vast
variety of measuring values available for selection
SerDia connection
Fig. 2 Serdia connection socket electric cabinet Any other EMR components (sensors etc) must under
no circumstances be repaired, but must be replaced if
Replacing the EMR3 control unit
they are defective.
Each control unit is firmly assigned to the engine, ac-
cording to its application. In case of replacement the
control unit must therefore be completed with an en-
gine specific data set. When ordering a new control
unit the engine serial number (sticker on EMR control
unit) must be specified alongside the part number.
Note: The Deutz part number specified on the EMR
control unit is the part number without engine specific
software. The correct part number is to be taken from
the spare parts catalogue.
Fig. 1 TCD 2012 / 2013 Valves Turn the rotation angle disc (3) clockwise, until the
specified angle is reached:
Adjusting the valve clearance (without exhaust
gas recirculation) Engine TCD 2012
Loosen the counter nut (1). IN = intake valve 75°
Attach the rotation angle disc (3) and the spanner EX = exhaust valve 120°
socket (4) to the valve clearance adjustment screw Engine TCD 2013
IN = intake valve 90°
Fix the magnet (5) of the rotation angle disc (3).
EX = Exhaust valve 150°Hold the rotation angle disc
Turn the rotation angle disc (3) clockwise against the (3) against turning
stop (rocker arm no clearance) and set the scale to ze-
Tighten the counter nut (1).
! Caution
These engines are equipped with an exhaust gas
recirculation system.
During the exhaust cycle the intake valve opens
for a short moment.
This must not be mistaken as overlapping of
i Note
Check the distance between the tongue of the move-
able tensioner arm and the stop on the fixed tensioner
TCD 2012 2V Standard tools
Pressure pump
Checking fuel system for leak-tightness
057 250 66
© 35409-2
Compression pressure tester
for diesel engines
10 - 40 bar
057 250 67
© 35410-3
Assembly pliers
Removing valve stem gaskets
057 250 68
© 37509-2
Socket wrench insert
Torx - E 14
057 250 69
© 43022-0
Socket wrench insert
Torx - E 20
057 250 70
© 35415-1
V-belt tension meter
150 to 600 N
for checking the V-belt tension
079 947 09
© 35416-3
TCD 2012 2V Standard tools
Torx tool set
Case containing:
- Double-ended ring spanner E6/E8
- Double-ended ring spanner E10/E12
Socket wrench insert E8 and E10 (1/4 inch)
- Socket wrench insert E10 and E12 (3/8 inch)
- Socket wrench insert E18 (1/2 inch)
079 947 01
© 39432-1
Rotation angle disc
with magnet
Setting valve clearance
057 250 72
© 43528-0
Screwdriver insert
for slotted screw
Valve clearance setting
057 250 74
© 43060-0
Bowl wrench
Fuel pre-filter (type: Racor)
057 250 73
© 43193-1
Screwdriver insert
with hexagonal socket (size 4 mm),
1/2 inch, long version
(in conjunction with rotation angle disc 8190)
057 250 75
© 43183-0
Open end wrench adapter
Size 13,
for torque wrench
Tightening of lock nut of the valve clearance setting
057 250 71
© 43019-0
TCD 2012 2V Standard tools
Removing rotary shaft lip seal
057 250 76
© 43206-0
Crowfoot wrench
Size 15
3/4 inch
(in connection with rotation angle disc 8190)
057 250 77
© 44309-0
Assembly lever
Example: Removing and installing the valves
057 250 78
© 37511-2
TCD 2012 2V Special tools
100 190
Connection piece
(in conjunction with compression pressure tester 8005)
057 250 79
© 42524-1
100 320
Turning gear
flywheel side
057 250 80
© 35422-1
100 330
Turning gear
V-belt pulley
Turning crankshaft on torsional vibration damper
079 947 19
© 35423-1
100 400
Dial gauge with fixing wheel
Measuring range 0 -10mm / 0.01mm
057 250 81
© 35424-1
100 410
Digital gauge
Measuring range 0 -30 mm / 0.01 mm
057 250 82
© 43205-0
100 750
Measuring apparatus
Measuring bar with two spacing washers
(in conjunction with 100 400 or 100 410)
Checking valve lag dimension
Checking piston projection
057 250 83
© 39402-1
TCD 2012 2V Special tools
103 050
Socket wrench insert
Size 15
for valve clearance setting with removed exhaust return
(in connection with 8190)
057 250 84
© 43023-0
103 220
Special pliers
for removing the roller tappet
057 250 85
© 43010-0
110 500
Special wrench
Size 17
Removing and installing high-pressure lines
057 250 86
© 35436-1
110 700
Socket wrench insert
Assembling/disassembling pressure sensors
(rail pressure, oil pressure, fuel pressure)
057 250 87
© 43198-2
110 900
Assembly case
Case for O-rings, complete with:
Disassembly tool 110 901 and three assembly sleeves
with guide:
- High pressure pump (Ø 36), 110 902
- Injector, 2V motor (Ø 16), 110 903
- Injector, 4V motor (Ø 23), 110 904
Disassembling/assembling O-rings
057 250 88
© 43208-0
120 430
Assembly tool
Removing and installing the heating plugs
057 250 89
© 43020-0
TCD 2012 2V Special tools
120 900
Support bracket
Clamping cylinder head
057 250 90
© 35438-3
120 910
Base plate for support bracket
(in conjunction with support bracket 120 900 if support
bracket is not screwed tightly)
057 250 91
© 35439-3
121 410
Assembly tool
Assembling valve stem gaskets
057 250 92
© 37614-2
121 420
Assembly sleeves
Set of assembly sleeves for valve stem gasket
057 250 93
© 43210-0
130 300
Universal piston ring pliers
Removing and installing the piston rings
057 250 94
© 43021-0
130 440
Trapezoidal groove wear gauge
for piston diameter 101 mm
Check piston ring groove
057 250 95
© 36461-2
TCD 2012 2V Special tools
130 450
Trapezoidal groove wear gauge
for piston diameter 98 mm
Check piston ring groove
057 250 96
© 36461-2
130 660
Piston ring tensioning band
Piston diameter 98 mm
057 250 97
© 39408-1
130 670
Piston ring tensioning band
Piston diameter 101 mm
057 250 98
© 39408-1
142 670
Assembly tool
Assembling crankshaft sealing ring
(opposite side to flywheel)
079 947 26
© 35445-1
142 830
Assembly tool
for crankshaft (flywheel side)
079 947 27
© 35446-1
144 800
Counter support
Torsional vibration damper
057 250 99
© 35453-1
TCD 2012 2V Special tools
170 050
Special wrench
Unscrew the filter cartridges
079 947 28
© 37629-2
170 160
1 set of differently-sized stoppers and caps
Sealing openings on the fuel system
079 947 29
© 43663-0
Assembly block
Engine clamping, double-sided
079 947 30
© 35451-2
Clamping bracket
consisting of:
1 holder 6066/158-1 rear right,
1 holder 6066/158-2 rear left,
1 holder 6066/158-3 front right,
1 holder 6066/158-4 front left
(in connection with assembly block 6066)
Clamping of the engine, double-sided
079 947 31
© 35452-1
TCD 2013 2V Standard tools
Pressure pump
Checking cooling system for leak-tightness
057 250 66
© 35409-2
Compression pressure tester
for diesel engines
10 - 40 bar
057 250 67
© 35410-3
Hose clip pliers
e. g. fuel return pipe
© 39426-1
Assembly pliers
Removing valve stem gaskets
057 250 68
© 37509-2
Socket wrench insert
reinforced, size 22
removing and installing main bearing
© 37504-2
Socket wrench insert
Torx - E 14
057 250 69
© 43022-0
TCD 2013 2V Standard tools
Socket wrench insert
Torx - E 20
© 35415-1
V-belt tension measuring device
150 to 600 N 079 947 09
for checking the V-belt tension
079 947 09
© 35416-3
Torx tool set
Contents of case:
079 947 01
- Double-ended ring spanner E6/E8
- Double-ended ring spanner E10/E12
Socket wrench insert E8 and E10 (1/4 inch)
- Socket wrench insert E10 and E12 (3/8 inch)
- Socket wrench insert E18 (1/2 inch)
079 947 01
© 39432-1
Rotation angle disc
with magnet
Setting valve clearance
057 250 80
© 43528-0
Screwdriver insert
for slotted screw
Valve clearance setting
057 250 74
© 43060-0
Bowl wrench
Fuel pre-filter (type: Racor)
057 250 73
© 43193-1
TCD 2013 2V Standard tools
Screwdriver insert
with pressed in hexagonal pin (5 mm),
1/2 inch, long version
(in conjunction with rotation angle disc 8190)
© 43183-0
Screwdriver insert
with hexagon socket (size 4 mm),
1/2 inch, long version
(in conjunction with rotation angle disc 8190)
057 250 75
© 43183-0
Multi-toothed screwdriver set
260 mm long
remove and install air compressor
© 43195-0
Open end wrench adapter
Size 13,
for torque wrench
Tightening of lock nut of the valve clearance setting
057 250 71
© 43019-0
Removing rotary shaft lip seal
057 250 76
© 43206-0
Crowfoot wrench
Size 15
3/4 inch
(in connection with rotation angle disc 8190)
057 250 77
© 44309-0
TCD 2013 2V Standard tools
Assembly lever
Example: Removing and installing the valves
057 250 78
© 37511-2
Spring band pliers
320 mm
tighten spring band clamp
© 35420-3
TCD 2013 2V Special tools
100 190
(in conjunction with compression pressure tester 8005)
057 250 79
© 42524-1
100 320
Turning gear
flywheel side
057 250 80
© 35422-1
100 330
Turning gear
V-belt pulley
Turning crankshaft on torsional vibration damper
079 947 19
© 35423-1
100 400
Dial gauge with fixing wheel
Measuring range 0 - 10 mm / 0.01 mm
057 250 81
© 35424-1
100 410
Digital gauge
Measuring range 0 - 30 mm / 0.01 mm
057 250 82
© 43205-0
100 750
Measuring device
Measuring bar with two shims
(in conjunction with 100400 and 100410)
Checking valve lag dimension
Checking piston projection
057 250 83
© 39402-1
TCD 2013 2V Special tools
103 050
Socket wrench insert
Size 15
for valve clearance setting with removed exhaust return
(in connection with 8190)
057 250 84
© 43023-0
103 220
Special pliers
for removing the roller tappet
057 250 85
© 43010-0
110 500
Special wrench
Size 17
Removing and installing high-pressure lines
057 250 86
© 35436-1
110 640
Lever tool
Remove injector
© 43941-0
110 700
Socket wrench insert
Installing and removing pressure sensors
(rail pressure, oil pressure, fuel pressure)
057 250 87
© 43198-2
110 900
Assembly case
Case for O-rings, complete with:
Disassembly tool 110 901 and three
assembly sleeves with guide:
- High pressure pump (Ø 36), 110 902
- Injector, 2V motor (Ø 16), 110 903
- Injector, 4V motor (Ø 23), 110 904
Removing and installing O-rings
057 250 88
© 43208-0
TCD 2013 2V Special tools
120 430
Assembly tool
Removing and installing the glow plugs
057 250 89
© 43020-0
120 680
(in conjunction with slide hammer 150 800)
Removing fixed injector sealing ring
© 35437-1
120 900
Support bracket
Clamping cylinder head
057 250 90
© 35438-3
120 910
Base plate
(in conjunction with support bracket 120 900 if support
bracket is not screwed tightly)
057 250 91
© 35439-3
121 330
Assembly lever
Removing and installing the valves
© 43185-0
121 420
Assembly sleeves
Set of assembly sleeves for valve stem gasket
057 250 93
© 43210-0
TCD 2013 2V Special tools
130 300
Universal piston ring pliers
Removing and installing the piston rings
057 250 94
© 43021-0
130 420
Trapezoidal groove wear gauge
Piston diameter 108 mm
© 36461-2
130 640
Piston ring compressor
Piston diameter 108 mm
© 39408-1
142 810
Assembly tool
Installing crankshaft sealing ring
(flywheel side)
© 35446-1
142 820
Assembly tool
Installing crankshaft sealing ring
(opposite side to flywheel)
© 35445-1
150 170
Puller, universal
Comprising traverse, support and threaded rod
(in conjunction with disc 150 171)
Removing cylinder liner
© 43207-0
TCD 2013 2V Special tools
150 171
(in conjunction with puller 150 170)
for liner diameter: 108 mm
Removing cylinder liner
© 43204-0
150 180
Liner holder
(Set comprises 7 holders)
Turning crankshaft with cylinder head removed
© 43181-0
150 190
Assembly lever
Lever with bolts
(in conjunction with disc 150 191)
Installing cylinder liner
© 43209-2
150 191
(in conjunction with assembly tool 150 190)
for liner diameter: 108 mm
Installing cylinder liner
© 43203-2
150 800
Slide hammer 079 947 18
(in conjunction with puller 120 680)
Removing injector sealing ring
079 947 18
© 35449-2
170 050
Special wrench
Unscrewing the filter cartridges
079 947 28
© 37629-2
TCD 2013 2V Special tools
170 160
1 set of differently-sized stoppers and caps
Sealing openings on the fuel system
079 947 29
© 43663-0
Assembly block
Engine clamping, double-sided
079 947 30
© 35451-2
Clamping bracket
consisting of:
1 holder 6066/158-1 rear right,
1 holder 6066/158-2 rear left,
1 holder 6066/158-3 front right,
1 holder 6066/158-4 front left
(in connection with assembly block 6066)
Clamping of the engine, double-sided
079 947 31
© 35452-1
Engine lifting device
Version for commercial vehicles with worm gear, ulti-
mate load (2t), 3-point suspension, spindle clamp,
traverse, chains and hooks
© 43184-0
Slotted nut wrench
Cable plug
© 43199-0
1. gaseous (invisible)
2. vaporous
3. liquid
4. solid
Fig. 2
Heat always flows from the warmer to the colder mat-
ter. Any matter consists of a mass of moving mole-
cules. The rapidly moving molecules or a warmer
matter dissipate part of their energy to the slower
moving molecules with less heat. The movement of
the molecules in the warmer matter becomes slower
and the molecules in the cooler matter are accelerat-
ed. This process continued, until all molecules in the
two matters move with identical speed. The matters
have then reached an identical temperature and the
transfer of heat stops.
Fig. 1
If the water in a container is heated up (absorption of
heat), the rising steam is visible. If the steam is heated
up further, due to the absorption of heat, the visible
steam will turn into invisible gas. This process is re-
versible. When withdrawing the heat contained in gas-
eous water, the gas will turn into steam, then into
water and finally into ice.
Steam pressure:
Chemical formula:
In an incompletely filled, closed container, vaporous
CH2F-CF3 or CF3-CH2F refrigerant will volatilize from the surface in the same
quantity that will turn liquid in combination with steam
particles. This state of equilibrium occurs under pres-
Chemical designation: sure and is frequently referred to as steam pressure.
Tetrafluoroethane The steam pressure is independent from the temper-
Critical temperature:
Behaviour with metals:
100,6 °C
In pure condition refrigerant R134a is chemically sta-
ble and does not attack iron and aluminium. However,
contamination of the refrigerant, e.g. with chlorine
Critical pressure:
compounds, leads to aggressiveness against certain
40.56 bar (absolute) metals and plastics. This can cause clogging, leaks or
deposits on the pistons of the compressor.
Critical point:
Critical point (critical temperature and critical pres- Critical temperature / critical pressure:
sure) means that above this point there is no separat- Up to a gas pressure of 39.5 bar overpressure (this
ing interface between liquid and gas. Above its critical corresponds with a temperature of 101 °C) the refrig-
point any substance is gaseous. At temperatures be- erant R134a remains chemically stable, above this
low the critical point all refrigerant types in pressure temperature the refrigerant decomposes (see com-
containers have a liquid and a gaseous phase, i.e. a bustibility).
gas cushion is above the liquid. As long as gas is in
the container, besides the liquid, the pressure de-
pends on the ambient temperature. Water content:
In liquid refrigerant water can only be dissolved in very
low quantities. In contrast to this refrigerant steam
mixes with water steam at any ratio. If the dryer in the
liquid container has absorbed approx. 8 gr. of water, 12.3 Compressor oil / refrigeration
the refrigerant circuit transports possibly existing wa-
ter in form of droplets. This water flows to the nozzle oil
of the expansion valve and turns to ice. The air condi- The compressor oil lubricates the movable parts in the
tioning system stops cooling. Water destroys the air compressor, seals e.g. the gap between piston and
conditioning system, because under high pressures cylinder inside the compressor to prevent refrigerant
and temperatures and in connection with other con- loss and prevents other seals in the system from dry-
taminants it forms acids. ing up.
Part of the compressor oil dissolves in the refrigerant
Inflammability: until saturation is reached, so that a gas mixture of re-
frigerant, water steam, compressor oil and contrast
Refrigerant is not inflammable. On the contrary, it has agent circulates through the system.
fire inhibiting or fire extinguishing properties. Refriger-
ant is decomposed by flames or glowing surfaces. Ul- Compressor oil (the oil quantity should be 10 % of the
traviolet light also cracks refrigerant (caused by refrigerant weight) mixes with the refrigerant and cir-
electric welding). This results in toxic fission products, culates permanently through the system.
these must not be inhaled. However, irritation of the In connection with R134a- air conditioning systems
mucous membranes is an early and in-time warning. special synthetic compressor oils, e.g. polyalkylene
glycol (PAG) oils, are used. This is necessary, be-
cause e.g. mineral oil does not mix with R134a. Apart
Filling factor: from this, the materials in the R134a air conditioning
In a container there must be a steam space above the system may be attacked when the mixture is flowing
liquid space. The liquid expands with increasing tem- through the refrigerant circuit under high pressure and
perature. The steam filled space becomes smaller. at high temperatures or if the lubrication film in the
From a certain time on the container will be filled with compressor tears off. The use of non-permitted oils
just liquid. After this only a minor temperature in- can cause damage to the air conditioning system, you
crease is enough to generate very high pressures in should therefore only used the approved oils.
the container, because the liquid would like to expand,
but there is no more room. The related forces are high
enough to cause the container to burst. In order to Properties of compressor oil / refrigeration oil:
avoid overfilling of a container the pressure gas direc- The most important properties are high solvency in
tive clearly specifies how many kilograms of refriger- connection with refrigerants, good lubrication charac-
ant may be filled into the container per litre volume. teristics, that they are free of acids and their low water
Multiplied with the internal volume this "filling factor" content. For this purpose only certain oils can be
determines the permissible filling capacity For refrig- used. PAG-oils suitable for use with refrigerant R134a
erants used in motor vehicles it is 1.15 kg/l. are highly hygroscopic and will not mix with other oil.
As a protection against the invasion of moisture drums
must immediately be closed again after they had been
opened. Compressor oil ages under the effect of
Environmental aspects moisture and acids, becomes dark, viscous and ag-
The contribution of R134a to the greenhouse effect is gressive against metals.
by factor 10 smaller than the contribution of R12.
Since approx. 1992 the air conditioning systems for
newly produced construction equipment were succes-
sively converted to refrigerant R134a. This refrigerant
does not contain any chlorine and is thus harmless for
the ozone layer. Until approx. 1992 air conditioning
systems were filled with refrigerant R12. Due to its
chlorine atoms this CFC has a high ozone decompo-
sition potential and also a potential to amplify the
greenhouse effect. Conversion programs for existing
old systems with the ozone damaging R12 are in ef-
fect. For reasons of protecting the environment refrig-
erant must not be discharged into the atmosphere.
Compressor data
Displacement: 155 cm²
Weight: 6,9 kg
max. rpm: 6000
Sense of rotation: cw
Refrigerant: R134a
Oil quantity (scope of delivery): 207 gr
Oil: PAG SP-20 (H14-003-404)
! Caution
The compressor oil level must be checked after
replacing a system component or if a leak in the
system is suspected. Use only refrigeration oil
PAG SP-20 (H14-003-404).
When replacing a heat exchanger, e.g. evaporator
or condenser, any compressor oil / refrigeration
oil lost by exchanging the components, must be
replaced with fresh oil.
The actual quantity depends on the amount of oil
that may have been lost in connection with the
possible replacement of other components.
Used compressor oil / refrigeration oil must be
disposed of as hazardous waste.
The following table shows how much compressor oil /
refrigeration oil will be lost in connection with various
types of work on the air conditioning system.
! Caution
Please bear in mind, that the new compressor is
delivered with a filling of 207 gr. compressor oil. Fig. 1
To avoid excessive oil in the A/C-system and thus The condenser is located in front of the the radiator for
a poor cooling effect, the oil level in the A/C-sys- the machine. It emits heat energy from the system into
tem must be adjusted accordingly. the surrounding air and liquefies the gaseous refriger-
The quantity depends on the amount of oil that ant.
may have been lost in connection with the possi-
ble replacement of other components.
i Note
The compressor oil quantity must be 10% of the The fins must be free of dirt and damage.
refrigerant quantity in the complete system.
With a refrigerant filling of 1100 gr. the system re- ! Caution
quires a compressor oil / refrigerant oil filling of
100 gr. When replacing a heat exchanger, e.g. evaporator
or condenser, any compressor oil lost by ex-
Procedure: changing the components, must be replaced with
Drain and measure the compressor oil from the fresh oil.
old compressor.
Drain the compressor oil from the new compres-
sor and only fill in the exact quantity that had been
drained out of the old compressor. The compres-
sor oil from the new compressor can be used for
this purpose.
i Note
Topping up compressor oil / refrigeration oil is possi-
ble on a pressureless compressor directly into the oil
pan, in a pressureless refrigeration system directly
into the pressure side, but it is also possible to draw it
into the pressure side of the refrigeration system dur-
ing the evacuation process.
Fig. 2
! Danger
i Note
In case of dirt in the refrigerant system you should also
check or clean the screen at the expansion valve in-
Fig. 1 Fig. 1
The evaporator is mounted inside the HKL-module in The feeler of a defroster thermostat to switch off the
the cabin. It consists of a heat exchanger (inside air - magnetic clutch in case of icing up or to switch the
refrigerant), with refrigerant flowing to a pipe system clutch back on after defrosting, is mounted on the
with cooling flanges. evaporator. The correct adjustment of the defroster
thermostat as well as the correct feeler assembly
As with the condenser, correct operation of all fans
should be checked during maintenance.
and cleanliness of the fins must be assured.
Switching point on: + 1°C (± 1°C)
Air conditioning systems have a circulation air filter
mounted in the air flow in front of the evaporator, Switching point off: + 5,5°C (± 1°C)
which should be cleaned or changed by the operator
after each third trip, depending on the amount of dirt. i Note
A condensation water filter is mounted in the air flow It is very important that the feeler is mounted down-
after the evaporator. This filter has the function to col- stream of the evaporator, but before the pressure sen-
lect the water that has condensed from the air in the sor, in countercurrent direction, with full length and
evaporator block and to discharge this water into the insulated against the outside temperature.
water pan With a defective condensation water filter
condensation water may flow into the inside of the ve-
! Caution
When replacing a heat exchanger, e.g. evaporator
or condenser, any compressor oil lost by ex-
changing the components, must be replaced with
fresh oil.
The compressor oil level must be checked after
replacing a system component or if a leak in the
system is suspected. Use only compressor oil / re-
frigeration oil PAG SP-20 (H14-003-404).
● Run the compressor for 10 minutes at engine idle
● In order to avoid any compressor oil losses you
should slowly drain all refrigerant from the air condi- Fig. 2
tioning system. ● Turn the nut that hold the armature clockwise with a
socket wrench, until the counterweight is correctly
i Note
2 o'clock position with inclination to the right (Fig. 2).
10 o'clock position with inclination to the left
● Insert the oil dipstick.
● Pull out the dipstick and count the notches covered
by oil.
● Drain off oil or fill up as specified in the table.
Used compressor oil / refrigeration oil must be
disposed of as hazardous waste.
Fig. 1
Fastening angle (de- Oil dipstick in incre-
● Measure the fastening angle (Fig. 1) of the com- gree) ments
pressor (oil plug at top) 0 5-7
Remove the oil filler plug. 10 6-8
20 7-9
30 8-10
40 9-11
50 10-12
60 11-13
90 16-18
Screw the oil filler plug back in.
! Caution
The contact area must be clean and should be free
of damage.
Use a new O-ring.
Tightening torque 15 to 25 Nm
● Refill the air conditioning system.
Fig. 1
i Note
Nominal value approx. 3.5 Amp.
Overcurrent indicates a short circuit inside the mag-
netic coil.
No current indicates an interrupted electric circuit.
Fig. 5
Slightly slacken fastening screws 1, 2 and 3 (Fig.
1 Optional equipment
Danger of accident!
Do not clean with a hot water jet. Heat will cause
extreme overpressure, which could cause dam-
age or explosion of the system.
Use access steps and grips to mount and dis-
mount the machine.
Fig. 6
● Unscrew the condenser fastening screws (Fig. 6)
and fold the condenser forward.
Clean the condenser fins on front and back with
compressed air or cold water .
1 Optional equipment
Fig. 7 Fig. 9
● Switch the air conditioning (Fig. 7) on. ● Check whether the white float (Fig. 9) inside the in-
spection glass of the drier/collector unit floats right
at the top.
i Note
The refrigerant level is correct.
Fig. 8
● Choose a cooling temperature with the rotary switch
for cabin heater (Fig. 8) in the blue section.
Open the air outlet nozzles.
Check, whether the outflowing air is noticeably cool-
er. Fig. 10
If the white float (Fig. 10) inside the inspection glass
of the drier/collector unit floats at the bottom, inform
i Note
the service department.
The adjusted temperature must be below the actual
temperature inside the cabin, so that the compressor
will be switched on. i Note
● Open the hood. The refrigerant level is not correct.
● Refrigerant must be filled up, if necessary check the
air conditioning system for leaks.
Fig. 12
● Check the drier/collector unit (Fig. 12) for mechani-
cal damage or rust.
Fig. 11
● Check the moisture indication pearl (Fig. 11) inside
the inspection glass of the drier/collector unit.
orange = drying agent o.k.
colorless = moisture level of drying agent too high.
● Inform the service department. Replace drier/col-
lector unit, check air conditioning system.
According to the regulation for pressure reser-
voirs all pressure reservoirs must be repeatedly
inspected by a specialist. In this sense repeated
inspections are external examinations, normally
on pressure reservoirs in operation. In connection
with this inspection the drier/collector unit must
be visually examined twice every year. During
these inspections special attention must be paid
to corrosion and mechanical damage. If the reser-
voir is not in proper condition it must be replaced
for safety reasons, as a precaution to protect op-
erators and third parties against any danger aris-
ing from the handling and operation of pressure
! Danger
Danger of injury!
In case of mechanical damage or corrosion on
this drier/collector unit this unit must be replaced,
to avoid bursting and further damage.
! Caution
The use of leak detection colouring matter is not
permitted, because its chemical composition is
unknown and its effect on compressor oil and rub-
ber elements is not predictable. The use of leak
detection colouring matter makes any warranty
claims null and void.
Before starting the evacuation process, the refrigerant
circuit is filled with nitrogen through a pressure reduc-
er valve (approx. 22 bar). After this all connections in
the air conditioning system are checked with the help
of a suitable leak detection spray. A leak is thereby in-
dicated by means of foam bubbles.
A leak test is required if a pressure drop is noticed.
The leak test must be repeated after filling the air con-
ditioning system with refrigerant.
12.15Filling instructions
! Caution
Liquid refrigerant in the suction side of the com-
pressor should generally be avoided during filling
and operation of the refrigeration system, since
this could damage the compressor..
When filling the air conditioning system directly from
the refrigerant bottle care must be taken not to overfill
the system. As an additional control and for statistical
purposes, e.g. for refilling, it is important to write down
the weight of the filled in refrigerant.
With correct operation of the air conditioning the re-
frigerant container should be about 1/3 filled with liq-
uid refrigerant, the evaporator should be maximally
filled at the calculated evaporation temperature, i.e.
the suction line should only be a few degrees warmer
than the evaporation temperature indicated by the
pressure gauge.
i Note
White frost on the suction line is no measure for as-
sessing the filling.
19 Pressure reducing valve 16 Switch off the vacuum pump, watch the pressure
20 Vacuum pump gauges to see whether the vacuum is maintained.
21 Nitrogen bottle 17 Open the valve on the refrigerant bottle and open
the black and red hand wheels on the pressure
22 Refrigerant bottle
gauge bar. Fill refrigerant into the system, until a
23 Pressure gauge bar pressure equilibrium between suction and pres-
sure side is reached (reading of pressure gaug-
Filling instructions es).
1 Connect the service adapter with the blue hand 18 Close the red hand wheel.
wheel in the suction side. 19 Perform a leak test with the electronic leak detec-
2 Connect the service adapter with the red hand tor.
wheel in the pressure side (the hand wheels on 20 Start the engine and switch on the system.
the service adapters must be fully backed out - left 21 Open the blue hand wheel and continue filling in
hand stop) refrigerant until the inspection glass is free or air
3 Connect the blue suction hose below the blue bubbles (in fluid container/dryer combinations the
hand wheel on the pressure gauge bar to the blue white pearl should float in the upper third of the in-
service adapter. spection glass). Then close the refrigerant bottle.
4 Connect the red pressure hose below the red 22 Close the blue hand wheel on the pressure gauge
hand wheel on the pressure gauge bar to the red bar.
service adapter. 23 Preparing the test run: -Close windows and doors
5 Connect the yellow hose below the yellow hand -Fan on full speed stage -Mount measuring feel-
wheel on the manometer bar to the 2-stage vacu- ers to air discharge and air intake.
um pump. 24 Run the system for approx. 20 minutes with medi-
6 Connect the last hose below the black hand wheel um engine speed.
on the nitrogen bottle via the pressure reducing 25 The temperature difference between air discharge
valve. and air intake should be (depending on type of air
7 Check on the pressure gauge bar that all hand condition) 8-10°C. The ambient temperature
wheels are closed. thereby is approx. 20°C. (These data are only ref-
8 Turn the hand wheels on both service adapter erence values, which may be influenced by possi-
clockwise. This opens the valves (right hand ble insolation)
stop). 26 Switch off system and engine and check for leaks
9 Open the valve on the nitrogen bottle (only via again.
pressure reducer); pressure approx. 20 bar. 27 Turn out (left hand stop) and remove the hand
10 Open the black and red hand wheels on the pres- wheels on both service adapters.
sure gauge bar and fill nitrogen into the system, 28 Fit all valves with dust caps.
until a pressure of approx. 3.5 to 5.0 bar is indicat- 29 Perform a leak test.
ed on the suction side.
30 Mark the system with the corresponding type
11 Then open the blue hand wheel and raise the plates and information decals, such as type of oil
pressure in the suction side (max. 10 bar). Check and refrigerant.
for leaks with a leak detection fluid or soapsuds.
12 If the system is leak tight, release the nitrogen
from the system. For this purpose disconnect the
hose from the nitrogen bottle and open the red,
blue and black hand wheels on the pressure
gauge bar.
13 Then connect the hose to the refrigerant bottle.
14 Switch on the vacuum pump and open all hand
wheels on the pressure gauge bar. In case of a
leak no or only an insufficient vacuum will be
reached. In this case proceed as described under
point 9-12. Once the leak is sealed continue with
point 14.
15 Once a sufficient vacuum is reached, both pres-
sure gauges show -1, close all hand wheels on the
pressure gauge bar.
Basic principles
For trouble shooting two requirements must be ful-
● Expert knowledge
● technical equipment
Technical equipment
The most important aids for trouble shooting are pres-
sure gauges and thermometer. The refrigerant condi-
tions, like overheating and excessive cooling provide
important Information when searching for faults. Even
your own senses are important aids for trouble shoot-
ing. Bubbles in the sight glass, dirt and white frost can
be visibly perceived. If the compressor draws in wet
steam, this can be noticed by the suction line and it
may also be audibly detectable. An overloaded com- Fig. 2 Pressure gauge
pressor can even be smelled.
The following tools and auxiliary materials should be
A totally empty air conditioning system holds an at-
available for trouble shooting:
mospheric pressure of approx. Pamp = 1 bar.
Service station
Filling the system with refrigerant causes an excess
Pressure gauge pressure of Pe = 3 bar.
Pabs = Pamb + Pe = 1 bar + 3 bar = 4 bar
dry nitrogen
Evacuating the system down to Pe = -0.6 bar, creates
Refrigerant bottle for new refrigerant
a "vacuum" (negative excess pressure).
Container for old oil
Vacuum pump Pabs = Pamb + Pe = 1 bar +(- 0,6) bar = 0,4 bar
● Scales
● Suction station
● Leak detector
The measuring equipment must be checked at regular
intervals. Calibration can only be made by an ap-
proved testing authority.
Pressure gauge
Most pressure gauges used in practice are (for cost
reasons) excess pressure gauges. These pressure
gauges measure the excess pressure in relation to the
ambient pressure (air pressure). In order to achieve
the absolute (actual) pressure the ambient pressure
must be added to the pressure gauge reading. The
absolute pressure is needed for the calculation and
determination of material data.
Pabs = Pamb + Pe
Pabs = absolute pressure
Pamb = atmospheric air pressure (ambient pressure)
Pe = excess pressure (pressure gauge reading)
Pressure gauge with saturation temperature scale If the suction condition of the compressor is directly on
the dew line, an e.g. incorrect evaporator load can
cause "wet suction". This can lead to two processes,
which are destructive for the compressor. The liquid
refrigerant washes off the lubricating film between pis-
ton and cylinder wall, and insufficient lubrication will
cause extreme wear. Liquid refrigerant remaining in
the cylinder causes a direct energy transfer from pis-
ton to cylinder cover during compression. The valve
plate may then be damaged by so-called fluid strokes.
Apart from protecting the compressor against fluid,
overheating has further advantages. Since the fluid
proportions in the drawn in steam reduces the flow
rate of the compressor, it may be increased by a over-
heating. Overheating also improves the oil recircula-
It is the function of the expansion valve to reduce the
Normally digital thermometers with surface or contact refrigerant to a lower pressure level (evaporation
feelers are used. Especially for high temperature dif- pressure) after it has been liquefied. For an optimal
ferences excellent heat insulation of the measuring lo- function of the valve pure fluid must be applied to its
cation is of utmost importance. The sparing use of a inlet port.
heat conducting paste is highly recommended. If the
The refrigerant must "squeeze" (literally speaking)
measuring location is soiled, it needs to be cleaned
through a throttle gap inside the expansion valve.
and probably treated with a fine emery cloth. Only the
When comparing a certain mass of refrigerant in fluid
temperature of the feeler is measured. Due to missing
and in vaporous state (with constant pressure), the
heat insulation and insulating oxide layers on the line,
vaporous refrigerant requires a much higher volume.
temperature differences of a few degrees Kelvin be-
That's why the vaporous refrigerant needs a much
tween the measured and the actual values may arise.
longer time to "squeeze" through the throttle gap.
Vaporous refrigerant in front of the expansion valve
reduces the flow rate and results in an undersupply of
the evaporator with refrigerant. Evaporation pressure
and evaporator power will drop.
Due to its design a refrigerant compressor can only
deliver gaseous or vaporous substances. Fluids are If the refrigeration system is operated with the "expan-
not compressible and must therefore not enter into the sion valve inlet" condition directly on the boiling curve,
compression chamber of the compressor. slightest fluctuations in operating condition may cause
Δ tc2u = tc - tc2u
Δ tc2u, supercooling at evaporator outlet in K
tc2u, temperature at evaporator outlet in °C
tc, evaporation temperature in °C
„u“ represents "supercooled"
12.18Trouble shooting procedure ● Evaporator and heating (with highest fresh air fan
speed) do not draw leak air.
● The fresh air fan runs when the engine is running
and the air conditioning system is set to max. cool-
Knowledge ing power.
Trouble shooting is not possible with exact knowledge
● Ambient temperature above 15 °C.
about the system design, the installed components ● The thermostat is correctly installed and the switch-
and their function in the system trouble shooting is not ing temperatures are correct.
Visual inspection
With the appropriate experience some faults can be
visually detected or felt. Frequently occurring con-
denser soiling or formation of steam bubbles in the in-
spection glass can be quickly detected.
In case of unusual formation of hoarfrost on the evap-
orator the hoarfrost pattern provides useful informa-
tion. Hoarfrost only occurring at the inlet side is a clear
indication of insufficient refrigerant feed, which in turn
indicates an incorrectly working expansion valve or a
lack of refrigerant.. Complete hoarfrost covering indi-
cates load problems, i.e. no or insufficient air flow.
Even overheating can sometimes be detected with the
naked eye. At the end of the evaporator there should
be an area which is dry or at least drier at evaporator
temperatures above -2 °C.
The fluid line in the refrigeration system is warm. If a
local cooling can be felt or if condensation develops,
this is a clear indicator for an extreme pressure drop
in the line. Similar phenomena can be noticed in case
of blocked filters.
Unusually cold pressure lines indicate "wet" intake of
the compressor.
The oil level in the compressor sight glass provides in-
formation about the oil quantity and the oil recircula-
tion in the system. However, the oil level may also be
considerably influenced by condensing refrigerant.
Discoloration informs about the state of the oil.
Water in the system can simply be detected through
the inspection glass with moisture indicator.
i Note
The dangerous part of common rules is that they ap-
ply in most, but not in all cases. The refrigerant states
in the individual piping sections or components must
therefore be exactly determined by means of pressure
and temperature measurements.
Test prerequisites
● Cooler and condenser are clean, clean if neces-
● The ribbed belt for compressor and generator is
correctly tightened.
● All air ducts, covers and seals are OK and correctly
fitted. Flaps reach their end positions.
● The engine has operating temperature.
Fig. 2 Flow diagram with measuring points to assess the filling quantity. In systems with fluid con-
● C, condenser measuring points tainer the inspection glass is most suitable to check
● E, expansion valve measuring points the minimum filling quantity. Supercooling is in this
case the between indicator for overfilling.
● O, evaporator measuring points
The hot gas temperature can be used to check wheth-
● V, compressor measuring points
er the compressor runs in the permissible operating
The flow diagram contains "Minimum Requirements" range.
which must be fulfilled to be able to check the system
or perform trouble shooting. Example: Measurement of overheating
Temperature and pressure at the evaporator outlet
● a) Which measuring equipment is required ?
can be used to derive the overheating of the evapora- ● b) Where to measure with which size ?
tor. Overheating is a clear indicator for the evaporator ● c) A pressure gauge connected to the evaporator
filling level. In case of excessive overheating the re- indicates "Peo2 = 1.7 bar". How high is the evapora-
frigerant quantity fed into the evaporator is too low, in tor pressure "Po" ?
case of insufficient overheating it is too high. In indi-
vidual cases one must then check if this situation is ●
d) How high is the evaporator temperature "to" ?
caused by the expansion element or by insufficient fill- ● e) A thermal sensor attached to the evaporator out-
ing. A differentiation is only possible if there is a clear let measures the temperature "to2h = +3 °C". How
indicator for the refrigerant filling quantity. high is the overheating „Δto2h“ ?
Pressure and temperature at the condenser outlet can ●
f) Evaluation of the measured overheating.
be used to derive the supercooling. This can be used
a) Pressure gauge, thermometer, steam table
b) Condensing pressure "Pec2" and temperature
"tc2u" are measured at the same point on the con-
● c) Pc = Pec2 + Pamb, "Evaporation pressure =
pressure on evaporator + atmospheric pressure" =
15 bar + 1 bar = 16 bar.
● d) "Pcc = 16 bar can then be used to derive an con-
densing temperature "tc" of 57.9 °C from the steam
table for R134a.
● e) Δtc2u = tc - tc2u, "Supercooling at condenser out-
let = condensing temperature - condenser outlet
temperature" = 57.9°C - 58 °C) = -0.1 Kelvin.
● f) The determined overheating is within the usual
range of approx. "0" Zero Kelvin.
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Other faults
Noise in system
Monitoring devices
Fig. 1
1 Glass panes
2 Fastening element
3 Fixing washer and spacer
4 Washer
5 Hexagon nut, self locking
6 Protective cap
Fig. 1
2. Suction lifter
Fig. 2
Fig. 1
4. Window glass bonding agent
Fig. 2
5. Activator
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
! Danger
Danger of cutting
Wear safety gloves.
1. Pull large glass rests off the bonding strip (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1
2. Clean the sealing surfaces from any adhesive
material (Fig. 2).
3. Use a cutter to remove adhesive residues with
glass rests.
4. Cover places without adhesive residues with an
Fig. 2
5. Insert the fastening element with washer into the
bore in the glass pane (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3
i Note
Do not overtighten the thread.
Fig. 4
7. Lay an approx. 1 cm high triangular bead of glass
pane bonding agent on the inside of the pane, ap-
prox. 1.5 cm away from the edge (Fig. 5).
i Note
Apply window pane bonding agent only to the
sides (sealing areas) which have contact with the
Fig. 5
8. Attach the suction lifter to the outside of the pane
(Fig. 6).
9. Install the window pane so that the fastening ele-
ments fit into the bores of the fastening bars.
10. Press the glass pane against the sealing surface.
Fig. 6
11. Assemble the washer and the self-locking hexa-
gon nut.
12. Fasten the window pane to the fastening bar us-
ing a locking handle and a ring spanner (Fig. 7).
i Note
Only use the locking handle to counter.
13. Press the protective cap onto the hexagon nut.
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
15. Clean the joining edges on the window pane (Fig.
i Note
The joint flanks must be solid, dry and free of dirt,
dust, grease, oil and other foreign substances.
16. Mask the upper and lower contact areas to the
Fig. 9
17. Apply silicone sealant evenly and under pressure
first to the inside joint edge (Fig. 10).
Fig. 10
18. Then apply silicone sealant evenly and under
pressure to the outside joint edge (Fig. 11).
Fig. 11
Fig. 12
20. Treat the inside joint (Fig. 13)
Fig. 13
21. and the outside joint (Fig. 14) with a scraper or a
i Note
Once the silicone sealing agent has cured it can
only be removed mechanically.
Fig. 14
Fig. 1
2. Assembly device for side plate
Fig. 2
3. Assembly device for coupling hub and flanged
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
5. Pressing plate for travel bearing
Fig. 5
6. Pressing bushing for radial seal
Fig. 6
7. Lifting device for exciter unit
Fig. 7
Fig. 1
i Note
After disassembling the side plate (vibration mo-
tor side) the drum can be lifted sideways out of
the frame (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1
i Note
However, the drum can also be removed without
having to disassemble the side plate, if it is lifted
up and out of the frame (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2
Removing the drum
i Note
The following section describes the procedure for
lifting the frame sideways out of the drum.
Environmental damage
Catch running out hydraulic oil and dispose
of environmentally.
1. Mark the hydraulic hoses (Fig. 3) on the travel
motor and disconnect them from the ports.
2. Close all hydraulic hoses and motor ports with
suitable plugs.
3. Remove the guard plate (1).
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
6. Mark the hydraulic hoses on the vibration motor
(Fig. 5) and disconnect them from the ports.
7. Close all hydraulic hoses and motor ports with
suitable plugs.
Fig. 5
! Danger
Danger of squashing! Do not stand or step
under loads being loaded.
Always secure the machine against unintend-
ed rolling!
8. Unscrew bolts 1 (Fig. 6) and nuts and remove the
front scraper (2).
9. Unscrew bolts 3 and nuts and remove the front
scraper (4).
Fig. 6
10. Support the front cross-member safely with suita-
ble trestles or wooden blocks (Fig. 7).
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
12. Disassemble bracket 1 (Fig. 9) for the hydraulic
13. Pull the wiring loom off the speed sensor plug (ex-
citer shaft speed).
Fig. 9
14. Fasten the lifting gear to the side plate on the vi-
bration motor side.
15. Unscrew bolts 1 (Fig. 10) from the spacer blocks
on vibration and travel motors.
Fig. 10
16. Force out plug 1 (Fig. 11) and unscrew the bolts
(2) from the front and rear cross-members.
Danger of squashing! Do not stand or step
under loads being loaded.
17. Take off the side plate.
Fig. 11
18. Fasten the lifting tackle to the drum and lift the
drum carefully sideways out of the front frame
(Fig. 12).
Danger of squashing! Do not stand or step
under loads being loaded.
Fig. 12
19. Check all rubber buffers (Fig. 13), replace if nec-
essary (see corresponding chapter).
Fig. 13
20. Check rectangular rubber buffers (Fig. 14), re-
place if necessary.
Fig. 14
Fig. 15
i Note
Apply sliding lacquer OKS 240 to threads and
screw head contact face to ease assembly.
2. Attach the side plate, insert the bolts 2 (Fig. 16)
into rear and front cross-members and tighten
with 463 Nm.
3. Close the screw holes with plugs (1).
Fig. 16
4. Fasten the spacer blocks on travel and vibration
motor sides with bolts 1 (Fig. 17) and nuts to the
side plates.
Fig. 17
5. Connect hydraulic hoses (Fig. 18) to the connec-
tions on travel motor and vibration motor accord-
ing to the marking.
Fig. 18
Fig. 19
8. Plug the plugs from solenoid valve (Fig. 20) and
speed sensor on travel motor side.
Fig. 20
9. Connect hydraulic hoses (Fig. 21) to the connec-
tions on travel motor according to the marking.
10. Install the guard plate (1).
Fig. 21
11. Assemble the front scraper 2 (Fig. 22), fasten
with bolts (1), washers and nuts.
12. Assemble the rear scraper (4), fasten with bolts
(3), washers and nuts.
i Note
13. Observe the adjustment measurement 30-35 mm
Fig. 22
Nominal value:
Fig. 23
Distance "X" + 2 mm
16. Turn one screw (3) into the welded nut (2) at top
and bottom and open a sufficient gap to insert the
compensation plates.
17. Insert the compensation plates 4 (Fig. 24). Insert
screws (1), slide on washers (3), turn on and
tighten nuts (2).
18. Unscrew the screws from the welded nuts.
Fig. 24
Fig. 1
4. Unscrew fastening screws 3 (Fig. 5) and take off
support legs (4).
5. Unscrew fastening screws 1 and take off drive
disc (2).
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
i Note
Do not unscrew the thin drawn screws.
Fig. 4
4. Slide the lifting device over the bracket.
5. Force the exciter unit off with two forcing screws
(Fig. 5).
Fig. 5
! Danger
Danger of squashing!
Do not stand or step under suspended loads.
6. Pull the exciter unit out of the drum (Fig. 6).
7. Take the coupling element off the coupling half.
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
4. Unscrew all other fastening screws 1 (Fig. 8) from
the flange.
5. Press the flange off the flanged housing with forc-
ing screws (2).
Fig. 8
Environmental damage!
Catch running out oil and dispose of environ-
6. Lift the flange off the flanged housing (Fig. 9).
7. Take the O-ring out of the groove in the flanged
Fig. 9
Fig. 10
9. Press the cylinder roller bearing with forcing
screws out of the flange (Fig. 11).
Fig. 11
10. Take the exciter unit (Fig. 12) out of the flanged
Fig. 12
11. Knock the radial seal (Fig. 13) out of the flanged
Fig. 13
Fig. 14
13. Press the cylinder roller bearing with forcing
screws out of the flanged housing (Fig. 15).
Fig. 15
14. Extract inner ring 1 (Fig. 16) for the radial seal
and inner bearing races (2).
! Danger
Danger of burning!
Wear safety gloves.
i Note
If the rings are very tight, heat them up with a
Fig. 16
15. Unclip the circlip from the basic weight (Fig. 17).
Fig. 17
i Note
If necessary disassemble, assemble the change-
over weight (see corresponding chapter).
Fig. 18
Remove both rectangular rubber buffers.
Fig. 19
3. Unscrew fastening screws 1 (Fig. 20).
4. Force cover (2) together with the attached vibra-
tion motor off the side plate with forcing screws.
Fig. 20
Fig. 21
6. Unscrew fastening screws 1 (Fig. 22).
7. Take the vibration motor off the cover.
Fig. 22
8. Remove the coupling element (Fig. 23).
Fig. 23
9. Fasten the lifting device.
10. Unscrew fastening screws 1 (Fig. 24).
! Caution
The four short fastening screws (2) must re-
main screwed in (the two others are not visi-
Fig. 24
i Note
The second forcing screw is covered by the side
Fig. 25
Danger of squashing!
Do not stand or step under suspended loads.
12. Pull the exciter unit out of the drum (Fig. 26).
Fig. 26
Fig. 27
3. Attach the disassembly device to the side plate
(Fig. 28) and force off the side plate.
Fig. 28
Fig. 29
5. Knock the grooved roller bearing out of the side
plate (Fig. 30) and take out the spacer ring.
Fig. 30
6. Unclip the circlip from the side plate (Fig. 31).
Fig. 31
7. Take the mechanical seal off the flanged hub
(Fig. 32).
Fig. 32
Fig. 33
3. Loosen hose clamp 1 (Fig. 34).
4. Pull coupling hub (2) off the shaft.
Fig. 34
5. Unscrew all other fastening screws 1 (Fig. 35)
and press the flanged hub off the flanged housing
with forcing screws (2).
6. Take off the flanged hub.
7. Take the O-ring out of the groove in the flanged
Fig. 35
Fig. 36
9. Knock the cylinder roller bearing out of the flang-
ed hub (Fig. 37).
Fig. 37
Environmental damage!
Catch running out oil and dispose of environ-
10. Lift the exciter unit out of the flanged housing (Fig.
Fig. 38
11. Knock the radial seal (Fig. 39) out of the flanged
Fig. 39
Fig. 40
13. Press the cylinder roller bearing with forcing
screws out of the flanged housing (Fig. 41).
Fig. 41
14. Extract inner rings 1 (Fig. 42) for the radial seals
and inner bearing races (2) from the shaft.
Danger of burning!
Wear protective gloves.
i Note
If the rings are very tight, heat them up with a
Fig. 42
15. Unclip the circlip from the basic weight and re-
move the cover (Fig. 43).
i Note
The shafts cannot be pressed out. If damaged
they must be replaced with basic weight and cov-
If necessary disassemble, assemble the change-
over weight (see corresponding chapter).
Fig. 43
i Note
If the shafts are damaged they must be inserted
into the basic weight or the cover as follows.
! Danger
When working with liquid nitrogen protect
your face and wear gloves.
Do not place any unintended parts into liquid
Fig. 44 nitrogen.
Observe the safety instructions for the han-
dling of liquid nitrogen.
! Caution
Close the bores on the short shaft with a
1. Cool the shaft down in liquid nitrogen.
2. Slide the cooled down shaft with the bores
aligned into the basic weight until it bottoms (Fig.
3. Secure shaft 1 (Fig. 45) with dowel pins (2 and 3).
! Caution
Assemble the dowel pins with the grooves
offset by 180° to each other, but in line with
the axis of the shaft.
i Note
Unscrew the screw from the shaft.
Fig. 45
! Caution
Close the bores on the short shaft with a
4. Cool the shaft down in liquid nitrogen.
5. Slide the cooled down shaft with the bores
aligned into the basic weight until it bottoms (Fig.
Fig. 46
! Caution
Assemble the dowel pins with the grooves
offset by 180° to each other, but in line with
the axis of the shaft.
i Note
Unscrew the screw from the shaft.
Fig. 47
7. Insert the fitting key into the keyway in the respec-
tive shaft (Fig. 48).
Fig. 48
8. Insert the circlip into the groove in the basic
weight and on the cover (Fig. 49).
Fig. 49 ! Danger
Danger of burning!
Wear safety gloves.
9. Heat the inner bearing race up to approx. 100° C
and press it onto the basic weight against the
shoulder with the larger outer diameter forward
(Fig. 50).
Fig. 50
! Danger
Danger of burning!
Wear safety gloves.
10. Heat the inner ring up to approx. 50° C and slide
it onto the short shaft against the shoulder with
the wider chamfer facing towards the outside
(Fig. 51).
Fig. 51
Danger of burning!
Wear safety gloves.
11. Heat the inner bearing race up to approx. 100° C
and press it onto the cover against the shoulder
with the larger outer diameter forward (Fig. 52).
Fig. 52
Danger of burning!
Wear safety gloves.
12. Heat the inner ring up to approx. 50° C and slide
it onto the longer shaft against the shoulder with
the wider chamfer facing towards the outside
(Fig. 53).
Fig. 53
13. Press cylinder roller bearing 1 (Fig. 54) with
pressing plate (2) into the flanged housing until it
Fig. 54
Fig. 55
15. Fit the new radial seal with some grease into the
groove in the flanged housing (Fig. 56).
16. Fill approx. 1.2 l oil SAE-15W/40 into the flanged
Fig. 56
Danger of squashing!
Do not stand or step under suspended loads.
17. Insert the exciter unit with the longer shaft for-
ward into the flanged housing (Fig. 57).
Fig. 57
18. Press cylinder roller bearing 1 (Fig. 58) with
pressing plate (2) into the flanged hub until it bot-
Fig. 58
19. Insert the circlip into the groove in the flanged hub
(Fig. 59).
Fig. 59
20. Attach the flanged hub to the flanged housing
(Fig. 60).
! Caution
Fitting and contact surfaces must be abso-
lutely dry and free of grease, paint and con-
serving agents.
21. Unscrew eye bolts (1) and replace them with
short screws.
22. Turn short screws (2) into the tapped bores in the
flanged housing (four screws) and tighten them.
Fig. 60
23. Apply some grease to the sealing lip of radial seal
1 (Fig. 61).
24. Insert the radial seal into the flanged hub with the
sealing lip facing down and press it down against
the stop with pressing bushing (2).
Fig. 61 !Danger
Danger of burning!
Wear protective gloves.
25. Heat the coupling hub up to approx. 80 °C and
slide it onto the shaft against the stop (Fig. 62).
Fig. 62
Fig. 63
28. Cover the thread of screw 1 (Fig. 64) with a screw
retention agent (e.g. Loctite CVX strong, blue,
29. Slide on the new U-seal ring (2), turn in and tight-
en the screws.
Fig. 64 ! Danger
Danger of burning!
Wear safety gloves.
30. Heat coupling hub 1 (Fig. 65) with marking letter
“L“ up t approx. 80° C and slide it over the shaft
against the shoulder.
31. Turn in and tighten clamping screw (2).
Fig. 65
Fig. 66
3. Insert the circlip into the groove in the side plate
(Fig. 67).
Fig. 67
4. Apply a thick coat of grease to the spacer ring on
both sides and insert it into the side plate (Fig.
Fig. 68
i Note
Grease the other side after installing the exciter
Fig. 69
7. Insert the oiled loop-ring into the mechanical seal
(Fig. 70).
8. Clean the sliding surfaces of the mechanical seal
and cover them with oil.
Fig. 70
9. Lay one half of the radial seal on the flanged hub
with the sliding surface pointing up (Fig. 71).
Fig. 71
10. Lay the second half of the mechanical seal down
with the sliding face pointing down (Fig. 72).
Fig. 72
Fig. 73 ! Caution
Danger of squashing! Do not stand or step
under suspended loads.
12. Lay the side plate on the flanged hub (Fig. 74).
Fig. 74
13. Attach bushing 2 (Fig. 75) of the assembly device
and turn on nut (1).
Fig. 75
14. Pull the side plate with the assembly device onto
the flanged hub.
! Caution
During assembly make sure that the mechan-
ical seal slides correctly into the side plate
and the loop rings are not damaged (Fig. 76).
Fig. 76
Fig. 77
! Caution
Ensure strict cleanliness.
1. Cool the shaft down in liquid nitrogen.
Fig. 78
2. Slide the cooled down shaft with the bores
aligned into the basic weight until it bottoms (Fig.
3. Secure shaft 1 (Fig. 79) with dowel pins (2 and 3).
! Caution
Assemble the dowel pins with the grooves
offset by 180° to each other, but in line with
the axis of the shaft.
Fig. 79
Fig. 80
! Danger
Danger of burning!
Wear safety gloves.
5. Heat the inner bearing race up to approx. 100° C
and press it onto the basic weight against the
shoulder with the larger outer diameter forward
(Fig. 81).
Fig. 81
! Danger
Danger of burning!
Wear safety gloves.
6. Heat the inner ring up to approx. 50° C and slide
it onto the shaft against the shoulder with the wid-
er chamfer facing towards the outside (Fig. 82).
Fig. 82
! Danger
Danger of burning!
Wear safety gloves.
7. Heat the inner bearing race up to approx. 100° C
and press it onto the cover against the shoulder
with the larger outer diameter forward (Fig. 83).
Fig. 83
Fig. 84
9. Insert the circlip into the groove in the flanged
housing (Fig. 85).
Fig. 85
10. Fit the new radial seal with some grease into the
groove in the flanged housing (Fig. 86).
11. Fill approx. 1.2 l oil SAE-15W/40 into the flanged
Fig. 86 ! Caution
Danger of squashing! Do not stand or step
under suspended loads.
12. Insert the exciter unit into the flanged housing
(Fig. 87).
Fig. 87
Fig. 88
14. Insert the circlip into the groove in the flange (Fig.
Fig. 89
15. Lift the flange onto the flanged housing and align
it the bores (Fig. 90).
! Caution
Fitting and contact surfaces must be abso-
lutely dry and free of grease, paint and con-
serving agents.
Fig. 90
16. Turn the screws into the tapped bores of the
flanged housing and tighten them (Fig. 91).
Fig. 91
Fig. 92
19. Cover the thread of screw 1 (Fig. 93) with a screw
retention agent (e.g. Loctite CVX strong, blue,
20. Slide on the new U-seal ring (2), turn in and tight-
en the screws.
Fig. 93
21. Insert the fitting key into the keyway of the shaft
(Fig. 94).
Fig. 94 !Danger
Danger of burning!
Wear safety gloves.
22. Slide the fan with assembly disc over the shaft.
23. Heat coupling hub 1 (Fig. 95) with marking letter
“R“ up to approx. 80° C and slide it over the shaft
against the shoulder.
24. Turn in and tighten clamping screw (2).
25. Assemble the fan to the coupling hub.
Fig. 95
! Caution
Fitting and contact surface of the connection
between exciter unit and drum must be abso-
lutely dry and free of grease, oil, paint and
conserving agent.
3. Fasten the lifting device to the exciter unit.
Fig. 96 ! Caution
Danger of squashing! Do not stand or step
under suspended loads.
4. Insert the vibrator unit into the drum (Fig. 97).
Fig. 97 i Note
Insert the exciter unit so that oil filler plug 1 (Fig.
98) is in line with bore (2) in the drum.
Fig. 98
Fig. 99
7. Cover the thread of screws (Fig. 100) with a
screw retention agent (e.g. Loctite green 270).
8. Slide on the new U-seal ring, turn in and tighten
the screws.
Fig. 100
Fig. 101
! Danger
Danger of squashing!
Do not stand or step under suspended loads.
2. Attach the drive disc 2 (Fig. 102) with the assem-
bled travel drive (3) to the rubber buffers. Turn on
and tighten the nuts (1).
Fig. 102
! Caution
Fitting and contact surface of the connection
between exciter unit and drum must be abso-
lutely dry and free of grease, oil, paint and
conserving agent.
! Danger
Danger of squashing! Do not stand or step
under suspended loads.
1. Fasten the lifting gear to the exciter unit and insert
it into the drum (Fig. 103).
Fig. 103
! Caution
Ensure correct engagement of coupling and
alignment of shaft (Fig. 104).
If the shafts are not correctly in line determine
the cause, if necessary measure the drum.
Fig. 104
2. Turn in and tighten screws 1 (Fig. 105).
3. Remove the lifting gear.
4. Fit cover (2) to the drum.
Fig. 105
Fig. 106
6. Attach disc 1 (Fig. 107), turn in and tighten the
fastening screws (2).
Fig. 107
7. Lay a new V-ring over the journal of the flanged
hub (Fig. 108).
8. Fill the grooved ball bearing with grease.
Fig. 108
9. Check coupling element, replace if necessary.
10. Insert the coupling element into the coupling hub
(Fig. 109).
Fig. 109
Fig. 110
13. Slide on coupling half 2 (Fig. 111) and secure with
clamping screw (1).
Fig. 111
14. Attach the cover 2 (Fig. 112) with the installed vi-
bration motor, turn in and tighten the screws (1).
Fig. 112
15. Install rectangular rubber buffers 2 (Fig. 113) with
attached spacer block (3) and screws (1) to the
side plate.
i Note
Assemble both rectangular rubber buffers.
Fig. 113
Fig. 1
2. Force the cover off the basic weight with forcing
screws (Fig. 5).
Environmental damage!
Catch running out oil and dispose of environ-
Fig. 2
3. Take the change-over weight out of the basic
weight (Fig. 6).
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
2. Insert the change-over weight into the basic
weight (Fig. 6).
Fig. 6
3. Fill silicon oil 47 V 1000 cst up to the upper edge
of the change-over weight (approx. 2,5 litres) into
the basic weight (Fig. 13).
Fig. 7
There must be play.
Fig. 8
Fig. 1
3. Turn one screw each into the welded nuts (Fig. 2)
on the spacer blocks.
Fig. 2
4. Remove the compensation shims 1 (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Changing the rubber buffers
6. Unscrew nut 1 (Fig. 3) and remove the washer.
7. Unscrew screws (2).
8. Take off rubber buffer (3).
9. Attach the new rubber buffer to the drive disc and
align the bores to the tapped bores in the drum.
10. Turn in and tighten the fastening screws.
11. Assemble the washer, turn on and tighten the nut.
Fig. 5
Adjusting the pre-load
12. Measure distance „X“ between spacer piece and
side plate (Fig. 6).
13. Calculate the thickness of the compensation
Nominal value:
Distance „X“ + 2 mm
Fig. 6
14. Turn in screws into each welded nut and provide
sufficient space to insert the compensation plates
(Fig. 7).
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
16. Unscrew the screws (Fig. 9) from the welded
Fig. 9
17. Tighten the fastening screws (Fig. 10).
18. Lower the frame again.
Fig. 10
Fig. 1
2. Pressing sleeve for outer race of rocker bearing
Fig. 2
3. Pressing sleeve for inner race of rocker bearing
Fig. 3
4. Guide journal
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
6. Disassembly device
Fig. 6
Fig. 1
1 Housing 12 Cover
2 Seal ring 13 Cover
3 Cover 14 Intermediate ring
4 Self-aligning bearing 15 Self-aligning bearing
5 Bolt 16 Intermediate ring
6 Shim/supporting disc 17 Self-aligning bearing
7 Belleville springs 18 Beam
8 Self-aligning bearing 19 Friction bearing
9 Console 20 V-ring
10 Belleville springs 21 Seal ring
11 Shim/supporting disc
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 1
2. Support the rear frame near the oscillating articu-
lated joint (Fig. 2) on both sides safely with tres-
tles or wooden blocks.
Fig. 2
3. Fasten the lifting tackle to the front frame near the
oscillating articulated joint (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Danger of accident!
7. Support the oscillating articulated joint in the mid-
dle with a suitable jack or a similar device.
8. Unscrew fastening screws 1 (Fig. 5) and take off
with disc (2).
Fig. 5
9. Unscrew nuts 3 (Fig. 6) and take off the clamping
washers (2).
10. Pull out the fastening screws (1).
11. Slightly raise the front frame and lower the oscil-
lating articulated joint to the ground.
12. Pull out the oscillating articulated joint.
Fig. 6
Note on assembly
13. Insert the bolt for the steering cylinder so that
groove (2) is in line with tapped bores (1).
Fig. 7
Fig. 1
3. Take off the cover with Belleville springs, shim
and backing disc (Fig. 2).
4. Disassemble also the cover from the opposite
i Note
No Belleville springs, shim and backing disc are
under this cover.
Fig. 2
5. Drive the console with a plastic hammer to one
side against the end stop (Fig. 3).
i Note
The outer race of the rocker bearing is thereby
stripped off.
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
9. Unscrew fastening screws 1 (Fig. 5).
10. Press bolt (3) out of the console with forcing
screws (2).
i Note
Remove the bolt on the opposite side in the same
Fig. 5
11. Lift console 1 (Fig. 6) off housing (2).
Fig. 6
12. Take the seal rings out of the console (Fig. 7).
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
15. Unscrew bolts 1 (Fig. 9) and take off cover (2).
Fig. 9
16. Take the intermediate ring out of the housing
(Fig. 10).
Fig. 10
17. Place the plate 1 (Fig. 11) on the beam.
18. Attach the puller (2) to the housing (3) and sepa-
rate the carrier from the rocker bearings.
Fig. 11
Fig. 12
20. Drive the outer race of the friction bearing out of
the housing (Fig. 13).
Fig. 13
21. Drive the friction bearing out of the housing (Fig.
Fig. 14
22. Take seal ring 1 (Fig. 15) and V-ring (2) off the
Fig. 15
Fig. 16
i Note
Apply sliding lacquer OKS 571 to mating surfaces
to ease assembly
! Caution
Do not use any grease.
Fig. 1
2. Slide the new V-ring on the beam against the stop
with the lip facing up (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2
3. Lay the seal ring into the beam (Fig. 3).
4. Fill the space between V-ring and seal ring with
multi-purpose grease.
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
6. Slide the housing over the beam (Fig. 5).
i Note
The journal on the housing must be centrally in
the recess of the beam.
Fig. 5
7. Press the seal ring carefully towards the inside,
until it sits in the recess of the housing (Fig. 6).
Fig. 6
8. Spray the sliding surface of the outer rocker bear-
ing race with sliding agent OKS 571.
! Caution
Do not use any grease.
9. Press the outer rocker bearing race 1 (Fig. 7) in
until it bottoms with the wider outer rim forward
using pressing sleeve (2).
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
11. Insert the intermediate ring (Fig. 9).
Fig. 9
12. Press inner rocker bearing race 1 (Fig. 10) in until
it bottoms, using pressing sleeve (2).
Fig. 10
i Note
Apply sliding lacquer OKS 571 to mating surfaces
to ease assembly
! Caution
Do not use any grease.
13. Press the outer rocker bearing race 1 (Fig. 11) in
until it bottoms with the wider outer rim pointing
up, using pressing sleeve (2).
Fig. 11
Fig. 12
Determining the shim thickness
17. Determine the shim thickness, for this purpose
stand the cross-member on a wooden board with
an ∅ 18 mm bore.
! Caution
Check the measurement with an axial pre-
load of 40kN. With threaded rod M12-8.8 tight-
ening torque 77Nm. With threaded rod M16-
8.8 tightening torque 90Nm.
18. Slide the rod of the tensioning device in from un-
derneath, attach the plate, screw on the nut and
Fig. 13 tighten.
19. Measure the distance from housing edge to inter-
mediate ring (Fig. 13) and write it down, e.g. 4,7
i Note
From this measured value of 4.7 mm subtract the
fixed value of 4.0 mm to determine the shim thick-
Calculation example:
4,7 mm - 4,0 mm = 0,7 mm
measured value: 4,7 mm
fixed value: 4,0 mm
Shim thickness: 0,7 mm
20. Remove the tensioning device.
Fig. 14
22. Lay the Belleville springs into the cover with the
curvature pointing down (Fig. 15).
Fig. 15
23. Assemble cover 2 (Fig. 16) with Belleville springs,
shim and backing disc.
24. Turn in screws (1) and tighten crosswise.
Fig. 16
25. Press the new sealing rings into the respective
groove in the console (Fig. 17).
Fig. 17
Fig. 18
27. Turn four guide pins into the housing bores (Fig.
Fig. 19
i Note
Perform the following eight work steps on both
28. Slide the bolt over the guide pins (Fig. 20) and
drive in until it bottoms.
Fig. 20
! Caution
When driving in the bolt make sure that the
seal ring is not pressed out through the back
of the console (Fig. 21).
Fig. 21
Fig. 22
31. Slide the backing discs over the bolt (Fig. 23).
Fig. 23
32. Drive the inner rocker bearing race on against the
end stop with the wider outer rim forward (Fig.
Fig. 24
33. Spray the sliding surface of the outer rocker bear-
ing race with sliding agent OKS 571.
! Caution
Do not use any grease.
34. Attach the outer rocker bearing race with the wid-
er outer rim facing towards the outside (Fig. 25)
and drive it in until it bottoms.
Fig. 25
Fig. 26
Determining the shim thickness
37. Determine the shim thickness, for this purpose in-
sert rod 1 (Fig. 27) of the tensioning device from
underneath. Attach plate (2), screw on nut (3) and
! Caution
Check the measurement with an axial pre-
load of 40kN. With threaded rod M12-8.8 tight-
ening torque 77Nm. With threaded rod M16-
8.8 tightening torque 90Nm.
Fig. 27
38. Measure the distance from outer rocker bearing
race to console surface (Fig. 28) and write it
down, e.g. 3.4 mm.
i Note
From this measured value of 3.4 mm subtract the
fixed value of 2.2 mm to determine the shim thick-
Calculation example:
3.4 mm - 2.2 mm = 1.2 mm
measured value: 3,4 mm
Fig. 28 fixed value: 2,2 mm
Shim thickness: 1.2 mm
39. Remove the tensioning device.
Fig. 29
41. Lay the Belleville springs into the cover with the
curvature pointing down (Fig. 30).
Fig. 30
42. Assemble cover 1 (Fig. 31) with Belleville springs,
shims and supporting discs.
43. Turn in screws (2) and tighten crosswise.
Fig. 31
44. Insert hexagon screw 1 (Fig. 32) so that the screw
head rests on the upper side of the console.
Fig. 32
Fig. 33
Series 90
Axial Piston
Pumps and Motors
Service Manual
Series 90 Introduction
This manual includes information for the normal opera- Since dirt and contamination are the greatest enemies of
tion, maintenance, and servicing of the Series 90 family any type of hydraulic equipment, cleanliness require-
of hydrostatic pumps and motors. ments must be strictly adhered to. This is especially
important when changing the system filter and during
The manual also includes the description of the units and adjustment and repair activities.
their individual components, troubleshooting informa-
tion, adjustment instructions, and minor repair proce- For further information refer to Series 90 Technical
dures. Unit warranty obligations should not be affected if Information. For information about fluid requirements
maintenance, adjustment, and minor repairs are per- refer to SAUER-SUNDSTRAND BLN 9887 or SDF (Id No.
formed according to the procedures described in this 697581).
A worldwide network of SAUER-SUNDSTRAND Autho-
Many service and adjustment activities can be performed rized Service Centers is available should repairs be
without removing the unit from the vehicle or machine. needed. Contact any SAUER-SUNDSTRAND Autho-
However, adequate access to the unit must be available, rized Service Center for details. A list of all Service
and the unit must be thoroughly cleaned before beginning Centers can be found in bulletin BLN-2-400527, or in
maintenance, adjustment, or repair activities. brochure SAW (Ident. No. 698266).
Safety Precautions
Observe the following safety precautions when using and servicing hydrostatic products.
The loss of hydrostatic drive line power in any Use caution when dealing with hydraulic fluid
mode of operation (e.g., forward, reverse, or "neu- under pressure. Escaping hydraulic fluid under
tral" mode) may cause the loss of hydrostatic pressure can have sufficient force to penetrate
braking capacity. A braking system, redundant to your skin causing serious injury. This fluid may
the hydrostatic transmission must, therefore, be also be hot enough to burn. Serious infection or
provided which is adequate to stop and hold the reactions can develop if proper medical treat-
system should the condition develop. ment is not administered immediately.
S000 001E S000 003E
Certain service procedures may require the ve- Some cleaning solvents are flammable. To avoid
hicle/machine to be disabled (wheels raised off possible fire, do not use cleaning solvents in an
the ground, work function disconnected, etc.) area where a source of ignition may be present.
while performing them in order to prevent injury S000 004E
Series 90 Contents
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Use of this Manual ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Safety Precautions ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Functional Description ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
General Description and Cross Sectional Views ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Variable Displacement Pumps ................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Fixed Displacement Motor ..................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Variable Displacement Motor .................................................................................................................................................................. 6
The System Circuit ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
The Basic Closed Circuit ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Case Drain and Heat Exchanger ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
Common Features of Pumps and Motors .................................................................................................................................................... 8
End Caps and Shafts ............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Speed Sensors ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Pump Features ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Charge Pump .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Charge Relief Valve ................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Multi-Function Valves .............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Pressure Limiter and High Pressure Relief Valves ....................................................................................................................... 10
System Check Valves .................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Bypass Valves ................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Displacement Limiters .......................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Auxiliary Mounting Pads ....................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Filtration Options ................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Pressure Override (POR) - 180 Frame Size Only ............................................................................................................................. 12
Pump Control Options .......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Manual Displacement Control (MDC) ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Hydraulic Displacement Control (HDC) ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Electric Displacement Control (EDC) ............................................................................................................................................ 14
Automotive Control (FBA II B) ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
3-Position (FNR) Electric Control .................................................................................................................................................. 14
Motor Features ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Motor Loop Flushing Valve and Charge Relief Valve ........................................................................................................................... 15
Variable Motor Displacement Limiters .................................................................................................................................................. 15
Variable Motor Controls ........................................................................................................................................................................ 16
Hydraulic 2-Position Control .......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Electric 2-Position Control .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
Technical Specifications .................................................................................................................................................. 17
General Specifications ................................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Circuit Diagrams ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Hydraulic Parameters ................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Size Specific Data ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Pressure Measurement ................................................................................................................................................... 20
Required Tools ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
Port Locations and Pressure Gauge Installation ....................................................................................................................................... 20
Variable Pump ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Fixed Motor ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Variable Motor ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Initial Start-Up Procedure ................................................................................................................................................ 25
Fluid and Filter Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................... 26
Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................................................ 27
"NEUTRAL" Difficult or Impossible to Find ................................................................................................................................................. 27
System Operating Hot ................................................................................................................................................................................ 27
Transmission Operates Normally in One Direction Only .......................................................................................................................... 28
System Will Not Operate in Either Direction .............................................................................................................................................. 28
Low Motor Output Torque ........................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Improper Motor Output Speed .................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Excessive Noise and/or Vibration .............................................................................................................................................................. 30
System Response is Sluggish .................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Series 90 Contents
Inspections and Adjustments ......................................................................................................................................... 31
Pump Adjustments ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Charge Pressure Relief Valve Adjustment ........................................................................................................................................... 31
Multi-Function Valve Pressure Adjustment .......................................................................................................................................... 33
Engaging the Bypass Function ............................................................................................................................................................ 35
Pressure Override (POR) Valve Pressure Adjustment (Option for 180 Frame Size) ....................................................................... 36
Displacement Limiter Adjustment ......................................................................................................................................................... 37
Pump Control Adjustments ......................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Standard Manual Displacement Control (MDC) Adjustment .............................................................................................................. 38
Non-Linear Manual Displacement Control (MDC) .............................................................................................................................. 39
MDC Neutral Start Switch (NSS) Adjustments .................................................................................................................................... 40
Hydraulic Displacement Control (HDC) and Electric Displacement Control (EDC) Adjustment ....................................................... 46
Motor Adjustments ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Charge Relief Valve Adjustment ........................................................................................................................................................... 48
Displacement Limiter Adjustment (MV) ................................................................................................................................................ 49
Displacement Control Adjustments ...................................................................................................................................................... 49
Speed Sensor Adjustment .......................................................................................................................................................................... 50
Minor Repair Instructions ................................................................................................................................................ 51
Pump and Motor Minor Repair .................................................................................................................................................................... 53
Pump / Fitting Torques .......................................................................................................................................................................... 53
Shaft Seal and Shaft Replacement ...................................................................................................................................................... 54
Pump Minor Repairs ................................................................................................................................................................................... 56
Multi-Function Valve Cartridges ........................................................................................................................................................... 56
Pressure Override Valve (Option for 180 Frame Size) ....................................................................................................................... 57
Charge Relief Valve ............................................................................................................................................................................... 57
Charge Pump - Remove ...................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Installing the Charge Pump .................................................................................................................................................................. 60
Auxiliary Pad Installation ....................................................................................................................................................................... 62
Auxiliary Pad Conversion ..................................................................................................................................................................... 63
Filtration Options ................................................................................................................................................................................... 64
Pump controls ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Cover Plate ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Manual Displacement Control (MDC) ........................................................................................................................................... 66
Solenoid Override Valve for MDC .................................................................................................................................................. 67
Solenoid Override Valve for MDC with Pressure Released Brake .............................................................................................. 67
Hydraulic and Electric Displacement Controls ............................................................................................................................. 68
Pressure Control Pilot (PCP) for Electric Displacement Control .................................................................................................. 68
3-Position (FNR) Electric Control .................................................................................................................................................. 69
Displacement Control Components ............................................................................................................................................... 69
Minor Repair - Motor ................................................................................................................................................................................... 71
Loop Flushing and Charge Relief Valves ............................................................................................................................................. 71
Variable Motor Displacement Limiters .................................................................................................................................................. 73
Variable Motor Controls ............................................................................................................................................................................... 74
Electrohydraulic 2-Position Control (Types NA, NB, NC, and ND) ..................................................................................................... 74
Hydraulic 2-Position Control (Type PT) ............................................................................................................................................... 74
Control Plugs ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 74
Variable Motor Control Orifices ............................................................................................................................................................ 75
Speed Sensor .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 77
Exploded View Parts Drawings / Parts Lists .................................................................................................................. 78
Variable Pumps ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 78
Minor Repair Parts ................................................................................................................................................................................ 78
Parts List ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 79
Variable Pump Controls ........................................................................................................................................................................ 80
Control Parts List .................................................................................................................................................................................. 81
Filter and Options ................................................................................................................................................................................. 82
Parts List Filter and Options ................................................................................................................................................................. 83
Name Plates ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 83
Fixed Motor ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 84
Minor Repair Parts ................................................................................................................................................................................ 84
Parts List ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 85
Name Plates ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 85
Variable Motor .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 86
Minor Repair Parts ................................................................................................................................................................................ 86
Parts List ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 87
Name Plate ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 87
Slider Block
Servo Arm
Servo Valve
Cradle Hold Down
Servo Piston
Feed Back
Cradle Bearing
Cradle Leveler
Cradle Guide
Charge Pump
P001 413E
Series 90 PV Cross Section
Output Shaft
Fixed Swashplate
End Cap Cylinder Block
Series 90 MF Cross Section
Series 90 Variable Displacement Motor (MV)
Minimum Angle
Valve Plate Piston Control Piston
End Cap
Roller Bearing
Cradle Swashplate
Output Shaft
Cradle Swashplate
Cylinder Block
Electric 2-Position Control (optional) Maximum Angle
Control Piston
Series 90 MV Cross Section
Orificed Reservoir
Control fluid
Check Valve
Vacuum Gauge
Suction line
Heat Exchanger
to Pump
Servo Pres.
Relief Valve
Charge Pump
Output Shaft
Multi-Function Valve Motor Swashplate
Pump Swashplate Servo Control
Cylinder Loop Flushing Valve
The pump and motor require case drain lines to remove Reservoir
hot fluid from the system. The motor should be drained
from its topmost drain port to ensure the case remains full Input Output
of fluid. The motor case drain can then be connected to
the lower drain port on the pump housing and out the top
most port. A heat exchanger, with a bypass valve, is
required to cool the case drain fluid before it returns to the
Flow (Bi-directional)
Speed Sensors
Speed Sensor
Charge Pump
Pump Charge System
Multi-Function Valves
in a replaceable cartridge.
Multi-Function Valve The bypass valves are built into the multi-function valves.
Circuit Diagram showing Pressure
Control Mechanism
Auxiliary Mounting Pads PV with Displacement Limiters
Filtration Options PV with Auxillary Mounting Pad
Suction Filtration
90000246 90000247
PV with Integral Charge PV with Remote Charge
Pump Pump
The pressure override consists of a three-way normally
Valve open valve which operates in series with the pump
Port "B" displacement control. Control supply pressure is nor-
mally ported through the pressure override valve to the
displacement control valve for controlling the pump's
displacement. If the system demands a pressure above
the override setting, the POR valve will override the
Multi-Function Valve Charge Pressure
Relief Valve control by reducing the control pressure supplied to the
displacement control. As the control pressure reduces,
the internal forces tending to rotate the swashplate
90000802E overcome the force of the servo pistons and allow the
POR-Valve (180 Frame Size only) pump's displacement to decrease.
The manual displacement control converts a mechanical input signal to a hydraulic signal using a spring- centered four-
way servo valve. This valve ports hydraulic pressure to either side of a dual-acting servo piston. The servo piston rotates
the cradle swashplate through an angular rotation of ±17°, thus varying the pump’s displacement from full displacement
in one direction to full displacement in the opposite direction.
The MDC is designed so the angular position of the pump swashplate is proportional to the rotation of the control input
Non-Linear MDC
PV with Manual Displacement Control and
Hydraulic Displacement Control (HDC) Neutral Start Switch
PV with Hydraulic Displacement Control
PV with 3-Position (FNR) Electric Control
The motor charge relief valve regulates the charge pres- Top of Motor Charge Relief Valve
sure level only when there is a pressure differential in the
main loop. The shuttle valve is spring centered to the
closed position so that no high pressure fluid is lost from
the circuit when reversing pressures.
055 MV 075 MV
MV with Hydraulic 2-Position Control
MV with Electric 2-Position Control
General Specifications
Type of Mounting (per SAE J744) Clockwise or counterclockwise (motors are bi-directional)
Circuit Diagrams
L2 M3
A M1
Vg max
B M2
MV with Electrohydraulic 2-Position
L1 S L2
A M1
B M2
MF 90000812
Hydraulic Parameters
Temperature Range1)
System Pressure Range bar psi
°C [°F]
Minimum -40 [-40] intermittent, cold start
Rated Pressure 420 6000
Rated 104 [220]
Maximum 115 [240] intermittent
Maximum Pressure 480 6960
T002 006E
T002 252E At the hottest point, normally the case
drain port.
T002 253E
Minimum Speed min-1 (rpm) 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
Rated Speed min-1 (rpm) 4200 4200 3900 3600 3300 3100 2600 2300
Maximum Speed min-1 (rpm) 4600 4600 4250 3950 3650 3400 2850 2500
Required Tools
The service procedures described in this manual for Pressure gauges should be calibrated frequently to en-
Series 90 pumps and motors can be performed using sure accuracy. Snubbers are recommended to protect
common mechanic's tools. Special tools, if required are pressure gauges.
The following sections list the ports for each type of Outline drawings showing port locations follow the tables
hydraulic unit. The recommended pressure gauge and below.
fitting are also specified.
Variable Pump
Servo / Displacement
Cylinder Pressure
Gauge Port M4
Case Drain
Port L1
System Pressure
Port B
Servo / Displacement
Cylinder Pressure
Gauge Port M5
Top View
System Pressure
Port B External Control Pressure
System Pressure Supply Port X3
Gauge Port M2 Speed Sensor
System Pressure
Gauge Port M1
Carge Pump
Inlet Port S System Pressure Case Drain Port L2 Charge Pressure
Port A Gauge Port M3
Servo / Displacement
Cylinder Pressure
System Pressure Gauge Port M4
Case Drain
Gauge Port M2 Port L1
System Pressure
Port B
System Pressure
Port A
System Pressure Servo / Displacement
Gauge Port M1 Cylinder Pressure
Case Drain Port L2 Gauge Port M5
Top View
Left Side View
Charge Pressure
Gauge Port M6
(before the filter)
Port E
(from filter)
Port D
(to filter)
Charge Pressure
Gauge Port M3
Charge Pressure
(after the filter)
Gauge Port M3
(after the filter)
Rear View Rear View
PV with Side Port End Cap and Remote Pressure Filtration PV with Side Port End Cap and Integral Pressure Filtration
System Pressure
Gauge Port M1
Charge Pressure System Pressure
Gauge Port M3 Gauge Port M2 Case Drain Port L1
System Pressure
Gauge Port M1
Charge Pressure System Pressure Case Drain Port L1
Gauge Port M3 Gauge Port M2
Speed Sensor
System Pressure Port B
System Pressure Port A Case Drain Port L2
Displacement Control
Cylinder Pressure
Gauge Port M4
System Pressure Min. Displacement
Gauge Port M2
Control Pressure Displacement Control
Port X1 Cylinder Pressure
(Hydraulic 2-Position Control) Gauge Port M5
Max. Displacement
(Earlier Production -
Not available as gauge
port with servo orifices)
MV with Cartridge Flange and Hydraulic 2-Position Control (SAE Flange Version Similar)
charge Pressure
Gauge Port M3
(Same position as in MF)
Speed Sensor
The following start-up procedure should always be fol- connections for EDC) be disconnected at the pump
lowed when starting-up a new Series 90 installation or control until after initial start-up. This will ensure that the
when restarting an installation in which either the pump or pump remains in its neutral position.
motor had been removed.
The following procedure may require the vehicle/ Do not start prime mover unless pump is in neutral
machine to be disabled (wheels raised off the ground, position (0° swashplate angle). Take precautions to
work function disconnected, etc.) while performing prevent machine movement in case pump is actuated
the procedure in order to prevent injury to the during initial start up.
technician and bystanders. Take necessary safety S000 008E
Hydraulic fluid reservoir Check the reservoir daily for proper fluid level, the pres-
ence of water (noted by a cloudy to milky appearance, or
Filter free water in bottom of reservoir), and rancid fluid odor
(indicating excessive heat). If either of these conditions
Charge pump
occur, change the fluid and filter immediately.
Series 90 Toubleshooting
This section provides general steps to follow if certain undesirable system conditions are observed. Follow the steps in
a section until the problem is solved. Some of the items will be system specific. For areas covered in this manual, a section
is referenced. Always observe the safety precautions listed in the section "Introduction" and related to your
specific equipment.
1. Input to pump control. Input to control module is operating Check control input and repair or re-
improperly. place as necessary.
2. Pump displacement control. Control linkages are not secure, control Adjust, repair, or replace control mod-
orifices are blocked, etc. ule as necessary.
2. Heat exchanger. Heat exchanger not sufficiently cooling Check air flow and input air tempera-
the system. ture for heat exchanger. Clean, repair
or replace heat exchanger.
3. Charge pressure. Low charge pressure will overwork sys- Measure charge pressure. Inspect and
tem. adjust or replace charge relief valve. Or
repair leaky charge pump.
4. Charge pump inlet vacuum. High inlet vacuum will overwork sys- Check charge inlet vacuum. If high,
tem. A dirty filter will increase the inlet inspect inlet filter and replace as neces-
vacuum. Inadequate line size will re- sary. Check for adequate line size,
strict flow. length or other restrictions.
5. System relief pressure settings. If the system relief settings are too low, Verify settings of pressure limiters and
the relief valves will be overworked. high pressure relief valves and adjust
or replace multi-function valves as nec-
6. For internal leakage in motor.
Leakage will reduce low side system Monitor motor case flow without loop
pressure and overwork the system. flushing in the circuit (use defeat spool).
If flow is excessive, replace motor.
7. System pressure. High system pressure will overheat Measure system pressure. If pressure
system. is high reduce loads.
Series 90 Toubleshooting
Transmission Operates Normally in One Direction Only
2. Pump displacement control. Control linkages are not secure, control Repair or replace control module as
orifices are blocked, etc. necessary.
3. Interchange system pressure limit- Interchanging the multi-function valves Interchange multi-function valves. If the
ers, high pressure relief valves, and will show if the problem is related to the problem changes direction, repair or
system check valves. valve functions contained in the multi- replace the valve on the side that does
function valves. not operate.
4. Charge pressure. If charge pressure decays in one direc- Measure charge pressure in forward
tion the loop flushing valve may be and reverse. If pressure decays in one
“sticking” in one direction. direction, inspect and repair the motor
loop flushing valve.
If the above actions do not remedy the problem
contact a SAUER-SUNDSTRAND Authorized Service Center.
2. Input to pump control. Input to control module is operating Check control input and repair or re-
improperly. place as necessary.
3. Pump displacement control. Control linkages are not secure, control Repair or replace control module as
orifices are blocked, etc. necessary.
4. Ensure bypass valve(s) are closed. If bypass valve(s) is open, the system Close bypass valves. Replace multi-
loop will be depressurized. function valve if defective.
5. Charge pressure with pump in neu- Low charge pressure insufficient to re- Measure charge pressure with the pump
tral. charge system loop. in neutral. If pressure is low, go to step
6; otherwise continue with step 5.
6. Charge pressure with pump in Low charge pressure with the pump in Measure charge pressure with pump in
stroke. stroke indicates a motor charge relief stroke. If pressure is low, adjust or
valve or system pressure relief valve replace motor charge relief valve, oth-
may be improperly set. erwise go to step 9.
7. Pump charge relief valve. A pump charge relief valve that is leaky Adjust or replace pump charge relief
or set too low will depressurize the valve as necessary.
8. Charge pump inlet filter. A clogged filter will undersupply system Inspect filter and replace if necessary.
9. Charge pump. A malfunctioning charge pump will pro- Repair or replace the charge pump. If
vide insufficient charge flow. OK go to last step.
Series 90 Toubleshooting
10. Pump displacement control. Control linkages are not secure, control Repair or replace control module as
orifices are blocked, etc. necessary.
11. System pressure. Low system pressure will not provide Measure system pressure. Continue
power necessary to move load. with next step.
12. System multi-function valves. Defective multi-function valves will Repair or replace multi-function valve(s).
cause system pressure to be low.
1. System pressure at motor. Low system pressure at the motor will Measure system pressure at motor. If
reduce torque. pressure limiter setting is low, increase
2. Variable motor stuck at minimum Minimum motor displacement yields low Check control supply pressure or re-
displacement. output torque. pair displacement control. Check mo-
tor control orifices.
3. For internal leakage. Internal leakage will reduce system Check for leakage in O-rings, gaskets,
pressure. and other fittings. Repair unit as re-
quired, or replace leaky unit.
1. Oil level in reservoir. Insufficient hydraulic fluid will reduce Fill oil to proper level.
motor speed.
2. Pump output flow. Incorrect outflow will affect output Measure pump output and check for
speed. Incorrect output flow indicates proper pump speed and see that the
the swashplate is out of position. pump is in full stroke.
3. Variable motor displacement con- If variable motor displacement control See if variable motor displacement con-
trol. is not functioning correctly, variable trol is responding. If not, repair or re-
motor swashplate may be in wrong place control.
4. For internal leakage. Internal leakage will reduce system Check for leakage in O-rings, gaskets,
pressure. and other fittings. Repair unit as re-
quired, or replace leaky unit.
Series 90 Toubleshooting
Excessive Noise and/or Vibration
2. Air in system. Air bubbles will lead to cavitation. Look for foam in reservoir. Check for
leaks on inlet side of system loop. After-
wards, let reservoir settle until bubbles
are gone. Run system at low speed to
move system fluid to reservoir. Repeat.
3. Pump inlet vacuum. High inlet vacuum will create noise. A Inspect and replace filter as necessary.
dirty filter will increase the inlet vacuum. Check for proper suction line size.
4. Shaft couplings. A loose shaft coupling will cause exces- Replace loose shaft coupling in charge
sive noise. pump or replace pump or motor.
2. Multi-function valves’ pressure set- Incorrect pressure settings will affect Adjust or replace multi-function valves.
tings. system reaction time.
3. Pump inlet vacuum. High pump inlet vacuum will reduce Measure charge inlet vacuum. If high
system pressure. replace inlet filter.
4. Prime mover speed. Low engine speed will reduce system Adjust engine speed.
5. Charge and control pressures. Incorrect charge or control pressures Measure charge and control pressures
will affect system performance. and correct if necessary.
6. System internal leakage. Internal leakage will reduce system Check for leakage in O-rings, gaskets,
pressure. and other fittings.
Pump Adjustments
Charge Pressure Relief Valve Adjustment
The following procedure may require the vehicle/
machine to be disabled (wheels raised off the ground,
work function disconnected, etc.) while performing
the procedure in order to prevent injury to the
technician and bystanders. Take necessary safety
precautions before moving the vehicle/machine.
S000 007E
Charge Pressure Gauge Port (Reducer fitting shown - if
filtration device attached)
1. To measure pump charge pressure, install a pres-
sure gauge in the pump charge pressure gauge port
(M3). Also install a gauge to measure case pressure
(tee into L1 or L2 or use servo gauge port). Operate
the system with the pump in “neutral” (zero displace-
ment) when measuring pump charge pressure. Nominal
90L055 EA 1 N Charge Pressure
2. The table shows the acceptable pump charge pres- 6 S 3 C6 C 03
sure range for some nominal charge relief valve HNN 35 35 24
settings (see sample model code at right). These
pressures assume 1500 pump rpm and a reservoir Model Code on Unit Name Plate (“24 bar”)
temperature of 50°C (120°F ), and are referenced to
case pressure (see footnote on next page). Smaller
displacement charge pumps will produce charge
pressure readings in the lower portion of the range, Model Code Measured Charge Pressure *
while larger displacement charge pumps will produce 18.1 bis 21.7 bar
readings in the higher portion of the range. 20
(262 to 315 psi)
22.0 bis 26.9 bar
(319 to 390 psi)
25.8 bis 30.7 bar
(374 to 445 psi)
T002 266E
* This is the actual charge pressure port gauge reading minus the
case pressure port gauge reading.
Take necessary precautions that the motor shaft
remains stationary during the adjustment procedure.
S000 010E
Multi-Function Valves on PV
Do not overtorque.
90000261 9. Shut down the prime mover, remove the gauges and
Tighten Lock Nut install the gauge port plugs. Replace the plastic dust
plugs (if used).
1. Using a
the vehicle or otherwise causing the motor shaft to Multi-Function Valve with Bypass Function Engaged
turn, move the control handle of the manual displace-
ment control on the pump to the maximum full
forward position. Hold the handle in this position
during bypass valve operation.
"Tow" at extremely low speeds and for short
distances only.
S000 011E
Care should be taken in adjusting displacement
limiters to avoid undesirable flow or speed conditions.
The seal lock nut must be retorqued after every
adjustment to prevent an unexpected change in
operating conditions and to prevent external leakage
during unit operation.
S000 012E
Rotate Adjusting Screw
3. After establishing the desired maximum displace-
ment setting, tighten the lock nut on the adjusting
screw as follows.
Variable Displacement Pump with Standard Manual
Displacement Control
2. Loosen the lock nut on the neutral adjusting screw 90000357 90000358
with a 13 mm hex wrench. Rotate Neutral Adjusting Tighten Neutral Adjusting
Screw Screw Lock Nut
3. Using a 4 mm internal hex wrench, rotate the neutral
adjusting screw clockwise until the pressure increases
on one of the pressure gauges. Note the angular
position of the wrench.
Switch Lock Nut When the control input shaft is in its “neutral” position, the
inner end of the switch pin moves into a slot on the
Neutral Start Switch
eccentric cam attached to the control shaft. This allows
Eccentric Plug the spring loaded NSS to close, completing the electrical
Switch Pin starting circuit for the prime mover.
Special Lock Nut
for Eccentric Plug
When the control input shaft is NOT in its “neutral”
MDC with Neutral Start switch position, the eccentric cam moves the switch pin out of
the slot. This forces the NSS to open, breaking the
electrical starting circuit for the prime mover.
Turning the NSS clockwise (CW) into the special nut will
move the NSS closer to the switch cam on the control
Orifice Check Valve Seat shaft, and will narrow the NSS deadband. Turning the
Control Spool Assembly
Control Link Assembly
NSS counterclockwise (CCW) out of the special nut will
move the NSS farther from the switch cam on the control
View at Section A-A shaft, and will widen the NSS deadband.
The switch pin is located in an eccentric plug which is
Components of the Standard Manual Displacement Control turned to move the center of the NSS deadband.
with Neutral Start Switch
Checking Continuity of NSS (System Pressure Gauges
installed on far side)
Lock Nut
Do not start the prime mover while the neutral start Eccentric Plug
switch is removed from the control. Case pressure X
Switch Pin
will force the pin out of the eccentric plug, causing Special Lock Nut
oil loss. for Eccentric Plug Neutral Start Switch
S000 032E
MDC with Neutral Start Switch
View in Direction X
(Switch and lock nut removed)
NSS with Eccentric Plug
90000256 90000257
Loosen Eccentric Lock Nut NSS Removed
Adjust the Eccentric Plug
Do not turn the eccentric plug into or out of the
housing beyond specifications.
S000 014E
The following procedure may require the vehicle/
machine to be disabled (wheels raised off the ground,
work function disconnected, etc.) while performing
the procedure in order to prevent injury to the
technician and bystanders. Take necessary safety
precautions before moving the vehicle/machine.
S000 007E
The following procedure may require the vehicle/
machine to be disabled (wheels raised off the ground,
work function disconnected, etc.) while performing
the procedure in order to prevent injury to the
technician and bystanders. Take necessary safety
precautions before moving the vehicle/machine.
S000 007E
PV with Electric Displacement Control
Install Gauges in Displacement Control Cylinder Gauge
90000355 90000356
Rotate Neutral Adjusting Tighten Neutral Adjusting
Shaft Shaft Lock Nut
(Current production HDC) (Current production HDC)
90000263 90000343
Shim Adjustable Charge Screw Adjustable Charge
Pressure Relief Valve Pressure Relief Valve
(Motor) (Motor)
The displacement limiters act as travel stops for the
swashplate. Do not turn the limiter screws
counterclockwise beyond the point of contact with
the swashplate for either the maximum or minimum
displacement position.
S000 015E
Care should be taken in adjusting displacement
limiters to avoid undesirable flow or speed
conditions. See corresponding section for speed
and pressure limits.
Speed Sensor 1. Loosen the sensor lock nut with an 1-1/16 inch hex
Magnetic Speed Ring wrench.
Cross Section View of Speed Sensor in Variable Pump 2. Turn the sensor clockwise (CW) by hand until it
contacts the speed ring.
3. Turn the sensor counterclockwise (CCW) 1/2 turn
(180°) to establish the nominal gap of 0.71 mm
(0.028 inch).
Cross Section View of Speed Sensor in Variable Motor
Shaft Centerline
1/2 in. Wrench Flats
22˚ 22˚
Shaft Centerline
1/2 in. Wrench Flats
22˚ 22˚
Positioning Speed Sensor relative to Pump or Motor Shaft
Minor repairs may be performed, following the proce- items must be kept free of foreign materials and chemi-
dures in this section, without voiding the unit warranty. cals.
Although specific models are shown, these procedures
apply to all series and types of units in the Series 90 Protect all exposed sealing surfaces and open cavities
Family. from damage and foreign material.
Cleanliness is a primary means of ensuring satisfactory It is recommended that all gaskets and O-rings be
transmission life, on either new or repaired units. Clean- replaced when servicing. All gasket sealing surfaces
ing parts by using a solvent wash and air drying is must be cleaned prior to installing new gaskets. Lightly
adequate, providing clean solvent is used. As with any lubricate all O-rings with clean petroleum jelly prior to
precision equipment, the internal mechanism and related assembly.
Charge Pressure
Relief Valve
SAE-Flange PV
Loop Flushing
Loop Flushing
Shaft Shaft
Seal Seal
(Speed Sensor) (Speed Sensor)
Left Side View Left Side View
SAE Flange MF Cartridge Flange MF
Control Orifices
Maximum Angle Control Orifices
Charge Pressure Displacement Limiter
Relief Valve Charge Pressure Maximum Angle
Relief Valve Displacement Limiter
Loop Flushing Loop Flushing
Valve Valve
Shaft Shaft
Seal Seal
Control Control
Minimum Angle
Minimum Angle Displacement Limiter
Displacement Limiter
If any plugs or fittings are removed from the pump or 7/16-20 O-ring 20 Nm
motor during servicing, they should be torqued as indi- 9/16 inch Hex Wrench (15 lbf ft)
cated in the accompanying table. 7/16-20 O-ring 12 Nm
3/16 inch Internal Hex Wrench (9 lbf ft)
Always install new O-rings before reinstalling the plugs or 9/16-18 O-ring 37 Nm
fittings. 11/16 inch Hex Wrench (27 lbf ft)
9/16-18 O-ring 23 Nm
1/4 inch Internal Hex Wrench (17 lbf ft)
3/4-16 O-ring 68 Nm
7/8 inch Hex Wrench (50 lbf ft)
3/4-16 O-ring 68 Nm
5/16 inch Internal Hex Wrench (50 lbf ft)
7/8-14 O-ring 95 Nm
Caution 1 inch Hex Wrench (70 lbf ft)
Plugs or fittings installed into aluminum housings 7/8-14 O-ring 68 Nm
should always be torqued to the lower values 3/8 inch Internal Hex Wrench (50 lbf ft)
specified for internal hex plugs of the same size. 1-1/16-12 O-ring 163 Nm
S000 017E 1 1/4 inch Hex Wrench (120 lbf ft)
1-1/16-12 O-ring 115 Nm
9/16 inch Internal Hex Wrench (85 lbf ft)
1-5/16-12 O-ring 190 Nm
1-1/2 inch Hex Wrench (140 lbf ft)
1-5/16-12 O-ring 129 Nm
5/8 inch Internal Hex Wrench (95 lbf ft)
1-5/8-12 O-ring 224 Nm
1-7/8 inch Hex Wrench (165 lbf ft)
T002 281E
Series 90 Shaft Seal Components
Roller Bearing
8. Inspect the sealing area on the shaft for rust, wear, Assembly Retaining Ring
or contamination. Tapered
If the shaft is not being replaced proceed to step Splined OR Roller Bearing
9. Remove shaft and roller bearing assembly from
pump or motor. The bearing assembly can be trans- Straight Key
ferred to the new shaft. Shaft
10. Remove the retaining ring that secures roller bearing Fixed Motor Shaft Configuration
assembly with a snap ring pliers. Remove the roller
bearing assembly. Roller Bearing
Assembly Retaining Ring
11. Place roller bearing assembly on new shaft and Rollen Bearing
Splined OR
secure with the retaining ring. Shaft
12. Wrap spline or key end of shaft with plastic film to Shaft
prevent damage to the sealing lip on the seal during OR
13. Prior to assembly, lubricate the O-ring on the O.D. of
Straigt Key
the seal carrier and the I.D. of the seal with clean Shaft
petroleum jelly.
14. Assemble the seal carrier and seal over the shaft and Variable Pump Shaft Configuration
into the housing bore. Install the retainer plate (if
Roller Bearing
Assembly Retaining
15. Install the screws and torque like the tables. Ring
Frame Size Torque Pumps
030 - 042 12 Nm (9 lbf ft) Tapered
055 - 100 16 Nm (12 lbf ft) Shaft
130 - 250 32 Nm (24 lbf ft)
T002 282E 90000868E
Variable Motor Shaft Configuration
90000274 90000275
Install Seal Carrier Torque Retainer Screw
The pressure settings must be readjusted after
disassembling the pressure limiter housing of the
multi-function valve cartridge.
Valve Seat S000 018E
Pressure Limiter Spring
Pressure Limiter Valve Poppet
Adjustment Screw Pressure Limiter 7. Install cartridge in multi-function valve cavity and torque.
Valve Poppet
Frame Size Torque
030 - 100 89 Nm (66 lbf ft)
Multi-Function Valve Cartridge Sectional View 130 - 250 210 Nm (155 lbf ft)
T002 285E
Pressure Override Valve (Option for 180 Frame
Size) Pressure Override
1. Remove the four screws attaching the pressure
override valve to the pump end cap with a 5 mm O-rings
internal hex wrench. Remove the O-rings.
1. Remove the shim adjustable charge relief valve plug
Pressure Override Valve Components
with a 1 inch hex wrench.
3. Inspect the poppet and mating seat in the end cap for
damage or foreign material.
90000281 90000303
Remove Auxiliary Pad Remove Auxiliary Pad
Adapter Screws Adapter
Do not allow the force of the cylinder block spring
and swashplate leveler springs to separate the end
cap from the pump housing. Gasket damage and
external leakage may result.
S000 019E
Orienting Alignment Pin
Alignment Pin
Journal Bearing
Cover Retainer
Retainer Screw
Charge Pump Components (Intermediate Production)
Alignment Pin
Charge Pump Assembly
Shaft Port Plate
O-ring Eccentric Ring
Cover Gerotor Assembly
Journal Bearing
Cover Retainer
Retainer Screw
Charge Pump Components (Late Production)
Journal Bearing
Cover Retainer
Retainer Screw
"No Charge Pump" Components
Do not mix charge pump piece parts from differ-
Orienting Alignment Pin ent production periods. Always install as a com-
plete assembly.
90000285 90000286 5. Install the outer port plate (early production and
Install Inner Port Plate Install Gerotor Assembly intermediate production pumps only).
Outer Ring
6. Install the spacer plate, if present (intermediate
production pumps).
90000287 90000288
Install Alignment Pin Install Gerotor Assembly
90000289 90000290
Install Outer Port Plate Install Spacer Plate
(Early and intermediate (Intermediate production
production only) only)
In order to avoid loss of charge pressure in pumps
with an auxiliary mounting pad, always install the
charge pump cover with the pad drain hole located
on the same side of the end cap as the charge inlet
port. Refer to the section Auxiliary Pad Installation“ 90000293 90000294
for details. Alignment Pin Installed in Install Charge Pump Cover
S000 020E Cover
12. Install the charge pump cover retainer and the six hex
screws and torque the screws.
Cover Caution
Coupling Do not allow the force of the cylinder block spring
Special Washer (Typical) and swashplate leveler springs to separate the end
Journal Bearing
End Cap cap from the pump housing. Gasket damage and
Screw O-ring external leakage may result.
S000 019E
auxiliary Pad
O-ring Cover Retainer
Retainer Screw
Auxiliary Pad Kit
Pad Cover 4. Take care to assure the surfaces are clean and free
of any foreign material or paint prior to installing the
auxiliary pad.
Auxiliary Pad Components (Typical) 5. Install the auxiliary drive coupling onto the pump
drive shaft spline (auxiliary drive spline must be
toward the rear of the pump).
In order to avoid loss of charge pressure in pumps
with an auxiliary mounting pad, always install the
charge pump cover with the pad drain hole lo-
cated on the same side of the end cap as the
charge inlet port. Refer to the section "Auxiliary
Pad Installation" for details.
S000 020E 90000297 90000298
Install Drive Coupling Install Alignment Pin in
Cover (CCW rotation shown)
7. Install the charge pump cover retainer and the six hex
screws and torque the screws.
Failure to install the filter manifold or filter head to a
sufficient depth in the end cap will result in insufficient
engagement of the tube in the end cap bore. This may
allow unfiltered oil to bypass the filter and enter the
90000312 90000315 charge system.
Install Remote Pressure Install Integral Pressure S000 021E
Filter Manifold Filter Head
90000313 90000316
Tighten Remote Pressure Tighten Integral Pressure 5. After installing the integral pressure filter head as-
Filter Manifold Lock Nut Filter Head Lock Nut sembly, install the filter canister per the instructions
on the filter canister.
Cover Plate
Protect exposed surfaces and cavities from damage
and foreign material.
S000 022E 90000361
Pump with Cover Plate
A sealing washer must be installed under the head of
any mounting screws that are installed into "thru"
holes in the housing.
S000 023E
Protect exposed surfaces and cavities from damage
and foreign material.
S000 022E
90000319 90000320
Remove Mounting Screws Remove Control 3. In preparation for installing the control, place a new
gasket on the housing. Inspect to assure that the
control orifice check valve and spring are in their
proper position in the control.
A sealing washer must be installed under the head of
any mounting screws that are installed into "thru"
holes in the housing.
S000 023E
The neutral start switch "neutral" must be read-
justed after reassembling the MDC module.
S000 024E
Protect exposed surfaces and cavities from damage
and foreign material.
S000 022E
Caution 90000362
Protect exposed surfaces and cavities from damage 3-Position Electric Control Components
and foreign material.
S000 022E
A sealing washer must be installed under the head of
any mounting screws that are installed into thru“
holes in the housing.
S000 023E
3. Assemble the control onto the pump. Refer to the Orifice Plugs
instructions for the specific control.
Orifice Check Valve
Underside of an HDC/EDC Module Showing Orifice
Displacement Control Adapter Plate (Early production
130cc Pumps only)
3. Inspect the poppet and mating seat in the end cap for
damage or foreign material. When inspecting shim 90000342 90000343
adjustable valves, do not alter the shims or inter- Remove Shim Charge Relief Remove Screw Charge Relief
change parts with another valve. Valve Valve
90000344 90000345
Shim Adjustable Charge Screw Adjustable Charge
Relief Valve Relief Valve
Plug with O-ring
Shoulder Washer
Shoulder Washer
Motor charge Relief Valve and Loop Flushing Valve Parts
Minimum Displacement
Caution Limiter Screw
Care should be taken in adjusting displacement Seal Lock Nut
limiters to avoid undesirable speed conditions. The
Tamper-Resistant Cap
seal lock nut must be retorqued after every
adjustment to prevent an unexpected change in SAE Flange Version shown
(cartridge Version similar)
operating conditions and to prevent external leakage
during unit operation.
S000 026E
One full turn of the displacement limiter adjustment MV Displacement Limiters
screw will change the displacement as follows:
9. Install the solenoid onto the valve and torque the hex
90000852E nut to 5 Nm (44 lbf in). Do not overtorque the nut.
MV Control components
10. If previously removed, reinstall the orifice check
valve. Reconnect the external signal connection.
Control Plugs
MV Control Plugs
Do not interchange the control supply orifice with the (pressed in)
minimum displacement orifice (next section).
S000 027E Orifice Body
Cross-section View of
Control Supply Orifice Assembly
MV Control Supply Orifice
O-ring O-ring
Orifice Seat
(Spot welded)
Cross-Section View of Cross-Section View of
Orifice Assembly Orifice / Check Valve
MV Minimum Displacement Orifice
1. Remove the seal lock nut with a 3/4 inch hex wrench.
Housing Plug Remove the maximum displacement cylinder orifice
check valve from the motor housing with a 1/4 inch
Seal Lock Nut
(seal toward housing) end wrench. Remove the O-ring. The check ball in
the valve must be free.
2. Reinstall the check valve and torque to 15 Nm
Orifice / Check Valve Assembly
(11 lbf ft). Install a new O-ring. Install the seal lock
nut with the seal toward the motor housing.
Seal Lock Nut
(seal toward housing)
Hold the check valve from turning while torquing
the seal lock nut to 34 Nm (25 lbf•ft).
3. If no orifice check valve is installed, the housing plug
Orifice Body may be removed with a 9/16 inch hex wrench. Always
install a new O-ring. Reinstall the plug and torque to
Check Ball
20 Nm (15 lbf ft).
Spring Pin
Cross-Section View of
Orifice / Check Valve
MV Maximum Displacement Orifice
2. Always install a new O-ring before installing the 1-1/16 in. hex wrench
Torque: 13 Nm (10 lbf ft)
sensor. After adjustment!
Typical Location of Speed Sensor - MF
Speed Sensor
Housing Plug
1-1/16 in. hex wrench
Torque: 37 Nm (27 lbf ft)
Variable Pumps
K90 L35
B70 K10 K018 (Early Production
bis 075 Frame Size) (L70)
B83 G532 K50 K042
OR G536 K70
B83 (L40) L60 L70
G542 K80
G546 (B80)
B82 (B90) L30
P30 P06
P2A_ P06
P13 G512
G522 G176
G506) (G502
(CODE 61 OPTION) (K018
G508) (G64)
M9ME M76M M74M M90C
M78M M1CA M87C
M92M M11C
M97M M77M
M95M M98M M75M
M96M S40
M1MA M880 OR
T001 M1MD M7MC
T209, M0EA
T222 M0EF M91E
T009, M1MF M7ME
T250 M0EP
T022 M1MG M7MF
T050 T301 M7MG
M87M M11M M9EA M98E
T309, THRU
T322 T409, M90E M95E
T422 M97E
T450 M1EA M880
M840 M87E
M840 M810
M830 M840
(Early Production
130 cc Frame Size)
M0CA ........... Cover plate kit ......................................... 1 M71M ........... Washer .................................................... 1
M1CA ........... Cover plate .............................................. 1 M72M ........... Nut ........................................................... 1
M11C ........... Control gasket ......................................... 1 M80 .............. Control gasket ......................................... 1
M11D ........... Control gasket ......................................... 1 M87M ........... Washer, seal (042) ................................. 1
M87C ........... Washer, seal (042) ................................. 1 M90M ........... Screw ...................................................... 6
M90C ........... Screw ...................................................... 6 S40 ............... Neutral start switch kit ............................. 1
M0DC ........... Control kit, 3-position FNR 12V .............. 1 M0MC .......... Control MDC w/ sol. valve ...................... 1
M0DD ........... Control kit, 3-position FNR 24V .............. 1 M7M ............. Control handle ......................................... 1
M1DC ........... Control, 3-position FNR 12V ................... 1 M71M ........... Washer .................................................... 1
M1DD ........... Control, 3-position FNR 24V ................... 1 M72M ........... Nut ........................................................... 1
M80 .............. Control gasket ......................................... 1 M74M ........... Solenoid valve ......................................... 1
M87D ........... Washer, seal (042) ................................. 1 M75M ........... Control manifold ...................................... 1
M90D ........... Screw ...................................................... 6 M77M ........... Manifold gasket ....................................... 1
M78M ........... Screw ...................................................... 2
M0EA ........... Control kit, EDC with M80 .............. Control gasket ......................................... 1
MS connector .......................................... 1 M87M ........... Washer, seal (042) ................................. 1
M0EP ........... Control kit, EDC with M90M ........... Screw ...................................................... 6
Packard connector .................................. 1
M1EA ........... Control, EDC with M0MD .......... Control MDC w/ sol. valve and
MS-connector .......................................... 1 neutral start switch .................................. 1
M1EP ........... Control, EDC with M7M ............. Control handle ......................................... 1
Packard-connector .................................. 1 M71M ........... Washer .................................................... 1
M9EA ........... PCP type 3 oil filled (MS) ........................ 1 M72M ........... Nut ........................................................... 1
M9EA ........... PCP type 3 oil filled (Packard) ................ 1 M75M ........... Control manifold ...................................... 1
M80 .............. Control gasket ......................................... 1 M76M ........... Solenoid valve ......................................... 1
M87E ............ Washer, seal (042) ................................. 1 M77M ........... Manifold gasket ....................................... 1
M90E ............ Screw ...................................................... 6 M78M ........... Screw ...................................................... 2
M91E ............ Plastic cap (MS) ...................................... 1 M80 .............. Control gasket ......................................... 1
M95E ............ O-ring ...................................................... 2 M87M ........... Washer, seal (042) ................................. 1
M96E ............ O-ring ...................................................... 1 M90M ........... Screw ...................................................... 6
M97E ............ O-ring ...................................................... 1 S40 ............... Neutral start switch ................................. 1
M98E ............ Screw ...................................................... 4
M1MA ........... Servovalve kit .......................................... 1 M810 ............ Adapter plate - Control (130 cc) ............. 1
M820 ............ O-ring (130 cc) ........................................ 1
M0HA ........... Control kit, hydraulic, HDC ..................... 1 M830 ............ O-ring (130 cc) ........................................ 1
M0HC ........... Control kit, hydraulic, HDC ..................... 1 M840 ............ O-ring (130 cc) ........................................ 2
M1HA ........... Control, hydraulic, HDC .......................... 1 M850 ............ Plug (130 cc) ........................................... 1
M1HC ........... Control, hydraulic, HDC .......................... 1 M860 ............ Screw (130 cc) ........................................ 6
M11H ........... Control gasket ......................................... 1 M870 ............ Plug (130 cc) ........................................... 1
M80 .............. Control gasket ......................................... 1
M87H ........... Washer, seal (042) ................................. 1 M9ME ........... 4/2 Way valve ......................................... 1
M90H ........... Screw ...................................................... 6 M92M ........... Screw ...................................................... 4
M95M ........... O-ring ...................................................... 1
M0MA ........... Control MDC M96M ........... O-ring ...................................................... 1
w/o neutral start switch ........................... 1 M97M ........... O-ring ...................................................... 1
M7M ............. Control handle ......................................... 1 M98M ........... Screw ...................................................... 4
M71M ........... Washer .................................................... 1
M72M ........... Nut ........................................................... 1 T001-9 .......... Control orifice kit ..................................... 1
M80 .............. Control gasket ......................................... 1 T201-9 .......... Orificed check valve ................................ 1
M87M ........... Washer, seal (042) ................................. 1 T301-9 .......... Spring ...................................................... 1
M90M ........... Screw ...................................................... 6 T401-9 .......... Spring retainer ......................................... 1
N30R N35M N25M Or
N10R N15M
N35R N25R
OR H05
OR H05
H60 H05
H50 OR
H70 J15_
J30 J10_
H80 J70_
J80_ J50_
J90_ H80
H05B-H ........ Kit - Charge pump ................................... 1 J80A-V ......... Screw ...................................................... 4
H50L ............ Spacer (No charge pump) ...................... 1 J80N ............. Screw ...................................................... 4
H30 .............. Port plate ................................................. 2 J90A-V ......... O-ring ...................................................... 1
H40 .............. Pin ........................................................... 1 J92A-V ......... Cover plate .............................................. 1
H50 .............. Charge pump shaft ................................. 1 J95A-V ......... Screw ................................................... 2/4
H60 .............. Key .......................................................... 1
H70 .............. Retaining plate ........................................ 1 N00M ........... Filtration manifold kit (Int) ....................... 1
H80 .............. Screw ...................................................... 6 N10M ........... Manifold ................................................... 1
H90L ............ Plug ......................................................... 1 N15M ........... O-ring ...................................................... 2
N20M ........... Nut ........................................................... 1
J00A ............. Aux. mtg. SAE A flange .......................... 1 N25M ........... Tube ........................................................ 1
J00B ............. Aux. mtg. SAE B flange .......................... 1 N35M ........... Plug ......................................................... 2
J00C ............. Aux. mtg. SAE C flange .......................... 1 N40L ............ Filter ........................................................ 1
J00D ............. Aux. mtg. SAE D flange .......................... 1 N40P ............ Filter ........................................................ 1
J00T ............. Aux. mtg. SAE A flange (11 T) ............... 1
J00V ............. Aux. mtg. SAE B-B flange ....................... 1 N00R ............ Filtration manifold kit (Rmt) ..................... 1
J00N ............. Aux. mtg. flange - none .......................... 1 N10R ............ Manifold ................................................... 1
J10A-V ......... Coupling .................................................. 1 N15R ............ O-ring ...................................................... 1
J15 ............... Charge pump cover assembly ................ 1 N20R ............ Nut ........................................................... 1
J15N ............. Charge pump cover assembly ................ 1 N25R ............ Tube ........................................................ 1
J30 ............... Bushing ................................................... 1 N30R ............ Plastic plug .............................................. 2
J50A-V ......... O-ring ...................................................... 1 N35R ............ Plug ......................................................... 1
J60A/T .......... Flange adaptor SAE A ............................ 1
J60B/V ......... Flange adaptor SAE B ............................ 1 N00S ............ Filtration kit (Suction Flt) ......................... 1
J60C ............. Flange adaptor SAE C ............................ 1 N10S ............ Reducer fitting (Suction Flt) .................... 1
J60D ............. Flange adaptor SAE D ............................ 1 N35S ............ Plug ......................................................... 1
J70A-V ......... Washer .................................................... 4
Name Plates
Ames, Iowa, U.S.A. Neumünster, Germany Ames, Iowa, U.S.A. Neumünster, Germany
Model Code Typ Model Code Typ
90L055 EA 1 N 90L055 EA 1 N
Model Model
6 S 3 C6 C 03 6 S 3 C6 C 03 Code
Model No. Ident Nr Model No. Ident Nr
Model Number Model Number 687459
94 – 2029
Serial Number Serial Number
Serial No. Fabr Nr Serial No. Fabr Nr
H60W L35
(Early Production
H62W 075 Frame Size) (L70)
(L40) L60 L70
H60N L30
(H50N) (B80)
(H50W) (H30W)
H10N (B80)
B80 H10W H40W
(G64) G64
B83 B83 OR
(CODE 61 OPTION) (B83)
(G64) (B83)
Name Plates
Ames, Iowa, U.S.A. Neumünster, Germany Ames, Iowa, U.S.A. Neumünster, Germany
Model Code Typ Model Code Typ
90M055 NC 0 N 90M055 NC 0 N
8 N 0 C6 W 00 Model Model
8 N 0 C6 W 00
Code Code
NNN 00 00 24 NNN 00 00 24
Model No. Ident Nr Model No. Ident Nr
Model Number 94 – 2029 Model Number 312918
Serial Number A – 91 – 26 – 67890 Serial Number N – 91 – 26 – 67890
Serial No. Fabr Nr Serial No. Fabr Nr
Y100 Y102
Y40 (Early Production
075 Frame Size) (L70)
Y60 L70
E15 L60
E35 E26 (Y50) (L40)
B83 L50
H68W T100
H60W T40
(B74) T50
H62W T60
H64W (T50)
(G63) H40W H50W
(G64) (CODE 61 OPTION)
H10N ............ Loop flushing spool - defeat .................... 1 T30 ............... Filter screen ............................................ 1
H50N ............ Plug ......................................................... 2 T40 ............... O-ring ...................................................... 1
H60N ............ Plug ......................................................... 1 T50 ............... Backup ring ............................................. 2
T60 ............... O-ring ...................................................... 1
H10W ........... Shuttle valve spool .................................. 1 T100 ............. Orifice plug .............................................. 1
H20W ........... Spring guide ............................................ 2
H30W ........... Spring ...................................................... 2 Y40 ............... O-ring ...................................................... 1
H40W ........... O-ring ...................................................... 2 Y50 ............... Backup ring ............................................. 2
H50W ........... Plug ......................................................... 2 Y60 ............... O-ring ...................................................... 1
H60W ........... Charge relief valve plug .......................... 1 Y70 ............... Orifice check valve .................................. 1
H62W ........... O-ring ...................................................... 1 Y71 ............... Nut - Seal Lock ....................................... 1
H64W ........... Spring ...................................................... 1 Y72 ............... O-ring ...................................................... 1
H66W ........... Charge relief poppet ............................... 1 Y80 ............... Plug ......................................................... 1
H68W ........... Lock nut ................................................... 1 Y100 ............. Orifice plug .............................................. 1
Y102 ............. Orifice check valve .................................. 1
L8 ................. Key .......................................................... 1
L9 ................. Slotted nut ............................................... 1
Name Plate
90S055 NB 2 0
8 N 4 S1 W 01 Model Code
NNN 01 00 24
Model No. Ident Nr
Model Number 94 – 4002
Serial Number A – 91 – 26 – 67890
Serial No. Fabr Nr
Place of Manufacture
Name Plate (U.S.A. Production)
Heavy Duty Axial Piston Heavy Duty Bent Axis Cartridge Motors/
Pumps and Motors Variable Motors Compact Wheel Drives
F000 685 F000 688 F000 690 F000 684
Open Circuit Axial Piston Pumps Gear Pumps and Motors Genuine Service Parts
Genuine Parts
RDE 91 001-03-R/05.03
Konstantmotor A2FM/E ersetzt / replaces 04.00
Hinweis / Inhalt
Notice / Contents
Bezeichnungen, Beschreibungen und Darstellungen entsprechen Specifications, descriptions and illustrative material shown here
dem Informationsstand zum Zeitpunkt der Drucklegung dieser in were as accurate as known at the time this publication was
Unterlage. approved for printing.
Änderungen können den Service am Produkt beeinflussen, Ver- BRUENINGHAUS HYDROMATIK reserves the right to dis-
pflichtungen entstehen uns daraus nicht. continue models or options at any time or to change
Methoden und Vorrichtungen sind Empfehlungen, für deren Re- specifications, materials, or design without notice and without
sultat wir keine Haftung übernehmen können. incurring obligation.
BRUENINGHAUS HYDROMATIK- Baugruppen, mit Angabe der Optional equipment and accessories may add cost to the basic
Fabrik-Nr. bestellt, sind die Basis guter Reparaturen. unit, and some options are available only in combination with
certain models or other options.
Einstell- und Prüfarbeiten sind bei Betriebstemperatur auf dem
Teststand vorzunehmen. For the available combinations refer to the relevant data sheet for
the basic unit and the desired option.
Schutz von Personen und Eigentum ist durch Vorkehrungen si-
cherzustellen. Adjustment and tests have to be carried out on the test bench
under operating temperatures.
Sachkenntnis, die Voraussetzung für jede Service-arbeit, vermit-
teln wir in unseren Schulungskursen. Protection of personnel and property has to be guar-anteed by
appropriate measures.
Expert knowledge, the precondition of any service work, can be
obtained in our training courses.
A2FM Pos.B
Sectional view
Sectional view
Nachfolgende Hinweise bei allen Reparatur-
arbeiten an Hydraulikaggregaten beachten!
Observe the following notices when carrying out
repair work at hydraulic aggregates!
Seal kit
Flushing valve
Triebwelle abdichten
Sealing of the drive shaft
Wellendichtring (1), Verschlußring (2),
Triebwelle (3), Gehäuse (4), O-Ring (5).
Visual check
Shaft seal (1), cover (2), drive shaft (3),
housing (4), O-ring (5).
Triebwelle abdichten
Sealing of the drive shaft
Wellendichtring demontieren.
Sicherungsring einbauen.
Sitzkontrolle des Sicherungsringes in der Nut.
Fit circlip.
Check to ensure that the circlip is correctly located
within the groove.
Anschlußplatte abdichten
Sealing of the cover plate
Anschlußplatte abdichten
Sealing of the cover plate
Saugseite /
Druckseite / Pumpe, Drehrichtung links.
Suction side
Pressure side (Blick auf sphärische Fläche.)
Motor, bi-directional.
(Viewed on spherical surface.)
Anschlußplatte abdichten
Sealing of the cover plate
O-Ring (1), Einstich (2), Platte (3).
Visual check
O-ring (1), Groove (2), Plate (3).
Triebwerk ausbauen
Removal the rotary group
Gewindestift,Zylinderschraube /
Threaded pin,socket head screw
NG / Size (mm)
10; 12; 16 M3 x 35
23; 28; 32 M5 x 45
45 M5 x 50
56; 63 M5 x 55
80; 90 M5 x 60
107; 125; 131 M6 x 70
160; 180 M6 x 85
Triebwerk ausbauen
Removal the rotary group
Befestigungsschraube ausbauen.
Zylinder abheben.
Inspection guidelines
4 4 1. kein Passungsrost, nicht ausgeschlagen.
1 2
3 2. keine Einlaufspuren, riefenfrei.
3. Kalotten riefenfrei und keine Pittings.
4. Keine Laufspuren (Lagerdreher)
Drive shaft
1. No wear, or fretting
2. No traces of wear, free of scratches.
3. Cups free of wear and no pitting.
4. No traces of wear, (bearing rotation).
1. Axiales Kolbenspiel
Alt / Old
Riefenfrei, keine Pittings.
Neu / New
Free of scratches, no pitting.
1 2
1. Riefenfrei, ohne Pittings.
2. Riefenfrei.
Center pin
1. Free of scratches, no pittings.
2. Free of scratches.
Riefenfrei, keine Ausbrüche.
Retaining plate
Free of scratches, no wear.
Inspection guidelines
1. Bohrungen riefenfrei, nicht ausgelaufen.
2. Gleichmäßiges Tragbild, riß- und riefenfrei.
Im Lagerbereich riefenfrei und keine
No traces of wear in the bearing area.
Triebwerk einbauen
Installing rotary group
A = A* + S
S = Nennmaß - Sicherungsring /Safety ring
A A*
Triebwerk einbauen
Installing rotary group
Neue Montagestellung.
Triebwerk einbauen
Installing rotary group
Befestigungsschraube ausbauen.
Steuerplatte lagerichtig aufsetzen.
Abstimmung Pos. D - siehe Serviceinfo
Die Werte gelten für Schaftschrauben mit metri- The values stated are valid for bolts with metric
schem ISO-Gewinde nach DIN 13 Teil 13, sowie ISO threads to DIN 13 part 13, as well as head
Kopfauflagemaßen nach DIN 912 Zylinder- areas to DIN 912 socked head cap screws, DIN
schrauben, DIN 931 Sechskantschrauben mit 931 hexagon bolt or DIN 933 hexagon bolts with
Schaft bzw. DIN 933 Sechskantschrauben mit threads up to the head.
Gewinde bis Kopf.
2. Verschlußschrauben mit Innensechskant und 2. Plugs with internal hexagon and profile seal ring
Profildichtring (nach N 02.009). (to N 02.009).
Dichtung / Seal
Safety regulations
● Machen Sie sich mit der Ausstattung der Maschine ● Make yourself familiar with the equipment of the
vertraut. machine.
● Fahren Sie die Maschine nur, wenn Sie sich völlig mit den ● Only operate the machine if your are completely familiar with
Bedien- und Steuerelementen sowie der Arbeitsweise der the operating and control elements as well as the functioning
Maschine vertraut gemacht haben. of the machine.
● Benutzen Sie Ihre Schutzausrüstung wie Schutzhelm, ● Use your safety equipment like helmet, safety shoes and
Sicherheitsschuhe und Gehörschutz. hearing protection.
● Machen Sie sich mit Ihrem Arbeitsgebiet vertraut. ● Make yourself familiar with your working field.
● Benutzen Sie die Maschine nur für den ihr zugedachten ● Only operate the machine for its intended purpose.
Beachten Sie bitte die Richtlinien der Berufsgenossenschaft Please observe the guidelines of the Professional
und des Maschinenherstellers Association and the machine manufacturer.
Bosch Rexroth AG
Mobile Hydraulics
Produktbereich Axialkolbenmaschinen
Werk / Plant Elchingen
Glockeraustraße 2
89275 Elchingen, Germany
Telefon +49 (0) 73 08 82-0
Telefax +49 (0) 73 08 72 74
[email protected]
Printed in Germany
RDE 91 001-03-R/05.03
Series 51
Bent Axis
Variable Motors
Service Manual
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
General Description
Series 51 Variable Displacement Motors are bent Motors equipped with controls normally start at maxi-
axis design units, incorporating spherical pistons. mum displacement. This provides maximum starting
torque (high acceleration).
These motors are designed primarily to be combined
with other products in closed circuit systems to trans- The controls may utilize externally or internally sup-
fer and control hydraulic power. plied servo pressure. They may be overridden by a
pressure compensator which functions when the
Series 51 Motors have a large maximum / minimum motor is operating in motor and pump modes. A
displacement ratio (5 to 1) and high output speed defeat option is available to disable the pressure
capabilities. SAE flange and cartridge motor configu- compensator override when the motor is running in
rations are available. pump mode.
● Compact, Lightweight
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................4
Basic Hydraulic Circuits ...................................................................................................................................4
General Description of the Series 51 Variable Displacement Motors ..............................................................5
Functional Description ......................................................................................................................................6
Technical Specifications and Data - Variable Displacement Motors .............................................................. 20
Safety Precautions .........................................................................................................................................21
Gauge Installation ..........................................................................................................................................23
Start-Up Procedure and Maintenance ............................................................................................................25
Component Inspection and Adjustment .........................................................................................................27
Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................................. 37
Exploded View of the Series 51 Variable Motor .............................................................................................41
Minor Repair and Replacement - Variable Motor ........................................................................................... 51
General .....................................................................................................................................................51
Shaft Seal (SAE Flange Configuration) ....................................................................................................52
Shaft Seal (Cartridge Configuration) .........................................................................................................53
Loop Flushing Shuttle Valve (Option)........................................................................................................54
Charge Pressure Relief Valve ...................................................................................................................55
Minimum Angle Servo Cover .................................................................................................................... 55
Hydraulic 2-Position Control (Type N2) .....................................................................................................56
Electrohydraulic 2-Position Controls (Types E1•E2 and F1•F2) ...............................................................57
Electric 2-Position Controls (Type S1) ......................................................................................................58
Hydraulic Proportional Control (Type HZ) .................................................................................................59
Hydraulic Proportional Control (Type HS) .................................................................................................60
Hydraulic Proportional Control with Maximum Angle Over-ride (Types H1•H2 or K1•K2) ........................61
Two Connection Hydraulic Proportional Control (Type HP) ......................................................................62
Two Connection Hydraulic Proportional Control for “Dual Path” Vehicles (Type HC) ...............................64
Electrohydraulic Proportional Control (Types EP and EQ)........................................................................68
Pressure Control Pilot (PCP) Valve for Electrohydraulic Proportional Control (Types EP and EQ) .......... 70
Multi-function Block ...................................................................................................................................71
Pressure Compensator Regulator (Type PC) ........................................................................................... 76
Control Orifices .........................................................................................................................................77
Plug / Fitting Torques ................................................................................................................................77
0-1 3
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
The purpose of this manual is to provide information Dirt or contamination is the greatest enemy of any
necessary for the normal servicing of the Series 51 type of hydraulic equipment. The greatest possible
family of variable displacement hydrostatic motors. cleanliness is necessary when starting up the sys-
tem, changing filters, or performing any other service
This manual includes unit and component descrip- procedure.
tion, troubleshooting, adjustments, and minor repair
procedures. By following the procedures in this For Technical Information on Series 51 motors, refer
manual, inspections and minor repairs may be per- to publication BLN-10042 or 368753.
formed without affecting the unit warranty.
For Fluid Quality Requirements, refer to publication
A Series 51 motor does occasionally require servic- BLN-9987 or 697581.
ing, and these units are designed to meet this require-
ment. Sauer-Sundstrand provides a complete repair serv-
ice for its products. Contact any Sauer-Sundstrand
Many repairs or adjustments can be completed with- Authorized Service Center for details. Sauer-Sund-
out removing the unit from the vehicle or machine, strand Authorized Service Center locations are listed
provided the unit is accessible and can be thoroughly in publication BLN-2-40527 or 698266.
cleaned before beginning any procedures.
4 0-2
At maximum displacement, the motor will provide a For all controls except the N2 and PC, servo pressure
certain maximum output shaft torque and minimum oil is supplied to a four (4) way spool valve in the motor
speed corresponding to the pressure and flow sup- end cap. When a combination of pilot pressure (or
plied to the motor. Under the same input conditions force) from an external control assembly and internal
but at minimum displacement, the shaft speed will be spring force shifts this valve, servo pressure is routed
approximately five (5) times faster while the available to move the servo piston and change the motor’s
output torque will decrease to approximately one-fifth displacement.
(1/5) the full displacement value. The displacement
is changed by a servo piston which is connected to A synchronizing shaft, with spherical rollers, synchro-
the valve segment. nizes the rotation of the output shaft and the cylinder
block. The ball end of each piston runs in a socket
bushing, pressed into the output shaft. There are no
other parts used to connect the pistons to the shaft.
Two tapered roller bearings support the output shaft.
Displacement Limiter
Hydraulic Pressure Compensator
Proportional Override
Control Valve Segment
Pressure Bearing Plate
Piston Shaft
Servo Piston
Charge Pressure
Relief Valve
P001 196
Fig. 10-1 - Sectional view of Series 51 variable displacement motor (SAE Flange
Configuration) with Hydraulic Proportional Control
10 - 1 5
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Functional Description
Loop Flushing
Series 51 motors used in closed circuit applications
incorporate an integral loop flushing valve as stan-
dard equipment. Installations that require additional
fluid to be removed from the main hydraulic circuit
because of fluid cooling requirements, or circuits
requiring the removal of excessive contamination
from the high pressure circuit, can benefit from loop
flushing. Series 51 motors used in open circuit appli-
51000003 51000004
cations may have the optional loop flushing defeat
Fig. 10-2 - Loop Fig. 10-3 - Loop
components installed.
Flushing Flushing Defeat
Components Components Series 51 motors equipped with an integral loop
flushing valve also include a charge pressure relief
valve. The setting of the motor charge relief valve
affects the function of the flushing circuit. Higher
motor charge relief settings reduce the loop flushing
flow and increase the flow over the pump charge
pressure relief valve when the circuit is operating.
Lower motor charge relief settings increase the loop
flushing flow and may increase the motor case pres-
sure when the circuit is operating.
6 10 - 2
Fig. 10-4 - Minimum Displacement Limiter
with Tamper Resistant Cap (Cartridge
Motor Configuration Shown)
Fig. 10-5 - Maximum Displacement Limiter
Controls - General
A wide range of control options is available for the
Series 51 motors. These include pilot operated
Electrohydraulic 2-Position Controls, Hydraulic Pro-
portional Controls (single or two [2] connection), and
Electrohydraulic Proportional Controls. A directly op-
erated Hydraulic 2-Position Control and a Pressure
Compensator regulator are also available.
when equipped with N2 control or the PC regulator) Fig. 10-6 - Internal Servo Pressure Supply
may be operated either by servo pressure oil supplied Screen with Multi-function Block and/or
internally from the main ports of the motor, or by servo Control Removed (Plug for External
pressure oil supplied from an external source. (The Supply)
N2 control uses servo pressure supplied by an exter-
nal control valve. The PC regulator obtains servo
pressure from the main ports of the motor.)
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Functional Description (Continued)
Hydraulic 2-Position Control (Type N2)
This is a two (2) position (maximum - minimum
displacement) control, consisting of a cover plate
mounted on the end cap. An external control valve
supplies servo pressure from an external source
directly to the servo piston. PCOR is not available
with the N2 control.
Fig. 10-9 - N2 Control Components
L2 M6 (M4) Y1 Y2 (M3)
U4 (opt.)
Fig. 10-10 - N2 Control Schematic
8 10 - 4
L2 M6 M4 M3
U4 (opt.) T3
(plug for T7,
ext. servo T8 M9
press.) X3 (M5)
Servo press,
Servo B
M8 M7
Fig. 10-13 - E1•E2 and F1•F2 Control
10 - 5 9
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Functional Description (Continued)
Electric 2-Position Control (Type S1)
A 12 VDC solenoid valve, mounted on the multi-
function block, directly operates the control valve
spool in the end cap. The control valve in the end cap
is biased by a threshold spring, and controls oil flow
to the ends of the servo piston. Servo pressure may
be supplied from an external source or internally by
the shuttle spool in the multi-function block. PCOR is
available with this control.
Fig. 10-14 - Series 51 Motor with S1 Control With the S1 control, energizing the solenoid causes
the motor to shift to maximum displacement. When
the solenoid is not energized, the motor is held at
minimum displacement.
Fig. 10-15 - S1 Control Components
L2 M6 M4 M3
U4 (opt.) T3
(plug for T7,
ext. servo T8 M9
press.) X3 (M5)
Servo press,
Servo B
Fig. 10-16 - S1 Control Schematic
10 10 - 6
provide a force on the end of the control spool. The Fig. 10-17 - Series 51 Motor with HZ
force of the threshold spring is externally adjustable Control
with an adjusting screw. The feedback spring is
positioned between the control spool and a feedback
lug attached to the servo piston. The force of the
feedback spring increases as the motor’s displace-
ment decreases.
L2 M6 M4 M3
U4 (opt.) T3
U5 (plug for T8 M9
ext. servo press.) T1
X3 (M5)
Servo press,
internal L1
X1 M7
Fig. 10-19 - HZ Control Schematic
10 - 7 11
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Functional Description (Continued)
Hydraulic Proportional Control (Type HS)
The HS control consists of a cover plate (with a
hydraulic port) mounted on the multi-function block.
Servo pressure may be supplied from an external
source or internally by the shuttle spool in the multi-
function block. PCOR is available with this control.
Fig. 10-21 - HS Control Components
L2 M6 M4 M3
U4 (opt.) T3
U5 (plug for T8 M9
ext. servo press.) T1
X3 (M5)
Servo press,
Servo B
M7 X1 HS
M7 X1
M7 X1
Fig. 10-22 - HS, H1•H2, and K1•K2 Control
12 10 - 8
and the end of the control spool is drained to the motor Fig. 10-23 - Series 51 Motor with H1•H2
case, causing the motor to shift to maximum displace- Control
Fig. 10-24 - Series 51 Motor with K1•K2
Fig. 10-25 - H1•H2 and K1•K2 Control
10 - 9 13
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
An increase in the difference between the pilot pres-
Fig. 10-27 - HP Control Components sures will result in a decrease in motor displacement,
while a decrease will result in an increase in displace-
L2 M6 M4 M3
U4 (opt.) T3
U5 (plug for T8 M9
ext. servo press.) T1
X3 (M5)
Servo press,
Servo B
X2 X1
Fig. 10-28 - HP Control Schematic
14 10 - 10
sures will result in a decrease in motor displacement, Fig. 10-30 - HC Control Components
while a decrease will result in an increase in displace-
ment. The feedback springs in the end cap have L2 M6 M4 M3
differing spring rates and operate in parallel (060,
080, and 110) or series (160 or 250) to provide a linear M1
relationship between motor displacement and pilot
pressure differential. max.
U4 (opt.) T3
T8 M9
X2 X1
Fig. 10-31 - HC Control Schematic
10 - 11 15
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Functional Description (Continued)
Electrohydraulic Proportional Control
(Types EP and EQ)
This control consists of a valve block and PCP (Pres-
sure Control Pilot) valve mounted on the multi-func-
tion block. The valve block incorporates a pilot piston
with centering springs. A pin transmits force from the
pilot piston to the control spool in the end cap.
Feedback springs (single spring for 060, 080, and
110) and a threshold spring are installed in the end
cap. These springs function similar to the HS control.
Fig. 10-32 - Series 51 Motor with EP Control
Servo pressure may be supplied from an external
(EQ Similar) source or internally by the shuttle spool in the multi-
function block. PCOR is available with this control.
L2 M6 M4 M3
U4 (opt.) T3
U5 (plug for T8 M9
ext. servo press.) T1
X3 (M5)
Servo press,
Servo B
M7 X1 M8
Fig. 10-34 - EP and EQ Control Schematic
16 10 - 12
Fig. 10-35 - Multi-function Block (Without
10 - 13 17
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Functional Description (Continued)
An optional “brake pressure defeat” spool may be
installed in the multi-function block. When used with
the PCOR, this spool assures that the PCOR does
not cause the motor displacement to increase during
deceleration (which could cause pump overspeed).
Pressure from a source such as the pump servos or
an external valve, shifts the defeat spool to block the
high pressure supply to the PCOR valve from the
“deceleration” side of the closed loop. Either bi-
51000032 directional or single direction PCOR operation can be
Fig. 10-38 - Multi-function Block with PCOR specified when PCOR defeat is installed.
Defeat Spool Components
A1 T4 A1
Rotation High pressure Control pressure
port on port
U7 U7
U6 U6
B1 T6
Valve Valve
18 10 - 14
Fig. 10-41 - PC Regulator Components
L2 M6 M4 M3
U4 (opt.)
U6 T7
Fig. 10-42 - PC Regulator Schematic
10 - 15 19
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Technical Specifications and Data - Variable Displacement Motors
Design Hydraulic Fluid
Piston motor with variable displacement, bent axis Refer to Sauer-Sundstrand publication BLN-9887 or
construction. 697581.
Type of Mounting Temperature 1)
SAE four (4) bolt flange – SAE Flange Configuration. ϑ min = -40°C (-40°F), intermittent, cold start
Two (2) bolt flange – Cartridge Motor Configuration. ϑ nominal = 104°C (220°F), continuous
ϑ max = 115°C (240°F), intermittent
Pipe Connections
at the hottest point, normally the case drain line.
Main pressure ports: SAE flange
Hydraulic fluid viscosity must be as shown below.
Remaining ports: SAE O-ring thread
Fluid Viscosity Limits
Direction of Rotation
ν min = 5 mm2/s (42 SUS) intermittent
Clockwise and counter-clockwise.
ν min = 6.4 mm2/s (47 SUS) min. continuous
Installation Position ν min = 13 mm2/s (70 SUS) optimum
ν max = 110 mm2/s (510 SUS) max. continuous
Installation position discretionary. The housing must ν max = 1600 mm2/s (7400 SUS) intermittent, cold start
always be filled with hydraulic fluid.
System Pressure Range, Input
Acceptable contamination level: ISO Code 18/13 or
Max: 480 bar (6960 psi) better. Refer to Sauer-Sundstrand publication BLN-9887
Min: 10 bar (145 psi) or 697581.
Case Pressure
Max. Continuous: 3 bar (44 psi)
Intermittent (Cold start): 5 bar (73 psi)
Frame Size
Dimension 060 080 110 160 250
Displacement maximum cm3 60.0 80.7 109.9 160.9 250.0
in3 3.66 4.92 6.71 9.82 15.26
minimum cm3 12.0 16.1 22.0 32.2 50.0
in3 0.73 0.98 1.34 1.96 3.05
Continuous speed at max disp min-1 (rpm) 3600 3100 2800 2500 2200
at min disp min-1 (rpm) 5600 5000 4500 4000 3400
Max. speed at max disp min-1 (rpm) 4400 4000 3600 3200 2700
at min disp min-1 (rpm) 7000 6250 5600 5000 4250
Theoretical at max disp Nm / bar 0.95 1.28 1.75 2.56 3.98
torque lbf•in / 1000 psi 583 784 1067 1563 2428
at min disp Nm / bar 0.19 0.26 0.35 0.51 0.80
lbf•in / 1000 psi 117 156 214 313 486
Max. continuous Q max L / min 216 250 308 402 550
flow gal / min 57 66 81 106 145
Max. corner power Pcorner max kW 336 403 492 644 850
hp 450 540 660 864 1140
Mass moment J kg • m2 0.0046 0.0071 0.0128 0.0234 0.0480
of inertia lbf • ft2 0.1092 0.1685 0.3037 0.5553 1.1580
Weight m kg 28 32 44 56 86
(with control N2) lb 62 71 97 123 190
20 10 - 16
● When Series 51 units are used in vehicular ● Use caution when dealing with hydraulic
hydrostatic drive systems, the loss of hy- fluid under pressure. Escaping hydraulic
drostatic drive line power in any mode of fluid under pressure can have sufficient
operation may cause a loss of hydrostatic force to penetrate your skin causing seri-
braking capacity. A braking system, redun- ous injury. This fluid may also be hot enough
dant to the hydrostatic transmission must, to burn. Serious infection or reactions can
therefore, be provided which is adequate to develop if proper medical treatment is not
stop and hold the system should the condi- administered immediately.
tion develop.
● Some cleaning solvents are flammable. To
● Certain service procedures may require the avoid possible fire, do not use cleaning
vehicle/machine to be disabled (wheels solvents in an area where a source of igni-
raised off the ground, work function discon- tion may be present.
nected, etc.) while performing them in order
to prevent injury to the technician and by-
20 - 1 21
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
22 20 - 2
Fig. 30-2- Gauge Ports, Motor with E1•E2, F1•F2, H1•H2, and K1•K2 Controls
Port X3:
servo press., external
Gauge port M5:
servo press., internal Control • E1/E2 • F1/F2
Control • E1/E2•F1/F2 Control • H1/H2 • K1/K2
Gauge port M8 Gauge port M7
Control • H1/H2 control pressure
Control pressure port X1 View"T"
Control • K1/K2
Control pressure port X1
"T" 51000038
Port X3:
servo press., ext.
Gauge port M5: Gauge port M7:
servo press., int. Control pressure
Gauge port M7:
Control pressure
View"U" View"U"
(HS) (HZ)
Control pressure Control pressure
port X1 port X1
"U" 51000039
30 - 1 23
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Gauge Installation (Continued)
Fig. 30-4 - Gauge Ports, Motor with HP Control
Port X3:
servo press., ext.
Gauge port M5:
servo press., int. XA
Port X3:
servo press., ext.
Gauge port M5:
servo press., int. XA
MS-Connector (MS3102C) Packard
7/8 — 20 UNEF Connector
Manual override
Port X1:
External PCP
"W" supply pressure 51000041
Gauge Information
System 600 bar or 10,000 psi Gauge Motor 60 bar or 1000 psi Gauge
M1 Pressure M6 Charge
Port “A” 9/16 — 18 O-Ring Fitting Pressure 9/16 — 18 O-Ring Fitting
System 600 bar or 10,000 psi Gauge M7 Control 60 bar or 1000 psi Gauge
M2 Pressure M8 Test Port 9/16 — 18 O-Ring Fitting
Port “B” 9/16 — 18 O-Ring Fitting L1 Case 60 bar or 1000 psi Gauge
Servo 600 bar or 10,000 psi Gauge L2 Pressure 060, 080, 110:
M3 Pressure 1-1/16 — 12 O-Ring Fitting
(Min. Angle) 9/16 — 18 O-Ring Fitting 160, 250:
Servo 600 bar or 10,000 psi Gauge 1-5/16 — 12 O-Ring Fitting
M4 Pressure X1 Control 60 bar or 1000 psi Gauge
(Max. Angle) 9/16 — 18 O-Ring Fitting X2 Pressure 9/16 — 18 O-Ring Fitting
Servo 600 bar or 10,000 psi Gauge X3
M5 Supply 9/16 — 18 O-Ring Fitting or XA Defeat 60 bar or 1000 psi Gauge
(M9) Pressure Tee into Control Pressure Line XB Pressure Tee into Defeat Pressure
24 30 - 2
30 - 3 25
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Start-Up Procedure and Maintenance (Continued)
Maintenance Changing the Fluid and Filter
To insure optimum service life on Series 51 products,
The reservoir breather air filter (if equipped) must be regular maintenance of the fluid and filter must be
kept clean. Clean the area around the filler cap before performed.
opening the reservoir. The hydraulic fluid should be
The fluid and filter must be changed per the vehicle/
filtered before it enters the reservoir.
machine manufacturer’s recommendations. In the
Follow the guidelines presented in Sauer-Sundstrand absence of such recommendations, the following
publication BLN-9887 or 697581 for required fluid intervals may be used:
cleanliness levels during machine operation.
• System with a sealed type reservoir - 2000 hrs.
Recommended Fluids • System with a breathing type reservoir - 500 hrs.
Hydraulic fluids used with Sauer-Sundstrand prod- It may be necessary to change the fluid more fre-
ucts should be carefully selected with assistance quently if the fluid becomes contaminated with for-
from a reputable supplier, following the guidelines eign matter (dirt, water, grease, etc.) or if the fluid has
presented in Sauer-Sundstrand publication BLN-9887 been operating at temperature levels greater than the
or 697581. maximum recommended. Never reuse fluid.
Checking for Leaks The filter should be changed when changing the fluid,
or whenever the filter indicator shows that it is neces-
Check the system components for leakage at regular sary to change the filter.
intervals. Tighten any leaking connections while the
system is not under pressure. Replace any defective
seals and gaskets.
26 30 - 4
pressure gauge port. Install a gauge to measure case Fig. 30-6 - Adjusting Charge Pressure
pressure. Operate the system with the prime mover Relief Valve
at normal operating speed and the pump at half
stroke (forward or reverse) when measuring motor
charge pressure.
30 - 5 27
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Component Adjustment (Continued)
Minimum Displacement Limiter Adjustment
The minimum displacement is set at the factory, and
the adjustment screw is covered with a tamper-
resistant cap
Care should be taken in adjusting displace-
ment limiters to avoid undesirable speed con-
ditions. The sealing lock nut must be retorqued
Fig. 30-8 - Loosen Minimum Displacement after every adjustment to prevent an unex-
Limiter Lock Nut pected change in operating conditions and to
prevent external leakage during unit operation.
NOTE: Changes in motor displacement can be de-
tected by providing a constant flow of fluid to
the motor, while maintaining the motor at
minimum displacement and monitoring the
motor output shaft speed. An increase in
displacement will result in a decrease in shaft
speed, while a decrease in displacement will
result in an increase in shaft speed.
28 30 - 6
Care should be taken in adjusting displace-
ment limiters to avoid undesirable speed con-
ditions. The stop screw must be retorqued
after adjustment to prevent an unexpected
change in operating conditions.
NOTE: Changes in motor displacement can be de-
tected by providing a constant flow of fluid to
the motor, while maintaining the motor at 51000046
maximum displacement and monitoring the Fig. 30-10 - Remove Minimum Angle Servo
motor output shaft speed. An increase in Cover Screws
displacement will result in a decrease in shaft
speed, while a decrease in displacement will
result in an increase in shaft speed. Approximate Change in
Frame Maximum Displacement
To adjust the maximum displacement, first remove Size with Change in Spacer Thickness
the screws retaining the minimum angle servo cover cc/mm (in3/.1 in)
to the end cap with an 8 mm internal hex wrench (060,
080, 110, and 160 units), or a 10 mm internal hex 060 0.98 (.15)
wrench (250 units). Remove the minimum angle 080 1.14 (.18)
servo cover and O-rings. Remove the displacement 110 1.48 (.23)
limiter screw with an 8 mm internal hex wrench. 160 1.93 (.30)
Installing a thicker spacer on the end of the setting 250 2.63 (.41)
piston will reduce the maximum displacement of the
motor. Installing a thinner spacer will increase the
maximum displacement. The displacement will
change according to the accompanying chart.
30 - 7 29
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Component Adjustment (Continued)
Displacement Control Adjustments
NOTE: A change in motor displacement can be de-
tected by providing a constant flow of fluid to
the motor and monitoring the motor output
shaft speed while adjusting the control. An
increase in displacement will result in a de-
crease in shaft speed, while a decrease in
displacement will result in an increase in shaft
30 30 - 8
30 - 9 31
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Component Adjustment (Continued)
Two Line Hydraulic Proportional Control
(Type HP)
The differential control start pressure for this control
may be adjusted with the adjusting screw on the end
cap (opposite the control block). Control start is that
differential pilot pressure at which the motor displace-
ment starts to decrease.
32 30 - 10
connected to ports X1 and X2), and the minimum Fig. 30-21 - Two Line Hydraulic
angle servo pressure (port M3). Proportional Control, Type HC
same no matter which pilot pressure is higher. Differ- Fig. 30-22 - Adjusting Control Threshold
ences in control operation when the pilot pressure (Type HC)
differential is reversed indicate a problem with the
shuttle spool in the control block.
30 - 11 33
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Component Adjustment (Continued)
Electrohydraulic Proportional Control
(Types EP and EQ)
The control start current for the EP and EQ controls
may be adjusted with the adjusting screw on the end
cap (opposite the control block). Control start is that
current supplied to the PCP (Pressure Control Pilot)
valve at which the motor displacement starts to de-
51000026 To check the threshold setting, install instruments to
Fig. 30-23 - Electrohydraulic Proportional monitor the PCP current, and the minimum angle
Control, Type EP (EQ Similar) servo pressure (port M3).
34 30 - 12
working pressure. This can accomplished by apply- Fig. 30-25 - PCOR Block on Multi-Function
ing the vehicle’s brakes or by loading the work func- Block (K1•K2 Control Shown)
30 - 13 35
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Component Adjustment (Continued)
Allow the pump to return to its neutral position.
Repeat the procedure for the other side of the closed
circuit if so configured. The PCOR or PC regulator
must operate at the same start pressure as noted
previously. Any noticeable difference in operation
from side to side may indicate a problem with the
pressure supply shuttle spool or brake pressure de-
feat spool in the multi-function block.
NOTE: Some motors may be configured for the
PCOR or PC regulator to function on only
one (1) side of the closed loop. Refer to the
nomenclature on the motor nameplate.
In order for the PCOR or PC regulator to function
properly on motors equipped with a brake pressure
defeat spool, the defeat spool must be positioned
correctly. The control pressure for the defeat spool
should be applied to the appropriate port (XA or XB)
as shown in the following table to shift the defeat
spool and permit PCOR or PC regulator operation.
Maximum pressure across the brake pressure defeat
ports XA and XB is 50 bar (725 psi).
51000049 Pressure Compensator Override Defeat Operation
Fig. 30-28 - Loosen PCOR/PC Lock Nut Rotation High system Control
pressure port pressure on port
The PCOR or PC regulator valve is screw adjustable.
To adjust, loosen the locknut with a 1-1/16" hex
wrench. Turn the adjusting screw with a large screw-
driver until the desired pressure setting is estab-
lished. Clockwise rotation of the adjustment screw
will increase the pressure setting at a rate of approxi-
mately 70 bar (1000 psi) per turn.
Fig. 30-29 - Rotate PCOR/PC Adjusting CAUTION
Screw A stop pin is installed in the adjusting screw to
prevent “overtravel” of the PCOR/PC valve
spool. The stop pin must protrude (distance
"X" “X”) 19 mm (.75 in.) from the spring seat for
settings of 270 to 370 bar (3900 to 5350 psi), or
24 mm (.94 in.) for settings of 110 to 260 bar
(1600 to 3750 psi). Refer to the appropriate
Service Parts Manual for further information.
While holding the adjusting screw from turning, torque
the lock nut to 52 Nm (38 ft•lbsf). Recheck the PCOR
or PC regulator setting.
Shut down the prime mover. Remove the gauges and
Fig. 30-30 - PCOR/PC Adjusting Screw Stop
install the gauge port plugs. Return the pump and
Pin motor controls to their normal operation.
36 30 - 14
Check Oil Level Check System Check Pump Check Prime Mover
OK OK OK Speed
in Reservoir Relief Valve Inlet Pressure
Pressure Low
Low Low OK
Check Oil Air in System OK Check Pump Inspect Shaft Inspect Shaft
Level in
OK Inlet Pressure
OK Couplings
OK Alignment
Loose Fitting Low Defective Defective
Fill to Proper Purge Air and Inspect Inlet Filter Repair or Align Shafts
Level Tighten and Replace if Replace
Fittings Necessary
Check Oil Level Inspect Heat Check Charge Check Pump Inlet
in Reservoir
OK Exchanger
OK Pressure
OK Pressure
Low Defective Incorrect Low OK
30 - 15 37
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Troubleshooting (Continued)
Fault-Logic Diagrams • Closed Circuit (Continued)
Repair or Replace
38 30 - 16
30 - 17 39
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
40 30 - 18
W25 B80
B71A B80
L70 L80
Y10 Y10
W10 B70A
Name Plate
Ames, Iowa, U.S.A. Neumünster, Germany
Model Code Typ
51V160 RF1N
E1A2 ANE1 NNN Model Code
Model No. Ident Nr
Model Number
516-40104 786673
Serial Number N 91 25 67890
Serial No. Fabr Nr
Place of Manufacture
Name Plate (German Production)
40 - 1 41
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Exploded View of the Series 51 Variable Motor (Continued)
End Cap
(....) = Applies to the indicated
G30 frame size(s).
J60 G38
J50 G36
M16/M96 F20A–G
K16 K70 OR
(250) K90N
G20A K80
Q40 K90A
K16 G50
G12 G50A G12
G12A G30 G30A K18N
(250) (250)
(060, 080) G12A OR
G80A K16
G30 K18
(060, 080) (060—160) K16
G30A (250)
(250) G30A K14
T3B0-B6 G20
G12 T3C2-C7
G12A S20 OR
G12 S10
T1B0-B6 (060, 080,
T1C2-C7 G30A 110)
G18 (250) OR S10
G90 (160, 250)
G12A G30
Y40 G12 (250)
N1U5 J30
Y50 T8B0-B6 J10A-D
G30 T7A1-A9
G36 T7B0-B6
M11/T2A1-A9 G44
T2C2-C7 G38
G42 F32
42 40 - 2
N52 OR
N32 N34
N72 N46/T5
N66 N72A N52/T4
N34A N84
N34A N84A
N1A1-A6 N28
N90 OR N66
N27 N29
40 - 3 43
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Exploded View of the Series 51 Variable Motor (Continued)
M10 M30
M32A M32 M26 M14
M30 M28
M16 M18
M20 M22
M14 M18 M16 M16
M12 M14
EP•EQ M10 HS M18
M16 M1S1
M20 M14
M1E1•E2•E5 M22A S1
M1K1•K2 M18A
44 40 - 4
M44 M32
M40 M1HC
M1N2 M16
M38 M47
M16A M14 M46
M10 M34A M48A
M18 M12 M11 M34
M18A M48
(060, 080, 110) M26
M18A M34A
M22 M10
M18 M16A J10 M34
M1HZ M16 M25
M28 M18
40 - 5 45
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Exploded View of the Series 51 Variable Motor (Continued)
PC Regulator
M72 T5
M66 T4
M66A M72A
T6 M84
M34A M84A
M34 M34A
M10 M28
M90 M28A
M26 M28
M27 M29
46 40 - 6
40 - 7 47
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Exploded View of the Series 51 Variable Motor (Continued)
Item Description Quantity Item Description Quantity
M11 WASHER, FLAT (060, 080, 110) 4 M12 O-RING 1
M10 COVER 1 M20 O-RING 1
M30 O-RING 2 M12 O-RING 1
48 40 - 8
40 - 9 49
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Exploded View of the Series 51 Variable Motor (Continued)
Item Description Quantity Item Description Quantity
S10 GUIDE-SPRING (160-250) 1 Y10 SCREW- SET, FLT PT 1
50 40 - 10
Charge Pressure
Relief Valve
Loop Flushing
Minimum Displacement
Variable Displacement Motor (SAE Flange Configuration)
Fig. 50-1 - Minor Repairs
Minor Repairs may be performed, following the proce- Protect all exposed sealing surfaces and open cavi-
dures in this section, without voiding the unit war- ties from damage and foreign material.
ranty. Although specific products are illustrated,
these procedures apply to all units in the Series 51 It is recommended that all gaskets and O-rings be
family. replaced. All gasket sealing surfaces must be cleaned
prior to installing new gasket. Lightly lubricate all O-
General rings with clean petroleum jelly prior to assembly.
Cleanliness is a primary means of insuring satisfac-
tory transmission life, on either new or repaired units.
Cleaning parts by using a solvent wash and air drying
is adequate, providing clean solvent is used. As with
any precision equipment, the internal mechanism
and related items must be kept free of foreign mate-
rials and chemicals.
50 - 1 51
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Minor Repair and Replacement - Variable Motor (Continued)
Shaft Seal (SAE Flange Configuration)
Lip type shaft seals are used on the Series 51 motors.
Inspect the flange and the new seal for any damage
or nicks.
52 50 - 2
Assemble the flange and seal over the shaft and into
the housing bore. Install four (4) of the flange screws,
51000055 51000056
and tighten them evenly to pull the flange into posi- Fig. 50-6 - Install Fig. 50-7 - Torque
tion. Take care to not damage the O-ring or seal lip
Flange onto Housing Flange Screws (SAE)
during installation.
Install the flange screws and torque evenly to 32 Nm
(24 ft•lbsf) for 060 and 080 motors, 63 Nm (46 ft•lbsf)
for 110 motors, 110 Nm (81 ft•lbsf) for 160 motors,
and 174 Nm (128 ft•lbsf) for 250 motors.
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Minor Repair and Replacement - Variable Motor (Continued)
Install the carrier O-ring into the groove in the hous-
ing. Prior to assembly, lubricate the carrier O-ring and
the I.D. of the seal with petroleum jelly.
Assemble the carrier and seal over the shaft and into
the housing bore. Take care to not damage the O-ring
51000061 51000057
Fig. 50-12 - Install Fig. 50-13 - Install or seal lip during installation.
Seal Carrier Carrier Retaining Install the seal carrier retaining ring.
(Cartridge) Ring (Cartridge)
Loop Flushing Shuttle Valve (Option)
Using an 11/16" wrench, remove the hex plugs from
both sides of end cap.
Remove springs and spring seat washers. Note the
orientation of the washers.
NOTE The 250 frame size motors use thicker spring
seat washers.
Fig. 50-16 - Loop Flushing Shuttle Valve
51000064 51000065
Fig. 50-17 - Install Fig. 50-18 - Install
Valve Spool and Plugs and Springs
54 50 - 4
Fig. 50-21 - Charge Relief Valve
50 - 5 55
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Minor Repair and Replacement - Variable Motor (Continued)
Hydraulic 2-Position Control (Type N2)
Thoroughly clean external surfaces prior to removal
of cover plate.
51000071 51000072 Remove the solid plug from the valve sleeve bore in
Fig. 50-24 - Remove Fig. 50-25 - Remove the end cap. (An 8 mm threaded hole is provided in
Cover Plate Screws Cover Plate the plug for a puller screw.) Remove the O-ring from
the plug.
Fig. 50-26 - Remove Valve Sleeve Bore
Plug Install the cover plate onto the end cap and install the
screws. Torque the screws to 78 Nm (58 ft•lbsf) for
060, 080, or 110 units, or to 110 Nm (81 ft•lbsf) for 160
or 250 units.
51000073 51000074
Fig. 50-28 - Torque Fig. 50-29 - Torque
Cover Plate Screws Plug in End Cap
56 50 - 6
Fig. 50-32 - E1•E2 and F1•F2 Control
Fig. 50-33 - Install E1•E2 or F1•F2 Control
Valve Housing
51000078 51000079
Fig. 50-34 - Install Fig. 50-35 - Install
Solenoid Valve Solenoid
50 - 7 57
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Minor Repair and Replacement - Variable Motor (Continued)
Electric 2-Position Controls (Type S1)
Thoroughly clean external surfaces prior to removing
the control.
Fig. 50-38 - S1 Control Components
Fig. 50-39 - Install S1 Control Solenoid Pin
51000165 51000166
Fig. 50-40 - Install Fig. 50-41 - Torque
Adapter Plate and Control Solenoid
Solenoid Screws
58 50 - 8
Fig. 50-44 - HZ Control Components
Units with external servo pressure supply have a plug 51000082 51000083
installed in the end cap passage leading to the valve Fig. 50-45 - HZ Fig. 50-46 - End Cap
spool sleeve. This plug may be removed with a 2.5 Control Housing O-Rings Installed
mm internal hex wrench. When installing this plug, Screens
torque to 2 Nm (18 in•lbsf).
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Minor Repair and Replacement - Variable Motor (Continued)
Hydraulic Proportional Control (Type HS)
Thoroughly clean external surfaces prior to removal
of control.
Fig. 50-49 - Remove HS Control Housing
Fig. 50-50 - HS Control Components
Fig. 50-51 - Torque HS Control Housing
60 50 - 10
51000089 51000090
Fig. 50-52 - Remove Fig. 50-53 - Remove
H1•H2 or K1•K2 Solenoid Valve
Control Solenoid
The solenoid valve may be removed from the control
valve housing with a 7/8" hex wrench.
Fig. 50-55 - H1•H2 and K1•K2 Control
51000092 51000093
Fig. 50-56 - Install Fig. 50-57 - Install
Solenoid Valve Solenoid
50 - 11 61
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Minor Repair and Replacement - Variable Motor (Continued)
Two Connection Hydraulic Proportional
Control (Type HP)
Thoroughly clean external surfaces prior to removal
of control.
Fig. 50-62 - HP Control Components
62 50 - 12
Install the outer (thin) shuttle piston plug with the large
chamfer toward the shuttle valve bore. Install the
shuttle spool into its bore and install the inner (thick)
plug with the large chamfer toward the shuttle valve
51000097 51000098
Fig. 50-63 - Pilot Fig. 50-64 - Install
Piston Pin Installed Shuttle Spool and
Position the valve housing (with O-ring) on the multi-
function block.
Install the pilot piston into the housing and over the
pin. The end of the piston with the cross drilled hole
should engage the pin.
51000099 51000100
Fig. 50-65 - Install Fig. 50-66 - Install
Control Housing Pilot Piston
51000101 51000102
Fig. 50-67 - Install Fig. 50-68 - Install
Spring Cover, Gasket, and
50 - 13 63
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Minor Repair and Replacement - Variable Motor (Continued)
Two Connection Hydraulic Proportional
Control for “Dual Path” Vehicles (Type HC)
Bleed Valve
51000176 51000104
Fig. 50-71 - Install Fig. 50-72 - Remove
HC Control Bleed Servo Pressure Ball
Valve Seal Nut Shuttle Valve
Install the servo pressure shuttle ball.
51000123 51000174
Fig. 50-73 - Install Fig. 50-74 - Torque
Servo Pressure Servo Pressure
Shuttle Ball Valve Shuttle Ball Seat
Control Pressure Shuttle Valve
Remove the pilot piston pin seat and pin from the
control housing (or pilot piston).
50 - 15 65
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Minor Repair and Replacement - Variable Motor (Continued)
The plugs on the control housing may be removed
with a 7/16" hex wrench or a 1/4" internal hex wrench.
When reinstalling, torque the 5/16" plugs to 9 Nm (7
ft•lbsf), and the 9/16" plugs to 20 Nm (15 ft•lbsf).
Fig. 50-83 - HC Control Components
Install the valve housing onto the end cap, and install
the screws (with flat washers on 060, 080, and 110
51000110 51000114
Fig. 50-86 - Install Fig. 50-87 - Torque
HC Control Housing HC Control Housing
66 50 - 16
Install the pilot piston pin. The end of the pin must
engage the recess in the end of the control valve
51000115 51000116
Fig. 50-88 - Install Fig. 50-89 - Install
HC Control Start Pilot Piston Pin
Install the pilot piston pin seat.
Install the pilot piston into the housing and over the
spring and spring seat. The end of the piston with the
deeper bore and the cross drilled hole should engage
the start spring and pin seat.
51000117 51000118
Fig. 50-90 - Install Fig. 50-91 - Install
Pilot Piston Pin Seat HC Control Pilot
Install the adjustor spring in the outer end of the pilot
51000119 51000120
Fig. 50-92 - Install Fig. 50-93 - Install
HC Control Start HC Control Start
Adjuster Spring Adjuster Spring Seat
Install the control cover and gasket (with adjusting
screw and seal lock nut).
51000106 51000121
Fig. 50-94 - Install Fig. 50-95 - Torque
HC Control Cover Control Cover
and Gasket Screws
50 - 17 67
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Minor Repair and Replacement - Variable Motor (Continued)
Electrohydraulic Proportional Control
(Types EP and EQ)
Thoroughly clean external surfaces prior to removal
of control.
51000126 51000086
Fig. 50-98 - Remove Fig. 50-99 - Remove
EP•EQ Control Pilot Piston Pin
Install new O-rings on the valve housing and retain
with petroleum jelly.
Fig. 50-100 - EQ Control Components (EP
68 50 - 18
51000097 51000127
Fig. 50-101 - Pilot Fig. 50-102 - Install
Piston Pin Installed Control Housing
Install the pilot piston into the housing and over the
pin. The end of the piston with the cross drilled hole
should engage the pin.
51000128 51000129
Fig. 50-103 - Install Fig. 50-104 - Install
Pilot Piston Spring
51000130 51000131
Fig. 50-105 - Torque Fig. 50-106 - Install
Cover, Gasket, and PCP Valve
50 - 19 69
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Minor Repair and Replacement - Variable Motor (Continued)
Pressure Control Pilot (PCP) Valve for
Electrohydraulic Proportional Control
(Types EP and EQ)
Thoroughly clean external surfaces of control.
51000124 51000131
Fig. 50-109 - Install Fig. 50-110 - Torque
PCP onto Control PCP Valve Screws
70 50 - 20
function block or end cap. Fig. 50-113 - Remove Fig. 50-114 - Multi-
Multi-function Block function Block
Units with external servo pressure supply have a plug
installed in the end cap passage leading to the valve
spool sleeve. This plug may be removed with a 2.5
mm internal hex wrench. When installing this plug,
torque to 2 Nm (18 in•lbsf).
Install a new O-ring onto the valve spool sleeve in the
end cap.
Install new O-rings onto the end cap.
Install the multi-function block onto the end cap, and
install the screws. 51000083 51000135
Torque the screws to 78 Nm (58 ft•lbsf) for 060, 080, Fig. 50-115 - End Fig. 50-116 - Install
or 110 units, or to 110 Nm (81 ft•lbsf) for 160 or 250 Cap O-Rings Multi-function Block
units. Installed
Reinstall the external control assembly as described
in the instructions for the specific control.
51000137 51000088
Fig. 50-117 - Torque Fig. 50-118 - Install
Multi-function Block External Control (HS
Screws Shown)
50 - 21 71
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Minor Repair and Replacement - Variable Motor (Continued)
Servo Pressure Supply Shuttle Spool
Fig. 50-121 - Multi-function Block with
Servo Pressure Supply Shuttle Spool
51000139 51000140
Fig. 50-122 - Install Fig. 50-123 - Torque
Servo Pressure Servo Pressure
Supply Shuttle Spool Supply Spool Plug
72 50 - 22
51000144 51000145
Fig. 50-128 - Remove Fig. 50-129 - Remove
Install new O-rings on the pressure compensator
valve block and retain with petroleum jelly. Install a
new O-ring on the adjusting screw.
Fig. 50-130 - Pressure Compensator Valve
Block Components
50 - 23 73
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Minor Repair and Replacement - Variable Motor (Continued)
Install the valve block on the multi-function block and
install the screws. Torque the screws to 11 Nm (8
51000147 51000148
Fig. 50-131 - Install Fig. 50-132 - Install
PCOR•PC Valve PCOR•PC Valve Plug
Install the pressure compensator spool assembly
and the valve spring.
51000143 51000142
Fig. 50-133 - Install Fig. 50-134 - Install
PCOR•PC Spring PCOR•PC Adjusting
and Spool Valve Screw
PCOR and PC Regulator Orifices
Fig. 50-136 - PCOR and PC Regulator
74 50 - 24
Fig. 50-139 - Multi-function Block With
PCOR Defeat Spool Components
Install the PCOR defeat spool into its bore in the multi-
function block.
51000152 51000153
Fig. 50-140 - Install Fig. 50-141 - Install
PCOR Defeat Spool PCOR Defeat Spool
Stop Plug
50 - 25 75
Bent Axis Variable Displacement Motors Series 51
Minor Repair and Replacement - Variable Motor (Continued)
Pressure Compensator Regulator (Type
The PC regulator utilizes the multi-function block and
pressure compensator valve to control the motor
Service procedures for these components are in-
cluded in the “Multi-function Block” section of this
Fig. 50-142 - PC Regulator Components
76 50 - 26
51000156 51000157
Fig. 50-147 - Servo Fig. 50-148 - Servo
Orifice for Minimum Drain Orifices (T7
Displacement (T3) and T8)
Plug / Fitting Torques
If any plugs or fittings are removed from the unit
during servicing, they should be torqued as indicated
in the accompanying table.
Item Torque
Pressure Gauge Ports 37 Nm
(9/16—18 O-Ring Hex) (27 ft•lbsf)
Construction Plugs 20 Nm
(9/16—18 O-Ring Int. Hex) (15 ft•lbsf)
Construction Plugs 9 Nm
(5/16—24 O-Ring) (7 ft•lbsf)
Screw Plugs 4 Nm
(M6 Int. Hex) (35 in•lbsf)
50 - 27 77
S10 S70
T1 S70
Remove Item T1 BEFORE removing Item F32! T7
Install Item T1 AFTER installing Item F32! F32
Install O-ring J10 F33
13 mm hex wrench
Torque to 20 Nm Items T7 and T8:
(15 lbsf•ft) For 2-Position Controls 2.5 mm int. hex wrench
4-Way Valve and Feedback Springs
Install O-rings
Series 51 MV
Travel drive series 51
008 911 71
008 911 71
Remove as an assembly to preserve adjustment (060 — 110).
Travel drive series 51
S20 S10T
T1 S10
T3 S10T
Remove Item T1 BEFORE removing Item F32!
Install Item T1 AFTER installing Item F32!
Install O-ring
13 mm hex wrench
Torque to 20 Nm Items T7 and T8:
(15 lbsf•ft) 2.5 mm int. hex wrench
Torque to 2 Nm (18 lbsf•in)
10 mm hex wrench
Torque to 9 Nm (6.6 lbsf•ft) 5 mm threaded holes
Sheet 2
on valve sleeve
Series 51 MV
16.3 Travel drive series 51
Hydraulic Power Systems
Heavy Duty Axial Piston Heavy Duty Bent Axis Cartridge Motors/
Pumps and Motors Variable Motors Compact Wheel Drives
F000 685 F000 688 F000 690 F000 684
Open Circuit Axial Piston Pumps Gear Pumps and Motors Genuine Service Parts
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