Slavery in Cuba LP
Slavery in Cuba LP
Slavery in Cuba LP
PRE-PLANNING: KNOW, SO, SHOW Lesson Date: Friday, February 29, 2008
What will your students be able to do?
SWBAT compare/contrast the history and aftermath of slavery in Cuba and the United States
How will you know whether your students have made progress toward the objective?
How and when will you assess mastery?
CLOSING. ( min.)
How will students summarize what they learned?
How will students be asked to state the significance of what they learned?
How will you provide all students with opportunities to demonstrate mastery of (or progress toward) the objective?
Why will students be engaged/interested?
Students will complete the AFTER column of the anticipation guide, then class will share out their answers and close with brief
HOMEWORK (if appropriate). How will students practice what they learned?