Vissim 2022 - Manual-1101-1250
Vissim 2022 - Manual-1101-1250
Vissim 2022 - Manual-1101-1250
Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).
In the Attributes list, you can define new objects and edit attribute values.
The objects of this object type may have relations to other objects. This is why the attributes list is
shown as part of a coupled list (on the left). In the Relations list box, to the right of the list on the
left, you can show the coupled list with the attributes of the relation of your choice (see “Using
coupled lists” on page 160).
2. Right-click in the list.
3. On the shortcut menu, click Add.
A new row with default data is inserted.
4. Enter the desired data.
Element Description
No. Unique number of the area behavior type
Name Name of area behavior type
Element Description
AreaBehaviorType The area behavior type selected in the list on the left
PedClass Pedestrian classes (see “Using pedestrian classes” on page 1046)
TimeInt Time interval (see “Using time distributions” on page 301)
DesSpeedDistr Desired speed distribution (see “Using desired speed distributions” on
page 292)
WalkBehav Walking behavior (see “Defining walking behavior” on page 1100)
You can specify that you need not press the CTRL key when adding network objects
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).
For some network objects there are windows in which the attributes of a network
object can be defined and edited. There are lists for this, for all network objects. You
can choose whether you want to open a window, a list or neither of the two for the defin-
ition of network objects in the Network Editor (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195).
The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.
Tip: To open coupled lists for a network object type, on the Lists menu, click > <Name
network object type>.
2. If you want to change the time interval for a pedestrian input, right-click the desired entry in the
Pedestrian Inputs list.
3. On the shortcut menu, click Edit Time Intervals.
The Time Intervals list opens (see “Defining time intervals for a network object type” on page
Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).
Column Description
Cont Continued: Adopts the volume of the previous interval, if several time intervals
for pedestrian inputs have been defined. The first time interval is therefore
always deactivated.
The option is not selected: The cells are white and are only valid for this
The option is selected: The cells are gray and are valid for the period of
the combined intervals. Only the last cell, for which the Cont attribute is not
selected, can be edited. When this option is selected, a change in volume is
adopted for all the following cells.
TimeInt Time interval: Start and end of the interval in simulation seconds (see “Defining
time intervals for a network object type” on page 399).
PedComp Pedestrian composition (see “Defining pedestrian compositions” on page
Volume Volume: number of pedestrians per hour and not per time interval
VolType Volume type:
Stochastic: Stochastic variations of the number of pedestrians may occur.
The cells are white.
Exact: Exactly the specified number of pedestrians are generated and
used. The cells are yellow.
The calculation method for the number of used pedestrians as well as the
network entry time in the time interval is the same as for vehicles (see
“Attributes of vehicle inputs” on page 541).
3. If you want to allocate additional volumes to other time intervals for the selected pedestrian
input, right-click in the Pedestrian Volumes By Time Interval list.
4. On the shortcut menu, click Add.
The next defined time interval will be added.
5. Enter the desired values.
A pedestrian route starts with routing decision in an area. The routing decision is a routing
point which is displayed as a red circle by default. The routing decision and its routing
point must be located in an area.
The last routing point of a pedestrian route is referred to as destination. The destination is
a routing point which is displayed as a turquoise circle by default. The destination can be
located in an area or a ramp . If a pedestrian has reached his destination area and the
area does not contain any additional routing decisions he can use, he is removed from the
The other routing points are intermediate destinations. They can be located as inter-
mediate points in an area or a ramp .
Several pedestrian routes to different destinations can start from the first routing point.
The destinations of static pedestrian routes which start from one routing point can be loc-
ated in different areas. A static pedestrian route can also run back to the area from where
it started.
The destinations of partial pedestrian routes which start from one routing point must be loc-
ated in one area.
If you delete a routing decision, the corresponding routes are deleted.
Note: Start points, intermediate points or the destination of a pedestrian route must not be
placed on a link defined as a pedestrian area. (see “Attributes of links” on page 492), (see
“Modeling links as pedestrian areas” on page 1089). You can specify an Area construction
element on the link and then position the first routing point, intermediate point or
destination of your pedestrian route in this area.
Static pedestrian routes, partial pedestrian routes and pedestrian routing decisions
A pedestrian route starts with routing decision in an area. A pedestrian route may be static or
partial. A static pedestrian route starts at a routing decision of the type Pedestrian routes
(static) . A partial pedestrian route starts at a routing decision of the type Pedestrian route
(partial). You select the type on the network object sidebar, when inserting the routing decision.
areas. The number of pedestrians (static) is defined by the Relative volume attribute. It does
not depend on the dynamic status in the simulation.
In Viswalk, pedestrian inputs, static pedestrian routing decisions and static pedestrian routes
define a pedestrian OD matrix that is adhered to. Therefore, pedestrians arrive at the
destination of their static pedestrian route and are not influenced by other routing decisions in
areas that they pass in the course of their pedestrian route. Only if there is a routing point of a
static pedestrian route and a first routing point of one or several partial pedestrian routes in
one of these areas, this may have an impact on the pedestrian's remaining route.
In addition, static pedestrian routing decisions affect areas for which the Platform edge
attribute is selected.
Pedestrian routes (partial): Partial pedestrian routes serve the local distribution of ped-
estrians without changing the pedestrian OD matrix. If several partial pedestrian routes start
at the same routing point, their destinations must be located in the same area.
If the pedestrians fulfills the following conditions, he is assigned a new role:
The pedestrian enters an area which has the following properties:
a routing point of his original static pedestrian route or partial pedestrian route is loc-
ated in this area.
the first routing point of another partial pedestrian route is located in this area. If the
pedestrian is already on a partial pedestrian route, he can choose the other pedestrian
partial route.
The destination of the new, partial pedestrian route is located in an area which also
includes the routing point of his original route.
The pedestrian belongs to a pedestrian class which the partial routing decision applies to.
The pedestrians follow the partial pedestrian route depending on the route choice method
selected (see “Defining partial routing decisions of a pedestrian” on page 1117). From the
destination of the partial pedestrian route, the pedestrians continue to follow their previous,
static pedestrian route.
Static method
Route Description
Static Fixed user-defined ratios per partial route for each user-defined time interval (see
“Defining partial routing decisions of a pedestrian” on page 1117), (see “Attributes of
pedestrian partial routing decisions” on page 1131).
For static partial routes the decision process is the same as for static routes (main
Dynamic method
Route Description
Travel Dependence of choice ratios on the travel time of pedestrians who have already
time finished the partial route (see “Route choice method using the Travel time criterion”
on page 1120)
Service For modeling the route choice when confronted with a set of parallel queues, e.g. in
point front of several counters where the shortest queue should be selected (see “Route
selection selection method Use service point selection” on page 1144).
Quantity Proportion depends on the number of pedestrians in that area (see “Route choice
method using the Quantity criterion” on page 1121):
Combination method: Calculation of the number of pedestrians from the route
choice areas
Density Proportion depends on the density of pedestrians in that area (see “Route choice
method using the Density criterion” on page 1123):
Combination method: Calculation of the number of pedestrians from the route
choice areas
The partial routing decision only affects pedestrians whose current pedestrian route (static or
partial) includes an intermediate point or destination in the area that the partial routes, belonging
to the respective partial routing decision, have their destination.
A partial routing decision function applies as soon as the pedestrian enters the area where the
partial routing decision is made. The area does not have to include an intermediate point of the
pedestrian's route.
All partial pedestrian routes starting at the same partial routing decision lead to the same
destination area. This does not only apply to partial pedestrian routes whose routing point is
located in an area with the Queuing attribute. In this case, this routing point is required in order to
allow pedestrians to join the queue.
Two areas A and B each have a partial routing decision a and b. For both routing decisions,
the Entering the area option is selected in the Decision model attribute. Area B lies entire
within area A. So a pedestrian first enters area A before he might enter area B. The main
route and partial routes have been defined so that partial routing decision b applies to the ped-
estrian, partial routing decision a, however, does not. Partial routing decision a would, how-
ever, become applicable if the main route was replaced by partial route b. All the same, partial
routing decision a is not applied immediately after partial routing decision b or when the ped-
estrian leaves area B and enters area A .
In the simulation, one pedestrian is added to the pedestrian input and is assigned a static ped-
estrian route. At his starting position, however in other areas, there are two partial routing
decisions a and b. For both routing decisions, the Entering the area option is selected in the
Decision model attribute. Partial route a ends in an area in which the main route includes an
intermediate destination, but the partial route b does not. Partial route b, however, does end
in an area in which partial route a includes an intermediate destination. Even so, only partial
routing decision a is carried out. Partial routing decision b is ignored, as the condition "check
for existing partial routing decisions" requires that a normal routing decision was carried out. If
the partial routing decision b is not positioned in the area which contains the pedestrian input
through which the pedestrian is added, but in an area that the pedestrian will enter in the fol-
lowing time step, the partial routing decision b is still carried out.
These restrictions prevent endless loops that could occur within a single time step.
Use case 1
Use case 1 includes pedestrians coming from different origins located relatively far away and
following routes with many intermediate points. All these pedestrians will pass through a specific
area. This area provides alternative routes, irrespective of the pedestrians' origins or destinations.
After having passed through this area, the pedestrians continue their routes, based on their
origins, to their distant destinations. On their respective routes, they account for numerous
intermediate points.
In this case, it is useful to model the route choice in their common through area with special partial
routes. These should only change the route locally, not all the way.
The following two figures show examples of sections of long pedestrian routes, including the
section that can be modeled with partial routes. The following figure shows the static pedestrian
route through the red area below to the green area above, with the destination of the pedestrian
In the following figure, the static pedestrian route is highlighted by a light yellow line that runs
horizontally from the red area on the outer left to the destination in the green area on the right.
Both partial pedestrian routes are marked by darker, orange lines. They start in the dark red area
and run to the destinations in the right area via the areas with the blue intermediate points.
In this example, the static partial route choice function is applied because the destinations of the
partial pedestrian routes are located in the same green area to the right as the intermediate point
of the static pedestrian route.
Without static partial routes, each long static route would have to be defined as often as there are
spatially limited alternative options in the common area.
Use case 2
The problem with ticket gates is that the simulated pedestrians will mostly choose the shortest
path. They will not take a detour to save time - not even if the detour is as quick as in the case of
this ticket gate example. If pedestrians do not approach the ticket gates orthogonally, they might
cram at one or two of them and ignore the other ticket gates. This would not be realistic behavior.
To avoid this, use dynamic partial routing decisions.
As the pedestrian's exact position, which is located a few meters away from the ticket gates,
specifies to a certain extent the gate he is likely to use in reality, you can use the so-called “catch
all” feature of static partial routing decisions to guide him to a particular gate. This is depicted in
the following figures:
In this case, routing decisions are actually not real decisions regarding alternative routes, as each
decision is assigned one route only. This again reflects the advantage of the “catch all” feature.
You can also use the dynamic potential method to model similar situations in which the shortest
or quickest route are relevant (see “Dynamic potential” on page 1139).
The dynamic potential method is particularly suited for the following cases:
when alternative routes show minor differences only, e.g. service desk choice (see “Route
selection method Use service point selection” on page 1144)
when alternative routes are not fully discrete, e.g. when a large crowd has to make a 90° turn
or a U-turn at a specific point.
You can specify that you need not press the CTRL key when adding network objects
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).
For some network objects there are windows in which the attributes of a network
object can be defined and edited. There are lists for this, for all network objects. You
can choose whether you want to open a window, a list or neither of the two for the defin-
ition of network objects in the Network Editor (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195).
A turquoise dot is inserted by default. The pedestrian area is displayed in red. A yellow band is
shown between the first routing point of the pedestrian route and the destination by default.
8. Release the keys.
The Pedestrian routing decision (static) list opens, if automatic opening of a list after object
creation is selected (see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page
195). You can add additional destinations to areas or stop the addition.
9. To insert additional destinations, point the mouse pointer to the desired area of your next
destination and carry out the steps again.
When you point the mouse pointer to a destination, a yellow line will appear by default
between the first routing point of the pedestrian route and the destination.
10. If you do not want to add any additional destinations, in the Network editor, click in an empty
Especially when defining several pedestrian routes from the first routing point of a pedestrian
route, use intermediate points in areas and on ramps to model the course of a route (see
“Modeling the course of pedestrian routes using intermediate points” on page 1125).
11. You can edit the attributes of a pedestrian route (see “Attributes of static routing decisions for
pedestrian routes” on page 1129), (see “Attributes of static pedestrian routes” on page 1130).
The attributes are saved to the respective list.
You can specify that you need not press the CTRL key when adding network objects
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).
For some network objects there are windows in which the attributes of a network
object can be defined and edited. There are lists for this, for all network objects. You
can choose whether you want to open a window, a list or neither of the two for the defin-
ition of network objects in the Network Editor (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195).
Element Description
Start area Name of area for which the partial routing system has been defined. In the list
box, you can select another area as your start area.
Destination is empty before you insert the partial routing decision. Afterwards, it shows the
area name of the destination area.
Destination is empty before you insert the partial routing decision. Afterwards, it shows the
ramp name of the destination ramp.
Decision Select option:
models Entering the area: This partial routing decision function applies as soon
as the pedestrian enters the area. Select this option when decision-rel-
evant criteria are likely to change rather quickly, e.g. when you select the
Static route choice method which has the same number of route choices
for the pedestrian routes.
Every time step: The partial routing decision function applies in each
time step when the pedestrian is in the area. Select this option when there
are only minor or no changes to the decision-relevant criteria, e.g. when
you select the Density route choice method in order to find an area with
the lowest density.
Pedestrian Select option:
classes All pedestrian types of pedestrian class
individual pedestrian classes
Route Select the static or dynamic route choice method (see “Modeling partial routes
choice for pedestrians” on page 1110):
method Static (see “Defining static pedestrian routes” on page 1115)
Travel time (see “Route choice method using the Travel time criterion” on
page 1120)
Service point selection (see “Route selection method Use service point
selection” on page 1144)
Quantity (see “Route choice method using the Quantity criterion” on page
Density (see “Route choice method using the Density criterion” on page
Formula: Define a formula (with the attribute and attribute value) for the
corresponding pedestrian partial route, which defines the percentage of
pedestrians using this pedestrian partial route (see “Attributes of partial
pedestrian routes” on page 1132).
Element Description
Path choice Method of selecting the stairs, ramp or elevator between the decision on the
method current area and the next route location.
Area center (default): Selects the smallest total direct line distance:
from the center of the area on which the decision is made as soon as
the pedestrian enters the area
to the center of the area on which the next route location is located
If the pedestrian can reach several ramps, stairs or elevators, the path
choice method Area center can lead to longer paths than the path
choice method Pedestrian position, because it is not the position of
the pedestrian that is decisive, but the position of the area center
Pedestrian position: Selects the link to the first ramp, stairs or the next
elevator from the current position of the pedestrian. This is particularly suit-
able for large areas when the pedestrian can use several ramps, stairs or
elevators to reach the next route location.
The path choice method Pedestrian position can affect the speed of the
simulation, as an individual shortest path search is calculated for each
The path choice method Pedestrian position cannot be selected for
Since the selected path choice method applies between the decision and the
next route location, you can specify the path choice method for each
individual route.
11. If you do not want to add any partial pedestrian routes, in the Network editor, click in an empty
Especially when defining several pedestrian routes from the first routing point of a pedestrian
route, use intermediate points in areas and on ramps to model the course of a route (see
“Modeling the course of pedestrian routes using intermediate points” on page 1125).
12. You can edit the attributes (see “Attributes of partial pedestrian routes” on page 1132), (see
“Attributes of pedestrian partial routing decisions” on page 1131).
The attributes are saved to the respective list.
13. Define route choice areas for the route choice methods Quantity and Density or generate
the route choice areas automatically (see “Selecting route choice areas” on page 1124).
Option Meaning
Best Route The user-defined percentage of pedestrians uses the best route. That is the route
with the least travel time. If there are two best routes, the volumes are distributed
equally on both routes. The remaining pedestrians are distributed randomly across
the other routes. Default value of 90.00%.
Kirchhoff Kirchhoff exponent: The probability of a route choice is calculated as the reciprocal
of the travel time RZ to the power of Kirchhoff exponent E) divided by the sum of
these powers for all routes, default value 3.5. For two partial routes, the relative
volume pi for partial route 1 is:
Option Meaning
Best Route The user-defined percentage of pedestrians uses the best route. It follows the
pedestrian route whose areas have the lowest number of pedestrians. These
areas include the pedestrians' relevant partial routing decisions. If there are
multiple best routes, the volumes are distributed equally across them. The
remaining pedestrians are distributed randomly across the other routes. Default
value of 90.00 %.
Kirchhoff Kirchhoff exponent E: The probability pi of a route choice is calculated as the
quotient reciprocal of the number N of the relative volumes, to the power of
negative Kirchhoff exponent -E, divided by the sum of these powers for all routes,
default value 3.5. For two partial routes, the relative volume pi for partial route 1 is:
Combination method: Calculation of the number of pedestrians from the route choice areas
Total: Total number from all route choice areas. When route choice areas overlap, these
areas and the pedestrians there are each taken into account only simply.
Average: Average number from all route choice areas
Maximum: Maximum number from all route choice areas
Minimum: Minimum number from all route choice areas
Applies to average, maximumand minimum: When route choice areas overlap, these areas and
the pedestrians there are taken into account several times, and so the number of pedestrians for
each area is determined separately.
Combination method: Calculation of the number of pedestrians from the route choice areas
Total: Total density from all route choice areas. When route choice areas overlap, these
areas and the pedestrians there are each taken into account only simply.
Average: Average density from all route choice areas
Maximum: Maximum density from all route choice areas
Minimum: Minimum density from all route choice areas
Applies to average, maximum and minimum: When route choice areas overlap, these areas
and the pedestrians there are taken into account several times, and so the density of pedestrians
for each area is determined separately.
Alternatively, you can also right-click the desired partial route in the network editor and
click Generate route choice areas automatically on the shortcut menu.
You can also select multiple partial routes and click Generate route choice areas
automatically on the shortcut menu.
4. Repeat the next steps until you have selected all desired areas or ramps in the list.
5. On the shortcut menu, click Add.
6. In the list on the right, right-click a free area.
A new row with default data is inserted.
7. Select the desired area or ramp.
The course of the pedestrian route is adjusted. The intermediate point is larger and displayed as a
blue circle by default (in the figure in the middle of the upper area). Additional yellow points are
displayed (in the figure on the left and right lower margin of the upper area). Using these points,
you can model the pedestrian routes in more detail.
Note: Within a pedestrian area, there must not be two adjacent intermediate points of a
static pedestrian route or a partial pedestrian route.
Element Description
Decision Number of routing decision of pedestrian route
Route Number of routing decision and number of pedestrian route
Area Area in which the routing point is located In the list box, in the areas list, you can
click another route location the pedestrian route runs through. Next to the Area
field, the number and name of the level, where the area is located, are displayed.
Ramp Ramp that lies on the routing point. In the list box, in the ramps list, you can click
another ramp for the route location the pedestrian route runs through. Next to the
Ramp field, the number and names of the two levels connecting the ramp are
Path Method of selecting the stairs, ramp or elevator between the route location on the
choice current area and the next route location.
method Area center (default): Selects the smallest total direct line distance:
from the center of the area on which the route location is located as soon
as the pedestrian enters the area
to the center of the area on which the next route location is located
If the pedestrian can reach several ramps, stairs or elevators, the path
choice method Area center can lead to longer paths than the path choice
method Pedestrian position, because it is not the position of the
pedestrian that is decisive, but the position of the area center points.
Pedestrian position: Selects the link to the first ramp, stairs or the next elev-
ator from the current position of the pedestrian. This is particularly suitable
for large areas when the pedestrian can use several ramps, stairs or elev-
ators to reach the next route location.
The path choice method Pedestrian position can affect the speed of the
simulation, as an individual shortest path search is calculated for each
The path choice method Pedestrian position cannot be selected for ramps.
Since the selected path choice method applies between the current and the next
route location, you can specify the path choice method for the individual sections
of the pedestrian route.
Cell size Edge length of a grid mesh used for the calculation of distances to the
destination area with the static or dynamic potential (see “Defining global model
parameters” on page 1038). Default value 0.15 m. Avoid values > object radius.
Obstacle Distance up to which the nearby walls have a bearing on the distance potential
distance (see “Defining global model parameters” on page 1038). Default 0.5 m.
Dynamic UseDynPot: Routing takes place along the path with the lowest estimated travel
potential time that pedestrians can take within a single level. Enables the input boxes for
the parameters of dynamic potential (see “Dynamic potential” on page 1139),
(see “Defining the Dynamic Potential for a static pedestrian route” on page
Alternatively, open the Pedestrian Route Location window for a route location that is an
intermediate point or destination. To do so, in the Network editor, right-click the route
location of your choice. Then on the shortcut menu, click Edit.
Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).
In the Route locations list, in addition to the attributes described above, you can show and edit
the following attributes:
Long name Short name Description
Dynamic potential - cal- CalcInt (see “Defining the Dynamic Potential for a
culation interval static pedestrian route” on page 1141)
Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).
The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
Pedestrian Classes (see “Attributes of pedestrian classes” on page 1046)
Pedestrian routes (static)
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.
3. Enter the desired data.
The data is allocated.
Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).
The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
Route locations
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.
3. Enter the desired data.
The data is allocated.
Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).
Column Description
DecModel Decision model: Defines when the route choice affects
pedestrians of the pedestrian routing decision area.
Area walked on: The route choice affects passengers only
in the time step during which the passenger walks in the par-
tial routing decision area.
Each time step: The route choice affects passengers from
the time step in which they step into the partial routing
decision area until the time step when they leave the area.
KirchExp Kirchhoff exponent for dynamic route choice with the criterion
Travel time
LogitDenom Logit - Denominator for dynamic route choice with the criterion
Count, Density or Travel time
LogitRecipNum Logit of reciprocal - numerator for dynamic route choice with the
criterion Count, Density or Travel time
RouteChoiceMeth Route choice method for partial pedestrian routes (see
“Defining partial routing decisions of a pedestrian” on page
RoutChoiceAreaCombMeth Combination method for the route choice methods with the
criteria of Count and Density (see “Route choice method using
the Quantity criterion” on page 1121), (see “Route choice
method using the Density criterion” on page 1123)
The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.
Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).
2. On the Network editor toolbar, click the Show route bundle for area/ramp button .
The icon is selected. An arrow band is displayed for each pedestrian route that is directly
or indirectly related to the selected area or ramp. You can select another area or ramp and
display its route bundle.
3. If you no longer want to display route bundles, double-click in the Network Editor.
You can also first enable the Show route bundle for area/ramp button and then
select the desired area or ramp.
Alternatively, you can display the route bundle by right-clicking on the area or ramp
and clicking Show route bundle for area/ramp on the shortcut menu.
You can specify that you need not press the CTRL key when adding network objects
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).
For some network objects there are windows in which the attributes of a network
object can be defined and edited. There are lists for this, for all network objects. You
can choose whether you want to open a window, a list or neither of the two for the defin-
ition of network objects in the Network Editor (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195).
You can define the pedestrian attribute decision and allocate it to one of the following network
Moving walkway
Attr Attribute Click the symbol: Select the pedestrian attribute for
which a value is to be set or taken from a distribution defined
in Vissim. The Attribute is not dependent on the time inter-
val or pedestrian class. The Attribute can be a user-defined
attribute (see “Using user-defined attributes” on page 260).
DecType Decision Value: Enables the Value box, disables the Distribution
type (Distr) box.
Distribution: Enables the Distribution (Distr) box, dis-
ables the Value box.
Value Value Value to which the attribute is set. Only enabled if the Value
is set in theDecision type attribute.
Distr Distribution Defined distribution in Vissim to which the Attribute is set.
Only enabled if the Distribution is set in theDecision type
TimeFrom Time from Start of the time interval during which the pedestrian attribute
decision is valid (in simulation seconds)
TimeTo Time to End of the time interval during which the pedestrian attribute
decision is valid (in simulation seconds)
Area Area Number of the area that the pedestrian attribute decision is
allocated to
Elevator Elevator Number of the elevator that the pedestrian attribute decision
is allocated to
Ramp Ramp/Stairs Number of the ramp or stairway that the pedestrian attribute
decision is allocated to
x x x-offset to the center of the rectangle surrounding the area,
ramp, stairway or elevator
y y y-offset to the center of the rectangle surrounding the area
Using dynamic potential or travel time based partial routes for a level
There are many use cases where you can apply both methods. Experience has shown that in
some cases partial routes may be the better method, whereas in other cases dynamic potential
should be preferred. There are use cases for which both methods lead equally to the results
desired and others in which neither do.
When modeling scenarios, partial routes can be used for discrete choices. Partial routes are
discrete, whereas the dynamic potential is continuous in several respects.
When modeling continuous choices, you should opt for the dynamic potential method.
The dynamic potential supports lane formation in pedestrian flows, in particular on ramps.
You are modeling a large number of pedestrians at, for example, a 90° corner, using the dynamic
potential method. If there are also several service points in the corner, the selected quantity
becomes discrete. For these routes, you can use partial routes because the distance from the
starting point to the individual service points is different.
: Direction of the desired speed (unit vector): from which the multiplication of the desired
walking speed results in the current desired walking speed. is obtained from the Static
Potential or Dynamic Potential or a linear combination of both values.
Using the Static Potential in Vissim always points in the direction of the path with the shortest
Using the Dynamic Potential points in the direction of the path with shortest time according to
the current estimation. This may not be the absolutely right direction of the path with the shortest
time in terms of analytics. Due to the fact that in reality pedestrians are often confused regarding
which direction at the current time can lead them to their destination the quickest, it is not a big
problem that the actual direction of the quickest path cannot be precisely calculated. Therefore,
the hypothetical assumption that the direction of the path with the shortest time is known in the
simulation and hence the behavior of each pedestrian is optimal, is probably not realistic.
Impact parameter (see “Defining the Dynamic Potential for a static pedestrian route” on page
1141), (see “Dynamic potential attributes” on page 1142): The value for the direction of the
path with the shortest distance and the value for the direction of the path with the shortest
s q
time. The value is derived therefrom. and are included in accordance with the value
of the impact parameter as a weighting.
Tip: You will find further information in the document Quickest Paths in Simulations of
Pedestrians, Kretz T., Große A. u.a., Karlsruhe, 2011
Regardless of whether points in the direction of the path with the shortest distance (Static
Potential is used, the Dynamic Potential is not used) or in the direction of the path with the
shortest time (the Dynamic Potential is used at 100 %), when calculating the first step is to
determine the values for the points of the grid which indicate either the distance or the estimated
remaining travel time from the respective point to the relevant distance area. The grid is
consistent with the potential. Since the distance from a grid point to the destination does not
change during the simulation run, the potential that provides the distance values, referred to as
static potential, acts as a "Look-up" table. In contrast, with the consideration of all pedestrians in
the network at the same time, the estimated remaining travel time to the destination changes
continuously for each grid point. Thus this potential is referred to as dynamic potential. If you
imagine the values of this potential as rising or increasing values, points in the direction of the
descent, which mathematically represents the (negative) gradient.
As soon as has been calculated based on the static or dynamic potential, the value is applied
in the driving force term. The total of the driving force and the social forces is included for
acceleration of the pedestrian in the respective time step.
Tip: Alternatively, you can define the dynamic potential for a ramp or stairway in the
Ramps & Stairways window on the Behavior tab (see “Attributes of ramps and stairs,
moving walkways and escalators” on page 1080).
You can also define the dynamic potential for a static pedestrian route (see “Defining the Dynamic
Potential for a static pedestrian route” on page 1141).
Element Description
Impact Deviation from the static potential. Factor influencing ealpha for weighting
when calculating the path selection (see “Description of the method Dynamic
Potential” on page 1140).
Standard value 100 % = Pedestrians follow the direction which is cal-
culated on the basis of the Dynamic Potential.
0 % = Pedestrians follow the direction which is calculated on the basis of
the Static Potential.
The angles inbetween are obtained from the values inbetween. A useful
impact depends on the value of the basic force g.
Calculation Time interval after which the potential in each case should be updated.
interval As the dynamic potential requires a lot of calculation time, an extension of the
calculation interval can ensure an acceptable simulation speed with a slow
computer and a lot of active dynamic potential attributes. However, a shorter
calculation interval improves the results.
If the pedestrian route is part of a pedestrian link, select a sufficiently short
calculation interval. If the calculation interval is too large, pedestrians cannot
walk around vehicles parked along the route or they have to take an
unnecessary detour.
g (basic Defines how the delay for occupied grid cells is estimated in relation to
force) unoccupied ones, when a pedestrian must walk around a group of
pedestrians, forming a circle or square, and there are no obstacles that could
extend the path (see “Defining global model parameters” on page 1038).
Default value for g = 1.5.
Basic force g = 1.5 and impact 100%: Pedestrians no longer want to use
the fastest path and only react to other pedestrians in order to avoid col-
g > 3 and impact of approximately 100% or only slightly below can lead to
unrealistic behavior of pedestrians, for example, to zig-zag movements or
stopping short.
If the effect of a dynamic potential with an impact of 100% also appears
too weak, increase the value of the parameter g. Do not enter an impact
over 100%.
Basic force g = 0: estimated delay = 0. Impacts simulation as if the
dynamic potential was switched off. The estimated travel time is pro-
portional to the remaining path distance. Thus, routing is more likely to
take place along the shortest path. Pedestrians only react to other ped-
estrians in order to avoid collisions.
Basic force g = 1: the estimated delay is as long as the time it takes to
cross this cell in the unoccupied state, i.e. the required time is doubled.
Element Description
h (direction Influence of the direction of movement of a pedestrian on the calculation of the
impact) dynamic potential (see “Defining global model parameters” on page 1038).
Default = 0.7
h = 0.0: There is no influence.
h = 1.0: Pedestrians, moving at a free walking speed, are evaluated
depending on the direction of the geographically shortest path to the route
destination for which the dynamic potential is activated:
not evaluated if they move in the exact direction of the route des-
evaluated twice if they move in the exact opposite direction to the route
evaluated once if they move in the exact orthogonal direction to the
route destination
Slower pedestrians in the direction of the destination are graded less
than once accordingly.
Slower pedestrians away from the destination are graded between
once and twice.
h > 1.0: only useful in exceptional cases. Thus a negative value cannot be
Tip: Network files, including examples, can be found in the directory ..\Documents\PTV
Vision\PTV Viswalk 2022\Queuing:
04 Service Points.inpx
04 Service Points 2.inpx
pedestrians will choose the queue with the shortest waiting time. However, it is not easy to tell
which one that is, particularly when there is a large number of service points and/or queues,
e.g. at supermarket checkouts or ticket gates. The Queue attribute of the area in front of the
service points must be selected. The areas are thus turned into queue areas.
Individual pedestrians walking by are asked to stop for a minute, e.g. to answer a few
questions in a questionnaire. Afterwards, they continue their route.
You can also model pedestrians who wait in a central area and then go to the service points
where queues may occur.
Effects on routing
Pedestrians affected by this partial routing decision can be influenced in their routing behavior as
Routing to a central queue in the area containing a partial routing decision. This area must be
a queue area. The waiting time refers to the area containing a partial routing decision.
Direct routing to a queue in a queue area. The area where the partial routing decision is made
must not be a queue area. At least one of the service points should not have reached its max-
imum number of waiting pedestrians in order to allow pedestrians to join the queue. You can
enter them as Proceed to service point if no more than __ people are queuing there
parameter of the partial routing decision. If all queues are longer, the partial routing decision is
ignored and the pedestrian ignores the service points.
The service point is the first queue area on the course of the route that includes an intermediate
point of the partial route.
Typically, the queue threshold nis as follows: Proceed to service point if no more than __
people are queuing there = 0.
This ensures that there is no queue at the service point.
Use case 2: Immediate service point allocation Queue option is not selected
Typically, the queue threshold nis as follows: Proceed to service point if no more than __
people are queuing there = 99.
This ensures that all pedestrians join a queue.
Scenario 3: Survey/interview
Typically, the queue threshold nis as follows: Proceed to service point if no more than __
people are queuing there = 0.
This ensures that there is no queue at the service point.
For a pedestrian to be able to see the partial route, an intermediate point of the pedestrian's
original route must be positioned in the area where the partial routing decision is made. This
area is therefore a decision area. It is not necessary to select the Queue attribute for this area
(see “Attributes of areas” on page 1065).
Pedestrians on a route without an intermediate point in the decision area are not affected by a
partial routing decision. These pedestrians are not going to a service point.
If pedestrians are supposed to go to the service points, each partial route must have an inter-
mediate point in the area for which the Queue attribute (queue area) was selected. This way,
a queue can be built in this area.
For a central queue, the partial routing decision must be made in a queue area.
For immediate service point allocation, the partial routing decision must not be made in a
queue area.
Each queue area must be assigned a wait time distribution via the Time distribution attribute
(see “Attributes of areas” on page 1065).
If the decision area is a queue area with dwell time distribution, the following applies:
The first pedestrian waits until his waiting time at the decision area has expired. In this case, a
wait time distribution must be defined via the Time distribution attribute (see “Attributes of
areas” on page 1065).
The first pedestrian waiting continues his way. If there are service points where queues may
occur, he will continue his way toward the "best" queue, which is the shortest one. At least at
one of the service points should have a queue with no more than n waiting pedestrians. You
define this number in the attribute Proceed to service point if no more than __ people are
queuing there.. If all the queues are full, the pedestrian waits until queue space at one of the
service points opens up.
If people are queuing on or after a while in front of a decision area, pedestrians, whose ped-
estrian class is not affected by the partial routing, are also affected by the queuing, if an inter-
mediate point of their pedestrian route is part of the decision area. These pedestrians also
wait in the same queue until they have reached the decision area, wait the wait time defined in
the time distribution, however, do not go to a service point but continue with their original
If the decision area is a queue area without dwell time distribution, the following applies:
If people are queuing on or after a while in front of a decision area, pedestrians, pedestrians only
queue until they have reached the decision area. They then continue with their original route.
If the decision area is not a queue area, but a time distribution is defined, the following
A pedestrian of an affected pedestrian class waits until his dwell time has expired and then
continues his way.
Note: For each partial route, only the first waiting area after the routing decision is taken
into account. Additional waiting areas on the course of the partial route are ignored.
Note: Viswalk then internally generates the pedestrian inputs and routing decisions
including static pedestrian routes, if these are not available for the origin-destination
relation. Thereby the volumes entered are taken into account.
Tip: Alternatively you can select Always use as origin area and/or Always use as
destination area for an area (see “Attributes of areas” on page 1065). Thus the area in
the Pedestrian OD Matrix is shown as an origin area and/or destination area.
Vissim does not check if a pedestrian input and a routing decision are in the area.
In the area, neither a pedestrian input nor a routing decision is generated.
Tip: You can copy and paste the entries and the matrix via the shortcut menu (see
“Defining the pedestrian demand in the Pedestrian OD Matrix” on page 1151).
If you position two routing decisions for different pedestrian classes on a origin area, the
origin area is deleted from the origin-destination matrix. If you open the Pedestrian OD
matrix window, a message is displayed.
The total input volume is the total of all input volumes of an origin area for a time interval.
The pedestrian inputs of an area may consist of different pedestrian compositions (see
“Modeling pedestrian inputs” on page 1104). The program does not distinguish between
different pedestrian types or pedestrian compositions for the total of pedestrian inputs.
The routing decision of the origin area applies to selected pedestrian classes and/or all
pedestrian types (see “Static pedestrian routes, partial pedestrian routes and pedestrian
routing decisions” on page 1108). For each OD relation there may be several routes from
the routing decision to a destination area. The relative volumes of such parallel routes are
added in the pedestrian OD matrix.
The matrix value of a cell includes:
Note: You can perform a simulation if one of the following conditions is met:
The matrix cell value is = 0 as the input value for the origin area in a time interval is 0.
The matrix cell is empty as there is no pedestrian input or pedestrian routing decision
in the origin area, but the option Always use as origin area has been selected for
the area (see “Defining construction elements as rectangles” on page 1057).
Matrices must not be symmetrical.
The dimensions of a matrix are the same for all time intervals.
You may enter values or paste values (e.g. from Microsoft Excel tables used in other programs)
from the Clipboard.
The volume per OD relation applies only for the currently selected time interval of the
An input value cannot be allocated multiple marked OD relations.
Entering values
1. Enter the desired volumes in pedestrian/h.
2. If you would like to copy values, mark the desired cells.
3. Right-click in the window.
4. On the shortcut menu, click the desired entry.
Element Description
Copy Copy the matrix data of the entire matrix onto the clipboard in order to be able to
matrix add it into another time interval or document. The table structure is applied. The
labels of the rows and columns are not applied.
Copy Copy the entire matrix onto the clipboard in order to be able to add it to a
matrix document. This contains all matrix data including the labels of rows and columns
incl. as well as the grid structure.
The value for this relation is applied only for the currently shown time interval.
If for this relation no values have been entered in another time interval, the value zero is auto-
matically entered for this time interval.
If values are entered for this relation in other time intervals, the values remain unchanged.
Since an area cannot be simultaneously used as an origin and destination, no values are entered
in these areas. These areas are gray.
1. Make sure that you have copied the correct values of your choice to the clipboard.
2. In the pedestrian OD matrix, right-click the cell used to copy & paste the values to the cell
below and to the right.
3. On the shortcut menu, click Create.
A warning is issued. If the content of the selected cells are deleted, the demand data of all
other time intervals of these OD relations are also deleted. If for the selected OD relation you
would only like to delete the volume for the current time interval, enter 0 in the cell.
a train or a bus. You can easily model such a scenario with waiting areas, platform edges and
definitions of the number of boarding and alighting passengers. (see “Quick start guide: Defining
pedestrians as PT passengers” on page 1157).
You model public transport stops, PT vehicles as well as the associated PT lines by default using
the relevant network objects (see “Modeling PT stops” on page 605), (see “Using vehicle types”
on page 324), (see “Modeling PT lines” on page 612).
be used. Boarding passengers wait in the waiting area of the relevant public transport stop. For
this waiting area to be reached by the passenger, the destination of a pedestrian route must lie on
The boarding passenger numbers per PT stop result in the PT line with which the waiting pas-
sengers want to travel. Once a vehicle from one of these PT lines stops at the PT stop, the
passengers walk directly to the nearest door. The pedestrians start to board once all alighting
passengers have left the vehicle.
Passengers can enter until the door is half closed.
If, depending on the attributes Door lock duration before departure and Door closure
delay of the PT line stop and the Door closure duration of the vehicle type, nobody has
entered the vehicle, it will leave the PT stop as soon as the departure time is reached. The
departure time is based on the timetable or the predefined stopped delay. The degree of
Slack time fraction of the PT line is taken into account for the scheduled departure time.
You can select the distribution among the doors in the attribute Boarding location of ped-
estrian area for boarding passengers, and in the PT line stop parameters for alighting pas-
sengers (see “Editing a PT line stop” on page 620). Therein, you specify with the option Late
boarding possible, how a PT vehicle, whose departure time is either prescribed by a sched-
ule or a predetermined time, should respond to a never-ending stream of boarding pas-
If a pedestrian is unable to board a PT vehicle, for example for vehicle capacity reasons, the
pedestrian returns to a waiting area.
Default settings are generated for boarding passengers if a public transport stop is assigned
to a waiting area or a platform edge for which no boarding passenger share is specified. Due
to these default settings, each pedestrian who comes to a waiting area of this public transport
stop boards the next PT vehicle that stops.
If you have not created a door for a vehicle, a door is added temporarily in the middle of the
vehicle. Thus pedestrians can still board and alight. They are informed of this via a warning in
the trace file.
1. Add a Link (in the figure, amber with arrows) (see “Defining links” on page 489).
2. Add a Public transport stop (in the figure, with a red outline) (see “Defining PT stops” on
page 606).
3. Add an area next to the Public transport stop and select the attribute Platform edge or add a
Platform edge for the public transport stop in the network editor (see “Adding platform edges”
on page 611).
If there is more than one level, Viswalk tries to determine the correct level according to the
height of the link.
When defining the platform edge, the attribute Public transport usage > Platform edge is
selected for the network object Area of the platform edge, and the number of PT stops is
entered for the attribute for PT stops. As a result, Viswalk calculates the occupancy level of
the vehicle which departs from the stop from the number of passengers which have actually
boarded the vehicle during the pedestrian simulation, and not from the number of boarding
4. Define a Public transport line (in the figure, the blue line) (see “Defining PT lines” on page
5. Edit the PT Line Stop Parameters (see “Editing a PT line stop” on page 620):
Note: When you import an *.fds file, Viswalk will not support the name list group &mult
and its functions. Viswalk further ignores “meshes” defined this way in FDS.
You can specify that you need not press the CTRL key when adding network objects
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).
For some network objects there are windows in which the attributes of a network
object can be defined and edited. There are lists for this, for all network objects. You
can choose whether you want to open a window, a list or neither of the two for the defin-
ition of network objects in the Network Editor (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195).
The Open window opens. In the next step, you can select an *.fds file of the version FDS 5 or
FDS 6.
4. Select the *.fds file of your choice.
5. Click the Open button.
The fire event is positioned in the network editor and is selected.
6. Edit the attributes (see “Fire event attributes” on page 1160).
7. Select the desired graphic parameters for the display of the fire event (see “Graphic
parameters for visualizing fire events” on page 218).
Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).
Other columns contain specific FDS data. The names of the columns correspond to FDS
conventions. The short name and the long name are identical. When you open the *.inpx network
file, the relevant data is read from the *.fds file specified in the FDS Filename attribute.
Name Description
FDS_CHID Prefix for the file name of the result file
FDS_DT Time interval, sets FDS by default to: Size of a grid cell / flow velocity
Name Description
FDS_DT_ Time interval during which FDS data were saved in the *.fds file, default value in
PL3D FDS: 1000000 s
FDS_ Maximum visibility, default value in FDS: 30 m
FDS_T_ Start time of simulation from FDS, optional, default value in FDS: 0
FDS_T_END Duration of FDS simulation, default value in FDS: 1 s
FDS_ Constant C is used as a factor for the calculation of visibility. Default value in
VISIBILITY_ FDS: 30 (no unit). As the value decreases, the perception as a reflective object
FACTOR increases, with a higher value as an object that emits light.
Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).
Other columns contain specific FDS data. The names of the columns correspond to FDS
conventions. The short name and the long name are identical. When you open the *.inpx network
file, the relevant data is read from the *.fds file specified in the FDS Filename attribute.
Name Description
FDS_ID Optional identification number for the FDS mesh from the *.fds file
FDS_I Number of cells in x-direction
FDS_J Number of cells in y-direction
FDS_K Number of cells in z-direction
The elevator is a network object that in the 2D mode is defined and displayed as a rectangular
network object (1) (see “Defining elevators” on page 1166). The rectangle contains a shaft and a
cab (2). The elevator cab moves in the shaft. There is a distance of 30 cm (brown area) between
the exterior wall of the shaft and the cab. The floor of the elevator has a thickness of 10 cm. The
shaft is displayed based on the attribute Shaft display type of the elevator.
The elevator cab holds passengers. The cab is part of the elevator, not a separate network
object. You can use the following elevator attributes to define the display of the cab: Floor
display type, Ceiling display type, Wall display type (see “Elevator attributes” on page
1167). The elevator attributes contain additional attributes for the cab, e.g. cab height or
capacity. In the cab, a specific walking behavior prevails (see “Walking behavior of
pedestrians when using elevators” on page 1165).
The door is part of the elevator. It is not a separate network object. You can define a door
for each of the four cab walls (in the figure on bottom wall). The door is displayed as a thin
line in the middle of the wall. The door is positioned automatically:
within the first wall of the elevator, when in the Network editor, you create the rectangle
for the elevator (see “Defining elevators” on page 1166).
within the bottom wall of the elevator, when in the Network editor, on the shortcut
menu, you click Add New Elevator. By default, the elevator is square.
You can define the display of the door through the Door display type attribute of the
elevator (see “Elevator attributes” on page 1167). Width and horizontal position of the door
within the elevator wall can be defined via the door attributes Width and Center offset
(horizontal) (see “Elevator door attributes” on page 1168).
In the attribute Active levels (ActLvls), you can assign the elevator door the levels you
want it to stop on and open the door (see “Elevator attributes” on page 1167). The door
only opens on the levels you have selected.
During simulation, the animated door is opened and closed based on the elevator attribute
Motion state. Shaft door and cab door are displayed as one single door.
Elevator group
An Elevator group consists of elevators that you can call (see “Defining an elevator group” on
page 1169). Each elevator must be assigned to an Elevator group (see “Attributes of elevator
groups” on page 1169). To do so, select the desired elevator group for the elevator attribute
Elevator group (ElevGrp) (see “Elevator attributes” on page 1167).
All elevators of an elevator group must be able to stop on the same level. To enable this, in the
attribute Active levels (ActLvls), you can assign the door of each elevator the levels you want it
to stop on and open the door (see “Elevator attributes” on page 1167). Each level assigned must
have a Waiting area.
Waiting area
Pedestrians need an area in which they can wait for the elevator. For this area, in the attribute
Waiting area for elevator group, select the number of the elevator group with the elevators the
pedestrians are waiting for (see “Attributes of areas” on page 1065). The waiting area can be an
area the pedestrians use to enter or exit the elevator or another area they can reach via areas,
ramps & stairs. This area must not contain a pedestrian input.
Walkable area
The door must be located at or within a walkable area, so that pedestrians can enter and exit the
elevator cab. Otherwise, the simulation will not start. There must be a walkable area on each level
the elevator can stop at and pedestrians are supposed to enter or exit the elevator cab.
An elevator must service at least two levels. All elevators of an elevator group must be able to
stop on the same level. To enable this, in the attribute Active levels (ActLvls), you can assign
the door of the elevator the levels you want it to stop on and open the door (see “Elevator
attributes” on page 1167). The door only opens on the levels you have selected.
An elevator stops at a level in the following cases:
when pedestrians wish to alight: The pedestrian route or partial pedestrian route leads via
an area on this level or ends there.
when pedestrians wish to board: The pedestrian route or partial pedestrian route leads to
an area on another level where this elevator stops and can open the door. A waiting area
must be defined for the level the pedestrians are waiting on.
You can specify that you need not press the CTRL key when adding network objects
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).
For some network objects there are windows in which the attributes of a network
object can be defined and edited. There are lists for this, for all network objects. You
can choose whether you want to open a window, a list or neither of the two for the defin-
ition of network objects in the Network Editor (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195).
When you create an elevator, the cab area and area between the exterior of the shaft and cab are
automatically created. The elevator can be inserted into an area or next to it, with the door
adjacent to the area.
1. On the network object sidebar, click Elevators.
2. In the Network editor, point the mouse pointer to the desired position of the first corner point of
the elevator.
In a next step, you define the first wall of the elevator. A door is automatically added to the first
wall you define. The size of the elevator must be at least twice the wall thickness. Make sure
that the elevator is sufficiently large.
3. Press the CTRL key, hold down the right mouse button and drag the mouse pointer to second
corner point of your choice.
4. Release the keys.
5. Drag the corner point open to the desired width or vertically to the desired depth.
6. Double-click.
Elevator, shaft and doors are displayed in the Network editor. The elevator is selected.
Tip: Alternatively, in the Network editor, on the shortcut menu, click Add New Elevator.
By default, a square elevator is added and selected. Using the anchor points, you can drag
the elevator open the desired size.
The elevator is automatically assigned to the elevator group with the lowest number. If no
elevator group has been defined, Vissim will create one.
7. Edit the attributes of the elevator (see “Elevator attributes” on page 1167).
8. Edit the attributes of the area that is meant to be the elevator waiting area (see “Attributes of
areas” on page 1065).
9. Confirm with OK.
The attributes are saved to the elevator list.
By default, the display types are based on the display types selected as default in the network
settings (see “Network settings for standard types of elevators and elevator groups” on page 257).
Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).
The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
Points: edit coordinates of the corners
Doors (see “Elevator door attributes” on page 1168)
The attributes are described further above.
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.
3. Enter the desired data.
Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).
Tips: The Elevator groups list may also be displayed via the following functions:
Call it from the Elevators list: Right-click an elevator in the Elevators list and on
the shortcut menu, click Show Elevator Group List. If Synchronization is activ-
ated in the toolbar of the Elevators list , the elevator group that the elevator is
allocated to will be chosen from Elevator groups list.
Call it from the network editor, if an elevator is defined in the network editor: Right-
click an elevator and on the shortcut menu, click Show Elevator Group List. If
Synchronization is activated in the toolbar of the Elevator groups list , the
elevator group that the elevator is allocated to will be chosen from Elevator
groups list.
The attribute and attribute values of this network object type are shown in the list on the left, which
consists of two coupled lists.
The list on the left may include the following attributes:
Long name Short name Description
Number No Unique number of the elevator group
Name Name Name of elevator group
Acceleration Accel Value for acceleration and deceleration of
elevator cabs in shaft [m/s²] assigned to
this elevator group
Maximum speed MaxSpeed Maximum speed of elevator cab assigned
to this elevator group [m/s]
Door motion duration DoorMotionDur Time [s] to open the elevator doors of
cabs assigned to this elevator group. This
also applies for the closing of elevator
Door closure delay DoorClosDel Time [s] after which a pedestrian must
have cleared the elevator door and the
door begins to close. In reality, the time
after which the light barrier is no longer
Door hold time (min- DoorHoldTmMin Minimum time [s] the door must remain
imum) open when cab stops at a level.
Main landing level MainLvl Number of level on which the elevator
cabs assigned to this elevator group are
when the simulation is started
Area behavior type (in AreaBehavTypInCab Area behavior type used by pedestrians
cab) in the cab
Area behavior type AreaBehavTypAlight Area behavior type used by pedestrians
(alighting) when alighting from the cab
Pedestrians who wish to board the elevator may form queues in front of the elevator door and let
the pedestrians pass who want to alight the elevator. These queues are formed to the left and
By default, the area behavior types are based on the area behavior types selected as default in
the network settings (see “Network settings for standard types of elevators and elevator groups”
on page 257).
Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).
The list on the right contains attributes and attribute values of network objects, and/or base data
allocated to the network object selected in the list on the left (see “Using coupled lists” on page
Elevators: attributes of the elevators assigned to this elevator group (see “Elevator attributes”
on page 1167)
Waiting areas: areas for which the attribute Waiting area for elevator group has been selec-
ted (see “Attributes of areas” on page 1065)
2. On the list toolbar, in the Relations list, click the desired entry.
3. Enter the desired data.
You can specify that you need not press the CTRL key when adding network objects
(see “Right-click behavior and action after creating an object” on page 195).
For some network objects there are windows in which the attributes of a network
object can be defined and edited. There are lists for this, for all network objects. You
can choose whether you want to open a window, a list or neither of the two for the defin-
ition of network objects in the Network Editor (see “Right-click behavior and action
after creating an object” on page 195).
4. Click.
Per default, a green dot is inserted. The Pedestrian Travel Time Measurements list opens.
Note: In lists, you can use the Attribute selection icon to show and hide attribute
values (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).
5 Results
You can configure object-specific evaluations for recording the results data from the simulation
runs. Depending on the evaluation, the results can be displayed or visualized in different output
formats and media.
Note: Some output options and individual evaluation results may only be available with
add-on modules. You need a license to use the add-on modules.
If you wish to display the result data of evaluations in a database, you must configure the
database connection (see “Configuring the database connection for evaluations” on page 1241),
(see “Saving evaluations in databases” on page 1245).
Tip: You can also show result attributes of simulations in diagrams (see “Creating charts”
on page 1316).
1. Define basic settings for managing result data: Configure whether to keep or overwrite results
from previous simulation runs, add new columns to lists, use a file or database as the target for
automatic storage, and optionally define a percentile (see “Managing results” on page 1314).
2. On the Evaluation menu, click the desired entry:
Configuration: Opens the Evaluation Configuration window with the following tabs that
allow you to make basic settings for result data management and evaluations:
Evaluation output directory box: By default, the path to the evaluation output directory,
the directory to which the currently opened network file *.inpx is saved. If you are using
Scenario Management and a scenario has been opened, you can view the path to the dir-
ectory in which the scenario is saved.
Result Management tab: Under Result Management, make the basic settings for man-
aging result data before you configure Result Attributes or the Direct Output and start
the simulation.
Result Attributes tab: Select evaluations which you wish to display in attribute lists or res-
ult lists (see “Configuring evaluations of the result attributes for lists” on page 1186)
Direct Output tab: Select evaluations which you wish to save to a file or database (see
“Configuring evaluations for direct output” on page 1240)
Emissions tab: Bosch emissions calculation active: Activates the Bosch emissions
calculation at the end of the simulation run for all vehicles with an emission class that
drove on links with active emission calculation (see “Calculate accurate emissions with
Bosch Cloud Service” on page 1180). You can record calculation results in the following
in the link evaluation per link segment (see “Showing data from links in lists” on page
aggregated for the entire network in the Vehicle network performance (see “Vehicle
network performance : Displaying network performance results (vehicles) in result
lists” on page 1191).
3. Confirm with OK.
Measurement definition: Opens a respective list with static attributes for the definition of the
following measurements:
In the Data Collection Measurements list, select Data Collection Points (see “Defining a
data collection measurement in lists” on page 1310), (see “Generating data collection
measurements in lists” on page 1311).
In the Delay Measurements list, select Vehicle travel time measurements (see “Defining
delay measurement in lists” on page 1312), (see “Generating delay measurements in lists”
on page 1312).
In the Area measurements list, select sections (see “Defining an area measurement in
lists” on page 1309), (see “Generating area measurements in lists” on page 1310).
4. If you have configured evaluations and wish to create result data from a simulation, start the
simulation (see “Running a simulation” on page 997).
The evaluations are generated and, depending on your settings in the selected program
elements, they can be shown or saved to files or databases.
5. If you have configured evaluations for network objects, whose results can be displayed in
windows or result lists, on the Evaluation menu, click the entry of your choice:
Window: Opens a window with result attributes of the simulation for the chosen evaluation
Signal Times Table, SC detector record or Signal changes (see “Showing evaluations in
windows” on page 1307)
Result lists: opens a list with result attributes from the simulation for the selected evaluation
(see “Showing result attributes in result lists” on page 1188)
By default, the currently selected units for distances, speeds, accelerations, decel-
erations are taken into account for the evaluation (see “Selecting network settings for
units” on page 256). You can also choose the unit for attribute values in the attribute
selection list in the Format column (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for
columns of a list” on page 152).
Some attributes use different units. These are specified in the evaluation.
If the script files change attributes that are used in evaluations, the changed values are
saved to the evaluations.
There are result data that are only updated at the end of a time interval or simulation
run. If you end the simulation run prematurely, e.g. by clicking the Simulation stop
button , the result attributes of the current time interval will not be updated by
Signal times table (see “Showing signal times table in a window” on page 1302)
Result Lists: Result lists contain the values of the attributes Simulation run and Time inter-
val as well as the data of network object-specific attributes. You can save a result list to an
attribute file *.att.
The table under the following list shows the output options for the result data of each evaluation:
TXT: save directly to *.txt file
MDB: save directly to *.db file
ATT: Show result attributes in lists and if desired, save to *.att file
Window: display in a window in Vissim
Note: Due to the stochastic nature of the simulation, random fluctuations occur in the
results of the individual simulation runs. A more reliable assertion is only reached through
averaging the results of a sufficient number of simulation runs with different random seeds.
Note: For emission calculations you need add-on modules (see “Overview of add-on
modules” on page 33). You must have a license for an add-on module.
The add- on module Emissions without the add- on module Bosch allows to open Vissim
networks containing results of Bosch emissions calculations and to display these results. In
addition, the defined emission class distributions and the predefined emission classes can be
If Vissim cannot clearly assign a vehicle type defined in HBEFA to a Bosch emission class in the
emission class distribution, Vissim distributes the share of this vehicle type to the other emission
classes in the distribution.
Messages in Vissim for Bosch emission calculation can contain comma separated values of the
attributes of the emission classes. These are displayed in the following order: Vehicle category,
Emission vehicle class, Emission stage, Fuel type, Size class, Use class. If no value is set for an
attribute, the message displays ", - ," at this point.
The emission calculation takes into account that, depending on the fuel type of the engine, the
exhaust tract of a vehicle will not reach operating temperature until some time after the vehicle
has entered the Vissim network. This also applies to vehicles that pull out forward after parking.
The time period can be up to approximately two minutes. In addition, the emission calculation
takes into account that the exhaust tract of public transport vehicles is warm when they are
waiting at stops. If you want to ensure that the exhaust tract is already at operating temperature
when the vehicle enters the area of the Vissim network where you want to have emissions
calculated for these vehicles, extend the link on which the vehicle will be inserted upstream and
position the vehicle input accordingly. This applies in the dynamic assignment accordingly for the
origin parking lot.
and EnViVer Enterprise for Vissim , please contact PTV GROUP under the following e- mail
address: [email protected]. For information on the products, please refer to the website
of the provider TNO (
EmissionModel.dll file
For the calculation of emissions, you can access the file EmissionModel.dll (see “Accessing
EmissionModel.dll for the calculation of emissions” on page 1371) . You must provide the
EmissionModel.dll. It is not part of Vissim. The following data is transferred via the interface for all
vehicles and each simulation time step:
ID numbers
Vehicle types
COM interface
To calculate emissions, you can create your own scripts and/or integrate your own applications
into Vissim. Using the COM interface, for each time step, you can access all Vissim attributes, e.g.
position, speed and acceleration of the vehicles (see “Using the COM Interface” on page 1368).
Note: For the Bosch emissions calculation you need the add-on modules Emissions and
Bosch. You must have a license for an add-on module.
First read the description of the emission calculation (see “Calculate accurate emis-
sions with Bosch Cloud Service” on page 1180)
A Vissim network with predefined emission class distributions for typical fleet com-
positions based on HBEFA can be found by default in the installed example data dir-
ectory of your Vissim installation. From this network you can additionally read the
emission class distributions into your Vissim network (see “Reading a network addi-
tionally” on page 442).
You can additionally read the emission class distributions from the example network
into your Vissim network (see “Reading a network additionally” on page 442). Check
whether predefined emission class distributions in the example network meet your
requirements. Import only necessary distributions. This reduces the time required for
the import.
1. If the emission class distributions from the example network do not meet your requirements,
you can define new emission class distributions and specify the desired proportion of emission
classes in each of them (see “Defining emission class distributions” on page 312).
2. Assign the appropriate emission class distribution to each vehicle type for which emissions are
to be calculated (see “Configuring emission calculation for a vehicle type” on page 331).
3. If your vehicles are to enter the area of the Vissim network where you want to have emissions
calculated for these vehicles with the exhaust tract already warm, extend the link on which the
vehicle will be inserted upstream and position the vehicle input accordingly. This applies in the
dynamic assignment accordingly for the origin parking lot.
4. From the Evaluation menu, choose > Configuration.
The Evaluation Configuration window opens.
5. Click the Emissions tab.
6. Activate the Bosch emissions calculation active option.
Do not perform the following step inside areas of your Vissim network where you want to have
emissions calculated, but only outside these areas. Otherwise, the trajectory would be
interrupted and the vehicle's exhaust tract would be classified as "cold" by the Bosch Cloud
when reaching a link that is again more active for the emission calculation.
7. If you want to switch off emission calculation for individual links or connectors, deactivate the
attribute Emissions calculation of link or connecting link (see “Attributes of links” on page
492), (see “Attributes of connectors” on page 506).
8. If you want to collect the calculated emissions aggregated per link segment, select the Links
evaluation and the option Collect link results > per link segment (see “Showing data from
links in lists” on page 1234).
9. If you want to collect the calculated emissions aggregated for the entire network, select the
Vehicle network performance evaluation (see “Vehicle network performance : Displaying
network performance results (vehicles) in result lists” on page 1191).
10. If you want to visualize results as a color scheme on links in the network editor, select the
classification for segments in the graphic parameters of links in the Color scheme
configuration, the attribute of the emission calculation and the desired color scheme (see
“Assigning a color to links based on aggregated parameters” on page 229).
11. You can also visualize results as link bars (see “Graphic parameters for display of link bars
and lanes” on page 211),
12. You can also display results in charts (see “Creating charts” on page 1316).
13. Make sure you have an Internet connection.
14. Start the simulation (see “Selecting the number of simulation runs and starting simulation” on
page 1003).
15. Wait until the Bosch Cloud has transferred the calculation results to Vissim.
16. If you have configured evaluations, select the desired result list in the Lists > Results menu:
Network Performance (Vehicles) Results
Link Results
1. Ensure that the desired settings are defined for managing the result data (see “Managing
results” on page 1314)
2. From the Evaluation menu, choose > Configuration > Result Attributes tab.
3. Select the desired evaluations in the Collect data column.
4. Make the desired changes:
Element Description
Additionally col- Vehicle classes
lect data for
these classes Pedestrian Classes
By default, the data for all vehicle classes and pedestrian classes is
entered together. You can also show the data for certain vehicle classes
and/or pedestrian classes separately in the evaluation.
Collect data Select the desired evaluations before the simulation starts
From time Simulation seconds in which the evaluation is started
To time Simulation seconds in which the evaluation is finished
Interval Duration of the evaluation intervals in which the data is aggregated
More Evaluation-specific parameters. These are described in the individual
Vehicle travel times (see “Evaluating vehicle travel time meas-
urements” on page 1255)
Areas & Ramps (see “Evaluating pedestrian density and speed based
on areas” on page 1196)
Nodes (see “Evaluating nodes” on page 1278)
Links (see “Showing data from links in lists” on page 1234)
Queue counters (see “Showing results of queue counters in lists” on
page 1231)
In lists, you can use the Attribute selection button to show and hide attribute val-
ues (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for columns of a list” on page 152).
By default, the currently selected units for lengths, speeds, accelerations, decel-
erations are taken into account for the evaluation (see “Selecting network settings for
units” on page 256). You can also choose the unit for attribute values in the attribute
selection list in the Format column (see “Selecting attributes and subattributes for
columns of a list” on page 152).
Units that are shown in the list box or in the column header with the respective attribute
cannot be changed.
Tip: After the simulation, you can save lists manually or automatically to an attribute file .att
(see “List toolbar” on page 136).
Output ASCII file MDB table Attribute file from attribute list
OD pair results
Aggregated data - -
Raw data - - -
Show result attributes in attribute lists (see “Displaying result attributes in attribute lists” on
page 1189)
Show result attributes in a result list (see “Showing result attributes in result lists” on page
The result attributes are based on the destination parking lot and thus on the destination zone that
a vehicle reaches during simulation and where it is then removed from the network. The result
attributes are not based on the destination parking lot that is the vehicle's destination at the
beginning of the simulation.
Show result attributes in attribute lists (see “Displaying result attributes in attribute lists” on
page 1189)
Show result attributes in a result list (see “Showing result attributes in result lists” on page
If you calculate and display emissions based on emission classes, an Internet connection is
required to transfer the data at the end of the simulation run (see “Calculate accurate emissions
with Bosch Cloud Service” on page 1180).
The results list Vehicle network performance results contains the following attributes.
Emissions are specified in grams:
Show result attributes in attribute lists (see “Displaying result attributes in attribute lists” on
page 1189)
Show result attributes in a result list (see “Showing result attributes in result lists” on page
1. From the Evaluation menu, choose > Configuration > Result Attributes tab.
2. In the Areas & ramps row, select Collect data.
3. If desired, change the time and/or the interval (see “Configuring evaluations of the result
attributes for lists” on page 1186).
4. Confirm with OK.
Note: Grid-based evaluations requires a lot of memory. Make sure that approximately
1 GB of memory space is available.
You can determine the density and speed of pedestrians based on grid cells. You can also
visualize them based on grid cells. It, for instance, allows you to calculate, show and save an
average level-of-service image of multiple simulation runs. Density and speed data form the basis
of the LOS color scheme (see “Using LOS schemes for showing aggregated pedestrian values”
on page 236), (see “Assigning a color to areas based on aggregated parameters (LOS)” on page
232), (see “Assigning a color to ramps and stairs based on aggregated parameters (LOS)” on
page 239). In addition, you have the following options to evaluate pedestrian density and speed.
area-based (see “Evaluating pedestrian density and speed based on areas” on page 1196).
for each individual pedestrian In this case, density is based on the pedestrians that at the end
of an evaluation interval are located within a radius around a pedestrian (see “Showing ped-
estrians in the network in a list” on page 1018).
Density and speed are determined for the following network objects:
Pedestrian Areas
Ramps & Stairs
Links for which the attribute Is pedestrian area has been selected.
By default, the data for all pedestrian classes is entered together. You can also show the data for
certain pedestrian classes separately in the evaluation (see “Configuring evaluations of the result
attributes for lists” on page 1186).
Grid cells that are only partially on areas or ramps or are partially occupied by obstacles are not
considered walkable ground.
The position of the pedestrian is detected at the end of the time interval, for example in the time
interval 5 s to 6 s at 6 s and not already at the beginning at 5.1 s.
You can save the following data and data formats:
Output ASCII file MDB table Attribute file from attribute list
Area evaluation results or
Ramp results
Aggregated data - -
Raw data - - -
Show result attributes in attribute lists (see “Displaying result attributes in attribute lists” on
page 1189)
Show result attributes in a result list (see “Showing result attributes in result lists” on page
1. From the Evaluation menu, choose > Configuration > Result Attributes tab.
2. In the Pedestrian Grid Cells row, select Collect data.
Select the Collect data option to enable the recording of result attributes. If your next steps
are to click the More button, open the Pedestrian Grid Cells window and select Only last
interval, the data will not be saved and will therefore not be available outside of the simulation
run, but only during the simulation run for visualization of the data in a color scheme.
3. If desired, change the time and/or the interval (see “Configuring evaluations of the result
attributes for lists” on page 1186).
4. Click the More button.
The Pedestrian Grid Cells window opens.
5. Make the desired changes:
Element Description
Only last interval If the option is selected, evaluation of the pedestrian-grid cells
is performed exclusively based on the last time interval
completed. The values of the result attributes obtained from the
last time interval can be visualized in a color scheme for areas
and/or ramps & stairs. The values are not stored and will therefore
not be available outside of the simulation.
Cell size Edge length of a grid mesh. Value range 0.01 to max [m], default
value 1.00 m
Range of influence Number of pedestrian-grid cells in each direction (up, down, left,
right, diagonal) up until which pedestrians are considered for
density measurement. The resulting area created around each
pedestrian-grid cell is used by Vissim for the calculation of
average LOS. Value range 1 - 5
The figure shows the pedestrian grid cells that are taken into
account in the density measurement for a grid point when the
influence area = 3. All pedestrians in the red cells and the green
cell are counted and the number is divided by the content of the
accessible area of these cells. The density value is only displayed
in the cell highlighted in green.
Element Description
Threshold Vissim records for how long the following attributes values exceed
the threshold. You can enter a threshold value for each attribute.
For each attribute, you can show the duration recorded during the
simulation graphically in a color scheme of the area or the ramp.
This is also possible for a link, if the attribute Is pedestrian area is
selected for it (see “Assigning a color to areas based on
aggregated parameters (LOS)” on page 232), (see “Assigning a
color to ramps and stairs based on aggregated parameters (LOS)”
on page 239), (see “Assigning a color to links based on
aggregated parameters” on page 229).
Density (DensThresh): Threshold value for evaluation attrib-
ute Density - duration exceeding threshold
Experienced density (ExperDensThresh): Threshold value
for evaluation attribute Experienced density - duration
exceeding threshold
Speed (SpeedThresh): Threshold value for evaluation attrib-
ute Speed - duration exceeding threshold
Velocity variance: (VelVarThresh): Threshold value for eval-
uation attribute Velocity variance - duration exceeding
Filter by sections: Select the sections for which you want to collect data. If no
sections are selected, data is collected for the entire network.
Select sections when you want to record and save grid-based
evaluations.for large models, small grid cells and many time
intervals. Otherwise, if data is then collected for the entire
network, your evaluation file will be very large. If a cell is only
partly located within a section, the actual area of the cell is used
for the calculation of area-based evaluations (density).
You can also evaluate delays with travel time measurements (see “Showing delay measurements
in lists” on page 1237).
Note: Vehicle travel time measurements must be defined in the network (see “Defining
vehicle travel time measurement” on page 532).
Show result attributes in attribute lists (see “Displaying result attributes in attribute lists” on
page 1189)
Show result attributes in result lists (see “Showing result attributes in result lists” on page
Save result attributes to files or databases (see “Configuring evaluations for direct output” on
page 1240)
Element Description
File title Name of evaluation
File Path and name of network file
Comment Optional comment from the simulation parameters
Date Time of evaluation
Vissim Version number, service pack number, build number
Data block One row for each travel time measurement:
Time: Simulation second in which the vehicle traverses the destination section
No: Travel time measurement number
Veh: number of vehicle
VehType: number of vehicle type
TravTm: travel time in [s]
Dist: distance in [m]
Delay: delay time in [s], difference to optimal (ideal, theoretical) travel time
Output ASCII file MDB table Attribute file from attribute list
Aggregated data - -
Raw data - - -
Show result attributes in attribute lists (see “Displaying result attributes in attribute lists” on
page 1189)
Show result attributes in a result list (see “Showing result attributes in result lists” on page
Show result attributes in attribute lists (see “Displaying result attributes in attribute lists” on
page 1189)
Show result attributes in a result list (see “Showing result attributes in result lists” on page
Show result attributes in attribute lists (see “Displaying result attributes in attribute lists” on
page 1189)
Show result attributes in a result list (see “Showing result attributes in result lists” on page
Save result attributes to files (see “Using the Direct output function to save evaluation results
to files” on page 1240)
Show result attributes of area measurements in list (see “Showing results of measurements”
on page 1313)
Element Description
Measurement area (raw data) File title
File Path and name of network file
Comment Optional comment from the simulation parameters
Date Time of evaluation
PTV Vissim Version number, service pack number, build number
List List of evaluated areas
Column names Column headers and units
Data block Data block with measurement data
Column Meaning
MeasurementAreaNo Number of section
tEnter Time pedestrian entered the section [simulation second]
tLeave Time pedestrian left the section [simulation second]
PedNo Pedestrian number
PedType Pedestrian type
DwellTime Dwell time [s] pedestrians spent in section
vDes Desired speed in the currently selected unit for the speed: average,
minimum and maximum
v Speed in the currently selected unit for the speed: average, minimum
and maximum
DevSpeed Deviation of pedestrian speed in the currently selected unit for the
Density Pedestrian density in the sections [ped/m²] or [ped/ft²], depending on
the unit set for short distances
AvgXOri Average of x values of orientation vector
AvgYOri Average of y values of orientation vector
WorldX World coordinate X
WorldY World coordinate Y
WorldZ World coordinate Z
TimeGain Time gain [s]: Total time gain is determined based on the delay time.
The total time gain is determined only if the pedestrian is faster than
TimeDelay Time delay [s]: Total time delay is determined from the "time lost" per
time step. This is determined from the difference between actual
speed and desired speed if the pedestrian is slower than desired.
Delays through using a detour are not taken into account in the delay.
Dist Distance traveled so far in the sections, in the current unit set for short
DistNetwork Total distance traveled so far in the network in currently selected unit
for short distances
Note: Pedestrian travel time measurements must be defined in the network (see “Defining
pedestrian travel time measurement” on page 1172).
By default, the data for all pedestrian classes is entered together. You can also show the data for
certain pedestrian classes separately in the evaluation (see “Configuring evaluations of the result
attributes for lists” on page 1186).
You can save the following data and data formats:
Output ASCII file MDB table Attribute file from attribute list
Aggregated data - -
Raw data *.rsrP - -
Show result attributes in attribute lists (see “Displaying result attributes in attribute lists” on
page 1189)
Show result attributes in result lists (see “Showing result attributes in result lists” on page
Save result attributes to a file (see “Using the Direct output function to save evaluation results
to files” on page 1240)
Tip: You can also save an evaluation based on the pedestrian origin-destination matrix
(see “Saving pedestrian travel time measurements from OD data to a file” on page 1271).
Column Description
t Time pedestrian entered destination area of travel time measurement [simulation
No. Travel time measurement number
PedNo Pedestrian number
PedType Pedestrian type
Dist Distance traveled from the start area to the destination area
TravTime Travel time from the start area to the destination area [s]
TimeDelay Delay [s] from the start area to the destination area:
The total TimeDelay when traveling this distance results from the "lost time" per
time step. This is determined from the difference between actual speed and
desired speed if the pedestrian is slower than desired. Pedestrians might walk
slower than desired when they have to slow down because of other pedestrians,
for instance when pedestrian density increases.
Delays through using a detour are not taken into account in the delay.
TimeGain Time gain [s] from the start area to the destination area:
The total TimeGain when traveling this distance is determined accordingly like the
delay. The total "time gain" is determined only if the pedestrian is faster than
desired. Pedestrians might walk faster than desired when they are required to do
so because of other pedestrians.
DevSpeed Difference in [km/h] between the actual speed and desired speed while walking
from the start to the end of the section.
Tip: You can also visualize queue lengths in the network editor. (see “Graphic parameters
for visualizing of queue lengths” on page 217).
Delay measurements record the number of vehicles, average delays, average stop delays and
the number of stops of a turn relation. Delay measurements consist of one or several travel time
measurements. Vissim generates these delay and travel time measurements.
For each of the travel time measurements, the following applies:
Travel time measurement begins upstream of the specified distance, before the node
entry. For travel time measurements, the result attribute Start of delay segment before
the node specifies this distance. The start section lies immediately downstream of the
next upstream parking lot, if it has been assigned to a zone that allows cars for dynamic
Travel time measurement starts immediately after the closest node, if there are no more
than four junctions between the two nodes.
Travel time measurement ends at the node exit.
PT stops at public transport stops are not counted as PT stops. Passenger service times of PT
vehicles and the waiting time at stop signs are not accounted for in delay times. However, delays
caused through braking just before a PT stop and accelerating again afterwards are included in
delay times.
If an edge between nodes leads via more than three branchings, it is ignored during node
evaluation. Here a branching is any connector that branches off a link upstream of the beginning
of another connector or node entry.
If two or more nodes have an identical FromLink and ToLink, only one queue length is reported.
You can save the following data and data formats:
Output ASCII file MDB table Attribute file from attribute list
Aggregated data - -
Raw data *.knr -
Show result attributes in attribute lists (see “Displaying result attributes in attribute lists” on
page 1189)
Show result attributes in a result list (see “Showing result attributes in result lists” on page
Save raw data to a file or database (see “Configuring evaluations for direct output” on page
Make sure that:
The attribute UseForEval (Use for evaluation) of nodes that you want to evaluate, is
selected (see “Attributes of nodes” on page 833). Nodes with the selected option
UseForEval are active nodes, while they are passive nodes if the option is deac-
Generate a node-edge graph (see “Generating a node-edge graph” on page 842).
Do not group larger network sections, containing multiple intersections, into a node.
Element Description
Delay segment start Distance [m] before node, from which delay time is measured
before the node (for node
results and node raw data
Queue definiton (for queues and node results): Define queue condition
Begin A vehicle is in queue if its speed is less than the value v < that
was entered for the Begin.
End A vehicle remains in queue as long as its speed has not yet
exceeded the value v > that was entered for the End.
max. clearance Maximum net distance which can occur between two vehicles in
queue. The queue is considered to be interrupted if there are
larger gaps. Values between 10 and 20m are usual.
max. length Maximum queue length. Longer queues may still occur. This
attribute is useful if longer queues occur at the next node in the
network, but the queues are to be evaluated separately for each
When a large value, for example, 4 km, allows a long queue to
form, the simulation speed decreases.
Consider adjacent lanes Select this option to consider adjacent lanes when calculating
the queue length for evaluation (see “Showing results of queue
counters in lists” on page 1231).
Attribute Definition
VehNo Vehicle number
VehType Number of vehicle type
StartTime Simulation second at which the vehicle enters the node
End at Simulation second at which the vehicle exits the node
StartLink Link number from which vehicle arrives at node
StartLane Lane number from which vehicle arrives at node
StartPos Position from the beginning of the link from which vehicle arrives at node
NodeNo Node number
Movement Cardinal points from-to, in which the vehicle moves through the node
FromLink Number of link that leads to the node
Note: This is the link with the shortest path to the node. This does not
have to be the link via which the vehicle enters the node.
ToLink Number of link that leads out of the node. The vehicle has left the node via
this link.
ToLane Number of lane that leads out of the node. The vehicle has left the node via
this lane.
ToPos Position of the node exit on the link which leads out from the node
Delay Delay in seconds that it takes to leave the node starting from crossing the
start section until leaving the node
StopDelay Stop delay in seconds within the node starting from crossing the start
section until leaving the node
Stops Number of stops within the node starting from crossing the start section until
leaving the node
No_Pers Number of persons in the vehicle
Attribute Definition
LOS(All) Level of service (transport quality): The levels of transport quality A to
F for movements and edges, a density value (vehicle units/mile/lane). It is
based on the result attribute Vehicle delay (average). The current value
range of vehicle delay depends on the Level of service scheme type of
the node Signalized or Non-signalized (see “Attributes of nodes” on
page 833). The LOS in Vissim is comparable to the LOS defined in the
American Highway Capacity Manual of 2010.
Signalized intersection Non-signalized intersection
LOS_ Delay < 10 s or no volume, as no vehicle is moving, also due to
A traffic jam
LOS_ > 10 s to 20 s > 10 s to 15 s
LOS_ > 20 s to 35 s > 15 s to 25 s
LOS_ > 35 s to 55 s > 25 s to 35 s
LOS_ > 55 s to 80 s > 35 s to 50 s
LOS_ > 80 s > 50 s
LOSVal(All) Level-of-service value: Level of transport quality as numbers from 1 to 6
according to the LOS scheme assigned.
No value = no volume.
1 corresponds to LOS_A < 10 s, up to 6 corresponds to LOS_F.
The level-of-service value is more suitable for user-defined formula
attributes and color schemes.
Simulation run Number of simulation run
Queue length Mean of all average queue lengths in a node. Vissim automatically
generates queue counters in a node to detect queue lengths. Vissim
calculates the average queue length detected by queue counters in a
node and then calculates their mean.
Queue length Maximum queue length. The result depends on the attribute Consider
(maximum) adjacent lanes.
The attributes will be shown line-by-line for each simulation run and every movement in the node.
For each node, the total results in a later row will show:
Calculation of the total for vehicles, persons, emissions, fuel consumption
Calculation of total average for vehicle delay, person delay, stopped delay, queue length,
Calculation of the maximum queue length (maximum)
Show result attributes in attribute lists (see “Displaying result attributes in attribute lists” on
page 1189)
Show result attributes in a result list (see “Showing result attributes in result lists” on page
Show result attributes in attribute lists (see “Displaying result attributes in attribute lists” on
page 1189)
Show result attributes in a result list (see “Showing result attributes in result lists” on page
Output ASCII file MDB table Attribute file from attribute list
Aggregated data - -
Raw data - - -
Show result attributes in attribute lists (see “Displaying result attributes in attribute lists” on
page 1189)
Show result attributes in a result list (see “Showing result attributes in result lists” on page
Result attributes of the parking lot can be visualized in the network editor (see “Assigning a
color to parking spaces, parking lots or parking lot gorups based on an attribute” on page 242)
Show result attributes in attribute lists (see “Displaying result attributes in attribute lists” on
page 1189)
Show result attributes in a result list (see “Showing result attributes in result lists” on page
In the network editor, result attributes of parking lot groups can be visualized for each parking
lot. (see “Assigning a color to parking spaces, parking lots or parking lot gorups based on an
attribute” on page 242)
Show result attributes in attribute lists (see “Displaying result attributes in attribute lists” on
page 1189)
Show result attributes in a result list (see “Showing result attributes in result lists” on page
Result attributes of the parking space can be visualized in the network editor (see “Assigning
a color to parking spaces, parking lots or parking lot gorups based on an attribute” on page
Output ASCII file MDB table Attribute file from attribute list
Aggregated data - -
Raw data - - -
Show result attributes in attribute lists (see “Displaying result attributes in attribute lists” on
page 1189)
Show result attributes in a result list (see “Showing result attributes in result lists” on page
Show result attributes in attribute lists (see “Displaying result attributes in attribute lists” on
page 1189)
Show result attributes in a result list (see “Showing result attributes in result lists” on page
Save raw data to a file (see “Using the Direct output function to save evaluation results to
files” on page 1240)
Show result attributes of measurements in list (see “Showing results of measurements” on
page 1313)
Show result attributes in attribute lists (see “Displaying result attributes in attribute lists” on
page 1189)
Show result attributes in a result list (see “Showing result attributes in result lists” on page
Tip: You can also visualize queue lengths in the network editor (see “Graphic parameters
for visualizing of queue lengths” on page 217).
1. From the Evaluation menu, choose > Configuration > Result Attributes tab.
Element Description
max. Maximum queue length. Longer queues may still occur. This attribute is useful if
length longer queues occur at the next node in the network, but the queues are to be
evaluated separately for each intersection.
When a large value, for example, 4 km, allows a long queue to form, the
simulation speed decreases.
Consider Select this option to also take adjacent lanes of the previous link into account
adjacent for calculation of the queue end. In the figure, the dashed line on the left
lanes indicates the position of the queue end:
If this option is not selected, the adjacent lanes of the previous link are not
taken into account for calculation of the queue end. In the figure, the dashed
line indicates the position of the queue end:
Note: Ensure that the attribute Link evaluation of links and connectors - which you want
to evaluate - is selected (see “Attributes of links” on page 492).
If you assign links a color based on aggregated parameters, for the Links evaluation, select
Collect data (see “Assigning a color to links based on aggregated parameters” on page 229).
By default, the data for all vehicle classes is entered together. You can also show the data for
certain vehicle classes separately in the evaluation (see “Configuring evaluations of the result
attributes for lists” on page 1186).
If you calculate and display emissions based on emission classes, an Internet connection is
required to transfer the data at the end of the simulation run (see “Calculate accurate emissions
with Bosch Cloud Service” on page 1180).
You can save the following data and data formats:
Output ASCII file MDB table Attribute file from attribute list
Aggregated data - -
Raw data - - -
Show result attributes in attribute lists (see “Displaying result attributes in attribute lists” on
page 1189)
Show result attributes in a result list (see “Showing result attributes in result lists” on page
1. From the Evaluation menu, choose > Configuration > Result Attributes tab.
2. In the Links row, select the option Collect data.
3. If desired, change the time and/or the interval (see “Configuring evaluations of the result
attributes for lists” on page 1186).
4. Click the More button.
The Links window opens.
5. Make the desired changes:
Element Description
Collect link results per link segment: the data is entered in the segments for all lanes
per lane segment: the data is entered in the segments for each lane
Attribute Definition
LinkEvalSegs Link evaluation segment: Number of link evaluation segment
DelayRel Delay (relative): Total delay divided by total travel time of all vehicles in this
link segment during this time interval
For mesoscopic simulation for link segments outside the sections which are
simulated microscopically, the following applies:
Relative lost time = total delay / total travel time
TimeInt Time Interval: Duration of the evaluation intervals during which the data is
You can also show the following attributes of the Cartesian world coordinates in the list as indirect
attributes of link evaluation segments:
Attribute Definition
StartCoord Start coordinates: coordinates (x), (y), (z) at which the link evaluation segment
StartCoordX Start coordinate (x): x value of the start coordinate
StartCoordY Start coordinate (y): y value of the start coordinate
StartCoordZ Start coordinate (z): z value of the start coordinate
EndCoord End coordinates: coordinates (x), (y), (z) at which the link evaluation segment
EndCoordX End coordinate (x): x value of the end coordinate
EndCoordY End coordinate (y): y value of the end coordinate
EndCoordZ End coordinate (z): z value of the end coordinate
Link Number of the link on which the link evaluation segment is located
StartPos Start position: Position in meters at which the link evaluation segment on the
link begins
EndPos End position: Position in meters at which the link evaluation segment on the
link ends
Total delay: the delay is defined as the actual travel time on the meso edge minus the travel
time if the vehicle had been traveling constantly at desired speed.
Recorded values for meso edges with a length of zero are assigned only to the link segment
located at the position of the meso edge on the link.
Measurement data from origin connectors and PT line connectors are ignored, since vehicles on
these edges are not yet counted as “inserted into the network”. The delay on these edges is
counted as Delay (latent), which is not recorded by link evaluations. Delay (latent) for origin
connectors = zone connectors / abstract parking lots is displayed in the Parking Lots evaluation
(see “Displaying parking lot results in lists” on page 1223).
By default, the data for all vehicle classes is entered together. You can also show the data for
certain vehicle classes separately in the evaluation (see “Configuring evaluations of the result
attributes for lists” on page 1186).
You can save the following data and data formats:
Output ASCII file MDB table Attribute file from attribute list
Aggregated data - -
Raw data - - -
Show result attributes in attribute lists (see “Displaying result attributes in attribute lists” on
page 1189)
Show result attributes in result lists (see “Showing result attributes in result lists” on page
Column Description
VehDelay Vehicle delay: Average delay of all vehicles
The delay of a vehicle in leaving a travel time measurement is obtained
by subtracting the theoretical (ideal) travel time from the actual travel
The theoretical travel time is the travel time which could be achieved if
there were no other vehicles and/or no signal controls or other reasons
for stops. Delay time does not account for deceleration in reduced speed
areas (see “Using reduced speed areas to modify desired speed” on
page 519). To calculate the delay caused by a desired speed decision,
Vissim calculates a theoretical speed and compares it with the current
speed (see “Using desired speed to modify desired speed decisions” on
page 524).
The actual travel time does not include any passenger service times of
PT vehicles at stops and no parking time in real parking lots.
The delay due to braking before a PT stop and/or the subsequent
acceleration after a PT stop are part of the delay.
Stops Average number of vehicle stops per vehicle without stops at PT stops
and in parking lots
Vehs Number of vehicles
PersDelay Person delay: Average delay [s] of all occupants of the vehicles
Pers Number of occupants in the vehicles: number of vehicles * average
occupancy rate
Note: The Paths list can only be displayed using the add-on module Dynamic Assignment
(see “Using dynamic assignment” on page 816).
Show result attributes in attribute lists (see “Displaying result attributes in attribute lists” on
page 1189)
Show result attributes in a result list (see “Showing result attributes in result lists” on page
1188) Using the Direct output function to save evaluation results to files
Using Direct output, you can save evaluations to text files. The file format depends on the
evaluation (see “Overview of evaluations” on page 1176). If you perform several simulation runs
with evaluations in succession, text files are saved for the selected evaluations for each
simulation run.
1. From the Evaluation menu, choose > Configuration > Direct Output tab.
2. For the desired evaluation, select the option Write to file.
3. Make the desired changes:
Element Description
From time Simulation second in which the evaluation is started
To time Simulation second in which the evaluation is finished
More Evaluation-specific parameters. These are described in the individual eval-
Notes: Vissim transfers SQL statements with column identifiers in double quotation marks
to the database.
Some ODBC drivers provide the database connection with the option Use ANSI quotes
(double quotation marks). If this option does not exist for a database connection, you
can use a database that is configured to accept double quotation marks.
SQL Server (Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver Version 6.01): Select the option Use
ANSI-quoted identifiers.
MySql: Enter the parameter sql_mode in ANSI_QUOTES either as a start parameter
or in the configuration file.
1. Ensure that the database connection is configured (see “Configuring the database connection
for evaluations” on page 1241).
2. From the Evaluation menu, choose > Configuration > Direct Output tab.
3. For the desired evaluation, select the option Write database.
4. Make the desired changes:
Element Description
From time Simulation second in which the evaluation is started
To time Simulation second in which the evaluation is finished
More Evaluation-specific parameters. These are described in the individual evaluations.
Note: If you wish to execute multiple simulation runs and to save the results in a database
table, avoid switching the selection of attributes between simulation runs. Otherwise, the
table with the previous data simulation runs will be deleted.
Data from the simulation run are saved after the simulation end to the directory ..\<Name of
network file>.results in the default data format *.db.
Element Description
File Path and name of network file
Comment Optional comment from the simulation parameters
Date Time of evaluation
PTV Vissim Version number, service pack number, build number
Table Discharge at SC with its number, signal group with its number, and in
parentheses data collection point with number
Data block One line for each SC cycle
Column 1: Simulation seconds at start of green time. If a red-amber
time > 0 is defined at the signal group, this counts as green time.
Column 2: Time difference between start of green time (beginning of
red-amber) and arrival of first vehicle at measuring point
Column 3: Time need: time gap between the front end of vehicle 1
(the first vehicle in the queue) and the front end of vehicle 2
All other columns contain the time needs of all subsequent vehicles
according to their positions in the queue.
The end of the green phase is shown by the position of the par-
entheses. The numbers in parentheses show:
the number of vehicles passing the measuring point during the
green phase
the average time needs of these vehicles. Both values are determ-
ined without taking vehicle 1 into account, because its time needs
depend on the distance between the stop line and the measuring
Values after the parentheses were measured for vehicles that
crossed the stop line after the green phase (during yellow or red).
Fourth-to-last line: vehicle position number in the queue (index num-
ber) for each cycle
Third-to-last line: average time need for the vehicle position con-
Next-to-last line: measured number of vehicles at this position. If sat-
uration is not present for some green phases, smaller numbers are
measured for higher index numbers.
Last line: total number of vehicles (except those in the first position)
and their time needs (measured over all cycles).
Discharge record
File: C:\Users\Public\Documents\PTV Vision\PTV Vissim 2022\Examples Demo\3D
- Complex Intersection Karlsruhe.DE\Karlsruhe 3D.inpx
Comment: Karlsruhe 3D example
Date: 03.01.2021 10:20:30
1. From the Evaluation menu, choose > Configuration > Direct Output tab.
2. In the Lane changes row select the option Write to file.
3. You can change the time if you wish (see “Using the Direct output function to save evaluation
results to files” on page 1240).
4. Click the More button.
The Lane changes window opens.
5. Make the desired changes:
Element Description
Filters All vehicles: Includes all vehicles in the evaluation, regardless of their vehicle
Filter by vehicle classes: Takes only the selected vehicle classes into account
Filter by sections: takes only the selected sections into account Sections have
to be defined (see “Modeling sections” on page 799). The level with the section
and the the level on which vehicles move are the same. The middle of the
vehicle's front edge lies outside the section.
Filter by individual vehicles: If this option is selected, you can right-click the
list and select vehicles by their number. Only the selected vehicles are taken into
Element Description
File title Name of evaluation
File Path and name of network file
Comment Optional comment from the simulation parameters
Date Time of evaluation
PTV Vissim Version number, service pack number, build number
Data Data block with the attributes for each recorded vehicle
The data block of the evaluation file contains the following parameters:
Column Description
t Starting time of lane change. t is the end of the time step in which the lane
change starts. If you simulate with only one time step per simulation
second, the lane change is already running for a second at this time.
VehNr Vehicle number
v [m/s] Speed [m/s]
Link No. Link number
Lane Number of the old lane
New Lane Number of the new lane
VF Vehicle number of old leading vehicle (0 = not available)
v VF Speed [m/s] of old leading vehicle
dv VF Speed difference [m/s] of old leading vehicle
dx VF old leading vehicle: distance [m] between rear end position of the
preceding vehicle and front end of the trailing vehicle
VB Vehicle number of old trailing vehicle (0 = not available)
v VB Speed [m/s] of old trailing vehicle
dv VB Speed difference [m/s] of old trailing vehicle
dx VB old trailing vehicle: distance [m] between rear end position of the
preceding vehicle and front end of the trailing vehicle
new VF Vehicle number of new leading vehicle (0 = not available)
v new VF Speed [m/s] of leading vehicle
dv new VF Speed difference [m/s] of new leading vehicle
dx new VF new leading vehicle: distance [m] between rear end position of the
preceding vehicle and front end of the trailing vehicle
new VB Vehicle number of new trailing vehicle (0 = not available)
v new VB Speed [m/s] of new trailing vehicle
dv new VB Speed difference [m/s] of new trailing vehicle
dx new VB new trailing vehicle: distance [m] between rear end position of the
preceding vehicle and front end of the trailing vehicle
transportation” on page 538), (see “Modeling traffic demand with origin-destination matrices” on
page 846)
For result attributes that contain data from routes or platooning, the vehicle record displays values
for the end of the time step, i.e. for when the vehicle has traversed the marker of a routing decision
and/or, if applicable, the lead vehicle of a platoon has left the Vissim network.
The vehicle record includes link data, if for links the attribute vehicle record has been selected
(see “Attributes of links” on page 492).
Result attributes
You can output the following data and data formats:
Output ASCII file MDB file Attribute file from attribute list
Aggregated data - -
Raw data *.fzp - -
Tip: You can show many output attributes of the Vehicle record in parallel, also during
the simulation, as a result list Vehicles In Network (see “Displaying vehicles in the
network in a list” on page 1004).
1. From the Evaluation menu, choose > Configuration > Direct Output tab.
2. In the Vehicle record row, select the option Write to file.
3. You can change the time if you wish (see “Using the Direct output function to save evaluation
results to files” on page 1240).
4. Click the More button.
The Vehicle record window opens.
5. Make the desired changes:
Element Description
Resolution Simulation resolution of time steps
Including Only with the add-on module Dynamic Assignment.
parked If this option is selected, vehicles in parking lots are also taken into account
vehicles in the evaluation.
Filters All vehicles: takes all vehicles into account in the evaluation
Filter by vehicle classes: Takes only the selected vehicle classes into
Filter by sections: takes only the selected sections into account Sections
have to be defined (see “Modeling sections” on page 799). The level with
the section and the level on which vehicles move are the same. The
middle of the vehicle's front edge lies outside the section.
Filter by vehicle classes: If this option is selected, you can right-click