Rubrics For Biscuit Cookie MCB
Rubrics For Biscuit Cookie MCB
Rubrics For Biscuit Cookie MCB
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Preparation Student did not prepare the Student prepared the tools Student prepared
ingredients and tools and ingredients incomplete. completely the tools and
beforehand. Working area Working area is not ready ingredients needed.
is messy. before starting. Followed the mise en place.
Working area is ready and
Creativity Student designed the Student designed the Student showed an original
biscuit plain and simple. biscuit just like ordinary design, pays attention to
Colors and designs do not biscuits. There is no the details, and biscuits
compliment. The biscuit has uniqueness and is too theme and decoration is
no details. common. attractive to audience.
Speed Student performed poorly. Student performed well, but Student maximized the
Finished the whole activity did not maximized the allotted time given while
past the allotted time given. allotted time given. Student preparing calmly. Prepared
Student moves very slow. moves a bit slower than the and finished everything
others. before the time ends.
Presentation Student designed it eye Student presented it eye Student presented the
pleasing but has no pleasing. Has good biscuit neatly. It has an eye
decorations. Plating design decorations but uneven catching plating. Overall
is also messy. shape and size. appearance is appealing.
Technique Student did not follow the Followed the procedures Completely followed the
procedures. Safety and but did not perform the procedures and performed
proper food handling skills correctly. Safety and the skills excellently.
procedure were not proper food handling Student always followed the
followed also. procedure is observed. safety and proper food
handling procedure.
Prepared by:
Pre-Service Teacher