The Druid: For Delving Deeper
The Druid: For Delving Deeper
The Druid: For Delving Deeper
By Brett Slocum
Version 1.0
Druids may use leather armor and shields. They may use any weapon that is not primarily
composed of metal, with the exception of a sickle (equivalent of a short sword), including
spears, staves, lances, bows, and slings. Druids fight as Clerics on the Attack Matrix.
Druids cast primal spells much like clerics do; however, they receive their spells from
nature itself rather than a specific deity or deities. Each day, they spend an hour either at
dawn or dusk to prepare their spells. They do not require a spellbook as they know their
spells innately.
At 9th level, a druid who chooses to establish a sacred grove or other natural feature (cave,
oasis, etc.) attracts loyal followers who swear druidic oaths to uphold the Circle and the
natural order. A typical Druidic Circle also includes some kind of stronghold, keep, or other
defensible location.
Command Animals
Druids have a natural affinity for animals, giving them the ability to attempt to influence an
animal's behavior much in the same way that clerics turn undead. To attempt to control an
animal, roll 2d6 and consult the Command Animals chart. A result of – on the chart means
that the druid cannot attempt to command that animal for a day. Succeeding on the check
(rolling higher than the number given or getting a † result) results in the animal being
dominated by the druid; it will not act aggressively toward the party (unless provoked), but
it will not obey commands. A result of * on the chart means that the animal will obey simple
commands from the druid for 10 minutes per level. A druid may only command a single
animal in this way at any one time. At the druid's discretion, a commanded animal can be
made a retainer of the druid. Animal retainers count toward the character's Maximum
Retainers limit based off Charisma.
A druid may communicate with a controlled animal (but only a controlled animal) as if
under the effects of a Speak with Animals spell.
Call Lightning (affects: 1 creature or object, duration: 1 hour, range 30") This spell of
colossal power may only be used outdoors, and even then only when a storm is present or
immediately imminent. Under such conditions, the caster may tap into and unleash the
power of the storm itself, calling forth bolts of lightning from the sky at intervals of no less
than ten minutes in between. The lightning blasts straight downward from the heavens,
inflicting damage of 8d6 hp + 1 hp/level.
Control Winds (affects: area centered on self, duration: 5 turns + 1 turn/level, range: 24")
The caster can control all wind within the area of effect. The caster can make the winds
tumultuous and violent like a hurricane, or completely calm and still, or anything in
between. Exceptionally strong winds may require a saving throw to avoid being knocked
prone or blown around.
Faerie Fire (affects: 1 object, duration: 1 hour, range: 6") Faerie Fire causes an object to
glow with an eerie fey light, roughly as bright as a torch. The area illuminated can be up to
10 square feet plus 2 square feet per level. The spell can be used to determine the size of a
partially-hidden object or to illuminate an enemy. In areas of darkness, illuminating an
enemy may grant a +1 bonus to attacks versus that enemy.
Locate Animals and Plants (affects: self, duration: 1 turn/level, range: 6" + 1"/level)
Within the spell’s range, the caster perceives the correct direction (as the crow flies) toward
the nearest specimen of a type of animal or plant named in the casting of the spell.
Passplant (affects: self, duration: 1 hour/level or until exit) Passplant allows the caster to
step into one tree or similarly-sized plant and exit from another plant of the same kind. The
plant must have a girth equal to or larger than the caster's own. The caster may stay within
the plants, but will be ejected from whichever plant they happen to be within when the
spell's duration runs out. The type of plant determines both the maximum distance the caster
can travel with a single casting of the spell, as noted in the table below. The caster may
travel between multiple plants, but can only travel between plants of the same kind and only
up to the maximum distance allowed for that kind of plant.
Predict Weather (affects: self, duration: immediate, range: 2 sq. miles/level) The Druid
silently drinks in knowledge from the surrounding area, becoming attuned to the patterns of
air, wind, earth and fire. Within moments, the character can predict what the weather
conditions will be for the next twelve hours in the immediate vicinity (2 square miles/ level).
As with most forecasts of weather, conditions may change unexpectedly, giving rise to a 5%
chance that the Druid’s prediction will, ultimately, prove to be incorrect.
Produce Flame (affects: self, duration: 2 turns/level, range: touch) Flame ignites from
nowhere in the palm of the caster’s hand, causing no damage to the caster, but otherwise as
hot as natural fire. It can be used while held, or thrown to a distance of 30 feet, to ignite
flammable materials. For so long as the druid-fire is in the caster’s hand, it can be
extinguished immediately whenever the caster wishes it gone.
Protection from Fire (affects: 1 man-type, duration: 3 turns + 1 turn/level, range: touch)
This spell may be cast on another person, but it confers a great deal more eldritch warding if
it is woven personally around the caster. When used to protect another creature, the spell’s
warding grants complete immunity to normal fire and cuts damage from magical fire in half.
When used to ward the caster, the spell also grants complete immunity against one exposure
to magical fire, after which it functions normally.
Pyrotechnics (affects: 1 fire source, duration: 1 hour, range: 24") The caster creates either
fireworks or blinding smoke from a normal fire source such as a torch or campfire. The
Referee will decide exactly how much smoke (or fireworks) is produced, what effect it has,
and what happens to it as it is produced, but the amount of smoke will definitely be more
than 8000 cubic feet (roughly 20 x 20 x 20 feet).
Sticks to Snakes (affects: 2d8 sticks, duration: 1 hour, range: 12") The caster may turn as
many as 2d8 normal sticks into snakes, each one having a 50% chance of being venomous.
The snakes follow his commands, but turn back into sticks at the end of the spell (or when
Warp Wood (affects: 1 volume of wood, duration: permanent, range: 6") The spell allows
the caster to warp, bend, and twist wood as if it were clay. The spell affects a volume of 2
inches by 4 inches by 5 feet per two levels – roughly the volume of a quiver of arrows or a
spear. However, it is important to note that for certain tasks such as springing a leak in a
boat or springing open a wooden door may only require warping of a small volume of wood.
This class is inspired by the Swords & Wizardry White Box Druid from Chris King. Some
ideas from the White Box Companion from James Spahn were also incorporated.
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on
material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Delving Deeper Reference Rules v4a Compendium Copyright 2014, Simon J. Bull.
Swords & Wizardry Complete Rules, Copyright 2010, Matthew J. Finch.
Swords & Wizardry White Box – Druid, Copyright 2013, Chris King.
Druid Class for Delving Deeper Copyright 2016, Brett Slocum.
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