E-Commerce and The Challenges of Cyber Security Internet Business Communication in Nigeria
E-Commerce and The Challenges of Cyber Security Internet Business Communication in Nigeria
E-Commerce and The Challenges of Cyber Security Internet Business Communication in Nigeria
Muhammad Isyaku
December 2021
Approval of the Institution of Graduate Studies and Research
Icertify that thisthesis satisfied the requirement as a thesis for the degree of Master of Arts in
Communication and Media Study.
We certify that we read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate in scope and quality
as a thesis for the degree of Master of Art in Communication and Media Study.
Examining Committee
LIST OF FIGUR…………………………………………………………………….………..….iiv
1. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………...………..…7
1.5 Assumptions…………………………...…………………………..…………………….....10
1.6 Limitations………………………………...…………………..…………………………...11
2.2.1Digital Gap…………………………………………………………………...…….……...19
2.2.2Big Data……………………………………………………………………..…….....……20
2.2.7 Consumer Decision Making Process…………………………..……...…………...………33
2.2.10 Fraud…………………………………………………………….……………..…..……40
2.2.12Technological Determination………..……………………………………………….……41
3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.............................................................................................48
E-commerce around the world has come very importantly for doing online business in the last
decades. Since the advancement of the internet, many companies around the world started to
move towards new types of technology then, which makes life easier in so many ways. Moreover
easier for individuals not only to make or create an online business but for everything. In the way
that individuals interact, with each other through social media such as Face book, mail, and other
communication channels.
This thesis will look at the myriad challenges facing e-commerce; online business in Nigeria to
find out how can e-commerce business be conducted for exchange product or services to ensure
online businesses can take place. Government should provide censorship that will ensure any
online business is accredited and certified by the company before any transaction can take place
The study will use survey research methodology to seek views from the individuals involved in
purchasing items online. Moreover, it is important in this research to find out myriad challenges
First and foremost, I might want to express gratitude toward God who granted me the power to
trust my faith at that any difficult times; faith which I very much needed during the entire
process of writing this thesis I could never have done it without the faith I have in you, the
Thanks to my mother Hajiya Hauwa Isyaku Yusuf for her contribution to unwavering care in my
Appreciation and gratefulness and gratitude to my supervisor Assoc. Prof, Dr.Agah.Gumus for
his kind support and assistance in me in the process of writing my thesis were a wonderful
. Thanks to my father Alhaji Isyaku Yusuf for supporting me in everything, and especially
spending money for me and advising me encouraging me throughout this experience thanks to
your as such a good father always cheering, with the best in school thanks.
Very big thanks to you His Excellency the former Ambassador Nigeria to Turkey, Alhaji
Ahamed Abdulhamid Malammadori for his kind support, and his contribution towards my
educational career from my undergraduate (degree), and postgraduate (masters) programs. You
Chapter 1
E-commerce business in the world today is facing a lot of challenges from the fraudster that are
yet to scam individuals around the world, the development veering by the technology has created
the room and danger to the e-commerce companies. Around the world such as database security
this kind of issue made doing online trade very difficult to the companies a maintain they site
from the fraudster that are yet to use different software, to scam individuals in the process of
online shopping. Environment issue is the main critical and vulnerable issue. Software security
includes any devices used in running the e-commerce website like computer devices, web
servers, database servers that can allow trade to take place between individuals and e-commerce
Companies. (Ekbal Hamirani, 2020). The applications that handle installments internet banking,
electronic exchanges, or using master cards, Visa card to Pay, different items online have more
consistency issues, at expanded danger from a fraudster in the e-commerce sites and there are
commerce business has more compliance issues in Nigeria. The enormous development brought
by the internet is changing the way and manner in which business takes place in Electronic
devices in the current age considered to hold the guarantee of the transformation by offering
1.1Problem Statement
Cyber security issue it is the major challenge to the e-commerce business in Nigeria for so
many years and had been an issue of concern. Emerging business find it difficult to fit into the
global competitive e-market and e-commerce facing so many challenge because they don’t
have the capacity to protect their businesses cyberspace, hackers and illegal online invaders.
Due to the feeling majority of the citizen have on safety and efficient service delivery timing of
service delivery is not mostly considered as paramount to the consumers. The communication
channel is a greater challenge in the Nigerian communication sector is at its poorest state. This
had been a problem worth noting but the internet providers are reluctant to render quality
services of world standard because of selfish desires to accumulate more money from people
This research seeks to investigate the challenges facing e-commerce and cyber security in
online trade e-commerce in Nigeria. And the way out of this deteriorates internet business in
other to secure the future of e-commerce in the country. In the way that so many individuals
defraud in the process of shopping online their end in lose they fund and bank information
from fraudsters that are yet to defraud individual’s around the world to steal they fund or bank
information in the processing of purchase items online in the e-commerce stores site they
created fake product in there site online an selling it to the people after pay with bank card to
discover it is inexistence product that is why today majority of Nigeria, did not trust shopping
online most of the people they prepare to go to shopping face to face an purchase what are
willing to purchase than to buy items, online this research will look at into the major challenge
facing e-commerce business in Nigeria and the way out trust talk, online commerce is facing
many issues in Nigeria in the way that Nigeria youth spend the time online looking for any
2. Does the positive effect of the technology advance, change the way and manner in which e-
3. Does the interaction on the internet allow e-commerce companies to target the individual?
4. Does the Internet discourage, for purchase items online in the e-commerce store in Nigeria
The research will help in changing the mindset perspective and the mentality of Nigerian
citizens toward e-commerce and to involve fully in the online marketplace. More so to
understand the advantages and disadvantages of online business, lastly to know how to do it
and secure cyber space. to educate individuals to trust online shopping it is not danger if the
individuals have been educated or understand what is e-commerce stand for how to interact
with e-commerce site freely with the well know e-commerce store site around the world
individuals can be leaning in this research how to interact with online store with good
explanation on e-commerce business concept with theoretical perspective individuals can lean
what is the benefit of the online trade how to save time in online shopping all this will going
The assumption is the thing that research accepts as being looking for true without any
concreted truest in the being of the assumption in this research was chosen individuals
participant that should be truthful and honest. In the answer the questionnaire, with their
perception and interpretation. the second assumption all information getting from the
respondents and evidence about the case study among Nigeria students study in Northern
Cyprus that contain accurate information the final is believer using the quantitative research
approach will contribute to providing deep understanding of the study that in future the system
will implement successful in Nigeria individuals can interact with online store to purchase
The limitation to this research work is seen in two minor and major minor limitation to this
work is time constraint in carrying out the research and distance for obtaining some
information and also an inability to generate workforce at the field on time. The major
limitation is the cost of research logistics and operational expenses in carrying out the research
1.7Motivation of Study
Motivation to this study was driven by a patriotic unending desire for improvement and change
in the Nigerian e-commerce industry as part of the need to developing to reach its greatest height
in all ramifications. An individual citizen can interact with the store 24 hours a day to purchase
Literature Reviews
This chapter composes of literature review measure of this thesis as it tries to look into an online
business, in Nigeria and the challenges facing cyber security in online business, we are going to
clarify the issue and challenges that are facing the online business in Nigeria, and key issue that
effect doing on online businesses e-commerce in Nigeria. This research has been based on four
different theories in relation base with the-commerce business such as. Used and gratification,
In this research, the theories perspective has been used to relate the work with many ideas that
can enable to understand. the research such as used and gratification, to study the presence of
computer-mediated communication has achieved need and satisfactions. With the across board
function of new media, for example, invention Face book and other social media platforms and
significant new media from the use and gratification (Ruggiero, 2000). Kaye and Johnson (2002)
demonstrate that revelations from the use and satisfactions TV consider having quite recently
been applied in Internet, research. Supported society understands the use and gratification theory,
Fulfillments searched for when they broadened delights (Kink and Hess, 2008). Fulfillments or
need allude to those satisfactions that a group of people truly experience using a particular
medium. On the other hand, fulfillments can be interaction with an e-commerce store, use this
opportunity to target individuals with their product or service during one of the interaction with
media for the satisfaction or need those are a thing as media is the server for, entertainment,
relaxation, or socializing this theory have good relation with e-commerce business any activities
that include using internet connection it is part of the new media use and gratification is just
talking on the media function for the satisfaction or need this function could serve television or
The second theory that has based on this research is technology determination Marshall
McLuhan ‘announces the impact of the technology that in future technology will control our life
this idea has been proving. in a way that electronic commerce spread all over the world
individuals can interact with an online store to purchase items at any regime around the world on
the internet. For example, in Ali baba online store. At the same time technology gives an
opportunity that trade can take place online companies can Targeting Customers, with the items
online at the same time technology creates a high risk, for example, great expense processing
firms, have a significant risk of the fraudster around the world, even though the degree of e-
commerce grown into more than human expectation. Due to retailers’ items online by the e-
commerce store. McLuhan mentions that technology will become part of our daily life and
control our life by transformer the culture from one generation to another generation this idea has
been proven.
Information processing is when a massage or stimulus which could be a sound or picture from
the environment is received by raptors. Some seen with eyes This theory proposes that our brain
is similar to the computer we get input from the environment process the theory have a strong
connection with e-commerce business in a way that all information we see or read online can
influences us to purchase items in online store. Information process theory explains everything
about information gotten from the environment could be seen or hair the stage of the sent
massage to the brain it is information, process this theory has been explaining stage that
individuals end purchase items in an online store. However human brain is working to save
information which has been seen, read, sound this theory explain the stage which every
individual are created means on what she\/her read within the environment. That is why e-
commerce companies use this opportunity to the individual’s customer with the product or
service online.
Diffusion of Innovation Seeing how organization choose to change and accomplish something
else (Moseley 2000) is fundamental to ensuring such change and the strategies by which this
change is presented, are productive. Study into the Diffusion of Innovation model is fundamental
since it shows how hindrances can convey such use insufficient. (Baskerville and Pries-Heje
2001). Rogers (1995) constructed up the spreading of drive model which have a tendency to the
drive of preparation stages through which one goes before getting a handle on unexpected
development. This model has been broadly perceived to best explain such circulation of
advancement. Spread it ' thought, practice or thing that is seen as new by an individual or other
while of assurance' (Rogers 1995, p.11). The Drive is not a creation from a limited point of view
it is 'accomplishing something, which did not exist before in a specific field or thought area.
Internet business is just the route toward buying and selling products by using electronic devices.
For exchange product or service online in other hand, any electronic device that can empower
individual or organization, to exchanger good or service in internet with internet connection for
instance, by flexible applications, and the Internet, Website to make business on the internet.
Online business Refers to both online retail similarly as electronic trades of product or service
online. This type of business has been enormously extended in over the distance of the modern
days compared with so many periods, of time in today e-commerce standard for Internet business
that allows you to buy and sell things on an overall scale, 24 hours consistently without causing
so many time to spend from you running a physical store online accord (Aminu, 2014).
2.1History of Ecommerce
E-commerce business applications were first created, in the mid 1960 with some advancement of
electronic store move (EFT). In which moneys can be move electronically from one organization
to the next. Afterwards, electronic information exchange (EDI); this innovation is used to
electronically move routine records which have extended electronic exchange from monetary
For example, fabricating, retailers, administrations and so out progressively new use of online
business keep on developing running from movement reservation structure to stock exchanging;
such basis is called information authoritative systems (IOS). This summary has a strange
The Invention of the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) popular in the years the mid-1970s is
generally accepted towards caring out board. Similarly, using the e-commerce business is
apprehensive. On electronic data trade (EDI) encouraged electronic exchange and the exchange
of significant business data.(Past of e-commerce business, [ref. 29.9.2011]). In the early long
periods, of time thee-commerce business has realized quick development and significant
advancement. The development started in 1995 with the main unlimited and use of the internet to
advance items. Online base real organizations were constructed with billions of dollars as their
capital base. Various accomplices, including computer analysts and database Internet innovation,
accepted this wonderful early achievement of online business meant that the mind
overwhelming, work they have put into the development of software trade and information
innovation for in the course of recent decades extending out from the advance of the early web to
the computer,
While the money-related expert’s known online business before all else time has understood the
chance of an ideal place to the created way of conduct marketing where, cost and the quality
information are similarly appropriated, and providers deal with each other and customers
develop around the world today online businesses become trillion-dollar business.
The multinational cooperation, companies around the world change the way they've operated
their businesses online by creating anon line store for an exchange, product or service. the trade
activities it has been form the year 2000 until today 2021 the is the high number of the increases
for new e-commerce companies. Around the world from the financial market and online retail,
the innovation of the e-commerce business continues to increase every single day with enormous
consumers around the world buying and sale items become on internet.
According to Marshall McLuhan’s idea of the global village which allows people to interact and
communicate on an electronic device, unfortunately, this allows room for cybercrimes and
fraudsters to also take place in the transaction between the companies and the buyers in Nigeria
as a result of this development bright by internet, in the 21st century. It brought enormous
development in the marketing to facilitate their activities; in Internet and business, sector
businesses can take place on the Internet and websites. This development enriches individuals
around the world. Individuals are facilitating their businesses on the internet, this opportunity
given to the e-commerce Companies to receive messages and feedback, thereby creating
important relations between company and customers. The Internet made everything online from
marketing, and retail of product or services compared with before when many multinational
corporations changed the ways to facilitate their marketing activities on the Internet. They
Response to their customers and corroborate their complaints, about specific issue and create a
way to compensate with a nice approach about the problem. The Internet has also made it easier
for marketing driving agents of many potential information techs, hubs, awareness making,
health programs and. Furthermore, a website is known as a product from the internet, which
initiates connections, brochures, and contents of a particular platform, it also explains and stands
as an updated content of a particular institution. This is also an easier way of accessing firms.
This can enable connectivity directly 24/7 anytime, anywhere around the world.
The Web power today allows online readers to dig deep into the subject that interests them by a
link to any kind of information proved on other site research regarding any kind of article and
source, a great amount of book material can be posted, there is no space or time limit. In many
cases, the organization's web tries to create a hyperlink to other WebPages and information
sources. The World Wide Web has taken less time to adapt, compared with other mass
communication mediums; the World Wide Web is the first mass medium that allows interaction
and communication with anyone around the globe, to send messages to a mass audience without
taking time. Today, the web becomes the center point for all the important actives around the
world it including feedback from different actives of media platforms such as; Twitter. It is
important to note that while it is possible to have social media accounts, all social media content
The digital gap is a bridge between those who have access to technology and does who don’t
have access to information. The digital divide is not restricted to access to the technical
infrastructure, but also to the social infrastructure that supports ICT (Rooksby, Weckert & Lucas,
2002). In Nigeria illiteracy (in the rural areas), cost of internet service, and electricity supply sum
up the major issue of the digital gap in the country. In the same vein, the big separation creates
between the elite, middle class, and the poor is wide. Compared to other countries urban area is
given more attention than rural areas. As all a where Nigeria is one of the strongest economy
countries in Africa with an enormous natural resource to bridge the gap between those that have
access to technology if only they have the will but poor governance and corruption had
overshadowed the structure. More so, selfish interest has rule over their mind and less or no
2.2.2Big Data
The issue of big data consequently resulted in the application of recent technology to capture the
collection of information that's generated. Big data talk over with the large substance of
information that can't be handled by traditional data-handling techniques Big data encompass the
use of technologies to capture process, analyses, and visualize potentially large datasets in a very
reasonable. Way big data have three characteristics namely; volume, velocity, and variety.
Volume refers to the big quantities of information that are generated continuously through e-
commerce and social networking websites, online teaching, learning, and duty The challenge of
storing these data is better done by new technology. The rate dimension of massive data
describes the speed at which the massive quanta of knowledge are being generated. That is, both
the rate at which data reaches and therefore the time during which it must be represented. as an
example, Face book, emails. Big Data alludes to huge measures of complex information, both
organized and unstructured which customary preparing procedures and additionally, calculations
can't work on. It points to uncovering covered-up designs and has been encouraged a
(b) Analysis: drawing on huge informational indexes to recognize designs to make monetary,
(c) Mythology: the far-reaching conviction that huge informational indexes offer a higher type of
insight and information that can produce bits of knowledge that were already unthinkable, with
These are some examples, of a global e-commerce store that is well known around global
individuals can interaction, to purchase an item online every single day within 24 hours days’
individuals are a shopper are product or service and they deliver it is free of charge in different
angle around the world. Ecommerce websites is very good trade place to purchase products or
services online. The process is often very quick as customers can place orders in a relatively
short time without leaving their home or office. In addition, customers can shopper at multiple
companies without having to physically move. A lot of information can be post available to
customers and prospects, which will make their shopping experience faster and easier as well as
improve customer service. EBay is an online marketplace created for business activities (buying
and selling) with a unique product, massive product or service, and bargain offers. It is
considered one of the secure online business platforms in the world. More so, Purchase and sell
gadgets, vehicles, garments, collectibles, and more on eBay, the world's online commercial
center. Top brands, low costs, and free transportation on numerous things. EBay is one of the
wells know e-commerce stores that individuals can interact to purchase items online anytime
with 24 hours a ‘day without facing any problem from the fraudster. Back to Nigeria e-
commerce store facing so many problems from the fraudster individuals cannot connect with
commerce around the world, the company conduct online store for means of exchange product or
consciousness. This establishment is down by the richest man in the world known as Jeff Bezos
for the exchange of items online all over the world. Online store enables customers to shopping
on their favorite website 24/7. You don't have to wait for a weekend or days is just you can do
the necessary shopping any time at any place around the world.
Alibaba is A Chinese global e-commerce organization that spends significant time in online
business, retail, on Internet, this innovation. Established on 28 June 1999 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang,
the organization gives consumers the opportunity to purchase items online and shopper, any kind
online shopping web indexes, and distributed computing service to the organizations around the
globe in various business areas .Alibaba online store makes browsing and finding similar niches
very easy and quick. It is possible to find a product of your choice without going to physical
store to shopping face to face. Alibaba online store has changed people's lives and continues to
surprise people with many advantages that it brings to customers and consumers in terms of
E-commerce is known, as online trade activities, is usually Commerce on the internet which can
take place without seeing each other face to face. The e-commerce business has become a global
broad of the trading and commercial activities, by use browses service and application for
purchase items and retail product or service in internet, money transfer online banking and other
financial activities. For example, in China’s internet marketing activities, is online buying and
selling physical items is in e-commerce store businesses are conducted online around the globe.
Everything in this day is online from the buy and sale retail for a product or service. Compare
with before which individuals are trade-in traditional way of doing business face to face. The
technology innovation, bright so many changes in online commerce, internet and web is the drive
force in charge businesses activities throughout the world. Everything becomes online. The
feature of e-commerce is the technical standard of the technology internet ’e-commerce is being
shared by all countries all over the world through interaction, with each other in the twentieth
first century 21with internet. This innovation allows us for two-way communication between
individuals and organization. We can have communicated with each other online through Email
or phone and other social media platform. The Internet makes it possible to transfer information
from one person to another and from one organization to another in different parts of the world.
E-commerce enables transactions from different parts of the world, which means that one can
access a product from different markets in different locations. E-commerce bridges the gap
between the local and international market, resulting in different approaches to business. The
ability to connect people and involve them in different business paths has several advantages for
The features of e-commerce I will refer to the (Marshall McLuhan took 1962) global village as
technology makes everything possible to purchase or selling items on the internet today
individual use internet to conduct online store and transfer fund according to Marshall McLuhan
‘announces the impact of the technology, has given electronic commerce ways to targeting.
Customers, at the same time technology, create a high risk, for example, great expense firms,
have a significant risk of the fraudster around the world, even though the degree of e-commerce
business is grown into more than human expectation. In these current ages due to retailer
‘product or service Marshall McLuhan announce this idea some many years are go today for
more than 60% of the businesses are conducted online by use Internet. to facilitated trade
This idea has been proven today many businesses in developed countries such United States of
America is take place online people prefer to shopper items online than go to the market to
purchase items. Face to face Very soon individuals will forget going to the shopping face to face
Technology is the strong instrument that controls the individual’s life at any level individuals
are busy to interact with each other by phone or internet with 24 hours’ day majority of the
peoples spend the time by the interaction with other and online commercial activities or shopping
an items online. Technology made us become a modern society, in this day the development
bright by internet and web has allowed e-commerce companies to target individuals with the
online retail of product or services through advertisement, in the website by link with the Face
book site in the feature physical shopping will be in the local area. Ecommerce business
continues improver around the world individuals are demand new online store to interact for
online shopper because it is make life very easy to the people easy to shopper items online and e-
commerce companies can deliver to you home in short period of time, ecommerce store
contribute very well in online shopper to be easy. The e-commerce business in feature will
control. all the businesses around the world as the way that everyday new e-commerce store
increases and individually adapt the online shopping because it is very simple to order items in
the web easy to purchase items indifferent kind of items online around the world with nice price
E-commerce Company can deliver to the consumer in any location around the globe sometimes
transportation. is free of charge in feature e-commerce business will become the only way for
buyers and selling items, even today majority of the businesses migrate from traditional way of
doing business face to face to the online retail and online marketing because it makes the
consumer feel safe to shopper items, compare with tradition, way of shopper face to face in local
store and the most important thing to consider with online shopper save time consumers spend
less time in online store choice items to purchase within short period of time consumers can pay
(a) Preference of the individualism increases every single day. Individuals interact with the
internet to communication with a friend or looking product online to select the choice that is
willing to purchase in the online store. This has increased for demand in the online store around
the world Consumers everyday are looking for new e-commerce stores to interact with for
consumer items online because of the availability, of the e-commerce store by the advance of the
internet and website for commercial activities and financial activities around the world. In
feature face to face business will become history technology will take over even today they are
so many ways for exchange product or service and pay without seeing own of the store face to
face. The preference of the individuals around the world is change every day in the way that
technology-dominated everything. From the marketing, retail items online individuals can
purchase any kind of the product or service in the e-commerce an purchase the store will deliver
it at any place.
(b) Online banking system many countries around the world have been adopting. Online banking
systems in their financial institution's individuals can transfer money online or purchase items in
the e-commerce store, pay with a bank card within short period of time. I believe in feature
individuals don’t need any bank card to purchase items, in e-commerce store even today they are
so many ways to purchase items in e-commerce store you don’t need bank card for online
shopping just use bit coin, Swiss coin to purchase an item online this new development bright by
online bank continues expending know they are many ways to trade online by use coin for the
means of the payment and it is acceptable all over the world individuals are purchase share pay
with bit coin for means of the payment or interaction with e-commerce store at any regime
(c) Online retail has changed the ways advertisements take place around the world compared
with so many decades’ companies spend millions of dollars for advertisement every year on
television or radio. It is not the same today, multinational companies have a website for online
retail they use this opportunity given by the internet and website for the advertising they product
telephones online. Individuals can interact to purchase any kind of the electronic within24 hours
a day in Alibaba e-commerce store, in this development bright by internet change way and
manner in which individuals spend time on the internet interact with online look at the product or
Online trade has become a very important place to conduct businesses, for exchange product or
service online and financial activities, money transfer. To the e- commerce store to purchase
items online and retail for a product or service around the world. The trade activities have been
increasing over the year as the technology improves. Everyday new businesses increase online,
around the world and the online retail have, been increase buying and selling is improver in
Nigeria according to report by e-commerce store the consumer interacts with online store every
single day, with so many numbers of the individuals for more than 10 million people are
interaction with e-commerce store within the country for online shopping and online bank.
Participant number every day is increases the high rise can be attributed to the internet advance.
Online commerce in Nigeria has made everything very easy compare with before and continues
bright progress in the financial market. Money transfers can take place online by using an
internet connection to facilitate financial activities. This development has bright progress to the
economic growth of the countries and trade activities individuals can purchase product or
services easy online, within a short period time compared with before, which majority of the
trade takes place face to face within the countries. Internet and website contributed in veering
transformation in financial institution in carrying out they financial marketing and transfer fund
through reliable. Internet connection, the internet allows an individual to conduct businesses and
open door to e-commerce companies to compete with each other around the world. The internet
allows online trade wherever you are will buy or selling and transfer money online, you can
control your trade whenever you feel to buy or sale around the world with 24 hours a day. You
can buy stock anywhere you feel to trade around the world only the stock market, allow
individuals access the account for 24 for an hour a day you can buy stock and sale stock to
enough money in online trade, similar with e-commerce store for example exchange product or
service an Alibaba, amazon eBay. A use are online stores to interact to purchase items and retail
products or services and transfer money online e-commerce business progress it contributed in
free trade among or between countries for the economic gain it allows intensified across the
board with product or service by the means of trade this development in which bright by e-
commerce online it is very important thing to consider it helps increased relation between
countries around the world in commerce sector, that is why individuals are demand internet in
Nigeria to use for interaction with online store for shopper items in the e-commerce store. Even
information about product or service there is no limitations to the amount of information that can
be display in the e-commerce store site you can find information about any kind of product or
service online. Economical as stated earlier, no outside person is required to connect you with a
firm. And this benefit saves your commission amount that you physically paid in the past.
Without paying the third person's fee commission, you can order that amount and save and invest
in stocks. This way, you can start your trading process with just a few clicks from the comfort of
your home. This makes online trading the cheapest. However, if you want to invest a large
amount in the stocks, the fee may apply. The dealer is also trying to lower prices and give people
free online access. Individuals can control they Investment trading online gives you great control
over your trading. Whenever you want, anytime and anywhere in the world, you have full access
to your inventory. Whatever changes you want can be made in good time instead of waiting for
the broker. You can easily sell or buy products without asking anyone. Investors have full power
to choose the best options for their money and business. Fast transfer of the fund Online banking
also plays a major role in online trading, as all transaction processes are handled online. Online
banking is quick and convenient. It is also beginning many bank branches around the world to be
closed. You can easily transfer money from one account to the other. If both accounts are with
the same bank, it is faster. So the faster your transactions are, the faster you can generate income.
The advance of the internet made online trade activities around the world had to trust online
trade in the way that consumer lost money every day this kind of issue discourage, many people
to interact with online store in Nigeria because it is very difficult to find quality, web in which is
protects by company with good security that can allow individuals customer information will
steal by the fraudster or invade transactional defraud individuals in the of pay items online .The
advance of the technology allows individual to trade online with each other to exchange product
or service at some time technology creates room to the criminal activities such as fraud. This
kind of issue make transfer fund to financial market, buying share online become very had in
Nigeria online trade is so addicted there is probability. to enough money in trader end defraud in
the processor, to buy share or items online from the fraudster. That is why most of the share
purchaser in Nigeria prefers to buy share face to face between individuals and share Companies.
To purchase share online, in Nigeria is very risk in way that share companies don’t have capacity
to protect they site from invade by the fraudster. Online trader requests carefulness as the way
that Nigeria youth spend the time online look at e-commerce site to defraud individuals around
the world, the number of Nigeria youth fraudster is more than human expectation to conduct
online trade in Nigeria successful government should provider more security to the e-commerce
site and share companies, in this kind of the trading the big issue is privacy the mostly online
trader site it is very had to know the original company owner, that is why so many number of the
individuals around the world did not trust online trade they prefer to trade face to face. Online
trade, it has advantage and disadvantage for example. Costs of the e-commerce website planning,
cheap, especially if you predict substantial and growing sales volumes. E-commerce store can
make mistakes in order delivery. Even if you are not paying for customer-facing space, you
‘need to consider the costs of physical space for order fulfillment, warehousing goods, dealing
with returns, and staffing for these duties. See how to fulfill online orders. The expansion of the
internet retail business has attracted the attention of sophisticated criminal forces. If you don't
invest in the latest security technologies to protect your website and transaction processes, your
company's reputation could be destroyed. Customer trust creating a trusted brand name can be
tough, especially without a physical location with a track record and face to face interaction
between customers and sales representatives. Technical Problem in Online trading platforms are
only as good as the underlying servers and software. High volumes on trading days can slow
down the processing speed and the flow of information. You could suffer significant losses if
you were unable to place the necessary buy and sell orders, especially in fast moving markets.
Software errors can result in delays in receiving price quotes and information about order
position. This can also result in trading losses as you may enter orders due to incorrect price
quotes or delayed order execution messages. Investors rely on internet and wireless service
providers to research information and place trades. If these internet access failure, you may not
receive timely information or place critical trades. Customer service Online brokers have a lean
cost structure that allows them to offer discounts on commissions. You may have to wait a long
time to place a phone trade, especially in markets as trained and certified traders cost money. In
case your service provider has problems, you should have a backup internet connection at your
work place or in a trading center. Do not call a discount broker during regular business hours for
administrative tasks such as transferring positions between accounts. Avoid placing market
orders in fast moving markets as these orders could be executed at unfavorable product.
Consumer behavior refers to the study of how individual customer groups or organizations select
tobuy use and dispose of ideas goods or services to satisfy their need and went. it refers to the
action of the consumer in the marketplace and the underlying motives for that action. According
(Umar Farooq 24/2018) online shopping refers to the process of buying and selling physical
goods online by using device with an internet connection. Since the advance of the worldwide
site individuals engage in online shopping and created trading online around the world. This kind
of business becomes an easy way to trade among individuals and organizations. around the
world, consumer behaviors have been charge in online shopping as the advance of the internet
bright new ways in which commerce and online trade can take place in internet.
individuals can interact with e-commerce store 24 hours a day to shopping items online around
the world This expansion is bright significant charges in trade activities, the e-commerce
business constitutes increase for more than 2.27 trillion dollars according to report by e-
commerce companies in 2021 they expect to reach 3 trillion dollars by 2022 due to the growth of
the sale for more than (16%) and (14 e-marketing) as the online shopping continues growth
around the world Asia is one of the leading growth nations for online shopping compare, with
other regions like the United Kingdom, united states of America and European country.(Past for
e-commerce business, [ref. 29.9.2011]). The Asian region is one of the massive growths to
online shopping e-commerce companies. Is down by the Chine organization in the first begging
the idea of e-commerce comes from the Chine they constitute more than 898 billion from online
the demand items online by the family and friend who can connected with internet is so much in
China. Because of their population e-commerce companies is bright easy way to shopper
physical items online within the short period of time, Chinas people prefer to buy items online
than to go physical store to shopper that is why china is first countries, introduce online trade
today it is spread all over the world individual are trade and shopper online. And their benefic
with online shopping, in China this trade is a trillion-dollar business on the internet.
Back to Nigeria online shopping facing myriad challenge from the fraudster lack of the quality of
the internet to run online store successfully, In this research have been find out internet in
Nigeria is very slow to connect with e-commerce store successful is very had lack of the quality
of internet that can allow houses to connect internet in which will allow online shopper to take
With this Opportunity internet given to individual an interact with e-commerce for online
Shopping. (EFCC20018). Economic and Financial Crimes Commission Even they is strong
internet connect internet it is very cost to buy from internet provide, even individuals are
willing to shopper online cost of the internet can discourage, the shopper items online they
prefer to shopper in physical store face to face without spend money buy internet to interact
with online store that is why Today the number of the e-commerce store in Nigeria is very little
compare, with other developed countries around the world is just 10 million people, have access
to the internet that can interact with e-commerce store to shopping items online out of the more
than 200 million people within the country, as mention before majority of people is poor their
don’t have money to buy internet from the internet provide, to interact with online store for trade
or shopping item.
Consumer decision making refers to the decision making by the individuals to consumer, product
this decision it taking stage by stage. To decide. by the consumer before buy product or service
and also we know it as buy decision-making process individuals a passes five-stage than to
decide on the product or service this decision can be simple or complex is depending on the
individuals consumer the decision make process, include identified need, information search,
evaluating the alternative purchase the product, post-purchase, behaviors of the organizations the
advance of the internet the explosive growth by the e-commerce companies the rapid change in
the consumer decision-making process individuals interaction with internet and website for
search information about product or service in a different e-commerce store. Around the world
by connection with internet in which individuals have preference choice items online this kind
of trading give consumer motivation to choose the best of their choice in e-commerce store
motivation is mean the benefits drive from buying behaviors which is it very impotent aspect in
consumer behaviors, and perception of the consumer about the product or service which
individuals are willing to purchase in online store, Identified need, is to connect with family and
friend or other individuals that have experience to the online shopping to getter information
about product or service that consumer are interest to buy on internet, in consumer decision
making they are two groups of the individuals, in which may have strong influence in the
Consumer decision process family and friend have more influence in change mind of the
consumer to interacting. with online store in these two groups both have strong influence friend
and family members who experience shopping items in one of the online stores around the globe,
her/ she can give information to the rest of the family and friend need being to connect with the
internet for search the store to find information more about the product or service in which
individuals are willing to buy online. Then to start Evaluating different options available in the
market from the brand of the product and looking at a quality production this condition the
consumer can change mind to the online store because the quality or price of the product, this
can make consumers to be complicated in the decision making process sometime course
consumer to charge her/she mind from the buy items in online store. The quality of the product it
is very important among Nigerian how the friend or family have experience about the product
can encourage consumer to make decision on the product. To buy noting the online store, the
value addition is not more important in the decision-making process in Nigeria, the comparison
and compare reviews. Of the consumer is the mostly time spending in the stage before end
consumer items in the online store. in Nigeria. Lack of quality of the internet to connect with
online stores around the world, it is an issue. In the way that the internet is very slow to interact
with e-commerce stores for online shopping to buy items in online store it can take you more
than two hours before to buy. Internet connection is the very poor majority of the individual
don’t have a strong internet connection in their phone or computer to interact with the online
store for shopping is just small number of individuals have strong internet connection people in
government or multinational companies they have money to buy from internet provide at any
time. Rest of the people don’t have a good income to purchase internet for online shopping
because internet it is very costly in Nigeria even you purchase internet sometime they is no
electricity individuals prefer to go computer center an pay little of money to use internet for
online shopping or personal businesses, as mention before the number of the individuals that
have less income is huge in Niger that is why the consumer decision making process in Nigeria
is different between two groups of individuals who living in the city and who live in village they
is big gap in using internet and they is income difference individuals living city have more
opportunity to interact online store compare who living in village can take week, month without
power supply Lack of the internet is the one of the major issue, availability to the internet
providers can be contributed in the interaction with e-commerce stores to consumer items online
this issue families with computers and lack of power supply that empower internet to interface
and encourage online business at some point individuals, can take more than are month without
power supply. There are such massive numbers of online businesses, short down as a
consequence of lack of good power supply to do online businesses in Nigeria massive number
individuals lost their job for earned salary who working under online companies without power
supply. How the e-commerce companies can operate an online store, that is why e-business in
Nigeria is in backward compared with other countries around the world such Turkey many
investors are willing to star online business in Nigeria lack of the power supply is discourage
Computer users with internet connection have offered rise to new chances to serve constituents
into the business, on an electronic device. However, the advanced have demonstrated that online
business with enormous dangers In Nigeria, according to report by the Nigerian authority
(EFCC2018). Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, Fraudsters are created fake websites
and selling inexistence products to individuals around the world Moreover, the most significant
advancements, have made new security inadequacies. Online businesses have had essential
challenges and are regularly discouraged from trying over. There is matter of finding a
dependable online store site that may securely and sincerely, handle electronic exchanges, for
products or services known and adequately of relatives need true fraudsters and hackers defraud
individual every day in the process of the shopper items online looking at anyway, to defraud
individuals in process of the interact with online store to shopping items the cybercrime is major
issue effect doing online businesses in Nigeria. In a Reasonably manner this is general issue look
at internet can encourage the unlimited wants, of the product or service around the world, it has
demonstrated that the connection among innovation and society has attempted to not be
supernatural but rather sincerely focused on how to get money in any way. (Kalathil and Boas,
2003). With certain thoughts of internet innovation normally, ignored or avoided, the opportunity
that different uses will speak to a danger to its real innovation know making social relationships
it is harder to deal with and simpler to overcome. The innovation offers disregard the negative
outcomes of the medium privileged in place of the increase and organized connections. Internet
providers are the main consideration adding to the modest gathering for e-commerce business in
Nigeria. It remained found over and done with past examinations through (Folorunsho et al.,
2006; Ajayi, 2008; Egwali, 2009, Ayo and Adeshina, 2010; Aminu, 2013). Be that as it may,
among the whiles of the past studies then know, at hand takes remained a few enhancements
about those subject, designed, for example, the latest report by Ipsos announce Nigeria is one of
the biggest economic country besides the driving force of e-commerce to developed Nigeria is
of mother of Africa, The electronic business still is facing many challenge government should do
something for the economic development of the country to give more concern on the online trade
and protect cyberspace from defraud individuals around the world who will to trade online or
shopping .
Cybercrime includes any crime by use computer and internet to scam or hacking, spamming
other people mail, fraudulent activities cybercrime destroys Nigerian to making businesses
online this issue created danger that it is very difficult for start small enterprises as the increase
of cybercrime in the country everyday this issue discouraging individuals around the world to
have investment in country this significant problem international community and Nigeria
government reforms to increase awareness among Nigeria youth. By collaboration with the
police, the government takes it as a serious offense that anybody who arrested should face the
law. and the fight against cybercrime needs complete practice. Given that specialized estimates
alone can't forestall any crime, that engager with illegal activities online it is very important that
law-authorization offices are permitted to examine and accuse cybercrime successfully (ITU,
2012) It is appropriately said that everything has an expense related to it as is the situation with
developing disregard of the internet connection. According to report by the economic and
financial crime commission (EFCC2016). Cybercrime is one of the biggest challenges for e-
defined as any criminal activity carried out over the Internet with the intent to defraud people of
their property in another location at a very quick cost. There are so many ways to cheat people
now. There is, for example, to hack someone telephone numbers and thus offering services
Fraud is one of the annoying things or evils of our time. While less dramatic than crimes of
violence like murder or rape, fraud can inflict significant damage at organizational or individuals
fund, Fraud is a concept that seems to have an obvious meaning until we try to define it. As fraud
their energy looking for money transaction online to defraud an steal people transfer to their
personal account some time they created website selling inexistence product to people around
the world when they pay with their bank card they use this opportunity to steal they fund in the
processing of the pay items online that is why it is very difficult to conduct online business
successfully in Nigeria According to report made by economic and financial crime commission
(EFCC2020)This issue is attributed to unemployment and high poverty rate. in the country that is
why the number of crimes is so high in Nigeria the youth are doing any kind of crime online to
make money defraud of big companies around the and world this kind of the issue it created so
many problems between Nigeria and rest of the country around the world for example fraud
issue in 2021 between one Nigerian and united states government this kind of issue can destroy
We still refer to Mash all McLuhan as a reference to the research based on the analysis of Johann
Gutenberg. Galaxy is a good example of technological advancement. She invented the ideas of
the print press, and the invention of this idea is a major source of technological advancement,
Gutenberg’s invention can be referred to as the source of modern knowledge. Moreover, people
developed the idea of Gutenberg to the level that technology controls most of the online business
E-Commerce. Marshall McLuhan took this idea and developed it around 1962 in his book titled,
Gutenberg Galaxy, he mentioned the idea of the global village and also believes that eventually
in the future technology will allow people to intensify across many borders and also connect
different cultures around the world through technological advancement. In the 21st century, the
idea of Marshall McLuhan of technology determination, have been proven to be a success in the
way people are using technology to interact, and also some are taking the advantage of using the
invention for illicit activities such as; frauds for example, as the scamming and hacking of
various companies are been perpetrated in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The most important
determination. In his book titled Gutenberg Galaxy (Marshall McLuhan) suggests that
technology is the driving force that shapes society throughout their life which we have to adapt
towards. With it, the technological rational understanding is the source in bright any kind of
developments around the world from invention of the e-commerce business and online trade,
today is become autonomous by technology, this development plays an important role within
society. In hence businesses in internet and online bank Advance of the technology have been
changes the way that individuals communicate and interact with online store. Technology helps
in connect with each other. This theory explains that technology is a primary driving force to
shape society, to show the reality of the world, and to transform their culture to the other
generations this is proverb in these day we are connect with internet share information with other
people around the world. Internet innovation gives an opportunity to the individual’ shopper
items online. Marshall McLuhan ‘announces the impact of the technology given to electronic
commerce and online business ways to targeting. Customers, at the same time technology
created high risk, for example, great expense processing firms, have a significant risk of fraud
around the World. Even though the degree of e-commerce it has grown more than human
expectation, in this current age due to retailers’ product or services. In internet, Furthermore, the
online trade haven been ‘increased around the world, companies are trade to each other online
business to business this progress it is, bright by the internet buying and selling items in large
quantity in online store. Never the less companies are suffered, deeply from the fraudster every
day in online store report by online store every year e-commerce company are lost about $3.3
billion. According. (Lawrence Lessig ). She suggests that before to interact with e-commerce.
store we need look at the security of the e-commerce site than to trade or buy item if they have
The Uses and Gratification theory looks at how the media affects people It discusses how people
use the media to meet their own wants and how they feel content when those needs are seen. In
other words, rather than arguing what media does to people, the theory argues what people do
with media. The number of Internet users have grown more human expectation, and has created
an enormous went and need in marketing and communication applications in a relatively short
period of time. Although scholars and practitioners recognize the ability of the Internet as a
marketing tool with great potential and advantages, in Internet specific settings, there is still a
lack of knowledge about the motivations for using the Internet and related online consumer
behaviors. Use and gratification theory provides a theoretical basis and a way to further
understand consumers’ attitudes and behaviors of the using Internet as an online shopping
channel from the media perspective. The entertainment construct refers to the step in which the
web and media is entertaining for media users (Eighmey and McCord 1998; Eighmey 1997). In
the research has shown that the value of media entertainment lies in its ability to meet user needs
for relaxation, (McQuail 1983). In Previous research suggests that providing higher
entertainment value is likely to result in an advantage for media users and motivate them to use
the media more often. For example, it has been shown that web users who find banner
advertising on the web entertaining lead to stronger brand loyalty to the advertised products they
are higher probability of buying the brand (Stem and Zaichowsky 1991). In addition, Alwitt and
Prabhaker (1992) report that the entertaining ability of advertising determines the experience of
advertising exchanges for users.Similarly, Ducoffe (1995; 1996) shows that entertainment is
positively related to advertising value and attitudes towards advertising. Finally, Chen and Wells
(1999) found that entertainment is positively linked to attitudes towards the site, although their
study did not extensively test the attitudes balances towards the site and its usage and satisfaction
using the structural equation demonstrating attitude underlying dimensions. The use and
gratification theory suggest that how media attach individual with something in relaxation time
in this modern day’s how individual using internet for entertainment we look at internet as tool to
attach the individuals with online store in the way that companies advertising product or service
online, internet give an opportunity to the online store to target customer in these days by spend
the time in internet to gratify something to talk about not think about. In this theory use
gratification suggest that media is good to attach audience with what she\her going talk not what
going think, same with online store just try to attach consumer with items in online store that is
why today advisement and retail is online companies are using this opportunity given to the
internet a conduct they advisement in web without spend money in new paper, television radio
the just used media such as YouTube to post videos, Face book and twitter.
invention, such as a new evidence-based technique for spreading of the online trading. Diffusion,
its, refers to an innovation that is conveyed to members of a social system over time through
diffusion of innovation suggestion that more meaningful measure of change when complex
organizations are adopters. Something to the Individuals such as online store organizations can
adopt new product or service to the country or states this can be rated for diffusion. Depicts the
links between adoption rates and how we define diffusion in various instances, such as when
innovations are offered but do not distribute .When time-of-adoption data is cumulatively, with a
slow initial rate of adoption giving way to a quickly rising rate. In a social system, adoption of a
new concept, behavior, or product innovation does not occur at the same time; rather, it is a
process in which certain people are more likely to accept the innovation than others. People who
adopt an innovation early have distinct behaviors than those who adopt it later, according to
research. When advertising an invention to a target community, it's critical to identify the
features of that population that will aid or hinder adoption. While the majority of the general
population, falls into one of the five defined adopter categories, it is still vital to understand the
characteristics of the target population. Different techniques are utilized to demand different
adopter types while promoting an invention. They as different stage to adopt new idea, to change
individuals mind to adopt new ideas it will take time than to adopt it is not just any new thing
come out individuals can easy adopt it the theory of the diffusion of innovation have stage by
stage to the individuals in which will adopt new ideas Inventor People who desire to be the first
to try an idea are known as innovators. They are daring and curious about new concepts. These
peoples are frequently the first to explore fresh ideas and are willing to take risks. To try new
thing could be product or service this groups, is very little, if anything, needs to be done. People
who represent by the opinion leaders are known as early adopters. They like taking advice from
the opinions leaders before to adopt new ideas. They are well aware of the need for change
therefore open to new ideas. They do not require information to modify their minds. Early
Majority - These people are rarely leaders, but they are the first to adopt new ideas. However,
before they are willing to adopt an innovation, they usually need to see proof that it works. These
are stage before individual to adopt new ideas in the environment that is why today online store
using this opportunity given by the internet to target individuals with their product or service
retail online it is very easy individuals to adopt new idea in internet compare with stage in which
mention by the diffusion innovation theory because, when individuals are spend time with any
media platforms, e-commerce store are connect they stores with one of the social media web
such as Face book they posting link of their site in Face book the moment individuals click on
will take she\her to the e-commerce site sometime will end purchase items.
in this research information process is base relate to the study on the e-commerce business how
individual can created a means to the environment, on what they see or read in which can be
influence to interact with online store for purchase, different kind of the items online through
connect by internet to interact with social media this theory classified stage by stage on how
information take place to the human brain. The information processing when a massage or
stimulus, which could be a sound or picture from the environment is received, by raptors. Can be
seen with eyes this theory which proposes that our brain is similar with computer, we get input
from the environment, the theory have strong connection with e-commerce business in the ways
that every information we getting it save in human brain when we went interact with online store
looking at product or service any information we get we will remainder it within the
environment could be see or hair the sent massage to our brain we will use information in
interact with e-commerce store an purchase items. Information is acquired, recorded, organized,
retrieved, displayed, and disseminated. In recent years, the phrase has become more associated
with computer based activities. In common usage, the term information process refers to facts
and opinions that are offered and received in the progress of daily life: one acquires information
directly from other human beings, from mass media, from computerized data banks, and from a
diversity of noticeable events in the environment. A person who uses such facts and opinions
generates more information, some of which is shared to others through discussion, instructions,
letters and documents, and other forms of media. A body of knowledge is a collection of
information organized according to logical relationships that can be obtained through systematic
of usage and satisfaction theory can be defined as the extent to which the web provides
imaginative and helpful information to users (Chen and Wells 1999; Ducoffe 1995). In an
original study, Bauer and Greyser (1968) suggest that media users view the advertisement's
ability to provide audience information as the fundamental reason for accepting the
advertisement itself. Similarly, Rotzoll, Haefner and Sandage (1989) consider the information
role of advertising to be its most important legitimation function. Without the time-based and
three-dimensional obstructions in the virtual world, the web can offer consumers immediate and
understanding content.Maddox (1998) reports that the most important reason people use the
Internet is to collect different types of information. Here, too, Chen and Wells (1999) state that
information content and attitude to the site are positively linked. Finally, Ducoffe (1995; 1996)
found a substantial and positive relationship between emotion and advertising, value as well as
attitudes towards advertising the information process theory is base related to the psychology
way of understand human brain how the information take place in the human brain anytime
Chapter 3
3.1Research Methodology
In this study, 250 questionnaires will be designed to distribute to the respondents face to face out
of this 200 was excepted to answer correct that can present 80% respondents rate the target
sample size was initially 250 we are expected 200 is also reasonable the simple size may
consider in this research the most thing to consider. How the research design will be as the aim
here is to get as many varied views and responses, as possible considering the explorative nature
of the research work. Direct individuals can respondent the questionnaire, which was carried out
to supplement the research method. The main focus of this chapter is to present and explain the
justification of the research methodology and the research approach of this study. And try to
justify the mean reason for the choice of the quantitative method research to answer all this
questions is depend on result find by conduct questionnaire therefore the research will include
the discussion of the research and the mean purpose of the research approach, Research
procedure, Population, and sample strategy Data Collection in This study tries to identify
In this research design the main object of the study is the challenge facing e-commerce business
in Nigeria by conducting questionnaire survey face to face among 200 Nigerian students
studying in Northern Cyprus that experience online shopping. in Nigeria, the research is
organized looking information, from the respondent by allowing the respondent to express their
own opinions on questionnaire, because their information is needed. During this inquire, in this
research survey method will be used in seven days a week within one month in the different
institution in Northern Cyprus the respondent information will be collect by given questionnaire.
The result find in this research will be present information gotten respondent. The research
Nigeria students, date will present in analysis part and any discussion find from the respondent
will be present similarity to all questions, it will be going to accumulated. With the survey, a
gather all the information than measure information on variables of interest in establishing the
system that can enable the research to answer the state research question and evaluate the
Questionnaires were prepared in this research forms and given out as same, the questions had
spaces for respondents to fill up in other to answer the questions that going to put all respondent
information, in the SPSS software and also used descriptive analysis and simple relative
percentages to get accurate interpretation. With answer of the respondent, without making any
mistake in interring the date. The find result in which we asked related to the research will be
present in the analysis part that can help to understand research method concerning case study
the research is quantitative research mother in which will explain the case study by using
The study population denotes the total population of individuals or cases available for a
researcher to draw a Simple, simple and population it is part of the research design, in this study
the number of the participant of the inquire will be going given questionnaire, face to face in this
research simple size will be used. The simple is the specific number of the individuals that you
willing collect information from the small size sample is a subgroup or subset within the
population. This sample can be used in this studied to investigate the characteristics or behavior
of the entire population data. The population is an entire number of the individuals went to
conclude about. in this research questionnaire will going be used to share it face to face among
Nigerian student who studies in different institution in Turkey republic of Northern Cyprus the
information gotten from the respondent will going to present in the analysis part Small shares. of
the survey, serious it can have an impact of the objective of the research, in this research the
questionnaire organize in different level of education regarding powerful internet used (Laird
daily, n.d.). the respondent Information it going help in understand case study and measure
information from the respondent who answers the questionnaire in right way.
The designed questionnaire can be used to collect data from respondents meeting face to face
and get out through procedures and strategies for collect information, with questionnaire among
the small group of Nigerians students accumulate with the information can be assembled in a
quick structure considering the way that the expert should be accessible when the studies are
done. In this research, the most significant thing to consider is when the population is enormous,
beyond your understanding. It keeps away from the issues of test size. Numerous identifications
and research activities require the gathering of essential information from the respondent.
Perhaps if not the research will be going to wrong the most important thing in research getting
data right using surveys by design questionnaire with good planning because a severely
structured survey may get reactions that are helpful, useable, and dependable information, there
is a need planning of the survey, with multifold chooses question the research can cover all parts
of the study. To gather information from particepant in the survey in which the respondents
information is needed during this inquire. as previously talked about search approach segment. a
survey was organized, to target Nigerian students in Northern Cyprus with a questionnaire even
days a week month the questionnaire will be shared to the participant, face to face in this
research participant are selected among Nigerian students who experience online shopping and
constant internet used in this research the most important thing to consider is respondent age
education level. the questionnaire question, is very understandable, easy that respondent can
enable to answer all the question within short period of time it is not difficult to understand. Is
just multifold question and some part of the question open and end for example ask a question
like why the e-commerce and online businesses are in backward in Nigeria or Does the positive
effect of the technology advance, changer the way that e-commerce business, take place. This
kind of question will be asked to achieve the objectives of this research, certain issues identifying
with the security of respondent’s information given will protect, and data passed by the
respondents through audit must be gotten right. Data and information must be gotten from
protected through the survey, ensured Respondents would be continuously reasonable and sure
when the survey is taking place reacting, of the respondent in the questionnaire, is what we are
looks for to addresses when they comprehend (Egwali, 2009), the data they give will be kept
and protect.
Researchers use this term reliability and validity is describing the high numerical analysis of
quantitative research, such as it is concerned with the number and the relationship with events
and it is an objective system and empirical investigation of the observable phenomena, Through
the use of computation techniques. Quantitative research is objective and approaches The more
dependability, and transferability the quantitative research will be put in place with numerical
data found from the respondents by organizing questionnaire share among Nigerians students
3.7Data analysis
This section surveys evaluation, structure for this study, in doing that, the survey questionnaire
has been used for data generation. For all studied in checks to legitimize the choice of the
strategy used in this research. And discussed to legitimize the model size for the
research.Overview diagram was likewise discussed, with drives behind its use in this study to get
the result from findings and present the date from the respondents to ensure confidentiality of
information. Designate participants, data in this research will analysis by use spss to find
descriptive measure mode, median, means and range, standard deviation and conduct T-test
comparing two means male and females differ in their power distance orientation.
Chapter 4
The information and results traversed the conveyed survey from the sample bunch for this
examination, introduced and measured in this part. This will be going to displayed by how the
inquiries were posed in the survey where by conducted questioner, face to face, to seek
information from the respondent the information will going to be assembling. The early section
takes a look at the statistical data of participants in the search, age, sex, and education level and
examines the information dependent on this data. The following area analyses the inquiry on
internet fraudsters inonline business in Nigeria and the challenges facing e-commerce business
and cyber security.The third part takes a look at internet use in Nigeria. It presents the study
dependent onthe responses. The fourth part focuseson cyber security inNigeria. In addition,
information is will going toshown and divided dependent on the reactions of respondents. As
primarily highlighted, the objective sample for the checking information to understand, that all
age gatherings, as presented in this surveycontributedto the study. 200 respondents complete
their age while respondents require their age in the area offilling. The age run 15–13 had more
respondents with 42.1% of the total respondents (40 respondents), followed by the age run 20–24
with 40% of the full-scale respondents (38 respondents), and 40-above pursues with 11.6% of the
all-out respondents (9 respondents) while 25–29 had 3.2% (3 respondents). 93.7% of all-our
respondents were more than 19 years old. As taking placeexpresses, the objective component for
this,the respondent from the 30 = 34. They did not express the objective component looking for
in this study and last responders which majority of them are master student 35=39They answer
the question best of their understanding chosen since they speak about the importance of internet
byusers that can make individuals to purchase items online.Assuming that the way that
individuals in e-commerce company work and have extra money to spend.In this studythere are
Facebookmail and the other ways online access in Northern Cyprus some Nigerian
studentsexclusivein theresearch.
Gander orientation part of this examination comprised of more guys (half of absolute members)
thanfemale’s responder with (60.27.6% of the absolute answer). Whilethe other member did not
express their sexual orientation,rather (%17.) filling the surveyof the informationon socialevent
will speak in light of the fact that most of the general population in Nigeria aremale with
the internet businesses in Nigeria. Majority of sales or purchase amale, the femalepart is very
little out of the total number questionnaires of 200 give to the respondents looking for date to
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
male 140 64.5 70.0 70.0
Valid female 60 27.6 30.0 100.0
Total 200 92.2 100.0
Missing System 17 7.8
217 100.0
5.2.1 Age
The age of the respondents which is very important, as it took at an interest in this study with
half of the all-out participants.Some of them are studying. In the university rather than other
groups finishing undergraduate program.Some of them have Masters certificate, of the all-out
some of the respondents are processing PhD program.The participants have different ages, some
of the respondentsare (2.5%).15=13 and the other group of participants of this inquiry(26.5%).
20=24 and the other group again is (48.5%). This inquiry has the respondents, that are (85.0).
25=29.All these different ages can help to find what we are looking forin any levelrelated with
the way that the respondentsanswer the questioner with (100.0%).30=34.The last age in this
5..2.2 Educational Level
The educational levelof the individuals of the holder’s respondents.This enquiry that took an
interest in this study withpart of the all-out participants.Some of them are Bachelor
certificateholders. With (%49.0) of those that have completedUniversity studies, some them have
Master certificate holders with (17.0%.) of the all-out. In degree program,they process to finish
high school (84.5 %)of the complete members are other accomplishment, bettergeneral
recognition, and testament of education .99.5% all out member have a PhD. Respondents the
inquire (1.0 %) of the all-out respondents did not fill in their instructive level this are the
information, find from the respondent from the diverse level of the training in Nigeria and with
accumulation,challenges to discover data on anylevel of the instruction among Nigerian that can
contribute in this examination to accumulate the information and present.Some people are
level of educate
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Valid PhD 2 .9 1.0 1.0
Masters 32 14.7 16.0 17.0
Undergraduate 64 29.5 32.0 49.0
High School 71 32.7 35.5 84.5
5.00 30 13.8 15.0 99.5
43.00 1 .5 .5 100.0
Total 200 92.2 100.0
Missing System 17 7.8
217 100.0
5.3 Internet Infrastructure
To discover the challenges, facing e-commerce online business in Nigeria and the challenges that
facing cyber security in online business, respondents were posed a few inquiries on internet
basics. The effect of the lack of the trust in the country among Internet use. However, many
people are extremely poor, as a result,of they don't have money to buy the internet These
inquiries were posted on the grounds that the internet is the primary channel to do electronic
trade or electronic business to.It empowers individuals to purchase, good and service online
whenever at wherever without ’smediation.The internet links are the major significancewhen to
dothing or to purchase, item on ecommerce store in the online business. The transfer of fund
and transport of goods orservice to reach individuals and customer moving organization’smoney
internet, online business is difficult to take place the respondents strongly agree with (4.5).Most
of the maleinteraction with internet compare with female in Nigeria topurchase good or
service,the female respondents are very little in terms of cooperate with internet.Most of
theNigerian females are house wives, with less income to purchase internet even they are
working is very difficult to used they salary for purchasing internet, respondents disagree
(22).Most of them are young woman, the old woman majority of them are uneducated. Their is
lack of knowledge to using the computer to sell or purchase item online on the internet, through
e-commerce stores.They use telephone only for receiving calls, not for connecting with internet.
The reason is simply because,they are uneducated, The other respondents under this study in
Northern Cyprus are neutral (48).Both male and femalemembers participating in this inquiry that
agree are (86.0). The number of the respondents that strongly agree are(99.0) , this is the number
Access of the internet in federal republic of Nigeria allow people to have preference
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Disagree 9 4.1 4.5 4.5
Disagree 35 16.1 17.5 22.0
Neutral 52 24.0 26.0 48.0
Agree 76 35.0 38.0 86.0
Strongly Agree 26 12.0 13.0 99.0
21.00 1 .5 .5 99.5
34.00 1 .5 .5 100.0
Total 200 92.2 100.0
Missing System 17 7.8
217 100.0
5.3. Access to Internet in the Federal Republic of Nigeria
I have tested for the expense of getting to the internet as it improves challenger’s cyber security
to online business.The respondents were ask to look at a rundown from over the top expensive,
costly, modest to address the inquiry on expense of internet access in Nigeria, since internet in
ononline, it is veryexpensive for people thatare unable to answer the question. There are few
people that use the internet in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. They simply summit back without
giving any data as result of internet cost share of the general population that have
individuals money it is hard to discover typical individuals online that you ask them question
around Nigeria. it only is actualizedafter meeting face to face or knowing each other. Otherwise,
the information getting will have much negative answer with cooperation to other individuals
online. From theresearchin this manner of gathering of Nigerians, all data is very difficult to
come by. That is why we used sample size, as it is the only wayto gather data in this research,
andanswers in sample piece to all question strong disagree 8.0% (16 member answer the inquire)
of the all-out. Respondentsbelievedit ended the top cost is not strongand not anybody can use the
internet number of disagree 25.0% (34 respondents) of the all-out respondents picked costly.In
light of the fact that they are use internet for the call on phone that why e=commerce business is
communicate with the customers.Majority of them are multinational organization. That are used
for they collaboration with other individuals in the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the number of
neutral.48.5% (47 respondents) of the all-out respondents picked modest. the number of inquire
agree 84.0% (71 respondents) of the absolute respondents the question challenger facing e-
commerce, business in Nigeria the strong agree (32 respondents) did not fill in any reaction to
this inquiry, in light of the fact that the respondents are those willing give the information better.
One ofthose that are unfamiliar with the internet are ordinary individuals. They don't know the
impact of internet in the or e-commerce. Store They simply are modest to purchase good
orservice face to face at some point the nature of the gatheringdata is not anybody can give what
Inthe FederalRepublic of Nigeria,availability to the internet was seen as a oneof themajor issue
that led to sensible way of doing online ecommerce business. For to purchase good or service.the
origination to talk among five Nigerian just a very few individual use internets for
poorliven less than one dollar far day. They don't have money, to purchase internetservice to use
some other groups of individuals they, don’t have knowledge to use computer with internet
connection the serious, issue is lack of power supply in the country in some people are going
commercial center to pay and use internet as result of the power supply issue computer cannot
work without powersupply this is another challenges facing online business and the cyber
security,in federal republic of Nigeria. (Folorunsho et al., 2006; Ajayi, 2008; Egwali, 2009, Ayo
and Adeshina, 2010; Aminu, 2013). To decide the current situation with internet providers in
Nigeria, respondents were asked to look over a rundown from excellent, Nigeria, to very one to
address the inquiry on internet access and honesty in Nigeria accessibility to internet service
above demonstrates the reactions from test unit to this inquiry. Generally excellent and great
have the responders strong disagree 8.0% and 16. % of the all-out respondents separately which
when included gives responder disagree 28.0% 40% of respondents with one mind that honesty
to the internet providers theindividual’s devotee is poor the responder strong neutral 54.5% and
53% of the all-out respondents individually whichwhen included given responder agree 87%
and 65 % of the absolute respondents and the last question responder answer strong agree%100.0
and 26% saw that availability to the internet connection providers in Nigeria is poor and it
costly to purchase internet is note everybody have the money or income that able to purchase
internet can discourage purchase of good and service as result of security challenge
5.3.5 Internet can Discourage purchasing good or service
For over a years the power supply in Nigeria this issue that took quite a while without settling
it, every president come to power thefirst thing that are promiser to the nation come to vote for
me the primary thing that her use to vote is assurance for the power supply stability after win
election for get with people it become are history lack of the power supply are impact the online
business and anything that identified with do with internet they is no way do because they is lack
ofstable power supply in the country to conduct ecommerce this is one of the biggest of the
challenges that facing online business in Nigeria the fraudster getting an opportunity hack
individual citizen bank account without know or receiver information from the bank through the
telephone that is why majority of the Nigeria prefer to purchase item face to face some time
individuals are purchase items on power supply will off internet use, respondents of this inquire
were answer by look an alternative rundown groups to look information the responder disagree,
and differ to react to the statement. Above strong disagree 5.5% of the absolute respondent’s
5.3.5 Technology and Fraudster with Fake website to Scam Individual’s Customer
statement, 22.0% disagreed with the statement. the all-out respondents, could not help
contradicting the statement neutral 47 % insistently oppose this idea. According to this
measurements, agree are 82.5.6% of the all-out respondents agreed that lack of persistent power
supply can effect modern technology internet fraudster can use this opportunity to created fake
website the responder strong agree are (100.0 %) to disrupt transfer of fund. It is consequently
legitimate to state that need to have good powersupply, itcan influences internet used thefirm
can sell item online with this inquire I have been find the number of the responses, that the
question right about challengers that facing online business and the cyber security issue by the
fraudster in Nigeria.
technology and fraudster with fake with purpose to scam individuals customer
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Disagree 11 5.1 5.5 5.5
Disagree 33 15.2 16.5 22.0
Neutral 50 23.0 25.0 47.0
Agree 71 32.7 35.5 82.5
Strongly Agree 35 16.1 17.5 100.0
Total 200 92.2 100.0
Missing System 17 7.8
217 100.0
As we are talking about the impact of the modern technology e-commerce in the Federal
Republic.In the same time, modern technology created are a danger to the individual people who
are willing purchase good or service on internet in the e-commerce store. This is because of the
way that fraudster is yet looking for who will purchase good or service with the fake website
selling inexistent product inindividuals to get the bank card information.They can enables
transfer other people’s money to their personal account.Another challenge facing e-commerce
business in Nigeria, many individuals, loss they fund in the process to purchase item online that
why majority of Nigerian believer shopping doing face to face the respondents, of this inquire
strong disagree 9.5 and ,19 they did respondent the inquiryof danger of technology, to the e-
commerce business in Nigeria. The number disagree ,26and33 number with a responses inquire
Neutral48.5and 45, those that did respond, this section agrees 83.0 and 69 those group that are
responses right with the inquire and last groups of responder strong agree 99.5 and 33 this is the
technology created danger to the ecommerce company in Nigeria for the loss customer
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Disagree 19 8.8 9.5 9.5
Disagree 33 15.2 16.5 26.0
Neutral 45 20.7 22.5 48.5
Valid Agree 69 31.8 34.5 83.0
Strongly Agree 33 15.2 16.5 99.5
6.00 1 .5 .5 100.0
Total 200 92.2 100.0
Missing System 17 7.8
Total 217 100.0
5.3,6Cybercrime and Fraudster
Technology innovation are regularly implemented to contributed to society to doing thing essay,
cyber risks, according report by the (Nigerian authority 2018) givingautomatically, what you
have to do with computer charters though learning the cases of cybercrime. In order to keep up
data innovation basis through aninternet of action cyber safeguard is changes to threats. Or on
the other hand unjustifiable activity with the latest spread of related devices, things, applications,
and bases that we can connect, steady routine, together with devices, accompanies the danger of
cybercrime from the reactions as give the idea in the number above, strong disagree 5.0% and
10% of the absolute respondents clearly describe and disagree individually with the statement.
20.5% and 31% of the absolute respondents differ and confidently oppose this idea respectively
with the statement. In light of this understandings, it is obvious that neutral 45% and 49% of the
number of the responder which is agree 80 % and 70 %. In this inquire the responder which have
strong agree 100.0% and 40 are the complete respondents,disagree with this statement and
passing by the sizes give the idea in to be seen that Nigerians. Use the internet total number of
youth are go through days hour online for look some financial transaction to hack and transfer, to
their personal account 80% the absolute respondents agreed with the statement ecommerce
facing challenge in internet online store from the fraudster in the federal republic of Nigeria.
the cybercrime and fraudster in Nigeria are major problem to ecommerce companies
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Disagree 10 4.6 5.0 5.0
Disagree 31 14.3 15.5 20.5
Neutral 49 22.6 24.5 45.0
Agree 70 32.3 35.0 80.0
Strong agree 40 18.4 20.0 100.0
Total 200 92.2 100.0
Missing System 17 7.8
Total 217 100.0
5.3.7Trust can Influence Individuals to Purchase Good and Service in Internet
recognize how trust can influence individual to purchase good or service and other item on
internet, respondents were asked to look over a scale from categorically say so to clearly differ to
different articulations on trust issues. Theadvanced of e=commerce store in Nigeria how the
respondentmembers, answer the question since trust is a major key factor in e-commerce
onlinebusiness.Reactions couldsupport decisions on whether this is an important examination to
respondent inquire about statement; the Participants reacted to this statement strong disagree.
7.5% and 1.5% the absolute respondents for this review agreed and disagreed separately with
the justification that trust is a main consideration when citizen of Nigeria have the interest to
purchase good or service online in the ecommerce store disagree 25.0% and35 %of the
participant they respond on line facing myriad challenges lack of the trust among individuals
due to the fraudster a yet to scam individuals neutral %53.5 and%57Trust is very importantin
any business created good relation with customer especially trust may lead to purchase good or
service and other item in the store the respond all alone the above shows how participants
reacted to this notice. Agree 86.5.2% and 66% of the collective respondents for this in general
agreed and disagree separately with the explanation that trust is a main consideration when doing
internet business strong agree 99.0 % and 25%this the find from respondents for this inquire.
trust can influence individuals to purchase good and service in internet
the ecommerce companies has been suffer deeply from the fraudster in Nigeria
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Disagree 19 8.8 9.5 9.5
Disagree 38 17.585 19.0 28.5
Neutral 44 20.3 22.0 50.5
Valid Agree 68 31.3 34.0 84.5
T= Test when you have been two condition you like to compare the different between the
condition to save significate my two condition to find out the relationship between two condition
which everyone present one subject I have been conducted my t=test I have separate subject in
every condition the years of responder and education level in order to check whether there is a
significant relation or not if the condition A are more than the condition B in this test the
participant inter both condition the find result as found in condition A is 0.010730317 and the
condition B I have been find result 0.003573726 means they is are different between condition
A and the condition the variance it not same they is difference between two variance.
Chapter 6
The rapid development of the modern technology internet and mass media has changedthe way
which majority of the businesses online touch so many aspects of life within society.People trade
with each other on internet. Today becoming a significant part of the development around the
globe, internet makes life easier in so many ways. Moreover, easier for the individuals to create
platform.The finding result accordingMcLuhan suggests that the internet is part of the modern
technology McLuhan believer one-day technology will control everything.This idea hasproved
that technology is the driving force that shapes the society throughout life which we have to
adapt towards. With the technological rational understand, that the develops around the world
become autonomous by technology and this development plays an important role within the
society. The organization and firm too this advantage of technology advancement to conduct
their businessesOn internet this theory is one of the major theories that describe ways to conduct
the research and find appropriate result.Technology and this development plays an important role
within the society. Hence, that changes the way that people communicate and interact, through
leaning from each other. This theory explain that technology is a primarily drive force to shape
the society, to show them reality of the world and to transform their culture to the other
generations for internet advancement around the world. The multinational cooperation uses this
opportunity to communicate with people around on mass media and social media such as
channel and interaction with each other increase preferenceof willing to purchase item good or
service in the online store and multinational company the advance on the internet give the public
relation staff opportunity to enable talktoo they customer around the world and replay they
massage or complain in time which in marketing practice it very important it can lead to created
customer loyalty. From the mass communication four theory, we have shown that the correlation
and good relationship with research and the theory. The findings and the result in this research
illustrates technological determination todescribe how technology will have made world become
single driver .We are interacting with each other easier compare with before and exchange good
or service with ecommerce store and use of gratification analysis the way individuals use media
for the need explain the limited effect of the media information process describe how the
information are transfer in to human brain after reading something or see in television
advertisement show the last theory has been use is diffusion of innovation the theory analysis
how the individuals adopt the new innovation such purchase item in online store and use
This chapter takes a look at the information found from survey for this study from the study
gathered and has shown and examined in identical respective terms. The information displayed,
incorporates that identifying with statistic data, In this the period of respondents was taken a look
onthen it be present demonstrated age select is in coordination with the functioning age go in
Nigeria which thus suggestsin the pattern of gathering, select for theexamination have open ideas
to flow which the responder they can answer for different reaction as ask question about online
business purchase good and service that a facing challenge by frauds I have taken a look at, the
answer were a greater number of respondentwhich include male and female the overview of this
inquire are present in the table,Moreover, caught were the instructively level has use to find the
information from the responder date find will be present in the analysis part.
6.1 Summery
These chapter summaries the findings and results of the research analysis and presentation
acquired from the information gathered from the questionnaires presented.E=commerce and
internet is something come new in actualities of the modern technology and economic
development around the world Therefore, the current study is aimed to examines or to present
e=commerce, and to conclude the find result of e-commerce business and marketing, in the
federal republic of Nigerian and the questions and questionnaire at the beginning research. Has
use in this study, it is now probable to means that now, the select few of the volume, simple of
the data collected has been conduct in this research the find result has been present in bar chart
Nigeria As the country benefit very well from the e-commerce company in the that contributed
very well in the economic growth GDP and the whole size of trade, in the country has increase
from the e-commerce company that sales good or service and other items in the retail, by the
internet modern technology the accounts for 4% around sub-Sahara Africa in 2015, or $1.2
million dollar , this study describe the issue on challenges facing online business e-commerce
store in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. I believer in the future e=commerce business will have
reached more than human expectation in Nigeria Furthermore, there is sufficiently room for big
new players especially local areas e-commerce business. At this time, is the new way for the
economic development around the world. Back to Nigeria majority t businesses is conduct on
traditional ways of doing business face to face modern Internet bring simple way for conduct
online business ecommerce store. In order to find out how we will solve this challenges facing
fraudsters. that created fake web site and selling inexistence product to the individuals that are
willing or have preference for purchase, good or serve in internet and to encourage people to
purchase, items online government will protect their personal information to allow people
transfer any amount, of money to purchase what there went. In e=commerce store, it would be a
very nice idea to suggestion duereasons for ecommerce company when paying by debt card or
master card The findings result of this inquire it have a many number responses to the questioner
this research the theoretical implications. Firstly, use and gratification, diffusion innovation,
technology determination and information processing this research. As it covers the new data
about e=commerce in Nigeria the ongoing condition of the online business in Nigeria prediction
how these business can take place without facing myriad challenges, from the fraudster may
individuals look around 2023.For example that is already the government has change hand may
be the e=commerce business will become more than what it is today very day system are change
The discoveries broke down in part 5 demonstrates that more Nigerians are interaction with the
internet. As lackof the power supply are major issue from the information present, it is clear that
60% of the absolute respondents for this review have purchased items on the internet. In online
store the fact that the absolute sample for this review was only 200 when compared with that of
past examination by Ipsos which stands at 500 members with 65% of the participant’s purchase
in internet, what we call online business ecommerce business in the federal republic of Nigeria
some believer financial risk nevertheless online businesses still facing myriad challenges, in the
Nigeria. The challenge facing ecommerce, in the Nigerians are bit by bit such as fraudster, hack
lack of the trust lack of the quality of the and other criminal activists ininternet the development
of internet business it is beneficial for the Nigerian economic growth. Internet it is very
indicated by these review discoveries that internet providers. In Nigeria with 78% of the
respondent’s believer that Nigeria are facing high number of unemployment among the citizen
particularly, the young people, and a dominant part of the society don’t have month salaries
these circumstances, numerous Nigerians still go to bad way to find money to get internet for
criminal activities such scam and hacking other individuals around the world which is the
significant stage for online business. The ecommerce can deal with the experiment, by putting
more on pay for broadband internets in the Nigeria.This is valuable for the advancement of
electronic businessin Nigeria on the grounds that having excessiveinternet access individuals
need to doing different things including purchase, and salling on electronic which online training
is a piece of. This discovering relates to the discovery by Ipsos as expressed by Aderibigbe
(2015) the Nigeria is the quickest, developing economic growth which this development, has
driving from conduct electronic online trade the development through so many area, because of
progress by its organization in broadband access. The numerous individuals,try to make online
business and doing numerous thing with internet such communication, with family and friend on
Facebook and twitter I can say theadvance of the internet in Nigeria is required, drastically
online business change the manner in which that individuals doing business online in internet
and trade among the individual and the organization around the global.
The find from theory work which will give credited is the Diffusion of Innovation, model is
fundamental since it shows how obstacles can convey such usecapable (Baskerville and Pries-
Heje 2001).Rogers (1995) appropriation of drive model which tends to the society. of
determination and the phases through which one goes before agree with new development. This
model has been widely perceived to 'best' clarify such diffusion of advance. Spread is 'a thought,
practice or thing that is saw as new by an individual or other part of the hypothesis contributed
very well in the explain of discover effect of this examination thatexpressive receiving new
Another theory uses to find appropriate result from this thesis technology determination, have
been proven to be a success in the way people are using technology to interact and also some are
taking the advantage of using the devicefor illegal activities such as frauds and hacking. For
example, as the scamming and hacking of various companies are been perpetrated in Federal
Republic of Nigeria. The most important theory that has use to understand related to the
(Marshall McLuhan) suggests that technology is that the driving force that shapes the society
throughout their life which we have to adapt towards. With it the technological rational
understand is that the develops around the world become autonomous, by technology and this
development plays an important role within the society. The organization and firm too this
advantage of technology advancement to conduct they business in internet. This theory is one of
the major theory that describe ways to conduct the research and find appropriate result.
Information Process the find this thesis gives excellent find result in this research to theenhance
online business in improving assistance to customer similarly as growing the force of
organization for this circumstance, become the standpoint of the researchers which is using as
the object in this assessment. The using of internet for purchase items in ecommerce
store,advance this is one of the significant elements to assistance the achievement of a thing from
information process, this theory announces important concept that describe psychological
impact in the ecommerce business, in the way that theory explain human memory how it works
in the purchase habit of the online items and ecommerce stores this theory describe, the cognitive
processes influence learn, people are select about what they see or read meaning to constructed
meaning the process learn. Ecommerce companies. Are try everyday any time to advertise the
item on Facebook and other media platform to the individuals around the world that have
Past literary describe on ecommerce business to consumer, in Nigeria talked an about in part 3
beginning time and is a long way from what it is and how it is in the created economies compare
with the develop nation such as United States and European country even with
company in Nigeria they is a massive numbers of challenges facing ecommerce business in
Nigeria which is . These challenger incorporates poor internet basics, availability to the internet,
and, cost of getting to the internet firm quality of payment basis, cyber security,fraudster lack of
computer operator and protection personal information by the government, lack of trust among
individuals in the online store forexchange good or service , lack of the power supply
and others things (Folorunso 2006; Aminu, 2013; Efendioglu, Yip and Murray, 2009; Egwali,
2009; Ayo, Adewoye, % Oni, 2011; Oladipo, 2013) The result ofthis study is the same as with
First The degree of progress of ecommerce among members in this examination was equivalent
to that seen by Ipsos announced by Aderibigbe (2015). Despite the fact that, the objective
population for this examination is an extremely little portion of the number of populations in
Second. The challenges arewell-known in this examination where those recognized in the written
works by survey in part five by (Folorunso et al., 2006; Aminu, 2013; Efendioglu, Yip and
Murray, 2009; Egwali, 2009; Ayo, Adewoye, Oni, 2011; Oladipo, 2013) Although with certain
enhancements in numerous areas which incorporates availability to the internet providers and use
Thirdly. The past examinations on ecommerce.In Nigeria researched designs, and challenges
facing online business. Furthermore, the sample population,used for these examinations was
selected from numerous area of the nation. This study saw bigger challenges facing ecommerce
in Nigeriathrough are objective individuals selected in the various areas in the country.
4. The situation along the study it will be noticed the very importantstudy, based on past study
from the different people to realize the ecommerce facing challengein Nigeria and how the
legislature. Can mediate to stop this crime activity with the country and outside the country as
citizens of the country losses millions of Nair every yearin the process for purchase item in
6.3 Recommendations
In viewpoint on the result of this examination, the perspectives on Nigerians remains that there
are so many challenges face ecommerce business, in the country. It is importantto suggest a few
ideas on how ecommerce can be improved in Nigeria and decreasing the danger and challenge
1. The government should put resources into carrying quality and fast broadband internet to all
homes in the Nigeria. should be used to supersede old fixed line structures. This will require
more people to use the internet and will help improve online business.
2.Firm web mostimplicationmanagements in the country, the figure out how to assurance of the
system to performed better that can allow individuals to purchase online ininternet. With fire of
the buy item on the fake website from the fraudster or hacker as explain before the cyber security
issue can created lack of the trust between ecommerce store and individuals. All these will
improve and make the web better subsequently making availability to the internet simple for
online business, e-learning, e-commerce, e-, training and the other online activates within the
3. to give less expensive internet providers to customer in this way decreasing. the expense of
getting to the internet. They must to also put resources into most recent advancements to improve
organize quality of the internet These will contributed to the individuals more to buy item, in
internet the internet providers and would lead more individuals, to performing online businesses
ecommerce store.
4. online purchase is great opportune should make their sites protected and secure for online
business by ensuring all fundamental safety, efforts are set up to protection customer from
security dangers to the bank cards and individual informationfrom the internet fraudsters, to give
assurance from the organization that doing on the online business cannot be danger again.
5. Banks must to endeavor to have great and constant internet connection with 24 hours that can
enable exchanges good or service this can be made whenever and at anyplace more helpfully,
and must to allow transection with internet any time encourage the use of master card and debit
card and credit card which are e-commerce payment tools. These will improve and enhance the
growth of electronic payment systems in the country and outside county this can help the
customer to buy good or service and other items without destruction for their information by
6To manage the issue of trust in online situations, the administration should put out compelling
strategies and guidelines to promisesafety in the conditions of the Criminals people such as
7. Retailers sites must to be honest and verified ensure that the displayed substance on their retail
8. Web retailers must to be real and have all information set up in their sites with the strong
security that online business can take place individual can experience, they security are
goodbefore thinking to purchase good orservice on the web quality. These ideas have to besaid
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