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Reaction Paper
COVID-19, a deadly virus that has been around for almost two years up to this date. For
the record, the virus has claimed countless lives and has infected countless people around the
globe, which tends to increase by each day that passes. During this time of uncertainty about our
safety of not getting infected by the virus and the feeling of being restricted, the presence of
factors that causes stress may just be around the corner. And failure to manage stress may
The webinar entitled, “Stress Management in the Time of COVID-19” precided by Dr.
Daryl Pugeda and Ms. Carmie De Leon tackled concepts about stress and SEED Lifestyle.
Stress can be a feeling of worrying about something or a sense of tiredness that can
escalate to depression. Stress can be caused by external and internal factors. Under external
factors that causes stress includes physical environment, social interaction, organizational, daily
hassles, and major-life events. Contrary, internal factors includes lifestyle choice, negative self-
talk, mind traps, and personality traits. External factors that causes stress can be likely translated
to things that mostly affects our physical well-being. Our body adapts differently when faced
into sudden changes such as the sudden changes that the pandemic has brought to us. We are
accustomed to different physical activities that has become part of our daily routine but, it was
all put into halt by the sudden emergence of this pandemic. Not being able to the things that we
are accustomed can put a certain amount of stress which can likely grow if not managed well. On
the other hand, internal factors that causes stress may tackle emotional and mental well-being of
a person. The factors presented such as lifestyle choice, negative self-talk, mind traps, and others
all relates to human’s mental and emotional dimension. Though lifestyle choice can be related to
physical well-being of a person, it is driven by the person’s will to live that kind of lifestyle and
the awareness about what can happen in pursuing it which pinpoints to mental and emotional
well-being and awareness. Furthermore, stress can be categorized as negative or positive. And it
should be our main goal to turn negative stress into positive stress.
Most of us often does not put a lot of attention to the things that causes stress because,
mental health-related topics aren’t openly discussed in the country. However, identifying what
causes you stress is really helpful in coping up with it. Common symptoms of stress can be
levels of a person. Physical symptoms are sleep pattern changes, fatigue, palpitations,
breathlessness, and etc. Often, physical symptoms weakens the immune response of the body,
putting the body at risk of contracting diseases. Secondly, mental symptoms includes lack of
concentration, memory lapses, and indecisiveness. Thirdly, behavioral symptoms are appetite
changes, restlessness, and increased reliance to harmful habits for short term stress release. And
lastly, emotional symptoms which can be regarded as frustrations over the things we cannot or
Recognizing the problem is a very important step into managing stress. Stress levels are
different from person to person and its impact are also different. Managing stress can require a
lot of effort, but can bring positive impacts in the long run. Here are some of the stress
management techniques that are mentioned in the webinar such as changing the way you think,
Changing how you think can mean thinking in a different way to avoid negative thinking,
or simply re-framing. Seeing things in a positive light can really help reduce stress rather than
immersing yourself into thinking negatively. It can also be focusing on your strengths and
Changing your behavior means adapting methods and practices that helps in reducing
stress levels such as getting organized, developing a sense of humor, diversion and distraction,
and etc. Getting organized is helpful in stress management. Planning ahead of time and
prioritizing important things helps you in making each task manageable and attainable. This
results to feeling relieved and fulfilled rather being frustrated and stressed for not being able to
finish a tasked.
Changing your lifestyle can start from slowly turning away from bad habits and
completely eradicating them over time. Start embracing healthy life style such as eating healthy
foods and engaging to exercise to keep your body in shape. Sleep is also important as well as
leisure and relaxation because a healthy and sound mind also contributes into having a healthy
This webinar has imparted me useful knowledge about how we can manage stress
especially in time of COVID-19. It is totally a stressful time for all of us considering that we still
have restricted access outside our homes. It can be totally stressful to stay in one place especially
if you’re used to going to lots of places. We feel so restricted that we fail to recognize the
bonds. It can be also a time for us to know ourselves better. Maybe a chance to improve our way
Stress is a part of life that we cannot deny. It can be also useful but, can sometimes be
harmful if not managed properly. So in order to manage stress effectively we can start from
giving ourselves time to enjoy and have fun. We should also be aware of our stress meters. Also,
we should live a healthy lifestyle by keeping everything in balance such as the food that we
consume. There’s no harm in consuming your favorite desserts or taking a sip of milk tea, as
long as we take them in moderation. Exercising can also help in improving our mood.
We should also take time to connect with other people, building relationships that can
bring positive impacts in our lives. Of course we should also learn to nurture and treasure these
relationships. Worry less and set you goals ahead of time so you wouldn’t be overwhelmed by a
lot of things and in order to stay focused. And lastly, we should always be a positive thinker,