Rowan Renaissance - Spec Sheets For 5in .362 Wall DP

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szi2013 Quality Documentation Package ‘Customer: ROWAN COMPANIES INC Purchase Order Number: 4500162552 Sales Order Number: 1000111638 (197) 5" OD .362" WT "H-SERIES" IEU UPSET RANGE 2 GRADE S-135 DRILL STRING WITH (XT 50) PIN 6-5/8" OD X 3-3/4" ID 11" TONG SPACE WITH TCS Ti HARDBANDING & WITH SMOOTHEDGE FEATURE & WITH H-SERIES BENCHMARKS AND (XT 50) BOX 6-5/8" OD X 3-3/4" ID 17° TONG SPACE WITH TCS Ti HARDBANDING & WITH SMOOTHEDGE FEATURE & WITH H-SERIES BENCHMARKS. TK-34XT COATING NOV GRANT PRIDECO NAVASOTA, TX, USA D) Aeob Lylahok 28) 6-\- a0\3 tor. nov com Grontrideco/Customerfeedoack Table of Contents Title Drill Pipe Performance Characteristics Sheet Certificate of Conformance Certificate of Compliance Certificate of Make and Break Certificate of Cold Rolled Threads Certificate of Hardband Tuboscope Certificate of Inspection Certificate of Too! Joint Magnetic Particle Inspection Field Inspection Procedures Connection Make-up Characteristic Running Procedures Certificate of Testing for Drill Pipe Certificate of Testing for Pin Tool Joints Certificate of Testing for Box Tool Joints Certificate of Testing for Weld Area Serialization Log Mill Certificates MIU Paper Traces Tuboscope Certification of Internal Plastic Coating Export Classification N@Y GrantPrideco Drill Pipe Performance Sheet Drill Pipe Conriguration as eee = eS a eee = = ses — abe sate oe Pesto =e a ee 7 Dim os Lam Rans2 Feral Pe ik Po Baa eS a Seine | gemermee sg ef [EE a! ——S ee | ee eee ee Be ae) a ee oe ps.c0o vows traf F500 ‘Net OvRabord ogame BUF pon wot emasw oo x 3yeom Ww) aKDo ee na | a a a a Elevator Shoulder Information. Elevator OO 32 Raed 6.842 09 Seeoneioe om, aria Toot ae Ve Lome o aS ae a = o a — a oa (errs tears anes E77 Lee Pipe Body Sip Crushing Capacty Sane EaN te TTA HOD) Da Nal BASS) [Weisel [oe pet Gom [eRe | q ratty ———rha se rstucntinin( SF OD 02820 Wel S496) NST RECS epee ET Teer i ie a Operational Limits of Drill Pipe conection [7 | eae aa) foe SS] SERENE Tr Pee cay [ee Rrapncnias | [FBO PY] ‘Coniod Losing DIPhpe ot ‘Canned Loading Tor Psat Recommended taka Tra 6100 yes Hinman usroupToqve= 38.600 pm sco — jer rea Opal ings Inmacby Patina Toe ‘patna ing ea Fino by he Noh To, Connection Make-up Torque Range (Sibi Toe [Connection Wax ‘ne Tension a Yuet [537600 [1,068:100 f39.400 [1,067 400. fe.s00 [7.087 00 = fa. t00_ [1,010,000 far.s00——[u06 200 fazs00 Ja70.500 las.c00_——[ae7 an l.400” 925000 — "= NY Grant Prideco Connection Wear Table come FEE ae Connection Wear Pipe Body, Combined Loading Table (Torque-Tension) coat, Boer lena fae favo fea Jarmo fama fae [rmaor [ear Jara feoam fame serene ee NSY GrantPrideco Certificate of Conformance API Specification 5DP, Latest Edition NS-1 SPEC. REV 9 6/2007 NOV Grant Prideco Spec for Grade S-135 Rowan Renaissarice Tubular Specification Rev 6.2 dated 11/1/12 Customer Purchase Order Number: 4500162552 This hereby certifies that Grant Prideco has met or exceeded the manufacturing and quality requirements of the above referenced specification(s) in manufacturing the following below described material for: ROWAN COMPANIES INC Sales Order Number: 1000111638 (197) 5° OD 362" WT *H-SERIES" IEU UPSET RANGE 2 GRADE 8-135 DRILL STRING WITH (XT 50) PIN 6-5/8" OD X 3-3/4" ID 11" TONG SPACE WITH TCS Ti HARDBANDING & WITH SMOOTHEDGE FEATURE & WITH H-SERIES BENCHMARKS AND (XT 50) BOX 6-5/8" OD X 3-3/4" ID 17" TONG SPACE WITH TCS Ti HARDBANDING & WITH SMOOTHEDGE FEATURE & WITH H-SERIES BENCHMARKS. TK-34XT COATING "NOV Gran Pca Reoresrathe Dae ‘Gantrnar ROWN COMPANIES NC Dates SOT Description: 5°00 362" H.s GRADES. 195 ORUL STRING WITH oct Stooticace reat agkek AND xT 80) BOX iH TS Ts HARDEANING & ITT SOOT HEDGE @ Certificate Of Compliance API Specification SDP, Latest Edition NS-1 SPEC. REV 9 6/2007 NOV Grant Prideco Spec for Grade S-135 Rowan Renaissance Tubular Specification Rev 6.2 dated 11/1/12 Customer Purchase Order Number: 4500162552 This hereby certifies that Grant Prideco has met or exceeded the manufacturing and quality requirements of the above referenced specification(s) in manufacturing the following below described material for: ROWAN COMPANIES INC Sales Order Number: 1000111638 (197) 5" OD .362" WT "H-SERIES" IEU UPSET RANGE 2 GRADE S-135 DRILL STRING WITH (XT 50) PIN 6-5/8" OD X 3-3/4" ID 11" TONG SPACE WITH TCS Ti HARDBANDING & WITH SMOOTHEDGE FEATURE & WITH H-SERIES BENCHMARKS AND (XT 50) BOX 6-5/8" OD X 3-3/4" ID 17" TONG SPACE WITH TCS Ti HARDBANDING & WITH SMOOTHEDGE FEATURE & WITH H-SERIES BENCHMARKS, TK-34XT COATING noe ne Wennan sono NOW Gears Pidice Ropeseniate Dae “Castors ROWAN COMPANTES WE ~paes Sao Sales Order 1000111628 Purchase Order 4500162552 Descuption: 5°00 382° HV7 "ESERIES" ICU UPSET ANGE 2 GRAGE 6-135 DRILL STRING WITH XT Sa}PN@r" Go Xb 17 TONG SPACE WaT TOS T HAROBANONG 8 'SUOOTHEDGE FEATUNE IH F SERIES BENCHMARAS AND (Xt $0) 30K 6:5" 00 X2- SGevip 1 TONG SPAGE vil ToS 1 HAROBANDING & WT] uc THEDGE FERTURE & Certificate Of Make and Break This hereby certifies that the Make and Break Operation has been performed on the following: (XT 50) PIN 6-5/8" OD X 3-3/4" ID 11" TONG SPACE WITH TCS Ti HARDBANDING & WITH SMOOTHEDGE FEATURE & WITH H-SERIES BENCHMARKS (XT 50) BOX 6-5/8" OD X 3-3/4" ID 17" TONG SPACE WITH TCS Ti HARDBANDING & WITH SMOOTHEDGE FEATURE & WITH H-SERIES BENCHMARKS in strict compliance with the Applicable NOV Grant Prideco Standard Operating Procedure No. DS-OP-31 Rev. 11, 2-1-11 for the Make and Break Operation, Latest Revision. The issuance of this certificate indicates that the Make and Break Operation was completed. (197) 5" OD 362" WT “H-SERIES" IEU UPSET RANGE 2 GRADE S- 135 DRILL STRING WITH (XT 90) PIN 6-518" OD X 3-3/4" ID 11" TONG SPACE WITH TCS Ti HARDBANDING & WITH SMOOTHEDGE FEATURE & WITH H-SERIES BENCHMARKS AND (XT 50) BOX 6-5/8" ‘OD X 3-3/4" ID 17" TONG SPACE WITH TCS Ti HARDBANDING & WITH SMOOTHEDGE FEATURE & WITH H-SERIES BENCHMARKS, TK-34XT COATING ‘Gastomen ROWAN COMPANIES NE Date SaaS Soles Oreor 8: 100:11635 Purehase Order 400182552 ® Description: 5°09 262" “H-SERES"IEU UPSET RANGE 2 GRADES-195 ORM STRING WITH oxT $0) Pe ese" Go Xa. io 1" TOG SPACE WIT Te HAROBANDING & a mt FAS AND (x 50) Ba t SPACE WITA TCS" HARDEANGING & Wt! SMODTHEDE FE WITH HESERIES BENGHOAPKS. TREK? CORTING Certificate Of Cold Rolled Threads This hereby certifies that the Cold Rolled Threads Operation has been performed on the following: {XT 50) PIN 6-5/8" OD X 3-3/4" ID 11" TONG SPACE WITH TCS Ti HARDBANDING & WITH SMOOTHEDGE FEATURE & WITH H-SERIES BENCHMARKS (XT 50) BOX 6-5/8" OD X 3-3/4" ID 17" TONG SPACE WITH ‘TCS Ti HARDBANDING & WITH SMOOTHEDGE FEATURE & WITH H-SERIES BENCHMARKS in strict compliance with the Applicable NOV Grant Prideco Standard Operating Procedure DS-OP-14 Rev.7, dated 8-24-12 for the Cold Rolled ‘Threads Operation, Latest Revision The issuance of this certificate indicates that the Cold Rolled Threads Operation was completed. ‘Cantona ROWAN COMPARES NE Baie: Sa Seles Orders 1000111698 Purchaee Onder # 450162552 ‘ecerption: 5°00 362° WT "H.SERIES"IEU UPSET RANGE 2 GRADE: So) ib 1° TONG SONG WHT TOR THARDRAND ‘SNOGTHIESGE FEATURE WT} TI SERIES BENCIAIARKS AND (Xt 60) 0X Sia" 1" TONG SPACE WITH TCS HARDBANO'NG & WITH! SMOOTHEDGE Fe ‘WATHELSERIES BENCHMARKS TK-KT CORTING Certificate Of Hardband This hereby certifies that TCS Ti has been applied on the following (XT 50) PIN 6-5/8" OD X 3-3/4" ID 11" TONG SPACE WITH TCS Ti HARDBANDING & WITH SMOOTHEDGE FEATURE & WITH H- SERIES BENCHMARKS (XT 50) BOX 6-5/8" OD X 3-3/4" ID 17" TONG SPACE WITH TCS Ti HARDBANDING & WITH SMOOTHEDGE FEATURE & WITH H- SERIES BENCHMARKS in strict compliance with the Applicable NOV Grant Prideco Standard Operating Procedure DS-OP-13 Rev. 9, dated 12-3-12 for the Hardband Operation, Latest Revision. The issuance of this certificate indicates that the Hardband Operation was completed Poo Ropesonatie ‘Gistomer? ROWAN CONPANES WE ae aT Sols Order 100011168 Purchase Order: 450016252 io vm utSeNeS BENCHMARKS TKEKT COATING. cosonrs—_Gamtrrigeco 0.8 _ 1210882 Shop Order sea ors No. _aigst9080 ausire mmo —— Fiat sgh | Nomina Wal Tae T= = 49808 ae S15 Cx nuscoreas —§ (se (se 00 nse 0 ew Co erenns econo ner ences ote are wate vera nrt0e co Th hoe psn wre pero to mit or sod he att reson the {fsloving rence pesto, Tabscpe sandr opting pce ‘peptone gece TUBOSCOPE SOP: 1401, 002, 401,610 Row 6&APISDP resins pees aroma 007 1 Ca prvine soins wits nie Bont oe tans Tabor Representa: Dates Laeemiaa meBaeD owe © Certificate of Tool Joint ba Magnetic Particle Inspection This hereby certifies that Too! Joint Magnetic Particle Inspection has been applied on the following (XT 50) PIN 6-5/8" OD X 3-3/4" ID 11" TONG SPACE WITH TCS Ti HARDBANDING & WITH SMOOTHEDGE FEATURE & WITH H- SERIES BENCHMARKS (XT 50) BOX 6-5/8" OD X 3-3/4" ID 17" TONG SPACE WITH TCS. Ti HARDBANDING & WITH SMOOTHEDGE FEATURE & WITH H- ‘SERIES BENCHMARKS in strict compliance with the Applicable NOV Grant Prideco Standard Operating Procedure for Magnetic Particle Inspection QP25.10 Rev.10 Dated 10/18/12. The issuance of this certificate indicates that Magnetic Particle Inspection was completed NOV Grant Bros Representa ae ‘Gastomee! ROWAN COMPARES NE Dom aS Seles ower: c00112658 Purchase Order 4500162552 oy Deterption: §*05 60" SLSERES EL Ul IEDGE FEATURE 8 WITH PASERES BENCHAARIS ANG. TONG SPACE WITH TOS Ti HAROAANDING & Wi Sk ITH SERIES BENCHMARK. TXT COATING ny ghar Peel hcreer Oo e faces Grant Se ten three Prideco =22"* Fre. NOV Grant Prideco DPS Bulletin ran | Fearne ta” saeiaes [som Baie | permease (=o 1 eee |? | rere One: | nw 292007 . mom roa Belt | ene ‘eg ow ooarns es Field Inspection Procedure for Used eXtreme™ Torque Connections (XT™ and XT-M™) 1. Scans: The folowing proodure efpulates the éxuipment, inspection ethods, and ‘2cceptence eteria fr fel inspection and repair of XT™ end XT-M™ connections, This lespoton sha ancornpass bot eal ad dimensional mahods. The fda ‘2. Eauloment The equipment fisted below shal ba raquited te perform thess inapectcns. 2.1. 12 Sioa! Rule graduated in 116" 22. Oulslde and inside Dlamoter Spring Calipers 2.3. Long Stroke Depth Micrometer 2.4 Setting Standerés for Depth Mcromnetor 25. Profle Gage 25. Led Gage 2,7. Lead Gage Standard 2.8. XT Connection Field inspection Dimension Drawing 3. Preparation: Al vend, make-up shoulder, at seal surtaces shal bs cleaned sulletety {o-llow for vieual inspection, The starting threads of tie pin and box connections shows bbe cleaned using a "sot whe!” or ther bufing method. Pals Poansoreient 4, Views inspection: 44, Péimany Make-up Shoulder (Extomal Torgue Shoviderk Refer tothe "XT or XTM, ‘Connection Field Inspection Dimansion* drawing for terminology and ahouler locations, Tho seal surface should be trea of galls, nleks, waehes, fn, o olor conaitions that exceed ihe his of pa, 4.4.4. and 41.2 (oslow), 4:41. Damige that doos not exceed 1/02"%in depth and crosses less than 90% of tho ‘ackal width of the sealls acceptable. If tha damage exceeds these fini, refacing shail bs used to repair the sea surface. 441.2. The tefacing repair shoul only remove enowgh meet to repa the darmage. A ‘maximurn of 1/32 of materi may be femove duting each vefaciig operation and ‘2 maximum of 1/16" may bs removed fram the connection before re-thraeding is ‘aquired, Mtr refacing fepar, a minimum length of 1716" (062° shall roman on the box refacing benchmark, and 316" maximum (.198") shal remain onthe pin fefacing benchmark, See sksich, ANAnGE Jw 5 wy EZ a tear Pi Face Box tax Retace 4.2. Seconstany oulder The Secondary Shoukier isnot a ‘Sealing surface, Damage fo this surface ie not creal unis the damage interes with the make-up, critblty, o torque eapacty ofthe connection, Dents, soratces, ‘and cuts do not sift thie surface unless these exceed |" in width end cause the ‘cannacion a be rejected due io shortening ofthe shouldero-shoulder length. Filng ‘may be used to repair material protrusions, which extend fom ine face. Connection Jength readings shall not be taksn in damaged areas. 4.3. 15° Seal: XT-M connacton contains a 15° metaMo-Metal sealing eurface near the pn ‘and box secondary shoulders. Thi is the winary sealing surface forthe XT-M ‘conazation, Ths surface is allowed to cantain round pt type defects inthe contact ‘area of the saa surtace up io 1/02 in dameter and rot exceeding 1/32" depth. Multiple pits of this type are acceptable proved thare is atleast 1" ccumferential ‘separation between thes. Circumferential ines or marks are acceptable inthis surface provided they cannet bo detected by rubbing & fngomalt across the surface. The ‘ollowing “Pin Sea’ and "Box Seaf" diagrams show areas of th seal that vay contain ‘damage exceeding thet previously stated inthis procedure, Tho ares onthe pin seal ‘tin 0,060" of the miner pin nose ameter isa non-contact surface and darnage in this ate does not affect sealing. The area onthe pin seal within 0.060" ofthe mayor in ‘ase diameter may also contain damage or pting (in aston to the area on the pin ‘sea within 0.060" ofthe minor pin nose diame), provide thatthe balance ofthe ‘seal contact sunfoos te wihout damage, The area on the box seal within 0188" ofthe ‘major box cylinder conians the non-contact porion of tho box seal and that porton of ‘the Seal that corresponds to the frst 0.080 of he pin seal. Damage opting (= Prmited inthis aoa of tha bex seal provided thatthe balance ofthe seal contact suriaceis without dsinago. ‘Box Seal me , fe XN ~ Le a / ( Pin Seal s 44, Threads; The siab fankcto crest radius ofthe starting 4 to § threads of tha pin and ‘bax connection round off during braalin end norm operation. This condtlon normal and dogs not afect the service ofthe connection. The romain thread flank surfaces shouldbe fee of damage that exceeds 1/16" in depth or 1/8 in ciameter “Thread roots should ba free of damage that exten below the ras. Thtead erast shouldbe tree of damage that woul intertare with make-up. Matava that protrudes. beyond the thread proflg should bs removed using a round comered triengle hand fle or sft buting whol 4.8. Broil The thread profile shall be veried lang the fultlength of complete threads i ‘uo locations at least 90° apart. The profs gage should mesh even in the threads ‘and show normal contact. ifthe profile gage does not mash in the threads, lead ‘measurements shalt be taken, 4.6. Coating: Threads and shoukiers that are repaired by fling oF rfacing must be ‘Phosphate costed oF by using copper sua, 5. Dimensional Inspection: 5.1. Lead: The tread lead should be vere, tho profle gage Indicates that thread ‘eich has oozured, The thread lead shall be measured over a 2" interval and shall ‘not excond 9.008". Conmoctone feng this Inopecion ahould be Inapocted for ereaa and, i none are found, re-teeded. ‘5.2. Box Outside Diameter: The outside lameter ofthe box shal be measured at a suas hat ityips) $0 Tin fee. eal ‘es. to BUNT PIED SEE Mt fw. 6. xt Wr. 9,204 {rat yee 1 STU ee, WoLe Tan, 16, REDE OS SS OLE BGA a PPAF. 1. TEMTICISTNE = GAT IED 9.0, 90, HERI ecT8 ‘hos of rego SrtPzesua trae “OY Che Soa -— ‘ser Way Heures BL seNameesanoss, — MILL CERTIFICATE" sisisersrz,ervou ‘roe ges he ena ee cate: Boies Stel Grade 430 shee "Cina 3.5 Crt. Wo: Bote-ot es Shae of Product: SRE SR tevgth (om): 8,250 Gistanar” GUAT PRIS Ubivery Condition #43 fold 35.505 Heat No. 5 souze MAE & ‘08 cectiti by am ne me Se aeby cortity ths. the material gerbes Mein as bo CED swociovsen, §— MILL CERTIFICATE "2 02e2sz conen ets a 420 Fane cate REG oot rae casa sizo tines) 35" Gert Wo, : O4EDe ot Spe of Progot | SAE BAR Length (aa) 8:250 iston: GWA FRED Bolivery Condition: As Ro led iat (kg): 9.506 Hae No. HEART Btantityies) | 18 frssetion 4 Stan king Posts: F--o-ce Bowe 1 fot. to RT PRICED SEE 41 Ar. 8. Da SU Test 5 ez. 1 STN 388 {BE UOLE TET, vo, LOU AS 2 stom OLE AS SNE FEE, WD LS FA FO. WO. TS-ATEICUSIMER = GAT PRCEDD #0, 10. ISH/PARE oT '@ + ape 38 ae. 3.2006 dof agar cay arty tat Ann antec ia deea a Ee wnnece. MILL CERTIFICATE “ tiiiersostatan) mr xe jo Pace. ote: BES Steet Gedo 2a size “Uiner) 3.5 att. Ne. | Botz06-0NT7 Sheps of Prowct SHARE aA Length (an): 6250 ‘ustanoe” GRUNT PRIDECO Detivery Canali: Ao tod Wolo (eg) = 8.082 Heat ho. + 80483 1HGOM ‘uantitvines) | 98 Vranas “Galea Sapetiion a 3 inspection tiene fromur EBD simi, MILL CERTIFICATE" Sietiecosruire. eno, enter) P+ 482 (0)60 480-0409 age rm Bias So Stee! Grace ais Shae Unes) 85 Gert. No, : 201208-011977 ‘Siape of Product: SOURRE BAA Length (ma): 6,250 (ustemer’ + GRANT PRIDEOD Delivery Condition #Ae Rol Tod Wont (ka) 1.062 Heat No. = BOABBI LHGoM Ouanti typos) + 98 frapection [| Uitcaaule iesuli + Steet ing Proce + EAR-LHF-VO-Oe aL 1 ee. to GUNT PRIDEDO SFEE SAT Rv, 6. Dated Mar. 3.2008 SUT Tost © ee. to ASME A S08 EE, LOLE TREAT, 0, LOO CAST 80x SC COLE BS + MU FREE. 0 'weLD 1 PPR P.O, HD. 12-HKTO/OISTOMER = GRU PRIDECD 0, NO, 1REK22/PARTH 4UTIO 970s 24 = Sed of resort VTS +N ¥ asks sora now sis zonu an aK gow nt aS mem vr: 8 oe TR ses ove nt ss8¥s som a ssa 1.03 435H8 3OvML et 4549 Sonu 4s 20 ne sen 8 sigexo sons @Y Tuboscope. Ben Certificate of Internal Plastic Coating Date: MAY 28, 2013 ‘This Letter is to certify that the following material was internally coated to Tuboscope’s specifications and complies with customer's specifications. 90% HOLIDAY FREE Customer: GRANT'PRIDECO INC. / ROWAN COMPANIES Work Order: 3526084 Po: 213099, REF: 32638 ABE: aBa789 qr: 197 Description: 5°19.508 S-:35 XT50 TOOL JOINT Ra Coatings TK-34XT 5°s0.508 8135 X50 1/638, ROWAN RENAISSANCE RIG 202 POH 4500162552 RUSTBAND: BLACK OD VARNISH ‘THREAD COMPOUND: JET LUBE KORR GUARD APPLIED TO ALL. CONNECTIONS PROTECTORS TIGHTEN BY HAND WITH WRENCH JOR BOLDEN,~- QUALITY CONTROL SUPERVISOR “fos le! Export Classification ECCN # EARQO HTS # 8431.43,8040 SCHEDULE B: 8431.43.8010 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: USA CUSTOMER: ROWAN COMPANIES INC C.0. #1000111638 P.O. #4500162552 (197) 5" OD .362" WT "H-SERIES" IEU UPSET RANGE 2 GRADE 8-135 DRILL STRING WITH (XT 50) PIN 6-5/8" OD X 3-3/4" ID 11" TONG SPACE WITH TCS Ti HARDBANDING & WITH SMOOTHEDGE FEATURE & WITH H-SERIES BENCHMARKS AND (XT 50) BOX 6-5/8" OD X 3-3/4" ID 17" TONG SPACE WITH TCS. Ti HARDBANDING & WITH SMOOTHEDGE FEATURE & WITH H-SERIES. BENCHMARKS. TK-34XT COATING [AVECCN and HS cassifcton ntormaton received rm Hatton! Olas Varco (NOV is fo Informational purposes only hd shal not be construed as Ve ropresenston, crtfeation or warranty regarding te proper Cassifaton, Use of such cwsiteion toma tw By at a rd ih acun eHOK n Boers epralee stg te Auwiure Ue reanarder, NOV Grant Pritacs Reproeratve : Soles Ondart 1000111608 Purchase Order 4500162552 ® Description: 5*OD_262°WVT “SERIES IEU UPSET RANGE 2 GRADE €-195 ORL. STRING WITH Or {SoyeIN eGo X34" #1 TONG SPACE WITT TOR T HAROBANDING 8 ZATURE & MT SERIES BENCPMARKS AND (ET 90) BO “®” Tubescope. Aes Certification Dato: 41612013, ‘This fs to carly that the all the dynamic calibration and periodic checks of the Truscope AS system were performed according fo SOP 1-610 by inepection personnel forthe following ‘order below. Customer: NOV Grant P Work Order: 3519080 cio: 141638.014 Quantity: 204 Joints Description; 5° 19.50 262" $105 neu zea DoRC wis geno

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