PWD Rate Schedule 2008

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Item No Description of Item Unit


01.1 Erection and maintenance of site office and removal the same after completion of
work in accordance with the conditions of contract.
In addition to the office required for his own use, the Contractor shall provide and
maintain furnished field office for the use of the Engineer and his staff. The field
office is to have a concrete floor, adequate foundation, brick walls, false ceiling of
hard board with seasoned Garjan wood frame and painted, and all windows are to
be glazed and provided with steel grill. Outside and inside wall surface are to be
painted on plaster acceptable to the Engineer. The field office shall be maintained
in a secure and watertight condition by the Contractor until the completion of the
contract and shall be provided with electricity, running water and sewerage. All
doors shall be fitted with approved locks and windows shall be provided with
screen/blinds. Before construction the Contractor shall submit plans and drawings
showing proposed details and location for the field office, including foundations,
access roads, shades, layout of electrical and water supply and hard standings
thereto for the approval of the engineer. The Engineer may require revision of the
plans prior to giving approval for construction. The Contractor shall also submit
details proposed furniture, fittings and other items of equipment and plant to the
engineer for approval. These items shall be of the standard quality suitable for site.
The office, complete with furnishings, fittings, access roads and hard standings
shall be ready for occupation by the Engineer within 28 days of the date when the
Contractor first occupies the site. The Contractor will provide day and night guards
and a tea boy for the field office. At the end of the project all materials, equipment
and plant, furniture, fittings recovered from dismantling the office and removing
access road will be the property of the Contractor. No interim payment shall be
certified unless Engineer’s office with required facilities are constructed and
accepted by the Engineer.
(This is a time related item. Proportionate payment for this item shall be made
distributing in each bill on the basis of percentage progress of the whole works
under contract)

Item No Description of Item Unit

01.1.1 Engineer’s site office of minimum 15 sqm plinth area with providing furniture, first L.S.
aid-box, safety helmet, level / theodolite, consumables, stationeries etc.

01.1.2 Engineer’s site office of minimum 38 sqm plinth area with providing security L.S.
fencing, 5 Kva stand-bye generator, furniture, first aid-box, safety helmet, level /
theodolite, consumables, stationeries etc.

01.1.3 Engineer’s site office of minimum 38 sqm plinth area with providing security L.S.
fencing, 5 Kva stand-bye generator, IBM compatible PC with monitor,
uninterruptible power supply (UPS), Laserjet printer (minimum 25 ppm), furniture,
first aid-box, safety helmet, level/theodolite/EDM, consumables, stationeries etc.

01.1.4 Engineer’s site office of minimum 38 sqm plinth area with providing security L.S.
fencing, 5 Kva stand-bye generator, IBM compatible PC with monitor,
uninterruptible power supply (UPS), Laserjet printer (minimum 25 ppm),
photocopier, 6 cft. Freeze, furniture, first aid-box, safety helmet,
level/theodolite/EDM, consumables, stationeries etc.

01.1.5 Engineer’s site office of minimum 10 sqm plinth area with providing furniture, first L.S.
aid-box, safety helmet, consumables, stationeries etc for low value simple work of
short duration (not more than six months).

01.1.6 Providing and maintenance window type 1800 BTU AC (Air-Cooler) for Engineer’s each
office and remove after completion of contract.

01.1.7 Providing and maintenance one project profile signboards of the size not each
exceeding 1 m x 2 m, to be placed at a suitable place of the site including
submission of proposals for the materials of the signboards and text layout to the
Engineer for approval which will be positioned as directed by the Engineer and
removing the same on completion of the Works or as instructed by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

01.2.1 Providing 3 sets as-built Drawings subject to Engineer’s approval produced in sqm.
AutoCAD software in 23.38” x 16.54” (A-2 size) standard drawing paper, and
operating and maintenance manual of the equipment and plant incorporated in the
works, if any, in original by the date stated in the Particular Conditions of Contract
(PCC). If the Contractor does not supply the as-built drawings and operating and
maintenance manuals by the date stated in the Particular Conditions of Contract
(PCC), or they do not receive the Engineer’s approval, the Engineer shall withhold
the amount stated in the PCC from the payments due to the Contractor.
The as-built drawings must show the permanent works as actually constructed and
reflect the revision of Tender Drawings and Drawings supplied to the Contractor
during the Contract as well as revisions of drawings supplied by the Contractor
during the Contract.
(One set of as-built drawings shall be considered for measurement and payment)

01.2.2 Providing additional copy of as-built drawing produced in AutoCAD software in sqm.
23.38" x 16.54" (A-2) standard drawing paper accepted by the Engineer.

01.2.3 Providing minimum ten (10) copies coloured post-card size progress photograph of month
‘works under contract’ taken by professional photographer which record the
progress of the Works.

01.2.4 Preparation & submission of implementation schedule to the Engineer for approval L.S.
prior ground breaking showing the events (works) and successive sub-events of
works including all the management & control parameters like Earliest Start Time
(EST), Earliest Finish Time (EFT), float events on critical path, resource allocation
etc. with description of general method of works, in orderly manner all in the form
network diagram prepared in computer software like MS project and presenting in
Displayable hard and soft copy minimum 3 (three) sets.
(This is a time related item. Proportionate payment for this item shall be made
distributing in each bill on the basis of percentage progress of the whole works
under contract)

Item No Description of Item Unit

01.2.5 Updating the Implementation Schedule and submission to the Engineer at intervals month
no longer than 28 days showing actual physical and financial progress achieved,
on each activity and the effect of the progress on the timing of the remaining work,
including any changes to the sequence of the activities.
However, Engineer’s approval of the Programme shall not alter the Contractor’s
obligations. The Contractor may revise the Programme and submit it to the
Engineer again at any time. A revised programme shall show the Variations and
Events related to change of contract price.

01.2.6 Providing all necessary logistic support to frame ‘monthly progress meeting’ month
between Contractor/Contractor’s representatives and Employer / Employer’s
representatives at the Engineer's office at site.

01.3 Providing layout and carry over PWD Bench-Mark (BM) at site from nearby BM sqm.
pillar, Property lines, existing ground level (EGL), formation ground level (FGL),
highest flood levels (HFL), plinth levels (PL), mean sea level (MSL), setting and
marking all pillars, marker, pegs etc. showing and maintaining reduced levels
(RL’s) including locating, establishing, protecting all public utilities within the
premise of work and finally all to be presented in black and white.

01.4 Mobilization and cleaning site before commencing actual physical work and during sqm.
contract period and demobilization after completion of the Works under contract
accepted by Engineer.
This work shall also covers clayey cleaning and clearing, cutting or filling, dressing
the project area on and in the ground to an extent that all the events of works of
the project can be executed smoothly in a working environment with a particular
attention on safety and security in all respects, and to stockpile the end outcome to
a place for disposal agreed by the Engineer, where, payments are to be based on
ground area determined by the Engineer and be proportionate to the percentage
progress of work under contract as a whole in all respects and approved by the



Item No Description of Item Unit

02.1 Earth work in excavation in all kinds of soil for foundation trenches including.
layout, providing center lines, local bench-mark pillars, leveling, ramming and
preparing the base, fixing bamboo spikes and marking layout with chalk powder,
providing necessary tools and plants, protecting and maintaining the trench dry
etc., stacking, cleaning the excavated earth at a safe distance out of the area
enclosed by the layout etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer, subject to
submit method statement of carrying out excavation work to the Engineer for
approval. However, Engineer’s approval shall not relieve the contractor of his
responsibilities and obligations under the contract.

02.1.1 Layout and marking for earthwork in excavation in foundation accepted by the sqm.
Engineer. [Plinth area of the structure shall be considered for measurement]

02.1.2 Earthwork in excavation in foundation trenches up to 1.5 m depth and maximum cum
10 m lead: in soft clayey soil / loose sand / silt

02.1.3 Earthwork in excavation in foundation trenches up to 1.5 m depth and maximum cum
10 m lead: in medium stiff clayey soil.

02.1.4 Earthwork in excavation in foundation trenches up to 1.5 m depth and maximum cum
10 m lead: in very stiff (hard) clayey soil/ rubbish etc.

02.1.5 Earthwork in excavation in foundation trenches up to 1.5 m depth and maximum cum
10 m lead: in very soft / saturated / organic clayey soil / soil of semi-liquid state.

02.1.6 Extra rate for each additional 0.5 meter depth exceeding 1.5 meter. cum

02.1.7 Extra rate for each 1 m additional lead beyond 10 m. cum

02.2 Bailing out trapped water caused by inundation or rain, by pump from foundation hour

Item No Description of Item Unit

02.3 Supplying of straight and strong borrak bamboo posts of having minimum 75 mm rm.
diameter althrough and driving the same vertically in the ground up to required
depth by any means shaping the top of the post, all complete and accepted by the

02.4 Supplying wooden ballah having an average diameter not less than 150 mm rm.
(without barks) at one third distance from larger end with a minimum end diameter
of 100 mm for retaining purpose and driving to a depth as per design and drawing
by any method including all arrangement for staging, hoisting, carrying etc.
complete and accepted by the Engineer.

02.5 Palisading work by supplying bitumen drum sheet walling tied with 20 BWG G.I. sqm.
wire fixing the same with already driven borrak bamboo posts with half split borrak
bamboo runners @ 450mm c/c horizontally with iron nails, G.I wire etc. all
complete and accepted by the Engineer. (Rate is excluding the cost of bamboo

02.6 Supplying and fitting-fixing horizontal bracing in Palisading with ½ split wooden rm.
ballah having an average diameter not less than 150 mm with a minimum end
diameter of 100 mm @ 450 mm including supply of iron nails, gazals etc. complete
approved and accepted by the Engineer.

02.7.1 Shore protection work during excavation in foundation trenches up to 1.5 m depth, sqm.
to protect loss due to damage of property by Palisading accepted by the Engineer.
[the rate is including cost of vertical post]

02.7.2 Shore protection work during excavation in foundation trenches to protect loss due sqm.
to damage of property by Palisading beyond 1.5 m depth accepted by the
Engineer [the rate is including cost of vertical post]

02.8 Supply and laying 2 mm thick Geo-textile of approved quality and sqm.
origin/manufacturer as per manufacturer’s instructions approved and accepted by
the Engineer.
Before commencing laying of Geo-textile, the Contractor must submit the method
statement for carrying out this work including sample with evidence of origin and
compliance certificate from independent testing laboratory for approval.

Item No Description of Item Unit

02.9 Removing sludge or semi-liquid clay/substances etc not suitable for pumping out cum
or carrying by head load from the bottom of any marshy land, lake, ditch, pond by
mixing fine local sand of F.M. 0.8 or less to a proportion such that it can be carried
to an intermediate point of disposal and cutting the same including stacking and
spreading properly on a suitable place to dry in the sun for a certain days and
dispose the dried sludge or clay to a safe distance etc. complete and accepted by
the Engineer subject to submit method statement to the Engineer for carrying out
the works including ultimate disposal of the sludge under this item for approval.
However Engineer’s approval shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities
and obligations under the contract.

02.10.1 Sand filling in foundation trenches and plinth with sand having F.M. 0.5 to 0.8 in cum
150mm layers including leveling, watering and compaction to achieve minimum dry
density of 90% with optimum moisture content (Modified proctor test) by ramming
each layer up to finished level as per design supplied by the design office only etc.
all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

02.10.2 Sand filling in foundation trenches and plinth with coarse sand having min. F.M. cum
1.2 in 150mm in layers including leveling, watering and compaction to achieve
minimum dry density of 90% with optimum moisture content (Modified proctor test)
by ramming each layer up to finished level as per design supplied by the design
office only etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

02.10.3 Sand filling in foundation trenches and plinth with coarse sand having min. F.M. cum
2.2 in 150mm layers including leveling, watering and compaction to achieve
minimum dry density of 90% with optimum moisture content (Modified proctor test)
by ramming each layer up to finished level as per design supplied by the design
office only etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

02.11 50 mm down graded picked jhama Khoa consolidation in foundation trenches by cum
mixing the same with best quality local sand (F.M. 1.2) in (2:1) (khoa:sand)
proportion to achieve minimum dry density of 90% with optimum moisture content
(Modified proctor test) including breaking and screening chips,laying and
spreading in150mm layers uniformly etc. all complete and accepted by the

Item No Description of Item Unit

02.12 50 mm down graded picked jhama khoa consolidation in foundation trenches by cum
mixing in mixer machine in foundation with best quality local sand(F.M. 1.2) and
cement in (1:6:12) (cement : sand : khoa) proportion to achieve minimum dry
density of 90% with optimum moisture content (Modified proctor test) including
breaking and screening chips etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

02.13 Earth filling in foundation trenches and plinth in 150 mm layer with earth available cum
within 90 m of the building site to achive minimum dry density of 90% with optimum
moisture content (Modified proctor test) including carrying watering, leveling,
dressing and compacting to a specified percentage each layer up to finished level
etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

02.14 Clearing and disposing of excavated earth from the construction site by truck or cum
any other means to a place within 30 km radius of the city or town area including
loading, unloading at both ends, leveling and dressing the carried earth etc.
complete accepted by the Engineer.

02.15 Earth filling in foundation trenches and plinth in 150 mm layers with carted earth
carried by truck or any other means loading and unloading at both ends including
leveling, watering and compacting to achive minimum dry density of 90% with
optimum moisture content (modified proctor test) including local carriage each
layer up to finished level including cost of water and test (carried from beyond 300
m) etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

02.15.1 For Dhaka Metropolitan Area cum

02.15.2 For Chittagong / Sylhet/ Narayanganj Area cum

02.15.3 For Rajshahi / Barishal / Khulna metropolitan area cum

02.15.4 For other than Dhaka, Ctg., Sylhet, Rajshahi, Barishal, Khulna metropolitan area cum
and N'ganj district

Item No Description of Item Unit

02.16 Site Development/Improvement by carted/dredged earth or sand (free from any

organic, foreign, environmental hazard substances) carried by head or truck or any
other meansl in/c cost of cutting/dredging of earth/sand, carrying, placing the
earth/sand in the designated area, maintaining slopes, breaking lumps, levelling
and dressing in layers up to finished level etc. all complete as per direction and
accepted by the engineer in charge.

02.16.1 For Dhaka Metropolitan Area cum

02.16.2 For Chittagong / Sylhet/ Narayanganj Area cum

02.16.3 For Rajshahi / Barishal / Khulna metropolitan area cum

02.16.4 For other than Dhaka, Ctg., Sylhet, Rajshahi, Barishal, Khulna metropolitan area cum
and N'ganj district

02.17 Mechanical compaction of earth or sand in 150mm layers including leveling, cum
watering and consolidation each layer with chain dozer, grader, roller etc. to
achieve minimum dry density of 90% with optimum moisture content (modified
proctor test) up to finished level all complete and accepted by the engineer subject
to submission of the method statement.


03.1 One layer of brick flat soling in foundation or in floor with first class or picked jhama sqm.
bricks including preparation of bed and filling the interstices with local sand,
leveling etc. complete and accepted by the Engineer.

03.2 One layer of Herring bone bond (HBB) brick soling in foundation or in floor with first sqm.
class or picked jhama bricks including preparation of bed and filling the interstices
with local sand, leveling including the supply of water, electricity and other charges
and costs of tools and plants etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

03.3 Brick on end edging including preparation of bed and filling the interstices with rm.
local sand, leveling, maintaining alignment grid etc. all complete and accepted by
the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

03.4 Mass concrete (1:3:6) in foundation or floor with cement, sand (F.M. 1.2) and
picked jhama chips including breaking chips, screening, mixing, laying, compacting
to levels and curing for at least 7 days including the supply of water, electricity and
other charges and costs of tools and plants etc. all complete and accepted by the
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

03.4.1 Mass concrete in foundation (1:3:6) with cement, brick chips and sand of F.M. 1.2 cum

03.4.2 Mass concrete in floor (1:3:6) with cement brick chips and sand of F.M. 1.2 cum

03.5 Mass concrete (1:2:4) in foundation or floor with cement, sand (F.M. 1.2) and
picked jhama chips including breaking chips, screening, mixing, laying, compacting
to levels and curing for at least 7 days including the supply of water, electricity and
other charges and costs of tools and plants etc. all complete and accepted by the
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

03.5.1 Mass concrete in foundation (1:2:4) with brick chips and local sand of F.M. 1.2 cum

03.5.2 Mass concrete in floor (1:2:4) with brick chips and local sand of F.M. 1.2 cum

03.6 Damp proof course (DPC) (1:1.5:3) in cement concrete with cement, sand (F.M.
1.2) and picked jhama or stone chips including breaking chips, screening,
centering, shuttering, casting, curing and finished with a coat of bitumen including
the supply of water, electricity and other charges and costs of tools and plants etc.
all complete and accepted by the Engineer. (Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

03.6.1 75 mm or 3" thick damp proof course (1:1.5:3) with brick chips and 50% Sylhet sqm.
sand (F.M. 2.2) and 50% local sand (F.M. 1.2)

03.6.2 75 mm or 3" thick damp proof course (1:1.5:3) with Sylhet sand (F.M. 2.2) and sqm.
stone chips.

03.6.3 150 mm or 6" thick damp proof course (1:1.5:3) with Sylhet sand (F.M. 2.2) stone cum
chips and water-proofing admixture/agent approved by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

03.7 Supplying and laying of single layer polythene sheet weighing one kilogram per 6.5 sqm.
square meter in floor or any where below cement concrete complete in all respect
and accepted by the Engineer.



04.1 Brick works with first class bricks in cement sand (F.M. of sand 1.2) mortar (1:6) in cum
foundation and plinth, filling the joints/interstices fully with mortar, racking out the
joints, cleaning and soaking the bricks at least for 24 hours before use and curing
at least for 7 days etc. all complete including cost of water, electricity and other
charges and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

04.2 Brick works of width one brick or one and a half brick length with first class bricks cum
in cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:6) in superstructure including raking out joints,
filling the interstices with mortar, cleaning and soaking the bricks at least for 24
hours before use and washing of sand, necessary scaffolding, curing at least for 7
days etc. all complete (measurement to given as 250 mm width for one brick
length and 375 mm for one brick and a half brick length) and accepted by the
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

04.3 Brick works with first class bricks in cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:4) in cum
exterior walls including filling the interstices with mortar, raking out joints, cleaning
and socking the bricks at least for 24 hours before use and washing of sand,
necessary scaffolding, curing at least for 7 days etc. all complete including cost of
water, electricity and other charges (measurement to given as 250 mm width for
one brick length and 375 mm for one brick and a half brick length) accepted by the
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

Item No Description of Item Unit

04.4 Exposed brick works (for exterior wall without outside plaster) with special quality cum
sorted out first class bricks, very carefully laid in cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar
(1:4)) in superstructure with uniform width and depth joints, true to vertical and
horizontal lines including raking out joints scaffolding, soaking the bricks at least
for 24 hours before use, washing and screening of sand. Curing at least for 7 days
and high class flush pointing with cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:1) including
cost of water, electricity and other charges etc all complete and accepted by the
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

04.5 Exposed brick works (for exterior wall without outside plaster) with automatic cum
machine made first class bricks, very carefully laid in cement sand (F.M. 1.2)
mortar (1:4)) in superstructure with uniform width and depth joints, true to vertical
and horizontal lines including raking out joints scaffolding, soaking the bricks at
least for 24 hours before use, washing and screening of sand. Curing at least for 7
days and high class flush pointing with cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:1)
including cost of water, electricity and other charges etc all complete and accepted
by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

04.6 Brick works with 10 holes machine made bricks of approved size (9.5" x 4.5" x cum
2.75") having uniform colour carefully laid in cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:4) in
superstructure with uniform width and depth joints, true to vertical and horizontal
lines including raking out joints, filling the interstices with mortar, cleaning and
soaking bricks at least for 24 hours before use and washing and screening of
sand, necessary scaffolding, curing at least for 7 days and pointing with cement
sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:2) including cost of water, electricity and other charges
etc. complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

Item No Description of Item Unit

04.7 Brick work with 9.5" x 4.5" x 2.75" size machine made solid klinker facing bricks cum
having uniform colour carefully laid in cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:4) in
superstructure with uniform width and depth joints, true to vertical and horizontal
lines including raking out joints, filling the interstices with mortar, cleaning and
soaking bricks at least for 24 hours before use and washing and screening of
sand, necessary scaffolding, curing at least for 7 days and pointing with cement
sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:2) including cost of water, electricity and other charges
etc. complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

04.8 Brick works with 9.5" x 4.5" x 2.75" size 10 hole machine made Rock-face or cum
textured klinker facing bricks having uniform colour carefully laid in cement sand
(F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:4) in superstructure with uniform width and depth joints, true to
vertical and horizontal lines including raking out joints, filling the interstices with
mortar, cleaning and soaking bricks at least for 24 hours before use and washing
and screening of sand, necessary scaffolding, curing at least for 7 days and
pointing with cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:2) including cost of water, electricity
and other charges etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

04.9 Brick works with 9.5" x 4.5" x 2.75" size 3 hole machine made reinforced klinker cum
facing bricks having uniform colour carefully laid in cement sand (F.M.1.2) mortar
(1:4) in superstructure with uniform width and depth joints, true to vertical and
horizontal lines including raking out joints, filling the interstices with mortar,
cleaning and soaking bricks at least for 24 hours before use and washing and
screening of sand, necessary scaffolding, curing at least for 7 days and pointing
with cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:2) including cost of water, electricity and
other charges etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

04.10 Extra cost shall be incorporated in the estimate for each additional floor for brick
works (item No.- 4.2 to 4.9)

04.10.1 Add for each additional floor up to 5th floor cum


Item No Description of Item Unit

04.10.2 Add for each additional floor from 6th floor to 9th floor cum

04.10.3 Add for each additional floor for 10th floor and above cum

04.11 Extra cost for brick-work for each additional meter (or part of meter) free height of cum
brick wall beyond 4 m from the respective floor in auditorium, go-down, overhead
water tank etc. as description of the item No. in 16, 17, 18 and 19 including cost of
water, electricity and other charges etc. all complete and accepted by the
(Extra cost shall be incorporated in the estimate only when both sides of wall is
uninterruptedly free beyond 4.00 meter)

04.12 Providing brick works for 200 x 100 mm facing in superstructure with 200 x 100 x sqm.
50 mm machine made klinker hard pressed facing bricks of approved quality in
cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:4), including racking out joints, cutting the bricks
to required size wherever necessary including high class recessed pointing,
cleaning and soaking the bricks at least for 24 hours before use and washing and
screening of sand, necessary scaffolding, curing at least for 7 days for all floors up
to 4th floor including cost of water, electricity and other charges etc. all complete
and accepted by the Engineer.
(100 x 200 mm face should be placed for facing).
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

04.13 Providing brick works in facing for 200 x 50 mm in superstructure with 200 x 50 x sqm.
50 mm machine made hard pressed klinker facing bricks of approved quality
pressed with 20 mm thick cement sand (F.M.1.2) mortar (1:4), 10 mm thick cement
mortar in adjacent sites including racking out joints and cutting the bricks to
required sizes wherever necessary with high class recessed pointing, cleaning and
soaking the bricks for at least 24 hours before use and washing of sand necessary
scaffolding, curing at least for 7 days for all floors up to 4th floor including cost of
water, electricity and other charges etc. all complete and accepted by the
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

Item No Description of Item Unit

04.14 Providing brick works for 200 x 62 mm facing in superstructure with 200 x 62 x 25 sqm.
mm machine made hard pressed klinker facing strips of approved quality with 20
mm thick cement sand (F.M.1.2) mortar (1:3) in adjacent side wall, column, drop
wall etc. and racking out joints, cutting the bricks to required sizes wherever
necessary with high class recessed pointing, cleaning and soaking the bricks at
least for 24 hours before use washing and screening of sand and necessary
scaffoldings, curing at least 7 days including cost of water, electricity and other
charges etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

04.15 125 mm brick work with first class bricks in cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:6) sqm.
and making bond with connected walls including necessary scaffolding, raking out
joints, cleaning and soaking the bricks for at least 24 hours before use and
washing of sand curing at least for 7 days in all floors including cost of water,
electricity and other charges etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

04.16 125 mm brick works with first class bricks in cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:4) sqm.
and making bond with connected walls including necessary scaffolding, raking out
joints, cleaning and soaking the bricks for at least 24 hours before use and
washing of sand curing at least for 7 days in all floors including cost of water,
electricity and other charges etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

04.17 Exposed 125 mm thick pointing extra ordinary ornamental brick work with sorted sqm.
out first class bricks in cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:4) and making bond with
connected walls including necessary scaffolding, raking out joints, cleaning and
soaking the bricks for at least 24 hours before use and washing of sand curing at
least for 7 days in all floors including cost of water, electricity and other charges
etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

Item No Description of Item Unit

04.18 Exposed 125 mm thick pointing extra ordinary ornamental brick work with sqm.
automatic machine made first class bricks in cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:4)
and making bond with connected walls including necessary scaffolding, raking out
joints, cleaning and soaking the bricks for at least 24 hours before use and
washing of sand curing at least for 7 days in all floors including cost of water,
electricity and other charges etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

04.19 Providing 125 mm thick (Partition walls) brick work in superstructure brick work sqm.
(1:4) in cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar with 10 hole machine made ceramic bricks
of approved size having uniform colour, carefully laid in cement mortar and depth
joints true to vertical and horizontal lines including. racking out joints, filling the
interstices with same mortar, making bond with connected walls, cleaning, soaking
brick at least 24 hours and washing of sand, curing 7 days in all floors, including
cost of water, electricity and other charges accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

04.20 Fancy screen work with different size hollow machine made design blocks with
uniform colour, carefully laid in coloured cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:3) in all
floors in wall with uniform mortar joints, true to vertical and horizontal line including
racking out joints, cleaning and soaking the blocks for minimum 24 hours before
use including washing and screening of sand, scaffolding, curing etc. complete in
all respect including supply of all necessary materials including cost of water,
electricity and other charges accepted by the Engineer. (Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

04.20.1 With design block No. 3 (MCW) size: 4" x 4" x 4" sqm.
In ground floor

04.20.2 With design block No. 2 (MCW) size: 6.5" x 4.75" x 4" sqm.
In ground floor

04.20.3 With design block No. 20 (MCW) size: 6" x 6" x 4" sqm.
In ground floor

Item No Description of Item Unit

04.21 Extra cost shall be incorporated in the estimate for each additional floor for brick
and screen block works (item No.- 4.12 to 4.20)

04.21.1 Add for each additional floor up to 5th floor sqm.

04.21.2 Add for each additional floor from 6th floor to 9th floor sqm.

04.21.3 Add for each additional floor for 10th floor and above sqm.

04.22 Klinker paving brick works in floor or pavement with machine made pressed bricks
of approved quality in cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:4) on minimum 12 mm
thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:4) including raking out joints, cutting the
bricks to required size soaking the same 24 hours before use wherever necessary
including high class flush pointing in cement mortar (1:2), cleaning, curing at least
for 7 days etc. including washing and screening of sand, cost of water, electricity
and other charges complete and standard practice accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

04.22.1 100 mm thick brick on edge pavement with 200 x 100 x 50 mm size klinker facing sqm.

04.22.2 50 mm thick flat brick pavement with 200 x 100 x 50 mm klinker paving bricks in sqm.
1:4 cement sand mortar having 200 x 100 mm face at top.

04.22.3 50 mm thick brick pavement with 200 x 50 x 50 mm klinker facing bricks. sqm.

04.23 125 mm thick brick pavement or flooring with first class brick on edge in cement sqm.
sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:4) on minimum 12 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2)
mortar (1:4) including cutting the bricks as per requirement, cleaning and racking
out joints, finishing with flush pointing with cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:2) and
curing for at least 7 days etc. including cost of water, washing and screening of
sand (F.M. 1.2), electricity and other charges complete and standard practice
accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

Item No Description of Item Unit

04.24 125 mm thick brick pavement/flooring with 10 hole machine made ceramic bricks sqm.
in cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:4) on minimum 12 mm thick cement sand
(F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:4) including cutting the bricks as per requirement, cleaning
and racking out joints, finishing with flush pointing with cement sand (F.M. 1.2)
mortar (1:2) and curing for at least 7 days etc. including cost of water, washing and
screening of sand (F.M. 1.2), electricity and other charges etc. all complete and
accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

04.25 75 mm thick cement concrete (1:3:6) with cement in flooring best quality coarse sqm.
sand and 19 mm down graded picked chips including breaking chips, screening,
mixing, laying, compacting, washing and screening of sand of F.M 1.2 and curing
at least for 7 days etc. including cost of water, electricity and other charges etc. all
complete and accepted by the Engineer. Cement:

04.26 25 mm thick artificial patent stone (1:2:4) flooring with cement, best quality coarse sqm.
sand (50% quantity of Sylhet sand or coarse sand of equivalent F.M. 2.2 and 50%
best local sand of FM 1.2) and 12 mm down well graded brick chips including
breaking chips, screening, laying the concrete in alternate panels, compacting and
finishing the top with neat cement and curing at least 7 days in all floors including
cost of water, electricity and other charges etc. all complete and accepted by the
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

04.27 38 mm thick artificial patent stone (1:2:4) flooring with cement, best quality coarse sqm.
sand (50% quantity of Sylhet sand or coarse sand of equivalent F.M. 2.2 and 50%
best local sand of FM 1.2) and 12 mm down well graded brick chips including
breaking chips, screening, laying the concrete in alternate panels, compacting and
finishing the top with neat cement and curing at least 7 days in all floors including
cost of water, electricity and other charges etc. all complete and accepted by the
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

Item No Description of Item Unit

04.28 25 mm thick artificial patent stone (1:2:4) flooring with cement, best quality coarse sqm.
sand (50% quantity of Sylhet sand or coarse sand of equivalent F.M. 2.2 and 50%
best local sand of FM 1.2) and 12 mm down well graded stone chips, laying the
concrete in alternate panels, compacting and finishing the top with neat cement
and curing at least 7 days in all floors including cost of water, electricity and other
charges etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

04.29 38 mm thick artificial patent stone (1:2:4) flooring with cement, best quality coarse sqm.
sand (50% quantity of Sylhet sand or coarse sand of equivalent F.M. 2.2 and 50%
best local sand of FM 1.2) and 12 mm down well graded stone chips, laying the
concrete in alternate panels, compacting and finishing the top with neat cement
and curing at least 7 days in all floors including cost of water, electricity and other
charges etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.
Cement: (CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

04.30 25 mm thick artificial patent stone (1:1.5:3) flooring with cement, best quality sqm.
coarse sand (50% quantity of Sylhet sand or coarse sand of equivalent F.M. 2.2
and 50% best local sand of FM 1.2) and 12 mm down well graded stone chips,
laying the concrete in alternate panels, compacting and finishing the top with neat
cement and curing at least 7 days in all floors including cost of water, electricity
and other charges etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

04.31 38 mm thick artificial patent stone (1:1.5:3) flooring with cement, best quality sqm.
coarse sand (50% quantity of Sylhet sand or coarse sand of equivalent F.M. 2.2
and 50% best local sand of FM 1.2) and 12 mm down well graded stone chips,
laying the concrete in alternate panels, compacting and finishing the top with neat
cement and curing at least 7 days in all floors including cost of water, electricity
and other charges etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

Item No Description of Item Unit

04.32 Extra cost shall be incorporated in the estimate for each additional floor for patent
stone works.

04.32.1 Add for each additional floor up to 5th floor sqm.

04.32.2 Add for each additional floor from 6th floor to 9th floor sqm.

04.32.3 Add for each additional floor for 10th floor and above sqm.


05.1 10 mm thick finished and 12 mm laying thickness situ mosaic work on floor with
one part of 10 mm machine crushed well graded dust free and properly washed
marble chips and one part of mixture containing white cement / grey cement
including preparation of mix. and laying the same over minimum 25 mm thick
artificial patent stone flooring with brick chips (1:2:4) including making suitable
panel, compacting, curing at least for 7 days, cutting with pumic stone (No. 40, No.
80, No.120)/cutting with mosaic machine and finishing with Minar stone and
spreading oxalic acid including breaking brick chips, screening, washing mosaic
chips and supply of all necessary materials and water, electricity and other
charges in all respect accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

05.1.1 With Indian chips and glass strip using 100% white cement. sqm.
In Ground Floor

05.1.2 With Indian chips and glass strip using 100% grey cement. sqm.
In ground floor

05.1.3 With Pakistani chips and glass strip using 100% white cement. sqm.
In ground floor

Item No Description of Item Unit

05.1.4 With Indian chips and without glass strip using 100% white cement. sqm.
In ground floor

05.1.5 With Indian chips and without glass strip using 100% grey cement. sqm.
In ground floor

05.1.6 With Pakistani chips and without glass strip using 100% white cement. sqm.
In ground floor

05.2 12 mm thick finished and laying thickness 14.5 mm cast in situ mosaic work on
floor with one part of 10 mm machine crushed well graded dust free and properly
washed marble chips and one part of mixture containing 100% white cement
including preparation of mix and laying the same over minimum 25 mm thick
artificial patent stone flooring with brick-chips (1:2:4) including making suitable
panel, compacting, curing at least for 7 days, cutting with pumic stone (No. 40, No.
80, No. 120)/ mosaic cutting machine and finishing with Minar stone including
breaking brick chips screening, spreading oxalic acid, washing mosaic chips and
supply of all necessary materials and water, electricity and other charges in all
respect accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

05.2.1 With Indian chips and glass strip. sqm.

In ground floor

05.2.2 With Pakistani chips and glass strip. sqm.

In ground floor

05.2.3 With Indian chips and without glass strip. sqm.

In ground floor

05.2.4 With Pakistani chips and without glass strip. sqm.

In ground floor

Item No Description of Item Unit

05.3 10 mm thick finished and laying thickness 12.5 mm silver grey situ mosaic work on
floor with one part of 10 mm machine crushed well graded, dust free and properly
washed marble chips and one part of mixture containing white cement and grey
cement in proportion (1:1) including preparation of mix and laying the same over
minimum 25 mm thick artificial patent stone flooring with brick-chips (1:2:4)
including making suitable panel, compacting, curing at least for 7 days, cutting with
pumic stone (No. 40, No. 80, No. 120) and finishing with Minar stone including
breaking brick chips, screening, washing mosaic chips and supply of all necessary
materials including and water, electricity and other charges in all respect accepted
by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

05.3.1 With Indian chips and with glass strip. sqm.

In ground floor

05.3.2 With Pakistani chips and with glass strip. sqm.

In ground floor

05.3.3 With Indian chips and without glass strip. sqm.

In ground floor

05.3.4 With Pakistani chips and without glass strip. sqm.

In ground floor

05.4 12 mm thick finished and laying thickness 14.5 mm silver grey cast in situ mosaic
work on floor with one part of 10 mm machine crushed well graded dust free and
properly washed marble chips and one part of mixture containing white cement
dust free and properly washed marble chips and one part of mixture containing
white cement and grey with cement in proportion (1:1) including. preparation of mix
and laying the same over minimum 25 mm thick artificial patent stone flooring with
brick-chips (1:2:4) including making suitable panels, compacting, curing at least for
7 days, cutting with pumic stone (No. 40. No. 80, No. 120) and finishing with Minar
stone including breaking brick chips, screening, washing mosaic chips and supply
of all necessary materials and water, electricity and other charges in all respect
accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

Item No Description of Item Unit

05.4.1 With Indian chips and with glass strip. sqm.

In ground floor

05.4.2 With Pakistani chips and with glass strip. sqm.

In ground floor

05.4.3 With Indian chips and without glass strip. sqm.

In ground floor

05.4.4 With Pakistani chips and without glass strip. sqm.

In ground floor

05.5 10 mm thick finished and laying thickness 12.5 mm situ mosaic work on wall with
one part of 10 mm machine crushed well graded dust free and properly washed
marble chips and one part of mixture containing 100% white cement including
preparation of mix and laying the same on 12 mm thick cement plaster (1:4) to
wall, compacting, curing at least for 7 days, cutting with pumic stone (No. 40, No.
80, No. 120) including finishing the corners and edges and also finishing with
Minar stone and supplying all necessary materials in and water, electricity and
other charges in all respect accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

05.5.1 With Indian chips. sqm.

In ground floor

05.5.2 With Pakistani chips. sqm.

In ground floor

05.6 10 mm thick finished and laying thickness silver grey situ mosaic work on wall with
one part of 10 mm machine crushed well graded, dust free and properly washed
marble chips and one part of mixture containing white cement and grey cement in
proportion (1:1) including preparation of mix. and laying the same on 12 mm thick
cement plaster (1:4) to wall, compacting, curing at least for 7 days, cutting with
pumic stone (No. 40, No. 80, No 120) including finishing the corners and edges
and also finishing with Minar stone and supplying all necessary materials in and
water, electricity and other charges in all respect accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

Item No Description of Item Unit

05.6.1 With Indian chips. sqm.

In ground floor

05.6.2 With Pakistani chips. sqm.

In ground floor

05.6.3 With Indian chips using 100% grey cement. sqm.

In ground floor

05.7 10 mm thick finished laid in 12.5 mm thickness coloured situ mosaic work in floor
with one part of 10 mm machine crushed well graded, dust free and properly
washed marble chips and one part of mixture containing white and grey cement in
proportion (1:9) and necessary quantity of approved colouring materials including
preparation of mix and laying the same over min 25 mm thick artificial patent stone
flooring with brick-chips (1:2:4) including making suitable panel, compacting, curing
at least for 7 days, cutting with pumic stone (No. 40, No. 80, No. 120) and finishing
with Minar stone including breaking brick chips, screening, washing mosaic chips
and supply of all necessary materials in all respects and water, electricity and other
charges in all respect accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

05.7.1 With Indian chips and with glass strip. sqm.

In ground floor

05.7.2 With Pakistani chips and with glass strip. sqm.

In ground floor

05.7.3 With Indian chips and without glass strip. sqm.

In ground floor

05.7.4 With Pakistani chips and without glass strip. sqm.

In ground floor

Item No Description of Item Unit

05.8 12 mm thick finished and laying thickness 14 mm coloured situ mosaic on floor
with one part of 10 mm machine crushed well graded, dust free and properly
washed marble chips and one part of mixture containing white cement and grey
cement in proportion (9:1) and necessary quantity of approved colourings
materials including preparation of mix and laying the same over minimum 25 mm
thick artificial patent stone flooring with brick-chips (1:2:4) including making
suitable panel, compacting, curing at least for 7 days, cutting with pumic stone (No.
40, No. 80, No. 120) and finishing with Minar stone including breaking brick chips,
screening, washing mosaic chips and supply of all necessary materials in all
respects and water, electricity and other charges in all respect accepted by the
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

05.8.1 With Indian chips and with glass strip. sqm.

In ground floor

05.8.2 With Pakistani chips and with glass strip. sqm.

In ground floor

05.8.3 With Indian chips and without glass strip. sqm.

In ground floor

05.8.4 With Pakistani chips and without glass strip. sqm.

In ground floor

05.9 10 mm thick finished and laying thickness 12.5 mm coloured situ mosaic on walls
with one part of 10 mm machine crushed well graded, dust free and properly
washed marble chips and one part of mixture containing white cement and grey
cement in proportion (9:1) and necessary quantity of approved colouring materials
including preparation of mix and laying the same on 12 mm thick cement sand
(F.M. 1.2) plaster (1:4) to walks including compacting, curing at least for 7 days,
cutting with pumic stone (No. 40, No. 80, No. 120) including finishing the corners
and edges and also finishing with Minar stone and supply of all necessary
materials etc. and water, electricity and other charges complete in all respect
accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

05.9.1 With Indian chips. sqm.

In ground floor

Item No Description of Item Unit

05.9.2 With Pakistani chips. sqm.

In ground floor

05.10 200 x 200 x 20 mm mosaic terrazzo tiles flooring having 10 mm thick finished
mosaic top with one part of 10 mm machine crushed well graded dust free and
properly washed marble chips and one part of mixture containing white cement
and grey cement and supply of all necessary materials etc. and water, electricity
and other charges complete in all respect accepted by the Engineer in proportion
(9:1) including preparation of mix machine pressed on 12 mm thick cement sand
(F.M. 1.2) mortar base (1:2) including preparing the base, setting the tiles on 40
mm thick cement sand (F.M.1.2) mortar/slurry (lime and surki) base in proportion
of (1:3) compacting, cutting with pumic stone (No. 40, No. 80, No. 120) and
finishing the corners and edges and also finishing with minar stone including
screening, washing mosaic chips and supply of all necessary materials etc. and
water, electricity and other charges complete in all respect accepted by the
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

05.10.1 200 x 200 x 20 mm (finished) mosaic terrazzo tiles flooring with Indian chips. sqm.
In ground floor

05.10.2 200 x 200 x 20 mm (finished) mosaic terrazzo tiles flooring with Pakistani chips. sqm.
In ground floor

05.11 Extra cost shall be incorporated in the estimate for mosaic and terrazzo tiles work
above ground floor (item No.- 5.1 to 5.10).

05.11.1 Add for each additional floor up to 5 th floor sqm.

05.11.2 Add for each additional floor for 6th to 9th floor sqm.

05.11.3 Add for each additional floor for 10th floor and above sqm.

Item No Description of Item Unit


06.1 Marble stone flooring with Indian black/ white marble stone of approved quality,
texture and size over 25 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:2) including.
placing cement slurry below the stone, cutting the marble stone to desired size,
grinding and finishing the edges, setting in position in proper level filling the gaps
with white cement and colouring pigments including supplying all necessary
equipments/materials and finishing the top by pumic stone and necessary auxiliary
materials and water, electricity and other charges complete in all respect accepted
by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

06.1.1 18 mm thick Marble stone flooring sqm.

In ground floor

06.1.2 16 mm thick Marble stone flooring sqm.

In ground floor

06.2 Marble stone flooring with Indian coloured/ grey marble stone of approved quality,
texture and size over 25 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:2) including.
placing cement slurry below the stone, cutting the marble stone to desired size,
grinding and finishing the edges, setting in position in proper level filling the gaps
with white cement and colouring pigments including supplying all necessary
equipments/materials and finishing the top by pumic stone and necessary auxiliary
materials and water, electricity and other charges complete in all respect accepted
by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

06.2.1 18 mm thick Marble stone flooring sqm.

In ground floor

Item No Description of Item Unit

06.2.2 16 mm thick Marble stone flooring sqm.

In ground floor

06.3 Supplying and setting Indian marble stone of approved quality, textured and size
on walls over 12 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:2) including cutting
and grinding the marble stone slab/tile setting in position keeping horizontal and
vertical alignment correct, filling the joints with white cement, cutting and grinding
the top surface, finishing etc including water, electricity and other charges
complete in all respect accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

06.3.1 12 mm thick white/ black Marble stone walling sqm.

In ground floor

06.3.2 12 mm thick grey or coloured Marble stone walling sqm.

In ground floor

06.4 Marble stone flooring with 18mm thick Italian coloured/ grey marble stone of sqm.
approved quality, texture and size over 25 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar
(1:2) including. placing cement slurry below the stone, cutting the marble stone to
desired size, grinding and finishing the edges, setting in position in proper level
filling the gaps with white cement and colouring pigments including supplying all
necessary equipments/materials and finishing the top by pumic stone and
necessary auxiliary materials and water, electricity and other charges complete in
all respect accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

06.5 Labour Cost for making moulding in marble stone as per Architectural drawing
including cutting, grinding, finishing, supplying necessary equipment etc. complete
in all respect as per direction of the Engineer in Charge.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

06.5.1 18 mm thick marble stone rm.


Item No Description of Item Unit

06.5.2 16 mm thick marble stone rm.

06.5.3 12 mm thick marble stone rm.

06.6 Supplying, fitting and fixing glazed wall tiles (local made) with on 20 mm thick
cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:3) base and raking out the joints with white
cement including cutting, laying and hire charge of machine and finishing with care
etc. including water, electricity and other charges complete all respect accepted by
the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

06.6.1 White glazed tiles of different sizes sqm.

06.6.2 Coloured glazed wall tiles of different sizes sqm.

06.6.3 Special design glazed coloured wall tiles sqm.

06.7 Supplying, fitting and fixing glazed homogeneous floor tiles (local made) with
cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:4) base and raking out the joints with white
cement including cutting and laying the tiles in proper way and finishing with care
etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

06.7.1 GP (homogeneous) 300 x 300 mm floor tiles sqm.

06.7.2 GP (homogeneous) 400 x 400 mm floor tiles sqm.

06.8 Supplying, fitting and fixing unglazed homogeneous floor tiles (local made) with
cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:4) base and raking out the joints with white
cement including cutting and laying the tiles in proper way and finishing with care
etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

06.8.1 GP (homogeneous) 300 x 300 mm floor tiles sqm.


Item No Description of Item Unit

06.8.2 GP (homogeneous) 400 x 400 mm floor tiles sqm.

06.9 Supplying, fitting and fixing mirror polished homogeneous floor tiles (local made)
with cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:4) base and raking out the joints with white
cement including cutting and laying the tiles in proper way and finishing with care
etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

06.9.1 GP (mirror polished) 300 x 300 mm floor tiles sqm.

06.9.2 GP (mirror polished) 400 x 400 mm floor tiles sqm.

06.9.3 GP (mirror polished) 300 x 600 mm / 600 x 600 mm floor tiles sqm.

06.10 Supplying, fitting and fixing GP homogeneous stair tiles (local made) with cement sqm.
sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:4) base and raking out the joints with white cement
including cutting and laying the tiles in proper way and finishing with care etc. all
complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
In ground floor

06.11 Supplying, fitting and fixing floor tiles with adhesives (5mm to 7mm thick) and Joint
filler/tiles grout in/c cutting, shaping, placing in proper level etc. all complete as
direction of the Engineer in charge.
In ground floor

06.11.1 GP glazed homogenous floor tiles (400 x 400 mm) sqm.

06.11.2 GP glazed homogenous floor tiles (300 x 300 mm) sqm.

06.11.3 GP un-glazed homogenous floor tiles (400 x 400 mm) sqm.

06.11.4 GP un-glazed homogenous floor tiles (300 x 300 mm) sqm.

06.11.5 GP Mirror Polished floor tiles (300 x 300 mm) sqm.

06.11.6 GP Mirror Polished floor tiles (400 x 400 mm) sqm.


Item No Description of Item Unit

06.11.7 GP Mirror Polished floor tiles (600 x 600 mm) sqm.

06.12 Extra Rate for each additional floor for Tiles and Marble Stone Works

06.12.1 Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor sqm.

06.12.2 Add for each addl. floor for 6th floor to 9th floor sqm.

06.12.3 Add for each addl. floor for 10th floor and above sqm.


(f'c = 19 MPa, minimum f'cr = 24 MPa in nominal mix 1 : 2 : 4)
Brick-Chips using Wooden Shutter
(Sand of F.M. 1.2 and F.M. 2.2 in equal proportion)

Item No Description of Item Unit

07.1 Reinforced cement concrete works using wooden shutter, with minimum cement
content relates to mix ratio 1:2:4 having minimum f'cr = 24 Mpa, and satisfying a
specified compressive strength f’c= 19 Mpa at 28 days on standard cylinders as
per standard practice of Code ACI/BNBC/ASTM & cement conforming to BDS EN-
197-1- CEM 1 (32.5 to 52.5 N) / ASTM-C 150 Type – I, best quality sand [50%
quantity of best local sand (F.M. 1.2) and 50% quantity of Sylhet sand or coarse
sand of equivalent F.M. 2.2] and 20 mm down well graded picked jhama brick
chips conforming ASTM C-33 including breaking chips and screening, making,
placing shutter in position and maintaining true to plumb, making shutter water-
tight properly, placing reinforcement in position; mixing in standard mixer machine
with hoper fed by standard measuring boxes, casting in forms, compacting by
vibrator machine and curing at least for 28 days, removing centering-shuttering
including cost of water, electricity, testing and other charges etc. all complete
approved and accepted by the Engineer.
(Rate is excluding the cost of reinforcement and its fabrication, placing and

07.1.1 Individual and continuous footings of column at plinth level Concrete cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden) sqm.

07.1.2 In raft/ mat/ floor slab at plinth level Concrete cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden) sqm.

07.1.3 In foundation beam Concrete cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden) sqm.

07.1.4 Padestals, column capitals, lift walls and walls


Item No Description of Item Unit Concrete

Ground floor and below plinth level cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor and below plinth level sqm.

07.1.5 Tie beam and lintels Concrete

Ground floor and below plinth level cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor and below plinth level sqm.

07.1.6 Tee beams, Ell beams and Rectangular beams etc Concrete

Ground floor and below plinth level cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor and below plinth level sqm.

07.1.7 Floor and roof slab Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor sqm.


Item No Description of Item Unit

07.1.8 Cornice, railing, drop walls, louver, fins etc. Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor sqm.

07.1.9 Sunshade, false ceiling Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor sqm.

07.1.10 Stair case slab and steps Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor sqm.

07.1.11 Waffle or Ribbed floor/roof slab Concrete

Item No Description of Item Unit

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor sqm.

(f'c = 19 MPa, minimum f'cr = 24 MPa in nominal mix 1 : 2 : 4)
Brick-Chips using Steel Shutter
(Sand of F.M. 1.2 and F.M. 2.2 in equal proportion)

07.2 Reinforced cement concrete works using steel shutter, with minimum cement
content relates to mix ratio 1:2:4 having minimum f'cr = 24 Mpa, and satisfying a
specified compressive strength f’c= 19 Mpa at 28 days on standard cylinders as
per standard practice of Code ACI/BNBC/ASTM & cement conforming to BDS EN-
197-1- CEM 1 (32.5 to 52.5 N) / ASTM-C 150 Type – I, best quality sand [50%
quantity of best local sand (F.M. 1.2) and 50% quantity of Sylhet sand or coarse
sand of equivalent F.M. 2.2] and 20 mm down well graded picked jhama brick
chips conforming ASTM C-33 including breaking chips and screening, making,
placing shutter in position and maintaining true to plumb, making shutter water-
tight properly, placing reinforcement in position; mixing in standard mixer machine
with hoper fed by standard measuring boxes, casting in forms, compacting by
vibrator machine and curing at least for 28 days, removing centering-shuttering
including cost of water, electricity, testing and other charges etc. all complete
approved and accepted by the Engineer.
(Rate is excluding the cost of reinforcement and its fabrication, binding,
welding and placing)

07.2.1 Individual and continuous footings of column at plinth level Concrete cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel) sqm.

07.2.2 In raft/ mat/ floor slab at plinth level


Item No Description of Item Unit Concrete cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel) sqm.

07.2.3 Foundation beam Concrete cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel) sqm.

07.2.4 Padestals, column, column capitals, lift walla and walls Concrete

Ground floor and below plinth level cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor and below plinth level sqm.

07.2.5 Tie beam and lintels Concrete

Ground floor and below plinth level cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor and below plinth level sqm.

07.2.6 Tee beams, Ell beams and Rectangular beams etc Concrete

Item No Description of Item Unit

Ground floor and below plinth level cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor and below plinth level sqm.

07.2.7 Floor and roof slab Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor sqm.

07.2.8 Cornice, railing, drop walls, louver, fins etc. Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor sqm.

07.2.9 Sunshade, false ceiling Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)


Item No Description of Item Unit

Ground floor sqm.

07.2.10 Stair case slab and steps Concrete

Ground floor and below plinth level cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor and below plinth level sqm.

07.2.11 Waffle or Ribbed floor/roof slab Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor sqm.

(f'c = 22 MPa, minimum f'cr = 27 MPa in nominal mix 1 : 2 : 4)
Stone-Chips using Wooden Shutter
(100% Sand of F.M. 2.2 )

Item No Description of Item Unit

07.3 Reinforced cement concrete works using wooden shutter with minimum cement
content relates to mix ratio 1:2:4 having minimum f'cr = 27 Mpa, and satisfying a
specified compressive strength f’c = 22 Mpa at 28 days on standard cylinders as
per standard practice of Code ACI/BNBC/ASTM & Cement conforming to BDS EN-
197-1- CEM 1 (32.5 to 52.5 N) / ASTM-C 150 Type – I, best quality Sylhet sand or
coarse sand of equivalent F.M. 2.2 and 20 mm down well graded stone chips
conforming to ASTM C-33, making, placing shutter in position and maintaining true
to plumb, making shutter water-tight properly, placing reinforcement in position;
mixing in standard mixer machine with hoper fed by standard measuring boxes,
casting in forms, compacting by vibrator machine and curing at least for 28 days,
removing centering-shuttering including cost of water, electricity, testing and other
charges etc. all complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.
(Rate is excluding the cost of reinforcement and its fabrication, binding, welding
and placing)

07.3.1 Individual and continuous footings of column at plinth level Concrete cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden) sqm.

07.3.2 In raft/ mat/ floor slab at plinth level Concrete cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden) sqm.

07.3.3 Foundation beam Concrete cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden) sqm.


Item No Description of Item Unit

07.3.4 Padestals, column, column capitals, lift walls and walls Concrete

Ground floor and below plinth level cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor and below plinth level sqm.

07.3.5 Tie beam and lintels Concrete

Ground floor and below plinth level cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor and below plinth level sqm.

07.3.6 Tee beams, Ell beams and Rectangular beams etc Concrete

Ground floor and below plinth level cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor and below plinth level sqm.

07.3.7 Floor and roof slab Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)


Item No Description of Item Unit

Ground floor sqm.

07.3.8 Cornice, railing, drop walls, louver, fins etc. Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor sqm.

07.3.9 Sunshade, false ceiling Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor sqm.

07.3.10 Stair case slab and steps Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor sqm.

07.3.11 Waffle or Ribbed floor/roof slab


Item No Description of Item Unit Cost of concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor sqm.

(f'c = 22 MPa, minimum f'cr = 27 MPa in nominal mix 1 : 2 : 4)
Stone-Chips using Steel Shutter
(100% Sand of F.M. 2.2 )

07.4 Reinforced cement concrete works using steel shutter with minimum cement
content relates to mix ratio 1:2:4 having minimum f'cr = 27 Mpa, and satisfying a
specified compressive strength f’c = 22 Mpa at 28 days on standard cylinders as
per standard practice of Code ACI/BNBC/ASTM & Cement conforming to BDS EN-
197-1- CEM 1 (32.5 to 52.5 N) / ASTM-C 150 Type – I, best quality Sylhet sand or
coarse sand of equivalent F.M. 2.2 and 20 mm down well graded stone chips
conforming to ASTM C-33, making, placing shutter in position and maintaining true
to plumb, making shutter water-tight properly, placing reinforcement in position;
mixing in standard mixer machine with hoper fed by standard measuring boxes,
casting in forms, compacting by vibrator machine and curing at least for 28 days,
removing centering-shuttering including cost of water, electricity, testing and other
charges etc. all complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.
(Rate is excluding the cost of reinforcement and its fabrication, binding, welding
and placing)

07.4.1 Individual and continuous footings of column at plinth level Concrete cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel) sqm.

07.4.2 In raft/ mat/ floor slab at plinth level


Item No Description of Item Unit Concrete cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel) sqm.

07.4.3 Foundation beam Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor sqm.

07.4.4 Padestals, column, column capitals, lift walls and walls Concrete

Ground floor and below plinth level cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor and below plinth level sqm.

07.4.5 Tie beam and lintels Concrete

Ground floor and below plinth level cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor and below plinth level sqm.

07.4.6 Tee beams, Ell beams and Rectangular beams etc Concrete

Item No Description of Item Unit

Ground floor and below plinth level cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor and below plinth level sqm.

07.4.7 Floor and roof slab Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor sqm.

07.4.8 Cornice, railing, drop walls, louver, fins etc. Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor sqm.

07.4.9 Sunshade, false ceiling Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)


Item No Description of Item Unit

Ground floor sqm.

07.4.10 Stair case slab and steps Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor sqm.

07.4.11 Waffle or Ribbed floor/roof slab Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor sqm.

(f'c = 21MPa, minimum f'cr = 26 MPa in nominal mix 1 : 1.5 : 3)
Brick-Chips using Wooden Shutter
(Sand of F.M. 2.2 )

Item No Description of Item Unit

07.5 Reinforced cement concrete works using wooden shutter with minimum cement
content relates to mix ratio 1:1.5:3 having minimum f'cr = 26 Mpa, and satisfying a
specified compressive strength f’c = 21 Mpa at 28 days on standard cylinders as
per standard practice of Code ACI/BNBC/ASTM & Cement conforming to BDS EN-
197-1- CEM 1 (32.5 to 52.5 N) / ASTM-C 150 Type – I, best quality Sylhet sand or
coarse sand [F.M. 2.2] and 20 mm down well graded picked jhama brick chips
conforming to ASTM C-33, including breaking chips and screening, making,
placing shutter in position and maintaining true to plumb, making shutter water-
tight properly, placing reinforcement in position; mixing in standard mixer machine
with hoper and fed by standard measuring boxes, casting in forms, compacting by
vibrator machine and curing at least for 28 days, removing centering-shuttering
including cost of water, electricity, testing and other charges etc. all complete
approved and accepted by the Engineer.
(Rate is excluding the cost of reinforcement and its fabrication, binding, welding
and placing)

07.5.1 Individual and continuous footings of column at plinth level. Concrete cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden) sqm.

07.5.2 In raft/ mat/ floor slab at plinth level Concrete cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden) sqm.

07.5.3 Foundation beam Concrete cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden) sqm.


Item No Description of Item Unit

07.5.4 Padestals, column, column capitals, lift walls and walls Concrete

Ground floor and below plinth level cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor and below plinth level sqm.

07.5.5 Tie beam and lintels Concrete

Ground floor and below plinth level cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor and below plinth level sqm.

07.5.6 Tee beams, Ell beams and Rectangular beams etc Concrete

Ground floor and below plinth level cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor and below plinth level cum

07.5.7 Floor and roof slab Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)


Item No Description of Item Unit

Ground floor sqm.

07.5.8 Cornice, railing, drop walls, louver, fins etc. Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor sqm.

07.5.9 Sunshade, false ceiling Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor sqm.

07.5.10 Stair case slab and steps Concrete

Ground floor and below plinth level cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor and below plinth level sqm.

07.5.11 Waffle or Ribbed floor/roof slab


Item No Description of Item Unit Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor sqm.

(f'c = 25MPa, minimum f'cr = 30 MPa in nominal mix 1 : 1.5 : 3)
Stone Chips using Steel Shutter
(100% Sand of F.M. 2.2)

07.6 Reinforced cement concrete works using steel shutter with minimum cement
content relates to mix ratio 1:1.5:3 having minimum f'cr = 30 Mpa, and satisfying a
specified compressive strength f’c = 25 Mpa at 28 days on standard cylinders as
per standard practice of Code ACI/BNBC/ASTM & Cement conforming to BDS EN-
197-1-CEM 1 (32.5 to 52.5 N) / ASTM-C 150 Type – I, best quality Sylhet sand or
coarse sand of equivalent F.M. 2.2 and 20 mm down well graded stone chips
conforming to ASTM C-33, making, placing shutter in position and maintaining true
to plumb, making shutter water-tight properly, placing reinforcement in position;
mixing with standard mixer machine with hopper, fed by standard measuring
boxes, casting in forms, compacting by vibrator machine and curing at least for 28
days, removing centering-shuttering including cost of water, electricity, testing and
other charges etc. all complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.
(Rate is excluding the cost of reinforcement and its fabrication, binding, welding
and placing)

07.6.1 Individual and continuous footings of column at plinth level. Concrete cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel) sqm.

07.6.2 In raft/ mat/ floor slab at plinth level


Item No Description of Item Unit Concrete cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel) sqm.

07.6.3 Foundation beam Concrete cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel) sqm.

07.6.4 Padestals, column, column capitals, lift walls and walls Concrete

Ground floor and below plinth level cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor and below plinth level sqm.

07.6.5 Tie beam and lintels Concrete

Ground floor and below plinth level cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor and below plinth level sqm.

07.6.6 Tee beams, Ell beams and Rectangular beams etc Concrete

Item No Description of Item Unit

Ground floor and below plinth level cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor and below plinth level sqm.

07.6.7 Floor and roof slab Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor sqm.

07.6.8 Cornice, railing, drop walls, louver, fins etc. Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor sqm.

07.6.9 Sunshade, false ceiling Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)


Item No Description of Item Unit

Ground floor sqm.

07.6.10 Stair case slab and steps Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor sqm.

07.6.11 Waffle or Ribbed floor/roof slab Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor sqm.

(f'c = 25MPa, minimum f'cr = 30 MPa in nominal mix 1 : 1.5 : 3)
Stone Chips using Wooden Shutter
(100% Sand of F.M. 2.2)

Item No Description of Item Unit

07.7 Reinforced cement concrete works using wooden shutter with minimum cement
content relates to mix ratio 1:1.5:3 having minimum f'cr = 30 Mpa, and satisfying a
specified compressive strength f’c = 25 Mpa at 28 days on standard cylinders as
per standard practice of Code ACI/BNBC/ASTM & Cement conforming to BDS EN-
197-1-CEM 1 (32.5 to 52.5 N) / ASTM-C 150 Type – I, best quality Sylhet sand or
coarse sand of equivalent F.M. 2.2 and 20 mm down well graded stone chips
conforming to ASTM C-33, making, placing shutter in position and maintaining true
to plumb, making shutter water-tight properly, placing reinforcement in position;
mixing with standard mixer machine with hopper, fed by standard measuring
boxes, casting in forms, compacting by vibrator machine and curing at least for 28
days, removing centering-shuttering including cost of water, electricity, testing and
other charges etc. all complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.
(Rate is excluding the cost of reinforcement and its fabrication, binding, welding
and placing)

07.7.1 Individual and continuous footings of column at plinth level. Concrete cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden) sqm.

07.7.2 In raft/ mat/ floor slab at plinth level Concrete cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden) sqm.

07.7.3 Foundation beam Concrete cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden) sqm.


Item No Description of Item Unit

07.7.4 Padestals, column, column capitals, lift walls and walls Cost of concrete

Ground floor and below plinth level cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor and below plinth level sqm.

07.7.5 Tie beam and lintels Concrete

Ground floor and below plinth level cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor and below plinth level sqm.

07.7.6 Tee beams, Ell beams and Rectangular beams etc Cost of concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor sqm.

07.7.7 Floor and roof slab Concrete

Ground floor and below plinth level cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)


Item No Description of Item Unit

Ground floor and below plinth level sqm.

07.7.8 Cornice, railing, drop walls, louver, fins etc. Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor sqm.

07.7.9 Sunshade, false ceiling Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor sqm.

07.7.10 Stair case slab and steps Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor sqm.

07.7.11 Waffle or Ribbed floor/roof slab


Item No Description of Item Unit Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (wooden)

Ground floor sqm.

(f'c = 32 MPa, minimum f'cr = 40 MPa in nominal mix 1 : 1.25 : 2.5)
With Stone Chips and Admixture (high strength concrete) using Steel Shutter

07.8 Reinforced cement concrete works using steel shutter with minimum cement
content relates to mix ratio 1:1.25:2.5 having minimum f'cr = 40 Mpa, and
satisfying a specified compressive strength f’c = 32 Mpa at 28 days on standard
cylinders as per standard practice of Code ACI/BNBC/ASTM & Cement
conforming to BDS EN-197-1-CEM 1 (32.5 to 52.5 N) / ASTM-C 150 Type – I, with
approved high range admixture, best quality coarse sand [Sylhet sand or coarse
sand of equivalent F.M. 2.2], 20 mm down well graded crushed stone chips
conforming to ASTM C-33, including breaking chips and screening through proper
sieves, making and placing shutter in position and maintaining true to plumb,
making shutter water-tight properly, placing reinforcement in position; mixing with
standard mixer machine with hoper and fed by standard measuring boxes, casting
in forms, compacting by vibrator machine and curing at least for 28 days, removing
centering-shuttering including cost of water, electricity, testing and other charges
etc. all complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.(Dose of admixture in the
mix to be fixed by mix design)
[Rate is excluding the cost of reinforcement and its fabrication, binding, welding
and placing,
admixture and mix design]

07.8.1 Individual and continuous footings of column at plinth level. Concrete cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel) sqm.

07.8.2 Raft or Mat


Item No Description of Item Unit Concrete cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel) sqm.

07.8.3 Foundation beam Concrete cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel) sqm.

07.8.4 Padestals, column, column capitals, lift walls and walls Concrete

Ground floor and below plinth level cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor and below plinth level sqm.

07.8.5 Tee beams, Ell beams and Rectangular beams etc Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor sqm.

07.8.6 Floor and roof slab Concrete

Item No Description of Item Unit

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor sqm.

07.8.7 Stair case slab and steps Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor sqm.

07.8.8 Waffle or Ribbed floor/roof slab Concrete

Ground floor cum Formwork/shuttering, prop and necessary supports etc. (steel)

Ground floor sqm.

07.9 Extra rate over the rate of RCC (materials, consumables and laying/placing cum
concrete) works in columns, capitals, liftwalls & walls where the free height of the
structure exceeds 4 meter [rate is considered for the height of each additional 4
(four) meter or part]

Item No Description of Item Unit

07.10 Extra rate over the rate of form work / shuttering (wooden) of RCC works in sqm.
columns, capitals, liftwalls & walls where the free height of the structure exceeds 4
meter [rate is considered for the height of each addl. 4 (four) meter or part]

07.11 Extra rate over the rate of form work / shuttering (steel) of RCC works in columns, sqm.
capitals, liftwalls & walls where the free height of the structure exceeds 4 meter
[rate is considered for the height of each addl. 4 (four) meter or part]

07.12 Extra rate over the rate of RCC (materials, consumables and laying/placing cum
concrete) works in Tee beams, Ell beams and rectangular beams where thefree
height of the structure exceeds 4 meter (rate is considered for each addl. meter

07.13 Extra rate over the rate of form work / shuttering (wooden) of RCC works in Tee sqm.
beams, Ell beams and rectangular beams where thefree height of the structure
exceeds 4 meter (rate is considered for each addl. meter height)

07.14 Extra rate over the rate of form work / shuttering (steel) of RCC works in Tee sqm.
beams, Ell beams and rectangular beams where the free height of the structure
exceeds 4 meter (rate is considered for each addl. meter height)

07.15 Extra rate over the rate of RCC (materials, consumables and laying/placing cum
concrete) works in floor / roof slab, cantilever slab, waffle slab and drop panels
where the free height of the structure exceeds 4 meter (rate is considered for each
addl. meter height)

07.16 Extra rate over the rate of form work / shuttering for RCC works in floor / roof sqm.
slab, cantilever slab, waffle slab and drop panels where the free height of the
structure exceeds 4 meter (rate is considered for each addl. meter height)

07.17 Extra rate for RCC work in additional floor: Concrete

07.17.1 Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor cum

07.17.2 Add for each addl. floor from 6th floor to 9th floor cum

Item No Description of Item Unit

07.17.3 Add for each addl. floor for 10th floor & above cum

07.18 Extra rate for RCC work in additional floor: Formwork / shuttering including curing

07.18.1 Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor sqm.

07.18.2 Add for each addl. floor from 6th floor to 9th floor sqm.

07.18.3 Add for each addl. floor for 10th floor & above sqm.

07.19 Extra cost for making ‘as-cast’ surface of the concrete approved and accepted by sqm.
the Engineer. (formwork cost)

07.20 Supplying and mixing specified type chemical admixture delivered from an authorized local
agent or manufacturer, comply with the ASTM C-494 requirements, confirming the current
compliance of the admixture to specification requirements like physical properties, uniformity
and equivalence in composition etc., performance (water content, fresh concrete setting time
and compressive strength) requirements, delivered in sealed water-tight containers having
and confirming plainly marked the proprietary name of the admixture type under this
specification, net weight and /or volume, manufacturing and expiry date, non aggressiveness
to environment, aggregates and metals in concrete etc. and mixing the admixture in non pre-
stressed cement concrete mixture in the field under the strict accordance with manufacturers
recommendation and instruction, providing safety provisions in all respects etc. all complete
as per instruction and approved by the Engineer.Dose (quantity in milliliters per 50 kg bag
cement) and brand/origin/ manufacturer with respect to particular brand of cement and
particular stock of aggregates and method of use to be determined by mix design / trial mix at
the cost borne by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer.
(Use of admixture is subject to prior approval of Design Office of Public Works Department)

07.20.1 Supply and use of water reducing chemical admixture ASTM C-494 Type - A of liter
approved brand/origin/manufacturer in concrete: The admixture to reduce quantity
of mixing water required for normal workability and to maintain low water-cement
(W/C) ratio for improved concrete.

Item No Description of Item Unit

07.20.2 Supply and use of retarding chemical admixture ASTM C-494 Type - B of liter
approved brand/origin/manufacturer in concrete: The admixture for retarding
setting time of concrete, there by reducing shrinkage in concrete specially for
concrete laid in thick layers and intended delayed construction for improved
construction joints, re-concreting etc.

07.20.3 Supply and use of accelerating chemical admixture ASTM C-494 Type - C of liter
approved brand/origin/manufacturer in concrete: An admixture that is to
accelerate the setting time and early strength gain of concrete.

07.20.4 Supply and use of water-reducing and retarding chemical admixture ASTM C-494 liter
Type - D of approved brand/origin/manufacturer in concrete: The admixture to
reduce the quantity of mixing water required to produce concrete of given
consistency, i.e. low water-cement (W/C) ratio and intend to retard setting time of
concrete, specially for layered, thick laid concrete etc.

07.20.5 Supply and use of water-reducing and accelerating chemical admixture ASTM C- liter
494 Type - E of approved brand/origin/manufacturer in concrete: The admixture to
reduce the quantity of mixing water required to produce concrete of given
consistency, i.e. low water-cement (W/C) ratio and intend to accelerate setting time
of concrete, and early strength gain in concrete etc.

07.20.6 Supply and use of water-reducing high range chemical admixture ASTM C-494 liter
Type - F of approved brand/origin/manufacturer in concrete: The admixture
required to produce concrete of consistency by 12% or greater (flowing concrete)
and for higher strength of concrete.

07.20.7 Supply and use of water-reducing high range and retarding chemical admixture liter
ASTM C-494 Type - G of approved brand/origin/manufacturer in concrete: The
admixture required to produce concrete of consistency by 12% or greater (flowing
concrete) and for higher strength of concrete and intend to retard setting time of

Item No Description of Item Unit

07.21 Supplying, best quality pliable, cold applied pre-formed self adhesive rubberized/
bituminous water proofing membrane of approved brand / origin / manufacturer
from an authorized local agent or manufacturer having minimum thickness 1.5 mm,
lined with 2 ply cross laminated high density polyethylene film performances and
properties all conforming to ASTM standards and laying, placing, fixing on made
up firm and dry surfaces free from hollows, sharp protrusions, contaminates etc.
laid over-lap by at least 75 mm along the edges and 125 mm at ends ensuring
good initial bond with the surfaces all complete under the strict accordance with
the manufacturer recommendations and instructions providing all safety provisions
in all respects and accepted by the Engineer.

07.21.1 Water-proofing membrane on external surface of primed vertical or inclined wall sqm.
/on plastered and primed back-wall and concrete cast against membrane.
(Excluding cost of back fill/brick wall on back/plaster when membrane laid on back-
wall and concrete cast against membrane which to be paid as per corresponding
items in this schedule)

07.21.2 Water-proofing membrane on made up surface below the floor or below the sqm.
horizontal surfaces with temporary protective cover using polysterene/1.5" thick
sand-cement mortar in 4:1 /or by equally effective alternative. (Rate is excluding
the cost of protective cover which to be paid as per corresponding items in this

07.21.3 Water-proofing membrane on the floor or on the horizontal surfaces with sqm.
permanent protective cover & wearing coarse.
(Rate is excluding the cost of protective cover and wearing coarse which to be paid
as per corresponding items in this schedule)

Item No Description of Item Unit

07.22 20 mm thick water-proofing work in masonry or concrete surface with sand-cement sqm.
mortar mixed with specified admixture (supplied from authorized local agent or
from manufacturer comply with ASTM/BS/IS requirements, confirming current
compliance of the admixture to specification requirements like physical properties,
uniformity and equivalence in composition, performance requirements, delivered in
sealed containers having and confirming plainly marked the proprietary name of
the admixture type under this specification, net weight and or volume,
manufacturing and expiry date, shelve life, non aggressiveness to environment
and metals in concrete etc.) under the strict accordance with manufacturer
recommendations / instructions and providing safety provisions in all respect etc.
on sound, firm surfaces all complete including cleaning the surface from dust,
loose particles, remains of oil, grease etc. all complete approved and accepted by
the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)



08.1 Supplying, fabrication and fixing to details as per design deformed bar
reinforcement in concrete in accordance with BDS 1313 : 1991 standard including
straightening and cleaning rust, if any, bending and binding in position including
supply of G.I. wires etc. complete in all respects and accepted by the Engineer.

08.1.1 275-grade deformed bar with minimum fy = 275 MPa & tensile strength at least Per 100kg
316 MPa.: up to ground floor

08.1.2 400-grade deformed bar with minimum fy = 400 MPa & tensile strength at least Per 100kg
460 MPa: up to ground floor

08.2 Extra rate for M.S. Fabrication work in additional floor shall be incorporated in the

08.2.1 Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor Per 100kg

08.2.2 Add for each addl. floor from 6th floor to 9th floor Per 100kg

08.2.3 Add for each addl. floor for 10th floor and above Per 100kg

Item No Description of Item Unit

08.3 Mild steel Grade - 250 with minimum fy = 250 MPa work in roof truss: supplying Per 100kg
and fabrication of mild steel sections as per design. Hoisting, fitting and fixing in
position with bolts and nuts or rivets or welded and providing two coats of anti-
corrosive paint over a prime coat of red oxide paint etc. complete and accepted by
the Engineer.
(Measurement to be given for Truss member only).

08.4 Supplying fan hook of 16 mm diameter M.S. rod (one meter straight length) having each
rounded hook at the middle of bar in proper size so as to be concealed within fan
cup including fabrication and fitting fixing in all floor accepted by the Engineer.

08.5 Constructing expansion joints 25 mm / 38 mm gap in R.C.C. floor or roof slab or

beam provided with “V” folded copper/ aluminium water stop sheet with loop notch
and inserted 75 mm concrete shoulders, the gap being filled up with mixture of hot
applied bituminous sealing compound etc. all complete and accepted by the
(Rate is excluding the cost of floor shoulders and floor finishes).

08.5.1 With copper sheet rm.

08.5.2 With Aluminum sheet rm.

08.5.3 With Aluminium sheet and 6 mm x 75 mm size M.S. plate. rm.

08.6 Supplying, fitting and fixing PVC water stopper in 10" wide horizontal construction rm.
joint of RCC basement slab with 1.5" x 2.5" wooden batten at the top and bottom,
binding with GI wire etc.

08.7 Supplying, fitting and fixing 10" wide 16 SWG Aluminium Sheet water stopper in rm.
construction joint of RCC vertical.

08.8 Providing bearing joints fixed or free with 250 x 375 x 10 mm M.S. (Grade - A36) each
shoe plate fitted in the truss angles with 16 mm diameter M.S. rod counter sunk
rivets, welded and anchored to 250 x 375 x 10 mm .M.S shoe plate by two Nos. 19
mm dia M.S. “U” rod embedded in the bed of the lintel around the reinforcement,
cleaning and greasing the joints for all floors etc. all complete and accepted by the

Item No Description of Item Unit


09.1 Boring/drilling for cast in situ pile up to the required depth and diameter with
minimum 6 m long temporary steel casing, true to vertical, providing bentonite
slurry and maintaining water level in the hole, washing the hole for at least 30
minutes, clean the bore-hole and make the bore- hole ready for placing steel cage
and concreting including hire charge of rig set with winch machine, tripod stand,
trimie pipe, cost of fuel, lubricant, mobilization, demobilization, maintenance,
spares, stand-byes, insurance coverage, water, electricity and other charges all
compete approved and accepted by the Engineer.
Before commencing boring operation Contractor shall submit the method
statement of cast-in-situ pile work including sequence of boring and casting,
disposal of spoils, test result of materials to the Engineer for approval. However,
Engineer’s approval shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities and
obligations under contract.

09.1.1 400 mm dia Depth up to 20 m rm Additional rate for each additional meter beyond 20 m up to 29 m rm

09.1.2 450 mm dia Depth up to 20 m rm Additional rate for each additional meter beyond 20 m up to 29 m rm

09.1.3 500 mm dia Depth up to 20 m rm Additional rate for each additional meter beyond 20 m up to 29 m rm

09.1.4 550 mm dia Depth up to 20 m rm

Item No Description of Item Unit Additional rate for each additional meter beyond 20 m up to 29 m rm

09.1.5 600 mm Depth up to 20 m rm Additional rate for each additional meter beyond 20 m up to 29 m rm

09.2 Removing of spoils / mud accumulated during boring for cast in situ pile by wash cum
boring from working site to a safe distance by contractors own arrangement i.e.
with container set in truck or on cart including loading, unloading everything
complete as per standard practice. (Quantity should be given three times of solid
volume of boring)

09.3 Cast in situ pile with reinforced cement concrete works with minimum cement cum
content relates to mix ratio 1 : 1.5 : 3 having minimum f'cr = 26 Mpa, and satisfying
a specified compressive strength f’c = 21 Mpa at 28 days on standard cylinders as
per standard practice of Code ACI/BNBC/ASTM & cement conforming to BDS EN-
197-1- CEM 1 (32.5 to 52.5 N) / ASTM-C 150 Type – I, best quality coarse sand
[Sylhet sand or coarse sand of equivalent F.M.2.2], 20 mm down well graded
crushed stone chips conforming to ASTM C-33, including breaking chips,
screening through proper sieves, making, placing re-bar cage in position, placing
and removing tri-pod as per requirement, pouring the concrete in bore-hole with
the help of a trimie pipe, maintaining the trimie pipe immersed in concrete by at
least 1 meter throughout the period of concreting, maintaining required slump etc.
mixing the aggregates with standard mixer machine with hoper, casting in forms,
all complete including water, electricity, testing of materials and concrete etc and
other charges as per design, drawing etc all complete approved and accepted by
the Engineer.
(Rate is excluding the cost of reinforcement and its fabrication, binding,
welding and placing)

09.4 Providing and making point welding at contact point of the spiral binders at point
reasonable intervals with the main reinforcements by electric arc welding for
construction of cast in situ bored pile carefully with highly oxidized electrodes
making the points prominent and accepted by the Engineer (rate is inclusive of all
materials labour, tools and plants, electricity and all equipment).

Item No Description of Item Unit

09.5 Providing and making welded splice by welding of minimum 300 mm length at the inch
lap of main reinforcement in re-bar cage to be placed in bore-hole where
necessary by electric arc welding with highly oxidized electrodes making the joint
prominent and accepted by the Engineer. (rate is inclusive of all materials labour,
tools and plants, electricity and all equipment).

09.6 Labour for breaking head of hardened cast in situ bored pile/pre-cast pile up to a cum
required length by any means but without damaging the rest and removing the
dismantled materials such as concrete to a safe distance including scraps and
cleaning concrete from steel/M.S. rods, straightening and bending of pile bars,
preparation and making platform where necessary, carrying, all sorts of handling,
stacking the same properly after clearing, leveling and dressing the situ and
clearing the bed etc. complete in all respects and accepted by the Engineer.
(Measurement will be given for the actual pile head volume to be broken)

09.7 Conducting static load test as per ASTM D1143 or equivalent standard for the
cast-in-situ/pre-cast pile providing required scaffolding, bracing, jacks, pressure
test gauge, loading unloading, Kentledge and other plants and equipment including
staging, mobilization, demobilization, hire charge, gunny bags, sand and filling
sacs/gunny bags for loading, record readings and preparation of results in
standard forms and other incidental charges per standard practice and procedures
including submission of load test report, furnishing all graph and chart etc.
complete in all respects approved and accepted by the Engineer (Minimum two
cyclic loading).
Before commencing load test, Contractor shall submit method statement for
conducting load test to the Engineer for approval. However, Engineer’s approval
shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities and obligations under

09.7.1 For 25 tonne load 1 No. of test Per test

09.7.2 For 75 tonne load for 1 No. of test Per test

09.7.3 For 125 tonne load for 1 No. of test Per test

09.7.4 For 175 tonne load for 1 No. test Per test

Item No Description of Item Unit

09.7.5 For 225 tonne load for 1 No. test Per test

09.7.6 For 275 tonne load for 1 No. of test Per test

09.8 Rate for increamental loading

09.8.1 For intermediate loading from 25 tonne to 75 tonne for each additional tonne Per tonne

09.8.2 For intermediate loading from 75 tonne to 125 tonne for each additional tonne. Per tonne

09.8.3 For intermediate loading from 125 tonne to 175 tonne for each additional tonne. Per tonne

09.8.4 For intermediate loading from 175 tonne to 225 tonne for each additional tonne. Per tonne

09.8.5 For intermediate loading from 225 tonne to 275 tonne for each additional tonne. Per tonne

Item No Description of Item Unit

09.9 Pre-cast driven pile with reinforced cement concrete works with minimum cement
content relates to mix ratio 1:1.5:3 having minimum f'cr = 30 Mpa, and satisfying a
specified compressive strength f’c = 25 Mpa at 28 days on standard cylinders as
per standard practice of Code ACI/BNBC/ASTM & cement conforming to BDS EN-
197-1- CEM 1 (32.5 to 52.5 N) / ASTM-C 150 Type – I, best quality coarse sand
(F.M.2.2), 20 mm down well graded stone chips conforming to ASTM C-33,
mixing in standard mixture machine and fed by standard measuring boxes,
including cost of breaking chips, screening through proper sieves, cleaning and
washing, centering and shuttering with M.S sheet, M.S angle, F.I bar, nuts and
bolts, preparation of bed, laying polythene, placing of reinforcement cage in
position, casting, compacting by vibrators and tapered rods, curing for 28 days etc.
including cost of water, electricity and other charges, providing pile shoe as per
design and drawing, driving the pile up to the design depth as per standard
practice or specified method providing head cushion, all equipments including
mobilization, demobilization and hire charge of driving set, labour, shampering,
test of materials and concrete etc. all complete as per design, drawing and
accepted by the Engineer.
(Rate is excluding the cost of reinforcement and its fabrication, binding, welding
and placing and driving pile)

09.9.1 250 mm x 250 mm size pre-cast pile (1:1.5:3) with stone chips rm

09.9.2 300 mm x 300 mm size pre-cast pile (1:1.5:3) with stone chips rm

09.9.3 360 mm x 360 mm size pre-cast pile (1:1.5:3) with stone chips rm

09.9.4 Pile shoe as per design and drawing each

09.10 Mobilization and demobilization of drop hammer type pre-cast pile driving rig. Per set

09.11 Driving 250 mm x 250 mm size pre-cast pile with drop hammer type rig. Before
commencing driving operation, Contractor shall submit method statement for
carrying the driving operation including sequence of driving to the Engineer for
approval. However, Engineer’s approval shall not relieve the Contractor of his
responsibilities and obligations under contract.

09.11.1 Up to 6 m rm

Item No Description of Item Unit

09.11.2 From above 6 m to 12 m rm

09.11.3 From above 12 m to 15 m rm

09.12 Driving 300 mm x 300 mm size pre-cast pile with drop hammer type rig. Before
commencing driving operation, Contractor shall submit method statement for
carrying the driving operation including sequence of driving to the Engineer for
approval. However, Engineer’s approval shall not relieve the Contractor of his
responsibilities and obligations under contract.

09.12.1 Up to 6 m rm

09.12.2 From above 6 m to 12 m rm

09.12.3 From above 12 m to 15 m rm

09.13 Driving 360 mm x 360 mm size pre-cast pile with drop hammer type rig. Before
commencing driving operation, Contractor shall submit method statement for
carrying the driving operation including sequence of driving to the Engineer for
approval. However, Engineer’s approval shall not relieve the Contractor of his
responsibilities and obligations under contract.

09.13.1 Up to 6 m rm

09.13.2 From above 6 m to 12 m rm

09.13.3 From above 12 m to 15 m rm

09.13.4 From above 15 m to 18 m rm

09.14 Mobilization and demobilzation of automatic diesel hammer mounted complete rig Per set

09.15 Driving 250 mm x 250 mm size pre-cast pile by rig fitted with automatic diesel rm
operated hammer. Before commencing driving operation by rig fitted with
automatic diesel operated hammer, Contractor shall submit method statement for
carrying the operation including sequence of driving to the Engineer for approval.
However, Engineer’s approval shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities
and obligations under contract.

Item No Description of Item Unit

09.16 Driving 300 mm x 300 mm size pre-cast pile by rig fitted with automatic diesel rm
operated hammer. Before commencing driving operation by rig fitted with
automatic diesel operated hammer, Contractor shall submit method statement for
carrying the operation including sequence of driving to the Engineer for approval.
However, Engineer’s approval shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities
and obligations under contract.

09.17 Driving 360 mm x 360 mm size pre-cast pile by rig fitted with automatic diesel rm
operated hammer. Before commencing driving operation by rig fitted with
automatic diesel operated hammer, Contractor shall submit method statement for
carrying the operation including sequence of driving to the Engineer for approval.
However, Engineer’s approval shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities
and obligations under contract.

09.18 Pre-cast driven micro-pile with reinforced cement concrete works with minimum
cement content relates to mix ratio 1:1.25:2.5 having minimum f'cr = 35 Mpa, and
satisfying a specified compressive strength f’c = 30 Mpa at 28 days on standard
cylinders as per standard practice of Code ACI/BNBC/ASTM & cement conforming
to BDS EN-197-1- CEM 1 (32.5 to 52.5 N) / ASTM-C 150 Type – I, best quality
coarse sand (F.M.2.5) and 20 mm down well-graded stone chips conforming to
ASTM C-33, mixing in standard mixture machine with hoper and fed by standard
measuring boxes, including cost of breaking chips, screening through proper
sieves, cleaning and washing, centering and shuttering with M.S sheet, M.S angle,
F.I bar, nuts and bolts, preparation of bed, laying polythene, placing of
reinforcement cage, casting, compacting by vibrators and tapered rods, curing for
28 days etc. including cost of water, electricity and other charges, providing pile
shoe as per design and drawing, driving the pile up to the design depth as per
standard practice or specified method providing head cushion, all equipments
including mobilization, demobilization and hire charge of driving set, shampering,
test of materials and concrete etc. including carrying all complete approved and
accepted by the Engineer.
(Rate is excluding the cost of reinforcement and its fabrication, binding, welding
and placing and driving pile)

09.18.1 180 mm x180 mm x 7.6 m Pile with reinforced cement concrete (1 : 1.25 : 2.5) rm
with stone chips

09.18.2 205 mm x 205 mm x 7.6 m Pile with reinforced cement concrete (1 : 1.25 : 2.5) rm
with stone chips

Item No Description of Item Unit

09.18.3 Driving of 180 mm x 180 mm x 7.6 m Pre-cast Pile rm

09.18.4 Driving of 205 mm x 205 mm x 7.6 m Pre-cast Pile rm


10.1 Supplying, fitting and fixing 0.45 mm thick corrugated galvanized iron sheet
(Bangladesh made) having min weight 63-65 kg per bundle (2'-6" width 70 – 72 rft
long) fitted and fixed on M.S. sections with 'J' hook or wooden purlin with screws,
limpet washers and putty etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

10.1.1 Galvanized C.I. sheet: sqm

10.1.2 Coloured C.I. sheet: sqm

10.2 Supplying, fitting and fixing 1.5 mm thick fiber glass sheet roofing fitted and fixed sqm
on M.S. sections with 'J' hook or wooden purlin with screws, limpet washers and
putty etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

10.3 0.27 mm thick galvanized iron plain sheet ridging with 300 mm lap on either side
fitted and fixed with galvanized bolts and nuts etc. all complete and accepted by
the Engineer.

10.3.1 Galvanized rm

10.3.2 Colored rm

10.4 1.5 mm thick plain fiberglass sheet ridging with 300 mm lap on either side fitted rm
and fixed with galvanized bolts and nuts etc. all complete and accepted by the

Item No Description of Item Unit



11.1 Supplying and making door and window frames (Chowkat) for all floors with
matured natural seasoned wood of required size including painting two coats of
coal tar to the surface in contact with wall, fitting and fixing in position etc.
complete and accepted by the Engineer
(All sizes of wood are finished).

11.1.1 Garjan/ Jam/ Local sal cum

11.1.2 Mehgoni cum

11.1.3 Silkarai cum

11.1.4 Teak Chambal cum

11.1.5 Chittagong Teak cum

11.2 Supplying, fitting and fixing M.S. flat bar clamp of 225 x 38 x 6 mm size having each
bifurcated ends to door and window frames with necessary screws and encasing
inside the wall with cement concrete (1:2:4) etc. complete and accepted by the

11.3 Supplying, fitting and fixing M.S. flat bar clamp 150 x 38 x 6 mm size having each
bifurcated ends to door and window frames with rowel plug, necessary screws etc.
including cutting groove in Chowkat if necessary etc. complete in all respect
accepted by the Engineer.

11.4 Supplying, fitting and fixing double leaf door frame for all floors with 38 x 38 x 6 rm
mm M.S. angle fitted with 250 mm long 6 Nos. of iron clamps of same size (with
one end bifurcated) with the vertical members of the frame, fixing the frame in wall
with cement concrete (1:2:4), mending good the damages, fixing 6 Nos. of 100 mm
size iron hinges with the vertical members of the frame all complete including
cutting, sizing, welding, fabricating, carrying from work-shop to site and local
carriage, curing etc. complete as per plan and drawing and accepted by the

Item No Description of Item Unit

11.5 Supplying, fitting and fixing of door frame for single leaf in all floors with 38 x 38 x 6 rm
mm M.S. angle, fixing 130 mm long 6 Nos. of iron clamps of same size (with one
end bifurcated) with the vertical members of the frame, fixing the frame in wall with
cement concrete (1:2:4), mending good the damages, fixing 4 Nos. of 100 mm size
iron hinges with the vertical members of the frame all complete including cutting,
sizing, welding, fabricating, carriage from workshop to site including local carriage,
curing etc. as per plan and drawing etc. all complete and accepted by the
(Running meter of the doorframe will be considered towards measurement).

11.6 Supplying seasoned wood and making roof truss of any size with wall plates as per
design in/c supplying, fabricating and hoisting, scaffolding, fitting and fixing in
position with bolts, nuts, coal tarring in 2 coats etc. all complete and accepted by
the Engineer.
(All sizes of wood are finished).

11.6.1 Garjan / Jam/ Local Sal wood cum

11.6.2 Mehgoni cum

11.6.3 Silkarai (Chittagong)/Chickrashi cum

11.7 Supplying and making seasoned wooden hand rail of stair case etc. including
necessary molding with proper corner finishing as per design, fitted and fixed in
position in all floors etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

11.7.1 Silkarai / Chickrashi cum

11.7.2 Chittagong Teak cum

11.7.3 Mehgoni cum

11.7.4 Local Sal cum


Item No Description of Item Unit



12.1 Supplying, fitting and fixing 38 mm thick well matured, seasoned (min 10" wide
plank) solid wood single leaf door shutter having top rail style of sections 100 mm x
38 mm, lock rail 125 x 38 mm and bottom rail 225 x 38 mm. Closed joints with 25
mm x 12 mm size wooden peg and provided with best quality 4 Nos. 100 mm iron
hinges 2 (two) Nos. best quality 12 mm dia 300 mm and 200 mm long iron tower
and socket bolts, 2 (two) Nos. heavy type nickel plated handle, hinged cleats,
buffer blocks and finished by sand papering etc. all complete in all floors and
accepted by the Engineer.
(All sizes of wood are finished)

12.1.1 Kathal sqm

12.1.2 Gamari sqm

12.1.3 Teak Chambal sqm

12.1.4 Chittagong Teak sqm

12.1.5 Chapalish sqm


Item No Description of Item Unit

12.2 Supplying, fitting and fixing 38 mm thick well matured, natural seasoned (min 10"
wide plank) solid wood single leaf flush door shutter having a frame of top lock and
bottom rail of sections 100 mm x 12 mm styles 100 mm x 38 mm covered with 100
mm x 12 mm plank, screwed to each face and provided with best quality 4 Nos.
100 mm iron hinges, 2 (two) Nos. best quality 12 mm dia 300 mm and 200 mm
long iron tower and socket bolts, 2 (two) Nos. heavy type nickel plated handles,
hinged cleats, buffer blocks and finished by sand papering etc. all complete in all
floors and accepted by the Engineer.
(All sizes of wood are finished)

12.2.1 Kathal sqm

12.2.2 Gamari sqm

12.2.3 Teak Chambal sqm

12.2.4 Chittagong Teak sqm

12.2.5 Chapalish sqm

12.3 Supplying, fitting and fixing 38 mm finished well matured, natural seasoned (min sqm
10" wide plank) wooden ornamental special design (equivalent hatil) both sides
single panel flush door shutter with top and middle rail 150 mm x 38mm bottom
rail 225 mm x 38 mm and style 125 mm x 38 mm, having vertical panels 175 mm x
38 mm in./c minimum 12 mm lap to each panel providing 4 nos, best quality 100
mm brass hinges, 12 mm dia best quality 200 mm & 300 mm brass socket and
tower bolts 2(two) now heavy type best quality brass handle hinges cleats, wooden
buffer blocks in/c supply of necessary nails and screws finished by making design
by machine finished etc. all complete in all floors and accepted by the Engineer
(Ctg. teak wood).

Item No Description of Item Unit

12.4 Supplying, fitting and fixing 38 mm thick well matured, natural seasoned (min 10"
wide plank) wooden double leaf panel door shutters. Top rail and styles of sections
100 mm x 38 mm, lock rail 125 mm x 38 mm and bottom rail 225mm x 38 mm,
paneling 38 mm thick both sides raised, provided with best quality 6 Nos. 100 mm
iron hinges, 2 (two) Nos. best quality 12 mm dia 300 mm and 225 mm long iron
tower and socket bolts, 2 (two) Nos. heavy type nickel plated handle, 1 No. hatch-
bolt hinged cleats, buffer blocks and finished by sand papering, necessary screws
etc. all complete in all floors and accepted by the Engineer.
(Double leaf. All sizes of wood are finished)

12.4.1 Kathal sqm

12.4.2 Gamari sqm

12.4.3 Teak Chambal sqm

12.4.4 Chittagong Teak sqm

12.4.5 Chapalish sqm

12.5 Supplying, fitting and fixing 38 mm thick well matured, natural seasoned (min.10"
wide plank) wooden double leaf panel door shutters. Top rail and styles of sections
100 mm x 38 mm. lock rail 125 mm x 38 mm and bottom rail 225 mm x 38 mm.
paneling 25 mm thick one side raised, provided with best quality 6 nos. 100 mm
iron hinges, 2 (two) Nos. best quality 12 mm dia 300 mm and 200 mm long iron
tower and socket bolts, 2 (two) Nos. heavy type nickel plated handles, 1 No. hatch-
bolt hinged cleats, buffer blocks and finished by sand papering, necessary screws
etc. all complete in all floors and accepted by the Engineer.
(Double leaf. All sizes of wood are finished)

12.5.1 Kathal sqm

12.5.2 Gamari sqm

12.5.3 Teak Chambal sqm

12.5.4 Chittagong Teak sqm


Item No Description of Item Unit

12.5.5 Chapalish sqm

12.6 Supplying, fitting and fixing 38 mm finished thick well matured, natural seasoned
(min. 10" wide plank) wooden grooved single panel flush door shutters with top
and middle rail 100 mm x 38 mm, bottom rail 225 mm x 38 mm and style 100 mm x
38 mm, having vertical panels 100 x 38 mm including keeping 6 mm x 12 mm even
groove all around and minimum 12 mm grooved lap to each panel. Providing 4
Nos. best quality 100 mm iron hinges, 12 mm dia best quality 200 mm and 300
mm iron socket and tower bolts, 2 (two) Nos. heavy type best quality nickel plated
handle hinged cleats, wooden buffer blocks including supply of necessary nails
and screws, finished by sand papering etc. complete in all respect in all floors as
per drawing and as per standard practice and accepted by the Engineer.
(All sizes of wood are finished).

12.6.1 Kathal sqm

12.6.2 Gamari sqm

12.6.3 Chittagong Teak sqm

12.6.4 Chapalish sqm

12.7 Supplying, fitting and fixing 36 mm thick and having density 400 kg/cum solid
particle board single leaf flush door for all floors for internal use made of well
matured mechanical seasoned Rubber (Malaysian timber) or other approved
wooden frame having finished size 35 x 50 mm around upon which 1.4 mm thick
veneer (total two Nos. of veneers one of 0.7 mm horizontally and another of 0.7
mm vertically made of Burma Teak or Champa or Chapalish or Garjan wood) with
necessary screws are pested on each side by mechanized process and provided
with best quality 4 Nos. 100 mm iron hinges, 2 Nos. best quality 12 mm iron dia
300 mm and 225 mm long iron tower and socket bolts, 2 (two) Nos. heavy type
nickel plated handles, hinged cleats, buffer blocks etc. complete and accepted by
the Engineer.

12.7.1 Burma Teak veneered sqm

12.7.2 Champ veneered sqm


Item No Description of Item Unit

12.7.3 Chapalish veneered sqm

12.7.4 Garjan veneered sqm

12.8 Manufacturing and supplying, fitting, fixing well matured, natural seasoned (min
10" wide plank) wooden fixed louver shutters having 62 x 125 mm frame and inner
horizontal wooden louver 150 x 25 mm size spaced @ 50 mm c/c fixed with frame
in grooves including cost of screws, nails, 12 mm x 12 mm size wooden bit,
preparing the surface by sand papering etc. complete in all respect as per drawing
and accepted by the Engineer.
(All sizes of wood are finished).

12.8.1 Gamari sqm

12.8.2 Chittagong Teak sqm

12.8.3 Chapalish sqm

12.9 Supplying, fitting and fixing well matured, natural seasoned (min 10” wide plank)
wooden glazed ventilator louver shutters for all floors having wooden outer frame
of section 62 x 125 mm (finished) with 62 x 125 mm (finished) size vertical divider
with inner 50 mm x 38 mm shutter and with 3 Nos. horizontal 38 mm x 38 mm sash
bar in each part and inner horizontal glazed louver of size 150 x 6 mm (local) fixed
in frame @ 154 mm c/c by cutting grooves in the frame including cost of screws,
wooden bit, pivots, sand papering, cutting glass to required size etc. all complete
as per design, drawing and as per standard practice and accepted by the
(All sizes of wood are finished).

12.9.1 Gamari sqm

12.9.2 Teak Chambal sqm

12.9.3 Chittagong Teak sqm

12.9.4 Chapalish sqm


Item No Description of Item Unit

12.10 Supplying fitting and fixing 38 mm thick well matured, natural seasoned (min 10"
wide plank) wooden glazed door shutters for all floors having styles and rails of
section 150 mm x 38 mm and 5 mm glass panes fitted and fixed with wooden
batten, putty and nails including supplying and fitting and fixing 50 mm dia best
quality round door lock. 12 mm dia, 1200 mm long iron tower bolt and 8 Nos. 100
mm iron hinges to each shutters, 2 Nos. nickel plated handle, hinged cleats, buffer
blocks, screws, finished with necessary sand papering and putty works etc.
complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(All sizes of wood are finished).

12.10.1 Chittagong Teak sqm

12.10.2 Silkarai sqm

12.11 Supplying, fitting and fixing 25 mm thick well matured natural seasoned (min 10” sqm
wide plank) Kathal wood door and window shutters for all floors having 75 x 25 mm
‘Z’ battens, provided with best quality 3 Nos. 100 mm iron hinges, 2 Nos. 62 mm
dia iron ring fitted with nuts, 2 Nos. best quality 12 mm dia, 300 mm and 225 mm
long iron tower and socket bolts, hinged cleats, buffer blocks, screws and finished
with sand papering in all floors etc. complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(All sizes of wood are finished).

12.12 Supplying, fitting and fixing 38 mm thick well matured natural seasoned (min 10"
wide plank) wood glazed window shutters for all floors having horizontal and
vertical sections of 87 x 38 mm and sash bar 38 x 38 mm fitted with 3 mm glass
panes with putty and nails and provided with best quality 4 Nos. 75 mm iron
hinges, 2 (two) Nos. best quality 12 mm dia 250 mm and 150 mm long iron tower
and socket bolts, nickel plated handles 225 mm long catch hooks or hinged cleats,
buffer blocks, necessary screws and finished with sand papering for all floors etc.
complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(All sizes of wood are finished).

12.12.1 Kathal sqm

12.12.2 Gamari sqm

12.12.3 Teak Chambal sqm


Item No Description of Item Unit

12.12.4 Chittagong Teak sqm

12.12.5 Chapalish sqm

12.13 Supplying, fitting and fixing 38 mm thick well matured, seasoned (min 10" wide
plank) wood window shutter one third glazed and two third raised paneling on both
sides and 38 mm thick for all floors having horizontal and vertical sections of 87
mm x 38 mm and sash bars 38 x 38 mm fitted with 3 mm glass panes with putty
and nails and provided with best quality 4 Nos. 75 mm iron hinges. 2 (two) Nos.
best quality 12 mm dia 250 mm and 150 long iron tower and socket bolts, nickel
plated handles, 225 mm long catch hooks or hinged cleats, buffer blocks and
finished by sand papering for all floors etc. complete and accepted by the
(All sizes of wood are finished).

12.13.1 Kathal sqm

12.13.2 Gamari sqm

12.13.3 Teak Chambal sqm

12.13.4 Chittagong Teak sqm

12.13.5 Chapalish sqm

12.14 Seasoning of timber in a recognized mechanical timber seasoning plant up to a cum

moisture content of 12% - 16% by weight as measured by a electric moisture
meter or any other moisture measuring device etc. complete in all respect
including loading, unloading, carriage at both ends accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

12.15.1 Supplying, fitting and fixing steel glazed window shutter for all floors with frames as sqm
per design having 25 x 25 x 5 mm angle section for Chowkat and shutters and 50 x
25 x 5 mm T- section used for vertical member and 25 x 5 mm F.I. bar for making
box (combining with angle) and 25 x 19 x 5 mm Tee used for glass divider etc.
including all cost of charges for welding, riveting etc. supplying all essential fittings,
like iron hinges, plate handle, pin-stopper, adjustable cleat and clamps, fitting and
fixing the frame including. supplying, fitting, fixing 3 mm glass panes by pucca
putty and making necessary holes in walls and R.C.C works and necessary fitting
with C.C. (1:2:4) and mending good the damages including. all cost of carriage,
workshop charges, electricity, and labour for fittings, fixing, curing etc. all complete
and accepted by the Engineer.

12.15.2 Supplying, fitting and fixing M.S. door shutter made with 1.5” x 1.5” x ¼” angle
outer frame, inner member 1” x ¼” F.I. bar, cladding with 16 BWG M.S. sheet,
hinged with 2” x 2” x ¼” M.S. angle Chowkat. sqm

12.16 Supplying, fitting and fixing steel glazed window shutter for all floors with frames as
per design having 19 x 19 x 19 x 3 mm Z-section in frame and 19 x 3 mm F.I. bar
for making T-section for horizontal dividers of shutters and 25 x 3 mm F.I. bar for
middle vertical members of frame including all cost of charges for fabrication and
manufacture by welding riveting etc. supplying all essential fittings like 2 Nos.
stopper, handle, 150 mm long 3 Nos. adjustable cleats, iron pins, hinges, 150 mm
long 4 Nos. clamps, for fitting frame including supplying, fitting, fixing 3 mm glass
panes by pucca putty and making necessary holes in brick and R.C.C. wall or
member as necessary filling with C.C. (1:2:4) and mending good the damages
including all cost of carriage, electricity, workshop charges and labour in fitting,
fixing etc. all complete as per drawing and design and accepted by the Engineer.

12.16.1 With provision for fan-light (total wt of grill without glass panes is min 28.13 kg for sqm
15 sft)

12.16.2 Without provision for fan-light (total wt of grill without glass panes is min 24.84 kg sqm
for 15 sft)

Item No Description of Item Unit

12.17 Manufacturing, supplying fitting and fixing of fixed glazed frame for all floors with sqm
outer member of 19 x 19 x 19 x 3 mm Z-section and vertical and horizontal dividers
of 19 x 19 x 3 mm T-section including all cost of fabrication and welding, supplying
and fixing of 19 x 19 x 3 mm angle clamps of 150 mm length (with one end
bifurcated) of required Nos, with the frame, fixing the frame in wall with (1:2:4)
cement concrete in the hole for clamp after making necessary grooves, supplying
and fixing of 3 mm glass panes with pucca putty, mending good all damages,
painting iron face with two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of anti-
corrosive priming to approved colour and quality etc. cost of electricity, workshop
charges, carriage etc. all complete as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer.
[Rate is excluding the cost of painting]
(Scope of work of this item is in staircase and over partition wall etc.)

12.18 Supplying, fitting and fixing 25 mm thick wooden double leaf fly proof wire mesh
window shutter for all floors with 75 x 25 mm vertical and horizontal style and sash
bar of 38 x 25 mm section provided with 24 B.W.G. G.I wire mesh netting of 20
mesh fitted and fixed with shutter by 12 x 12 mm wooden bit, brass screws, nails
etc. including supply of all necessary fittings such as 2 Nos. 150 mm long brass
tower and socket bolt of best quality 4 Nos. 75 mm brass hinges, heavy type 2
Nos. 150 mm long catch hook and 100 mm long brass handle 2 Nos. including
fitting and fixing the same in position with frame with supply of necessary screws
and nails etc. complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(All sizes of wood are finished)

12.18.1 Kathal sqm

12.18.2 Teak Chambal sqm

12.18.3 Chittagong Teak sqm

12.19 Supplying, fitting and fixing of well matured louver shutter having 75.50mm x sqm
38mm size all around frame and inner horizontal wooden louver blade 65mm x
20mm spaced @ 38mm c/c, fixed with frame in grooves including cost of nails,
handle, tower bolt, screws (brass fitting) etc. all complete in all respect as per
drawing and direction of the Engineer in charge.

Item No Description of Item Unit

12.20 Supplying, fitting and fixing 3" X 3/4" Chittagong Teak wood moulding bit as per rm
design etc. all complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.

12.21 Extra cost for using brass/ SS fittings in place of iron fittings in doors & windows for
all floors (super quality local).

12.21.1 Brass fittings of door sqm

12.21.2 SS fittings of door sqm

12.21.3 Brass fittings of windows sqm

12.21.4 SS fittings of windows sqm

12.22 Supplying, fitting and fixing of 'King Brand' (made in Korea/equivalent) hydraulic each
door closer (big size) including all necessary tools and accessories etc. all
complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.

12.23.1 Supplying, fitting and fixing MORTICE door lock approved and accepted by the each

12.23.2 Supplying, fitting and fixing Rim/ round door lock approved and accepted by the each

12.24 Supplying, fitting and fixing of best quality magnetic door shock absorber including each
all necessary tools and accessories etc. all complete approved and accepted by
the Engineer

12.25 Supplying, fitting and fixing best quality heavy type 19 mm dia and to 300 mm long each
brass hasp bolt including cutting grooves in door shutter and frames, screws etc.
all complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.



Item No Description of Item Unit

13.1 Supplying, fitting and fixing window grills made of 16 mm dia M.S. rod @ 100 mm sqm
c/c fitted with 3 (three) Nos. horizontal M.S. flat bar (38 x 6 mm) including
fabrication, welding, riveting, cost of electricity, workshop charges, carriage, fixing
with pre-placed clamps in walls/RCC member for all floors etc. complete and
accepted by the Engineer.
(Total weight per sqm should be approx. 22.8 kg and add or deduct @ Tk. 35.00
for each kg excess or less respectively)

13.2 Supplying, fitting and fixing window grills of any design made of mild steel section sqm
(20 x 3 mm) with outer frame of (25 x 6 mm) F.I. bar fabricating, welding, cost of
electricity, workshop charges, carriage, fixing with pre-placed clamps in walls or
RCC member, all necessary tools and plants etc complete for all floors and
accepted by the Engineer.
(Total weight per sqm should be min 15.20 kg. and add or deduct @ Tk. 35.00 for
each kg. excess or less respectively)

13.3 Supplying, fitting and fixing window grills of any design made with 20 x 5 mm F.I. sqm
bar including fabricating, welding cost of electricity and tools and plants etc.
complete for all floors accepted by the Engineer.
(Total weight per sqm should be min 24.25 kg. and add or deduct. @ Tk. 35.00 for
each kg. excess or less respectively)

13.4.1 Supplying, fitting, fixing window grills of any design made with 25 x 6 mm F.I. bar sqm
including fabrication, welding, cost of electricity workshop charges, carriage,
cutting grooves, mending good the damages, tools and plants etc. complete for all
floors accepted by the Engineer.
(Total weight per sqm should be min 42.88 kg. and add or deduct @ Tk. 35.00 for
each kg. excess or less respectively)

13.4.2 Supplying, fitting and fixing window grill made of M.S. section 1” x ¼” outer frame sqm
and ¾” x 3/16” inner member as per drawing and design approved and accepted
by the Engineer.
(Total weight per sqm should be min 46.57 kg. and add or deduct @ Tk. 35.00 for
each kg. excess or less respectively)

13.5.1 Supplying, fitting and fixing window grill made of 12mm x 12mm M.S. solid bar 5.5” sqm
c/c with outer frame of 1.5” x ¼” F.I. bar as per design approved and accepted by
the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

13.5.2 Supplying, fitting and fixing window grill made of 10mm x 10mm M.S. solid bar 5.5” sqm
c/c with outer frame of 1.5” x ¼” F.I. bar as per design approved and accepted by
the Engineer.

13.5.3 Supply, fitting and fixing window grill made of ½” x ½” hollow M.S. box made of sqm
minimum 16 BWG M.S. sheet @ 4” c/c with outer frame of 1.5” x ¼” F.I. bar as per
drawing approved and accepted by the Engineer.

13.6 Supplying, fitting and fixing window grills made of mild steel section 25 mm x 3 mm sqm
including fabrication, welding, cost of electricity, workshop charges, carriage, fixing
with pre-placed clamps in walls or RCC member, all necessary tools and plants etc
complete for all floors and accepted by the Engineer.
(Total weight per sqm should be min 0.81 kg. and add or deduct @ Tk. 59.00 for
each kg. excess or less respectively)

13.7 Supplying, fitting and fixing veranda grill made of 10 mm dia M.S. rods provided 75 sqm
mm c/c in any position both ways as per design with outside frame 25 x 25 x 6 mm
M.S. angle including fabricating welding in each point painting 2 coats of synthetic
enamel paint over a coat of anti-corrosive priming including cost of electricity, tools
and plants, workshop charges, carriage of the same including cutting groves in the
R.C.C. or brick work, mending good the damages with C.C. (1:2:4) etc. complete
for all floors accepted by the Engineer. [Rate is excluding the cost of painting]
(Total weight per sqm should be min 57.68 kg. and add or deduct @ Tk. 35.00 for
each kg. excess or less respectively)

13.8 Supplying, fitting and fixing and fixing verandah grills made of 3/8” dia M.S. rod sqm
placed @ 3” c/c both ways fitted with outer frame of M.S. angle 1” x 1” x ¼” as per
drawing and approved and accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit



14.1 Supplying fitting and fixing of Aluminium swing door with spandrel as per the U.S.
Architectural Aluminium Manufacturer’s Association (AAMA) standard specification
having 1.8 mm thick wall frame size 101.60 mm. 44.45 mm. 83.21 mm). 2.33 mm
thick shutter size (54 mm, 46 mm), 0.99 mm thick door glass bit (size 16.54 mm.
14.49 mm 0.115 kg/m), 2.5 mm thick clousure section (size 101.60 mm, 42.93 mm
1.2 mm), 106.60 mm clousure cover (0.45 kg/m), 4 mm thick floor bottom (size
101.60 mm. 12.70 mm 1 kg/m), 1.8 mm thick shutter bottom (size 82.6 mm, 43.99
mm, 0.60 kg/m), 1.8 mm thick shutter top (size 51 mm, 43.99 mm, 1.88 kg/m) and
2.3 mm to 4.01 mm thick handle (size 101.60 mm, 38.10 mm, 25.40 mm short,
1.35 kg/m) section of all aluminum members will be anodized to aluminium
bronze/silver colour with a coat not less than 15 micrones in thickness and density
of 4 mg per square cm etc. including all accessories like swing door clousure,
swing door lock, swing door mohiar, labour charge, fabrication, fitting fixing in
position, carriage and electricity charge keeping provision for fitting 5 mm thick
glass including neoprene sealant etc. complete in all respect as per drawing and
accepted by the Engineer.
(Total weight min 23 kg/m2)

14.1.1 S.S colour sqm

14.1.2 Bronze colour sqm

14.1.3 Silver colour sqm


Item No Description of Item Unit

14.2 Supplying fitting and fixing of Aluminium swing door as per the U.S. Architectural
Aluminium Manufacturer’s Association (AAMA) standard specification having 1.8
mm thick wall frame size 101.60 mm. 44.45 mm. 83.21 mm). 2.33 mm thick
shutter size (54 mm, 46 mm), 0.99 mm thick door glass bit (size 16.54 mm. 14.49
mm 0.115 kg/m), 2.5 mm thick clousure section (size 101.60 mm, 42.93 mm 1.2
mm), 106.60 mm clousure cover (0.45 kg/m), 4 mm thick floor bottom (size 101.60
mm. 12.70 mm 1 kg/m), 1.8 mm thick shutter bottom (size 82.6 mm, 43.99 mm,
0.60 kg/m), 1.8 mm thick shutter top (size 51 mm, 43.99 mm, 1.88 kg/m) and 2.3
mm to 4.01 mm thick handle (size 101.60 mm, 38.10 mm, 25.40 mm short, 1.35
kg/m) section of all aluminum members will be anodized to aluminium
bronze/silver colour with a coat not less than 15 micrones in thickness and density
of 4 mg per square cm etc. including all accessories like swing door clousure,
swing door lock, swing door mohiar, labour charge, fabrication, fitting fixing in
position, carriage and electricity charge keeping provision for fitting 5 mm thick
glass including neoprene sealant etc. complete in all respect as per drawing and
accepted by the Engineer.
(Total weight min 23 kg/m2)

14.2.1 S.S colour sqm

14.2.2 Bronze colour sqm

14.2.3 Silver colour sqm


Item No Description of Item Unit

14.3 Supplying, fitting and fixing of Aluminium composite swing doors with fixed
partition as per the U. S. Architectural Aluminium Manufacturer’s Association
(AAMA) standard specification having 1.5 mm thick wall frame (size101.60, 44.45
mm, 0.86 kg/m), 1.8 mm thick shutter side (size 54 mm, 46 mm, 1.2 kg/m ), 1
mm thick door glass bit (size 16.54 mm, 14. 49 mm, 0.115 kg/m), 1.8 mm thick
closure section (size 101.54 mm, 42.93 mm, 1.20 kg/m), 1.5 thick closure cover
(101.60 mm, 0.45 kg/m), 4 mm thick floor bottom (size 101.60 mm, 12.70 mm, 1
kg/m), 1.8 mm thick shutter bottom (size 86.60 mm, 43.99 mm , 0.60 kg/m), 1.8
mm thick shutter top (size 51 mm, 43.99 mm, 1.88 kg/m) 2.3mm to 4.01mm thick
handle (short) (size 101.60 mm, 38.10 mm, 25.40 mm, 1.35 kg/m), 1.5 mm thick
top and side (size 101.60 mm, 44.45 mm, 1.3 kg/m), 1.50 mm thick bottom (size
101.35 mm, 44.45 mm, 1.10 kg/m), 1.50 mm thick bottom cover (44.32 mm,
19.61mm, 0.392 kg/m), 1.50 mm thick grouve cover size 83.21 mm, 16.00 mm,
0.57 kg/m), 0.99 mm thick fixed glass protector (size 39.09 mm, 14.81 mm, 0.188
kg/m), 0.99 mm thick fixed glass protector bit (size 15.75 mm, 14.81 mm, 0.13
kg/m) section of all aluminium members will be anodized to aluminium
bronze/silver colour with a coat not less 15 microns in thickness and density of 4
mg per square cm etc. (Total weight min 69.699 kg) keeping provision for 5mm of
glass panes with cost including all accessories like swing door clouser, swing door
lock , swing door mohair, flush bolt , bolts and nuts including sealants, labour
charge for fitting , fixing by angles, screws, mohiar, washer, machinery, cost of
fabrication, making the grooves, mending good the damages, electricity etc.
complete in all respect as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer.

14.3.1 S.S colour sqm

14.3.2 Bronze colour sqm

14.3.3 Silver colour sqm


Item No Description of Item Unit

Supplying, fitting and fixing of Aluminium sliding doors as per the U.S.
Architectural Aluminium Manufacturer’s Association (AAMA) standard specification
having 1.2 mm thick outer bottom (size 75.50 mm, 17.79 mm, 0.528 kg/m), 1.2
mm thick outer top (size 75.50 mm, 26.80 mm, 0.78 kg/m) 1.2 mm thick shutter top
(size 33 mm, 26.80 mm, 0.536 kg/m), 1.2 mm shutter bottom (size 60 mm, 24 mm,
0.736 kg/m), 1.2 mm thick outer side(size 75.50 mm, 19.90 mm, 0.616 kg/m) 1.5
mm thick shutter lock (size 49.20 mm, 26.20 mm, 0.661 kg/m), 1.2 mm thick inter
lock (size 34.40 mm, 32.10 mm, 0.665 kg/m), 1.2 mm thick shutter divider (size
31.75 mm, 0.535 kg/m) sections all aluminium members (Total weight 14.789 kg)
will be anodized to aluminium bronze/silver colour with a coat not less than 15
microns in thickness and density of 4 mg per square cm etc. including all
accessories like handle, sliding door key lock , sliding door wheel, sliding door
mohiar, sliding door neoprene, bolts and nuts including sealants, keeping provision
for fitting 5mm thick glass including labour charge for fitting of accessories,
making grooves and mending good damages, carriage, and electricity complete in
all respect as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer.
Size up to: 2100 mm x 2100 mm

14.4.1 S.S colour sqm

14.4.2 Bronze colour sqm

14.4.3 Silver colour sqm


Item No Description of Item Unit

Supplying, fitting and fixing of Aluminium sliding doors as per the U.S.
Architectural Aluminium Manufacturer’s Association (AAMA) standard
specification having 1.2 m mm thick outer bottom (size 75.50 mm, 17.79 mm,
0.528 kg/m), 1.2 mm thick outer top (size 75. 50 mm, 26.80 mm 0.78 kg/m), 1.2
mm thick shutter top (size 33 mm, 26.80 mm, 0.536 kg/m), 1.2 mm thick shutter
bottom (size 60 mm, 24 mm, 0.736 kg/m), 1.2 mm thick side (size 75.50 mm,
19.90 mm, 0.616 kg/m), 1.2 mm thick sliding fixed side (31 mm, 26 mm , 0.422
kg/m) 1.2 mm thick shutter lock (size 49.20 mm , 26. 20 mm , 0.661 kg/m), 1.2
mm thick inter lock (size 34.40 mm, 32.10 mm, 0.665 kg/m) 1.2 mm thick shutter
divider (size 31.75 mm, 0.535 kg/m) and 1.4 mm to 1.5 mm thick spandrel (7.14
mm, 0.70 kg/m) sections all aluminium members (total weight 19.72 kg) will be
anodized to aluminium bronze/silver colour with a coat not less than 15 microns in
thickness and density of 4 mg per square cm etc. including all accessories like
sliding door key lock, sliding door whee , sliding door mohiar, sliding door
neoprene, bolts and nuts including sealants, keeping provision for fitting 5mm
thick glass including labour charge for fitting of accessories, making grooves and
mending good damages, carriage, and electricity complete in all respect as per
drawing and accepted by the Engineer.
Size up to: 1800 mm x 2100 mm

14.5.1 S.S colour sqm

14.5.2 Bronze colour sqm

14.5.3 Silver colour sqm


Item No Description of Item Unit

14.6 Supplying, fitting and fixing of Aluminium sliding window as per the U.S.
Architectural Aluminium Manufacturer’s Association (AAMA) standard specification
having 1.2 mm thick outer bottom (size 75.50 mm, 32mm), 1.2 mm thick outer top
(size 75.50 mm, 16.80 mm), 1.2 mm thick shutter top (size 33 mm.26.80, 22 mm),
1.2 mm thick shutter bottom (size 60mm, 24.40 mm), 1.2 mm thick outer side (size
75.50 mm,19.90 mm), 1.2 mm thick sliding fixed side (size 31 mm, 26 mm),1.2 mm
thick shutter lock (size 49.20 mm 26.20 mm) and 1.2 mm thick inter lock (size
34.40 mm, 32.10 mm) sections all aluminium members (total weight kg/sqm) will
be anodized to aluminium bronze/silver colour with a coat not less than 15 micron
in thickness and density of 4 mg per square cm etc. including all accessories like
sliding door key lock, sliding door wheel, sliding door mohiar, sliding door
neoprene, bolts and nuts including sealants, keeping provision for fitting 5 mm
thick glass including labour charge for fitting of accessories, making grooves and
mending good damages, carriage, and electricity complete in all respect as per
drawing and accepted by the Engineer.

14.6.1 Size up to: 1500 mm x 1400 mm. (total weight minimum 9.081 kg) S.S colour sqm Bronze colour sqm Silver colour sqm

14.6.2 Size up to: 900 mm x 1400 mm (total weight minimum 7.409 kg) S.S colour sqm Bronze colour sqm Silver colour sqm


Item No Description of Item Unit

Supplying, fitting and fixing of Aluminium sliding composite window with mosquito
mesh as per the U.S. Architectural Aluminium Manufacturer’s Association (AAMA)
standard specification having 1.2 mm thick outer bottom (size 95.00 mm, 38 mm,
0.870 kg/m), 1.2 mm thick outer top (size 95.00 mm, 28.50 mm, 0.97kg/m), 1.2
mm thick shutter top (size 33 mm, 26.80 mm, 22 mm, 0.536 kg/m), 1.2 mm thick
shutter bottom (size 60 mm, 24.40 mm, 0.736 kg/m), 1.2 mm thick outer side (size
95.00 mm, 19.50 mm, 0.738 kg/m), 1.2 mm thick shutter lock (size 49.20 mm, 26.2
mm, 0.661 kg/m), 1.2 mm thick shutter lock (size 34.40 mm, 32.10 mm, 0.665
kg/m), 1.2 mm thick mesh section (size 42.20 mm, 13.20 mm 0.460 kg/m), all
aluminium members (total weight 12.79 kg) will be anodized to aluminium
bronze/silver colour with a coat not less than 15 micron in thickness and density of
4 mg per square cm etc. including all accessories like sliding door key lock, sliding
door wheel, sliding door mohiar, sliding door neoprene, bolts and nuts including
sealants, keeping provision for fitting fiber mesh including labour charge for fitting
of accessories, making grooves and mending good damages, carriage, and
electricity complete in all respect as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer.

14.7.1 Size up to: 1524 mm x 1372 mm S.S colour sqm Bronze colour sqm Silver colour sqm

14.7.2 Size up to: 1280 mm x 1372 mm S.S colour sqm Bronze colour sqm Silver colour sqm

14.7.3 Size up to: 762 mm x 610 mm S.S colour sqm


Item No Description of Item Unit Bronze colour sqm Silver colour sqm

Supplying, fitting and fixing of Aluminium fixed composite window as per the U.S.
Architectural Aluminium Manufacturer’s Association (AAMA) standard specification
having 1.2 mm thick outer bottom (size 75.50 mm, 32 mm, 0.695 kg/m), 1.2 mm
thick outer top (size 75.50mm, 26.80 mm, 0.78 kg/m), 1.2 mm thick shutter top
(size 33 mm, 26.80 mm, 0.536 kg/m), 1.25 mm thick shutter bottom (size 60 mm,
24.40 mm, 0.736 kg/m), 1.2 mm thick outer side (size 75.50 mm, 19.90 mm, 0.616
kg/m), 1.2 mm thick sliding fixed side (size 31 mm, 26 mm, 0.422 kg/m), 1.2 mm
thick shutter lock (size 49.20 mm, 26.20 mm, 0.661 kg/m), 1.2 mm thick inter lock
(size 34.40 mm, 32.10 mm 0.665 kg/m) 1.2 mm thick bottom cover (size 37.78
mm, 31.78 mm, 0.313 kg/m), 1.2 mm thick grouve cover (76.20 mm, 38.10 mm,
0.912 kg/m), 1.2 mm thick grouve cover ( size 57.15 mm, 15.80 mm, 0.452 kg/m)
and 1.2 mm thick top and side (size 76.20 mm, 38.10 mm, 0.3 kg/m) sections all
aluminium members (total weight 12.297 kg) will be anodized aluminium
bronze/silver colour with a coat not less than 15 micron in thickness and density of
4 mg per square cm etc. including all accessories like sliding door key lock, sliding
door wheel, sliding door mohiar, sliding door neoprene, bolts and nuts including
sealants, keeping provision for fitting 5 mm thick glass including labour charge for
fitting of accessories, making grooves and mending good damages, carriage, and
electricity complete in all respect as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer.
Size up to: 1500mm x 2100 mm.

14.8.1 S.S colour sqm

14.8.2 Bronze colour sqm

14.8.3 Silver colour sqm


Item No Description of Item Unit

14.9 Supplying, fitting and fixing of Aluminium top hung/casement windows as per the
U.S. Architectural Aluminium Manufacturer’s Association (AAMA) standard
specification having 1.2 mm thick casement outer (size 38.86 mm, 36.36 mm,
0.395kg/m), 1.9 mm thick casement shutter (size 47.62 mm, 28.57 mm, 0.692
kg/m), and 1.245 mm thick shutter glass clip (size 15.87 mm, 27 mm, 0.188 kg/m)
sections of all aluminium members will (total weight 7.584 kg) be anodized to
aluminium bronze/silver colour with a coat not less than 15 micron in thickness and
density of 4 mg per square cm etc. including all accessories 4-bar hinge, casement
handle, bolts and nuts keeping provision for fitting 5 mm thick glass including
labour charge for fitting of accessories, making grooves and mending good
damages, carriage, and electricity complete in all respect as per drawing and
accepted by the Engineer.

14.9.1 S.S colour sqm

14.9.2 Bronze colour sqm

14.9.3 Silver colour sqm

14.10 Supplying fitting and fixing of Aluminium corrugated curtain wall as per the U.S.
Architectural Aluminium Manufacturer’s Association (AAMA) standard specification
having 1.2 mm thick bottom cover (size 37.78 mm 31.78 mm, 0.313 kg/m), 1.2 mm
thick grouve cover (size 76.20 m 38.10 mm, 0.912 kg/m), 1.2 mm thick grouve
cover (size 57.15 mm, 15.80 mm 0.45 kg/m), 1.2mm thick top and side (size 76.2
mm, 57.15 mm, 0.153 kg/m) and 1.8 mm thick spandrel (7.14 mm, 0.70 kg/m)
sections of all aluminium members will be anodized to aluminium bronze/silver
colour with a coat not less than 15 micron in thickness and density of 4 mg square
cm etc. including all accessories like rivet, screws fixed neoprene etc. complete in
all respect as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer.

14.10.1 Size up to: 3000 mm x 2100 mm (Total weight 50.228 kg) S.S colour sqm Bronze colour sqm Silver colour sqm

14.10.2 Size up to: 3000 mm x 750 mm (Total weight 26.136 kg)


Item No Description of Item Unit S.S colour sqm Bronze colour sqm Silver colour sqm

14.11 Supplying fitting and fixing of Aluminium fixed fan light as per the U.S. Architectural
Aluminium Manufacturer’s Association (AAMA) standard specification mm, 0.313
kg/m) 1.2 mm thick bottom cover (size 76.2 mm, 38.10 mm, 0.76 kg/m) and 2.5
mm thick grouve cover section (size 57.15mm, 15.80 mm, 0.425 kg/m) and 1.2
thick top and side section (76.20 mm, 16 mm, 38.10 mm, 0.961 kg/m) fixed with
above mentioned frames and all aluminium members (Total weight 5.365kg) will
be anodized to aluminium bronze/silver colour with a coat not less than 15 micron
in thickness and density of 4 mg per square cm etc. including all accessories,
neoprene, sealant, nut and bolt etc. complete in all respect as per drawing and
accepted by the Engineer.

14.11.1 S.S colour sqm

14.11.2 Bronze colour sqm

14.11.3 Silver colour sqm

14.12 Supplying fitting and fixing of Aluminium fixed louver as per the U.S. Architectural
Aluminium Manufacturer’s Association (AAMA) standard specification having
1.2mm thick wall frame (size 76.20 mm, 38.10 mm, 0.707 kg/m), 5 mm thick louver
section (size 55.02 mm, 37.39 mm, 0.22kg/m) and 2.50 mm thick louver outer
section (size 39.67 mm, 15.06 mm, 0.265 kg/m) and inner inclined aluminium
louver section fixed with above mentioned frame and all aluminium members (total
weight 7.992 kg) will be anodized to aluminium bronze/silver colour with a coat not
less than 15 micron in thickness and density of 4 mg per square cm etc. including
all accessories, neoprene, sealant, nuts and bolts etc. complete in all respect as
per drawing and accepted by the Engineer.

14.12.1 S.S colour sqm

14.12.2 Bronze colour sqm

14.12.3 Silver colour sqm


Item No Description of Item Unit

14.13 Supplying, fitting, fixing of Aluminium sliding fly proof Netting shutter as per the sqm
U.S. Architectural Aluminium Manufacturer’s Association (AAMA) standard
specification having 1.2mm thick 38mm x 18mm aluminium outer frame, 1.2mm
thick 38mm x 12mmmosquito net shutter frame (mesh section).All aluminium
members (total weight 12.79 kg) will be anodized to aluminium SS/ bronze/silver
colour with a coat not less than 15 micron in thickness and density of 4 mg per
square cm etc. including all accessories like wheel, sealent, rubber, bolts and nuts
keeping provision for fitting fiber mesh including labour charge for fitting of
accessories, making grooves and mending good damages, carriage, and electricity
complete in all respect as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer.

14.14 Supplying, fitting and fixing in Aluminium door frames, windows, partitions and
curtain wall distortion free glass of approved quality and shade including cost of
fitting fixing all necessary accessories etc. complete in all respect as per drawing
and accepted by the Engineer.

14.14.1 5 mm thick clear glass sqm

14.14.2 5 mm thick tinted glass sqm

14.14.3 5 mm thick ambushed/ frosted glass sqm

14.14.4 6 mm thick reflecting glass sqm

14.15 Supplying, fabrication and Installation of Approved colour (4 mm thick) Aluminium sqm
composite panel (Alucobond/Alcopanel/Alpolic) as per US Architectural Aluminium
Manufacturer's Association (AAMA) in column, beam and wall surface providing
with 44 x 44 x 1.5 mm aluminum section including supply of necessary hardwares,
consumables, scaffolding etc. fitted with necessary accessories like rivet, screw,
Rowel bolt etc. all complete in all respect as per drawing and direction of the
Engineer in charge.

Item No Description of Item Unit

14.16 Supplying, fitting and fixing of aluminium curtain wall and aluminium top sqm
hung/basement windows ad per the US Architectural aluminium Manufacturer's
Association (AAMA) Standard Specification having 100 mm , 50mm, 2mm curtain
wall sub-mullim outer and inner frame, 15 mm thick casement outer frame (size
38.86 mm 36.6mm), 1.9 mm thick casement shutter (size 47.62mm, 28.57mm,) 1.2
mm thick shutter glass strips, all aluminium member will be powder coated with
coal not less than 1.5 micron in thickness including all accessories 4 bar hinge
casement handle, 50 m x 50mm x 6m aluminium angle, steel rowel bolt, screws ,
rivets norton tape masking tape, structural sealant, gum bracket rod etc. all
complete in all respect as per drawing and direction of the Engineer in charge.

14.17 Supplying, fitting and fixing of aluminium curtain wall and aluminium top sqm
hung/basement windows ad per the US Architectural aluminium Manufacturer's
Association (AAMA) Standard Specification having 50 mm , 50mm, 2mm curtain
wall sub-mullim outer and inner frame, 15 mm thick casement outer frame (size
38.86 mm 36.6mm), 1.9 mm thick casement shutter (size 47.62mm, 28.57mm,) 1.2
mm thick shutter glass strips, all aluminium member will be powder coated with
coal not less than 1.5 micron in thickness including all accessories 4 bar hinge
casement handle, 50 m x 50mm x 6m aluminium angle, steel rowel bolt, screws ,
rivets norton tape masking tape, structural sealant, gum bracket rod etc. all
complete in all respect as per drawing and direction of the Engineer in charge.



15.1 Minimum 12 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster (1:4) with fresh cement to sqm
wall both inner-and outer surface, finishing the corner and edges including washing
of sand cleaning the surface, scaffolding and curing at least for 7 days, cost of
water, electricity and other charges etc. all complete in all respect as per drawing
and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
Ground floor.

Item No Description of Item Unit

15.2 Minimum 12 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster with neat cement finishing to sqm
plinth wall (1:4) with cement up to 150 mm below ground level with neat cement
finishing including washing of sand, finishing the edges and corners and curing at
least for 7 days, cost of water, electricity and other charges etc. all complete in all
respect as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
Ground floor.

15.3 Minimum 12 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster with neat sqm
cement finishing to dado (1:4) with cement up to 150 mm below
ground level with neat cement finishing including washing of sand,
finishing the edges and corners and curing at least for 7 days, cost of
water, electricity and other charges etc. all complete in all respect as
per drawing and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
Ground floor.

15.4 Minimum 12 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster (1:6) having with fresh sqm
cement to wall both inner-and outer surface, finishing the corner and edges
including washing of sand cleaning the surface, scaffolding and curing at least for
7 days, cost of water, electricity and other charges etc. all complete in all respect
as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
Ground floor.

15.5 Minimum 6 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster (1:4) with fresh cement to sqm
ceiling R.C.C. columns, beams, surface of stair case, sunshades, cornices,
railings, drop wall, louvers, fins and finishing the corners and edges including
washing of sand cleaning the surface, scaffolding and curing at least for 7 days,
cost of water, electricity and other charges etc. all complete in all respect as per
drawing and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
Ground floor.

Item No Description of Item Unit

15.6 Minimum 6 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster (1:3) with fresh cement to sqm
ceiling R.C.C. columns, beams, surface of stair case, sunshades, cornices,
railings, drop wall, louvers, fins and finishing the corners and edges including
washing of sand cleaning the surface, scaffolding and curing at least for 7 days,
cost of water, electricity and other charges etc. all complete in all respect as per
drawing and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
Ground floor.

15.7 Flush pointing to brick wall with cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:2) with cement sqm
including raking out the joints, and necessary scaffolding curing at least for 7 days,
cost of water, electricity and other charges etc. all complete in all respect as per
drawing and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
Ground floor.

15.8 Rule pointing to brick wall with cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:2) with fresh sqm
cement and raking out the joints, scaffolding, curing at least for 7 days, cost of
water, electricity and other charges etc. all complete in all respect as per drawing
and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
Ground floor.

15.9 Raised or tack pointing work to brick wall with cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:2) sqm
with fresh cement minimum 12 x 20 mm in size including raking out the joints and
necessary scaffolding, curing at least for 7 days, cleaning each and every brick,
cutting the bricks with pumic stone where necessary etc. all complete in all floors,
cost of water, electricity and other charges etc. all complete in all respect as per
drawing and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
Ground floor.

Item No Description of Item Unit

15.10 Providing drip course or Nosing at the edge of sunshade or cornice with cement rm
sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:2) with fresh cement including scaffolding, curing at least
for 7 days, cost of water, electricity and other charges etc. all complete in all
respect as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)
Ground floor.

15.11.1 Making groove in plaster on outside wall upto 50mm X 6mm size including rm
scaffolding, curing etc. complete as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer.

15.11.2 Making groove in plaster on outside wall upto 38mm X 6mm size including rm
scaffolding, curing etc. complete as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer..

15.12 Extra rate for plaster and all types of pointing shall be incorporated in the estimate

15.12.1 Add for each additional floor up to 5th floor. sqm

15.12.2 Add for each additional floor from 6th floor to 9th floor sqm

15.12.3 Add for each additional floor above 9th floor sqm

15.13 Average 100 mm thick finished lime terracing with 20 mm down graded first class cum
brick chips (Khoa), surki from 1st class bricks and lime (stone lime brought at site,
not being powdered in open air and to be slaked in presence of engineer-in-charge
and to be measured in volume three days after slaking for using in the mix) in the
proportion 7:2:2 (brick chips : surki : lime) including preparation of the mix on the
ground by making a suitable platform under proper polythene cover. Cutting the
mix twice daily with limewater (1:10) at least for 7 days until the mix attain
desirable consistency. Laying the mix in proper slope, beating the same with
standard ‘koppa’ for minimum 7 days to gain maximum consolidation, making
ghoondy and neat finishing with lime Surki mortar (1:2) and curing for 21 days
providing polythene cover after each day work and cleaning etc. complete in all
respect accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

15.14 Pre-cast ventilators of minimum 25 mm thick of any design with cement sand sqm
(F.M.1.2) mortar (1:4) fitted and fixed in position, finished with cement sand (F.M.
1.2) plaster (1:6) including necessary scaffolding and curing, in all floors accepted
by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

15.15 75 x 75 mm cornice of brick masonry in cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:6) rm
having minimum 12 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster (1:6) including
scaffolding and curing at least for 7 days in all floors accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

15.16 Supplying, fitting, fixing of broken and sharp glass 19 mm to 32 mm height, av. 19 sqm
mm width placed at a distance approximately 25 mm center to center spacing,
embedding the same to 12 mm to 19 mm thick cement plaster with neat cement
finishing including necessary scaffolding approved and accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)



16.1 White washing by three coats, lime mixture prepared at least 12 hours before use, sqm.
slacking stone lime, supply of gums, blue, stirring thoroughly, removing the floating
materials from the mixer, surface cleaning to free from all foreign materials before
application of each coat, applying one vertical and one horizontal wash for each
coat and successive coat is to be applied after drying up of previous coat including
hair brass, providing necessary scaffolding and cleaning plinth, floors, doors,
windows, portions and ventilators by washing, rubbing, oiling if necessary after
white wash for all floors including cost of water, electricity and other charges etc.
complete in all respect in all floors and accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

16.2 Colour wash with yellow orchard/any other colour pigment by two coats over a sqm.
prime coat of white wash, lime mixture prepared at least 12 hours before use,
slacking stone lime, supply of gums, blue, stirring thoroughly, removing the floating
materials from the mixer, surface cleaning to free from all foreign materials before
application of each coat, applying one vertical and one horizontal wash for each
coat and successive coat is to be applied after drying up of previous coat including
hair brass, providing necessary scaffolding and cleaning plinth, floors, doors,
windows, portions and ventilators by washing, rubbing, oiling if necessary after
white wash for all floors including cost of water, electricity and other charges etc.
complete in all respect in all floors and accepted by the Engineer.

16.3 Cement Paint of approved quality and colour delivered from authorized local agent sqm.
of the manufacturer in a sealed container, made from water based powder mixed
with water (1:1), applying first coat, curing the same after six hours for 24 hours,
second coat applied and curing the same for 7 (seven) days etc, taking care and
cleaning the surface fully from grease, oily substances, old paints, lime wash,
fungus, algae etc., sand papering the surface before applying 1st and 2nd coat,
complete including cost of electricity, water and other changes etc. complete in all
floors and accepted by the Engineer.

16.4 On exterior surface applying as per manufacturer instructions 3 coat of weather sqm.
coat of approved quality and colour delivered from authorized local agent of the
manufacturer in a sealed container complete in all respect in all floors and
accepted by the Engineer.

16.5 On exposed brick surface applying as per manufacturer instructions applying 3 sqm.
coats silicon based water repellent of approved quality delivered from authorized
local agent of the manufacturer in a sealed container etc. complete in all respect in
all floors and accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

16.6 Painting to door and window frames and shutters in two coats with approved best sqm.
quality and colour of synthetic enamel paint delivered from authorized local agent
of the manufacturer in a sealed container, having highly water resistant, high
bondibilty, flexible, using specific brand thinner applied by brass/roller/spray over a
coat of priming elapsing time for drying including surface cleaning from dust, oil or
dirt, smoothening, finishing and polishing with sand paper and necessary tools,
scaffolding, testing charges etc. all complete in all floors approved and accepted
by the Engineer.

16.7 Approved best quality and colour synthetic polyvinyl distemper delivered from sqm.
authorized local agent of the manufacturer in a sealed container, applying to wall
and ceiling in 2 coats over a coat of brand specified primer or sealer elapsing
specified time for drying/ recoating matt finish including cleaning and sand
papering making the surface free from loose and flaky materials, dirt, grease, wax,
polish, scraping all chalked and scaled materials, applying the paint by brush/roller
and necessary scaffolding etc. all complete in all floors accepted by the Engineer.

16.8.1 Plastic emulsion paint of approved best quality and colour delivered from sqm.
authorized local agent of the manufacturer in a sealed container, applying to wall
and ceiling in two coats over a coat of brand specified primer or sealer elapsing
specified time for drying or recoating including cleaning drying, making free from
dirt, grease, wax, removing all chalked and scaled materials, fungus, mending
good the surface defects, sand papering the surface and necessary scaffolding,
spreading by brush/ roller/spray etc. all complete in all floors accepted by the

16.8.2 Plastic emulsion paint of approved best quality and colour delivered from sqm.
authorized local agent of the manufacturer in a sealed container, applying to wall
and ceiling in two coats over lime putty of specified brand applied on primer or
sealer elapsing specified time for drying/recoating including cleaning drying,
making free from dirt, grease, wax, removing all chalked and scaled materials,
fungus, mending good the surface defects, sand papering the surface and
necessary scaffolding, spreading by brush/ roller/spray etc. all complete in all
floors accepted by the Engineer.
Lime putty to be applied as per manufacturer instructions approved and accepted
by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

16.9.1 Acrylic emulsion painting (silky finish) of approved best quality and colour delivered sqm.
from authorized local agent of the manufacturer in a sealed container, applying to
wall and ceiling in two coats over a coat of brand specified primer or sealer
including cleaning, drying, making free from loose and flaky materials, dirt, grease,
wax, removing all chalked and scaled materials, fungus, elapsing specified time for
drying, re-coating, flaking paints, mending good the surface defects, sand papering
the surface, smoothing by putty and necessary scaffolding, testing charges,
applied by brush/roller/spray etc. all complete in all floors accepted by the

16.9.2 Acrylic emulsion painting (silky finish) of approved best quality and colour delivered sqm.
from authorized local agent of the manufacturer in a sealed container, applying to
wall and ceiling in two coats over lime putty of specified brand applied on primer or
sealer elapsing specified time for drying/recoating including cleaning drying,
making free from dirt, grease, wax, removing all chalked and scaled materials,
fungus, mending good the surface defects, sand papering the surface and
necessary scaffolding, spreading by brush/ roller/spray etc. all complete in all
floors accepted by the Engineer.

16.10 Providing antisalinity sealer as per specification before painting on damped sqm.
plastered surface including cleaning, scaffolding etc. complete as per direction of
the Engineer.

16.11 Renewing plaster in/c damp proof treatment with chemical Desalt S-01 & Foam sqm.
Lub or equivalent as per specification after stripping off old plaster including
cleaning, scaffolding etc. complete as per direction of the Engineer.

16.12 Textured paint of approved best quality and colour delivered from authorized local sqm.
agent of the manufacturer in a sealed container, applying to wall and ceiling
including cleaning, drying, making free from dirt, grease, wax, removing all chalked
and scaled materials, fungus if required must be treated with fungicidal solution,
flaking paints, mending good the surface defects, sand preparing the surface and
necessary scaffolding, applied by brush/roller/spray etc. all complete in all floors
accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

16.13 Jensoline chlorinated rubber paint of approved quality and colour delivered from sqm.
authorized local agent of the manufacturer in a sealed container, applying to
concrete surfaces and walls in three coats elapsing specified time for drying and
re-coating including cleaning, drying, making free from dirt, grease, wax, removing
all chalked and scaled materials, fungus (if required must be treated with fungicidal
solution) flaking paints, washing the surface with soap water/caustic soda,
mending good the surface defects, smoothening the surface by putty sand
papering the surface and necessary scaffolding, applied by brush/roller/spray etc.
all complete in all floors and accepted by the Engineer.

16.14 French polishing to door and window frames and shutters three coats over a coat sqm.
of priming including putty, cleaning finishing and polishing with sand paper etc. all
complete in all floors accepted by the Engineer.

16.15 Wood varnishing of approved quality and colour delivered from authorized local
agent of the manufacturer in a sealed container using brand specified thinner to
door and window frame and shutter in three coats, applied with brush including
cleaning oil, grease, dirt, making dry, sand papering, if required washing with weak
detergent solution, stripping out the colour straps, finishing the surface, etc. all
complete in all floors accepted by the Engineer.

16.15.1 Yacht sqm.

16.15.2 Egg-shell sqm.

16.15.3 Matt sqm.



Item No Description of Item Unit

17.1 Constructing surface drain of 300 mm clear width and depth up to 300 mm in brick rm.
masonry with 125 mm thick check wall in cement sand (F.M. 1.2) mortar (1:6) over
av. 75 mm thick cement concrete base (1:3:6) over one layer of brick flat soling.
The surface having minimum 12 mm thick cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster (1:3) and
neat cement finishing with cement curing at least for 7 days including excavation in
all kinds of soil, back filling with fine sand (F.M. 0.8), consolidating and dressing,
cost of water, electricity, other charges etc. complete and accepted by the
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

17.2 Constructing surface drain of 600 mm (av.) depth and 225 mm clear width at the rm.
bottom and 525 mm at the top having 125 mm thick cement concrete (1:2:4) curb
up to 300 mm from the bottom over one layer of polythene on top brick flat soling
and the side slopes of the remaining 300 mm height provided with 125 mm thick
first class brick work in cement mortar (1:6) including minimum 12 mm thick
cement sand (F.M. 1.2) plaster (1:3) including neat cement finishing the surfaces
and back of the drain up to 150 mm below ground level with fresh cement
(conforming to BDS 232) curing at least for 7 days including excavation of all kinds
of soil, back filling with fine sand (F.M. 0.8) consolidating and dressing, including
cost of water, electricity, other charges etc. complete and accepted by the
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

17.3 Providing apron with 50 mm thick cement concrete (1:2:4) with cement, coarse sqm.
sand and picked jhama chips including breaking chips and one layer brick flat
soling at bottom with first class or picked jhama bricks including cutting earth for
preparation of bed and filling the interstices with local sand (F.M. 0.8) including
finishing, dressing, curing at least for 7 days etc. all complete, including cost of
water, electricity, other charges accepted by the Engineer.
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

Item No Description of Item Unit

17.4.1 Supplying, laying, fitting and best quality fixing 225 mm dia (internal) machine rm.
made R.C.C. pipe over 100 mm thick cement concrete (1:3:6) at base and sides
including single brick flat soling and gasket with cement mortar (1:4) joints, cutting
and filling trenches up to required depth including excavation of soil etc. all
complete in all respects as per type plan and accepted by the Engineer (average
depth of trench is 3'-6").
(Cement: CEM-II/A-M)

17.4.2 do- with 300 mm dia (internal) R.C.C. pipe. rm.

17.5 Supplying, laying and fitting-fixing 900 mm dia RCC pipe of approved quality and rm.
accepted by the Engineer. [Rate is excluding cost for excavation, back-fill,
materials for back-fill and bedding]


18.1.1 Supplying, fitting and fixing plain particle board ceiling of 12 mm thick with best sqm.
quality and well seasoned Garjan wood frame of section 75 x 38 mm at 600 x 600
mm in grid suspended from ceiling or roof or beam by 12 SWG double ply G.I. wire
fixed to the ceiling by rowel plug, screws, hooks, nails etc. maintaining straight
lines and desired finished level at bottom face with vertical strut as required
including cutting holes in slabs or beams by electric drill machine and mending
good the damages, if any, during execution of the work including cost and carriage
of all materials, accessories, labour for installation, electricity charge, scaffolding,
screws, nails etc. including. painting 2 coats over a coat of priming with best quality
and approved colour synthetic enamel as per item no 131 of this schedule of etc.
all complete as per drawing design and accepted by the Engineer.
(All sizes of wood are finished)

18.1.2 Supplying, fitting and fixing plain particle board ceiling of 12 mm for auditorium and sqm.
other type of tall structures beyond 4 m up to 8 m, which do not cover the above
item [Item No. 153(a)]. Description of item is the same as in item No. 153(a)

Item No Description of Item Unit

18.1.3 Supplying, fitting and fixing of ceiling with 12 mm thick melamine board laminated sqm.
by mechanical hot press with a milk white PVC membrane with aluminium frame
suspended from ceiling.

18.2.1 Supplying, fitting and fixing gypsum board ceiling of 9 mm thick board laminated by sqm.
mechanical hot press with a milk white PVC membrane with Aluminium T-bar
frame in natural anodized finish at 600 x 600 mm in grid suspended from ceiling by
12 SWG double ply wire fixed to the ceiling by rowel plug, screws, hooks, nails etc.
maintaining straight lines and desired finished level a bottom face with vertical
wooden strut as required including making holes in slabs, or beams by electric drill
machine and mending good the damages, if any, during execution of the work
including cost of all materials, electricity, accessories, scaffoldings, labour for
installation, screws, nails, etc. all complete as per drawing, design and accepted
by the Engineer.

18.2.2 - do - with 12 mm thick veneered board ceiling. sqm.

18.2.3 Supplying, fitting and fixing of 9 mm thick perforated gypsum board false ceiling sqm.
with aluminium T bar frame in natural anodized frame at 600 mm x 600 mm grid
suspended from ceiling by 12 SWG double ply G.I. Wire

18.3.1 Supplying, fitting and fixing 12 mm thick Burma Teak (BT) Veneered board in sqm.
walling with best quality and well seasoned Garjan wood frame of section 75 x 38
mm at 600 x 600 mm in grid, fitted and fixed to wall by plugs, nails, screws etc.
including treatment of inner surface with termite and damp proofing agent
maintaining leveled and finished exposed faces including. making holes in wall and
mending good the damages. If any, during execution of the work including. cost
and carriage of all materials, electricity, accessories, labour for installation,
scaffolding, screws, nails etc. including French polishing 3 coats over a coat of
priming as per item No. 137 of the schedule etc. all complete as per design,
approved sample and accepted by the Engineer.

18.3.2 - do - 12 mm thick particle board walling sqm.


Item No Description of Item Unit



19.1.1 sqm.
Manufacturing, supplying, fitting and fixing collapsible gate of any design and
shape made of 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/8" channel placed @ 112 mm c/c vertically and
connecting the same with each other by 20 x 3 mm M.S flat bar scissors 525 mm/
600 mm long provided in 3 rows including cutting the different M.S. members to
required sizes, fabricating, welding, riveting with required size rivets, providing
required size wheels, pulling handles on both sides, suitable locking arrangement,
electrodes, grease and finally placing the same in position in between 2 (two)
Nos. 50 x 50 x 6 mm M.S. Tee rail made by welding 2 Nos. 50 x 6 mm M.S. flat
bar fitted and fixed at top and bottom with R.C.C. lintel/roof slab, floors and side
wall with required Nos. 150 mm to 225 mm long 38 x 6 mm M.S. flat bar clamps
one end welded with the gate member and the other end bifurcated and
embedded in C.C. at the respective point including cutting holes and mending
good the damages by pouring concrete (1:2:4) into the holes and finishing, etc
complete, painting 2 (two) coats with approved best quality synthetic enamel paint
over a coat of anticorrosive painting, both end carriage, including greasing,
electrodes, curing etc. complete as per drawing and design and accepted by the
(Rate is excluding the cost of paint).

19.1.2 -do- -do- Collapsible gate made of 3/4" x 3/4" x 1/8" M.S. angle as vertical member sqm.
and 3/4" x 1/8" F.I bar as scissors.

19.1.3 -do- -do- Collapsible gate made of 1" x 1" x 1/8" M.S. angle as vertical member sqm.
and 1" x 1/8" F.I bar as scissors.

Item No Description of Item Unit

19.2.1 sqm.
Supplying, fitting, fixing, and installation of ordinary type M.S. gate (double leaf) of
any design and shape with 38 x 38 x 6 mm M.S. Angle outer frame having 16 mm
dia M.S. rod placed vertically @ 75 mm c/c. at bottom part and top part (arrows)
and also placed horizontally at bottom for interconnection of 16 mm dia M.S. rod
placed vertically as per design, the top part covered with 18 BWG M.S. sheet and
fixed with 4 Nos. 38 x 6 mm F.I. bars placed diagonally and 4 Nos. 38 x 6 mm F.I.
bars placed horizontally and vertically all passing through the center, providing
locking arrangements on 3 mm thick M.S. plate one for main gate and one for
minimum 300 x 1025 mm pocket gate with 38 x 38 x 6 mm M.S. angle and 16 mm
dia M.S. rod placed vertically @ 75 mm c/c, providing 38 x 38 x 6 mm M.S. angle
clamps fitted and fixed with the outer frame of the main gate, the clamp being
embedded in R.C.C. or R.C.C. core pillar with cement concrete (1:2:4) in masonry
including cutting holes and mending good the damages, finishing, curing etc.
including riveting, welding as and where necessary, painting two coats with
approved quality of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of priming of anti-corrosive
paint etc. all complete as per drawing, design and accepted by the Engineer.
(Rate is excluding the cost of paint).

19.2.2 Manufacturing, supplying and fitting-fixing security door with 7/8” dia M.S. rod and sqm.
outer frame with 2” x 2” x ¼” M.S. angle complete as per drawing and accepted by
the Engineer.

19.3 Supplying, fitting, fixing, and installation of ordinary type M.S. security gate of any sqm.
design and shape with 50 x 50 x 6 mm M.S. angle outer frame and two 50 x 50 x 6
mm angle placed diagonally having 22 mm dia M.S. rod placed vertically @ 115
mm c/c. and also 38 x 6 mm F.I placed horizontally, the bottom part covered with 3
mm thick M.S. sheet providing locking arrangements on 3 mm thick M.S. plate
providing heavy type clamps fitted and fixed with the outer frame of the main gate,
the clamp being embedded in R.C.C. or R.C. core pillar with cement concrete
(1:2:4) in masonry including cutting holes and mending good the damages,
finishing, curing etc. including fabrication, riveting, welding as and where
necessary, etc. all complete as per drawing, design and accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

19.4 sqm.
Supplying, fitting, fixing and installation ordinary type M.S. gate (double leaf) of
any design and shape with 38 x 38 x 6 mm M.S. angle box (made by welding 2
Nos. 38 x 38 x 6 mm angle) outer frame having 25 x 50 x 25 x 5 mm M.S. channel
(made by welding 2 Nos. of angle) placed part diagonally after cutting and
shaping as per requirement part horizontally @ 75 mm C/C the two part of each
leaf being separated by a vertical member of 38 x 38 x 6 M.S. box and welded the
each ends of diagonal and horizontal members properly with the box frame as per
architectural drawing providing full locking arrangement on 3 mm thick M.S. plates
providing 38 x 38 x 6 mm M.S. angle clamps, fitting fixing with the outer frame of
the gate the clamp being embedded in R.C.C. pillars with cement concrete (1:2:4)
including. cutting holes and mending good the damages, finishing, curing and
where necessary painting two coats with approved quality of synthetic enamel
paint over a coat of priming of anticorrosive paint etc. all complete including
making and providing 50 x 6 mm M.S. rail and 38 mm wheel for smooth
movement of the gate etc. all complete as per drawing, design and accepted by
the Engineer.
[Rate is excluding the cost of painting]

19.5 sqm.
Manufacturing, supplying, fitting and fixing G.I. pipe gate of any design and shape
having 38 mm dia G.I. pipe outer frame and 19 mm dia. G.I. pipe vertical member
placed @ 75 mm c/c by welding at top and bottom of G.I. pipe frame, cutting the
pipes in proper shape and size including making semicircular band at the corners
of the outer frame without damaging the pipe, covering 50% of the gate area with
18 BWG M.S. sheet, providing also two extra horizontal 38 mm dia G.I. pipes
welded with vertical post, providing 6 Nos. huskle domney with R.C.C. or R.C.C
core pillar with cement concrete (1:2:4) in masonry including cutting holes,
mending the damages, making provision for minimum 0.61 m x 1.4 m pocket gate
having its outer frame and inner vertical members made with 19 mm dia G.I. pipe
including necessary locking arrangements. Painting the gate with 2 (two) coats of
synthetic enamel paint over a coat of anti-corrosive priming, welding as and
where necessary including necessary locking arrangement and providing 2 Nos.
16 mm M.S. socket bolts etc. all complete as per design and drawing and
accepted by the Engineer.
[Rate is excluding the cost of painting]
16 mm M.S. socket bolts etc. all complete as per design and drawing and
accepted by the Engineer.
[Rate is excluding the cost of painting]

Item No Description of Item Unit

19.6 sqm.
Supplying, fitting and fixing of rolling shutter of any design and shape made of 24
SWG G.P. sheet unit minimum 69 mm width having 10 mm and 12 mm dia
circular folding at ends, rolled in machine, locked together properly to form rolling
shutter, top of the shutter to be fitted with circular spring box made of 22 BWG
sheet, containing best quality spring made in China, nutted with 38 mm G.I. pipe
at one end and the other end nutted to shutter including fitting the G.I. pipe again
with 375 x 300 x 6 mm pankha at ends with side guide channel (side channel
consist of 50 x 100 x 6 mm M.S. plate with 2 x 19 x 3 mm F.I. bar, middle channel
consist of 2 x 150 mm x 6 mm M.S. plate with 2 x19 mm x 6 mm fixed to wall or
column with clamps embedded in R.C.C. part by cement concrete (1:2:4)
including cutting holes (minimum 3 x 25 mm x6 mm) mending the damages,
finishing, curing, bottom end of shutter fitted to folded G.P. sheet (min 125 mm
width in two layers), which is again fitted to 25 x 25 x 3 mm angle, providing
handle with F.I. bar 25 x 6 mm and locking arrangement in both sides, painting
two coats with approved colour and brand of synthetic enamel paint over a coat
of priming etc. complete in all respect accepted by the Engineer.
[Rate is excluding the cost of painting]

19.7 Manufacturing, Supplying, fitting, fixing of ordinary type M.S. folding gate with sqm.
12mm x 12mm MS square solid bar and 25 mm x 25mm x 6 mm MS Angle box
frame including fabrication, welding, cost of electricity, workshop charges, carriage,
cutting grooves, mending good the damages, finishing, curing etc. including
fabrication, riveting, welding as and where necessary, etc. all complete as per
drawing, design and accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit


20.1 Manufacturing, supplying, fitting and fixing stair railing of any standard height of sqm
any design and shape with square box (2 Nos. in each tread) made by thorough
welding of 2 Nos. 19 x 19 x 3 mm M.S. angle to provide hand-rail, engraving each
box 150 mm in the concrete by 50 x 50 x 6 mm anchor plate at base welding 38
mm x 6 mm F.I. bar inclined plain with the top of the box to fit in the grooved
wooden rail by necessary screws including cutting grooves in concrete, mending
good the damages with cement concrete (1:2:4), applying first class polish to hand
rail, 2 (two) coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved quality over a prime coat
etc. finished in all respect for all floors and accepted by the Engineer.
(Exposed area of railing will be considered for measurement, rate is excluding cost
of hand-rail and cost of painting).

20.2 Manufacturing, supplying, fitting and fixing stair railing of standard height of any sqm
design and shape with square box (2 No. box in each tread) made by thorough
welding of 2 Nos. 25 x 25 x 5 mm M.S. angle, engraving each box 150 mm in the
concrete by 50 x 50 x 6 mm anchor plate at base welding 50 x 50 x 6 mm F.I. bar
in inclined plain with the top of the box fit in the grooved wooden rail and 2 Nos.
225 x 25 mm finished section of wooden strip fitted and fixed at mid height of
railing at both side of M.S. angle box in inclined plain parallel to the hand rail etc.
fitted and fixed by necessary screws, nails including cutting grooves in concrete
mending good the damages with cement concrete (1:2:4) applying 1st class
French polish to wooden hand rail and inclined wooden strip and painting to F.I bar
and square box with 2 (two) coats of synthetic enamel paint of approved quality
and colour over a prime coat etc. complete in all respect for all floors and accepted
by the Engineer.
(Exposed area of railing will be considered for measurement, rate is excluding cost
of polishing and painting)

Item No Description of Item Unit

20.3 Supplying, fitting and fixing 12 mm dia G.I pipe stair railing of any standard height
of any design and shape with 50 x 50 x 6 mm M.S. plate at the base of 12 mm dia
G.I. Pipe and fitted and fixed by welding. Placing the pipes vertically @ 125 mm c/c
(1 Nos. in each steps) 150 mm embedded into the R.C.C tread of stair case after
cutting grooves and mending good the damages with C.C. and providing 38 x 6
mm F.I. bar on the top of G.I. pipe to provide wooden/G.I. pipe hand rail of any
design including polishing painting etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(Exposed area of railing will be considered for measurement, rate is excluding the
cost of pain, wood for railing)

20.3.1 With the provision of hand rail of size: 150 x 62 mm (finished) sqm

20.3.2 With the provision of hand rail of size: 112 x 62 mm (finished) sqm

20.4 Supplying, fitting and fixing stainless steel (SS) stair railing of standard height with sqm
2 mm thick 2.5” dia pipe for hand-rail as per drawing and accepted by the

20.5.1 Supplying, fitting and fixing 12 mm dia G.I pipe stair railing of any standard height sqm
of any design and shape with 50 x 50 x 6 mm M.S. plate at the base of 12 mm dia
G.I. Pipe and fitted and fixed by welding. Placing the pipes vertically @ 125 mm c/c
(1 Nos. in each steps) 150 mm embedded into the R.C.C tread of stair case after
cutting grooves and mending good the damages with C.C. and providing 38 x 6
mm F.I. bar on the top of G.I. pipe to provide wooden/G.I. pipe hand rail of any
design including polishing painting etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(Exposed area of railing will be considered for measurement, rate is excluding the
cost of pain, wood for railing)

20.5.2 - do - with 50 mm dia G.I. Pipe hand rail sqm

20.6 Supplying, fitting and fixing verandah railing with 2mm thick 50 mm, 25 mm and 20 sqm
mm diameter stainless steel pipes as per approved design and accepted by the

Item No Description of Item Unit

20.7 Providing noising to the Nose of tread of stair including supplying 3 Nos. of 75 mm
long 12 mm x 3 mm F.I. bar clamp with bifurcated ends in each treads including
fitting and fixing with the angle by welding including fitting and fixing the angle by
cutting grooves in R.C.C, fixing and finishing and the same with C.C. (1:2:4) etc.
cost of electricity all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

20.7.1 Providing 1.5" x 1.5" x 1/4" M.S. angle to the nosing of steps of staircase rm

20.7.2 Providing nosing 1.25" x 1.25" x 1/4" M.S. angle to the nosing of steps of stair rm

20.7.3 Providing 1" x 1" x 1/4" size M.S. angle to the nosing of stair case. rm

20.7.4 Providing 1.5" x 1.5" x 1/4" brass angle to the nosing of steps of stair case rm


21.1 Supplying, fitting and fixing steel grill fencing in boundary wall of any design and sqm
shape with 31 x 6 mm F.I. bar @ 150 mm c/c placed vertically after cutting as per
required measurement. Welding the said F.I. bar with 2 Nos. horizontal 30 x 6 mm
F.I. bar placed one at top and another at bottom including embedding/fixing the
horizontal F.I. bar in position including cutting grooves in wall up to 150 mm depth
and mending good the damages with C.C. (1:2:4) finished with two coats of
painting with synthetic enamel paint over a coat of anti-corrosive paint etc.
complete as per drawing and design and accepted by the Engineer.
(Rate is excluding the cost of painting)

Item No Description of Item Unit

21.2 Supplying, fitting and fixing steel grill fencing of any design and shape made with sqm
19 mm x 3 mm tube (angle box made with 2 Nos.19 x 19 x 3 mm angle in by
continuous welding) placed vertically @ 150 mm c/c and welding the said vertical
boxes with two Nos. horizontal 25 x 25 x 6 mm angle box (made with 2 Nos. 25 x
25 x 6 mm angle by welding), placing one at bottom and another at top and again
fitted and fixed by welding the said horizontal tube box (with vertical 38 x 38 x 6
mm angle box post made with 2 Nos. 38 x 38 x 6 mm angle by welding) provided
1800 mm c/c including embedding the tube box post in brick R.C.C. pillar or core
wall up to 375 mm depth after cutting grooves in wall/pillar including mending good
the damages with C.C. (1:2:4) and finishing, curing, 2 coats of approved synthetic
enamel paint over a coat anti-corrosive paint etc. all complete as per design,
drawing and accepted by the Engineer.
(Rate is excluding the cost of painting)

21.3 Manufacturing, supplying, fitting and fixing M.S. grill fencing as per design with sqm
outer frames having 38 x 38 x 6 mm M.S. angle and inner members having 6 mm
dia M.S. rod placed @ 110 mm c/c diagonally on both direction, welding each cris-
cross end of rod with corners of outer frame including cutting rods and size angles
to required shapes and size and setting the entire fence with the previously
installed tube (angle box) post including thorough and full welding the frame with
the angle box posts, painting 2 coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of anti-
corrosive priming etc. all complete as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer.
(Rate is excluding the cost of angle box post and its installation and excluding the
cost of paint)

21.4 Manufacturing, supplying, fitting and fixing M.S. tube (angle box) post (bottom end sqm
bifurcated) made by thorough welding of two Nos. 38 x 38 x 6 mm M.S. angle and
vertically placing the post into C.C. or R.C.C. foundation including cutting angle to
required shape and size including covering the top of the post with 6 mm thick
M.S. plate etc. all complete as per drawing.
(Rate is excluding the cost of C.C./R.C.C. foundation and paint)

Item No Description of Item Unit

21.5 Providing barbed wire fencing with R.C.C (1:2:4) pillars @ 2.43 m c/c. and of sqm
section 100 mm x 100 mm at top and 150 mm x 150 mm at bottom of 2.13 m total
height (1.37 m above G.L. and 0.76 m below G.L.) including 150 mm thick, 450
mm square spread footings (pillars reinforced with 4 Nos. 10 mm dia main rod and
6 mm dia stirrups @ 150 mm c/c, footing reinforced with 5 Nos. 10 mm dia rod
both ways) supplying, fitting and fixing 8 lines of barbed wire horizontally (fixed
with the post through 6 mm dia, rods embedded in to the post) and 2 lines
diagonally from post to post with 12 BWG 2 ply barbed wire, with 4 points barbs @
at least 112 mm c/c including 6 mm thick (1:4) cement plaster up to 1500 mm
length of the pillars etc. complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(Rate is excluding the cost of concrete and reinforcement which is to be paid as
per corresponding items in the schedule)

21.6 Providing barbed wire fencing with average 100 mm dia best quality local bullah sqm
post of 1.98 m total height (1.37 m above G.L. and min. 0.60 m embedded in the
ground) placed at 1800 mm c/c with 9 Nos. horizontal lines and 2 Nos. diagonal
lines of 12 BWG 2 ply barbed wire with 4 points barbs @ at least 112 mm c/c in
each way of 1.8 m including embedded the post tightly in ground and providing a
cement concrete base of 200 x 200 x 300 mm around ballah at E.G.L, stretching
the wires and fixing with the post with the help of minimum 62 mm long G.I. nails
including supply of all materials etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(Rate is excluding the cost of ballah and its driving/fixing and concrete which is to
be paid as per corresponding items in the schedule)

21.7 Supplying, fitting and fixing 12 BWG barbed wire (2 ply, 4 points) in fencing work sqm
@ 150 mm c/c in both horizontally and vertically, supported by 38 x 38 x 6 mm
M.S. angle post (300 mm embedded in R.C.C. or in brick work with a cement
concrete base of 75 x 75 x 300 mm) 600 mm vertical and 450 mm inclined or as
per requirement @ 2.4 m c/c including straightening, binding the joints with 18
BWG wire making holes in the angle etc. in /c supplying of all necessary materials
complete in all respect and accepted by the Engineer.
(Rate is excluding the cost of R.C.C or brick work or C.C. which is to be paid as
per corresponding items in the schedule)



Item No Description of Item Unit

22.1 Supplying, fitting and fixing wooden wedge instead of putty by 12 mm x 12 mm rm

(base x height) for fixing glass panes with wooden frame by nails or by any other
approved method including the cost of necessary wood, painting/polishing, nails
etc. and excluding the cost of wooden frame, and painting and 5 mm thick glass
panes all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

22.2 Supplying, fitting and fixing of 20mm dia foreign made aluminium pipe curtain rail rm
for door and window including cutting and fitting fixing as per required
measurement and supplying necessary screws, electric drill and rowel plug
including charge of electricity etc. complete and accepted by the Engineer.

22.3 Supplying, fitting and fixing 10mm thick clear tempered glass door including all sqm
accessories 1 set maintenance auto closed special quality 2 nos clamping device,
1 set locking device, top hinge and handle etc. complete in all respect as per
drawing and direction of the Engineer in Charge.

22.4 Supplying, fitting and fixing 10mm thick clear glass partition with 44mm, 44mm, sqm
1.5mm aluminium box, protector bit (single), protector bit (double) in/c all
accessories etc. all complete and as per drawing and direction of the Engineer in

22.5 Supplying, fitting and fixing of C.T wood strip (62 x 25 x 20 mm) for fixing of rm
aluminium curtain rails as per design and drawing fitted and fixed in position
including supply of screws, nails, drilling etc. and two coats of French polishing
over a coat of priming etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.
(Rate is excluding the cost of polishing and painting etc.)

22.6 Supplying, fitting and fixing vertical Venetian blinds made with glass fiber fabrics sqm
(foreign made) with supply of all materials (foreign made) such as Head rail
(Aluminium), end cap-set, rod till, sigger (stopper) runner, spacer (link), Handling
cord, ball chain, link chair, cord-weight weight-plate plastic washer, glass fiber
fabrics, and head cap-set etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

22.7 Supplying, fitting and fixing horizontal Venetian blinds 1" width made with sqm
aluminium foils/ strips (foreign made) with supply of all materials (foreign made)
such as head rail, bottom rail, rod till, head cap, bottom cap, gear box, stick,
support and cap, cord drum and support, bracket, cord lock, cord equalizer, top
holder, ladder, cord, handling cord and aluminium foils etc. all complete and
accepted by the Engineer.

22.8 Supplying, fitting, fixing of steel iron rack made of 50 x 50 x 6.35 mm vertical and sqm
horizontal angle post, welding 63.5 mm x 6.35 mm F.I. bar placed horizontally as
bracing for the posts, 38 x 6.35 mm cross F.I. bars welded with vertical post, 12.7
mm thick M.S plate welded as cup shape at the bottom of post, supplying and
fitting rivets, charge for wielding, drilling, carrying, cutting, straightening, in required
sizes etc in all respect as per drawing, design and accepted by the Engineer.

22.9 Supplying fitting, fixing of uPVC plastic door or window frame having specific rm
gravity 1.35 - 1.45, and other physical, chemical, thermal, fire resistivity properties
etc. as per BSTI approved manufacturer standards or ASTM, BS/ISO/IS standards
fitted and fixed in brick wall/ R.C.C wall with 6 Nos. GI clamp, 4Nos inner joint GI
clamp, 2 Nos. outer GI joint clamp, 16 Nos. rivet making necessary grooves and
mending good the damages, finishing, curing, carriage etc complete in all respect
accepted by the Engineer.

22.10 Supplying, fitting, fixing of uPVC hollow or solid plastic door shutter having specific
gravity 1.35 - 1.45, thickness 1.7 mm-2.2 mm, and other physical, chemical,
thermal, fire resistivity properties etc. as per BSTI approved manufacturer
standards or ASTM, BS/ISO/IS standards of different sizes fitted fixed with uPVC
plastic door frame weighing 5.82 kg/m2 with at least 3 Nos. SS hinges by min 64
Nos. Ø 3.17 mm and 3.97 mm 12.7 mm long rivets, 12 Nos. 25.4 mm SS screws,
Ø 9.38 mm, 150 mm long SS tower bolts 2 Nos., 146 mm SS handle by rivet 2
Nos., G.I inner joint 234.95 mm x 127 mm clamp, 76.2 mm x 57.15 mm, 25 mm dia
1 no SS haspbolt, special type round lock, carrying the same to the site and local
carriage etc. complete in all respect accepted by the Engineer

22.10.1 760 mm x 1980 mm uPVC plastic shutter (hollow). each


Item No Description of Item Unit

22.10.2 760 mm x 2130 mm uPVC plastic shutter (solid). each

22.10.3 910 mm x 2130 mm uPVC plastic shutter (hollow). each

22.10.4 990 mm x 2130 mm uPVC plastic shutter (solid). each

22.11 Supplying, fitting, fixing uPVC plastic or glass partition in plastic frame fabricated
by 70 x 50 x 2 mm T and 50 x 40 x 2 mm / 50 x 30 x 2 mm L-sections, providing
partition with 156 x 25 mm uPVC hollow section having wall thickness 2.5 mm /
partition with 5 mm thick glass. Physical, chemical, thermal, fire resistivity
properties etc of the materials as per BSTI approved manufacturer standards or
ASTM, BS/ISO/IS standards, fitted and fixed in brick wall or R.C.C wall with 6 Nos.
GI clamp, 4 Nos. inner joint GI clamp, 2 Nos. outer GI joint clamp, 16 Nos. rivet
making necessary grooves and mending good the damages, finishing, curing,
carriage etc complete in all respect and accepted by the Engineer.

22.11.1 With partition uPVC hollow section each

22.11.2 With 5 mm glass each

22.12 Supplying, fitting, fixing of uPVC Profile for door, window and fixed partition frames rm
applications having specific gravity 1.36-1.43, and other physical, chemical,
thermal, fire resistivity properties etc. as per BSTI approved manufacturer
standards or ASTM, BS/ISO/IS standards including all accessories fittings with 6
Nos. steel clamps complete in all respect as per drawing and accepted by the

22.13 Supplying, fitting, fixing swing door shutter made of low density free foam (LDFF)
sheet having standard size 4' x 8'. Physical properties: density: 0.55-0.68 g/cm3,
weighing 1.3 kg/sft, providing new sash (4"), sliding glass bead, rubber, screws, 3"
hinges 4 Nos., 4" tower bolt 2 Nos., 6" handle 2 Nos. etc. including all accessories
complete in all respect as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer.

22.13.1 6'-6" x 2'- 6" size 8 mm thick uPVC swing door shutter each

22.13.2 7'-0" x 2'- 6" size 8 mm thick uPVC swing door shutter each

Item No Description of Item Unit

22.13.3 7'-0" x 3-0 size 8 mm thick uPVC swing door shutter each

22.14 Supplying fitting fixing of plastic wall paneling with 3 mm sheet, weighing 0.188 sqm
kg/sft fitted and mending good the damages, carriage to the site including glass
bead, partition frame, rubber, 5 mm clear glass fitted and fixed with screws, steel
clamp accepted by the Engineer.

22.15 Supplying, fitting, fixing of uPVC Profile fixed partition with 5 mm clear glass, sqm
weighing 1.032 kg/sft fitted and mending good the damages, carriage etc.
complete in all respect accepted by the Engineer

22.16 Supplying, fitting, fixing of uPVC profile sliding window having gross weighing 1.3
kg/sft (including glass) fitted and mending good the damages, carries etc complete
in all respect accepted by the Engineer.

22.16.1 uPVC sliding window with 5 mm glass 4'-0" x 4'-0" sqm

22.16.2 uPVC sliding window without glass 4'-0" x 4'-0" sqm

22.17 Supplying, fitting, fixing of plastic wood paneling in false ceiling with 6 mm sheet, sqm
weighing 0.358 kg/sft fitted and mending good the damages, carries etc complete
in all respect accepted by the Engineer

22.18 Supplying, fitting and fixing approved quality 190 mm x 190 mm size glass bricks in sqm
round stair wall complete in all respect and accepted by the Engineer.

22.19 Supplying, and fitting and fixing 50 mm thick rock or glass wool padding of sqm
approved quality and accepted by the Engineer.


23.1 Earthwork in excavation of tank of any dimension in all kinds of soil including
cutting up to required depth including bailing out water and throwing on the
embankment, breaking clods, ramming and leveling, dressing in 225 mm layer with
maintaining the side slopes and level of both tank and the embankment as per
design and accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

23.1.1 For initial lead of 30 m and lift of 1.5 m cum

23.1.2 For each additional lift of 0.3 m beyond 1.5 m and up to 3 m cum

23.1.3 For each additional lift of 0.3 m beyond 3 m and up to 4.5 m cum

23.1.4 For each additional lift of 0.3 m beyond 4.5 m and up to 6 m cum

23.1.5 Extra each additional lead of 0.3 m or part there of beyond initial lead 30 meter cum

23.2.1 Bailing out water by 1 cusec diesel operated pump including hire charge of pump, Per hour
fuel, operator, spares and maintenance etc. complete.

23.2.2 Bailing out water by 1 cusec electricity operated pump including hire charge of Per hour
pump, fuel, operator, spares and maintenance etc. complete


24.1 Earth work in road embankment up to a lift of 1.5 m in all kinds of soil including
cutting and throwing earth in layers not exceeding 150 mm in thickness, breaking
clods up to 40 mm size in each layer, ramming, leveling and dressing as per
required side slope and alignment with earth borrowed from the road side Govt.
acquired land for any leads and maintaining the embankment true to level and side
slopes as per profiles for one year from the date of completion including making
dug, bailing, profiling etc. complete and accepted by the Engineer.

24.1.1 For initial lift of 1.5 m cum

24.1.2 For additional lift of 1 m beyond 1.5 m up to 2.5 m cum

24.1.3 For additional lift of 1 m beyond 2.5 m up to 3.5 m cum

24.1.4 For additional lift of 1 m beyond 3.5 m up to 4.5 m cum


Item No Description of Item Unit

24.1.5 For additional lift of 1 m beyond 4.5 m up to 5.5 m cum

24.1.6 For additional lift of 1 m beyond 5.5 m up to 6.5 m cum

24.2 Earthwork in box cutting in all types of soil. Removing soil to a safe distance,
maintaining proper alignment, camber and grade including leveling, dressing and
compacting the sub grade as per drawing and accepted by the Engineer

24.2.1 Depth up to 1-0” / 300 mm sqm

24.2.2 Depth up to 1’-6” / 450 mm sqm

24.3 Creating turf on the side slopes and top of embankment with good quality turf not sqm
less than 225 mm square chunk, watering till the grass grown including all leads
and lifts etc. complete and accepted by the Engineer.

24.4 Single layer brick flat soling in road work with first class or picked jhama bricks as sqm
per alignment, camber and grade including filling joints with sand (F.M. 0.50) etc.
complete including cost of all materials and accepted by the Engineer.

24.5 Brick on edges pavement in herring bone bond (HBB) with first class or picked sqm
jhama bricks as per alignment, camber and grade over 12 mm thick sand cushion
(F.M. 0.50) including filling the joints with the same sand including cost of all
materials and accepted by the Engineer.

24.6 Double brick flat soling in roadwork with first class or picked jhama bricks as per sqm
camber and grade and filling the joints with fine sand (F.M. 0.50) and also
providing 12 mm thick sand cushion in between the two layers of brick flat soling
with the same quality of sand including cost of all materials and accepted by the

Item No Description of Item Unit

24.7 Brick on end edging (75 mm across the road) with first class or picked jhama rm
bricks and filling the gaps with fine sand (F.M. 0.50) including cutting trenches, true
to level and grade, removing earth, refilling and ramming the sides properly
including cost of all materials and accepted by the Engineer.

24.8 Breaking picked jhama, first class bricks or bats including cost of bricks and bats
and stacking in measurable sizes at site accepted by the Engineer

24.8.1 For 62 mm to 40 mm / 2.5” – 1.5” size cum

24.8.2 For 40 mm to 25 mm / 1.5” – 1” size cum

24.9 Labour for compacted water bound Macadam base course with graded metal of cum
crushed well burnt, picked jhama or first class bricks and bats having compacted
thickness made as per specifications including local handling and spreading
uniformly to proper grade, camber and super elevation, hand packing, rolling
properly with 8 to 10 ton capacity power driven Road Roller and watering
profusely for compaction of 100% MDD (standard) blinding with sand (F.M. 0.80)
@ 12 m3 per m2 including fuel, lubricants, spares, maintenance, driver etc. all
complete and accepted by the Engineer.

24.10 Providing compacted sub-base base course with well graded metal of crushed well cum
burnt p.j. / 1st class brick bats and sand (FM 0.8) with mixing proportion 2 : 1
having compacted thickness made as per specification including local handling,
spreading uniformly to proper grade camber and super elevation, packing rolling
properly with 8 to 10 ton capacity power driven road roller and watering properly
for compaction of 100% MDD (standard) blinding with sand including cost of fuel,
lubricants, spares, maintenance, driver etc. all complete and accepted by the
Engineer in charge.

Item No Description of Item Unit

24.11 50 mm thick compacted premixed bituminous carpeting with 12 mm down well sqm
graded stone chips having water absorption not greater than 2% flakiness index
not greater than 35 @ 0.64 cum of stone chips mixed with 42 kg of heated bitumen
(bitumen content % by wt. of total is 5.2% to 5.80%) heating at 1350c to 1550c and
spread uniformly over 10 sqm of surface, rolled with 8 to 10 ton Roller compacted
fully in proper grade and camber spreading 0.12 cum sand (F.M.1.50) on 10 sqm
including tools and equipment etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

24.12 38 mm thick compacted premixed bituminous carpeting with 10 mm down well sqm
graded stone chips having water absorption not greater than 2%, flakiness index
not greater than 35 @ 0.32 cum of stone chips mixed with 22.00 kg of heated
bitumen (bitumen content % by wt. of total is 5.2% to 5.80%), heating at 1350c to
1550c and spread uniformly over 10 sqm of surface rolled with 8 to 10 ton Roller
compacted fully in proper grade and camber and spreading 0.12 cum sand (F.M.
1.50) on 10 sqm surface etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer

24.13 25 mm thick compacted premixed bituminous carpeting with 10 mm down well sqm
graded stone chips having water absorption not greater than 2% flakiness index
not greater than 35 @ 0.32 cum of stone chips mixed with 22.00 kg of heated
bitumen (bitumen content % wt. of total is 5.2% to 5.80%), heating at 1350c to
1550c and spread uniformly over 10 sqm of surface rolled with 8 to 10 ton Roller
compacted fully in proper grade and camber and spreading 0.12 cum sand (F.M.
1.50) on 10 sqm surface etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.
NB: If Asphalt Plant is used rates will be increased by 25%.

24.14 50 mm thick compacted premixed bituminous carpeting with 12 mm down well sqm
graded shingles @ 0.64 cum of shingles mixed with 42 kg of heated bitumen
(bitumen content % by wt. of total is 5.2% to 5.80%) heating at 1350c to 1550c and
spread uniformly over 10 sqm of surface. Rolled with 8 to 10 ton Roller compacted
fully in proper grade and camber spreading 0.12 cum sand (F.M. 1.50) on 10 sqm
etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

24.15 38 mm thick compacted premixed bituminous carpeting with 12 mm down well sqm
graded shingles @ 0.48 cum of shingles mixed with 30.25 kg of heated bitumen
(bitumen content % by wt. of total is 5.2% to 5.80%), heating at 1350c to 1550c
spread uniformly over 10 sqm of surface rolled with 8 to 10 ton Roller compacted
fully in proper grade and camber and spreading 0.12 cum sand (F.M.-1.50) on 10
sqm surface including necessary tools and equipment etc. all complete and
accepted by the Engineer.

24.16 25 mm thick compacted premixed bituminous carpeting with 10 mm down graded sqm
and well grades shingles @ 0.32 cum of shingles mixed with 20.50 kg of heated
bitumen (bitumen content % by wt. of total is 5.2% to 5.80%), heating at 1350c to
1550c spread uniformly over 10 sqm of surface rolled with 8 to 10 ton Roller
compacted fully in proper grade and camber and spreading 0.12 cum sand
(F.M.1.50) on 10 sqm surface including necessary tools and equipment etc. all
complete and accepted by the Engineer.

24.17 Providing tack coat @ 7.32 kg of bitumen per 10 sqm including heating bitumen up sqm
to 1760c to 1880c and spreading etc. all complete (cost of bitumen included)
accepted by the Engineer.

24.18 Providing seal coat with 4 cft of Sylhet sand (FM 2.2) mixed with @ 7.32 kg of sqm
bitumen per 10 sqm of road surface including supplying and spreading of 0.09 cum
of sand (F.M. 0.80) including heating bitumen up to 176 degree to 190 degree
Celsius and spreading etc. all complete (cost of bitumen included) accepted by the

24.19 Premixed bituminous seal coat with 0.12 cum of pea gravels mixed with 80 kg of sqm
bitumen per cum of pea gravels and laid over 10 sqm, road surface including
spreading with proper camber and grade and blinding with dry sand (F.M. 2.5) @
0.09 cum for 10 sqm including cost of all materials rolling with 8 to 10 ton power
driven roller etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

24.20 Providing bitumenous painting with 4.54 kg of bitumin per 10 sqm. of road surface sqm
including supplying and spreading of 0.09 cum of sand (FM 1.20) with heating
bitumen upto 176 degree to 196 degree including cost all materials rolling 8 to 10
ton power driven roller etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

24.21 Providing painting topof the road surface as road marking in two coats with sqm
approved best quality and colour of synthetic approved quality of paint from
authorized local agent of the manufacturer in a sealed container having highly
water resistant, high bondability, flexible, using specific brand thinner applied by
brass/ roller or others over a coat of priming elapsing time for drying including
surface cleaning from dust, oil or dirt, smoothening, finishing necessary tools etc.
all complete in approved and accepted by the Engineer.

24.22 Providing expansion joints across the R.C.C. road pavement with 20 mm gap rm
between the adjacent panels. Supplying dowel bars of size 12 mm dia 600 mm
long M.S rod placed at 750 mm c/c. 300 mm of the bar fixed within one slab
keeping remaining portion the bar free within the adjacent slab being inserted in 20
mm dia 300 mm long P.V.C. pipe embedded in the slab, inside of pipe fully
greased, filling the gap between the slabs (with admixture) of hot bitumen and
coarse sand (F.M. 2.5) in proportion (2:1) finishing the top with bitumen, spreading
coarse sand over the joint, all complete as per plan, drawing and accepted by the


25.1 Labour charge for scraping lawn surface up to 38 mm thick by spade, picking up all sqm
sorts of bricks bats, rubbish by suitable tools, removing the same by head load or
by any other means and stacking the same to a safe distance within 305 m
including supply of tools and plants etc. all complete and accepted by the

25.2 Preparation of ground to make ready for plantation by spading the ground in to a sqm
depth of 150 mm to 230 mm beyond 38 mm thick scrapped ground by spade,
breaking earth clods to powder by hammers, picking up all sorts of rubbish,
unwanted grasses by suitable tools, carrying and spreading the surplus earth into
low lying area including supply of tools and plants etc. all complete and accepted
by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

25.3 Leveling and dressing of lawn area to proper slope and grade by spading the same sqm
up to 150 mm including supplying tools and plants etc. all complete and accepted
by the Engineer.

25.4 Supplying of best and approved quality alluvial loamy silty soil including loading, cum
unloading at both ends, properly stacking at site including supply of tools and
plants etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

25.5 Supplying well decomposed cow dung carried by trucks or any other means cum
including loading, unloading at both ends, stacking the same at site including
supply of tools and plants etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

25.6 Labour charge for spreading the alluvial loamy silty soil from the stacks at site on cum
the lawn surface, leveling, dressing the same including supply all necessary tools
and plants etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

25.7 Supplying lawn grass of approved quality by truck or any other means, sorting the sqm
grass to proper size, washing the grass, dibbling the grass 6 mm to 50 mm apart,
irrigation of lawn area till the grass grown at least for two months after plantation,
weeding the undesirable grass, mowing the lawn grass by lawn mower up to two
months after plantation, applying urea fertilizer on the lawn surface @ 1 kg per
9.29 sqm including supply of tools and plants etc. all complete and accepted by the

25.8 Labour charge for mixing well decomposed cow dung with alluvial loamy silty soil cum
and excavated earth, removing the excess earth to safe distance including supply
of tools and plants etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

25.9 Supplying and providing, fitting, fixing bamboo jafry fencing by best quality muli sqm
bamboo split 2 mm in size having 75 mm x 75 mm mesh placed horizontally and
diagonally doing 25 mm framing a square shape in both ways and both sides
tightened with G.I wire fitted with Borrak bamboo post of 100 mm dia and placed
firmly in position at 1800 mm apart including supply of tools and plants, digging
hole and filling back etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

25.10 Supplying and providing, fitting, fixing muli bamboo tree guard 1200 mm long and each
500 mm dia fixing with best quality muli bamboo split 2 mm in size having 75 mm x
75 mm a square holes with 2 mm wide bamboo splits strengthen with 4 Nos. 2 mm
wide bamboo split in both sides tightened with G.I wire fitted with 3 Nos. 63 mm dia
borrak bamboo post of 1800 mm long of which 600 mm will be driven into earth by
digging hole followed by fill back including supply of tools and plants all complete
as per direction of engineer-in-charge.

25.11 Earth work in excavation to make a pit of 600 x 600 x 450 mm (depth) for each
plantation, applying cow dung mixing with loamy silty soil and excavated earth,
planting the plants, tightened with 1800 mm long borrak bamboo post with jute
rope including supply of tools and plants all complete and accepted by the

25.12 Spading for preparation of flower beds in pits up to 600 mm depth, re-molding, sqm
picking up and placing and removing the spaded earth to a safe distance, mixing
@ 1 cft well decomposed cow dung with 20% loamy silty soil and 6 cft excavated
soil and fill back the pit including supply of tools and plants all complete and
accepted by the Engineer.

25.13 Preparation of hedge beds by excavation of earth up to 300 mm depth filling up the sqm
bed by a mixture of cow dung, loamy silty soil, cutted earth @ 1 cft cow dung
manure per 6 cft of cutted earth and 20% loamy silty soil including supply of tools
and plant etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

25.14 Carrying of rubbish, taking up all sorts of bricks, brick-bats and rubbish gravel cum
chips, loading and unloading at both ends including supply of tools and plants etc.
all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

25.15 Supply and carrying of 12.20 m long 100 mm dia borrak bamboo at site, loading each
and unloading at both end stacking the same at site including supply of tools and
plants etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

25.16 Supply and carrying of 7.62 m long 50 mm to 62.5 mm dia muli bamboo at site, each
loading and unloading at both end stacking the same at site including supply of
tools and plants etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.


26.1 Supplying, fitting and fixing European type glazed porcelain commode "S" type 465
x 340 x 415 mm in size, approximately 14 kg by weight, plastic seat cover and
preparing the base with cement concrete and with wire mesh or rods, if necessary,
in all floors including making holes wherever required and mending good the
damages and fitting, fixing finishing etc. complete with all necessary fittings and
connection approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.1.1 White each

26.1.2 Coloured each

26.1.3 Special coloured each

26.2 Supplying, fitting and fixing European type glazed porcelain low-down, capacity 10
liter, 490 x 190 x 350 mm in size, approximately 14 kg by weight, on walls by
screws and F.I. bar clamps, rowel plugs, making holes wherever required and
mending good the damages and fitting, fixing finishing etc. complete with all
necessary fittings and connection approved and accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

26.2.1 White each

26.2.2 Coloured each

26.2.3 Special coloured each

26.3 Supplying, fitting and fixing European type glazed porcelain Combi closet, 700 x
410 x 795 mm in size, approximately 34.5 kg by weight, plastic seat cover and
preparing the base with cement concrete and with wire mesh or rods if necessary,
in all floors including making holes wherever required and mending good the
damages and fitting, fixing, finishing etc. complete with all necessary fittings and
connection approved and accepted by the Engineer. (BISF Item No. 118/418 or

26.3.1 White each

26.3.2 Coloured each

26.3.3 Special coloured each

26.4 Supplying, fitting and fixing European type glazed combi closet, 700 x 410 x 795
mm size, approx. 34.5 kg by weight, plastic seat cover and preparing the base with
cement concrete and with wire mesh or rods if necessary, in all floors including
making holes wherever required and mending good the damages and fitting, fixing,
finishing complete with all necessary fittings and connection approved and
accepted by the Engineer. (BISF Item No. 114/414 or equivalent)

26.4.1 White each

26.4.2 Coloured each

26.4.3 Special coloured each


Item No Description of Item Unit

26.5 Supplying, fitting and fixing Bangladesh pattern, 570 x 445 x 290 mm long pan with
foot-rest, approx. 12 kg by weight, made of Vitreous China and preparing the base
of pan with cement mortar (1:4) and with wire mesh or rods, if necessary in all
floors including making holes wherever required and mending good the damages
and fitting, fixing, finishing etc. complete with all necessary fittings and connection
approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.5.1 White each

26.5.2 Coloured each

26.5.3 Special coloured each

26.6 Supplying, fitting and fixing Bangladesh pattern 560 x 290 x 270 mm long pan,
approx. 7.1 kg by weight, made of Vitreous China and preparing the base of pan
with cement concrete and with wire mesh or rods if necessary in all floors including
making holes wherever required and mending good the damages and fitting, fixing,
finishing etc. complete with all necessary fittings and connection approved and
accepted by the Engineer.

26.6.1 White each

26.6.2 Coloured each

26.6.3 Special coloured each

26.7 Supplying, fitting and fixing plastic low-down including all fittings and accessories each

26.8 Supplying 260 x 227 mm size glazed porcelain foot rest, 1 kg by weight including each
fitting, fixing in position with cement mortar (1:4) if necessary in all floors including
making holes wherever required and mending good the damages and fitting, fixing,
finishing etc. complete with all necessary fittings and connection approved and
accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

26.9 Supplying, fitting and fixing white glazed vitreous W/H Wash Basin 580 x 445 x
235 mm size, approx. 14 kg by weight including fitting, fixing the same in position
with heavy type C.I. Brackets. 30 mm dia PVC waste water pipe with brass
coupling (not exceeding 750 mm in length), basin waste with chain plug including
making holes in walls and floors and fitting with wooden blocks, screws and
mending good the damages, finishing etc. all complete approved and accepted by
the Engineer.

26.9.1 White each

26.9.2 Coloured each

26.9.3 Special coloured each

26.10 Supplying, glazed vitreous W/H Wash Basin 570 x 420 x 190 mm in size, approx.
10.4 kg by weight including fitting, fixing the same in position with heavy type C.I.
Brackets. 30 mm dia PVC waste water pipe with brass coupling (not exceeding
750 mm in length). 12mm plastic lead (connection) pipe with brass coupling, basin
waste with chain plug including making holes in walls and floors and fitting with
wooden blocks, screws and mending good the damages, finishing etc. all complete
approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.10.1 White each

26.10.2 Coloured each

26.10.3 Special coloured each

26.11 Supplying, white glazed vitreous W/H Wash Basin, 500 x 440 x 210 mm in size,
approx. 14 kg by weight, including fitting, fixing the same in position with heavy
type C.I. brackets, 32 mm dia PVC waste water pipe with brass coupling (not
exceeding 750 mm in length), 32 mm dia C.P. basin waste with chain plug, bracket
including making holes in walls and floors and fitting with wooden blocks, screws
and mending good the damages with cement mortar (1:4), etc. all complete
approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.11.1 White each


Item No Description of Item Unit

26.11.2 Coloured each

26.11.3 Special coloured each

26.12 Supplying, fitting and fixing Pedestal, 652 x 200 x 205 mm in size, approx. 5.6 kg
by weight with rowel plug and screws etc. all complete approved and accepted by
the Engineer.

26.12.1 White each

26.12.2 Coloured each

26.12.3 Special coloured each

26.13 Supplying, fitting and fixing 490 x 385 x 290 mm in size European type glazed
vitreous standing bowl urinal, approx. 8.0 kg by weight including fitting, fixing the
same in position after making holes in walls and floors, providing 32 mm dia plastic
waste pipe with brass coupling up to grading below, 12 mm dia plastic connection
pipe with brass coupling, 12 mm dia brass stop cock including mending good the
damages with cement mortar (1:4) etc. all complete approved and accepted by the

26.13.1 White each

26.13.2 Coloured each

26.13.3 Special coloured each

26.14 Supplying, fitting and fixing glazed vitreous china flat or squatting urinal 610 x 375
x 85 mm in size, approx. 14 kg by weight with flushing inlet fitted in cement mortar
(1:4) with painted cast iron body: one gallon capacity, automatic flushing cistern in
each group etc. including 12 mm brass controlling valve, 32 mm dia PVC flush
pipe with brass coupling, 12 mm dia plastic lead (connection) pipe including
mending good the damages with 1:4 cement mortar etc. all complete approved
and accepted by the Engineer.

26.14.1 White each


Item No Description of Item Unit

26.14.2 Coloured each

26.14.3 Special coloured each

26.15 Supplying, fitting and fixing 625 x 490 x 224 mm size, approx. 19.5 kg by weight
porcelain sink with sink tray of 595 x 465 x 36 mm size, fitted and fixed with heavy
type C.I. brackets, 12 mm dia C.P. bib cock, 40 mm dia C.P. chain plug. 40 mm
dia. C.P. waste, 40 mm dia PVC waste pipe with brass coupling (750 mm length)
including making holes in walls and floors and mending good the damages with
cement mortar (1:4) etc. all complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.15.1 White each

26.15.2 Coloured each

26.16 Supplying, fitting and fixing single bowl stainless steel sink with sink tray size (450 each
x 1050 mm.) with heavy type CI steel brackets 12mm dia C.P. bib-cock 40 mm dia
C.P. chain plug. 40 mm dia C.P. waste. 40 mm dia PVC waste pipe with brass
coupling (750 mm length) including making hole in walls and floors and mending
good the damages, finishing with 1:4 cement mortar etc. all complete approved
and accepted by the Engineer. (Malaysia / Singapore / Thailand made or

26.17 Supplying, fitting and fixing double bowl stainless steel sink with sink tray with each
heavy type CI or steel brackets 12 mm dia C.P. chain plug. 40 mm dia C.P. waste,
40 mm dia PVC waste pipe with brass coupling (750 mm length) including making
hole in walls and floors and mending good the damages, finishing etc. all complete
approved and accepted by the Engineer. (Malaysia / Singapore / Thailand made or

26.18 Supplying, fitting and fixing of 450 x 600 mm size and 5 mm thick unframed super each
quality mirror with hard boards at the back with all necessary fitting including
making holes in walls and mending good the damages with cement mortar (1:4)
etc. all complete approved and accepted by the Engineer. (Made in Japan or

Item No Description of Item Unit

26.19 Supplying, fitting and fixing of 450 x 350 mm size and 5 mm thick unframed super each
quality mirror with hard boards at the back with all necessary fitting including
making holes in walls and mending good the damages with cement mortar (1:4)
etc. all complete approved and accepted by the Engineer. (Made in Japan or

26.20 Supplying, fitting and fixing super quality 600 x 125 mm coloured glass (plate) shelf each
having 5 mm thickness with fancy C.P. brackets, screws and frames including
making holes in walls and mending good the damages with cement mortar (1:4)
etc. all complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.21 Supplying, fitting and fixing super quality 600 x 125 mm white glass (plate) shelf each
having 5 mm thickness with fancy C.P. brackets, screws and frames including
making holes in walls and mending good the damages with cement mortar (1:4)
etc. all complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.22 Supplying, fitting and fixing super quality C.P. Towel rail of 600 mm long and 20 each
mm in dia with C.P. holder including making holes in walls and mending good the
damages with cement mortar (1:4) etc. all complete approved and accepted by the

26.23 Supplying, fitting and fixing medium quality C.P. Towel rail of 600 mm long and 20 each
mm in dia with C.P. holder including making holes in walls and mending good the
damages with cement mortar (1:4) etc. all complete approved and accepted by the

26.24 Supplying, fitting and fixing toilet paper holder of 150 x 150 x 126 mm size each
including making holes in walls and mending good the damages with cement
mortar (1:4) etc. all complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.25.1 Supplying, fitting and fixing of special coloured toilet paper holder Size (150 mm x each
150 mm x 126 mm) including making holes in walls and mending good the
damages with cement mortar (1:4) etc. all complete approved and accepted by the

Item No Description of Item Unit

26.25.2 - do - Standard size stainless steel bracket and holder rod with cover. each

26.25.3 - do - Standard size, C.P iron bracket with plastic holder rod. each

26.26 Supplying, fitting and fixing standard size soap tray including making holes in walls
and mending good the damages with cement mortar (1:4) etc. all complete
approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.26.1 C.P. soap tray each

26.26.2 Porcelain soap tray (white) each

26.26.3 Porcelain soap tray (coloured) each

26.26.4 Stainless steel soap tray each

26.27 Supplying, fitting and fixing 125 mm dia stainless steel floor grating in traps or in each
drains including making holes in walls/floors and mending good the damages with
cement mortar (1:4) etc. all complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.28 Supplying, fitting and fixing 62 mm dia stainless steel floor grating in traps or in each
drains including making holes in walls/floors and mending good the damages with
cement mortar (1:4) etc. all complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.29 Supplying, fitting and fixing plastic grating with hinged cover size 150 x 150 mm in each
traps or in drains including making holes in walls/floors and mending good the
damages with cement mortar (1:4) etc. all complete approved and accepted by the


26.30 Supplying 100 mm inside diameter HCI rainwater down pipe, fitting and fixing in rm
position with head and shoes, bends, trap, tee, offset, clamps and nails etc.
complete in all floors approved and accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

26.31 Supplying 100 mm inside diameter best quality uPVC rain water down pipe fitting, rm
fixed in position with head and shoes, bends, min.20 mm width F.I. Bar clamp and
nails, and including all accessories such as round grating/domed roof grating
bands, sockets approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.32 Supplying 50 mm inside dia HCI soil, waste and ventilation pipe each piece having rm
over length 1800 mm, thickness 6.5mm, spigot diameter 80 mm, weight min 12 kg
fitted and fixed in position with sockets thickness min 8.5 mm, internal depth min
68 mm, bead's outside diameter min 90 mm, ears flange length min 150 mm,
caulking clearance min 10 mm produced in foundry grade pig iron as per BSTI
approved manufacturer standard fitting and fixing in position including head and
shoes bends made of minimum 20 mm x 3 mm F.I. bar or equivalent, trap, tee,
offset, clamps and nails etc. complete in all floors approved and accepted by the

26.33 Supplying 100 mm inside dia HCI soil, waste and ventilation pipe each piece rm
having over length 1800 mm, thickness 6.5 mm, spigot diameter 117 mm, weight
min 24.85 kg fitted and fixed in position with sockets thickness min 6.5 mm,
internal depth min 75 mm, bead's outside diameter min155 mm, ears flange length
min 208 mm, caulking clearance min 8 mm produced in foundry grade pig iron as
per BSTI approved manufacturer standard fitting and fixing in position including
head and shoes bends made of minimum 20 mm x 3 mm F.I. bar or equivalent,
trap, tee, offset, clamps and nails etc. complete in all floors accepted by the

26.34 Supplying 150 mm inside dia HCI soil, waste and ventilation pipe each piece rm
having over length 1800 mm, thickness 6.5mm, spigot diameter 117mm, weight
min 41kg fitted and fixed in position with sockets thickness min 7mm, internal
depth min 100 mm bead's outside diameter min 200mm, ears flange length min
258 mm, caulking clearance min 9 mm produced in foundry grade pig iron fitting
and fixing in position including head and shoes, bends, trap, tee, off-set, clamps
and nails etc. complete in all floors approved and accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

26.35 Supplying 50 mm inside dia best quality uPVC soil, waste and ventilation pipe rm
having specific gravity 1.35 - 1.45, wall thickness 2.5 - 3.0 mm, and other physical,
chemical, thermal, fire resistivity properties etc. as per BSTI approved
manufacturer standards or ASTM, BS/ISO/IS standards fitted and fixed in position
with sockets, bends, of uPVC Pipe with all accessories such as Round grating
/domed roof grating bands, sockets etc. approved and accepted by the Engineer
(length: 6000 mm each).

26.36 Supplying 100 mm inside dia best quality uPVC soil, waste and ventilation pipe rm
having specific gravity 1.35-1.45, wall thickness 3.4- 4.0 mm, and other physical,
chemical, thermal, fire resistivity properties etc. as per BSTI approved
manufacturer standards or ASTM, BS/ISO/IS standards fitted and fixed in position
with sockets, bends, with all accessories such as Round grating/domed roof
grating bands, sockets etc. approved and accepted by the Engineer (length: 6000
mm each).

26.37 Supplying 150 mm inside dia best quality uPVC soil, waste and ventilation pipe rm
having specific gravity 1.35 - 1.45, wall thickness 4.5 mm - 5.2 mm, and other
physical, chemical, thermal, fire resistivity properties etc. as per BSTI approved
manufacturer standards or ASTM, BS/ISO/IS standards fitted and fixed in position
with sockets, bends, with all accessories such as Round grating/domed roof
grating bands, sockets etc. approved and accepted by the Engineer (length: 6000
mm each).

26.38 Supplying, fitting and fixing G.I. pipe with all special fittings, such as bends,
elbows, sockets, reducing sockets, Tee, unions, jam-nuts etc. including cutting
trenches where necessary and fitting the same with earth duly rammed and fixing
in walls with holder bats and making hole in floors, walls and consequent mending
good the damages etc. all complete in all respects approved and accepted by the

26.38.1 12.5 mm dia G.I. pipe with wall thickness 3.25 mm, outside diameter min 21.1 mm, rm
weight 1.45 kg/m, can withstand min 50 kg/cm2 hydraulic pressure.

26.38.2 20 mm dia G.I. Pipe with wall thickness 3.25 mm, outside diameter min 26.6 mm, rm
weight 1.90 kg/m, can withstand min 50 kg/cm2 hydraulic pressure.

Item No Description of Item Unit

26.38.3 25 mm dia G.I. Pipe with wall thickness 4.05 mm, outside diameter min 33.4 mm, rm
weight 2.97 kg/m, can withstand min 50 kg/cm2 hydraulic pressure.

26.38.4 32 mm dia G.I. Pipe with wall thickness 4.05 mm, outside diameter min 42.1 mm, rm
weight 3.84 kg/m, can withstand min 50 kg/cm2 hydraulic pressure.

26.38.5 40 mm dia G.I. Pipe with wall thickness 4.05 mm, outside diameter min 48.0 mm, rm
weight 4.43 kg/m, can withstand min 50 kg/cm2 hydraulic pressure.

26.38.6 50 mm dia G.I. Pipe with wall thickness 4.50 mm, outside diameter min 59.8 mm, rm
weight 6.17 kg/m, can withstand min 50 kg/cm2 hydraulic pressure.

26.38.7 62 mm dia G.I. Pipe with wall thickness 4.50 mm, outside diameter min 75.4 mm, rm
weight 7.90 kg/m, can withstand min 50 kg/cm2 hydraulic pressure.

26.38.8 75 mm dia G.I. Pipe with wall thickness 4.85 mm, outside diameter min 88.1 mm, rm
weight 10.10 kg/m, can withstand min 50 kg/cm2 hydraulic pressure.

26.38.9 100 mm dia G.I. Pipe with wall thickness 5.40 mm, outside diameter min 113.3 rm
mm, weight 14.40 kg/m, can withstand min 50 kg/cm2 hydraulic pressure.

26.39 Supplying different inside dia best quality uPVC pressure pipe for water supply
having specific gravity 1.35 - 1.45, and other physical, chemical, thermal, fire
resistivity properties etc. as per BSTI approved manufacturer standards or ASTM,
BS/ISO/IS standards fitted and fixed in position with sockets, bends, with all
accessories such as Round grating/domed roof grating, bends, sockets etc.
approved and accepted by the Engineer. (length: 6000 mm each)

26.39.1 12 mm dia wall thickness 2.8 mm - 3.3 mm rm


Item No Description of Item Unit

26.39.2 19 mm dia wall thickness 2.9 mm - 3.4 mm rm

26.39.3 25 mm dia wall thickness 3.4 mm - 4.0 mm rm

26.39.4 32 mm dia wall thickness 3.6 mm - 4.2 mm rm

26.39.5 37 mm dia wall thickness 3.7 mm - 4.3 mm rm

26.39.6 60 mm dia wall thickness 3.9 mm - 4.5 mm rm

26.39.7 75 mm dia wall thickness 4.8 mm - 5.5 mm rm

26.39.8 88 mm dia wall thickness 3.5 mm - 4.1 mm rm

26.39.9 114 mm dia wall thickness 4.5 mm - 5.2 mm rm

26.40 Supplying different inside dia best quality CPVC pressure pipe for water supply
having specific gravity 1.35 - 1.45, and other physical, chemical, thermal, fire
resistivity properties etc. as per BSTI approved manufacturer standards or ASTM,
BS/ISO/IS standards fitted and fixed in position with sockets, bends, with all
accessories such as Round grating/domed roof grating, bends, sockets etc.
approved and accepted by the Engineer. (length: 6000 mm each)

26.40.1 12 mm dia wall thickness 2.8 mm - 3.3 mm rm

26.40.2 19 mm dia wall thickness 2.9 mm - 3.4 mm rm

26.40.3 25 mm dia wall thickness 3.4 mm - 4.0 mm rm

26.40.4 32 mm dia wall thickness 3.6 mm - 4.2 mm rm

26.40.5 37 mm dia wall thickness 3.7 mm - 4.3 mm rm

26.40.6 50 mm dia wall thickness 3.9 mm - 4.5 mm rm


Item No Description of Item Unit

26.41 Supplying different inside dia best quality ABS pressure pipe for water supply
having specific gravity 1.35 - 1.45, and other physical, chemical, thermal, fire
resistivity properties etc. as per BSTI approved manufacturer standards or ASTM,
BS/ISO/IS standards fitted and fixed in position with sockets, bends, with all
accessories such as Round grating/domed roof grating, bends, sockets etc.
approved and accepted by the Engineer. (length: 6000 mm each)

26.41.1 12 mm dia wall thickness 2.8 mm - 3.3 mm rm

26.41.2 19 mm dia wall thickness 2.9 mm - 3.4 mm rm

26.41.3 25 mm dia wall thickness 3.4 mm - 4.0 mm rm

26.41.4 32 mm dia wall thickness 3.6 mm - 4.2 mm rm

26.41.5 37 mm dia wall thickness 3.7 mm - 4.3 mm rm

26.41.6 50 mm dia wall thickness 3.9 mm - 4.5 mm rm

26.42 Supplying, fitting and laying HCI soil pipe each piece having over length 1800 mm,
thickness 5.5 mm, spigot diameter 116 mm, weight min 24.85 kg fitted and fixed in
position with sockets thickness min 6.5 mm, internal depth min 75 mm, bead's
outside diameter min 155 mm, ears flange length min 208 mm, caulking clearance
min 7.5 mm produced in foundry by grade pig iron as per BSTI approved
manufacturer standard fitting and fixing in position including head, shoes, bends,
trap, tee, offset, clamps and nails etc. complete in all floors approved and accepted
by the Engineer.

26.42.1 H.C.I pipe 100 mm dia rm

26.42.2 H.C.I pipe 150 mm dia rm


Item No Description of Item Unit

26.43 Supplying, fitting and laying up to depth of invert 100 mm inside dia best quality
uPVC pressure soil pipe having specific gravity 1.3 -1.45, and other physical,
chemical, thermal, fire resistivity properties etc. as per BSTI approved
manufacturer standards or ASTM, BS/ISO/IS standards fitted and fixed in position
with sockets, bends, with all accessories such as Round grating/domed roof
grating etc. complete approved and accepted by the Engineer (length: 6000 mm

26.43.1 uPVC soil pipe 100 mm dia wall thickness 2.7 mm - 3.4 mm, rm

26.43.2 uPVC soil pipe 150 mm dia wall thickness 4.0 mm - 4.5 mm, rm

26.44 Supplying, fitting and fixing laying Pipes up to depth of invert dia R.C.C pipe having
1.83 meter in length made of stone chips with 40 mm cement joint including all
fittings and specials like plain bend, Tees, reducing sockets, junctions, door bends
cowls, anti-siphon, gasket and cement joints, making holes in walls and mending
good the damages etc. all complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.44.1 R.C.C pipe of 150 mm dia with thickness 40mm rm

26.44.2 R.C.C pipe of 225 mm dia with thickness 40mm rm

26.44.3 R.C.C pipe of 300 mm dia with thickness 50mm rm

26.44.4 R.C.C pipe of 375 mm dia with thickness 50mm rm

26.45 Supplying 100 mm dia uPVC pipe for waste including fitting, fixing etc. all complete rm
approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.46.1 Supplying 150 mm dia uPVC pipe for underground laying including fitting, fixing rm
etc. all complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.46.2 Supplying 200 mm dia uPVC for underground laying including fitting, fixing etc. all rm
complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.46.3 Supplying 250 mm dia uPVC for underground laying including fitting, fixing etc. all rm
complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

26.46.4 Supplying uPVC waste pipe 280 mm dia with wall thickness 6.9 mm - 8.6 mm for rm
underground laying including fitting, fixing etc. all complete approved and accepted
by the Engineer.

26.46.5 Supplying uPVC waste pipe 315 mm dia with wall thickness 7.7 mm - 9.7 mm for rm
underground laying including fitting, fixing etc. all complete approved and accepted
by the Engineer.

26.47 Supplying, fitting and fixing G.I. Union with sealant etc. complete in all respects
approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.47.1 12 mm dia G.I. Union each

26.47.2 20 mm dia G.I. Union each

26.47.3 25 mm dia G.I. Union each

26.47.4 32 mm dia G.I. Union each

26.47.5 40 mm dia G.I. Union each

26.47.6 50 mm dia G.I. Union each

26.47.7 62 mm dia G.I. Union each

26.47.8 75 mm dia G.I. Union each

26.47.9 100 mm dia G.I. Union each

26.48 Supplying, fitting and fixing best quality G.I. gate valve with sealant etc. complete
approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.48.1 12 mm brass gate valve each

26.48.2 20 mm brass gate valve each

26.48.3 25 mm brass gate valve each


Item No Description of Item Unit

26.48.4 32 mm brass gate valve each

26.48.5 40 mm brass gate valve each

26.48.6 50 mm brass gate valve each

26.48.7 62 mm brass gate valve each

26.48.8 75 mm brass gate valve each

26.48.9 100 mm brass gate valve each

26.49 Supplying, fitting and fixing best quality G.I. Globe valve, threaded joint with
sealant etc. complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.49.1 12 mm dia brass Globe valve each

26.49.2 20 mm dia brass Globe valve each

26.49.3 25 mm dia brass Globe valve each

26.49.4 32 mm dia brass Globe valve each

26.49.5 40 mm dia brass Globe valve each

26.49.6 50 mm dia brass Globe valve each

26.49.7 62 mm dia brass Globe valve each

26.49.8 75 mm dia brass Globe valve each

26.49.9 100 mm dia brass Globe valve each

26.50 Supplying, fitting and fixing best quality G.I. Check valve, threaded joint with
sealant etc. complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.50.1 12 mm brass check valve each


Item No Description of Item Unit

26.50.2 20 mm brass check valve each

26.50.3 25 mm brass check valve each

26.50.4 32 mm brass check valve each

26.50.5 40 mm brass check valve each

26.50.6 50 mm brass check valve each

26.50.7 62 mm brass check valve each

26.50.8 75 mm brass check valve each

26.50.9 100 mm brass check valve each

26.51 Supplying, fitting and fixing best quality G.I. Float valve, threaded joint Pit valve
etc. complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.51.1 12 mm brass Float valve each

26.51.2 20 mm brass Float valve each

26.51.3 25 mm brass Float valve each

26.51.4 32 mm brass Float valve each

26.51.5 40 mm brass Float valve each

26.52 Supplying, fitting and fixing European type HCI P-Trap drainage pipe preparing the
base with cement concrete in 1:2:4 and with wire mesh or rods if necessary, in all
floors including making holes wherever required and mending good the damages
and fitting, fixing complete with all necessary fittings and connection approved and
accepted by the Engineer.

26.52.1 100 mm dia HCI P Trap Cleanout each

26.52.2 100 x 100 mm or 100 x 50 mm size HCI Y or T-Y Cleanout each


Item No Description of Item Unit

26.52.3 150 x 150 mm or 150 x 100 mm size HCI T-Y or Y Cleanout each

26.52.4 50 mm dia size HCI Trap each

26.53 Supplying different inside dia best quality uPVC pressure waste pipe having
specific gravity 1.35 -1.45, wall thickness 2.7 mm - 3.4 mm, and other physical,
chemical, thermal, fire resistivity properties etc. as per BSTI approved
manufacturer standards or ASTM, BS/ISO/IS standards, fitted and fixed in position
with sockets, bends, with all accessories such as Round grating/domed roof
grating bands, sockets etc. complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.53.1 50 mm dia uPVC Y or T - Y Cleanout each

26.53.2 100 mm dia uPVC ‘P’ or ‘S’ trap each

26.53.3 100 mm dia uPVC Y or T - Y Cleanout each

26.53.4 50 mm dia uPVC Y or T - Y Cleanout each

26.54. Supplying, fitting and fixing best quality faucets etc. complete approved and
accepted by the Engineer

26.54.1 12 mm CP bib cock each

26.54.2 12 mm Special quality CP bib cock each

26.54.3 12 mm Plastic bib cock with internal brass thread each

26.55 Supplying, fitting and fixing medium best quality CP pillar cock etc. complete
approved and accepted by the Engineer

26.55.1 12 mm CP medium quality pillar cock each

26.55.2 12 mm CP special heavy duty pillar cock each

26.56 Supplying, fitting and fixing best quality concealed fixed sink cock etc. complete
approved and accepted by the Engineer

Item No Description of Item Unit

26.56.1 12 mm CP Concealed fixed cock each

26.56.2 12 mm CP Concealed moving cock each

26.57.1 Supplying, fitting and fixing CP Basin Mixture with all necessary hardware and each
consumables approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.57.2 Supplying, fitting and fixing CP Single Handle Basin Mixture with all necessary each
hardware and consumables approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.58 Supplying, fitting and fixing CP Shower Mixture including Shower Head only with each
all necessary hardware and consumables approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.59 Supplying, fitting and fixing CP Shower Mixture including Shower Head and faucet each
with all necessary hardware and consumables approved and accepted by the

26.60 Supplying, fitting and fixing CP Bath tub Mixture with Shower Head only including each
all necessary hardware and consumables approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.61 Supplying, fitting and fixing CP Self closing pillar cock with all necessary hardware each
and consumables approved and accepted by the Engineer

26.62 Supplying, fitting and fixing Special/Fancy quality C.P. concealed/ surface stop
cock with all necessary hardware and consumables approved and accepted by the

26.62.1 12 mm brass Stop Cock for Surface Mount (general quality) each

26.62.2 12 mm CP Stop Cock for Surface Mount (medium quality) each

26.62.3 12 mm CP Stop Cock for Surface Mount (special type) each

26.62.4 Angle Stop cock concealed (general) each


Item No Description of Item Unit

26.62.5 Stop cock concealed (medium) each

26.62.6 Stop cock concealed (heavy) each

26.63 Supplying, fitting and fixing Special/Fancy quality C.P. concealed/ Surface Angle
stop cock etc. complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.63.1 12 mm CP surface mounted angle stop cock (general) each

26.63.2 12 mm CP medium quality surface & heavy type fancy angle stop cock each

26.63.3 12 mm surface special heavy type angle stop cock each

26.63.4 12 mm CP concealed mount angle stop cock each

26.63.5 Medium concealed angle stop cock each

26.63.6 Special concealed heavy type angle stop cock each

26.64 Groove cutting in brick work, R.C.C floor, including cost for concealing of G.I. pipe
work (12 mm and 20 mm dia) in brick wall by cutting groove in wall, lintel, beam
etc. by any means carefully without damaging the structure and filling the grooves
with C.C (4:2:1) after laying of pipe including cost of scaffolding, finishing, curing
etc. all complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.64.1 Groove Size 40 x 40 mm (For laying 12 mm to 20 mm dia pipes) rm

26.64.2 Groove Size 75 x 75 mm (For 25 mm to 40 mm dia pipes) rm

26.65 Supply and fitting-fixing cleansing shower for ablution including holder of following

26.65.1 Fixed type 100 mm CP shower rose each

26.65.2 Moving type 100 mm CP shower rose each

26.66 Supply and fitting-fixing hand / push shower for ablution including holder

Item No Description of Item Unit

26.66.1 Moving type hand shower each

26.66.2 Moving type push shower each

26.67 Supplying, fitting fixing of food grade plastic overhead water reservoir tank
including all necessary fittings, hardware and consumables etc. all complete
approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.67.1 1000 liter capacity each

26.67.2 1500 liter capacity each

26.67.3 2000 liter capacity each

26.68 Supply and installation of food-grade plastic internal mini water tank for the use in
kitchen, bathroom and toilet for emergency storage and supply of water
manufactured from liner low density polyethylene (ILDPE) roto-grade (ultra violet)
stabilized which complies FDA (Federal Department of Agriculture, USA)
regulations 21 CFR 1277. 152, having food grade quality where no recycled
material is used carrying, lifting, fitting, fixing in position including supply of
necessary hardware, consumables, fittings etc. all complete approved and
accepted by the Engineer.

26.68.1 150 liter capacity each

26.68.2 300 liter capacity each

26.68.3 500 liter capacity each

26.69 Supply and installation of foreign made food grade stainless steel water tank
including supply of hardware, consumables, fittings etc. all complete approved and
accepted by the Engineer.

26.69.1 500 liter capacity each

26.69.2 1000 liter capacity each

26.69.3 2000 liter capacity each


Item No Description of Item Unit

26.69.4 4000 liter capacity each

26.69.5 6000 liter capacity each

26.70 Supply and installation of 400 gallon capacity Ferro-cement water tank including each
necessary hardware, fittings and consumables etc. all complete approved and
accepted by the Engineer.

26.71 Supplying, fitting and fixing 12 mm dia, 450 mm long Plastic flexible lead each
(connection) pipe approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.72 Supplying, fitting and fixing 12 mm dia, 600 mm long Plastic flexible lead each
(connection) pipe approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.73 Supplying, fitting and fixing 12 mm dia 450 mm long metal cover connection pipe each
approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.74 Supplying, fitting and fixing 12 mm dia 600 mm long metal cover connection pipe each
approved and accepted by the Engineer.


26.75 Construction of masonry inspection pit with 250 mm thick brick work in cement
mortar (1:4) including necessary earth work, side filling and one layer brick flat
soling, 75 mm thick (1:3:6) base concrete for making invert channel and 12 mm
thick (1:2) cement plaster with neat finishing etc. all complete up to a depth of 700
mm approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.75.1 Clear 450 x 450 mm and depth 450 to 600 mm, average 525 mm for single 150 each
mm dia R.C.C. pipes and 400 mm PVC pipe.

26.75.2 Clear 520 x 525 mm and depth 675 to 825 mm, average 750 mm for single 225 each
mm dia R.C.C. pipes and 400 mm PVC pipe.

26.75.3 Clear 600 x 600 mm and depth 750 to 900 mm, average 825 mm for single 300 each
mm dia R.C.C. pipes and 375 mm and 400 mm PVC pipe.

Item No Description of Item Unit

26.75.4 Master-pit of Size: Clear 600 x 500 mm and average 750 mm depth for Septic each

26.76 Construction and placing of R.C.C. inspection pit cover (slab) in (1:2:4) with 1%
reinforcement excluding M.H. cover with locking/unlocking arrangement including
necessary earth work, side filling shuttering, curing, cement plaster (1:4) with neat
finishing on edges and top etc. all complete approved and accepted by the

26.76.1 900 x 900 x 75 mm R.C.C. pit cover each

26.76.2 1025 x 1025 x 75 mm R.C.C. pit cover each

26.76.3 1100 x 1100 x 75 mm R.C.C. pit cover each

26.77 Construction and placing of R.C.C inspection pit cover (slab) with supplying and
provisions for placing, fitting, fixing 450 mm dia C.I. Man-hole cover with
locking/un-locking arrangement including concrete (1:2:4) with approx. 1% re-
enforcement, necessary earth cutting, or cleaning, side filling, curing etc. with
minimum 12 mm cement plaster (1:4) and neat cement finishing on edges and top
all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

26.77.1 950 x 950 x 75 mm R.C.C. pit cover with 450 mm dia C.I. manhole cover. each

26.77.2 1025 x 1025 x 75 mm R.C.C. pit cover with 450 mm dia C.I. manhole cover. each

26.77.3 1100 x 1100 x 75 mm R.C.C. pit cover with 450 mm dia C.I. manhole cover. each

26.78 Construction of masonry inspection pits up to a depth of 700 mm with 250 mm

thick brick work in cement mortar (1:4) including 100 mm thick R.C.C. top slab
(1:2:4) with 1% reinforcement, man-hole cover with locking arrangement including
necessary earth work, side filling and one brick flat soling. 75 mm thick (1:3:6)
base concrete for making invert channel and 12 mm thick (1:2) cement plaster with
neat finishing etc. all complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.

26.78.1 Clear 450 x 450 mm and depth 450 to 600 mm, average 525 mm for single 150 each
mm dia R.C.C. pipes and 400 mm PVC pipe with pit cover and 450 mm dia C.I.
man-hole cover.

Item No Description of Item Unit

26.78.2 Clear 525 x 525 mm and depth 675 to 825 mm, average 750 mm for single 225 each
mm dia R.C.C. pipes and 400 mm PVC pipe with pit cover and 450 mm dia C.I.
man-hole cover.

26.78.3 Clear 600 x 600 mm and depth 750 to 900 mm, average 825 mm for single 300 each
mm dia R.C.C. pipes and 375 mm and 400 mm PVC pipe with pit cover and 450
mm dia C.I. man-hole cover.

26.79 Construction of septic tank of different sizes with walls of brick work in cement
mortar (1:6) having a lining of minimum 125 mm R.C.C cast against the walls as
per approved type plan over a brick flat soling and 150 mm thick reinforced cement
concrete flooring (1:2:4) with 125 mm thick walls in partition and 12 mm thick
cement plaster (1:4) with N.C.F. to insides of walls on floor and all around outside
walls by 18" height at top including supplying fitting and fixing of two R.C.C. Tees
and providing 450 mm dia water sealed heavy type C.I. manhole cover with
locking/unlocking arrangement and 100 mm thick R.C.C (1:2:4) top slab, including
centering, shuttering, fabricating, casting and curing etc. complete up to required
depth including necessary earth work in excavation and shoring, bailing out water
and side filling including the cost of all materials, operations and incidental
charges. etc. all complete as per type plan approved and accepted by the
Engineer. (Rate is including cost of reinforcement and its fabrication, binding and

26.79.1 For 200 users each

26.79.2 For 100 users each

26.79.3 For 50 users each

26.79.4 For 30 users each

26.79.5 For 20 users each

26.79.6 For 10 users each


Item No Description of Item Unit

26.80 Construction of soak well of different sizes (medium and large sizes) with 250 mm
thick solid brick work and 250 mm honey comb brick work with cement mortar (1:6)
as per design over R.C.C. (1:2:4) well curb with 1% reinforcement up to the depth
as per drawing with 450 mm dia water sealed heavy type. C.I. manhole cover with
locking arrangement, filling the well up to the required depth with graded khoa and
sand including supplying and fabricating M.S. Rod, casting, curing including
necessary earth work in excavation, side filling and bailing out water including cost
of all materials etc. all complete as per drawing, design approved and accepted by
the Engineer. (Rate is including cost of reinforcement and its fabrication, binding
and placing)

26.80.1 200 users each

26.80.2 100 users each

26.80.3 50 users each

26.81 Construction of soak well of different sizes (small sizes) with 250 mm thick solid
brick work and 250 mm honey comb brick work with cement mortar (1:6) as per
design over R.C.C. (1:2:4) well curb with 1% reinforcement up to the depth as per
drawing with 450 mm dia water sealed heavy type. C.I. manhole cover with locking
arrangement, filling the well up to the required depth with graded khoa and sand
including supplying and fabricating M.S. Rod, casting, curing including necessary
earth work in excavation, side filling and bailing out water including cost of all
materials etc. all complete as per drawing, design approved and accepted by the

26.81.1 20 to 30 users each

26.81.2 10 users each

26.82 Supplying, fitting, fixing of Reverse Osmosis Water Purifier of foreign made for
purification of water by reverse osmosis system to have potable water confirming
WHO standard and Bangladesh concentration parameters including installation
charge, carriage, sundries etc. complete approved and accepted by the Engineer.
(excluding cost of pipe, pipe line laying and accessories required for pipe line

Item No Description of Item Unit

26.82.1 Water purification vol.: 50 Gallon /day water reserve capacity: 11 liter each

26.82.2 Water purification volume: 75 gallon per day (Without meter) each

26.82.3 Water purification volume: 75 gallon per day (With meter) each

26.82.4 Water purification volume: 100 gallon per day each

26.83 Supply, installation and commissioning of 50 liter capacity best quality ‘Water each
Dispenser’ with container of approved brand/origin.

26.84 Punching or cutting hole of any diameter for sanitary works. each


(Note: Tender for test & observation well must be called beforehand. Tender for
main production well will then be called on the basis of required data obtained from
the test well. Requirements of water must be guiding factor in dimensioning the
main well.


27.1 Mobilization for test boring or observation well: Transportation of materials, Per set
equipments, tools and plants and boring rig to work site. Construction of derrick
and dismantling the same. Cleaning the site after completion of the work accepted
by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

27.2 Boring by using 100 mm dia cutter and 40 mm dia heavy type G.I pipe having wall
thickness 2.9 mm, outside diameter min 47.8 mm, weight 3.517 kg/m, capability to
withstand 50 kg/cm2 and other equipments capable of drilling up to a depth 500
meter by water jet system through all sorts of strata. Protection of caving by
supplying necessary casing pipe. Collection of soil samples at every 3 meter
interval and at every change of strata and preserve them in a controlled
environment for analysis and laboratory test. Finally withdrawal of boring and
casing pipes etc. complete and accepted by the Engineer.

27.2.1 From 0.0 m to 50 m = 50 m rm

27.2.2 From 50 m to100 m = 50 m rm

27.2.3 From 100 m to 152 m = 52 m rm

27.2.4 From 152 m to 200 m = 48 m rm

27.2.5 From 200 m to 250 m = 50 m rm

27.2.6 Beyond 250 m rm

27.3 Installation of tube-well fixture for observation well: Supplying and lowering of
40/38 mm inside dia best quality uPVC pressure tube well pipe having specific
gravity 1.35 - 1.45, wall thickness 2.5 mm - 3.0 mm, capability to withstand a
minimum hydrostatic pressure of 170 psi for 1 hr. fitted and fixed in position with all
accessories, uPVC sand trap of length 3.00m with uPVC strainer of desired slot
installing in or at mid depth of the most suitable water bearing strata. 38 mm dia
G.I. pipe of best quality of length 1.52 m with M.S. welded flat bar on each side to
prevent from rotation up to desired depth, fitting fixing the best quality No. 6 C.I.
head hand-pump etc including the cost of solvent cement, socket adaptor, filling
medium sand up to 18.00 m above strainer and the remaining portion with
available soil from boring etc. complete as per standard specification and accepted
by the Engineer.

27.3.1 Fitting, fixing No. 6 Hand-pump set including all necessary accessories etc each
complete and accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

27.3.2 38/40 mm dia heavy type G.I pipe having wall thickness 2.9 mm, weight 3.517 rm
kg/m capability to withstand 50 kg/cm2 hydraulic pressure.

27.3.3 38/40 mm dia water grade uPVC pipe having wall thickness 2.5-3.00 mm rm

27.3.4 38/40 mm dia water grade uPVC strainer having thickness 2.5-3.00 mm rm

27.3.5 38/40 mm dia uPVC socket adapter each

27.3.6 Best quality 38 mm dia uPVC cap each

27.3.7 Supplying, fitting fixing observation well inside the housing pipe of the deep tube each
well: 100'-0" depth

27.3.8 Supplying, fitting fixing tube-well log describing technical information of the tube- each
well as per instruction and accepted by the Engineer.

27.3.9 Filling the top 0.6 meter of the bore hole around the top pipe with sanitary seal of each
concrete of proportion 1:2:4 as per design accepted by the Engineer.

27.4 Complete development of the tube well to obtain sand and turbidity free water at a
satisfactory yield confirmed by tests as per specification and accepted by the
Engineer. Water sample must be taken from 3 separate aquifers from three tube-

27.4.1 Wells up to 200 meter depth For 1 No. test tube-wells L.S. For 2 Nos. test tube-wells L.S. For 3 Nos. test tube-wells L.S.

27.4.2 Wells beyond 200 meter depth For 1 No. test tube-wells rm For 2 Nos. test tube-wells rm


Item No Description of Item Unit For 3 Nos. test tube-wells rm

" Furnishing design of a production well by testing of water and soil samples from
a test bores up to 350 m depth collecting samples of water from the best suitable
aquifer, filling in sterilized air-tight glass bottles having no air space inside;
collecting soil (sand, solids etc) at 3 m interval and at each change of soil strata
from the bores, arranging them in the cell of a box in an orderly manner. carrying
out test of water for (1) pH, (2) CO2 (3) Chloride, (4) Fluoride, (5) Iron, (6)
Manganese, (7) Nitrate-Nitrogen, (8)Total alkalinity, (9) Total hardness, (10)
Arsenic, (11) Turbidity, followed by test reports along with Bangladesh Standards
of potable water and (12) Sieve analysis on soils throughout a bore, leading to
ascertain the best suitable sustained aquifers, depths and slot sizes of strainer,
types and dia of tube well for specific yield, thickness of shrouding around strainer,
fineness modulus of shrouding materials, mechanical units (pumps, compressor)
for testing and operation of the tube well, maintaining test bore functional till tube
well installation, testing etc. is finished, finally filling and sealing the left over test
bore permanently, including carrying water and soil samples under direct
responsibility of Engineer-in-charge to BRTC, BUET or other reputed laboratory,
approved by the authority, submitting the report and design details all complete
and accepted by the Engineer and maintaining the mobilized tools and plant at site
till satisfactory test results are found (if not, next test bore may be executed with
the approval of concern S.E. / Design Office)

·          Total No. of test on water: 11 types of test x 1 test bore x one set
sample (3 specimen) = 11 Nos. test (each specimen 1.5 liter of water)

·          Sieve analysis: min 9 Nos. Sample x one test x One bore = 9 Nos.
test (Samples are of 1 kg dry wt. each)"

There are about 55 (fifty-five) tests for potable water Quality Standard according to
Bangladesh Environment Conservation Rules-12 (Schedule-3), 1997, under ECA
1995 of Ministry of Environment and Forest. Therefore, additional test/ tests on
water or sieve analysis of soil if required, other than the above specified 12
(twelve) tests, may be carried out for public interest as per direction of the design
engineer on actual payment including profit, VAT and all other charges.

Item No Description of Item Unit

27.5.1 Furnishing design considering 1 No. test bore L.S.

27.5.2 Furnishing design considering 2 Nos. test bore L.S.

27.5.3 Furnishing design considering 3 Nos. test bore L.S.

27.6 Disinfections of the well by using minimum 3 kg of bleaching powder of 33% each
strength or any other disinfectant as per standard specification and accepted by
the Engineer.


27.7 Mobilization: Preparation for installation of tube-well and transportation of complete

boring equipments, labour and materials to the work site and remove the materials
after completion of the works. Installation of drilling rig and accessories, making
arrangements for electricity, water, labour shed, site office and stores, digging mud
pit etc, leveling, dressing and clearing of the site as per original condition and a
testing for discharge using minimum 1000 liter water tub etc. all complete as per
specifications and accepted by the Engineer.

27.7.1 For Tube-wells up to 100 meter depth Per set

27.7.2 For Tube-wells up to 200 meter depth Per set

27.7.3 For Tube-wells beyond 200 meter depth Per set

27.8 Preparation and making gravel pack around the tube well fixtures with supply of cum
designed graded pea gravels free from any substance harmful to pipe and health
confirmed by test (Passing through 10 mesh and retained on 40 mesh) including
sieving, washing etc. complete as per standard specification and accepted by the
(The rate is inclusive of the cost of extra amount required for caving and extra
depth below the tube well fixtures, shrouding should not be more than 15 m above
the strainer and measurement should be allowed from bottom of the tube-well
fixture to top of the gravel pack)

Item No Description of Item Unit

27.9 Making a sanitary seal up to a minimum depth of 6 meter from G.L. or as specified cum
including the supply of approved quality of cement, sand and khoa (12 mm down
graded) in ratio (1:1:5:3) as per standard specification and accepted by the



27.10 Boring: Execution 325 mm dia of boring through all sorts of strata by reverse
circulation or any other approved method (Method other than reverse circulation is
to be applied only for wells deeper than 152 meter). Boring for 325 mm dia vertical
hole up to designed depth and collection of soil samples at every 3 meter interval
or as required and at every change in soil stratum including sinking and with
drawing necessary casing pipe and all necessary arrangements complete as per
specification and accepted by the Engineer.
(Measurement will be allowed from E.G.L. to bottom of the blind pipe and the rate
is inclusive of the cost of extra depth or of further boring required due to caving
and siltation)

27.10.1 From 0.0 m to 50 m = 50 m rm

27.10.2 From 50 m to 100 m = 50 m rm

27.10.3 From 100 m to 152 m = 52 m rm

27.10.4 From 152 m to 200 m = 48 m rm

27.10.5 From 200 m to 250 m = 50 m rm

27.10.6 Beyond 250 m rm

27.11 Supplying the following tube well fixtures at working site as per standard practice
and accepted by the Engineer.

27.11.1 Best quality 50 mm dia uPVC cap each


Item No Description of Item Unit

27.11.2 50 mm dia water grade uPVC blind pipe/sand trap of wall thickness 2.5 to 3.00 mm rm

27.11.3 50 mm dia strainer of any slot as per design made with grade uPVC pipe of wall rm
thickness 2.5 to 3 mm

27.11.4 Best quality 50 mm x 125 mm dia uPVC Reducer rm

27.11.5 125mm dia water grade uPVC Housing pipe of wall thickness 5.5 to 6.4mm each

27.11.6 Supplying centralizer made with 12 mm dia M.S. rod of approved design rm

27.12 Complete installation of 50 mm dia uPVC tube well fixtures such as expanded top rm
or furnishing pipe, reducer, tube well pipes, strainer, blind pipe, pipe cap etc. fitting
and fixing with best quality PVC solution, iron screws and PVC tape, sockets and
placing in position with proper size M.S. centralizer @ 3.0 meter c/c in strainer
portion including. blind pipe etc. complete as per standard practice and accepted
by the Engineer.

27.13 Complete development of the tube well by air compressor and pump of suitable
capacity by alternate surging and pumping or any specified method until
satisfactory yield. is achieved in sand and turbid free water confirmed by laboratory
test using necessary quantity of cologne and conducting step drawn-down test
before and after the development as per specification and accepted by the
(Development should be started within 24 hours of completion of shrouding)

27.13.1 Wells up to 200 m depth each

27.13.2 Wells beyond 200 m depth each

27.14 Pumping test of the well by designed turbine/submersible pump with supply of Per hour
testing equipments for pressure/ velocity/ discharge etc. and all materials for 72
hours including yield drawn and recovery test etc. complete as per specification
and accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

27.15 Disinfections of the well including supply of sufficient quantity of bleaching powder each
(33% strength) to obtain chlorinated water having 150 ppm free chlorine in the well
complete as per standard specification and accepted by the Engineer.

27.16 Filling of the borehole around the tube well from top of the shrouding up to the rm
bottom of sanitary seal by withdrawn selected soil or local clay free from any
substances harmful to pipes and health as per standard specification and accepted
by the Engineer.

27.17 Protective top cover: Supplying and fitting fixing best quality 150 mm dia 4 mm each
thick MS. Pipe 1.0 m (3'-4") long one end blocked with 200 mm dia 4 mm thick
M.S. plate and other end minimum 300 mm (1'-0") embedded in sanitary seal for
protection of uPVC Housing Pipe as per standard specification and accepted by
the Engineer.



27.18 Boring: Execution 350 mm dia of boring through all sorts of strata by reverse
circulation or any other approved method (Method other than reverse circulation is
to be applied only for wells deeper than 152 meter). Boring for 350 mm dia vertical
hole up to designed depth and collection of soil samples at every 3 meter interval
or as required and at every change in soil stratum including sinking and with
drawing necessary casing pipe and all necessary arrangements complete as per
specification and accepted by the Engineer.
(Measurement will be allowed from E.G.L. to bottom of the blind pipe and the rate
is inclusive of the cost of extra depth or of further boring required due to caving
and siltation)

27.18.1 From 0.0 m to 50 m = 50 m rm

27.18.2 From 50 m to100 m = 50 m rm

27.18.3 From 100 m to 152 m = 52 m rm

27.18.4 From 152 m to 200 m = 48 m rm


Item No Description of Item Unit

27.18.5 From 200 m to 250 m = 50 m rm

27.18.6 Beyond 250 m rm

27.19 Supplying the following tube well fixtures at working site as per standard practice
and accepted by the Engineer.

27.19.1 Best quality 75 mm dia uPVC cap each

27.19.2 75 mm dia water grade uPVC blind pipe/sand trap of wall thickness 3.5 to 4.1 mm rm

27.19.3 75 mm dia strainer of any slot as per design made with grade uPVC pipe of wall rm
thickness 3.5 to 4.1 mm

27.19.4 Best quality 75 mm x 150 mm dia uPVC Reducer each

27.19.5 150 mm dia water grade uPVC Housing pipe having wall thickness 6.6 mm to 7.6 rm

27.19.6 Supplying centralizer made with 12 mm dia M.S. rod of approved design rm

27.20 Complete installation of 75 mm dia uPVC tube-well fixtures such as expanded top rm
pipes. Reducer, tube-well pipes, strainer, blind pipe. Pipe cap etc fitting and fixing
with best quality uPVC solution, iron screws and uPVC tape and placing in position
with proper size M.S. centralizer @ 3 meter c/c .in strainer portion including blind
pipe etc. complete as per standard practice and accepted by the Engineer.

27.21 Complete development of the well by suitable air compressor and pump of suitable
capacity by alternate surging and pumping un till satisfactory yield, sand free water
and the turbidity condition is reached using necessary quantity of calgon and
conducting step draw down test before and after the development as per
specification and accepted by the Engineer.
(Development should be started within 24 hours of completion of shrouding)

27.21.1 Wells up to 200 m depth each

27.21.2 Wells beyond 200 m depth each


Item No Description of Item Unit

27.22 Pumping test of the well by designed turbine/submersible pump with supply of hour
testing equipments for pressure/ velocity/ discharge etc. and all materials for 72
hours including yield drawn and recovery test etc. complete as per specification
and accepted by the Engineer.

27.23 Disinfections of the well including supply of sufficient quantity of bleaching powder each
(33% strength) chlorinated water having 150 ppm available free chlorine complete
as per standard specification and accepted by the Engineer.

27.24 Filling of the bore-hole around the tube well from top of the shrouding up to the rm
bottom of sanitary seal by withdrawn selected soil or local clay free from any
substances harmful to pipes and health as per standard specification and accepted
by the Engineer.

27.25 Protective top cover: Supplying and fitting fixing best quality 200 mm dia 4 mm each
thick M.S. pipe 1.0 m (3'-4") long one end blocked with 250 mm dia 4 mm thick
M.S. plate and other end minimum 300 mm (1'-0) embedded in sanitary seal for
protection of uPVC housing pipe as per standard specification and accepted by the



Item No Description of Item Unit

27.26 Boring: Execution 400 mm dia of boring through all sorts of strata by reverse
circulation or any other approved method (Method other than reverse circulation is
to be applied only for wells deeper than 152 meter) Boring for 400 mm dia vertical
hole up to designed depth and collection of soil samples at every 3 meter interval
or as required and at every change in soil stratum including sinking and with
drawing necessary casing pipe and all necessary arrangements complete as per
specification and accepted by the Engineer.
(Measurement will be allowed from E.G.L. to bottom of the blind pipe and the rate
is inclusive of the cost of extra depth or of further boring required due to caving
and siltation)

27.26.1 From 0.0 m to 50 m = 50 m rm

27.26.2 From 50 m to 100 m = 50 m rm

27.26.3 From 100 m to 152 m = 52 m rm

27.26.4 From 152 m to 200 m = 48 m rm

27.26.5 From 200 m to 250 m = 50 m rm

27.26.6 Beyond 250 m rm

27.27 Supplying the following tube well fixtures at working site as per standard practice
and accepted by the Engineer

27.27.1 Best quality 100 mm dia uPVC cap each

27.27.2 100 mm dia water grade uPVC blind pipe/ sand trap having wall thickness 4.5mm rm
to 5.2mm

27.27.3 100 mm dia strainer of any slot as per design made with water grade uPVC pipe rm
having wall thickness 4.5 mm to 5.2 mm

27.27.4 Best quality 100 mm x 200 mm dia uPVC Reducer each


Item No Description of Item Unit

27.27.5 200 mm dia water grade uPVC Housing pipe having wall thickness 6.6mm to rm
7.8mm to 9.0mm

27.27.6 Supplying centralizer made with 12 mm dia M.S. rod of approved design rm
27.28 Complete installation of 100 mm dia uPVC tube-well fixtures such as expanded top rm
pipes. Reducer, tube-well pipes. Strainer, blind pipe, pipe cap etc. fitting and fixing
with best quality PVC solution, iron screws and uPVC tape and placing in position
with proper size M.S. centralizer @ 3 meter c/c. in strainer portion including blind
pipe etc. complete as per standard practice and accepted by the Engineer.

27.29 Complete development of the tube-well by air compressor and pump of suitable
capacity by alternate surging and pumping until satisfactory yield, sand free water
and the turbidity condition is reached using necessary quantity of calgon and
conducting step draw down test before and after the development as per
specification and accepted by the Engineer.
(Development should be started within 24 hours of completion of shrouding)

27.29.1 Wells up to 200 m depth each

27.29.2 Wells beyond 200 m depth each

27.30 Pumping test of the well by designed turbine/submersible pump with supply of hour
testing equipments for pressure/ velocity/ discharge etc. and all materials for 72
hours including yield drawn and recovery test etc. complete as per specification
and accepted by the Engineer.

27.31 Disinfections of the well including supply of sufficient quantity of bleaching powder each
(33% strength) chlorinated water having 150 ppm available free chlorine etc.
complete as per standard specification and accepted by the Engineer.

27.32 Filling of the borehole around the tube-well from top of the shrouding up to the rm
bottom of sanitary seal by withdrawn selected soil or local clay free from any
substances harmful to pipes and health as per standard specification and accepted
by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

27.33 Protective top cover: Supplying and fitting fixing best quality 250 mm dia 4 mm each
thick M.S. pipe. 1.0 m (3'-4") long one end blocked with 300 mm dia 4 mm thick
M.S. plate and other end minimum 300 (1'-0") embedded in sanitary seal for
protection of uPVC Housing pipe as per standard specification and accepted by
the Engineer.



27.34 Boring: Execution 600 mm dia of boring through all sorts of strata by reverse
circulation or any other approved method (Method other than reverse circulation is
to be applied only for wells deeper than 152 meter). Boring for 600 mm dia vertical
hole up to designed depth and collection of soil samples at every 3 meter interval
or as required and at every change in soil stratum including sinking and with
drawing necessary casing pipe and all necessary arrangements complete as per
specification and accepted by the Engineer.
(Measurement will be allowed from E.G.L. to bottom of the blind pipe and the rate
is inclusive of the cost of extra depth or of further boring required due to caving
and siltation)

27.34.1 From 0.0 m to 50 m = 50 m rm

27.34.2 From 50 m to 100 m = 50 m rm

27.34.3 From 100 m to 152 m = 52 m rm

27.34.4 From 152 m to 200 m = 48 m rm

27.34.5 From 200 m to 250 m = 50 m rm

27.34.6 Beyond 250 m rm


Item No Description of Item Unit

27.35 Supplying the following tube-well fixtures at working site as per standard practice
and accepted by the Engineer.

27.35.1 Best quality 150 mm dia uPVC cap for blind pipe/ sand trap. each

27.35.2 150 mm dia water grade uPVC blind pipe/ sand trap having wall thickness 6.6 mm rm
to7.6 mm

27.35.3 150 mm dia strainer of any slot as per design made with grade uPVC pipe of wall rm
thickness 6.6 to 7.6 mm

27.35.4 Best quality 150 mm x 200 mm dia uPVC Reducer each

27.35.5 200 mm dia water grade uPVC Housing pipe of wall thickness 6.6 mm to 7.8 mm rm

27.35.6 Supplying centralizer made with 12 mm dia M.S. rod of approved design rm

27.36 Complete installation of 150 mm dia uPVC tube-well fixtures such as expanded top rm
pipes, reducer, tube-well pipes, strainer, blind pipe, pipe cap etc. fitting and fixing
with best quality uPVC solution, iron screws and uPVC tape and placing in position
with proper size M.S. centralizer @ 3 meter c/c in strainer portion including blind
pipe etc. complete as per standard practice and accepted by the Engineer.

27.37 Complete development of the tube well by suitable air compressor and pump of
suitable capacity by alternate surging and pumping until satisfactory yield, sand
free water and the turbidity condition is reached using necessary quantity of calgon
and conducting step draw down test before and after the development as per
specification and accepted by the Engineer.
(Development should be started within 24 hours of completion of shrouding)

27.37.1 Wells up to 200 m depth each

27.37.2 Wells beyond 200 m depth each


Item No Description of Item Unit

27.38 Pumping test of the well by designed turbine/submersible pump with supply of hour
testing equipments for pressure/ velocity/ discharge etc. and all materials for 72
hours including yield drawn and recovery test etc. complete as per specification
and accepted by the Engineer.

27.39 Disinfections of the well including supply of sufficient quantity of bleaching powder each
(33% strength) chlorinated water having 150 ppm available free chlorine etc.
complete as per standard specification and accepted by the Engineer

27.40 Filling of the borehole around the tube well from top of the shrouding up to the rm
bottom of sanitary seal by withdrawn selected soil or local clay as free from any
substances harmful to pipes and health per standard specification and accepted by
the Engineer.

27.41 Protective top cover: Supplying and fitting fixing best quality 250 mm dia 4 mm each
thick M.S. pipe 1.0 m (3'-4") long one end blocked with 300 dia 4 mm thick M.S.
plate and other end minimum 300 (1'-0") embedded in sanitary seal for protection
of uPVC Housing pipe as per standard specification and accepted by the Engineer.



27.42 Boring: Execution of 600 mm dia boring through all sorts of strata by reverse
circulation or any other approved method (Method other than reverse circulation is
to be applied only for wells deeper than 152 meter) for boring 600 mm dia vertical
hole up to designed depth and collection of soil samples at every 3 meter interval
and at every change of formation including sinking and withdrawing necessary
casing pipe and all necessary arrangements complete as per specification and
accepted by the Engineer.
(Measurement will be allowed from G.L. to bottom of the blind pipe and the rate is
inclusive of the cost of extra depth of boring required for caving and siltation)

Item No Description of Item Unit

27.42.1 From 0.0 m to 50 m = 50 m rm

27.42.2 From 50 m to 100 m = 50 m rm

27.42.3 From 100 m to 152 m = 52 m rm

27.42.4 From 152 m to 200 m = 48 m rm

27.42.5 From 200 m to 250 m = 50 m rm

27.42.6 Beyond 250 m rm

27.43 Supplying the following tube well fixtures at working site as per standard practice
and accepted by the Engineer.

27.43.1 150 mm dia M.S. cap 6 mm thick for blind pipe/sand trap each

27.43.2 150 mm dia G.I. Pipe having wall thickness 5.4 mm, weight 21.2 kg/m can rm
withstand 50 kg/ cm2 hydraulic pressure for blind pipe/sand trap

27.43.3 150 mm dia strainer of slot opening as per design including tagging 4 Nos. 12 mm
dia M.S. rod continuously. Stainless steel strainer of continuous slot having weight 28.84 kg per meter. rm 2.50 mm thick stainless steel Bridge type strainer. rm

27.43.4 150 mm x 300 mm dia M.S. reducer of minimum thickness of 6 mm. rm

27.43.5 300 mm dia 6 mm minimum thick M.S. housing pipe (Welded) each

27.43.6 300 mm dia 6 mm minimum thick M.S. housing pipe (Seamless) rm

27.43.7 Centralizer made with 12 mm dia M.S. rod of approved design. each

27.43.8 350 mm dia M.S. cap having 6 mm thick for housing pipe covering. each

Item No Description of Item Unit

27.44 Complete installation of 150 mm dia deep tube-well fixtures such as expanded top rm
pipes, reducer, tube-well pipes, strainer, blind pipe, pipe cap etc. fitting and fixing
socket, welding and additional welding with fibre and placing in position with proper
size M.S. centralizer @ 3 meter c/c in strainer portion including. blind pipe etc.
complete as per standard practice and accepted by the Engineer.

27.45 Complete development of the tube well by suitable air compressor and pump of
suitable capacity by alternate surging and pumping until satisfactory yield, sand
free water and the turbidity condition is reached using necessary quantity of calgon
and conducting step draw down test before and after the development as per
specification and accepted by the Engineer.
(Development should be started within 24 hours of completion of shrouding)

27.45.1 Wells up to 200 m depth each

27.45.2 Wells beyond 200 m depth each

27.46 Pumping test of the well by designed turbine/submersible pump with supply of hour
testing equipments for pressure/ velocity/ discharge etc. and all materials for 72
hours including yield drawn and recovery test etc. complete as per specification
and accepted by the Engineer.

27.47 Disinfections of the well including supply of sufficient quantity of bleaching powder each
(33% strength) chlorinated water having 150 ppm available free chlorine etc.
complete as per standard specification and accepted by the Engineer.

27.48 Filling of the borehole around the tube well from top of the shrouding up to the rm
bottom of sanitary seal by withdrawn selected soil or local clay free from any
substances harmful to pipes and health as per standard specification and accepted
by the Engineer.



Item No Description of Item Unit

27.49 Boring: Execution of 800 mm dia boring through all sorts of strata by reverse
circulation or any other approved method (Method other than reverse circulation is
to be applied only for wells deeper than 152 meter). For boring 800 mm dia vertical
hole up to designed depth and collection of soil samples at every 3 meter interval
and at every change of formation including sinking and withdrawing necessary
casing pipe and all necessary arrangements complete as per specification and
accepted by the Engineer.
(Measurement will be allowed form G.L. to bottom of the blind pipe and the rate is
required for caving and siltation)

27.49.1 From 0.0 m to 50 m = 50 m rm

27.49.2 From 50 m to 100 m = 50 m rm

27.49.3 From 100 m to 152 m = 52 m rm

27.49.4 From 152 m to 200 m = 48 m rm

27.49.5 From 200 m to 250 m = 50 m rm

27.49.6 Beyond 250 m rm

27.50 Supplying the following tube-well fixtures at working site as per standard practice
and accepted by the Engineer.

27.50.1 200 mm dia M.S. cap 6mm thick for blind pipe/ sand strap each

27.50.2 200 mm dia 6 mm thick tube well pipe and blank G.I. pipe of wt. 33.45 kg per rm
meter can withstand minimum 700 psi hydraulic pressure.

27.50.3 200 mm dia strainer of slot opening as per design including tagging 4 Nos. 12 mm
dia M.S. rod continuously. 200 mm dia stainless steel strainer of continuous slot having 38.36 kg per meter. rm 200 mm dia 2.5 mm thick stainless steel bridge type strainer rm

Item No Description of Item Unit

27.50.4 200 mm x 400 mm dia 6 mm thick M.S. reducer. rm

27.50.5 400 mm dia 6 mm thick M.S. housing pipe (Welded) each

27.50.6 400 mm dia 6 mm thick M.S. housing pipe (Seamless) rm

27.50.7 Centralizer made with 12 mm dia M.S. rod of approved design each

27.50.8 450 mm dia M.S. cap of 6 mm thick for housing pipe covering. each

27.51 Complete installation of 200 mm dia deep tube well fixtures such as expanded top rm
pipes, reducer, and tube well pipes, strainer, blind pipe. Pipe cap etc. Fitting and
fixing socket, welding and additional welding with fibre and placing in position with
proper size M.S. centralizer @ 3 meter c/c in strainer position including blind pipe
etc. complete as per standard practice and accepted by the Engineer.

27.52 Complete development of the tube well by suitable air compressor and pump of
suitable capacity by alternate surging and pumping until satisfactory yield, sand
free water and the turbidity condition is reached using necessary quantity of calgon
and conducting step draw down test before and after the development as per
specification and accepted by the Engineer.
(Development should be started within 24 hours of completion of shrouding).

27.52.1 Wells up to 200 m depth each

27.52.2 Wells beyond 200 m depth each

27.53 Pumping test of the well by designed turbine/submersible pump with supply of hour
testing equipments for pressure/ velocity/ discharge etc. and all materials for 72
hours including yield drawn and recovery test etc. complete as per specification
and accepted by the Engineer.

27.54 Disinfections of the well including supply of sufficient quantity of bleaching powder each
(33% strength) chlorinated water having 150 ppm available free chlorine complete
as per standard specification and accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

27.55 Filling of the borehole around the tube well from top of the shrouding up to the rm
bottom of sanitary seal by withdrawn selected soil or local clay free from any
substances harmful to pipes and health as per standard specification and accepted
by the Engineer.



27.56 Boring: Execution of 325 mm dia boring through all sorts of strata by reverse
circulation or any other approved method (Method other than reverse circulation is
to be applied only for wells deeper than 152 meter) for boring 325 mm dia vertical
hole up to designed depth and collection of soil samples at every 3 meter interval
and at every change of formation including sinking and withdrawing necessary
casing pipe and all necessary arrangements complete as per specification and
accepted by the Engineer.
(Measurement will be allowed from G.L. to bottom of the blind pipe and the rate is
inclusive of the cost of extra depth of boring required for caving and siltation)

27.56.1 From 0.0 m to 50 m = 50 m rm

27.56.2 From 50 m to 100 m = 50 m rm

27.56.3 From 100 m to 152 m = 52 m rm

27.56.4 From 152 m to 200 m = 48 m rm

27.56.5 From 200 m to 250 m = 50 m rm

27.56.6 Beyond 250 m rm

27.57 Supplying the following tube-well fixtures at working site as per standard practice
and accepted by the Engineer.

27.57.1 150 mm dia 6mm thick M.S. cap for blind pipe/ sand trap. each

Item No Description of Item Unit

27.57.2 50 mm dia 4.85 mm thick tube well pipe and blank G.I. pipe rm

27.57.3 50 mm dia strainer of slot opening as per design including tagging 4 Nos. 12 mm
dia M.S. rod continuously. 50 mm dia stainless steel strainer of continuous slot having 28.84 kg per meter. rm 50 mm dia 2.5 mm thick stainless steel bridge type strainer rm

27.57.4 50 mm x 150 mm dia 6 mm thick M.S. reducer. rm

27.57.5 150 mm dia 6 mm thick M.S. housing pipe (Welded). each

27.57.6 150 mm dia 6 mm thick M.S. housing pipe (Seamless). rm

27.57.7 Centralizer made with 12 mm dia M.S. rod of approved design. each

27.57.8 150 mm dia M.S. cap of 6 mm thick for housing pipe covering. each

27.58 Complete installation of 50 mm dia deep tube-well fixtures such as expanded top rm
pipes, reducer, tube-well pipes, strainer, blind pipe, pipe cap etc. fitting and fixing
socket, welding and additional welding with fibre and placing in position with proper
size M.S.centralizer @ 3 meter c/c in strainer portion including. blind pipe etc.
complete as per standard practice and accepted by the Engineer

27.59 Compete development of the tube well by suitable air compressor and pump of
suitable capacity by alternate surging and pumping until satisfactory yield, sand
free water and the turbidity condition is reached using necessary quantity of calgon
and conducting step draw down test before and after the development as per
specification and accepted by the Engineer.
(Development should be started within 24 hours of completion of shrouding)

27.59.1 Wells up to 200 m depth each

27.59.2 Wells beyond 200 m depth each


Item No Description of Item Unit

27.60 Pumping test of the well by designed turbine/submersible pump with supply of hour
testing equipments for pressure/ velocity/ discharge etc. and all materials for 72
hours including yield drawn and recovery test etc. complete as per specification
and accepted by the Engineer.

27.61 Disinfections of the well including supply of sufficient quantity of bleaching powder each
(33% strength) chlorinated water having 150 ppm available free chlorine etc.
complete as per standard specification and accepted by the Engineer.

27.62 Filling of the borehole around the tube well from top of the shrouding up to the rm
bottom of sanitary seal by withdrawn selected soil or local clay free from any
substances harmful to pipes and health as per standard specification and accepted
by the Engineer.



27.63 Boring: Execution of 350 mm dia boring through all sorts of strata by reverse
circulation or any other approved method (Method other than reverse circulation is
to be applied only for wells deeper than 152 meter) for boring 350 mm dia vertical
hole up to designed depth and collection of soil samples at every 3 meter interval
and at every change of formation including sinking and withdrawing necessary
casing pipe and all necessary arrangements complete as per specification and
accepted by the Engineer.
(Measurement will be allowed from G.L. to bottom of the blind pipe and the rate is
inclusive of the cost of extra depth of boring required for caving and siltation)

27.63.1 From 0.0 m to 50 m = 50 m rm

27.63.2 From 50 m to 100 m = 50 m rm

27.63.3 From 100 m to 152 m = 52 m rm

27.63.4 From 152 m to 200 m = 48 m rm


Item No Description of Item Unit

27.63.5 From 200 m to 250 m = 50 m rm

27.63.6 Beyond 250 m rm

27.64 Supplying the following tube-well fixtures at working site as per standard practice
and accepted by the Engineer.

27.64.1 150 mm dia 6mm thick M.S. cap for blind pipe/ sand trap. each

27.64.2 75 mm dia 4.85 mm thick tube well pipe and blank G.I. pipe rm

27.64.3 75 mm dia strainer of slot opening as per design including tagging 4 Nos. 12 mm
dia M.S. rod continuously. 75 mm dia stainless steel strainer of continuous slot having 28.84 kg per meter. rm 75 mm dia 2.5 mm thick stainless steel bridge type strainer rm

27.64.4 75 mm x 150 mm dia 6 mm thick M.S. reducer. rm

27.64.5 150 mm dia 6 mm thick M.S. housing pipe (Welded) each

27.64.6 150 mm dia 6 mm thick M.S. housing pipe (Seamless) each

27.64.7 Centralizer made with 12 mm dia M.S. rod of approved design each

27.64.8 150 mm dia M.S. cap of 6 mm thick for housing pipe covering. rm

27.65 Complete installation of 75 mm dia deep tube-well fixtures such as expanded top rm
pipes, reducer, tube-well pipes, strainer, blind pipe, pipe cap etc. fitting and fixing
socket, welding and additional welding with fibre and placing in position with proper
size M.S. centralizer @ 3 meter c/c in strainer portion including blind pipe etc.
complete as per standard practice and accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

27.66 Complete development of the tube well by suitable air compressor and pump of
suitable capacity by alternate surging and pumping until satisfactory yield, sand
free water and the turbidity condition is reached using necessary quantity of calgon
and conducting step draw down test before and after the development as per
specification and accepted by the Engineer.
(Development should be started within 24 hours of completion of shrouding)

27.66.1 Wells up to 200 m depth each

27.66.2 Wells beyond 200 m depth each

27.67 Pumping test of the well by designed turbine/submersible pump with supply of hour
testing equipments for pressure/ velocity/ discharge etc. and all materials for 72
hours including yield drawn and recovery test etc. complete as per specification
and accepted by the Engineer.

27.68 Disinfections of the well including supply of sufficient quantity of bleaching powder each
(33% strength) chlorinated water having 150 ppm available free chlorine etc.
complete as per standard specification and accepted by the Engineer.

27.69 Filling of the borehole around the tube well from top of the shrouding up to the rm
bottom of sanitary seal by withdrawn selected soil or local clay free from any
substances harmful to pipes and health as per standard specification and accepted
by the Engineer.



Item No Description of Item Unit

27.70 Boring: Execution of 400 mm dia boring through all sorts of strata by reverse
circulation or any other approved method (Method other than reverse circulation is
to be applied only for wells deeper than 152 meter) for boring 400 mm dia vertical
hole up to designed depth and collection of soil samples at every 3 meter interval
and at every change of formation including sinking and withdrawing necessary
casing pipe and all necessary arrangements complete as per specification and
accepted by the Engineer.
(Measurement will be allowed from G.L. to bottom of the blind pipe and the rate is
inclusive of the cost of extra depth of boring required for caving and siltation)

27.70.1 From 0.0 m to 50 m = 50 m rm

27.70.2 From 50 m to 100 m = 50 m rm

27.70.3 From 100 m to 152 m = 52 m rm

27.70.4 From 152 m to 200 m = 48 m rm

27.70.5 From 200 m to 250 m = 50 m rm

27.70.6 Beyond 250 m rm

27.71 Supplying the following tube-well fixtures at working site as per standard practice
and accepted by the Engineer.

27.71.1 Supplying 150 mm 6mm thick M.S. cap for blind pipe/ sand trap. each

27.71.2 Supplying 100 mm dia 6 mm thick tube well pipe and blank G.I. pipe rm

27.71.3 100 mm dia strainer of slot opening as per design including tagging 4 Nos. 12 mm
dia M.S. rod continuously. Supplying 100 mm dia stainless steel strainer of continuous slot having 28.84 kg rm
per meter. Supplying 100 mm dia 2.5 mm thick stainless steel bridge type strainer rm

Item No Description of Item Unit

27.71.4 Supplying 100 mm x 200 mm dia 6 mm thick M.S. reducer. rm

27.71.5 Supplying 200 mm dia 6 mm thick M.S. housing pipe (Welded) each

27.71.6 Supplying 200 mm dia 6 mm thick M.S. housing pipe (Seamless) rm

27.71.7 Supplying centralizer made with 12 mm dia M.S. rod of approved design each

27.71.8 Supplying 200 mm dia M.S. cap of 6 mm thick for housing pipe covering. each

27.72 Complete installation of 100 mm dia deep tube-well fixtures such as expanded top rm
pipes, reducer, and tube-well pipes, strainer, blind pipe, pipe cap etc. fitting and
fixing socket, welding and additional welding with fibre and placing in position with
proper size M.S. centralizer @ 3 meter c/c in strainer portion including blind pipe
etc. complete as per standard practice and accepted by the Engineer.

27.73 Complete development of the tube well by suitable air compressor and pump of
suitable capacity by alternate surging and pumping until satisfactory yield, sand
free water and the turbidity condition is reached using necessary quantity of calgon
and conducting step draw down test before and after the development as per
specification and accepted by the Engineer.
(Development should be started within 24 hours of completion of shrouding)

27.73.1 Wells up to 200 m depth each

27.73.2 Wells beyond 200 m depth each

27.74 Pumping test of the well by designed turbine/submersible pump with supply of hour
testing equipments for pressure/ velocity/ discharge etc. and all materials for 72
hours including yield drawn and recovery test etc. complete as per specification
and accepted by the Engineer.

27.75 Disinfections of the well including supply of sufficient quantity of bleaching powder each
(33% strength) chlorinated water having 150 ppm available free chlorine etc.
complete as per standard specification and accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

27.76 Filling of the borehole around the tube well from top of the shrouding up to the rm
bottom of sanitary seal by withdrawn selected soil or local clay free from any
substances harmful to pipes and health as per standard specification and accepted
by the Engineer.


27.77 Supplying and sinking 40 mm dia water grade uPVC tube well pipe having wall
thickness 2.5 mm to 3.0 mm including trial boring and with all necessary fittings as
required etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

27.77.1 40 mm dia pipe up to 60 m depth rm

27.77.2 40 mm dia pipe beyond 60 m depth rm

27.78 Supplying and sinking 3 m long uPVC strainer with all necessary fittings as each
required etc. complete and accepted by the Engineer.

27.79 Supplying, fitting and fixing No. 6 pump for 40 mm dia tube well with all necessary each
fittings including 0.61 m long 40 mm dia G.I. Pipe etc. all complete as per accepted
by the Engineer.

27.80 Construction of platform of size 1.4 m x 1.0 m as per drawing with 75 mm thick each
cement concrete (1:2:4) over a brick flat soling and providing 125 mm x 75 mm
brick band, all around including finished with 12 mm thick cement plaster (1:4) with
neat cement finishing etc. all complete with necessary outlet drain up to1 meter
long and accepted by the Engineer.



Item No Description of Item Unit

27.81 Supplying and sinking uPVC, tube well pipe, uPVC strainer including trial boring
with all necessary fittings as required etc. all complete and accepted by the

27.81.1 50 mm dia water grade uPVC pipe having wall thickness 2.5 mm to 3 mm rm

27.81.2 40 mm dia water grade uPVC pipe having wall thickness 2.5 mm to 3 mm rm

27.81.3 40 mm dia Five Star uPVC strainer 3.0 m long each

27.82 Supplying, fitting and fixing deep set tube well pump (Hand set) with all necessary each
fittings as required such as No. 6 pump, 50 mm dia G.I. pipe 0.61 m long, 50 mm x
40 mm reducing socket, 40 mm dia pipe Nipple 1.22 m long cylinder, Tie foot ball,
tie plunger, 3 Nos. 10 mm dia socket, 4 Nos. 10mm dia nuts, 5 Nos. end threaded
10 mm dia M.S. rod 3 m long, necessary quantity of solution and tape etc.
complete and accepted by the Engineer.



28.1 Pipe line installation: Installation of 50 psi, APl, 5L, Grade-B, ERW Natural pipe
line for supplying Titas Gas including, supplying, fitting, fixing and laying different
sizes M.S. pipes with necessary tape and primer including. cutting trenches (450 x
910 mm) in all kinds of soil, cleaning, cutting, applying coal-tar, wrapping the pipes
and back filling the trenches, excavating earth including. leveling, dressing and
removing excess earth in all respect as per specification of Titas Gas T and D Co.
Ltd. and accepted by the Engineer.
[Rate is excluding the cost of welding and back filling with sand at the bottom by
300 mm in thick (compacted)]

28.1.1 75 mm N.D (88.90 mm O.D) M.S pipe, weight min 8.3 kg/m, standard test pressure rm
176 kg/ m2, wall thickness min 11.29 mm

28.1.2 50 mm N.D. (60.30 mm O.D) M.S pipe, weight min 5.44 kg/m, standard test rm
pressure 176 kg/ m2, wall thickness min 3.91 mm

Item No Description of Item Unit

28.1.3 25 mm N.D. (33.40 mm O.D) M.S pipe weight min 2.50 kg/m, standard test rm
pressure 50 kg/ m2, wall thickness min 3.38 mm

28.1.4 20 mm N.D. (26.70 mm O.D) M.S pipe weight min 1.68 kg/m, standard test rm
pressure 50 kg/ m2, wall thickness min 2.87 mm

28.2 Back filling the trenches with sand (F.M 0.8) in 150 mm layer, compaction each cum
layer up to finished level as per standard practice and accepted by the Engineer.

28.3 Providing Butt welded joints with pipes to Tees, Elbows, Saddles, end caps etc
above or below ground including. cutting and V-leveling in each end of the pipe,
grinding by machine etc. complete as per specification of Titas Gas T and D C Ltd.
and accepted by the Engineer.

28.3.1 75 mm N.D (88.90 mm O.D) each

28.3.2 50 mm N.D (60.30 mm O.D) each

28.3.3 N.D (33.40 mm O.D) each

28.3.4 20 mm N.D (26.70 mm O.D) each

28.4 Supplying, fitting and fixing the following materials including carriage to the work
site from Titas Gas Store as per specification of Titas Gas (T and D) Co. Ltd. and
accepted by the Engineer.
(Rate is excluding the cost of welding)

28.4.1 50 mm x 50 mm x 50 mm (N.D) Equal Tee each

28.4.2 50 mm x 50 mm x 25 mm (N.D) Reducing Tee each

28.4.3 25 mm x 25 mm x 25 mm (N.D) Equal Tee each

28.4.4 50 mm x 90º Elbow each

28.4.5 25 mm x 90º Elbow each

28.4.6 50 mm x 25 mm 45º Elbow each


Item No Description of Item Unit

28.4.7 50 mm x 20 mm Reducer. each

28.4.8 20 mm plug, Socket each

28.4.9 50mm 20 mm saddle each

28.4.10 50 mm dia End Cap each

28.4.11 25 mm dia End Cap each

28.5 Supplying, welding, fitting and fixing of different sizes Valve Tee/ Service Tee to
connect the pipe line with the Titas Gas Main pipe line etc. all complete in all
respect as per specification of Titas Gas T and D Co. Ltd. approved and accepted
by the Engineer.

28.5.1 50 mm x 50 mm Valve Tee (2" and above 2" low pressure line) each

28.5.2 50 mm x 25 mm Valve Tee each

28.5.3 25 mm x 25 mm Service Tee each

28.5.4 25 mm x 20 mm Service Tee each

28.6 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position different dia I/F (Insulated Flange) etc .all each
complete in all respect as per specification of Titas Gas T and D Co. Ltd. approved
and accepted by the Engineer.
50 mm N.D. (60.30 mm O.D) Insulation Flange.

28.7 Construction of 1520 x 1520 x 1370 (depth) mm water-tight valve pit, enclosed by each
250 mm thick brick wall in 1:6, plastered on each face in 1:4 with net cement
finishing, having a 75 mm thick C.C (1:3:6) bed upon a layer of brick flat soling,
over laid by 38 mm thick patent stone flooring including standard M.S. sheet valve
pit cover as per drawing and specification of Titas Gas T and D Co. Ltd. etc. all
complete in all respect and accepted by the Engineer.

28.8 Testing and purging the pipe lines properly as per specification of Titas Gas T and rm
D Co. Ltd. and accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

28.9 Supplying, fitting and fixing ball valve class 150 RF including supplying of 2 Nos.
flange along with necessary nuts and bolts welding the flange etc. all complete in
all respect as per specification of Titas Gas T and D Co. Ltd. approved and
accepted by the Engineer

28.9.1 50 mm ball valve class 150 RF. 2" dia each

28.9.2 25 mm ball valve class 150 RF.1" dia each

28.10 Cutting permanent pucca (rigid/flexible) road and mending good the damages etc.
all complete in all respect and accepted by the Engineer.

28.10.1 Bituminous Road sqm

28.10.2 R.C.C. Road sqm

Part - B (Domestic & Commercial line)

28.11 Installation of Domestic or Commercial House line for supplying Titas Gas
including supplying, fitting and fixing in position different dia best quality G.I. Pipe
(NT or equivalent) along with all necessary G.I. Fitting and accessories, cutting
trenches, walls and floors etc. and back filling the trenches, restoring walls and
floors etc. all complete in all respect as per specification of Titas Gas T and D Co.
Ltd. and accepted by the Engineer.

28.11.1 20 mm N.D rm

28.11.2 12 mm N.D. rm

28.12 Supplying, fitting and fixing in position different dia one-way brass stop cock (best
quality and heavy type) etc. complete in all respect as per specification of Titas
Gas T and D Co. Ltd. approved and accepted by the Engineer.

28.12.1 12 mm x 6 mm N.D. each

28.12.2 20 mm x 20 mm N.D. each


Item No Description of Item Unit

28.13 Testing and purging the house line properly as per specifications Titas Gas T and rm
D Co. Ltd. and accepted by the Engineer.


29.1 Supplying anti-termite chemicals named DURS BAN 20 EC and mixing the same sqm
with pure water in required proportion (For DURSBAN 20 EC I Ltd. in 19 liters of
pure water) and spraying the emulsified mixture @ 5 liters per square meter of soil
surface by chemical sprayer or by any other means to the sides and bottom of the
foundation trench and over plinth filling or floor bed accepted by the Engineer.

29.2 Extra cost for supplying anti termite chemicals named DURS BAN 20 EC and cum
mixing the same with pure water as per specification in item No. 1 and using the
same emulsified water as mixing water in cement-sand mortar of brick works in
foundation and up to plinth and accepted by the Engineer.

29.3 Supplying anti-termite chemicals named DURS BAN 20 EC and mixing the same sqm
with pure water as per specification in item No. 1 and spraying the emulsified
mixture with hand sprayer over both outside and inside back fill in foundation
trenches @ 7.50 liters per sqm of the vertical surface area of the foundation wall
accepted by the Engineer.
(The maximum depth of the back fill to be treated is 500 mm. and the
measurement for depth should not be given more than 500 mm)

29.4 Anti-termite treatment in existing super structures by making downwardly slanting Per
holes at a required depth of 9" from the existing finished F.L/G.L inside and outside hole
the building and applying the emulsion of anti termite chemicals, named DURS
BAN 20 EC into the holes preparing chemical solution mixing with water at the
ratio of chemical: water = 1:19 maintaining a dosage rate of 250 ml per hole
including supplying all materials and repairing the holes all complete and accepted
by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

29.5 Trench treatment for protection against incoming termites to the establishment rm
through underground by making trench around existing building /structures at a
required depth of 750 mm from existing level supplying anti-termite chemicals
named DURS BAN 20 EC preparing the solution to be mixed with water in the ratio
of chemical: water = 1:19 applying the solution into trench with the help of a
chemical sprayer in three layers and each layer follows a 250 mm thick back-fill in
trench etc all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

29.6 Fumigation treatment (Pest Control) against mosquitoes, flies, bees, cockroaches, cum
spiders, silver fishes, lizards and other common pests and insects in wooden walls,
bricks walls, floors, doors and windows, furniture fanlight, carpets, records,
curtains, electrical conduits etc. with the application of fumigants such as Syngeata
or NEOCIDOL-60 EC or similar chemically equivalent govt. registered pest control
products preparing chemical solution mixing with water in the ratio of chemical:
water = 1:100 applying with the help of electrically/mechanically operated jet
fogging machine, swing fog, dyna fog, pneumatic hand sprayer, knap sac hand
sprayer in air-tight position, After fumigation the surface will be kept remain at air-
tight condition at least for 3 (three) hours etc. complete and accepted by the
(Volume of the room will be considered towards measurement.)

29.7 Anti termite treatment of all wooden doorframes, window frames, wood paneling sqm
etc by using DURS BAN 20 EC emulsion in the ratio of 1 liter. DURS BAN 20 EC +
19 liters of Kerosene oil suitable for wood, plywood, particle board, hard board etc.
on both surfaces by brush on both surfaces by brush-on-method etc. complete and
accepted by the Engineer.

29.8 Anti-termite treatment of electric telephone wiring system by inserting a plugging Per
materials (cotton, foam etc.) soaked in anti-termite chemical DURS BAN 20 EC to board
an electric switch board point for all floors and spraying the emulsion (to be mixed
at the ratio of 1 liters DURS BAN 20 EC + 19 liter of water) to the casings and
grooving of electric wirings, telephone cables utility pipes etc. for all floors etc.
complete and accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

29.9 Destruction of termite nest around an infested building, tree stumps in lawn with each nest
the treatment of DURS BAN 20 EC by excavation of soil in affected area up to a
depth of 1.5 meter, mixing the DURS BAN 20 EC solution to be mixed with water
in 1:19 ratio with the soil and laying the same in same place etc. all complete as
per direction including. cost of all materials and chemicals etc. complete and
accepted by the Engineer.


30.1 70 mm thick partition wall excluding plaster thickness with Concrete Hollow block
having compressive strength of 4.14~5N/mm2 of size (390 x 70 x 190) mm in
compliance with ASTM C129, fairly uniform thickness and texture and individual
Block shell thickness should not be less than 16 mm, water absorption not more
than 7%, laying with 8-10 mm thick mortar (with admixture) of cement, lime and
sand in ratio 1:1:6 (sand not less than 1.2 F.M) filling the interstices with mortar
and making bond with connecting walls including necessary scaffolding and curing
for min 3 (three) days on mortar joints by jute /brush in wet, followed by impervious
/wet covering for another 4 (four) days etc all complete and accepted by the

30.1.1 Ground floor sqm

30.1.2 Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor sqm

30.1.3 Add for each addl floor for 6th floor to 9th floor sqm

30.1.4 Add for each addl floor for 10th floor and above sqm

Item No Description of Item Unit

30.2 70 mm thick partition wall excluding plaster thickness with Concrete Hollow block
having compressive strength of 4.14~5N/mm2 of size (390 x 70 x 190) mm
compliance with ASTM C129, thickness of individual Block shell should not be less
than 16 mm, water absorption not more then 7 % lying with 8 to 10 mm thick
mortar (with admixture) of cement and sand in ratio 1:6 (sand not less than 1.2
F.M) filling the interstices with mortar and making bond with connecting walls
including necessary scaffolding and curing for min 3(three) days on mortar joints
by jute/brush in wet, followed by impervious/wet covering for another 4 (four) days
etc all complete and accepted by the Engineer.

30.2.1 Ground floor sqm

30.2.2 Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor sqm

30.2.3 Add for each addl floor for 6th floor to 9th floor sqm

30.2.4 Add for each addl floor for 10th floor and above sqm

30.3 90 mm thick partition wall with Concrete Hollow block having strength of
4.14~5N/mm2 of size (390 x 90 x 190) mm in compliance with ASTM C129,
thickness of individual Block shell should not be less than 16 mm, water absorption
not more then 7%, lying with specified mortar (with admixture) of cement, lime and
sand in ratio 1:1:6 (sand not less than 1.2 F.M), filling the interstices with mortar
and making bond with connecting walls including necessary scaffolding and curing
for min 3 (three) days on mortar joints by jute /brush in wet, followed by impervious
/wet covering for another 4( four) days curing etc all complete and accepted by the

30.3.1 Ground floor sqm

30.3.2 Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor sqm

30.3.3 Add for each addl floor for 6th floor to 9th floor sqm

30.3.4 Add for each addl floor for 10th floor and above sqm

Item No Description of Item Unit

30.4 90 mm thick partition wall with Concrete Hollow block having compressive strength
of 4.14~5N/mm2 of size (390 x 90 x 190) mm in compliance with ASTM C129,
thickness of individual Block shell should not be less than 16 mm, water absorption
not more than 7%, lying with specified mortar (with admixture) of cement, and sand
in ratio 1:6 (sand not less than 1.2 F.M), filling the interstices with mortar and
making bond with connecting walls including necessary scaffolding and curing for
min 3 (three) days on mortar joints by jute /brush in wet, followed by impervious
/wet covering for another 4 (four) days curing etc. all complete and accepted by the

30.4.1 Ground floor sqm

30.4.2 Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor sqm

30.4.3 Add for each addl floor for 6th floor to 9th floor sqm

30.4.4 Add for each addl floor for 10th floor and above sqm

30.5 140 mm thick load bearing wall with Concrete Hollow block having compressive
strength of 13~18N/mm2 of size (390 x 140 x 190) mm compliance with ASTM
C90, thickness of individual Block shell should not be less then 25 mm, water
absorption not more than 7%, laying with mortar (with admixture) of cement, lime
and sand in ratio 1:1:6 (sand not less than 1.2 F.M), filling the interstices with
mortar and making bond with connecting walls including necessary scaffolding and
curing for min 3 (three) days on mortar joints by jute /brush in wet, followed by
impervious /wet covering for another 4 (four) days etc all complete and accepted
by the Engineer.

30.5.1 Ground floor sqm

30.5.2 Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor sqm

30.5.3 Add for each addl floor for 6th floor to 9th floor sqm

30.5.4 Add for each addl floor for 10th floor and above sqm

Item No Description of Item Unit

30.6 140 mm thick partition wall with Concrete Hollow block having compressive
strength of 4.14~5N/mm2 of size (390 x 140 x 190) mm in compliance with ASTM
C129, thickness of individual Block shell should not be less than 16 mm, water
absorption not more than 7%, laying with specified mortar (with admixture) of
cement and sand in ratio 1:6 (sand not less than 1.2 F.M), filling the interstices with
mortar and making bond with connecting walls including necessary scaffolding and
curing for min 3 (three) days on mortar joints by jute /brush in wet, followed by
impervious /wet covering for another 4( four) days curing etc all complete and
accepted by the Engineer.

30.6.1 Ground floor sqm

30.6.2 Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor sqm

30.6.3 Add for each addl floor for 6th floor to 9th floor sqm

30.6.4 Add for each addl floor for 10th floor and above sqm

30.7 140 mm thick load bearing wall with Concrete Hollow block having compressive
strength of 13~18N/mm2 of size (390 x 140 x 190) mm compliance with ASTM
C90, thickness of individual Block shell should not be less then 25 mm, water
absorption not more than 7%, laying with mortar (with admixture) of cement, lime
and sand in ratio 1:1:6 (sand not less than 1.2 F.M), filling the interstices with
mortar and making bond with connecting walls including necessary scaffolding and
curing for min 3 (three) days on mortar joints by jute /brush in wet, followed by
impervious /wet covering for another 4 (four) days etc all complete and accepted
by the Engineer.

30.7.1 Ground floor sqm

30.7.2 Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor sqm

30.7.3 Add for each addl floor for 6th floor to 9th floor sqm

30.7.4 Add for each addl floor for 10th floor and above sqm

Item No Description of Item Unit

30.8 140 mm thick load bearing wall with Concrete Hollow block having compressive
strength of 13~18 N/mm2 of size (390 x140 x 190) mm in compliance with ASTM
C90, thickness of individual Block shell should not be less than 25 mm, water
absorption not more than 7%, laying with mortar (with admixture) of cement and
sand in ratio 1:6 (sand not less than 1.2 F.M), filling the interstices with mortar and
making bond with connecting walls including necessary scaffolding and curing for
min 3 (three) days on mortar joints by jute /brush in wet, followed by impervious
/wet covering for another 4 (four) days etc all complete and accepted by the
Engineer. (rate is excluding the cost of grouting and reinforcement)

30.8.1 Ground floor sqm

30.8.2 Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor sqm

30.8.3 Add for each addl floor for 6th floor to 9th floor sqm

30.8.4 Add for each addl floor for 10th floor and above sqm

30.9 190 mm thick load bearing wall with Concrete Hollow block having compressive
strength of 4.14~5 N/mm2 of size (390 x 190 x 190) mm compliance with ASTM
C90, thickness of individual Block shell should not be less than 25 mm, water
absorption not more than 7%, laying with mortar (with admixture) of cement, lime
and sand in ratio 1:1:6 (sand not less than 1.2 F.M), filling the interstices with
mortar and making bond with connecting walls including necessary scaffolding and
curing for min 3 (three) days on mortar joints by jute /brush in wet, followed by
impervious /wet covering for another 4 (four) days etc all complete and accepted
by the Engineer. (rate is excluding the cost of grouting and reinforcement)

30.9.1 Ground floor sqm

30.9.2 Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor sqm

30.9.3 Add for each addl floor for 6th floor to 9th floor sqm

30.9.4 Add for each addl floor for 10th floor and above sqm

Item No Description of Item Unit

30.10 190 mm thick load bearing wall with Concrete Hollow block having compressive
strength of 13~18 N/mm2 of size (390 x 190 x 190) mm in compliance with ASTM
C90, thickness of individual block shell should not be less than 25 mm, water
absorption not more than 7%, laying with mortar (with admixture) of cement and
sand in ratio 1:6 (sand not less than 1.2 F.M), filling the interstices with mortar and
making bond with connecting walls including necessary scaffolding and curing for
min 3 (three) days on mortar joints by jute /brush in wet, followed by impervious
/wet covering for another 4 (four) days etc all complete and accepted by the
Engineer. (Rate is excluding cost of grouting and reinforcement)

30.10.1 Ground floor sqm

30.10.2 Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor sqm

30.10.3 Add for each addl floor for 6th floor to 9th floor sqm

30.10.4 Add for each addl floor for 10th floor and above sqm

30.11 Supplying, carrying and placing of (600 x 200 x 150) mm concrete ceiling block on
properly leveled shutter accepted by the Engineer.

30.11.1 Ground floor each

30.11.2 Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor each

30.11.3 Add for each addl floor for 6th floor to 9th floor each

30.11.4 Add for each addl floor for 10th floor and above each

30.12 Supplying, carrying and placing of (600 x 200 x200) mm concrete ceiling block on
properly leveled shutter accepted by the Engineer

30.12.1 Ground floor each

30.12.2 Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor each

30.12.3 Add for each addl floor for 6th floor to 9th floor each

Item No Description of Item Unit

30.12.4 Add for each addl floor for 10th floor and above each

30.13 Minimum 10 mm thick cement plaster in cement : sand (1:5) in outer surface of
external wall with specified external plaster mix applied in two coats (first coat 6/7
mm and second coat 4/3 mm) finishing the corner and edge including washing of
sand cleaning the surface, scaffolding and curing for min 3 (three) days on mortar
joints by jute/brush in wet, followed by impervious/wet covering for another 4 (four)
days etc. all complete etc. all complete and accepted by the Engineer. (Rate is
excluding cost of grouting and reinforcement)

30.13.1 Ground floor sqm

30.13.2 Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor sqm

30.13.3 Add for each addl floor for 6th floor to 9th floor sqm

30.13.4 Add for each addl floor for 10th floor and above sqm

30.14.1 Supplying and placing of 60 mm thick grey Uni-Block paving for walk way having sqm
compressive strength of 15 N/mm2 on compacted sand bed of 50 mm on stabilized
soil base, and filling all interstices with sand, cleaning etc. accepted by the

30.14.2 Supplying and placing of 60 mm thick coloured Uni-Block for paving walk way sqm
having compressive strength of 15 N/mm2 on compacted sand bed of 50 mm on
stabilized soil base, and filling all interstices with sand, cleaning etc. accepted by
the Engineer.

30.15.1 Supplying and placing of 60 mm thick grey Uni-Block for paving foot-path, major sqm
walk way, car porch having compressive strength of 49 N/mm2 on compacted sand
bed of 50 mm on stabilized soil base, and filling all interstices with sand, cleaning
etc. accepted by the Engineer.

30.15.2 Supplying and placing of 60 mm thick coloured Uni-Block for paving foot-path, sqm
major walk way, car porch having compressive strength of 49 N/mm2 on
compacted sand bed of 50 mm on stabilized soil base, and filling all interstices with
sand, cleaning etc. accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

30.16.1 Supplying and placing of 80 mm grey Uni-Block for paving Bus and Truck sqm
Terminal, Roads Rounds Abuts, Industrial Yards etc having compressive strength
of 49 N/mm2 on compacted sand bed of 50 mm on stabilized soil base, and filling
all interstices with sand, cleaning etc. accepted by the Engineer.

30.16.2 Supplying and placing of 80 mm thick coloured Uni-Block for placing Bus and truck sqm
terminal minor road, industrial yard etc having compressive strength of 49 N/mm2
on compacted sand bed of 50 mm on stabilized soil base, and filling all interstices
with sand, cleaning etc. accepted by the Engineer.

30.17.1 Supplying and placing of grey 200 x 100 x 60 mm Rectangular Block having sqm
compressive strength of 15N/mm2 on 50 mm thick compacted sand bed, and filling
all interstices with sand, cleaning etc. accepted by the Engineer.

30.17.2 Supplying and placing of coloured 200 x 100 x 60 mm Rectangular Block having sqm
compressive strength of 15N/mm2 on 50 mm thick compacted sand bed, and filling
all interstices with sand, cleaning etc. accepted by the Engineer.

30.18.1 Supplying and placing of grey engraved cement concrete tiles (250 x 250 mm) in
size having minimum thickness 24 mm over 12 mm sand cement mortar (4:1) each
at a distance of 6 mm apart and filling the joints with cement sand mortar (1:4)
including raking out joints and cutting the tiles to required sizes wherever
necessary with high class recessed pointing, cleaning and washing of sand, curing
for min 3 (three) days on mortar joints by jute /brush in wet, followed by impervious
/wet covering for another 4 (four) days etc. all complete and accepted by the
Engineer. Ground floor sqm Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor sqm Add for each addl floor for 6th floor to 9th floor sqm Add for each addl floor for 10th floor and above sqm

Item No Description of Item Unit

30.18.2 Supplying and placing of coloured engraved cement concrete tiles (250 x 250 mm)
in size having minimum thickness 24 mm over 12 mm sand cement mortar (4:1)
each at a distance of 6 mm apart and filling the joints with cement sand mortar
(1:4) including raking out joints and cutting the tiles to required sizes wherever
necessary with high class recessed pointing, cleaning and washing of sand, curing
for min 3 (three) days on mortar joints by jute /brush in wet, followed by impervious
/wet covering for another 4 (four) days etc. all complete and accepted by the
Engineer. Ground floor sqm Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor sqm Add for each addl floor for 6th floor to 9th floor sqm Add for each addl floor for 10th floor and above sqm

30.19.1 215 mm thick wall (excluding plaster thickness) with 215 x 100 x 65 mm concrete
solid block having minimum compressive strength of 21 N/mm2 of size with 6 mm
thick cement sand mortar in 1:6 in superstructure including racking out the joints,
filling the interstices with mortar and making bond with connecting walls including
necessary scaffolding and curing for min. 3 (three) days on mortar joint by jute/
brush in wet followed by impervious covering for another 4 (four) days etc. all
complete and accepted by the Engineer. Ground floor sqm Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor sqm Add for each addl floor for 6th floor to 9th floor sqm Add for each addl floor for 10th floor and above sqm

Item No Description of Item Unit

30.19.2 100 mm thick wall (excluding plaster thickness) with 215 x 100 x 65 mm concrete
solid block having minimum compressive strength of 21N/mm2 of size with 6 mm
thick cement sand mortar in 1:6 in superstructure including racking out the joints,
filling the interstices with mortar and making bond with connecting walls including
necessary scaffolding and curing for min. 3 (three) days on mortar joint by jute/
brush in wet followed by impervious covering for another 4 (four) days etc. all
complete and accepted by the Engineer. Ground floor sqm Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor sqm Add for each addl floor for 6th floor to 9th floor sqm Add for each addl floor for 10th floor and above sqm

30.20.1 38 mm thick Grey cladding work in facing on superstructure with (200 x 92 x 38)
mm size concrete clad pested with 20 mm thick cement mortar (1:4) to be placed
at 6 mm apart, filling the interstices with same mortar, raking out joints and cutting
the clad to required sizes wherever necessary with high class recessed pointing,
cleaning and washing of sand, necessary scaffolding, curing for min 3 (three) days
on mortar joints by jute /brush in wet, followed by impervious /wet covering for
another 4 (four) days etc. all complete for up to 4th floor accepted by the Engineer. Ground floor sqm Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor sqm Add for each addl floor for 6th floor to 9th floor sqm Add for each addl floor for 10th floor and above sqm

Item No Description of Item Unit

30.20.2 38 mm thick coloured cladding work in facing on superstructure with (200 x 92 x

38) mm size concrete clad pested with 20 mm thick cement mortar (1:4) to be
placed at 6 mm apart, filling the interstices with same mortar, raking out joints and
cutting the clad to required sizes wherever necessary with high class recessed
pointing, cleaning and washing of sand, necessary scaffolding, curing for min 3
(three) days on mortar joints by jute /brush in wet, followed by impervious /wet
covering for another 4 (four) days etc. all complete for up to 4th floor accepted by
the Engineer. Ground floor sqm Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor sqm Add for each addl floor for 6th floor to 9th floor sqm Add for each addl floor for 10th floor and above sqm

30.20.3 50 mm thick Grey cladding work in facing on superstructure with (400 x 92 x 50)
mm size concrete clad pested with 20 mm thick cement mortar (1:4) to be placed
at 6 mm apart, filling the interstices with same mortar, raking out joints and cutting
the clad to required sizes wherever necessary with high class recessed pointing,
cleaning and washing of sand, necessary scaffolding, curing for min 3 (three) days
on mortar joints by jute /brush in wet, followed by impervious /wet covering for
another 4 (four) days etc. all complete for up to 4th floor accepted by the Engineer. Ground floor sqm Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor sqm Add for each addl floor for 6th floor to 9th floor sqm Add for each addl floor for 10th floor and above sqm

Item No Description of Item Unit

30.20.4 50 mm thick coloured cladding work in facing on superstructure with (400 x 92 x

50) mm size concrete clad pested with 20 mm thick cement mortar (1:4) to be
placed at 6 mm apart, filling the interstices with same mortar, raking out joints and
cutting the clad to required sizes wherever necessary with high class recessed
pointing, cleaning and washing of sand, necessary scaffolding, curing for min 3
(three) days on mortar joints by jute /brush in wet, followed by impervious /wet
covering for another 4 (four) days etc. all complete for up to 4th floor accepted by
the Engineer. Ground floor sqm Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor sqm Add for each addl floor for 6th floor to 9th floor sqm Add for each addl floor for 10th floor and above sqm

30.20.5 15 mm thick Grey cladding work in facing on superstructure with (420 x 330 x 15)
mm size concrete clad pested with 20 mm thick cement mortar (1:4) to be placed
at 6 mm apart, filling the interstices with same mortar, raking out joints and cutting
the clad to required sizes wherever necessary with high class recessed pointing,
cleaning and washing of sand, necessary scaffolding, curing for min 3 (three) days
on mortar joints by jute /brush in wet, followed by impervious /wet covering for
another 4 (four) days etc. all complete for up to 4th floor accepted by the Engineer. Ground floor sqm Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor sqm Add for each addl floor for 6th floor to 9th floor sqm Add for each addl floor for 10th floor and above sqm

Item No Description of Item Unit

30.20.6 15 mm thick coloured cladding work in facing on superstructure with (420 x 330 x
15) mm size concrete clad pested with 20 mm thick cement mortar (1:4) to be
placed at 6 mm apart, filling the interstices with same mortar, raking out joints and
cutting the clad to required sizes wherever necessary with high class recessed
pointing, cleaning and washing of sand, necessary scaffolding, curing for min 3
(three) days on mortar joints by jute /brush in wet, followed by impervious /wet
covering for another 4 (four) days etc. all complete for up to 4th floor accepted by
the Engineer. Ground floor sqm Add for each addl. floor up to 5th floor sqm Add for each addl floor for 6th floor to 9th floor sqm Add for each addl floor for 10th floor and above sqm

30.21.1 Supplying, carrying, placing, providing (418 x 330 x 17) mm size of red colour sqm
concrete roof tiles on pre-fixed and pre-fabricated truss and fixing each tile to the
roof members of truss accepted by the Engineer.

30.21.2 Supplying, carrying, placing, providing (418 x 330 x 17) mm size of oriental colour sqm
concrete roof tiles on pre-fixed and pre-fabricated truss and fixing each tile to the
roof members of truss accepted by the Engineer.

30.21.3 Supplying, carrying, placing, providing (418 x 330 x 17) mm size of antique red sqm
colour concrete roof tiles on pre-fixed and pre-fabricated truss and fixing each tile
to the roof members of truss accepted by the Engineer.

30.21.4 Supplying, carrying, placing, providing (418 x 330 x 17) mm size of green colour sqm
concrete roof tiles on pre-fixed and pre-fabricated truss and fixing each tile to the
roof members of truss accepted by the Engineer.

30.22 Supplying, carrying, placing, providing of concrete Kerb stone size (600 x 300 x sqm
100) mm approved and accepted by the Engineer.



Item No Description of Item Unit

[Sub-soil exploration and testing to be executed according to the advice of the

design office in regards to the number of bore-holes, number and types of tests
mentioning levels into the sub-surface with respect to existing ground level / levels

31.1 Mobilization and demobilization of boring equipment such as drilling rig, drilling Per site
pipes, drop hammer, tripod, pulley, chain, wrange, sample collection devices tools
and plants, tripod for temporary camp, other accessories and manpower at work
site within 25 km from district head qtrs. etc. all complete and accepted by the

31.2 Field visit and inspection of sampling and samples by the Geo-tech. Expert / Per site

31.3 Installation of boring equipment at site:

31.3.1 Installation of boring equipment at site on dry ground/and a surface up to a Per point
maximum 750 mm under water and accepted by the Engineer.

31.3.2 Installation of boring equipment at site: for depth of water above 750 mm to 3000 Per point
mm and accepted by the Engineer.

31.3.3 Installation of boring equipment at site: For depth of water above 3000 mm Per point
(stagnant water) and accepted by the Engineer.

31.4 Drilling 100 mm dia bore-hole by wash boring method:

31.4.1 Drilling 100 mm dia bore-hole by wash boring method: 0 to 9 meter including the rm
depths for SPT operation and accepted by the Engineer.

31.4.2 Drilling 100 mm dia bore-hole by wash boring method: 9 meter to18 meter rm
including the depths for SPT operation and accepted by the Engineer.

31.4.3 Drilling 100 mm dia bore-hole by wash boring method: 18 meter to 27 meter rm
including the depths for SPT operation and as and accepted by the Engineer.

Item No Description of Item Unit

31.4.4 Drilling 100 mm dia bore-hole by wash boring method: 27 meter to 36 meter rm
including the depths for SPT operation and accepted by the Engineer.

31.4.5 Drilling 100 mm dia bore-hole by wash boring method: 36 meter to 45 meter rm
including the depths for SPT operation and accepted by the Engineer.

31.5 Execution of SPT with Standard Autometic Hammer (ASTM D-1586-84, hammer:
(140 + 2 Ibs) /(63.5 + 1 Kg), height of fall: (30" + 1") / (760 mm + 25 mm) including
withdrawn of drilling pipe from the bore-hole and fixing the steel cap with drilling
pipe and replacing the drilling pipe with cap into the bore hole up to the layer of
interest approved and accepted by the Engineer.

31.5.1 SPT @ 1500 mm interval: For 0 to 9 meter Per point

31.5.2 SPT @ 1500 mm interval: For 9 meter to 18 meter Per point

31.5.3 SPT @ 1500 mm interval: For 18 meter to 27 meter Per point

31.5.4 SPT @ 1500 mm interval: For 27 meter to 36 meter Per point

31.5.5 SPT @ 1500 mm interval: For 36 meter to 45 meter Per point

31.6 Collection of undisturbed soil samples in 75 mm tubes from cohesive layer Per sample
including preservation, and transportation and accepted by the Engineer. (ASTM

31.7 Collection of disturbed soil samples in 75 mm tubes from cohesive layer including Per sample
preservation, and transportation and accepted by the Engineer. (ASTM D-1587-83)

31.8 Plate load test: mobilization, demobilization, arrangement of plates for loading and Per test
all other required materials, execution of tests, recording the data, preparation and
submission of test report (if desired by S.E. Design Circle) and accepted by the

Item No Description of Item Unit

31.9 Preparation, writing and submission of report on sub-soil investigation containing Per site
all parameters, bearing capacities, sections through all boreholes along different
axes, on two or more sets of data given or assumed, citing reference etc. and all
complete as per satisfaction and direction of engineer-in-charge.

Carrying out different test on soil samples collected from the sub-soil investigation
site accepted by the Engineer.

31.10 Specific gravity Per test

31.11 Grain size Analysis of soil by Sieve and Hydrometer analysis & Specific gravity test Per test

31.12 Classification of soil for engineering purposes Per test

31.13 Linear Shrinkage for cohesive soil Per test

31.14 Shrinkage limit for cohesive soil Per test

31.15 Atterberg limit test

31.15.1 Liquit limit for cohesive soil Per test

31.15.2 Plastic limit for cohesive soil Per test

31.16 Unit weight of soil Per test

31.17 Void ratio Per test

31.18 Natural moisture content Per test

31.19 Organic matter content Per test

31.20 Loss on ignition for cohesive soil Per test

31.21 Sand equivalent test Per test


Item No Description of Item Unit

31.22 Permeability for cohesive soil Per test

31.23 Permeability non-cohesive soil Per test

31.24 Consolidation test for cohesive soil Per test

31.25 Shear test

31.25.1 Direct Shear Test Consolidated drain test Per test Consolidated quick test Per test Unconsolidated quick test Per test

31.25.2 Triaxial Shear Test Consolidated undrained triaxial test with pore pressure for cohesive and non co- Per test
hesive soil Consolidated undrained triaxial test without pore pressure for cohesive soil Per test Consolidated drained triaxial test Per test Unconsolidated undrained triaxial test without pore pressure Per test

31.25.3 Field Vanshear test in cohesive soil (ASTM D-2573-72, 1978) Per test

31.26 Unconfined compression test for cohesive soil Per test

31.27 Field density test in/c field visit for non-cohesive soil Per test

31.28 Ground water table location Per test

31.29 One dimensional swelling / settlement potential of cohesive soil. Per test

Item No Description of Item Unit

31.30 Non-repetitive static plate load test of soil (ASTM D-1196-64, reapproved in 1977 Per test

31.31 Compaction test

31.31.1 Standard proctor Per test

31.31.2 Modified proctor Per test


Unit Rate

Unit Rate

Tk. 90,919.00

Tk. 281,278.00

Tk. 364,472.00

Tk. 388,241.00

Tk. 15,706.00

Tk. 29,593.00

Tk. 3,803.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 1,612.00

Tk. 527.00

Tk. 609.00

Tk. 18,184.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 2,734.00

Tk. 2,020.00

Tk. 17.00

Tk. 128.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 7.00

Tk. 41.00

Tk. 59.00

Tk. 89.00

Tk. 102.00

Tk. 10.00

Tk. 1.41

Tk. 237.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 39.00

Tk. 344.00

Tk. 417.00

Tk. 121.00

Tk. 464.00

Tk. 679.00

Tk. 123.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 420.00

Tk. 476.00

Tk. 776.00

Tk. 1,267.00

Tk. 2,431.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 3,274.00

Tk. 70.00

Tk. 279.00

Tk. 264.00

Tk. 239.00

Tk. 226.00

Tk. 214.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 187.00

Tk. 158.00

Tk. 143.00

Tk. 119.00

Tk. 242.00

Tk. 234.00

Tk. 371.00

Tk. 58.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 4,749.00

Tk. 4,693.00

Tk. 5,526.00

Tk. 5,470.00

Tk. 729.00

Tk. 801.00

Tk. 8,803.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 24.00

Tk. 3,636.00

Tk. 3,831.00

Tk. 4,147.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 4,808.00

Tk. 4,462.00

Tk. 6,540.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 6,170.00

Tk. 6,853.00

Tk. 6,659.00

Tk. 79.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 110.00

Tk. 126.00

Tk. 88.00

Tk. 966.00

Tk. 1,149.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 1,079.00

Tk. 542.00

Tk. 576.00

Tk. 697.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 659.00

Tk. 896.00

Tk. 1,993.00

Tk. 1,399.00

Tk. 1,495.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 14.00

Tk. 19.00

Tk. 24.00

Tk. 1,554.00

Tk. 926.00

Tk. 1,091.00

Tk. 647.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 951.00

Tk. 390.00

Tk. 237.00

Tk. 305.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 261.00

Tk. 340.00

Tk. 276.00

Tk. 364.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 14.00

Tk. 19.00

Tk. 24.00

Tk. 1,002.00

Tk. 828.00

Tk. 1,082.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 887.00

Tk. 751.00

Tk. 967.00

Tk. 1,056.00

Tk. 1,145.00

Tk. 940.00

Tk. 1,030.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 917.00

Tk. 997.00

Tk. 802.00

Tk. 882.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 961.00

Tk. 1,050.00

Tk. 846.00

Tk. 935.00

Tk. 963.00

Tk. 1,043.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 878.00

Tk. 958.00

Tk. 793.00

Tk. 1,048.00

Tk. 1,128.00

Tk. 933.00

Tk. 928.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 1,102.00

Tk. 1,191.00

Tk. 987.00

Tk. 1,076.00

Tk. 1,009.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 1,089.00

Tk. 1,039.00

Tk. 1,116.00

Tk. 5.00

Tk. 10.00

Tk. 14.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 4,758.00

Tk. 4,374.00

Tk. 4,885.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 4,502.00

Tk. 4,062.00

Tk. 4,189.00

Tk. 6,932.00

Tk. 253.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 249.00

Tk. 224.00

Tk. 980.00

Tk. 1,007.00

Tk. 1,033.00

Tk. 1,044.00

Tk. 1,097.00

Tk. 1,084.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 1,151.00

Tk. 1,742.00

Tk. 1,890.00

Tk. 2,145.00

Tk. 1,097.00

Tk. 960.00

Tk. 906.00

Tk. 1,014.00

Tk. 946.00

Tk. 1,605.00

Tk. 1,752.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 2,007.00

Tk. 5.00

Tk. 10.00

Tk. 14.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 5,620.00

Tk. 239.00

Tk. 5,620.00

Tk. 279.00

Tk. 5,620.00

Tk. 231.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 5,708.00

Tk. 279.00

Tk. 5,973.00

Tk. 275.00

Tk. 5,620.00

Tk. 322.00

Tk. 5,620.00

Tk. 315.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 5,855.00

Tk. 231.00

Tk. 5,855.00

Tk. 283.00

Tk. 5,855.00

Tk. 256.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 5,855.00

Tk. 420.00

Tk. 5,620.00

Tk. 272.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 5,620.00

Tk. 277.00

Tk. 5,620.00

Tk. 226.00

Tk. 5,708.00

Tk. 275.00

Tk. 5,973.00

Tk. 282.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 5,620.00

Tk. 319.00

Tk. 5,620.00

Tk. 407.00

Tk. 5,855.00

Tk. 252.00

Tk. 5,855.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 290.00

Tk. 5,855.00

Tk. 326.00

Tk. 5,855.00

Tk. 420.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 6,687.00

Tk. 239.00

Tk. 6,687.00

Tk. 279.00

Tk. 6,687.00

Tk. 231.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 6,776.00

Tk. 279.00

Tk. 7,040.00

Tk. 275.00

Tk. 6,687.00

Tk. 322.00

Tk. 6,687.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 315.00

Tk. 6,922.00

Tk. 231.00

Tk. 6,922.00

Tk. 283.00

Tk. 6,922.00

Tk. 256.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 6,922.00

Tk. 420.00

Tk. 6,687.00

Tk. 272.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 6,687.00

Tk. 277.00

Tk. 6,687.00

Tk. 226.00

Tk. 6,776.00

Tk. 275.00

Tk. 7,040.00

Tk. 282.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 6,687.00

Tk. 319.00

Tk. 6,687.00

Tk. 407.00

Tk. 6,922.00

Tk. 252.00

Tk. 6,922.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 290.00

Tk. 6,922.00

Tk. 326.00

Tk. 6,922.00

Tk. 420.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 6,195.00

Tk. 239.00

Tk. 6,195.00

Tk. 279.00

Tk. 6,195.00

Tk. 231.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 6,283.00

Tk. 279.00

Tk. 6,547.00

Tk. 275.00

Tk. 6,195.00

Tk. 322.00

Tk. 6,195.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 315.00

Tk. 6,430.00

Tk. 231.00

Tk. 6,430.00

Tk. 283.00

Tk. 6,430.00

Tk. 256.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 6,430.00

Tk. 420.00

Tk. 7,099.00

Tk. 272.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 7,099.00

Tk. 277.00

Tk. 7,099.00

Tk. 226.00

Tk. 7,188.00

Tk. 275.00

Tk. 7,452.00

Tk. 282.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 7,099.00

Tk. 319.00

Tk. 7,099.00

Tk. 407.00

Tk. 7,335.00

Tk. 252.00

Tk. 7,335.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 290.00

Tk. 7,335.00

Tk. 326.00

Tk. 7,335.00

Tk. 420.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 7,099.00

Tk. 239.00

Tk. 7,099.00

Tk. 279.00

Tk. 7,099.00

Tk. 231.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 7,188.00

Tk. 279.00

Tk. 7,452.00

Tk. 275.00

Tk. 7,099.00

Tk. 322.00

Tk. 7,099.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 315.00

Tk. 7,335.00

Tk. 231.00

Tk. 7,335.00

Tk. 283.00

Tk. 7,335.00

Tk. 256.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 7,335.00

Tk. 420.00

Tk. 7,531.00

Tk. 272.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 7,531.00

Tk. 277.00

Tk. 7,531.00

Tk. 226.00

Tk. 7,620.00

Tk. 275.00

Tk. 7,531.00

Tk. 319.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 7,531.00

Tk. 407.00

Tk. 7,766.00

Tk. 326.00

Tk. 7,766.00

Tk. 420.00

Tk. 119.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 14.00

Tk. 14.00

Tk. 122.00

Tk. 32.00

Tk. 32.00

Tk. 122.00

Tk. 21.00

Tk. 50.00

Tk. 66.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 82.00

Tk. 19.00

Tk. 28.00

Tk. 37.00

Tk. 234.00

Tk. 179.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 185.00

Tk. 183.00

Tk. 175.00

Tk. 192.00

Tk. 188.00

Tk. 166.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 734.00

Tk. 655.00

Tk. 683.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 387.00

Tk. 8,338.00

Tk. 8,699.00

Tk. 24.00

Tk. 47.00

Tk. 70.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 11,371.00

Tk. 94.00

Tk. 1,293.00

Tk. 1,111.00
Tk. 1,990.00

Tk. 592.00

Tk. 246.00

Tk. 2,754.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 585.00

Tk. 25.00

Tk. 682.00

Tk. 29.00

Tk. 754.00

Tk. 30.00

Tk. 842.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 42.00

Tk. 878.00

Tk. 47.00

Tk. 388.00

Tk. 9,049.00


Unit Rate

Tk. 5.95

Tk. 2,318.00

Tk. 31,391.00

Tk. 63,628.00

Tk. 96,222.00

Tk. 130,507.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 162,744.00

Tk. 195,840.00

Tk. 650.00

Tk. 650.00

Tk. 670.00

Tk. 670.00

Tk. 670.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 594.00

Tk. 815.00

Tk. 1,049.00

Tk. 2,172.00

Tk. 2,080.00

Tk. 274.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 301.00

Tk. 331.00

Tk. 410.00

Tk. 451.00

Tk. 496.00

Tk. 520.00

Tk. 572.00

Tk. 629.00

Tk. 749.00

Tk. 106,963.00

Tk. 381.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 522.00

Tk. 571.00

Tk. 330.00

Tk. 408.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 156.00

Tk. 182.00

Tk. 491.00

Tk. 611.00

Tk. 918.00

Tk. 392.00

Tk. 433.00

Tk. 471.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 79,396.00

Tk. 81,844.00

Tk. 102,760.00

Tk. 137,036.00

Tk. 190,899.00

Tk. 68.00

Tk. 79.00

Tk. 525.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 514.00

Tk. 69,756.00

Tk. 71,960.00

Tk. 91,791.00

Tk. 100,607.00

Tk. 179,933.00

Tk. 80,776.00

Tk. 78,572.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 4,598.00

Tk. 4,598.00

Tk. 6,570.00

Tk. 8,739.00

Tk. 4,795.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 3,959.00

Tk. 3,959.00

Tk. 5,713.00

Tk. 7,643.00

Tk. 4,135.00

Tk. 11,105.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 5,523.00

Tk. 5,523.00

Tk. 7,987.00

Tk. 10,696.00

Tk. 5,770.00

Tk. 4,819.00

Tk. 4,819.00

Tk. 6,919.00

Tk. 9,229.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 5,029.00

Tk. 5,317.00

Tk. 5,317.00

Tk. 10,202.00

Tk. 5,549.00

Tk. 3,755.00

Tk. 2,757.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 2,757.00

Tk. 2,476.00

Tk. 7,237.00

Tk. 16,222.00

Tk. 7,665.00

Tk. 4,869.00

Tk. 7,386.00

Tk. 10,155.00

Tk. 5,121.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 6,073.00

Tk. 4,078.00

Tk. 3,685.00

Tk. 3,754.00

Tk. 3,754.00

Tk. 5,212.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 6,815.00

Tk. 3,900.00

Tk. 5,437.00

Tk. 5,437.00

Tk. 8,054.00

Tk. 10,933.00

Tk. 5,698.00

Tk. 11,752.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 5,087.00

Tk. 5,153.00

Tk. 3,014.00

Tk. 2,779.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 2,618.00

Tk. 3,308.00

Tk. 4,243.00

Tk. 5,271.00

Tk. 11,043.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 791.00

Tk. 360.00

Tk. 241.00

Tk. 439.00

Tk. 290.00

Tk. 1,931.00

Tk. 1,218.00

Tk. 683.00

Tk. 190.00

Tk. 317.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 2,037.00

Tk. 1,779.00

Tk. 1,832.00

Tk. 2,779.00

Tk. 1,477.00

Tk. 2,145.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 1,886.00

Tk. 1,924.00

Tk. 1,401.00

Tk. 1,916.00

Tk. 2,210.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 5,176.00

Tk. 5,118.00

Tk. 5,046.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 4,915.00

Tk. 4,868.00

Tk. 4,817.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 2,508.00

Tk. 2,482.00

Tk. 2,456.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 1,864.00

Tk. 1,844.00

Tk. 1,823.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 2,570.00

Tk. 2,539.00

Tk. 2,518.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 2,169.00

Tk. 2,141.00

Tk. 2,120.00

Tk. 2,954.00

Tk. 2,916.00

Tk. 2,879.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 3,207.00

Tk. 3,172.00

Tk. 3,136.00

Tk. 3,609.00

Tk. 3,569.00

Tk. 3,529.00

Tk. 7,398.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 7,324.00

Tk. 7,249.00

Tk. 2,281.00

Tk. 2,253.00

Tk. 2,193.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 7,081.00

Tk. 7,013.00

Tk. 6,945.00

Tk. 3,827.00

Tk. 3,772.00

Tk. 3,717.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 4,701.00

Tk. 4,644.00

Tk. 4,588.00

Tk. 2,804.00

Tk. 2,776.00

Tk. 2,665.00

Tk. 5,063.00

Tk. 4,933.00

Tk. 4,803.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 1,681.00

Tk. 787.00

Tk. 988.00

Tk. 812.00

Tk. 1,196.00

Tk. 5,313.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 6,439.00

Tk. 5,371.00

Tk. 151.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 174.00

Tk. 188.00

Tk. 137.00

Tk. 125.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 132.00

Tk. 78.00

Tk. 100.00

Tk. 240.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 59.00

Tk. 12.00

Tk. 17.00

Tk. 7.00

Tk. 10.00

Tk. 13.00

Tk. 8,319.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 1,210.00

Tk. 112.00

Tk. 157.00

Tk. 12.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 14.00

Tk. 64.00

Tk. 138.00

Tk. 126.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 123.00

Tk. 105.00

Tk. 119.00

Tk. 161.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 121.00

Tk. 165.00

Tk. 16.00

Tk. 191.00

Tk. 393.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 204.00

Tk. 178.00

Tk. 105.00

Tk. 109.00

Tk. 100.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 818.00

Tk. 1,663.00

Tk. 581.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 691.00

Tk. 879.00

Tk. 5,161.00

Tk. 1,992.00

Tk. 2,120.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 1,279.00

Tk. 1,194.00

Tk. 1,334.00

Tk. 1,232.00

Tk. 2,345.00

Tk. 1,754.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 3,166.00

Tk. 3,547.00

Tk. 4,362.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 5,003.00

Tk. 8,766.00

Tk. 4,231.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 7,377.00

Tk. 7,093.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 4,630.00

Tk. 4,364.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 2,972.00

Tk. 5,373.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 1,494.00

Tk. 1,829.00

Tk. 5,665.00

Tk. 2,389.00

Tk. 2,885.00

Tk. 7,862.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 349.00

Tk. 297.00

Tk. 247.00

Tk. 890.00

Tk. 1,673.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 3,815.00

Tk. 1,921.00

Tk. 839.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 109.00

Tk. 188.00

Tk. 623.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 37.00

Tk. 228.00

Tk. 10,173.00

Tk. 1,901.00

Tk. 463.00

Tk. 988.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 865.00

Tk. 8,253.00

Tk. 176.00

Tk. 2,646.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 2,737.00

Tk. 2,901.00

Tk. 3,024.00

Tk. 1,997.00

Tk. 1,861.00

Tk. 343.00

Tk. 6,731.00

Tk. 6,941.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 7,151.00

Tk. 876.00

Tk. 2,202.00

Tk. 3,179.00

Tk. 2,579.00

Tk. 850.00

Tk. 10,379.00

Tk. 2,933.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 87.00

Tk. 3.18

Tk. 4.59

Tk. 6.36

Tk. 12.71

Tk. 371.00

Tk. 297.00

Tk. 67.00

Tk. 77.00

Tk. 87.00

Tk. 96.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 105.00

Tk. 115.00

Tk. 23.00

Tk. 33.00

Tk. 8.00

Tk. 243.00

Tk. 396.00

Tk. 491.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 61.00

Tk. 2,004.00

Tk. 2,067.00

Tk. 428.00

Tk. 2,111.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 656.00

Tk. 543.00

Tk. 403.00

Tk. 584.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 489.00

Tk. 352.00

Tk. 55.00

Tk. 128.00

Tk. 160.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 67.00

Tk. 150.00

Tk. 224.00

Tk. 4.30

Tk. 9.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 2.90

Tk. 358.00

Tk. 712.00

Tk. 70.00

Tk. 24.00

Tk. 65.00

Tk. 241.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 278.00

Tk. 61.00

Tk. 221.00

Tk. 111.00

Tk. 67.00

Tk. 194.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 94.00

Tk. 2,797.00

Tk. 3,035.00

Tk. 3,272.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 2,142.00

Tk. 2,558.00

Tk. 2,676.00

Tk. 10,522.00

Tk. 11,711.00

Tk. 12,899.00

Tk. 11,473.00

Tk. 12,661.00

Tk. 15,633.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 1,953.00

Tk. 2,072.00

Tk. 2,250.00

Tk. 1,018.00

Tk. 1,181.00

Tk. 1,181.00

Tk. 1,450.00

Tk. 309.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 1,889.00

Tk. 2,008.00

Tk. 2,127.00

Tk. 1,830.00

Tk. 2,008.00

Tk. 2,139.00

Tk. 2,067.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 2,127.00

Tk. 2,364.00

Tk. 1,067.00

Tk. 1,364.00

Tk. 1,721.00

Tk. 1,679.00

Tk. 1,858.00

Tk. 1,976.00

Tk. 1,795.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 1,795.00

Tk. 1,973.00

Tk. 2,392.00

Tk. 2,230.00

Tk. 3,181.00

Tk. 3,954.00

Tk. 486.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 454.00

Tk. 923.00

Tk. 462.00

Tk. 463.00

Tk. 361.00

Tk. 270.00

Tk. 522.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 256.00

Tk. 232.00

Tk. 149.00

Tk. 156.00

Tk. 203.00

Tk. 244.00

Tk. 118.00

Tk. 88.00

Tk. 258.00

Tk. 1,313.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 552.00

Tk. 719.00

Tk. 1,301.00

Tk. 2,023.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 306.00

Tk. 617.00

Tk. 903.00

Tk. 223.00

Tk. 292.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 391.00

Tk. 513.00

Tk. 621.00

Tk. 840.00

Tk. 1,100.00

Tk. 1,306.00

Tk. 1,856.00

Tk. 104.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 145.00

Tk. 151.00

Tk. 188.00

Tk. 225.00

Tk. 298.00

Tk. 431.00

Tk. 526.00

Tk. 726.00

Tk. 185.00

Tk. 272.00

Tk. 266.00

Tk. 416.00

Tk. 504.00

Tk. 873.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 299.00

Tk. 362.00

Tk. 337.00

Tk. 587.00

Tk. 810.00

Tk. 1,418.00

Tk. 1,103.00

Tk. 1,590.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 463.00

Tk. 611.00

Tk. 474.00

Tk. 702.00

Tk. 936.00

Tk. 1,128.00

Tk. 429.00

Tk. 649.00

Tk. 1,012.00

Tk. 1,450.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 1,828.00

Tk. 2,296.00

Tk. 90.00

Tk. 130.00

Tk. 192.00

Tk. 215.00

Tk. 257.00

Tk. 285.00

Tk. 467.00

Tk. 663.00

Tk. 1,141.00

Tk. 238.00

Tk. 315.00

Tk. 465.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 548.00

Tk. 679.00

Tk. 1,093.00

Tk. 1,703.00

Tk. 2,612.00

Tk. 4,945.00

Tk. 226.00

Tk. 338.00

Tk. 584.00

Tk. 834.00

Tk. 975.00

Tk. 1,509.00

Tk. 2,238.00

Tk. 3,504.00

Tk. 4,707.00

Tk. 381.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 410.00

Tk. 584.00

Tk. 727.00

Tk. 1,006.00

Tk. 1,331.00

Tk. 1,703.00

Tk. 2,672.00

Tk. 3,102.00

Tk. 238.00

Tk. 350.00

Tk. 375.00

Tk. 678.00

Tk. 856.00

Tk. 705.00

Tk. 915.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 1,189.00

Tk. 509.00

Tk. 347.00

Tk. 445.00

Tk. 514.00

Tk. 406.00

Tk. 513.00

Tk. 870.00

Tk. 162.00

Tk. 632.00

Tk. 751.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 692.00

Tk. 737.00

Tk. 1,758.00

Tk. 1,402.00

Tk. 2,518.00

Tk. 3,707.00

Tk. 4,301.00

Tk. 651.00

Tk. 138.00

Tk. 210.00

Tk. 733.00

Tk. 852.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 911.00

Tk. 970.00

Tk. 614.00

Tk. 667.00

Tk. 644.00

Tk. 495.00

Tk. 644.00

Tk. 733.00

Tk. 31.00

Tk. 47.00

Tk. 473.00

Tk. 740.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 2,187.00

Tk. 582.00

Tk. 12,365.00

Tk. 18,145.00

Tk. 24,014.00

Tk. 3,154.00

Tk. 5,338.00

Tk. 6,905.00

Tk. 8,863.00

Tk. 15,102.00

Tk. 25,962.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 50,652.00

Tk. 54,040.00

Tk. 6,885.00

Tk. 48.00

Tk. 71.00

Tk. 228.00

Tk. 270.00

Tk. 2,366.00

Tk. 3,450.00

Tk. 4,734.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 2,670.00

Tk. 1,096.00

Tk. 1,268.00

Tk. 1,455.00

Tk. 1,613.00

Tk. 1,757.00

Tk. 1,944.00

Tk. 3,979.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 5,207.00

Tk. 6,678.00

Tk. 181,814.00

Tk. 140,283.00

Tk. 92,854.00

Tk. 65,212.00

Tk. 61,304.00

Tk. 35,813.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 53,626.00

Tk. 47,573.00

Tk. 40,382.00

Tk. 34,449.00

Tk. 23,878.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 17,318.00

Tk. 22,283.00

Tk. 23,495.00

Tk. 73,534.00

Tk. 4,308.00

Tk. 427.00

Tk. 4,754.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 119.00

Tk. 137.00

Tk. 157.00

Tk. 181.00

Tk. 208.00

Tk. 239.00

Tk. 2,211.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 533.00

Tk. 114.00

Tk. 134.00

Tk. 68.00

Tk. 51.00

Tk. 15,747.00

Tk. 1,616.00

Tk. 38.00

Tk. 4,754.00

Tk. 7,131.00

Tk. 9,508.00

Tk. 27.34

Tk. 41.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 54.67

Unit Rate

Tk. 18,897.00

Tk. 32,247.00

Tk. 48,371.00

Tk. 297.00

Tk. 29,712.00

Tk. 31,834.00

Tk. 33,957.00

Tk. 2,195.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 6,195.00

Tk. 535.00

Tk. 615.00

Tk. 707.00

Tk. 813.00

Tk. 935.00

Tk. 1,076.00

Tk. 68.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 131.00

Tk. 155.00

Tk. 490.00

Tk. 609.00

Tk. 364.00

Tk. 47.00

Tk. 17,827.00

Tk. 22,581.00

Tk. 418.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 594.00

Tk. 15.00

Tk. 3,090.00

Tk. 594.00

Tk. 683.00

Tk. 786.00

Tk. 904.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 1,039.00

Tk. 1,195.00

Tk. 94.00

Tk. 252.00

Tk. 273.00

Tk. 644.00

Tk. 846.00


Tk. 55.00

Tk. 23,770.00

Tk. 28,524.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 521.00

Tk. 722.00

Tk. 18.00

Tk. 4,427.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 713.00

Tk. 820.00

Tk. 943.00

Tk. 1,085.00

Tk. 1,247.00

Tk. 1,434.00

Tk. 157.00

Tk. 390.00

Tk. 411.00

Tk. 727.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 787.00

Tk. 62.00

Tk. 29,712.00

Tk. 35,654.00

Tk. 555.00

Tk. 849.00

Tk. 20.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 6,745.00

Tk. 951.00

Tk. 1,093.00

Tk. 1,257.00

Tk. 1,446.00

Tk. 1,663.00

Tk. 1,912.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 394.00

Tk. 906.00

Tk. 932.00

Tk. 874.00

Tk. 1,381.00


Tk. 67.00

Tk. 35,654.00

Tk. 40,408.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 635.00

Tk. 1,019.00

Tk. 28.00

Tk. 6,032.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 951.00

Tk. 1,093.00

Tk. 1,257.00

Tk. 1,446.00

Tk. 1,663.00

Tk. 1,912.00

Tk. 906.00

Tk. 2,184.00

Tk. 12,200.00

Tk. 8,040.00

Tk. 3,417.00

Tk. 4,605.00

Tk. 8,409.00

Tk. 364.00

Tk. 1,997.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 213.00

Tk. 35,654.00

Tk. 40,408.00

Tk. 651.00

Tk. 1,040.00

Tk. 28.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 1,188.00

Tk. 1,367.00

Tk. 1,572.00

Tk. 1,808.00

Tk. 2,079.00

Tk. 2,390.00

Tk. 1,084.00

Tk. 4,561.00

Tk. 15,773.00

Tk. 10,426.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 14,333.00

Tk. 8,646.00

Tk. 13,638.00

Tk. 364.00

Tk. 1,961.00

Tk. 232.00

Tk. 41,597.00

Tk. 46,491.00

Tk. 683.00

Tk. 1,188.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 28.00

Tk. 535.00

Tk. 615.00

Tk. 707.00

Tk. 813.00

Tk. 935.00

Tk. 1,076.00

Tk. 906.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 684.00

Tk. 4,475.00

Tk. 4,475.00

Tk. 1,515.00

Tk. 2,704.00

Tk. 3,060.00

Tk. 364.00

Tk. 1,105.00

Tk. 213.00

Tk. 17,827.00

Tk. 20,204.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 563.00

Tk. 594.00

Tk. 16.00

Tk. 594.00

Tk. 683.00

Tk. 786.00

Tk. 904.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 1,039.00

Tk. 1,195.00

Tk. 903.00

Tk. 950.00

Tk. 6,266.00

Tk. 6,266.00

Tk. 4,605.00

Tk. 2,704.00

Tk. 3,060.00

Tk. 364.00

Tk. 1,105.00

Tk. 207.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 23,770.00

Tk. 26,939.00

Tk. 570.00

Tk. 722.00

Tk. 18.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 713.00

Tk. 820.00

Tk. 943.00

Tk. 1,085.00

Tk. 1,247.00

Tk. 1,434.00

Tk. 906.00

Tk. 1,370.00

Tk. 6,563.00

Tk. 6,563.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 5,063.00

Tk. 3,060.00

Tk. 3,892.00

Tk. 199.00

Tk. 2,080.00

Tk. 232.00

Tk. 29,712.00

Tk. 33,674.00

Tk. 602.00

Tk. 849.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 21.00

Tk. 113.00

Tk. 166.00

Tk. 368.00

Tk. 921.00

Tk. 3,235.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 176.00

Tk. 136.00

Tk. 380.00

Tk. 4,796.00

Tk. 1,298.00

Tk. 886.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 463.00

Tk. 349.00

Tk. 505.00

Tk. 152.00

Tk. 116.00

Tk. 90.00

Tk. 78.00

Tk. 306.00

Tk. 281.00

Tk. 152.00

Tk. 152.00

Tk. 59.00

Tk. 91.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 119.00

Tk. 93.00

Tk. 201.00

Tk. 59.00

Tk. 43.00

Tk. 17,916.00

Tk. 17,727.00

Tk. 4,375.00

Tk. 4,186.00

Tk. 3,670.00

Tk. 53,525.00

Tk. 12.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 10,620.00

Tk. 7,029.00

Tk. 349.00

Tk. 522.00

Tk. 244.00

Tk. 217.00

Tk. 151.00

Tk. 248.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 9.00

Tk. 173.00

Tk. 1,261.00

Tk. 260.00

Tk. 27.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 158.00

Tk. 12.00

Tk. 102.00

Tk. 160.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 1,112.00

Tk. 423.00

Tk. 15.04

Tk. 20.05

Tk. 25.07

Unit Rate

Tk. 408.00

Tk. 15.04

Tk. 20.05

Tk. 25.07

Tk. 482.00

Tk. 15.04

Tk. 20.05

Tk. 25.07

Unit Rate

Tk. 467.00

Tk. 15.04

Tk. 20.05

Tk. 25.07

Tk. 692.00

Tk. 20.05

Tk. 25.07

Tk. 30.08

Unit Rate

Tk. 671.00

Tk. 20.05

Tk. 25.07

Tk. 30.08

Tk. 885.00

Tk. 20.05

Tk. 25.07

Tk. 30.08

Unit Rate

Tk. 864.00

Tk. 20.05

Tk. 25.07

Tk. 30.08

Tk. 1,041.00

Tk. 25.07

Tk. 30.08

Tk. 35.09

Unit Rate

Tk. 1,021.00

Tk. 25.07

Tk. 30.08

Tk. 35.09

Tk. 72.00

Tk. 1.86

Tk. 2.33

Tk. 2.79

Tk. 99.00

Tk. 2.33

Tk. 4.19

Unit Rate

Tk. 4.89

Tk. 136.00

Tk. 6.68

Tk. 10.03

Tk. 13.37

Tk. 626.00

Tk. 775.00

Tk. 825.00

Tk. 874.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 998.00

Tk. 1,346.00

Tk. 1,038.00

Tk. 1,220.00

Tk. 660.00

Tk. 19.15

Tk. 23.94

Tk. 28.73

Unit Rate

Tk. 763.00

Tk. 19.15

Tk. 23.94

Tk. 28.73

Tk. 1,362.00

Tk. 19.15

Tk. 23.94

Tk. 28.73

Unit Rate

Tk. 684.00

Tk. 19.15

Tk. 23.94

Tk. 28.73

Tk. 829.00

Tk. 19.15

Tk. 23.94

Tk. 28.73

Unit Rate

Tk. 829.00

Tk. 19.15

Tk. 23.94

Tk. 28.73

Tk. 799.00

Tk. 19.15

Tk. 23.94

Tk. 28.73

Unit Rate

Tk. 827.00

Tk. 19.15

Tk. 23.94

Tk. 28.73

Tk. 514.00

Tk. 19.15

Tk. 23.94

Tk. 28.73

Unit Rate

Tk. 514.00

Tk. 19.15

Tk. 23.94

Tk. 28.73

Tk. 57.00

Tk. 52.00

Tk. 56.00

Tk. 59.00

Tk. 161.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 7,403.00

Tk. 3,820.00

Tk. 1,233.00

Tk. 2,277.00

Tk. 3,659.00

Tk. 168.00

Tk. 184.00

Tk. 201.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 223.00

Tk. 243.00

Tk. 54.00

Tk. 60.00

Tk. 65.00

Tk. 84.00

Tk. 103.00

Tk. 108.00

Tk. 50.00

Tk. 7,862.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 3,175.00

Tk. 101.00

Tk. 504.00

Tk. 202.00

Tk. 410.00

Tk. 410.00

Tk. 202.00

Tk. 202.00

Tk. 152.00

Tk. 504.00

Tk. 51.00

Tk. 819.00

Tk. 630.00

Tk. 882.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 1,134.00

Tk. 2,340.00

Tk. 1,008.00

Tk. 819.00

Tk. 756.00

Tk. 819.00

Tk. 2,520.00

Tk. 756.00

Tk. 1,008.00

Tk. 819.00

Tk. 1,481.00

Tk. 530.00

Tk. 1,701.00

Tk. 1,890.00

Tk. 1,701.00

Unit Rate

Tk. 1,575.00

Tk. 1,059.00

Tk. 1,134.00

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