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Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas X – Retno Ayu, M.

Hum 1

Read the following dialogue!

Jane : Hello, Andy! Long time no see! How is your life?

Andy : Great. Nice to see you around here. Is this seat occupied?
Jane : No, please. Have a seat. We’re just enjoying our lunch.
Let me introduce you to my friend, Ronan.
Andy : Hi, Ronan. I’m Andy Johnson.
Ronan : How do you do, Andy. I’m Ronan.
You look familiar. Where are you from?
Andy : I’m from Singapore. What about you?
Ronan : I’m from San Fransisco. How long have you been here in
Andy : It’s just for work. I’ve been here since last week. What do you
do, Ronan?
Ronan : I’m a bartender. I own the bar in the Greyish Junction, right
across the city zoo.
Andy : No kidding. Seriously? I visited your bar almost every night with
my colleagues! I’m a banker from Maurice Investment.
Ronan : I used to be a banker too before starting my own business.
Perhaps that’s why you look so familiar. Besides the fact that you
come to my bar very frequently, we might come to the same
seminars two or three years ago.
Jane : Wow! What a small world!

Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas X – Retno Ayu, M.Hum 2

No Phrases Description
1. Hello, it’s nice to meet you. Say this to introduce yourself.
Good day/ Good morning/ Good
afternoon/ Good evening
I would like to introduce myself
May I introduce myself
Let me introduce my self
2. My name is … You can say your full name,
My full name is … , but you can call me … followed by your nickname. For
Call me … more informal situation,
mentioning nickname only is
often used.
3. I am from … This means the country where
e.g: I am from Kuwait you were born (usually used
when you introduce yourself in
front of people from other
4. I live in … Fill in the blank country or the
e.g: I live in Indonesia; I live in Jakarta; I city or the area where you were
live at Jalan Merpati 25, Bandung born. In spoken introduction, you
don’t have to mention your full
5. I was born in …. You may mention your birth
e.g: I was born in Chicago, 19 May 2000. information (if necessary)

6. I am … years old. Place your age number.

e.g: I am fifteen years old.
7. I am a … Say your position or job.
e.g: I am a fulltime student.
8. I enjoy … To say your hobbies, add –ing at
e.g: I enjoy watching online dramas. the end of the word. You may
add the reason.
9. I study at … , majoring in … Fill in with your school, followed
e.g: I study at SMKN 36 Jakarta, majoring with your major.
I work at ... as a ... Fill in the company’s name where
you work for and your profession
10. Nice to meet you. Say one of these phrases to
Pleased to meet you. someone that’s introducing
How do you do? him/herself to you.

Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas X – Retno Ayu, M.Hum 3


PRACTICE : Spell these words below.


Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas X – Retno Ayu, M.Hum 4

Cardinal Numbers
Menerangkan jumlah
dalam bilangan
bulat. Digunakan
untuk menjawab
pertanyaan ‘How
many?’ dan ‘How

Ordinal Numbers
Digunakan untuk
tingkat, misalnya
2nd floor, tanggal
seperti 5th June,
urutan misalnya 1st
child, dan penyebut
pada pecahan
seperti ¾ dibaca
three fourth.

PRACTICE : Read these numbers.

1) 89 5) 812,277 9) 81st
2) 279 6) 3,831,222 10)930th
3) 4,133 7) 59th
4) 56,882 8) 233rd


Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas X – Retno Ayu, M.Hum 5

Greetings Hello, good day everyone. I would Halo, selamat pagi/ siang
like to introduce myself. semuanya. Saya ingin
memperkenalkan diri.
Name My name is Madeline Holland, but Nama saya Madeline Holland,
you can call me Maddy. It’s mike – namun kalian bisa memanggil
alpha – delta – delta – yankee. saya Maddy. Dibaca mike –
alpha – delta – delta – yankee.
Date of I was born in San Fransisco, 12th Saya lahir di San Fransisco, 12
Birth August 1997. I am now 22 years Agustus 1997. Usia saya
old. sekarang 22 tahun.
Keterangan : Untuk tahun dibaca penggalan dua angka, misal: 1997
dibaca nineteen ninety seven. Untuk tahun 2000 ke atas dibaca: two
thousand. Misalnya: 2007 dibaca two thousand seven.
Address I live at March Apartment, Saya tinggal di Apartemen
Singapore. March, Singapura.
Keterangan: Dalam memperkenalkan diri, tidak perlu terlalu detail
memberikan alamat. Hanya sampaikan saja maksimal di district saja.
Misalnya: I live at Tanjung Priok, Jakarta.
Family I am the second child in the family. Saya anak kedua dalam
background I have 4 siblings, 3 brothers and 1 keluarga. Saya memiliki empat
sister. My Father works as a saudara kandung, 3 saudara
journalist for The Jakarta Post and laki – laki dan 1 saudara
my Mother owns a small bakery. perempuan. Ayah saya bekerja
sebagai jurnalis di The Jakarta
Post dan Ibu saya memiliki toko
roti kecil.
Educational I graduated from Russel College, Saya lulus dari Russel College
background majoring History. jurusan Sejarah.
Occupation I am a junior secretary at Urban, Saya adalah seorang sekretaris
Inc. junior di PT Urban.
Favorite My hobby is playing tennis and Hobi saya bermain tenis dan
things watching movie. My favorite movie menonton film. Film favorit saya
is The Avengers adalah The Avengers.
Nationality I am from the United States of Saya berasal dari Amerika. Saya
America. I am an American. orang Amerika.


Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas X – Retno Ayu, M.Hum 6

Meaning Examples
Siapa Who's that? That's Nancy.
Orang Siapa itu? Dia Nancy.
Dimana Where do you live? In Boston
Tempat Dimana kamu tinggal? Di Boston.
Why do you sleep early? Because I've got to get
up early
Kenapa kamu tidur di awal waktu? Karena saya
harus bangun lebih awal.
Kapan When do you go to work? At 7:00
Waktu Kapan kamu pergi kerja? Jam 7:00.
Bagaimana How do you go? By car
Cara Bagaimana anda pergi? Dengan mobil.
Apa What do you do? I am an engineer
WHAT Obyek, ide/
Apa pekerjaan anda? Saya seorang insinyur.
Yang mana Which one do you prefer? The red one.
Pilihan Yang mana yang kamu pilih? Yang merah.
Milik siapa Whose is this book? It's Alan's.
Kepemilikan Milik siapa buku ini? Itu milik Alan.
Siapa Whom did you meet? I met the manager.
WHOM Obyek dari Siapa yang kamu temui? Saya menemui manajer
kata kerja tsb
Seperti apa What kind of music do you like? I like quiet songs
WHAT KIND Music seperti apa yang kamu suka? Saya suka
lagu kalem.
Jam berapa What time did you come home?
Waktu Jam berapa kamu pulang?

Berapa banyak How many students are there? There are twenty.
Jumlah (dapat Berapa banyak siswa yang ada disana? Ada
dihitung) duapuluh.

Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas X – Retno Ayu, M.Hum 7

Berapa banyak How much time have we got? Ten minutes
HOW MUCH Jumlah (tidak Berapa banyak waktu yang kita punya? Sepuluh
dapat dihitung) menit.
How long did you stay in that hotel? For two
Berapa lama
Berapa lama anda tinggal di hotel itu? Selama dua
Durasi (waktu)
How often do you go to the gym? Twice a week.
Seberapa sering anda pergi ke gym? Dua kali
HOW FAR Seberapa jauh How far is your school? It's one mile far.
Seberapa jauh sekolahmu? Kurang lebih satu mil
Berapa usia How old are you? I'm 16 years old.
Usia Berapa usiamu? Saya 16 tahun.
Bagaimana bisa How come I didn't see you at the party?
Alas an Bagaimana bisa saya tidak melihatmu di pesta itu?

PRACTICE : Work with your friend to translate the question below.

1) Siapa nama Ayah kamu?
2) Mengapa kamu menyukai musik jazz?
3) Berapa usia nenek kamu?
4) Berapa banyak uang yang kamu butuh?
5) Seberapa sering kamu mandi dalam sehari?
6) Siapa yang kamu temui pagi ini?
7) Handphone seperti apa yang ingin kamu beli?
8) Bagaimana bisa kamu terlambat setiap hari?
9) Seberapa jauh jarak dari rumah kamu ke sekolah?
10) Apa kota terpadat di dunia?

1) _________________________________________________________________
2) _________________________________________________________________
3) _________________________________________________________________
4) _________________________________________________________________
5) _________________________________________________________________

Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas X – Retno Ayu, M.Hum 8

6) _________________________________________________________________
7) _________________________________________________________________
8) _________________________________________________________________
9) _________________________________________________________________
10) _______________________________________________________________

PRACTICE: Ask these questions to your friend and write their answers
Questions Answers
How many brothers or sisters
do you have?
What are your dreams?

How much money do you

have in your pocket now?
Where do you come from
How old is your mother and
Who is your most favorite
How often do you watch TV
in a day?

PRACTICE : Write down the correct WH Questions.

Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas X – Retno Ayu, M.Hum 9


Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas X – Retno Ayu, M.Hum 10

1. Who spoke to his cousin yesterday?
2. _______________________________
3. _______________________________
4. _______________________________
5. _______________________________
6. _______________________________
7. _______________________________
8. _______________________________
9. _______________________________
10. _______________________________
11. _______________________________
12. _______________________________
13. _______________________________
14. _______________________________
15. ______________________________
16. ______________________________
17. ______________________________

Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas X – Retno Ayu, M.Hum 11

Pronoun atau kata ganti adalah kata yang dapat menggantikan suatu kata benda
atau frasa kata benda. Kata ganti berfungsi menghindari pengulangan kata benda
atau frasa kata benda yang sama yang telah disebut sebelumnya.

Subject Pronoun Object Possessive Possessive Reflexive

Pronoun Adjective Pronoun Pronoun
I Me My Mine Myself
You You Your Yours Yourself
(kamu) Yourselves
He Him His His Himself
(dia laki – laki)
She Her Her Hers Herself
(dia perempuan)
It It Its Its Itself
(ia/itu benda/
hewan tunggal)
We Us Our Ours Ourselves
They Them Their Theirs Themselves

Penjelasan dan Contoh Penggunaan Pronouns:

1) Subject Pronoun
Kata ganti yang bersifat sebagai subjek dalam sebuah kalimat.
Contoh : Mary needs a needle to sew the shirt. She is good in sewing.
2) Object Pronoun
Kata ganti yang bersifat sebagai objek langsung maupun tidak langsung sebuah
Contoh : Where’s the book? Mark can’t find it. (It merupakan kata ganti untuk
3) Possessive Adjective (Determiner)
Walaupun merupakan determiner, tapi lebih mudah untuk dipelajari bersamaan
dengan pronoun karena bentuk dari possessive adjective mirip dengan
possessive pronouns. Possessive Adjective tidak mengganti kata benda seperti
Contoh : This is our house.
4) Possessive Pronouns
Berbeda dengan possessive adjective, Possessive Pronouns mengganti kata
benda baik sebagai subjek atau objek sebuah klausa. Karena kata benda yang
digantikan tidak muncul dalam kalimat, kata tersebut haruslah jelas dipahami
melalui konteksnya.
Contoh : These cards are my stuffs. Theirs are inside the bag. (kata theirs
mengacu pada cards, karena bentuk jamak maka menggunakan are.).
5) Reflexive Pronoun
Kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan tindakan atau kegiatan yang
dilakukan oleh subjek itu sendiri atau dengan kata lain memberi penekanan

Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas X – Retno Ayu, M.Hum 12

pada unsur subjek atau objek. Kata ganti bentuk tunggal mendapat akhiran –
self, dan bentuk jamak dengan akhiran –selves.
Contoh : We blame ourselves for the fire.
Intensive Pronouns
Walaupun mirip dengan reflexive pronouns, intensive pronouns bersifat
menekankan subjek sebuah klausa. Pronouns ini bisa dihilangkan dari kalimat
dan tidak akan mengubah makna kalimat tersebut, meskipun akan
menghilangkan penekanannya.
Contoh : My teacher didn’t know the answer herself.


1. The children are as hungry as 7. It is their / theirs problem, not
we / us. our / ours.
2. They / them love vegan food. 8. My / mine hands are cold.
3. Is that chocolate for I / me? 9. Is this your / yours camera or
4. He / him will get a new phone her / hers?
soon. 10. Can we use your / yours
5. Where is my / mine schoolbag? washing machine? Our / ours is
6. That is not your / yours rubber. broken.
It is my / mine.


Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas X – Retno Ayu, M.Hum 13

Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas X – Retno Ayu, M.Hum 14
I Am Example:
He From Bali
She Is An Accountant
It An American
You Are

Tambahkan ‘not’ setelah ‘to be’. Contoh : We are NOT from Indonesia.

Am I Example:
He From Bali
Is She An Accountant
It An American ?
Are You

Contoh Kalimat:
Mereka adalah siswa rajin di sekolah - They are diligent students at school.
Mereka bukan siswa rajin di sekolah - They are not diligent students at school
Apakah mereka siswa rajin di sekolah? - Are they diligent students at school?

Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas X – Retno Ayu, M.Hum 15

PRACTICE – Fill in the sentences with the correct ‘to be’

PRACTICE: Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns and verbs.
Good morning. I __________ Bobby Sumalong. I __________ the CEO of, the world’s best computer software company. Let me introduce you to
the great team of people who work for
This is Riana White. __________ is our technical manager. When there’s problem
with the software, __________ will find a solution for it. I think __________’s very
talented. This is Riwala Smith. He is our expert programmer. ____’s from Australia.
That’s where __________ started designing and wriitng software programs. Riwala
began working here last year. _____ thinks _______’s the best place he has ever
worked in. Here we have Rahmat Abimanyu. _______ is our sales representative.
______ joined the company two years ago. We call him “Mr.Ambassador” because
______ speaks four languages fluently. Then there’s Lestari Sugondo, ______’s
office secretary. ______ has a really important job. ______ knows every single detail
about the job. ______ brain is just like a computer.

Read the text below carefully!

Hello! My name’s Farah Farce and I’m a student. I’m 17 years old.

Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas X – Retno Ayu, M.Hum 16

I’m the owner of Farcee Online Shop. It is an online shop that sellls original goods
from abroad, but I produce my own products as well.
I do the same things every day. I go to the campus and give seminars in many
different places about how to be a successful young entrepreneur. In the evening I
watch television, listen to music, read magazines, and check my online shop.
In Jakarta, we don’t go to school at weekends. So, on Saturdays, I usually go
shopping in the morning or in the afternoon. In the evening, I often go to the
cinema or meet up with my friends. It’s a little bit different on Sundays. On Sunday
mornings, my family and I usually have breakfast together. A little while later, my
father and brother will watch the soccer game on television. My sister and I don’t
like soccer, so we go fo a walk with mom on Sunday afternoons.
In the evenings, i usually recheck the orders of my online shop. I go to bed at 11
p.m. I usually wake up early so I set my alarm clock to 4 a.m.

Vocabulary : Family Relations

Father : Bapak Son : Anak laki - laki
Mother : Ibu Daughter : Anak perempuan
Parents : Orangtua Uncle : Paman
Grandfather : Kakek Aunt : Bibi
Grandmother : Nenek Cousin : Sepupu
Grandparents : Kakek – Nenek Nephew : Keponakan Laki
Brother : Saudara Laki Niece : Keponakan Perempuan
Sister : Saudara Perempuan

UNIT ONE – NAME : ____________________________
GREETINGS AND CLASS : X ________________

Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas X – Retno Ayu, M.Hum 17




Greetings Good morning/

everyone. Let me
introduce myself.
Full Name My name is
Ramadania Sarah.
Nickname You can call me
and Dany. It’s Delta –
Spelling Alpha – November
– Yankee.
Date of I was born in
Birth Bandung, 12th April
Address I live in Jalan
Family My Father has
background passed away two
years ago. My
Mother owns a
small coffeeshop. I
have one little
brother. He is 7
years old.
Educational I study at SMK
background Merdeka, majoring
Tourism, grade X.
Occupation I am a student.
Favorite My hobby is baking
things cupcakes.
Nationality I am Indonesian.
Prepare your answers for the questions below.
1. How do you go to school everyday?
2. Why do you choose this school?
3. What is the name of your best friend?
4. What kind of movie do you like to watch?
5. What time do you wake up every morning?

UNIT ONE – NAME : ___________________________
GREETINGS AND CLASS : X ________________

Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas X – Retno Ayu, M.Hum 18


Task 1 : Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns!

1. _________ (George) is dreaming.
Answer : HE is dreaming.
2. _________ (the dog) is running.
3. _________ (the flowers) are in the
4. _________ (Diana) has got a
5. _________ (my mother and I) are
watching TV.
6. _________ lives in Liverpool
7. I met _________ (he) in the
8. They sing with _________ (I) in
the choir.
9. Lisa likes _________ (it).
10.Excuse _________ (I), is this the
way to the station?
11.He recruits _________ (we) to
work in the garden.
12.Where are the cupcakes? Did you
eat _________ (they) all?
13.Is _________ (Lisa) your sister?
14._________ is working on
_________ presentation (she).
15._________ can ride _________
skateboards (My friends and I).
16.This is _________ (he) friend.
17.This is not my jacket. _________
was blue.
18.These two cats are _________
19.Let _________ (I) help you carry
these bags.
20.That pen is _________ (I). It is
not _________(you).

Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas X – Retno Ayu, M.Hum 19

Task 2 : Relative Pronoun : Fill in the blanks with the correct relative
pronoun: who, which, whom, or whose.

21.This is the boy _________ had an accident.

22.Yesterday I saw a car _________ was really old.
23.Mandy is the girl _________ I met on Friday.
24.I haven’t seen Frank, _________ brothers are five, for a long time now.
25.The robber stole the car _________ the lady parked in front of the supermarket.
26.This is the man _________ house is on fire.
27.Can I talk to the girl _________ is sitting on the bench.
28.The book _________ you gave me is great.
29.She likes hamburgers _________ are hot.
30.Bill Clinton, _________ was the President of USA, has only one daughter,

Task 3 : Choose the correct reflexive pronoun: myself, yourself, himself,

herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.

31.Robert made this T-shirt _______________ .

32.Lisa did her homework _______________ .
33.We helped _______________ to some Coke at the party.
34.Emma, did you take the photo by _______________ ?
35.I wrote this poem _______________ .
36.He cut _______________ with the knife while he was doing the dishes.
37.The lion can defend _______________ .
38.My mother often talks to _______________ .
39.Tim and Gerry, if you want more milk, help _______________ .
40.Alice and Doris collected the stickers _______________ .

Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas X – Retno Ayu, M.Hum 20

Task 4 : Write down the WH Question.

Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas X – Retno Ayu, M.Hum 21

Task 5 : Write down the correct To Be.

Handout Bahasa Inggris Kelas X – Retno Ayu, M.Hum 22

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