Module 2 - Part4

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Digital Electronics



Simplify D = f(a, b, c, d) =- ∑(0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 15)

Step 1:
 Arrange all of the minterms, in a
list of increasing order, so that
groups of, terms contain the
same number of ls
 Group 0 contains no ls equal
to 0;
 group 1 contains only those
minterms that have a single 1
{ 1, 2, 8};
 group 2 contains minterms
with two ls {3, 6, 9};
 group 3 contains minterms
with three ls {7, 14};
 group 4 contains minterms
with four ls {15}.

Step 2:
 Create a new table showing the
minterms in group n that
matched with those from group
n + 1 such that they differ in
only one position.
 Eliminated variable bit positions
are indicated by the dash (-).
 In each group have been
compared to those in the next
higher group.

 If a term does not simplify, it

is a prime implicant.

Prepared By: BHASKAR S VBE , M .Tech, C SI, L MISTE ,IETE

Digital Electronics

Step 3:
 All the adjacent minterm
groups are compared to see if
groups of four can be made.
 The dashes in the groups of two
must be in the same bit position
and only one variable change (0
in one group and 1 in the other)
is allowed.
 A comparison is made of each
minterm in group n with each
minterm in group n + 1.

Step 4:
 Repeat the process outlined in step 3. In this case both dashes (-) must be in the same bit
position with only one other variable allowed to change.
 This same process is repeated until no further combination of minterm groups is possible.
Step 5:
 All nonchecked minterm groups are now considered to be prime implicants.
Step 6:
 All of the prime implicants are formed into a prime-implicant table as shown
 The prime implicant table lists each of the minterms contained in the original switching
equation across the top of the table.
 Each prime implicant is listed vertically in two forms, PI terms and the decimal list of
minterms that make up the PI.

Step 7:
 Evaluate the prime implicants by circling those minterms that are contained in only one
prime implicant (only one x in a column).
 Note that minterms {8, 9, 14, 15} meet this condition.
 Circled minterms represent essential prime implicants (EPI).
 Minterms {0, 1, 8, 9} and {6, 7, 14, 15} are essential prime implicants.
 Minterms { 2, 3} are contained in two prime implicants, {0, 1, 2, 3} and {2, 3, 6, 7}.
 We need one or the other of these prime implicants to cover minterms in the equation but
not both.
 This implies that two equally simplified results are possible.

D = b' c' + bc + a'b′ or D = b' c' + bc + a' c

Prepared By: BHASKAR S VBE , M .Tech, C SI, L MISTE ,IETE
Digital Electronics

2.6.2 Quine-McClusky Using Don't Care Terms

Consider the following problem:
S = f(w. x, y, z) = ∑m (1, 3, 13, 15) + ∑ d (8, 9, 10, 11
Step 1:
 Construct a list of minterms
and don't care terms classified
according to the number of ls.
 Indicate the don't care terms by
using a * symbol. Don't care
terms are never included as
prime implicants by

Step 2:
 Compare terms in group n,
including don't care terms, with
terms in group n + 1, looking
for a single variable change.
Treat don't care terms as a 1 in
finding prime implicants

Step 3:
 Repeat step 2. creating an
additional table indicating
groups of four minterm/don't
care term groups. Repeat step 3
until no further grouping can

Step 4:
 Construct a prime implicant
chart and determine essential
prime implicants. Treat any
don't care terms not part of a
group containing a minterms as
0s. They do not need to be
 contains only don't care terms
and is, therefore, not a PI.
 The resulting simplified
equations is In this example, all of the PIs were also EPIs.
S = x'z + wz

Prepared By: BHASKAR S VBE , M .Tech, C SI, L MISTE ,IETE

Digital Electronics

2.6.3 Problems
(1) F (A, B, C, D) = ∑ (0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13).

(2) F (A, B, C, D) = ∑ (2, 4,5, 9, 12, 13)

Prepared By: BHASKAR S VBE , M .Tech, C SI, L MISTE ,IETE

Digital Electronics

(3) Y (A,B,C,D) = ∑ (1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 14, 15) + ∑d (4, 8, 11).

Prepared By: BHASKAR S VBE , M .Tech, C SI, L MISTE ,IETE

Digital Electronics

(4) f (A,B,C,D)= ∑ ( 0, 1, 9, 15, 24, 29, 30) + d (8, 11, 31)

Prepared By: BHASKAR S VBE , M .Tech, C SI, L MISTE ,IETE

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