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The Coordination Committee formed by GR No. Abhyas - 2116/(Pra.Kra.

43/16) SD - 4
Dated 25.4.2016 has given approval to prescribe this textbook in its meeting held on
29.12.2017 and it has been decided to implement it from the educational year 2018-19.



Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production and

Curriculum Research, Pune.
The digital textbook can be obtained through DIKSHA App
on a smartphone by using the Q. R. Code given on title page
of the textbook and useful audio-visual teaching-learning
material of the relevant lesson will be available through the
Q. R. Code given in each lesson of this textbook.
First Edition : 2018 © Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production and Curriculum
Research, Pune - 411 004.
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Research, ‘Balbharati’, Senapati Bapat Marg, Pune 411004.

History Subject Committee Authors

History Political Science
Dr Sadanand More, Chairman
Dr Shubhangana Atre Dr Vaibhavi Palsule
Shri. Mohan Shete, Member
Dr Ganesh Raut
Shri. Pandurang Balkawade, Member
Dr Shubhangana Atre, Member
Translation Scrutiny
Dr Somnath Rode, Member
Shri. Bapusaheb Shinde, Member Dr Shubhangana Atre Dr Manjiri Bhalerao
Dr Vaibhavi Palsule Dr Sanjot Apte
Shri. Balkrishna Chopde, Member
Shri. Prashant Sarudkar, Member Cover and Illustrations
Shri. Mogal Jadhav, Member-Secretary Shri. Devdatta Prakash Balkawade
Civics Subject Committee DTP Section, Balbharati
Dr Shrikant Paranjape, Chairman Paper
Prof. Sadhana Kulkarni, Member 70 GSM Creamwove
Dr Prakash Pawar, Member
Print Order
Prof. Ajinkya Gaikwad, Member
Prof. Sangita Aher, Member N/PB/2021-22/Qty.- 70,000
Dr Mohan Kashikar, Member Printer
Shri. Vaijnath Kale, Member M/s. India Printing Works, Mumbai
Shri. Mogal Jadhav, Member-Secretary
Mogal Jadhav
History and Civics Study Group Special Officer, History and Civics
Varsha Sarode
Shri. Rahul Prabhu Shri. Vishal Kulkarni
Assistant Special Officer, History and Civics
Shri. Sanjay Vazarekar Prof. Shekhar Patil
Shri. Subhash Rathod Shri. Ramdas Thakar Production
Smt Sunita Dalvi Dr Ajit Apte Sachchitanand Aphale
Dr Shivani Limaye Dr Mohan Khadse Chief Production Officer
Shri. Bhausaheb Umate Smt Shivkanya Kaderkar Prabhakar Parab, Production Officer
Dr Nagnath Yevale Shri. Gautam Dange Shashank Kanikdale,
Shri. Sadanand Dongre Dr Vyankatesh Kharat Asst. Production Officer
Shri. Ravindra Patil Shri. Ravindra Jinde
Smt Rupali Girkar Dr Prabhakar Londhe Publisher
Dr Minakshi Upadhyay Dr Manjiri Bhalerao Vivek Uttam Gosavi, Controller
Dr Raosaheb Shelke Prof. Shashi Nighojkar Maharashtra State Textbook Bureau,
Dr Satish Chaple Prabhadevi, Mumbai - 400 025.
You have studied ‘History and Civics’ from Std. III to Std. V as a part of
‘Environmental Studies’. From Std. VI History and Civics are included in the
syllabi independently. Starting from Std. VI, these subjects appear as two separate
sections of a single textbook. We are very happy to hand over to you, the ‘History
and Political Science’ textbook for Std. Ten.
The book is written with a view to ensure that students find the book easy to
understand and enjoyable. We wish that along with gaining knowledge, you should
also feel happy while studying. You will find coloured pictures added with this
purpose in mind. So, read the lessons very carefully. If you have difficulty in
understanding any part of the book, request your teachers and parents to explain
it. The additional information appearing in special frames is meant to enhance
your knowledge. Audio-visual material can be accessed through ‘App’ by using
the Q.R.Code. This would certainly help you in your studies. If you make history
your friend and study the book, you will definitely develop a deep interest in the
In this book, you will learn about ‘Applied History’ in the history section.
Many people find interest in history as an exciting subject and a hobby. However,
many have doubts about the necessity of including it in the school syllabi;
availability of professional opportunities; if a student chooses to specialise in the
subject, its usefulness in the student’s chosen field of career; etc. It is difficult to
clear these doubts as there is a lack of enough information. This textbook provides
this information. All aspects of the day-to-day life, all occupations and crafts have
a particular history of their development. This textbook highlights the fact that
knowledge of such history is useful in the enhancement of an individual’s
occupational skills.
The section of ‘Political Science’, is about the ‘Constitution of India’.
Information regarding elections, the process of conducting them, main political
parties at national and regional levels, their agenda, political and social movements
that lead to healthy democracy and challenges faced by the Indian democracy is
included in this book. Students of Std. Ten will soon be getting a right to vote.
This information will prepare them for fulfilling this new role capably.

Pune (Dr. Sunil Magar)

Date : 18 March 2018, Gudhipadva Director
Indian Solar Year : 27 Phalgun 1939 Maharashtra State Textbook Bureau

- For the Teachers -

History is an awe-inspiring subject and many take it up as a hobby. However, many

feel anxious about the need to include it in the school syllabi, career prospects if one chooses
to specialise in it or if it would add value to one’s qualifications in his chosen field of
career. Not enough information is available to help in overcoming this anxiety.
So far, courses in ‘Method of History and Historiography’, ‘History of Historiography’,
etc. were offered to students only at college and university level. They did not form a part
of the school syllabi. Hence, two lessons in this book are devoted to historiography. While
doing so the possible lack of clarity in student’s mind about the scientific method of history,
is taken into consideration.
History is not confined to narrating the stories of various dynasties and the battles fought
by them or the stories of great warriors. From time to time, the history textbooks have strived
to create awareness of this fact among school-going students. However, they did not have
any opportunity to learn about the larger scope of history beyond political history and the
relation of history with the present. The Std. Ten history syllabus is drawn with a special
focus on this aspect. The lessons are also arranged with this view.
Indeed, the day-to-day human transactions and history are closely related. A new branch
of knowledge known as, ‘Applied History’ or ‘Public History’ has been developing since few
decades. Universities in many countries are offering various courses in this field. This textbook
tells us about this new discipline, as also about several available opportunities to professionals
to enhance their qualifications by studying history and the increasing need for expert historians.
The book also contains information about various courses in applied history and the institutions,
which offer such courses.
May it be about the day-to-day transactions or about occupational skills; every field has
its own history. Knowledge of such history helps in the enhancement of one’s professional
skills. This textbook strives to make this co-relationship between history and various
professional fields.
The students on the verge of starting college education face various questions regarding
the choice of graduate programmes and proper decision making for selecting a career.
Especially, students who aspire to specialise in history find very few informative inputs, which
will guide and encourage them. This textbook has tried to overcome this shortcoming. It
includes interesting information and suitable illustrations with this purpose in mind.
The scope of school syllabi of ‘Civics’ and ‘Political Science’ is very exhaustive, which
includes an array of topics starting with the introduction of social-political environment to
international diplomatic relations and various political processes at national level. You will
indeed fulfill the learning objectives while studying and teaching the textbook. However, it is
also anticipated that the class interaction should not be limited to mere information. They
should be linked with day-to-day events and happenings. There is no doubt that the Indian
democracy is faced with many challenges but at the same time there are many traditions
emerging, which would strengthen it. They can be taught objectively with the help of
discussions and dialogues. For this to happen, opportunities should be made available to
students forming small groups.
The structure of this textbook will expose students to newer fields of knowledge. We
believe that the teachers and parents would receive this book with full support.

Competency Statements
No. Unit Competency
1. Critical Explains the traditions of Historiography.
Summary of Understands that a number of western thinkers have contributed
History from to the development of the discipline of historiography.
Ancient to
Modern Period Studies various periods of Indian history with a critical and
comparative viewpoint.
 Obtains information regarding historical research done in India
and other countries.
Explains that History is a scientific discipline.
2. Applied History Understands the concept of Applied History.
Understands the applicability of history in various fields and also in
real life.
3. Mass Media and Brings out the interrelation between mass media and history.
History Develops independent historical outlook with the help of various
  Obtains information regarding specialisations in the concerned
professional field.
4. Entertainment Explains the necessity of entertainment.
media and Throws light on the interrelation between entertainment and history.
Understands the changes that have taken place in the entertainment
5. Art, Sports, Gives description of various arts in India.
Literature and Takes pride in the achievements of Indians in various sports and
History feels inspired by it.
 Studies various aspects of Art, Sports, Literature and explains
their historical application.
6. Tourism and Understands the relevance of History in the field of Tourism.
History Identifies opportunities in the field of tourism in our country.
Understands that tourism can offer employment opportunities to
many people.
Understands the interrelation between History and Tourism.
7. History and other Highlights the importance of museums/libraries/archives in
disciplines studying history.
Understands that objective analysis is possible in historical
Can correlate between History and other disciplines.


Applied History

No. Title Page No.

1. Historiography : Development in the West.. 1

2. Historiography : Indian Tradition................ 7

3. Applied History............................................ 15

4. History of Indian Arts.................................. 22

5. Mass Media and History.............................. 32

6. Entertainment and History........................... 39

7. Sports and History........................................ 46

8. Tourism and History..................................... 52

9. Heritage Management.................................. 59

1. Historiography : Development in the West

1.1 Tradition of Historiography In historical research it may not be

1.2 Modern Historiography possible to use the method of laboratory
experiments and observation. This is so
Development of Scientific because we were not present in the
Perspective in Europe and historical time and space and the historical
Historiography events cannot be recreated. Also in history
1.4 Notable Scholars it is not possible to formulate laws that
remain true irrespective of the time and
Historical research, writing and studies space.
are carried out with an objective of To begin, we need an expert who
understanding the chronology of the past knows the language and script of a
events and their interconnections. This is historical document in order to read it
a continuous process. and understand its meaning. Also, the
In the physical and natural sciences experts can examine the authenticity of
the empirical method (laboratory method the document by using criteria such as
of experiments and observation) is used lettering style, author’s style of writing,
to verify the available knowledge. This manufacturing date and type of paper,
method allows formulating laws that stamps of authority, etc. Such a document
remain true irrespective of the time and is further scrutinised by a historian with
space. Those laws can be tested and the help of relevant historical references.
proved repeatedly.

Historical Research Method

Examining relevant
references of the available
historical information
Critically examining Collecting historical information,
of various sources of highlighting the processes that lead
history to historical transitions, carrying
Writing of out comparative analysis

Formulating Understanding the references

hypotheses regarding time and space of the
given historical events and also
Formulating relevant various conceptual frameworks
questions in view of the used in historical research method
historical references

Methods of various disciplines are
useful in historical research. For example, Do you know ?
Archaeology, Archival Science,
Manuscriptology, Epigraphy (Study of
inscriptions), Analysis of lettering style,
Linguistics, Numismatics (Study of coins),
Genealogy (Study of lineage), etc.
1.1 Tradition of Historiography
We have learnt about the historical
research method, critically examining the
historical sources and writing the historical
narrative. The writing of critical historical
The earliest inscription in the
narrative is known as ‘Historiography’. A
Louvre museum
scholor who writes such a narrative is a
historian. The above picture shows a
The historian cannot include every fragment of the earliest inscription.
past event in his narrative. The inclusion A forward marching file of soldiers
and interpretation of historical events by holding shields and spears is seen
the historian often depends on the here. The General is in the front.
conceptual framework adopted by him. The tradition of recording
His style of writing is determined by that historical event can be traced back
conceptual framework. to Sumer civilisation in
The tradition of writing historical Mesopotamia. Names of Sumerian
narrative, that is historiography, was not kings and the stories of battles
prevalent in the ancient societies of the fought by them have been preserved
world. However, that does not mean that in various inscriptions. The earliest
they were not aware of the historical time inscription shown above, dates back
or were not eager to know about it. to 4500 B.C.E. It records a battle
Ancient people also felt the need of fought between two kingdoms. It is
passing on the stories of the life and now displayed at the Louvre
valour of the ancestors to the next museum in France.
generation. Ancient communities all over
the world used various means like cave
paintings, story-telling, singing songs and (1) Its method is based on scientific
ballads, etc. for this purpose. These principles. It begins with the formation of
traditional means are looked upon as the relevant questions.
sources of history in the modern (2) These questions are anthropocentric.
historiography. It means that these questions are about the
deeds of the members of ancient human
1.2 Modern Historiography societies of a particular period. History
Four main characteristics of modern does not suggest any interrelation between
historiography : the Divine and human deeds.

(3) Answers to these questions are René Descartes
supported by reliable evidence. (1596-1650) : René
(4) History presents a graph of Descartes was the
mankind’s journey with the help of past foremost among
human deeds. scholars who insisted
It is said that the modern on verifying the
historiography with above characteristics reliability of
has its roots in the ancient Greek historical historical documents
writings. ‘History’ is originally a Greek by critically
René Descartes examining them.
term. Herodotus, the Greek historian of
the fifth century B.C.E. used it first for Among the rules
his book entitled, ‘The Histories’. given by him in his book, ‘Discourse on
the method’, the following is supposed to
Development of Scientific have a great impact on the scientific
Perspective in Europe and method of research : Never to accept
Historiography anything for true till all grounds of doubt
are excluded.
Till the eighteenth century C.E.
Europe had achieved a remarkable Voltaire (1694-1778) : Voltaire’s
progress in the fields of Philosophy and original name was François-Marie Arouet.
Science. Scholars by then had come to He was French. He
believe in the possibility of studying the opined that along
social and historical truths by applying with objective truth
scientific methods. Now the philosophical and chronology of
discussions focused more and more on the historical events
objectivity in history and historiography. considering social
Prior to the eighteenth century all traditions, trade,
European universities were interested only economy, agriculture,
in the philosophical discourses revolving etc. was also equally Voltaire
around Divine phenomena. However, important in historiography. It gave rise
gradually this scenario began to change. to the thought that understanding all
In 1737 C.E. the Gottingen University aspects of human life is important for
was founded in Germany. This university history writing. Thus, it is said that
for the first time had an independent Voltaire was the founder of modern
department of history. Later, other German historiography.
universities also became centres of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
historical studies. (1770-1831) : Hegel was a German
philosopher. He insisted that the historical
1.4 Notable Scholars
reality should be presented in a logical
The contributions of many scholars manner. To him the timeline of historical
are important in the development of events was indicative of progress. He also
historiography. Let us have a look at the thought that the presentation of history is
contributions of the few notable scholars. bound to change over time as new

evidence would Leopold von Ranké (1795-1886) :
come forth. With Historiography of the nineteenth century
Hegel’s philosophy was greatly influenced by the thoughts of
many scholars were Leopold Von Ranke of Berlin University.
convinced that He spoke about the critical method of
historical methods historical research. He put emphasis on
were not of lesser the utmost importance of information
quality though they gathered through
differed from original documents.
Georg Wilhelm scientific methods. He also stated that
Friedrich Hegel The collection of his all types of
lectures and articles documents associated
is published in a book, entitled with a historical
‘Encyclopaedia of Philosophical Sciences’. event need to be
His book, ‘Reason in History’, is well examined with
known. greatest care. He
Leopold von Ranké
believed that with
this method it was
It is good to know this : possible to reach the historical truth. He
According to Hegel, grasping criticised imaginative narration of history.
the meaning of any event happens Collection of his articles is published in
in terms of two direct opposites. two books, entitled ‘The Theory and
Human mind cannot understand the Practice of History’ and ‘The Secret of
true nature of that event, without World History’.
understanding the opposites, for Karl Marx (1818-1883) : In the
example, True-False, Good-Bad, latter half of the nineteenth century a new
etc. In order to understand the true school of thought arose keeping in view
nature of a thing one needs to know
the new thesis formulated by Karl Marx.
both true and false, similarly good
According to Karl Marx, history was not
and bad. This method of analysis
about abstract ideas; it was about living
which is based on opposites is
people. Human relationships are shaped
known as ‘Dialectics’. In this
by the fundamental needs of people and
method a theory is proposed at the
the ownership as well as nature of
beginning, which is called, ‘Thesis’.
prevalent means
Then another theory is proposed,
which is contrary to the thesis. It is of production to
called, ‘Antithesis’. After a thorough meet those needs.
logical discussion of the both a new The accessibility
thesis is proposed which includes of these means to
the gist of both, the thesis and the different strata of
antithesis. This process of arriving the society may
at the new thesis is called, not be equal. This
‘Synthesis’. Karl Marx inequality causes

a division of the society into classes, Michel Foucault (1926-1984) : The
leading to class struggle. According to French historian of the twentieth century,
Marx, human history is the history of Michel Foucault brought forth a new
class struggle, as the class that owns the concept in historiography. He, in his book,
means of production economically exploits ‘Archaeology of Knowledge’, argued that
the rest of the classes. ‘Das Kapital’, a the prevailing practice of arranging
treatise written by him is the most referred historical events in a chronological order
book all over the world. is not right. He
Annales School : At the onset of the drew attention to
twentieth century a new school of the fact that
historiography arose in France, which is archaeology does
known as ‘Annales School’. Annales not strive to
school gave a new direction to history reach the ultimate
writing. It was recognised now that history historical truth
is not only about the political events, but attempts to
kings, great leaders and accordingly explain various
politics, diplomacy and wars but also transitions in the
Michel Foucault
about the climate, local people, agriculture, past. Foucault felt
trade, technology, means of that explaining the transitions in history
communication, social divisions and their is more important. He called his method,
collective psychology, etc. in the historical ‘the archaeology of knowledge’.
times. The Annales School was started by Foucault subjected the so far
French historians. unacknowledged areas by historians such
Feminist Historiography as psychological disorders, science of
Feminist historiography means the medicine, prison administration, etc. to
restructuring of the history from the historical analysis.
perspective of women. The writings of Thus, the scope of historiography
Simone de Beauvoir, helped in establishing kept continuously expanding. Writing of
the fundamentals of feminism. She was histories of various subjects like literature,
French. The feminist historiography architecture, sculpture, drawing and
emphasised not only on the inclusion of painting, music, dance, drama, films and
women in history but also on the rethinking television, etc. came into practice.
of the male dominated perspective of
history. It drove historical research to
focus in depth on various aspects of
women’s life such as their employment,
their role in trade union, institutions
working for their cause, their family life,
etc. In the historical writings after 1990
women were portrayed as an independent
social class.


1. (A) Choose the correct option from the 4. Complete the concept chart.
given options and complete the
(1) It may be said that …….. was the
founder of modern historiography.
(a) Voltaire (b) René Descartes
(c) Leopold Ranké (d) Karl Marx Notable
………… wrote the book entitled Scholars in
‘Archaeology of Knowledge’. Europe
(a) Karl Marx (b) Michel Foucault
(c) Lucien Febvre (d) Voltaire
(B) Identify and write the wrong pair
in the following set.
(1) Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - 5. Answer the following in detail.
‘Reason in History’
(1) Explain Karl Marx’s ‘Class Theory’.
(2) Leopold von Ranké - ‘The theory
(2) What are the four characteristics of
and Practice of History’
modern historiography ?
(3) Herodotus - ‘The Histories’
(3) What is feminist historiography ?
(4) Karl Marx - ‘Discourse on the
(4) Explain Leopold von Ranké’s
perspective of history ?
2. Explain the following concepts.
(1) Dialectics
(2) Annales School Obtain detailed information on your
favourite subject and write its history. For
3. Explain the following with its reason. example :
(1) Historical research was driven to - History of Pen
focus in depth on various aspects of - History of Printing technology
women’s life.
- History of Computers
(2) Foucault called his method, ‘the
archaeology of knowledge’.

2. Historiography : Indian Tradition

2.1 Tradition of Indian Historiography You would like to know this:

2.2 Indian Historiography : Various
Ideological Frameworks

2.1 Tradition of Indian Historiography

We learnt about the western tradition
of historiography in the last lesson. In
this lesson we will know about the
tradition of Indian historiography.
Historiography in the Ancient
Period : In the ancient period in India Sohagaura Copper-plate : The
memories of the great deeds of ancestors copper-plate was found at Sohagaura
and mythological lore, also memories of (District Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh). It
social transitions were preserved with the is supposed to be from the Mauryan
help of oral recitals. period. The inscription on it is in
The inscriptions on the Harappan Brahmi script. The symbols known as
seals and other artefacts confirm that ‘Tree-in-railing’ and ‘Mountain’ at
Indians had mastered the art of writing the beginning of the inscription also
as early as the third millennium B.C.E. occur on punch marked coins. Another
or perhaps before that. However, the symbol which looks like a structure
Harappan script is not yet successfully erected on four pilars is supposed to
deciphered. be indicative of a granary. The
inscription records a royal order that
The earliest known written documents
the grains stored in the granary should
of historical nature found in India are in
be distributed carefully. It is supposed
the form of inscriptions. They are dated
to be suggestive of precautions taken
to the 3rd century B.C.E., that is emperor
in the times of a famine.
Ashok Maurya’s times. His edicts are
inscribed on natural rocks and stone administration of various empires and
pillars. kingdoms and also important political
From the 1st century C.E. inscriptions events, social organisation, climate,
begin to occur on coins, metal images famines, etc. of the respective times.
and sculptures, and also on copper plates. The ancient Indian literature including
They provide important historical the epics Ramayana and Mahabharat,
information. We get to know about the Puranas, Jain and Buddhist texts, historical
dates of various kings, dynastic accounts by Indian authors and also
genealogies, territorial extent and travelogues by foreign travellers are
important sources of history.
Writing of biographies of kings and Do you know ?
dynastic histories mark an important step
in the Indian historiography. Alberuni wrote in Arabic about
‘Harshacharit’, written in the 7th century Indian knowledge and social life. In
C.E. by Banabhatta is King Harsha’s the following period many books about
biography. It portrays a realistic picture India were written by foreign scholars.
of the social, economic, political,religious Among them, to name a few, are :
and cultural life during the king’s times. Hasan Nizami’s ‘Tajul-Ma’asir’;
Historiography in the Medieval Minhaj-i-Siraj’s ‘Tabaqat-i-Nasiri’;
Period : The style of writing various works by Amir Khusrau;
‘Rajtarangini’, the history of Kashmir by ‘Tuzuk-i-Timuri’, the autobiography of
Kalhana in the 12th century C.E. is quite Timur (-i) Lang, who was also known
close to the concept of modern as Amir Timur who invaded India;
historiography. Kalhana himself says that ‘Tarikh-i- Mubarakshahi’ by Yahya
he wrote this text after critically examining Bin Ahmad Sirhindi. Their accounts
various sources like inscriptions, coins, provide us with historic information of
remains of ancient monuments, dynastic Sultanate period.
records and local traditions. Accounts of foreign travellers in
In the medieval India the historians India are also important. Among them
in the courts of Muslim rulers were are Ibn Battuta, Abdul Razzaq, Marco
influenced by Arabic and Persian Polo, Nicolo Conti, Barbosa and
historiography. Among them Ziauddin Domingos Paes. Their accounts provide
Barani holds an important place. In us with historic information of medieval
‘Tarikh-i-Phiruz Shahi’, a book written by India. Ishwardas Nagar, Bhimsen
him, he has stated the purpose of Saxena, Khafi Khan and Niccolao
historiography. According to him the Manucci were among the historians of
historian’s duty is not limited only to the Aurangzeb’s times whose accounts are
recording of the ruler’s valour and policies important sources of Mughal history.
of welfare but he should also write about
the ruler’s failings and incorrect policies. Babur, the founder of the Mughal empire
Barani further says that a historian should wrote an autobiography, entitled,
also take into consideration the impact of ‘Tuzuk-i-Babari’. It contains the
the teachings of the wise, the learned, descriptions of the battles fought by him.
and the saints on the cultural life of Babur also recorded his minute
people. Thus, Barani expanded the scope observations of various regions and cities
of historiography. travelled by him including the local
For the historians in the Mughal economy, customs and the flora.
courts praising the emperors and exhibition Abul Fazl’s ‘Akbarnama’ is very
of loyalty became more important. The important from the viewpoint of critical
custom of adding suitable poetic quotes historiography. His method of collecting
and beautiful pictures was also introduced. authentic historical documents and their

scrutiny is looked upon as devoid of bias
and hence realistic.
‘Bakhar’ is an important type of
historical documents of medieval times. It
contains eulogies of the heroes and stories
of historic events, battles, lives of great
Marathi bakhars are of various types.
‘Sabhasad Bakhar’ was written by Alexander Cunningham John Marshall
Krishnaji Anant Sabhasad during the
reign of Chhatrapati Rajaram Maharaj. It Many British officials in India wrote
is an important bakhar for getting about Indian history. Their writings
information about the rule of Chhatrapati display strong influence of the colonial
Shivaji Maharaj. policies of the British.
‘Bhausahebanchi Bakhar’ describes Three Volumes of ‘The History of
the Battle of Panipat. Another bakhar, British India’, written by James Mill were
entitled ‘Panipatachi Bakhar’, is also published in 1817. This was the first book
about the same event. ‘Holkaranchi on Indian history
Kaiphiyat’ provides information about the written by a British
Holkars and their contributions to the historian. It clearly
Maratha rule. reflects an absence
Bakhars can be divided into various of objective
types such as biographies of kings, perspective and
dynastic history, descriptions of events, prejudice about
history of a sect, autobiographies, various aspects of
regarding grievance, based on mythologies the Indian culture.
James Mill ‘The History of
and state administration by a king.
India’, written by Mountstuart Elphinstone,
Historiography in the Modern
Governor of Bombay (now Mumbai) was
Period : In the 20th century the Indian
published in 1841.
archaeological exploration and research
started under the British rule. A number The period of Maratha Empire is
of ancient sites were excavated under the very important in the Indian history.
supervision of Sir Alexander Cunningham, Grant Duff’s name stands out among the
the first Director General of the British officers who wrote about Maratha
Archaeological Survey of India. He chose history. He wrote the book entitled, ‘A
mainly the sites mentioned in the Buddhist History of the Mahrattas’. This book is
texts for this purpose. Harappan published in three volumes. Grant Duff’s
Civilisation was discovered during the writing also shows the British inclination
tenure of Sir John Marshall. Because of of condemning Indian culture and history.
this discovery the antiquity of Indian Similar tendency is witnessed in Colonel
history could be traced to 3rd millennium Todd’s writings about Rajasthan’s history.
B.C.E. or even earlier. The two volumes written by William

Wilson Hunter on Indian history show a mention. In his
somewhat impartial treatment of the opinion Sanskrit was
subject. the most ancient
Nilkanth Janardan Kirtane and language of the Indo-
Vishwanath Kashinath Rajwade were two European languages.
Indian historians who took upon the task He was deeply
of exposing the limitations of Grant interested in Sanskrit
Duff’s writings. literature. He first
William Johnes
translated the Sanskrit
2.2 Indian Historiography : Various text of ‘Hitopadesh’ in German language.
Ideological Frameworks He was the editor of 50 volumes of ‘The
Colonial Historiography : The early Sacred Books of the East’. He also
scholars who studied and wrote Indian compiled ‘Rigveda’,
history were mainly British officers and which has been
Christian missionaries. Their prejudice is published in six
clearly reflected in the way some of them volumes. He
have ridiculed Indian culture. Their translated Rigveda
writings were used to justify the colonial in German.
British rule. The five volumes of Lately, Edward
‘Cambridge History of India’, published Said, a scholar who
during 1922-1937 C.E. are distinct has re-evaluated the
examples of colonial historiography. orientalist writings, Friedrich Max Muller
Orientalist Historiography : Many has thrown light on imperialistic interests
European scholars felt curious about of orientalist scholors.
civilisations and countries of the East. Nationalistic Historiography : The
Some of those scholars felt admiration writings of Indian historians who were
and respect for them. These scholars trained in the British educational system
were known as ‘Orientalists’. show an inclination to restore the pride
The orientalists studied the similarities in the ancient glory of India and the self-
between Sanskrit and some of the esteem of the Indian readers. Their
European languages. They focused more writings are known as ‘Nationalistic
on Vedic tradition and Sanskrit literature. Historiography’. Nationalistic writings in
Their studies resulted into formulating the Maharashtra were inspired by
notion of an ancient language that could Vishnushastri Chiplunkar. He criticised
be the mother of all Indo-European the prejudiced history of ancient India
languages. written by British officers. The nationalistic
In 1784, Sir William Jones founded historians tried to seek the golden era of
Asiatic society in Kolkata. It opened the Indian history. They are at times blamed
doors for research in ancient Indian for ignoring the critical analysis of the
literature and history. historical truth. Mahadev Govind Ranade,
Among the Orientalist scholars, Ramkrishna Gopal Bhandarkar, Vinayak
Friedrich Max Muller deserves a special Damodar Savarkar, Rajendra Lal Mishra,
Ramesh Chandra Majumdar, Kashi Prasad
Jayswal, Radha Kumud Mukherjee, Do you know ?
Bhagawan Lal Indraji, Vasudev Vishnu
Mirashi and Anant Sadashiv Altekar are V. K. Rajawade founded ‘Bharat
the names of some renowned scholars Itihas Samshodhak Mandal’ in Pune,
among the nationalistic historians. on 7th July 1910 to facilitate
historical research.

Do you know ?
‘Human history is defined by
Justice Mahadev Govind Ranade Time and Space. Describing any
has explained the background of the event necessitates that the final
rise of Maratha empire in great portrayal should be spread on the
details in his book, ‘The Rise of complete canvass of the given time
Maratha Power’. According to him and place.
it was not like a suddenly erupted Only if a balanced combination
forest fire but the ground for it in of the three factors, Time, Space
Maharashtra on the social, cultural and Personalities is present, then
and religious levels was getting only an event does qualify to be
ready over a prolonged period. called so.’
- V. K. Rajwade
Rajwade is well-known for his
writings in Marathi on varied subjects
like history, linguistics, movement of the
etymology, grammar, Indian people against
etc. He was of the the British. In this
firm opinion that we aspect the book, ‘The
should write our own Indian War of
history. He compiled Independence, 1857’,
and edited 22 volumes written by Vinayak
of ‘Marathyanchya Damodar Savarkar is
Itihasachi Sadhane’. Vinayak D. Savarkar of great importance.
V.K.Rajwade He wrote very The nationalistic historiography
scholarly prefaces to each of the 22 provided a momentum to the writing of
volumes. He stated, ‘History is the regional histories too. As a result the
all-inclusive image of the past societies. attention of historians was drawn to the
It does not include only the stories of geographic conditions and history of south
political images, conspiracies and wars Indian regions.
for seizing power.’ He insisted that history Historiography in the Post-
should be written only using the authentic Independence Era : Now along with
documentary source. writing the dynastic histories, the cultural,
The nationalistic historiography helped social, economic histories were also being
in the triggering of the independence written. Scholars of the post-independence
era began to feel the need of writing Folklore has been considered as a
histories of various communities, sciences, very important source of writing subaltern
economic systems, political ideologies, histories. Ranjit Guha, an Indian historian
cultural aspects, etc. The historiography played a major role in establishing
of this era has been influenced mainly by subaltern history as an important academic
three ideological schools: (1) Marxist school of historiography. However, we
History (2) Subaltern History (3) Feminist may point out that much before the onset
History. of subaltern ideology similar thoughts
Marxist Histroy : The concern for were expressed by Mahatma Jyotirao
the means of production, modes of Phule and Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar.
production and the industrial relations Mahatma Phule unfolded the history
were at the centre in the writings of of the ‘shudratishudra’ commuunities in
Marxist historians. Accordingly, to analyse his book, ‘Gulamgiri’.
the impact of every social event of He drew attention to
significance has the exploitation of
remained the basic women, shudras and
theme of Marxist atishudras done under
historiography. the name of religion.
Marxist historians The terms
in India studied the ‘shudra’ and
transitions within the ‘atishudra’ indicates Mahatma Jyotirao Phule
caste system. Among the bottommost ranks in the caste system.
Damodar Kosambi the notable Indian The role of the people belonging to
historians who adopted Marxist ideological Dalit castes is very significant in the
framework, scholars like Damodar shaping of various cultural and political
Dharmanand Kosambi, Comrade Shripad aspects of India. However, their role was
Amrut Dange, Ram Sharan Sharma, not duly acknowledged in the colonial and
Comrade Sharad Patil have contributed nationalistic historiography. Dr Babasaheb
notably. Comrade Dange was one of the Ambedkar focusing on
founder members of the Indian Communist this fact, consistently
Party. ‘Primitive Communism to Slavery’, wrote about it. Two of
the book written by him represents Marxist his books, ‘Who Were
historiography. the Shudras’ and ‘The
Subaltern History : The seeds of Untouchables’ may be
subaltern history are found in the Marxist cited as examples of
historiography. The role of the Italian history of subaltern
Dr Ambedkar type.
historian Antonio Gramsci is very
important in developing the idea that Feminist History : Over a significant
history should be written starting from the period of time, mainly male scholars were
bottommost ranks of people in the society. involved in the writing of Indian history.
In fact, subaltern means the ‘bottommost As a result, the role and achievements of
ranks’. women in history remained neglected. To

highlight this fact was a major task faced women in Maharashtra. Dr. Sharmila
by the feminist historians. Also, it was Rege’s work is noteworthy in this context.
important to study and compile the Her book, ‘Writing Caste, Writing Gender  :
historical writings of women. It was also Reading Dalit Women’s Testimonies’
necessary to rethink of women’s position includes her essays on the autobiographies
in history. of Dalit women.
Among women authors writing about
women in the 19th Do you know ?
century C.E., Tarabai
Publication of ‘Marathi
Shinde was the
Riyasat’ by Govind Sakharam
foremost one. She
Sardesai was a momentous
wrote attacking the
achievement in the field of Indian
male dominated
Historiography. His work became
social system and so famous that people began to
the caste system. address him as ‘Riyasatkar’. He
Tarabai Shinde Her book, ‘Stripurush published several volumes of
Tulana’, published Maratha history.
in 1882, is acknowledged as the first
feminist book in India. In 1888, the book There have been a number of Indian
written by Pandita Ramabai was published, historians who wrote without embracing
entitled, ‘The High Caste Hindu Woman’. a particular ideology. Among them
The feminist literature of the post- historians like Sir Jadunath Sarkar,
independence era concentrated on the Surendra Nath Sen, Riyasatkar G.S.
issues like employment of women, Sardesai, and Tryambak Shankar
treatement meted out to them at their Shejawalkar are noteworthy.
work place, their right to political equality, In the recent times historians like
etc. Among the recently published feminist Yashawant Dinkar Phadke, Ramchandra
literature Meera Kosambi’s book, Guha, etc. have contributed extensively to
‘Crossing Thresholds : Feminist Essays in the historiography of modern India.
Social History’ is of importance. It Thus, it is evident that the Indian
contains essays on the life stories of historiography has been influenced greatly
women like Pandita Ramabai and Dr. by the social and political movements. It
Rukhamabai, the first practicing lady seems that some part of the Indian
doctor of India. A lot of literature is historiography was also developed outside
available unfolding the viewpoint of Dalit the influence of these movements.


Q.1.(A) Choose the correct option from the

given options and complete the statement. (a) Alexander Cunningham
(b) William Jones (c) John Marshall
(1) …….. was the first Director General
(d) Friedrich Max Muller
of the Archaeological Survey of India.
(2) ………… translated the Sanskrit text (b)
Complete the following concept
of ‘Hitopadesh’ in German language. map.
(a) James Mill
(b) Friedrich Max Muller
(c) Mountstuart Elphinstone


sc fou

rip gh
(d) Sir John Marshall

tio t b

ns y


of Ba
(B) Identify and write the wrong pair in


the bur



the following set.






‘Who were the Shudras’ -

subaltern History

(2) ‘Stri-Purush Tulana’ - Feminist writing




hh araj




(3) ‘The Indian War of Independence

of Ma


1857’ - Marxist History

re hiva

e S

(4) Grant Duff - Colonial History.

2. Explain the following statements with
(1) Writing of the regional history received 5. Explain the following concepts.
a momentum.
(1) Orientalist historiography.
(2) Bakhar is an important type of (2) Nationalistic historiography.
historical documents.
(3) Subaltern history.
3. Write detailed Answers the following
questions in detail. Project
(1) What is Marxist History? Prepare an illustrated manuscript with the
help of the internet giving more information
What is the contribution of
Itihasacharya V.K. Rajwade to about the historians mentioned in this
historiography  ? lesson.

4. (a) Complete the following chart.

James Mill ‘The History of British India’

James Grant ..............................
.................. ‘The History of India’
S.A. Dange ..............................
.................. ‘Who were the Shudras’

3. Applied History

3.1 What is Applied History ? times. Knowledge of history is useful as

it can provide guidance in finding solutions
3.2 Applied History and Research in
to contemporary social issues and
Various Fields
incorporate them in the social planning.
3.3 Applied History and Our Present Knowledge of history is essential for this
3.4 Management of Cultural and purpose.
Natural Heritage The projects and programmes related
3.5 Affiliated Professional Fields to applied history can create opportunities
for people to participate along with the
3.1 What is Applied History ? technical experts. Their participation in the
‘Applied History’ is also known as capacity of tourists visiting museums and
‘Public History’. ‘Applied History’ is a ancient sites is also important. Tourism
field of study concerned with the creats interest in history among people.
application of history for the benefit of They can volunteer to participate in the
people in the contemporary and future conservation and preservation projects of
their own city or town or village.
It is interesting to know :
3.2 Applied History and Research in
Public History : People have lot of
Various Fields
misgivings about the practicality of the
knowledge of history. For example, history History is about the past events. The
is usually thought as a field of interest way our present life style is shaped, is
only for historians and students wishing dependent on the historical chain of
to pursue higher studies in the subject and events. Historical events relate to various
not pertaining to practical life, history as fields like politics, social and religious
a field of knowledge does not have any
structure of a community, philosophy,
applicability to economically productive
fields, etc.
technology and science, etc. Each of these
fields have their own history of building
‘Public History’ helps to overcome
such misgivings and makes history
knowledge. The direction of future
meaningful in everyday life connecting development in every field is dependent
people to history. on the state of available knowledge.
There are many universities abroad, Hence, the method of history can prove
where various courses in 'Public History' to be of value in the research of various
are offered. Srushti Institute of Art Design fields. For example,
and Technology is an institute at Bengaluru, (1) Philosophy : The history of
Karnataka. This institute has an philosophy helps in understanding the
independent department, named, ‘Centre origin of various ideologies, the intellectual
for Public History’. This department has
traditions giving rise to those ideologies
taken up various projects and research in
the field of public history. and their historical development.
Philosophy needs language as a medium
of expression. In order to understand the understand the history of these processes.
philosophical expression, knowledge of The nature of the market and commerce
the history of language proves useful. has continued to change. Accordingly, the
(2) Science : The history of science nature of human relationships and the
helps in understanding the chronological social organisation also has continued to
order of scientific discoveries, inventions change. To understand this development
and theories. It can also help to understand it is necessary to study the history of
the cause-effect chain that led to those culture, social organisation and economic
discoveries and inventions. It is said that institutions.
‘need’ is the mother of inventions. (5) Management Studies : In order
Scientific discoveries/inventions are often to understand various factors involved in
the effects of human efforts to fulfil a the chain of production such as means of
need and also curiosity. These efforts are production, human resources and processes
based on already available scientific of production, as well as the chain of
knowledge. Knowledge of history of market and sales management, etc. it is
science helps in understanding the factors essential to have a knowledge of similar
that facilitated a scientific discovery/ functional systems of the past. It is
invention and also its chronology. essential to understand the psychological
(3) Technology : The history of character of people working at various
technology helps in understanding the levels in the chain of production and
changes and their causes in the field of marketing for healthy management. In
agricultural production, commodity order to achieve it, understanding of the
production, architecture, engineering, etc. social and economic institutions that
Scientific discoveries/inventions and support the industrial and commercial
technological advancement are mutually processes is important. Knowledge of
dependent on each other. Knowledge of history in this regard makes the
science and technology was very important management at various levels easier.
at every step from the making of stone (6) Arts : It is important to understand
tools to agricultural production in the the development of various art forms with
evolution of mankind. Later the the help of their style of expression and
advancement of science promoted the their foundation in the form of intellectual-
mechanisation of production. It is emotional-cultural traditions. The key to
necessary to know the history of technology the expressions in any art form, emotional
in order to understand the development of temperament of the artist and the
mechanisation and the mutual dependence developmental history of the respective
between science and technology. art form can be understood with the help
(4) Industry and Commerce : The of cultural history.
field of mutual social transactions expands (7) Humanities : Humanities include
with the growth of industry and trade. It disciplines like history, archaeology,
also promotes continuous development of sociology, anthropology, political science,
the network of cultural interactions. It is economics, etc. To understand the history
an integral part of the industrial and of the origin and development of these
commercial management. It is essential to disciplines is an essential part of their

learning. All disciplines are supposed to 3.4
Management of Cultural and
have their origin in philosophy. Ancient Natural Heritage
people all over the world tried to speculate
in order to understand the relationship (a) Cultural Heritage : It is in the
between the universe and human existence. form of human creation. It is of two types
It gave rise to various mythological stories - tangible and intangible.
about the origin of this world, the 1. Tangible Cultural Heritage : This
universal order, human life, gods and type of cultural heritage includes ancient
goddesses, rituals and their philosophical sites, buildings, artefacts, manuscripts,
explanation. Roots of philosophical sculptures, paintings, etc.
ponderings are to be found in these 2. Intangible Cultural Heritage :
mythological stories. Various disciplines This type of cultural heritage includes the
under humanities have theoretical following things -
foundations based on philosophical
* Oral traditions and their language
theories. Only historical knowledge can
help us in understanding these * Traditional knowledge
developmental stages. * Social customs and rituals of
celebrating festivals
3.3 Applied History and Our Present
* Styles of performing arts
People often ask about the practical * Certain traditional skills
value of history. The answer to the
* Communities, groups who represent
question about the nature of applied
such traditions, Customs and skills
history answers this question as well.
The visible and invisible relics of the past (b) Natural Heritage : the concept
exist in the present. We nurture some of natural heritage gives importance to
kind of curiosity, attraction toward them. the thought of biodiversity. It includes the
We wish to know more about their history following things -
because they represent the creative (1) Fauna (2) Flora (3) Ecology and
thoughts and traditions of our ancestors. geomorphic characteristics which is crucial
It is our heritage. It helps in building our for sustaining the flora and fauna of a
identity. The history of our heritage links particular region.
us with our origin. Hence it becomes It is essential for the benefit of future
necessary to preserve and conserve it for generations to preserve our heritage.
future, for our benefit as well as for the UNESCO, the global organisation has
benefit of future generations. Applied announced some directives with the
history is concerned with the preservation objective of promoting the cultural and
and conservation of our heritage and natural heritage. On the basis of those
make it accessible to people. Heritage directives list of sites and traditions are
management creates opportunities of declared as ‘World Heritage’.
employment. In brief, applied history can The list of UNESCO’s World Natural
be described as understanding of our Heritage now includes Western Ghats.
present with the help of history and The Kaas plateau in the District Satara,
finding right direction for the benefit of is also a part of the Western Ghats.
our future.
2004 Gangaikondcholapuram,
At a glance : Brihadishwar and Airavateshwar
The Indian traditions declared as Oral at Darasuram
and Intangible heritage : 1987 : Group of Monuments at Pattadakal
2001 : Kootiyattam, Sanskrit Theatre, 1989 : Sanchi Stupa
Kerala. 1993 : Humayun's Tomb, Delhi
2003 : The tradition of Vedic Chanting. 1993 : Kutub Minar and its Monuments,
2005 : Ramlila - the traditional Delhi
performance of the Ramayana in 1999 : Mountain Railways of India
North India. (1) Darjeeling Himalayan Railway,
2009 : Ramman : religious festival and (2) Nilgiri Mountain Railway,
ritual theatre of the Garhwal (3) The Kalka-Shimla Railway,
Uttarakhand. 2002 : Mahabodhi Temple Complex at
2010 : Kalbelia : folk songs and dances Bodh Gaya
of Rajasthan. 2003 : Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka
2010 : Chhau dance : West Bengal, 2004 : Champaner-Pavagadh
Jharkhand, Odisha. Archaeological Park
2010 : Mudiyett : a ritual theatre of Kerala. 2004 : Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
2012 : Buddhist chanting of Ladakh: Terminus, Mumbai
recitation of sacred Buddhist texts 2007 : Red Fort Complex, Delhi
in the trans-Himalayan Ladakh 2010 : The Jantar Mantar, Jaipur
region, Jammu and Kashmir. 2013 : Hill Forts of Rajasthan
2013 : Sankirtana : ritual singing, drumming 2014 : Rani-ki-Bav (the Queen’s
and dancing of Manipur. Stepwell) at Patan, Gujarat
2014 : Traditional craft of making utensils 2016 : Archaeological Site of Nalanda
Mahavihara (Nalanda University)
of brass and copper among the
at Nalanda, Bihar
Thatheras of Punjab.
2016 : The Capital Complex at
2016 : Yoga
World Cultural Heritage Sites - India 2017 : Ahemadabad - Historical City
1983 : Agra Fort
1983 : Ajanta Caves World Natural Heritage Sites :
1983 : Verul (Ellora) Caves 1985 : Kaziranga National Park
1983 : Taj Mahal 1985 : Keoladeo National Park
1984 : Temples at Mahabalipuram 1985 : Manas Wildlife Sanctuary
1984 : Sun Temple, Konark 1987 : Sundarbans National Park
1986 : Churches and Convents of Goa 1988 : Nanda Devi and Valley of Flowers
1986 : Fatehpur Sikri 2005 : National Parks
1986 : Group of Monuments at Hampi 2012 : Western Ghats
1986 : Khajuraho Temples 2014 : Great Himalayan National Park
1987 : Gharapuri (Elephanta) Caves Conservation Area
1987, : Brihadishwar temple of Tanjavur Mixed
Great Living Chola Temples - 2016 : Khangchendzonga National Park

people while completing the projects of
conservation, preservation and
development of a heritage site.
(4) Participation of the local people
in the project can be facilitated.
(5) Systematic plan can be designed
to employ the local skills in a creative
way and create better opportunities of
3.5 Affiliated Professional Fields
Kailasa Temple, Verul Knowledge of history can be
supportive in the decision making with
‘Cultural and Natural Heritage
regard to respective legal provisions and
Management’ is one of the main aspects
public policies in the following fields :
of applied history. The work of
conservation and preservation of the 1. Museums and Archives
Cultural Heritage falls under the 2.
Preservation and conservation of
jurisdiction of the Archaeological Survey historical site
of India and India’s State Departments of 3. Tourism and Hospitality
Archaeology. Beside, INTACH (Indian
National Trust for Art and Cultural 4. Entertainment and Mass Media
Heritage) is actively working in this field.
The work of conservation and preservation Do you know ?
of cultural and natural heritage requires
The earliest
participation of experts from various
museum (6th century
fields. They need to be duly aware of the
B.C.E.) in the world
cultural, social and political histories of
was discovered
the heritage site. Principles of applied
during the
history are useful in creating the awareness
excavations at the
among them. Thus,
city of ‘Ur’ in
(1) The operations necessary for the Mesopotamia. The
conservation, preservation and excavations were
development of the heritage site can be
Clay Tablets conducted by Sir
handled without causing any change in Leonard Woolley
its original state. (1922-1934). This museum was built by
(2) The local social structure and the princess of Mesopotamia. Her name
psychology of the local people, challenges was Ennigaldi. She herself was the
faced by them in the present situations curator of the museum.
and their expectations can be surveyed in A noteworthy feature of the that
detail. museum is the clay tablets inscribed
(3) Due precautions can be taken to with the descriptions of exhibited
avoid hurting sentiments of the local artefacts.

Do you know ? It is interesting to know :
Archives preserve and store old
documents, official records, old films,
The National Archives of India is
in New Delhi. Every state in India
maintains its archives independently.

Archives with a distinct purpose :

The main office of the National
Film Archives of India is located in
Indian Museum, Kolkata
Pune, Maharashtra. It was established
The ‘Indian Museum’ at in 1964 as the Media Unit of the
Kolkata was founded by the Asiatic Ministry of Information and
Society in 1814 C.E. Nathaniel Broadcasting of the Indian Government.
Wallich, a Danish botanist was the It served three objectives.
founder and the first curator of the To search and obtain rare Indian
museum. The photograph of the films and to preserve the heritage
museum seen here is dated to 1905. for the benefit of future generations.
The museum has three main To categorise the important aspects
departments, Arts, Archaeology and of films, to create documentation
Anthropology. Other affiliated and catalogues and carry out
departments are : conservation, research in the field.
publication, photography,
exhibition-presentation, model- To establish a centre for
making, training, library, security. dissemination of ‘films culture’.

Every field mentioned here requires history can create various opportunities
expert personnel with specialised skills. for these professionals.
For example, architects, engineers, In this lesson we learnt about the role
historians, archaeologists, museum of applied history in public training
curators, sociologists, archive management programmes for understanding the
professionals, legal experts, skilled importance of history, for creating social
photographers, etc. Of course, this is just awareness regarding the conservation,
a representative list. The help of experts preservation of our cultural and natural
from many more fields is required. These heritage, using knowledge of history for
experts need to have adequate knowledge this purpose, to enhance the professional
of the ancient sites, the historical skills of people and to develop industrial,
background of the structural remains and commercial field, to carry out preparatory
artefacts. Projects in the field of applied work and plan for effective implementation
of heritage projects, etc. It is essential preserved for the benefit of future
to avoid vandalising of historic and public generations.
places and to ensure that they are


1. (a) Choose the correct option from the 3. Complete the following concept map.
given options and complete the
statement. Cultural Heritage

(1) The earliest museum in the world

was discovered in the excavations at
the city of ………. . Tangible Intangible
(a) Delhi (b) Harappa
(c) Ur (d) Kolkata
(2) The National Archives of India is in
……………. .
(a) New Delhi (b) Kolkata 4. Explain the following statements with
(c) Mumbai (d) Chennai reasons.
(1) It is essential to study the history of
(b) Identify and write the wrong pair technology.
in the following set. (2) The list of world Heritage Sites is
(1) Kootiyattam - Sanskrit theatre, Kerala announced by UNESCO.
(2) Ramman -  Dance form in West 5. Write elaborate answers .
Bengal (1) How is the method of history useful
(3) Ramlila - Traditional Performance of in the research of
the Ramayana in Uttar Pradesh (a) Science (b) Arts
(4) Kalbelia - Folk songs and dances of (c) Management Studies
Rajasthan. (2) How can we correlate applied history
with our present?
2. Explain the following concepts :
(3) Suggest at least 10 solutions for
(1) Applied History
preservation of the sources of history.
(2) Archives
(4) What objectives can be fulfilled
through the heritage projects.
Show the Indian heritage sites on the
map of India.

4. History of Indian Arts

4.1 What is ‘Art’? and ‘Classical Art’. Folk art is a tradition

4.2 Indian Traditions of Visual Arts that has continued from the prehistoric
4.3 Indian traditions of Performing Arts times. The expression of folk art is a
4.4 Art, Applied Art and Professional natural part of people’s way of living.
Opportunities Hence its expression is spontaneous. Folk
art is created by collective participation of
4.1 What is Art ? the members of a social group. Classical
art, on the other hand, is expressed within
It is a natural human instinct to want
to share his experience, wisdom, and also an established frame of consistent rules. It
emotions. When that instinct results in a needs a prolonged training to master any
beautiful creation, it is acknowledged as form of classical art.
‘Art’. The artist’s power of imagination, Style in Art : Artists tend to have
sensibility, state of emotion and his skills their own method of working. It is known
are the crucial factors at the root of as the style of the artist. When a style is
artistic creation. adopted by many artists over a prolonged
Visual Arts and Performing Arts  : period of time, it may become a tradition.
Artistic creations are of two types, ‘Visual Such tradition gets established as an ‘art
Arts’ and ‘Performing Arts’. The Sanskrit style’. Various art styles develop in every
term for the first type is Drik Kala and for culture, which are characteristic of a
the second type, Lalit or Aangik Kala. Many certain period and region. Such styles are
examples of Prehistoric rock art have been helpful in studying art history.
discovered at many sites in the world. It
proves that the origin of visual arts is as 4.2 Indian Traditions of Visual Arts
old as the stone-age man. (Drik Kala)
Folk Arts and Classical Arts : There The art of painting and sculpting are
are two distinct traditions of art, ‘Folk Art’ visual arts.
Maratha Style of Painting : Maratha paintings is
an example of art style. The style known as Maratha
paintings began to develop in the latter half of the
17th century C.E. This style consists of coloured
paintings and they occur as murals and also miniatures
used in manuscripts. Murals of Maratha style can be
seen in the old wadas at places like Wai, Menavali
and Satara in Maharashtra. The Maratha style was
influenced by the Rajput and European styles of
Painting styles help us in understanding various
things about the times in which it was developed such
as the life style, attires, customs, etc.

Art of Painting : Paintings are two drawing various figures and symbols or
dimensional, for using panels of paintings to narrate stories
example, sketches or helped to develop regional styles of folk
paintings of nature, paintings.
objects and individuals.
They are done on Do you know ?
various surfaces, such
as rocks, walls, papers,
canvas of different
types and earthen pots.
The mural of The mural of
Bodhisattva Bodhisattva at Ajanta
Padmapani caves is one of the
finest examples of the art of painting.
Folk styles of Paintings : Rock
paintings dating to stone ages have been
discovered in many countries. The traditions of Warli painting and
In India, there are rock painting sites Pingul or chitrakathi (चित्रकथी) in
in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Maharashtra are among the finest
Pradesh, Bihar, Uttarakhand, Karnataka, examples of folk style of paintings. Jivya
Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. The rock Somya Mashe, the artist in Thane district
has played a great role in making the
paintings in the caves at Bhimbetka are Warli style of paintings very popular. He
famous. Bhimbetka is a World Heritage has been honoured with a number of
site. national and international awards for his
Rock paintings usually depict human, paintings. In the year 2011, he was
animal and geometric figures. However, the awarded ‘Padmashree’.
style of rock paintings seems to be changing
according to the cultural changes from It is interesting to know :
stone ages to the beginning of agriculture.
The change is visible in the depiction of
flora and fauna or it may be evident in the
style of portraying various figures and also
in the colours that were used. Black, red
and white colours were used in the rock
paintings, which were made from natural
substances. With the help of rock paintings
we can understand the knowledge of ancient
The tradition of Chitrakathi (चित्रकथी)
people about their natural surroundings and
is mentioned in ‘Manasollas’, or
also the way they exploited available Abhilashitartha Chintamani a book
natural resources. written by the Chalukya king Someshvara
The tradition of folk style of paintings in the 12th century C.E. It confirms the
closely resembles the style of rock paintings. antiquity of this tradition. The tradition
Customs such as decorating the house of narrating stories from Ramayana or
walls and courtyards (Rangawali) by Mahabharata with the help of wooden

puppets and paintings is known as, miniature style
Chitrakathi or Pinguli tradition. The
showing a blend of
Indian and Persian
Chitrakathi pictures are drawn on a
styles was
paper and painted in colours made developed.
from natural substances. It takes 30-
Western Style
50 pictures to complete the narration of Painting : In the
of a single story. These pictures are British period Indian
preserved very carefully and handed artists came under
down from one generation to another. the influence of
The artists and the government are European style of
trying to preserve the tradition, which Mughal Miniature painting. An art
is on the verge of extinction. school was established under the leadership
of James Wales, a Scottish artist, in the
times of Savai
Classical Styles of Painting : The Madhavrao Peshwe
ancient Indian texts have explained various in Shaniwar Wada
aspects of arts in great details. There are in Pune. He had
altogether 64 arts mentioned in these texts. done a portrait of
The art of painting is mentioned as alekhyam Savai Madhavrao
or alekhya vidya in these. and Nana
It is said to have six main aspects Gagaram Tambat, a
(Shadange). The ancient Indian scholars marathi artist who
studied these six aspects very minutely. worked with Wales
They include : Roopbheda (Different deserves a special Savai Madhavrao and
Nana Phadnavis
shapes and forms), Pramana (Proportionate mention here. He
depiction of various features of an image),
Bhava (Expressions), Lavanyayojana
(Aesthetics), Sadrushyata (A resemblance
to reality), Varnikabhang (Colour
Agama texts of various religious sects,
Puranas, and Vastushastra texts explain
the arts of painting and sculpting in the
context of temple architecture.
Miniature Paintings in Manuscripts : Gangaram Tambat with his Guru
The miniature paintings in the early
had made drawings of the rock-cut caves
manuscripts show an influence of Persian at Verul and Karle. Some of his drawings
style. The Deccan miniature style was are preserved in the Yale Centre of British
developed under the patronage of the Art of Yale University.
Deccan Sultanates. During the reign of Exact portrayal of the object of the
Akbar, the Mughal emperor, the Mughal painting is characteristic of the European
style. A number of renowned artists were of carving out stone sculptures of larger
trained in the J. J. School of Art and size began in the Mauryan period with the
Industry, which was established in 1857 Asokan pillars.
C.E., offering courses in European style of The Sanchi stupa was erected in
painting. Pestonji Bomanji, an alumni of emperor Ashoka’s time. However, the
this school made replicas of Ajanta paintings. beautiful sculptural embellishments of the
Sculptural Art : Sculptures are three stupa are supposed to be later additions.
dimensional, such as images, statues, pots The sculptures at Bharhut are testimonies
and objects with artistic embellishment. of the continuous development of sculptural
For creating sculptures either rock or metal art in India.
or clay is used. Rock Buddhism was
sculptures are made by spread far and
carving, metal sculptures wide, in many
are made with the help countries outside
of moulds and clay India. The
sculptures are formed tradition of
either directly with erecting Buddhist
hands or by using stupas began in
moulds. The entire those countries as
Bharhut Stupa
Ashokstambh temple of Kailasa at well. The stupa at
Verul is a unique monolithic sculpture Borobudur in Indonesia is the largest stupa
(carved out of a single rock). The lion in the world. It was built during the 8th-9th
capital of the Asokan pillar found at century C.E. It was declared as a World
Sarnath, is the national emblem of India. Heritage site in 1991.
Folk Styles of Sculptural Art :
The sculptural art is also as ancient Borobudur
as the art of painting, dating back to Stupa
stone ages. Carving tools out of stone
can said to be the beginning of
sculptural art. The custom of making
clay images for rituals has been
prevalent in India since Harappan
times. It has continued till today in
many regions like Bengal, Bihar,
Gujarat, Rajsthan, etc. The Ganesha idols, Indian Iconography : The Gandhara
masks of Gauri, bull figurines made for school of art came into being in the 2nd
the festival of Bailpola, wooden memorials, century B.C.E. in Afghanistan and
Veergals (memorial stones), the decorated neighbouring regions. It had Greek and
clay storage bins, etc. are a few examples Persian influence.
of the folk traditions of sculptural art. The 1st-3rd century C.E., that is the
Classical Styles of Sculptural Art  : Kushana period, saw the rise of Mathura
The Harappan seals, stone and bronze school of art. The Mathura school laid
statues tell us about the 5000 years old or the foundation of Indian iconography.
even older tradition of the Indian tradition Iconography is a branch of knowledge
of sculptural art. It is said that the tradition which includes everything about making
of images of gods The temple architecture in India began
and goddesses. to develop around 4th century C.E. during
The Kushana the Gupta period. The temples built at the
kings made use of beginning of the Gupta period had only the
images of various sanctum sanctorum (Garbhagriha) and a
deities on their veranda with four columns.
coins. During the The temple architecture in India had
period of Gupta reached its
empire the peak by the
iconographic rules 8th century
were formulated C.E. This is
Natraja and standards for easily testified
sculptural art were set. The art of making by the
bronze images was developed under the magnificent
patronage of Chola kings during 9th-13th composition
century. Bronze idols of Gods and of the Kailas
goddesses like Siva-Parvati, Nataraj, Nagara Style temple of
Lakshmi, Vishnu, etc. were made in this Verul. By the medieval period various
period. styles of temple architecture had developed
Architecture and Sculpture : There in India.
are a number of rock-cut caves in India. The styles of temple architecture are
The tradition of rock-cut caves originated identified by the style of the tower
in India in the 3rd century B.C.E. (Shikhara). The Nagara style of North
Technically the entire composition of a India and the Dravida style of South India
rock-cut cave represents a union of are the two principal styles of Indian
architecture and sculptural art. Its entrances, temple architecture. A blend of these two
interiors with its carved columns and styles is known as Vesara style. The
images are excellent specimens of sculptural Bhoomija style seen in Madhya Pradesh
art. The paintings on the walls and ceiling and Maharashtra has a close resemblance
have survived in some of the caves till to the Nagara style from the structural
today. The rock-cut caves at Ajanta and viewpoint. In the Bhoomija style, series of
Verul in Maharashtra were declared as miniature towers are arranged, which
World Heritage in 1983. become smaller toward the top. Hence, the
tower appears to be continuously rising
from the base of the temple to the top.

Ajantha Cave - No. 19 Entrance Dravida Style Gopura

Bijapur in Karnatak are the world famous
It is interesting to know : examples of the Islamic architecture of
Temples in Maharashtra built in India. The construction of the building of
12th-13th centuries are known as Kutub Minar started during the reign of
Hemadpanti temples. The outer walls Kutubuddin Aibak (12th century C.E.)
of Hemadpanti temples are built in a and was completed in the reign of
star shape. In the star-shaped plan, Altmash (13th century). Kutub Minar is
the outer walls of the temple has a the highest minaret in the world. It is 73
zigzag design. This results into an meters (240 ft.) in height. The Kutub
interesting effect of alternating light Minar complex of buildings has been
and shadow. The important declared as a World Heritage.
characteristic of Hemadpanti temple
is its masonry. The walls are built
without using any mortar, by locking
the stones by using the technique of
tenon and mortise joints. The
Ambreshwar temple at Ambarnath
near Mumbai, Gondeshwar temple at
Sinnar near Nashik, Aundha Nagnath
temple in the Hingoli district are a
few finest examples of the Hemadpanti
style. Their plan is star-shaped. The
Hemadpanti temples are found at
several places in Maharashtra.

Kutub Minar
The Mughal emperor Shah Jahan
built Taj Mahal in the memory of his
queen Mumtaj Mahal. The Taj Mahal is
looked upon as the paramount example
Gondeshwar Temple - Sinnar

In the medieval period, under the

patronage of Muslim sultanates many
styles of architecture, such as Persian,
Central Asian, Arabic and pre-Islamic
native Indian styles were blended together
creating the Islamic architecture of India.
Many beautiful buildings were created.
The Qutub Minar at Mehrauli near Delhi,
Taj Mahal at Agra, Gol Gumbaz at
Taj Mahal
of the beauty of Islamic architecture in ‘Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Railway
India. This world famous building has Terminus’, Mumbai is the finest example
been declared as World Heritage by of the Indo-Gothic architecture and it is a
UNESCO. World Heritage Site.
The Gol Gumbaz at Bijapur in 4.3 Indian traditions of Performing Arts
Karnatak was built in the 17th century
Traditions of Performing Folk Arts :
C.E. This grand building houses the burial
India has independent and varied traditions
of Mohammed Adil Shah of Bijapur. Inside
of folk songs, folk instrumental music,
the dome, after which the building is
folk dances and folk theatre, which are
named, there is a round gallery. Even a
characteristic of every particular region.
slight whisper by a person standing in this
There exist many rich traditions of
gallery can be heard everywhere and it
performing folk arts in Maharashtra also.
somebody claps from here its echo can be
They developed as an integral part of the
heard many times.
religious festivals and social life. To
name a few as examples, we may mention
Koli Dance, Tarapa Dance, Dashavatar
of Konkan, Powada, Keertan, Jagar-
Gondhal, etc.
Traditions of Classical Performing
Arts : India has a rich heritage of Classical
performing arts, too. The text of
‘Natyashastra’ written by Bharatmuni is
supposed to be the earliest one discussing
music and theatre. The nine moods (nine
rasas), supposed to be fundamental in the
Gol Gumbaz presentations of Indian performing arts
During the British period a new are  : Shringar (love), Hasya (humour),

architectural style arose in India. It is Beebhatsa (repulsion), Raudra (terrible),

known as Indo-Gothic architectural style. Karuna (sad), Veer (heoroic), Bhayanak
Buildings like Churches, government (fearful), Adbhut (wondrous) and Shant
offices, residences of top officials, (Peaceful).
railway stations were built in this style Indian people came into contact with
during the British period. The building of cultural traditions of other nations and that
resulted into blending of many
different streams in the presentation
of Indian performing arts, enriching
them over time. As a result many
styles of presenting of classical
vocal music, instrumental music,
and dance came into existence.
Various schools preserving those
styles were also created.
There are two main branches
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Railway Terminus of the Indian classical music :
Do you know ?

Lavani - Maharashtra
The ruler of Bijapur, Ibrahim
Adilshah II wrote a text in Dakhani
Kathakali - Kerala
Urdu language, entitled ‘Kitab-e-
Navras’. This text is about Indian
classical music. It includes verses
sung in the Dhrupad style and
enables the audience to experience
the joy of excellent poetry. This text
is originally translated in Marathi by
Dr Sayyad Yahya Nashit. It is edited
by Dr Arun Prabhune. The translation
of the verse printed on the cover of
this text reads as follows:
‘‘Oh, Mother Saraswati, you are
the divine light in the world and you
are complete with all qualities. If In India in the post-independence
Ibrahim receives your grace period various festivals of music and dance
(blessings), the poetry of the navras are organised with a view to make it
will become eternal.’’ accessible to common people. Many people
‘Hindustani music’ and ‘Carnatic music’. attend these festivals, including Indians
Similarly there are two forms of it : and foreigners alike. The ‘Savai
Classical (shastriya) and semi-classical Gandharva’ festival of Pune is a famous
(upshastriya). The semi-classical has one.
included many styles of folk music. Lately, we can see an inclination
A beautiful blend of all three forms of toward experimenting and creating fusion
music, vocal, instrumental and dance can of various music styles, by trying to
be seen in various Indian classical dance overcome the limitations imposed by a
forms like ‘Kathak of north India, ‘Lavani’ traditional style or school. Pandit Uday
of Maharashtra, ‘Odisi’ of Odisha, Shankar is a prominent name among such
‘Bharatnatyam’ of Tamilnadu, Kuchipudi artists who created a new style. He
of Andhra and ‘Kathakali’ and successfully created a fusion of Indian
‘Mohiniattam’ of Kerala. classical dance and European opera. He
also included various forms of folk dance (Nepathya); Art Direction for Films
in his style. Thus the scope of the and Televison; Creating attractive
presentation of Indian performing arts Layouts of books, magazins;
seems to be constantly expanding. The Callligraphy; Production of greeting
same phenomenon is apparent in the field cards, invitation cards, customised
of Indian visual arts. stationary, gift objects; etc. are the
fields of applied arts.
4.4 Art, Applied Art and Professional
Opportunities (2) The field of architecture, photography
are also part of applied arts. Nowadays,
Arts : Art history is an independent still and animated graphics created
branch of knowledge. Various opportunities with the help of computers are used
of research are available in this field. for various purpose. This is also
(1) Art historians can work in the applied art. Ornaments, artistic
field of journalism. creations of metals, earthen pots with
(2) Art market is an independent colourful designs, objects made from
field. It calls for special expertise to cane and bamboo, beautiful glass
assess the exact value of an art object or objects, attractive textiles and clothing,
to ensure that it is genuine. An expert etc. all can be listed under applied
with deep understanding of art history is arts.
required for this task. Every field mentioned above requires
(3) Heritage Management and a detailed planning and meticulous
Cultural Tourism are recently developed management at every stage of production.
fields. In these fields students of art can It is essential to employ, trained and
find many professional opportunities. skilled individuals at every stage. Some
Museums and Archives Management, of the production processes of artistic
Library Science and Information objects have a history of certain traditions.
Technology, Archaeological Research, The development of each productive
Indology are some important fields in this process has its own history. Hence the
regard. syllabi of training courses of art design
Applied Art : The visual and include the history of various industrial
performing arts are primarily looked upon and cultural traditions.
as the means of entertainment for people. There are a few institutions in
The artist performs primarily with this India, which offer technical and
purpose. However, there is a scope to occupational training in the above
combine an artistic creation with utility mentioned fields. Among them ‘National
value to make it economically viable. Institute of Design’ in Ahmedabad,
Thus an artistic creation with a utilitarian Gujarat is a world renowned institute.
purpose is called applied art. This institute has introduced an online
(1) Industry and Advertisement; Interior course since 2015.
Design and production of ornamental In the next lesson, we will learn
object; Art Design of stage Backdrops about mass media and history.


1. (A) Choose the correct option from the 4. Complete the following table.
given options and complete the
Temple Naagara Draavida Hemadpanti
statement. Architecture
(1) The arts of painting and sculpting are Naagara
………. . Characteristics
(a) visual arts Examples
(b) performing arts
5. Answer the following questions in detail.
(c) folk arts
(1) Write in detail about folk styles of
(d) classical arts painting.
(2) The ………. saw the rise of Mathura (2) Explain the characteristics of the
school. Islamic architecture in India by giving
(a) Kushana period examples.
(b) Gupta period (3)
What kind of professional
(c) Rashtrakuta period opportunities are available in the
(d) Maurya period field of arts?
(4) Observe the illustration of Warli
(B) Identify and write the wrong pair painting on p. 23 and write about:
in the following set.
(a) Depiction of nature (b) Drawings
(1) Qutub Minar – Mehrauli of human figures (c) Depiction of
(2) Gol Gumbaz – Vijapur occupations (d) Houses
(3) Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Railway
Terminus – Delhi Project
(4) Taj Mahal – Agra
(1) Collect additional information of the
2. Write short notes. World Heritage sites in India.
(1) Art (2) Observe the sculptors or image
(2) Hemadpanti style makers at work in your locality and
(3) Maratha style of painting interview them.
3. Explain the following statements with
(1) An expert with deep understanding of
art history is required in the art
(2) It is necessary to preserve the tradition
like Chitrakathi, which is on the
verge of extinction.

5. Mass Media and History

5.1 Introduction to Mass Media Newspapers : ‘Newspaper’ is a

5.2 History of Mass Media publication, which mainly prints news,
5.3 Why do we need Mass Media? editorials, people’s opinions, entertaining
5.4 Critical understanding of the or other supplementary content. It is
information received through Mass printed and distributed regularly at a
Media definite time.
5.5 Mass Media and Professional
Newspapers provide various local,
national and international news.
Newspapers are historical documents,
Think about it. which record current events.
What could be the method of Precursors of Newspapers : Before
sending a news to Delhi if there were the beginning of the common era there
a famine in Bihar in the Mughal period ? was a custom in Egypt of placing
How much time would it take for the
inscriptions with royal decrees at public
aid to reach Bihar after the Badshah
place. Emperor Asoka also resorted to
heard the news ?
similar method to reach out to his subjects.
In the Roman Empire, royal decrees were
5.1 Introduction to Mass Media
written on papers and those were
Mass Media contains two words. distributed in all regions. They also
‘Mass’ in this context means an contained the information of various
aggregation of people. ‘Media’ means events taking place in the nation and its
various modes of communication. Thus, capital. During Julius Caesar’s reign
mass media is a field of mass newspapers known as Acta Diurna,
communication. We can easily send some meaning acts of everyday, used to be
information to a far away destination placed, at public places in Rome. It was
through a medium of communication. In a very effective way of conveying royal
the olden days, a crier would run in the commands to people. In the 7th century
streets beating drums and crying out C.E. royal dictates were distributed among
important news according to the orders of people at public places. In England hand-
the king. The news would spread among outs used to be distributed occasionally,
people by word of mouth. giving information about wars or important
5.2 History of Mass Media events. Travellers arriving from faraway
would add spice to stories from those
Printing technology and newspapers places and narrate it to local people. The
were introduced in India after the arrival ambassadors of a king posted at various
of the British. People started receiving places would send back important news
printed news through newspapers. to the royal court.
Newspapers became the first mass medium
‘Bengal Gazette’ : The first English
of circulating information and knowledge
newspaper of India was printed on 29th
among people.
January 1780. It Raja Ram Mohan Roy in England.
was named as Reporting of such news throws light on
‘Calcutta General various historical events of those days.
Advertiser’ or ‘Prabhakar’ : This newspaper was
‘Bengal Gazette’. It started by Bhau Mahajan. The history of
was started by James French revolution and ‘Shatpatre’, the
Augustus Hickey, an letters by Lokhitvadi (Gopal Hari Deshmukh)
Irish gentleman. aimed at creating social awareness, were
James Augustus Hickey
‘Darpan’ : The published in this newspaper.
newspaper, ‘Darpan’ was started in 1832 ‘Dnyanoday’ : ‘Dnyanoday’ printed
in Mumbai. Balshastri Jambhekar was the the map of Asia in 1842 and the map of
editor of Darpan. Europe in 1851. The honour of printing
Make a list. an illustration in an Indian newspaper for
the first time, goes to Dnyanoday. The
Make a list of national leaders in
news of installation of telegraph, used for
the pre-independence period and the
electrically transmitting a news can be
newspapers started by them.
seen in Dnyanoday. The news of the
The news printed in Darpan can be starting of railways in India was printed
reviewed to know in Dnyanoday under the title, Chakya
about the political, Mhasoba meaning ‘Mhasoba with wheels’.
economic, social and It had also printed the news of the Indian
cultural events of war of Independence of 1857.
those times. Here are Newspapers, in those times were a
a few news titles as very important medium of creating social
examples : (1) The awareness. A newspaper named
Accounts of ‘Induprakash’ supported widow remarriage
Balshastri Jambhekar Expenditure from the in a big way. ‘Deenbandhu’, a newspaper
Three Administrative Divisions of the representing the masses of the Indian
East India Company (2) The Danger of society (Bahujansamaj), was started by
Russian Attack on the Nation (3) Mahatma Jyotirao Phule’s close associate,
Appointment of a Committee for Krishnarao Bhalekar. We get to know
Cleanliness of the City (4) Remarriage of about the issues relating to the masses
Hindu Widows (5) The Inception of through this newspaper.
Theatre at Calcutta (6) Achievements of
Do this.
Do you know ?
Let each student in the class
Balshastri Jambhekar is referred
bring a cutting of interesting news.
to as the ‘First Editor’ by virtue of
Create a journal from the collection
his being the editor of the first
of news.
Marathi newspaper. His birth date,
6th January is observed in ‘Kesari’ and ‘Maratha’ : ‘Kesari’
Maharashtra as the ‘Patrakar Din’ and ‘Maratha’, the two newspapers are
(Journalists’ Day). indicative of an important stage in the
history of Indian newspapers before of Maharashtra’s history and social
independence. Gopal Ganesh Agarkar and movements.
Bal Gangandhar Tilak started these papers Currently there are many periodicals
in 1881. They spoke about the social and devoted to Indian history. Marathi journals
political issues of that period. Kesari such as ‘Bharatiya Itihas ani Samskruti’
began to publish articles about the and ‘Marathwada Itihas Parishad Patrika’
nationwide situations, books in the native may be cited as examples.
languages and the politics in England. Electronic or Digital Journalism :
In the 21st century newspapers have These are ultra-modern periodicals form
continued to fulfil an important role. It a part of Electronic of Digital journalism.
was acknowledged the fourth column of History is a prime subject of interest for
democracy. these periodicals as well. Many web news
Magazines and Journals : Magazines portals, social media, web channels, ‘You
and Journals are periodical publications. Tube’, etc. make historical content
This category includes publications, which available to the audience /readers.
are weekly, biweekly, monthly, bimonthly, Radio : ‘Indian Broadcasting
quarterly, six monthly, annual, etc. There Company’ (IBC), a private radio company
may be some chronicles which are was the first one to broadcast daily
published at no fixed time. programmes. Later the same company
was taken over by the
Do this. British Government and
named as, ‘Indian State
In recent times many newspapers Broadcasting Service
have introduced e-newspapers. The (ISBS). On 8th June
e-newspapers are being received well 1936 it was renamed, as
by the readers. ‘All India Radio (AIR)’.
Learn to read e-newspapers with After Independence, AIR became an
the help of your teachers. integral part of the Ministry of Information
Balshastri Jambhekar started the first and Broadcasting (India). Initially, it
monthly magazine in Marathi. It was broadcasted Governmental programmes
named, ‘Digdarshan’. Among the and schemes. It was named as ‘Akashvani’
periodicals ‘Pragati’, now a defunct on the suggestion of the famous poet
journal, was started (1929) and edited by Pandit Narendra Sharma. Akashvanai
Tryambak Shankar Shejwalkar. He worte
regularly in this historiographical journal
Do you know ?
Let us search and find out :
Apart from the journals cited In the British India the first
above there are many more journals English news bulletin was broadcasted
related to research in history, published on 23rd July 1927 from the Mumbai
in Marathi, Hindi and English by radio station of the Indian
various institutions and universities. Broadcasting Company (IBC). Later,
Search and find out about them with the Kolkata radio station of IBC
the help of internet. started a news bulletin in Bengali.

broadcasts various entertainment, other alternative to television for watching
awareness creating and literary an event as it actually happened.
programmes. It also broadcasts special 5.4 Critical understanding of the
programmes for farmers, workers, the information received through Mass
youth and women. The ‘Vividh Bharati’ Media
programmes are broadcasted in 24 regional Any information received through
languages as well as 146 dialects of mass media needs to be reviewed critically.
Indian languages. Lately, various new The news or information in the media may
channels like ‘Radio Mirchi’ are providing not always represent exact truth. We need
radio services. to scan it very carefully. There is a very
Television : The ‘Delhi Doordarshan famous event of unauthentic information
Centre’ was inaugurated by Dr. Rajendra appearing in print in Germany. ‘Stern’, a
Prasad, the first Indian President on 15th German weekly magazine had purchased
September 1959. Doordarshan’s Mumbai a number of so called handwritten diaries
centre began to telecast its programmes of Adolf Hitler. It sold them to various
on 1st May 1972. Colour television was publication companies. The diaries were
introduced on 15th August 1982. In 1991 verified for their authenticity and
the Indian government granted permission subsequently the news appeared in the
to private national and international print. However, later those diaries were
channels to telecast in India. Thus, it proved to be forged. It becomes apparent
became possible for Indians to watch from this example that we need to be very
international events on television. careful about the information published by
5.3 Why do we need Mass Media ? the media.
5.5 Mass Media and Professional
We need mass media to facilitate free
flow of information to all strata of the
society. Editorials, various columns and Newspapers have to fulfil the task of
supplements are essential parts of providing fresh news to its readers. It is
newspapers. Readers are also ensured of also necessary to unfold the background
a platform to voice their opinions. of an event in the news. At such times,
Newspapers can help in making the newspapers have to resort to history.
democracy stronger. While reporting news in detail, reporters
try to compare it with parallel events,
Television is an audio-visual medium.
which happened in the past. The past
It was possible for this medium to cross
event may be printed in a separate frame.
the inherent limitations of newspapers and
the radio and show the actual visuals of Editorials
an event to people. So far, there is no
Columns Articles
Do this.
‘On This
Collect information and write a News Day in
report about the television channels in History’
India. Do this as a group activity. Reviews

Thus the reader gets access to additional History is also essential in planning
information and he can get better insights radio programmes. For example,
about the current news. Akashvani has preserved recordings of all
Newspapers print columns about the speeches delivered each year by the
historical information, appearing under prime ministers of India on 15th August.
headings such as, ‘50 Years Ago’ or ‘100 Akashvani invites historians as experts
Years Ago’, etc. Such columns are based for discussions on various occasions such
on historical documents or written history. as the anniversaries of birth or death of
These columns provide historical national leaders, anniversaries of historical
information about economic, social, events, etc. Lectures on the contribution
political events in the past and also events of various national leaders need to be
of historical significance. supported by historical information.
Programmes like ‘On This Day in History’
are also an integral part of the daily
Do this. programmes of Akashvani.
Newspapers also publish Television channels also telecast
crossword puzzles based on history. programmes based on history. Doordarshan
Try to create similar crossword and other television channels help in
puzzles. For example use fort names creating interest in history among people
to create a puzzle. through their historical shows and serials.
The mythological and historical serials like
Newspapers occasionally publish ‘Ramayana’, ‘Mahabharata’, ‘Bharat ek
supplements to the regular edition or Khoj’ and ‘Raja Shivchhatrapati’ attracted
special issues. For example, World War  I a very large audience. While producing
commenced in 1914. Year 2014 marked this type of programmes, maintaining
the 100th year of this event. In order to accuracy with regard to the presentation of
be able to publish a newspaper supplement environment, outfits, weaponry, life styles,
or a special issue to commemorate the lingual expression, etc. is essential. One
occasion, one needs to review its history. needs to have a deep understanding of
In 2017, seventy five years were completed history of the concerned period.
after the announcement of ‘Quit India’ Currently channels like ‘Discovery’,
movement. On such occasions newspapers ‘National Geographic’, ‘History’, etc.
highlight the event through various articles, have opened a rich treasure of global
editorials, columns like ‘what happened history for the audience. It has enabled
in history on this day’, reviews, etc. The people to view the historical and
knowledge of history is essential for geographic wonders at home. To make
writings of such type. such programmes more entertaining some
parts of the serial are actually enacted by
Try to do this. actors such as the characters of heroic
men and women, sportsmen, army chiefs,
Try to collect information about
etc. Beside these serials about ancient
the role of underground radio centres
monuments, forts, histories of empires and
in the ‘Quit India’ movement of 1942
with the help of your teachers. also the history of culinary arts are
watched by a large number of people
with great interest. in the respective field are sought out in
People with deep knowledge of history all the fields mentioned above.

You would find this interesting :

‘Bharat Ek Khoj’, a serial telecasted the contributions of Mughal emperors,
by Doordarshan has a special place in Bhakti Movement, Role of Chhatrapati
the history of Indian television serials. Shivaji Maharaj, movements of social
It was based on ‘Discovery of India’, reform and Indian struggle for
a book written by Pandit Jawaharlal independence, etc.
Nehru. It was directed by Shyam Roshan Seth, the actor who played
Benegal. This serial presented the Pandit Nehru’s role in this serial also
history of India from the ancient to the appeared as a narrator, introducing
modern period, throwing light on and explaining various parts of the
social, cultural and political history of story by dramatising them, using
respective periods. folklore and informative speeches. The
It effectively portrayed many serial was admired in all parts of India
aspects of Indian history like Harappan because of the comprehensive historical
Civilisation, Vedic history, interpretation perspective of Pandit Nehru and its
of Ramayana and Mahabharata, equally comprehensive visual
Mauryan period, Turk-Afghan and presentation.
Mughal invasions, Mughal period and


1. (A) Choose the correct option from the (3) ‘Deenbandhu’ - Krishnarao Bhalekar
given options and complete the (4) ‘Kesari’ - Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(1) The first English newspaper in India 2. Write short notes :
was started by ……… (1) The role of newspaper in the Indian
(a) James Augustus Hickey struggle for independence
(b) John Marshall (2) Why do we need mass media?
(c) Allen Hume (3) Mass Media and professional
(d) Balashastri Jambhekar opportunities.
(2) Television is an …………….medium. 3. Explain the following statements with
(a) visual (b) audio (c) audio-visual reasons.
(d) tactile (1) Any information received through
mass media needs to be reviewed
(B) Identify and write the wrong pair critically.
in the following set. (2) Knowledge of history is essential for
(1) ‘Prabhakar’ - Acharya P.K. Atre newspaper articles.
(2) ‘Darpan’ - Balshastri Jambhekar (3) Television is the most popular medium.

4. Read the following extract and answer (1) Akashavani (AIR) is an integral part
the questions. of which ministry ?
Radio : ‘Indian Broadcasting Company’ (2) What was the new name of IBC ?
(IBC), a private radio company was the first (3) In how many regional languages and
one to broadcast daily programmes. Later the local dialects are ‘Vividh Bharati’
same company was taken over by the British programmes broadcasted ?
Government and named as, ‘Indian State (4) How AIR was named ‘Akashavani’ ?
Broadcasting Service (ISBS). On 8th June
1936 it was renamed, as ‘All India Radio 5. Complete the following concept chart.
(AIR)’. Newspapers Radio Television
After Independence, AIR became an
integral part of the Ministry of Information Background
and Broadcasting (India). Initially, it
Nature of
broadcasted Governmental programmes and informantion/
schemes. It was named as ‘Akashvani’ on programmes
the suggestion of the famous poet Pandit Functions
Narendra Sharma. Akashvani broadcasts
various entertainment, awareness creating Project
and literary programmes. It also broadcasts Write a review of a historical serial that
special programmes for farmers, workers, the you have watched.
youth and women. The ‘Vividh Bharati’
programmes are broadcasted in 24 regional
languages as well as 146 dialects of Indian
languages. Lately, various new channels like
‘Radio Mirchi’ are providing radio services.

6. Entertainment and History

6.1 Why do we need Entertainment ? entertainment.

6.2 Folk Theatre Watching a sports match or listening
6.3 Marathi Theatre to music or watching a movie are examples
6.4 Indian Film Industry of passive entertainment. In this type of
6.5 Entertainment and Professional entertainment we are not actual participants
Opportunities but only viewers.

Things that help refresh our minds Do it.

and give a feeling of happiness are the
sources of entertainment. Various hobbies, Create a chart of active and passive
games, drama-film, writing-reading, etc. types of entertainment, which are
are the sources of entertainment. related to history.
6.1 Why do we need Entertainment ?
6.2 Folk Theatre
Healthy entertainment of excellent
quality is essential for the healthy growth Puppetry - Wooden Puppets
of one’s personality. Entertainment keeps (Kathputali) : Remains of clay dolls have
our minds lively and fresh. It may
also make us feel physically more
energetic. So eventually our
efficiency at work improves.
Pursuing hobbies and games helps
in personality development. In
India many festivals, sports, dance-
music, etc. were developed as
forms of entertainment since
ancient times.
There are varied forms of
entertainment available in the
modern period as well.
Puppetry - Wooden Puppets
Try to do it. been found in the excavations of
Make a list of various types of archaeological sites of Harappan
entertainment and classify them into civilisation as well as sites in Egypt and
different categories. Greece. It is possible that they were used
Entertainment can be classified into as puppets.
two categories, active and passive. Active In ancient India materials like wood,
entertainment anticipates an individual’s wool, leather, horns and ivory were used
mental-physical participation. Practicing of to make puppets. The Kathputali, a
handicrafts and participating in sport traditional art of puppetry in India has two
activities are examples of active styles; one that developed in Rajasthan
and the other in southern regions of India. In the 18th century Shyamji Naik Kale
The artists who stage Kathputali shows started a phad*, of Dashavatara artists
are found in Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, which used to perform all over Maharashtra.
Rajasthan, Assam, West Bengal, Andhra Vishnudas Bhave, the pioneer of
Pradesh, Telangana, Karnatak and Kerala. Marathi theatre staged mythological plays
The role of the narrator known as by introducing some modifications in the
sutradhara is very crucial in the success Dashavatara style. Thus, the origins of the
of Kathaputali stage show. The stage for Marathi theatre can be traced to
this puppetry show is quite small but the Dashavatara tradition.
puppeteers use light and sound effects in *The meaning of phad is ‘a troupe’.
an ingenious way. Shadow puppets, hand Bhajan (singing devotional songs) :
puppets, wooden puppets and string puppets To sing songs in praise of God and
are used in Kathputali shows. chanting god’s name accompanied by
Dashavatara Theatre : Dashavatara is instruments like taal (cymbals), mridangam,
part of the folk theatre in Maharashtra. pakhavaj is known as Bhajan. There are
Dashavatara shows are presented in the two types of Bhajan, Chakri Bhajan and
regions of Konkan and Goa after harvesting Songi Bhajan.
season is over. The stories presented in Chakri Bhajan : Devotees keep moving
these shows are based on the 10 incarnations in circular fashion and sing without break.
of Vishnu, namely Matsya, Koorma, Varaha, Songi Bhajan : The singer-actors act
Narsimha, Wamana, Parashurama, Ram, as devotees and deliver dialogues in the
Krishna, Buddha and Kalki. At the beginning form of devotional songs.
of the show sutradhara, the narrator invokes
Tukadoji Maharaj introduced a new
Lord Ganesha, the destroyer of obstacles.
form of Bhajan known as Khanjiri Bhajan.

Do this.

Listen to the bhajans composed by

saints Tulsidas, Surdas, Meerabai and
Kabir and try to learn them with the
help of your music teacher or some
traditional singer.
In north India the bhajans composed
by Saint Tulsidas, the great poet Surdas,
Dashavatara Saint Meerabai and Saint Kabir are very
The method of acting, make-up, popular.
costumes in Dashavatara shows is set by Compositions of Purandardas,
the tradition. The show is mostly musical Kanakdas, Vijaydas, Bodhendraguruswami,
but sometimes there may be a few Thyagaraj, etc. are sung in Karnatak.
spontaneous dialogues. The characters In Gujarat Saint Narasi Mehta gave
representing gods use wooden masks. The momentum to the Bhakti movement. In
show ends by breaking dahihandi, an Maharashtra, Saint Namadeva supported
earthen pot of curds, followed by aarati, the tradition of bhajan-keertan through the
singing praises of the God. tradition of Varakari sect. The Varakari
sect developed a glorious tradition of instruments, dance and humour. He needs
bhajan-keertan. to be very well informed. Keertan is
performed in a temple or in the precincts
You would like to know this : of a temple.
There are two main traditions of
Lalit : Lalit is an old form of
keertan, (1) Naraadiya or Haridasi
entertainment in Maharashtra. It belongs
(2) Varakri. Haridasi keertan is a solo
performance. It has two parts, Poorvarang to the tradition of Naradiya Keertan. It is
and Uttarrang. Naman (praising god), quite popular in Goa and Konkan.
Nirupanacha Abhang (singing a During the performance of Lalit on the
composition that leads to the main theme) occasion of religious festivals, it is
and Nirupan (explanation of the main presumed that the presiding deity of that
theme) comprise the Poorvarang. festival is present on the throne and then
Narration of a story to illustrate the main she is invoked for fulfilment of a desire.
theme comprises Uttarrang. In the The invocation continues as follows : “Let
Varkari Keertan collective participation everybody be granted their desire. Let
is more important. The players of cymbals entire village live in happiness till we
also play an important part along with perform next Lalit. Let the internal
the keertankar. During the independence clashes vanish with this performance of
movement a new type of Keertan was Lalit. Let nobody’s mind be spoilt with
developed, known as Rashtriya Keertan. prejudice. Let all transactions happen
It places more importance on creating
with clear minds. Let the community’s
awareness by narrating the life stories of
behaviour be pious.”
great leaders of the Indian independence
movement, scientists, social reformers, The Lalit is performed in a theatrical
etc. The tradition of Rashtriya Keertan style. Stories of Krishna, Rama and great
was started by Dattopant Patwardhan of devotees are presented during the
Wai in Maharashtra. performance. A few texts of Lalit are
Members of the Satyashodhak Samaj available in Hindi as well. Lalit forms a
founded by Mahatma Jyotirao Phule also part of the backdrop of modern Marathi
used Keertan as a medium of creating theatre.
social awareness. The style of Keertan by Bharud : Bharud can be described as
Saint Gadge Maharaj resembled closely a metaphorical song that has spiritual and
to Satyashodhak style of Keertan. He ethical lessons. Bharud is comparable to
used to throw light on issues like abolition the style of a road show. Bharuds composed
of caste, cleanliness, deaddiction, etc. by Saint Eknath are popular in Maharashtra
Keertan : Traditionally, Naradmuni because of its wide range of subjects,
is supposed to be the founder of the dramatic quality, easy rhythm and humour.
Keertana tradition. Saint Namadev is Saint Eknath composed Bharuds with a
known as the first keertankar of purpose of educating people on various
Maharashtra. Other saints helped the aspects of life.
tradition to flourish. Tamasha : Tamasha is a Persian
The keertankar is also known as word. It means a ‘pleasing sight’. Tamasha
Haridas or Kathekaribuva. He has to dress developed as an independent art form in
in a traditional way. He needs to train the 18th century, by absorbing various
himself in oratory, singing, musical traits of folk theatre and classical arts.

There are two types of traditional Tamasha, as well as the audience is essential for a
Sangeet Bari and Dholakicha Phad. Dance successful performance. The theatre
and music are more important than drama comprises several factors such as script,
in a Sangeet Bari. Tamasha with drama director, artists, make-up, costumes, stage,
as the main part, was developed later. It art design (backdrop of the stage), lighting
included Vag, the dramatic part, little arrangement, audience and critics. Dance
later. The Vag becomes very lively and and music can also be part of a drama. A
entertaining because of its spontaneous drama is usually enacted with the help of
humour. The show begins by singing the dialogues. However, mime can also be
praise of Lord Ganesha, known as Gana. used as the medium of expression.
It is followed with the presentation of The rulers of the Bhosale family of
Gavalan. The second part of Tamasha Tanjore were great patrons of drama.
presents the Vag. The popular plays like Some of them had written a few plays
Vichchha Mazi Puri Kara or Gadhavache and also translated Sanskrit plays. The
Lagna are examples of the modern form 19th century saw a great development of
of Tamasha. the Marathi thetre. Vishnudas Bhave is
Powada : Powada (ballad) is a known as the father of the Marathi
dramatic narration by alternatingly reciting theatre. Seetaswayamvar was the first
poetry and prosaic extracts. Powada play presented by him.
narrates great deeds of heroic men and The movement started by Vishnudas
women in a very forceful and inspiring Bhave was followed in Maharashtra by
style. The Powada composed by historical, mythological and also light
Adnyandas, a contemporary poet of farcical stage plays. The farcical plays
Chhatrapti Shivaji Maharaj, narrating the dealt with social issues in a humorous way.
incidence of the killing of Afzal Khan Initially no written scripts were used.
and another one on the battle of Sinhagad, Often, only the lyrics were written down
composed by Tulasidas, are two well- but the dialogues used to be spontaneous.
known examples of Powada. V.J. Kirtane was the first author who wrote
In the British period, Powadas narrating the script of Thorale Madhavrao Peshwe
the stories of Umaji Naik, Chapekar in 1861 and its printed copy was made
brothers, Mahatma Gandhi were composed. available. This was the beginning of the
During the ‘Samyukt Maharashtra’ tradition of having a complete written
movement the powadas were used as a script ready before staging a play.
medium of creating public awareness. In the latter half of the 19th century,
6.3 Marathi Theatre Balkrishnbuva Ichalkaranjikar made
Theatre is a place devoted to special efforts to introduce classical khyal
performances, either solo or collective, of music in Maharashtra. After him Ustad
performing arts. Participation of the artist Alladiya Khan, Ustad Abdul Karim Khan
and Ustad Rahimatkhan contributed in a
Gather information about dramas great way. Their efforts helped in developing
on the life of Chhatrapati Shivaji a taste for classical music among the
Maharaj, Chhatrapati Sambhaji audience in Maharashtra. The growing
Maharaj, Mahatma Jyotirao Phule, popularity of classical music resulted in
Lokamanya Tilak, Mahatma Gandhi the origin of musical Marathi theatre. The
and Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar. musical plays of Kirloskar Mandali became
very popular. Sangeet Shakuntal written by great actors. The early Marathi playes
Annasaheb Kirloskar earned a great were staged on open grounds. The British
popularity. Another musical play, Sharada, first built closed theatres like Play House,
written by Govind Ballal Deval is quite Rippon and Victoria in Mumbai. Thereafter,
important, as it comments in a humorous the shows of Marathi plays gradually took
style on the evil custom of marrying young to closed theatres.
girls to aged men. Also plays such as
Mooknayak, written by Shripad Krishna
Do you know ?
Kolahtkar, Sangeet Manapaman, written
by Krishnaji Prabhakar Khadilkar and The renowned author-poet Vishnu
Ekach Pyala written by Ram Ganesh Waman Shirwadkar, also known as
Gadkari are important in the history of Kusumagraj wrote Natasamrat, a play
Marathi theatre. styled after Shakespeare’s well known
play, ‘King Lear’. It became very
Do you know ? popular. Ganpatrao Belvalkar, the tragic
protagonist of Natasamrat represents a
Khadilkar wrote Keechakvadh, a
blend of two well-known personalities
metaphorical drama to denounce the
British government. It was based on of early Marathi stage, Ganpatrao Joshi
certain events in the Mahabharata. and Nanasaheb Phatak.
Draupadi represented helpless Mother
6.4 Indian film Industry
India, while Yudhishthira represented
the moderates and Bheem, the extremists. Cinema : Cinema is a medium that
Keechaka represented the insolent brings together art and technology. With the
Viceroy Lord Curzon. The audience used technology of motion pictures the film
to percieve the characters in this fashion industry came into being. It gave rise to the
and feel enraged about the imperialistic era of silent movies. Later, the technology
attitude of the British government. of sound recording was introduced and the
age of sound movies began.
The popular plays written by Acharya
Atre like Sashtang Namaskar, Udyacha
Sansar, Gharabaher etc. helped the Do you know ?
Marathi theatre to sustain through a Types of movies : Satirical movies,
temporary decline. The recent plays based Documentaries, Advertising films,
on historical themes like Raygadala Jevha Children’s films, Movies about army,
Jag Yete and Ithe Oshalala Mrutyu by Educational movies, Movies narrating a
Vasant Kanetkar, Ghashiram Kotwal by story, etc.
Vijay Tendulkar, Tilak Ani Agarkar by
Vishram Bedekar became very popular. The honour of making and releasing
The Marathi stage continued to get the first full length movie goes to
enriched because of its varied subjects and Maharashtra. Maharashtra is known as the
types of the plays. Marathi stage artists of land that nurtured the Indian film industry.
the bygone era like Ganpatrao Joshi, The contribution of Madanrao Madhavrao
Narayanrao Rajahamsa, more popularly Pitale, the Patwardhan family of Kalyan,
known as Balgandharva, Keshavrao Harishchandra Sakharam Bhatvadekar,
Bhosale, Chintamanrao Kolhatkar and also known as Savedada is very important
Ganpatrao Bodas are still remembered as in the development of Indian movies.
Later, Gopal Ramchandra Torane which was a silent one. He also created
also known as Dadasaheb Torane and historical movies like Kalyancha Khajina,
A.   P.   Karandikar, S. N. Patankar, V. P. Bajiprabhu Deshapande and Netaji Palkar.
Divekar sought He also made a movie on a realistic
help from Foreign social issue, entitled Savakari Pash. In
technicians and 1925 Bhalaji Pendharkar made a movie
made a movie entitled Bajirao-Mastani. However the
entitled Pundalik. It British government suspected it to be a
was released in medium of spreading nationalistic
Mumbai in 1912. sentiments and it was banned.
Raja Harischandra, Kamalabai Mangarulkar was the first
a movie directed woman producer. She produced Savalya
Dadasaheb Torane by Dadasaheb Tandel and Panaa Dai (Hindi). Ramshastri,
Phalke was the first to be processed a movie made by Prabhat Company in
completely in India. It was released in 1944 became very popular. In the post-
Mumbai, in 1913. independence period a few movies were
He also created made on historical themes. Aacharya Atre
silent movies made a movie on the life of Mahatma
named as Mohini- Phule and Vishram Bedekar made movie
Bhasmasur, Savitri- on the life of Vasudev Balwant Phadke.
Satyavana, also Dinakar D. Patil made a movie entitled,
documentaries on Dhanya te Santaji Dhanaji. Bal Shivaji, the
the rock-cut caves movie made by Prabhakar Pendharkar also
of Verul and needs a special mention.
pilgrim centres of
Nashik and Dadasaheb Phalke Sant Tukaram is a movie to have
Tryambakeshwar. Later, a tradition of received international acclaim. It was
making movies on historical and shown in the international film festival
mythological subjects came into being. in Paris. Vishnupant Pagnis acted as
Anandrao Painter, the first one to Saint Tukaram in this film.
make a cine-camera of Indian make, also Let us find out :
got interested in the making of movies. Let us search on the internet the
His cousin Baburao Painter, also known names of historical movies, which are
as ‘Mistri’, made Sairandhri in 1918. He not mentioned in this lesson and let us
made the first historical movie, Simhgarh, make a list of those names.
You would like to know this : Historical movies were also made in
The government of India created a Hindi. The Hindi movies made in the pre-
special division for making documentaries. Independence period, Sikandar, Tansen,
It was named as ‘Films division’. The Samrat Chandragupta, Prithvivallabha and
documentaries released by this division Mughal-e-Azam were made with a historical
used to be shown in the cinema theatres backdrop. Dr Kotanis ki Amar Kahani was
before the beginning of the main movie. based on a true story. The movies based
They were aimed at creating public on the Indian struggle for independence
awareness about various issues. Gather such as Andolan, Zansi ki Rani, also
more information about it. deserve a mention.
Let us find out : essential. Experts in these fields can work
Find out the names of historical as art directors or consultants.
Marathi movies made during the period (2) The script writers as well as
of 1970-2015 with the help of internet. dialogue writers need assistance of experts
in languages and the history of languages,
Production studios such as ‘Bombay as well as experts in cultural history of
Talkies’, ‘Rajkamal Productions’, ‘R.K. a given period.
Studios’, ‘Navketan’, etc. played a Cinema : (1) The art directors of
significant role in the development of movies create the backdrop designs of
Indian film industry. atmosphere, costumes and jewellery, make-
6.5 Entertainment and Professional up, hair styles, etc., suitable to the times
Opportunities of the theme of the movie. Scholars of
The students of history can avail of history can work in this field as art
many professional opportunities in the directors or as consultant to the art director.
fields of drama and movies. (2) To write movie dialogues,
Drama : (1) In order to achieve knowledge of the culture and language as
accuracy of stage backdrops on the stage spoken in the concerned period is necessary.
deep knowledge of the history of arts and Experts in these fields can find many
architecture of the concerned period is professional opportunities.


1. (A) Choose the correct option from the 3. Write short notes :
given options and complete the (1) Need of entertainment
statement. (2) Marathi Theatre (3) Entertainment
(1) ……… are supposed to be the first and professional opportunities
keertankar in Maharashtra. 4. Explain the following statements with
(a) Saint Dnyanehshwar reasons.
(b) Saint Tukaram (c) Saint Namdev (1) Expertise in history is important in the
(d) Saint Eknath film industry.
(2) Baburao painter made the movie, (2) Bharuds composed by Saint Eknath
……….. . are popular in Maharashtra.
(a) Pundalik (b) Raja Harischandra
5. Answer the following questions in
(c) Sairandhri (d) Bajirao-Mastani
(B) Identify and write the wrong pair (1) Why is Maharashtra known as the land
in the following set. that nurtured the Indian film industry ?
(1) Raigadala Jevha Jag Yete – Vasant (2) What is Powada ?
(2) Tilak Ani Agarkar – Vishram Bedekar
(3) Sashtang Namaskar – Acharya Atre Get the lyrics of any one of Saint Eknath’s
(4) Ekach Pyala – Annasaheb Kirloskar Bharud, and enact it in the cultural
programme of your school.
2. Complete the following chart.
Bhajan Keertan Lalit Bharud

7. Sports and History

7.1 Importance of Sports 7.5 Toys and History

7.2 Types of sports 7.6 Literature and Movies on sport
7.3 Globalisation of Sports 7.7 Sports and Professional
7.4 Game Materials and Toys Opportunities

Sports combine entertainment and entertainment. The ancient Indian literature

physical exercise. and epics mention various games such as
To play is a natural human instinct. games of dice (dyut), wrestling, Horse and
Hence, the history of sports begins with Chariot races and chess.
the origin of mankind. Various games have
been played since the beginning of Do you know ?
civilisation. Hunting was indeed a way of
Sports and
obtaining food for the ancient people but
Greeks is a very
it was also looked upon as a game and ancient equation.
The Greeks were
the first to
Standardise the rules of sports and
organise them systematically. They
started sports competitions of Discus
throw, Horse and Chariot Races, Wrestling
and Boxing, etc. The ancient event of
Olympic competitions used to be held at
Olympia, the ancient Greek city. To be
able to participate in Olympics and be a
winner is supposed to be a great honour
for sports persons.
Do you know ?
There are a number of training 7.1 Importance of Sports
centres for wrestling and other sports. To play games is very important for
1. Vyayamshala of famous wrestlers us. It enables us to overcome suffering and
Jummadada and Manikrao, Vadodara. worries. Games help us to relax and
2. Kreeda Vidyapeeth, Patiyala. refresh our minds. Games, which involve
3. Svarnim Gujarat Sports, Gandhinagar. lot of physical activities, provide good
exercise as well. Games help in building
4. Khasbag Talim and Motibag Talim,
a tenacious and strong body. Playing
games also helps us in developing courage,
5. Hanuman Vyayam Prasarak Mandal,
determination and sportsmanship. Games
needing collective participation help us to
6. Shri Shiv Chhatrapati Kreeda Sankul, develop a sense of cooperation and team
Balewadi, Pune. spirit. It also helps in developing leadership.
7.2 Types of sports
Sports are of two types, ‘Indoor
Games’ and ‘Outdoor Games’.
Indoor Games : Indoor Games are
played within a closed environment and
a number of them are played by sitting
at one place. They include chess, card
games, games played with gamesmen and
dice, carom, etc. The game known by
various names as Kachkavadya or
Chaukabara, or as Indian Ludo is very sports’ and ‘International Sports’. Indian
popular among Indians. The game known games include Langadi, Kabaddi,
as Sagargote played with a bunch of Atyapatya, Kho-kho, etc.
seeds or stones, is usually played by girls.
There is another game known as Bhatukali Do you know ?
Daily schedule of Lakshmibai, the
Queen of Jhansi :
‘Her highness was very fond of
physical exercise. She used to wake up in
the early hours, spent an hour (2 ghatikas)
exercising on the Mallakhamb and then
she had rounds of horse ride and a long
elephant ride. Two hours (4 ghatikas)
after sunrise, she would eat khurak (a diet
Chess meant for enhancing physical strength)
(playing house) which is usually played and drink milk. Thereafter, she had bath.’
by girls. However, all the members in (Translated from Maza Pravas by Vishnubhat Godse)
the family can also participate in it, Indian games like marbles, Lagori,
especially in the mock wedding of a girl Vitti-Dandu or Gilli-Danda, Bhingari
doll and a boy doll. It is an occasion of (whorls), Bhovare (tops), Phugadi, Zimma
are quite popular.
The international games include
Badmington (alternatively spelt as

family celebration.
Outdoor games : The outdoor games
can be categorised into two types, ‘Indian Table-Tennis

Badminton), Table Tennis, Hockey,
Cricket, Football, Golf, Polo, etc. Shot put, discus throw, long jump,
Among outdoor sports, running races high jump, water sports like swimming
are popular all over the world. Sprints or competitions, water polo, rowing and
short distance running races are usually sports that combine physical exercise and
arranged for 100 and 200 metres. There acrobatics like mallakhamb, rope
are also middle distance and long distance mallakhamb, gymnastics, etc. are all
races. Marathon is a long distance running included in the outdoor sports based on
race. Other types of running races are physical skills.
hurdles and relay races.
Let us find out :
Get to know more about wrestlers
Khashaba Jadhav, Maruti Mane and
cricketer Bharatratna Sachin Tendulkar
with the help of internet.

Adventurous games : Ice skating,

skiing, ice hockey, etc. are popular games
that require balancing skills.
There are many other adventurous
games which include rock-climbing,
gliding, auto racing - cars and motorbikes,
Sports Competitions : Sport
Mallakhamb competitions of various types is a
Do you know ?
According to Manisha Bathe
Mallakhamb and its various tactics
were devised by Balambhat Deodhar,
the physical trainer of Peshwa Bajirao
II. She also notes that Balambhat
was inspired watching monkeys while
they leaped and played on trees.
worldwide phenomenon. Sport scattered all over the world have
competitions like Olympics, Asian Games significantly affected the entire structure of
also known as Asiad, Paralympic or sports economy. Fans watch the matches
Special Olympics for disabled people, for entertainment, industrial and
Cricket World Cup, etc. are organised on commercial companies look at it as a good
regular basis. Also international opportunity to advertise their ware. Retired
competitions for many other sports like sportsmen also have an opportunity to
hockey, wrestling, chess, etc. are organised participate as commentators.
on a grand scale. In India hockey and
cricket are very popular. Hockey is our 7.4 Game Materials and Toys
national game. Competitions of all these The means and equipments for the
games are organised at local, city, taluka, entertainment and education of children
district, state, national and international are called toys. Clay toys have been found
levels. Sportspersons who perform well in in archaeological excavations. These toys
national and international competitions were fashioned either by hands or by using
have good career prospects. moulds.
Dolls are mentioned in the ancient
Do you know ? Indian literature. A Sanskrit play by
Shudraka is named as Mrichchhakatika. It
Major Dhyan Chand, an expert means a clay cart.
player of hockey was also the captain
of the Indian hockey team. Indian
Do you know ?
Hockey team won a Gold Medal in
1936 at Berlin Olympics under his Kathasaritsagara has very interesting
captaincy. He was also part of the descriptions of games and toys. There
previous Indian hockey teams in 1928 are descriptions of flying dolls. It
and 1932, which played at Olympics mentions that on pressing a key some
and won Gold medals. 29th August, the dolls used to fly, some used to dance
birth date of Dhyan Chand is celebrated and some used to make sounds.
as the National Sports Day in India.
He was known as the ‘Wizard of
Hockey’. He was honoured with a Let us find out :
‘Padmabhushan’ in 1956. In India, there are regional
traditions of making dolls. The wooden
7.3 Globalisation of Sports dolls made in Maharashtra were known
as Thaki.
The field of sports in the 20th-21st Let us find out about other regions
century was naturally influenced by the where dolls were made or are still
process of globalisation. The international being made.
matches of various sports like cricket,
Let us also find out the local
football, lawn tennis can be watched on
names of such dolls.
television in any corner of the world. Thus,
citizens of the non-participant countries
can also enjoy these matches. For instance, 7.5 Toys and History
the world cup winning match played by Toys can throw light on history and
Indian cricketers was watched by cricket technological development. We can also
fans all over the world. Sports fans get a glimpse of religious and cultural
traditions through them. As a part of to do research of this kind. Knowledge of
traditional Diwali celebrations in history of sports is also essential for
Maharashtra model forts are made. Clay writing articles in various publications
images of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and like encyclopaedia, newspapers, sports
his soldiers and also people and animals magazines, etc.
are placed on these model forts. This
7.7 Sports and Professional
tradition keeps the memory alive of the
important role of forts in the history of
Maharashtra. Although sports and history appears
An ivory doll made by Indian craftsmen to be distant as subjects, there is a close
was found in the excavation of Pompeii, tie between them. Students of history can
an ancient in Italy. It is dated to 1st find many opportunities in the field of
century C.E. This artefact throws light on sports journalism. One needs to resort to
the Indo-Roman trade relations. Thus, toys history in order to write articles, reviews
found in archaeological excavations can about sports events like Olympics or
tell us about cultural contacts between Asiad or national and international
nations in ancient times. matches.
Expert commentators are in demand
7.6 Literature and Movies on sport during sports matches. An expert
Publishing of books and commentator needs to have good
encyclopaedias of sports is a newly knowledge of the history, statistics,
developing enterprise. The history of previous records, eminent players,
Mallakhamb has been recently published. historical anecdotes, etc. related to the
There is an encyclopaedia on the subject concerned game. Knowledge of history is
of exercise. Some years ago there was a useful for them.
sports magazine named ‘Shatkar’. There Matches of various sports like cricket,
is ample literature available in English on football, kabaddi, chess, etc. are shown
sports. Some television channels are live on television on various channels.
exclusively devoted to sports. The role of professionals who track and
Recently, some movies on sports and keep the record of these telecasts from
biography of players have been released various channels has become very
in various languages. For instance, the important now. The sports channels
films Mary Kom and Dangal. Mary Kom continue telecasting round the clock.
is the first Indian female boxer to There are many professional opportunities
participate in the Olympics and to win a available in this field.
bronze medal. Dangal is based on the life Referees are an essential factor of
story of Foghat sisters who were the first sports matches. Trained referees are
Indian female wrestlers to win gold required to pass qualifying examinations.
medals at various international Qualified referees can work at district,
competitions. state, national and international levels.
The process of making a movie Government and private sectors are trying
requires deep study of the particular to promote sports. There are scholarships
period of the movie’s story, language, offered to sportspersons. There are reserved
dressing style, social life, etc. of that seats for them in the government and
period. Students of history are well trained private establishments.

Do you know ?

Bal J. Pandit was the history of the playground,

first Indian cricketer to career history of the players,
pioneer cricket commentary. anecdotes about the game,
People used to listen very and established records of
eagerly to his broadcasts the game. His commentaries
from Akashvani. His well- used to be entertaining
studied commentaries were because of these historical
full of information about the details.


1. (A) Choose the correct option from the (2) Toys can tell us about cultural history.
given options and complete the
statement. 4. Write detailed answers to the following
(1) The ancient event of Olympic
competitions used to be held (1) Write about the history of sports
at ............ . equipment and toys in ancient India.
(a) Olympia, Greece (b) Rome (2) Explain the close tie between sports
(c) India (d) China and history.
(2) The wooden dolls made in (3) Explain the difference between indoor
Maharashtra are known as ............ . and outdoor games.
(a) Thaki (b) Kalichandika Project
(c) Gangavati (d) Champavati (1) Collect information about your
(B) Identify and write the wrong pair favourite sports and its players.
in the following set. (2) Discuss the hardships the
(1) Mallakhamb – Outdoor game based sportspersons have to face while
on physical skills training for the sport with the help of
information gathered through movies
(2) Water polo – Water sport and literature.
(3) Skating – Adventurous ice sport
(4) Chess – Outdoor game
2. Write notes :
(1) Toys and Festivals
(2) Sports and movies
3. Explain the following statements with
(1) Currently the structure of sports
economy has been significantly

8. Tourism and History

8.1 Tourism in the Past

Do you know ?
8.2 Types of Tourism
8.3 Development of Tourism Benjamin of Tudela is known as
8.4 Conservation and Preservation of the first European traveller/discoverer.
Historical Places He was born in Spain. During the
8.5 Professional Opportunities in the period of 1159-1173 C.E. he travelled
Tourism and Hospitality Industry to France, Germany, Italy, Greece,
Syria, Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Persia,
India and China. He maintained
8.1 Tourism in the Past diaries of the accounts of his travels.
The tradition of travelling is quite old His diaries are viewed as important
in India. People used to travel for various historical documents.
reasons like pilgrimage, going to local Marco Polo, the Italian traveller
fairs and festivals, in search of a renowned of the 13th century introduced Asia,
teacher and good education, for trade, etc. especially China to Europe. He stayed
In brief, from ancient times people took to in china for 17 years. He wrote about
travelling for various reasons. the flora and fauna, social life, culture
and trade systems of Asia.
Do you know ? Ibn Batuta, the traveller of the
14th century took the world on a
The Buddhist literature tells us virtual travel of the Islamic world
that Gautam Buddha travelled to with his travel accounts. He was
several cities in ancient India for travelling for 30 years. He had
preaching. Buddhist monks were resolved not to travel twice on the
ordained not to stay at one place but same route. His accounts are helpful
keep travelling continuously to various in understanding the medieval history
places. Jain monks, sadhus also used and social life.
to travel constantly. Gerardus Mercator, of 16th
Yuan Shwang, the Chinese monk century was a cartographer. He is
travelled to India in 630 C.E. In the known for creating a world map and
medieval period Saint Namdev, Saint globe of the earth. His work proved
Eknath, Guru Nanak, Ramdas Swami to be very useful for navigation
travelled extensively in India. around the world.
Tourism : Tourism can be defined as noteworthy in the context of tourism
travelling to visit places in distant regions history. He organised a trip by railway
for a specific purpose. from Leicester to Loughborough for about
In the latter half of the 19th century 600 people. Later he was successful in
C.E. the name of Thomas Cook is Organising a round trip of Europe.
Eventually he established a travel agency locations of tourist interests. Mass media
selling tourist tickets. This early venture began to make special audio-visual
of Thomas cook opened doors for the presentations highlighting places of tourist
development of modern tourism. interest. Tourism can be broadly typified
into local tourism, interstate tourism,
international tourism, religious tourism,
Do you know ? historical tourism, health tourism, science
tourism, agro-tourism, sports tourism,
The tradition of travelling from
tourism based on special events, etc.
corner to corner was prevalent in India
from ancient times. Vishnubhat Godase Local and Interstate Tourism : This
kind of tourism is not very overwhelming
wrote down the accounts of his journey
because it is within one’s own country. It
from Maharashtra to Ayodhya and
does not cause difficulties of language,
back to Maharashtra. It is published
procuring currency and documents. More
as a book entitled, ‘Maza Pravas’
so, we can plan it at the time suitable
(My Journey). Vishnubhat travelled
to us.
during times of the Indian war of
International Tourism : Nowadays, it
independence in 1857. He was the
has become easier to travel because of the
eye witness for many events related to
easy availability of a number of options
this historical event. His accounts are
of railway, marine and air transport.
full of detailed descriptions about
Marine transport has linked the coastal
various incidences during this period, regions. There is a trans-European railway
especially those about the life of route. Aviation has brought the entire
Lakshmibai, the queen of Jhansi. We world closer. Because of the economic
also get to know the nature of Marathi liberalisation policy of the Indian
language of the 18th century. This government the number of people travelling
book is one of the important sources back and forth from India has increased
of history of that period. considerably. They include people travelling
for studies, relaxation, sightseeing, and
8.2 Types of Tourism professional assignments (meetings,
agreements, etc.), also for shooting of
These days tourism has become an films, etc. One needs to procure various
independent field of local, interstate, official documents for travelling abroad.
national and international business. The Historical Tourism : This type of
desire to visit national and international tourism is popular all over the world. Tours
monuments, places of historical importance to historical places are arranged to satisfy
and natural beauty, ancient centres known people’s interest in history. It can be noted
for handicrafts, pilgrim centres, industrial in this context that Gopal Neelkanth
centres and sites of various developmental Dandekar, a renowned Marathi writer used
projects, etc. promotes tourism. Tourists to arrange hiking tours to forts in
from all over the world wish to visit Maharashtra, to explore the sights closely
natural and manmade sites, which offer linked to Chhatrapti Shivaji Maharaj and
a delightful and awe inspiring experience. his achievements. Tours are also arranged
The places like snow-capped peaks, to important historical sites in India such
beaches, pristine jungles, which were as forts in Rajasthan, Ashrams of Mahatma
neglected previously, became important Gandhi and Acharya Vinoba Bhave,
important places related to the Indian war to India to avail of the medical facilities
of independence in 1857, etc. and health services. India is a tropical
country, where ample sunlight is available
throughout the year. This attracts tourist
from countries with cold climate to India.
Availability of facilities for Yoga training
and therapies based on Ayurveda is one
more reason to want to visit India.
Agro-Tourism : Agro-tourism, which
is also known as agri-tourism, is rapidly
developing, especially meant for the urban
population, which has very little exposure
to rural life and agriculture. Now, Indian
Valley of Flowers
farmers are also visiting faraway places
You would like to know this : like agricultural research centres,
agricultural universities, and countries like
People of various religious
Israel where experimentation in advanced
communities are dispersed globally.
technology of agriculture is carried out.
However, they feel united because of
their mythological traditions and the Sports Tourism : Sports tourism was
places associated with those traditions. developed in the 20th century. There are
This creates a desire to travel to those various sports events organised on
places and it gives rise to religious international level like Olympics,
tourism. In this context the constructions, Wimbldon, World Chess Championship
undertaken by Ahilyabai Holkar spending and international cricket tournaments, etc.
from her personal funds are noteworthy. While there are events like ‘Himalayan
Ahalyabai wanted to provide good Car Rally’ on national level, events like
amenities on the pilgrim routes like ‘Maharashtra Kesari’ Wrestling
Chardham Yatras and Bara Jyotirlingas. competitions are organised on state level.
Travelling to attend such events comes
Geographic Tourism : This type of under sports tourism.
tourism involves visiting places to observe Tourism based on Special Events :
special geographic features of a region. It People want to travel and they are often on
includes various natural and animal the lookout for special reasons to do it. In
sanctuaries, places like valley of flowers the 21st century it has become common to
(Uttarakhand), various beaches, unique organise such events, which also help to
geographical wonders like the crater lake Let us find out :
at Lonar and ranjankhalage (naturally
carved out cavities in rocks) at Nighoj in Apart from the types of tourism
Maharashtra. Many tourists like to visit mentioned above, there are other types
these places to satisfy their curiosity. like, science tourism, leisure and
relaxation tourism also known as
Health Tourism : People from the wellness tourism, cultural tourism and
western countries find the health services group tourism, etc. Let us find more
and facilities in India comparatively about it on the internet with the help
cheaper and yet of good standard. of the teachers.
Hence, many foreigners preferred to come
promote tourism. Film festivals, various
types of seminars and conferences, Can you tell ?
international book exhibitions, etc. are
examples of such special events. People What facilities should be made
keep visiting several places to attend such available to the tourists?
special events. Many literature enthusiasts How would you behave with the
in Maharashtra travel every year to attend tourist if you are the local person at
‘Akhil Bhartiya Marathi Sahitya Sammelan’ a tourist site?
(Pan Indian Marathi Literary Convention). books about a tourist site be available in
their own language. Hence, such literature
8.3 Development of Tourism
should be made available in various
The crucial issue in the development languages. It would be helpful if the taxi
of tourism is providing proper guidance to drivers are trained to converse in more
national and international tourists about than one languages. They may also be
various aspects of the actual travel, proper trained as tourist guides.
social conduct during the tour and during
their stay at the destination places.

Do this.
Gather more information about
the Swachh Bharat drive.
Giving priority to ensure safe transport
and security facilities for the tourists,
amenities of reasonably good standard,
availability of good accommodation, good
washroom facilities on the travel routes is Gharapuri Caves
of great significance in promoting tourism. Try this.
It is also very important to pay special
attention to the special needs of handicapped Collect pictures and photos of
tourists. the cultural, natural and mixed
It is important to take a few primary heritage sites in India, with the help
precautions in order to preserve the of internet.
historical heritage sites. It is essential
that few things should be avoided at
any instance, for example: vandalising
or defacing the heritage monuments
and sites. In order to avoid it everybody
should refrain from activities like
writing on walls or carving on trees,
paint ancient monuments in garish
colours, etc. Lack of good amenities in
the precincts of the heritage sites causes
It is very essential for the tourists
that pamphlets, guides and history Kas Pathar
8.4 Conservation and Preservation of Heritage Walks : To go on a tour
Heritage for visiting historical places is known as
It is a hard task to preserve and ‘Heritage Walk’. One can experience
conserve heritage sites. Our country is very the thrill of being a part of history by
rich with historical sites dating to ancient, participating in heritage walks.
medieval and modern period. It is also ‘Heritage Walks’ as an organised
blessed with abundance of nature. group activity has gained popularity in
Heritage of any country is divided many countries. India has a rich history,
into, Natural Heritage and Cultural which can be traced back to many
(manmade) Heritage. There are some millenniums. Every region of India is full
Heritage Sites in India, which are acclaimed of historical places from ancient, medieval
globally, such as Taj Mahal at Agra, and modern period. The ‘Heritage walk’
Jantar Mantar observatory at Jaipur, and organised in the city of Ahmedabad is
also the rock-cut caves at Ajanta, Verul well-known. In the cities of Mumbai and
and Gharapuri (Elephanta), Chhatrapati Pune in Maharashtra such walks are
Shivaji Maharaj Railway Terminus in organised regularly. Heritage walks can
Maharashtra. Kas Plateau in Maharashtra encourage people to support projects like
is located in the Western Ghats, which is conservation and preservation of historical
a World Natural Heritage site. monuments, to collect authentic
There are tourists all over the world, information about them and to publish it
who wish to visit world heritage sites. through various media. Residences of
Foreign tourists come in large numbers to renowned citizens who have passed away
visit the heritage sites in our country. It are also part of heritage. In some cities
makes us feel very proud when an Indian ‘blue plaques’ with the names and other
heritage site is declared as a world heritage relevant information of such citizens are
site. However, whenever we visit such placed on their residences, as a part
places we feel very disappointed because heritage scheme.
of what we see there. We get to see that
people have written their names with
charcoal; have drawn pictures, vandalising Try this.
the heritage site. It affects our image as a
nation. To preserve the heritage sites we Organise ‘Heritage Walks’ with
need to resolve that : the help of your teachers as part of
educational tours to historical places.
(1) I shall strive to maintain the
cleanliness of heritage sites. It has tremendous scope for experimentation
(2) I shall not do anything, which will and innovation.
result in vandalising of any historical site. A good number of opportunities of
8.5 Professional Opportunities in the employment are available in the tourism
Tourism and Hospitality Industry and hospitality industry. The country
which is a tourist destination begins to
Tourism and Hospitality is an industry
receive revenue even before a tourist
with potential to create maximum
arrives at the airport of that country. He
employment opportunities. If managed
has to pay for his visa. He spends for
professionally, it is a very stable industry.
his travel, stay in hotels, food, payment
to translators and guides, buying Shegaon, Tulajapur, Kolhapur, Nashik,
newspapers, reference books, souvenirs, Tryambakeshwar, Paithan, Haji Malang,
etc. This contributes to the growth of Gurudvara at Nanded, Mount Mary
economy of that country. Church in Mumbai, etc.; hill stations like
Markets in the vicinity grow along Mahabaleshwar, Panchgani, Khandala,
with the development of a tourist centre. Lonavala, Matheran, Chikhaldara, etc.;
Hence, the local handicrafts and cottage dams at Koyananagar, Jayakwadi,
industries also begin to develop. The Bhatghar, Chandoli, etc. and sanctuaries
demand for locally processed food items at Dajipur, Sagareshwar, Tadoba, etc. are
and ethnic handicrafts increases. It results among the important tourist centres in
in better income for local artisans, business Maharashtra.
people and wage earners. The Maharashtra Tourism
Development of Tourism in Development Corporation was set up in
Maharashtra : Maharashtra is a state 1975. It helped in the development of
blessed with rich heritage. The much- tourism in Maharashtra. The corporation
admired rock-cut caves, paintings and has provided facilities of tourist hotels at
sculptures of Ajanta, Verul and Gharapuri 47 places. Together these hotels can
(Elephanta); pilgrim centres like Dehu, accommodate more than 4000 tourists.
Alandi, Jejuri, Pandharpur, Shirdi, Many private entrepreneurs are also
providing hospitality services to tourists.
Do you know ?
An unusual Village of Books
Bhilar is a village near with a view to accelerate the ‘Reading
Mahabaleshwar, which boasts of natural Culture’ movement for the reader-tourists
beauty and sweetness of to enjoy the beauty of Marathi literature
strawberry. It is also enriched by the works of old and new
known as the ‘Village of authors and saints. It includes various
Books’. Every household types of texts like biographies,
in this village maintains autobiographies, fiction, poetry, literature
a library of its own for by women, literature on sports, literature
the tourists to enjoy. for kids, etc.
Maharashtra State If you go to Mahabaleshwar, make
Government has implemented this scheme it a point to visit Bhilar as well.

Can you tell ? You would like to know this :

What kind of new occupations were Cultural tourism includes activities
introduced in the surroundings of like visiting educational institutes of
your village/town because of growing repute; trying to get a glimpse of local
tourism? culture, history and traditions; visiting
historical monuments at a place; trying
What difference could be observed in
to appreciate the achievements of local
the lifestyle of people in the
people and also participating in the
surroundings of your village-town
local festivals of dance, music, etc.
because of growing tourism?

Do you know ?
Mahabaleshwar and Panchagani tourists. Horsekeepers provide horses for
are hill stations. Thousands of tourists horse rides and horse cart rides. It is
arrive here. These tourists are the local people who are engaged in
accompanied by guides who provide these activities and they can earn good
relevant information on the sightseeing money for their services. In short tourism
tour. At some places photographers becomes a major source of their
are present to click nice snaps for the livelihood.


1. (A) Choose the correct option from the (2) In what way tourism becomes a major
given options and complete the source of their livelihood?
statement. (3) What would you do to develop the
(1) Thomas Cook established a travel surroundings of your village / town to
agency selling …… . help the growth of tourism?
(a) handicrafts (b) toys
5. Complete the following Concept map :
(c) food items (d) tourist tickets
(2) Bhilar is known as the ‘Village of
…….’ . Rock-cut Caves
(a) books (b) plants
(c) mangoes (d) forts
(B) Identify and write the wrong pair Natural Railway
in the following set. Heritage Sites Station
(1) Matheran – Hill Station
(2) Tadoba – Rock-cut Caves
(3) Kolhapur – Pilgrim Centre Sanctuary
(4) Ajanta – World Heritage
2. Explain the following statements with 6. Give elaborate answers to the following.
reasons. (1) What are the professional fields
(1) The number of people travelling back associated with tourism ?
and forth from India has increased (2) Describe any three types of tourism.
(2) It is important to take a few primary Project
precautions in order to preserve the Explain the need to preserve the heritage
historical heritage sites. sites. What measures are required to
3. Write short notes : achieve it? Discuss.
(1) Tradition of Travelling
(2) Marco Polo
(3) Agro-tourism
4. Answer the following questions in
(1) What are the crucial issues in the
development of tourism?
9. Heritage Management

9.1 Sources of History, their • Classifying, analysing and interpreting

Conservation and Preservation the compiled material.
9.2 Some Famous Museums • Publishing the results of respective
9.3 Libraries and Archives
Necessary Training : (1) Sociology
9.4 Encyclopaedias
and Anthropology (2) Social Psychology
The sources of history and all the (3) Mythology and Linguistics (4) Library
history books that are available today are Science and Information Technology
the results of the diligent work of several (5) History and Historical Research
historians. Institutes like libraries, museums Method (6) Writing of Research Reports
and archives conserve and preserve this and Articles.
precious historical heritage. They choose 2. Written Sources of History
important specimens from the heritage • Collecting coins and copper plates with
collection and exhibit them. They also inscription on them, documents like
publish research journals, informative official records, personal correspondence
pamphlets, leaflets, posters, etc. and diaries, historical books, old books,
The documents and artefacts which manuscripts, pictures, photographs, etc.
are not exhibited but historically very • Completing necessary mechanical and
important, are stored in the museums and chemical processes of cleaning for the
archives after completing necessary conservation and preservation of
treatments for their conservation and collected documents.
preservation. Those documents and • Ascertaining the historical value of
artefacts are made available to researchers, collected documents.
as and whenever necessary. Libraries • Exhibiting selected documents.
conserve, preserve and manage the books. • Publishing edited documents and
9.1 Sources of History, their research reports.
Conservation and Preservation Necessary Training :
Each step like collecting the sources (1) Knowledge of scripts like Brahmi,
of history, creating their records and Modi, Persian and their development.
indexes, exhibiting manuscripts, old books (2) Basic knowledge of social
and artefacts after completing necessary organisation and traditions, literature
treatments requires very careful handling and culture, dynasties, administrative
and management. It needs people with systems, etc. of past societies.
specific skills. Only trained persons, who (3) Knowledge of various schools and
are duly qualified can take up these tasks. styles of painting and sculptural art
1. Oral sources of history and history of their development.
• Collecting and compiling of folk songs (4) Knowledge of types of paper, ink
and folk tales, etc. and colours.
(5) Knowledge of properties of various fossils.
stones and metals used for inscriptions (6) Knowledge of various approaches of
(6) Knowledge of the equipment and managing exhibitions in museums
chemicals used in various processes galleries and information technology.
of cleaning, conservation and (7) Writing research reports and articles.
9.2 Some Famous Museums
(7) Knowledge of various approaches of
managing exhibitions in museums Museums were created to organise
galleries and information technology. and manage the antiquities collected by
(8) Writing research reports and articles. members of royal and elite families of
medieval Europe.
3. Material Sources of History
Louvre Museum, France : The
• Collecting artefacts, classifying them
Louvre Museum in Paris was established
according to their historical date and
in the 18th century C.E. Antiquities
type and preparing indexes.
collected by members
• Completing necessary mechanical and of the royal family
chemical processes of cleaning for the were exhibited in the
conservation and preservation of Louvre museum. It
collected documents. included the much
• Arranging exhibitions of selected acclaimed painting
artefacts or their replicas. of ‘Monalisa’ by
• Writing and publishing research articles Leonardo da Vinci,
about collected artefacts. the world renowned
• Classifying fossils of plants and animals artist. He worked
and preparing indexes. under the patronage
• Exhibiting selected fossils or their of Francis I, the king
replicas. of France in the 16th century. The
collection in the Louvre museum increased
Necessary Training :
to a great extent because of the antiquities
(1) Basic knowledge of archaeological brought back by Napoleon Bonaparte
method and theory, history of ancient from his conquests. Presently, the museum
civilisations. contains more than 3 lakhs and 80
(2) Knowledge of the regional sources of thousand artefacts.
materials like stones, minerals, metals British Museum, England : The
and clay used in the production of British Museum in London was established
artefacts and their chemical properties. in the 18th century C.E. Sir Hans Sloan
(3) Knowledge of equipment and a natural scientist handed over about 71
chemicals necessary for the cleaning thousand objects in his collection to the
of artefacts and other chemical king of England, George II. It included
processes. several books, pictures, specimens of
(4) Knowledge of various schools and preserved plants (herbarium), etc. Later
styles of arts and their development. the collection was expanded by addition
(5) Knowledge and skills of making of various art objects and ancient artefacts
replicas (models) of artefacts and collected by the British people from
British colonies. Presently the museum
collection comprises about 80 lakh objects. You would like to know this :
Famous Museums in India
The following are some of the
famous museums in India : Indian
Museum, Kolkata; National Museum,
Delhi; Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
Vastusangrahalay, Mumbai; Salarjang
Museum, Hyderabad; The Calico
Museum of Textiles, Ahmedabad.

Delhi, in 1949. Presently, there are several

museums in various states of India.
Usually the big museums have their own
British Museum, England
archives and libraries. Some museums are
National Museum of natural History, affiliated to universities. Such museums
United States of America : This museum also offer courses in Museology.
of natural history managed by the Following are some of the well-
Smithsonian Institution was established in known institutes and universities, which
1846 C.E. It houses more than 12 crore offer degree and diploma courses in
(120 millions) specimens of fossils and museology :
remains of plants and animals, minerals, 1. National Museum, Delhi
rocks, human fossils and artefacts. 2. Maharaj Sayajirao
University, Vadodara
3. Kolkata University, Kolkata
4. Banaras Hindu University,
5. Aligarh Muslim University,
6. Jivaji University, Gwalior
Chhatrapti Shivaji Maharaj
Vastusangrahalay : In 1904
C.E. some influential residents
of Mumbai decided to establish
a museum to commemorate the
National Museum of Natural History
visit of Prince of Wales to India. In the
Museums in India : The first museum month of November of 1905 C.E. the
in India, ‘Indian Museum’, was established foundation was laid of the museum
by ‘Asiatic Society of Bengal’ in Kolkata, building. It was decided that the name of
in 1814 C.E. The second museum in the museum would be ‘Prince of Wales
India, ‘Government Museum’ was Museum of Western India’. It was
established in Chennai, in 1851 C.E. The renamed as ‘Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
‘National Museum’ was established in Vastusangrahalay’, in 1998 C.E.
Thanjavur, Tamilnadu was built in
16th-17th century, during the times of
Nayak dynasty. In 1675 C.E.
Vyankojiraje Bhosale conquered
Thanjavur and established his
independent rule. Vyankojiraje Bhosale
and his successors kept expanding
‘Saraswati Mahal Granthalay’.
Sarfojiraje Bhosale contributed the
most in this expansion. In 1918 the
library was renamed as ‘The
Thanjavur Maharaja Sarfoji’s
Chhatrapti Shivaji Maharaj Vastusangrahalay Saraswati Mahal Library’ in his
The building of the museum is built
in Indo-Gothic style. It has been given There are several noteworthy libraries
the status of Grade I Heritage Building in India, for instance, National Library,
in Mumbai. The museum houses about 50 Kolkata; Nehru Memorial Museum and
thousand antiquities divided into three Library, Delhi; State Central Library,
categories, Arts, Archaeology and Natural Hyderabad; Library of Asiatic Society
History. and David Sassoon Library, Mumbai, etc.
From the technical point of view the
9.3 Libraries and Archives management of archives is akin to library
Libraries are the storehouses of management. Preserving documents with
knowledge and information. Library Science important content in their original condition,
is very closely related to Management preparing indexes and creating accurate
Science, Information Technology and the systems of retrieval of documents are the
field of Education. Libraries perform important tasks in the management of
various tasks like collecting books, arranging archives. Documents from the archives are
them systematically, conservation and supposed to be very reliable. Because of
preservation of those books, dissemination the heavy dependency on computerised
of information sources, etc. Many of these systems information technology has
tasks are completed with the help of become an inevitable part of the
computerised systems. To make a book management of libraries and archives.
available to a reader as per his requirement The first official archives of India,
is the most important aspect of library the ‘Imperial Record Department’, was
management. established in 1891 C.E. in Kolkata. It
The Royal Library of Ashurbanipal was shifted to Delhi in 1911 C.E.
(7th century B.C.E.), the Assyrian Emperor In 1998 C.E. the then President of
in Mesopotamia; the library at Takshashila India, Honourable K.R. Narayanan opened
University (5th century B.C.E.- 5th century the archives for public. It is a department
C.E.) and the library in Alexandria, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of
Egypt (4th century B.C.E.) are supposed Culture of the Indian Government. The
to be the earliest libraries in the world. documents have been preserved here in a
The ‘Saraswati Mahal Granthalay’ in chronological order from 1748. It includes
records in English, Arabic, Hindi, Persian, designing a structure of an encyclopaedia.
Sanskrit and Urdu languages. It also In order to incorporate the latest available
includes records in Modi script. These information revised editions of
records are classified in four categories : encyclopaedias or supplements to original
Public records, Oriental Studies, editions need to be published.
Manuscripts and Private Records. Encyclopaedias are arranged either in
Governments of every State in India alphabetical order or according to the
maintain independent archives. The order of topics. The type of order is
Archives of Maharashtra State Government decided by keeping the convenience of
has branches in Mumbai, Pune, Kolhapur, readers in mind and the ease of
Aurangabad and Nagpur. There are about accessibility to the information. An index
5 crore modi documents related to Maratha at the end of the encyclopaedia is very
history in the Pune branch. These documents convenient in this regard.
are referred to as ‘Peshwa Daftar’. The encyclopaedia can be created
9.4 Encyclopaedias either by a single editor or an editorial
committee. The articles in the
Encyclopaedia is a systematic encyclopaedia are written by subject
compilation of information or knowledge experts.
of various topics. The information or
knowledge in encyclopaedia is arranged Types of Encyclopaedia :
with a specified method. Organising Encyclopaedias can be approximately
available knowledge and making it divided into four types. (1) Dictionaries
accessible is the main objective of (2) Comprehensive Encyclopaedia
encyclopaedias. (Vishwakosh) (3) Encyclopaedic
(Koshsadrush) literature (4) Indexes
Benefits of Encyclopaedia :
Encyclopaedias make vast volume of (1) Dictionaries : Dictionaries
knowledge accessible to readers. It can arrange the words in a language in certain
help in satisfying their curiosity. order (alphabetical order is more common).
Encyclopaedias provide fundamental It gives meanings of words, synonyms and
information on any topic, in order to etymology. There are various types of
understand it properly. Thus, the reader dictionaries : comprehensive dictionaries,
gets motivated to read extensively. dictionaries which include only certain
Encyclopaedias make the existing type of words, dictionaries of terminology
knowledge easily accessible to scholars (deals with terms peculiar to a branch of
and researchers and also highlight the knowledge), etymological dictionaries,
research areas, which have not yet received thesaurus, dictionaries of idioms and
enough attention. Encyclopaedias are proverbs, etc.
indicators of the state of cultural ripeness (2) Comprehensive Encyclopaedia
of a society. The intellectual and cultural (Vishwakosh) : There are two types of
needs of a society determine what kind of Vishwakosh. (a) It includes all subjects
encyclopaedic literature would be created. under the sun (for example, ‘Encyclopaedia
Accuracy, meticulousness, objectivity, Britannica’, ‘Maharashtriya Dnyankosh’,
standardised format of presentation and ‘Marathi Vishvakosh’, etc.) (b) It includes
updated information are the criteria for comprehensive information on one chosen

subject. For example, ‘Bharatiya Samskruti
Kosh’, ‘Vyayam Dnyankosh’, etc. Do you know ?
(3) Encyclopaedic (Koshsadrush) The following are the early
Literature : It is similar to an encyclopaedias :
encyclopaedia which comprises scholarly (1) ‘Natural History’ was the first
articles providing information on all encyclopaedia by Pliny the elder. (1st
possible aspects of one or more century A.D.)
predetermined subjects. For example, (2) ‘Encyclopaedia’, the encyclopaedia
‘Maharashtra Jeevan’, Vol. I and II; by Diderot, the French Philosopher of the
‘Shahar Pune’, Vol. I and II; ‘Yearbook’ 18th century C.E.
(Manorama, Times of India), etc. (3) ‘Encyclopaedia Britannica’ : This
encyclopaedia was first published in 1767
(4) Indexes : An Index usually occurs C.E. This is supposed to be an important
at the end of a book. Indexes are the milestone in the making of encyclopaedia.
alphabetical lists of individuals, subjects, There is an ancient tradition of
places, key words, reference books, etc. dictionaries like ‘Nighantu’, ‘Shabdakosh’,
For example, the index of Marathi etc. The encyclopaedic works of Mahanubhav
periodicals prepared by S.G.Date. Indexes sect, ‘Rajavyavaharkosh’ prepared during
are helpful in finding required information the reign of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj are
and it makes the information in a book important in the books of medieval period.
easily accessible. Encyclopaedias on History-related
Encyclopaedia and History : Subjects : There is a rich tradition of
Encyclopaedia and history as academic creating encyclopaedias on history-related
exercises, put stress on objectivity. subjects. ‘Bharatvarshiya Prachin Aitihasik
Encyclopaedias published in various Kosh’ by Raghunath Bhaskar Godbole
countries and in various languages may (1876) is the earliest encyclopaedia of
differ in their approach because of this kind. It includes information about
different priorities. Their structure is various individuals and places in Ancient
influenced by national policies, ethical India. According to the editor, ‘Those
values and ideals. Encyclopaedias can individuals who lived in Bharatvarsha,
be a medium of strengthening national earned a name for themselves and were
identity. For example ‘Bharatiya part of us along with their women, their
Samskruti Kosh’ edited by sons, their religions, their lands and
Mahadevshastri Joshi. Making knowledge capitals, also the rivers and mountains in
in all spheres of life accessible to their lands….whatever their history’ is
everybody, can be one of the major given in this encyclopaedia.
drives behind the creation of Twenty three volumes of
encyclopaedias. An inspiration to gain ‘Maharashtriya Dnyankosh’, edited by
and spread knowledge motivates either Shridhar Vyankatesh Ketkar are available.
individuals or a group of people to create The major drive for Ketkar in creating it,
encyclopaedias. Hence encyclopaedias was to facilitate wider access to
are looked upon as outstanding knowledge, and to expand the intellectual
achievements of a society. It is the sphere of Marathi speaking people. His
manifestation of the collective intellect was far-reaching view of history, which
and creativity of a society. is reflected in these volumes.
‘Bharatvarshiya Charitrakosh’ is Mahanubhav sect. It gives us an inkling
another important encyclopaedia. about Maharashtra in those days. It also
Siddheshwarshastri Chitrav established a gives details about the time, place and
committee, known as ‘Bharatiya background of the events described in
Charitrakosh Mandal’ for publishing this ‘Leelacharitra’. Hence, it is a very good
encyclopaedia. Three volumes were source for writing about the life of
published, namely, ‘Bharatvarshiya Chakradhar Swami.
Prachin Charitrakosh’ (1932), (2) ‘Prachin Bharatiya
‘Bharatvarshiya Madhyayugin Sthalakosh’ (1969) : Siddheshwarshstri
Charitrakosh’ (1937) and ‘Bharatvarshiya Chitrav compiled this encyclopaedic book.
Arvachin Charitrakosh’ (1946). The first It provides information about various
volume includes information on the lives places mentioned in Vedic literature,
of individuals mentioned in the Vedic Kautiliya Arthashastra, Panini’s Grammar,
literature including Shruti, Smruti, Sutras, Valmiki Ramayana, Mahabharata,
Vedangas, Upanishads also Puranas, Puranas, mediaeval Sanskrit literature and
Jain and Buddhist literature. Similarly Shabdkosh, also, in Jain and Buddhist
other two volumes contain biographies of literature, in Greek, Chinese, Persian
individuals in the respective periods. literature.
Vishwakosh : The first Chief Minister
Do you know ? of Maharashtra, Honourable
Shri. Yahswantrao Chavhan initiated the
Some special encyclopaedias :
compilation of Marathi ‘Vishwakosh’
(1) ‘Sangeetshastrakar va Kalavant through Maharashtra Rajya Sahitya
Yancha Itihas’ (Lakshman Dattatray Samskruti Mandal, with a view to enhance
Joshi) the sphere of Marathi language and
(2) ‘Krantikarakancha Charitrakosh’ literature. The work was started under the
(S. R. Date). It contains biographies guidance of Tarkteerth Lakshmanshastri
and illustrations of about 250 Indian Joshi. It contains knowledge about all
revolutionaries. possible subjects in the world. It also
(3) ‘Svatantryasainik Charitrakosh’ (N. contains very important entries about
R. Phatak). It contains the history.
biographies of those who suffered Bharatiya Samskruti Kosh : Ten
corporal punishment, imprisonment volumes of ‘Bharatiya Samsksruti Kosh’
and those who devoted their life for were edited and published by
independence movement. Mahadevshastri Joshi. These volumes
Sthalakosh : Geographic information contain information about Indian history,
is essential for historical studies. geography, various ethnic and lingual
Encyclopaedias giving information about groups, local history of those groups, their
Historical places are available. festivals and other cultural aspects.
(1) ‘Sthanapothi’ (14th century C.E.) Samdnya Kosh : There are
is an encyclopaedic text, which is encyclopaedic texts explaining the
composed by Muni Vyas of Mahanubhav terminology (for instance, colonialism,
sect. It describes all those places visited globalisation, etc.) of history. Such texts
by Chakradhar Swami, the founder of are very useful for the teachers of history.
School, college and university teachers encyclopaedias of various types.
of history can find ample opportunities in After studying this text book, you
the field of publication of encyclopaedias. must have noted that with specialisation
Encyclopaedias of all types require experts in history one can get access to several
in history. Every subject has a career opportunities in various fields. You
developmental history. Scholars of history can choose your future career with the
can contribute significantly to help of the information in this text-book.


1. (A) Choose the correct option from the 3. Write notes :

given options and complete the (1) Sthalakosh (2) Vishwakosh
statement. (3) Samdnya Kosh (4) Saraswati Mahal
(1) Lovre Museum has in its collection Granthalay
the much acclaimed painting of 4. Give elaborate answers to the following.
…….. by Leonardo da Vinci. (1) Why is library management
(a) Napoleon (b) Mona Lisa important?
(c) Hans sloan (d) George II (2) Which tasks are important in archives
(2) ……… at Kolkata is the first museum management?
in India. 5. Complete the following Concept map.
(a) Government Museum
(b) National Museum
(c) Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
(d) Indian Museum
(B) Identify and write the wrong pair Types of
in the following set.
(1) Maharaja Sayajirao University  - 
(2) Banaras Hindu University -  Varanasi
(3) Aligarh Muslim University -  Aligarh
(4) Jivaji University -  Gwalior
2. Explain the following statements with Project
reasons. Obtain information about the important
(1) Archives and libraries publish research libraries in Maharashtra. Visit the library
journals, informative pamphlets, in your vicinity and learn about its
leaflets, posters, etc. functioning.
(2) Only trained persons, who are duly
qualified can take up the tasks
involved in the work of conservation
and preservation.

Political Science


Working of the Indian Constitution

No. Chapter Page No.

1. Working of the Constitution......... 69

2. The Electoral Process................... 75

3. Political Parties............................. 82

4. Social and Political Movements... 91

5. Challenges faced by
Indian Democracy........................ 97

Competency Statements

S.No. Unit Competencies

1. Working of the Understands that the Constitution has strenghtened Democracy
Constitution in India.
Has the ability to tell the contibution of the Indian Constitution
towards social change.
2. The Electoral Understands the importance of the Election Commission.
Process Realises that voting is a constitutional responsibility of the
Realises the importance of citizens/people in the electoral
Understands electoral process with the help of video clips.
Has the ability to locate or identify one’s own Lok Sabha
constituency on the electoral map of India.
3. Political Parties Knows the responsibilities and functions of political parties.
(National) Has the ability to analyse the emergence of new political
Has the ability to do a comparative analysis of ideological
positions of national political parties in India.
Creates a chart of election symbols of political parties.
4. Political Parties Has the ability to tell the principles and role of regional
(Regional) political parties in Maharashtra.
Has the ability to compile news clippings of political leaders
and their public meetings or rallies.
Has the ability to discuss the reasons for the strengthening
of regional poticial parties.
5. Social and Political Understands the rationale of social and political movements.
Movements Has the ability to identify differents means and methods used
by social movements for creating awareness and mass-
Has the ability to understand empowerment of women and
other marginalised groups.
Gets acquainted to the demands of farmers and workers.
Collects and compiles newspaper articles related to students’
6. Challenges faced by Has the ability to tell the meaning of Unity in Diversity.
Indian Democracy Develops the attitude of respect towards diversity in India.
Has the ability to put forth an objective and fact-based
analysis of various challenges.
Has the ability to explain strategies to tackle internal

1. Working of the Constitution

The textbooks of Political Science till Accordingly, the Indian people have
now have helped us to take an overview direct representation in the Parliament,
of local government, the values and the State legislature and local government.
philosophy of the Indian Constitution as Holding free and fair elections at regular
also the governing structures created by intervals is an important indicator of
the Constitution and India’s place in India’s successful democracy. The
international relations. The Indian increasing participation of the people in
Constitution has declared its objective to the political process and political
establish a secular, democratic Republic. competition shows that Indian democracy
Also, it has made extremely important has become successful to a great extent.
provisions to ensure that the citizens get Right to Vote : The Indian
justice and their freedom is protected. The Constitution had made the provision of
Indian Constitution is seen as the means right to vote for adults. In the pre-
through which a progressive developed independence period several provisions
society based on social justice and equality existed which restricted the Right to Vote.
will be established. All such provisions were cancelled after
The Constitution came into force on independence and the Indian constitution
26th January 1950 and since then the guaranteed adult suffrage by giving the
Government has been working in right to vote equally, to both men and
accordance with the principles of the women above the age of 21 years. The
constitution. In this chapter, we will take voting age was later reduced from 21 to
a brief overview of the wide-ranging 18 which gave opportunity of political
nature of Indian democracy, important participation to the young generation in
changes that have taken place in its India. Such provisions have made India
political process and steps that have been the largest democracy in the world. India
taken to establish social justice and has the largest number of voters compared
equality. This review will primarily focus to any other democratic nation. This
on three areas (1) Democracy (2) Social change is not only quantitative but also
Justice (3) Judicial System. qualitative as new political parties are
emerging with the active support of young
Democracy voters. These parties represent various
Political Maturity : Democracy does expectations of people and compete in the
not merely imply a representative structure. political sphere.
The essence of representative system is to Decentralisation of Democracy :
integrate the principles of democracy in Decentralisation of power is central to
actual practice. Once this is done, democratic government. Decentralisation
democracy becomes an integral part of controls the misuse of power and also
the political life of the society. creates opportunities for political

participation for the common people. The ensure transparency and accountability
Directive Principles of State Policy include which are the hallmarks of good
the provisions for democratic governance. Right to Information has
decentralisation. One such important made the government more transparent
provision is regarding empowering the and has reduced the element of secrecy
local self-government make genuine in the working of government.
democratic governance a reality. After After the year 2000, the whole
independence, several attempts were made
approach towards democratic reforms has
towards democratic decentralisation. One
changed. Democratic reforms are
such important attempt is the 73rd and
considered as ‘rights’ of citizens.
74th amendment to Indian Constitution;
which gave a constitutional status to local Accordingly, citizens in India have got
self-governing institutions and also Right to Information, education and food
increased their powers. security. These rights have strengthened
democracy in India.

Can you tell the reasons for the

following changes ? Do you know ?
Some seats are kept reserved for
women to increase their participation Rights based approach : In the
in political process. decades after independence, progress
was made towards more and more
Some seats are kept reserved for democratisation of India. However,
weaker sections of the society so in this process citizens were
that they can get a share in political considered as beneficiaries. In the
power. last few decades development is
The State Election Commission has considered as the right of the citizens.
been established. In your opinion, how will this
The 11th and 12th schedule was approach change the relations
added to the constitution. between the government and citizens?

Right to Information (RTI 2005)   : Discuss

Citizen empowerment is the essential Do you think that citizens in
condition of democracy. It is necessary to India should have the right to
create opportunities for citizen’s employment?
participation and interaction with the According to you, if everyone
government. Increased communication gets the right to shelter, how will it
between citizens and government helps in affect democracy in India ?
strengthening democracy and in building
a relationship of trust between them.
Social Justice and Equality
Citizens have a right to know about the
functioning of the government. The Social justice and equality are the
Government of India gave the Right to important objectives of our constitution.
Information to the citizens of India to The Constitution has given the guidelines

to establish a new society based on these to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe
two values. We are following the path and any act of atrocity committed against
laid down by our Constitution to achieve them is liable for punishment.
this goal.
To establish social justice is to Do this.
remove those social conditions which are
responsible for injustice and insist on the Read the provisions of the
equality of dignity for all individuals. The above law. Try to understand them
principles of justice and equality aim at with the help of your teachers.
ending discrimination in social status such What efforts should be made to
as superior or inferior on the basis of prevent atrocities ?
caste, religion, language and gender,
place of birth, race, property and giving Provisions for minorities : The
equality of opportunity for development to Indian constitution has made several
every individual. provisions for the protection of minorities.
The government has adopted several
To establish justice and equality,
policies for minorities to provide them the
efforts are to be made at all levels of
opportunities for education and
society. But the government’s efforts and
employment. The Indian constitution
policies on this front are more important.
prohibits discrimination on the basis of
For Democracy to be inclusive, one must
caste, religion, race, language and region.
try to bring all sections of the society into
This is a comprehensive provision for
the mainstream. Democracy is in fact, a
minorities which fundamentally protects
process of accommodating different
their right to equality, freedom, right
sections in society. Democracy helps in
against exploitation and cultural and
reducing social conflicts. Let us take
educational rights.
review of the efforts made in India in this
direction. Laws relating to women and
provisions for representation : In the
Policy of Reservation of seats :
post-independence period, efforts were
Policy of Reservation of seats is meant
made for empowering women. Taking
for those sections of society who have
into consideration the problems of women,
been deprived of the opportunities for
several policies have been adopted at
education and employment for a long
national and international level to remove
period of time. Accordingly, in educational
illiteracy among women and to make
institutions and in government services
available opportunities for their
some seats are kept reserved for scheduled
caste and scheduled tribes. There is also
a provision of reservation of seats for The right to have an equal share in
other backward classes. the property of the father and husband,
Dowry Prohibition Act, act against sexual
The Scheduled Castes and Tribes
harassment, Domestic Violence Prohibition
(Prevention of Atrocities) Act : This is
Act are some important provisions which
an important Act for establishing social
create a favourable environment for
justice and equality. This act prevents
protection of freedom of women and
any injustice against the people belonging
securing their development.

In our country, from the very beginning, A National Commission for women has
women have inadequate representation in been established. Similar commissions also
politics and political institutions. Many exist at the State level.
countries in the world have made efforts to The Act for the protection of women
increase representation of women. From against domestic violence is an important
this perspective, changes are taking place step in the direction of democracy. This
in India as well. The 73rd and 74th act underlined the need to protect the
amendment reserved 33% of seats for dignity and self-esteem of women. This
women in local self-governing institutions. act rejected traditional forms of domination
This percentage has been raised to 50%in and authoritarianism and expanded the
several states including Maharashtra. scope of Indian democracy to make it
inclusive in true sense.
Do this.
The Representation of Women in Lok Sabha

No. of Read the chart and answer the

No. Year Women Percentage following questions.
MPs In which election year the number of
1. 1951-52 22 4.50% women MPs is minimum?
2. 1957 22 4.45% In which election year the number of
women MPs is maximum.
3. 1962 31 6.28%
Prepare a Pie Chart/Bar Chart with
4. 1967 29 5.58%
the help of the information given in
5. 1971 28 5.41% the chart of the Women MPs in the
6. 1977 19 3.51% Loksabha Elections (1951-2014).
7. 1980 28 5.29%
What do you think?
8. 1984 43 7.95%
9. 1989 29 5.48% The visibility to women is very
low in public life. If Family structure,
10. 1991 39 7.30% social surrounding, economic sector,
11. 1996 40 7.37% political sphere become more open,
12. 1998 43 7.92% women will get a chance to participate
13. 1999 49 9.02% in the decision making process that
14. 2004 45 8.29% can provide a different direction to
politics. For this purpose, women’s
15. 2009 59 10.87%
participation should be increased in
16. 2014 66 12.15% the representative institutions.

Role of Judiciary
The Judiciary in India has played an always taken into consideration the
important role in strengthening democracy fundamental objectives of the constitution
and helping to make towards achieving and also the intentions of the constitution
the objectives of social justice and makers. We will try to understand the
equality. While interpreting the provisions contribution of the judiciary in this regard
of the constitution, the judiciary has with the help of following points.
(1) The basic framework of the
constitution : The Constitution is dynamic. This is important to understand !
It is a living document. The Constitution
Democracy requires good
has to change according to changing
governance or best governing
conditions and the Parliament has a
practices. Following are the features
power to make those changes. The
of good governance. What should be
Judiciary has accepted this power of the
done to bring good governance in
Parliament to make changes in the democracy ?
Constitution but at same time specified
the limitations on this power. The Judiciary Accountable/responsible government
has taken a stand that the Parliament Effective and efficient government
while amending the constitution cannot
Responsive government
alter the basic structure of the constitution.
Transparency in working of the
Please understand. Just and all-inclusive development
The basic structure of the
People’s participation in the
constitution generally includes
governing and decision-making
following provisions.
Republican and democratic form of
Federal structure of the Constitution.
Promotion of unity and integrity of Please understand.
the nation Find out the judgements given
Sovereignty of the nation by the Supreme Court on the
Secularism and supremacy of the above subjects in recent years and
constitution discuss them.

(2) Significant judicial decisions : In this chapter, we took a review of

The protection provided to the citizens by the constitution and the working of the
fundamental rights in the constitution has government on the basis of the constitution
been made more meaningful through in the context of Indian democracy. There
various decisions of judiciary. Some of are many challenges before India’s
the important subjects on which the Court democracy. Government’s acts and policies
has given judgements include rights of have not put an end to all the problems.
children; protection of human rights; There are several new problems confronting
protection of the honour and dignity of us. However what is important is that the
women; individual freedom; and tribal people in India have developed a
empowerment. These efforts have made democratic mind-set.
the political process in India more mature. In the next chapter we will study the
election process in India.

1. Choose the correct option from the 3. Explain the following concepts.
given options and complete the sentences. (1) Right based approach
(1) In Maharashtra ............ seats are (2) Right to information
reserved for women in local (3) Women representation in the Loksabha.
self-governing institutions.
4. Answer in brief.
(a) 25% (b) 30%
(1) What are the effects of reducing the
(c) 40% (d) 50%
voting age from 21 years to 18 years ?
(2) Which of the following laws created (2) What is meant by establishment of
a favourable environment for women social justice ?
to secure freedom and (3) Which decision of the Court has
self-development  ? resulted in protection of honour and
(a) Right to Information Act dignity of women ?
(b) Dowry Prohibition Act
(c) Food Security Act Project
(d) None of the above (1) Which information can be secured
(3) The essence of democracy is .......... with the help of right to information?
(a) universal adult franchise. Find out with the help of your teachers.
(b) decentralisation of power. (2) Make a list of concessions given by
(c) policy of reservation of seats. the Government for the students of
minority community ?
(d) judicial decisions.
(3) Visit the official website of National
2. State whether following statements are Election Commission and collect more
true or false. Give reasons for your information about it.
answer. (4) Take an interview of women
(1) Indian democracy is considered the representatives from local
largest democracy in the world. self-governing institutions from your
(2) Secrecy in the working of Government area.
has increased due to the Right to
(3) The nature of the Constitution is seen
as a living document.

2. The Electoral Process

Elections have played a major role in elections in our country. The entire process
the working of India’s democracy. of elections from declaring the date of
Elections and representation are two very elections to the declaration of results is
important processes in democracy. We carried out under the direction and control
know that people’s representatives are of Election Commission. The election
selected through elections. Elections help process is an inseparable component of a
to bring a change in power through comprehensive democratic process.
peaceful means. Different political parties
In this chapter we will understand the
get an opportunity to rule. Policies of the
structure, functions and role of the Election
government and life of society also
Commission. We will also discuss the
changes. We expect that the representatives
reforms required to be made in the
we elect should be efficient, honest, and
electoral process.
trustworthy and that they should respect
the opinion of people. The electoral Election Commission
process should also be free, fair and
reliable. To ensure that, the Constitution In India, the Election Commission is
of India has made provision for an central to the process of elections. Art.
independent Election Commission to 324 of the Indian Constitution has
administer the election process in India. established this autonomous body which
consists of one Chief Election
The Election Commission of India Commissioner and two other
and the State level State Election commissioners.
Commissions conduct all important
Do you know ?
Do you know ?
Sukumar Sen was the first chief
What is representation? Modern election commissioner after independence.
democracy is a representative In 1921, Sen was
democracy. In a democracy it is not selected for Indian
possible to involve the entire Civil Services under
population in the decision-making the British rule. He
process. This resulted in the starting was given the charge
of the practice of electing some of the Election
people on behalf of entire population Commissioner after
as representatives who would run the Election
the government. The representatives Commission was
established in 1950.
who form the government are Sukumar Sen Mr. Sen efficiently
expected to be responsible to the
handled the responsibility of the Election
people and give preference to the Commission in extremely adverse
welfare of the people. conditions.
The President appoints the election (2) Decide the timetable and the
commissioners. The Chief Election programme of elections : The conduct
Commissioner cannot be removed from his of elections is entirely the responsibility
post easily or on account of any political of the Election Commission. The Election
reasons. This is necessary so as to preserve Commission decides when to conduct
the independence of election commission. elections and in how many stages to hold
There is a separate provision made for the elections in every state.
expenses of Election Commission. (3) Scrutiny of the applications of
The Election Commission does not candidates : After the election dates are
have a separate staff. Government officers, declared, every political party selects the
teachers and other employees help the candidates to contest elections. Some
Election Commission to execute the candidates contest the elections
process of elections. independently without the support of any
political party. Candidates of political
parties as well as independent candidates
Do you know ? have to fill the applications which include
Special campaign to create the information about their own self. The
awareness among voters is run for Election Commission scrutinises all the
voter’s registration. The National Voter’s applications and allows the eligible
Day is celebrated for the purpose. candidates to contest the elections.
(4) Give recognition to political
Functions of Election Commission parties : We have a multiparty system in
our country. New parties continue to be
(1) Preparing the voters list : Every
Indian citizen who has completed 18 Can you tell ?
years of age has a right to vote. To What criteria are laid down by the
exercise the right to vote, citizen’s name Election Commission for giving
must be in the voters list. It is the recognition to political parties ?
responsibility of the Election Commission
to prepare the list of eligible voters,
update the existing voter’s list and include Why is it so ?
the names of new voters. The Election
Commission has the authority to issue Some constituencies are kept
identity cards to the voters. reserved for Scheduled caste and
Scheduled tribes.

Why is it required ? Every political party has an election

When candidates have only the At the time of voting and counting
condition of age as eligibility, why of votes, the official representatives
should they give other information of political parties remain present.
to election commission ? Recognised parties have equal
Why are the candidates required to opportunity to present their side
give the information of their property before media such as television and
to Election Commission ? radio.

formed. Split in the parties results in the has the responsibility of resolving any
formation of new parties. All political disputes that may arise regarding elections.
parties are required to be recognised by Accordingly, to declare any candidate as
the Election Commission. Election disqualified or conduct re-election in a
Commission also has a right to derecognise particular constituency is the responsibility
any political party. The Election of the Election Commission.
Commission also allots election symbols
to the political parties. Please understand
(5) To resolve any disputes relating Voting is our duty as well as a
to elections : The Election Commission responsibility.

Who is superior ?
Government has to the Government
observe the code of or the Election
conduct declared by the Commission?
Election Commission.

Which two conditions among Remember this.

following is the violation of code of
* The candidate distributes items of
household use.
* Promise made to resolve the water Sham Sharan
problem if elected. Negi from
Himachal Pradesh
* To go from door to door to meet
was the first voter
voters and request them to vote.
of India. He
* To appeal on the basis of caste and exercised his right
religion to get support. to vote on 25th
Which of these rules would you
October 1951 in Loksabha Elections.
include in the code of conduct for
Process of elections rules. Due to the strict observance of the
code of conduct in the last few elections,
Establishment of constituencies the common voters have become confident.
Challenges in conducting free and
Finalising voter’s list fair elections : If we take into account
the size of our country and the number
Nomination of candidates and of voters, conducting elections becomes a
scrutiny of their nomination forms truly challenging task. The Election
Commission has to work in accordance
Election campaign with the law while dealing with these
challenges. Some of the challenges are
Actual voting mentioned below :
Misuse of money takes place to a
Counting of votes great extent during elections. The
Election Commission has to take
Results of elections several measures to stop such a misuse
of money.
Resolution of disputes regarding Many political parties give election
elections tickets to the candidates with criminal
background. This results not only in
Restructuring of the Constituency : criminalisation of politics but the
The total number of members in Loksabha Election Commission also faces
is 543. How are these members elected? problems in ensuring that elections are
Every member represents one constituency. conducted in free environment.
It means there are 543 constituencies of Another major challenge is violence
Loksabha. Creating constituencies is the during elections. The extent of violence
responsibility of the Delimitation has increased significantly during
Commission of Election Commission. The
Delimitation Commission does not Do you know ?
succumb to any pressure while restructuring
the constituencies. At the time of first elections,
What is a code of conduct ? preparing the voter’s list was a
challenging task. As many people
To ensure free and fair elections in
were illiterate, the special procedure
India, the Election Commission has
of voting was used during elections.
adopted several measures. The Code of
20 lacs steel boxes were made for
Conduct is one of the measures adopted
voting purpose. Election symbols
by the Election Commission. In the last
were stuck on the boxes. The voters
few decades, the Election Commission
were given the blank ballot papers
has used its powers to control malpractices
during elections. The Code of Conduct which they were supposed to drop in
explains the rules that are to be followed the box having the election symbol of
by the Government, political parties and the party they wanted to vote for.
voters before elections and during elections. This system ensured that even the
Even the Government cannot violate these illiterate people could vote.

elections. All political parties should To increase participation of women in
help The Election Commission to politics, the political parties should
control this violence. give 50% candidature to women
To retain a continuing influence on candidates and try to ensure that they
politics, leaders give election tickets to get elected.
their own relatives. This practice Political parties should not give
creates a family monopoly in politics. candidature to candidates having
criminal background. They should
Think. strictly follow the decision given by
How political parties suffer due courts in this respect.
to family monopoly in the party ? The Government should take care of
What do you understand by the election expenses. To ensure that
system of ‘one vote one value’ ? parties will not make misuse of money
and mismanagement of money during
Electoral reforms : Elections is a elections can be stopped.
continuous process. The future of Representation of the Peoples Act
democracy depends on elections. Electoral should be amended so that candidates
process becomes reliable if election having criminal background would not
process gets improved. Some reforms are be able to participate in elections.
suggested below. What will be its effects
according to you ?

Journey from ballot boxes to EVM machines

The first election in

independent India was held in
1951-52. This was the beginning
of shaping of democracy
through electoral politics. In the
initial elections ballot boxes
were used for the purpose of
voting. The use of EVM
machines started from the – (NOTA). It has become easy for disabled
decade of 1990s. Many things people (Divyanga) to vote. It reduced the
could be achieved because of cutting of trees for paper and thereby helped
voting machine. If the voters in the protection of environment. It has also
do not want to vote for any been possible to have an early declaration of
candidate, they could choose an election results.
option of ‘None of the above’

Please understand. Do you know ?
General elections : Loksabha
Election Commission established
elections held after every five years
are called general elections. an expert committee on 8th October
2010. It was decided to add a new
Midterm elections : If the elected facility – Voter Verified Paper Audit
government loses its majority before Trail in EVM machines. All political
completing its term in the Parliament parties supported this. Because of
or if the parties of the coalition this facility the voters can verify
government withdraw their support whether the vote cast is registered
resulting in the loss of majority support properly. The purpose of this
for the government and if no alternative important step is to stop malpractices
government is possible, then elections in elections.
are held before the completion of the
term. They are called midterm elections.
By-elections : If an elected In this chapter we studied the electoral
representative in Loksabha, process from various angles. In the next
Vidhansabha or the local self- chapter we will study the political parties
government resigns or due to his/her in India.
death his seat becomes vacant, the
elections are held for that vacant seat.
This is called a by-election.


1. Choose the correct option from the given (3) Constituencies are created by ..........
options and complete the sentences. committee of the Election Commission.
(1) The Election Commissioner is appointed (a) Selection (b) Delimitation
by the ............ . (c) Voting (d) Timetable
(a) President (b) Prime Minister
2. State whether the following statements
(c) Speaker of Loksabha are true or false. Give reasons for your
(d) Vice President answer.
(2) ............ was appointed as the first (1) The Elections Commission lays down
Chief Election Commissioner of the code of conduct during elections.
independent India. (2) Under special circumstances the
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad Election Commission holds re-elections
(b) T.N. Sheshan in a particular constituency for a second
(c) Sukumar Sen time.
(d) Neela Satyanarayan
(3) The state government decides as to 5. Answer in brief.
when and in how many stages the (1) Explain the functions of the Election
elections would be held in a particular Commission.
State. (2) Write some additional information
3. Explain the concept. about post of the Election
(1) Reorganising the constituencies
(3) Explain the meaning of Code of
(2) Midterm Elections
4. Complete the following picture.
Organise a mock poll in the school to
Role of the Election Role of the understand the process of voting.
Commission voters

The process
of elections

Role of political parties and their


3. Political Parties

In the last chapter we studied the characteristics of political parties :

working of constitution and election To be in power : Achieving power
procedure. Political parties are a link that through elections is the main objective of
connects common people, democracy, political parties. Thus different political
representation and elections. Whatever we parties compete with each other to get
read or hear about politics is related to power. There is nothing wrong in this
political parties. Political parties exist in competition, but the competition should
all democratic systems. In fact political be fair.
parties compete with each other only in To pursue an ideology : Every
a democracy. In this chapter we will political party has some policies and world
study the political party system in India. views. Parties have a particular stand
In your school and the surroundings about social issues. These together make
you must have seen some groups, party ideology. The people who consider
institutions, organisations working to any specific party ideology as acceptable
achieve some objective. Some support that political party. Social support
organisations take initiative in resolving received by a political party is called the
social problems. You may have read ‘mass base’ of political party. In modern
about the various movements and their days ideologies of all political parties
work. Just as there are active groups, appear to be similar hence it has become
institutions and movements, similarly difficult to differentiate between the parties
there are political parties who contest on the basis of ideologies.
elections. Political parties are also a kind To have a Party Agenda : Political
of social organisations, but there is a parties prepare their party’s agenda on
difference between political parties and the basis of party ideology. They
other institutions and organisations in implement the agenda after they get
society. The difference is in the goals and political power. Even if they do not get
style of working of political parties and political power, political parties try to get
other organisations. On this background, support of people on the basis of this
we can say that when people form agenda.
organisations with the objective of
To Establish a Government :
achieving political power and participate
Political parties establish the government
in the electoral process, such organisations
and govern the nation. The political party
are called political parties. Political parties
which gets majority in elections forms the
thus can be described as a group of
government. The parties which do not get
people who aim to contest elections, win
majority act as opposition parties.
elections and get power and establish the
government of their party. To act as a link between the
Government and the people : Political
Following are some important
parties work as a link between the
Government and the people. Political (3) After the 1989 Loksabha Elections,
parties communicate the demands and the system of one party emerging as
complaints of the people to the government. dominant party came to an end. Since
The government tries to get support of the then different parties began to come
people for its policies and programmes together to form coalition governments.
through political parties. Both the Bharatiya Janata Party and
Congress Party made an experiment of
What do you understand by the establishing coalition governments. The
following news in newspapers? belief that coalition government brings
Explain in brief instability was proved wrong by the
Opposition parties held a meeting in political party system in our country. In
Mumbai to resist the Ruling party. fact, the coalition government system as
Will take up the issue of farmers ? stabilised in India.
Ruling party organised ‘Samvad
Yatra’ in rural areas.
Do you know ?

Imagine you are an opposition If power remains with one

party leader and you have observed political party for a long period
that the ruling party has not done and if no other political parties
good work in the field of health. are influential - the party system
What will you do as a leader of is called as one party system
opposition ? In politics, when two political
parties are influential and if
political parties enjoy power
Think and write.
alternatively, the party system
Mahatma Gandhi, Vinoba Bhave is called two party system
and Jayprakash Narayan put forth
the idea of partyless democracy. When many political parties
compete for political power and
What has to be done to bring
more or less they are equally
such democracy in modern times?
influential, the party system is
called multi-party system.
Changing nature of political party
system in India :
(1) The Congress was a strong
political party in the post-independence Do this.
period. Congress had a majority at Centre
and in most of the States. Indian politics Find out the member parties of
was controlled by the Congress Party. the following leading coalitions.
This era was described as Era of ‘Single (1) National Democratic Alliance
dominant party system’. (NDA)
(2) The non-Congress parties came (2) United Progressive Alliance
together and challenged ‘Single dominant (UPA)
party system’ in 1977.
National Parties
Also understand (Reference : Election Commission of India,
The national parties and the Notification No.56/201/PPS-111, dated 13
regional parties. December 2016)
To get recognition as a national (1) Indian National Congress : The
party, the Election Commission has Indian National Congress was established
prescribed the following conditions: in 1885. At the time of its establishment,
Congress was an all comprehensive
(a) A political party should secure
movement working for national
minimum 6% of the valid votes
independence. Groups with different
in four or more States in the
ideologies had come together in this
earlier Loksabha or State
nationalist movement.
Assembly elections and minimum
After independence
4 members should be elected in
the Congress emerged
the Loksabha from any state or
as the most dominant
states in the earlier elections. political party. The
Or party, from the
(b) The candidates of a party should beginning, follows
be elected from minimum 2% the policy of
constituencies out of total secularism, all round development, equal
Loksabha constituencies and rights and welfare for minorities and
from minimum 3 states. disadvantageous sections of the society.
Accordingly, Congress has organised
To get recognition as a regional various programmes to achieve those
party, the Election Commission has objectives. The party believes in
prescribed the following conditions   : democratic socialism, social equality and
(a) A political party should secure international peace.
minimum 6% of the valid votes (2) Communist Party of India : This
in the earlier Loksabha or State party based on the
Assembly elections and minimum communist ideology
2 members should be elected in was established in
the Vidhan Sabha (State 1925. It is an old party
Assembly). in India. This party
Or works for the welfare
(b) A political party should secure of labourers and workers. The party
minimum 3% of seats out of opposes capitalism. The party leadership
total seats of Vidhansabha – developed differences in the 1960s over the
(State Assembly) or minimum 3 issue of whether Communist Party of India
seats. should accept the leadership of Communist
China or the Soviet Union. This led to the
split in Communist Party of India and a
Let us know about some important separate party – Communist Party of India
political parties in India. (Marxist) was formed in 1964.

(3) Bharatiya Janata Party : established. The party
Bharatiya Janata Party is an important believes in the values
party at the national level. Bharatiya Jan of democracy, equality
Sangh was established in and secularism. The
1951. This party was party was in power in
merged with Janata Party Maharashtra from
that was established in 1999 to 2014 in
1977. The Janata Party coalition with the
could not survive. There Congress Party. Nationalist Congress
was a split in the party Party for a long period was also a part
and Bharatiya Jan Sangh - the component of coalition government led by Congress
party of Janata Party established a new at Centre from 2004 to 2014.
party in 1980  -  Bharatiya Janata Party. (7) Trinamool Congress : All India
The party stands for the protection of Trinamool Congress
Indian culture and traditions. The party Party was established
gives importance to economic reforms. in 1998. Election
(4) Communist Party of India Commission gave the
(Marxist) : This party party recognition as
proclaims socialism, national party in
secularism and 2016. The party
democracy. The party supports democracy,
opposes imperialism. secularism and protection of interests of
Party’s policy is to weaker sections of the society.
protect the interests of
workers, farmers and Number of seats secured by National parties
in Loksabha elections of 2009 and 2014.
landless labourers.
(5) Bahujan Samaj Party : Bahujan Number of Seats
National Parties
Samaj Party professes the Socialist 2009 2014
ideology. In 1984 the Indian National
party was established 206 44
with the objective of
protecting the interest Communist Party of
04 01
of the ‘majority’. India
Scheduled caste, Bharatiya Janata
116 282
scheduled tribes, Party
religious minorities Communist Party
and other backward classes together 16 09
of India (Marxist)
constitute a majority. The party aims to
give power in the hands of the ‘majority’. Bahujan Samaj
21 -
(6) Nationalist Congress Party : In
1999, there was a split in the Congress Nationalist Congress
09 06
Party and Nationalist Congress Party was Party

r s h if t in Tamil Which portfolio-Home Shiromani Akal
Pow e i Dal
or Social Welfare ? gets clear maj
Political marketing
leading to terror Coalition of PDP Anti Defection La
and BJP co nducive to Dem
in oc racy
Formation of a new Party
Maharashtra Haryana Janahit
Looking for opportune time Congress achieves
to give up pow ?
er  to objectives

You must be reading different news and development of their own region.
in newspapers. Through these news items They start feeling proud of their language,
we get information about various parties literature, traditions, history of social
existing in different states of India. reforms, educational and cultural
Do these parties function only at State movements and this gives rise to the
level ? development of linguistic identity. Regional
Some state leaders are influential at identity develops from the consciousness
national level, while some have about the development of region and the
influence only at state level. Why is it feeling that people belonging to the region
so ? should have claim over resources and
employment opportunities.
With the help of such questions we
will try to get information about various When linguistic, regional, cultural and
regional parties in India. We will study other identities get connected, regional
some of the regional parties from different consciousness emerges as a stronger
parts of India. feeling. Sometimes it gives rise to
independent political parties or pressure
In India we find people speaking
groups or movements. All such
different languages and having different
developments aim at the protection of the
traditions and culture. They belong to
interests of region.
different parts of India. We see different
regions have their own language. You Regional Parties
have already studied different geographical Regional parties are those groups in
regions in Maharashtra. In Maharashtra the region who have a proud feeling
there exists geographical and cultural about the different identity of their region
diversity. Maharashtra is different from and who compete to get political power
Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka. with the objective of regional development.
The feeling of affinity developed The influence of regional parties is limited
about our language and region gradually to a particular region. Though they play
turns into the identity consciousness and a significant role at the regional level,
finally gives rise to regionalism. People they influence national politics as well.
start thinking primarily about the interest Regional parties give preference to the

resolution of regional problems. For the independent state, they started demanding
development of the region they demand more autonomy. This was the second
more autonomy and authority. Though stage in the development of regional
they cooperate with federal government, parties. This stage began after 1990.
they try to protect their autonomy. (3) The regional parties demanded
Regional parties make several that for the development of the region,
demands such as regional problems should people from region should get power at
be resolved at regional level; political State and national level. For example,
power should be in the hands of the Shiv Sena, Telugu Desam, etc.
people from region and residents of the (4) The development of regional
region should get preference in parties in North East shows a different
administration and jobs. trend. They gave up their demand of
Changing nature of regional parties separatism and have started demanding
in India : Regional parties came into autonomy. The regional parties from
existence in India in the post independent North East are now entering in mainstream
period. However, over the years their of national politics.
nature and role has changed significantly. In short we can say that role of
(1) Initially regional identities gave regional parties in India has passed
rise to the separatist movements. The through various phases - from separatism
demands for independent Khalistan, to autonomy and now towards entry into
Dravidistan were made with the objective mainstream national politics. Coalition
of parting from the Indian federation and politics is one of the consequence of their
exist as an independent State. Regional increasing influence in national politics.
parties from Punjab, Tamil Nadu, and In India we have many regional parties.
Jammu and Kashmir have made such It is not possible to know about all such
demands. parties in this chapter. We will study some
(2) The demands of regional parties parties as representative of India’s East,
gradually changed. Instead of an West, North and South regions.
Some Major Regional Parties as shown below

Main political party in Maharashtra –

established in 1966.
Objective – protection of the rights of
Marathi people, promotion of Marathi Language,
Shiv Sena resistance to people from other regions.

In 1995 it entered into a coalition with BJP

and came to power in Maharashtra. It shares
power with the BJP in Maharashtra since 2014.
After elections in 2019 formed Government
in allaiance with Congress party and National
Congress party.

Established in 1920- a prominent
regional party in Punjab

Objective of cultivating religious
Akali and regional identity

Assumes power in Punjab for

many years.


Main regional party in

Jammu Kashmir - established in
and 1932.
Protect the interests of Kashmiri
people and protection of
autonomous status.

Assam agreement was signed in
Assam Gan Parishad 1985.

Resolve the problems of displaced

people. Protect the unique cultural,
linguistic and social identity of Assam,
economic development of Assam.

Assumes power in Assam for many



Dravida Munnetra Justice Party - a non Brahmin movement in 1920

Kazhagam was transformed into Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam – a
political party. In 1944, Justice party came to be known
as Dravida Kazhagam. In 1944, a group separated from
this party and established another party-Dravida Munnetra
Kazhagam. Another group separated from this party in
1972 and established All India Dravida Munnetra
Protection of Tamil Identity, member of Coalition
Government at the Centre for some years.
The party has support of voters from all sections of
society. It was in power for a long period and implemented
many policies.

In India we have many regional shows the performance of regional parties

parties in every state that have influenced in Maharashtra in the elections of 2009
the state politics. The following chart and 2014.
Regional Parties in Maharashtra (Representation in Vidhan Sabha)
Seats won Seats won
Election Election Name of Party Election Election
Name of Party
Year Year Year Year
2009 2014 2009 2014
Shiv Sena 44 63 Bahujan Vikas Aghadi 02 03
Maharashtra 13 01 Rashtriya Samaj 01 01
Navnirman Sena Paksha
Peasants and Workers 04 03 All India Majlis-E- * 02
Party Ittehadulla Musalmeen
Republican Party of 01 01 Janasurajya Shakti 02 -
India-Bahujan Loksangram 01 -
Mahasangh Swabhimani Party 01 -
Republican Party of - - (* This party did not exist in 2009.)
Samajwadi Party 04 01

Can you tell ?

Every State in India has regional
parties. It is not possible to take In this chapter we took a review of
review of all those parties. Find out national and regional political parties in
information about other regional India. In the next chapter we will try to
parties with the help of a map of understand the importance of social
India. movements in our life.


1. Choose the correct option from the 2. State whether following statements are
given options and complete the sentences. true or false. Give reasons for your
(1) When people come together and answer.
participate in electoral process, to (1) Political parties act as a link between
acquire political power, such government and people.
organisations are called ............ . (2) Political parties are social
(a) Government organisations.
(b) Society (3) Coalition politics leads to instability.
(c) Political parties (4) Shiromani Akali Dal is a national
(d) Social organisations party.
(2) National Conference is a party in 3. Explain the following concepts.
............ this region. (1) Regionalism
(a) Odisha (b) Assam (2) National Parties
(c) Bihar (d) Jammu and Kashmir
4. Answer the following questions in brief.
(3) Justice Party - a non-Brahmin (1) What are the major characteristics of
movement was transformed into political parties?
.......... Political Party.
(2) What changes have taken place in the
(a) Assam Gan Parishad nature of political parties in India?
(b) Shivsena
(c) Dravid Munnetra Kazhagam Project
(d) Jammu and Kashmir National (1) In a map of Maharashtra, point out
Conference the Loksabha constituency that
includes the names of your parents.
(2) In a map of India, point out the
places where national political parties
have their influence.

4. Social and Political Movements

Read out the news in a local newspaper. labourers, businessmen, women, youth,
and senior citizens.
Movement against child marriage
Why movements ?
has been successful to a great extent
and the extent of child marriages have All the people in the society cannot
reduced by 50%. The workers in this participate in political parties and
movement worked very consciously. contribute to social welfare. Some people
Workers from the movement focus on a particular issue and persue it.
against dowry also helped them. Now They organise people and try to pressurise
there is a need to start a drive against the government to resolve that issue. They
malnutrition, because poverty and constantly follow up on the issue, build
malnutrition are two important public opinion about it and thereby put a
problems to be taken on priority basis. pressure on political parties and the
government. This type of organised
In the above newspaper item different activity is called a movement. Organised
movements are included. Can you activity is the essence of any movement.
explain their meaning  ? Such movements are very important
This news deals with different subjects. in a democracy. Different social problems
Are movements related to only one come under discussion through these
issue ? movements. The government then has to
pay attention to such problems. Leaders
If different movements cooperate with
and activists of the movement provide
each other will they be more effective ?
necessary information about those issues
In the last chapter we got information to the government. This information is
about the national and regional parties. very useful for the government while
Political parties compete for political making policies.
power. They win elections and try to Some movements aim at opposing a
resolve the problems of the common men. particular decision or policy of the
Political parties generally adopt a government. The right to protest is
comprehensive perspective. They cannot considered an important right in
concentrate on just one particular issue. democracy. However this right needs to
From public cleanliness to space research, be used patiently and responsibly.
they have to take into consideration all
matters from national perspective and Can you tell ?
take decisions. Political parties are
expected to have a programme for the Which movements in India are
problems of all sections of the society. actively working for rehabilitation of
Political parties adopt policies taking into the displaced and to secure their
consideration the interests of all - farmers, livelihood  ?
What is a movement ? Without an organisation, it becomes
difficult to follow up the issues. For eg.
A Movement is a collective action. Farmer’s organisation works for farmer’s
People’s active participation is expected movement.
in the movement. Any movement requires public
A Movement can be formed when support. People should feel connected to
people come together in the interest of a the issue that is undertaken by the
particular issue, for eg. Pollution can be movement. Movements have a programme
a single issue for which a movement can of action which help them to shape public
be created. opinion.
A movement has a particular social
objective or a focussed problem. For eg. Discuss.
Movement against corruption aims at Generally the movements are
ending corruption. devoted to one particular issue but
Movements have a leadership. have an ideology behind them. For
Leadership keeps the movement active. example movements against child
Objectives of the movement, programme marriage, dowry believe in values of
of action, strategy of agitation are decided democracy, women empowerment
by its leaders. A strong leadership makes and social equality. Sometimes some
movement effective. movements gradually get transformed
into political parties.
Movements have organisations.

Read the following dialogue and write a paragraph on it.

We can get an supre ements w
s e
But the problems in experience of Britis sed durin re
h per g the
developing countries are of dem iod.
different nature. Different
It’s true. Otherwise movement here itself. existe ocratic s But in
Can we start a nce ystem
social, economic and cultural
we would not have
movement to make the is an of movem
If the human rights conditions may give rise to
said – ‘save girls’ healt indicator ents
school surrounding hy de of
movement becomes different movements. safe for girls? syste ocratic
influential worldwide, there m.
is no need for other

Important movements in India
Can you find out ?
Tribal movement : In the
Which movement in India led to the pre-independence period, the British
filing of Public Interest Litigation government deprived tribal people of their
(PIL) and the Judiciary had to give right to livelihood on
a decision regarding PIL ? forest resources.

Name the movements started by There was a Tribal
Mahatma Gandhi, Mahatma Phule, uprising in Kolam
Sant Gadge Maharaj, and from Chota Nagpur,
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar. Gond from Orissa,
Koli, Bhilla and
Discuss. Ramoshi from
On which issues does the ‘Son of Maharashtra, Santhal
Birsa Munda
the soil’ movements in India insists? and Munda from
Bihar. The tribal struggle has continued
since those years. Tribals in India face
Do this. several problems. One major problem is
that they are denied right over forests.
Collect the news in the newspapers The main demand of the tribal movement
about the movements such as is to accept their right over forests. They
Andhashraddha Nirmulan Movement, should be allowed to collect products of
movement to stop the pollution of forests and also should have a right to
rivers, movement against female cultivate on forest land.
foeticide, Not in My Name, etc. Farmers movement in India :
Farmers movement in India is an important
movement. During the British period,
Do you know ?
farmers started getting organised due to
Civic problems need not originate anti-agriculture policies of the British
only in the social sphere. They can colonial government. You must be aware
emerge from any section of the of farmers movements in Bardoli,
society. In India, especially in Champaranya and movements against
Maharashtra, many social reform revenue collection. The farmers movements
movements were started and society were inspired by the thoughts of Mahatma
started getting modernised. Phule, Justice Ranade and Mahatma
Our struggle for independence was Gandhi.
also a social movement. Due to some reforms in agriculture
(tenancy laws, laws relating to tilting of
The issues like protecting rights of
the land etc) the farmers movement
the citizens, right to vote, minimum
slowed down. After the Green Revolution,
wages, and economic security are
the farmers movement became more
the focus of political and economic
active and effective. Though Green
movements. Swadeshi movement
Revolution aimed at increasing agricultural
is an important economic movement.
production and achieving self-sufficiency
in food grains, it did not benefit the poor effectively. In 1960s and 1970s labour
farmers. The farmers were now divided movement organised several agitations.
into rich farmers and poor farmers. But from 1980s labour movement started
Dissatisfaction among the poor farmers getting disintegrated. Globalisation has
led to the beginning of farmer’s movement. affected the labour movement to a great
Appropriate price for agricultural extent.
products, agriculture to be treated as an In India, workers are facing different
industry, implementation of the problems. Unstable employment conditions,
recommendations of the Swaminathan contract labour, financial insecurity,
Commission, debt relief, debt cancellation, absence of legal protection for workers,
national policy for agriculture are some unlimited working hours, insecurity at the
of the demands of the farmers movement. workplace, health hazards are some of
Shetkari Sanghatana, Bharatiya Kisan the problems.
Union, All India Kisan Sabha are some Women’s movement : In the pre-
of the important farmers organisations in independence period, progressive men in
India. India initiated the
women’s movement. The
Do this. women’s movement
aimed at eliminating
injustice against women
Name the policies started by the
government for the welfare of farmers and ending their
and landless labourers. exploitation, help them
to lead a respectful life
Labour Movement : Labour Savitribai Phule
and participate actively
movement in India emerged in the in social life.
background of industrialisation. Textile Ishwarchandra Vidyasagar, Raja
industry, railway companies were Rammohan Roy, Mahatma Jyotirao Phule,
established in India in the latter half of Savitribai Phule, Maharshee Dhondo
the nineteenth century. In 1899 railway Keshav Karve, Pandita Ramabai, Ramabai
workers went on strike for their demands. Ranade took initiative
However, the first organisation for in ending the practice
resolving the issues of workers was of Sati and child
established in 1920. This organisation is marriages. Reforms
known as All India Trade Union Congress. such as widow
In the post-independence period labour remarriage, women
movement started working more education and right to
vote to women were Ramabai Ranade
Do this. possible due to the
work of these reformists. After
Collect the information about acts independence, the Constitution gave equal
related to workers passed in post rights to women in all fields. In spite of
independence times with the help of this women were not treated equally in
internet. several fields. During this period women’s

movement aimed at freedom of women.
The movement demanded that the women
should be treated as human beings.
In the latter period, women participated
to a great extent in the movements against
corruption, caste discrimination and
religious extremism which made them
aware of injustice against their own
selves. Women started taking initiative in
Organising against injustice. In India
Environment Security
women’s movement is not homogeneous
in nature. However women’s movements challenge of equal education for women
at various levels are taking up the issues and giving women a status and prestige
like women’s health, social security, as human beings.
financial independence, and empowerment. Environment movements : We are
Today women’s movement face the aware that environmental degradation is
a serious problem at national and
Dr Rajendra Singh also known as international level. At the international
‘Waterman of India’ has brought level several movements are working to
Water revolution in Rajasthan. He stop the deterioration of the environment.
became famous because of building We see a significant international
thousands of cooperation in this field.
‘Johad’ in In India many movements are working
Rajasthan. He on differenet aspects of enviornment. The
revived rivers environment movements are taking up
in the desert of issues like protection of bio-diversity,
Rajasthan. He protecting different
formed an sources of water,
organisation – protection of forests,
‘Tarun Bharat green belt, pollution
Dr Rajendra Singh Sangh’ which of rivers, use of
worked for chemicals and their
building eleven thousand Johad in ill effects etc.
hundreds of villages. All over India Consumer movement : Consumer
he started a campaign for water movement emerged in India after the
conservation, revival of rivers, forest Consumer Protection Act came into
conservation, and wild life existence in 1986. This movement has a
conservation. His social movement broad objective. The movement believes
is active for last 31 years. He won that each member of the society is a
the Stockholm Water Prize, an award consumer. Due to the changing nature of
known as the ‘Nobel Prize for social and economic system consumers
water’. face different problems. Adulteration,
increased cost of items, frauds in weight
and measures are some of the problems. different from the earlier movements.
The consumer movement works to protect These movements are issue-based. It
consumers from such type of frauds. means they try to organise issue based
The movements increase the mass movements.
participation of people in public life. The In the next chapter we will study
post 1980 movements are called neo- challenges before democracy.
social movements as their nature is


1. Choose the correct option from the given 4. State wheather the following statements
options and complete the sentences. are true or false. Give reasons for your
(1) ............ is the main demand of farmers answer.
movement. (1) Movements are important in a
(a) Right to cultivate on the forest land democracy.
(b) To get the right price for agricultural (2) Movements do not need a strong
product leadership.
(c) Protection of consumers (3) Consumer movement came into
(d) Building of dams existence.
(2) To increase agricultural production and Project
become self-sufficient with regard to (1) Collect the news in the newspapers
food grains ............ was initiated. about various activities of social
(a) Water revolution movements.
(b) Green revolution
(2) Write a report on movements in your
(c) Industrial revolution
area which are working to resolve
(d) White revolution general problems.
2. Explain the concepts. (3) Prepare a format of a complaint you
(1) Tribal movement will submit under consumer protection
(2) Labour movement act if you are cheated in purchase of
vegetables or grains.
3. Answer the following questions in brief.
(1) Explain the activities/role/functions of
environmental movement.
(2) Explain the nature of farmers movement
in India.
(3) For which reforms were the women’s
movement in the pre-independence
period fighting ?

5. Challenges faced by Indian Democracy

As we have said earlier, democracy inclusion of all social components,

is a continuous living process. Mere autonomy to social institutions,
adoption of democracy does not bring empowerment of citizens, protection of
democracy into practice. Alert and human values need to be adopted for real
conscious efforts are required to sustain cultivation of democracy.
democracy. It is necessary to understand
threats to democracy in time and deal Can you tell ?
with them in a democratic manner. In this
chapter we will primarily focus on In democracy, to get power, political
challenges before democracy in India. But parties contest elections. But do political
before that let us have a look at challenges parties organise internal elections ? It is
before democracy at the global level. necessary that political parties should
Today every nation in the world hold elections at the organisational
claims to be democratic. But in reality level. Are such elections held ?
very few nations in the world have
democracy that protects the rights and Questions in my mind
China adopted economic reforms
freedom of people and gives priority to
and also became a member of the
the welfare of people. Many democracies
World Trade Organisation. But China
are facing the challenge of military take
continues to have a one party system.
over. Spread of democratic values at the
Is China a democratic nation ?
global level and adoption of true
democracy by all nations is a major Another challenge before democratic
challenge at global level. nations is to ensure that democracy
becomes deep rooted. Freedom, equality,
Which democratic institutions need fraternity and justice, peace, development
to be established for transformation and humanitarianism are the values that
from non-democratic system to a should be practiced at all levels of the
democratic system ? society. The mass support for this purpose
can be gathered only through democratic
Democratic values are found to be means.
very weak even in those nations where
democracy appears to be deep-rooted. In Challenges before Indian Democracy
nations like India, democracy appears in To make democracy more meaningful
the form of voting, elections, governmental the government of India decentralised
structure, judiciary etc. However this is power and adopted the policy of
only a political form of democracy. To reservation for women and weaker sections
become a way of life democracy must be of the society. But we should think
practiced in each and every aspect of whether such measures really gave power
social life. Several measures such as in the hands of citizens?
Communalism and terrorism : process is another serious problem for
Religious conflict and the resultant democratic systems. Sometimes political
terrorism is one of the major challenges parties give candidature to people having
before Indian democracy. Social stability a criminal background, facing criminal
gets hampered due to increasing religious allegations and allegations of corruption.
hostility. People’s participation in This increases the role of money and
democratic process reduces to a great muscle power in politics. This may also
extent due to terrorism. lead to violence during elections.
Left extremists - Naxalism : Naxalism Social challenges : Apart from the
is a major problem in India. Naxalism challenges mentioned above, Indian
began as a movement to remove injustice democracy faces other social challenges.
against aggressive landless farmers and The problems like unemployment, unequal
tribal people. But today Naxalism has distribution of resources, increasing gap
become a violent struggle. In the Naxalite between rich and poor, caste based issues,
movement the importance of the problems need to be resolved.
of farmers and tribal people has reduced. What steps should be taken to make
Instead, violent measures to oppose the Indian Democracy successful?
government policies, attacking the police
(1) Majority opinion has a lot of
forces and such other tactics are used by
importance in Democracy. In a democracy,
the Naxalite groups.
Political party getting majority of votes
Corruption : In India the extent of comes to power. Parliament takes all
corruption is said to be very high in the decisions by majority. Democracy aims at
public sector. Government’s working the welfare of majority of people. When
capacity is reduced due to corruption at the importance is given to majority it is
the political and administrative levels. possible that injustice may be done to
People develop distrust and dissatisfaction those who are marginal and who are in
about the entire governmental system due minority. Though democracy is a
to delay in governmental work, poor public government by majority, minorities should
services and facilities and different also be included in the process of decision-
financial blunders. Corruption in the making. It is the duty of government to
electoral process, bogus voting, bribing the take into consideration the interests of
voters, abducting the voters and such other minorities. In short, in democratic
things reduces people’s confidence in the government everyone’s opinion should be
democratic process. considered important. Similarly majority
government should not be the government
What do you think ? of majority community. All religious,
Family monopoly in politics is a major linguistic, ethnic and caste groups should
problem before democracy in India. get equal opportunity to participate in the
Monopoly of just one family in politics decision-making process.
reduces democratic space. Common people
(2) Judiciary in India is seen to be
cannot participate in the public sector.
making conscious efforts to make political
process transparent. To prevent
Criminalisation of politics : Increased
criminalisation of politics, judiciary has
participation of criminals in political
adopted measures like strict punishment
to criminals and prohibiting criminals (4) To make Indian democracy truly
from participating in political process. successful, it is essential to increase
(3) To make democracy successful in participation of people at all levels. If
India, it is not just sufficient to make such participation increases especially at
efforts at the level of government, the level of the government it will help
administration and judiciary. Everyone at in changing public policies. Public polices
social and individual level should make are made through interaction with the
conscious efforts towards it. Sarva Shiksha people. Interaction with those who are not
Abhiyan, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, Gram in power is also important for the success
Samruddhi Yojana, Self-help Groups, of democracy.
Mahatma Gandhi National Rural The values of equality, liberty, social
Employment Guarantee Scheme and such justice, secularism should be respected
other projects are undertaken at the level and implemented even in our personal
of Government and Administration. To life. For the success of democracy,
increase political participation of women, everyone should keep in mind that we are
50% seats are kept reserved in local self- responsible citizens of the nation.
governing institutions.


1. Choose the correct option from the given (3) People may lose confidence in the
options and complete the sentences. democratic process due to corruption
(1) In a democracy ............ participate in during elections.
elections and get political power.
3. Explain the concept.
(a) political parties (b) courts
(1) Left-extremism (2) Corruption
(c) social organisations
(d) none of the above 4. Answer the following questions in brief.
(2) The major challenge faced by all (3) Which factors are required for the
democratic nations in the world is success of democracy in India ?
............ . (2) What are the effects of criminalisation
(a) Religious conflicts of politics ?
(b) Naxal activities (3) What efforts are undertaken to bring
(c) Deepening the roots of democracy transparency in political process ?
(d) Importance to muscle power Project
2. State whether following statements are (1) What measures will you suggest to
true or false. Give reasons for your control corruption? Make a list of it.
answer. (2) Organise a group discussion in your
(1) Alertness is required to sustain class on the problem of terrorism in
democracy. India.
(2) Importance of the problems of farmers (3) Present a street play on ‘how to get
and tribals has increased in the left rid of addiction ?’.
extremist movement.
Studying Political Science...

Every citizen in India, whether he lives in village, district or in

city has to face numerous social and political problems every day.
Whom to approach to get domicile certificate, caste certificate, Aadhar
Card ? Whom should we meet ?  Regarding water problems, public
? From where can we get documents about our house,
etc.  ?
We can get to know about all such things from the study of
Civics and Political Science. This study helps us to become a good
citizen and to be aware of our rights and duties as a citizen of this
country. This subject also helps us to get information of India and
also the outside world.
The subject of Political Science will also help you when you plan
for your future after finishing your school education. The subject of
Indian government and politics is included in the syllabus of the
examination for Union Public Service Commission, Maharashtra
Public Service Commission and recruitment in banking services.
Political science is the basis of any field you choose as a profession.
Similarly we cannot study international politics, public administration,
peace and conflict without studying political science. Many employment
opportunities are available in the above fields. Opportunities are
available not only in the field of teaching and research but
opportunities are also available in the fields of information technology,
policy analysis and advisory bodies of political leaders.
Globalisation has created many opportunities for the practical use
of political science. Political parties, pressure groups, non-governmental
organisations, voluntary organisations need researchers and mediators
who have the knowledge of government and politics. In today’s world
people having knowledge of the political process and complexities of
bureaucracy and special knowledge skills are essential.


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