Description of Project
The purpose of this project is to translate the source file Life
Coaching into Portuguese for Mr. Adam Wooten.
Project Scope
This project will use Trados as a computer assisted translation tool
to translate the source file, analyzing its content for word count, as
well as facilitating other translation steps. Research of reference
material will be conducted to aid the translation. The source file
will need to be prepared in order to be translatable for Trados,
and after translation phase, a Quality Assurance process will be
applied in order to attest the quality of the translation. During the
finalization phase, the translated files will be prepared for delivery.
Project Costs
Project Timeline
MasulloAttie is a team composed by two freelance translators,
Mariana Attie and Valeska Masullo. The team will be responsible for
all phases of the project, using Trados, a computer program that aids
efficient translation, besides producing a Translation Memory (TM)
and a Glossary to be used for future projects.
In order to better approach the text to be translated and understand
its terminology, we will research reference material in both source
and target languages so that the content is understood, facilitating
the translation process.
The translators will begin the translation process using the pre-set
terminology. When the process is concluded, translators will meet up
to combine both parts of the text into one single file.
After the translation is finished, both translators will have a meeting to
unify the final text before final revision. This process will include the
analysis of the terminology that will be later on become the
translation memory delivered to the client. Revision will be conducted
after the translation is finalized and the quality process will begin.
Source File the original text to be translated;
Target the translated file;
Updated linguistic preparation files:
Translation Memory a linguistic database that captures translations
for future use.
Glossary - a list of words with their definitions
Tech preparation files:
Pseudo translation - is a dummy translation used to test if the text is
correctly formatted. This is a pre-translation step to assure that the
CAT tool will translate the target file within the same format as the
source file.