Communication Psychology

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My Self Analysis

Ayu Tri Wahyuni is my name. But usually people called me Ayu. I was born in
Purworejo February 14th 2000. Purworejo is a regency in the southern part of Central Java
province in Indonesia. I studied in Jombang’s kindergarten when I was a child and I
graduated from there in 2006. When I studied in Jombang’s kindergarten, I was so
naughty. One Day, I went to school so early and the door was still closed. But suddenly I
had an idea to enter the classroom through the window. At the time, my friend came and I
asked her to follow me to climb the window. We stayed under the table until the teacher
came and opened the door. Fortunately, the teacher didn’t know that we were there. That’s
one of my naughtiness in kindergarten. Until now, if I remember that experience I am
unbelievable if I did like that. After that I get my next study in SDN Jombang. In SDN
Jombang, I participated in many competitions such as quiz, athletics, scouting, singing,
and speech. I am always in the top 3 of those competitions except for singing. In junior
high school in SMP N 11 Purworejo, I was OSIS chairman for 2 years. Because of that, I
must be a perfect student to be a good example for other students. Then, I studied in
senior high school in SMA N 3 Purworejo. I chose science for my major in senior high
school, because I love mathematics and science. I graduated from senior high school in
2018 and I continued my study in the School Of English Department Pertiwi. 
         I am so grateful to have a mother like my mom. She is the best mom in the world. I
really really love her. But, even I can’t tell everything like my problems to my mom. I just
shared a happy experience with her. I won’t she feel sad because of me. Because as long
as her life, I know that she has already been through a hard life. I hope she is always
healthy and given a long life until one day I can make her proud of me and happy has a
daughter like me. My dad, I don’t know what is the best word to describe him. I love him,
but the past experience that he did, is always in my heart and my mind. Maybe, at the
time, I was still a baby that didn't know everything and fortunately my family always made
me happy. Until I was a teenager, I felt that what happened to me was wrong. Even though
what he did was only for 2 years, I can’t forget it and it made me afraid of marriage. Now,
our relationship, between my dad, my mom, my family and I, is good but I can’t tell
everything to him because I love him too. Significant figures, maybe I don’t have a figure
like that. Because I can’t tell my sad experience or my weakness to others. I am always
showing Ayu who is cheerful, strong, independent and does everything by myself. In my
peer groups, I always did good things to everyone. Because of that, the feedback that I
received was good too. 
As long as I studied in the School of  English Department Pertiwi, I lived with my
sister and her husband. I don’t know how I can start to share here because my experience
was so complicated. Everyday I am always doing housework, like cooking, sweeping,
washing and everything, but my sister always blames me if I forget to do that. Even though
I forget because I feel so tired and want my sister to do the housework. I don't even have
much time to meet my friends. If I want to hang out with my friends I am always told that I
have homework that must be done together. Fortunately, I lived there only 1,5 years until
covid-19 came and the study by online learning. And I can go back to my hometown with
my mom and have a happy life again. Now, in my hometown, everyday I help my mom. My
mom and I do homework together, for example if my mom is washing, I am cooking. I have
forgotten my recent dreams, but a dream that always haunts me is my sad experience that
I can’t forget. 
I have a big dream. One of my dreams is to work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
after I graduate from the School of  English Department Pertiwi. Thinking about it always
makes me happy and excited through a life. The activity that makes me enjoy it is playing
with my cat. Because I can forget all of my problems by seeing the funny act of my cat.
Besides, I always like standing under the rain because the rain can help me to hide my
tears. And I think I don’t have any activities that I don’t like. Every activity I like because it
can divert my mind. But I don’t like if someone asks me about my problems or my feelings,
if I want to share I will share it but not with the compulsion. And if I am in a bad mood or
someone/something makes me uncomfortable I will be silent, because I think with silence I
can control my emotions and I won’t hurt someone with my words or my actions.  
For now, I want to have a happy day. I want to do everything that I like. I have a
dream to achieve but I have not gained it to make my mom proud of me. Sometimes, it
crosses my mind, I want to live on another island, or country that is far from my family. But,
I don’t think that I can do it. Because I am really really love my mom. And she never allows
me to go to another island. I won't she be sad because of me. 
For me, I am a girl that always loves my mom. And I am a little bit hard to believe
with others, especially to share my problems. I always want everyone to see that I am
strong, I am cheerful and independent. My dad, he is hardworking and stubborn. And he
loves his children and his wife. Maybe that’s all that I can say about my dad. My mom, I
don’t know what are the best words to show her. She is so patient, so kind, so
hardworking, and always loves her children so much. Even, sometimes my sister and my
brother make her sad but she always loves them. Because of that I won’t if my mom is sad
because of me. 

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