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Confidence Level of The DLSJBC Employees On The E-Banking System of Philippine National Bank

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An Undergraduate Thesis

Presented to

The Faculty of the College of Business and Management

De La Salle John Bosco College

Mangagoy, Bislig City


In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration








Today's banking takes place increasingly online. Financial institutions

now deliver their services through a variety of electronic platforms and the
traditional branch network becoming less essential. The tremendous advances
in technology and the aggressive infusion of information technology had brought
in a paradigm shift in banking operations (Gerrard, P. and Cunningham, J.B.,
2004). Internet banking system has become the new service channel that offers
services to customers with more convenient via banks’ website twenty-four
hours a day, seven days a week (Baosuwan, 2005).

Internet banking is a new sort of information system that makes use of the
internet's creative resources to allow clients to conduct financial transactions in
virtual space. Therefore, Internet banking provides many benefits to both banks
and their customers (Karjaluoto, Mattila and Pento, 2002). E-banking system
provides enormous benefits to consumers in terms of the ease and cost of
transactions (Nsouli et. al., 2002). Due to the massive competition in the
industry, banks need to keep strategies to satisfy and keep their customers
(Ardakani et. al., 2013). From the bank’s view point, implementation of internet
banking service will lead to cost reductions, improve customer service, and
create long term profit for the banks (Rotchanakitumnuai and Speece, 2003).
Moreover, Internet banking also results in fast and convenient service to
customers (Baosuwan, 2005). In some countries, many customers are still
hesitant to use these types of banking. New ways of persuading customers to
use e-banking services is not simply possible with the massive growth of e-
commerce; trust is considered as one of the important factors in the business
environment, and increasing it is highly more important. The first issue at stake
is customers’ confidence toward new ways of providing banking services, so that
the researches such as Quelch (Quelch & Klein, 1996) Johnston (Johnston Et
al., 2004) and Kaiser (Cazier et al., 2004) declare that lack of trust is one of the
major obstacles to develop e-commerce. To understand the customers confidence
and the factors which affect it provides a vital guide for the organization
development. Banks need to understand confidence in the cyber environment
and to identify the affected factors in order to make confidence.

Many banks in Philippines inititiated and transformed their banking

service to internet banking in order to capture an emerging customer group in
the internet market (Baosuwan, 2005). The increasing number of the internet
customers and demand payment via internet had an impact on banking service
provided by many banks and forced them to extend their banking services to
customer on the internet (Ongkasuwan and Tantichattanon, 2002). One of the
banks in Philippines who offers e-banking services is the Philippine National
Bank (PNB). Philippine National Bank, the first universal bank in the country,
was established as a government-owned banking institution on July 22, 1916
with headquarters in the old Masonic Temple along Escolta, Manila. Its primary
mandate was to provide financial services to Philippine Industry and agriculture
and support the government's economic development effort. It is one of the
largest expanded commercial banks in the Philippines (Mojares, 2014). It
provides banking and other financial services to corporate, middle-market, small
medium enterprises (SMEs), and retail customers. It offers various commercial
banking services, including deposit taking, lending, trade financing, bills
discounting, fund transfer/remittance servicing, asset management,treasury
operations, trust, retail banking, and other related financial services. The
company also provides multi-purpose personal and home mortgage loans,
vehicle financing, and credit card services to retail clients; and develops credit
relationships with corporate, middle-market, and SMEs, as well as with
government and government-related agencies, and financial institutions.
According to Reichheld (2000), banks need to build a high level of
satisfaction and loyalty among its customers in order to build long-lasting
relations. Keeping existing customers as well as attracting new ones is a critical
concern (Akhter, 2004). Analyzing customer feedback wtih respect to customer
attitude and satisfaction allows banks to assess their services and products in
order to gain competitive advantage (Baosuwan, 2005). Customer confidence in
using e-banking system has been perceived as a major concern; it is widely
accepted that a business must concentrate on pursuing service quality to
achieve customer satisfaction because survival of the business greatly depends
on that satisfaction (Nauman, 2005).

Thus, this study aims to determine the confidence level of DLSJBC

employees towards e-banking system of Philippine National Bank. This study is
beneficial to the bank employees, future customers, as well the bank company
itself. The findings provide evidence or ideas on how the DLSJBC employees gain
the trust and confidence of using the e-banking system of Philippine National

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to determine the confidence level of the

DLSJBC employees towards e-banking system in Philippine National Bank to
identify factors that affecting customers confidence in using e-banking (Ardakani
et. al., 2013). And to evaluate the effectiveness of e-banking services employed
by PNB Bank. The purpose of this research is as follows:

1. To determine the demographic profile of the respondents.

2. To determine the concerns and challenges of DLSJBC employees in using
the E-banking system of Philippine National Bank.
3. To determine the confidence level of DLSJBC employees in using the E-
banking system of Philippine National Bank.
4. To examine the correlation between the concerns/challenges faced by
employees and demographic data such as age, and employment status.
5. To analyze the relationship between the concerns/challenges faced by
employees and their level of confidence in using e-banking system.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the confidence level of the DLJBC employees
towards E-banking system in Philippine National Bank. Specifically, the
researchers sought to answer the following research questions:
RQ1. What is the Demographic profile of respondents in terms of:
1.1 Employment category
1.2 Employment status
1.3 Age structure
RQ2. How do the respondents rate the concerns and challenges in using the E-
banking system of Philippine National Bank in terms of:
2.1 Service features
2.2 Security features
2.3 Privacy features
RQ3. What is the confidence level of DLSJBC employees in using the E-banking
system of PNB in terms of:
3.1 Online transactions
3.2 Online payments
3.3 PNB customers’ service
RQ4. Is the concerns and challenges faced by the DLSJBC employees related to
the demographical data?
RQ5. Is there a significant relationship between the concerns/challenges of
DLSJBC employees and their level of confidence in using E-banking system of
Conceptual Framework

Based on the problem and objectives of the study, the independent and
dependent variables were identified, as illustrated in figure number 1.

Input Process Output

1. Demographic profile of
2. Concerns and
challenges of DLSJBC
employees in using the E-
banking system of Philippine
Data gathering -Awareness
National Bank.
Drive and Open
3. Confidence level of Survey forum of
DLSJBC employees in using questionnaire information on
the E-banking system of PNB features of
Internet Research Philippine
in terms of:
National Bank E-
4. Significant difference Data analysis and banking system.
between the demographic Interpretation
profile of respondents to the
Figure 1
concerns and challenge in the
E-banking system of the PNB.
5. Significant relationship
between the concerns/
challenges of DLSJBC
employees and their level of Figure 1
confidence in using E-
banking system of PNB.

Schematic Diagram

Figure 1 describes the conceptual framework of the study where the input
are consist of the following: first, Demographic profile of respondents in terms
of: Employment category, Employment status, and Age structure. Second,
Concerns and Challenges of DLSJBC employees in using the E-banking system
of Philippine National Bank in terms of: Service features, Security features, and
Privacy features. Confidence level of DLSJBC employees in using the E-banking
system of PNB in terms of: Online transactions, Online payments, and PNB
customers’ service. Fourth, Significant difference between the demographic
profile of respondents to the concerns and challenge in the E-banking system of
the PNB. And lastly, Significant relationship between the concerns/challenges of
DLSJBC employees and their level of confidence in using E-banking system of
The process being used in this study is evaluative, by collecting data and
information through giving survey questionnaires, data analysis and
interpretation. The output would be “Awareness drive and open forum of
information on features of Philippine National Bank E-banking system.”

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This research focuses on the confidence level of the DLJBC employees

towards e-banking system in Philippine National Bank and the effectiveness of
e-banking services employed by PNB Bank. The study's participants and
respondents are employees from De La Salle John Bosco College, Mangagoy
Bisliy City.

Significance of the study

This study focuses on the perception of customer’s confidence of using e-

banking system. As the banking system evolves, this study is important to
identify the factors that affects their confidence and the impact of e-banking
services on customer satisfaction. Thus, this improvement is significant to the
development of the banking system and the company that shapes it.
Additionally, this will also be significant for the following:
Customers, Entrepreneurs/Business Owners: The study will allow them to be
more aware of the services, features and benefits e-banking system.
Researchers: This study is significant for researchers because it will improve
their skills, strategies, and knowledge in participating research.
Future Researchers: The study could be a future reference for researchers who
wish to conduct the same study.


In this chapter, earlier literature regarding the proposed study has been
critically evaluated. The chapter starts with the introduction about e-banking
system and spreads over the advantages and positive outcomes of e-banking
system. Earlier studies regarding the customer’s feedback in terms of confidence,
attitude and satisfaction are also evaluated. Moreover, the concerns of customers
regarding e-banking system such as credibility, security and privacy are also

The researchers has made an earnest effort to find out and study the
researches related to topic under investigations concluded by the various
researchers and scholars. Those that were included in this chapter helps in
familiarizing information that are relevant and similar to the proposed study
"Confidence Level of the DLSJBC Employees on the E-banking System of
Philippine National Bank”. The related literature and studies are organized as

1. Defining E-Banking System

2. Concerns and Challenges in using E-Banking System
3. Customer’s Feedback in using E-Banking System

2.1 Defining E-Banking System

Foreign Literature
E-banking system has been explained by numerous authors and banks in
different ways and thus it has numbers of definitions. E-banking is considered
as one of the most important fieds of e-commerce (Mukthar, 2015).
Belagroprombank defined e-banking system as a multifunctional software and
hardware that enables bank customers to complete and submit to the bank for
execution of documents for payment and other documents, monitor the status
of their accounts, and receive a wide range of relevant financial information
without directing the bank. Rana (2016) defined e-banking as the automated
delivery of new and traditional banking products and services directly to
customers through electronic and interactive communication channels. In
simple terms, e-banking refers to a banking arrangement, with which the
customer can perform various transactions over the internet, which is end-to-
end encrypted, i.e. it is completely safe and secure (Surbhi, 2021). Electronic
banking (E-Banking) also known as net banking, cyber banking, virtual banking,
personal banking and so many other names (Rana, 2016).

Sarreal (2019) stated that electronic banking includes any electronic

payment system that allows customers of a financial institution to conduct
financial transactions through the financial institution’s internet-enabled
website or app (Sarreal, 2019). In other words, e-banking refers to all the
financial transactions undertaken by any financial institution over the internet.
From paying bills and transferring money into accounts to applying for loans,
you can take advantage of all the facilities that a traditional bank offers without
even having to get off your comfy couch (Pritika Kalani, 2018).

The Cyprus Development Bank (CDB) describes e-banking system based

on the latest high technological standards and allows fast, easy and secure
execute of transactions. Kukreja (2021) stated that e-banking or electronic
banking refers to all forms of banking services and transactions performed
through electronic means. It allows individuals, institutions, and businesses
access their accounts, transact business, or obtain information on various
financial products and services via public or private network, including the
internet. The internet has become a comparatively new medium of delivering or
distributing internet services. Banks can deliver customer services and other
core services such as remittances, and funds transfer through the internet rather
than by physically investing the bank premises (Cheung et. al., 2006).

According to Commerce Mates (2018), E-banking is safe, convenient and

fast electronic service that allows its customers to carry out banking transactions
at any place without visiting their bank branch. E-banking service is available
all the time to customers that is 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Here funds
are transferred through the transmission of electronic signals instead of an
exchange of various paper documents like cash, cheque etc. There are different
types of E-banking services available such as ATM, Mobile Banking, Debit cards,
Telebanking, EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) System and ECS (Electronic
Clearing Services). Mukthar (2015) mentioned that internet banking is becoming
increasingly popular due to convenience and flexibility it offers. Banks are forced
to promote online banking services to enhance its operations with reduced cost
of operations. Through E-Banking, it is possible to do transactions from any
parts of the world, there is no need of physical presence of any customer in bank.
More accessible and user-friendly use of the technology, as the internet does not
restrict banks to physical locations or historical geographical areas.

Local Literature

According to Affordable Cebu Philippines (2010), It was on the mid 1990's

that some banks abroad successfully implement transactional internet banking.
About that time, internet banking started to become popular. Then most banks
at that time started to put up their webpages. It was only around 1999 to 2000,
major banks in the Philippines were able to successfully implement internet

BusinessMirror (2019), cited that in recent years more and more Filipinos
are embracing the world of online banking. According to the “Visa Consumer
Payment Attitudes” study, over half of Filipinos with smartphones use mobile-
banking services at least once a week while 80 percent of them would rather
transact online than go to a physical branch. Apparently, people are ditching
conventional bank transactions since they have found a more convenient way to
effectively handle their finances.

E-banking is defined by Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP)- the country’s

central bank- as a system that enables bank clients to avail themselves of the
bank’s products and services through the use of the internet or a telephone. The
central bank sees the digital banking as an integral component of its efforts
towards the transformation of the Philippine financial sector (Patricio, 2005). The
Bank of the Philippine Islands, Philippine National Bank, Union Bank of the
Philippines, Metropolitan Bank and Trust Co., Equitable-PCI Bank, and Citibank
NA are just some of the banks that offer electronic banking. ACNielsen
Philippines’ information chief Elena tooren stated that people become
comfortabke doing their banking online.

2.2 Concerns and Challenges in using E-banking System

Foreign Literature

Electronic banking in India becomes very popular with the introduction of

Information techology. Kaushal (2016) enumerates the challenges and issues in
e-banking system. It includes security risk, privacy risk, trust factor, customer
awareness, holes, money laundering risk, cyber squatting, language and literacy
barriers and fraud by human resource of the bank.

Quantzig (2018) -a global analytics solutions provider- concludes that

most of the US adults participate in online banking, on the other hand, there are
still some peope who don’t use online banking. Quantzig (2018) mentioned that
security and fraud instances is one of the most significant problem for banks
promoting online banking. It is congruent to Fienman et. al. (1999) idea that the
major challenge facing the e-banking industry is the security concern. The
extension of e-commerce provides a chance for fraudsters to misuse payment
networks and steal sensitive information.

Mitham (2021) also cited in her article that challenges are highly
significant both for banks that offer online banking, but also for the customers,
who depend on the banks to operate effectively. The challenges includes shifting
banking habits, security, technical issues, lack of personal relationship and the
changing banking landscape.

Local Literature

The Philippines is slowly adapting to a cashless economy despite the

distrust (Publico, 2020). According to a Paypal Survey, 25% of Filipino clients
are already using online banking in their everyday transactions. Many Filipinos
are placing their trust on innovative online services. Publico (2020) listed the
issues in using e-banking system in the Philippines. It includes poor internet
quality in some provinces and security threats. Even if online banking websites
are protected by SLL, a potential victim can get duped in sharing one’s password
through fake emails and bank websites.

Soon et. al. (2017) wrote an article about the digital challenge of Philippine
Banking Perspective. They found out that Philippines has one of the lowest
digital banking adoption rates in ASEA. According to their survey, more than 20
financial services institutions operating in ASEAN on the risk, compliance and
faced challenges in their digital banking journey. They mentioned KYC (Know-
Your-Customer) processes and controls, customer experience, cybersecurity,
and regulations. Banks in the Philippines are implementing active steps to
address the mentioned issues in a bud to improve the online banking experience
for their customers. Metrobank has been narrowing loan processing time and
approval turnaround within the applicaton period, which as helped their digital
banking growth. Cybersecurity is also a key concern amongst the Philippine
Banks, who see potential risks involved due to lack of security measures such
as two-factor authentication and transaction signing to secure transactions.

De Vera (2021) conducted a survey on Filipins Secure Online Banking

Passwords. The study found out that a notable percentage of Filipinos are not
taking necessary precautions to protect their passwords and logins when
banking online. The survey also found out that many Filipinos have difficult time
remembering their passwords.

According to the study of Rachna and Singh (2013), the issues and
challenges in electronic payment systems are (1) Lack of Usability, where the
online forms require a lot of information from users and using of complex website
interface that make it difficult for the users to adopt; (2) Lack of Security, when
e-commerce becomes a target for acquiring personal sensitive information
and/or stealing money due to users having to provide sensitive information
online, such as credit card details, not knowing if its transmission is secured; (3)
Lack of trust, which is due to fraud, misues and low reliablity; (4) Lack of
awareness, when users avoid online mode of payments and still prefer the
traditional payment transactions.

Foreign Studies

Kaushal (2016) conducted a research on E-banking Challenges and

Issues. He mentioned all the challenges and issues in using e-banking system
in India. Trust is the biggest factor when a client have to do anything especially
in financial transactions. Next is the security risk. 43% of the internet users are
not using internet banking because of security concerns. People feel bank may
invade their privacy by utilizing their information for marketing and other
secondary purposes without concsent. People also fear the fact that there is
possibility of identity theft and disclosing information in online. Unfamiliar
language and illiteracy are barriers in using e-banking service.

Rana et. al. (2016) conducted a study on Challenges and Issues in E-

banking Services and Operations in Developing Countries. The researchers
concludes that there are so many issues and challenges regarding e-banking,
and the main issue is behavioral issue.

Havasi et. al. (2013) in their research on E-banking: Status,

Implementation, Challenges and Oppurtunies found out that customers are
certainly concern of giving their bank account number online or paying an
invoice through internet. Another challenge facing e-banking industry is the
quality of delivery service- including both delivery speed and delivery reliablity.
Limited online payment have resulted in many customers to drop out in the last
stage of the purchasing process due to dissatisfaction and incovenience (Furash,
1994). Finally, the issue of customer unfamiliarity with the internet, which is
prominent among senior citizenns, has recently caught some attention, because
these customers believe that they are left at a disadvantageous position and
become very reluctant in doing some business online.

Local Studies

Ching (2017) conducted a study entitled Challenges and Opportunities of

Electronic Payment Systems in the Philippines. She stated in her study that the
advent of online transactions, privacy and security become major concerns of
users, especially on payment security. This is because users are required to
disclosed sensitive information (Chahar, 2018).
2.3 Customer’s Feedback in using E-Banking System

Foreign Literature

Customer satisfaction is defined as the number of customers, or

percentage of total customers, whose reported experience with a firm, its
products or its services (ratings) exceeds specified satisfaction goals (Farris et
al., 2010). Customer satisfaction is a person’s feelings of pleasure or
disappointment resulting from comparing a product perceived performance or
outcome in relation to his or her expectations (Musiime and Biyaki, 2010).

Saleh M. Nsouli and Andrea Schaechter (2002), state in their study that
the flip side of this technological boom is that electronic banking is not only
susceptible to, but may exacerbate, some of the same risks particularly
governance, legal, operational, and reputational—inherent in traditional
banking. In addition, it poses new challenges. In response, many national
regulators have already modified their regulations to achieve their main
objectives: ensuring the safety and soundness of the domestic banking system,
promoting market discipline, and protecting customer rights and the public trust
in the banking system.

Parasuraman et al, (1985), found out that, there is very strong relationship
between quality of service and customer satisfaction. Increase in service quality
of the banks can satisfy and develop attitudinal loyalty which ultimately retains
valued customers (Nadiri, et al 2009). The higher level of perceived service quality
results in increased customer satisfaction. When perceived service quality is less
than expected service quality customer will be dissatisfied (Jain and Gupta,
2004). According to Cronin and Taylor (1992) satisfaction super ordinate to
quality-that quality is one of the service dimensions factored in to customer
satisfaction judgment.
Foreign Studies

A study entitled “Examining Factors Influencing E-Banking Adoption:

Evidence from Bank Customers in Zambia” by Bruce Mwiya, Felix
Chikumbi, Chanda Shikaputo, Edna Kabala, Bernadette Kaulung’ombe,
and Beenzu Siachinji (2007,the researchers reveal that the global economy has
experienced tremendous transformation over the last three decades, to a certain
extent galvanized by developments in information and communication
technology (ICT). For example, retailing is being disrupted tremendously because
out of 23,000 shoppers surveyed in 25 countries in Europe, USA, Asia and
Africa, 54% of shoppers are not only buying products online on a weekly or
monthly basis but they are also willing to buy off shore if the price is better. This
is part of electronic commerce developments facilitated by the internet-based
capabilities of firms. ICT innovations have become the de-facto drivers of key
sectors of the economies in developing and developed nations. This has also
resulted in the interconnectedness and interdependence of countries on one
another across the globe. The financial sector, more particularly the banking
sector, is one key economic sector that has embraced the ICT diversifications.

According to DeYoung et al., Hernando and Nieto, (2007), Mobile phones

have increasingly become a significant tool that an individual use for banking,
budgeting, payments and shopping. Given the rapid growth in the area of mobile
Initial trust and behavioral intention 247 finance, mobile banking has been a
major contributor to the evolution of banking system. The purpose of mobile
banking is to increase bank’s profitability. Additionally, it also decreases bank’s
operating costs such as handling fees, transaction costs, manpower and
overhead expenses (Nsouli and Schaechter, 2002; Polatoglu and Ekin, (2001).
Convenience and efficiency of mobile banking within the overall service delivery
process provide consumer value by decreasing time, effort and costs (Laukkanen
and Lauronen, (2005).
Local Studies

Mojares (2014) conducted a study entitled Customer Satisfaction and

Loyalty among Internet Banking Users of Philippine National Bank in Batangas
City. The study found out that Philippine National Bank provides lower cost
delivery channel. The internet banking users are generally satisfied with the
speed and accuracy, accessibility and convenience, security features of the
internet banking service facility. It also reveals that the satisfaction of internet
banking in terms of speed and accuracy is affected by the effects of internet
banking services.

Input Gained

The above-mentioned literature and studies are highly relevant to the

current research study because, as technology advances, banks developed
electronic banking as a new system, procedure and technique for financial
transactions to provide convenience to customers. Thus, to keep up with this
dynamic customers must have sufficient knowledge, relevant informations and
reliable sources, in order to make better and more informed decisions.



This chapter gives an outline of research methods that were followed in

the study. It provides information on the participants and how they were
sampled. The researchers describe the research design that was chosen for the
purpose of this study and the reasons for this choice. The instrument that will
be used for data collection is also described and the procedures that were
followed to carry out this study are included. The researchers also discuss the
statistical treatment used to analyze the data.

Research Design

The proposed study investigates the confidence level of DLSJBC employees

towards the e-banking system of the Philippine National Bank. This research is
descriptive in nature as it attempts to collect quantifiable information for
statistical analysis of the population sample. Descriptive research aims to
accurately and systematically describe a population, situation or phenomenon
(McCombes, 2020).

Survey research approach will be employed in this study. The survey is

design to examine the level of confidence to the e-banking system of PNB among
the DLSJBC employees. Survey research is defined as “the collection of
information from a sample of individuals through their responses to questions”
(Check & Schutt, 2012, p. 160). In this study, close-ended form of questionnaire
will be used to accomplish the quantitative method. A quantitative method is
utilized to collect data from employees of De La Salle John Bosco College.
According to Matthews & Ross (2010) quantitative research methods are
basically applied to the collection of data that is structured and which could be
represented numerically. It explains phenomena by gathering numerical data
that are analyzed using mathematically based methods.

This research study aims to find out the relationship between variables
i.e., concern/challenges vs confidence level of employees. As such, it is likewise
a correlational research in an attempt to determine the extent of relationship
between two or more variables using statistical data and analysis (Preto,2007).

Research Locale

The proposed study will be conducted in De La Salle John Bosco College.

A PAASCU-Accredited (Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges
and Universities) Lasallian District School located in La Salle Drive, Barangay
Mangagoy, Bislig City, Surigao Del Sur. It is a private, catholic, non-stock,
coeducational basic and higher education institution catering pre-school,
elementary, junior high school, senior high school and tertiary level. The said
school is headed by the President Mrs. Aristarco A. Ugmad, PhD.

Source: Google Maps

Sources of Data

Aside from using a primary source of data through surveys from the
respondents, the study also used secondary data from different books, reliable
online journals, and articles. The gathering of information has a significant role
and is related to the formulation of the study.

Data Gathering Instrument

The main instrument that will be used in this study is a survey

questionnaire. After reading several approaches, the researchers were able to
come up with an instrument. A survey was developed from revalidated scales to
determine the confidence level of the aforementioned factors on e-banking
system of Philippine National Bank PNB). The scales were chosen from Vimala
(2016), Mojares (2014), Capistrano (n.d.), Sikdar et. al. (2015), Alawneh, Al-Refai,
and Batiha, (2013) and Mohamed (2021), as indicated in Table 1.

Table 1.
Statements Sources
Deposit and Withdrawal. Vimala (2016)
Electronic Payment Services. Vimala (2016)
Transaction Services. Vimala (2016)
Accessibility. Vimala (2016)
Security Code. Vimala (2016)
Internet banking is reliable and secured enough to use with. Mojares (2014)
Security elements are incorporated in the website and customer is Mojares (2014)
made aware of this.
Finger Print Authentication. Vimala (2016)
Transaction Security. Capistrano (n.d.)
Data Protection. Sikdar et. al. (2015)
The confidentiality of customer’s data is ensured. Mojares (2014)
Privacy of account details is well maintained as duly supported by Mojares (2014)
privacy policies.
Risk of unauthorized online access to customers is well prevented. Mojares (2014)
Not allowing others to access my bank account without any Alawneh, Al-Refai,
authorization. and Batiha, (2013)
I can complete quickly any transaction through the e-banking Asad et. al. (2016)
I am satisfied with the transaction processing via E-banking services. Sikdar et. al. (2015)
My transactions are safe with the bank. Mohamed et. al.
No experiences of delayed transactions. Mojares (2014)
Error messages pop up during the online transactions are helpful. Mohamed (2021)
Problems arise during the online transactions are resolved quickly. Mohamed (2021)
It allows doing banking transactions even after the regular banking Mojares (2014)
It can view, download and print updated transaction history. Mojares (2014)
Paying online using the e-banking is compatible across the different Capistrano (n.d)
devices that I use.
It can help me to transfer funds immediately to family and friends. Mojares (2014)
It is easy for me to pay using this e-banking system Capistrano (n.d)
The use of e-banking services is time saving. Alawneh, Al-Refai,
and Batiha, (2013)
The service delivered through the e-banking services is quick Asad, Mohajerani, and
Nourseresh (2016)
E-banking services are provided in various languages. Alawneh, Al-Refai,
and Batiha, (2013)
I have high confidence in the e-banking services in the bank. Alawneh, Al-Refai,
and Batiha, (2013)
E-banking services respond immediately to clint’s request. Alawneh, Al-Refai,
and Batiha, (2013)
E-banking gives customers access to almost any type of banking Mojares (2014)
It establishes and extends banks relationship with its customers thru Mojares (2014)
mass customization that suits the likers of the users.
The researchers then modified the revalidated scales. The questionnaire
was composed of three parts. Part I of the questionnaire is the demographic
profile of the e-banking users in terms of employment category, employment
status, and age structure. Part II of the questionnaire is the challenges/concerns
faced by DLSJBC employees in using the e-banking system of Philippine National
Bank. Part III of the questionnaire is the confidence level of the participants in
using the e-banking system of the said bank.

To determine how do the respondents rate the concerns/challenges faced

by the employees, a performance rating scale is used.

Table 2.
Scales Descriptive Rating
1-1.80 Poor
1.81-2.60 Unsatisfactory
2.61-3.40 Satisfactory
3.41-4.20 Satisfactory
4.21-5.00 Outstanding

To measure the confidence level in using the e-banking system of PNB

among DLSJBC employees, a five-point Likert scale was used ranging from 1-
1.80 (Not confident at all), 1.81-2.60 (Slightly confident), 2.61-3.40 (Somewhat
confident), 3.41-4.20 (Fairly confident), 4.21-5.00 (Completely confident).

Table 3.
Five-Point Likert Scale
Scales Descriptive Rating
1-1.80 Not confident at all
1.81-2.60 Slightly confident
2.61-3.40 Somewhat confident
3.41-4.20 Fairly confident
4.21-5.00 Completely confident

Respondents of the Study

The researchers considered the faculty and non-teaching personnel of De

La Salle John Bosco College comprising of 117 employees. They were the chosen
respondents because their experience of using PNB e-banking system had to do
with this research study. They were selected through the use of unrestricted
random sampling.

Determination of Sample Size

A sample survey was used due to the large population (Calmorin, 2016).
The researchers determined sample size by using the formula as follows:

NV + {(Se)2 x (1 − p)}
S𝑠 =
NSe + {(V)2 x p (1 − p)}

S s = Sample size
N = Total number of population
V = Standard value (2.58) at 1 percent level of probability with 99 percent
Se = Sampling error (0.01)
p = Larger possible proportion (0.50)
Suppose the total population of DLSJBC employees in De La Salle John
Bosco College is 117. To substitute formula, consider the computation below.
NV + {(Se)2 x (1 − p)}
S𝑠 =
NSe + {(V)2 x p (1 − p)}
117 (2.58) + {(0.01)2 x (1 − 0.50)}
S𝑠 =
117 (0.01) + {(2.58)2 x 0.50 (1 − 0.50)}
301.86 + 0.0001 x 0.50
S𝑠 =
1.17 + 0.6564 x 0.50 (0.50)
301.86 + 0.00005
S𝑠 =
1.17 + 1.6641
S𝑠 =
S𝑠 = 106.510021 or 107

Thus, the sample size (S𝑠 ) is 107 from total population of 117.

Table 4: Population and Sample Size

Respondents Population Samples
Faculty 87 82
Non-teaching Personnel 30 25
Total 117 107

Sampling Design and Technique

The sampling design used in the study was the unrestricted random
sampling, which is most appropriate for this present study. For this is the best
random sampling design, because there are no restrictions imposed and every
member of the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample
(Calmorin, 2016).

The technique for unrestricted random sampling is Table of Random

Numbers. Each individual is assigned a coded number ranging from 001 to 107.
The sample size of 117 is 107. To get a sample of 107 from 117 population, a
sample set of DLSJBC employees has been randomly selected where each
employee had an equal chance of being selected and the selection of one
employee did not influence the selection of others.
Statistical Tool

In analyzing the data, the following statistical tools will be used for
descriptive analysis of data.
➢ Sample survey is employed in this study. To have a scientific
determination of sample size (𝑆𝑠 ), the researchers consider the steps by
using this formula:

NV + {(Se)2 x (1 − p)}
S𝑠 =
NSe + {(V)2 x p (1 − p)}
Step 1. Determine the population (N) assumed subjects of the study.
Step 2. Get the value (V=2.58), Se=(0.01), and p (0.50)
Step 3. Compute the sample size using the formula.

➢ The percentage and frequency distribution will be used to classify

respondents according to demographic background variables such as age,
employment category and employment status. The frequency also presents
the actual response of the respondents to a specific question or item in the
questionnaire. On the other hand, the percentage on that item will be
computed by dividing it with the sample total number of respondents who
participate in the survey. The formula used in the application of this
technique is:

% (f/n) x 100

% = percentage
f = frequency
n = total sample
➢ Chi-Square Test will be used in this study to examine the relationship
between the two variables.

Data Gathering Procedure

The following steps were undertaken in gathering the data to answer the
specific objectives of the study. The researcher will use revalidated and modified
surveys questionnaire to gain reliable and related information. Modifications will
be incorporated through the help of experts in the field. A letter of request to
conduct the study, together with the questionnaire that will be given to the
respondents, will be distributed. The questionnaires were pre-numbered to be
able to account for any missing questionnaires. The distribution will be
personally done by the researchers. The researchers will tally and tabulate the
gathered data using the following statistical tools: Frequency Distribution and
Percentage. This statistical tool is utilized to describe the profile of the
respondents in terms of demographic variables which consist of employment
category, employment status and age structure. To determine the level of
confidence in using e-banking system among DLSJBC employees "Pearson -r of
Coefficient of Correlation" will be used. This will be utilized to determine the
significant relationship between difficulties/challenges variable and confidence
level variable.

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