Summative Assessment 1 MOVEMENT ANALYSIS: Locomotor and Non Locomotor Movement
Summative Assessment 1 MOVEMENT ANALYSIS: Locomotor and Non Locomotor Movement
Summative Assessment 1 MOVEMENT ANALYSIS: Locomotor and Non Locomotor Movement
1. Look at the table of movements provided.
2. From the table identify 4 locomotor and 4 non - locomotor movements that you want to use.
3. Identify 2 body shapes that you will include in your movement.
4. Use all the directions given.
5. Use the blank table provided to fill out your answer.
6. Combine your choices to create a movement pattern using 16cts for each combination.
7. Choose a music accompaniment that you will use to perform your combination with.
8. Do not copy from the You tube link that was uploaded in the module. CREATE your own step
9. Be as creative as you can in executing your pattern by using extensions of your body parts,
body shapes, directions and size of movement, (application of the elements of dance)
11. Take a video of your presentation. Make sure that you have mastery of your piece, stick to the
instructions given.
12. Upload your video on the google drive with the proper label (name and section). Do not forget
to select "share" then add your instructor's name. (be sure to PASTE the link on the space
labeled LINK)
How to share the link:
1. Click the share button.
2. Add your instructor's gmail account.
3. Change the link to MyMail@De La Salle Lipa
4. Copy the link and click done.
5. Paste the link on the table
MOVEMENT ANALYSIS: Locomotor and Non Locomotor Movement
Angular Place
Curved Self - Space
Straight General space
Asymmetrical Levels
MOVEMENT ANALYSIS: Locomotor and Non Locomotor Movement